Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 25, 1845, Image 2

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INAstsuptoree, October 20, 184.5. LATE AND INTERESTING FROM. CALIFOR.
Fatten RlGLeitt—Such weather as we have had NIA.
here fora day or two past, would, with you; be cal- • We have the pleasure of 11 2 in before our redeye
led Indian Summer. Yesterday was one drinker the annexed letter frem an American reawleOt of Cali
fornia, giving a more intelligible view than we have
Meat I have ever seen. The balmy and genial ieflu• elsewhere teen, of the late occurrences in that counuy,
once of the sun. mxde one almost forget that there was and containing information as to its condition and
any thing else but sunshine in this IMPer world; in- prospects, i in a hi e c t li be is e bim u h a re de ce t ot and mu tru bli s i t h os t o h rt e h; ie N xi o
deed, it seemed, as if the heavenly world was smiling
c a a tt n e a m u p th t ori m ty ) there though m
an o ex re p -e edition with this 0h. %
approbation upon as poor mortals. This seems to ject was said to be fitting out at Acapulco. Prepare. ''
be quite a church going city, if we ate permitted to bons were making by the Caltfot nines to give it ai i
judge from the crowds that pass hither and thither proper reception. But we will not anticipate the con
tents of the lette r: •bout the regular church hoot - . I met, this morning, •
Correspondence of the Journal of Commerce.
any quantity of beautiful, lovely, accomplished and
C•tonotte It, July, IEIIS.
elegantly attired young "angels," wending their way By elmost every new•paper from the United Staten,
to the different houses of prayer; where, 1 have no and many from England; we find extracts and surnii
doubt, they worshipped with that fervor and oinceri• sea respecting the sale of this mammy. One month,
ry, which we, of the sterner material, are ignorant of. England to the purchaser; the next month, the United
I had the pietism e a few days ago to witness quite a S . La o te nw s. In t h eM w rz i tim s n ti
l i l he be pr i o n g n re re ss a, o , f
number at little girls, belonging to the Orphans ochool, I would not scud esery few years a band of thieving
headed by their kind teachers, the Sisters of Charity, 'withers.
:Should the Supreme Government allow the Cali
pass along the Avenue. It was indeed a lose!) sight.
to rule their own country. thi• y would have
(here were, perhaps fifty, omiling, prattling little mi Is , peace and prosperity. General Don Sege Castro,
bereft Of a lather's cure. an] a mother's love, and yet I were of Nlonterr), IS now at the head of Government
as harpy as their little hearts could wish for. Leti a' Commander General, Don Flo Pico, as Governor.
Theologians contend for creeds and ceremonies—give
Mexico promised General NI icheltutene eight thousand
jdollers ner month from the Custom House of Murat
me the institution that Practices charity , and blesse s ' lan. and all the duties entering the Custom House of
tire needy, These humble "Sisters" are performing Californin, to support his troops. General Castro
a work, whom influences will be gloriously 'milted, has mint Senor Castaneres to Mexico na Commission•
when creeds and dogmas see shown 'o be,
the mere i e c, r, ra gi a v u in d e so h l i d o ie r r e s anns o w f h t y he lie uu d u r u o t s r e y.p all
u Me l s ,; i m Va se n
l i r , ff a t ;
append a ges of an imperfect state of being. How l the disposition of President Hermit:, an t d asked for
beautifully do them self-denyiag sisters, exemplify the only three thousand dollars per month fount Marathon,
divine characteristic of true piety. ''Pure religion,' promising with Olio sum, and the tear:wee, of the
this:; Custom Home of Monterey, that he will msintain
and unde fi led befiire G,al and the Fathe r, peace and
u,, 1 ,1 u
ariio order
t o : L lr arf owi
ei a i n c... d object, i
to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction." to i
Would to God, there were more.of this religion among I This Ca.tro can perform; though I lerrera will not
the professor' of chriotianity ! i pin faith in it. We have now news that Mexico i.
fittingiont an expedition of troops in Acapulco fur a
C I-
/ herehere is a genius here, hey the name of Sarag r i ,rorto.—th,i;om., to be to id by two orthree Eng.l
whose indefatigable, and plume womhy labors in the, dish home. in Mexico, who it is said are responsible'
cause of Temperance, shown him to be any thing else for the pay for eighteen months. Last December,
than savage by nature and disposition. He is undouhi.ltah l e ier c i
. ( 1 1 : , e f, n u e u r , a i l NI te u lt t ore i n l a l was m et in the m field by
thy • !domed obser v er of men, as his plan of hulling and the Yerba l' l l l ' u s ena, (S ' a ti n ;ra tty net te se t o w ) "t he ag t re n eti tme to )
street meetings is admirably calculated to effect the' a treaty wen the natives, obligating himself to send
of ject he has in view. Most of those who need the out of Caltfarni i, within ninety days, all his soldiers;
-Senor Caori. in the mean time to withdraw him force,
benefits of the Temperance reformation, do not come
to a Slisolon, w hose resources were placed at hi.
in the way of its infl minces under doe old system, but ' disposal , n tore field. At the signing of this treaty.
these out-door meetings are just the thing. Besides the Californian Agent of the Hodson Bay Company
this he generally manage. to hold his meetings right and hi. Clerk were present. This gentleman resides
at the
. 1,,.r
1eni1 . .. ,1 11,:en% . 0 i. .d
thevher: purth
C%ori= g fu yo r w s t
i t l ud aoi l li n
d a e l..d
along side or directly opposite some liquor vending
establishment; is this manner he secures the atten.l Their lam onitirmot was in April.
non of the votaries of "Rum," and , at the same t i me , 11 ii ton a month after Ono signing of the treaty , the
pours upon the venders ouch a torrent of abuse , Celifof roam found that General Micheltotena bad sent
bio chief officer to Mazatlan for morn soldiers, and
moot stoinuoly disturb their complacency.
made no preparation to dri p the soldiers who went
A Synod of the Episcopal Southern Choral is now with h im . Th e y t h ei efore ag a i n c on n e cted, an d on ; It was on a Filament May morning that a steam Yea
in session in this city. A large number of clergy and February 23J, after fighting with cannon, General 'ord was riding at anchor, OppOolte the town of Buffalo,
lay delegates are in attendance, and floor a brief visit , Micheltoreea capiitilted, and was sent with nll no for.l on Lake Erie. You know, I dare my, that Erie is
cos l,ru to San Bias, where moat of his men ran away from'and
co . f t s h ui to , se .u. oeLl u a n ke i s t , s for h which America is so famous
to one of their sittings, 1 learned that their church vi as wav es
in a flourishing condition—their college, and Tbeologe The Luoinem of the Hudson. Bay Compton is now i dashing in one after th e other, you migh t well think
col Seminary well sustained. and their benevolent in - un cle, t h e c harge of the English Vice Consul for Cala i thamou were looking on the great ocean itself. The
tomm, a hot hao no - eight a I'll against the new govern. Jerson for ?bet was the name of the so-inner—was
stinations commendably cared for by their chun-h;i
Merit of Conform& for powder, lead and loners, sup-' dressed gaily with many bright flogs, the Blue Peter,
The following is the allotment of the work for the
pled b. the late Agent to th e nooses loot Iletuber•nd the signal oil he rimmediate sailing, was at her main
; Nast' Yard at Memphis, Tennessee: Nosembeo, whets they nom agsin.t the Supreme Gov- mast head; potters were hurrying along the narrow
• Excavation—Allotted to Sumner Sc Eaothond of New' eminent of Strafe°. Geneonl Castro has promised quay shot jut. out into the lake, boatmen quarrelling
Ii payment for the •mount demanded. aoh mob other for posoengero, traveller. hurrying
York, 9 cts per colic yard, !)3 000 00
4he liiittsh government have eppoirood one of, hackamiln enJ forwatth to look for their luggage,
Embankment, allotted to Prather & the'. subjects, who (onset Is resided in New Ym k, friend s s haking hands and bidding each o th er farewell
Jll ilson, of D. C.. 9c• per cut.. yard, 19 800 00 ( s t om e b e own . p r operty ) Vme Consul of C a l i fo rn i a , Idler. lounging nowt aoh their hands in their p ockeis;
I Vertical Wall, M. Lawler, Minot., The salary is small. but as be can live on his romrtto car atomn jangling for a larger fare, and 101 l the vs.
1 $3 00 pm to
perch, , 700 0 , (farm) be hit. no •sperme. in entertaining company loom kind. ot confusion that attend se &manure of a
&e The Fre. I. Comm! ham in Monterey. ... oh s packet from • watering place.
Stone, I:. L. Beard of Intli•na, $4 68 I osiers of over foul thousand dollars Nearly. There I. But prementiv the anchor was heaved, the paddles
: per pooch. 32 964 00 not title F.nglioli or French vessel doing hum o r., oil brute to tin, the sails were set, and leering a brand
Clearing ground. J. Lyon of Ohs°, 100 W dos roast, OM has th ere been for years. 'Time Co, ,nark of foam Faddist! her, the Jersey mood westward,
Bricks, George M. 'Amman, of I'•. 3 15 . 2 00 suds, them, lissom nothing to do ropeareetty. 11 h e , and 'mkt on her course for the town of Erie. It was
they are in oervier tier government best knows, and a bright day; and, as hour offer hoot went by, some
Foundation for 9 bridges., Geo. M. Uncle Sam mil know, tolus root; i mingled in the busy conversation of politico; w or m sat .
jLeeman of Penn's., (aggregate) 20 364 00 Almost the whole foreign trade of California is in apart and calculated the gems of the *hop or decors
• riling. Burls of Peen'a. & M'Manus the hands of Anlerrealla. There sir now amen 800 itoghousr. some we wrapped up in the book well
ton ships sod bark. hens The Senomeati Cumuli Imo which des weir engagrd mei one os two, %oh whom
of Std., (aggregate) 39 500 00
a moron, non of one thntioand miles of Pea roast w tolei one seemed to hang hessily. comp.,e3 themselves to
Lumber. S. P. Ash of Tennessee, 20 3 " 00 dm notate of the. trade is tore that he he. barely any' sleep. In ohort, coo mei all acre like men who
Those who pretend to know, say, that these price fees. friwernMent allows no mlem, The hes of the! thomglit Olio, let danger come to them other it might, I
are very low, and will not justify the bidders in maim t 'onetime am under two hundred dnllnfo the year.— at leant it would no be that day.
lire •Utiol , ro‘ hill abut the aomma loom is not allow
Jrlt Joe.. tea • ril. four in the nfteormon. and the steam
taking the work—s few days will determine wllethei , , ,
will be a
.a. I he
allotment of .'... r " , he t r .- .
a , : e ^l'Ll.:' , 7 , ell , : s e , f re B , :7 l - I.ree '
~,,,..,. a
n, er. oho I. had lotherto he. , n keeptng to middle of the
I in : lake, soesi southward,— .rie, th e F i itme to "Ouch it
dos work has been the theme of mush discusome, and Coition-1a elm 1,0',1 t h em miler the ;bra of the 1,,,,,,,,i b og on the ' ,Ami n si d e . mid J o h n m a ,.
some little bickering was heard previous t o the l e t tin g. ro‘""! HON , r o'g os oet•• lasing vu. present 0.. ha na l cl re sit the wheel -a I I off, areml o or Is m en sai l or,
• had truly
but I P resunut it all grew out 4 a desire to lave °a.'
them, n.
t t read ' tw o l t "t h n i • if o m e tt s m N e e.rh a i: ' d i
6.. 11 7..7: ' ' ' l '"'d ' 7, t m re a r7nt a ra7e n d " w " it :7 1" t l y;•1 lie .
• thing fairly allotted. So far as the Demmtment i• m ost of t h e , horses sue ot ,d en for food The trait a ny oss th at th ey ever beard him repine t'
a t" th r ar c d u la id .
• concerned, the unsuccessful bidders may rest moored mo rut o p t h e mea t , n g r ips; at m ay . ,. i t maw sun bar sad scanty par. He had in the worm times a
that full justice was done them. Wi i im this roni Imes. graftng ot evils'. esneot Ise prof el... a ur a . word Lust a kind look for dome with wlaorn he
1 he
news from
..01,1 Kty.toes.„ is
p,s, iriav t u e rn on ,. . , ! t ur a te d d. uud T a lrs u r , e m ,...7 , , ... 1 , 7 „, :n t r i0..,,,,,,h h a e ,
f, ti.e, . 7,,l athslo s e throw n—cast, efor i e l igi ., l , into
ir taa d ti teni t rany , be
whet I •I'Prehesided it would be. The feeehlllr the !Mits. lunge ~f the ttmerte•n moth I • *lll present miming for u,s ~„,a Ti a , ..„ known, F rom „7„;',. ' ,•771 n e ' i
, breath of Nativism has passed a say, and though it it. They steal but • few homes from foreigner.. a. m a s a , v . , t „, t h e other by t h e na ,,,,, o f horror joi,„,
hasleft a withering blight upon the escutch. on o f there is ton mock , dangerofof l "*""4 l. " ll .'''''st Iskssoo • Mmust.l. and the on no vhf his honesty to his neigh.
mayO I tel amt I hresion It. TUC+ Os she phrases, 101 l all t o , r ; ...--h o , h ove o f m o d
1 your n,eiropolto, its brief career of bigotry, ai d in in ,„.; in cslifinnin (~,,,,,„,,,,, ~,..F ( ; ‘ ,..„,,,,i, i g,,,. ( at '
1 b e i
‘a d
es, about
i ,.., ~,,,„
„fr. whet. ~,.. (~, ~
tolerance. will not be w ;shoot its bene fi t Its triumph Ott., • ugt hoot to all also al ply for ii; and from the nu ,r oo ng of , troth bus calms, cried to • sob,—
last fall will he an enduring testimony of the secret tom of things they .111 continue to do se 'Dirk F Hitcher what's all that orooke I are coming
I opp oor t i on of the whig party towaids our abeam' n i l- F o oeign,s sena log here, expect to live and die if. out of time lode'
Me. iron otrtZer• to o•rnamn twoor three 'lt's ! t ern the enene room, sir, I guess,' mod the
inns. Future generat nolo will learn, a its what greeds ' ht. flaw "'
sea (4, 0,14 than be s hopped id' Loy f °CM tirtlea• Ito, men.
ness the whip amalgamated a huh the gentry., comps ; t ,,,,,,„ no,, native., and iJetOrne .. 'Dee n a; h you, then and let me k r enoi '
Ca I IfOtrlllloo,
sing the Native pare. and a ill looms how to eat.MlOr Lady and ri , ..1 Ihe port. of Coliforma with the i Inc sailor Megan descending the !odder he. which
ihe profession. 44 that Marty. The victory' is signal r•ltrortOO , of Nlaratian, ore the only Nleswan Pacific' you go to the how, but scarcely had he disappeared
ports that tioNot•h All others ate falling fool --' beneath the deck a hen ul. he COMO again with much
in miter sections of the State. but in en country is the
The culumbia (Pm) Spy says—The simmehanna to • Here there a much &risme* , in ewer'thing, anal the moister speed
in find rate namgable older, and arks and rafts are tutsul l' h s° g lorious as in old federal ihmleglble.— country presenir each year a bolder front to the w. rld ; • - 11,..b.i,1's on foe. me," hound to the Captain ,who '.
, rt., you know , is the brag county in the "Iron re - It moot thane own,* it is of no use to Mexico ,' by this time was sisedine clime to form
daily passing the town on th eir way to market. In a • - •
I ors ° and g ives • unifordl federal majority of some but an me toe , a .ha and bone of contention j The Caput , rush down, and found tore miemari.
short time we shall see "lots" of our up-the-river gt Here are titans film mom, the land produces w hea t too trim Some spanks had fallenon a bundle of tow;
11 500. Well, one of the gentlemen elected to the , , , God; , ,
will. , , ,'
friends,—many of whom have not been able to reach ' even to cane 111/ISI,u Cotton •no Oen.. o Er°. nu trOc hail ,el.l the seement. aim now not eel, munc h
'legislature, Alexander Girt's, Esy., has been a dem h ere , a „,l ~,,,, m o d o f f iti a th e , wto In N ew England , of the lorgagc, but the sides of the vessel were in die
he for a year or two past—as we apprehend the pmts. • locratic editor, and Clue very first advocate among the glares in abm dance, of the fat mounts; wine et m a •mouldering flame.
ant rise to be from the West Branch as well as from die'
foremost, of the democratic faith. During the cam. nv kinds is made , yet them is no facility of making. ' All halal., pa...engem a. well as sailors, were called
North. At any rate it has come very opportunely, tar ':•Much of it a ill pas. for Port. The risers arc full of ' together. and two Ises being made, one on each oidoi of
test the ',log organ characterised r im as the "most
are began to feel the want of :t very sensibly. • fish, tie woods of the game the hold, buckets of water were passed and repassed.
1 rabid locofoco in the county " sodas one peculiarly, Bears, seat and whales, ran be seen from mw e stew.' they were filled from the tale, they flew al ong a h oe
At the recent Agricultural Fetr in Burltngton, Vt , worthy of whig reputation, and yet, be is elected'— The mum are often in the esy of the boats near the of ready bracts were dashed hissing on the burning
M 4.. Chase present , d for premium three pretty fe•-• 'By the way, thus man Gwin is no ordinary man, a nd beach. Finally, there is the Bay of San Franc...so, mans, and then passed on the miser .;,le to h a i e i ,l,,f.
with its branches. Tlito hay will hold all the ships in • F. ur oorne minutes it seemed as if die flames acme sub.
male children, two and a half years old, born at a j should he consent to continue in public life is deotined rio
the rioted States The antra entrance is miry nein., be
birth! The Committee on Household Manufactures to fill a conspicuous position in the patty. lie " °^P tWeen two mountains, easily defended, and pet Imps thy
awarded him sl4—which was volutanly cuittributed lof the most Frimerful and eloquent advocates of de- most megnficent harbor In the world, •nd npparent'y
by the old bachelors present, who said they consider • i mocracy to dm commonwealth, and, as s i ,writer, Las of as much use to the civilised world as if it dui not
r,llllll SI 111 belerg 10 Serrle ne
ed him a legitimate of of charity. but few eq„als. I know him well, and intimately el '''' Sons. " 1 "" ""1 " .
' sal power. This toms native is prepared for. When
and it gives me pleasure to say, that a truer, *miner Captain Armomms called on the Governor (a native)
tl)e lank! t tottcing ipoet.
Vlf I's t.stEa. Agent for country newspapers,
is the gent for the Pittsburgh Daily Morning l'ost.
and Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer, to receive
edvattisentents and subscriptions. De lots offices in
.New lorut, the Coal Offte.e, 30 Ann street, (ad
jtuning the Tribune (Mice.)
1 3 06T014, No. 12, State mvert.
PHILATF.LrHIA, Real Estate and Coal Office, 59
Pine street.
lisurimotts, S E corner Baltimore and Calvert sts,
Where our raper can be seen, and trims of adverti
sing learned.
THE GAZ.F.TTIS AND THS. Tartu , f.—After laboring
ill summer, to create the impression that the Tariff ,
was in danger, and calling upon its friends to net in
its behalf, see find the Gazette opposing the first move
merit made in favor o f are truly rejoiced that
the Gazette has thrown off the cloak; hereafter, when I
boisterous about the Tariff, its.object will be under
stood by all. On thy , eve of elections, when it is ne- '
eessary to give strength to the whig candidates, the
Gazette is load in ha professions of friendship for
the domestic industry of the conical, but the election
over. —its political object* accomplislund,—we hear
no more in favor of the Tariff—the Gazette in dumb,
or else exerting i.self to produce destraction among
the friends of the Tariff policy. Now, it is daily as
sailing and misrepresenting those who are dentrous I
of holding a Tariff Convention. The Gazette tells its I
political friends that -there is no earthly use of the
wbigs expressing an opinion on the Tariff." Will
the whip, take the advice of the Gazette—fold their
arms and take no part? Will they, by their acts, I
show that the Gazette has placed a proper estimate i
upon their infloence in the affairs of Goveromentl—
thy. they have no infinexce and that their interfe
rence, in favor of a great public measure, is more
likely to do harm than good. If we are to take the
Gazette as the exponent of the opinions of the whig
party, then it is their duty to call upon the whig rep
resentatives elect, fmm this county, to resign--they,
according to the doctrines advanced by the Gaz
rztte. can "have no influence on the persons to
be effected." If it is true that the whigs can have
no influence, why endanger a measure of so much
importance as the Railroad by sending to Ilan isburgh
nen who can have "no influence with the peoples
Representatives from other parts of the state?"
We care not whether the whigs attend the Conven
lion or nut—the Democracy can do jnstice to the sub
ject rithout the aid of the Whig party; but, hereafter, i
let as hear no more from them about devotion to the
Tarir policy. Like their great. leader, Mr. Ci.ar ,
they desexted it in 1832, and they are preparing to
forsake it spin. We think this move of the Gazette;
i# a clear indication that Mr. Ct.si is again to be
the whig candidate for the Presidency—the rotes of
the Southern states must be secured for him, and
hence the unwillingness c,f leading whig politicians to
show their bantii, by caking pact in a Tariff Curren-
We cannot say whether the advice of the Gazette
will be taken by the whigs generally or not—a (ew•
cloys will cadre the mystery. If the advice of the
Gazette is taken, and the trhigs refuse to participate
is the proceedings of the Convention, it will be neces
sary fur the Democracy—the true friends of the toil . -
ing millions, to advise Limit political friends through.
out the state of the fact, and urge them to increased
orts in order to secure a general attendance on the 12th
thy of November. Perhaps it wolld then be well fur
a committee of our friends to issue an address stating
that the whip; hero refuse to participate in ■ Tariff
Convention, and that in consequence of their refusal.
democrats alone ere expected to be present.
Txx Mconirtcti.s.—John Long, Anton Long, and
Granville Young, says the Chicago News, have had
their trial. and have been convicted of murdering Col.!
Davenport, and are sentenced to be executed on the
Mit of this month. Quick work Mut been made in
the disposition of these fellows since their •rreat.—
Birch, Baxter, and the Rerimans, will hare their ill-
al at a itecial session, next week. For some reason
or other we have received NI Jewett. from our corms
pondent at Rock Islands, who promist_.d to give as a
a sketch of the trial.
DRaTH Or A W IL•LTHT Nlioxß.—A man died in
Philadelphia lag week, who for the last eighteen
months has been receiving the benefits of the poor fund,
and lived most of that time in the 13 luck ley Alms house,
and after his decease, it was discovered that be was
worth in property, at the time of his death, some sixty
thousand dollarP!
The Morristown Jeraeymen of Wednesday soya
—"The heavy rain on Sunday last can of immense
benefit to this section of the Slate. The mills and
forges are again in operation, and coal again comes a
bundantly down the canal."
In the months of June and July, tho heat was so ex..
coulee in the south of R•tssia that the troop, could
not march except by night, The drought has caused
great da•nage, and bad crops arc expected this year in
that part of Russia.
Both tipper and Lower Hungary bane been corn
pietist; laid waste by dreadful inundation, at the be
ginning of the month of August, Upward, of a mil
lion of the inhabitant' are threatened with all the hor
rorsof famine in consequence of this dreadful misfut
A new carving instrument has been made with
five blades, so constructed that being placed in a roast
ed rowel orother pieces of poultry, and a spring being
pressed, the blades act simultaneously and, in a sec
ond, aeparute the stings and legs, and divide the car
Ptoeurts.—Five thousand pigeons are in an open
field near Portland, Maine, with their wings cropped.
fattening for merkst during the present season.
The Cincinnati Chronicle says that the number of
Flogs in Ohio will be much greater this year than
last season; and that the Pcrk will be much heavier, in
consequence of the superabundance of the Corn crop.
The shares in the Conrad Boston Steamers, which
originally cost £lOOO, sell in England at .C.2500;
The company invest their profits in new boats, &e.
We bave received the first number of s new raper
called the Daily Delia just issued in New Orleans.
It is well a edited, neatly got up paper, and from its
raciness is well worthy of liberal support.
The late wins have done mach damage to the tobac
co crops in MulyLiml.
.4"r'? •-• *. • • . • t
! . . * 1 3 V 7-,;- .
*• tt t * *. •
14 `,‘ i**Si...tiatiat4h.•lY•l6.l
o_o •
hearted friend, a mote pleasant •uociate, bar a truer
democrat will nut be:found within the halls of our
state legislature. As to the tesult for Canal Commis.
sinner, the only question is as the majority. %Veil.
Burns deserves just such a vote. lie is worthy of the
approval of his follow-citizens, and will make a moil
excellent public officer. Upon the whole, we may
consider the verdict of the people as enthusiastically
approbatory of the state and national administrations.
The River is falling slowly at Cincinnatti There
was something morn than seven feet of wrter in the
channel on the 214 inst.
At Wheeling, on Thursday, the wharf master re.
ported 7 feet 6 incites in the damsel, and declining
The water at Louisville, on Saturday, stood at 8 feet
in the Canal.
The Nashville Union of Oct. IGth says there is
about twelve feet water in the Cumberland river, and
falling slowly.
Odd Fellowship is ptogressing rapidly in Canada.
A prospectus has been issued for tbe publication of an
Odd Fellows Chronicle.
Upwards of 33,000 acres of forfeited land. will
be petered for sale in Ritchie Coenty. (Vs.), on the
4th., end in Wood County on the 17th of November
New York is now,in point orpopulation and wealth,
the fifth city in the world. Its population la the last
five years has increased 15 per cent.
The Platte (Mo.) Argot says sht wagons have just
been made is Platte city for families in that neighbor
hood about to emigrate to Texas.
By the census just taken, the population of Galena
is 5,500; Quincy 4,000.
to give heck Ow country, in the name of Commodore
Donee, the rover, or said he preferred Commodore
Jones should retain the command rather than Genet
al Micheltorena.
‘Vords cannot emirate the advantage and impel..
tance of San Fiend-co ,o a naval power. There are ,
five hundred to one thousand American whalers with
twenty thousand American seamen, in the PaMic; half
of them will be within twenty days sail of San Fran
eke°. While the port belongs to Mexico, it is a safe
place for wh tie shlps. In a war with England, Fiance
ur Russia, should one of these nations own the port,'
and at some future day declare war against the United
Staten w hat will be the result? San Francisco must
be obtained, or the Oregon and California must become ,
a nation within themselves. Time Is continually
bringing this into notice; and one of the two must
soon be conotimmated. If the Oregon dispute con
tinues, let Ergland take eight degi erg north of the
Colombia. and purchase eight degrees south of forty
two. from Mexico, nod exchange.
The settlers of Oregon anticipate the supplying of
California. Under present circumstances they may.
A Californian will not work if he can avoid it. The
time will come, must come, when this country will be
peopled by another race. Many children have been
sent to the Oahu (Sandwich Islands,) English School,
to learn the English language, in order to prepare
them for coming events, be the visit from John Bull or
Uncle Sam. One of the two will have the country.—
When this is accomplished, the place will teem with
a busy race. As I before observed, all fruits will
grow here, hemp, cotton, every variety of grain, time
her from the tender willow to trees seventeen feet in
The Oregon will never be a benefit to the Uuited
States, if England owes San Francisco. Vessels some
times be within the bet of the Columbia thirty to for
ty days. waiting an opportunity to go out. When
once out, they can reach San Francisco in four days,
s steamboat in less than two days. The time will
anon arrive *ten, by steam, a person will go from the
Columbia to Monterey and back in less than four
days- Forstseigetion, Columbia is of little use. A
few English thipeoukl prevent going in, even if the
wind allowed drawn, Whalers from the Northwest now
pass the place 44 California.
The natives are low expecting troops from Acapul
co to recooquer the country, and are drilling many
young men in preparation, intending to surround the
fit at port the Mexicans arrive at, drive away the cattle,
prevent all intercourse with the ranches, and by this
means expel the invaders fmm California.
If they cannot succeed in this, they will take to the
mountains and worry rho invaders oat. Jimmy think
that the soldiers are sent by Mexico at the instigation
of the English, under the pretext that the Americans
are settling in the Californians too fist, and will one
day obtain possession In the mean time the Californi•
ant do not believe this story, but give land to all that
come. be they Imm what nation they may be; and the
Tess front Mexico. the more it meets their views.
From the Cireenaburgh Argus
'rhe glorious triumph of the Democratic party in
Bedford county is a pregnant evidence of the confi
dence of the people have in the Administration of
Gov. Shook. The victory is valuable in a local point
of view, but much more so as it brings a former whir.
county into the Democratic blgion, and shows h well
the teal people of that county are satisfied with our
State and Nstianal Administrations. Some of the
Whi:s ne a very much displeased at the appointment
of Gen Bowman. of Bedford, as Adjutant General. an
they are at the elevation of every true and sterling
demo-rut, but their election IlhOW4 that Governor
Shiinh'sadminiatratiuti has lost nothing with the peo.
pie of Bedford county by that appointment. It show ,
that in Gen Bowman the administration possesses a
man wholirings with him to its support a large acces•
aim of popular attachment and confidence. We said
at tie time, it was a good appointment, and the pete
ple of Bedford county have glorioudy enilairred our
sentiment We congratulate them upon the proud
position they occupy in thus wheeling into the Demo
cral ic line. We congratulate Gen Bowman uporethe
fact that the people of his own county have thus sig
nally wain - wit their approbation of Gov Shunk's op.
poietment of Adjiliant General.
Tut l'enLic I.Anue.—ln the House of Represent
alive' of TennegAre, on the 10111
Mr, Anderson ufferrsi the Idlow ins preamble and
Whereas, It in highly conducive to the severity
and pest-writyof Our free institteions—to the heppi•
fleas "r the freemen dour republican Union—to the
maintenance, comfort and support of their families.
and to the education of their children. that every citi
ten should be the owner of the soil, which in peace
he cultivates, and in war he in called to defend:—there•
fore, for the purpnae of interning the public liberty
and of securing the enjoyment of individual happiness
end crimfott to the people:
Rear,teed by 14e General Assembly of Ike Stale
of Tennessee, That it is considered and deemed by
them eneentiul to the happiness and prosperity of the
people of this Union, that an a -t of the li a tinhal Con
gress should be passed, providing fir the still furthet
reduction of the price of the public lands, and fur ex
tending, enlarging and securing permanently the pre
rmption and preference rights to the criteria lung teen
a hu emigrate to and settle on the public lauds.
In the meantime the women on board were cluster
iug around Ntwynael. the only man unemployed who
wa• capable of answering their rpe,tions. "flow
I ing shall we begetting in?' 'I• it very deep?' .C a n
they urn us from shore?' llre helmsman answered as
well a. he could. There was no host; it had been left
at IlufEilo to lw mlded; they might be 7 miles from
shore, they would probably be in in forty minutes; he
cou ld wit tell how far the tire had reached.—'And to
speak the truth.' he arld,d, 'we are all in great danger,
and I think if there warn little less talking and a lit
tle more praying, it would be the better for us, and
none the worst- fur the boat.'
•Ilow's her heed? shouted the Captain.
'lVest•sou'-west, sir,' answered Maynard.
'Keep her south by went,' cried the captain. 'We
most go on shore any where.'
It happens.* that a draft of wind drove back the
flames which soon began to blase up more futiou.ty
against the saloon; and the plitition betwixt it and the
hold was soon on fire. Then long wreaths of awoke
began to find way through the sky light, and the Cap.
min seeing this, ordered all the women forward .
The engineer put on his utmost steam—the American
flag was run up 111:111 reversed, In token of distress;
water was flung over the sails to make them hold the
wind. And still John Maynard stood by the wheel,
though now he was cut off, by a sheet of smoke and
flames. from the ship's crew. Greater and greater
grew the heat—the engineers fled from the engine
room—the passengers were cluttering round the ves
sel's bow—the sailors were sawing planks on which
to lash tire women—the boldest were throwing off their
coats and waistcoats, and preparing fur one long
struggle for life. And still the coast grew plainer and
plainer—the paddles. as yet, worked well—they could
not be more than a mile from the shore; and boats were
seen now starting to their assistance.
John Maynard,' cried the Captain.
'Aye, aye, sir!' said John.
'Gan you hold on five minutes longer?'
And he did try; the (Lines came nearer, a sheet of
smoke would sometimes almost suffocate him; an d hi s
hair was singed—his blood seemed on fire with the
great heat Crouching as far back as ho could, he held
the wheel firmly with his left band, till the flesh shriv
ed', and the muscles crackled in the flame; and then he
stretched forth his right, and bore the agony without a
scream or a groan. It was enough for him that be
hoard the cheer of the sailors in the approaching boats:
the cry of the captain. 'The women first, and then
every man for himself, and God for us all.' And they
were the last sounds he heard. How he perished was
not known; whether, dizzied by the smoke, he lost bis
footing in endeavoriag to come forward, and fell over
board, or whether he was suffocated by the &ow
smoke, his comrades could not tell. At tbo moment
the vessel struck the boats were at her side; passen
gers, sailon and reptile leaped into them, or swam
for their lives; all, save he to whom they owed every
thing, estaped.
lie bad died the death of a Christian hero—l had
almost said of a martyr; his spirit was commended in
to his Father's hands, ed hisbody sleeps ia peace by
the green side of Lake fine.
Flux or Dysentary, General Debthlation.—At
length a cure for the above, which may be most confi
dently relied on, bus made its appearance; a cure so
positive that it never has failed and never can foil, if
properly administered, in proof whereof, the money
paid for it will be instantly returned in every case
where they du not i rive the most thorough satisfaction.
Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Purgative Pills
is the remedy spoken 01, and eeference is made to all
the rospectublephysicians who will clasetfully give
the most unqualified testimony in their favor. Let
any meson offli.:ted with ritterof dote diseases, give
them but one trial, and he is sure to purchase them
for life; not only because they cure morespeedily and
better than any other medicine, but also because they
• e es easily swallowed as bits of loaf sugar, and are
entir.ly unattended with griping or nausea. They
are an powerful that three of them will effectually
un a giant, and yet so mild and pleasant that
a child might swallow lull a bos 101 l without reptig
nnce or juju ry.
Sold by Wm Jackson. corner of Wood and Liberty
attests, who is general Agent for Dr Clickener's
in Pittsburgh and vicinity.
ElZ7Beware of an imitation article called '•Lnpro
Ind Sugar-Coated Palla,"Morporting to be Patented
as both the pills and preteudtd patent are forgeries.
g ot up by a miserable quark, in New York, who, tor
the last four or five yeurs,las made his living by
cuuntet felting popular meth: oct2s.
To our Readers —Among our advertisements pub
lished this cly, the reader will discover evidence of
the great value of Wiltilied Balsam of Wild Cherry.
The genuine Wistat's Balsam of Wild Cherry is
wholly an innocent preparation—contains rate medi
cinal views—and is now prescribed by many of our
most skilful physicians. Persons predisposed to con
sumption have used it with the happiest !WWI*, also
fur bad coughs, originating from violent colds. it is a
sure and speedy remedy, and is now used by the most
intelligent families of oar country.
pl i
wiLLiens T. ALBREE & CO.
HEALERS in all kinds and qualities of Pitts
-Li burgh. Philadelphia and Boston manufactured
Boots. Bootees, Shoes and Slippers. Also, a new
and splendid, neat, light and durable article of miner
alized spring-tempered Gum Elastic Shoes and Over
Shoes, at 73 MARKET STREET, b Armco Fourth
Street and the Diamond.
N. B. A fine essortrneni of Boys', Moths' and
Cnildie,.s . Long Boots, of fine end coarse qnslity, now
in store. oct2s-3tnliw.
LIVER PI LLS.—Pronounc.,l lobe the pleasant
est and most efficacious cough remedy in use. Read
the following aew cnrtifieate:
Wellshurgh, Va.. Mab Vd, 1845.
I herby certify that I was afflicted for sic months
with ■ dry cough, which reduced me so that I was ob
liged to TM my work, and that by the use or I box"(
Seller's Liver Pills and two bottle■ of the Imperial
Cough Syrup I was completely cured.
1 have used Seller's Cough Syrup in my family for 2
years. or mon., and have never known it to fail in re
lie•iug and curing ■ cough. GEO. N. CA TTS,
These popialar and efficacious remedies are prepared
and sold try the pi nritietnr, at 57 Wood sr.
Sold also by H 1' Schwartz and .1 Mitchell, Alleghe
ny city. 0c123
Opposition Goal Intent Fast Line for
Limited to Serra Passexgers.
Leave Pitt.burith daily at 1, P. M.
.Ctmuding the mountaiu with
.r 41:46.:41-
Awk Am.
Thence! by RAIL ROAD to Philadelphia, (being the
only Line, running their own car. on the rad.) connec
ting with Mail Cars for Neer *fork; also at Chambers
burg with M• 11 line. direct to Dultintore and Wash
intim Cite.
arbOttre three door" , from FANCII.rIV. Hotrl. 0 119
u•t 'l5 I v A. lIENI)EItSON. A;••nt.
ASIIION A BLE mixtures fur business coats, for
r iced, fit tale lii order' by
231 Liln•nc xr.
I'ST rem ived an invoke of French Clmhs, suits•
J hie for ('li., s. Also a few patterns b.autifnl
foi linings for the same, fur which wee will
be glad co recrisc orders.
Libertyst .
BLANKET COATS. These comfortable
.1 J coats so intbspengible to th• travelling rommuni
ty can be had in superior style at oursgabitThment.
ALG EO, McGUM.E. & Co.
2.1 Lelwrty st.
S OMETFIIIsrt; new in this line lo be had at the
Fashionable Head Quartets of
251 Liberty rt.
A NEW and splendid Cloth fot winter coat■ we
ti have every variety of color, and aill mnke them
in even• variety •if style to suit the taste, the habit
and the pocket of our customers. Call and see them
ALG Et), McGUIRE & Co's.
251 f.iherss at.
40 litiLS S H MOLASSES, Just. recutred and
lur *ale, Lew
Water it., near Smithfield.
By Join D. Davis, Auctioneer, corner of Wood
and . Fifa &trees.
AT 10 o'cknl no Monday morning, the 9.7 th inst.
will be sold for account of whom it man con
nein, an extensive assortment of fresh and seasonable
Oty Goode, embracing all the variety usually kept in
a retail Dry Goods store.
At o'clock, I'. M. 6 barrels N O Molasses; 7 bbls
loaf sugar; 1 crate Liverpool ware, good quality. com•
prising a good assortment for retail sales; 4 boles
glassware assorted; 6 do Va manufactured tobacw;
8 do rosin soap; 2 bids Louisville lime; mantel clocks;
looking glasses; carpeting; an extensive assortment
of new and second hand household forniture, &c.
At ca o'clock—new and second hand gold and
silver watches, boots, shoes, hats, caps, musical in
struments, letter and cap writing paper, fine cutlery,
together with a great variety of staple and fancy
oodr. ncif2s
Fifth Ward Livery Stable.
211 THE subscriber, having bought out the well
known Livery Stable kept by C B Duty, in
the Filth Ward, respectfully informs his friends and
the public generally, that he will keept at all times, a
stock of the best description of Riding Horses, Bug
gies, Carrieges of all kinds, and in short, every thing
required in bis line of business.
A considerable portion of his stock is new, and he
is confident that no stock in the city will be superior
to his.
His Stable is on Liberty st., a low dotes above the
Canal Bridge, where he respectfully solteits a share of
public patronage. CHARLES COLEMAN.
nit" He is also provided with an elegant Hearse,
whit ls will be furnished when required. oct2stf
1 - ÜBT received at the Theree Big Doors, the isrg ,
est and best assoitmant of Shirts, ever offered
in the Piitaborgh market, which will be s ad w a w k,•
sale or retinae reasonableterms.
Ist Tier of Boxes, or Dress Circle - 50 etc
2d " 374
3d " '• 20 "
Gallery for Colored Persons
Second night or PUTM 4N. In which Mr Preston
and Ids Holse VULTURE is engaged.
Saturday Evening, October 25th, 1845,
Will be ',relented a Grand Spectacle in 3 acts, called
17F" Previous to the Drains, a favorite farce
Ur For Particular; see small bill.
oThoors open at 4 past 6 o'clock . , curtain will
e at i pier 7 precisely. net Q 5
Popor Mill For Sale.
lIVILL sell the undivided half part of the Friend
ship Paper Mill, situated on the Monongahela Riv
er, in Brownsville, Pa. This property is neatly new,
and desitabie. The other half is owned Ms Z. Car
ter, a practical paper ranker. I will sell my interest
exceedingly low. Apply to the subscriber, residing in
Brownsville", Pa., or to Gen. J. K. Moorhead, of the
city of Pittsburgh. A geitetul warranty title will ba
given to ars purchaser. JNO. L. OAIVSON.
Vino and Marine Insurance.
HE Insurance Company of North Americo, of
Philadelphia, throutzb its duly authorized Agent,
the subr&iber, arves to mite permanent and linMed
Insurance on property, in this city and its vicinity, and
on shipments by the Canal and Rivers.
Arthur O.CofEn, Pres't. Samuel Brooks,
Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor,
Sam'l. W. Junes, Sani'l. W. Smith,
Edward, Smith , Ambrose White,
John A." Brown, Jacob M. Thomas,
John White, John R. Neff.
Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood,
Wm. Welsh, Henry D.Sherrard, Seey.
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United
States, having been chartered in 1794 Its charter is
perpetual. and from its high standing,. long experience,
ample means. and avoiding all risk* of an extra ha
zardous character, it may he considered as offering
ample SCCUI it) , to the public.
At Counting R'om of Atwood,Jones & Co.. Voter
•nd Frnnt streets, Pitt.Lnrsh, nei23.ly.
Diamond-Pointed Gold Pens.
Irt HIS article has met with such universal appr
1 val that it has become one of the staple articles
of manufacture. his made of fine Gold, hose quill
like elasticity end is pointed with a material that can
never change or west.. The penis contained in a neat
and convenient silver pencil case, combining in the
mo..t compact form a pen and pencil.
To the Book-keeper to whom uniformity in the ap
pearance of the different pages of his Ledger, is a
gt eat desideratum, this pen is indispensable, for it is
the only pen which will never change. To the busi
ness man it presents' • pen unvarying and ever ready
to perform its seivice faithfully, however hurrying
the emergency which calls it into use. To the Law
yer or Divine it saves the annoyance and trouble of I
making and mending pens, er of sharpening the pen
knife. And to all it presents a pen which wilt prove
much more reenomical than quills or steel pens --
Meuse call anti examine.
Fur sale wholesale and retail by
enrner of 4th and Mntket sts
s at
One boat will leave every afternoon at 3 o'clock,
MM .z:
FA RE—Ptitsburgh to Baltimore, $lO.
Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. $l2.
Passengers by these BORIS Mill lodge on board in
comfortable staterooms the first night. witl peva over
the Mountains (only 73 miles) the felloaing DAT, in
in Eastern.ltuilt Coaches; sup and lodge the second
night in Cumberland, thus avoiding night travel alto
'inlets will entitle Peptsengers to stop at Cumber
land or Baltimore, if they wish, acid resume tlie'd seats
Extras furnished, for a full load, to run as Passen
', ger• may desire.
For seats, or entire COOlChell for apply at the office,
Itwo dnorst&om the Exchange; and at the National
Hotel. ab the :Monongahela Bridge.
! ort 21 FERGUS MOORHEAD, Agent.
HALF Pires s al k e
Brandy, war , ronietl pnrc
1 Pipe bin;
2 Qlia Mvierla Wino;
" •• Port
2 Bbll 0 R Whithey,B years old;
1 " " 10 "6
Also old peach firhndy, 11 years old. domestic
'Brandy and Gin AVliiskey Stenmbont batkeen
er, and lintels, furnishes' at the shortest notice, wilb
choice Witted and Liquors of every kind, at prices
that cannot fail to please. Country Merchants *re al
so invited to call before purchasing elsewhere. Pro
duce of all kinds taken in I.:xcliange for Liquors or
Giocerws, by I'. C. MARTIN,
oct '2 I 60 Wawa st.
25n BB LS of ihe choicest kind of Apples, for
I_, stile by P C MARTIN,
GO ‘vat, u.
Wrapping Paper.
100 of Viraoping paper of different
colors, for 9..1e low. by
60 %Voter et.
3000 LBS New York and Baltimore Bole
Leather for rale low, by
GO Water at.
1600 FEET cherry scantling and lumber for
sale by P CMARTIN,
GO Waier sts.
Window Glass.
A SSORTED izes, 7x9 to 12x9.0 for sole by
0c.12.3 No. 26 Wixxl st
TONS "Hanging Rock" Pig Metal just land.
Bu , leg and for gain by
Water st, near Smithfield.
AFRESH supply of Thompson's Extra White
Wheat Family Flour, just received and for sale
Watet St. near Smithfield,
European Agency
REMITTANCES of money on moderate terms,
can be made during, my absence in Europe, to
every part of Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales or
the continent of Europe. Legacies, debts, property
or claims recovered; searches for wills, titles and
documents effected,and other European business trans
acted by applying to James May, ‘Voter street, Pius
burgh. H KEENAN,
oct2l Agent and Attorney at . 1.3 w, Pittiburgh.
RANCE CuMPANT, has removed es office to No 19
Market street, where, having recommenced business,
it will take szNre and Ma rime .Risks of every descrip•
don, as formarly, upon the most favorable terms.
sem 5 ii2m. ROOT. FIN NEY, Sec' y.
MRS. moons',
Diaweed Alley, between Wood and Sesith.fied
[SAS just received feom New York and Philadek.
Ll phis, this latest styles for Dresses, Cloaks,
Mantillas, &c. ont244B4wlin
, ,bI46CIWANTS ' •[+D M•strfAcittant's BAB*, 1
Piusburgh, October, 18th, 1845.
AN election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, is
serve for the corning year, will bo held at the
Banking house, on Monday, the 17th day of November
nest. %V. H. DENNY,
oct2o dre
EicH *Nog 13ssx or PITT31:111a0FI, 1
October 18th, 1845.
AN election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, to
serve for the enbuing year, will bit held at tb•
Bunking House, on Monday, the 17th day of Ncovem
her, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P.M.
October 17th, 1845.
AN election for thirteen Directors of this Dank, far
the ensuing year, will be held at the Benki
House, on Monday, the 17th day of November next.
C. ash
Winter Lard OiL
905 GALLS Winter Lard Oil, clear and free
ww , (lam sediment us the beet sperm oil, and
wat ranted to , t,ant as cold weal ben NVII bout chilling
This article will be kept on hand and lot sale by the
subscriber, wholesale and triad. F SELLERS'
nci 30 1 ve Oil Stare. No 17 Liberty at.
Volt . SA LE, in the sth Ward, six rontieumes lota
1 of e round, framing on two streets, - forming a
block of 60 feet by 122 feet. on which are erected
buildings producing n rent of 3,37 t) per annum. This
puoperty is in the midst of manufacturing establish
ments, and is always tenanted. Title unexceptionable.
Apply to
1: 4 11 011 SA LF.--e Lot aground on sth 4treet, 30 ft.
_L front by 120 deer, nn which nre cheap buildings
erected, now renting l'or neat $5OO per year; title
good; property uoincumbe red , and alwn Ns tenanted.
ocl IG RI,AKELY & MdTCI - 1 F.L.
For Sale,
ASPLENDID Farm of Land cantainieg 230
acres. situate on Symm's Creek, Lawrence
county, Obin, within a few miles of Goyrnodotie on
the Ohio River.. This property is under snch caltiva-
Elan that 2500 busloutls of small grain was raiser:Tem
it last year. buildings are gond and sitnable for an este
tensive farm; it in expected that the county wan of
Lawrence county will be removed from Burlington,
to within 2 miles of this farm; Symm'a Creek is navi
gable at certain seasons of the year. Apply to
octl6. - Penn and SmithEtyld streets.
Alderman's Office
rrIHE undersigned begs leave to say to his friends
and the public generally, that he has removed
his office to Penn street, near the canal Bridge, oppo
site the United States lintel
ILOT of around nil MulLet atieet, in the Town
1 of Erna Liverpool. Obio. 60 feet by 130 feet, on
which i 4 erected a matiufactoly of Licet pool ware.
Apply to
/VIVO acres of ground, fronting on the Sandy and
Beaver Canal, and within a fourth of a mile of
die flomiahing town of Hannner. Ohio. Apply to
nerll6 13LAKELY & MITCHEL.
White Swan Souse
rfaHE subscriber, having taken the above named
1 house, near his old stand on Market street, be•
tureen Front and Second—is now prepared to enter
tain all his old f lends, and the public generally, in the
hest style. His bill of fare will constantly he found to
contain the best the market affords. (Oysters always
on hand.)
octl4-3m 13. LANDWHER.
T,{ R. D. BRUCKLOCHER hai removed his
_LYJ_ fashionable tailoring establihrnent to Wood rt.,
next door to the corner of Fourth, where he may be
found by all those who wish to give him a call. He
has just received and is now opening a splendid lot of
cloths, missimeres and vestinge, of a aupertor quality.
He wishes his friends to call and examine.
net 14-2 w• D. BRUCKLOCHER.
Bc-opened and at Work.
JAMES ADAMS, Baker. respectfully informs the
public that he has rebuilt at the old stand, foot.
of Grant street. from whence he was driven by the
Great Fire, and is prepared to serve his customer,/ in
..uperior style. His materials are of the beat that can
be bought, and his workmen are the best that can be
emrloyed. He solicits custom, being confident that
he can give entire satisfaction.
N. B.—Wedding and other parties prnetiptly attend
ed to, Oct 15-3 m
1 BOX marked Thomas :Cr el, Pittsburgh, and are
box marked Juhn Penniman, Pittsburgh, hay.)
been stored with the subscriber; the owners are re
quested to call for them. JAMES MAY.
Rebuilt and Removed.
THE, subscribers have the pleasure of informing
their fri.nds and the public generally, that they have
removed to their new warehouse on Second street, be
tween Wood and Market streets. Their factories fur
the manufacture of Vials, Bottles, and Window Glass.
are in full operation. An assortment of Glasswate
on hand, to which the attention of purchasers is direc
ted. (sepl3-1m) S. ftI'KEE & CO.
Take particular Notice
TH AT the Ft aoklin House, foot of Irwin ittreet,
l'itt.buth, by R B Dtmosn, is the most eligble
establishment for transient travellers or those whom")
wish u longer residence in the city, his accomodations
are excellent. We know from experience and heartily
recommend his house es worthy of patronage.
Hugh Kirkland. Freeport.
Wm Connelly, Franklin.
Bettgarnin J Niblock, Butler.
II /I Webb, Cochranton.
Jno Hamilton, Ohio.
John Belley, New York.
'Borders accommodated by the day or week,
month or yearly. net 15
HAVEteturned to their Old Stand, Water and
Front M.A. third door below Smithfield. on which
a new fire proof house has been erected. They have
on hand a large and vat ions stock of Groceries, Iron,
Nails, &c., and will be glad to see their old elastom
ers net 1.3,19. w.
Photographic Miniatures
THE subscriber respectfully solicits your attention
to specimens of his Daguerreotype 'Miniatures.
executed by him, with neatness, beauty of style,
and with a general and natural appearance.
Mr. Ackerman respectfully informs the citizens of
Pittsburgh and vicinity, and the public in general,
that he has opened bin room on Third street. over
the Post Office. All those who wish to procure gond
and correct likenesses, may now have an opportunity.
Instructions given in the art, and instrument+ fur..
nishcd. • oct I ss2w J. A. ACKERMAN,
Havana Cigars.
THE subscriber has opened his splendi d Cigar
Store, No3l MARKET St., opposite his OLD
stand, where his friends can be supplied with a prime
article of
Half Spanish and Common Cigars.
Also, a superior quality of chewing Tobacco, ton!-
prising the following brands:
AROMATIC STAG; Missouri Cavendish; Virginia
honey dew, and fine cm.
The bent quality of Snuff's can be had very cheap.
Macouba, Garrets Scotch, and Copenhagen, on hand
and for sale,
A Large Warehouse to Let.
SITUA FE on Water between Smithfield and Grant
streets, Pittsburgh. Inquire of John Anderson,
Robert Woods, or James M Christy, Esqrs , or of
Still they Come.
THIS is to certify that thaw° fully tested the Yir
tues of Thompson's Criminalise. Having
been troubled with a very severe pain in my stomach,
and diarrhoea or summer complaint for several wanks
and was perfectly restored by Lunn one Bottle—
. GEORGE ADDISON, of New Orleans
Sold by W Jackson Agent corner Wood and. Lamr•
ty streets. octl3