,-',;-' ~~-.~ ‘4tran9portation iinto. TRANSPORTATION. all 0221„. 1845. %fatted State! - Portable Boat Liao, For th.e Tranrpol tation of Freight nad Emigrant l'at,ngrrs, to and from - - PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, I'HILADEL PULA, NEW YORK, AND BOSTON. TOATs leave daily , and goods am carried through in 6 day.. erstiz.ont any traptshlpmeht between Pntshe,gh ett,t Ptelatielphia. [lays of Freight ..r Passnge alwnys as luw as chnrgeti by ether Lines that reship three times on the stone tunic, CHARLES A. M'ANULTY, Canal Bn.in, Piupburgh. ROSE, MERRILL & DODGE 71 Srnith'a Wharf, Baltimore. A. L. GERHART &CO. Nhtt Let st., Philaddphi• . l olg 18,1845 :=z- 1 "-' , Q;l1845daie0111 Disigham'st Transportation Lino, BUTWEEN PITTSBURGH %ND Tim EAST ERN CI I IRS. P 01' It lET 0 S Wpb. BINGHAM. JACtIG DoCK. Thus iisNaliANg, %%M. A. STHATTHN Conducted S.tbki.itil-lwerint, principles. Tut: th,.. old est thlkhol Line have thorough!) muuited and r etooxeci their .0,0,, and are %vat piep/ied to Co - wiltd Produce and Mei claandie on the o f .enitia of moeig.alion• o(lietience of LI/C I'lepti.•tor4 in the CU.I• !WSJ, with their a ate hful attentiun to the in telesi.4 of ru>tor n e,e , induc , i them to hope that the pAtrona,v, h •r•-torolv exten.l“l to ••Bingiiam's Lino v.lll be continued and 1..:1014.,t1. Deernir:g the soral tel iog sry le of advertis an.; too Ldpsurd imitation, and belie‘ing dont aid, lot ritor eusteinot. ae need no self-cornmendatiou, we mould merely in.rn such as base nut I.lCrelaOle patruniaetl nor Line, to gis e use trial. Our rotes of fa eight 1111.11 at nil times be as low as the lowest that ate charged by oilier responsible Lines. Pnclnce and Merchandise will be received and for warded without any charge for udsertising, Storage or Coinaris-ion. not, of lading promptly forwarded, nid ever) ilirecriiin earefulls. alterilled to. Apply t,r, or addres., - WM. BINGHAM, Canal 11E1.111. ear Liberty and as ne wt a., Piitsl.4,. DING II %M, DOCK. Ind STRATTON, # Na. •276 arl,t at eet. Philadelphia. JAMBS \\ I LSON, Agent. No. 12:2 N.uth llownrd street, Baltimore WIL LI.‘M TYSON, Agent. No. 10. NV,—.t roreer. New York. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. 1845.tY FOR TR ‘NSPOR r.trios OF GOODS Between Pahburgh an.l all lie Easter& Cities WI THOU I - 'TRANSHIPPING. • rigHIS 01.1 ostalvliAlled Line having near ly doteded hoir. capacity and facilities fur car rying gooJ., nre now prepatino to receive produce and morchan lire to any amount for shipment East el \Vest. The boat+ of rir:s Line hei-ig ull lour section Porta ble Boats, arc temsfel red from.Canalto Railroad, thus saving all transhipment or separation of goods; as the goods are never removed till their arrival at Philade! phis or Pittsburgh. finis Line the Pioneer in this mode ofcaerving nfzer a toecessful operation of eight yours, are enabled with confidence to refer to ail merehams who h a ve heretofore mat ronited them. ‘Vestern Merchants we respectfully requested to give dn. Litre a ti ial, as etc ry exertion NS ill be u.md to render satisfaction. Mer chandise atirl Pro.locc alwa)s carried at ns low price, on as fair terms. and in as short time, as by any other Lino. Produce consigned to our house at Philadel phis willbe sold on libetal terms. Goo,ls consigned to either our house at Pittsburgh or Philadelphin,fornarded promptly, and all requisite charges paid, JOHN .McFA D::N & Co.. Peon street, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. AS. M. DAVIS, & Co., 243 and 251, mr Market st., Philadelphia. FARE REDUCED TO 8 DOLLARS. • Good Intent Fast Nail for p t.L A ID or 3PLESDID TBoT BUILT CoACHTS, AND RAIL ROAD CARS, b - ±" Leave Pittsburgh Daily at 1 o'clock P 31, RUNNING THROUGH IN 48 HOURS, Ascending the hills with SIX HORSES AND POSTILION. From Ckamberabu g by Rail Road to Pitiladaphia, In splendid newly built Eight Wheel Cars, there connecting with Mail Cara for New-Yolk; also at Chambeisburg with Mail Lines direct fur Baltimore and Washington City. IMPOttly Office for the above Line, nextdoorto the Exchange Ifotel, St Claii Street. ji.ne 11.2-d3:n W. R. MOORHEAD. A'at. PARE REDUCED. OI'POSITON Good Intent Past Line for Philadelphia iirLYNDID TROT BUILT COACI11:5, e f kill);-31 .4 .; Limited 4, Seven Passengers Leave Pittsburgh daily at I, P. M. RUNNING THROUGH IN 48 HOURS, k‘cendii,g the mountain with SLY HORSES AND POSTILLIOII oILY ONE NIGHT °VT to CILLIEBENSBEIGEt, , • ma +Wu Anu Thence by RAIL ROAD to Philadelphia, enrolee. ting with Mail Cuts for New York; also at Chambers. burg with Mail lines direct From Baltimore and Wash inton City. laroffice opposite the Exchange Hotel.,,El. may 3-1 y A. HENDERSON, Agent. Cancer AMPLE experience has proved that no combing thin of medicine has ever been so effectual in removing the above diseases, as JAYNE'S ALTER NATIVE, or Life Preservative. It has effected cures that have been truly astonishing, not only of Cancg and other diseases of that class, but has removed the most stubborn diseases of the Skin, Snelling, Liver Complaint, Dy,pepvia, &c., &c, This medicine enters into the circulation and eradi cates diseases wherever located. It 'millet the blood and other fluids of the body, removes obstruction in the pores of the skin, and reduces enlargements of the glands or bones. It increases the appetite, removes headache and drowsiness, invigorates the whole sys tem, and imparts animation to the diseased and debil hated constitution. Ihere is nothing superior to it in the whole materia medics. It is perfectly safe and extremely pleasant, and has nothing of the disgusting nausea accompanying the idea of swallowing medi- Prepared and sold at No 20 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Price $1 a bottle. For sale in Pittsburgh at the Agency Office, Third street, a few doors east of the Post Office, adjoining the old banking house of the 'Bank of Pittsburgh.' OZTAII Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines for sale at the above place. ir 26 P. S. TITRBETT r WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, FIFTH STREET', ZTWEEN MARKET AND UNION STREETS. (Entrance on Fifth street.) WHERE be will attend to all business in his line: Such as cleaning and neatly. repairing Watches and Jewelry, letter cutting and mtukingSilver-ware, &-c. Turret and otherclocks made and repaired. His friends and all those desiring his services, will please give him a call. ap! . 24 Gm Fi re Belek, Extra Large, 20,000 A prime article, roc aale by sear 21 FEM opm . wwpre - wortm NO. 49, LIBERTY STREET. THE subscriber 'baring returned again from Ike onstern chic*, is now opening his fall and win terstock of goods, exceeding in variety and extent any thing Ipsretofne offered in t his city. Thankful to his friends and the 'public fur the fawns be lino received, and nhich has induced him in Four clinic more extensively than before, he again invites their attention to ale cheapest, best selected and most extensive assortment which he has ever &foie colleted among which are French. Englihh, German and American Broadcloths, Black, Blue, Invisible Green, 011vo and other Colors, W fuel' sre sll uf a superior luslity. Also, a splendid assortment uf Ales. o fine lot of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASSIMERF:S of ortny bhatle, color, and prawn, a Lich cannot IA to please tile %atioua macs of hie cu.tonters. Also. a Now Style of Seaver and Tweed Clothe, Tozeiber with a lot of Makibidao and Bine Blank et etsciag, Prlol and other goods suitable tot- uvri. co,os.k Theso goods will beVold ready mnde, or will be [nude to ostler in a superior style. as low as can be bought iu this city.. He bas ulsu the usual variety fur gentlemen's wear such as Shirrs, Stocks, Suspenders, Handketchiefe,Scarfi, Bosoms. Collars, 4-c. }laving in los 'employment several of•the best known and most popular cutter* in the ay, he feel, confident of gi%ing satisfaction, and would especially imite the attention of persons wanting. their garments made in a superior etyle and of the fine.t materials, to his stock of FIOCNCti CLOIII9, CAASIJIICRES AND VEITINGS, Ars. • Scrofula, n. & G. W. LLOYD 1;;=E1:111E VESTINGS OF ENTIRE NEW STYLES, FRENCIf PATTERNS. OF BLACK, GLUE, INVISIBLE GREEN, GOLD EN MItED AND OLIVE, FOR SACK AND FROCK COATS, lid he tom selected with the utmost C.llO fur Mir articular blanch of Ini,itsess. He will take pleasure n 6110 , 1 , itgt, these god:, to soy one who 'NM fasorhirn .itli a call, l'neting confident that the great ',witty ul is mock and the style to which they are made, cu m be *upstaged in this city. P. DP.L.11 , 14 1 49 Liberty street. WAR WITH maxiCH DECLARED! MONONGAHELA CLOTHING STORE. No !, WOOD St. Second Door from the Corner of Water Street. COOLEY & LAIRD, PROPRIETORS, The undersigned takes this method of announcing to their customers and the public generalty. that they hove just received from tie Eat s and oiler for sale at the titan° stand a large and well selected assortment of Cloth*, Cassimeres, Vesting, and materials of eve ry baying bora purchased for cash on the must advantageous terms, they are enabled to otfrr as CHEAP a. can be sold is the Western Country. Their astotrtment of READY MADE CLOTHING. is large, and has been manufactnred from the best materials, and by excellent workmen. They have constantly on band and will manufacture to utdiv all etticlet of Clothing, which they will war rant to be marls in the best manner and moat fashion able style. They incite the public to call and examine their stock of goods, as they are confident they can sell GOOD a IIITICL“ at prices which cannot fail to please. Remember the place. NO. '2. WOOD STREET, SECOND DOOR FROM THE CORNER OF WATER. sent 9-ef REBUILT AND REMOVED. Parniters Cheap sal Good. JNS. W. WOODW ELL respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has removed tehl. old stand, NO. 65 Third street, where be has on hand a splendid assortmem of Furnitore of all descriptions, ready for their inspection. Persons wishingtufmnish Hotels, Steamboats, ['gimlet Dwellings, &e. will find it to their interest/A call attd examitts his stock before purchasing elsewhere. FURNITURE which cannot be surpassed in the western country compt ising the following article's Sofas, Divans and Ottoman.; T,poys, Tete-a.Tetes, Wardrobes; Secretary and Book-Cases; Card, Pier, Sofa and Ceitre Tables. Sideboards; Dressing BCRaAus,tariuus styles; II at and Towel Racks; f rench and High-post Bedsteads; End, Dining and Breakfast Tables: Mahogany CHAIRS of all descriptions; A general assortment of Fancy Chairs; Also, a general assortment of COMMON FURNI TURF. sep4.3m. Tbampsonis Clamslastly% For lhe cure of Cholit Cholera Morbat, Summer Comp/alai. Uyret tery, Diarrltaa,4c. CER fIFICATES of nemos who hive used the Carminative, are coming in thick end fest. The et iginal documents may be menet the Agency, as well as the best of City References given. READ THE FOLIAMING: lowa, T., FORT 'Marmon. Aug 3, 1845 Sir:—When I was passing through Pittsburgh two weeks since, on my way bowie from the Fast, 1 called in at your Store, aud put chased two bottles of ...thump. souls Carminative," (or my Child's°, who were sick of the Summer Chmplaint, and as I told Toot boy that sold them to ma, I would writs and let you know how they operated, do so now with pkuotei they ctutd them perfectly. and Mrs D. (my wife) says it's the ben Medicine she ever used, and rreoeumends every one to use it for their Children. I remain, yours, very respectfully, J. DT. D. W YI. JACKSON, Wholesale& Rerail Agent, cor. of ood& Liberty stn , Pittsburgh N. B. All orders addressed as above, post paid. A uglB.if DR. A. J. THOMPSON'S Anti-Dyspeptic, Toole and Cathartic Pills. THESE PILLS, while they cleanse the stomach they restore its originaltone without creating de. bility. Theylikewise protlnce all the invigorating and strengthening effects of a most approved Tonic; thus accomplishing a deskieratumof a Cathartic Alterative and the best ever known Tonic medicine, whose use fulnesscanhe relied upon in dB those diseases origina ting from the derangement of the Alimentary Canal directly. or Biliary Secretions indirectly; such as Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Hemerboids or Piles, Chronic Diarrhcea, Sick Stomach, Bullhorn, Vertigo, Depra ved Appetite and Foul Stomach, Sgrfeit from intem perate Eating or Drinking, drc., Warranted Purely Vegetable. [VP PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. 4EI Prepared by the proprietor, A. J. THOMPSON, M. D., And sold vi.helessle and retell by my Agent, W. JACKSWI at his Patent Medicine Warehouse, corner of Wood and Liberty sts., Pittsburgh mug 16-tf For Bent. ALOT of ground, about SO feet front by 90 deep. on the corner of Front street and Chauncery Lane, is ofered for a term of years, at a reasonable rent. Also a Sione Quarry, on the Fourth street Road, adjoh lag David Greer's quarries. Apply to AIRS. JANE 91AGEE, Near the head of Seventh stteet. june 2-0 lienieval by Piro. ir r 13 GRAHAM , Soot maker, formerly of Smith - 11 - field st. has remeved to Fourth st,nextdcor to Mr Knox's Confectionary, where be will be happy to receive the calls of his friends, and especially those whoare indebted to the establishment. an 16. INtsiiskipd Catiet7 PERSONS netting Hardware or Cutlery in a dam. aged state, can have it ground, polished and re paired in a neat and substantial manner •by the sub scriber. Any ordersleft with John W. Blair, No. 120 Wood street, will meet with prompt al tem ion. ap 26—tr. THOMAS McCARTHY. Notice. PERSONS baying claim' against me, will pleas. send diem, during my absence. to my attorney, Ernest Heidelberg who 'authorised to adjust' them according to my instructions. i) 4B . 0. HOFFDIAN. e== IM:IMIMENNIMIMMIIMMAINEFIWM.VAN=MIXI TO No.. ed WOOD STREET, ABOVE Fir* HATHAWAY'S Patent net Mr Coaking Spoven Tr HE subscriber having entered intotho stovebusi a- seas in Pittsburgh, respectfully informajhe pub lic that he intends carrying it on In its various branches et the warehouse No. 1.24 WOOD STREET, above Fifth street, where he will be prepared to supply purchasers with any articles in his line. In additioa to other Stoves which he will have on hand, be ha■ obtained the right to manufacture and sell Hathaway's Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves. This stove is pro- nounced superior to any other now in use in the United States; it is meta durable in its consuuction and bet ter adapted incise else of baking, roasting and cooking, as it is heated very regularly by coeftaing . the air in the stove; and it is a great saving of fuel as well as. labor. I will keep on hand a sufficient number to sup: ply all demands if possible; I have five different sizes, and will sell them on reascmable terms, according to sires. I have now in use upwards of fifty in and about this env; all pat ih use within six mouths. Being a ware that the People of Western Pennsylvania have been impoted uponhy the introduction ofnew and high ly recommended Stoves which were badly constructed, and havir g soon failed and become useless. I will grant to persons wishing to procure the Hot Ait Score, the privilege of using it a sufficiknt lapgth of time to prove its superior quality before I them to purchase. Personanotifying me from a distance by letter, can have stoves put up at any time, as I have wagons to: carry them out; I therefore ins its Farmers and all per- sons to come and judge for themselves; also to try them and prove that it is to your advantage to have one. All orders will be promptly attended to hy the tabled ber. ROBERT DONAVAN. RECOMMENDATIONS lifiller's Mansion HOUSE, Sept, 19, 1844. Mr. R. Onzi AV A :4—Sir: I buyout use one of Hath awn's !lot stir CooLiog Stoves, which I got from you last Spring. It affords me much pleasure to recom mend it for its rxcellenre. So far as my knowledge extends, I have no hesitation in saying it is the hest stove now in use. I need not particularize its merits, but would advise all disposed to possess an article of the kind, to adopt the best method of sutisfying them thnt is, to try it; and I doubt not they will be satisfied. D. R. MILLER. 14 7 ashing fon Temperance Manse, t • Pittsburgh, Sept. 19, 1844. 5 Mr. R. Don A VOS lave had in tl9O for fire months. one of Ilathaway's Hot Air Cooking Stoves, and I have no hesitation in saving it is the best stove now in useak The various kiwis of cooking it is calcu lated to dti3t the flame time. and the amaii quantity of fuel teluired, makes it an object worthy the atten Lion of all. s.hodesire a good SkAV. _ . I embrace tidy Opportunity totecommend the Hot Air Cooking Stoves; 1 bays used the cfne you Out up for ma constantly all summer, and I must say it Is a greed article. I believe it is superior to any other stove now in use in this city. The oven bakes well, and is large enough to bake four large loeve. of bread at one time it also cooks very opeedily,and it requites very little coal,lthink them worthy the attention of all who wish a good stove; to such I would say, try them and prove what they are. oct ATHF.W PATRICK. FIFTH STREEfI FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. U. R. RYAN, HA VING rmnpleted his machinery for the MAN UFACTURE: OF CABINET FURNITURE, is now prepared to offer to the public ell articles in his line, et wholesale or retail, vety low for CASH; be warrants every article made at his establishment to give satisfaction. as none but the best workmen are employed, and every rare taken in the selection of materiaL Turning , and Sawing done in the best manner. Also, an assortment of tamed material kept on hand, such as Wagon Hubs, House Columns, Newel's and Balusters, Bench Brews, Bed posts, Shovel and Fork Table Legs, &c. Handles. The subscriber has in addition to his large £sta b• aliment, nine Brick houses, with shafts running through them, which he will Rent for Snaps, with Steam Puwer sufficient to propel suLh machinery as may be put into them, at much lower rates than steam power can be produced (tom small engines. Possession gisen at any time. sug2B-dStss BOOK AND lOU PRINTING OFFICE, R. W. CORSICA O► WOOD ♦ ►t►7R 11l The proprietors of the MORNING POST and MCIL CURT AND Ni•Nr/A.CITRIER respectfully inform theit friends and the patrons of these papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of .7/111121..1113 711 1 11ICJIP.111EC. Wirt) &Ugh Wittll32l autzetaaille Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they arm prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bills of Lading,l Circulars, Bill Heads, Cards, Blank Checks, Hat Tips. Books, Pamphlcts, Handbills, all ktnbs of 131 auks. Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Billt,witi ar propriale cuts, Prfnted on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patronage ofour friends and the public in general in this branch of our business. BIGLXR, SARGENT & 13IGLER. July 25, 1845. VENITIAN BLINDS. As 1717218TEIZVELT, ,E old and well known Ve• inn Blind Maker, former )f Second and Fourth eta., ,es this method to inform many friends of the fact a his Factory i• now in full nation on St Cluir itt.,.near old Allegheny Bridge, sera a constant sopply of inds of various colors and ilities, is constantly kept hand and at all prices, .m twenty-cents up to suit LOMerd. Is will be put up so, that in uy , ....herwise, they may be re moved without the aid of a screw-driver, and with the same facility that uny other piece of furniture can be removed. and without say extra expense. je24-d&wly. WALL PAPER MANUFACTORY. WAREIROUSE REMOVED. THE subscribers have the pleasure of informing click friends and the public generally, that they have removed their paper store to No. 87 Wood Street, above Fourth, nearly opposite the stand they occupied before the fire, where they have on band and are opening a complete assortmentruent of PAPER HANGINGS. BOND IRS. I' IRE BOARD PRINTS, &C., the greater part of which ban been manufactured and imported blase the fire, and which contains • large number of patterons that are altogether new and suit. able for every description of entries and mown. They also keep on hand a stock of Printing, writing and Wrapping Paper from the Clinton Mill. Stew banville, 0., to which along with their other goods, they would respectfullycall the attention of purchasers, ".•Regiand Tanners scraps porcbened in exchange:. lIOLDSHIP & BROWN. 87 Wood greet. aug294l&•w3m Citizen's EleteL THE subscriber has opened,the Citizen's Hotel on Penn street, as a house of public entertaieneept, in thatlarge brick house, formerly the Peal) House, near the mind bridge, where he is provided for.the sc r commodstion of' the public , and wilt he 0 ,4 u all , . times tease. his friends. sp2l-dlewtf Wig 'Honorable dealing busires konorabls success THE immense patronage that has been bestowed upon the -subscriber's establishment for many years past, 4y all classes of the cominti ni Iy, is unqueathmable evidence that his articles have given sati.faction to all his eustomens, and that his efforts to please the public taste has been suasestifol. His stark et Pall and Winter Clothing Is now prepared for the inspection of his friends and the public generally, and from the variety of his stock, the superior quality of. his Cloths, and the style and teats in which all his articles are made, he feels con fident of all who may leapt him with a all. It would be impossible to enw4erute all his erticles in a single advettirerne.ut. but Abe following will suffice to show the public: the variety from which to clio,Nte VERY SUPERIOR. CLOTHS. . Of esery quality and price. CASSIMEBES AND cAssusnris, TWEED, SATTINETS, VELVETS, &C Of French, English and American Manufacture. His stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, Consists in part of Of every quttlily aad price, wed made in the Gentlemen's Fashionable eloakso lu great vnriety, and sold at unprecedently low prices Overcoats of ovary Description, ==M2= Also. • firm lot of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASSIMEHES of every allude, color, and pattern. New Style of Beaver and Tweed Moths, Together with it lot of Makibielo and Nue Rlaniet Coating. Pilot end Other goods suitable for over coats. He has alsoibe usual variety fur gentlemen's wear, such us Shirts, Stocks. Suspenders. Ifanditerekirfs.Scarfs; Bosons, Collars, 4-e. THU-11AS VAItNER The aboyttaml all other articles in the Clothing line ho carers fur sale lower than they can be purchased at any other establishment in this city. He has SEPERATE CHTTEIII3 far every depart ment In clothing, and e 4 they ei• all workmen who have been avivlcrged In the moat FA SHIONABLE HOUSES. In the country, be can warrant his patrons that THE CUT AND MAKE Of all articles from his establishment will be in the most modern style COUNTIIIr MERCHAIITS BENJAMIN F. KIVG. anzam a) sui; tria. HREE BIG-DOORS No. J.M. LIBERTY STRZET DRESS COATS, Of every quality and price. 3111 Em IlliT rJIC• No 9 fttalsiawatle style ING PATTERNS OF BLACK, BLUE, INVISIBLE GREEN, GOLD EN MIXED AND OLIVE, FOR SACK AID TRACK COATS. Are rropectfully invited to call, as the proprietor teelsconfident that be min sell them GaAs on such terms as will mnke it to their advantage to purchases at tho Three Big Doors. In conclusion, I would say to the public, when you call at my stotu you have only your own suit top • for, fur I sell for cash only. My goods are purche in quantities from the importers, and of course I caw sell you clothing at lower prices then the smaller deal ers, who are compelled to buy from the jobber. Then, from the large amount of sales, I am enabled to sell at a leu per centige. Some clothiers may think it is saying a good deal when I say that I can and will sell you goods as low as they can buy them for, but all I ssk as a proof of the fact is the pleasure of a call. Bear in mind the number.—'til 3,51, Liberty street, better known as the ate troth's." sept tOd&wif JOHN McCLOSKEY. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! FRESH ARRIVAL AT THE NATIONAL CLOTHING STORE, No. 160, Liberty Street, 2d door below Sisal THE rubsetiiher having just returned from the Eastern Citiee, would invite the atUention of the pub lic t° the large and "4 i.d assortment of fashionable goods now openting,and read) fur inspection at his ea tablishment: His stack consist. is LM most fashion able styles sad colors. Broad, Shaver, Pilot and Tweed Wool Dyed Clotbs, Plain, Striped. Barred and Vant,y Foreign and Domestic Cassius° tee; CLOTHS AND CASSIMERRS FINISHED, EXTRA SUPERFINE SATTINETTs, ALL COLORS. ?lain alai row, sattiastayall f lors and A FEW PIECES BERKSHIRE CASSIMERES, A NEW, HEAVY AND BEAUTIFUL ARTI CLE, FIRST I= !N THE CITY; smut, vaiescia. Wool lea tad Silk Velvets, Cashmeres. &c. for Vesting. These together with a large variety of Stocks, Cra vats, Scars, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, audetrety other article sipper caining to Gentlemen's wear. The undersigned is pre pered to sell at a reduction of over ten per cant. under last year's prices. lie is also prepared to manufac ture Clothing of all kinds to eller, arta' the most op proved Eastern and Paris lasi:deans (*hich he re ceives mouthly) at the shortest no tice, and on the most reasonable terms. The subscriber would say, that though be never has crooked a leg on atop board, he can get up a better fitting, and a better made gar- merit, than some of those who, after spending the great er part of their lives cross legged, are so ignorant of the losing department as to be obliged, when they want a coat for themselves, to call in a crook to cut it for them, for want of ability wade it themselves. lie would caution the public opting being humbugged by those who talk so largely about compeatiooftont those who never noticed them, utzil within a few days his attention was directed to en advertisement in one of the philers. written by some conceited pc rsois whose appearance might be improved by weimg soma of the soap he talks so much about. The subscriber has made as arrangement in New York by which he will receive. In the course of a few weeks, a large supply of Shiru, at prices varying from 50 cents to $3,00. Country merchants and others wishing to purchase by the ease or dozen, will have their orders, If accompanied by the rash, attended to with promptness and despatch. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended me during the short time I have been in business, I am determined to sell new and good clothing at such prices as will render it to the advantage of purchasers to call at the NATION AL CLOTHING STORE before going elsewhere. JAMES B. MITCHELL. rar2s or 30 good hands will receive good wagee and constant employment, by calling soon at the Na tional Clothing Store. None need apply but those who can come well recommended as being able to do the best work. JAMES. E. MITCHELL, septll-d&w A FRESH SUPPLY Johnson's Superior Fall and Winter PlLlN'l'llfs IN*, RECEIVED THIS DAY, At the Office of the Pittsbwrgit Mersin, Pod BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER. serl7-ti&wtf Dr. E. Wtarltt,Destiot, (Of tie Dona District.) RESPECT FULLY informs his friends and all those who wish his services that he has taken an office in Smithfield street, 2d door from Virgin alley, where he will now attend all operations of the Teeth in the best manner and at the slaortest•notice. Office hours from 9 ti 1119,, and from 2 till 5. may 2-4:l4wir. To Prist.irs. WEhave received ,and will hereafter .keep cor sternly on band, a fullitupply of Printing Ink, in large and small kegs, which we will be able to sel l ekersper thin It tiasheretofore been sold in thia city. Orders front the ecuetry etroppepied by ill 4,41) i i bit ALL CASA/ WiltbePrOtt Ottentlei; • .B J.Etit, SARG T& B GLER, Jy..,%—tf. See °Nile Pointed Mennfaceeter. . ... . iftywillimm, gout THE subscribers . kuodog opened a stons,•No 8, St Clair street, (west side) for the sale of Lamps respectfully unite the.athentlou of the in habitants of Pittsbiugh,Allegheny and the surround ing country general*, to their stock of Lamps, bc . d'orn purchasing elsewhere. Chia arrangements ,with the manufacturs are suer that tau CID safely say, we are prepared to light in the 119081 brilliant and economi cal manner, Steamboats, Hotels, Public Halls, Churches, Stores, Shops, Parlors, 4.ridges and Streets, as well as the more "dark and lieltighted cor ners, or any place where brilliancy, neatness and strict econemy is desired. Among our means for letting uur "tight shine." may be found the folic. ing Lamps for burning Lard. Lard Oil and Sperm Oil. vie Hanging Lamps wed Chandeliers, (2 to 4 branch) For lighting Stores, Public Hall., Clenches, Ho.els anti steamboats. Stand and Centre Table Lampe, (various patterns and prices,) for Parlors. Rending ■ad Work Lamps. Side aud Wall Lamps, Glass and Tin Head Lamps &c &c. The above are mostly Dyntt's Patent Lamps. with double shelled fountain, and otherwise an improve• meat upon any lump now in use, which can be per ceived at uncoil examination. Also,gisostrimnsings for lamps, such as Globes, Chimneys, Wicks, &c. LAST, THOUGH NOT LEAST Dyott's Patent Pine Oil Lamps, such as Hanging lamps and Chandeliers, (2 to 6 branch ) Stand and Centre Table Lamps, (Glass Fronts with or without drops,) Street lamps fur lighting steeeta and bridges. As we cannot describe the various patterns, we cor dially invite the public to examine them. We affirm that in brilliancy, cleanliness and economy, no. light now inuse will bear comparison with these lamps sued. Pine Oil. They are as safe to use as sperm or Lard Oil. Although some are endeavoring, to idemify this article with the old camphine and spirit gas, (by the argot' which accidents bawlin occurred,) we assert this to be anotherand differen article. and that no accidents base occurred during chaextensice use of this article in Philadelphia fur four years. These Lamp's rill produce as winch light, with as much neatness sad store brilliancy, and 25 per cent. less than 0535 older jigkl nose 111 U4C, not excepting ' Gat. If any one doubts statements we Imre, or may here after make, we would say, we hove commenced our business in Pittsburgh, and knowing the merits of the articles we offer to the public, we are willing to hold ourselves accountable at all times fur our statemeota, and areeilling to put to test our Lamp—dollars and cents,—tenting eeonomy-.-and the publi•: decided on the neatness and brilliancy of the light. We have many testimonials from residents of Phila delphia and elsewhere, but the following may suffice for the present. This is to certify that I have purchased of M. B. Dyott a sufscient uumberof his Patent Pine Oil Lamps to light the Univetsalist Church of Philadelphia, and have used them in said Church about two years. I have found them to give perfect satisfaction. The light produced by them is the moat brilliant that I have ever seen. They are so economical that the cost of the Lamps has beets saved several times over, the lighting up ache Church not costing luaus much as it did before we procure them. ..Respectfully, JOHN DESSALET, Secretary of the above uamed Church Philadelphia, J uly 8, 1845. The undersirned having used for two yearsOyott's Patent Pine Oil Lamps in his Hotel, the Bolivar HOlllO, can recommend them as the most economical and brilliant light that can be produced by any arti tie now in use. Before I commenced lighting my house with the Pine Oil, I was using the Gas; but al .' a trial of the above Lamps, I was so much plea sed with the light, and convinced of their economy, that I had the Gas removed and burn the Pine Oil in its place. WM. CABLES, Proprietor of Boliver House, j No 203 Chesnut st. 5 Philadelphia, July 8, 1845. ALLZGEIEXT CITY,JaIy 12, 1845 This may certify that we, the undersigned, having used for some months. Dye'''. Patent Pine Oil Lamps, can with the fullest confidence rezommend them, as producing the most brilliant and economical light we hate ever siren, They are simple in their structure, and easily taken earn of, and" we believe themes safe light as can be produced from any other Lamp, and much cheaper than any other kind of Oil. JOHN HAWORTH. Druggist. _ _ MERCER & ROBINSON, - Merchants JAS. COWLING. Clothing Store. JOHN HOPEWELL, Clothing Store. Any one doubting the genuineness of the foregoing certificates, will have the kindness to call at No. 8, West side of St Clair street, where they may examine the original. together with wispy more, much more to the point, but reserved for their proper piece. STONE & CO. No. 8, St Claw attest. N. B. Lard Oil and Nish Pine Oil for sale. 2.8-tf AL LEN KRAMER Esekasige Broker, stexi door to the Exchange Barak, between Wood aad Markel streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills,collected. RI/JERI:IIOE' Wm. Bell & Co., Jahn D. Davis, F. Lorene, J. Painter & Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May, A tex. Broinion&Co. . • . rn"'lladarnia. John H Brown &Co. James M'Candless. Cincinnati, 0., J. R. M' Donald. St. Louis, Mo. W. H. Pops,-Esui.,Preo"&liaisk Ky.. > Louisville. seams COOUEAN, Corner of Liberiy a ied Factory streets, RA Ward, PiltabirrgA, A NUFACTURER of Alsg lesia First Proof MChests, Iron Doors. Grates and Railings; Iron Doors for Bask Vaults, Canal and Rail Road-Irons together with every description of Smith work. Berra ro—M Allen, James May, William Holmes, Samuel Church, Lewis Hutchinson, Lorenz, Sterling & Co., John Irwin &Son, Atwood & Jones, A Beelen. A BEELEN, Esq., Commission Merchant,corner of Front and Ferry streets. and Mr. G. BEALE, Jr., No 74, Wond street, are Agents for Pittsburgh; and Messrs. BRYAN and MILTENBERGER, St Louis, Mo., to either of whom orders may be addressed. Pittsburgh, March 8, 1815. dly DENTAL SURGERY. Teeth supplied on improved Principles at reduced Charges. A itTIFICI AL Mineral Teeth from one to an entire A set, inserted to answer the purposes of Mastics Lion and articulation, equal tonatuml teeth; and so near ly resembling them, that the closest observer cannot detect them from sound. natural teeth. Tender and decayed Teeth filled with Tooth paste, and without pain made solid and useful for mastica tion, obviating the necessity of extracting Teeth inserted by asmoapberic pressure without springs or clasps. Irregularities in children's teeth if attended to in time, prevented, and adults greatly remedied. The subscriber has one whole set and a part of a set of his artificial teeth finished, which be invites those who stand io need of such to call and examine. CHARGES. For Teeth on Gold Plate, (tom $2 to $3 each, " Silver Plate or Pivot 1 to 2 " For Plugging 50 cts to 1 " For *snorting 25 cts Operations given over by other Dentists. solicited• . and no charge made without entire satisfaction is giv en. Advice gratis• sera 19 d 3 m L. J. CHAMBERLAIN. Surgeon Dentist, St Clair at WM. DOUGLAS, Fashionable Hat and Cap Manufacturer. No. 78 WOOD ST., PITTSBURGH. 4 WOULD respectfully announce to his friends and citizens generally, that be Ski has opened at No7B Wood threat, East side, Burnt district, nearly opposite his old stand, where will be found Hats and Caps, of the latest style and Fashion; prices very loW". N. B. Country Merchants are respectfully invited to call and examine his stack before pursbiuting where . ,.whiah, will- he -offerstsi it priors that cainliat fail 19 pleara at z .Nta 78 . Woid street. aug2l.3*- trintreint The Franklin FireinVersate Company of Philadelphia. r i HARTER PERPETUAL. '5400.000 paid in, offing 1631, Chestnut at., north side, near Fifi h. Take Insurance, either permanent or limite.l, against loss or damage by fire, on Property and Et. rect.; of every description, in Town nr Country, on the most reasonable terms. Applications, made either Personally or by letter, will be promptly attended to. C. N, BANCKER, nest. C. G. B*acera, Seey. DIRECTORS: Charles N. Banker, Jacob R. S m i t h, Thomas Hart, George W. Richards, Thomas J Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewii, Tobias Wagner, Adolphi F. Boric, Sa mac I Grant, David S Brown. WARRicx-Manris, Agent, at the Exchanze tice of Warrick Martin & Cu., corner of Third and Matket atteete. Fire tb.ka taken on buildings and their cowent3 in Pittsburgh, - Allegheny And the st,rroanding country. No marine or inland navigation risks taken. It6tt4-Iy. • INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS OR DAM. AGE 'BY. FIRE. THE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED With .the additional security of a STOCK CAPITAL. The Reliance Mutual insurance Co. of Phila..•Charler Perpetual. DIRECTORYj George W. Toland, John M. Atwood, Thomas C. IRaekhill, Lewis R. Ashhurst, IVm. R. Thompson, George N. Baker. George M. Stroud, John J. Vanderkemp, George W. Carpenter. WILL make insurance *Biota Loss or Damage by Fire, in Pittsburgh and vicinity, on Houses, . St..res and other building-4, and on Furniture, Goode, Wares and Merchandise, limited or perpetual, in town or country, on the most favorable term-. The Mutual Principle, combined wiih a Stock Capi tal, and the other provisions of the Charter of this Company, hold out unusual inducement®, both of profit and safety, to those desirous or ell - eat ing insurance, to which the Company ask the attention and examination of those interested. The Capital Stock of the Company is invested in good end sufficient securities. After providing fur the lames accruing to the Company. in the cuun:e of its business, the stockholders are entitled to receive out of its income and profits an interest not exceeding six per cent. per annum on the Capital Stock actually paid in--the amount of which interest, it is expected, will be supplied byfunds invested—and thereafter, all the remaining profits are to accumulate and be held, in like-manner with the Capital Stock, for the better se curity of the assured. But certificates bearing inter est, payable annually. transferable on the books of the Company, and convertible at any time into Capital Stock, will be issued therefor to the Stockholders and located members, in proportion to theamountof Stock held, or premium paid by themaespectivoly, agreeably to the provisions of the-Charter. Those efrecting insurance with this company have, besides the usual protection against loss, by the ordi nary method of insurance, the additional advantage of a direct participation in the profits of the Company. without any liability. GEO. W. TOLAND, President. B. M. Flincrtsuts, Secretary. The sub Scriber, who is the authorised Agent for the above named Company. is prepared to make in surance, at the Office of the Agency, No. 97, West aide of Wood street, 2d door above Diamond alley, and will give all further information desired. • THOS. J. CAMPBELL. Pittsburgh, May3o, 1845. (jes-Iy.) INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE The Citizen's Mutual Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, No. 152, IValaut Street, 'Philadelphia, WILL bistros houses, stores and other buildings; also merchandise, furniture and property gen erally, i• Pittsburgh and the surrounding country, againstloss or damage by fire, for any period of time. Chatter perpetual. No marine, river nor inland transportation rinkeare taken by this Company. It makes no dividends among stockholders. Alter paying the necessary ex penses of ate office. the whole accruing premium and interest are appropriated exclusively to meet losses. It is thus enabled to insure ore - terms nut surpassed by any other Company. JAMES TODD, President. 6..1117, B. POOLTNIT, Secretary. Agency at Pivaburgb, in Barite's building on 4th street, at the office of Eyster & Bochaaan. je3. JAS. W. BUCHANAN. The CoWaldodolphi lusursnco Company of fahilas, A COMBINATION Of 'TOOK AID MUTUAL• SECURITY, TAKES Fire, Marine and Inland Transp o rtation risks, at the usual rates of other Offices in this city; but these who are tor become Stockholders, may insure Five Rukson the mutual system. whichis to pay half the premium in cath, and in lies of the other half to give an obligation for five times the amount paid in cash, liable to rateable contribution during the term of the policy, in case it should be required. Stockholders have thus a chance to save one-half of the premium, and are besides entitled to a full share of dividend. Charter perpetual. The mutual risk lessens in proportion to the amount of insurances. If ten men insure any given sum, each one incurs a risk of 10 per cent.; but 500 men would only incur the risk of ose-fifth done percent. The Company has been in operation since 1840. Capital subscribed, $lOO,OOO. on which 20 per cent. have been paid is, which amount, with about 20 per cent. more, is safely invested in mortgages and other securities. Pittehtmgb, re There h a considerable amount of bonds on hands to be resorted to in case of losses, before any capita subscribed can be used. This'is the great security and this rxiiticiple of mutual insurances 'has given grey satisfaction. Marine and Inland Tronsperlotiots Risks taken on usual terms, as ke other offices, nod 10 per cent. of the premium returned if the risk end without loss. C N. BUCK, President. DIRECTORS. Josiah Ripka, Daniel Lammot, John A. Barclay, Benj. W. Richards, Wm. M. Young, John Rosencmmz. Fot further particulars apply to thesubscribers, duly authorised agents of the Company, at thu agency, is Bake well's Law Buildings, Grunt street. THOMAS BAREWFILL, may 10-6 m WILLIAM BAKF.WELL. EMIXIEEI KING & PINNEY, Agents at Pittsburgh, for the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Phila. FIRE RISKS upon buildings and Merchandim of every description and MARINE RISKS upon Hulls or cargoes of vessel, taken upon the most favor able terms. nrOffice in Philo [late Duquesne] Hall; immedi ately Over the Post (Ace. N. B. King & Finney invite the confidence and patronage of their friends and the community at large to the Delaware M. S. 'lnsurance Company, as an in stitution among the most flourishing in Philadelphia —as having a large paid in capital, which by the operation of its charter is constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insured his due shore of the profits of the Company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever, beyond the premium actually paid in by him, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious feature, sod in its most attractive form. my9-te. American Pire Insurance Company Or PHILADELPIA, CHARTER fERPETUAL--CAPITAL PAID IN Office in Philadelphia, No. 72, Walnut st.; o.ffice of Agency in Pills burgh, No 2, Ferry at. Wm. Dextrose/1, President, Fair'. FICALIT, Seey. 'PHIS old and well established Companycontirmes 1 to make Insurance on Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture and property, not of an extra bereardoes character, against loss or damage by Fire. Poorness ing an ample paid up Capital in addition te iertttined it offers one of thebest .insiein nitiesagsinst loss by Fire. Applications for instßenues in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will titejtiver!ailik risks Jaken, either perpetually, or.for Kuti* perlOai:cin favorable tem' by COCH RADS; mgy • ' ; • ; • mnpautts. PITTSBURGH AGENCY Charles J. Du Tont, Francis G. Smith, erinrarvs -- zrairrtinirxer • NO 64 lattice? intttr, Between Third and Fourth scs., Simpson's Row,iters the New Post Office, Pittsburgh. THE n ideisigred atirtoutl,, he IS, fl)s rid a most commodious Mercantile }louse, at the above !O ration. where he it ill be happy to sec his trir.nds, and ali tho.e anxious to avail themselves °revery descrip tion of DRY GOODS, GpocEntr,s, LIARDWARE, FANCY 411/TICLES, und ull otLer varicti,s the 1./CM ted A LULL OIL St, r The under-ii2rwid will he ,iirp:;,il Goan the 14., ern cities with a IoChtit Foreign and Domestic Goods / unich country rucrrl.anl3 x‘i:lln. Lidocul to pt.:ldler-a" • • uu nsec•rtaihite4 the jr ice, A17.111:11 . 1111 . 11H arc in inf , ;:r,.. /11 1 1 1 1111Cii1 .4 .1,1/1.1)(1, mmle. 01/ r-,11 , 11.;11111 1 .1/1 , . 111111 ONCry cx.dti4n made t 0 ode a nee the i htere , t ult.):ote cold:de - 1) . 1 sines% to the e.dnidddddent. Pet-opt and !verde sale.; made and cbili,ed. Tu friends at a dihtuid-ii, I he midi:Hi:heti eieehi Apy , that although I.e is a !hi:oilier of "[be Pitisbar . ch burnt family," pit hl. zeal, humanity and 6:_ir rs,itiebs its tile uoimpared, end fiiitlifully it ill floc he devoted' to the ititeren.tin UI iilo4e wtw em plov him. Et7f , ;'ziALLS OV REAL F:t.ITA7 . E Dill command:, as heretofore. tie bent exertions of the urideriii;;ned Property diNii,seihof h) him, from time to time hal - - iiiii4lll die highest pi ice and touch exerede.f themilealationis. of those ft'ho employed him. 0 :Me:ENNA, The Old Auctiootier— . N. B. Having, pns , ted the In•ry oidcut ill) tlioou monis of nriglntnrs. the old establishment, revived tt the new tueation will in future he designated "THE PHCENIX AUCTION MART.' 13y P. McKonna, 64 rllatket St. PITTS 1.11.!11G PA.. P. Mr. tll n S !...' if John D. Dav!s, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCil'f' Corner of Wood and St h sts..; IS ready to 1. eceive merchandize . of el,ry de,criftithi ancen.ignmtnt, for public or private, gale. 'mit , from long experience in the above hu,inc.l6 ; tlaftar himirelfthut he win be able to ~i ve entire gati.,fartlat to &II who may favor hi In a 1:11 ;"11,ir pat rue nqe Reg-111'1.1r .:ales On 'Jo:ins Y 5. and Toe MD a 3,(1f0t: Goods and Fancy article.:, at 10 o'clock, A. M. • • OlGraceric P itt.:bur:lnnzaufactiirc artilPs.neip and m!colitthan..l furniture. S r., a t 2 o'clualt,l'. M. Sale. eve r y pv,ilinz,nt..-:arivg.,:_li:;ll,t imvoitTANT BANEEILS! NE WELL'S Patent Parautoptic Permutation Eaul: Loci;, To rrevent nobbery. -THE sub4r-rihar has accepted the aizeney. for above celebrated end well known Lock. which WARRANTED to defy the most coasummate skill ui,tlee, burglar, or even the inventor himself'. This assurance mAy be deer - nab extr a vngnm; but a critical exarainat ran at ;he principles on which this Lack is - constancretV will satiFfy any one having even a limited knowledge., of toechanisin that it is well-found, d—and the actqu l iia.pection of the Lack fur a few micures remove carte&iota that may trial iu any mind. He has - nemet au,4 certifiento., f rom fl an k o ffi cer .,• Brlters and (several io this ri.s) al,' have ta•eb tone. Lack, w hich he still be I)appy to vzhibit, brat par every explanatiuu tu a ho tatty he olea••ed 1.01, CUCIIRAN, • Fire Vroaf 111111 Vault •lari at;uracbarer.. 'Corner Liberty and I' sts., sth %at' ja`..4 • VERY LOW FOR CASH. • ' ? Hi m rpmE sui‘criber offer.: for cute .ll; L huge and splerktiid u.e.tortruellt a PIANO FORTES of different p7ttternA, walsanled to . be of superior wotl,manship, and of tlat•best rriateriuts .he tone not to be exceeded by any intbeenuntry. ' F. BLUME.,: • . • Ceimer or Penn and St.Cinirstreets. . 1 nppo,llf• t h e F:Xell”Tifff... Piano Eortcs. THE subscriber 1.11; r' f' sale a lacer and ttrlet did 85 4 01 - IMent 1 , 1 riane Fo from :no.° to $450 each. • The labOVe oslrLmen I s a recf . rcperior monship. and made of the best matey - MIN the mile is mat co be excelled by any in this couatry. F. BLUM E. Corner of Pentland St Clair streets, opposite Ex, Change Hotel. For Coughs! Colds Con vamptwas THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY. r 11, THIS pleasant and certain core for - 4 coughs and colds goes Abead.ocaAtl.c preparations now or es cr °tiered to the public. The 11ie of it is 'so great thili tht rfi6firfe tur has acme difficulty in keeping a for the in creasing demand. Medical agencies, grxeries;rirtig, gists,coffee-houses, and even bars on steamboats keep a supply on hand. It is called ter every where, and will sell in any place. The reason is tills:- every Ono who has a cough or cold by eatieg a few sticks find themselves cured, as it were, by magic. , Persons at a distance, by remittintr the money. post 'paid, to the subscriber, will be sttendCri to. For sale by the 6.1 cents; 5 sticks fur 25 rt.; and at wholesale by THORN; Druggist, 33 Market sti where a general assortment of Drugs and medicines may• alu opt.- be found... pay 23 . Improved Shutter Fosterierv. THE subscriber ling invented and mann faettirm; a superior SHUTTER FASTENER, made en malleable iron, and superior to anything - of the kind now in use in thin city, und, he believes in the United States. To be had at any of the Ilnrdware stores ib thecity. and at the manufactory, Smithfield '34.. C • or ner of Diamond alley. J. VO6DES.• - .jan DIASULATT HOTEL, East corner of Ferry and Water atree:.'s, • PIT TSBI7 RG H. _ . 1 HF: above establishment has been re-mOdeleci, re-fitted and re-pointed,nnd is now open for the reception of the troweling commoniiv. Thosefa'Vet.- ing the Proprietor with a cull, will fin d that no pains will b sparedto conduce to their comfort and •conve nience whilst sojourning with him; his table.; will he spread with the choicest viands and his bar fat niched with the finest liquors. The Proprietor has nitia , rnode, arrangements 'by which he can a.;conimodate "those traveling with horses and vehicle, N. B. Leech's Express Packet Office i 3 lornteel in the above house. ap 16. note' and Boarding House. FRANKLIN HOUSE. THE sinsberiber respectfully iniorms his friend& and the public, thnt he has opened a Hotel and Boarding House, conker at ti‘citt 'meet and Cherry alley, wheratmellera and ether; will be accommoda ted on the most reasonable terms. The house is spacious, and has been fitted op at considerable ex pense, and every arrangement is made that will er c sure the comfort and render t.ntisfactien to _hoolders and lodgers. A share of public patruna,;e in respect,. fully solicited. ap22-if CHRISTIAN SCHmErrtz... Day Boarding,. The subeeriher heing well provided with every :ion , yenience to arrommodate any number of guests at his. Hotel-intheDiamond,wouldf re.tpec t folly inform thos6 who reside in the country, but do badness in the city; that his table is prepared every day for the reception of transient boardent, either by the day or sin 31u meats; and from bislang experience in the business, the atyl4 of his table and unremitting exertions to pletis4 aii who may favor him with thair put ronag,e he feos con fdent of being able to give entire satiifaerion: A number of the most respectable merchants in the city h lye boarded at his house for years, to suborn he cats refer forth° character of his arer , rnmodat ions. ..., my 26. DA NIF:L FICIKESOW Cutlery, Surgical Instruments and Edge Tools. JOHN W. BLAIR, having made an arrangement with Thomas M'Carthy, Cutler, he is now pre pared to furnish all articles Used by Dentists, Sur geons,Suddlers, Tinners, Tailors.andShog makers, at the shortest notice on the most rettsoriable terms. Any orders left with John W. Bluii , No lf.la Wood street. will have immediate attention: a p 12.-1 f GEORGE COCHRAN, OFFERS for sale at reduced cash: prices—Axes Hoes, Mattocka,Manure and Hay forks, Spades. and Shovels, Coal and Grain Shosels, Sickles and Scythes, 1V ihdow Glass, Spinaieg Wheel ; Arcair,, argil various Qther articles of Pittsburgh •and Ats bens Manufacture, which he is - constant recgio Yr' ate•Matitifictories. Also. ..Cotton , Yarn .guid. - ehet4o;•Thlis t B rostrelothx.." '" " - -.~-- Y EMS _~:~~:~ ~:: u Jg 1 '2 non