upt , - ZZ= VOL. I-NO. 80. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY IhtllllOll2,llllBBlllST at BIGLER, _..:dl. Mamie ! . kr Weed and Fifa Street.. Tsars.—Five clollati a year, payable in advance. Me defiers will Invariably be required if not paid within** year. •Ainightoopiws Two CMITII—for sale at the counter eitbe Ogles, sod by News Boys. Slis Weakly lisevary and Slansflicturer robilisibed at the tame office, on a double medium fativar TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin teitivieles, SIX CENTS. ir • t 41 LVE LINES OR LESS: One mouth, $5 00 Two de., 6 00 Threado., 7 00 Four do., 8 00 Si: do., 10 00 One year, 15 00 Mt *MARE OF TAY Oreineertion, ' 40 30 io.. 0 75 Ibresaci., i 00 Ofte• week, 1 50 Two do., 3 00 DE'S. ao., 4 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS •CRAIaLILS AT PLZASURZ. 1 " thselvtare. Two Squares. Vs. oaths, $lB 00 Six months, $25 00 25 00 One year, 35 00 -Lesiges aeleartisaments in proportion. rirTARDS of fear lines Six Dott•ai a year. I'. -WM. O'HARA ROBINSON., (LATC Q. s. ATTORPIRY,) 11145 : 1 his Wks to No. 8 St. Clair street sept.4l =WIN o. WILSON, ATtORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Prot lfa, Yemen:o Corry. Perna., WILL attend promptly to all business entrusted to his eare--eolleetions Lade in Warren, Clarion and Jetrersom counties. J. A. SVICKTON, 8E Co, MURPHY, W Mica!, & Co.. Pittsburgh Jous BIOLER, Tioi.James KIKK[aR, Franklin HOP. ALEX WCALKoIiT, Hon. JAillEs VirtLiox, Steubenville, Ohio. C. ORLANDO LOOMIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. _ Mee, Fourth street, above Smithfield. July 14y. GLUM & NIGHT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. AV,: removed their office to the New Court House, In the room over the Shenff'.Uthce. • 17-11". Law Notice. - • ANDREW BURKE, CIFFICF: removed to Smithfield street, between Ur 4th street and Diamond Alley, opposite Mr Geo We man's Tobacco Manufac ory. a p 16 itemeral. MAHort & WASHINGTON . Attorneys et Lass; office on the north side of Wylie at., 3d door 'motor the Court House. tip 17 - - Law Notice. a , WANES CALLAN has removed to the chambers slocupiett by Alderman McMaatera on Fifth at. 'between Wood and Smithfield. ep 18 REMOVAL. 0.1.. S•binsoa & M. illrßride, ATToRIILTS AT L•W, IMAVE removed their office to Grant street, • 111.; short distance from Seventh street, towards the Caws House. 191 1 /Coinefienicingand other instrumentsof writing legal y and promptly executed. ap2l M'CANDLESS & M'CLURE. Attorneys and Colmaraim at Law, .OSOII in the Dimond, back of the old Court Dottie. irp 10 Pittsburgh. Wa. Xi. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pitaseurgit Pa. Caton) Bakewell's building, Grant int., tairWlLLtim E. AIIST IN, Esq., will give his eaten glom us my unfmiabecl business, and I reciiimroenil him sett" patronage of my friends. sap 10-7 WALTER FORWARD. Shaba & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, 06co at the building formerly occupied by the Uni *e States bank, 4th street, between Market end Wood eeserati. m 2 I -3m • CHARLES SRAILIa. LDWARTI SINIMON. • Gm,. S. Seldom, Attorney at Law, 'gyp oo Fourth street, between Maxi and Smithfield lar'Conveysnaing and ether instruments of wri qdag IsSsUy and promptly executed. • Isar 214 .JOISN S. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, OFFICE, North sisie of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. S. Callnetions made on reasonable terms. der. 4-ly John W. Durrell, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TJAS Removed in cnneequenee of tin. late fire from .1.11. Third street to Bakewell's Buildings, oppcnote to' th• Court House Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Offlee, near the Court House, in Melton's buildings • vely7 U. Morrow, Alderman, Pk° north side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield. Pittsburgh. Sep 10-tf Joie. Blakely, ALdenaan, oaai Pena at., snarl-tie Mar Let House, St.ll Ward. fob 25. Dr. George Watt, , 016ce, No. 77, Smithfield street, near Sixth, stir 11. PITTSBURGH - 8. D. SELLERS, M. D., REMOV ED to Penn street, between Irwin and Haeditesets. five doo,s below Band istreet. HUGH ASTERS, . SURGEON DENTIST. 118 Liberty street. * few doors below St Clair it., Pittsburgh Was. A, Ward, Dentist, lirsos removed to the piece or his FOI trier residence, in fp, street, two doors below Irwin. ap 18 • beetle. Daniel McNeal, 4:118be on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. dec 10—y JOHN SCOTT & CO, ilighnielain•GlTocers and Conuniadan Mar chants, No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street, •lt9 17 Pittsburgh. .ioati!•at'opr lIT Jr A J. AVDEVITT, WHOLESALE GROCERS, • Beiderri in Ptodoee and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No. 224, Liberty, opposite 71b Street, Pitts burgh. Pa; ap 28-1 y JOHN W BLAIR, 811114111 a II A ifVPeoTUR It AND SHOE FINDINGS STORE, 2a NO PITTSBURGH -LSO, WOOD sTILICET, •0 MY• 11 1 111Mmomer‘metralled Iflacking.; ivpororAcry !MD andsold wiwiesale tad retail, .•Y-..suss ►sttcsir awe LiDer below Smithfield. itert2lly. Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Mattstfactarer of Iron and Nails Warehouse, SmithSelti above Fourth street. sep 10—y WHOLESALFAND RETAIL GROCER, AND Dealer in Produce , at. W. Greer's old stand, No 46, corner Of Market and Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. N. B. The best of Groceries kept constantly nn hand. [op 9 d3tn VIEHTISING. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 44, Market street. sep 10 CRUSE & LIPPINCOTT, Commission, Praise*, and Forwarding Illossimats, No. 87 4. 98 (old number) SAIITWS WHARF, BALTIMORE, (MD.) RErirttnczu—The Merchcuits of Pittsburgh in gement'. inn 13-6 m DAVID LLOYD W UOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AN!) DZALTRS lit PILODCCE t PITTSBCROII MARC 1 Liberal acl;ancaa in cash or goods made on consignments of produce, &c., at No. 142, Liberty street. ml 5 The highest price paid in cash for Country Rags, Baling Rope and Cotton Waste. Also, dealer in Chloride of Lime, raper, Twine, &c., at cash prices. jaly 14. d iy. Office, Sr/IS/10dd Street, ear nee of Diamond Alley. pLA NS and Sp.-cifieations finished in the best styla and at the ehortemt notice. Karr. Reacts: Logan & Kennedy, II Child. & Co.. J Woodwell, A Kramer, W B Senile and Col tart & Dilworth. jan. 14. 1845—.41y. Forwarding and Commission niorrhanta AP , D PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, FOR THE ALLEGHENY RIVER TRADE Corner of Penn and Irwin streets, L. 0. RETNOLD4, L. WILIMARTH. NEW 1300 E STORE. BOSWORTH & FORR EST , No. 43, Market street.ar.rt door to Thira'street, A RE jest opening a new end extensive a•snnment Pt of Books and Stationery, which they wholesale and retail at the lowest pr ires. n 1.25 Forwardingand Commissioa !Merchant, Agent fnr U. S Pm-ruble limit Line. ferthe trenmportn lion of Membandire to end from l'itteburgi, Baltimore Phil/0..10in. New Ynrk and Boeton. 131-1 v A. G. IZEINTIART, (Laic. Reinhart 4- Strong.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. PRODUCE 4- comMisSICN MERCHANT No. 140 LIOCEITT ST., PITTSBURGH, Pa let, 1 HAVE Removed to No. 2, Water street, near the corner of Wood, and near the Free from whence they were driven by the tire, where they sill be happy to ace their old ctoonmera. j t 19. FOR the reception and treatment of deformitet of the human frame, such as Club or Reeled feet, contracted joints, cry-neck and Strabismus or Squinting., and of Diseases of the Eye, inch as Ca taract,etc, under the Care of ALBERT G WALTER, M D. Liberty, near the corner of Fourth street. dec 31—dtf 1 PERSONS wishing to have their horses Nicked and Bobbed, by an experienced man rose the eastern cities, can have it attended to at all times—at I iolmes' Livery Stable on Third street, be. tween Market and Wood, near the Post Office. N. B.—Horses kept at Livery by the day, week or monthat the above stable. inyl7.sm THE subscriber having sustained a very heavy loss by the late fire, is constrained to call upon all who know themselves to be indebted to him to settle their accounts as soon as possible. He hopes this notice will be promptly attended to, as it is nem, sat v he should have ion& to recommence hisbusiness. fie does not vvish it to be underptood that this no tice is intended fur any of his customers who were sufferers at the late fire. np Is M. KANE, JR. THE President, Direct of. and Company, known an the ••I''armers' Deposit Bank of Pittsburgh," will, at the next meeting of the Legislature of the Commonwealth or Pennsylvania, make application for the privilege of inning nntes payable on de mand. THOMPSON BELL. Cashier. Pittsburgh July 15t,1845-jy3o-dtJanl3. 91HE subscribermanufactures and keeps constant ly on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (war ranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brasa plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands. Stump Joints, patent Leather, Sliver and Brass Lamps, Three-fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, &c., &c. He respectfully solicits a continuance of the patron. age heretofore bestowed upon the establishment. WILLIAM COLEMAN, jan 4 St Clair it., near the Allegheny Bridge. Jitltt3 M'DZYITT John nrCloskey, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty street, between Sixth street and Virgin alley, South side. sep 10 Charles U. Zsay s WHOLESALE and Retail tchdcaeller, Paper Dealer. Stationer and Bookbinder, Garner of Wood and Third stmts. sbprlS J. 0 VIIINTE, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, No, 114, Aforket street, near Liberty july 1-ly PITTSBURGH, PA JAMES DENNEY, Jr., D. & G. W. Lloyd, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, J. L.SEIEZI'S CASh RAG WAREHOUSE, Corner of Pennand Irwin sereetc Pittsburgh GEORGE COCHRAN, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING, Na. 2, Ferry street, - Pittsburgh. may 23 J. Vogdes & Son, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS D. GEO. FELL:, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Corner of Smithfield street eod Virgin Miry joi v 26. 1845•tf MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Next door to the Fifih Presbyterian Church. joneti. REYNOLDS & WILMARTO •nn nu►tak• i. LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, CHARLES A. McANULT V I=l REMOVAL. COO,LEY & LAIRD, Merchant Tailor,, Pittsburgh Infirmary, Notice to horsemen NOTICE PubUc Notice PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages At Eastern Prices. Drugs, Medicines, Dye Woods, Paints, Hatters? and Fullers' articles tirruiurpagied in quality and at prices that shall give general satisfaction. For sale by R. E. SELLERS, %Vholessie Druggist, NO. 57 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, THE present stock, to which the attention of Drug gists, Physicians and Country Merchants is re spectfully invited, is composed in part of the following articles:— 400 Ibi Gum Camphor; 150 Ibi Carb. Magnesia; 200 do Ground Turmeric; 300 do Sal. Nitre; 220 do Bath Brick; 365 do Cream Tartar; 100 do AC Cayenne Pepper; 155 do Grd. Ginger; 566 do Venet. Red; 1500 do Sp. Brown; 225 galls. Copal Varnish; 325 do Gum Shellac; 200 gross Vial Corks; 336 do Rerd. Borer; 400 lbs Flour Sulphur; 150 do Pink Root: 325 do Paris Green; 1144 do Ch. Lime; - 619 do Brimstone. 1000 do Yellow Odium 150 do Ginger Root; 1316 d :Epsom Salts; 391 galls. Sp. Turpentine; 3500 do Cue tatiral. Together with a full assortment of Eng Ish and Frenrh Chemical Paints, Oils, Varnish, Dye Stuffs, and a very fine selectidn of Imported Perfumery. a of which will be sold on the principle, that "a atiatae si.rpence es better Own a slow shilling." ocia-ti In= Select School for Boys sail Girls. ET WILLIAMS has open his Select School for 1A11_• Males and Females, in the room over Mr Dyet's Grotany, and formerly occorled by Mr Samuel Blood, in Federal street, Allegheny, on Monday, the 18th inst. Tanats:—PrimaryCless, $G per scholar per quarter of 11 weeks. Junior Clan, " a Senior Class, 10 " Rare REPICH. Rev. D. Elliott, D. D., Rev. D. H. Riddle, D. D., Rev. A. D. Campbell, D. D., Hon. Charles Shaler, Joseph P. G.izz4m, M. D., Charles H. Larsen, Esq. sept CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer No 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin , Pittsburg, Pa. N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment of Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tanis, Trusses, Asc. je 21. WASHINGTON HOTEL, Corner of 81. Clair and Penn struts, Pittaburgi, JAM ES .A.RMST WING, Proprietor. TH E proprietor br litavoto return his most grate ful thanks to his friends and the public for pant favor-, and hope., by attention, to merit a continuation of their patronage. The house is pleasantly situated near the Exchange; it ht. accommodations for tra•el ers, and a Inge room f•or public meetings, dinner or supper parties. A I% apt ready..l prepared nn the ,honest notice, with the choicest Ste market wail atTord. Oysters nod Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oxseerts, received eve. ry day during the Pl . 113011. The greatest care has been taken in the selection of wines and liquor.. Ava rte• tv of newspapers ate reguh.oly flied an the estahl.slt mem. I'. S. A Hot Lupi,h served up pvery de:. at 11. A M •r Is. T"Eparnership hervinfore existing between Jame. K. Logan and nienritn Cornell. trader the , firm of J K Logan & Co is tdis dsy diss.dred run content. All r.rreun. having Clairol •gainat the firm. eill irlearre !weer,: Owen for tlr.f,,nt, and !: trick tiled tart] please Mane payment to J K 11 , la duly out tionztd I‘., settle the bus mess of the concern. .1 K uG S, Pittsburgh, Attrtst 1, 1845 rITTSOVR , IH. 115-1 v AS. K. Lavin. enrol, of Wood and Fifth streets, 0111 over J D Auction Hoorn., being de•irous of changing his present business. "tiers for sal., his stork of Dry Goods now on hand. nt Co.?, romorising • Isrge assortment of cloths, casi o m es e s , aattinetts, vestingc priors. muslin.. See., and would respectfully invite the atientian of those wishing to gurehase es be is ‘l,,,,,ined 10 direr rap his resent business. August '2, 1845.—ang 4. Tiff: inronn• his Crintiels and the pub lIC. that lie has uprnt • d a new CABINET WARE ROOM, nt the corner cif Ltberty and Sc C:nir streets, over Br,,wn end Reiter's Orni ; Store, %here he is prepared to &rend to all order, In Lis ii ic. rif' Entrance on St Clair weer r Ii E: Sin of Ignorance is easily forgiven. Many of -I. the "nostrums . ' of the presootit day are put out by persons also have no knowledge Abe science of 'neon- CiPte in theory or practice, and in older to hide their ig• norance cry out loudly against the "Ignorant Pretend ers," end bribe others to boast fur them, which oft times has gulled the unsuspecting. and for want of a pr toper know leoi[e of the di seascs they pretend to (We. /10 doubt think they cure when they do not, therefore they are to he pitied, but not half so much as those who take their '•ontscrable eosnyxmnds," but they not only lose their money, but miss the advantage of that ne cessary ad‘ice which the real practical r hy,ician, is always able to give. We look to the tailor for an im provement in the mode ofolress; to the medical man for an improvement in the science of medicine—and this accounts for the great superiority of Dr Sorayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry rover all other medicines ever offered to the public for the cure of all diseases of the Lungs and Breast, Coughs, Colds, Cowrumpisuw, Asthma, :Spitting Blond, Liver Com plaint, Pain in the Side and Breast, Broken Constitu tion, &c. Remember always to Inquire for the name of Dr S'icayae. ay all preparations which have the name of tir'shi Cherry attached were stolen from the great original preparation. The gonuine is only prepared by Dr Steayne. corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. For sale by WM. THORN, Agent. ap 5-tnov 1 Pittsburgh. EXTENSION OF PaTSBURGII Rare Chance for good Investments T subscriber line laid out, end now viler. for sale at reasonable prices and on accommodating terms, One hundred and ten building Lot,, on that handsome level ground between Braddock street and the Monongahela river. They are about one-third of a mile from the city line, and are situated in that part of the first city district which will probably noun be annexed to the city as the Seventh Ward. No pro perly in the suburbs posseseessisperinr ad vantanges, nor has any heretofore been laid out with so liberal an al. Inwance of wide streets; Braddock is from one hun dred and twenty to about one hundred and ninety feet wide, and Ileelen, Commerce, Brady, Columbus and Water streets all wide avenues. Ivl.t of the lots have Iwo fronts, and as they are of various sizes, and will he sold, one lot, with the privilege of four nr her; early apnlicants can he accommodated to suit their own views of improvement. Persons who desire to build or to make secure investments in property that is sure to advance in value, and particularly those who intend to erect manufactories, would do well to view these Lots, and examine the draft, before purchasing else where, The survey for the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road and the tail road survey by the State of Penn sylvania were both made alongside of this property, and it is generally considered that Braddock street, or the ground immediately alongside of it, affords the only eligible route far a Rail Road from Pittsburgh to the Fast. Coal can be delivered on this propel ty at a much less cost than nn the Allegheny river, and there is always deep water at this* pit of the river. E. D. GA ZZ AM, aue2s-tf. Office Market between 3d Sr 4th sts A BEELEN has removed his Commission and II . Forwarding Business from the Canal Basin to his new Warehouse, on Third 'street, nearly aPPoake the Post Office. Inay SO. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1845. John C*rtwright, REFRE'qINIENTS Dissolution GEE. Co HELL Dry Goods at Cost. Removal by Fire M. KANE. Jn Removal. U.- ,}!-- A CURE FOR CONSUMPTION SEVEN I . IIOIISAND CASES Of obstinate Pulmonary Complaints cured in ONE YEAR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHER RY, the great American Remedy for corn. plaints and affections of the Respiratory Organs. We do not wish to traffic with the lives or health of the afflicted, and we sincerely pledge ourselves to make no assertions as to the virtues of this medicine, and to hold out no hopes to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. We ask the attention of tho candid to the following considerations. Nature in every part of her works, has left indelli ble marks of adaptation and design. The constitutkin of the animals and vegetables of the tort id, is suob that they could not endure the cold of the frigid case, and vice versa. In regard toillNease.and itA cure, the adaptation is mama? lairdTlPlting. The biota oflceland, the NV ild Cherry and Pines of all Northern latitudes, (and Dr. %Vistaed Balsam is a compound end chemical extract from these,) have Ilnefitseen celebrated for complaints prevalent only in cold climates, Indeed the most distinguished medi cal men bate scarred that nature furnishes in every COUDtryznedicioet for its peculiar diseases, uta r Cons in its con fi rmed an/ incipient stages, Coughs, • , Croup, and Liver complaint, form by far the..ir fatal class of diseases known to our land. Yet worm theses may be cured, by means of the simple yet powerful remedied, named above, and which are unuttered, by a beneticient l'rovidence, wherever those, maladies prevail. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY ! Will miracles never erase? More evidence of its surpassing , lealiAl Restorative Virtues ! From Dr. Baker, Springfwld, Washington co., Ky SPRI:VG/lELD; Ky., May 14, 1845. Meson Sanford & Park—Gents—l take this oppor tnnity of Informing you of a most remarkable cure performed upon me by the use of Br. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. In the year of 1840 I was taken with an infflamma. lion of she bowels, which I labored under for fa weeks when I gradually recovered. In the fall of 1831 1 was attacked with a severe chill, which seated itself upon my lungs; and for the space of three years I was con fined to my bed. I tried ell Linda of medicine., and every kind of medical aid without benefit, and thus I wearied along until the winter of 1314, until I heard o f B•lsam of Wild Cherry." My frletdy punamded me to give it a trial, though I had given up all hopes of - recovery and had prepared myself for the change of soother world. Through their solicitations 1 wag induced to make use of the Genuine Winer-1r Ilaltarn of Wild Cherry. The effect was truly astonishing,. After five years of affliction, rein and suffering: arid after having spent four or five hundred dollars to no purpose MIA the best and moat respectable physicians had prayed unavailing, 1 lan. soot, restored to entire health by the blessini of God arid the use of Br. Will2ll ' .l Balsam of 11 ild Cherry. I am now enjoying good health and such is my ul ra te d appearance that I am no longer known when 1 meet my former acquaintances. I have gained rapidly in weight. and my flesh is firm and solid. I ran now of "much as any person. and my food seems to agree with me. I hive eaten more during the last ■ix mortal* than I had r e li ct) Enc. years Itefore. Coesivleringkey ease almeru n miracle, 1 deem it necessary for toe 0,4 of the afflicted, and a ditty I e to tie Om'. o•CoI - 11 and rny follow men (w ho should know where tear( may be bad) to make this state ment p Jill . Nls) tlin blessing of God rest upon the proprietors 4.ir sisiiisbie a rm-dirine a. Wistsr•s Balsam of Cherry. Yours, respectfully. The fo!'„wing i..tter from Dr Ititrltey, of Frt...kho. Intl., win, stand. high in In. prof - 00.nm, end rank. nrnong t he luta politicians of the mitt*, shall •penk for it ttett - in commendation of UM "Genuine W 'cods Balsam of IVdd Cherry." Franklin, Ind., April 14, 1845. Messrs Sandford Park—l have but • few bot tle. of ‘Vlllttlf . • Ita!sant of wild cherry remaining on hand of the last lot I ornt•hed me by too. I hereto lore waded until I hid !told out nod boil obtamed the money for one tot before I °rimed another. But such it the demand for the snide that I do not wish to be without it. and rem therefore led to ant impute a little. The money for the last shall be forth:oming by the time the lot is disposed of, whirl), from the sales I hove made latch, 1 think will be but • abort time. effects of the balsam are in many strikingly benefit-nil. .1 . 7" It improves upon acquaintance more then • 11? "the. Patent Sledleine I have ever know. A mint all inhere fail upon trial. end not being able to hear the test of cape. Mee, soon sink into disuse. This, however, seems to be most highly valued by those who have tested its virtues, and eiperieneirol Its heating efficacy in their own ease+. Yours very re• opectiolly. JAMES RITCHEY. 1 14 1148'. ‘ • s . 41 . t BE W 4, 11 TA, 01) COU Mew who Cotartlerfrit a god medicine for the purpose of adding n few dollars to their pockets, are far worse than the manufacturers of spurious coin. For while the later only robs us of our property, the former tat, property and health and life away.— Dr. 1V tsr•R•S Bethaln of Wild Ckrrry is admitted by thousands of disinterested witnesses, to have effect. ed the most extraordinary cures in cases of a pulmo nary and asthmatic character ever before recorded in the history of medicine. The young, and beautiful, the good, all speak forth its praise. It i■ now the faeorite medicine in the most intelligent families of our country. Such a high stand in public estimation has been a. ehieved by Its own merits alone. And so long as a discerning public are careful to get Wister's Ila tra Wiiri Cherry, and refuse with scorn counter feits, and every other article preferred to them as a substitute, so long will eu res—posilice cures—cheer the fireside of a depniring family. ['{'The true and genuine - Wister's Balsam of Wild Cherry" is sold at established agencies in all parts of the United States. Sold in Cincinnati, on the corner of Fourth and Walnut street, by SANDFORD & PARK. Gen . ! Agents for the Western States. Al•n, %old wholesnlo and retail. by L. Wilcox. and B A Falinestock, Pittsburgh, Pa. and by appointed agents in every important Borough id Western Penn sylvania. uct 14-Iy. Pittsburgh ack Factory THE undersigned, hnving built machinery of the most approved kind, will manufacture of the best quality of Iron and in the neatest style, TACKS,BRADS. I FINISHINGNAILS, SHOE NAILS, &c. &c. which they offer for ante low. The attention of NVestern Merchants and others is invited to their establishment. WOODWARD, HERSEY & CO. Fifth street. opposite the Exchange Bank. july 1-6 m. FRESH LEECHES! Leeches! Leeches!! Leeches!!! I) he doyen. hundred, or thousand; Imsh and will b:te quick, for sale, and will be applied at redo: ced rates. Operations of Cupping performed as mle] without pain. L. J. CHAMBERLAIN, Pa. Dental Surgeon, No 8 St Clair street, Pittsburgh, itemovaL wm. M< 1V RIGHT, DENTIST, has romoosd to St. asir met, next door to the Exchange Hotel Buntline. sop 1 SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington City, D. C., until Saturday the 15th day of November next. at 1 o'clock, for furnishing the following goods, in the quantities annexed, or thereabouts, for the use of the Indians; and deliverable at the following places, viz: At Nem YorA. 950 pairs 3 point white Mackinac blankets 1,222 " 24 do do do do 700 " 2 do do do do 700 " 14 do do do do 400 " 1 do do do do 104 " 3 do scarlet do do 98 " 24 do do do do 26 " 3 do green do do 98 " 3 do gentinella blue do 1,000 yards blue, fancy, and grey list cloth. 350 yards scarlet do do do 125 " grass green rkv do 2,400 " blue saved list cloth 750 " scarlet do 100 " green do 50 lbs. worsted yarn, 3 fold 68 doz. cotton flag handkerchiefs 11 doz. black silk do 374 doz. 8-4 cotton shawls, assorted 19.350 yards domestic calico 1,100 " blenched cotton shirting 3,670 " unbleached do do 3,200 " unbleached cotton sheeting 3.050 " domestic checks, stripes and plaids 7.000 " plaid linseys 1,600 " flannel shirts 87 lbs. linen thread 250 " cotton di. 4,000 yards satinet 850 " bed ticking 2,500 lbs. Holland twine 830 " sturgeon twine 1,000 cod lines 500 trout do 1 000 head do 840 lbs brass kettles 785 tin kettles 40 nests japanned kettles (8 in a'nest) 76 doz: butcher knives 14,000 gun flints Al St. Louis, Missouri. 950 pairs 3-point white Mackinac blankets 767 - 24 do do 417 " 2 do do 1 1 374 " 14 do do 430 " 1 do do 124 " 3 do scarlet do 104 " 24 do do 143 " 3 .do green do '• 3 gentinella blue do 1 500 tatds blue strouds 1.000 •• scerlet do 1,500 .• blue, fancy, and gray list cloth 217 " green ,10 do 372 " scarlet do do 1,360 b:ue saved list cloth • 350 " green do do 480 " scarlet do do 435 pounds worsted yain 68 dozen cotton flag heoderchiefs 40 " Madras do 66 " black silk do 40 " 8-4 cotton shawls, assorted 7.500 yards domestic calico 1.930 " English and French calico 2.230 " bleached cotton shirting 6.000 " unbleached do do 4,403 " do do sheeting 5.300 domestic check., stripee and plaids 126 dozen woollen socks 1.880 yards plaid linsey 3.400 " flannel assorted 446 flannel shirts 500 calico shirts 85 pounds linnen thread 75 " cotton do 36 " sewing-silk 20 gross worsted gartering 310 pieces ribands, snorted 100 groas fancy and clay pipes 50 pounds vermillion, Chinese 500 " heads, luso, led 1,200 " brass kettles 465 tin kettles 46 neat. japanned kettles (eight in a nett) 36 dozen frying-paint 666 tin pans 600 tin cups 3f; dozen fire-steels, am-tried 75 " Britannia and paper looking-glasse s 12 gross buttons, aunt tad 66 1100 brass nails 10,000 fish-books 100 dozen fishing lines 455.00 needles 220 dozen combs 40 " scissOrs 13 " iron spoons pewter and tin plates (one-half of each) 10 packs pins 7 gross thimbles 67 augurs 24 dozen gimblets 233 dozen butcher knives 32 gross squaw awls 14,000 gun flints 20 dozen strnng hoes 10 gross gun worms 410 northwest guns; two thirds of which must measure 36 inches in the barrel, and one third 42 inches; 100 deliverable in the city of New Yolk, and the residue at the place where manufactured. AlllO--.• 27 dozen axes, to weigh from 5 to 5,4 pounds. 71 dozen half axes do. 34 do. 47 dozen squaw axes de, 3 do. 45 dozen hatchets do. 14 do. To be delivered at the place where manufactured. A schedule of the articles, with samples, may be seen at tho office of the Commissioner of Indian Af fairs, in Washington, exhibiting the amount of money to be expended for each article; but the department reserves the right to increase or diminish the quan tity of any of the articles named, or substitute others in lieu thereof. The whole amount in money to he applied to the purchase of goods, will be abort *85,000; of which some $40,000 will be wanted on the seaboard, and the residue in the west. Goods of American manufacture all other things being equal, will be preferred. The party proposing to supply the articles will make an invoice of all the items embraced io the above list, and affix the prices, in dollars and cents, at which he or they wit furnish them, deliverable in New York and St. Louis respectively, on or before the fifteenth day of May next, assuming the quantity of each arti cle as specified in this advertisement, and extending cost, making an aggregate of the whole invoice before sending it on. The goods will be inspected at New York or St. Louis by an agent of the United States, who will be appointed by the department for the pur pose, and to ascertain the conformity of the articles purchased with the samples exhibited, when the con tract shall be made, and with the terms of the contract itself, which Shull contain a clause, that if the articles are not furnished within the time prescribed, or if they are of insufficient quality, in the opinion of the agent aforesaid, and if within five days' after notice of such insufficiency the party shall not furnish others ih lien thereof, of the required quality, the United States shall be authorized to purchase them of others, and to charge any increase of price they may be compelled to pay therefor to the contractor, who shall pay the said difference to the United States. As these goods will not be ready for delivery before the middle of May, seperate proposals will be received for their transportation from New York or St. Louis, to their destination in the Indian country, up to first of March Bonds will be required, in the amount of the bids. with two good surities, the sufficiency of whom to be certified by a United States judge or district attor ney, for the faithful performance of the contracts.— Payment will be made after the contract is completed, and the delivery of the goods at New York and St. Louis respectively, to an agent of the department, up. cre a duplicate invoice certified by him. Coramunications to be marked, "Proposals for Indi an goods." The bids will be submitted with the following head- WNI. ti. BAKEn IZMM Proposals for Indian Goods. ii;iiVii ing, and none will be received that are not made in the form and terms here prescribed: ''l (or we) propose to furnish, for the service of the Indian Department, the following goods, at the prices affixed to them respectively, viz: Ware insert the list of goods.) "Deliverable in the cityof New York, or St. Louis, on or before the-day of -next; and in case of the acceptance of his proposal, the quantity being prescribed by the department. I (or we) will exe cute a contract according to this agreeament, and give satisfactory security to the department, within eight days after the acceptance of this bid; and ie case of failure to enter-into such contract, and give inch secu rity, I (or we) will pay to the United Staters the dif ference between the sums bidden by me, (or us) and the sum which the United States may be obliged to pay for the same articles." OFFICE LID11:11 AF7AIRS, September 30, 1845. T. II ARTLEY CRAWFORD. Commislioner of Indian Affairs oet7-3tawtls Nov. RE-BUILT AND AT WORK! PITTSBURGH CLOTHING STORE. WILLIAIIII B. SHAFFER, MERCHANT TAILOR, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally, that he has taken the NEW STORE At the earner of Wood and Water streets, on the site occupied by Mr S. Schoyer previous to the Great Fire, where he is prepared to furnish all articles in the line of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, On the moat moderate terms, and at the shortest no tice. His stock of Goods is ENTIRELY NEW, And has been selected with much care to suit the mar ket. He has in his employment some of the best workmen in the city, and from long experience in the business, he hopes to give general satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. A large as sortment of Clothing suited to the Beason. consisting of Cloth, Frock and Dress Coats, of all colon various qualities, from $6 to $18; various patterns Tweed, Linen, Gingham and Cassimere Coats, vary ing in price from $ Lf2s to 6; together with a large stock of Cloth, Cassicnere, Sauinett, Tweed, Jean and Sum mer Pants—all of whi:h have been recently manufac tured, and of the best materials, purchased at the late reduced prices. He offers to the public as GOOD BARGAINS Asany establishment in the city. He has also a large stock of Vests, Shirts, cotton and silk Cravats, Scarfs and Handkerchiefs, which be it prepared to sell low for rash, and cash only. Havine secured the services of an excellent Cutter, he is prepared to manufacture garments of all kinds to order, in such a manner as to render the PITTSBURGH CLOTHING STORE worthy of public patronage. The public are incited to call and examine for thenvrelrea. jy^_4•tf JUST RECEIVED AT THE IRON CITY CLOTHING STORE , No. 124 Librrty at , two doors from St. Clair street, ASPLENDID assortment of Fall and Winter Goods. The proprietor of this truly favored es• tablishment announces to the Public, that he is preps led to mita so order all articles in his line, at the shortest notice, and in the most FASHIONABLE STYLE. Fisving secured ihe services of one of the BEST CUT TERS in the city, be will in all cases warrants good fit. He has splen- did assortment of TAatta and Itt.stit BEAVER CLOTHS, Also superfine Blue. Black, Brown and Invisible Green Cloths of all qual ities and listriousprices to suit the purchaser. He has a splendid lot of vesting. of all patterns: &isthmus in great satiety: Shirts. Stocks, Bosoms, Cullers, Handkerchiefs, Sus penders, and ever• other article in the CLOTHING LINE, which he will sell LOW FOR CASH. The proprietor return. his sincere thank. to his old Customers and the Public in general. fol the very• lib. eral manner in which they hove patronized his estab lishment. and hopes by at, ict attention to busineas , and selling them Chap Good*, to merit a continuation of the same. C. M'CLUSKEI. aug 20-43 m. LEATHER AND HORDED& RICHARD BARD w No. 101 Wood 4tree , , 4 doors above Diamond alley PITTSBURGH. HAS just received a large supply of New York and Baltimore Spanish Sole Leather,Upper Leather, Philadelphia and Country Kips and Calfskin,. Moroc• en of all kinds, Shoe Bindings, Tanners' Oil, &c, &c. All of which is offered at the very lowest prices for cash. Merchants and Nfanufacturers are respectfully inci ted tonal' and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. N B. I.4tat her of all kinds bought in the rough aug.2B-Atf. To Iron Manufacturers, &c THE subscribers will dispose of their Patent for mnnufactunng Patent Wrought Iron Butt Hinges, west of the Alleghenies, and furnish and put in opera tion in Pittsburgh, one set of Machinery capable of mnking 400 due. par day. For particulars, cost of manufactaring, cost per dozen, selling prices, and terms of sale, address ROY & CO., nog 2 . 6-2md West Troy, New York. TO PRINTERS. Type Foundry, and Printer': Furnishing Warehonle. 'THE subscribers have opened a new Tye, Foundry in the city of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent, for any any kind of job or fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Cases, Galleys, Brass Rules, Steel, Column do, Composing sticks, Chases, and every• article necessary for a Printing Office. The type are cast in new moulds, from an entirely new set of matrixes, with deep counters, are warrant ed in he unsurpassed by any, and will be sold to suit the times. Printing Presses furnished, and also Steam Engines of the most approved patterns. N. IL—A machinist constantly in attendance to re pair Presses and do light work. Composition Rollers cast for Printers. Editors of Newspapers who will buy three times na much type RA theirs bills amount to, may give the above six -nnnths' insertion and send their papers containing it to the subscribers C ROCKFORT & OVER END 68 Ann street Port Pitt Works, Corner of O'Hara and Etna streeio, Fifth Ward DISSOLUTION. THE firm of Freeman, Knap & Totten. is this day dissolved, by the sale of the entiro interest of John Freeman in the concern, to Charles Knap, Jr. and William J Totten, who will continue the business under the name of Knap & Totten, and will settle all claims against the said firrn, and receive all debts and demands owing to the same. -Pittsb'gh, Aug. 18, 1845-aug2B Glory, Gratitude aad Patriotism. The Jackson Wreath, or National Sonvenir. ANational Tribute, commemorative of the great civil victory, achieved by the people, through the Hato of New Orleans, containing a map of tin United Stues, a portrait of Gen. Jackson, a view of the bat tle of New Orleans and the Hermitage. .Just received and for sale by JOHNAIrrON & STOCKTON, Market street. , 7".::"4":? • _ - PRICE, TWO CENTS _ • 471 ars4ll 4/1t ROCHRI BROTHERS & COOS " • 11100Lla WELItLY Ann SENII•MONTHLY LOX 41 SPLENDID New York and Liverpool Pac kets, BLAKELY & 51ITCHEL, AGENTS, I Office, Canal Basin, Penn al. caul Saiiikitelel, mtae 6th etree&i,Pilleburgli, Pa. ROCHE, BRO.'S Sc CO., in asking tho mke n yy, of their friends and the public to their 'mange roents for 1845, beg leave to assure them that - nothing shall be wanting on their part, to render those who may select their line. both Rafe and comfortable, Per ticular attention will be paid to aged personettand Youths who may be sent for by their parents. Arno • the vessels composing the "Black Ball or Old Life of Liverpool Packets, will be found the NEW YORK, OXFORD. YORKSHIRE, MONTEZUMA, CAMBRIDGE, and COLUMBUS. Persons desirous of sending for their faiendst now residing in any part of the "Old Country," can Make ' the necessary arrangements with the rubscribers, and have them brought oat. by the above well knownia. ; trorite "LINE OF PACKETS," which sail from Liv• erpoul punctually on the 15th and I 6th of every mouth: also, by first class AMERICAN Ships, sailin there every SIX DAYS during 1845. Shoold the persons decline coming out, the money will be retura ed to the parties here, without any deduction on pro ducing the passage certificate and the receipt. With such unequalled and superior arrangements, the sub- scribets confidently look forward, for a continuance of that support which has been extended to thee,, so many years. Apply to (or erldreti by letter. post paid,) ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO. No 95 Fulton at. New York. Or BLAKF.LY & MITCHEL, Penn and Smithfield et. Pittsburgh, Pa. Agent at Liverpool, JAMES D. ROCHE, Esq. sepl3-d&w No 20 Water st. ' Remittances to Great Britain and Lre and the Isles of Guernsey and Jersey. • PERSONS desirous to remit to their relatives in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, or to the Isles of Guernsey and Jersey, can ut all times obtain drafts payable at eight, on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dublin. Also on Messrs. Prescott, Grote, Ames & Co., Bankers, London; which will be paid on demand at any of the Banks, or their Branchrs, in all the prin cipal Towns throughout ENGLAND. IRELAND, SCOTLAND, WALES, GUERNSEY or JERSEY. This mode offers to those wishing to make remit tances, from One Pound and upwards, a perfectly safe way of sending money to their friends, and those who prefer that their friends should select their own time of coming •ut, and also select their own ships, can eis. mit money by the subacriber slur that purpose. • Apply to (or address by letter, post paid.) ROCHE. BRO.'S & CO. . No 20 Fulton st., New York. BLAKELY & MITCHEL L Pittsburgh. Pa. or sopl3,lSzAv e 1845 - Tapicott's Regular Weekly Liae'of NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL PACKETS. CHARLES A. PAYANITLTT, AGENT, CANAL BASIN, LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. THE ships of this Lino, among which are the M. fuwing splendid packers: Queen of Ike West. Malin vier, Liverpool, RIP cheater, Roacius, Siddons, Sheridan, Garrick. Are all vessela of the first class, being of 1,000 jou burthen and upward., renders them every way mare comfortable and convenient than ships of a smaller class. Their accommodation: for Cabin, Sewed Cabin and Steerage Paoseagers, it is well Lame, are superior to those of any other Line of Psalm* Persons about to embark for Europe, will not MI to see the advantages to be derived from iefeeting 'Mt line of vessels. Arrangements for bringing out pas sengers from any part of England, Ireland, Sad /and and Wales, are unsurpassed. Mr W Tap- Scott, one of our firm, personallysoperintentfe therm barcation of passengers, and departure of vessel. it Liverpool. In all cases, when those sent fin, ieethie coming out, the full amount of money paid foe per sage, will be refunded. REMITTENCE9. Persons wishing to remit money to their Meads la any part of the old country, can be supplied with drafts from £ I upwards, payable at sight at the fol lowing places, vie: In England—The National and Provinical Bank of England,J Burned, C., Liverpool; James Bolt & Son, London and branches throughout England and Wiles!. In Scotland—The Eastern Bank of &Wand, Na tional Bank of Scotland. Gt eanock Banking Co., and branches throughout Scotland. In Iteland—The National Bank of•lrelaad, and Provincial Bank and branches throughout. Iceland. Apply (if by letter post paid,) to CIiAS. hi'ANULTY, Agent, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, or to K. &J. T. TA PSCOTT, 76 South it., New York. Agents in Liverpool— %V illiam Tapsentr, ) Geo. Rippard & Son. 96 Waterlaua°4l Dept In. New York and Liverpool Commercial LIAO of Packets. JOHN HERDMAN, 61South al.,Nezo York, rrl HE subscriber, in calling the attention of limpub lic to his unequalled arrangement fur bringing out passengers from all parts of Great Britain by the above line of splendid ships, sailing from Liverpool weekly, would respectfully make known that in addi tion to his regular agents, he has appointed Mr Thom as H Dickey, who will remain at Llverpool during the season to superinted the embarkation of all passen. gen engaged here. Personsengaging may, therefor,, rely on their friends, and all who may =tummy: them, being promptly sent forward. He isots aggisamand . , prepared to remit money by draft, payable at sight through the United Kingdom, in amounts tit suit ap plkauta•nd at the lowest rates. For further patties, lan apply to address JOHN HERDMAN, No 61 South at., New Turk, JOSEPH KIRKPATRICK,. At James DulzelPs Water at., Pittsburgh. July 16-3 m. To the is Patrons of the Morning Post aM Mercury and Manatfaettlxistr • Under an agreement with posers. Bigler, &moat & Bigler, such of our subscribers as may base paid us in advance for either of oar papers, will be emptied for the unexpired time at our charge. All debts delimit" become due o n subsisting contracts, for advertising, &c , are to be collected by us, and ell such commie are to be fulfilled by our successors. We earnestly solicit all those indebted to es tomato immediate payment. We intend to denote coarsely& to closing our business, and those who owe ye moat settle up. We will remain at the office of the Past, where we may be found during business hours. cirri. above notice of Messrs. Phillips & &atilt, in reference to subscriptions paid in advance, as well as subsisting contracts for Advertising, explains fully and correctly the aT rangement made between no. jy22 BIGLER. SARGENT & BIGLER. James Pat - twain, jr, Corner of Ist and Ferry streets ; riaseho s e k p e ,,, manufacturer of loolr 4 , hinias and belts; tobenots fai• lerillatAa, , mill end timber acreviir, house% screws fee mai m ta sap 107' 4 r'4'n'ttl. • -17 'i;~ 1645, 848. PHILLIPS & SMITIL ''~ ..