-,~ _ ~.. E Valhi ,ruing Vast. PITTIMURGII, PA - -------- FRIDAY MOR.NING. OC __- TOBER 11, 1845 __-. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE• CoIINITTIL TOR OCTOBR. George Ogden, W. Barker W. J. Howard =---------------- CORKESPON DENTS. 1 In reference to communications which may appear' In tido paper. we have one or two remarks to make.— NV e will insert none without the name of the author be ing be st made known to us, and when inserted, must al ways be taken as expresslveof the views of the writer, tad not the editor of this paper, unless the views so en . teased are editorially remarked upon and approved. _ . BACK .11011 R.---.. W. CJOil't Literary Depot Lb been removed tol m d, olda large stand in lot of Four new th st books. reet, where tie bas more roo,and Dm( MAROLE takes a benefit tv-night--his last ap pearance. He always has a house full at a benefit, and it "tames him right." MASONIC NOTICE. An ati3ourned meeting • of Lodge 45, A Y Masons, • I -.•-• • will be held this evening, •- at the hall, corner of Wood '• street and Virgin alley. r order of the Worshipful Master. r A. M'CAM MONcy. 17. S act PROPOSALS WILL be received until the 2 lit inst., for the col. lowing BILL OF TIMBER. for 50 henry a iach Colum ad Barbettr Carriages. ff=9 nl.ll I lt,he- I nril— !men 100 I L . , I Top Carriage 100_ I 9 1 11 1 19 1 7.11t/prights. 100 6 8 2 1 1 3 3 \ 7 71, B T r ie a s 100 races. 9 10 13 11 Front Transoms. 100 2 10 13 9 Middle do. 50 50 3 ft 19.4 12\ Rear do. 50 5 5 Ilg 16 Asie•Tmst. To be of White oak, of the best quality, cut hetet en the Stet of November, and the laic of Febr d -t u es, ary straight grained, free from Itn.os,ipltta, winhak worm holes, and every other defect. To be eeenly Saord an of uniform find accurate dimensions, and to be de d livered in the "Lumber Yard" of the Allegheny Arsenal. The Was to I , tme the price of the Timlx.r, clear of the heatt. and the rice with the hart in, per euhic fitot; each kind to b e seperately stated. E. 11 A HMSO. Capt. of or. Alleehany Arsenal, Oct. 11. 1845.—riet13—,11e. Havana Cigars. THE suhacsiber has opened his pplandi bis d Cizor Store. $.131 NIA tiKE,T Si., opp.isiio OLD eland, Tsbiere his friends can be s upplied with • prime article of • LA NORNIA.S, RI:GAUPS, PRI!s:CIPE'S, CASADORE'S, T R A.I3UC A'S, C AST E.LLO'S, Half Spanish and Common Cirtre. Also, • superior quality of chewing Tobacco, corn pri.ing the fullowinc brand.: AROMATIC STAG; Missouri Cavendish; Virginia -honey dew, and finr rm. 1 he best q uality of S n uff% can be bad •rry Maitoutta, G.Arroit's Scotch, and Copenl,grn, on Lam •nd for sale, oct9.lm Wanted, IMMEDIATELY in s Dry Goods Stone,e 17 t yo ol9 ng man who has hod e spetience, years of agn. Application may b. made theooth the rose Officer—address B. G., Box 474. Si II Vir FALL GOODS AT NO. 51 MARKET STREET. Geinire a. White & Co. A RE now opening • ehnice assortment of Fall AIL Goods. ennsi‘ting in ram of F.mbroidered Omlne Shaded da res:Ca.l. Fancy Frearb Cloaking.; Gala Pl; Crows barred Cashmere fur dresses; Than Sliks; Ferkerri Shawl.; Brodie Long Shawl.; Fringed Bonnet. and Cap Ribbons: FreocbCloths and Cassimerrs; Gentlennon'a Satin and Polka Scarfs: Dresden and Marseilles Quilts Still they Come. READ THE FOLLOWING; Tills uesi..tiocTerloif:Tctlosit.shcAvve mfoillLtiensptee.d tie 1 / 4 : i n i rg been troubled with a very severe pain in my stomach and &orris:Ds or slimmer complaint for several weela and was perfectly restored by using one Bottle. GEORGE ADDISON, of New O i lcans Sold by %V Jackson Agent. corner WOO 4 and Liber ty streets. oetls Klause and Lot for Sale. A T n REF: story brick building, with back bitildinga,on the corner of Grant and Sixth ats• annuls of the aubacribers, or at !hipCPS (ace. NIS3IIO I . P. RATIGAS. Cassinets. ASSORTED color, and quality. )""t received (tom the manufacturer, will 14)id low by GEO. COCHRAN. Na. 26 Wood et. -------------------- miss e• c• SARGENT. BEGS leave to inform her friends and the pubic gen. erally that her Select School for Young di Laes, and Misses. Will commence the Winter Session on Monday tbe Bth of September, at her school room in St. Clair at., nearly opposite the Exchange Hotel.— &be refers to the following gentlemen: Hon John Breden, Bev W A Passacant. Rev .1 Biblook, Wilson McCandless, Esq., Rev S Young, Allen B:ramer, Esq., Jacob Madding, Esq., \Vm. Jack, Esq. John Bigler. Butler. Pa. Pittsburgh. Any information as to terms &c., can be obta au inedb: fling or. Allen Kramer, F.sq• g To Let. THE new and splendidly finished three story warehouse, No. 56, Vio . oti street, nest door to therHardsrare store of James M Cooper, near 4th street. This warehouse is well calculated for any kind of heavy business, and is large enough for sny I purpose. It will be rented low. Apply to the sub scriber or enquire of Mr James M Coo per. oct9.-tf. J P. STUART LIVER COMPLAINT AND HE LUNGS AFFECTION 0 TIB, WM• B. MOFFAT: Deer Sir—l feel it to be a duty which 1 owe both to you and in the afflicted LI inform you of the good effects which I have asperrienced from the use of your "Life Medicines." I have been afflicted for the I,st 15 yeats with an Ul cerated Liver and an affection of the Lungs; when. in July last, I got from your agent. Col. White. a small quantity of your valuable Life rills and Phcenis.B.l - which I assure you has done more to relieve me than all the mineral m edicines. I have tried almost ev ery kind of m edicines. With great respect, I remain yours. Sze. McGEE. The above named medicioes are for s ale by 11 A FAIINESTOCK tilt Co. corner 6th and Wood its. Mock Books. ETLIOR lot of Check Books, engraved in .kulll.lMiladelphia, expteasly for the different Banks of this city, just received and for sale by H. RAY, eor. Sd•& Wood 'le. 9 FELT W ARRIVED. Daily Beaver Packets; Daily Brownsville Packets. Monongahela City Packets. Miner. Kinney, Wellsville; Cambria, Forsyth, Cincinntlfr Putnam, Hasl D et', St. Louis. EPARTED. Daily Beaver Packets; Daily Brownsville Packets; Monongahela City Packets. Rambler. Moodey, Wellsville; Wiacnnain, Grace, Cincinnati; Seaver, Viarven and Cleveland Packets 37v4.1. sad Stage Line. &ail° mat THE SPLENDID CANAL PACKETS, Express & Telegraph, Leave Denverite'ly, (Sundays expected,) at I o'• dock A. M.. (on the arrival of the steamer Michigan ,from Pittsburgh,) and arrive at Warren next morning 'al 7 o'clock—connecting at Warn withemen Ne on the ar il, Moore l & Co" line of Stages, which leave \Y I rival of the Packet, and reach Cleveland before night. 'Fare through $4 50. [ Passengers paying inPittsburghare entitledtorhoice l o f berth on the Canal Packet, and eat io the stage. For passage apply on boa' d Steamboat Michigan, or JOHN S DICKF.Y,Beaver. O M BARTON & Co., Pittsburgh. CLARK &Co., Beaver. For passage returning apply at the Stage offices of NEIL, MOORF , & Co., Cleveland. J&MBIAY LOR, Warren. sate The well known eteamet MICHIGAN , W. 11.11ot c+, Master, hnscommenced her regalar ittilyt rips, boo-ins P;tt•borrhat '3 (R 4 heA.retoM fore) at 3 o'clock. I'. M.. Fold Beneer , l'ricesto suit the tirrlet,rlßa those Wile have no moor), carried free. The Curial to Cleveland will he opened ex 4non as the weather rill permit; on the opening of which CLARKS & CO'S LINE to CLEVE". AN D.O•oeid EADV ILLII, Pa.. will imme.ilately go into opera. tion. For freight or 7,assagc apply on board, or to july 12 G. M. HARTON, Water s treet. tcr The Michigan is provided with Evans' Safety r Guard 13 tongued. 10 Rail,. 15 Font, Middle & Etenr Transoms 9 Counter liurters 7 Hu ter, 1843. MONDAY CINCINNAT I P ACKE.T• 1045.1 The nee' and Splendid Si eamer, 11. S. MAIL MONONGAHELA, STo3L, Master,has commenced run ning regularly, end will continue tun ihrough the sen•ion as a Weettly Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday mining at 10 o'clocl, and Cincinnati every Thursday morning at themtl6 hoar. Fur freight or passage apply on board. . LASH EWE & MICHIGAN LINE. Mai I STEAMF,R LAKE ERIE, CAPT. C•straeu., Leaves Beaver at 9 o'clock, A. M. Pitt..burch nt 3 o'clock, P. M. STEAMER MICHIGAN, CAPT. Botss, Leases Pittsburgh at 9 o'clock, A. M. Beaver at 1 o'clock:, I'. NI. In connection With daily Lines of Freight end o Pas sage Canal Boats to Erie, Pa., and Clovelsnd, Steam Bout end Vessels to all parts on Lake Idle and Michigun. Apply to G. M. BARTON & CO., l'itt•tvirel. JOUN S. 1.):CKF..1. Ilen•er, C I, -‘ Iti , : Sz.. Co.. Beaver. 'SPEED ANL) COM Fotur MONONGAHELA. ROUTE. FOR BALCINtoRE ASD IMILADELrIIIA iri..KNDLD ILPT IttiNSING •MI:R/ 14E1 GEORGE. WILSON oct 13. I ITI Valley Head, Alabama, Fob. 15th, 1845 D ii) TER 1$ THE CHANNEL. BEAVER PACKET EME CONSUL !CND LOUIS INIcLANE. Will commence OR Monday the I`2l/, of May. Ma king double daily trips. One boat will leave at 134 .'el.clc, A. M. jhe other in the evening, daily. (except Sunrinv ) Ws themorning Bout pantenger• will take the Caidi of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road at Cumberland. el 8 o'clock, A M.. the nest morning. And arrive in Baltimore,at 5 o'clock P. M. the same eveni,g. Through to Baltimore in 32 bon, a, Philadelphia in 40 " By the evening boat passengers will Ind on the ge Boat in eomfortibleST ATE ROOMS the firslt iAr night. Pass over the Mountains in Coaci.es to day kt.— Lodge the Fecund night in Cumberland, thus as oid• ing eigAl travel altogether. • . Fur seats, or re roaches for families or , apply a t the office,enti two doors from the Exchange'.parties •nd at the What(' boat abovethe M on ongahela Bridge. may 9 FERGUS MOORHEAD. At•nt• -------7---- - Fall Coatings. JUST received, afresh supply of !C r.rt sITt rs CLOTH—fanry colors and attendbatful pataret erns. The _ colors are Citren, Green, li Cl Brown, Nlulberry, Gold mixed and Black. Theo goods tile new even in the Eastern cities; basing just been in, ported for the Tailors. We pledged out s elves to The get up a superior coat this fall—•Mettertlesn ever." practical partner of our fit m has been e sto t New ov Y ements ork, to purchase goods, nnd to secure the lat impr in his department, all of which will lie introduced Oil our work, with a live' imitating regard to true ele gance and correct taste. We are prepared to fulfil all promises made through this medium nr o therwise ` ; and ss we lay claims to be THE FASHIONABL II EAC QUARTERS of this city, we mill pledge our. *elves furthermore, to compete with any sternto hou se se that sends work to Pittsburgh, made to proof of our ability to do so, we mention with pride, that the names of many gentleman who formerly re ceived their garments from the East, are now to be found nn our register of customers, who are now core vinced that they can be nuited tut well. II and & Co. more reasonable rates. ALGEU t'SPGUIE 008 Removal. VATARRICK MA Err' N & CO., Bankers and Ex. V V change Brokers have removed , o the N. E• cur• net of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh. octalmd&w Agency of the Franklin Fire Insurance Company of i , hiladelphla . N. E. corner of Third and Wood s ts.:Pilisbargh . THE assets of the company on the first of January , 1. 1845, as published in conformereity with an act ui the Pennsylvania Legislatureos Bonds and Mortgages, Real Estate. at cuq., Tempoiary Loans Stocks and Cash, Making a total of $909683 42 Alfordin certain assurance that all InsAes will he promptly met,and giving entire secority to all who ob. lain twlicies from this Company. Risks taken at as low rates as are consist Went with security. A KRICK MARTIN, Agent. oct6 ALONZO W. ING, NO. 83 FOURTH STREET, CHRONICLE BUILDINGS. MANUFACTURER and dealer in all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Segars. octal ..>.n.—a.`x - ---- LAUR TROX MERCZA.—The additional returns received, render it probable that the v. hule democra tic ticket. has succeeded. The maj.irity for UCIISS, (dem.) for Canal Commissioner, will be over 200. CRANVIORD CouNry.—Returns received from most ,f the townships—the entire democratic ticket, be lieved to be elected. ARNSTRW4O COUNTY.-F INDULT P•TTSRSON, elected to the Legislature. OHIO. .11f TTERSON Cousr T.—The whole democratic tialtet elected, with the exception of Representative. Fa►.rxt.ta Co.—Whig majority about 100. Plcx►w.lT Co.—Democratic majority about 150 The Cincinnati Enquirer, of Tuesday, reports t arriN al of 34 steameri end the departure of 19. Brisk. A Miss Brown, a school teacher, threw herself ins well, at Springfield, Ohio, a few days since, and was drowned The Secretary ut the Navy ha. returned to Wash• ogtun, having visited all the Naval stations north of he rOliornaC A portion of the top stall of am Cincinnati Col iege fell on Nloilduy, and killed u lud 10 years old. Another of the murders of Col Devenpurt has been arrested. H• is a blether of Lung, already in eusto• Another match was played between the Queen city and Star Clubs, at Cincinnati, on the 7th and 1316. made 114 runs in two innins, beating the The Q W. S. 50 scow., FROIII C•LITOkOIi.--The following is an evrac from u hitter received at BUlttal from the peillitila California, dated '•S•2: F rtvictsco, June 2.9 -This country is in a lamentable state ut contusion, I and e ntely without law. Eighteen hundred Mexican troops Stt daily expected under the commend of an officer who was educated in England, and is said to be a man of great capacity and character. Attempt are making to elCite the Californt.inS to o ppose the head ine of the troupe, which will not probably succeed,atid I .; 111011 beroupe, again under Mexican zuler..” . . . —I- - Miami Canal Tolls.—The Toledo 131.1 A ci the 3,1 inst. sity•: -We are p:eastd to It are tont n far ther reduction ef the toll+ on the Miami Canal has to hen place, being 20 pea cent 0 n Wbe a t untlF lour,an Su•d IC per cent un Brum, &alp. Copper, Glasswsre, , at Molasses, and some similat anklet," Eastern Soc Leather. OP:nirith Lns r. so , Leather, j„d 3 !Jr lur received nud for ..tle !)7, ."I,\ .21 .1 AMES M AN. AirrlBllllC for 154,6. LION'S Cnme. Almanac fur 1346, full of fr.ic and f a una; 11... n.. Funny A.IIIIIOI/C fa 1846: Barrows & Varner. HAVE now r eceived their full invoice of New Fill Good g e nd 1 cipertfolly invite ell put clime, s i.f Dint Go,D4, to cal and examine, as our .. a t,-,,,ise %two,' is full equal to that of any other es• •otilishment in the a ,t. L.t PITS RICH DR.ESS GOOD new iteantlf.i s t•.le i aslitnere•; cashmere Mr..: CaPhMere de co...se; m ons d,' I ,i,,, • a iili packages; new and splen• lo tes s in ell styles a soiple end fancy; silk url, Tl:pirC .l ; sill,, boah 11 , nes; rouin, ie.; litnettt s and t yneen , in ;rent MA almost endless •eriety; French, English and Cier•r•ti merinos, in all abactusl RICH SHA wts ~1 e very desictiptinn, embr.icing all the beauty and .pleodor of that sca•on, in both high and low cost; dal" silk ...I'M cravat.; Cone} •ilk do; all al, Ira 'gold me 1 kid gloves; th• end !sees, edgings and inserting' Su. &C i Ladies Bonnet Velvet.. SONNETS AND RIBBONS. Rich assortment-all pr7ra- .. vee al boles. new 1 tall rtt bons, s plendid bamotiful palm - nada 12i cis; taff•• and *shin, every number. black Elk veils'. ha- rases, oiled silks, &c. &r. ° HOUSE KEEPING GOODS. ' Our domestic depattment it full; posse••ingaillant __ _ i ages tithe purchaser, rarely to be fonti- bales brown Dept 6t s Printers! Look "Sere! „ herons'' 4-4, 9.3.54 and 6.4, all grades anti prices JAMIIS II 0 VirAS D& CO . from hi; cases bleached sheeting', all widths. price Al A CHLNE/t Y CUT WOOD TYPES! from 61: COW. canttus flannels. bleached, unbleached T. 4 AVE the pleasure to announce to their friends n r III.; u ndersigne i arc prepared to fit-rush to order, ' and colon; F.neeth (linnets in all colors; Rogors'i -1•• that they again occupy their old stand at No. 1 at, s tyle, ' ! r ear pattern of irood Tyr g • , ' , l"*l. ' heht. the onis an imported undo irildngt-Linct, 83, Wood street, where they have opened an oaten. • , it ever• respect, to tins n anolsottred in the !tinted ~nut. of ~„, y name ■•Cid description, st the lowest, sive States. at very Inc. prterk! priCrE-Tn-long• for 10 cis, the beet article in use;i W ALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, Out Types are ar curately cut, and c lenall, a nd n' at- Mutes Russia situ Scotch diapers; blankets, coantel And will have constantly on hand an extensive aasort IY finished, and warranted not to become I nyirrcil h? 1 ,.„.. , b , c i.,. burlaps, &e. &c. ment of Satin-al tred and plain PAPER HANG an) ussize to which types ate o pitnat) subjected. The • BROAD CLOTHS. INGS, Velvet ar.dlmAation Iltirders,of the latest stylo; w insd4l We tile are mahogany, bOttewned. &e., r net •gt d In. Particular •ttention has been given to th's t t u - a neb, and most handsome patterns for papering halls, par and so prepared as to del) the action Of Water or the and on, rote select no , na ,, no rn‘a,ini in the seat. lora and chambers. atn.rniphere.; French and west of Enilandeloalt in all shadeig Ger-I They manufacture, and have on hand at all times. Ilastng Jest completed new and improved,, t T el ," °- `man black •, greens olives and other a hndes for ladies'l Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper, .7, we m e prepared to 611 orders at the •nutiest no-. _10.1,..; Bonnet and Fuller's Boards--all of which they offer tier; and being practical printers, and one of us having '-'“..„ rn,,g,:.'121,:c7h.1:,'1,,;_:1;..Ph,1rf.,c,1.:,h.'i,fra11":;t:1::: ear ` rich! fit sale on the most accommaxiating terms, and to n me.years' csperience ea a job printer alone, we flat. ',`",,,,,..',,,. ~..y ~,,i plain l 'mine; fury „ e „„,.. 5 ; 'aria which they invite the attention of merchants and let n ttr,elYes Ka to our a bility to give suti•faction in _,.. e,,,.. rravnt• Ste Ate.; satin ets, sev eral ce..e• hi.lek . others• evrav rase• acrnirlriti,lgu,••••h„l'il.•,;mmiins;.d, arid shirts all made up; r ose drab do. G.>, ALSO-Blank [Banks or all kinds and the beat qual- Papers that publish the arlvertifsement of Palmerhosiery; suspen• ity, School Books, Six always on hand and for sale St; Co., can have their cutlers filled by us. And n • ' 1. ,. ' 1 der bearer; umbrellas, &rt. &e. las above. a t 25. t atr• pu blishing this a dveintnetnent to flee a mount to 1),, Good, pin, b a ser; will find it decidedly to theirthir! .- 16, will r eceive their pay in type when three limes t he interl:st, (berm r purchasing elsewhere,) to drop l a mount of their bill is taken out. Edit , rs will n, - l 4 o ur nu mber, and entlitnioe good; and prices. send pipers c ontaining the adverti•ernent, that at we • eCimen sheet, , , Three doors above 3d at. No. 46. not 6 may know where to send apM Altr I N & JONES II•ARItOWS & 1 UltS oct I E R, S. W. tor. of Syc•more anal Third st•., CM . F 1•11,1.. C‘,l.lC '' litted SIMI,' Almlnac Cot lII4C, af er :hat Cset- Tll.. U rn 111 farm; - 11,•• I\')t-hinelon Almanac for IPAG; A!.... vl.e Gemro.n and German 1-:ttyll.h inscs. Nbro Sanitod C. till;'• Almanac, both Magttsit... e nd I •t-rn C. 11. KAY. ri,n, 1.. r .ale h 1 W.A....1;er and Sottioner, corner of Wood and 3.1 sts -------------- To Printers! 0_ V PF.21011. I'ItIINTEIt'S 11K.—Dr,. G r.F.7s; 1 d 4511 N SMITH. 179 Greenwich mreet, (new Itrick Illoc' , .) Sew Yolk, keeri I, ,ri..1•01 on tiAnd Prlntet • I tkk, of • •,11 , eriOr 1,1,1101,N . 'lt the innrket prire, ' vI E—E.Itt• 7'4ews Ink..t 30, ...11.3..k do. 40c , 50c.. GO , 75e.. land $1 per lb 1 lte.e Inks •re manufac tured to; •trtm, end of •uperior •tock. Printers will favor ISt. G. with n call before putchs•ine their winter stork, we they . ill find h decidedly tu their advininge to deal with him. wepti.tf To Let. THE titird story of lite new building on ths cor ner of Wood lost Tldtd totem. over my B sok stoic will Ms r ioted upon applicattoo to die it sut,sctitoer, •rp'29 C• KAY. PRICE GREATLY REDUCED 11 PDF, W ANDEFUNG Jew for only 50 cents, for 1 sale at Cook's. Hamer's Edition of the ‘Vandering Jew, 2 vols. for only 50 cents- Guitar Music-10 song* from the Bohemian Girl for 25 cents. Quidrilles from the P.olleMian Girl for only 12 1-2 ct*., with a beautiful illuminated title page. Les Russes—a lot of Mazurkas arid a set of Pol kas by Come & Glorer, for 25 cts., with an illumina ted title piige, lizabeth Bennett, or nd Prejudice. A novel liv E Jane Austin, author of Eamma, Persuasion, &c. One vol. cheap edition. The Heiress, a novel bT. S. Arthur. This is et new novel bv this above po y pular au.hor. Electro Manipulations, vol. 4th. British Essayists—Macatily, Allison, Smith, end Wilson, in 4 vole. bound uniform. Journal of the Texan Expedition eg,ninia Mier. Subsequent imprisonment of the author; his s ufferings sod (ial escape Iron* the Castle of Pernte ,with re flections upon the present political and pr fu ture lation* of Texas, Mexico and the States, by G e n. Thomas .1. Green, beautifully illu s trated with ilrir wings taken from life. Thn idow'• Pirate Son, or the Corsair's Mate. All the above just received and for sale at Cook's 3il sr., near the Post Office. Oct 6 $600,615 93 100,967 77 .07,49972 Allegheny County, es. 0 IN the Orphan's Court croak' Conn ty, No. 19, October Term, A, D., 184'2. In the matter of the Petition or John Dunn ..Ir. praying for his discharge as A dministrator of the Estate of Alex ander S. A. Dunn, late of the city of 1 Pittsburgh, deceased. ...And now, to wit, October Fourth, A. D• 1845, the foregoing petition being presented to the Court, It is ordered, that notice of this petition be given to all par ties interested,by the Clerk of this Court, be a publica tion once 5 week, for three successive weeks, in the Daily Morning Post, and that the notice set Utah that he prayer of the petitioner will be granted unless ob jections thereto bo filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, before the first day of November treat. •f By the Court, THOMAS FAR LEY, Cleek oet7-d law& . Upper Leather. DoZ s uperior large size upper leather, I; doz. un• dreted calf akin, fur salt low by P. C. NiARTIN, Coal Boats. 2 NEW Coal Boats, SO by 18 feet for pale low, by P.C. MARTIN, xV:,;er ft• Sate 1621311 LS No• 1 Allegheny Salt ',oat received end to'' by I‘IILLER &RICKETSON. No 170 Liberty st. oct 7 Lard Gil. 12 1113 LS Zolrtel,C7El 11tsrosNrit.e by Nn. 110 Liberty pit. Corn Brooms , 5n DO . Z. Broome made from new corn. Received 1.1 tbsv day, sod for sale low by HUGH GARVEY. No 109. Liberty tit, oppooite Fifth. MILS. of extra family Flour, horn white o wheat. For tale by HUGH GARVEY, 102 Liberty street. e.t4. 18 BIILS. Cincinnati (law Whiskey for sale by BURBRIDGE. WILSON & Pig Metal. 1 0 TOSBUPITBIitiIDaGi jF7‘VrnvOeNd itrCsoale Front at. Smithfield Oct 100 BUNDLES No 24 and 26 Sheet Iron, on hand and for gale by BURBRIDGE. WILSON & CO \Vetes at. near Smithfield. GEORGE COCIIR AN AVING rebuilt and removed to his old ~(1, 1 KR No 26 Wood street, next to the corner of Sc could, continuos to tran3act a general commission business. Ele be constantly supplied with Amr manufactures at the luwest %wholesale cash pricees.ica n Silks, Cashmeres, &c. J received at No. 108. Market street, a very handsome assortment of Plain U 0 and blue do do do do ltlk Armute and Repp Silk Satin attired and figured do. and Gro•de-Nape do.; N. S. Rich ( a melion striped nod plaid do. do. Cashmere aud Nl,ors. de W o es; Plain and Satin striped of nod blue IA do.; With a large stork uf Alpac.cas, Bombazines, Parametta cloths, Merinov. Sze. Purchasers are respectfully request PESNOCli. ed to roll and ex mine. pept 10 SHE Ginghssis, Gingham,• ICST received 40 pieces French and English Diess Ginalsam; 30 " Domestic d New styles, and at low prices. se it 10 SIIF,A & I'EN7s:OCK• w a l la • • ' • ;,,";-77-17: Wholesale & Retail Cash House, " DO w N T 0 NV ," Murkri Wert. 3 don:: ab3re 3,1 :fret: Tobac ars. co. snuff and Cig AT NO. 25 FIFTH STREET• TFll;sub.ctibrr has just received a very choke lot of REG ALI AS; Also, a ►superior article of AROMATIC ST AG TOBACCO, and has constantly on hand a general a .sortment of every articlebelonging to the uncle, which he offers for sale at the lowest Cask ricei FALL.A.nioN s • AtTHE g ultsriher wculi respectfully an nounce to his numerous customers 111306 p,„ the pudic. that he is prepared to supply them wit, los beautiful style of hat. He would any to all who wish le get the worth of their money, tat this is te place to come and bur. It is well kno h wn that quite an inferior article of Hilts have been gold at exorbitant prices, nod the purchaser getting but truck for his money and e arnings. The order system is but slight• ly touched, and he does not mannfactore an inferior article to palm off on the working mnn. His business is o conduced n the CASH SYSE, and he is de- termined t to sell cheaper than The ` cheapest of the cheapest. His stock of FALL AND WINTER CAPS are of the most fashionable style. Customers' Hats made at shortest notice. Also. Ladies Riding Caps and In fant's Caps of every pattern to suit the taste. N• It Dont forget the place, as I want a small por tion of your smell change, and you mny rely on gett ting value for the same at the sign of the Big Whie Hat. third door from John D. Davis' Auction Rooms. Recollect the 'Yellow Front." (3. Iv. cmAsc:M. 02, Wood st., Eittaburgh. Oysters! Oysters!! OYSERS can be had tbe FRANKLIN HOUSE corner oF Sixth stre at et and Cherry alley. sep3o I m CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ. GOLD PENS. Premium ever pointed Gold Poo'. 11UST rerievd a fresh a ssortment of those invalua hie pens for the Counting Rooms, for Clergy men, Lawyers and all others, vrho desire a Convenient and durable en, and to be freed from the vexations bottler and constant expense of Steel Pens and Quills. For sale wholesale arid retail by W. VF. WILSON. ooptt Corner of Market and fourth eta. Horses, Carriages, Sleighs, Sic. at Auction. AT2 o'cick, on Wednes afternoon, th 22d inst. at o the Pittsburgh dill Li y very Stable, in e From near Fetry street. Will be sold without resetve to lEElnrn, the entire sock of Horses, 11:+rne.s, &c.; among which are the following. viz: S good and well broke Horse.; I too horse Carriage and Harnes.; 1 one horse Snreoch: 4 11.4.cies, nearly new; 3 Sletghs; 6 setts double and single Harness; 2 ladies' Sarldl.fmen'sSaddles,&c., &c. Terms, on all sums over 120 acred of 6 months will bo given fur approved paper. JOHN' D. DAVIS, Me== ADMINISTHATOIIi SALE OfSecond Hand Clothing, Watches. kr', at Auc tion, at Al'Kenna's, Market it, between 3d and Fourth streets, TO -MORROW Evening. Friday, October 17th, at 7 o'clock, will be sold by order of Administra- tors, 1 lot of second hand clothing, vi z 2 pair of p ndan. taloons; 4 coats; 3 vests; 2 silk handkerchiefs, a I cotton. do; 3 pair of boots and shoes; I linenti cle; breato st; 1 valise; I double cased watch. a good ar gether with several small articles. And immediately aftet, a lot of Dly Goods; 2 patent lever watches; 2 gold watches, very tine. with several second hand watches. r. M'KENNA, Auctioneer. .360.6 GREAT SALE OF BOOKS. By John D Davis, Auctioneer, corner of Wood and Fifth streets. A T 6 o'clock, this evening, will be sold a large 111.. collection of New Books. being among the most extensive and valuable ever offered at auction inst this ci, c omprising a general assortment of the best and. ty srd works in almost every department of in l t he latest and best style of cadre cloth literature, lihrtl . pain Ling. Also, a splendid assortment of annuals and uth er hooks, in rich and gorgeous bindings. Fresh arrival , . are daily added to the stock, and sales will be continued for a few evenings untill the consign ment is closed. Books at m ivate sales. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and examine the collection. act 15 Thirty Handscsne and Eligibly situated building lots for private Residences, at Auction A DJOINISG the property of Hon. \'m. Porter, AL heirs of the late Aaron Ilart deceased and H old ships Drying House. Will be sold on Saturday, Oc. tuber 25th at 3 o'clock, on the premises, 30 building lota, each '24 feet front by dep, they will be sold seperate or together, an may su e it the purchasers. — An excellent atone quarry is on the preperty, it is the most desirable spot in Allegheny county, for a private dwelling, commsnding splendid views of the cities of Pitt6burgh and Allegheny, and within the limits of the former, now the G.h Ward- It is a most beauti ful and healthy situation, as any in the [cou nty of the For terms of sale enquire t the Auctionms subscriber, 'Abele a plan of I'he hos c in KENNA be seen. . WI JACOB WCOLLISTER 'Ancfion Bales Adralastrator's Sale of Beal Estate. 19,400 Acres of Land in 'Western Pennsylvania AT AUCTION. -\7(TI Ll.be sold at the nOCIiO3 Rooms of John D. ' V Davis, in the city of l'atsburgh, on the 13th day of November. 1845, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow ing desprihed huff"; lat.. the property ofJ times Trimble, Sear. decd. of Harri.burell; 1500 ACRES of whirl), lies in the county of Mercer; Nn 39, amp 972 \ in Vymntuning township'. No 758 and 801 in Orb wnre townsplpp no 934 in Sandy Creek tovrnship, no 1 1063 and 1073 in French Creek tovrnship. Some of l these lands ;.r.tein Coal, and Iron Ore and lay in the vicinity of the Stan' improvements. 1,000 ACRES me in the enunty of Crawford. No 1553 and 1543 in Rockflele Township, no 1360 in Athens township, no 1469, in RiAmon.l township, no 1669 in Sparta town ship;el of whiott ere well adapted for farmirg, and cun -1 v t uieht to laid out roads. 900 ACRES nre in the Connty of EriP; no 197,-2017-2076 in Watmford township, and within 3 miles of the town W nterlord; n o 197 , 6 in krnhy tow m nship; these tram laid s are u t of the first quality lloon!,and co euient to o roads ICOOO ACRES Are in the Couto v of McKean, adjoining the South line of th y e Stat oi New York. and (rooting o thl Alleghen River. e The town of Corydon on n part of the Original trnets. These Lando are well covert ed with pine and other timber, suitable for Lumber; and have several small 'dreams of wairti running trough them, on %hick) there may be saw mills erect. ed. The above Lando will be sold in separate tracts or in a body to suit purcharers• The Lamb. in Mercer, Cra e‘f. ird anti Erie Counties, ane prini.ipally in tracts of 200 Acres. and well adapt ed for flumes. Those in McKean County, are mostly in Tenets of 1000 Acres ; Title Itidivputahl.„ Terms at sale F. R. SHUNK, iS.I BOYD. AiLltnts. W THOS. R. TRINIBLE. JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctt. 1d1711733,11f, WILSON dt. 00.. NO. 48, WOOD STREET, (Late Janes. Illerphey, .S.• Ca.,) RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the public generally, that they have removed to their new. stole. No. 48. Wood street, erected since the fire' , cm the 10th of April, on the old 'pot, where they are dail: opening Goods suitable for the present and approaching season. Their Stock, which has been purchased with care, and at the lowest prices, they , , offer for cash or a pproved credit at a small advance, and respectfully ask the attention of buyers from th& country and neighborhoori. They will he constantly making additions to their Stuck during the season: 1 they have now in stole Blue, Pilot and Beaver Clothed \ do. and blk Waived do. do.; do. and Get man Rib Led BeaverClothsi do. blk invis. Green end mixed do : do. do. Fancy Cassimeres: Berkshire do. do. a new article; Fancy Prints, a rich a.sortmenti Cashmere d'Cosse and Mous. de Lainesi Black and odd Alpaccas and Porumatta Cloths; Plaid tinsels, common mixed and s uperfine; Kersey's, Kentucky Jeans and Tweedsi Scarlet, White, Yellow and Green c h Fla d an nnelst liolored; Canton Flannels, unbleached, bleaed 11 8-4 Steamboat. Whitney and heavy twilled Blankets. , 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 do. do.; do.. Extra heavy Blue Gemianetta 9 lbs.' A splendid assortment of Shawlai Tiokings and, Apron Checlot Bock, Chamois, lined Berlin and tong Wool Gloves; Irish and Germantown Woolen i Hos& White and blk Cotton, anti blk Chashmere and Al. prima Hotel wn Cottons and Drills. Bleached and Bro Together with a general assortment of s 2 meller ar• tides. sept9.lm. . Rebuilt , and Removed. Tilt subscribers have the pleasure o at f inf ey haveorming their friends and the public generally, th th removed to their new warehouse on Second street, be tween Wood and Market streets. eir factories for the manufacture of Vials, Bottles, and Th Window Glass. are in full operation. An assortment of Glassware on hand, to which the attention of purchasers is direc: Ia e • (sepl3.lm) S. & CO. Inearsuce. THE PITI4BORCH NAVITTIOS /1.50 FIRZ l$61:1- RA;E ott...NT, has removed its office toNo 19 M a rket street, where, having recommenced busineas, it will take Are and Marina Risks ot" every deserip tion, as formerly, upon the most favorable terms. Roar. FINNEY, Beei. op 5 d'lrs. Boston Clothing Clothing Store; 58. MARKET STREET. 68. NEAR TRE POET OFFICE• L W. RHODES dr, CO •f TAKE this method to inform the gentlemen of Fi 011. , burgh and vicinity that they have taken the a hove st , re, and will be supplied from their own ex. . with tensive manufactory in the city of Boston, Clu. • thing of the hest and most fashionable rottenly. It is perhaps well known to all classes, that purcha• sera of all kinds of goods in thii section of the country ! have been compelled to pay both the profit of the manufacturer and retailer, es goods can be mannfac• tilted at the East a t about hal the price they can here. The 'Wonderful 'Vegetable vargative, Hence it is that retailers in the Western country p ort FOR THE CURE OF mg the manufacturer a profit of at least from IS 1020 to the Eastern Markets to matte their selections. pay. Headache, Giddiness, Rh , umniiirn, riles, Di /pepsin , per cent. the retailers must add es much or more ward Weekness, Palitation of the Ilert, Rising in profit to this, so that the buyer as least must by manufacturing our own garmems, pay the Throat, Drops..? nthma. FeNt.r Of all kinds, Fe. both the profit of the retailer and manufacturer. Thus. Scursy. Small Pus. Jaundice, Veins in the Back, ln. Tonle Complaints, Measles, Salt Rheum, Heartburn, dispense with the profit of manufacturing and lave An arrangement has been made by which we shall ( Cough, Consumption, Fit., Li Ver•Comploi nt, Erysipe ; the purchaser at least 20 per cent. , ass , Itching of the Skin, Colds, GOO!, Gray " can easily Worrn:,Chulera Morbus, Coughs, glinsey, Whooping receive fresh and newly made garmerts, from gond§ of I !wising from Impurities of the blood, and obstructions last importations, every yea during the busy season. 1 in r don By these I r ho organs u tgestt • el, Net voua complaints, and a variety of other diseases. [From the Agent at Quebec, L. C. DISEASE OF THE LIVER• - I write to Auctioneer WEEKLY A RRIV ALP, rumba tars can hare the satisfaction of hu)ing the most fashionable goods, Cat and made is the must substan- tie! manner. Our present stock consists of general assortment of CLOTHING of every description viz: OVER COATS, different styles and patterns. DRESS & FROCK COATS. of nil styles and col- ors and qualities. Business and Sporting Coats of a beautiful pattern. A superb lot of TWEED COATS: which will be sold at first cost—prices to $2.25 to $4,00. A splendid ussortmeet of PANTS of carry style, all made within a few months from goods .of new and desitable patterns. VESTS of all s tyle.; some sew and very rich patterns imported the present season, at prices from $1 to $4.50. Oo or about the 20 h of October we shall receive a large and beautful assortment of Over Coats of all styles. Also, an elegant and choice lot of CLOAKS, OF THESPANISH &OPERA STYLE. Together with a general assortment of Pants red and anal new styles of Vests, all from goods manufactu imported within the last two months. The above are now in the hands of the most com petent w orkmen that ran be found In the city of Bos ton, and will be ready fur examination at the above time. There can alto be found et this establishments a general assortment of furnish articles, loch as Cravats. Ilcafs., Scarfs, Gstrs and Silk Elastic Braces. Gentl.men patronising this establishment ran de pend upon every garment to be as represented—also o be of the most fashionable cut and s ubstantially made; every atticle will be freely exhibited and wag• ranted as represented. ITTAt the solicitation of a number of gentlemen, and to gratify the curious, we have ordered a corn plate suit of clothes, made in the city of Patio, which will be received in Bostoo by the 'twat Btitis'.l Steam Packet, and will be received in this city about the rst of November. Those who de.iiie to ee Pari,ian dress are InVileAto call an d examine.the true N. B.—Nlerchaitt Tailors and others desirous of sub.cribing or purchasing single copies of Messrs. S. A A. F. 1t ard's Philadelphia Fashions, can obtain them at our store. Their present fall report, in beau ty, will far exceed ant ever published in thist. 13- countr 67l y. Pittsburgh, Oct. 10th, 1845. oc S. 11ORRI.S0 1 , Liberty St., between Market and Virgin Alley. HAVING returned from the East, the subscriber , is now opening his fall and winter mock of goods, exceeding in variety i n s any thing which has he retrifore been offered his rity. Thankful to his friends and the public fur the favors , he has received, and which has induced hire to pur-; chase more extensively than before, be again invites their attention to the cheapest, heat selected and most i extensive assortment which ha has ever before offered among which are rrenchelloglish. Gellllan and AI mer icon 'Broadcloths, Slack. Bine, Invisible Ckreen, and other CAors, which are all of superior q uality. Also, a splendid assortment of Vestings of Entire new styles,' FRENCH PATTERNS, Also, a fine lot of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASSINIEBES of every shade, color, and pattern. [ which cannnot fail to please the various tastes of his customers. Also, a New Styles of Bearer and Tweed Cloths, of Black Blue, Invisible Green, Golden , Mired and Olive, for Sack and Frock Coats. Toectlier vrith a lot of superior Ni AEIBIDOO AND' BLUE BLANKET COATING, Pilot and other good* suitable for Over Coats. These goods will be sold ready made, or will be made to order in • superior style as law es can be bought in this city. Ile has alio the usual variety fur Gentleman's wear, such as SRIRTS. STOCKS, SCSFENDE'RS, If ANDIERCUIRES . SCARFS, BOSOMS, COLLERS, StC. The attention of persons wanting their garments well made. ar.d in superior style. and of the best ma , tenets, is invited to his fine stock of French Cloths, Cassinter es and Vestings, which he has selected with the utmost care for this particular branch of business. He will take pleasure in showing these goods to any one who will favoiety r hi of m \ with a call, feeling confident that the g r e a t re var his stock and the style in which they a made, can. . not be surpassed in this city. S. MORRISON, Liberty it.. oct g—Grn between Market et. and Virgin alley . The Razor Strop Nan Beat. jiJUST r eceived from the Eastern mar kets, the beat a ssortment of BOOTS/OM and SHOES, for the People, ever brought: to this city. CALL AT KIISBALL 9s, No. 70, Wood Street., Between Fourth and Diamond alley, and you can hey c heaper, end better than at soy other place in Pitts- burgh. Ilia stock is for SALE, c onsisting of all kirds, of Boots end Shoes, coarse and fine, Men's, Women's end Children's, expressly for the whole ll sale set .2 end retnll fell trade. Call aod sea, and )ou i ll n g o away dissatis fi ed. 74 FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMNTLIDLIK. P. muLrvir. rAnas E. DITYLVANY a LUEL/ E, uhscrkciriaz AID KEEP CONETkIETLY ON HIND, Cut, Moulded and Plain FLINT GLASSWARE. IN AT.L ITS YARIETILS, AT THEIR 1, AAAAA USIg, Corner of Market and Water *Meta, PiTTSIBU itGII. 03" Our Works continue in fun operation, and aris \ ere constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to;fill orders with promptness. ~ • Purchasers are respectfully solicited t ll o ca awl e%amine prices and terms. seplB.ll 111017 NT ITHION ONIVIETE RT. T"Epublic are respectfully informed that the Trustees of the above Cemetery, near Mount Emrtiet Hotel, are now ready to dispose of lots on reasonable terms—the lots are 8 by 18 feet—from 10 to 12 'dollars during the month of October—after which time the lots will be ISt° 18 dollats. is The he 10. cation is besutiful,and the plan of the lotsful. ly arrangedr It is the intention of the Trustees to make the place as handsome as any othe place ST ER. of the kind in this vicinity. Apply to Mr JOHN RFT, Merchant, Federal street ; Alleghen y ' Byorderof the Bosrd of Trustees. sep3o. ROBERT F AIRM AN , Pres' t. BACK AGAIN. GALBREE has removed tobis old stancl,l4o. 71, corner of Wood and 4th streets, Burnt Dis tact. where he is now receiving an entire new, fresh and seasonable stock of Boots and Shoes, of all de scriptions, which hoofers for saleuport the most astir , foetal terms, gni lower prices than he has ewer sold before. Country Merehants and others are respectfully la sited to call 411 sac:nine his stock. sep2l4m. j:: v• 44-44, , ______ A r -f., • it or , or d r. P 1 r - dr off, Cre, - e 131• R EPAR ED S 1 C LICK Desa Sint—Agreeable to your desire, keep you apprised of the prospects of the Clickener Sugar Coated Purgative Pill, to this city. 'ice may recollect, when I first commencedwe veiling your mesh chie, wide:, was in May, the success that would crown the undertaking. Our premises bad been so completely flooded by the one thousand and one unsaleable remedy, fer every poosi. hie complaint under the sun, that 1 setiously contem. platedhaving nothing more to du with any thing of the kind. However, at the most urgent solicitation, we consented to make a trial of yours. At first we found considerabledifficulty in attracting puldic attention tte wards them. People lied been so "lien deceived by the vile compounds which hove flooded the country for the last 15 years or mote, Bost they determined, if possible, never to be "taken iti" again; und the cense. ruience was, they could hardly be persuaded to accept of the Pills, as the ea?. ing is, for '•love nor money." Thus matterrs proceeded for n week or two, when, a' good luck would have it, "Mil. N-----, a lady ef our city, who had long suffered from an affection of the Liver, accompanied by indigestion of the moat ole stinate character, was persuaded tooccept of a box, on condition that nothing was tube paid For it, if they did not afford bet the necessary r elief. I must confess w . we ourselves had very little faith in the matter, kno. ing as we did, that her complaint wits one of leng standing, and had been unsuecessfelly treated by the most eminent Physicians of this and several neighber• ing towns. But we had determined to give the ech. eino a fair trial, and if it proved t." be worthle m ss'''. would be a goatee of satisfaction to know it, both It/ you and to us. No less to our joy than surprise, bow ever, only a few days had eleps.,l, when the holy agai u presented herself at our counter ninth enneired I*,,r anotir er box. '1 r eally think, Mr. Williams," says she. ' that your Pill., ate beginning to work a great ebango in my health, and altogether for the better. W hen took the eecond dose. I began ID feel much betterthen I did at first; the pain in my side won considerably Li— lieved; my appetite began to improve; and the blotA seemed to circulate through my veins as it did in my youthful days. SifICC then, I have taken the remainder of the Pills, and my improvement Mrs been sensibly progressing at every r epetition of the dose. I have no doubt that a few mote boxes will effectually owe me." The result war no she predicted. Her health is completely restored. The flush of youth and beau. I ty has returned to her cheeks, and the prospect of a long and a happy life is before her. lam satisfied she will never forget the Clickener Sugor-Coated Pills. AA mightyaturally be supposed, the news of this ex traordinar cure was rapidly diFserni,ated through tbe city and atijazent country; nod scarcely n week had elapsed. before e nquiries began to be made for Click ener's Sugar-Crated Purgative Pills; and the demand has already incrensed to such an extent, that we find the greatest difficulty in supplying it. In fact, if it did Sot seem like exaggeration, I might almost say that we are literally besieged by women, and children, labor. ing under every possible ailment which ''human flesh is heir to." The halt, the lame, tied the blind; the asthmatic, ccnsumptive , and dyspeptic., are thronging our doors in pursuit of the neerr•fsiling Panacea.-- TeAlmonials of its salutary di cs are voluntarily flowing in upon us from every riiirtnr. One person informs u 9 he has been relieved of u most obstinate Dyspepsia. Another hos just recovered from a seri ous attack of Apoplexy. A third hes soirreeed in expelling from his system the symptoms of Jau d ndice. And a fourth has just recovered from an attack of Put monary Consumption, which itrul contleed him to hie bed for many months.—So we go. ut o not fail to keep us supplied. Besides our Retail d Tde, we bane standing orders from the countty to a large amount. Send 30 Gross at your earliest convenience. Yours, &..c. R. H. WILLIA.MS. Quebec, L. C., April 14, 1845. REMEMBER, DR. C• V. CLICKC.NER, is the otiginal tntentor of the Sugar Coated Fills; bed that nothing of the sort wee ever heard ,i 1 until he Intro. Auced them in June, 1643. as will he seen by the Cul lowing,: PREMIt .N 1 . Tbis Diploma was awarded by the AMERICAN INSTITUTE. et the Annual Fair. beta in the city or New Yolk, October. 11343, to C. V. CLICKEZiER. fur the invention of SUGAR COATED PILLLS. J AMES T A LLNI ADG E, Preaidect. T. B. Waacmaa,Ceireaponding Secretary. GcaDom J. Leave, Recording Seeretary• GIP To Ayom Cot :IT CRTKITS.--Purchaera must always ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and see that each but. has upon it his signature; all oiheta are counterfeit• WM. JACKSON, corner of Wood and Liberty streets, la Dr. Clickener's a3ero. fur Pittsburgh Al% octe RICHARD COWAN, Attorney at Lace, office it Binisa's Buildings, 4th street, near Market. june 19-dSsel7 rashion. Li HAVING r eturned (rum New York ssithat the latest style of Hats, all those in want of a superior Fashionable Hat will please call and ex MOORE; amine. se 30 d&wdm -------------- --_—__. f it NEW HAT AND CAP STORE. Ilk CHAS. U. PAULSON, (writ or 1111 /ISM OT PAUL3O2I k OILL,) H AVING opened his new s tore at No. 13, Wood Street, N.xt door to the corner of Fourth, is now menthe= ing and receiving from the Eastern Cities a very large assortment of HATS and CAPS, of every descrip tion, wrtranted to ho made In the best manner, and of the best m aterials. Otte,Settl, fine and common Muskrat, Seelette, lair -Seal, r Plush and Glazed Caps? Also, a fine assortment of Ladies Furs, such as Lynx. Fitch, Gent and Coney MUFFS AND TIP PETS AND FUR TRIMMINGS, all of which he offers for sale at EASTERN PRICES FOR CASH, both wholesale arid retail. Country Merchants w ill please call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere , CHAS. H. PAULSON• N. B. The Fall Fashion fur Hats and re Caps ceiv. sep27 HAMPTON & SMITH, NO. 112 WOOD STREET, A RE now opening an unusually large stock or is. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, of every description, for the fall trade; which will be Aired at small advance for Cash, or approved credit. They ask the attention of dealers in the city and •i -einity to their assortment, and an examination of their, pris...wh ich will fou rich as to save the ex pensce e and supposed nec e ssitye of bending East for their supplies. Their stock will be kept full throughout the season. ssp24.lm , B. PERRY, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER. (Formerly of the Monongahela House and late of Wool street.) HAVING removed back again to the Burnt Dias mint. one 1100 f from the corner of Third and Wood streets, the undersigned is again prepared tO accommndste his old friends and the pu blic generally, with BOOTS and SHOES, of the best meter's', and of the finest end moat fashionable style. • B. PZRRY, Remember the place! one door above ILry's Booir , s tore, Wood et. oct3-3m. 93 Wood at. *- (I