-- ~_~a, ectjelp ,filorning Post. PIIMBURGH,PA WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 8.1845 PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. COMMITTEE TOR OCTOBER. George Ogden, W. Barker W. J. Hnward CORRESPONDENTS In refrrence to cumiptinictitions which may appear in this paper, we ha ve one or Iwo remarks to make.— We will insert nr,ne without the name of the author be inz fiist made known to ❑., and when inserted, must al ways be taken an expre.siveuf the views of the writer, and not the editor of this paper, unless the views so ecpresscd are editorially remarked upon and approved. ICID C.-Mr. Stewart, of Franklin Town• ship, Allegheny county, put an end to his afence on Saturday hit, by cutting his threat with a razor. Mrs. Stewart was absent at cbutcb, at the time the deed was done. THE Oezitartvcs.—A meeting of the operatives and their friends was held in the old Court House, on Monday night, and resolutions passed in favor of con tinuing the 'Strike," and rolling upon the citizens to contribute funds to support such n 3 are in need of aid. paThe New Hampshire, a well furnished and splen did steamer leaves for Cincinnati to-day at 3P. M.— The Baat is in every respect comfortable, and the Cap tain a good and clever fellow. MIETINGi IN THE NV ARD. , . —1.,14t night, meeting, were Ireld in most of the wards of the city, in favor of the Factory operatives. To meetings, we learn, were well outfitted, and a firm determination cxpre-- tied, to stand by the girl.. Committees were appoin ted to collect fond. for the use of such as stand in 'eed of aid. It was impossible for us to attend all the meetings, and, therefore, cannot be expected to Ive particular. aPThe Whig meeting in the Muiket Square lust night, was a very slim affair. kbout nnehalfas many persons were present, as ;lanai attend the Native meli tinge, to hear Joe Barker. TUZATRIS.—.Iies Clifton mad• het firs appearance last night to a large atail fushionable audience. She lan interesting actreas—she appears again to.nigliz in Koos% le's play of The rlife; slie plays the beautiful character of Maryanne. FIFTH WARD MEE riNG The citizens of the Fifth Ward, assembled at the School House in said weld, on 'Tuesday evening, the 7th inst. On motion, ANDREW SCOTT, was cell ed to the chair, and H hawk:Lt., appointed Secretary. Mr Gribben, offered the following resolution, width was unanimously adopted. Resolved, That there be a riimmittee of three ap pointed, to form a permanent society, to raise funds for thc Factoty Girls, whilst on strike." The fol lowing persons were then appointed said commit tee, vtzt. Messis GI ibben, Hamilton and Hessey. The committee made the follow ing report. A M'- Dwaine, ['resident; Joseph Irwin, Treasure]; II Pow ell, Secretary. On motion, it was resolved, that block committees be appointed to raise funds The following p•ntletnen Na s then nppointed seid MEM= BLOCK C , MIIITTELf. I,t-W Young, A G Glihhen. 2d—John S Hamilton, Joseph Di:trial). 3d—T Putter, W Fruaer 4 ih—Jaa M'Datle, J A Pas Itinson. sth—Geo Hamilton, John Bennet. Stb—KobeltJelison, Holston Harden. 71b--Jas Donnell, Geu Scutt. W Hamilton. Bth—Wm Neetril, David Wilhelm, P Gil.on. sotb—Micbael Brown, Joe Hersey. 10th—John Main, Samuel Barirom. 11th—A Scott, domes Hol. ANDREW SCOTT, Chairman H Nov ELL, Sec'y. SONS OF TEMPERANCE Mewls for the present goofier—Thome. Steel, Esq., ;VIP.; G. H. Hi;delta-and, W. A ; Thomas Davin, R. S ; John Wilkinson, A. K. S.; JoerPh Pearson, F. S.; Jame■ Nl'Donuid, S ; Daniel Kurz, C.; Francis Cooley, A. C.; Thomas Varney, I. S ; Lewis M'Kee, 0. S.. and C. L. Magee, I'. W. P. Oct S. ['The Rt.hopPotter will officiate on Sunday morning near, the 12th inst., at St. Andrews Church—in the afternoon, at 3 o'clock. at Christ's Church, Allegheny city—end in the evening, at 7 o'clock, at Trinity Church. The change from the 19th, the original appointment, to the 12th, is oc casioned by unexpected change. in his visitation of the north, oct 3. FACTORY OPERATIVES MEETING The Meeting in the West Ward at Lillev, corner of Ferry and Fourth streets, has been postponed until this evening at 7 o'clock. NOTICF The members of the United Beneficial Society of rittahurgh are requested to meet at their hell , in Dor sie's new buildings, Enst corner of Third and %Vogt' •ts, opposite the Merchants Hotel. (entrance on Third.) en IVednesday evenint! the Bth ins!, at 7 clock. THOMAS OLIVER. Soc'). prutem. octr Corn Droonni 511 DZ. Broom. made from new corn. Received this day, and foe kale low by 11 UGII GARVEY, No 102 Liberty at, opposite Fifth 50 BBLS. of extra family Flour, from white wheat. Fur mule by French Books! BOLLM AR'S Levivac's French Grammar; Bolimaes Colimpid Phrase.; Bollmar'a Perrin's Fable.; 801 l mar's Tilernaque and Key; Porneys French Spelling Book; Fleming and Tibbin's French Dictionary (a• bridged for School.); The New Testament in French: A supply of the above just received and for sale h) JOHN 11 NIELLOR, sep29 122 Wood at., above sth. 160 BBLS. No 1 Allegheny Salt just received Arrl and fin sole by MILLER & RICKETSON. No. 170 Li o.'oy fit Lard Oil. 12 BIILS Linseed Oil in store, and for snle by MILLER & RICKETSON. No. 170 Liberty st. Wanted, --- IMMEDIATELY,7 or 8 good steady men, coal diggers, to work in a shaft at Steubenville, Ohio. Good 'mans god steady employment will be given— also an Engineer, a steady man, to take charge of an Engine. P C MARTIN, oct6. 60 Water rt. Writing Ink A RNOLD'S Fluid, warranted agenuine article; Steel Pen Ink, a new arti;le tlip res , ly for steel pens; " Red Ink; Carmine Ink, Hoover's Black Ink, assorted sites; Copying Ink, for the Letter Press; Arnold's Genuine Copying Ink, for the Letter Press. The above, together with a general esdortment of Pittsburgh Inks constantly on hand, and for ultra the wholesale and retail book and paper warehouse of C. H. KAY. corner of Third and Wood sta. Copperas. 25 BBLS Copperas per steamer Belfast for sale by M.B. RH EY & CO., isp3o No 0 Water at. H '~_~~ :..._ ; : •~'r+".' , y-sue -:c THE SPLENDID CANAL PACKETS, Express & Telegraph, Leave Denveribtily. (Sunday. expected,) at I Hock A. M., (on I lie arrival of the steamer from Pitt.litirg h.) and art ice at Warren next mil, ning i l l 7 ii'cloeli--coi.nertit.g. nt Warren with Neil, Mon, & Co'. line sif Stazoi, whAi leave Warren on the ar lrival of the Packet, an.l teach Cleveland before night. Fare through $4 511. lying, in Pnt.burgh are ..r.tilledtnrhoire of /e•riles on the Canal Parket, and sents in the stage. For 1.0 4 4:12e an N. 11,111 le , .u dSirarnhnat Michigan, or to JOHN S DICKEY. Beaver, G H A 11. lON & Co., Pittsburgh. CLARE &Co., Deaver. For passage- returning a pply at th e Stage nflieec „f N El 1., MOORE & Co., Cleveland. .1 & M 1 AY LOR. Warren. I The well known iitenmet 4,:14114t..,_ M I C II [GAN, ' “*. B. not Es. Mii.ter.hageorninenerii her regular trip., leaving Piti.liiirgh lieeet,i. Core) at 3 o'clock. P. M.. and Beaver at 3, A. M. Prire.to the times,aail those alie have no mune) earrird free. The Canal to Clet eland will he opened ae noon n. the weatl,er will permit; no the opening or whirl CLARK E & CO'S LINE to CLEVELAIs:D,O..and MEADVI LLE, Pe., will inimedintely go into "per, (106. For freight or paioinge ripply on board, or to jitly 12 G. M. liAli lON, Water stteet. ou—rho Niichigan is provided with Evans' Sitio y R 1845. MONDAY CINCINNATI PALKET. is U. S. MAIL MONONGAHELA, SToS Nlaoter.ha.rommeeredrwn ning reguiarl v, end will cofflifikle c. • IWI Ken.en as fl lVeeLlu Packet tWlNet'fl Pilt•le.rph and Cilicinrati, Ica% inc. ritt,burgh every Metwby morning at 10 t;cl, , c6, Cincintelli every niernleg. In r be rtarr, boor. Fur freight or pd.nage apilly on booed In ronnPetion with daily L;n.•..6 Fri; ht and I . J. sage C:tnal Boa:s to FA to. l'n.. and Cleve! tnd, Strain Bout end Vefsels to all ratio, on Lane E.l and Michigan. Apply to Fort BALTImoRF: ANI) I'IIILADELIIII.I THE SPLENDID tAsT RUNNING sTEAXErts CONSUL AND LOUIS :11cLANM. WU/ comm.-nee or, Mon day at 12th of . 1 / a y. ,I/ ❑ king double daily trips. One boat will len*, nt ai •.'cloek, A. M. The other in the evening, daily, (excel , ' Sunday.) By thernorning Boat pa4iiiinger.i will rake the I'll, of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Bond at ()Jolla., land, at 8 o'clock, A M.. the next morning. And arrive it, Baltimore, at 5 o'clock I'. M. the name evening. Through to Baltimore in 30 boo, s, " Philadelphia in 40 " By the evening hoot passengers will lodge on the Boat in comfortatileST ATE ROOMS the first night. Pass overthe Mountains in Coaches in day 401. Lodge the second night in Cumberland, thus a‘oid ing night travel altogether. For sent., or entire roaches for familieso r pit ries, apply at the office, two doors from the Exchaii 4 e; an d nt the Whin(' boat aliovet he Monon+alt-In Bridge. may 9 FERGUS MOORHEAD. A_eot. A RE now opening nn tinnlnally large stock of Ai FOREIGN and DUNIF:STIC I)IiV COUPS, "frvery description, for the fall trade, ebich will be offered at small advance for C 0.!,, or approved credit_ They the attention of dealer. in the city and Vi• chilly to their asi•ortnient, and an examination at their prices—which will be fotind pinch a. to ,n, so t h e ex . prate and siipposed necessity of sending East for their .applies. HUGH GA RV Eli, 102 Liberty .orert Their stnek will he kept fall throughout the .en•un Put .n 4 .1 M GOLD PhiNS. Premium ever pointed Gold Peng. UST I , !CieV,l a fresh alaallinent of inv a l e a. lila I ens for the Counting Rooms, fur Clergy men, Lawyer s and all others, whotlestrn a Co (Piet. bait and durable pen, and to be freed from the vexatious bother and constant expense of Steel Pens arid quills. For sale wholesale and retail by W. W. WILSON. Corner of Market and Fourth sts. The Razor Strop Man Beat. jJUST received from the Eastern mar kets, the brat assortment of BOOTS ® and SHOES, fur the People, ever brought to this cif). CALL AT KIMBALL'S, No. 70, Wood Street., Between Fourth and Diamond alley, and you cnn buy cheaper, and better than at tiny other place in Tilts , burgh. His stock is for SALE, consisting of all kirds, of Boots and Shoes, coarse nod fine, Men's, Women's and Children's, expressly for the wholesale and retail fall trade. Call Bed see, and you will nor go away dissatisfied. set i 274 3500„ LBS. Eastern Sole Leather, just Ur received and fur gale by riIHE new and splendidly finished three story. 1 warehouse, No. 56, Wood street, next door to the Hardware store of James M Cooper, near 4th meet. This warehouse is well calculated for any kind of heavy business, and is large enough for 9ny purpose. IL will be rented low. Apply to the sub scriber or enquire of Mr James 51 Cooper oct2.tf. JAMES P Pire Brick, Extra Large. 20,000 A prime article, fur auk by mai-21 THE third story of the new building on the cor ner of Wood and . Third streets over my Book store will be rented upon application to the subscriber, scp29 C. H. KAY. port of Pittsburgh. !HY LAST NIGHT'S MAIL. 41 ?TAT WATER IN THE CHM 11.16.1. ARRIVED. Daily Beaver Packets; Daily Brownsville Packets. Monongahela City Packets. Miner. Kinney. Wellsville; New Hampshire, Patterson, Cincinnati; Monongahela, Stone do. DEPA RTED. Daily Beaver Parker.; Daily BroVillsVille Packets; Monongahela City l'arkeiti. Rambler, Moodey, Hibernia, Klinerriter, Cincinnati For New Orleans and Apalachicola. THE new anti splendid steamer EMILY. J. D. Itntaan, Master.— "- • - Will leave for the above and interme diate landing , , on 'Filumlny next, 9th inst. at 3 P. M. Fot Freight or ratline apply on board ot to cm 7 JAMES MAY. Beaver, W arren and Cleveland Packets and Stage Line. , )pr )Lo,7trsp. BEAVER PACKET The new and Splendldtileamer, LANE ERIE & MICHIGAN LINE .."`"" STEAMER LAKE ERIE, CA rt. CA xrat.t.t Leave ftt-uver at P. o'clitek, A. M. " l'itt,hurgh lif 3 o'clock, I'. M. S(I;AMF; 9110E11G1X , CAP r. LraleA I'msburgh ,r 9 o'cl wl; A NI 8e1.,,r et 1 M G. M. lIAMON JOHN S. DICKEY. liefi‘er. jun. 21y k I( K S. Cu.. Bearer. SPI , :ED AND COMFORT !! DIONONGAHELA ROUTE "'Or . IV. ac.i. SAC, : E , " la; atria HAMPTON & NO. 112 WOOD STREET Eastern Sole Leather To Let. D. & G. W. LLOYD To Let. MARYLAND ELECTION. THE FINALT RESULT. We give below the canclottion ni the returns of the late election Pe- member, of Concres■ and the State Leginfeture. The fellewieg aro the Congres.lmen elect: lot District—Chapman, Whig, majority 394. 2.1 " Thomas Perty, dem, majority 497. " Thos Wathin. mnj. 891. 4th " William Fell Giles, dem, 7114 . j. 86'4 sth " Albert Constable, dem, tnnjolity 169. 6111 " Edward Long, whig, majority 158. 55 big majority in the House of Delegato+ 4. Baltimore Clipper,Oct G. A FORTNIGHT LATER FROM THE RIVER Blorl,rie of the Ports of rt,gt,oy Mpllllte by the Eneish and rreyirlt.—lSy .tile C.1\1111:1, CHI , - min Wolf, whteh left It,, Attgomn tot the 28.11. and tilTive.l :It New York on Friday, ilie Honorable Aleo• antler H. Everett, nun Indy have returned. Mr f:veret left New Yolk but June itt th.• Columbus,Cum. Riddle, for Nlncao; but was complied by ill health to abandon his mi.:holland return. %Vt• are yet v hnppy 1111,1111 11111 t Ills 6••111111 was 11111 , 11 irnrrovt,l by the optze home. Abu) 1,31141 1 1 1 1 111 , 11 1 11g1 1 111 1111 1 Cllllrl ll l l , Amory F:dwordi, , Into .kmericun CuttFul to Bu rro,: Ayt By this arrival the Journal of Co nmeree rereive. ad, ice , . from Boenon Ayre. to A itizte.t I Ith, and horn Monte Video to the rill, It ,N ill be seen that nil the bents nl the ,sIIII I ,IIC of Utuguay have been docili t y,' by the British nod French Mira-tees in n stare of block nde. except Monty Video. the Buenos Ayres IL it,ll l'acket of the 2,1, Ares !hot not. ith-tinliii4 this occurrence, an I the .time of Buenos Ayre. scrindeoe, diplomatic reltillr.r. %veil, not .t entirely 10•.1.en off. M. 1,11f•Ii to "et 1.4 Charge'd Affirms Fraser, at:tl Mt li4ll ill ch "go- of the Bi t• I.e2ation. Ct , rresoundunce.l" tho I ,, mrt.nl Commete AV3il Tr) .P . . - of ti .pf the packvt with the Innii ("I Rio-dr-Jer.vrin in %Arlie: The I:riglish rind i fie l rgentiur Giiniirioni ris ion Ow the niiimier. nn , l 1,4•0 .41 , 1,11011 f in ClitleCf r• so rw i r .. n —u n ler Admiral I.4lllliin—r.initi•tii, sliiii`2slll of M.y, brig, of brie Eriiiicur., If con., orlir ulnil,u, of 6 em. 4, and the far g•iii•. Thu... of the ntlirerfi rind ',rim, dint wi.b.•d, were lints rl rirricifiAl rail, including A1,,,i ri rid hi. ilfricer. vivre bent t•i ANriis in tile Eniydirdi where !bey ‘• ere 111,:•••A 0,1 0,7 It, lire ve.. .el. hnve lwen runnned I.y ,Ii!or, 11, , rn the !),,:11.h .TIZt111”11%. titql two 1 , 1 t h. rn z'l,•N 10 se—wis.. 11J II ,•h l'or3:zuety Om I,er Putano, or ,111 (1,•• ,ker lino• OW rzen. nriverti 11.1vec,i•rd n •••0v0 ,,, 0 her, (Jul.,'l has p0..e..10n of the cu r ve eonotn, no Imre ca,a , rN or! n nin.t him. At Ili.. 11,f• elpttelo,c the A tzotoine ..Irm. !he two CI, I ; 21 , !! • :1,1..411.• ..1 u.r VIII ire if OW h . poldir of 11,4. Ur. , : , 1 i rt,em 11 , 11 oor tra.l , or, e:y. 11 1 , 01 - .;o11 tra ie 1,14 h•,•1 in I L , nr, s.ht, 6 11..•) 1,1 , 1 , is and di, o i,! ,o• Ihnn el k /,111,1. I , IJI ..tint eel] 'TOW!. 11‘11 • '\ I N 11A Nfr ( l :a , to Itioo,o. Ater., will a.., II for. MURPHY. WILSON ek CO., ILptoiorrn tho:r an.l [l , lolr Grnrr ails. tiro thry hast• torrio,••,i to hot Plow ote, No. 48, 1F ~,.d ,rut, otoolo.l rho it on the m 111th el ozi 11,. whele tht. dad% piling (:”•.14 1,, Ow nt o h 0.4 n 0,10.1. In. boo po tt lo t ,tl wi tt curt., 111111 nt 1110 lowt,t rr-14, tho cumin or nriou,ed r,rdit at a small tolvahco liril rt 11-k Olt: 1, 11)1'14 f to w 11, Thry mill In• cortitato: atoll Stud, du; log the „f.Slrsa t• :low in RIOFC int... Pilot and bik ; do. a nd G.•, ci imis. Given awl 'nixed du Faiiry Bl•ll,ihtie Farley Prima, a rich aiiiiiriorrirriz C..,•itmt•re and MI/11•. Is . Lninrit C.Ord Alpaeea. and Pardniarta ( . 1,,uh4; Litiptry., t,rllllloll 1111,01.1 anti ,nipo•ifine; Kentuelsy Jean, and Tweed,: Seat let, IPhitr,Yellow and Green fl.lanel.; Flan n el., nnbl , acli,i, ble.lehe.l -"fared 13 4 S:enmbout • 15'nitu.•t and heavy to intikv! 10 4. 11 4 and 12.4 do. do ; 11.:•stra heavy Blue Geniinnetra. 916. A ,plendid assortment of 61111,1.1.; Tirkings an, .11-r.fn Chrck-: Buck, Chamois, lined Berlin and Long Word Glover Irish arid Gerneinb,w 111/0/nli Nvi,;,, and blk Cotton, and Ilk Cha•lunero anti Al , Hr , I I lilruchvd and B row n C"tion, T.)4t 'her with a gener .1 a+ll.rtirn,io. n, THE subs, lber ol reerer !fully on• C. IM.ltire to his tomer 01.11 CW1(01'11101 .11,1 he pindie that hr is prepared to .apply them with hi , beam did style of bet. lie would say to nll 'ode. sr i•h In get the worth of their money, that thin I lie plate 10 Come and huv. It is well • krmwn that (rile MI inferior niliete of lints have been sold at exurbitorit price,, and the parchaier getting but !rock fur Ms mope) and earnings. Theoil r system is but ly touched, and he d.ws riot it - tannin:dine on inferior nr tide to palm off on the working man. Ili- Itudie,.. i. conJncted nn LIM CASH SYSTEM. and he is de 'ermined to sell cheaper than the cheepest of the chearv,st. Hia mock of FALL AND WINTER CAI'S are ol the most fashionuttle style. ( . 11411,1011L ' Ilnta 111.111 P 11 I shortest notice. Also. Ladies' Riding Cnlts end In. fart's Copt of every pattern to suit the taste. N. B. Dent forget the place, em I wont tt small per lion of tour small chance, and ) on 111.1 y rely on 4et dog value for the some at the sign of the Big Whine I let thild dila( Inllto John D. Davis' Auction Rooms. Recollect the "'Yellow Front." m ARTIN'S FAMILY BIBLE, Nos 1 to 0; " Ireland, " Ito 10; " Josephus, " Ito 14; Just ivceived BOSWORTH & FORRESTER, ortr, No •13 IThirket Ftreet ri 1 NTS In Motheru,l.r the mnuagement of their health; by Thomas Bull, M. D. 'We cannot urge its Vfillle too strongly on all a 11 , 011 it concern.."—Er/retie Review. For Auk ly BOS Ril I FOR RESTER, re-tr, Nn 11 Market F Ireel. FLINT GLASS ESJ ABLISIIMP:NT. P. MULVANY, JAMVA M.. LEDLIY. JAMI::S MAY MIILVANY & LEDLIE, MANCEACTURE AND KEEP CoNSTANTLT ON HAND, Cut, Moulded and Plain FLINT GLASSWARE, IR ALL ITS VARIETIES, AT TIIFIR WAREHOUSE Corner of Market and %Valet' StreetN, SIUARF 0::r Our Works continue in full operation, and arc constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to:fill orders with promptness. Purclia=.ers are respectfully solicited to call and examine prices and terms. sepl6-lry Oysters! Oysters!! OYSERS can be had at the FRANKLIN HOUSE, corner of Sixth street and Cherry envy. ser3o Im CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ. .- * - •. • (s7fl - •ve• -.7.4: • - . _ p 1 rarer n , AtN; 15. 1:',45 No. 43, Wu()I) SI R 1.1.1, ( Lae .10n,s, AI L'l. hey, .) new ortick FALL FASHIONS G. W. GLIS(iOW. Na 10,, Wool FL PitcQ:nceh PITTSBURGH. 25 DOZEN Superior Corn Brooms; 70 do Fair do dn; Received and for sale by H. LAMBERT, nct 4 100 Liberty street OPn REAMS Medium and Crown Straw; 75 tin do do Bar; Received and for sale by H. LAMBERT, ort4 100 Liberty it KEGS "Gedge & Bin." No I, C TtAtio 2"Jr Tobacco; 2 Stars Cincinnati Starch; 15 do do Star Cantlle•; Received per Steam Boat "Allegheny Mail." and for sale by 11. LAMBERT, or? 4 100 Liberty street. Rice. TIERCES fresh N. C. Ric,: recr.ived rtnd fur IPAP Ante. by H. LAMBERT, 004 100 Liberty strer•t• Coffee. 300 BAGS of Hi:, Cfree. now landing, vol fur sale by J & J NBDEVITT, uctl. N•t294 Liburte st. Tcas, 10n11.% LF rho an 1 Cony boxes Y I Tyson Gonp.wder and Imperial Tres. now land and for pale by J & J ore I. N 0224 Liberty it. Sup 7.rior Green and Black Tea 1 4) 1 E 1 c he x : a r r i extra " . fm l" tint Young l ' ae k " ce7 bought expreliily for family now landing, and for bale by J&.l NI'DEVt CT; octi. No 2!4 Lamm , It. Sugars. X. BOXES 111140 Havana Sugar; 20 B.irruk of 11 hoe Bruxil Sugar, now landing and for HAVING tritoilt and rnmoved to his „hi , tnnd, No :26 %Vont] strect, next to the corner of Se comtiou's w tran,act a general commission Milllle be corwaaily A mer i ca' , 111111 , 1fnetarcs at the low est vk ht. lesa le ea aim rives. sept 17 rau • t (if R mreri , ,r glahly juat irreired from the m,,11411,,c111,15, for vt:e it I 111, PAT Whill?Sale c.1111 , 111,410r GEI). COCilliAN,'?.f.; 1Vf., , 1 at. a.h!7 Red 11 , 131U11C1-. dill new sorerior 6.1- enlr nn favor:All. r.rfnt by 15 i.O COCH ri AN. 126 %Vouti st. [lll7 () TONS PiZ yogi received for by WILSON S ('0). 1, 0 and 26 Sheri. Iron, on ItlllilDGE 'l% . lt.soN & co "al let. nenr Smit 10 E l l . 0, it a i w:1 1 :! I i : k:•) , arriving and 1,, O,VOIE BLAS K TS AND SATIN 1 CASE E.cn,,m 81e[. , 10. I_ 1 d. do I pier.• In La. S 1.111 11.1 fur i SHEA X. 11•{