Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 06, 1845, Image 2

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dit)c IDailZ .11tottting post.
raTsßutual, mummy, OCTOBER 6, 1645
fi:e . V l'A LMKR. Arentfor country new.popors.
i. the Arent for the Pin•hurgh Doily Morning Po-t,
Ind •IVe.kly :Mercury nlttl Mnnufactorer. In receive
utircitisentents rani suhxriptioua. kic has tame. in
?"‘T.u , Yonx, nt the Coal Office., 39 Ann .trcet.
joining the "Ira:mine Officer)
Dos-Iton, Nn. 12. State Omen.
1 . 1111/4011.PHIA, Real E.llole and Cool Off.ce,
rim• street. -
B S F. earner Bnltimure and Culvert at.
oi t oeu our porter yin be •ren, and trans of ndv rti
sing learned.
CANAL C•00119f10:1CR
SAMUEL W. BLACK, PittAblirgli.
DONNELLY, Allegheny ei.y
COL. WM. L. MILLER, Ver.milles.
R. H. liF.llll, Alleglwny
C' 11 F.t .
J. C. 3,I*CULLY, Upper Si. Clair
It C; I 5 T It
EIM R D 1IT01110.1:, In3i3r•rt
rp M1115•1 0 S 13.•
US E II E. 'C A ette
A tr T) IT nR.
.MIIN 11. Nil:Lill:NY, .1.111 ton
Tickets! Tickets!!
Oa' Any titinnrity of the regular Democratic
Call Le bad at tlti office.
Important to Travelers.
The Ohio river ie nose in floe order fur Stearnhoe!
navigation, and titling rapidly. There in now, alien_
donee of water in the channel for the hoge,t tezerl
steamers. Boats running in the lines to Cincinnati,
Louisville and St. Louis, &c, will hereafter make their
regular trips. The public are assured dint the travel
ing facilities, whether by water or hind, ea ...1,
north or south from Pittsburgh, are not only amp,e
arid comfortable, but cheap, very rhea p.
Ratty'. DalloCßAva! RALLY' !—Demieratv of Al.
legheny!—in • little more than a week you will be
called upon to discharge • great duty at the polls—
/Are yea all ready. Your brothers in Maryland have
-giVen pm a noble example—they have routed and de..
fasted .their opponents of every name--they have ni
vel:wised over federalism and its Whig offsprings.
Democrats! upon the votes of each of you depend..
the issue, as your suffrages ere ca t, the question will
be decided. Make arrangements in your business sn
as to give the 14th to the State. and bring out your
neighbors to vote with you.
Remember that a democratic county ticket and a
democratic legislative ticket can be elected, and use
every plotter exettion to secure it. Remenx.v that
upon the electinn of democrats to the Legislati.tr.
ream in all pininibilty, the right of way question. Ile
up andd.tin6, Democrats—imitate the glorious exam
& of our invincible II ien•lA of Maryland.
Tho St•len Letters.
We clip OA following frwn the Gazeue of Satur
"Dom+ the editor of the Poo mean to insinnete by
this that one of the "Fifteen Whi g ." f art -60..4
copy? If it was never "out of their possession" the ! ,
mua have done so. or some one with their consent.—
If the Post sees this is the case, we shell have more to
say—if ors, the editor states an untruth."
We any that the "certain paper," was not stolen—
that it was never out of the possession of the "Fir
teen"—that unless destroyed by others, Or the editor
of the Gazette, ft is still in their possession. The ed
it/leaf the Gazette asserted that it leas stolen, we
now dare him to make the charge and name the per
see. We ran tell him more; the "certain paper" pre
pared by "the Fifteen" was never seen or touched by
oar predecessors.
The Gazette denies that the box containing Iloyis
papers was "broken open end rubbed." Mr 111lien
:is himself says that the box was broken open—and
that after it was open the first thing that arrested hi.
attention was the letters of Aunt twy General Van Bu
ren. How then can the editor assert that that box was
root broken open and robbed?
The editor of the Gazette goes the "whole figure"
in justibestion of the conduct of M'Kenzic; he does
toot oorassider it immoral to steal private lettere.
The editor has not given a single word of explana.
ties of the matter, save the letter of the thief him
self. It is not common, we believe, to reseive and
rely upon fhe testimony of the guilty, but in thi.
case, the Gazette has none other, and in order to es
cape Atm the position in which its editor has in•
considerately placed himself, it is necessary to use it.
It is the first time we have ever seen, in tlr i col
umns of a public paper, en open defence of villainous
NIGHT SCIIOOLS ■oa Tut Conn.—The municipal
authorities of New Orleans, lia,e establish,' free
night schools, with a view to the insttuctiun of persons
between the ages of twelve and twenty one years.
whom:invocations prevent their attendance at the day
schools. The act is a noble, a humane orr, and enti
tles those who originated it, to great respect. New
Orleans, always among the foremost in benevolent
deed', has commenced this laudable work; may we
eat bops te find other cities—our own city—following
her example The free schools of many states in the
Rept : Arlie are their chi4est ornaments ; the common
school system is one which, above most other ques
tions, disioaals the guardianship of the whole people.
Thanks to the libeled spirit of the age and the in
tegrity of our General Aspembly,ahe system, bele, has
been preserved-through the most trying hours of the
Commonwealth. blay it know no changes but suzli
as will enhance its usefulness.
The free schools of the state arc already the means
of enlightening thousands who might else grope in
darkness sad ignorance lino igh the various and
our windings of life, almost unfitted for the discharge
of electoral duties. There is yet room to extend its
influences eider and farther. In every manufacturing
town, there are large numbers of operatives who, from
youth to gray age, are unable to obtain a common ed
ucation. Their position In life entitely disables them
from enjoying the privileges of the day schools, from
the first moment that labor can claim their exertions,
till the grave seals up the book of life to them, forever.
There are hundreds In this and the neighboring towns
whom iron poverty denies the benefits of education.
I. it DOE our duty, as far as may be, to afford them , .
our brothers end sisters, such opportunities as will ena
ble them to 'minim sufficient school-knowledge to work
their way well through the life before them 1 With
out education they are in a great measure unfitted for
the political duties they must perform, and thus are
our institutions endangered, while they are an easy
prey to the wicked and designing of every caste.
We would suggest that the Councils, or the people
in mass meeting:Adult make nrrangements, until
Legislative enactments can be obtained, fur the laying
of a separate tax for thissuppott of a sufficient cum•
bet of free bight schools to educate such of the poor
- - ,
V ~. . .. . .
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as are compelled to wok the livelong day, year in and
year out ! The tan would nut be onerous, for in a
community so wealthy the little thus taken fro s sw the
general abundance would be hardly felt, save by those
for whose great good it was to be employed. In
tiredly of-Tittsborgh four night schools might be cs-•
Taldished—in Allegheny city, two; in Birmingham one.
and so on. -Each separate community could support
its ou n schools, add ;he re , ults would be most grail.
ft may not he generally known that one of the prin
ripal incentives to tl.e strike of the Cotton Factory
Operatives iimO,AC from the subject upon o Ititth this ar
isle (teats. We feel ussured that If erhooleate estab •
lished upon the plan proposed, emplojing mmnufnc-
Inteta will feel it to he their duty to make inch or
rangements in the division of time a. will enable the
operatives to enjoy the privileges thus afijmied them.
Let this subject he well considered. It is one of rest
importaitce, and should engage the attention of the
benevolent. It am...11s to the noblest sentiments of
the Ir art— , to the highest and most essential plinci
plea of political economy.
Now, in order to put the "E lor that 0n.," per
fectly at ease, vre take off the neal of iCCIC4V, 11 , 1111
nll ear “privite maiterA," and give him unrestrained
license Ti. "divulge" nil he know,—Jaurnal.
Th . . is ver) kind, hut the -Editor dal 1.n." n ill
tit, nothing of the ...wt. iota.° intimated nt the toopet.
There i. nothing in thi. di.rite that could werrunt
(I,,inr an act
It hq. been •t:ue.l 11111 the Inrecibre rmotli
ihte for Conn) runnot %%rite hi. 11Amr.
chnrtte ntmitiiit him Ir.. grown out •.1 the fuel
flint tievi•r w mite a rA,rtirroot onler for tlie
n hors, tm the rit.o;.,••• of (ht.
dertetment of lint. nil - the tr,re.port.tine lint•, tie
t,, emphly n rierk for the porroAe. Hi.
-imple nume c.iti write, but it I. contewh•d that ht•
Conn,,! Ihror 4,•1111nr,4 filet r,,tnnlit lilt m In. raper.
kVe cop) the Mho, fro n the American, of Satur
day, in order in give ii a direct contradietion. Both
diviviiins of the charge therein tide are oat or. W e
bore tlint Mr. Burn. wriiev n much handsomer bona
Ohm il.e editor of the A one, iron, and ilint, at a Ishoi
11,16 man, be possesses qualifications much superior to
either of his opprotrnts
rr f :PThe Fsrinry operatives at Steubenville, who
we t e on a "strike" last week . have gnnr ten wink neitin•
Their movement was n ningulur one, at we nro Worm.
ed. They struck for rash wazcs. alien we
they were not arked Intake anything else than rash.
It appears they were in the practice of asking for Or
den, which, of course were given them, while the
rash was never refused.—Piiisbargit
Now that it funny. Who ever heard of operntives
asking fat orders," when they could get monryl—
Thw• prohability is that these workirs either got no
rash at all, or else depreciated Ohio Bank rags, not
worth half their nominal value.
Ttir. IBURN'T AgrEDUCT Rr-nctr.nt.e.—A letter
received in this city on Saturday, from the burnt Aque
duct, nee, Sclinvet's, gives the interesting iiitelligettre
that a temporary aqueduct will be constructed. ready
for the passage of boats by the 15th inst. This a ill
he cheering nevrs for the tiansporteis and tusiness
men, nd we cannot too highly speak of the alactity
ith which the C anal Commiaioners have performed
their duty in the prem.irs. The Monongahela and
A IlegJesny rivers arc rising rapidly, and transportation
via ritirburgh, will lie unintertupted from
phis to Cincinnati, Limbo ille. St LOtthaer,cl New Ur•
leans be the 15th, at the farthest..
A BOLD °et:rms.—The Keystone rrjoices that
Marshall, of the Wribiut, bas pot the pit price up to
a quarter, and exclaims—" The drama can never sus
tain its literary rhotacter uncle' such censorship es is
tobc found in a shilling pit." So thinks Mr Forrest,
who will never pl.:, to "bit - aurliences.
AV‘ INC; rue rutno oCT.- - -Tho editor of the N.
York Evenirn: St•r onto, that the man who eats to-
mittoes every day, a ill lire,baning cantal it ins, risme
than a litindresi yrani. Bo knows a man who reached
a hundred and twenty, then cursed tomatoes and hung
Tut amen SLIE.PERS. of Beethoven, have been
"waked up" at the N. Y. Tabernacle. The Intuit:
was so shockingly done, that it i.iloubtful whether the
composer kept his nap the while. One "bloody"
L. is the getter up.
A l'untdc pis NEM bas been tendered to lion John
Tyler, lute an , ing President, by a Committee o( Phila
delphians lie declines being eaten.
Garr - ( TO BECOLO.—Philosopher 1111,,1-er
er in ion IA and humbug, p r edicts a terrible hnnl
winter—tong, cold and Lint,. lie has 'mien this
from an old saying, that when bees refuse tu unarm
there is somethinz, snowy in the wind.
reßig Thornier (Dr. Boughtnn,) has born sen
mimed to imprisonment awing his natural life. LI
WS! the head lodise of the !Indium anti.rentrrs.
VV'The Pie. telly of a young man, rather unlearn..
ed, hat a great player at Dominoes, who 1,11/ emit ried
in a Catholic Church, and not knowing a word of
Latin was *skid if he was sure the setvice was ent•
reedy performed. "Why," replied he whe n the
minister said Dom inn, I felt that I ma' stumped."
KILLFD-A Mr Souders, conductor on the Cum
berlund Valley train, in jumping (rum the cars on!
Tuesday last, fell under the a heels acid was
The accident happened near Carlisle.
13:7The Carlisle Volunteer notices the departure of
Company K. 4th Artillery. Lieut. Hunt, for Fort
Henry, to keep pos.te-sion until the return of Mnj.
Ringold's Company. ::apt Washington's Company,
8., remains at Carlisle.
GREAT ToR BASIES. — AcCordir g to the census 0 1
1840, there were in Missouri, et that time, the as
icanOting number of sinty•secen thcusand bullies, or
)oun; specimens of humanity under thn age of Ilse
a 7 ' It in stated in the Detroit Advertiaer, that
there is a project on foot, under • patronage of some
of the heaviest capitalists, and men of boainesit in the
State of Mainiachusetts, New York and Michigan.
which 11111 for its object the building and potting shoot of
an iron to nm direct from Buffalo to De.
I roit, without stopping-11 , 44., peeisilily at Cie, eland—
in connection • fib the Michigan and Central a.ll
The patentee( coffee it now manufactured in
New York. It it extensively utter! in Europe. A
quart bottle of this essence coat, but tic shillings, and
will make from nne to twn hundred cop+ of excellent
unfree, according to the rine of the cup, and the lute
of the drinker,
THE COTTA] TH4HE of this city engrosses 411MCC
as well Ai eonveriatien; witneSP:
Can I gel front scats fur six 1"
" Afraid not, sir—hot one front seat kft."
How many ladies can you seat on that one seat,
" Why, air, we surd to bent fire, very comfortabl;
now it's a difficult matter to crow in four."
How nr Cc RED Titt:w.—A writer in a downcast
paper, who was troubled by lark ants, says he dis
solved bolt a lea-spoonful of tartar emetic in two
tea-spoonfuls of hot water, and mixed it with s•ime
molasses and put it where they could doctor them
selves. The result was, they all cleared out, be sup.
posed perfectly cured, es he has not heard from them
, .
..;*". 7, v4a
Tut TiMPERANcis QUKsTiom—We publish below
the K plieti of C. 4. WO. L.,llliller and.JosephDoo
per; gag., Democratic nominees Tor the Aliemi4, to
the cireuler of Ns Committee of Friends of Temper
am*. Tbei are brio!: to the point, and in the proper
To John A Wins, iVat Lorimer, Jr, Dr J Co
rothers,Jamrs React, J D illiams, Commit
G•ntlemen—l have received n cirrubir containing
the restiltition. pas-eil a t Liwrenceville, a n d emetic.-
ing of me if elected to the Legislature. whether I nm
in favor of such a law as ;hey nal, fol. I will here
state that I signed n petition last winter to the legisla
tors!, for it similar law, for Versatile: twonshiT, where
in/,rile. Whether I would *option n law,
•hoold I be elected. either for the State or Coonty.
, v aki depend un 'of ClMS'iturnts. I should treat all
, nv pfflitioners wills respect. But supp ose an over
wheltningmsjority came in opposition to it: let my
iseeililectiems hens they might, ought I out to comply
a Oh the requirement' of the majority.
Vet• rospertrullv, tt
Oct 4, 1815
rittrcußoll, Oct. 4th, 1845.
T0.1,.hn A. Wills, IV,, Larimrr jr., Dr. J Ca
',Arra, Jam!• Reatirr. and J. D. Ni lliams
Commitrte of Mc friendA of Temyrrahee
Gentlemen—Your circular addressed to :be several
randidute. for A...flatly in thin county requiring their
Men s on the licence •)stetn. Cr., being directed Ti
(ikon., hooted of Moon 1',"1 Office. wan not received
by me until Thitrnday hint. and therefore, was not
-riner nonwered, Nut siting in Pittsburgh to-day, I
1: 1 I,e the font °pp, routity of giving son my view. nn
that . n bieet. I lon in favor of rempernnee, and fulls
two n• it( the evil. of drunkenne.., lint do tint betievt•
legiolutive enactment, the proper ivtly Of runyincing
till. mind of evil and prononing moral reform.
Init! and pul t vneld .Itould be eonvinced by re:141,11
ond not eotettroined by 1.10.1`. li i. the duty ofthe itep
te•votati , e to oho) the is ill of Ili.t , L when
L, L ,,t,LnILLLNLI; and if elerted, nlnnild I be 10.11YUCted by
otojorit In people of the dint ids, to vote for the
1,34..,,T.Lt of such a 1.. w H. you Lit..llC, I tt ill 11tleyrhet.1 . •
filit). Yours, respectfully
An inventigation i+ going on in New York in reln
lion to thin c r iminnl prove...ll,lg. Certain important
farts have been nrrived nt. 'hero!' ;dare, three is
nn arid' rriblishing company on Cool. 4- Co • Bantam,
and 01 tier person., t ben•Len • . w ere the publisher.. It
ha+ been e.talrli•hed. nice. Ifni two individual+ td - thi.
city—wed an ertenure pnhli.ker of Wire and
rra yr r books, and. w member 'laic chn•rk. the nther
a plotnittent p.nlinrian—made the Of 'vonl contract
ith Wm Tallor, under the A +tor linow,
tie .ale of the work. ahicit wag de.crilni in nd•
'entice • by the font of theme t wo pat-tiro, an ''n political
publication, whirls would have a• great a Inn n. the
bi.hop • n hintl.." The wool; ntrivml here Swnday
morning, in Ilit PC by II artalen S.: Co. ' s ea p imin ,,
anti won. as every bats LOON'', +loin circulated all user
the city. The hitu-e of Purges., Stringer 4- Co. mho)
nbtnitted, though at a Bub.. quest date. en intermit i n
the sale of the wort, and bob 411 these line,. [B.,
8 & Ca. tai Wm. Tat.lot bare been •erverl with an
;njanction from the chancellor to n•.trnire them f,nm
" y i n ,
over the priweed. of the +ale•. This will pre ,
vent the perpetrator, (tom reaping the pecuniary fruit•
of ouch n trans era ion. The firm edition [5OOO copies)
ltavinz been esh.inmed, a •ernod edition vk la printed
in tbi. city. The two parties who made tile miginal
ItOtO rnet with Taylor have been Tied to attend be
fore the chief a police. nod more de 'elopements will
b e mai l, iu time course of it day Of two.
31c,ars E Lit or,r —lt will, I presume, he resift!.
admitted b y a ll who hare the prosperity of Pittithnegh
at heart. Ow all unto.* t vve• •hould be tbolished, a.
well IS all unnecessary offices; especially. tilos* offices
which m iy with much propriety be rlenominated lint- •
rare.. I.llge Innis of money are paid to collectors
annually, wit.. h might /so applied t o o bje c t."( pu bli c
utility. instead of enabling I%eas to live is romimrative
it:barleys, at the eapense of those who labor hard and
etinytantiv. If • plan hr the rolle.ction of 'IMPS, in
this city, was atlnpted, similar to the one pureed in
Cincinnati, much time and money might he sated. I
In the latter cite there an, no roller-toe., but the riti•
, r ,„ an, erri t t irr r •cl to en to the city Treu.urrr end pay
their taxes, if they fail to oh , c.., nrf course they a te
pr.wririled •gainst. This ohm at ewe IleellIT• the
prompt udl.•cii to of tier vixes a n d soperemle• the n ,.
Ire•sity of supporting • number 1,1 persons in Miler
who are Strangers to industry. it is earnestly hoped
:b u r our r itiretrs will 131. e this torirjecr ima con,iriectu.
nun. The plan is c-ttainly a boisible one, and at this
time alien retrenchment and eeonorny seem to be foe
nriler of the any. it recommends itself.--
There it. I believe, no Slate in the Union; that •ins.
tains :be tame number of molest office.., in prop,-
tion to her population, n• l'enns)hotni•• And, if it
is a blessing for a eity to hare a number of uselsist of.
firers. l'ittsburgli terms to tie, and no drnibt dead,-
' lv blest.
t r•lf .burgh, 30 ...pt. 1315.
ConisiOn —The ChrOnlete or li , evrtlint
the •frrn
aheiat Senate was pn••in7 down last
night, near 'tieing Son. she came in colli.nin w lilt ilie
steamer Atlas. coming op. by which the former wa.
considerably injured, her guard having been broken,
am i a hole made in bar bull. A• she wins in shod
water, +lie will be repaired Mich but little iocon,e
nience-.—Cta Eni.
In the Alexandria Museum, a bleb is situated but a
few mills from Mount Vernon, the home of the Fa
ther of his Country in his life time, they have carefully
preserved various relies of the venerable dead. The
bier, toss. on which his mortal remninv were carried to
their last resting place, is there also. The editor of
the Wa i l t i ng thri Bee recently visited the museum, and
of his visit a rites thus:
The association of the cradle and the grave'
ware yin idly presented. when, turning to i.et wall, we
hybrid the mantle in which Washington wan christen
ed, und which had been similarly made use of for
other nounliers of hi. father'. fa ratty !—ln a glass case
near by, arming many other article., was a knife give :
en to him when a boy—the pearl button that ww. acct-'
&wally own from his coat as he turned upon the had
cony to receive the congratialationn of his friends,
shortly niter lie took the oath of idrace •• Priinident of
the United States, the independence of which was
through him, mainly achieved. His masonic tiptoe
possresed equal interest; for it an. the Rift t.f La
i KTTII, bestowed at the termination of the Revolt).
lion, and embroidered lry the wife of that ili•tingtrished
ft lend of liberty. It dirplays great taste: on the white
groom! ore portrayed, in strong nod appropriate co
lors, the not i ona l flog of tire United States and that
of France, and underneath there is a semicircle of
cherubic faces in a bright halo of gloiy ; a gold fringe,
little tarnished by the lapse of time, adds • rich frame
tn the beautiful picture. Above this are the white
kid gloves worn by him the last time he attended the
meeting of the lodge, and the gar il with, which be, as
the master, railed to order the 'brethren of the mystic
'tie.' Farther no is a park saddle, and n depository
for store., divided into partitions, and both made of
the stoutest leather. %Ve saw the first flag captured
from the British. at Trenton. It is made of double
hroeude. and lasers an inscription, "for King and
country." In the centre is an eagle, holding in its
IniOns art olive branch. It is designated "Alpha,"
in contradistinction to " Omega," the la-t flag taken
Int the surrender of Cornwallis, and which is in pros.-
, imiry to this miter. 7ha beginning and the etiol.
The following is a copy of a letter. hanging in n
; frame, written by Washington but a month before
hi. death, whirl to those who have nut seen the ut igi
nal, any po•scss hairiest, viz:
'Mount Vernon, 1799.
Wnshinven rind mssell have
been honored with your polite invitation to the assem
blies in Alexandria this o inter, and thank
. )ou for this
mark of out nttenti•m. But, alas! our dancing days
ate on mete. We wish, however, all those who relish
so ngreeable and innocens nn amusement rill the pleas.
urn the season will afford them; and rim, gentleman,
your most obedient and obliged humble servant.
'•Mes+rs. Jonathan Se ift, Gee. °enrol.% Wm. New
ton, Robert Young, Charles Alexander, Jr., and James
H. Hone, Afanagers."
There ate many other relies in this museum, very
interesting from their old association.
We were told that some of them would. this autumn,
be taken to the North; but if it were pot for depriving
our Alexandria ft iends of these deposit ies, and if they
are to be removed, we should preftr that they he pla
ced in the rintional gallery in this city—which bears
the name of ‘YAslttaUTON—there to be exhibited rtr
the gratification of the thou-4,111,14 who visit time metro-
it .* i ,. " 4 ,4 .
Z . ip...,-.--4.
Reit , Boat.—We visited yesterday morning a new
beet namid the Wisconnin, which mole her first aiu
peßrancd at cur wharf on the,dey before." She was
built at Pittsburgh—in 182 feet em deck. 26 feet beam,
fsifeet hold, 4 ladle's 40 feet Song. 2 engines Et feet
atroke,2:2 isehes in diameter; 26 feet wheels, with 11
feet 8 inch buckilts-70 state rnains• There is a beau.
ty and a finish about her cabin, that we seldom nee
equalled in a Pittsburgh boat, and nite may he called
a fair specimen of what the mechanics of that city can
do. She ia commanded by Capt R I Grace, formerl3
"(the West Point, end in partially owned by him.
Capt Grace intends her for the l'itusburgh and Cincin
nati trade. It in the opinion of come that she in fast
onnogh to make the hip to Piiishorgh in 44 bourn.
which is 3, hours Icon than the bent time the Cincin
nati has made. She is undoubtedly the fastest in the
trade. Cincinnati Eng.
Anecdote of Koseitako —On the invanion of
Frnor• by the allied power*, a party of Col.:irks en
tered • little village called Cugney. near Beryi!le,
where they pursued their fusual cowrie of apoilation and
plunder. They reached a rural habitation, and hay
ing broken down the fence that enclosed the gthond ,
they marched tower& the home. At the drier they
were met by nn old man, who endenvored tip point out
the Minn, ice and cruelty of their onnoldicr.like conduct.
Ihu the 14 ,, horde, brandithing their sponra over
Ida Irad , declared their determination to pillage the '
mum ge. •-Soldietp," said the old man uncovering his
bosom. e hich ea. scarred by %minds, "you m u st res
pect the d welling of a auldier.or, ilithonor yourselve• by
• ci ime." to are you?" said the Lender of the
k+, "who know our language, and dare presume
to itiltiointi ua 1}1110 " Kthafill•kn! "
• • • On hemline, that name, which in ay.
ntlf,'lll ,l ll. with glory and virtue. the anyage iothliet
, iirre 'hn ninety., at the hetnht feet, and 'whited Iti•
5..11,11 , 5111' 1141 evidently got into tile world
I n ouch udit rniottike. Lae written thi•:
Vino are another's fordt. to me?
I've riot n vulture'. bill.
To ! rick •t every flow I 'nip.
And make it wider still.
It i. enotrigb for me to know
I've follies of my own—
And on my benrt the care bestow,
And let my friend.
Clickener'• Sugar Canted Veretable
Soloman to the contrnry notwithstanding, there i•;
something new utoler the non. In Solotnon'• time!
phy•ic wa• o le.ser evil to more a greater one.; a nd
when hi• sagacious majesty had the head ache, she
dy.l.rp•ia, zany of ills that flesh i• heir to, lie hail to
get nil of them at the expense of griping• and naosen.
that were nearly as bard to put up with OS the tlisea.e•
themselves. fled he lived in these days, however,
he would have found matte,. moat happily changed it.
this rower', for Dr. Clickener, who just now milk
ing inch a noise in the world has invented a medicine,
which is not only not a 'lesser evil," in the wny of,
niusen. griping. and such like ['sod nuributes of •11'
other medical compounds, Lon in actual luxury, for it
leaves patient. molar the impre..ion that they hove
only Loon regaling on first rate peppermint lullypops,—
nnd expels the diaea•e, purilies the blood, end regn
Intr. the bowels, with...it gin ing any further eeid eare
of its j w er.ce. In •errata troth, Clickener'nSugar
Coated Vegetable hill. are the bent general medicine
that has Imre eye, introstoced, for they have nll the ;lo
ra!, tog id vantage. or ph:. ale, without env of thooe
iiro whorl. w loch make• phVgir sorli an aversion it,
moot people. Having, used th-m nor we've. we man say
that much in their favor; and me an longer sur
prises) at Doctor Clickenct's great reputation and pop
ularity, and at the report• r•ery where current, that
wherever his pills are introduced the use of all others
becomes & Ihing: of the past.
N. Y. Ere. Gazette
Sold hy lc rn Jackson. minter of Wood and iihertt
envie. who is general Agent fur Dr Clickener's PilIF
in Pittsburgh arid ririnits.
f;Crliewtare of an imitation ntticle called "reopra•
red Swzar.Coetted Pala," purporting to he Patented
.• both the pills and pretended relent nye forgeries.
zen up by n misernhle quirk, in New York, whin • fur
the lust four er five yen,, ha. made his ii•ing Isy
ing popular Med/Cif/el.
fret G.
Fr ~ 1 1 , he Chmnicle
my 'rico, f 7ntharinnt IVeO.ll. ha• kr,
heland board. vorit6.,:t prto,l••
Ctitinn, 1 therefore forbid ell reryort•
trnati”e tier on my aeeme”t, m• I sitall ray 110 tiebt, of
Iret Colllrnrting after Olio Juts
nete,-. '3l
New Book's.
lONGINI'S on lbw Fll.limo;
-4 14..-111 Amoriran holOgn-;
l're•cot CA C.forookt 11 :1I.•%sco;
( . oorot'a Naval lii•tofv:
Travrla in (i..m.to;
I to.ll I;lotrionro;
ust rrorirea hr
oc.f, N. 43 Sinflot ar
" •' lin 111;
NTS to Molhert. rh.• nits ongetnent of iin•ir
het 11 lot Thomas MM. M. D.
^ll'r cannot orte it. •r.to. Inn Wrong It on all whom
cearrrna. " —Et/.r/itit
For oak. by 110Sli'ORT11.1c 1:01111ESTFit,
or•f, No 13 Market otr.,t.
N:4. cr
ell 11111•11. •
msrronvi ', d r A C
• y 111111111113"
Wholesale & Retail Cash House, ,
No. at.;. Marked strtel. 3 doors abort. 3d strert.'
Barrows di. Turner,
HA I'F: now teeeired their full invoire or New'
Full Good+ rad respertfullv invite all nor-,
eliPnet. of DR, Goons, to cull examine, an our j
rs t,. o .ire variety is lull equal to that of any other en•
ttibluloortnt in the west.
Ofohno,t eveq Inbric; severul prickages new and
beautiful styles cashmeres; cashmere reps; rashmereile
ecope; mous dr lnines, will. packages; new anti olden
did these silks, in nll styles of ample and fancy; silk
w ar p alpacenr; lxualnizines; rniimelies; hinetine and
nliinecae in pent and almost endless •ariet); Ftench,
and German merino,, in all miute.;
des , ' - •mhrocin. the beauty and,
of every develiptinn, embracing n.. no beauty
splendor of the season, in both high and low cost; •tlit
velvet cravats; fancy silk do ; all styles "gold medal"
kid gloves; thread laces and edgings, inserting. &c.&c.
Ladies Bonnet Velvets.
Rich assortment—all prize,—.everal boxy*, new
Intl ritbons, some splendid ar,d beautiful pot erns for
124 cis.; tatßii and sotiiiis, every uumber, black silk
barages, oiled silks, Sr. &c.
Our domestic department Is foil; possessing advent
ages lathe purchaser, rarefy to be bales brown
n11(.0107.0, 4-4, 9-3,...,4 and 6.4, nll grades soil prices
from cases bleached sheetings, all widths, price
from 6}: eases canton flannels, blenched, unbleached
iind colored; English flannels in all colors; Rogairs'
hest. the only article imported l i nslitinking;—Linen
goods of every Paine and descripiiiin, at the lowest
prices;—Tickings for 10 CIA, the best snide in use:
Bales Russia and Scotch diapers; blankets, counter
panes, checks, L lops, Set. du-.
Particular attention has been given to this branch,
and our rare selection line n.• parallel in the west.
French and west of England cloths in all shades: Ger
man blacks, greens olives and other shades for ladies'
cloaks; gold mixed ; zephyr cloths for grata' wear;
eassimeres, rich, staple and fancy, in all styles; rid)
velvets; fancy and plain satins; fancy vestings; satin
scarfs, cravats, Ste. Sr. ; satinets, several rases, black
and blue mixed and all shade.; I ease drab do, for
carriage trimmings, shine made up; hosiery; suspen
der braces; umbrellas, &c. &e.
Dry (;Dods purchasers will find it decidedly to their
interest, (berme purchasing elsewhere,) to drop in at
our number, and examine goods and prices.
rr Throe deers above 3d it. N 0.46.
oct BARROWS di 11.711NER.
Notic e.
JUtt trceivrii by
N., 4:1 M.vt log ntrrq't
Ist Tier of Boxes, or Dress Circle 50 cts
r.' ,l " " 374 "
3.1 " • 20
Pit _ _
Gallen• fo: Colon l Persons
Monday Evening, October 6,1845,
Will be preented en admired comedy, in sam celled
Comic Song
The whole in conclude with a f.rce called the
rr . For portioulort stie'emell bill
o:7onors open at A past 6 o'clock, curtain will
rise at . post 7 precisely. nct 6
BT virtue of an ender of the Orphan'• Court of
legbeny county, issued nut of said Cnurt, the 4111
day of October, instant, and direetod to Hugh Toner,
Esq , surviving atlrninistremr of the estate of William
Anderson deed., there w ill be exposed to public sale,
at the new Court House, in the city of Pittsburgh, on
Monday the 27th instant, (being the 4th Monday.) at
the Moir of 11 o'clock, A. M., two certain lots of
ground belonging to the estate of said William Ander
son, der-ailed, situate in the 6th ward, on the 4th
street road, and at it distance of one bundled feet bum
.aid road ; ( - tenting on Congre , , , sheet, each `0 feet,
and ententlint each 95 feet ti inches, being marked
and numbered in Black's Plan of lots on said 4th
start mod. Not. 31 and 32.
Sate potitive, and term• made known nt time of
Att indi.putatile title, clear uf all incumbrancr , ,
ail! be ei, en.
By or der of the Court :
Or, f 3ul
Oa the old Watkineroa Road, five mile. from
4010-1 THE praprietor offers Ito sale 2000 Fruit dm
Tree.. of the clutters' kinds. both of Arnett
can and European origin, at veil Ica prices fit fur
tran.planting thi• fall.
A d.otryptive calnlogue, with the price. of the dii.
(event kitsch of Ft uit 'free, ran be had gratis by ap
plication to the proprietor Or 111 the Drug. Si ore of II
Smvseo cornet Of Market and Third !Mesh+, Oho In..
kindly consented to receive all orders. prea paid, tor
the toopriew. JNO. 3, SNYDER.
Patronized, by Everybody.
• • 11
f pr S4,4;1;1141 0
Atte if rat -
The Wonderful Vegetable Purgative,
Ilendarhe, Giddiness, Rheum' ism, Pile., Dispepsin,
Scurvy. Small Pox. Jaundice, Pains in the Rack, Ire
ward Weakness, Palpitetion of the Heart, Risin7 in
the Threat. Dropsy, ASIIIMa. Fever of all kinds, Fe.
mile Complnints, Meanie., Salt Rhem, ileertimrn,
Worms, Choker* Mocha., Coughs, Qoinsey, Whooping
Cough. Consumption. Fit., Liver-Complaint, Erysipe
lan. Deafness, I tching. of the Skin,Colds, Gout, Grey
el, ','t von. colnplaint It, and a variety of other disease.„
arising from Impurities of the blood, and ithettuctiona
in the organs of digestion.
• [From the Agent at Qtledent, L.C.]
De se Sire—Act - edible to your de.ire, I write to
keep yeti apprized of the prospect. of the Clickener
Stienr Coated I'm gstive Pill, in this city. Teo may
recollect, when I first commenced /telling your medi
i tine. ethic., was in 3lay, 10 we little tin-timed cf
then nurcess that would crown the melerieking. Our
roerni-es had herr, •n completely flooded My the one
tlnntsand and one unsaleable. remedy for every poosi
hie denpinint under the sun, that 1 seriously enntem
i plated hoeing nothing more to do with any thing of the
kind. However, at the most urgent solicitation, we
c o n sented to make a trial of yours. At first we found
consideruldedilficulty in attracting reblic attention to
skirl. them. People Mel been so often deceived by
the vile cempotintle which have flooded the country for
the hat 15 years or more, that they determlowd, it
possible, never swim "taken in" again; and the eanise-1
T omee was, they could hardly lee persuaded to accept
of the l'ill., as the aaving is, for •qtree nor money.",
Thus tilalletro proceeded for 11 week or two, when, as
Yeood lurk would Mete it. "Mrs. a Indy of
our city, who hull long •tdiered from an affection of
the Liver, acennapanted by ineiire•tion edam" moat ob
ulnae Character. was pf`f•uoded toncrept of a I nn , on
rondit ion that nothing wen to be petid for it, if they did
n,.t air.rd her the necessary relief. I must conicso,l
; weinmselyes bail very little faith in the matter. know.'
; ing as we slid. that her complaint was one of long
steriding, and had been unsoccestfully treated by the,
most eminent Phvsirinnsof this and several neighbor
ing town., lint we had determined In give the medi
rite • fair trial, and if it peeved to be worthless, it
would be a .00Ire of satisfaction at know it, both to'
you and to no. No In. to our joy than aorptiee, how
ever, only a few days Mel deport!, when tie lady again
presented herself at out counter anti enquired for anoth
ler bon. " I molly think, Mr. William.," says she,'
' that
_tour fills me beginning to work a great change
in my he a lth. and altogether for the Letter. When I
took thr netted dose, I began to feel much better than
I did et flint; the pain in my side was considerably re
u . oc d; my a ppetite began to improve; and the blocs'
seemed to circulate through my veins as it did in my
youthful tiers. Since then, I have taken the remainder,
of the and my improvement has been sensibly
l i t "cleaning nt every repetition of the close. 1 have
no tieeht that n few mote boxes will effectually cure
rue." ;rim result win as she predicted. Her health
in completely restored. The flush of youth end beau
ty has returned to her cheeks, and tine prospect of
long arch a happy life in before her. I am satisfied!
wise will never forget the Clickener Sugar-Coated Pills.
A. might naturelly be supposed, the news of this ez•
traurdinary cure wits rapidly disseminated through the
city and adjacent country; and scarcely a week had
ela pned. before devilries began to be made for Click•
encr'n Sugar-Coated Purgaiiie fah; and the demand
s shindy inevensol to such an extent, that we find
the greatest difficulty in supplying it. In fact, if it did
not seem like exaggeration, I. might almost say that we
are literally besieged by women, and children, labor
ing, under every possible ailment w hMh "human flesh
in heir to." The halt, the lame, and the blind; the
asthmatic, consumptive, and dyspeptic, are thronging
oar fhwes in pursuit ef the never-foiling l'anecen.—
Tentimonialn of its snletary effects are voluntarily
flowing in upon us from every quarter. One person
informs II• he has been relieved of a most obstinate
Dyspepsia. Anoil.er has just recorded from a seri
ous muscat of Apoplexy. A third has succeeded in
expelling from his nJ stem the symptoms of Jaundice.
And a fourth has just recovered item nn attack of rul
monery Consumption, which lied confined him to hi.
bed for mnny months.—So we gi Rit do not fail to
keep tin eupplied. Besides tier Retail Trade, we
have standing milers from the eternity to a large
amount. Seed 30 Goss at your earliest conveutence.
Four., Sic. It. 11. WILLIAMS.
QNebec, L. C., April 14, 1845.
nrieinsl inventor of !lie Su.vir Cooed Pill.; and that
nothing. of :he sort was ever heurd of moil lw intro
duced them in June, 1843, as will Liz *ten by the fol
This Dintomn was awarded by the AMERICAN
INSTITUTE, nt the Annual Fair, held in the city of
New Yotk, October, 1843. to C. V. CLICKENER,
Gm the invention of SUG A R COATED PILLS.
JAMES T A LLM A DGE, President.
T. 13. WAKEMAN, Corresponding Secretnry.
Gottonnt J. Leena, Recording Secretary.
C7' To Aeon') CoUNTICKIRITS.—Purchooere most
always ask fur Clicloner's Sugar Coated Vrgemble
Pods, and see that each box has upon it his signature;
all others are counterfeit.
WM. JACKSON, cornett of Wood and Liberty
wee's, is Dr. Clickener's agent fur Pittsburgh and
iNI r. Hackett
Orphan's Court Sale
Lebasen 'Nursery,
p WANDERING Jew for pply 50 ceNs,4er
JL sale at Cook's.
. .
Harper's edition of the Wandering_ Jew; 2 vas.
Cur only 50 cents.
Guitar Music-10 songs from the Bohemian ltl
For 25 Cents.
Quadrilles from the Bohemian Girl for only 12 1-2
o•., with a beautiful illuminated title page. '
Lev Busses—a lot of Mazurkas and a set of Pol
ka., by Couto & Glover, fur 2 eta., with an illumina
ted title page.
Elizabeth Bennett, or Pridc and Prejudice. A novel
by Jane Austin, author of Emma, Persuasion, &e.
One vol. cheap edition.
The Heiress, • novel by T. S. Arthur. This is a
new novel by the above popular Bolton
Elect.) Maniptdatious, Vol. 4th.
British Ect.ayists—Merattly,been, Smith, and
Wilson, in 4 vols. hound uniform.
Journal of the Texan Expedition against Mier.
Subsequent imprisonment of the author; hiv s ufferings
and final escape from the Castle of Perna?, with re
flections upon the present political and probable fu
ture relating* of Texas, Mexico and the U. Staten,
by Gen. Thomas .1. Green, beautifully illustraZed with
' drawing, taken from life.
The Widow'. Pirate Son, or the Curatir's Mate.
All the above just rrerived and fur sale at Cook's
3d at.. near the Post Office.
TMMF:DIATELY,7 nrB good steady men.
cliggerii, to work in a abaft. at Steubenville, Ohio.
Good wages end Ntrady employment will be given—
aka an Eaginoer, a steady man, In tnlos eiroTe an
Engine. P C MARTIN,
GO Wales 7t.
lo) t
1 BARRELS of good cooking.smi fitting lip
pleei for main Ir, by MARTIN.
60, ‘ViitoroPF.Pt. Barrrt Tri•trier.
Seller's ImpeZl Cough Syrop.
larAdditiosi.al Proof of its Power to Csire.,4El
FA , HYIP.LD, V.., August 30, 1845.
MR. R. E. SELLERS: Being a ffl icted for some
1.11 time with a bad cough, 1 was recommended to
ii.et your Irriperial Cough Syrup by my young friend
Mr Wm. W. Templeton, your agent for this place.
I done so. It had the desired effect in relieving me
of ri cough that I hod despaired of ever being well. I
had used utmost every thing that woo in toy power to
get; but received no benefit until I met with your nev
er to be excelled itivaluableCough Syrup. 1 feel fully
mni.fied in saying to you. and recommending it to the
public as one of the hest medicines that has eter
been prep,red for the cure for which it is intended.
Respectfully, yours.
Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS,
No 57 Wood street..
Sold glen by Kerr S. Mohler, 145 Wood street; L.
Wilecx, Jr., and Wm. Thorn, Market at.; Fess &
Ca.erll. Fifth Wn.rd, and by H. r. Settsranr. and J
)lucladl, Allegheny city. oct4
11 E
TANUFACTURR and dealer in all of
1 Tol.acro, Sntiff and Sep.,. nevi y
2, 0 DOZEN Superior Corn Bmornt;
e../ 70 do Fair do do;
Roreired and foe sale by H. LAMHEFiT,
.011 100 Liberty greet
Wrapping Paper
JonREAMS Medium and Crave Strew;
I 75 do do do like;
Rtacrived and for aide by R. LAMBERT,
nc.l4 100 LO,l -fly at
Tobacco, Starch. •.c
"Gcdge & Btu." No I, C Togia
101/ 1 , 47..ec0;
25 Boxes Cincinnati SißltilL;
15 do do Star Cad
Reict4vrtl per Steam Boat " A Begh , ny Mail." and fur
•ale by H. LAMBERT.
orl4 100 Liberty firwt.
TIERCES froth N. C. Rim rnoeived end for
iffil MI IC by H. LAMBERT.
at t 1 100 Liberty turn.
r 818 IS. of extra family Flour, film white
ejklr wheat. For sale by _ _ _
Drugs and Medicines.
Distilled Verdigris;
Naples Yellow;
Jo) oe's Carminitive Balsam;
Uil ‘V inter (;rem;
Flour Frwry;
'Fancy *lwinet
Srolm . sI I eroloche Remedy;
Gum Arable;
Hyd. Cum Creos; just res-rivesl an, for sale by
B. A. IA 1114 b:STOC K. &Co.
ear. foh amt Von-141M
Writing Ink
A RNOLD'S Flet:ni,werrected • genuine article;
" Steel l'en Ink,anew artk le express
Iy for steel pen;
lt.d ink;
Carmine Ink,
Hoover's Bock Ink, estorte l ,tree;
" Copying Ink, for the Letter Press;
Arnold's Genuine
Copying Ink, for the Letter
Tbe •bore. together witb a general assortment of
l'itiffborgh Inks conformity on hand, and for sale at the
erbolerale and retail book and papal warehooffe of
C. H. KAY.
corner of Third and Wood ate.
Cover Pa For.
A$M A LI. lot of carer parser. fnr pamphlets &c..
1111../118.1i colors, just received at t h e hook and
paper amenouse of C. H. KAY.
oct3 corm! 1.1 and Wood streets.
11. PERRY,
(Fou rnerly oCthe Moutons:Abel's House anti Igoe of Wood
AVI NG removed track again to the Born(
trict, one door from the corner of Thiel and
Wood streets, the undersigned is again prepared to
accommostite his old friends and the public gem-reify,
with 110t)TS and SHOES, of the best material, and
of the finest and most fashionable style.
Remember the place! one door above Kay's Book
store. Wend at. oct3-3m.
Wrilne.iday morning a small Int of money. The
person lousing it will please call at thirofFice. or upon
Liberty at near the point.
20 BB LS just received and fur sale by
003 No. 26 Wood at
Cora 'lmam&
DOL. Brooms made from new corn. Received
day, and for vale low by
003. No Hr 2 Libersy at, oppmite riff h.
To Let.
firidiE new and splendidly finished ihree story
watebouse, No. 56, Wood street, next door to
the Hardware store of James M Cooper, near 4th
inert. This worehouso is well calculated fur any
kind of heavy business, and la large enough for any
purpose. It will be rented low. Apply to the sub•
scriber or enquire of Mr James M Cooper.
oct2-tf. JAMES P. STUART.
30 4ri BAGS of 13 Caen, now lanainr, awl
for nado by J & J M' DEV I TT,
N 0224 Liberty N.
Gunpowder and Impinial Teas. now hied
ing, and for sale by i & J WDENITT,
°cll. • Na 14.4 Liberly Bs.
lispitrier 12100111 olad Black Tea.
1 0 HALF Chests Extra Fine Young Hysoc
Teas; 20 half cheats extra fine Black Tea
bought expressly for family ose, now landing, lad fo;
sate by J& J M'DEVLTT;
octi. No 224 Liberty at.
Tag pitblki are respectfully informed tbst the
lintels.* of the above Cemetery, near Mount
F.Mmatlotaf# are now ready to dispose of lota on
reasonable tetem—the lots are 3 by 16 feet--from 10
M. 12 dollars during the month of October—after
whicg time the lots will be 15 to 18 dulls's. The lo
cation is beautiful, and the plan of the lots is tasteful
ly arranged. It is the intention of the Trustees to
make the placeas handsome as any otbe Owe of the
kind in this vicinity. Apply to Mr JOHN STEN-
R ET. Merchant, Federal street, Allegkleil).
By oniecue the Beetrri 0r TrlNteelt.
sep3o. ROBERT FAT RMAN, Pres't
No 59 WooD STltgrr, 5 Doorts Aaort THIRD,
jiTAKE &insure in informing their
friends, that they have opened their dig imi
SHOE STORE on. square below the
stand they occupied before the ffe. Their stock is
now and has been selected with great care expressly
for this market, and will be suld at a smell advance
on Messechu.etts cost. sep3o.dlw
BOLLMAR'S Lerivec's French Grammar;
Bolimited. C0110(1 , 6111 Phrases;
Bollmet'a Perrin'* Fables;
11,11Inter's Titernagne end Key:
Porneys Frew+ Spelling i3oots4, -
Fleming .ad TilsiAn's- Yiench Dictioeiary
bridged fur Sdnoole);
The New 'Testament in French:
A ruppl, of the above just received and for sale by
1:22 Wood st., shove Sth.
QTHE solorikr we ell respectfully so- OIL
mance to his numerous customers and
the public that he is prepared to supply them with
his beautiful style of hot. Ile would say to all who
wish to get the worth of their money, that this is the
place to come and buy. It in well knoun that quite .
an inferior articb of Hats have been sold at exorbitant
prices, and the pat-chaser getting but truck for his
moss) sad cantina. The order system is but slight
ly touched. and he does nut monafacture nn inferior
article to pnlm °iron the working rantn. His business
is conducted on the CASH SYSTEM. and he is de
termined to sell cheaper than the chespest atlas
His stock of FALL AND WINTER CAPS area
the most fashionable style. Customers' Hats modest
shortest notice. Also. Ladies' Riding Ceriend
fant's Caps of every pattern to suit the taste. .
N. B. Dont forget the place, as l want a small por
tion of your small change, and you may rely cm get
ting value for the same at the sign of the Dig White'
list. third door from John D. Davis' Auction Rooms.
Recollect the ''Yellow From."
(T.A.Ft Ur
H AVING opened Lis new store at
Ne. 73. Weed Street,
Next door to tbe corner of Foorth, it now roanufactor
i ng so d lr eeiving from the Engem Cities a very /ergo
assortment of HATS and CAI'S, of every descrip
tion. screamed to be made in the best member. and
of the hear materials. Oiter,Settl, fine and commas
Mnakrat, Seeders.. Hair-Seel, Plushnna Glazed Capsl
fine assortment of Ladies . Furs, sock as
Lenz. Fitch. Genet and Coney MUFFS AND TIP
PETS AND FUR' TRIMMINGS, nll of which I.e
offers for sale at EASTERN PRICES FOR CASH,
both wholemtleana retail. ,
Coon, ry Merthant• will please call and examine tni
stock before purchasing
N.. 13. The Fall Fashion for Hats and Caps recriv
OWNERS and Contipees of Goods shipped
either East or West by the -Reliance Portal&
Boat Line," Sr. hereby notified that their Goods witl,
be waguned round the Burnt Aqueduct at th e espeose
of the owners, unless we are in time otheraite, spe
cially directed to held them over to order. Persons
wishing their goods delayed or to remain subject to
order. are thrrefoge respectfully regretted to give as
immediate notice. JNO. :WFADEN & Ca •
102 Lih,rty air~•t
THE subscribers have the pleasure of informing
their friends and the public generally, that they have
removed to their new warehouse on Second street, be
tween Wood and Market streets. Their faetOrids for
the manufacture of Vials. Bottles, and Window Glam.
am in full operation. An assortment of Glassware
on hand, to which the attention of purchasers is direc
ted. (sepl3.lm) S. M'KEE
Lobsters and Sardines.
flie DOZ. Cans Fresh Lobsters;
CP 3 Sul..eror Sardines;
just received and for sale by
wit 1 No 140 Liberty st
rDOZ. boxes Fine Table sat! just r.ceirtoi by
oct I 110 Liboriy st
10 BOXES prime just r A rceiv7l77l ire by
G.lN t A t
tl No 140 Liberty sr,
.Mazer Strop Nan Beat.
JUST received from the Eastern mar
keu. the best assortment of BOOTS iiol.lllll l
and SHOES, for the l'eople, ever
brought to this cit 3.
No. 70, Wood Streit.,
Between Fourth and Diamond alley, and you ems boy
cheaper, and better than at any other plats Pkts
bureh. His stock is fur SALE, consiwing of all
kirds, of Boors and Shoes, coarse and fine, Mien's,
Women', and Chitclren'A, expressly for the wholesale
and retail fall trade. Call and see, and you will not
go away dissatiafiell. seprt•tf
/VHF. third story of the new building on the cot ,
nor of Wood and Third streets over my Book
stme will be rented upon application to the subscriber,
sept.) C. H. KAY.
Pig Blistal.
10 TONS Pig Metal j.ast received for Vile 17
ail Front vt, near Smithfield.
(Late Jones, hirrpley, 4. Co.
RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the
public generally, that they have removed to theist
new stole, No. 4E, Wood street, erected since the fire
on the 10th of April, on tke old 'pot, where they
are daily opening Goods suitable for the present and
approaching season. Their Stock, which has been
purchased with care, and at the lowest prices, they
offer for cash or approved credit et a small «leant*,
and respectfully ask the attention of buyers from the
country and neighborhood. They will be constantly
making additions to their Stuck during the season:
they have now in store
Bine, Pilot and Beaver Cloths;
do. and blk Waived do. do.;
do. and Getman Ribbed Beaver Clotho
do. blk inv . 's. Green and mixed - do
do. do. Fancy Cassimeres
Berkshire do. do.
Fancy Prints. a rich assortment;
Cashmere d'Cusse and Moos. de Laines;
Black end cord Alpaccas and Parametta Cloths;
Plaid Linseys, common mixed and imperial*
Kersey., Kentucky Jeans and Tweeds;
Scarlet, White, Yellow and Gown Flannels;
Canton Flannels, unbleached, bleached and colored;
8.4 Steamboat. Whitney and heavy twilled Blankets *
10-4. 11.4 and 12-4 do. do.;
Extra heavy Blue.(ientiarpetta . der. gibs.
A splendid assortment of Shawls; Ticking' and
Apron Cheek.;
Buck, Chamois, lined Berlin and Lore; Weol Gloves . ,
Irish and Germantown Woolen; Hose;
White and blk Cotton, and. blk Cbaebetene and. Ai.
paces Ross;
Bleached and Brown Cottons and Drills.
Together wit/s a gees'sl assortment ofientalle
t icks. stapt29shas
4 '4
French Books:
No 10?. %Vona st.. Pittsbergh
Burnt Aqueduct.
Rebuilt and Removed.
T able Salt.
Gehbes, Cheese.
To Let.
a new article;