From , the New-Orleans Picayune of Sept. 4. L. 474.11, Rom Meltco.-Sosse Rumors and Some Newc-Letters were received in town yesterday from Pomacela, which announeed the anivaethere. on the 31st oh., of the sloop of war Saratoga, Capt. She. brkk, from Vera Con, from which port she had been some time expected. We received nothing by the Saratoga, but were metered that a letter from an offi cer on board stated explicitly that prior to the depar ture of the ship from Vera Cruz, adviees had been received there from the capital, that Congress had authorized the President of fslexico to declare war against the United States, and that Gen. Herrera had in consequence ordered 13,000 men to the Rio Grande (who bad alrendy taken up their line of march for their destination) and issued orders for raising • much larger lorce. Such were the morning's rumors. At a hoer hour in the day we were indebted to the courtesy of the Tropic for a slip containing a letter from their Pensacola correspondent. A postscript Ito the letter confirms the arrival of the Saratoga, after a paronee of thirteen days. It also confirms the elec (ion of 'Gen. Herrero, us reported here by Capt. Gins mere, frim Tampico. it further states that Mexico does not intend to war against this coentry,, 'bot will exert her utmost efforts to reronquet Texas. This is the course of policy so strenuously urged by Mc- y Vneve when the lateministry ' A Ne.w THIs6.-A mineral has been discovered EI Si g ler brotight ferwnrd - , in juts' their eer mensureThr in Sharon, !Bodine county, which, when 'serrated with •••• i i all i -ie.. atis thong have an eornest ailvoente of the oil, forma a fire proof, black, metallc cement ur paint. elect ton el Get Hertera. The Tropic's correspond protect them t i n t assigns to Gen. Almente a place in the next mints. For putting on the roofs ef houses to try, w i th P the ‘ p b et i tf i rrh i r i i either of Finance or \V ac-" the fire, against and es a black paint it is said la be .d . great value. For the former use it becomes bard like The Toiptc•ts correspondent vt rites that Com. Con stone. fee the letter it is susceptible of a very high , nor h a s no intention 01 leaving Pensacola with his polish. fleet until he hears of a declaration of war or an act lof hostility by Mexico. He will then sail with his IriDiaria.-The Indianapolis Journal; a whig pa-! whole squadron for ben Juan il'Ulua. Till then ha will keep one or tell vessels on the Texian and Wei per, gives a complete list of the members elect of the r at: coast, to maintain his communication with Gun. r Indiana Legislature, which concedes a larger demo ' Ore'. erotic majority in the Howe than has been claimed 1 e ong to hear that tiw. Snrattign had some sick. 11C+1, board upon her arrival. The Lawrence, It toys the house will stand 55 democrats to 45 whigs l i l t i se hats , g i one to supply, a as con -giving the former a mnjority of claret on joint hal- , l oo ke d vi'iiiha"`rildac'thr ft:i"rr'a ----= - -_- --- -- lot, including the rusting vote of the democratic Lieut 1 3 Y ! ."_"'`___' B _"___ _ IIXThe editor of the Gazette is mulch surprised that Governor in the Senate. The popular democratic ma. i From the Clevelnosl Plaindealet of Sept. 10. we ebould differ in opinion with the editors of the Na- i s A W ATER.SPOUT. prey 6,311. 'l' hie is pretty fair, considering the , nasal Intelligencer, on the subject of the Texian beim-I state gave up .,,th, o f 13 , 000 m ajority b ut four year . , This moriiing,,ali nil Line o'clock, one of those ph,' War is come again. 46.7, forth° reason that they have been much longer !mouton ui which gallon , who go down to the sea in /lin E subscriber retort's his sincere thanks to hi • j age, to Gen. Ilurriton. cognectsd with the public press. It is true that we have 1 ships, and see the %sonde' , of the deep, are moot fear- A. friends , and the public generally, for the very Swaretao Wiete h a ve 'weld of such a fel an d supevat i ta , n ,. a ... l en autA h r i nticated and geste-1 liberal support heretofore awarded him, and ngain not be e n;" loog connected withtbe public press ail the editors of the Intelligencer, but we have the adven- Ange li ca __retorter tell. of two respect ii t a se e I( 'l i;;: P ili *t o "a Lake, C r: r m ) i l l e e w or " so from c.i' I h it ; exhibited' j ah%peienist his o D a i. g i e N n T e i ee r st t s si n j es t. r e . r i z r t t r a t e: t ic . , f , ie , r , t e r In ti t . t e r rn su at n i, f i r , i , I thing, but the B aloo f t h e & swa m e di tor in t h at " aspect - w e b a y,. ! able young men, both of respectable families, living ini A very honey storm-cloud scudding beforethe north) therefore, reminds them, that he has just returned ceiiainly been longer than him in the service, but we I the same neiglibm hood in one of the towns of All I west gale, which had been blewing every 1 thing to tat -i from the East, and is in the daily receipt, direct from ght in a ehirleind occa ! the mentifactiiiers,of a s lendtd•ssortmet uf Lates' regard that as having no connection with the matter i gheny county, and in prosperous circumstances, who le a r i s a,t a d ll t l o a i s i i i - ra n 77' hi r • current n cli t u of air vs abondizin atom i Gentlemen ' sant Child P n' 11 el Sh s all . in controversy, and of no consequence whatever. I have actnelly swapped wi s e s-lbw ladies taking to'', without 'any regard to the nor'-wester . One g erm of' ; leted with great care reerel.cirCuutm'sfipe' ction7ehich'ter; We make Do pretensions to superiorintelligence; we ; their new homes all t he property they had on their the cloud streched down to th e boisterous lake, and , pledges himself to sell lower for cash, wholesale or may, and we frequently do err, for want of correct in- fine matrimonial aliance. ' seemed to clutch a hindiul, an almighty handful of' retail. than can be purchased et • her establish ------ waggishly remarks. , meet in the --ity. This is a serious fact, o• all threes formatkm; net so with the editor of the Gazette; be 151 PA female wretch as token up the other de'. ''}'"l:iileAual'iyn.ege:!:;er‘t'srei"idinfar:n:rist, seemed to draw heretofore purchasing from him can testify. He would bas II" 'it/ to belie" himself infalilde-the P`rs" lin Baltimore, fur having stolen the covering from offs then , up to its very bosom in iles liky.whirling I also inform the YOUNO LADts.r. Oust he has a INN:lun ges of intelligeoce, and immaculate as a politician. and dashing of the spray at the surface of rise lake, ful article of the genuine Ent:L.llli Kin white and ,Carlise. If "conceit" is really "as good es physic," and it is 1 j the column of water and ' mist rising in • tall and tots! black slipper, the tastiest article ever offered to the said such is the case, the editor rain certai ily neves be I tVFN•NIay it please your h o nor." said a lawyer, moos line to the cloud. were .. 'try plain and well- ' j I public. All goods purchased at this establishment ri , oper delineated dis chararte misers water-spout as to sal u war ni flied. troablesi with doctor bills. ndilressing one of the judges, "1 bru't the every one is Lo was so ft.nunate as to witness it, to' N. B. Measures taken for all kinds of work, and from the jail on a habeas corpos.' , The editor was evidently in a rage when he preper• I exclaim with wonder and astonishment. it continued made at thes'abortest notice. Remember the plies. , ed the sortilous artkle which appeared in Lis paper i ••Thia's a good one?" said a fellow in an under- about fire or seven minutes, when the Nor'-wester to A. M'C AMMON, of Saturday; he, it is uue, was in a very unpleasant time, who stood in the rear of the coon, “I'm blow'd i umpired and swept the cloud Deny to the south-east 112 Market street, Cueing St. Clair at. 1 of the ray. Pep 15-d2w, rrm ij anninit, an d we doo b uiw , reiwrm i to 1,....b... if I hadn't seen him come here in a cab." i There Is me a mere majestic and tenible phenome-' se the beat mode of extricatiself. 12r "This cant be beat," (beet) as the farmer non in moons. 5o diseerou• is it in itsencounter with , T ( 11 )C . hi. S ESSAYS rlim• cat see r Sinking them in a trice, or wrenchinti , -L-A ‘rersitY In reference to Gary *Mien upon the sub- said when he pulled u a carrot i P - , their 11111.44 like ptpe-stems (rem thew foot-holds, sort ' F"r "I'" bY •nd Librery editirin. CHAS.II. KAY. jest of the western b , t v, we quoted from 1 ---------------- t a it seems a perwmificatam of the Almighty Guhernster.', No 76 . Matkrt if• "I'''''re White 5 .-• Ben's Store Isr lastroctiows given 61.1, , .itiister in Mexico,', R•7IICR "Gar re."--Tbat's elisions," renutr "`" ° re he walks the wild billows below, while his Irmil' tween 4th st nod the Diamond. and proved moat eollCliii:h... ',he Gaulle editor Westchester country man, the other day, in a celebne guilder and governs the dark rolling clouds aloft; 1 sre 15 had misrepreeented hint. Hi s ',the editor meet lied drinking house in New York• "What's curious?" , "Who oft ■ amid tempestuous darkness stalks alone, T Till AM'S MENTAL 1' HI LOSOP H 1 • embrace this evidence? Why he preset , `the it ...d ears w i t h l eaked his friend. "Why, that they sell books in uor •nrl on the winga of r aw careering winds , walks dread U trig the two departments of the Intelkset and the " "Boiler?" "Yes-I must get one. M• ' fully serene.' , Senslities, by 'rhos. C. Upham. she opinion of Mr. Deleon upon tLiZtSbject. but not a erns- ' ) I For foie by C. H. KAY, word from letter or Message of Gen.ieekson himself. I stand ' schoolmaster often spoke of. Locke on the under ~ ,_, .. , . „ e 15 • Wee!. or I ATI:W(I7I%-n lonian' relates to us.' -eP Ni,. 76, Market st. ling," but he never mentiened a word about 'Pouter on ._ To prove that we were correct in reference to the the C '•d F 1: ''' ' f o llowing' ' says °urn. res .tats ilia, tte ince 1 T PRAMT wanton boundary of Texas, we quoted the resolution l i Dt.ught"' U dent, to which we give the fullest belief, in order not live on the Will. forming the third vol. of • system of the Texan Congress of 1836, defining the beunds- i of Mental Philtai.phy, by Thos. C. Upham. , 1 re. A down rust chap, walking with a lady, aeci to mot a bad example to our readers. Idea of the republic; in reply he asserts that dm boon.or sale by C. H. KAY, , ' deroally stumbled end fell. The lady thinking to coin. Si. Six years s core two gentlemen of Massachesetts : ii i , lades as ilisri'Aed by us would include Santa Fe. This 1 . ' • - had a to which terminated in a challenge to a , 'P '' No. 76, Market st. s miserate his mishap, obset•ed ihot "she regretted hi ; de untrue, the boundaries indicated by the resoletions ' „ duel Mr. A. by Mr 14. A. was mnrriel, his un- i ESMERIS.II AND I'll RE:NOLOGY. Etherol. !unlucky faux paws." "I didn ' t lent my birepaws. . " h I & A replied his tagonert ac e. fi' ,A. to cha llenger i ITI. or, or the Philosophy or Mesmerism and Phre- of the Texas Congress does not include Santa Fe-it i . ' replied he, "it was my knee." that it he world not fight, as then. social position was! e u logy, with a review ef Neurology and Phrentimng has never been claimed as within the boundaties of i _ _ _ eitt reml. Mr. It made no reply, Lot shortly after, nei ism by J. Stanley Grimes. - Texas-the Government of Texas have never claimed rT As two ladies, sister, were recently bathing tenewl d the challe s ge. accompanying it .1111 a cent- i F„, ." salt' by CHAS. IL KAY, the righter attempted to exercise authority of tiny kind . , near Nee bury poit, Mass. they gotheyond their depth, fled copy rifles marriage contract . . " The party VA t „er, I ~ Ne 76 Matket st. !--- •i• CA f II se• hill and mould Lore drowned, but for the aid of the daub,. gill unequal,' was t- tv•p.) 4.. , or at ci 4 .._•_-. In Santa Fe. - end you have none." A new delay occurred, at thei 111011 EN SN IC K'S NAI U It A.I. l'H 11.0:y01'11Y. Film !er of cane of them, a child of about twelve vents old, • IlarTbe American is much mistaken in supposing end of which !Mr B issued the third edition of his t lA. principhis of Natural Philosomill!. being alllifnue- F who put on her life.preserrer, anti rescued her mother, challenge , a rcompanitel this time with the baptismal I drum , to that PCICIIOO, by J a mes Renwick. Ferrell Mary Foust John that the charge of indifference and n egligence brought i , then , 1 asst tier aunt. Both of them were latter:wash' register of litschild. - I have 100 children,“ was the. F or ale b y C. 11. KAT, Farrelly Terrence Force WIF egoism the Democratic Leglidative delegation of 1343 reply of .1. In short, each Year B. has returned toi sept 3 No 76 Maher Gt. FelteellJoseph Forsythe William when drawn upon do beach. '44 cannot be successfully refuted. IVe will at- . 1 su mmon his adversary to combat, with the evidence 1 1 ~..7! " A young bode:room has instituted a suits gainst ot a now child 1.01 each year has Leen baffled hy p A lik'S l' a STOLOGY. Being a systematic bur- Flower Phillip F oie(' %V Illialn teed totbat minter to-morrow. ---- i the editor of the Sullivan. (N. Y.) w h i r . , b, vtaae t „ fooling another little acceesory, in the camp of his 1 sey of Human Knowledge, by Roswell Park. Fitzirrimens PattiCk Foster IV S adversary, Thus the two fathers have pursued, with For le by C. H. KAY, Flakeurth William Forsythe John A the announcement of the marriage, was attached a ' „rd. ,. 0.,.. ißurl ot paternity. in which their wives nepL l. Nu 76 Markei st• r usher John Frew Samuel piece of poetry, wishing him all kinds of "connutib , al /I,cling n 4 seconds, have seryed them with a touching, Fleming Samuel Fee let Celeste 1 lON 1.... b NAIUR tr I. PHI LOSOPH Y. Converse- - hu t s For this, be seeks a remedy at law, and lays des talon. 1 liey now stand six to seven. k • oreman John Fry Anna S Miss ; J terns nn N ritual Philosophy, illustrated with plate, G 'his damages at •onneldensble amount. 'by Dr Thus I' Jones. For •ftle by (; reacher Allen Goldsmith John T sepls C. 11. KAY, 76 N 1 irket st. Go rd Jane Golding K Mrs --- G New Salmon. diaglier John Greene W Gaibleth G Revd Grier 3 Rev VOW open, new No I Heide% Salmon. at retail, Gotten Hiram Grif 111 by A. G. REINHART, fith. Frederick .1 (4 ill rcher Thomas S Grubb William seirls 140 Liberty at. Gayer Moses Green Washington 2 - Greer William Smoked Salmon. t;ii, a John I , . ri,llswie Martha Greene Andrew 911(1 1.11 5 Smoked Salmon, just reef isod and , ~., ~, ,Grahom John es+ V I._, tor sale by A G. BE INII A R I'. ' "lass We lter 110 I.ox-rt) et. , Gunder Mary Guynne J S I Geo glen W B 2 Grant Henry -- - Mackerel and Herring. I Gorden N Greene Andrew T H A FEW tibia each, just received and for vale by Hard William 1 A. G. REINHART, Hall William y 'C IL 140 Libens e. Hamilton Isabell a Harman James S Daniel Harris A B Scaled Mersin/. , Hamilton Anne !Harkness &'Vohn A FEW Boyer prime ',colt , ' Herr-mg. pie received ' Il a t g h j os aph Rand for sale by A. G. REIN II AR f, Hale Abigal Hartman Samuel H Halt Elisabeth Miss se pl 5 140 LO•orty st. i Hails David 2 H abseil Caleb -- , Hanna John Captain Haslet' Herbert NT!YTS, &e.-12 [Liles African Pea .1.; son tio, , Harman Eliza A Hawking W G i_ll Bordeoult •••ft shelled Almond.; 300 do Greece , Hare Marti . Hays Jocin Hare John Hays G S Doctor tile Walnuts; 3 Baskets pure Olive (silt for sale low '• by P. C MARTIN. RTIN. 1 Haraia Alfred Herbet John sepls No 60 Watel street• , Harger John Henry Gene Fleyser & Wolf Herr Benjamin Ilei bet George Herr James K Herr William Hough Thomson John Herd Daniel Haase Isaac Hill Robett A Hurd Daniel Hill George Humphreys John Hilleimsn Anne Huggins Rachel Mrs huller John Hensaker John Humes Reverend Nathan Hugus John Holmes John Hunter William Holt St Maltby II umbel George Houston James Capt Hughes James Horner M Mrs Hulas Sarah Mn Hubby L NI Hunt Jane Horner Jona Humphrey Daniel Y Hamilton Wine Hickerman G 1V Hough Jacob I Ile IDailp ,Morning pot _ _ Joen BIGLZR, IDITOI PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER IS M• Vll Ps t.m.E rt. Agent for country newspapers, is the Agent for the Pittsburgh Daily Morning Post, tad IVetkly Mercury and Manufacturer, to receive adtrettiwittense and subscriptions. He has offices in Nrw Yost, at the CoBloffic.r, 30 Ann street, (ad j ttining dist Tribune Office.) Bosco'', No. 10, State street. PHat.•nt.eruu, Real Estate and Coal Office, 59 Pine street. Bscrttost, S E corner Baltimore and Calvert where our payer can be seen, and terns of advert' sing learned. DEMOCRATIC TICKET• CANAL CoMMISSIONER JAMES BURNS, M iffiincounty •1191[1111 1 . 1 . SAMUEL' W• BLACK, Pitt.burgh. THOMAS DONNELLY, Allegbrny JOSEPH COOPER, Moon. COL. WM. L. MILLER, Vemilles. CLIERE. 07 TB% COURT R. H. KERR, Allegheny cily. ' COURT!' TREASURER T. BLACKMORF., Birmingham. RICORDER. J. WCULLY, Upper St. Clair RIOISTIKR• EDWARD M'CORKLE, Indiana co MtaalOa [R• JOSEPH E. bi'CABE, Fayette. ACCIIITOR. JOHN H. M'ELHENY, Jefferson We clip thafollowing from the American of Satur- 1 . 1014 the Pittsburgh American MR. EDITOR— Fleas" to insert in your columns my unqoalified de- -- - - Two r , I"st-oat - tax 1,.01" G•to RAILROA n.—We take the The ro ,l„. ~,i ga,' , ,i, tight, t h at a ll dap 1.,", iatia of the charge made against me in the "Daily American" of Wednesday last, over the eignature "A ' following from • letter written by the lion. Co • RIF, WOh half oppnot.ive glatineas walked the earth, Democrat from Jefferson ip." The bud ti brainy forcing till it droop. Athirst, o'er fraught with life, the bird of song, I prom 1.• mnee the whole a base malicious slander. iA. I3ca, Senator (tom raymte and Greene coon- Made weary with its ow - n exulting mirth: Ibeas, 6r.c. J. C. McCULLEY • • ties. Mr. is a candidate for re-election. 11, , We annex so much of the communication above re- is Lite nominee of the Democratic patty. NOW othly o'a'r the vale, end hill side stoops forted to by Dr M'Culley, as is necessary to show our I You are, of course., aware that I opposed the Bill Ti g ailor beck it. beam., well al l to spread . amwdere the 'Ware of the charge mode egainst him, granting the Company the right of way which passel A downy mantis o'vr the exhausted land, he Senate the lest acosion of the Le g islatirre. The Sweet dew distillmig hour! though joy be fled The Doctor, with commendable promptness, has re (details of the Bill, I thought, were highly ohjetrtioi,a• We mourn it not, ihy balmingit are so bland, fined the vile slander: ! ble, so much so, that I deemed it as conferring a mrtn. TIM. Weill life t ot h, to whom 1 kneel. .•There appears to be much dissatisfaction in the feat advantage upon the company over our own public Watclone the pulse weary of their play. Tanks of the harmonious democracy• lam inform , wo r ks. Sill my opposition •rose. princialy, from a Thus twilight ftneies •••• r her senses steal ksi. 'very prominent Democrat, that ste goon as it eat . desire to cooft lie, if possible, the Western fer mi nus o f I Anil life's unquiet visions fade sway announced to the convention, that Taoists Hos e et.- ; the road to t he town of Cumberlend —which position y LT was nominated for the Assembly, that one of the was assumed ht me, more in reference to Me intereosmlin ease Meet -- ing' in Allegheny City. „aspirants for the loaves and fishes objected to him be- Hof di,. entire Commonwealth, as involved in the pro- TFN 110U11 SYSTENI. come be was a Catholic, Now 1 allege that it is inn vns of her own improvements, then to the sen• jail.. FIX' any men to object to an other on sectarian 'tim e ~n t, or e i.h e . „f my co .,. l i tn ents, f or i tsot , In pure moist of public notice. an immense rewd poundsbwhan at the same time Ise expected to receive ; what remarkable fact, that during th e pen d ency i d - th e lof citizens of all pa ties antembled in and around the all the Catholic votes, or at least a ll that b e long IX, the 1 question in the L eg ialature, a very partial, it any. ex. I A rk,on Saturday evening last, at 7 o'clock. On motion. Dassocratic party, for the office of Recorder." 1 pression of public opinion wan received by m e fi th o Folwattl Smith Was called to the Choir. As soon as „( both par' any putt of my dist, ict. The Press, too, tics was still more silent--the more surl 'gas th e to the new Market Goose, a. the Ark was entirely subject was one amen! expediency rather than podia- ' ""' 'nail t" contain rho in"' of persons assembled oral Sept Thy. a djoornment having, been agreed upon, light. Since the a djournment of the Legisluture. and more ' procured. Sm.. the meeting was re-organized in the .' Market !triune nod in the squire in front, in a few especially since the agitation of the matter in the di* trio, I have taken more than ordinal y r o ts to eve ,. : moment.. On taking the Chair. the President urged possible Silence and decorum he maintained, lain, as fur as practicable. the nitro iinentn and wishes , that all of the people upon the a ubject, sod I give it no my ' in order to give dignity and force to the proceeding• opinion that a majority of the two counties would tail, With lilt. stigeestion the onlience readily eornpli,td, hundreds of juverfile operative. oil confine then ood at Cumberland if pnatrible—but, if !Rini although many present, the meeting was one of the moat caller ly 'nth restraint cannot be imposed, and the extens 1 ware ever held in the city under such circumstances of ex• of tlx, road to the Ohio rivet be inevitable, then I be- • lieve they would be willing to grant the right of wa y enemata. On motion, Keene C. Fleeson was appoint• to Pittsburgh, rather then to compel it to seek a ter- Ird Secretary. The cell for the meeting having beeti Mad. 'enteral resolution' were offered, c ontaining a minus by a more Souther* route. by the revival of brief recapitulation of the evil effects of the present the Act or 1828, to which I am specially interrogated. twelve hour system of factory labor, both on the mind.: which would accommodate a greater portion of Fey- I rite to., and hold out a prospect to Greene county, of 1 arid bodies of the operatives, and suggesting the adop a railway along her border. Now, dentine, t hi n i. ! tern of a respectful petition to the factory owners to 'i Ten Hour System." The Chairmrn was but a matter of opinion; but until reversed by instruc. +d" pt the tiona from a majority o f the peop l e; I s h a ll, if „ e t, then unanimously called upon to address the meeting. Having briefly presented his views of the question. be tell, act in strict conformity to what I regnrd to be such public sentiment, and support the revival Jill, introduced Mr. James lVatsoe to the audience, who Act of 1823, to which you refer, on the conditions con- delivered a very oh e speech. The Secretary wan wined in the Act; which were, that a branch should H Kerr, egg, was next ex let . ' (roma on nis closlng. K be c onstructetl to Wheeling by way of Greene county. invited to th e stand. He was as usual with him,l .i m V, lib the route tn Pittsburgh by way of veil' happy in ilia few remarks which he offered.. the Yogliingheny r i ser , w i t h such „ ste i et i on . en w i l l At the dope of Mr. Kerr's address, a committee of i protect the interest. of the Commonweelth, an d at t h e five was named by the meeting with instructions to same time not render the grant of the tight of way in. wait upon the owners of Cotton Factories in tha city. operative. Now, as to the possibility of confining the and kindly urge them to reduce the hours of labor per road to the town of Cumberland, by any negative legia- day to ten, instead of requiring the children to re-1 lation of otos, unless unconditionally instructed, one way or o ther, I must, under a view of all the circum- main confined within the,factory for twelve hours, as at present. Thu committee consists of the following stances surrounding the *object, exercise my own dis.l persons : cretion--Aoldiag myself respousible lo the people lie"se C. FICI4OII. James Watson, R. H. Kerr 'l Thomas M. Caruthers. John S. Riddle. ofmy district fat any imp,rfeetion or immaturity , I" judgment orkied /may exhibit. 1 It won moved and curried unanimously, that the' , committee cull on the Factory Proprietors 1111 MOMltily ' looming, and report their answers to an adjourned meeting, ut the name place. on Monday evening. It was nlot resolved ununimously,that, the proceed' ings be offered to the several daily papers of Pitts burgh, in time for publication on Monday morning. On motion, the meeting adjourned to 7 ti clock precisely, ou Monday evening. F:DWARD SMITH, rreet• Reese. C. Ftersos, Sec'''. biatorEt.acetots.—Tbe Saco Democrat says there Is **doubt dale election of John F. Scammon (Dem ) '4Weengress in that district, probably by a majority of sock or upwards. The votes fur Governor in 45 towns _aro as follows: Anderson, Dem. 7666 Norte, Whig 6731 Spattering 1022 There is a great falling off of votes since last Sep teMbee. There is an increase of scattering votes. Anderson is probably elected by the people; if not, he will be chosen by the Legislature. There will be a jugs Dowatenatie majority in the Legislet we. tar rhe following is the reply of the Postmaster Gemend, to the Pitubulgh Memorial, praying fur n change of mail arangements, between this city and Ekownerille. The memorial was accompanied by al letter from our excellent Postmaster, urging him strongly to make the desired change. It will be seen *sake declines to mike the arrangement, mainly up on the ground that "the condition and prospects of the Department are such ttat it is compelled to avoid elle:penes' not called for by indispensable necesli• 11•, POST OrtICIL DEPARTIIFST , Csurra•cv Orrice, Sth Sept., 1845. 111 E—Your letter of the 25th ult., enclosing a me eyerlet of ckitens, asking for the establishment of Steamboat service between Pittsburgh and Brownsville ibis been received. The application has been submitted to the Pustmas tk General for consideration. The following is his decision. to wit: .Decline, because it will amount to an additional expenditure of s2ooo—per annum, nod we advantage will result from it to the mail service, ex• cape a few Lours earlier arrival of the mail ut bergb to which point provision is already made fur afull daily supply by 8 o'clock in the evening. The present condition and prospects of the Department wee such that It is compelled to avoid a ll expense not called for by iadirpeluitide necessity. Respectfully, your ob't 't.. S. it. sery HOBBIF.. First As't. V. M. Gen'l. Posunasari . of Pivaborgh, Pa tribe United States Journal says, that there are more than twenty printers who are performing thedu ties of clerks in the Departmemot at Washington, and that they are equal, if not superior to those Who have had the atlvaateges of 3 collegiate edueatioe. Dow st est.t. or.XHL C130%V/11 —The London pipers say that when thiliQueelAinettreci in the House of Lords to read her . speech ,et the rnorogation r sbe Duke of Amite, whose office It ji s bear the crown, on • eushioo, stumbled, when approaching the throne, anti let the crown fall. Several of the jewels were slisplee ced item their setting by the shock, and lay scattered 00 the floor. Tradition says that one of the largest jewels fell from the crown at the emanation of George the Third; anti the im ident was looked upon with su perstitious dread as on evil omen. it was supposed to portend the loss of the North American colonies; but it is very probable that the tale was manufactured after the fulfilment of the supposed augury. !.'The maliuldctureB (.41)1do, already exceed $2O 000,000. 11 3 The Independent Rifle Battalion, of York coon v, Pa., consisting of four companies. have tendered heir services to the President of the United Stares, n view of the Invented state of affairs between thi lountry and .11niico, Copper, Copped--Beveral of the Pittsburgh corn-1 puny of copper miners rammed through this city yes.' terda), (ruin their operations at Copper Huth°, They say there is a world of copper there, and tor tunes ore tobe made at the mining business, but think that fortunes are to he lost as well as won. The Boston company are doing the largest business and at the best profits. They have sunk a shaft about t wenty feet into a sery rich vein, and find the mineral better, as they go deeper. This company ate erecting works for smelting, and will soon be shipping the metal in pigs and bars. The ore yields about 75 per cent, 60 per cent better than the English mines which so long have supplied the world. The copper region seems to be vety exten ded. IVe saw a specimen tithe native ore found in a mountain lake many miles from Copper Harbor; showing that the whole mountain range is probably in- fected with the mineral. Cleveland Plain Dealer, Sep 8. "10A0.a...ti-oo "e' " FOB. aNNIZ. THE stole room at present occupied by the sub. scribers between Ferry and Short in Water street. apply to sep 15 Cotton Yarn. 30 000POUN DS abort and long reel Cot Lou Yarn. io more and for sale by sop 0. M. D. RH EY &CO. .:..Y~m. TUSATILII. MANAGERS. SHIRES AND PORTER PROMPTER, GEORGE T. ROWE. LIAO'S Or Tilt ORCHESTRA, J. H. HESSING. PRICES OF A DMISSION• Ist Tier of Boxes, or Dress Circle ' - '513 cts ‘2,1 " 37i " 3d " '• Pit Gallery for Colored Persons Second Appearance of Mrs H'ts• Mr J A J Nenfic has been engaged for 2 nights longer Monday Evening, September 15, 1645 Will be performed Victor Otigo'. Drama of LL A TOUR DE NELI.E. Concludes with the Nautical Dream of BLACK EYED SUSAN The Managers will not ne responsible for debts con• tracyd, or articles borrowed without their written or , der. Doors open at 7 o'clock, curtain will rise atpast 7 precisely. seri 15 Immense Success. PRICE REDUCED TO 25 CENTS. The Sable liarmonists, by desire of many ladies and gentlemen, will give two more GRAND CONCERTS Of Ethiopian Melodies, Guests, Refrains, Glees, Cho ruses, Ste kc., accomptiniral on thu Violin, Goi fa', Banjo, Congo Tomb° & Bone Custinetto, On Monday and Tsresday Eventngs, September EitA and MC AT PHILO HALL, OVF.II THE POST OFFICE , re:...liange of Programme each evening. UTPTickets to all parts of the room 25 cts. Doors open at 7—performance to commence at 8 preciaely Tickets for sale at the Exclienge Hotel, and at the Door, on the corning of the petfor malice. sepls Wrarping Paper. 100 Reams W nipping p a per., , lifferent cul title luw by C MARTIN. Nu 60 Water st. Playing Cards. 9O DOZ. Packs Playing Cards, for sale low by P. C. :MARTIN, No (O W i tter 0, E D IV ARD FENDERIC D , Druggist and Apothecary, Second street. between Wood and Market streets, RAVING located his Medical Establishment ((or merly in the "Monongahela Douse," a nd de.! 'toyed by the great fire) on the above place, returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in r.en coil, for the patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, and respectfully asks fur a continuance of the Same. Particular cote and attention will be given to the compounding of Prescriptions; the establishment is open at all times, and a carefully selected stock of genuine Drugs. Medicines, Domestic. French, English and German Chemicals, Perfumery, &c. c. always on hand. tep & 12- , d I w" - - - Rebuilt and Removed. TIIE subscribers have the pleasure of informing their friends and the public generally, that they have removed to their new warehouse on Second street, be• 'green Wood and Market streets. Their factories for the manufacture of Vials, Bottles, and Window Glass. are in full operation. An assortment of Glassware on hand, to which the attention of pu chrasers is direc ted. S. M'KEE & Co. sepl3•lm (Gazette copy.) For Sale. AFRESH supply of coal and fire shovels and spades, axes, hatchets, window sash and glnss, and putty; carpet chain; bedrorda and larin. ' s; all kinds of brushes and corn brooms; LentirvilleLime; wooden bowls; tin-ware; Matches, &c. &c., for sale low for cash or app ang ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Coin. Merchant, No 9 sth st. IV" Carpet and paper rags, beeswax, flaxseed, clover and timothy seed, taken in exchange and bought. sepl3.ltw&d 1 w FOR SALE VERY CHEAP-7 large volumes or the Journals of the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of rennsylvania, from 1790 to 18tiO• ISAAC HARRIS, Agt. sepl3-3t and Corn. Merchant, No 9 5th at. M. B. RHEY & CO IlErME=iii List if Lott's* REMAINING in do' Post Office, sa Pittsburgh, Sept. 15th, 1845. Persons calling for letters whose names are on this list, will please say they are advertised A" Agnew Nancy Jane Addis E F Milli Adams Armistead Aucheubangh Henry Ackens E Amines George Adams Robert Anderson John Adams George Argun Benj Ai AikenJ J Rev Arp Philip Allison John Armstrong Jane Mrs Allison James Ames Foster B Allison M Amelia Mrs Avery Jame. B Alfred Hardy Anahuu C B Banton Mill E Brian Thomas N Ball William IV Brown A J Ball William Stumm Hinna L Bailey John Bradley Mary Barr Robert M Bruce Jane Burnett James Bronson C C Bat r Washington Bradley Edward Bayard John A Brook. E H Batton John Brooks Mr Barker Anne 'Brost John Belle Gnwge Bryan Charles Beatty Henry Bridges J zowph G B'ely Lilly Miss Bunell John W Beek James Butler Louisa Beane Charles S Benton C E Berk John Byington Sarah Beer Adeline Mrs Bum Andrew Beach Roswell R. Bonnell W Renee William Boyar(' W C Hinckley John Bo y d Alfred. Black Henry Boyd Flare' Black Caroline Bollman Joseph Black J I Bowen J Black Martha Boles I. K Black W H Boland Dennis Bowen Ray Jonathan Boyn J Boyd John Baird R Rev Black Louisa Miss Brentllnget Elizabeth Miss C Coniston Wm G Cook Joshua P Crawford Samuel 2 Crooks Thomas Canothus W J Mrs Crouse Henry Crider Mary Cunningham John Cummings John D Culleon Elizabeth Copelin Sarah Anne Cowan Daniel Converse Joseph M Cummings A G Cooly Francis Conway Thomas Coyle M L Collins Thomas Collins E H & B Collins Adeline Coltin Ahr G Cowdy Charles Cooper Samuel Chadwick James Camrnn .1 K Cannon John Carnarine Allan Code Charles Calvert John Cantina ilizabelh Carson C Mrs Candors Rev N G Campbell John J Cam•.hell David Caldwell Jackson John Charles Peter Chess Muses Christy Susan Chaffey Frances Mrs Church S S Clayey Jacob Clemmitt Thomas Clark Rev Joseph Clark Samuel Cochran Emma Cooper Sarah Cooper D■rcus Colciin Jackson Clark James D Day Morgan Dimond Daniel Dealt, James Dickson J & R Davis Sarah Dickson T &J Davis Don't Duthrisige 'Elivabeih Davis David Dethridge Edward Davis Mary Downing Isabelle Davis John B Donlon Stephen Davis William Dougherty Martha Deriiins John A Doan John Delany E Dowell Thomas Deemer Isaac N Doming Charles Dennison Jesse N Drav; Peter ' Dennuison Almira A Ducal, George Deathorn Daniel G Duggan Willson ! Delinger Christian M Danning George Decoct Hannah Dyer John Dengeldy Jacob Duncan Adam Dickinson Z B Dunlap John Denseih Miss Catharine Du ggi ns William M Dight William Mullane Mary Miss E Ebbert R Mrs Ellis Gilbert Edmonds Alexander Evans Richard Elsin John Iter'd Evans Henry Eickan Mary Miss Ewing John M Echols William Evans Evan Ells Jonah Evans Emily a Ermisen Andrew Evans Ellis Espy Mary Irwin Adeline January D A Jackson tiariiett IsiTrys .1 I' Capt Justis William It Joss Horatio S Johnson Mary S Johnson Rebecca Jones W A Johnton Margaret Killen G \V Kerr Michael Wore Margaret Mrs Kelly Mitchel Karnes Edward Kelly Charles B Kepner Frederick Kelly John W Kent Mr Reks, King Thomas Keller Pew' Kirkland Martin P Keuhler John King James Keenan G W Knight Moses G Keenan Patrick Kirby James Keeth Duncan Kunkle Mary Kerr Sarah E Krickbaum J D Kimball Mary S Mrs Legman Joseph F Lancing Henry Larkins Edward Laudrigan Walter Lauramar Adeline Lane M Doct. Large John Leonard Samuel Lewis William Lennon Patrick Leak° James NI Levick Samuel S Lenhart Sarah Linn 3011111 Lion James Lister Peter Matthew William Moreland Henry Marquis S Morrell Humphrey Magrah William Morpn William Matlby Caleb Moorhead. 3 R Manley John Morris B F Martin Capt Moyston Mary C . Martin Mahlon Mowry W B I Mariner A Z fi Morgan David L Messick Sophia Moore John Mehaffey James Morrison John Mall James Morrison Helen Millingher James Morrow & Kinghood Min Jeremiah M Morrow, Kingsland & Co Miles John ?slummy) EC Nlilton Charles H Myers Henry W Mitchell Ellen Misr Murphy John Morgan Eran Murray Sarah Martin Albert Murray Mrs Miller Elizabeth Miss M'Rearly George C M'lllherron Mr M'Lelland C 13 M'Master Thomas NlCullnugh Martha M'Qrtersn Mary Jane M'Clelend William L M'Millan Martha M'Cauly Charles M'Lorly Daniel M'Clintock John M'Millan Al S M'Cartney William M'Ewen I M'Clerk William M'Neil Charles M'Cithe Henry M'Owan William L . M'Cartney Jame* M'Donald S C 1 :sl'Catty William M'DoneldJane M'Cance Bernard Junr 3 M'Donald Rose M'Cay Jane E Miss M'Dermot Hugh M'Cutcbeon John M'Donald J W M'Combn Morris M'Evay Michael M'Cutcheon Hugh M'Donald Mnrgaret M'Cully Sarah M'Ellberron John M'Gilrery Mary Jane M'Ewen Sarah Anne M'lntosh Mary M'Donald S C M'lntosh George M'Feely Luey M'llhenny R M'Guire James 1 M'Kannell John M'Gillan Hugh M'Kee W A M'Clure James IM'Cunn Robert M'Clore Jackson Winis Saml H WA l'ere Owen I M'Candless Alexander M'Cunnell Wm M'Cui John Nimmou James inokeirsh Charles Norman Miry Nottingham Elizabeth Nelson William Ooborn Oliver %V Owen Thome% O'Conner & Kieffe Patrick Eliza Parker E R Parsons John Patton W A Payne' Villiam Patterson Rachel Parker Harrison Parkin Edward R Parkin T Majn Pownall John Peters Ellen Perry James q. iglrn Mr quiet" Jubeph Ramona Abiaharn Ross Robert Reker Henry Roes Adam C Repine Joseph Roes Samuel S Reineman Adam 2 Robb David 2 Reynolds George Roach David Reynolds Mary A Mrs &karts J B Richards Beulah W Miss Reed Nathan . Reed Ralph Rice Clara Mies Richardson John Rise A A Richardson James B Rittenhouse Joseph H Rieigerdson David M Rich a rds John T Russell John Augustus Ryan & Guckest Rown Hester Ann Ryan Sarah RobinsonCharlet H Ross J P Sontmyer Joseph P Smith Andrew D Sa)er. Charles Smith Jesse Scott Margaret Miss Smith Willikm Scott Albert G Smith Chalks 1 . 3 Scott Thomas Smith David Scott G Blakeney Smith Martha P Mrs ' Scott Hamilton C Smith Mary Miss Scott Alexander V Smith Mary J Miss Scott Walter Smith Rechael Miss Seeley C C Smith Jane B Mrs Semple John M Snyder Benj F Shackleiter T 11 South William Shattuck B F Soler Daniel Shipman Steven V 2 Spears William Shipman Julia Ann Miss Spears Alexander shellenberCer Benjamin Spence Charles H Shelton John Spencer A J Shoos@ John Steve Isaac Slims:den James Stephens Edward Shenk Catharine Miss Stephens Joseph Siegfried Samuel Stephenson Robert Simtnore John John Stuart Charles Sinamnnd Ann Mrs Stine John A Skelly William Sold James Henry Slack Ralph G Swords Richard Sloan James Smelt William Senitley John Sweeney M & R H Smith Howell Smith J & W Smith Elijah Sargent Robert T Taylor Lester Thompson Richard Taylor Robert Thompson Martha Miss 2 Taylor GD& A P Thornburg Samuel layman Virginia NUss Town Edwin Rev James Torrenext Jane Mt. Teat Thayer George %V Tuner John - Thomas John 2 Todd Stephen B Thomas James Tomlinson John G Thomas R J Tomer Jacob Thompson Mary Miss Tracey & Kennedy Thompson Francis R Tulmer Rim Thompson John 2 Twist Jana A Mrs Truman David U Turpin Wm B i Urquehart Margaret Anne V Unnsh Francis Vandergrift Capt Vanemen GllOllO IV Wallace W illiam Whitford John Wallace W B - Whitmore Amanda Williams Charles H Walker Elisabeth Wallace J H Willson James Walker William Willson Witham Waugh Franklin Willson G W Waggoner David Willson Frank Willson 30,0 1 41 Wall John Wareham Job Willis Charles £ Wigton Thomas Wall Catharine Walsh John Wier William II Wetting Anthony Wolcott George Wegley John Woods Hugh W edit Mary Woods Robert Webster Joseph Wood W W Charles Woolverton Isaac Marga ret White John Wray White G Mrs Wright Andrew J Whitlesay Charles Wright Joseph Welsh Henry B White Anne C Walkers AG MD Johnson Jefferson Johnson Thomas Jones E H Jones Simeon Jones Charles Jones William Jones Isaac Jones Z F Young Jambes Yale Linea Zenton Jens Zehniser Andrew S weplS-d2t&wl C. WKIBBEN.P.!ri Lilly John Lyster John Lindell Peter Little Joseph B Lister Jams Liesly Edward Lister Peter Leogoin M Honour Mims Lockhart Robert L3rals Hesekiak Lomphrie hoe Lowry B Lynch DarW Lys& Da•id Mrs Lutz Wlllissn Nethelton Nelson. Neill Thomas Nesbitt Samuel Noble Elizabeth Miss Owen Mortis Owen Leslie Owen Owen J P Perry James Csptain Pierce A R Perry Elizabeth S Pepparcl Catharine Jane Peters James H Petro William Phillips Willism Pilgrim George Preston Cyprian - Porter George Poindexter P M Quillen James Yalta Henry Young Margaret Anna A Zook Jacob REBUILT AND REMOVED. Iriaraitare Obssp sal over IIAS. W. WOODW ELL respectfally inf.:nibs his friends and the public that be has removed to his old stand, No. 85 , `Tbird street, where be has on band a splendid assortment of Furniture of all descriptions, ready for their inspection. Persons wishingto furnish Hotels, Steamboats, Private Dwellings, &c. will find it to their interest to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. FURNITURE which cannot be surpassed in the western country, comprising the following articles: Sofas, Divans and Ottoman.; Tepays, Tete.a.Tetes, Wardrobes; Secretary and Book-Cave.; Card, Pier, Sofa and BO Centre CAUS , v Tabl ar es i . stylee, Sideboards; Dressing ILous H at and Towel Racks; French and High-post Bedsteads; -End, Dining and Breakfast Tablet: Mahogany Castes of d .11 desctions; rip A general assortment Fame, Clair,- Also,► galena wornness of COMMO ' N FU RN I TURF. 0fp4.31a. , MON 3kisiasits Stand Or *eat. firmr. HOUSE now occupied by Allen Kranwe, as .1 , es an Exchange Office, in sth street, neat door to the Exchange Sank, is in whole, or pint for rent. Posssi i given on the first of October. For terms apply on The premises. sep 12.1 f Bacon. 10,000 POUNDS Shoulders and Sideo. received per steamer Bertrand, and for sale by M. B. RH EY & CO., cep 14 Water et., below Fern,. Pork and Lard. Q BBLS Pork and bbls Lard received per steamer 0 Bertrand, and (or sale by M. B. RIMY & CO.. Water street. below Ferry. Marina Hospital. PROPOSALS will be received until the 20th in stant, for the Excavation and Masonry of a Sew er. from tho foundation walls of the U S Marine Floe pital, to the Ohio River, a distance of about 460 feet. There will be shout 750 cubic yards of light excava tion, and about 450 cubic yards of Stone Maronry. The Sewer to be built of hard durable stone,and laid in cement mover. Proposals will state the price per cubic yard for each. Plan and specefications to he ' seen at this office. The whole to be completed by the 15th of November neat. SU ItYll.l' nt's Orrice, S BOUTHRIE, Pitts., Sep 13, 1845. S Sur and Inspec.. of Rave. The American, Ariel, Commercial Journal, Chron icle and Gaxette, publish daily, until the 20th inst. Sept 13. EXECUTORS SALE OF A VALUABLE Lot of Ground on Water and Front sts. THE Executors of the last will and testament of Thomas Casaily, late of the City of Pittsburgh, deceased, will offer far sale at Public auction on the Ground, on Thursday neat, the 18th day of Sept at 10 o'clock, A. M., all that valuable lot of Ground, situ ate on IVater st. and extending through the square Kr Front at being 35 feet front on each street. This property is among.t the most eligible in the City kW an extensive Wholesale Grocery Establishment of Forwarding Warehouse. Terms at sale. HENRY M'CULLOUGH, P. M'KENNA, J AMES CASSILY, Auctioneer. JAMES BL A K JAMES C CUMMINS, Et•ortort. Hooks—Jest Vega Vol EVF,RY LADIES COOK BOOK; Management of the sick Room; Every man's Doctor and Family guide tv health; Literary Emporium; School Girl inFrance: Petennial Flower or Virtse's Conquest; Patent Sermons, bt Deer. Jr.; Carlyle's Heroes of Motor); Hogg's Winter Evening Tales; Pleasant Menwriea of Pleasant Lands; For sale by BOSWORTH & FORRESTER, 43 Market st. ECONOMY BLANKETS AND SATIN. ICASE Economy Blankets. 1 do do extra fine. 1 piece Slack Satin Vesting. Ind received and foe sale •Imu prices. septl3 BHF.A & PENNOCK. 1 8 4 8. - • CIA 41 1 •"• • ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO.'S JUGULAR WICLIELY MID 31E311.11110,1114LY LINZ D► SPLENDID New York and Liverpool Packets, BLAKELY & MITCHEL, AGENTS, Office, Canal Basin, Penn at. and Sntiikfie/d, near 61/‘ street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ROCHE, BRO.'S & CO., in asking the attention of their friends and the public to their arrange ments for 1845, beg leave to assure them that nothing shall be wanting on their part, to render those who may select their line, both safe and comfortable. Par ticular attention will be paid to aged persons, and Youths who may be sent fur by their parents. Among the vessels composing the ..Black Ball or Old Line of Liverpool Packets, wilt be found the NEW YORK, OXFORD. YORKSHIRE, MONTF.ZUMA, CAMBRIDGE, and COLU . MBus. Persons desirous of sending for their friends now residing in any part of the "Old Country," can make the necessary arrangements with the subscribers, and have them brought out. by the above well known fa vorite "LINE OF PACKETS," which sail from Li•• erpooi punctually on the 15th and 16th of every month: also, by first class AMERICAN Ships, sailing from there every SIX DAYS during 1845. Should the persons decline coming out, the money will be return ed to the parties here, without any deduction on pro ducing the passage certificate and the receipt. With such unequalled and superior arrangements, the sub seribets confidently look forward, for a continuance of that support which has been extended to them, so many years. Apply to (T ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO. No 35 Fulton st. New York. Or BLAKELY & MITCHF.L, Penn and Smithfield st. Pittsburgh, Pa. Agent at Liverpool, JAMES D. ROCHE, Esq. wp I 3 No 8.0 Water st. Remittances to Great Britain and Ireland, and the Isles of Guernsey and Jersey. PEMONS desirous to remit to , their relatives . in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, or to the Isles of Guernsey and Jersey, can at all times obtain drafts payable at sight, on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dublin. Also on Messrs. Prescott, Grote, Ames & Co., Bankers. London; which will be paid on demand at any of the Banks, or their Brendle*, in all the prin cipal Towns throughout ENGLAND. IRELAND, SCOTLAND, WALES, GUERNSEY co JERSEY. This mode offers to those wishing to make remit tances, from One Pound sod upwards, a perfectly safe way of sending money to their friends, and those who prefer that their friends should select their owo time of coming out, and also select their own ships, can re mit money by the subscriber afar that purpose. Apply to (or addles* by letter, post paid,) ROCHE. BRO.'S & CO. No 20 Fulton et., New 'Yorks nr BLAKELY & MITCHEL,. Pittsburgh. Pe. Valuable Property Within a few utiles of Psitsburgh , For Sale. TME undersigned have received instructions to offer for sale, Twenty-six Lots of Land, situate on Chartiers creek, within 4 1-2 miles of Pittsburgh. 24 of which are Test Acres cork, and 2 are Twenty Acres each. This property has been laid off with a view to suit small farmers, gardners, &e. Each lot can be cultivated; is excellent Land and on the Taipei , pal part of them is a portion of wood. They are all nearly square, are on good roads and are well water ed. On each of the 20 acre lots is erected • colder table Cottage House, Bank Barn, Orchard. &c. Any person wishing more land with the buildings can be accommodated. Apply to the owner, Mr. William Gates, sth Ward, or to the undersigned, Real Rams Agents and Conveyanoers, Pittsburgh. BLAKELY 4r, MITCHEL. P. 8. Drafts of the above lands can hereon as above. Sept I 3 Two ddjoiaing Fannies NEAR FREEPORT FOR SALE. FOR Sale, two adjoining farms on the state road leading from Freeport to Boller, and witbia these miles of the Pennsylvania canal. No. 1 matafehig 150 acres of land, 75 of which is cleared end la a high state of cultivation, about 16 acres of good mea dow, • square log house and frame barn. No. 2 con tains 125 acres, about 75 acres cleared,• fine orchard of bearing apple t rees, frame house and bare,aboued iog with lime woe and coal, an excellent saw mill in operation. We are assured by pertommheloMis personal knowledge of the above property that they are choke farms. The title is beyond dispose wad they will be sold low, as the owners are desirous of swiss west. Terms reasonable. Apply to BLAKELY & MITCHEL, fittsburgh. septl3 Per Sales TWO well finished and comfortable Frame Deed ling Houses, near Faber's Factory, sth Went 'These homes contain each four rooms besides attic story and cellars. They are oa lease having nine years to rue. awl wifibeeoldatagreet berrikaimmod mat only $9 per year on each boas.. Apply to BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Penn sad Smithfield meets.