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TWO CENTKr ~.- ' h,, ..,ARGENT & 13 ""CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PE.NNS'. _, . ..• AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IS ,kDVANC.g, - -7, • .• , :•-;''' , . • -__ -• - ii: ! ';',.-.. tt „ -- . . • ......_____ . • -..., 3. G DIV NT Z , 184 5 . Democratic Review. 1 •' . '''' 1. ',. .••.. ' ... ~ • NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS DEALER. IN DRY GOODS, ' -.- • ;ANk; ~Alitli,lt.t,,, BUREAU OF YAllni A , :D Duce:, July ',21, 1515. 6,, . -14 , it. • ....- • . • .r..- , 6„ ; J. , -.. /..., vv Yard," will iv‘ received at thia Mile,: totill 3 No, 114, Markel erect, near Liberty ,.., 1, ..., -.. .1 k -k....., --,.., • • Q EALED 111orosALS, endorsed "Memphir , Nll- Under an olroomeni with . , . i , ..,..... ,,,,i ... July I-I y PiTTSBIIRGH, PA. .., tot ,-It st ••• -,..4‘-% g • II To therarrartcruornys and a til t ; 4 11R uesur r ac i rrn air eet • ~• _-4 ., ...4 4 - 4 1 1 -: : • . -_._ . _ _ - ' . .... I ~• ' 1 9 1 ll' Sy DM President of the United States. Vc.10 , -1; l' M. of ale '2Olll A 112051 next, for fun - di:Ling C. l . i '.. a n ' i l lVlle " re. '''' ''f ' C ' Irier"trbe7torsloibu'rcr( i a'b r gr : Ltiws A irh i ll i a d tl e ;: 4ll ": ., 44 , • .4. Ty . Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, , Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iran and Naas' New York and Liverpool Commercial Lino and deliverine matero,l6 and IM eis.ecuting ivot at the the nnevipirod time at our eh. go of Packets. Navy Yard, Metnithis, Terinesare, n 3 follow,: become due on subi , iatinc , contracts, for abi Warehowe, Smithliold above Fourth street . ..'.:,r, , ore to lin collected by OA. and all such '. 4 ,. ..fr y sop 11:1-1 , JAMES DENNEY, Jr„ j a , ,o r , e zne 7 , „t i ' , ::: as l ic ina ea r,, r, f e r,:e l pu r i3 ro t i l l .,.b y' .. d u s , r e l : i l re. i s ot u , n , r ‘ llit u e l d c l e ) , Ei ni a nte t : o b i t id o oe ti ,o t c o mil r a tt: ; ..l,, , Li: :: ...i .!, • -' - 1-,r- , -,' 1,•.:t. i :.,;.:. l'e 1, . ..!" , VOL. I--NO, 43, PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY ICPLIMSATIGENT &BIGLUit, N. IV. earner of Wood and Fifth Streets T 9.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. Six dollars will in‘atiably be uri. tired if not paid within the year. asjr~kc Two Ct..); Ts—for sale at dig counter of .he Office, and by News The Weekly Elerenty and tßanafticturer ie inablishrd ttt tht , iamr effite, on e dnahle medium sieet,ll. WO not.TATts h year, in advance.' ttia• itte . eepiesi SIXCESTS. VRItIES OF ADVERTISING. Pgrt SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: One inwartion, $0 50 Orre month, $5 00 rwo do., . 0 75 l Two do., , 6 00 Three dn., 1 00 Threedo., 7 4113 One weeti, 1 50 Four dn., 8 00 Two do., 3 00 Six do., 10 00 Three do., 4 00 One year, 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS CFILANGKABLL it PL,KASURE. , One Square. Two Squares. Six months. $lB 00 Six mnntiu, $25 9 0 itne year, 25 00 One year, 35 00 'nrl:arger vedvertiAementx in proportion. IrMPCAUDS of foor linei Srx DirttAnx it rti. O'IIAItA ROBINSON; ((ATI.: U. -6. AT704:41.1',) 11AS removed fa; Met. In No. 13 , 81. Clair dreet .f'pt4 ATTORNEY AM) COUNSELLOR 'AT LAW Franklin. Venanca County, Penna., WILL altend fnetopity , o ell bnoOte..l entrome,l to hi. care—collections mode in \Vl:lin,, Clarion and Jeirer*on'eouni J. A. SToCRTON, & C... MURPHY, IYll.sati, &Cu.. Phu:burgh Jomr BIGLKEt, AMPS Kr ‘N EAR, FramLlin Hot' A Lt . .l NM Al. Rol: T StPUliCtrrille, Ohio. joly G. ORLANDO L 00.31113, ATTORNEY AT L %W. Office, Fourth - street,lsbove Smithfield, jell/ I.ly. riteranti.l7 & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, T_TAVE reevived their •offreAe am - Mete Garr?! 11 /blue, in th!room Geer the Sheriff 'sOtitee. - • F FICE removed to Smithfield f.treet, hetween 4th street and Diamond Alley, opposite Mr Cie° iVeymno's TAnitooNtsintifini nry. ow 16 • Removal. IVT A I TON & V AS 111 TON. Attorney§ nt Law; 131 office on the north Aide or Wylie it... 3il door East of the Court ari 17 . Lr.to Notice. "'FAMES CAT.L.II , I hn+remm•ed In the ehnmfxr d occupied by Ahfrrman 11 - cMa.tets on Fifth at. between Woo.] and Smithfield. er REMOVAL. 0. L. Robinson & M. MlRride, ATTORNEYS AT. LAW, 113. AVE removed their affix, In Grunt street, a Ir. short distance from StnYnth street., towards the '..lauct. Howie. Conve;ancingand alter instruments of writing /evilly and promptly executnd. , M'CANOLESS & ftI'CLURE, Atteraays aad Cottusallors at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court Rouse, sop 10 l'ittAboreh. Oyster &Buchanan, Attorneys at Law, Office in Burke% boilling, 4th strcct, nea rr Mnrtcrt Kr 10 ttgh Win. E. Austin, Attorney at Law, Piu4mrgh Pa. Office in Lialtewell's building, (bent et., WiLtuat F.. AcsTIN,FIsq., will give his atten tion to my unfinished business, and I recommend. him to the patronage of my 'friends. sop 10 -It WALTF.R FORWARD. Shaer & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Office at the building formerly occupied by tha "Jai ted Suites bank, 4th street, between Marketend Wood MIMS. • m2l-9m . CPI &Mill/SAMAR. tr/WAJLD 11LIIPSO/I. Geo. 8. Stadia, Attataey at Law, Oilice on Fourth stre.l.,hotween Wood end Smithfield. for Conveyanciug and other instruments of wri ting legally and promptly executed. mar 2.1.-tf ;DEM 8. BA,IIIIILTON, Attorney at Law, F f ICE, North side of Fifth street,between Wood O and Smithfield streets, Pittaburgh, Pa. N. IS. Collections made on reasonable terms. dec. 4-1 y AS Re m oved In euu t eMierice of the lute fire from Third etrees. re Bolseemit's llnildinge, opTtoiitie to the Court Howie. er 16 Theatsur boastelln ettaruay.at Law, 0160.. hear au Court House. in Melba's buildings „R. Storm", Alderman, Offu:e noriit liar of Fift6_ Areet,l;etween Wrod and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 1 0-t f Jingle. Blakely., Alderman, Moon Penn 6t., near the Market Houqe, sth Ward - Dr. Greetga Watt, Ofee, - No. 77, Smithfield street, sear Sixth, img 2 1 .1. ' Purssnunnit . 8. to: sinzians, Is. D., REMOVED. to Penn street, between Irwin anti Handstreets. five doti,a below Haod Erect. ap 15 - - MGM ARMORS, SURGEON DENTIST. Liberty sired. A Sevr.doorsbeioar St Clair at., Pittsburgh ap 28-Iy. _ Wm. 16..INTordy Dentist., Hewrealetect to the place of his louver tesidance;in ?elm erect, two floors below Irwin. • np 13 Doctor DattiolDfcaleal, Office on Fifth street, between Wood end Smithfield greet'. PictAblirgh. declo:-y Wholasaltritracerts:Surd Oantsniasion chants No l a cifitipserrial ILow, Libomy strect, Ftl9-15 Pittsburgh lANS IeDeVITT. J. & 3 IIVDEVITT, WHOLE SALE GROCERS, Dealers in Produce 'rind Pittsburgh manufactures gonerally, No. ‘..1`24, Liberty, opposite 7th Street, Pine burgh, Pa. up 23 -ly Jons JOHN W BLAlit,, • Battilft-fdANOPACTIIIIEriI SHOE FIND f (GS STORE, NO 120, WOOD sTREET, PITTSBURGH ===ll PUBLISHED DAILY, BY BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER, AT TILE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH; PENNSYLVANIA, EDWIN C. WILSON, I=l Law Notice. ANDRF.WDIIIIIKE iebn W. Durrell, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JOHN SCOTT & CO., VHOLESALC AND RETAIL GROCER, . AND Dealer in Produce, nt W. Greer's old stand, No 46, corner of Market and Liberty ,SIXIVIA, Yir rxborgh. N. B. The best of Grocerie,i kept connitnily nn bowl. [op 9 d3m JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, nookseUerz, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 44, Marketrarect. imp 10 CRUSE k. LIPPINCOTIr, Commission, Produeo and Forwarding inorolantA, No. 87 4. 98 (old number) SMITH'S IIiIARP, BALTIMORE, (Sll - ).) REFERVICFS7,—Tho Merchants nf rktvlntrgli in gram& Jan 13-em DAVID LLOYD D. dr. G. Wi Word, ITOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION FOR W ► re 11111 ;.6 4 MLUCIIANTS, AND DRALBRS IF PRODUCC A PITTSBURGH MARV MIME r Liliernl i,I VIITIraI in nr gnnd4 trlisde , ~ n ronsigutruinies of produce, &c., at No, 112, LiMoly gtroi`l. m 1 5 J.L.SiirEtt'S CASK RAG WAREIIOI7SE Corner of Penn asd /rwin streeta, Pittsburgh. The highest prier paid in cash for Country 11112 fl, Ilnling Ittipn hod Cotton Waste. Also, dcnlrr in ClJoride of Lithe, Porter, Twine, &c., at cast' pticem. jnly 14-dly• _ GEORGE COWMAN. CONINtISBION AND FORWARDING, No. 2, Ferry street, Piltsbergi. mnv 23 J. V.gde• & Son, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS Office, Smith is 1 Street, corner of Diamond Arley. PLANS andSptvificationsfini•bed in th e best style and at theah,irtest noticie. Rarramcce.: Loran & Konmp,ly, IT Child. & Co., J Woodwell, k Kramer.; W B &ac and Col ter% & jan. 14.1845-41 y. GEO. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Corner of Smithfield street and Virgin Alb p inly 26. MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITLIVELD STREET, Next door to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. innefi. REYNOLDS & WILMARTII, Forwarding and Commission rdomitants, ♦MC DCAtalts 111 LUMBER, GROCERIES,PRODUCE, ♦ED PITTSIWRGH NIANUFACTIMES, FOR THE ALLEGHENY RIVER TRADE Cwrner of Penn and Irwin streets, L. 0. RETSOLDS, L. WM/EARTH. 5- NEW BOO* STORM. BOSWORTH & .FORR.E.STE . B.‘ • No. Market alrEel,next door to Third street, aRE jam opening a new and extensive assortment of soaks and Stationery, which they will sell, wholesale and retail at the lowe.t prices. *os CHARLES A. MeANULTY Forwarding and Commfuton Merchant, IPITTSBUYOIIf , PA., AgentforU. S Portable Bout Line, Ceram tran►lln►ta tinn of Merchamlizeto and from PittaburgE, Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York..aad Boston. j:31•ly 4. G. EZIPMAIIT, (Late Reiahart 4. stron g .) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER.. PRODUCE 4. COALif ISSU:N Mb ROWANT No. 140 LIBKRTY Sr., PITTSBURGH, l'A. fel, 1 Irilkiagion'sVarivalk4 Blacking, M. UFACTU RE D and4ohl whoiewle Arid riqAll, num stagier, one door below Smithfield. net2l—lc. REMOVAL. COOLEY & LA!UD, Merchant Tailors, trAVE Removed to No. 1, Water street, nenr tho corner of Wood and near the spot from whom.° they were driven 11 the fire, Is here they will be bapp • to fee their old C l / 4 110111CM .iYI9- Pittsburgh Infirmary, FOR the reception and treatment of deformines of the human frame, such as Chr/r or Reele4l Opt, eo n tracted joints. sery-aleck awl Strabisaturs or Seirrintiste-, and of Diseases of the Eye, ouch as Co- /onset, me, under the slue of A Ll3 - 1.:11T G WALTER. MD. Liberty, near the corner of Fourth street. dee 31-dtf Zeolite to Horsemen. PRRSONS wi4lting, to have the'ir horses Nicked nod Rubbed. by an experienced man rum the eastern'cities, cart have it attended 'le et all timer--or Holmes' Livery Stable on Third street, be tween Market and Wood, near the Post 0151 M. N. IL—Horses kept at Livery by the day; week or monthat the above stable. ntFt7-5m NOTICE). raIHE subscriber having sustained a Wry heavy loss by the lute fire, is constrained to ;Call upon all who know themselves to be indebted ssi him to settle their accounts as soon as possible. kie hope' , this notice wilt be promptly attended to, as it:js neces- Baty he should lawre funds to recommence Redoes not wish it to be understood that this no. tice is intended for any of his customers ss!lati were sufferers at the late fire. ap 15 M. KATO., JR. Public Notice. rrIRI F. President, Dttoctorsond known J. as the "Fareers' Deposit Bank or PitNdkaget," will, at the next meeting of the LogislatOt of the Commonweal:4 of 'Pennsylvania, make avOication for the privilege or 'voting notes paynbla •cm de mand. .Tllol4l'Bo'N BELL, Ct-ahicr. pituburgh July let, 1845-jy3o -d ;Jan 13. PITTSBURGH NIANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for earrings* Al Eastern Prices. r IHE subscriber manufactures and lieeps.amstant ly on hand Coach. C and Eliptic Spine' (War ranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver erivOirilutitrlaled Dash Frames, Brunt and plated Huh Arears.:' , Stnmp Joints, patent Leather, Silver and Brad*: Larep,., Three-fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, &c., &c. He respectfully solicits a continuance of the jiatron• age heretofore bestowed upon the establishirtent. WILLIAM COLEMAN, jan 4 _St Clair st...near the Allegheny Bridge. John ilTOloskey, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty street, between Sixth street and Virgin alley, Siuth side. sep 10 F;MINF! ,fitl,4tt. 4 ..*torr""" JOHN lIERDNIAN, 61Sotatt st., New York. TEI F. subscriber, in culling the attention of the pub 'lie to hie unequalled arrtingement far loingiog oat Traaneng,ets from all ports of Great by the above line of nploodid nitipx, nailing from Liverpool weekly, would respectfully make known that In tuldi• lion to hie regulars-grata, he has appniotrd Mr Thom. as H Dickey, who wilt eintala at Liverpool elm teethe Pensoft la ouperiuted the embarkation--of ion- of all .pa 9,P11. gore engaged here, l'eriione engaging may, therefore, rely on their frielotn, and nil who may accompany (berth being promptly sent forward. He in, ns usual, preparoil to remit motley by draft, payable at sight through the United kingdom, in amounts to snit up plienuttt•ud at the lowest:tete& For further pan icu Int t upoly to uddreno JOLLN,H EIIDNI AN, No 61 Numb At,, New York. JOSEPH 108.1i1'ATILIt'k, • At :lames Dolxell'a ‘Vut . er at., l'itt:,burgh. joly En= CUTLER and Sargical Lasuenicul. Manufacturer No 14t1 Wood *trect, two doors Crum V irgiu al ley, l'ittsburg, l'a. N. B.—Always on hyoid an eXti.4lAlVCla,...ortment. Surgical arid Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's Hatter's, Hair Dtraser's and, Tanner's l'atuat Shears Saddler's Tools. Trusses, . je 24. I=l E Sin of Ignorance' is easily forgiven. Many of the "anal, nets" of the present day are put nut by per,,nns tuba have no knowledge ufube science ofmerli citte iu dreary or pinctice, and in order to hide their ig• nora lice cry Out loudly ago itoq, the "-ii:mard , ' ,l P reiend e, 1," nll.l bribe others to bo a ..t f o r them, which oft times lion gulled the , 11013.pecting. and for want of a ' , toper knowledge of the dt,easee they pretend to cure, no doubt tnink they cure wizen they do not, tin:Lei - ore they um to be pitied, hotpot half sn much as tho.e who take their "miserable compounds," hut they Oct only love their money. but miss the nib outage of that ce.sary advice which the real practical physician, in always able to give. We look to the tailor for tut im provement in time triode of‘lte,,i to the medical mile for an improvement in the science of medicine—and this necoarsts for the great superiority of Dr Stneyn , 's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry over all other medicines ever offered to rite pnlille for the run' of a ll diAPlSeti of the Lams and Breast, Coughs, Colds, Coutuatplioa, Asthma, ;gritting Blood, Liver Com ' plaint. Pain in the Side and Br-ag, Broken Constita ; tion, &c. Remember always to inquire lot the name lof Dr Strayne. as all preparations which have the name of Wild Cherry matched were :tolen from the cleat origiaa/ prepara:ion. The gruuine is only prepared hy Dr Stroyne, corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. For sale 'iv PITTSOURriR. a5-ly BEl:s:G cnnvinced Lbat both branches of 01/. crud' could not be carried no to the mutual udrantrize twofronffs and proprietors, we hero induced to di.inte of our rend made stuck: and abondno ork entirely. Tie result has been a CillEAl IN CREASE IN (wit BUSINESS, and a eurresplitul log one in our abilities to raccutu orders to the entire satisitictiot. of our customers. We would again beg leave to say to those who V. till to get 17.481110 NA OLE WORK WELL MADE, That our attention shall be directed to ?lin HIGHEST GRADE OF CUSTOM WORK; and being now pre pared with every_feedlity to ndapt Otlrselves to the 1440 tastisirribe ecnnmunit; ; we can furnish on% sr. ofprmetts wltiettlanc3 may dictate, always aiming in - point of style to be IN ADVANCE OF. EVERY . OTHER ESTAB Being at all times suliprirel with materials of ...S . /Ty .leteription, we arc prepared to turn nut al the shortest 110tiCe. a• genteele forment us can be had in the Stale; ouiraim shall be to make a mood article at a nr.loente price. (jy3) ALGF.O. McGUIRE ..44 Cu Caraerof St. Clair dad l'eaa weds, Pittsburgh, JAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor. THE proprietor begs lenvetostetorn his most-grate ful thanks to his friends —adthe psiblie for past fuvot,, and bons, by attention, to merit n continuation of their patronage. The bewet is pietisantiv eittnited near the FACllettge; it has arenmmorlatiOng for travel ers, and a large room tr public meetings, dinner or supper parties.. RF.FRESIIMF:NTS Always ready.ot prepareiton the ',honest notice, Will, the choicest the murket will afford. Oysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oysters, received eve ry day daring the season. The greatest care has been taken in the selection of winei and liquors. A varie ly of newspapers are regularly filed in the estubli.b. men!. I'. S. A lint Lunch served up every day at 11, A. M lip Dissolution. THE partnership heretofore esktiag between dames K. Logan and George Connell, under tho firm of J K Logan & Co. is this day ditoolved by mutual consent. All persomt having claims against the firm, will please present thorn for settlement, and all indebted will please make payment to K Logan, who is duly authorized to settle the bushiest. of the concern. .1 N LOG.4IC, Pittsburgh, August 'l, 1845 AS. K. Logan. corner of Wood and Fifth stteets, • °seri D Davis' Auction Rooms, being desirous of changing his present business. offers for solo his stne.k of Dry Goods now on hand, nt cost, comnrising a large assortment of cloths, ei miimerea, saitineits, veoings. punts, mualins,&e., and would re•pectfully invite tha attention of those wishing to purchase as be is determined to dose up his resent business. August 2, 1845.—etig, 4. TFIE firm of Constable, Niko & Co, was solved, ley mutual consent, on the 11th inst. Constable & Strickler are authorized to settle the business of the late firm, nod as it is desired that the same shall be closed without delay, it is hoped that !Wse that know themhelves to he indebted will be pre pared to settle as speedily as possible. NATH. coNsTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, 3. S. STRICKLEII. Pittsburgh, July 18, 1815. Safety and Vault Doors manufactured as heretofore at the old stand, Second outset. jy2B-Irn CONSTABLE da STRICKLER. SELECT SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. Penn &rec.!, siza door below Pitt street. MR. KENNEDY, resume the duties of hie Setioul onMondity, t, Septomiber; • an 1.141 m. . • John Cartwright, 15 \j. THORN. Arent. Pitt.bur2h Fashionable Tailoring MIMS WASILI?iGTON UOTEL, GEO. CONNELL Dry Goods at Cost Dissolution. GREATLY ninect:n E-1/ItoM 1 , 5 To $3 PElt sN• NUM—SINGLE COP; 25 CENTP. Prospeetne of the next (or 17th) Volume. THE - Plt ICE of thoDemeettAric REVIEW has heretofore been too high—not fur he size, cost, and ehametor, but for the /poems of tens of thousands of renders who would be glad 40 receive it, andamnng whom is is highly desirnble.that it should circulate. For the purpose, therefore, of largely widening the range tir its usefulness, and of multiplying the num bers of those to whom ir may-he eccesgible, it has been determined, simultaneously 'with the great redaction in the expenses of the posage..ta reduce its subscrip tion price Idol, f ore Fire to, ally (7'Aree dollars: and when several unite in subscription, to as low as $2 50, or even $2 30 per annum. 'T his very large reduction in the receipt's (accompa nied with but a cotnpnratively small diminution of it, expenses) invokes, of course s an entire sacrifice of profit riper, it, unless eompettsated by a suet multipli cation of Its subscribets. Thera will he a' the outset only a vnull reductionin ltsratimher of pages; soon to be restored to its old number, without increase of price, when the anticipatedeaccess of the experiment shall justify it. The Pontos tilt or atvrtsuntsurn DEMOCRAT? , will be Co4lllllued—ertgretred in beuer and more costly rtvle than heretofore. The I . O•TAGK will hereafter, for [ley tlionnee, be linty five and ft italf ceatiVit has heretofore been, for over 100 miles, eighteen CelllP. We look for an extension of eirculat inn to be reckon ed by tees of Motreasult, girdle result and compensa tion of this great reduction of price. Every friend of the work, and of the Democrat,* principles nod Canoe, to confidently appealed to, td exert himself with an active lamest to procure itsubscribers; both to extend its ii..efelsiess, and to carry ittnecessfully through the crisis of this great reduction of it. receipt,. Thom" who hare paid in advance for the coming ' rut, will remise it, tit the sduced rate, fora year and a half. TERMS u ENcixonw A RD. (iNVARIACGE TS ATV r E.) Sinj , rnry, #3 90V.i! , , , ,ht rnpie., $lO 00 Flour eorit.•, 1100 I Thirteen" 30 00 It will 01111 the fern that when thirteen e.riP4 nr, or. dorr4l nt °nee, t hem iee brort.4ht ,Inwn to about $1 1 .'2,30 I,IC h. Fur sit MOlllk. hall these These rotes afford high irelnements to ngents nod others to interest themselves to procure subscribers. The each system and payment in advance must he nre.imprornismrly adhered to The past roluxotion of it has crowd un nerumulntion of not far from 90 - 000 of debts do to the wort. tlertinfter thin tnust Ins wholly rerun rued: nor must either eminent patirien friend, or the most intimate Yjersrmol one. he displeas ed nn experiencing its aprillitilion, in the stoppage of their numbers, if they negleat his rule: the vital ne cessity of whirh. at the present reduced rates, must be olivhsno to all. No communications will be taken Gnm the Post Of fire unh‘ar free of poltage. All rornmument ions, both en editorial and publishing ho.inesn, meat be nrldrett.ed henceforward to the on dersigned. Those reintittg to the aettlement id" the pn.t debt. due the work will be still addressed to Mr II G LnINGT.I , T. 8 .41/0.- Howse, the past arrnnge. mews with whom, as pnblisher, have retched their ter. urination. J L O'Sel.t.tv A la , July. I Cei. 13'2 Remo xtreet, New York. LAST LIKENESS OF GENERAL JACKSON Th.. nand:able paguerreoqpeof General Jackson, tidier. by Anthony, Edwards& Co. n few wrcks before bin acad... hos Leon poreltsreil for the use of the Dem. orratic Review. It is in the Lands of the artist, and will be engraved in the fiflrsl. Style of MCll.olilli of ex iris size. it is n most benotiful and interesting work declared by :Mr Van Boren nod others to give a more perfect idea of the good and great old man than any other likehl•PS rind ought to be p. issessril nod framed by every ft send who byes or reveres his memory.— Those w sobserilir eat ly viii ieceis cit alone of 1110 r , 2l:!,ir Pet lei or l'Onlitit 4. JUST RECKIVED AT THE IRON CITY CLOTHING STORE, ,V 0.112 Liberty at ,ttoottoors from St. Clair strert, ASPLENDID niiioirtment of Rrll and Winter Goods. The proprietor of thin huly Livorcil VS tablithrnent annonneef io the Public% that hr ix prepn ed to MA' to order all 801,1, in Ink lime, at the shortM notice, and in the rne.it FASIIIONABLI:. STYLE. H.,.i.ec "red the services of One of the HEST CUT- Eltli in the city, he anti in all canes w'attanta gaol fit. has n splen did a 5. or I men t Of VARIED end rt,ILI?i BEAVER CLOT HS , AlAn superfine Blur. Bllck, ]hewn and Invisible Green Cloths of all cpial iiirs and wariounirrims to suit rho purchaser. Betas n splendid lot tif writings of nil piwide.rns; Snit inells in g real vat ieiy Skirls. Stncks, rsoAnm.. Collnis, HandkercliivlA, Suii perilvis, and every other niticic in the CLOTHING LINE, which hu will sell LOW . FOR CASH. The proprietor return& his Fincere [batiks to hit Ciiiitiimers and the rublic in gerrral, Cot the very lilt ertil manner in 0 hich they have patroniv-il hie ettith lisliment. and hopes by si t icl attention to busineits. end •eliin t 7 them Cheap Goods, to merit a continuation of Ili, •nme. C. NrCLOSKEY. tag 20.fim. ExTErcsios OF -PITTSBURGH. Rare Chance for good Invostanetrts ! r 11i; subscriber lies holdout. and now Lifers for JL sale at rensonnble prices and on accommodating terms, Otte Auedred and . Son looildiag Lola, on thut hand ' , OTC les el ground between J3rockluek street and the Monongahela river. They arts !ivot nna.thit d of Fl mile from oho city line, and aro situated in that part of the fast city district which will probably soon be nrotexed to the city as the Seventh Wald. No pro perty in the suberbs posses .2' 8 superior advanta ages, nor hos ' , nv herctolom been laid out with so liberul an al losserae of wide streets; Braddock is from one hun dred and twenty to about one hundred and ninety feet wide, and Heiden, Commerce, Brady, Columbus and Water streets all wide avenues. Most of the lots have two fronts, nod as they are of various sizes, and will he said, one lot, with the privilege of four or five; early applicants can bo acetumndated to suit their own views of improvement. Persons who desire to basil or to muke secure investments in property that is sum to advance in value, and part iculor ly those who intend to erect monufacteries, would do well to vies' these Lots, and examine the theft, holm° purchasing else. where. "l'he survey for the Baltimore end Ohio Rail Road marl the r nil road survey by the State of Penn lvania warn both made alongside of this property, rind it is generally considered that Braritlook street, or the ground immediately alongside of it, affords the only eligible route Inc a Rail Road from Pittsburgh to the Emit. Coal can ho delivered on this property ate much Icon coat then on the Allegkilway river, and there is always deep water at this part of the river. E. D. (lAZZAM aug2s-11. Office Markrt betCveen 3d & 4th stet. WM. DOUGLAS, Fashionable Hat and Cap blanafactnter, No. 79 WOOD ST., PITTSBURGH. 4 WOULD respectfully announce to his 0 6 friends and citisons generally, that he has opened at No 78 Wood Street, East side, Burnt district, nearly opposite his old stand, where will , be found Hats and Caps, of the latest style and Fashihnl prices very low. N. 13. Country Merchants are respectfully invited to call and estamine his stock before porchaaing else• where, which will be offered at prices that cannot fail to please at No 78 %Vood street. nuc2.l-3m Axes. .. ESTEP'S Cast. Stoell Altos, warranted. For Bala by GE.'O. COCHRAN. 'May 23 No 2, Ferry st IN pliff,UflOCO of lOW, .1, issuga K. POLK, President of the United States of America, do hereby declare and make known that public sales will be held at the undermentioned land offices in thi Territory of lows, at the.periode hereinafter designated, to wit: At the land office of DUBUQUE, commencing on Monday, the find day of September next, for the din• posal of the piddle lands within the underinentioned tuvrnships, to wit: North of the base line and east of the ffehrrineipal weeredian. Townships eighty-five and eightraix, of range one: Tow ni.hipo oi2 lily-few and eighty five. of f nog° two; ownihips nighty.-four, eighty-five, nod eiglarix, of range three; Town•hips eighty foot- and of range four; Tewterbir aighly-bett and frnctionel township eirrio y five, embracing two iAltimir in aro Missigaini river, Liming pun; of seetiuni one nod twelve, of runT. five Fractional township eighty, including part of an slang in t i ro Mississippi river, within the limits ..1 sections seven and eighteen. of 'range sic Fractional township eighty-one, including "Swan Island." and the part. of "Big Beaver island" within ho township, and townships eighty-three and eighty four, of range six: Fractional township eighty-nee, including the por tion ofl•Big Heaver Island" within its limits, Litt le . Rock island, rind the S.rnith port d nn island forming parts of sections five and site in the Mississippi river, of range seven; Townships eighty.foor to eighty•seven north, inclu sive, of range one welt of thefifth principal meredian. Also. at the same pinco, oonimeneing on Monday, the sixth day of October nest, for the disposal of the public Innds within the tawships hereinafter designa. to North of the Lase line and ,rest 'ofihe fifth principal meridian Township 4 seventy-eight to eighty-seven, inclusive, of more nine; Township. sevenipelght to eighty-eight, inclusive, of range ten; Tow n.thipm fterentv-eight to eighty-six, incluoise, of rang! , eievent Town; seventy-eight to elglorenr, inelnslve, of range twOre; Towniihipseventreight of ranges thirteen and roar teen. At the lona office of FAIRFIELD, commencing nn Alonday. the fifteenth day of Sepft rnber non t, for tiro slisposnl of the public lands within the untlernien• timer' townships, to wit: North of the base hire and rest of the fifth principal meridian Tow•n4Liiw seventy-Dour to seventy-seven, indu-ive, runge tern; Township,: wren!y to seventy-seven, inclusive' i of rni.ce eleven; Fraciiontit township sixn••seven, and towin,hip+ ein ty eight to screwy Seven, Intl UAW'. of MOP' t welve. Alln, at the some place, commencing nn the twentieth tiny of Ocit,her next, for the disposal or the public inmil within the townships and fractional towu•hips hereinafter designated, to wit: North of list base line awl west af the APIs prinei• pal in emlian. Frrictionnl township sixty-seven, nntl townships mix• to ci;lit to lieventy •koven, inclusive, of range thirteen; Fractionol township sisty...even, and townships nix• IV onventy-ses on. Inclusi VP, of range ro.llll2ni Frictional town. , llip sixty APVell, and townships six• ty tight to seventy-fire, inclusive, of range fiftectu Township srsenty-fire of range sixteen; The east half of the southwest quarter of snetinn eight, in township seventy-seven north of range three' east of the fifth prlaeipid meridinn. I.ands appropriated by law for the nee of schools, military or other porpouui, will be excluded from Tin sales will each be kept open for two iseek., (unless the lands me sooner di:prised of )and no lon ger; and no private entries al land in the townships 9G offered will be admitted, until utter the expitation of two weeks. Given under cny htmd et the city of Wavhingtnn, this ninth day of May. nano Domini one thousand eight hondiva end fort-tire. By the PrcA;,l,At JAS. SHIELDS, Comeuiaioner of (e General Laud Office NOTICE•TO PEE-I:WT[ON CLAIMANTS Eivray pereon entitled to the, right of pre-emption to any lends withi n the limits of this townships above enumerated.. is required to establish the ',emu to the setifection of the register tout receiver of the proper] land ufftre, and make payment therefor. es soon at , practicable afier seeing this ncisee, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public &Meal' the township above designated. (embracing the tract cleaned.) inhere. ise such claim witlbe forfeited. JAS. ELDS. Commissioner of hie General Land Office. trt22 law lilt. Valuable Property lu Ohio for Sale. pHE saver:bort, Executor. of Michael Tiernan, 1 deceased, niter for Attie two valuable Forms, in the vicinity of Mansfield, 01110. as des,ibedbclo cie: One Feral, being mart of the East Italia Sec. No 36. Tmvnihin !H. Range 18, containing 300 acres, of which, 150 urn.. In cicurod, fenced, end under good col! ivotion-75 act-es it notate! Prairie, well ditched and fenced. • There ill on the firm n new Iry dirrilling. hratfoe, two ramie,. high, lti•hy 30 feet, completely finished, :ma a new from , • barn 30 by 50 Pet, with bhecia end outhuthlings. The farm well watered.. Thitiiihnt Gtrm niljoining, is r an of ihe South-east Tomer of Section 25, Township 21, range 18. con. mining 110 neres, of which about 100 acres are clear rd, well fenced, nrol in a good state of cultivation. On it in ft new frame dwelling house 13 by 24 feet, one and n holfent ion bigb,nnti a now frame barn corn plotely finehed. This farm is well watered; hen a large spring at the dwelling., and a stream of living Water runnit, through the centre. Both forms are timberod'antisitinited within 3 miles of Mansfield, the neat of justice of Richland en.. Ohio. The Rail road from Mansfield to Sandusky city on the Lake, will be finished this full, which will always afford a certain woy to market, end increase the present value of the property. The forms will he cold together nr separately as only stilt the convenience of tho purchasers, and a clear and indi.punible title will be given. Application call he mndo to the undersigned or to C. T. Sherman, Esq , Mansfield, who will chow the property to any one wishin,r to T.urrhace. Terma--ene•third down--the balanco in °goal pay ments at I, and 3 years, with interest. secured by a lien on the property. S. C. TIERNAN, MORRIS JONES, u3f2f.'.-Ittv m Es'es. of AI. Tiernan, dec'ei. Removal by Fire TlTEsiihnriber Worms his friends and tho pub lie, that he,bas opened n new CABINET WARE ROOM, Tit the corner of Liberty and St Cinir streets, over Brown and Reiter's Drug Store, where he is prepnred to nrend to all order, in his line. Entrance on St Clair street. up 15 M. SANE; JR. Piano Portal, TWO elegant Piano Forts, with mahogany easeg; iron fratne and plate; made by Adam H. Gale, & Co., New York. Ono splended Rose-wood Piano Forte made by A. H. Gole, & Co., New York, with Walker's attach ment. The above Pianos have been seleeted with the titmo.t care, in regard 1,11 Tune; and will he sold at manufacturers prices by JOHN H. MELLOR. CIO aug— No. 122 Wood street. A LL kinds of Pickles and Sonora , constantly for 1 - 1- sale, by A. G. REINHART, ougl4 No 140 Liberty et. ?MOM =NM For making the r ,, C o 6.snry cxea.atian to reduce the bluff to the eitablkhed grade of the cord. anti for gra ding Front nr Chickasaw .tree;; for furttiAtie; Mite. riots and building ahout 0.900 perches vertical call; fot the delivery of 12.300 perches stone, sand.ttone, ha r em one, or loth; for the vent piling nn the east ern title of Wolf river to secure the alines; for the de livery of 272.400 pressed brick, and 544,900 salmon brick; for the delivery of 1131,500 feet [board measure] artsorted lumber, cypress,„bite and v ellow pine, for rooting and Inside ivel of iwildingt; for enn-trusting the foundations for nine buildittr:,s for various purposes for making 221,000 cubic yards of criti - tot:mem; and for clearing the whole ;round [about thirty-two acres] of the undergrowth and trees. Persons making iilb r 111 , 1:t slate the price per cu bic vard for excavation: the pi ice per cubic yard for embankment; the price per perch of twenty-five cubic feet for vertical wall; the tirice per perch of twenty five cube feet for stone; rtw price per foot lineal mesure, for yaeli kind of limb,: fir piles when driven and tin billed according to the plan; the price per thousand Grr each kind of brick; the price par thousand feet, board measure, for lumber fie the foundations of build ings; the price per feet, lineal, for pile;; the price per thousand feet, board measure, for any wood work re quired, and tbe price per perch for the foundation walls. For clearing, the proposals must state the gross sum fir the whole the contractors to have. the-woad which is upon the ground, The gravel upon Front and Chickasaw street mutt be preserved, and spread again upon the street after it luau been graded; the woi k to be paid for at the same rate per yard as excavation. The. Department expressly reser:es the right of di minishing flllincreesing the rriannty of Inaterink and the amount of work in I he several portions 01 the of mateA here furnished; and should the quantities of ma terials and the amount of tvur i t he i ; , c , ease d I,y on d the estimateii, rile same price as is sr-rifled f o r that kind of description of materials or work shall be paid to the contractor, and no more. The mmerials and work ming be subject to inspec tion and approval or persons to be appointed by mid 'alder iadrndices from tbi.: Burenu;' anti none will be received or approved which shall cot - pass such in spec! i.e. Contracts and bonds, with twn apprrivail sureties in one-third the amount of contract will be rerpiited, to be entered into within twenty days after the notifica tion of acceptance of the bid; and ten per cent. of the amount of all bills will he retained as collateral secu• rite for the faithful performance of the contract, which will be paid only on the satisfactory completion of it; and ninety per cent. of all deliveries mode and work executed will be paid on all bills properly authentica ted within thirty days after Welt presentation to the Navy Agent. Bidders are requlrrxi to accompany their proposal? with evidence of nbility, together With the names of their sureties, whose responsibility must be certified by the UnitectStates District Attorney, Navy Agent, or some person well known to the Government; other wise their proposals will not be acted upon. Plans of the works can be seen, and such other infers motion as may he required can be obtained, by appli cation at the Engineer's office, Memphis. To be published once is week until the 21st or Au gust next in the Union, Imelligencer, and Constitution, D. C.; Baltimore Republican, and Sun; Pennsylvanian; Philadelphia; Morning News, Evening Pont, and Jour nal of Cnmmerce, New York; Harri,butgh Morning Post, Pittsburgh; Enquirer, Richmond, Va.: Na-ttvilie Union; and Memphis Appeal. Proprietors of the above papers will be pleased to rend n eery of the paper containing the above adver i thement to this Bureau. OP YARDs Ast> DocHs, July 21io 1845. 1111 HE time limited fur recui . viog ork to bp performed end materials tube deliv ered nt the Navy Vard. Memphis, is extend...llmm the 21,4 of August, to 3 o'clock 1' M of the 1.0,11 of Sep tember Ilex'. In eases where Proposal+ are made embracing more Item one portion of the work of the materiak, of the whole, at reinirert by the nrivertisement, the Depart ment reserve% the right of dividing turd accepting for , o ei t ronj”ns, or for the whole, or may be deemed best for the public interest. I' S. RI peri that arc directed to pohli•h the m Item. advertisement are respe.ted to publish thin one July 2L, /345-lowtSerlu. JAMES K. POLK NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. BUREAU OF YARDS AND Duces', August 11th 1345. TII} time limited for receiving proposals for wed: tu be perfotmed, and materials to be furnished nt the tinvy.vard. Memphis, is farther extended to 3 o'clock, P. M. or the tenth day of October next. Pet sons intending to bid, awl wishing further information are referred to the engineer, A.B. Watford esq., ut Memphis, Those rarer' which have copied !be advertisement of ii, ( 02.1.0 ultimo, as well as the `•Cineinnnti Enqui rer" and"Lonimilfe Democrat" will please copy this notice also. • nag 30. THE eubscrihers, executors of M. Tiernan, decid., offer fur sale the valuable property lying on the waters of Cross .Creek,. Brooke County, Virginia, known by the name of Clarke's .Mills. The property contains Two ll:milted and fifty acre: of Land, about one hundred acres of which are under cultivation; a Merchant mill,contnining, two runs of Burrs, arid one run of stoneti for countiy work, with a supply of water throughout the year; a good saw mill, cooper shop, lionso, stabling and other neressai y Out build- Wings, sit unto within afira rate wheat neighborhood— I not exceeding I du toile From the Ohio river—and at a convenient rlistanee, say between three nn d four miles from either Welleburgh, Va.., or Steubenville, Ohio, ALSO. A Etirm;, beautifully and conveniently situa ted adjoining the above property, containing Two hundred and thirty four acres; of which about one hun• fired and twenty five acres are under fine cultivation— with a comfortable dwelling house, barn, and other necessary outbuiklings in good repair. and a never failing spring of good water ;tear the door. Tile above property will be sold together or 3ern tritely, to suit purchasers, and a clear and indisputable title can be given. Application may be rondo either to Seth Clark, who resides in Brooke County, Va. near the premises, and who will show the properly, or to the undersigned, at Pittsburgh, Pt. If not posed of previously nt private sale, the above property will be offerEcittt public sole on the premises, on the lot day of October next, at noon, and posses,iun given un rime Ist day of Apt it neat. Terms—one-third of the purchase money will be required when possession is given, and the balance in three annual payments, bearing interest and secured by lien on the property. S. C. TIERNAN,?Isis aug &wts MORRIS JONES, S THE Frilowing packages received some time since by Clarkson & Co's. Canal Line, and not called for, are stored at the Ware House of the subscriber. 2 Bales and 1 Box, marked I. D. Roland, Pit tsbnr2b; 2 Chests &I Box marked, P Rawl! Priltshurghl 1 13ox marked,Unicn Trading co., Lewisburg. Union co., Pa. Aug. , 2. JAMES MAY. ABEELF.:g lin4 removed hi. 4 Cornmivgion and • Ferwording . ,Business from the Conal I3e4in to his new ‘Varehouse, on Third street, nearly opposite e Post Office. may :30. - Partnership Notice. James Patterson, jr., rpm: undersigned rota this day auoehtuat with Corner of Ist and Ferry streets. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1 biro James E.- Lettlie.,,Ased. enteirttof mangacturer of locks, hinges and belts; tobacco, ful- mannfucture of Flint %mike/irk node; the firm of ler, mill and umber screws; housen screws for rolling\lulvan y & Ledlie. milla.&c. aep aug. 18, 1845-augßOd2w P. MDEVANIrs':., NOTICE TO CONTEACTORS rot{ 'SALE. Notice. Removal setae We will rrMain may be futmd durin PHILLIPS & EFThe above iiitt ire of :Messrs. Phillips in reference to stibscripl tun, paid in advance, 4 75 ns subsisting' cnntracts for Advertising, and correctly the arrangement made between Us. j. 22 I.:IGLER, SA }WENT & JAMES 110W/113D & 044 HAVE the pleasure to annotlitEe fn thitillrilealip that they again occupy their old stand at 133, Wood street, a here they have opened sa . ax46l:' sive WALL rAttft 18-At-Iv:must, - ---- 1 c ... And will have constantly on hand an exteretiveligetyYb's - moot of Saiirogliverl and plain PAPFA 040:fib. I NGS, Velvet and ll Mita Lion Biader4,of the lajoit O. 4, . ' and mo‘t liaral.,nrne pattetns for papering halh e - Or': , fors and chamber!. - ..-7,:; ; ; 4 ,',_ They manufacture, and have en hand of all Orkifil i ,.: Printing, 1V111111:1',. Lever. \v rapping anti Tee - ,154: - :. Bonnet and Fuller's Boar:IA—all of which they, ei1r.4" .. , - 4 -. fat sr!, OD the moot necommotlating terms,- n.nd , to: ~ :ahicii they invite the attention of merchants teeill. - a .., _ -- - other, - , A LSO —Blank Books of all kinds and the he'd glint. sty, Sr heal Buol,, &c. nl:Aay.s on hand and fur Pik '' a' above, nag 2.3. . ; . NO. 46. THE PLACE FOR lIOFISP riEEPING Goons! GI:NEII.AL VARIETY JUST nEcEtvEri.— Cases 4-4 Bleached Sheeting, 6t bargains' fttirs nesley's Pillow and Shectinz Linens; White .braikti Linen Damash and Spi ends, all sizes; Kntipkinn, - Crai.its es, Dinpers, &c; Iri Linens, prices. fi urn 25 OM in $1.871; COUnterranci, prit'es fintri $lO. 11110WS 4: TURN nag 2'2 Market *meet iti - OREENS—Colored !%lorri,s, drab and other 11_1_,Iesirable shades Oprcling ut the 1.34)*1 it:144.004h House. BARROWS 36TURNP.R.. 4d Market itneqt.: No. 46 Novel. Surrenders. L THEY COME—Another lot of thnse.nrion• Slid Gold Pencils received. Thei,ee persons id* were not supplied from the preview,: invoices nifty floe an oppnri unity tomake selretions from Full AS. stortment. I'rice3 the shmr in Rom $1.00,t0 $10: 13,\ liflOWS 46 Nt,tkot street: ' Linen Cambric liandisercbiefly TBE Itvge6t lot yet, received yesterday' eveninoot No. 4(3. We have now a beithi- article for 12& cis., with a beautiful assortment, varying In prices flotn IBi to $`2,25. Call and vev nt au,g‘22. BARROWS & TIIRNEIt. Selling off but Not at Cost. SCA GRASS SKIRTS. Anntherduplicata recei ed and selling at 26 cents less than Owl- BARROWS TURWER, Mons. De Lancs. o PACKAGES Mons. De Lnines of superior qabl. it y, in block, Mine and vetf desirable fancy etutdeh received at the New Cash Ilansr. auc BARROWS & Trill!kign Now Alpaccas. DF.CEIVF.D. nt the '•down town" cosh botivio.'s IL fic,•ll supply of black, and blue black Alpoeittri, which atn offere,l at the lowest rates. UNDEP. ME "BIG FLAG," No. 41:1, • EFT at A. slrePt. on tit. evening L of the '2.51h instant. a fim of Money, which *O4, Inplitised to have been lopped some-perstflf Rhiiit 'in the store. The owner can have the name by ca.:. line at our v6tabli,hrricnt. :Ind proving the notes.. jy . 3o-tf BURROWS & TURNER. Now Socks. BIOGRAPHY and Poetical Remains of MarjEtttill, Dos idiom by Washington Poetical Rem-tins of Lucretia Maria Davidson" Biography by NliA 3 Sedge-id.% „ Lyell's Travels iri North America. Clterver's Lectures on the Pilgrims Progress. Vino& Vital Chtistiauity, Winter Evening Tales. Oracle: from the Poets. Dictionary of Quotations. lust teceived by BOSWORTH & FOR RESTER, No 43 Market street. BOOKS---JUST RECEIVED. 17....11.01RS of Joieihinet Lives of .Iny and Hamilton; LiVC3 of Eminent Niv, 2 vole Letters of Dr Raincey, the English opium al Mt lietiges of Creation: Far sale by Boswowrii & Fouttsttit, au.;22 Na 13 Market. st To Iron Manufacturers, &o. erUE subscribers will tliToso, of their Potent foi' , manufleturing Patent Wrought Iron Dutttlinsei„ west of the Alleghenies, and furnish and 'put in aporee ties in Pittsburgh, ono set of INlriciaineiy cariehrikor making 400 doz. per doy. For paricutars, cog a manufacturing, cost per &wry, selling price*, Auld terms of , ale, address ROY & ang26-2md NO. 48 11£131:7,11a. AIURPIIY, WILSON & CO., (sUccesioril..ty Jones, Murphy & Co.) wish their friends iuki customer to take lotice that they will resurnePatitiV n ss nt their old stand, No. 43 Wood st. by thslll* of S ptember next, with a splendid stock °LIMY GOODS. almoit all of which will be ereircis Newt, They will be glad to see rind serve all who may *61.1 this market to purchase Dry Goods. aug G-dlm TO CABINET MAKERS. THE Subscribers having their Minna P;iittat Polishing Machine in full operation, treyll* ready to supply Cabinet makers with Afarldt . T 4011".. , he following very low prices; WI tv tudiau Mitible Tops 07. i cts. per Italian Bardilla "• Black and gold Egyptian from 81.50 tail**, Italian wash stalli. tops, with hack shelf aa44111104.... from $3 to $2O. w The above prices include pecking and Of `.. except the freight, and warranted free of b " Eckstein & Co., are ao confident of their Tops supetiot in finish to those polished by the old that they ure willing to tnhv back any that taillfgl,, t unsinkractory, the manufacturers paying charrirellint way. They keep also on hnnit, ltlahogany Plunk and Veneers of all kinds, also, Varnish, Glue, Bureau Knobs, Sofa Springs, &c. &c. Terrniroll* months on satisfactory reference, or five per cent c for cash. J. E., & Co., keep, al. nn band, Marble Marsden of every deicripttu , Jot • Orders by mail, for Marble, Mahogany, o above artieles,x, ill receive oar prompt attention, - JOHN ECKSTEIN & CO. Union Mill., Ridge Road; warehouse, 6.1 Dock st.., Philadelphia Pa. .oug27.4if IVest Tiop l New Yodt.