ENE • '3,' ,_- . '...., • ... • . =EI ••• • • •r• • ' • : `t. • .0 • • • •. ' • s". ••• liniilla NM - it. • •, . , • •••) '4 , 4.. - , -• :4 ,;,•4 lEEE • ~. r :- r • -,, '•-,' ' - ~ . .1,.., - . -.'N - •••• - 1 7-•':.‘ , .%_ , ;^,,:::-'• -. 4 k, • •• , •.!. rt. .., 'J ,-, - -,., '• i'', li. S, • ' -DV ' , , , ' r , ' 4 ,',.. ~..,.. t., ' 4 A I' . '-' . ; ~.:. ...Z l• t* .4; j '' "• ; 13 ' ; ::, ' '.: ..1 .". ' ..” .." '.; : i - ....; ' l.! r:. '• • g ...'',)' "! 1.f . ... 1 . ~,.. :. ' •.- "' ) 1 .- k •.,-s .I,f ,c 4 .,,,,. r ~, , .. ~ k ‘ tcli ? '::" .l !o ,4 ';-`,.• -,'-' --'- - -,.. ~ J 444, le 'X t .''':r., :: ' ' - '-' 1 ,. ' .. i. - •••' tbr V A . .e ‘' .% ' " b . :' 7:4 '. - '- '4 , . .t .* ' .o 4 . `"' &. ' . Oa: ~,,t 4 ills'NZl, t 4 7 4 1., ''..1,4,, 1 r.:, - ~..:. -4 ~. ......44., .-, _ , 40.104.... 1 ,1,f . Nigi. i i' 0 , 1 . i ) '13. 4 i '''. 3ti,' 4 - 4. °rid. ' 1 ' . .;,:..'", 4 . " C ~...', ; ay ; P ' -_, al ..."6-,:..,. 4*V . ''43,): ; •N.,,'.i."`, 4 ; 7 : ‘.,,, , ... , k.-4 , ;Ss' ~ ~ A -v-,_,‘,.. I kedi'a. l '.A,'N•:' - 4 1 9.0.-, 4 ":, ''',...1 , - 4 .'::i: -..'''. ''' ;.! . c tis4iit.lthsos - 41 0 :4:* - A, (,' , ~,\ , -.7,-_!,- . :,,, , ,:,,,;.7. 1 , ,•.,_ •,, ~...., ...,,,, , , 1,* . f ...,, V . : , :i.. . '' -'.:•,,,-....,,, - -' ,. 2.- -t -•`-- _.." -,,,.: - .I " Waft 111 EIOLER, EDITOR Aga. Agent for country newspapers, the Pittsburgh Doily Morning Post, and Manufacturer, to Iroise Ascriptions.. He has officer in •Coaleffke,3o Ann street, (ad /Moe.) Siva street. JUDGE BLACK'S EULOnY. Extract from the lion. J. S. BLACK'S Eulogy, in r ho life and character of GEM. ANDREW J•CK.on, de livered at Bedford. Pa., July 28, 1345. •• When finally he was placed at the head of the Republic., not only by the will of the people, but ac cording to the forms of the C•enmitution, he showed the world, whose gesso was on him, that he was not a mere "military chieftain." The courage, which never cowered before an enemy, was indeed there; the iron well, the fiery Foul, the heart of steel rind th nerve of ndnment, were with him still. But there lelan was the comerebensive intel lee', the rapid power of combi• nation, the intuitive perception of whatever wan noble or good-nbove nil, there was still the entliusiamie , re trio, ism, which dedicated his whole being to the min. try that he loved--loved with all his fervor of devo tion. When the Maysville Road Bill pegged built houses of Congresr by , immenee majoriiies, developing a sys. tem at war with the Constentem, but in perfect keep. ing with the spirit of 'peculation and reckless expen diture which afterwards swept so en iny of the Stare, to financial rui n , it sy ss hi., sagacity that saw tha di,. (ant danger, end his firmness that applied the remedy. He crushed wit/lent heteitetine a measure it high had the support of all parties. No truckling to poptileer error", ne wooing to powerful it.terest. no base up peal to the needed possions, no trailin g for trap s to' I catch the favor of the people, ever die...eared his man- ' ly stntesman•hip. He was as reedy to stern the tor• , rent when it was wrong, no in swim with the tide when promise and rit set in the true direction. Uat Upon O port of his history. time and reflection hair pet all eight, and the iht .., "Morning only thing now left to excite ours rial, wonder, is, , that others, who passed for wise m e in 'lni t . dav and improved form. !clans. generation..bmild not have teen the s ubject in as nue ; , , spared to increase the Ihe same movement is taking place in a light a. he did. .of the paper; we Kill all the great cities of I. ermany, Belgium: t e , et ,.. . li tber nti t7u.4 l K re ....flb.‘ h s7nTe: } : a l ,. : :i i , "n tA ") -I T /1p.t•1b11... Wligl toinake its columns 'a faith- I Rolland, France, Englruul and Italy. Cara-, a law. Jackson was et his rot. lie never stopp e d , ;history of passing events ; vans, regunents, armies of musicians. are to parley with the danger or to hotly words with the , wrong deer.. !le spoke rim in the hen - gunge of ratios- - to spice. the • readers morn- arriving daily at Bonn, which is sorely .. i it1.1:0 , a Ivit eor en'reaty, bet in the decisive arid en :hlilt Z the interesting tale and a- zled to recei;e them, for long since all the, and right to remained. '•The Union," said he, “eate t eletiveand tone of one 1A len krassee that it was his duty , e ' We will strive to make I rooms of that town, have been engaged 1 - and stilt!. 110 preserved," and from that moment en , - , N ull i ficat ion was doomed. IC to business men in general ; ev- : those axious to N participate in a ceremony 1 But another foe, more deadly rind dangerous than interest to the commercial COM- ,so magnificent, where so many remarkable any he had yet encoulitered, wits still to he grappled with. A gat rorperation, with a capital of thirty. will be given with promptness ; personages wilt% be present, mid at which re five millions of dollnee; wieldingl •1e It• ill the amount . pains will be taken in the collection the King of Prussia and the Queen of En g- of seventy Millill , lll. opting men °fell classes, pm(,- ' intelligence, so as to secure entire land will preside. ramiticat inns of ptivate ttu.ines.. and holding the pub- In our Bank Note table thei./.' _ - est iina- i li e cumuli, of ;le Goveenrnent in .its custody, dernatided his signature to A new charter. Ile Ictlf•W that the KrNfr. Longworth, of Cincinnati, ll' find noted every change in thdir corpornt ion had misbehaved themselve•gtossi-how . tes his crop of Ale for this year nt fi trket—faithful reports of the -ve FA CAISIV I shall not stop to tell -and los made no con be regularly given. We take hundred barrels. He has cultivated th e ptomiae with wrong. In the Const it et itio 11f,11.1 .w orn D . in preserve, protect end .lelD•mi, he felted use warrant : 0 , grape for Several years %Id finds it profits- for such a law; and he kept hi. oath. But Iris veto WUS A.t/111,1 A.., Davis V A Re again to assure our Democra ble. ITearcely rend, before the hank bonneted into the arena, !Derrmg: Charles It ' Drreeti "1 the public in general. that we Dopp John "I armed to the teeth. and fallowed by a h est of friend.. 0 , ,„ Denni sten lirmirth S 2 Dewannp Tap c to make the paper interest- C* --- I lastings, in his descriptiin of Upper To crieple her power and .1 1 ve die cmintry from loss, " "l e " " • .. ID ersey Eliza Deaver A lag; he removed the public &pongee a mea su re wheel thy of patronage. We :Ire well California, says that the chinab. of The (elands, while ' I Dontivan Jeremiah lienntson Selmel ie eon eel ninety of les triethls, while it fairly infuriated 1,, , , Pelirrian Wham 1 his enemies. The combat deepened eyet, brut. T o ''''"g""".): ''." irk it requires much care and in- Western sections is that of pf•rpettia o an Cuye nable to penetrate ii w •ources of his iiill, lenee. I D ;, yle Mar C Dethrone Frabeth Ti-v n,.. rr successfully for the read- 'spring. it SlSl•ftled dint he on. n`sout to be crushed 11t 111,1 ).l. P Detherage fiat y Duncan Alex Dewney Ca or Jno and that. it is very difficult to ' The u. 0., ..,..111,11 ) . walulreo Lee di s counts rust/W e d DU"' - Ihinaldsnnames ' 1 0::7 - There are ib,,ut fourteen hundred her circulation, pien.eal her debtor. to the . war: send 1 1 ? ) . ! ' g n g h : p e. . ) 5 0 % h . ', I , Iiem M Male. Calm we- will devote to the paper newspapers In the Clnted States. gi% !lig the consequence on. th et ferm e l core-J.llmeg, been ,- amid energies, and if we fail ever, part of the Union woad on the Ple.nient, by Moran Adam Downey Airi Day Cornelia Jame Mrs Darting (gleam employment to sonietliiin , like twelve thou ., ts ii,„„,„„.1., "•;,b i"m•rcomplutnta of lilt' dlalfel, which not be for want of cf they had horn tia2lit to ilr iese wit, hemegld Hilt,,, the Day Alfred Davis Beard . sand hands. Ili c..u,,0t. lan. Two 11111,14 after pres•es, tin...eq . olif ha Eliot , &0, I: Everhart irederick K .. sl, c `.lt is said a Pin iking inztehine has of the or illt/r4 and writer s of the nation. were exert ing v 1 Char h as ii dy on the in :ill !heti' 1 ,, W..111 of invect,r, r t , gorne n t Mind ridicule, to mm '!"' " peop l e „a y just been invented by a gentleman in Cabot- bring contempt COI,I h.ttre,l nr.tt his clarneter. The F Faure Thomas W 'ensue contrition ..t h e garnere d tater tof the ,seem" To the pea- 'ill', Mass., and put in opt ration which s • g ' " Vellicks John -th e ttibunril a which lie hod a.ight to look tor a1.•,,,, i .„ u....,,,„ ' manufactures four hundred Pius ' in one calm det iston, far they were los i n d g e s as, i t, 1.., ~.. ,„"'•"' -- e r eh', fevot f e sort-ncreard and tons 'card lam without a hearme. itillitlte ! Fealk 11 M our Physical force bee. to I, t elked of, n m e nve , ona l et . r: r:r- r . I , Ferree Jacob I tors Vitlf nod him Oast ason•siles were • etching I, I .• .w ID the ' The Schnell P •t • t.' ce, „i Jermati paper plebb his life; -nye,' Committee. of ten thoe•ared" were I : , e , ! " . ,, - „ 4 - -1,,- J ames I lish .eil in New York, has. by a ininisteriztl proposed; an '•eacampenent upon Capital Hill - is . ' : "P - -c " ` I! Fluke Nancy - lireatened. and ''a ',De l etion , tilooPeee as vet s " was edict, been forbidden to be taken at the Cab- ' I' , , , ~' „ , . Flare. VVeltiam announr,,, to toe public on the iii,,:ne•l author ity. i • • h c h • the west- • 'nets de Lecture, of Leipsic, no doubt for In all the storm of passion tie decherention-amid " -a! ! , , l , r . :e Fled, her Wil liam vs the New chi., "hind roar of Inaming raltimny"-his firm soul • • fear of the republican dix•triays dissetratia- I ' l '.'l - 1 "" never enerschrel roan foe an insintir. Ile. changed no G be count- red. rinuipie, rett..ced n t o p inion , he su rrendere d roi truth 0 . , ihraith D ., id Gael I.,imet !illations, ,he gave up not an inch of the high reeled be had tee (i „,,, hir Ah.,„,,1,,,i,. (Moe Mary I The Royal Court of Paris has decided ken. in this the snivel trial his faith had eve r endu. G . •- - till John tleng Ririe J lexa eel, "he tented no J et or heart Or 11 , 1p1.... but 1,1 , 1,1,011 (, 6,.. 0 G eo rge ft,, 2 Gpsd eng Jame, G 1 ,„ ' that duelling is not an offence accord e in , t° MIA ant in the (nth erm,, , , ,i,,,c. Th. i,...i, ~,,,, t .,„ -- ' ---a- ' -" Emily r "" Gar•on Age., (ever Samuel ! time law of France. Foolish decision. vete lon •Utl/1 - 111.1 ft lend., and the!, fell sway ( rota his Gallagher Hugh foss Rosanna 1 11 ! , support by scores and hundreds. hut he Was Grier Mr heenwood Je•sph .tea- iA RR VAT rna • SEato VA orettacre-The eelebtrited 1 "Constant ns the noithern star, 'Gibso n Cntlineine era Willem, Of whose tette, fixed and resting friality t i three Wllliam bey Ralph DYX- ' Mad. Castello and terr husband have been arrested in ' 'Diet,. in no follow in the fit rnameni.'' Gilbert Amelia (stay George W Neer York, fur destroying', by nn opergion, the henlth Gov Miry it, of ' The electric chain of rommurdealion hcßereen him "timer John between time !of a Y"eg woman, who had been • placed in her care and the pork, WWI .1111 tinheekem, and whatever link of ' Glenn J 0 Gear J purse ton pa•ter i by aMr Meteor'. The youttg woman "fa. the victim that chain was struck by lei• mac er leant! the ref G I I Levi' . Grey Ittc'enri in the f state o • ,of Mr. M. end had been employed in Ilia store- Mad. wan a deep thrill of sympathy from the licairts ml Ow tided'. WdltaM Guthrie J. W Gwynn.. John 3 Petitions. His steady and fends's, soice wni heard finial Seer een T it an integral 'C. is also charged with killing another lady, parking Petitions, Hugh g throush his messages above the din of the Ctlf , llll - 11111d ( " 11 'l I - ians on the !the body up in a box, and seedier; it to some place in • ' I I 1.1 the tones ' '. . " . it went over the 1411.1 tine toe tones of a trumpet ring. sidulo riaretson Gwin Elica A the _ Gran*. is' Massachusetts. . leg full on tlwe ear, hanid,ing doubt,inspiring ennfic 11 dence rind swelii re the ',net with n foretaste of victo. I ' 1 arrnt ton Ann I Hazlett iv of their state, and ! STATIATICA or CALM4EI...-Una hem., in dd. nits•' rya_ Hi e f r i en d s, who had doubted his e le tdom. 'wenn !I n t! Eli tt , Hazlett Isabella jUtStly too, claimed the ' ..,' _S . - , hes we are tolel , any, the Philadelphial 1 ; Ilene, le wonder at their I, Wrl , ll.criionent, and the old chief ii nc ul tore Samuel I Hatch Mary who had led them through so many contests , was prO. Harr Samuel Haymaker Elizabeth prepared and sold, within the last three ;Tars, 17,000 that limit. Here, then; .1 . .. Hanna Su.an K Hays James , pouncl.ol - calomel. Übe consumer pays the npothe- ": right eem m "m -fla vra.j 0 i1,,,,,i ~, hi. edirement by n warmth of 1i„, !! ,,,,,, Dort 'leafier Napoleon • which may tend great- . c ., f . . . nary or the medicine, at prices varying from $5O to I fl . ' I 1 i 1 t d itle ering Dane pop. Jar a eut ion w ir• i lA , n••yer been ' , AIWA, on .{ .twee : k Willis,Willi • i ' relations with Mexico. $5OO !Der pound. Petting the shove quantity at enly any but one man befere. His declining, years wain lit ' - !pi -nay W illa Ileatheringten Cyrus • to regard the march of f $3O, it would appear that the price paid exceeded a surrounded with ' II [Legere P Height Silas million of dollars. T i tate thin, t h at ' h ot aremmnany old ars. . Ruttier N ,t .0 , supposed that the epearitity 1 " Ti . t . -•• Ilemingray Reuben across the Nueccs as . As honor, love, obedeence, troops of friends." 1 Harmon Jameiri Henry R C ~ • manufactured ler other houses is at six times as ' Head Jo.' lipas, a state d istinct - - lens, lie // ,.,,, i 1 „„, i , ~, 1 • .1, -IA 1 / ; "arse., James I moth. if . it the cost of enlomel in three has enough . ' r" . m-'" 'll David Hertiman J& Co leXie tit division. Tins , years, • 0 ,. . - omnlf..tvst-his prineiplem .lamin - 41 upon the pnbli c "r" Hardman Nancy been $3.0000,000, er an average net two million per mind -Isis Own example. mole the .11111114,1 of relit i• ! 114 "!' i M . llorwood Jeasi 'ltchy Nialearet ise for war. That. our ;acme,. , col orthodoxy. He cues the peopl e re-Judge the jinl,g -l ' meet of leis ad verseries, and expunge t h,,,i,„,,,, c ,„ , I i or; well Carr Hitchcock A L hi - maintain the boon- i Yon TtlE ruse. iof corolemnation fuels the retool. He heitelel the lea- II ' .fam es / mfam es / I Howson Senn Hopkins VVillitern . 'xas to its fullest extent; MUTUAL INSURANCI:. . 1 then rising is one man end teethe ine to him a tes - , Hickey J ul , Holmes GI Ilubbsol .1 W w is Our troops j The liability of some of the Streckleeklere of the ' titre te to of the Erie imposed on him fur saving the corm / ii win Hunt Lincoln Allegheny Mutual Lo once Cempany who had aut.- try. I r "g"n Hunter Willinm _.3 ter slue of the Nne - , feral ~,,,,,,,,,iy in tier pent ere in our city, ti n the : Ile Ind fulfilled nll il, [lmpose s of his 1111.1.1i0n to tiATtayekt'ts'a tincture/Ars Hutchison John ton is announced of oc- . 10th of April lam, came before Judge Grier in ii ,,, the enetle; he hill fn-lied die is m li which God had „ .., I . Ilene Mr given hillllo (10,1/111 it was tin, to die-tbne !het it r l" 1 " . "" " un ' District Court, des. heftier sestet-der, on a case stated, Hunter II W the Eastern bank of for the peirpuse of testing the extent of their te p i „., germ spirit should he freed from the fleeting elewin ll.lP'strth I iinrfonlC Hu Is John *- e-- - whir h bound inn the lewee world-ism e that bus la. ter orders, no doubt, to : bilify. ! ti Holmes Ralph i bur. alenuld cease, and his hallowed rest begin, lie "" e fhe m M • • The creation was di...eased by Mr SVilleama, or ' t • I quarters. On the line : , e corporation, and by Mr Dunlop for the defendant, cloned leis lone list of triumphs with, the crowning tri- 1 must take place, if a our of property insure,' W 71.1 $1,300.000; the ief premien notes was $:,0,000; and the a. umph of the Cleisti in! a hope and ended his romper. lr., in D her SaMilel nt • ing career by anothe r diereeeat, which robbed the , Ire ialtnander Todd Irwin William _., to authorize a nego- I um o f iusuredroperty, destroyed in one day was grave of it. victory, and took the sting front death. i I rwidshrt t Irwin Goo W on the bases of of hide- $65,000. , All that I, merlel of dereksnei hos died. But his , I riel/seh Irwin Alex 1 The company having !ascertained the lose,' fame lives and will live he ever. America will never ! Icair C has done, she would . first twenty per cent, and some week s after , sweetened the fine forget her defender, the people w ill never fail to think I itext under the law ofj assesment, made another of the whole amount of the wieh gratitude of their truest friend, the human race Jaya John will n e ver cer t ., to pny the homage of admire- ' isra William I balance, of the premium notes, cud one per cent mote. The questions raised on the qnest ion. stated, as well I lion m the 6 `" nerdr "" oh the world. I Ass I: & Co , nit a private gentlemne. no man of ' taiga T A as we could comprehend them, were first. whether, a In the character his time wan more admired ley the s e who knew him, Aston John T stockholder who paid the twenty percent, was bound I than General Jackson. All who have ever seen him, Mamie Josephto pay any more within the year. Secured, whether the Company lend the power to make more than one' concur in bearing testimony to the charms of hi. man-itinson James i . iiieomen , c h n i ninny one ,1 year, and whether, if , h ,,, ner and the courtly Rowe of his deportment. Ilia wasteinson David losses exceed the years asaessment, they were not not the re•ult ofany artificial peli.h. leis politeness flow. bound to borrow money to meet the exigency. Third, / eel naturally fr o m a kited, true heart. iiirshow Sarah Ann another question, ruined upon another case was, I !grinned y Thomas whether an insured stockholder who had ?mitered by From the Cape of Good hope.-The Breton Deri)liate. Charles the subsequent fire in Allegheny, wits entitled to' any I Adrettiser ha. received Cape Town peeper. to d ui prenn Hugh compensation. I. Her British Majesty's ship of war Helena, eiB;KellYJ D& A It Was argued for the Stcekholders, that the insti• , guns, had n rriyeii in St. 14imore'4 Div having captesi:Kelly James cotton wash benevolent association, fur Mutual he I a Dhow, 00 - Cape Delensta, with 83 slaves. Alssi t Kelly Agnes surance. That the general deign was Mutual pro I Mutine of 12 guns, having on the 215th April, cajo l e Kelly 11 Z C Diction during five years, and that the benefit Wall in. I the Brexili ne bark Prince -En, of 400 tome, with decd l Kerby James tended tote distribirted over the whole time-that if' and on the sth Mar, on Arab Dhow, with 221 e a Kimball Margaret all the funds were given out at any one time, it wonld Information had been recently received of calk. l Kyle W m leave the other Stockholders without protection. Thnt rcriations by the KulErs, °odic cattle of farmattor I A. end 13 might get all the funds. and C and D, who I the Irish River, A burs constrictor had beefed might suffer afterwards, would get nothing. in Kaflirland, which measured 13 feet G isdl i i n That the general humour the Charter ahould Gans length. trot and restrain patticular provisions, that the con. The Govenor, Sir Peregrine Maitland, hen. f or straws:ion of SWUM! and Wills, was to besought in some weeks absent from the capital, on asimi hr i„„ the general intention, and that the Company bad re. to the' frontier for the purpose of quietinglid", stricted themselves by the bye laws, toone assessment baraces of Boor.. There seem, to be a nave o f a during each year. and that at the regular astaistai setlement of all difficulties, and of prevedglbrther eseetiaf of ate Directors, could not now recover more disturbances, without bloodshed. The ,for had than this asseument of twenty percent• suiferethevere personal- injury from a fillinm his It was urged on tie other hand, that the chatter ;.j.kari,,, 14,,whieh he was laid up for so - ~ - He, contemplates and provides fur a total lon. that 'the ffegisatT r atiie.ed subeegaently at Ben re he Stockholders bad ountracted to pay •tbaire notes when remained a few .day thew to having •• • needed: , that there was their bead, and they mete' irn . wagon. - .fisterfts. That kW. • gaiiiiia. " - most - ns. ••.' , • .• , sarong dui • , corner 13nItimorenn,1 Cnirertets an be seen, and term■ d adverti TIC COUNTY TICKET. , •%A. , ".„g • 'War against us on ac- • But contemplating the eastern boundary of Tam nay consider the presence of army west of that stream as ter territory. Under that '•march of our troops may encroachment on the Mexi- movement certainly seems any other cause hitherto! lead to a declaration of war. tar event occurred, says the on Sunday. _delivery" window, was open first time in twenty-six years, service performed over the interred, with the solemn Episcopal Church. 1111533 MONDAY, SEPTE4IIBER 1 Real tont*, and Coal Office, 59 BLACK., Pittsburgh. INNKLLY, Alleghet t y IPER, Moon. MILLER, Vet - stalks. +l , THE court.. egMti)y rite. FAPIVREPt inghom . Bt. Clair directly opposite itandred and aixy ',.#ity hat week, 4 - 0.,„±: Gnat Illits4 — Soleninity. The town of Bonn on the Rhine , - numbering not - more than 10,000 inhabitants; was to celebrate a festival that would attract thither many thousand persons. It : is the native town of Beethoven, and to the memory of the great composer and musician, a statue was to be erected by his countrymen. On this occa ision, all the musical talent, and many of the great nobility of Europe, including the King of Prussia, and the. Queen of England were to be present. The Paris correspon dent of the Courier des Etats Unis, thus chronicles the sensation produced by thel corning spectacle: "All the compo s ers ofd any note, all artists of any pretension are! arc invited to attend and take part in the ceremonial, either as spectators or perfor-, , mers, on the occasion of the inauguration of the stave of Beethoven. Under pain of passing 04. a mediocrity one must have, or appear to have an invitation to Bonn. Con sequently the musical emigration is coi-, Iplete, pompous, striking. All the great pi anists and violins, illustrious clarinet is and' !glorious bassoons. are on the mad in full j blast. The singers. the composers, the lea ders of orchestras. are off too. A concert in Paris would be a thing impossible at this moment at any price. Even the orchestras of the theatres show great defections, and it is with difficulty even the balls of the Chateau Rouge, Randagh, &e. find musi- .4 • That as thtillcknnwlellged ingenuity, and research of the Counsel of Defendants, bad furnished no stron g& agretramtai it was pretty coirclosivethertrwens none to be prodtined. That:the general and particular in 4eet,both required the 'payment of the premium notes. The Court said, that,, it was intended to take the case to the Supreme Court, which was closest hand. they would decide at once. That if either party wish ed a written opinion, they would furnish ono, but that they would enter Judgement fog Plantitfs,. and let Abe Supreme Court WI it e thp opinion ! R. List of Letters .D MAINING in the Post Office, at Pittsburgh. -I..LE Sept. Ist, 1845. Persons calling for letters whose names ate on this list, will please say they are advertised. Alen Ilevi l Agnew Nancy Jnne Adam. Themaa Al4Blllll J Adam.. John Agnew Rebecca Alexlndet Joseph mberson J &Co A bin Chas Alden J 'rhos A ndersonthompson Anderson Martha Ballantyne Robert Baker John Baker Samuel Bowen Mr,. I IL reer IVilli.m Buders F Btu klev P A Bayard' John A Barlow John Barlow John J M ! Bel l John Bell B Beal tv Chatles Bell John !Bell Catharine E ! Bell Limiga Beck James Brady David Bergerson Jacob Badamtin Jacob Bickerouff Thom■ Black Emanuel Blair John F Black William Black Henry Blair Thl/M3ll Blair John F S Borland Margaret / Bombe. Ellin Bowman Henry Carve r Stephen Corwig Henry Mr Coble Harriett C Cox Joseph Cagtine Jacob Gather S H 'Cnii.isily Mrs Conlin John i Comae Mnt tha Coyle Sutah Cussidny Ellen Covert Franklin Carroll G %V Cove George 'Carpenter-lane If Cox %V illinin Carpenter Elizabeth Cotilgon Matra,' Anne ; Caldwell Catharine Condton Nlichnei Crig John Connor James Clark Lucinda Mr. Crawford Charlotte Coope r Mary J Criswell Mary M Cooper Samuel or Sandi Cochran if ogh Collins Mars Ana Clippies lame s 'Cockley David Culbert.' James I. . Colder George A Culling Twinin g Collins J Cunningham Th morns 'Collins Eliuibirth Mrs CumminsAlexamler Colgan lames M Cunninghm John P Cole John F Cross Isaac Cunningham Thomas Jefriies J P Jenkins Mnry Judge Hugh Jones Eliza Jones Isaac II Jones W A Jonas John Kiigne Jane Miss Kenz Daniel 4 Kyle'. George 5 Knone ‘Villiam Kenedy Elizabeth B Keifer John Knerrhet Ann Cat Ketal.lM Isaiah 3 Kenny Thomas Kenny Mary Lufrertr Margaret Lindsey 0 W Labra W II Linch Martha Langwortby W P Ly nc h William Latshaw 54 A Mrs Leedy Marge ret Langon Thomas Lynch David Laubie James Lowe John Lee Chrionphor Logan James Leonard William Lyman E 0 Lee James Logan Margaret Leeds Samuel Lyell John Jr Lee Marta M Lewis Nancy Leonard Robert Luther John Leech Andrew Lockhart Robert Little Thomas Lowry Mr Linton Anne E.', , . . ..Lovene John Samuel • Little Joseph 0 i .; Lyle John Liste Jaw% I Lowey 11 B . =7...,... , _..,..„*, „0,7:4.....7..........—,-------_—_ =EC= Ackley Henry Anderson Mary Armstrong Daniel Atterberry E Mn Asper Elijah Anderson Wm Anderson David Anderson Harriett Anthony Anne Ammo's. GI Annis Lp Allen C B Boring Jacob Bonner W illiam Tim-eland !Margaret J BduzerJulm Bowen Mr Bosh Jane Miss Bowen W F 2 Brown William Brown Andrew I Brown A C Brown Henry 2 Brooks Mary Brigg• Hetty 2 Brannan Pierre Brewer Mrs E Brooks Jesse I. Brisnale Jane. Mrs Bumgerdner AbAolum Bughmln Ruben Burkaid Margaret Butt Thnothy 2 Burr Thendare Butler Winton Byrne J P Burgher John Butler Margaret Jane Burke Henry Burton Sarah Bock Caroline, Buckemnyer John I Paul John Pierrignan George' Page Vincent Phillips Thomas Parkition William Phillips Charles Paw', Mclntjre & Co. Phillips bane i Palmer 11 R Potter John Parkison Virginia Mi,s Prosser William Patterson, Jones & Co. Price !lent-, W Patterson Mary Prentiss Eltrabeth Patter.on James Pritchard Arthur Palke Thomas Poorman Hugh Patterson Rachel Pope John S 1 Patterson L 11 Pope John W Parker John J Pure Benjamin Parker Braman C Poliek William Piersol John Power Theodore R Pennellt Nathan rosily A Peter. Com-tory Pritchard Arthur Post George Ration L If Reed J a mes n Rny Gliffin Reynohis Eh linin.ey Mary Ricker Gustriviu• ft dely James Richards William 2 Rat Mary w (.411 Maria Ralph Samuel H Roberts Hugh Reonimaa Adair Robb Jackson 3 Rodentolugh Catharine Robb Joseph J ithode• lames Rowland Fanny Mrs Redman Thomas Roberts Samuel R Hector Anne Rolin John Reei, lotac Charles Rohetts Eliza Rhoda. E I' Remick Henry Rees Nlaigaret C litiloiuson Caroline [thole Loisihan Rohinoon Frank I' Jr. Rondo lames W Rumfield Solomon 4. Rogers Juba Robinson L S Firman Stah FO,. Hen Foe .1 Fowler Ain S F,,rtmr l ll Mr Frenr *rah Frew Ili.* Freesia Jonathan Fritetann John Freeein Daniel FularWilliam F 1. - m ing Amos Smth Henry Erq Smith Martha Mt.. Savage Robert Smith Mr, Widow) Sawyer Martha A Snider John . Saw tell Thomas M 2 Snider Samuel P Sayer Henry A Snodgrass John Scott David SoninLy Ann Scott Andrew Sownry John Jr Scott Jiihn Sunder John 11 Schier Ft edrick Si n k Juhn ' Schlei.enger J Spillman William M i &Olen Mr Spangler Jacob ' Scot ill (leiror,n Speer, Wm ' Sharp Adam Speer, Limit' Mrs. Sharpies. A J Speer. Lydia Miss Shanks John Sprague Samuel ' Shararien Wm Starling James Shee.l oe I Stetter Margaret A Miss Sheaf.. E. Stevens Benjamin Shipman S V Stein J Shommiller CnthatitteMrsSteen %Villiam Shortieff Beni imin Stenart Wm Copt 2 Si tnprovn Mr Stewart James . Singleton %V m. Stewart Martha Mrs Simons Jacob Stewart James 1, I Sinclair James L Stephenson, S S Stilley J B Stitching. Jultris r 2 ' Sleigh Edward Stoker Richard E Dr Sloan Catharine Mu Stott William Smalley Marquis W Sturgeon Juhn P Smil lie John Sturgeon J Ann Mrs 2 Smither*Sumtel Sullivan Joh n Smith Richard Sweeney JAW/ Smith (ieolge W Stephen s Edwin Smith John Steel Thomas II Smith Charles 1 Sterling (S 13 " A due") Startle) Rem 1V Tallman William Tiillinll James Taylor Jeremiah Lbheti. Soloman TPNII Alexander Toole Part ick Thomas James Townsend %William II Thompson John J Tod %William Thompson J Mrs Tothell Lawrence Thompson Ann Miss Told Stephen IJ Treanor Maly Ann Tire Stephen E Thompson %William Tmbott James Thompson Robert P 3 Tynan Mr. Thasleth Ezekiel Capt Delta William Vandegriff James Varner W Vail Solomon Walker J M Wheeler Wm B Wallace John W Miami John Waggoner David Williams Mary Ann Wainright Abigail Mrs Wilson James I Warren George Wilson Henderson Ward Sarah Mrs Wilson G A Capt Ward Gardiner W Wilson Robert % Vnwern Joseph Wilson Sarah Balla Mrs Welsh Leven,ton Wicks N C Miss West Minerva A Miss ‘Villiamson John 2 West William S Master Willcox John 2 Wethered Samuel Wileek John R %Veils S I. Winters David Weaver Jacob Wihnarth Clarkson Whittlesey Charles 2 Wiley Frederick ‘YhiLliack Henry M Woodworth Mary V Miss White John Woolentt Henry Wilkinson W W eon Hinter Ann Woods John Capt Woods Catharine Y Young Mary A Miss Young Wm M INITIALS. Mrs. It. B. E. H. sep 1-at&sw 1 t To Lot, T WO ROOMS, on Fourth street, between Ferry and Liberty streets, suitable for an office and sil ting nom. Enquire of Geo. Stephenson, corner of 4th and Ferry streets, or To Lot, AROOM adjoining the Marlett Hotel, corner o Water and Ferry streets. Nit GEO. coci!RAN. Lenhart Christopher Long Lewis 1. Lynch John W Marks A W Mns M William Maginisa S Micky Mary Anita Mackey Jamas Mn* 2 Mills George S Maltbey.o S 2 Miles Thomas Mallen Bridget Mitchell Marian Miss Mahafry William Miller Jacob 8 Mackeei Walter C Mitchel Eliza N Mrs Matthews Euphia 'Miss Miller John H Madison henry ! Miller Thomas Mann Richard Mitchell Ellen Metiers Charles Morgan L G Marks William Morris J Mackey Mary Anne Mottley Peter M Maltby Mary Morris Anne E Martincourt Mr Morgan Isaac 1 Madden Roswell . Moran Jame. Matlock Joseph , Morgan Matilda C Mahathe William Moore Thomas Marshall Martha Morrison Jesse 2 Martin John 8 Moore A Laughry Marla Ma/cm Moore Thomas Martin John Moore Mary Jane Alelsiek Peter C Morrow Rebecca Alestick Sophia Munn ThOMIIS A Mercer Mr. Murdock Matthew II Melon James Musgrave Robert M' ' M'Atee Murgamt Miss M'Donotigh Patrick M'Alliater James M'Donald S C .101'Clelland Joseph M'Donnld John M'Cullough William M'Guire James M'Cogue William M'Gioniss Bernard M'Cabe Mary Jane 2 WFarland A M'Candlees William ISVG,m Jamea M'Coffy Elizabeth Mil/.1 M • G.III, Alice Mrs M'Clappherty M Miss M'Fadden ionic. • M'Clure Abel ' NPG.mry Jame, W M'Clean David Jr M'Gahan Elanor M'Cluggap John M'Guire John Nl'aititock John I‘l' I ntosh William M'CafFy Patrick Nl*Kiliberi Agnes M'Clees Henrietta P Miss M'Eaig C V Rev Nl'Clore Jame,' T NFRee William M'Clirty E N AI 'Cleren Robert M'Cue M D M'Clure James M'CaneJame• Nl'Leod A Rev M'Connell Melton E M'Millan Samuel AFI tomtit' Williium M'llerain Jane NI, • Madole John M'Guity Andrew 1 11)owell John Nl'Michael Jamea M'Alillun F A M'Sweeney John Frances Nel.en Daniel D N Ingle J6,11e1l Newman Albina Neulr Jame. I-I Noble William Newcomer Christian Noble Arthur Nickles William Ninkirk Charles Orr hilbelln O'Neill Mathew thienweller Charles OVonner John thhorn G W I Timm.. Oliver- 1 4"f" O'Leary William Upton Levi T Veiich Silos Rev Vergison Robt Vonseind Peter C. McKIBBEN, P. M JOHN B. M'FADDEN Market street ~. o'-. ~. ~_~: A CARD. FAREWELL BENEFIT. AIM EATON STONE begs respectfully to In form his friends and the public, that he will take bis Farewell benefit. at the New Orleans Circus, on Tuesday evening next, the 2d inst., on which occasion one of the best bills of the season will be presented. Sept 1-2 t WHEREW . b AS, in and by an act of the General A,- etriblY of Pennsylvania, entitled an act rela ting to the elections of this Commonwealth, it is en. joined on me to give public notice of such elections to be held, end to enumerate in such notice what officers are to be elected; in pursuance thereof, 1, ELIJAH TROVILLO, Sheriff of the County of Allegheny, do therefore make known, and give this public notice to the electors.. of said County I f Allegirsny,_alust...ol General Election will be held inthe said county op the Second Tuesday of Ootober:nmele: at the several election districts therein. The Electors of the let Ward of the city of Pitts- burgh, to meet at the house of James Little, in said ; ward. . ._ 1 The Electors of the Second Ward of the city of (AN WEDNESDAY EVENING, Sept. 3d, 1818.1 Pittsburgh, to meet at the house of Leopold Sabi, at k-se being positively the lest night but three of the i t h e corner of Smithfield and _Third Creels- - ' • H:. Company's performing, prior to their departure fur The Elector, of the Third Word of the city of Pitt,- New Orleans, Mr. Disany in announcing his flirt I burgh, to meet at the house of George 11. Bell, on appeal tot he Pittsburgh audience, begs leave to state, Liberty, near Seventh PUCCI., that he ha. prepared for the occasion, a great variety; Th e Electors of the Fnerth Word of the city of Pithi er Comicalleirx, uhich will be found entifely new i burgh, to meet at the Washington Coffee House, at and original; mai in addition to the combined efforts ' the corner of St. Clair and Penn Streets. of the Equestrian Corps, there will be the greutent i The Electors of the Fifth Ward of the city of Pitts. display of BLACK Di a sons Ds and EccEtcritietr [Ks i burgh, to meet at the house of Alexander Stewart, in ever produced in this city. . said Word. i - For the first time he will give his original and ;mirror The Electors of the Sixth Wind of the city of MIN- I Lectures on Animal Magnetism, on a DarkSarbjeer,' burgh, to meet nt the office of Dr .1 P Tibbetts, n in which the ndmirers of that popular science, who; the corner of Washington street and the Mechanics will honor lain with their presence, will be gratified; Turnpike, in said %Yard. to their heart's content. And i n addition to the per-! The Electors of the First ward of the 'elity of Alle : rat mances, the celebrated MISS LUCY N F.:A L, still ebony, to meet at the house ofJohn Guehring, former ,' eppenr. mid display her talent on Hoy...back i ly occupied by H. De Haven, on Federal street. Clown, Old Disney, The Black Diamonds, 1 T he Electors of the Second Ward of the city of Al- Riding Mester, Mr Chesnut. ! leehetty, to meet nt the house of John Oliver, formerly ! I,IY . For fall pm ticulats see bills of the day. ; ocupied by John Goehring, corner of the Diamond •nd setal. Ohm street. Assignees Sate of Real Estate. The Ele,ter, , f the Thied ly d ftl 'tof All r ~ IF 0 /f , el y e . "Reny, to etzt.at,the ..ro said A T half past 7 o'clock. cn Thursdny evening the i wr.r - i. ~,,..., , 4 ,,,., L. ., 41 115. insaid ! ..'.‘ Ili! lost, at Davis Auction Rooms. corner o' The Electors of the Fourth Wortset-s..- ..tr r , a 411, Wood and Fifth street... will he sold by coder of As le , sitaa.., to meat at the house of Mrs. E. —_, A signer.. that valuable tract of Land, containing, three ct ;; anat L .i. situate i Minaret] and twenty ticres, . , n Mor,ean county . rha Elartar, of vitt lawthAtr, to „wet at the home .. . ' 110, ,or lately occupied by Conrad Freyvoglo. known ' near the roil road leading to Jackson, llhnois. being ' , I by the name of the Social Garden, "on the Ferrnets' the east hell of Section No. 91, in . township No. 15. ' 1 north of range 3, all on tire third prim-alai meridian,' and Mrchntlit-s' Turnpike road. and is in one of the most healthy and highly improved ; ', - . The Electors of I eetrles tewn.hip, to Meet it'the neighborbotals in the State. house of John Beiffet, in the ville,ge-of East Liberty. i Also, lot No. 31, in pule of lots laid out for heir, of, Train, in the Sixth Ward of this city, having The Electors of Wilkie' township, to meet at Ilse a front nl. house of Francis B ilson, on the Frankstown road, in ^1 feet on Wslie street or the Coal Hill Turnpike Roma and extending buck 109 feet to an alley 26 fret , said township. wide. Terms at sole. JOHN D. DAVIS, I Tho Electors of Plumb township, to meet at tge [ house of Margaret Little, formerly John Little's, in 1 wept I Aortinneer. - ; said township. Removal. I The F.lectrrrs of Versailles tcwp, to meet at the ..-......... DR. Be": 11. M. WRIGHT, DENTIST , White House, formerly owned by Thomas Neel, on le a . hes removed to StHotel. Clair Bstuilding s. next dour to e s Pihip.t tsbutgh and Greensburg Turnpike road, in said ' 411111 • to the Exchange ; sep 1 ' The Elertnrs of Elizabeth township, including the WE, the undersigned creditors of Martin Light, ----' ' Borough of Elizabeth, to meet nt the house formerly by John Vs s alden, in said boroug hs. who at one time offered a r eward for Lie at rest, hereby give notice 'hat we will pay no Reward The Electors or .1,11;•„ii t.'„ purdiii to meet at the for hi• attest or conviction. h 0,,,, or mid . e , 5,.,„, formerly .'' occupiedbyjuha King in said township. HENRY LINTON, JOHN BAUSNIAN, ' The Electors of Mifflin township to meet at the JOHN CHARLES. ; house of Samuel Wilson, formerly occupied by James ; H. Neel. in said township. LThrester, Pa., Aug. 26, 1345-sepl-I.* The Electors of Upper St Clair township, to meet Select School for Boys and Girls. ;at the house of James Connor, in said township. The Electors of Lower St Clair townsidp, to ate;-;Males and Females, in the room over Mr! Li • W I LLIA M S has open bis Select School to' at the house of E. NlcAnirwh, forme, ly occopieti l_l A. H. 11 trslihn-gar, at the end of the Moriongaiwl.. 1)111 '• Grocery, and formerly occupied by Mr Samuel: Bland, in iederal street, Allegheny, an Monday, the', B'id-,"e 18th 'nat. The Electors if Robinson township. to meet at the l i r a oz. i r . e i r n rf . S ,, a id tal , l o, :t s l n er h a ii r , f a nd, formerly A udb y NleFer- Txusts:—PrimaryClass, $g per scholar per quartet of 11 weeks. . . 1 , inior Class, " 8 .1 S. 1 The Electors of Flisette township, to meet at the Senior Class, 10 o r, house formerly Matthew NlcCray'e, in Noblestown, in I said township. REFEREPICKS. ! The Electors of Finality township, to meet at the Res. D. Elliott, D. D., Rev. D. 11, Riddle, D. D., house of McLellund A. Armor, formedy owned . by Rev. A. D. Campbell, D. D., Hon. Charles Studer,' John Charles, in the village of Clinton in said town. Joseph P. Gazzam, M. D., Charles H. Israeli, Earl. ' ship sept Idly l The Elector. of Moon township. to meet at Ibe B. E. CONSTABLE - , ; The Electors of Ohio township, to meet at the timbre 83 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH. !of John Hay, in said township. OFFERS the remainder of his stock of Summer h Goods, to the inspection of all who wish to put- The Electors of Franklin township. to meet at the house forme; ly occupied by John Shrum, in said town ship. A. CARD. NEW ORLEANS CIRCUS! MR. PHILIP DISNEY, The Celeb,ated Ethiopian Melodist's Benefit "how then, look out fur Snakes!"j2o AT EASTERN COST. , The Electors of the Borough of Manchester, to French Lawns, Organdi Gingham,, richest styles. "." at Ele thect rcblic School Hcn " ! The ors of Reserve township to meet at tire at 15 and 31, worth 56 cu. i Rich French Bulzarines at 31 eta., worth 75; : house of Gotleib Fi•her, in said township. I Black Baregrs with Satinstripea, rich, very cheap; The Electors of Baldwin township to meet at the t Bonnet Ribbons, new, at 124. worth 31 cts.; house of John Cowan. in said township. : Barsge Scarfs and Shawls, equally lose prices; The Electors; of Russ township to meet at the house Keifer Ladies Lace Caps at 374 cis. worth $l, new style. of Henry Florence Braid Bonnets, new, at 11l 374 and upwards; ' The Electors, F.-q, in said township. of Pine township, to meet tithe house Checked, Striped, Lace and of Wm Cochran, Esq., in said township. Mull Nluslins; Colored Lawns for Bonnets, Artificial,, Bonnet Crape,' The Electors of West Deer Cownshi eto meet at the houseof Nathan Co nley, .' said t l b' Perasolets, and Parasols, beautiful styles and cheap; The Elector ~ ~,,s_;" •9Wr.w-'P'' sot r. r . . Deer tow age to meet at the French work Collars, Chincesettes, Cravats, Gloves, , Sc: Sec. Public School House in the village of Tarentum, in '1 township. Cotton and thread Lnees and Edgings, Bubinet Lacesi. "P bred French Gingham, fir dresses, from 20 cts. to 2 5 cts.: The Electors of alms township to lONA at th house formesly occup by Samuel Mackey, in said FOR GENTLFAIF.K. 1 township. Shirts. Collars. Bosoms; in good variety; s Gloves. C . :nests, Sespenders, Ilandkerchiefs, dec.:Sm. meet et the bonus forme; ly occupied Dominic O'Con of the borough of Birmingham, to pi 4-2 m Gauze Cotton under Shills, Silk, do. and ,Drawers. tier decensed, in said borough. _ The Electors of the borough of Lnerencerille, to _ 1 Iron City Glass. meet at the Town House in staid borough. TLOR E\7. St. H A NIILION. would inform their' The Electors of the borough of Sharpsburg to meet friends A n d the public generally. that they have at the house ofJUITIC. Sharp, in said borough, which time and place. :he qualified electors as their Glass Works now in successful operation, and e •p are d to furnish Window Glass Droll sizes, and aforsaid ' will elect by ballot- 11, pia of a quality n hich they will warrant rip:al, if not till.. tUR PERSONS FOR MEMBERS OF AS . .. . peri ur to any ma nufactured in the Western country. SEWS LY. Tl.ey vrou Id respectfully solicit a share of public pa- . ONE PERSON FOR CA NA I. COM MISSIONER. tronnee. ONE PERSON FOR CLERK OF THE COURT. N. B. Order:lnd:Tressed to, or left with G. Adams, ONE PERSON FOR COUNTY TREASURER. rornertif Ruud and 6th streets, shall teceive punctual ONE. PERSON FOR COUNTY 'RECORDER. f ' ONE PERSON FOR COUNTY REGISTER. ONE PERSON FOR " COMMISSIONER. ONE PERSON FOR " AUDITOR. And by virtue of the 19th section of the act of the second of July, 1839, it was enacted &Weyer, person, excepting Justices of •the Petex, who shell hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the c.cnr ' ernment of the United States, or of this State, tir of any city, or incorporated district, whether a commis sioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is, or shall be employed under the Legisla tive. E•eentive, or Judiciary department of this State, or of the United States, or of any ci,y or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congzessoaqd of the State Legislature, and of the Select and dot.- mon Council of any city. or Commissioners of any its. corporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising, at the same time, the ofFice.or appointment nfJudge, frispecter, or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector, Judge, or otb er officer of any such election shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for. Also, in and he the 4th section of an act approved the 10th of April, 1810, it is enacted-:--That the 13th sectim of the act passed July the 2d, 1839, entitled an act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth, shall Oct he so constneal as to prevent any Militia Officer or Borough Officer, from nerving as Judge, In spector or Clerk, at any Generel or Special Election in this Commonwealth. And the return Judges of the respective districts aforesaid, are required to meet at the Court House, in the city of Pittsburgh, oo the FRID•F IA EXT •rrtß THE SECOND TUESDAT OF OCTOBER NETT, liteMlloll there to perform theme duties required by law. Given under my hand at Pittsburgh this 29th day of Aug.'s!, A. 8., 1345, and of the Independence of the United States, the sixty-ninth. ELIJAH TROVILLO, Sheriff. Aug. 30-d ItSevrie attention. nll4 101111-40,f SCHOOL HOOKS. MTCII ELL'S eicography and rich.; Olnev's Smith's Arithmetic; Smii h's Grammar: Kirkham's Grammar, Smiley's Arithmetic: Emerson's Arithmetic, (' - .ld port): Sander', Series of School Readeis: " Spelling Book: Mitchell's Primary Geography: Parley's Common School History; Comstock', Botany; Chemists; Phelp's Botany for Beginners: Frost's United States: Pennock's Goldsmith's England; Rome; Davies First Lesson in Algebra; " Bourdon: " Legendre: Lovell's United States Speaker; Gray's Astronomy. and Keith on Globes; Fur sale by CHARLES H. KAY, Bookseller, No 76 Market slice( ' above White & Bro's Dry Goods store School and Classical Books. SANDER'S Spelling Book and Renders; M'Guffey's do. do do.; Cobb's do. do do ; Mitchell's Gent-m.2v and Atlas; Olney's. Smith's, and Parley's Geographies; Mitchell's Ancient Geoeraphy and Atlas; Fittst's History of the United Stales; Pinnock's Histories of England, Rome and Greece; Emerson's, Ray's, and Smith's Arithmetics; Smith's, Kirkham's. Bullion's and Conely's Gram. mars; Hart's Class Books of Prose and Poetry; Scholars Companion; 111cGuffev's Rhetorical Guide; Davies' Series of Mathemotical Works; Comstock's Philosophy, Chemistry and Physiology; Cooper's Virgil; Anthon's Classical Works; !Stair's Syntax; • Clark's Clesar; D , nnegen's, Grove's. end Leverett's Lexicons; Ainsworth's Latin Dictinnaty; 13rook's, 1101e0 Latin Grammar; Brook's Lntin Les.ons; Bullion's Latin Reader MI the above works on hand, with a full assortment of Slates. Quills, Steel Pens, Paper, Copy Books, and every article wanted for Schools, for sale at the lowest cask prices by JOHN H. MELLOR, aug29. 122, Woad street. N. B. Rags bought for Cash, or in a:change lot goods. PHILADELPHIA STEAM SYRUP, on tap, at A. G. REINHART'S, 140, Liberty street. C HOICE PRUNES, at retail by A. 6- REINHART, au43c, 140, Liberty .street. PROCLAMATION. B Y virtue of a precept under to hands ofthe Hon Benj. Patton, jr., President of the Court of Com mon Pleas, in •nd for the sth Judicial District of Pent* sylvsmn, and Justice of the Court of Oyer and Termi tier, and Genet!li Jail Deli:ety. in nild_ror said Dis trict, an i William Put ter and William Kerr, Esquires, Associate Judges of the same courts, in end for the said tounty of Allegheny, dated the 4 2.6th day of August, in the year et our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, and to me directed, for bolding a Chart of Over and Terminer, and General ;fair Delivery, at the Court House. in the city of Pittsburgh, on the Fourth Monday of October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Public notice is hereby given, to all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and constables, of the County of Alle gheny, that they bo thenand there, in theirproper per sons, with their rolls; recoids, inquisitions, r examina tions; and other remeinbrancers , to do those things, which to their respective offices in their behalf apper tain to be done—and also those that will promote the prisoners that now are or may be in the jail of said county of Allegheny, to.be then andilsere to prosecute against them as shall be jam. Given under my hand at Pitttsbargb; this . 28ds cC August, in tho yearof out Laird 1845, aad of* Go roonwealth She 615th, —aus3B. Etpaufa,4soloo— -- - ----; Proclamation. _17 4 : 7,4