Ilititlatin Startling post TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1845 PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. COMMITTER TOR AUGUST. J. Carothers,,. T. J. Bigham, Joshua. Henna • 763 RREM I ONI; 0 1.:N*4. ' - • In reference to communications which may appear in this miper, we have one or two remarks to make.— We will insert none without the name of the author be ing first made known to us, and when inserted, most al ways be lakititits presstreof the riewsof nie writer, and not the editor of this paper, unless the views so expressed are editorially remarked upon and approved. Onzatis Clactts.—There Wei a perfect rush for admittance to witness the performances of this Equesttian Company, on Saturday evening- The performances were truly excellent, and the high char acter of Mr STICKFLY, as a manager and performer, j Was fully sustained AT 'TEM CIRCUs.—A short time after the corn atencententof the performance at the New Orleans Cieous lastevening, a mob assailed it, throwing brick bats and murculsof all kinds. Not content with this, some of the party succeeded in qviietly removing the studding whiCb supported the seats, when loaded with mew wutweawad children, they fell with a terri ble crash.; a number of persons were badly injured.— suCh conduct is disgraceful to our city, Rini we hope tbe prop!: atuhorities will take steps, net only to pre vent the,repetion of .the outrage, hut to bring the ne wts in last nights mob to justice. - DELEGATE ELECTIONS. The following mimed persons were on Saturday afternoon chosen as Delegates to the Democratic Con treitioe Which is assemble on Wednesday next. City of' Pittegh-Ist Werd—Tboscarr. Jas Irwin. do. _2d de. W Bryant, E H Hastings do. 3d do. J R Hague, John Dunn. do. 4th do. S W Black, H S :VPGraw. do. sth do J$ Hamilton, A M'llwain do. Gth do. .1 1 A - Irwin, Tindle. Allegheny City-Ist Win d—R A Campbell, I) Hartz. do 2d do G R Riddle . C Wallace. do 3.1 do Thos Farley, T Donnelly • do. 4th do. J K Moorheed,G A Kurtz Reserve Tp—H Blanchard, V Shorts. Lawrenceville--Wm Johnston, Henry M'Cullough. Robinson—Wm Glass, John H Fayette—W G Hoffman, Wm NPCandless. Upper St Clair—Atnos Holland, H Arthurs ,Lower St Clair--J D Miller, ['avid Frew Jefferson—Wm Snee, John H Beltzhoover, Jos We liacc. Pitt—► Robert Nelson, George W Layng. Birmingham—James Barr, G W Deford. Peebles—Dr. Rob:. Wilson, Gen. Wallace. Mr Editor—Plenne ennnunce the nnme of Anna. HAN STacarta, of Allegheny city, ns a candidate for Recorder, subject to the decision of the Derrinc...ratic Cartaration. Mr Streeper is well qualified fer the ()Mee, and has all his life been a consistent Democrat. ' Aar 19. TRUE BLUE. COUNTY TREASURER JAcon TomEtt. of Pitt Town.hip, will be II condi. dote (or County Trxasorer, suljert to the decivion of the Democratic Convention. which is to assemble on W.e:lnassilay neat. Augun 20th. Mr. Tomer receiving the unanimous vote of his own tovvnvhip, he. been in (bleed by hie other friends topretent himself to the Convention. Mr. Editor:—As the time is drawing near for the nomination of our candidates, pertnit me to sug gest the name of JOHN W. BURRELL, Esq. as one of the democruti: representatives of Allegheny county, in our next Legislature. Mr Burrell is one of the old School Jefferson Democrats, and has always Leen steadfast to the party through adversity as well as prospetity. Should he be elected Allegheny county may depend on a strong supporter of the Rail Road Bill, and all other democratic measures. Old Inhot era should not be forgotten. ANTI-BANK sual4. COUNTY TREASURER. TffnMAS BLACKMORC, Esq., of Birmingham, is a candidate fat the office of County Treasurer, sub ject to the decision of the Democratic. COunty Con vention. Mr Black more . is well gunlified for .the of. ice, and deserving of pUbliC confidence. mug 1 -thswic THE PROPL.:. CLERK OF THE COURT. Please announce the name a Col. W. G. H WK INS, of Wilkins township, to the electors of Alleebeny county. as a suitable person to fill the office of Clerk of the Court. Col. H Await as being in every way emi nently qualified for the office, we respectfully, but earnestly urge his nomination by the Democratic. Con vention, as we believe it will add strength tu the ticket, as well as secure a competent officer. jA 31" MANY DEMOCRATS. CLERK OF THE COURT Mr Editor:—Announce the name of Mr R H KKRR fur the nomination of Clerk of Court. Mr Kerr is &deserving and undeviating Democrat. and ever ready todefend the prim :irks of the party without fear, fa vor or affection--hie nomination to that Alice would be hailed by the triumph of his election. auc 9 MARY DEMICRAT,!. COUNTY COMMISSIOKFit You are hereby authorised to announce ARTHUR F. Dona, of Peebles Town.hip, as a candidate for County Commissioner. Mr Gore has been for some lime an acting Magistrate of t h is Township, and in chat capacity won the confidence of lii neighbors—he is well qualified for the office—a decided Democrat, and if nominated by th- Democratic Convention will receive a warm support front THE PEOPLE. aug fe-stSrwtc. REGISTER Mr EAlitor.—Pleage announce that the name of HOWARD McCoy:ELF:, Esq., of Indiana township, will be presented to the Democratic County Convention, as a suitable person for the Citfiry of 'Register. Mr McCaslie., if nominated, will make a strong candidate, and if elected, a good and competent efficcr. wintr•d&wte MAKI , VOTTRI. COUNTY COMM ISSUNER Ties Brno of Jamas C. Cantu'Nos, of the sixth word ham been mentioned as an exce4 lent one to be pre seated to the convention ler nonsinatino to the office of Coma, Continistioaer. Mc C.onionings' great famil iarit" y with business, his long exiserience its a Justice of the plate, and upright and consistent course as a Man and democrat, entitled by to the consideration of the convetatiee, got of the 44emocreoy of the county of tog 4 AS.LEGt-lENY, LEGISLATURE. Mr Editor--You are hereby ataborired to announce .laintsgs ComPER, of Moon township, as a candidate feeslte iotetst.s.ertrat, subject to the decision of the IhameeratisConventilm. Mr Cooper is well guslifi emi, mai has aii his life been a firrn and cemmistekt dem . weal. Heil site tieei4ed friend of the Re" Road. oug It" REGISTER. - Kn. Esrrsii.—Penini t me, through the columns of rut' valuable PaPat to announce the name of WX. fti'CLows, Esq., of the Third Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, as a - suitable person to be supported by the Democracy of this county for the office of Register. Mr. IrClure is an old and well tried Democrat— has adhered to the party through evil and good repot t. I. well qualified for the discharge of the duties of the office, and urn), if nominated by the Convention, be very iseeerable to the party RA well as to M4az arAtoCa•TS of THE lip W 460. sugB-davirtc, PITTSBURGH, PA. BECORDE R Mr tter.-Announce in your paper that ions Rea, of the 6th Ward of the city of Pittsburgh, (for merly Pitt towosbip,) will be a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Democratic Connty Conventidn. Mr. Rea, has been through life a steady and consistent Democrat—he is well quali fied fur the office;—as Treasurer of Pitt township for a number. of years, he acquired much knowledge of county affairs, and would go.into the oirsce well in- formed sit to the nature of its duties. Mr Ilea, has. at all times, taken an active pert in sustaining the cause of Democracy, and is deserving of this favor at their hands: PITT TOWNSHIP • aug 4.• LEGISLATURE. Col Wm L MILLER, of Vermtilles township will be presented to the Democratic Convention as a candi date for the Assembly. Col M. was formerly a citi zen of Fayette county, and a member of the Conven tion which adopted the present revise Constitution of this State. He is R gentleman of sterling Democra tic principles, and sound practical business qualifica tions, and if nominated will tint only be elected, bet prove a faithful and able supporter of the Rail Rend to Pittsburgh. MART DEAROCRA aug 14"- CLERK OF THE COURTS. JOHN M. SNoWDEN. Jr, or Allegheny City, will be supported as a candidate for the nomination of Clerk of the Cowie, at the approaching Democratic County Convention by MANY DMOCRATS. aug 4. CLERK OF THE COURT OF QR. SESSIONS. NATRA!qIEL PATTERSON of the Borough of Bir mingham is a candidate for nomination by the Demo erntic Convention fttr the office of Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sesttions. jy 31-d 1 w-w3r. COUNTY COM MISSION ER. We are authorized to announce JosF.PII E WCABE of Fayette township, for the office of Comity Coot missioner, subject to the nomination of the. 'Democrat is Convention. july 28-di w&wte CLERK OF THE COURT. James C Ilicuey. or Robinson township, is a can didate for the office of Clerk of the Court f Qunrter Sessions, subject to the nomination of ulte Democratic Coneention. July I w&wrd port of Pittsburgh. YETT WATER IN THE CHANNICL. ARRIVED. Daily Bearer Packets; Daily Bmwasville Packets. Rambler, Mondey, Wellsville; Prairie Bird, Vandeigrift, Cincinnati; May Queer,, Bowen, do; Wilmington, Dennison; do; DEPARTED. Doily Beaver Parket,.; Doily Brow•nsviile Packets; Miner, Kinney, Wellsville; Uncle Ben, Paikicsun, Cincinnati; Confidence, Fuller, do. Beaver, Warren and Cleveland Packets and Stage Line. • . 1 4-4 11 r _ THE SPLENDID CANAL PACKETS, Express & Telegraph, Leave Beaverr'.aily, (Sundays expected.) nt 1 o'- clock A. M., (on the et rivul of the tornmer Michigan from Pittsburgh,) and arrive at Warren next morning nt 7 o'clock—connecting at Warren with Neil, Moore & Cu'a line of Stages, %% hid; leave Warren on the ar rival of the Packet. nod reach Cleveland before night. Fare through $4 50. Pa asenger. paying in Pittsburgh are enti; led t choice of bertha on the Curial Packet, and aents in ;he stage. For passage anplyon board Stenmho a t Michigan, or to JOHN S DICKEY, Benver. G M FIARTON & Co., Pittsburgh. CLARK &Co., Beaver. Fur pa ioige returning apply at the Stage officra of NEIL. MOO RE & Co., Cleveland. J & M B TAYLOR. Warren. SPEED AND COMFORT !! MONONGAHELA ELOI7'TE, FOR BALTIMORE AND PH ILA DELPHIA THE. SPLENDID PAST RUNNING STEAMERS CONSUL AND LOUIS NIcI,•NE. Will commence on Mondayehe 12(A of May. Ma king doslbledaily trips. One boat will I;uive at 8i o'clock, A. M. daily. The other in the evening, doily, (exrept Sunriny.) Bythemorning Boot rinartenge r . will rake the Cars of the Baltimore and Ohio Roil Road at Cumberland, nt 8 o'clock, A M., the next morning. And arrive in Baltimore, at .5 o'clock P. M. the same evening. 3.44...111/ Through to Baltimore in 32 bouts, Philadelphia in 90 " By the evening boat pas‘eogers will lodge on the Boat in comfortable ST ATI.: BOOMS the first night. Pass overthe Mountains in Coachei in day light.— Lodge the second night in Cumberland, thus a‘oid ing night travel altogether. For seats, or entire roaches for families or par ;ea, apply at the office, two doors from the Exchange; and at the Whalf boat abovethe Mononenh: , la Bridge. FERGUS MOORHEAD, LAKE ERIE & MICHIGAN LINE. , Ito.. STEAMER LAKE ERIE, CAPT. Cement:Lt., Leaves Beaver at 8 o'clock, .A. M. " Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock, P. M. STEAMER MICHIGAN, CAPT. Botie.s, Leaves Pittsburgh at 9 o'clock, A. M. " Beaver at I o'clock, C. M. In connection with daily Linos of Freight and Pas sage Canal Boats to Erie, l'a., and Cleveland, 0. Steam Boat and Vessels to all parts ern Lake Erie and Michigan. Apply to t • M. HARTON & CO., Pittshergh JOHN S. DICKEY, Beaver CLARK &Co.. Beaver June `?1•y BEAVER PACKET The well known steamer MICHIGAN, W. B.Botg A , MIIIStPr, has' commenced her regular daily tri pa, leaving Pittsburgh (as hereto- Jake fore) at 3 o'clock. P. M.._ and Beaver at 3, A. M. Priceato suit the times, ea those who bave no money carried free. The Canal to Cleveland will be opened as soon as the weather ,Pill permit; on the opening of which CLARKE & CO'S LINE. to CLEVELAND,O.,and MEADVILLE, Pa., will immediately go into opera tion. For freight ur passage apply on board, or to jirly 142 G. M. HARTON, Water street. 1 11— The Michigan is provided with Evans' Safety i 1845. MONDAY CINCINNATI PACKET. 1845. The new and SpleadidS/eamer, V. A. MAIL DIONONGAIISLA, japir r SClON E. Master, has commenced run ning regularly, end will continue to un through the season as a Weekly Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday mottling at 10 o'clock, and Cincinnati every Thursday morning at the same hoar. For freight or passage apply on board. m2ts. Trtuake at Prtvate Bale. JUST received at Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms corner of Wood and stli streets, a small invoice of Lauber Tinalis of various descriptions. ;sus 16. COUNTY TREASURER 41;Ututi':' BYTLAri - MMIT'S _MAIL From the New Orleans Tropic, August 9. DEPARTURE OF THE MEXICAN CONSUL. The Mexican Consul will leave this city to-day, on the Relampngo, for Vera Cruz. Throughout theconr. test' of our friends of the "Bee," which paper will contain this morning his address to the Mexicans in this country, we are enabled to state that, although `tenor Arrangoiz has closed his business hero, end leaves in obedience to instructions fro'n Lis govern. ment, the period of his departure wns left wholly to his own discretion. The instructio ns to him were predicted, not upon a declaration of way, but ur on the present unsettled relptions between th e two countries. We understand that he leaves at this time, in order to avoid the gales that usually occur in September. ile takes his official papers with him. From the New Orleans B ce . We translate for the benefit of our readers, the 1.4- lowing notice, (published in Spanish.) by the Mexican consul, and addressed to his countrymerd MrIVICAN CONSUL/ITR, NfrAV ORCK•SS, August Bth, 1845. By order of his excellency the President of the re public. I inform the Mexican citizens residing in the United States, that his excellency has determined thlt this consulate be closed, and that I return to Mexico, talsing wiih me its archioves, in consequence of the state of our relations with the United State... In corn plinnee with this order, I will this daycloite my office, and will sail tomorrow fur Vera Cruz, on board the Mexican schooner Refs mpago F DE ARRANGOIZ, Consul. E. ztrort of a letter to the Editor of the "titian," dated Gst.VEsToN. July 31st, 1845. The steamer "Alabama" (which arrived here on yesterday evening from Aransns bay) will leave this morning for New Orleans. She took down General Taylor, and eight companies of the 9th regiment of United States troops, and landed them on St Joseph's island, in Matagorda bay, where they will remain un til the rest of the troops arrive. In the mean time, Gen Taylor and his staff have taken the steamer Un dine down to Corpus Christi, fur the purpes of look ing at the place, and seeing if it would be the best lo cation for tl e troops until they are stationed where they are to remain. The troop. were in fine health and spirits. There probability- is n scarcity of good water on St Joseph's island; hut in every other respect it will please them. There is great abundance of fisb, and plenty of deer and other game. Major Done!. son will probably visit Gen Taylor in a few days.-- The Major has entirely recovered from his law indis position, Rod appears to be in better health than 1 ever saw him. The renvention is making. progress with their business, and will close thi it labors, it is nut - posed, about the middle of August, or by the 20th at the latest. The offiorrs will all he elected by the people, and fir short periods, except thrill 'gr., who will probably he aominsted by the governor, and e lected by the Senate. There seems to he n disposition to avoid everything that could. by possibility, come in coaled %silh the constitution of the United States. Nara.l.—W r learn from nn attentive correspondent nt Pensacol a , that on Wednesday last, the 6th inst., the United States frigate Potomac was off' that har bor, beating in. It had been previ ou sly rumored that she was in a leaky conditior; and it ts runlet:tun d that this was the proLnible cause of her early return to port. The United States loig Somers was, at the same flute. ready for ass; with despatches on hoard for Vete Cruz. She was only awaiting the nrii%al of the commodore, and vrt:tild sail imediately. The sloop Clara, of Pensucoln, cans compelled to return to port the came day, from having sprung a leak; and, with much dif6culiy, was brought to the • wharf. A United States schooner, supposed to be the Flirt, hound from Norfolk for Clint-es. was spoken on the 14th ult-; in latitude 27 deg 14'. longitude 56 deg 23'. N 0 Picayune, Aag9. New Wheat Flour. A FEW Bbls fresh ground. New Wheat Family Flour, extra white, just teeei-:ed ~rd for sale A. G. REINHART, Nn 140 Liberty street. Sugar Cured Rama. B EST quality. always on hand and for stile br A. G. REINHART., N o 140 Ltherty st 80 DOZ. Benver Buckets, in store and fir sale; A. G. REINIIART, No 140 Lib. , Tty mt. CofEta. OLD \Mil.. LotEnka, Xicchn and Juvrt Co Tee; d perior quality; at 'AMILY GROCERIES, or every variety and est q trality,rnay, be had itf A LL kinds of Pickles eod Suucps, cunsrentiyfur ante, by A. G. REINHART, nugl4 No 140 Libert • st. _ _ 60 TONS Iron, assorted gives: for mole by my 7 JAMES MAY Notice.Fr - IHE following packages ere' veld mime time since by Clnrkson & Cu'a. Cuna I Line, and not called for, urn stored at the Ware House of the subscriber. 2 Bales and 1 Box, marked 1. 0. Roland, Pittsburgh; 2 Chests & 1 Box marked, I' Rtoz.-11 Piasburgb; I Box mat ked Union Trading co., Lewisburtr, Unbm en., Pa. Aug , 2. JAMES MAY. Nails. 200 KEGS Juniata NitilA; j ft A lr4; : l s e b rn N AY Y 7 Axes. E STEP'S Cost Sieell Ax's, e. &named. For sale by GEO. COCHRAN. mfir 23 No `2, Ferry st Louisville Lime. 10281 l and fur sale frh by JAMES t MAY. 50138L5. of Thompson's Extra Family Flour Jost received and for sale by BURBRIDGE, WILSON & Co.. Front street near Smithfield. 250 K E-4-;..S LEAD, received and for sale lay BURBItIDGE, WILSON & CO. Front at. !war Smithfield. A ti. PRACTIAnimaI 4 Manua Magn l of e An sm imal Magnetism. CA or an exposition of the methods employed in pro curing the magnetic Phenomena by A Feste, fot sale by C. H. KAY, No 76 Market et. American Oratory. S ELECTIONS from the Speechea of Eminent A mericana by a Member of the Philadelphia Bar. For eale by C. H. KAY, Aug 6 No 76 Market at. JEREMY TAYLOR'S Serroong; at BOSWORTH & FORRF.STER'S, augl3 No 43 Market at. Pittsburgh aad Wheeling Packet. THE safe and well-found steamer "UTICA," CLARE, Master, has con menced her trips and will run as a reg ular Packet between PITTSBURGH and WHEEL ING during the season of 1845. For freight or pas sage apply on board or to jam 30 J , N F,I9TON JON ES, Agent. A. G. REINHART'S, No 140 Liberty Pit A. G. REINHART, No 140 Liberty et Meal estate. Three Lots of Ground and a Dwelling Hotta* at Audio's. O N Saturday, August 30th, at 4 o'clock in the af ternoon, mill be sold on the premises, 3.Lots of Ground, situated on the bank of the Allegheny river, I opposite the old Toll Gate, and adjoining Messrs 14% Gearey, Marshall and Wallace, Franklin Foundry. Each Lot is 20 feet front, and extends back 60 feet; on one of which is erected a comfortable brick dwel ling house, well furnished, and in good tenantable or der. The title is indisputable., and the terms easy, which will be made known at the time of sale. For further paniculurs, enquire at the Auction Room of the subscriber, or at the residence of the owner, Mr. George Mullen, Mulberry Alley, neat Mr Shoneber ger's dwelling. aug 18 Sale of Stiorior Bonsai'.Ul and Kitchen Furaiture at Auction. O N Thursday next, Al aguit list, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, will he sold without reserve, at W-1 Kenya's Phoenix Auction Mart, No 64 Market street Simpson's Row, between 31 and 4th streets, the fol lowing articles of splendid Furniture, belonging to a private family declining housekeeping, the greater pert of which furniture is nearly new, and equally as good; it has been kept in the neatest and best of or der, and is the most choice lot offered nt nuction for some time, comprising in pert the following , vii: I fine heir spring seat sofa; 2 mahogany bureaus; maple do, I mahognnedressing do; 1 high post maple bedstead, 2 high post common bedsteads; 1 low post , common bedstead; 1 pnir fine card tables; 3 wash' stands; and work do; I set fancy coin sent chairs, 3 setts common do; 2 rocking chairs; 1 rocking set tee: 3 looking glasses; 1 toilet glass,large size: 3 feath er beds, down feathers; a lot of bed clothes; 3 Ingrain and stair carper.; 4 rug rh.; I hearth rug; 2 astral 'amps: 1 three branch halide , : 1 brass clock; 1 writing desk; 4 pnir large Venition blinds, together with a great variety nf kitchen utensils. P. M'KENNA Auctioneer. ENGINE SHOP, STEAM ENGINE, Turning Lathes, Blacksmiths' and Other Tools a Auction. W ILL he sold on Saturday the 211 inst., at 2 a' clock, P. M., on the premises, on the corner of Liberty, Front and West streets. a large lot of Ma chinery, Tools, &c., among which are: 1 Steam Engine, Shafting and Boiler; 2 Turning Lathes: 2 Vices and Benches; 30 sets of taps and Dies; 90 Drills and Bitts; 3 Drilling Braces; 1 Lot of Patterns; 2 Stoves and Pipes; 1 Boring Lathe; 1 Rack Lathe; 1 Small Lathe; I Screw Cutting Machine and Screw Plates; l Grindstone; 1 Blacksmiths' Bellows; 8 Smut Machines, 1 Lot Office Furniture, together with a large lot of Tonic of various kinds. Alan. at the same time will be sold the unexpired lease, (which has six years to run,) of the lot of ground with Engine shop on, same 47 feet long by 26 feet wide, with Blacksmith shop attached. The lot is 105 feet 51 inches on Liberty street., 57 fret 10i inches on Front at. and 76 feet 101 inches on West st. Terms at sale. augl3 Valuable Water Street Property for Sale. T H E subscriber is authorised to sell that very Vilit3.• -1.. able Lot of Ground adjoining the one on which he resides on Water street below Ferry staret, having a front of 30 feet on Water 'beet, and extending back 160 feet to Front street. Tirleindisputable. Terms liberal. iy 30 J. D. DAVIS, Ancr'r. ---- - Lots Plos. 25 and 26, I N plan of Lots of the Heirs of Irwin in the 6th Ward of this City, having each a front of 21 feet on Coal street and extending buck 109 feet to an Alley 26 feet wide; adjoining properly of Robert Wray. Icl D.; can be had sit the low price of Five Hundred Dol lars each by application to the subscriber. •1y 30 • J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. Valuable Pumice Property at Auction. A T 10 o'clock on Thursday morning the 4th Sep ilsAcmber nen, tit the Auction Rooms of John D. Davis, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., will be sold that very valuable property known as ALLEGHENY FURNACE, situated on the Anew ny River about two miles above the town of Rimming in Armstrong county; consisting of ONE THOU• SAND AND TWENTY ACRES•good quality land, all of wh'cb is suitable for cultiv ttion lying in one body, 80 acres of which is river bottom. A blast Fu rnace with Casting House, Steam Engine and Urge Iron Blowing Cylinder, Coal House and Scorching Ovens; one Mansion House, a number of Dwelling Houses fur hands with stables, Carpenter's Shop, Blacksmith's shop, Ste. The furnace and dwellings are pleasont'y situated on the river bottom which part is all cleared and tinder fence. The hil:s around lie furnance contain inexhaustible supplies of Ore, Coal and Limestone, and flinch of the land is well timbered, affording the greatest facilities for he making of Iron either with Charcoal or Coke.l This property offers many advantages to the Iron Manufacturers being in the midst of n a rich and beau tiful country, nffard ing in thegreatest abundance every description of *implies required for the prosecution of works of this kind, end within 50 miles of the Pitts burgh market,to which all the manufactured articles . can be shipped at almost all Seasons of the year. POlit A plot of the property can be furnished to any per- MHE subscribers, ex SALE. ecuters fM. son desirous to examine fur themselves by applying to I offer fur ante the valuable o propertyTierna lyin n g on the R. Buchanan, Esq., Cincinnati. W F Johnston, waters of Cross Creek, Brooke County, Virginia, Esq., Kittanning or the subscriber. Tit known by the name of Clarke'a Mills. The pro le indisputable. Terms at sale. s eta. JOHN D. DAVIS, Ancer. perty contains Two hunched and fifty acres of Land, about jyl6-d& one hundred acres of which are under cultivation;'n V E N I TI A N BLINDS. Merchant mill, containing two runs . f Burrs, and one A. WISSTEIZITZLT, run of stones for country work; with a supply of water E old and well known Ye- throughout the year; a good saw mill, cooper chip, E house, stabling and other necessary out build tan Blind Maker, former- i ings, situate within a first rate wheat neighborhood— if Second and Fourth sts., I not exceeding f of a mile from the Ohio river—and at es this method to inform a convenient distance, say between three and four many friends of the fact . his Factory- is now in full miles from either Wellsburgh, Va., or Steubenville, oration nn St Clair st., near' Ohio, old Allegheny Bridge, A LSO. A Farm, beautifully a nd conveniently- shun ted adjoining the above property. containing Two !re a constant ettpply of hundred and thirty foto acres; of which about one him • ids of various colors and dred and twenty five acres are under fine cultivation— titles, is constantly kept with a comfortable dwelling house, barn, and °diet hand and at all prices., necessary outbuildings in good repair, and a never . twenty -cents up to suit failing spring of good water Rear the door. oomers. Ls if required, Blindsl The above property will . be sold together' de tette . will he put up so. that in irately, to suit purchasers, and a clear and indisputable case of alarm by fire, nr otherwise, they may be re- title can be given. Application may be made wither moved without the aid of a screw-driver, and with to Seth Clark, who resides in Brooke County, V. the same facility that any othr piece of furniture can near the premises, and who will show the property, be removed , and without an extra expense. ior to the undersigned, at Pittsburgh! Pa- i f not di , - je24-d&wl V. . I posed of previously at private sale, the above property will be offered as public sale on the premises, nn the Ist clay of October next, at noon, and possession given on the Ist day of April next. Terms—one-third of the purchase money will be required when possession is given, and the bnlanre in three annual payments, bearing interest and secured by lien on the property. .._ NEW GOODS OPENING THIS DAY AT NO. 46, .113.:Q.Liazaroatatux Uc' BARROWS & TURNER, Select School for Boys and Girls. lILI WILLIAMS having resigoed his School in KA • Pittsburgh to his brother. D. 8. Williams, will open a Select Scbool for Males and Females, in the room over Mr Dyer's Grocery, and formerly occu. pled by Mr Samuel Blood, in Federal street, Alleghe ny, an Monday, the 18th inst. T Enws:—PrimaryClass, $6 per scholar per quarter of 11 weeks. Junior Class, Senior Class, tummie4. Rev. D. Elliott, D. D., Rev. s: D. H. Riddle, D. D., Rev. A. D. Campbell, D. D., Hon. Charles Shaler, Joseph P. Gursam, M. D., Charles H. Israeli, Esq. aug 9.—d17. 1111101E08D COWAIr, Attorney at Law, office in Burke's Buildings, 4th street, near Market June 19-d&wly j osey. and N small Boxes, pinup n for Family use, on b and for sale by J. & J. M'DEVITT, june 4 No 224 Liberty street. P. hPKF:NNA, Auctioneer P. M'KENNA, Anctioneer 8 .. (11 10 NMI , 0 S. P. STICKNEY, SOLE PROPRIETOR M. BUCKLEY, EQUESTRIAN DIRECTOR. HIS nnritalled establishment which has been for the last ten months visited by thousands, and received invariably with the greatest admiration and applause in the cities of New Orleans, Louisville and Cincinnati, will commence a short season in Pitts burgh. nn or about the 12th of Angtist. The manager fissures the public that no pains will be spared to merit their patronage The stud of hoses is composed of Twenty well trained & beantiltal animals. The splendid New Orleans Brass Band, will enliven the performances with Ole most popular airs of the age. The Comptiny is numerniiii and among them will bo onnd the following well known and established raver- Mr M Buckley and his talented children, Masters H & F Buckley and Miss Laura Buckley, Mr Ford Garson, the inimitable Clown. Mr. Eaton Stone, the great hare-back rider. M. W. Day, the wonderful India-Rubber, man and slack rope dancer. Mr. W. J. Smith. the Dramatic Equestrian. Miss. [2f - teatime Stickney the elegant female Rider. The celebrated Hungarian Brothers, and CH i:Sti UT I Nap of ETI4IOPIAN MINATRELS, whose 1, 017g1 , 1 and Dances are nightly received with shouts of Laughter. r Admittanre—Boxes, 50 cts ; Pit 25 eta.— Children under 10 years of age, half price to the box es. Mn half price to the Pit. far It is an established rule with the proprietor that nn females can be admitted unaccompanied by a gentleman. M" Mr S. P. STICKNEY most respectfully in fUrms the public, that the small Company now about to perform. are not in nny way connected with his es tabli.hment whatsoever. ring 7 A VCRY LARGE ASSORTMENT R ECEIVED t hi. morning, and more expected to day, at COOK'S Literary Depot, Third street, near the Pent Office, and also at /11...KFORD'S, Federal st. Allegheny city: Hazzlitt's Characters of Shakxpeare, being Library of Choice Rending No 17. The Farmer's Library of August—edited Sy J. S. SKIN/ Ma. 117 Subscriptions received and single num ber for sale. The Challenge's of Darlene, by Massimo D Azeg to--translated (rota Lester_ American Whig Review for August. Merchant's Magazine fur August. knickerbocker do Le Roy Sunderland's "Confessions of a Magnetizer Expellee—in which is shown the folly and falsehood of a recent pamphlet with the above title. Fanny Campbell—" The Female Pirate Captain"— by Lieut Murray. The Godolphin A rabaun, by Eugene Sue. Living Age, No 64. The Cottager' of Glenburine, a Tale by Mrs Eliza Hamliton. Henrietta, by the author of Emily Mansfield. Viola, the Redeemed, a Domestic Tale, by Profes sor Ashby. Cllll ivotor fir August. John Runge, or theHniy Ctsot. of TreeTes. A new supply. Westward Ho! by J K Paulding. Dan Darrel, who shall be Heir? anti Secret Foe, by Miss Pickering. New supply. Piciorial and Tragical Almanac. Musical History, by Goo Hogarth. Travels in North American, by Charles Lyell, Esq. Michlet's Abicular Confessions. Also, the Eastern Papers of this iVeek. j ang 12 Thiniagakd Catlei*. P ERSONS having Hardware or Cutlery in a dam• aged state, ran have it ground. polished and re paired in a neat and subatnntial manner by the sub scriber, • Any orderaleft with John W. Blair, NO. 120 Wood street, will meet with prompt attention. ap THOMAS McCARTHY. S. C. TIERNAN. 2 ' an 6-d&wts MORRIS JONES, Ts r - " The Wheeling Times, Wellsburg Transcript Steubenville Union. and Washing on Reportrr wil please publish till snle, and send bill to this office. Glory, Gratitude and Patriotism. The Jackson Wreath. or National Solmenir. A National Tribute, commemorative of the great civil victory, achieved by the people, through the Hero of-New Orleans,.containing a raap of the Visited States, a-portrait of Gen, Jackson, a view of the bat. tle of New Orleans and the Hermitage. Just received sad for sale by julo JOHNSfON & STOCK TON. 44 Market street. athicktesel. 10 BBLS. No 3, large Rice; just received and for /ale by J. & J. McDEVITT, june 4 N 0.221, Liberty street. Shoo Paper. A LOT this day received and for vale p, aug42. JOHN H. MELLOR Pardon's Digest S TROUD'S late edition of Purdon's Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania. For sale by aug 6, C. H. KAY, No. 76. Market street. Leave, Pittubargh Daily rtt 1 o'clock P M, RUNNING T B BOUGEE IN 48 110IIRS, Ascending the WU, with SIX HORSES AND POSTILION. _ • ....A it From Citambersburg by Rail Road to Philatielphia, In splendid newly hoilt Eight Wheel Can, there connecting with Mail Ca t a for New-York; also . at Chawtheraburg with Mail Linea direct for Baltimore and Washington City. "Only Office for the above Line, next cloorto the Exchange Hotel, St Clair Street. _June 12-(13 n W. R. MOORHEAD. A'gt. RE-BUILT AND AT WORK! ------- MFRCHANT REsPEcTFuLLY informB friendA and the public generally, that lie has taken the NEW STORE At them-tier of Wo. , d and Wooer gi reels, nn the site occupied by Mr S. Scheyer roPViIIII4 to rfor.Grent Foe, where be is prepared to furnish all articles in the line of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING. On the most moderate terms, and at the shortest no tice. llis stock of Goode is ENTIRELY NEiV, And Inn been selected with 'ranch care to suit the mar het- He has in his employment som e of the best workmen in the city, and front long experience in the business, he hopes to give general satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. A large as sot tment of S. P. STICKNEY Clothing suited to the Season. consisting nf Cloth, Frock and Dress Coats, of all colors Ivarious gitalitiev, from $6 to $18; various patterns Tweed, Linen, Gingham nnd Carodmere Coats, vary ing in price from $1,25 to 6t together with a large snick of Cloth. Cassimere. Simi net I, Tweed, Jean and Bum nn. Pants—all of wlrizth have been recently manufac tured, and of the best materials, purchased at the lute reduced prices. He offers to the public us Asn BAG ny eonblis 6ooß hment in the citßy. AINS Ile has also a lare stock of Vests, Shirts, cotton and silk Cravats. Scar g fs and Handkerchiefs, which he is prepared to sell low for cash, and cash only. Having secured the servicei of an excellent Cutter, he is prepared to manufacture garments of all kinds to order, in such a manner as to render the PITTSBURGH CLOTHING STORE worthy of public patronage. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves. jy9 14 eke C 4 , ouri of Common Pleas of Ally ov-fly Coun ty, No. 105, March Term, 1895. Susan G. Cutter, by her next friend, Samuel SP: I / a sters, 1 Libel for Divorce. a Mond° matrimonii. John M. Cutter. To John M. Cutler, the above named respondent. Take notice, that whereas a writ of aline sublnis stir libel I'm divorce, at the suit of your wife, Sara irc h G. Cutter, by her next friend Sumac' sPsfoster, was is sued om orate above Court, tested at Pittsburgh, the Bti, day of April. 1895 and returnable to the 3d Monday of Jane, 1845; and whereas, on the return of the said alias subprcna pool was made that you could not be found in said County; now you are hereby required tribe and appear in your proper person at the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny Counts', on the 9th Mon day of OctriJer next, to answer the Petition or libel of you r said a ife, and chew cause, if any vou have, why she should not be divorced from the bond of matri mony. ELIJAH TIIOVILLO, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Pittsburgh, Julyl29, 1895. In the Court of Common Pleas fur Allegheny County, No. 105, March Term 1893. Sum') G. Cutter, by her next friend Samuel 31cMasters Libel for Divorce. °viand° matrimonii. John M Cutter. The Respondent above nnmed is required to take notice that the depcmi t inns of witnesses, to be read on. the bearing of the cause, will be taken before Alexnnder Miller, Esquire. on Saturday, the 18th day of October next, between the hours of nue and Six o'clock, P. 51., at bis office in the City of Pittsburgh. MAGRAW & AVKNIGHT, Attorneys for Libellant. Pittsburgh, July 29. 1845-jy3o-19.4w. Dinolution. T HE firm of Constable, Burke & Co, was die , solved, by mutual consent, on the 11th inst. Constable & Strickler ere authorized to settle the business of the lute firm, and as it is desired that the same shall he closP4 withont delay, it is hoped that those that know therm:el‘es to be indebted will be pre pared to settle as speedily as possible. NATH. CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, J. S. STRICKLER. Pittsburgh, July 18, 1845 . Safety And Vault Boors mennfactured as heretofore, at the old gland, Second street. jy 22-3 m CONSTABLE & STRICKLER, • - Disiolution. THEpartnership heretofore existing betweep JIMP, K. Logan and George Connell, Under the firm of J K Loran & Co, is this day disimited by mutual con..tent. All persons baying claims ateinst the firm, will please present them for settletrtern, end. allindebied will please make payment toJ K Logan, who is duly authorized to settle the business of the concern. J K LOGAN, GEO. CONNELL. Pittsburgh, August 1, 1845 Dry Goods at Cost. lir AS. K. Logan. corner of Wood and Fifth sheets, • overt D Davin' Auction Rooms, being desirous of changing his present business. ofrers for sale his strvk of Dry Goods now on hand, at cost, cornurising , a large assortment of cloths, cassimeres, 0/milieus. vesrings, prints, muslins, &c., and world respectfully invite the attention of those wishing to purchase es he is determined to close up his present busiucsi. August 2, l B 4s.—aug 4. Bonnet Boards, A SUPERIOR article thi, day irerivrfl and EDT stile by nue2.. — JOHN 11. M. 1.014. - ------ r.J Removal. A BEELEN has removed his Com/miss/no and Li_ • Forwarding Dopiness frion The Cann/ %An to his new Warehothse, on nir4 strt!ct, iy . h a th o Post Office. nifty 30, PARE 8311DVOMID. ' OVPOStroll Good latest Past Liao fir Philadelphia: 07 117 L#70/D TROY BUM? COACIM, t• i• • - Limited to Seven Passengers. Leave Pittsburgh doily at 1, P. 11., RUNNING THROUGH IN 48 HOURS, Ascending OP mountain with SIX HORSES AND POSTILI,IOA• ONLY 0211 E NIUHT our TO CHAMBER/MUGS, AIM Thence by RAIL ROAD to Philadelphia, connec ting with Mail Cars fur New York; also at Chambers burg with Mail lines direct from Baltimore and Wash inton City. IRP'Olfice opposite tbe Exchange Hotel.4o may 3-ly A. HENDERSON, Agent. FARE REDUCED 8 DOLLARS. Good Latent Past Wail fbr PHOLAIDELPH [l,Ap Or sPEgnnln TROT BUILT coActKs. AND RAIL ROAD CARS, ,irrb bwa--.-4;r4,7"'• TTSBURGI CLOTHING STOR WILLIAM B. SHAFFER,