gransportation Attics. 44 t 184-siiittaiiM Tnuteportatinn Line, BETWEEN"PITTSBURGH %ND THE EAST ERN CITIES. 'PROPRIETORS, W. lIINORAc. JACOB Docx, THOS. lIINOHANI, WM. A. StRATTON. Conducted on Sabbath-keeping prineiplei. TH' Proprietors of the old established Line have thoroughly recruited and renewed their stock, and are well prepared to forward Produce and Mer chandise on the opening of navigation. The long experience of the Proprietors in the car rying business, with their watchful Intention to the in terests of customers, induces them to hope that the patronage heretofore extended to "Bingham's Line" will be continued and increaaed. Deeming the usual self-glorifying style of advertis ing, too absurd for imitation, and believing that with fortner.eustomers we need no self-commendation, we would merely invite such as have not heretofore patronised our Line, to give us a trial. Our rates of freight shall at all times be as low as the lowest that are charged by other responsible Lines. rroduee and Merchandise will be received and for warded. witliout any charge for advertising, Storage or Commission. Bilis of lading promptly forwarded, and every direction 'carefully nttendeci to. Appl% to, or address, WM. BINGHAM, Canal Basin.tor. Liberty and Wayne sta., Pittsh'g. BINGHAM, DOCK, and STRATTON, No. 276 Market street, Philadelphia. JAMES WILSON, Agent. No. 122 North Howard street, Baltimore. WILLIAM TYSON, Agent. No. 10, West street, New York. Jr24•tf ItELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. albit=llB4s.Mi=2l -FOR TRANSPORTATION OF GOODS Between Pittsburgh and all the Easter's Cities, WITHOUT TRANSHIPPING /VI PS old aria long established Line having near ," ly doubled their capacity and facilities fur car rying goods, arc now preparing to receive produce and inerchandize to any amount for shipment East of West. The boats of this Line being all Cur section Porta. ble Boat*, are transferred from Cana I to Railroad, thus saving all transhipment or separation of goods; as the goods are never removed till their arrival at Philadel phi& or Pittsburgh. This Line being the Pioneer in this mode of carrying, after a successful operation of eight years, are enabled witEl• confidence to refer to all merchants who have heretofore patronized them. Western Merchants are respectfully requested to give this Line a trial, as eve ry exertion will be used to render satisfaction_ Mee chandise and Produce always carried at as low price, on as fair terms, and in as short time, as by any other Line. Produce consigned to our house at Philadel phis will be sold on liberal terms. Goods consigned to either our house at Pittsburgh or Philadelphia, forwarded promptly, and all requisite charges paid, JOHN McFA DEN & Co., Penn street, Canal Basin, Pitt,bargh. JAS. M. DAVIS, & CO., 249 and 251, mr. 25. Market st., Philadelphia. TRANSPORTATION. aIWO2 1845. E United States Portable Boat Line, For the Transportation of Freight and Etrzigrat, Passengers, to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL PHIA, NEW YORK, AND BOSTON. No transhipment between Pittsburgh and Philad'a. THIS old established Portable Boat Line, having extensive facilities is enabled to store and carry large amount of produce and merchandise with cer tainty and despatch. One or more Boats will depart from the depot at each end of the line daily (Sundays/ eteepted,) at 5 o'clock, P. M., and warrant Goods to be delivered through in C days. Produce consigned to the house nt Pittsburgh for shipment to the East, will be received from Steam Boats andforwarded without delay, and always at the very lowest rates of freight charged by any responsi ble Line. All merchandize by this Line from the East and consigned to C. A. M'Anta.-rr, Pittsburgh, will be forwarded immldiately on arrival to their destine tion. Bills of Lading transmitted, sod every instruc tion from shippers promptly attended to without any extra charge for storage, comtnission,etc. The,proprietors in soliciting a continuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally emended to this Line, pledge themselves, that nothing that experience and attention cnn affect shall be wantiog to promote the interests of Customers. Address or apply to C. A M'ANULTY, Cansl Basin, Pittsburgh. ROSE,& DODGE. 71 Smith's %V harf. It& rim ore. A. L.GERHART & CO. Broad at., Philadelphia. W. & J. T. TA PSCOTT, 76 South at., New Yell:. • Pittsburgh, March 1, 1845. ri p Until dm new acqueduct is completed aoross the Allegheny Hoer at Ptusburgh, Goods will he re ceived and delivered at oar warehouse in Allegheny city. Office, corner of Lacock and Federal at. mar 4 C. A. .I'ANULTY. AIIENTS ?OR THE PROPRIk:TOKS. CHOLIC! CHOLIC !! CHOLIC !!! DB. Tin/EPSON'S CARMINATIVE. A CERTAIN CURL FOR Cholk, Cholera Morbur, Cholera Infantum, Dye unary, Summer Complaints, Dierrheea, and another, fatal disorder: in the bowels of Janis. lgr Persons of all ages, an,' in all stages of the above complaints, can use it with a certainly of a per manent mire. Persons travelling should always have a supply with them, for it can be relied upon as giving almost im mediate relief from poin. The proprietor deems it unnecessary to say any thing further in respect to the virtues of the medi cine, for every one that uses it will recommend it. Persons wishing any further information are respect.- frilly referred to the following . gentlemen: IVallace Marian, I'enn st, near Hand. J W Woodwell, " M Fedder, " corner or Irwin's alley. Sold wholesale and retail by W. JACKSON. cor. of Liberty and Wood sts. Price 25 cts. per bottle. N. B. All persons applying for Agency, or all or dersfor tbe above medicine, must be directed, pot paid as above. DR. A. J. THONIPSON'S Antl-Dyspeptic, Tonic and Cathartic rills. THESE PILLS, while they cleanse the stomach they restore its original tone without creating de bility. They likewise produce *lithe ittrisforatingand strengthening effects of a most approved Tonic; thus accomplishing a desideratum of Ai Cathartic Alterative and the beat ever known Tonic medicine, whose use fulness can be relied upon in all those diseases origi flaring from the derangement of the Alimentary Canal directly, or Biliary Secretions indirectly; such as Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, flemerhoids or Piles, Chronic Diarrhcea, Sick Stomach, Hartburn. Vertigo, De praved Appetite and Foul Stomach, Surfeit from in temperate Eating or Drinking, &c, lgr Warranted Purely 'Vegetable. gip. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. ,gE/ Prepared by the proprietor, A. T. THOMPSON. M. D. And sold wholesale and retail by my Agent, W, Iscitson at his Patent Medicine Warehouse, corner of W o od and Liberty ets , Pittsburgh. ineylo tf Piano Tortes. 1r HE subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of Piano Fortes, from $2OO to $950 each. The above instruments are of superior work manship. and made of the best materials; the tone is not to be excelled by any in this country. F. 13LUME, Corner of Peon and St Clair streets, opposite change Hotel. 1 REMOVED TO N. 124 WCIEID STREET, ABOVE FIFTH liiikTHAWAY'S Patent Mkt Air Cooking Stoves. THE subscribirbaving entered into the stove busi- Ness in Pittsbnigh, respectfully informs the pub lic that he intends tarrying it on in its various branches at the warehouse No. 124 WOOD STREET, above Fifth street, where he will be prepared to supply purchasers with any aititles in his line. In addition to other Stoves which be will have on hand, he has obtained the right to manufacture and sell Hathaway's Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves. This stove is pro nounced superior to any other now in use in the United States; it is more durable in its construction,and bet ter adapted to the use of baking, roasting an cooking, as it is heated very regular/5? 1:11 cortfming the air in the stove; and it is a great saving of fuel as well as labor. I will keep on hand a sufficient number to sup ply all demands if possible; I have five different sizes, and will sell them on reasonable terms, according to sizes. I have now in use upwards of fifty in and about this city; all pet in use within six months. Being a wore that the People of Western Pennsylvania have been imposed upon by theint rod ucticrn ofnew and high ly recommended Stoves which were badly constructed, and havirg soon failed and become useless. I will grant to persons wishing to procure the Hot Air Stove, the privilege of using it a sufficient length of time to prove its superior quality before I ask them to purchase. Persons notifying me from a distance by letter, can have stoves put tip at any time, as I have wagons to carry them out; I therefore invite Farmers and all per sons to come and judge for themselves; also to try them and prove that it is to your advantage to have one. All orders will be promptly attended to by the subacri- ROBERT DONAVAN. ber . RECOMMENDATIONS Miller'i Mansion House,&V, 19, 1844. Mr. R. DoNAVAtt—Sir: I haveususeotwof Bath Fl wa !Tot Air Cooking Stoves, which I got from you lust Spring. It affords me much pleasure to recom mend it for its excellence. So far as my kaowledge extends, I have no hesitation in saying it is the best stove now in use. I need not particularize its merits, but would advise all disposed to possePs an article of the kind, to adopt the best method of4atisfying them selves, that is, to try it; and I doubt not they will be satisfied. D. R. MILLER. Washington Temperance Howse, Pittsburgh, Sept. 19, 1844. Mr. R. Dos •troN—Sirt---I have had in use for five months, one of Hathaway's Hut Air Cooking Stoves, and I have no hesitation in saying it is the best stove now in UAC. The various kinds of cooking it is calcu lated to do at the same time, and the small quantity of fuel required, makes it nn object worthy the atten lion of all who desire. a good stove. rl p I embrace this opporturity to recommend the Hot Air Cooking Stoves; I have used the one you put up for me constantly all summer, and I must say it is a grand article. I believe it is superior 'to any other stove now in use in this city. The oven bakes well, and is large enough to bake four large loaves of bread at one time; it also cooks very speedily, and it requires very little coal,lthink them worthy the attention of all who wish a g ood stove; to such I would say, try them and prove what they are. oct lid&wly MATHEW PATRICK. DOCTOR EDMUND LANDIS'S PATENT DOUBLE SPRING TRUSS. For Ike Melioration ahil Cure of Hernia. HUMANITY is deeply indebted to the ingenuity and perseverance of Dr Edmund Landis, a citi zen of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for a caluableimproce ment in the construction of the Truss for the meliora tion of Hernia or Rupture, which, after being careful ly tested by application to a number of patients, has never failed to give relief, and in most cases has proved successful in effecting a permanent cure. This improved Truss tins been submitted to the must emirent members of the medical profession, who, af ter fair trial and examinution, have concurred in pro nouncing it an important discovery, P articularly as it admits of perfect adjustment to the seat of the com plaint, and of bearing with certainty upon the point where the pressute is required, without admitting of chance of change or of shifting by any fiction of the muscles, hip or body,—the outer spring, which is very elastic, only giving, by which arrangement every move ment is accommodated. The suffering and imminent danger to lire conse quent upon that most distressing of all complaints, Strangulated Hernia, need never be apprehended by persons who wear this improved Truss, and the patient may cherish a confident hope, that in consequence of the intestine or omentum never being permitted to protrude in the slightest degree, that the distended ring or opening will gradually con:ract, and a perma nent cure be effected, when the Truss may ate dispens ed with altogether. This Truss may be very properly termed, Dr LAN DIS' COMPOUND SPRING TRUSS: the springs being 2 in number, the inner and the outer, the latter ying over the former. The exterior spring is three times the length of the interior, upon the end of the latter the compress or eliptical pad or block is fasten ed, which rests upon the affected part. There is small adjusting screw, which passes through the mom spring, immediately over the pad or block, and is formed to bear upon any part of the block, so that the pressure can be made to act immediately upon or over tile rapture with the degree of fume or weight which the case may require. The whole apparatus is so ad justed as to fit any peculiarity of form, at the same time so flexible as to occasion neither inconvenience nor uneasiness to the wearer,while following his usual avocations. The following distinguished members of the Med ical procession lurveborne ample and unqualified testi mony to the palliative and curative value and impor tance of Dr Landis' discovery: George B Kerfoot, M D., and John L Atlee, M D., of Lancaster; Geo M'• Clelland, M D., Professor of Surgery in the Pennsyl- vania and Jefferson College, and Samuel M D., Professor of Anatomy in the same col lege; Sam uel Martin. M D., Professor of Anatcmy in the Penn• sylvania College, &c.; James M'Clintock, M D., Pro fesser of Surgery in Vermont College, dr..c.: John Wilt bank, M D., and IV B Grant, M D., Professor in the Pennsylvania College; Henry G Patterson, 114 PI ofessot orMateritt Medica in (he Pennsylvania Med ical College; to which we add with pleasure the res pectable names of S Snyder, M D., J K Neff, M D., C L Baker, M D., and Henry Carpenter, M D., of Lancaster. H H McCULLOUGH having purchased the patent right for making and vending the above TRUSS, is prepared to furnish them to all who may be afflicted with that disease. He is also prepared to fill all or ders from Physicians and Druggists, and solicits their patronage. He will attend to applying the instru ment; believing it to be superior to anything of the kind ever invented. He has put the Nines° low that it is within the reach of all. The testimonials of the eminent Physicians, whose names are above append ed, are deemed sufficient recommendations. H H WCULLOUGH, Cor. Fourth & Wood streets, Pitts'gh. feb 27-41& w 1 v ALLEN KRAMER Exchange Broker, next door to the Exchange Bank, between Wood and Market streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank noted, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills,collected. REFERENCES. Win. Bell & Co., ) Join D. Davis, F. Lorenze, J. Painter & Co., Joseph Woodwall, James May, Alex. Bronson &Co. John H Brown &Co. James M'Carnlless. J. R. Ile Donald . W. H. Pope, Esq. , Preet. Bank Dr. D. Meritt, Dentist, (Of the Burnt District.) RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and all those who wish his services that he has taken an office in Smithfield street., 24 door from Vit gin alley, where he will now attend all operations of the Teeth in the Lest manner and at the shortest notice. Office hours r om 9 till 12, and from 2 till 5. may 2-dawtf. THOMAS VARNER Always on hand, a large and varied stock of Tin. Copper, and Shea Iron Ware, which is warranted to be made in the most substantial style, and will be sold on very reasonable terms. A share of public pa tronage is respectfullysolicited. my23-d&w3tn THE subscriber has opened the Citizen's Hotel on Penn street, as a house of public entertainment, in that large brick house, formerly the Penn House. neur the canal bridge, where he is provided for the ac commodation of this public, and will be glad at all times to see his friends. ap2L-dtf BENJAMIN F. KING. CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer No 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al ley , Pittsburg, Pa. N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tools, Trusses, &c. je 34. VERY LOW FOR CASH. FM,rp HE subscriber offers for sale a 11 large and splendid assortment of PIANO FORTES of different patterns, warranted to be of superior wet kraanship, and of the best materials; the tone not to be exceeded by any inthecountry. F. BLUME, Cerner of Penn and St.Clairstreets, • mar 18 opposite the Exchange. Pittsbut g 1,, Ta 'Philadelphia. Cincinnati ,O. , St. Lollid, Me. y. >Louisville. GEORGE 000E1IAN, OFFERS for sale at reduced cash prices—Axes Hoes, Mattocks,Manure and Hay Forks, Spades and Shovels, Coal and Grain Shovels, Sickles and Scythes, Window Glass, Spinning Wheel Irons, and vari3us other articles of Pittsburgh and American Manufacture, which he is constantly receiving from the Manufactories. Also, Cotton Yarn and Checks, Caasinetta and Broad Cloths. jan 9. 4 1 114,43 ANusinlivra CAB wQDRII , 3ts 9 (335 4T TB* THREE BIG DOORS! 14. 151, LIBERTY STREET. ri smusustGlEL The proprietor of this highly_ rvored Establish moot, announces to the public that his stock of SPRING AMD SUMMER READY MADE CLOTHING, Is now prepared for the inspection of his friendd-sand customers, and he can confidently assert that a more SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Of articles of Dress has never been offered in any part of the Union, than thatto which he now in vites the attention of the public. EC IS GOODS, Were ill selected by himself with great care in the Eastetn Markets, and he is able to assure his friends that all articles sold at his estabh4liment are made from the VERY bEST MATERIAL, And not from Auction Goods, its is the case at many slop shops. His purchaq.s were all made on more advantage ous terms than could be effected by any other house in the city, and consequently he can SELL CHEAPER Than any of his competitors. This is no idle boast, as will be admitted by all who will cull at his store and ascertain the EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, Of all the articles he offers for sale. „ Flisstock is too extensive to be enumerated in an advertisement, but he will merely state that every ar• cle of a FASHIONABLE DRESS, Can be had at his store at prices NOT EXCEED ING what would be charged at some other places fur the materials. His large assortment of DRESS COATS , Is made in the most modern and approved style, and the workmanship cannot be excelled. Pants of every Description, SATIN AND FANCY VESTS. He has a RARE and axerrif In. assortment of VESTINGS Toe hick he would call the attention of public as he believes them to be more BEAUTIFUL, AND CHEAPER Than anything of the kind that has been offered here tofore. TWEED & OTHER COATS FOR SUMNER WEAR, In great variety and made in eery style, FASHIONABLE SHIRTS, LATEST STYLE OF STOCKS, Suspenders of every description. HANDKERCHIEFS, and every other article necessary for a FASHIONA• BLE DRESS. He has n very large and excellent assortment of SUBSTALErrIaII CLOTUING. Which will be sold lower than it can be purchased at any other place in the city—to which be would invite the attention of working men and otherswhowish set. viceable clothing for every day's wear. Having in his employ some of the BEST CUTTERS AND WORKMEN That the Country can produce, and being provided with a stork of Goods, which for excellence and var iety CANNOT BE EQUALLED, he is prepared Make Clothes to Order, At the shortest notice, and in a style that CANNOT BE SURPASSED Do not Pass the Three Eir Doors. It is not considered any TROUBLE TO EH° w CLOTHING And the proprietor feels confident that after an ex amination cf his stock, all who desire to purchase will find it their interest to deal at his establishment. JOHN McC LOSKEY, lIREK BIG DOORS, ap 5-tf 151 Liberty st. Gardeners Look Out GARDEN LOIS FOR SALE. NOW is your time. I will agree to cut up One Hundred and Sixty Acres of splendid Lund in to one, two, three, five, eight, ten or more Acres, or whatever quantity will suit the purchaser. within two miles of the city of Pittsbut gh. and adjoining the Farmers and Mechanics Turnpike Road or extension of Fourth street and just in the rear of the third Church Colony. A good part of this land overlooks the Monongahela river and has a Southern exposure— the most suitable and desirable for early Vegetables— or such as would wish to supply the city with milk and cream. All such as are desirous of obtaining a small spot of their own can now be accommodated on favorable terms. Enquire of the subscriber at his dwelling on Liberty fronting Ferry streets. GEO. MILTENBERGER P. S. Persons desiring a few acres of ground near the city..and overlooking the Monne:milela river where coal can be had at the most reduced price fur manu facturing or other purposes, are invited to call and ex amine this location. G. M. Pittsburgh, juno ^_4•d&w3m. martin Doerflinger, TIN AND COPPER SMITH, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that be has commenced the above business in all its brunches, at No. 139 Wood street, directly opposite the First Presbyterian Church, where he is prepared to attend to orders in his line inn mnnner not excelled by ar . s similar establishment in the city, and at the very low est prices. He could inflom builders and others that he is pro pored to fulfil all orders for 'Tattling in a superio manner and at the shortest notice. Citizen's Hotel. John Cartwright, i.I c IIITICO*13 1 ; Saw Spina,. Lard antique Oil Lamp Stord TH E subscribers having opened a store, No 8, St Clair street,.(weiteide) , for The sale of Lamps Oils, &c., respectfully lrrrito the attention of the in habitants of- gittsbargis, Allegheny and lie surround ing country getserully, to their stocjc .Of _Lamps, before purchasing elsewbete. Our ,arrangements with the manufacture am Ilia that we can safely ,say, we are prepared to light en the most brilliant and eronomi eal monster, Steastioats, Hada, Pitblic Halls, Churches, Stores. Shops, Parlors, Bridges and Streets, as well as the more "dark and benighted cor ners, or any Place where brilliancy, neatness and strict econemy is desired. Among our means for letting nor "light shine," may be found the following Lamps for burning Lard. Lard Oil and Sperm Oil. viz: Hanging Lamps and Chandeliers, (2 to 4 branch) For lighting Stores, Public Halls, Churches, llo.els and steamboats. Stand and Centre Table Lamps, (various patterns and prices,) Corroders. Reading and Work Lamps. Side and Wall Lamps, Gloss and Tin Hand Lamps &c. &c. Ths, above are mostly Dyott's Patent Lamps, with doublfa shelled fountain, and an improve ment upon any lump now in use, which can be per ceived at once by examination. A lso,ght4sTrimmings for lamps, such as Globes, Chimneys, Wicks, &o. LAST, THOUGH NOT LEAST. Dyotis Patent Pine Oil Lampe, Hanging lamps and Chandeliers, (2 to 6 branch.) Stand and Centre Table Lamps, (Glass Fron;A with or without drops,) Street lamps fur lighting streets and bridges. As we cannotdascribe the various patterns, we cor- dially invite the public to examine them. We affirm that in brilliancy, cleanliness and economy, no light now in use will bear comparison with these lamps and Pine Oil. They are us safe to use as sperm or Lard Oil. Although some are endeavoring to idetrify this article with the old carnphine and spirit gas, (by the use of which accidents have occurred,) we asset t this to be anot her and differen article. and that no accidents have occurred during the extensive use of this article in Philadelphia for four years. These Lamps will produce as much light, with as much neatness and more brilliancy, and 25 per cent: less than any other light now in use, not excepting , Gas. If any one doubts statements we have, or may here after make, we would say. we have commenced our buiness in Pittsburgh, and knowing the meths of the articles we offer to the public, we arc willing to hold ourselves accountable at all times fur our statements, and are willing to put to test our Lamp—dollars and cents,—testing entinintiy—and the publi: decided on the neatness and brilliancy of the light. We have many testimonials from re,idents of Phila delphia and elsewhere, but the following may suffice for the present. This is to certify that I have purchased of M. B. Dyott a sufficient numberofhis Patent Pine Oil Lamps to fight the Universalist Church of PitiludelFhia, and have used them in said Church about two years. I 'have found them to give perfect satisfaction. The light produced by them is the most brilliant that I have ever seen. 'Fbey are so economical ibat the cost of the Lamps has been saved several times over; the lighting up of the Church not costing half (13 much as it did before w•e procure them. Respectfully, JOIIN DESSAU:I% Secretary of the above uumed Church. Philadelphia, July 8, 1815. The undersigned having used for two years Dyot Patent Pine Oil Lumps in his Hotel, the Holism House, can recommend them as the most economical and brilliant light that can be produced by any anti clo now in use. Before I commenced lighting my house with the Pine Oil, 1 was using the Gas; but af ter a trial of the above Lamps, t was gcs much plea aed with the light. and convinced of their economy, that I had the Gas removed and burn the Pine Oil in its place. WM. CABLES, PIOT' rietor of Boliver Ilouse, No 20 Chesnut st. Philadelphia, July 8, 1815. ALLEGUENT CITY, July 12, 1845. This may cectify that we, the undersigned, having used fa; seine months, llyntt's Patent Pine 0:1 Lamps, can with the fullest confidence rezommend Them, as producing the most brilliant and economical light we have ever seen, They are simple in their structure, and easily taken care o 1 and we believe them as safe light as can be produced from any oilier Lamp, and much cheaper than nny other kind ref Oil. JOHN HAWORTH, Druggist. MERCER & ROBINSON. Nlerchanta. JAS, COWLING, Clothing Store. JOHN HOPEWELL, Clothing Store. Any one doubting the genuineness of the foregoing Cet tifieutes, will have the kindnesi to call at No. 8, West side of St Clair street, where they may examine the original. together with many more, much mote to the point, but reserved for their proper place. STONE & CO. No. 8. St Clair street. N. 13. Lard Oil and fresh Pine Oil for bale. jy `2B-tf La! what makes your teeth so unusually whithl Quoth Josh's dulciniatoliim t'uther night, To make yourn look so, with a grin, replied Josh, I've bought you a bottle of Thorn's Tooth Wash, 'Tis the best now in use, so the gentlefolks say, And since they have tried this, cast all others away. But to prove it the best to make the teeth shine, Look again, my dear Sal, nt tke lustre of mine. Then try this great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash, And see if this tooth wash of Thorn's is not fine. Having tried Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and become acquaintedwith theingredients of its com position, [cheerfully say, I consider it. one of the safest, as it is one of the most pleasant tooth washes now in use. DAVID HUNT, Dentist. Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 1842. I take pleasure in stating, having made use of "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," thatit is one of the best dentrifices in use. Being in aliquidfoiM, it com bines neatness with convenience. While it cleanses. the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perftme yields a fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS, M. D. The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an extremely pleasant dentriflce, exercising a most salu tary influence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indispensable members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Havingthoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasureia recommendingit to the public, believ ing it to be the best article ofthekind now in use, M. ROBERTSON, JAMES P. BLACK. R. H. PEEBLES, CHAS. B. SCULLY. C. DARRAGH. WM. Ar CANDLESS. J. M MOORHEAD, JAS. S. CRAFT. H. L. RING WALT, L. S.JOHNS. Prepated and sold by WILLIAM THORN, Apoth- ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Market street, Pittsburgh; and by all the principal Druggists, and at Tuttle's Medical Agency, Fourth st. sen 17000 by J OH N BRIC K - - 57 h 0 .7.r d s a n t. ti c o: sale act 30 No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street. =!!====== 3figurante iimtpitatts. INDEMNITY AGAINST. LOSS OR DAM AGE BY FIRE. THE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE c()MBINED With the additional security a STOCK ,CANTAL. The Reliance mutual Insurance Co. of Phila.—Charter Perpetual. DIRECTORS: George IV. Toland, John M. Atwood, • Thomas C. Rockhill, Lewis R. kihhtirst, Wm. R. Thompson, George N. Baker, George M. Stroud, John J. Vanderk - emp, George W. Carpester. WIT.J. make insurance against Lnss or Damage by Fire, in Pittsburgh and 'vicinity, on Houses, Stnres and other buildings, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandize, limited or perpetual, in town or country, on the most favorable term,. The Mutual Principle. combined with a Stock Capi tal, and the other provisions of the Charter of this Company, hold out unwise] inducements, both of profit and safety, to those desirous of effecting insurance, to which the Company aSk theattention and examination of those interested. The Capital Stock of the Company is invested in good and sufficient securities. After prtividing fur the losse4 accruing to the Company, in the course of its business, tbestockholders are entitled to receive out of its incomganrl profits an interest, not exceeding six per cent. per annum on the Capital Stock actually paid in—the amount of which Interest, it is expected. will be supplied hyfunds invested—and thereafter, all the remaining profits are to necumnlate and be held, in like manner with the Capital Stock, for the better se curity of the assured. But certificates bearing inter- e -4, payable annually, transferable on the books of the Company, and convertible nt any time into Capital Stock , will he issued therefor to the Stockholders and insured members, in proportion to the amountof-Stock held, or premium paid by then3respectivoly, agreTably to the provisions of the Charter. Those effecting insurance with this company hove, besides the usual protection against loss, by the ordi nary method of insurance, the additional advantage of a direct participation in the profits of the Company. without any liability. GEO. W. TOLAND, President. B. M. HINCHMAN, Secretary. The subscriber, who is the duly authorised Agent for the above named Company, is prepared to make in summer.. at the Office of the Agency, No. 97, West side of Wood .freer, 2d door above Diamond alley, and will give atl further information desired. THOS. J. CAMPBELL Pittsburgh, nay 30, 1845. (jes-ly.) FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. THE under:igned, Agent at Pittsburgh for the Spring Garden Mutual Insurance Co., of Phil adelphia, wotild respectfully give notice that he con tinues to take FIRE RISKS on buildings, merchan dise, &c., and MARINE RISKS on bulls of cargoes of vessel r, at the customary rates. Application for risks may be made to the undersign ed at the warehouse of Burlrridg,e, Wilson & Co. on Front street, or to Sam'l. Herron at the office of the Fireman's Insurance Co., corner of Market and Fifth a: reets. JAS. W. BurtnRIDGE, Agent IN.SURANCE AGAINST FIRE The Citizen's Mutual Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, No. 152, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, WILL insure houses, stores and other buildings; also merchandise, furniture and property gen erally, in Pittsburgh and the surrounding country, against buss or damage by fire, fur any period of time. °we' pet petual. No marine, river nor inland transportation risks are taken by this Company. It makes no dividends among stockholders. After paying the necessary ex penses of the office, the whole accruing premium and interest are appropriated exclusively to meet losses. It is thus enabled to insure on terms not surpassed by any other Company. JAMES TODD, President. DA :vitt B. POVT.TNIT, Secretary. Aiency at Pittsburgh, in Burke's building nn 4th street, at the office of Eyster & Buchanan. je3. JAS. W. BUCHANAN. The Columbia Insurance Company of Philadelphia, A COMCINATION OF STOCK AND MUTUAL SECURITY, frrAKES Fire, Marine and Inland Transportation 1 risks, at the usual clues of other Offices in this city; but these who are or become Stockholders, may insure Fire Risks on the mutual system, which is to pay half the premium in cash, end in lieu of the other half to give an obligation for five times the amount paid in cash, liable to ru:.eable contribution during the term of the policy, in case it should be required. Stockholders have thus a chance to save one-half of the premium, and are besides entitled to a full share of dividend. Charter perpetual. The mutual risk lessens in proportion to the amount of insurances. If ten men insure any given sum, each one incurs n risk of 10 per cent.; but 500 men would only incur ihe tisk of ono fifth of one percent. The Company has been in operation since 1840. Capital subscribed, $lOO,OOO, on which 20 per coat. have been paid in, which amount, with about 20 per cent. more, is safely invested in mortgages and other securities. There is n ronsiderahle nmount of bonds on hands, to b e resorted to in case of losses, before nny capital subscribed can be used. This is the great security, and this principle of mutual insurances has given great satisfaction. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks taken on urual letrnA, an by other oilmen, and 10 per cent. of the premium returned if thy rink end a ithom. C N. BUCK, President. DIRECTORS. Jusinh Ripka, Charles J. Du Pont, Daniel LFIMMOt, Francis G. Smith, John A. Barclay, Benj. W. Richards, Wm. M. Young, John Rosencrantz. Fm fin they particulars apply to the subscribers, duly authorized agents of the Company, at the agency, in Bake well's Law Buildings,Granuitreet. THOMAS BAKEWTML, WILLIAM BAKE YELL. El= KING & FINNEY, Agents at Pittsburgh, for the Delaware Riau° Safety Insurance Company of Phila. FIRE RISKS upon buildings and Merchunditeo every description and MARINE RISKS upop }lulls or cargoes of vessel, taken upon the most favor able terms. I_7"Ofrice in Philo [late Duquesne] Ball, immedi ately over the Post Office. N. 13. King & Finney invite the confidence and patronage of their friends and the community at lar-4e to the Delaware M. S. lnotrance Company, as an in stitution among the most flourishing , -in Philadelphia —as having a large paid in capital, which by the operation of its charter is constantly increasing—ns yielding to each person insured his due share of the profits of the Company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever; beyond the premium actual l y paid in by him, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious feature, and in its most attractive form: my9-tf. Amorican Piro Insurance Company OF Pi3ILADELPIA. CHARTER PERPETUAL-CAPITAL PAID IN 500,000 Office an Philadelphia, No. 72, Walnut st ; Office of Agency in Pittsburgh, Not, Ferry at. DAVI.D9ON, President, FRED. FRALEY, Seel'. THIS old and well established Company cordilleras t o make Insurance on Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture and property, not of an extra hazardous character, against loss or damage by Fire. Posseess ing an ample paid up Capital in addition to ha wide lermined premiums, it offers one of the best Wens, nitics against loss by File. Application+ for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood a. ill be received and risks taken, either perpetually, ; or fur limited periods, on favorable terrtks GEO. COCHRAN, Agcnt. may 2, 1895. MM==M===s S! sO , Ai 7 7 1 4. , tso 84 MARKET SiREET, Between Third sr dilearth stir, tradolon's Row, near the New Post-Office, Pittsburgh. undetsigned.anasownwei he hail Nuedittnost 1. commodious Mercantile House, at the above itk cation. where.heitillbe teed*" Mends, and ell those anxiaus to avail themselves of every descrip Lion of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FLARDWARM, RANGY ASTIONAIII, and all other varieties of thalaestcoadsse. ted Auction Stores. The undersigned will be supplied kora the Eras ern cities with a stock of Foreign and Domestic a 0015116 which country merchants, will be induced to parasite on aseertaining the prices. Arrangements are in progress by which admit(' will be made on consignments, and every eaerticn made to advance tire interest of those whet confide bi siness to the establishment. Prompt end Speedy sales made and closed. • • To friends at a distance, the undersigned would say that although he is a member of "the Pittaharth burnt family," yet his zeal, industry and basioessbab. its are unimpared i -and fnithfully - wilt they he deFoted to the interests of those who employ him. • P'SALES OF .REAL ESTATE will•comsosittell as heretofore, the beat exertions of the undersignesi Property disposed of by him, from time to time has always brought the highest pi ices,and much excecdet the calculations of those who employed him. P McKENNA, , The Old Aoneer. N. B. Flaying passed the fiery ordeal ucti with thoU sands of neighbors, the old establishment, revived- tit the new location will in future be designated "THE PH(ENIX AUCTION MART," By P. McKenna, 64 Market St- PJITSIII.I.FIGH, PA. P. AlcK. mnv 2- if Jol; D, Dayis, 1 •.• AUCTIONEER AN D COMIIvtISSION MERCH'7I Coraorof Wood and .5 fa:4. i Pittsburgh, I S ready to tecelvo mercbanditeof every descriptioi anconsignment; for public or private sale; ea, from long experience in the above business, flatter himselftbat he will be able to give entire satisfattiot to all who may favor him with theirpatronage. Res - ' ular Autos on MOsine s and THURSDAYS, ofr , , , Goods and fanay articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, pithiburghnianufacttiredarticielbrt and secondhand furniture, S:c., atsl o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,atearlygas nuglZry AV LL, PAPER AND BOR DZAtSt FRENCH AND AMERICAN. . THOMAS PALMER, No. 47111arket street, Pittsburgh, Pa., RESPECTFULLY invites attention to his present extensive and well assorted stock including pll the various articles in his line of business. Frequent additions will be mude to the goods, now on hand, by fresh Importations front France, during the active business season; and the American Poper and Burdett, in store, baying been manufactured by careful and cum. petent workmen, are probably not surpassed in style • finish, or brilliancy and durability of colors. • The liberal patronage with which the establishment has hitherto been favored, is duly acknowleged, and its continuance respectfully solicited. j:ISP A handsome assortment of beautifullrpaimei• "Transparent Window Shades"just rec'd, and fur sale at prices suited to the state of times. Rags and Tanners' Scrape bought at !he market prices. ap 16•tf HAVING saved a portion of tneir stock of Wail Paper from the fire, 'nye for the present remov-, ed to the second story over James Wilson's Hut store, corner of Wood st. and Diamond alley. The factory, machinery and materials for making paper, are un touched, and they still continue to manufacturrYso that they will be able to supply those wile may givel tbem a call. • ap 17-tf Oa' Entrance through Mr Wilson's store and- from Diamond alley. For Coughs! Colds!! ConsuzliPti . °Wig THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY.. 4 THIS ph-asant and certain care for •rsta • coughs and colds goes ahead of elitist preparations now or ever •effered• to the public. The use of it is so great that the proprie tor has some difficulty in keeping a supply for the in creasing demand. Medical agencies, grsceriei, drug gists,cuffee-houses, and even bars on steamboats keep a supply on hand. It is culled for every where, and will sell in any place. The reason is this: every One who has a cough or cold by eating a few sticks find themselves cured, as it were, by magic. rersona at a distance, by remitting the money, post paid, to the subscriber, will be attended to. Fur sale by the stick, Gi cents; 5 sticks for 25 cts; and at wholesale by IVM THORN, Druggist, 53 Market st, where a genesal assortment of Drugs and medicines may always bet found. nov 28 JAMS COCHRAN, Corner of Liberty and Factory streets, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh, MANUFACTURER or Magiesia Fire Proof Chests, Iron Doors. Grates and Railings: Iron Doors for Bank Vaults, Canal and Rail Road-Irons, together with every description of Smith work. REFER TO-M Allen, James May, William Holmes, Samuel Church, Lewis Hutchinson, Lorenz, Sterlins & Co., John Irwin & Son, Atwood & Jones, A Reelen. A BEELEN, Esq., Commission Merchant, corner of Front and Ferry streets, and Mr. G. BEALE, Jr ? No 74, Wood street, are Agents for Pittsburgh; and Messrs. BRYAN and MILTENBERGER, St Lintils, Mo., to either of whom orders may be addressed. Pittsbureh. March 8, 1815 d 1 st THOMAS .801t111.06E, GENERAL Produce, Forwarding & Commission' . Merchant, Also, Agent United States Portable Boat Line Depo r NO. 272, MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. reLiberal advances .made on consignments,' slier required. Refer to—Messrs Wm Wilson & Co.; , Evanii•ini4V Temple; Heald, Wood's and & Co.; Scull &Tbompien, Pki/odapiitiss. • t William M'Kniglit. & Co.; Charles A. WAnuls, • anr24-Iy* PilSsburork,' • . J. FINNEY, JR Improved Shutter Fasteners. THE submcriber ham invented and mantrCacturwts a superior SHUTTER FASTENER, CO ad a of malleable iron, and superior to Anything of the, Ws* now in use in this city, and, he believes in lbw United . . States. To be had at any oldie Hardware stores in. the city. and at the marmfactory, „Smithfield st.. cor ner of Diamond alley. J. VOG DE& Jan 14-dly., CHASE'S Snrgeon's Tllllll., for the radical curio Hernia. It is noWC - otieVietrirgur"Wcnts Physicians generally. thit'tliis trussiedecidedlyso perior to any now in use.—lt i 3 not only super'i'or retainer, but offer&to the person Wearing it firoonlyi hope of radical cure. To be had, only, at Kerr & Mohler's, Nu 144, cor ner of Wr,od street and Virgin Alley, Any infringement on the` right of - selling this ioa ment, willbe prosecuted to the extent of theinw:i innl, R 45. The subscriber being well provided with everreon venienee to accommodate any number of js= Hotel:in the Diamond, **hid maTieesraillin who reside in the country, but do business, in thi; iffi,‘ that his table is prepared every day for the reetv,imun transient boardei s, either by the day or sivgle *wal e and from his longespearience in the business, the of his table and unremiuing..eastrtions 19, please all who may favor him wit' their pationay. g La feels Co 6dent of being able to ive entice antisfaetioa. number of the most respecttNe merchants in. the . etly . ; hove boarded at his house for years, to whorf; lie.pgtt referfortite characterof his accommodations. my 26. OttNI,SLAFICKEISON. Fire Brick, Extra Lirege..'4 20,04)0 A prime article, fix atilt 1,);:' mar 21 lIOLDSBIP & BR,OWINE. Trusses! Trusses!! Day Boarding. D. & G. W. LLOYD.-