g etoa Ws:blicrO Isur. .PUBLISIMD DAILY, BY BIGLER, SARGENT k , BIGLER, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH vs., PITTSBURGH, pENN I A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNTJNI, PAYABLE , VOL. I -NO. 18. PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY SARGENT & BIGLER, N. W. earner of Wood and Fifth Streets. TgllNS.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. Single eoplet Two Carrs—for sale at the counter of the ©tike, and by News Boys. The Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer is published at the same office, on a double medium sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin gle copies, SIX CENTS. h}>t PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: One insertion, $0 50 One month, $5 00 Two do., 0 7'5 Two do., 6 00 Three do., - - .010 Tlireedo., ' 700 One week, 1 50 Four do., 8 00 Two do., 300 I Six do., IP 00 Three do., 4 00 One year, 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. eniaotint.t At rtxAsthtx. One Square. T Two Syr-mares. Six months, $lB 00 Six months, $25 00 'One year, 25 00 One year, 35 00 rir Larger advertisements in proportion. iS7 6 CARDS of four lines Six Dot.i.sits a year. 0 • CIALA.NDO LOOMIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Fourth street, above Smithfield. jut, I.ly. DIAGRAW & MVIENIGIIT ATTORNEYS AT LAW, y_Txvv, removed their office to the New Court Home, in theroom over the SherirsOfliee. ap 17—tf. Law Notice. ANDREW BURKE, OrFICE removed to Smithfield street, between 4th street and Diamond Alloy, oppoiite Mr Geo Weyman's Tohnecto Manufaemry. an 16 • Removal. Air A HON & WASH INGTON, Attorneys nt T.ew•; ILL oflie,e on the north A ide of IVylie st., 3d door East of the Court House la..w Notice. JAMES CALLAN Imaremovcd to the chambers occupied by Alderman NlcMasters on Fifth et. between Wood and Smithfield. ap 18 REMOVAL. G. L. Robinson & M. 11Thride, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RAAVE removed their office to Grant street, a abort distance from Seventh street, towards the Court House MPCoacevancingand ether instrumentsof writing tegany and : promptly executed. ap2l_ William Elder, Attorney at Law. Balte*ell'a Buildings, Grant street, opposite the New Conn 'HonC• op 17-if S. Woods,Attorney and Counsellor at Law Office is Bakewell's building, send floor, slept j 0 M'CANDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House, sap in Pittsburgh. Byster do Buchanan, Attorneys at Law, Office in•Bucke'a, building, 4th -street, near Market, •eplo PittAlmrah. 13.:A.astia, Attorney, at Law, Phu"Putith ia., Off'ireiu litikesseirsbuilding, Grant , IgrWILLIAM F.,..,Amir is, Esq., will-give his atten tion to my unfinisheribusiness, and I recommend him toldre . patrorutge my friends. sep _ _ WALTER FORMA-a> Shafer 431arpies, Attorney, at Lair, Office at :he building formerly occupied by the Uni ted States bank, ttli greet, betweemMarket and Wood streets. m2l -3m Etitor atm SIMPSON. .CIIIART.Its SHALER WM: O'Hara Robinson, 11. S. Attorney, LT' AS rernovesl his office tothe 2nd story of rturke's Al Windings, 4th, near Marl:et. ap 15 o. S. Belden, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield. IMPConveyancing and other instruments of wri ting legal ly and promptly executed. "mar 214 f sour' S. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, OFFICE, North side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pirtshorgh, Pa. N. 13. Collections made on reasonable terms. dee 4-ly John W. Burrell, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'LT A s R emoved in consequence of the lute fire from 11 Third street to Bakewell's Buildings, opposite to the Court House. Hp 16 Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, 01See, near the Court House. in Mellon's buildings my 7 U. Morrow►, Aldertnai Office north side of Fifth street, between Wcod and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10—tf James Blakely, Alderman, Meson Peon st., near the Market House, Sth Ward feb 25. H. D. MILLERS, M. D., EROVP:D to Penn street, between Irwin and R Handstreets. five doo.s below Hand street. •etp Is MIGH ARTERS, SURGEON DENTIST 118 Liberty street. A few doors below St Clair st., Pittsburgh ap 28-ty. _ _ Win. A, Wards Dentist, Has aassoveal. to the place of his foimer re.sidenee, in Pam street. two doors below Irwin. ap 18 Dr. George Watt, PRACTISING PHYSICIAN 4. SURGEON, eirOffice, Smithfield st. near the coiner of Sixth. a6-Iy. Doctor Daniel DlcOleal, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. declo—y JOHN SCOTT & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Dior chants, No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street, JOHR seDEvyrr J. & J. rerDZIVITT, IipLESALE GROCERS, Defilers in Produce and Pittsburgh trinnufactureli generally, NQ. 224, I.4l>etty, opt-1014w 7th Street, Pitts burgh. P 4. _ aP 244 Y JOHN W BLAHt, eaves DIANIIPACTI:IBI3Ir AND SHOE FINDINGS STORE, NO 1214, WOOD STREET, set 26 PITTSBUFaIi. ' ' • " ---"- " '-- . I. . . - . r • e t , . -, -,,...r i r .. • • . • - " . . . ~ . ~. . I . . • ..1 .......: * %...„ ~ .. ,i,. ),.. ,,... . 5.4.., 1 • 0 . .• - -'.7, . . . • . . J. G MUNTZ, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, No, 114, Market street, near Liberty july 1-ly PITTSBURGH, PA Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth street. sep 10—y JAMES DENNEY, Jr., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, AND Dealer in Produce, at W. Greer's old stand, No 46, corner of Market and Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. N. B. The best or Groceries kept constantly on hand. [up 9 d3m JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 44, Market street. sep 10 JAS. HOWARD & CO., APER Dealers, removed to the corner of 7th and 1 Smithfield streets. ap 16 D. C. STOCKTON D. C. STOCIITON & 00., (LATE STOCKTOS, DICK CO.) WHOLESALE GROCER 9, -COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, L.SAAC CROSE. J. B. LIrrINCOTT CRUSE & LIPPINCOTF, Commission, Prothro, and Forwarding Merchants, No. 87 4. 98 (old number) SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE, (MD,) RETERENCES:—The Merchants of Pittsburgh in general. an 13.6 m DAVID LLOYD. D. & G. W. Lloyd, lIOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AND• FORWARDING lIIERCIIA.NTS, AND DEALERS IN PRODt7CE ft PITTSBURGH MANU• [7 7 ' Liberal advances in cash or goods made on consignments of produce, &c., at No, 142, Liberty street- ml 5 3. L. SEIZE'S CASII RAG IV,AREHOUSE, Corner of Pennand Plain streets, Pittsburgh, The hi2hest prict , paid in (awl). for Country Rang, Baling Rope and Colton Waste. Also, dealer in Chloride of Lime, Pap6r, Twine, &c., at cash picas. july Corner of Ist and Ferry streets Pittsburgh, Pa., mattufar.turer of locks, hinges and belts; tobacco, ful ler, mill and umber screws; housen screws for rolling mills, &c. sop 10—y J. Vogdes & Son, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS Office, Smith 4cld Street, corner of Dia mond Alley. PLANS and Specificntions finished in the best style anti at the shortest notice. REFERENCE,: Logan & Kennedy, II Childs & Cu., J Wood Well, A Kramer, W B Scaife and Col tart & Dilworth. jun. 14,1815—d1y. Da. W. KERR ......... MoHLER. KERR & MOHLER, DRUGGISTS AND APOTIIECARIEs, Comae? of Wand Street and Virgin alley, No. 144, F RESH Medicines, selected and put up with care, can be had at all times, ut moderate prices. LfrPhysicians i prescriptions carefully compound ed. may MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Next door to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. june 6. REYNOLDS & WILMARTH, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, DEALF.ItA IN LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, ANT) PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, FOR THE ALLEGHENY RIVER TRADE, Corner of Penn and Irwin streets, L. 0. REYNOLDS, PITTSBUR.FI. L. Witstsrrit. a5-ly NEW BOOR STORE. BOSIVORTFI & FORRESTER, No. 43, Market street,next door to Third street, ARE.just opening a new and extensive assortment of Books and. Stationery, which they will sell, wholesale and retail at the lowest prices. ap2s MAY be found at the Glass Warehouse of Messrs. Parke & Flannen, No 116 IYood street, where he respectfully invites persons having business with him to call. ap 17 Forwarding and Commission merchant, Agent for U. S Portable Boat Line, fortbe transporta tion of Merchandize to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York and Boston. A. G. REINHART, (Late Reinhart Stron,q.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. PRODUCE 4- co:lntl:3sl6N MERCHANT No. 140 LIBERTY ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. fib 1 Pilkington'sUnrivalled Blacking, I_MANUFACTURED andsold wholesale and retail, SIXTH STREET, one door below Smithfield. tvt 21-71 y. FOR the reception and treatment of deformites of the human frame. such as Club or Reeled feet, contracted join/Jr, tary-nerh and Strabismus or Squinting, and of Disease, of the Eye, such as Ca taraet, etc, under the rare of ALBERT G WALTER, M D. Liberty, near the corner of Fourth street. dee 3t—dtf John M'Closkey, Tailor and Clothier, Libertystreet, between Sixth street and Virgin alley S xtth side. seplo ritrstmrah PERSONS svishing, to have their horses Nicked and Bobbed. by an experienced man From the eastern cities, can have it attended to at all times—nt Holmes' Livery Stable on Thild street, be tween Market and Wood, near the Post Office. N. B.—Horses kept at Livery by the day, week or month at the above stable. myl7,sm GEORGE COCHRAN, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING, No. 2, Ferry sircel; Pil['burgh. may I=l No. 114, Wood street, PITTSBURGH. PA ME=I!! EZEGIEEI James Patterson, sr., IVPCIJLIJOUGII, CHARLES A. hicANULTY, PITTSBURGH, PA., Pittsburgh Infirmary, Notice to Horsemen PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, AUGUST lb 1815• 'REMOVAL. JAMES 1101)17AED & CO. H AVE removed their WALL PAPER. WARE HOUSE to tho coiner of Seventh Kid Smith field sheets. Where they have on hand n large and splended as sortment of WALL P A PER and Bollnr.RB, siriutble for papering Parlors, Chambers, Walls, eke. Also, a general assortment of Wilting, Letter, Print ing, Wrapping and Tea paper, Bonnet Boards, &c. Which they will sell low for Cash, or in exchange for Bags, Tanners Scraps, &c. feb n_•!, 1844 Fine Wall Papers. subscribers buve on hand, in a addition to a JL select assortment of cheap wall papers, which they are daily increasing by new patterns from their manufactory, several lots of very beautiful French wall paper of this spring's importation, received sev eral days before the fire, to which they respectfully in vite the attention of theii friends who wish to paper. HOLDSHIP & BROWNF:, re Wood at. corner of Diamond alley. ap 24•tf THE subscriber informs his friendi and the pub ik, that he has opened a new CABINET WARE ROOM, at the corner of Liberty and St Clair streets, over Brown and Reiter's Drug Store, where he is prepared to at.end to all orders in his fine. re' Entrance on St Clair street. ap 15 M. KANE, JR. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages Al Eastern Prices. r IHE subscriber manufactures and keeps constant JL ly on band Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (war ranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump Joints, patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three-fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, &c. lie respectfully solicits a continuance of the patron age heretofore bestowed upon the establishment. WILLIAM COLEMAN, jan 4 St Clair„.st., near the Allegheny Bridge. lrp HE Sin of Ignorance is easily forgiven. Many of .1 the "nostrums" of the present day are put out by persons who have no knowledge ofthe science of medi eine in theory or practice, and in older to hide their ig• norance cry out loudly against the "ignorant Pretend ers," and bribe others to boast for them, which oft times has gulled the unsuspecting. and for want of a proper knowledge of the diseases they pretend to cure, no doubt think they cure when they do not, therefore they are to be pitied, but not half so much as those who take their "miserable compounds," but they not only lose their money, but miss the advantage of that ne cessary advice which the real practical physician, is always able to give. We look to the tailor for an im provement in the mode of dress; to the medical man fur an improvement in the science of medicine—and this accounts fur the great superiority of Dr Smayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry over all other medicines ever offered to the public for the cure of all diseases of the Lungs and Breast, Coach., Colds, Consumption, Asthma, spitting Blond, Liver Com plaint. Pain in the Side and Breast, Broken Constitu tion, &c. Remember always to inquire for the name of Dr S wayne. as all preparations which have the name of ;cad Cherry attached were stolen from the peat ori,gina/ preparation. The gsnuine is only prepared by Dr Steagne, corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. For sale hv WM. THORN, Agent. Pittsburgh. NEW DRUG STORE. KERR & MOH LER. No. 144, Corner of iVood street and Virgin Alley JUST received and fur sale. a large assortment of J fruit Drugs, Meflicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-Stutrs, &c. which have been recently selected, and purchased with considerable care for Cash. The following com prise part of the stock just received: Gum Camphor, Spit its Turpentine, Cream Tartar, Cepal Varnish, Flor. Sulphur, ‘Vhite Lead, Castor Oil, Red " Gum Arabic, Litharge, Epsom Salts, Flaxseed Oil, Fl Manna, Venitian Red, Eng. Gum Opium, Spanish Brown, Gum Aloes, Chipped Logwood, nor Camomile, Camwood, Saltpetre, rustic, Jujube Paste, Nic Wood, Ref'd Liquorice Brasilletto, Liquorice Ball, Indigo. Magnesia, Nutgalls. Pow'd Ginger, Oil Vitriol, Nutmegs, Aquafortis, With a general assortment too numerous to mention, which will be sold for Cash at a small advance on Eastern prices. 'Dr WILLIAM KERR will give his attention to thecompounding of Physician's prescriptions. m 3 IMPORTANT TO BANKERS! NEWELL'S Patent Parantoptic Permutation Bank Lock, To rrovent Robbery. THE subscriber has accepted the agency, for the above celebrated and well known Lock, which is wasiasstreD to defy the most consummate skill of the burglar, or even the inventor himself. This assurance may be deemed extravagant; but a critical examination of the principles on which this Lock is constructed, will satisfy any one having even a limited knowledge of mechanism that it is well-founded—and the actual inspection of the Lock for a few minutes will remove every doubt that may arise in any mind. He has flume, OUSEI certificates, from Bank officers, Brokers and (several in this city) who have used the above Lock, which he will be happy to exhibit, and give every explanation to those who may be pleased to call. J AS. COCHRAN, Fire Proof Chest and Vault doer Manufacturer, Corner Liberty and Factory sta., sth War je24•tf. ADAMS & MCSTEEN No. 17, Fifth street,between Wood and Market, HAVE this Joy entered into partnership for the manufacture of all kinds of Gas-fittings; also, all kinds of Brass and Spelter Castings, and Brass fittings in general. In thus presenting ourselves to the public, we shall make it our particular study to give general satisfac tion to all who may please to favor us with their pa tronng All orders executed at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. feb 10-tf Cutlery, Surgical Instruments and Edge Tools. JOHN W. BLAIR, having made an arrangement with Thomas M'Carthy, Cutler, he is now pre pared to furnish all articles used by Dentists, Sur geons, Suddlers, Tinners, Tailors, and Shoe makers, at the shortest notice on the most reasonable terms. Any orders left with John W. Blair, No 120 Wood street, will have immediate attention. ap 12-tf TB GRAHAM, Boot maker, formerly of Smith T field st, has removed to Fourth st, neat door to Mr Ifnco's Confectionary, whete he will be happy to receive the calls of his friends, and especially those wboare indebted to the establishment. ap 16. Removal by Fire GAS FITTINGS. Removal byFire. ?Rim2[llB.lo MOW !! THE undersigned being desirous of retiring from business, offers fur sale EIS ENTIRE STOCK OF MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Consisting in part, as follows Piano Fortes, New York Manufacture, a splen did lot; 2 Seraphenes, both eacellent instruments; 700 . Violins and Bows, assorted; 6 Violitutellos, Goiters and cases; 200 Flutes, a splendid assortment; Pitch Pipes; Flageolets, a 6ne lot; 100 Clarinetts, American, English, French and German; Drums and Fifes; Violin Fittings; Mouth pieces, bittsand screws. Tuning hammers and tuning forks; Reeds an' different instruments; Strings and pegs fur Violincelins, Violins and Guitars; 16.000 pages Sheet Music, for Pianoforte and Guitar; 1,000 Music Books, all kinds; including Preceptors; Music paper; Port Folios. I:)zl4.lllllAwaikii Oft.] ,1 Valve and Crook Trumpets; Kent Bugles; Cornetts; French and Brass Horns; Opheicleidry Basoons, And all other instruments in general use. He will also dispose of his factory for manufacturing Musical Instruments, with all the necessary tools, and a large quantity of work in a state of progression. To any person who wishes to enter into the business, ho will dispose of his whole establishment including store fixtures, AT A PRICE LESS THAN COST. lie will also sell AT lILTAI4,tO any who may favor blip with a call, any portion of his stock, P; 'VI %HI mo.o • 3-7 — lei mei Individuals, Bands, or Seminaries, desirous of sup plying themselves with good Instruments or Fashion- able Music, will now have an excellent opportunity to do so. The Instruments will be warranted to be equal to any now in market, and the music is of the latest, and most fashionable kind. Call and see. WM. D. SMITH, my 13-3 m No.BB Wood Street, Pittsburgh. Fashionable Tailoring. BEING convinced that both branches of our trade could not be cat ried on to the mutual advantage ofctrelomns and proprietors, we were induced to disi.ose of our ready made stock: and abandon sale work entirely. The result has been a GREAT IN CREASE IN OUR BUSINESS, and a correspond ing one in our abi:ities to execute orders to the entire satisfaction of our customers. We would again beg leave to any to those who wish to get FASHIONABLE WORK NVELL MADE, nuritir attention shall be directed lathe HIGHEST GRADE OF CUSTOM WORK; and being now pre pared with every facility to adapt ourselves to the Ca llous tastes in the communit; we can furnish any style of garment which lane} may dictate, always aiming in point of style to be IN ADVANCE OF EVERY OTHER ESTAB LISHMENT Being at all times supplied with materials of every decription,‘‘e are prepared to turn out at the shortest notice, as genteel a garment as can be had in the State; our aim sh3ll be to make a good article nt a moderate price. (jr 3) A ',GEO, IsticG UIRE & Co EDWIN C. WILSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Franklin, Venango County, Penna., WILL attend promptly° all business entrusted to his rare—collections made in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson counties. REFER TO J. A. STOCKTON, & Co. MURPHY. WILSON, &Co.. TPity.burgh JOHN Bior.Ert, HON.JAMEE KINNF.AII, Franklin HON. ALEI. M'CALMONT, HON. JAMES WILSON, Steubenville, Ohio. july 23-Iy. LEATHER AND MOROCCO. RICHARD BARD No. 101 Wood street, 4 doors above Diamond alley PITTSBURGH. HAS just received a large supply of New York and Baltimore Spanish Sole Leather,Upper Loather, Philadelphia and Country Kips and Calfskins, Moroc co of all kinds, Shoo Bindings, Tanners' Oil, &c, &c. All of which is offered at the very lowest prices for cash. Merchants and Manufacturers are respectfully inci ted tocall and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. N B. Leather of all kinds bought in the rough. aug2B.-dtf. Pittsburgh Tack Factory. THE undersigned, having built machinery of the molt approved kind, will manufacture of the best quality of Iron and in the neatest style, TACKS, BRADS, FINISHING NAILS, I SHOE NAILS, &c. &c which they offer for snle low. The attention of Western Merchants and others is invited to their establishment. WOODWARD, HERSEY & CO. Fifth street. opposite the Exchange Bank. july 1-6 m. MARLATT HOTEL, East corner of Ferry and Water PITTSBURGH. THE above establishment has been re-modeled, re-fitted and re-psinted, and is now open for the reception of the traveling community. Thosefavor ing the Proprietor with a call, will find that no pains will be spared to conduce to their comfort and conve nience whilst sojourning with him; his tables will be spread with the choicest viands and his bar furnished with the finest liquors. The Proprietor hos also made arrangement!: by which ho can accommodate those traveling with horses and vehicles. N. B. Leech's Express Packet Office is located in the above house. ap 16. NOTICE. THE subscriber having sustained a very heavy loss by the lute fire, is constrained to call upon all who know themselves to be indebted to him to settle their accounts as soon as possible. He hopes this notice will be promptly attended to, as it is neces sary he should have funds to recommence hisbusiness. He does not wish it to be understood that this no tice is intended for any of his customers who were sufferers at the late fire. ap 15 M. KANE. Ja. MA superior Patent Truss. together with all other trusses mo..t approved of by Physicians as retainers in reducible Hernia, to be had at Kerr & Ailohler's, No 144 Wood st., corner of Wood and Vir gin Alley. jaol, 1845. OFFICE of COM. GENERAL OF SUBSIsTFISCE. Waskingion,July 14,1895. SEPARATE PROPOSALS will be received at this office until the Ist day of October next, for the delivery of provisions, in bulk, for the use of thn troops of the United States, upon inspection, as 101- lows : At Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 100 barrels of pork 200 barrels of fresh superfine flour 70 bushels Of new white field beans 809 pounds of good hard soap 500 pounds of good sperm candles 20 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 350 gallons of good cider vinegar. At Fort Pickens, or garnacos, Pensacola, Florida. 224 barrels of pork 530 barrells fresh superfine floor 530 barrels of new white field beans 4000 pounds of good hard, soap 1600 pounds of good hard sperm candles 80 bushels of good clean dry fine' salt 880 gallons of good cider vinegar. Al the Public Landing „six miles from Arrt j'e110,074 mouth of the Chiemichi. 504 barrels of pork 1170 barrels of fresh superfine flour 450 bushels of new-white-field beans 9000 pounds of good haid soap 3600 pounds of good lurid sperm candle's 180 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 1980 gallons of good cider vinegar. The whole robe delivered in all the month of April, 18413; nod to leave Natchitoches by thetOth February 1846. At Fort Atkinson. west bank of the Mississippi riv er opposite Fort Crawford, at Dousrzsan, and Rice's warehouse. 100 barrels of pork 260 barrels of fresh superfine flour 190 bushels of new white field beans 1800 pounds of good hard seep 300 pounds of good hard tallow candles 40 bushels of good, clean dry fine salt 400 gallons of good cider vinsgar. The whole to be delivered by the Ist May, 1846. At Fort Snelling, St. Peter's. 168 barrels of funk 360 barrels of fresh superfine flour 150 bushels of new white field beans 2100 pounds of good hard soap 1900 pounds of good hard tallow candles 40 bushels of goodclean dry fine salt 150 gallons of gond eider vinegar. The whole to be deliveted from the 15th May 1840, to the 15th June 1846. At Fort Leavenworth, Missouri River. 300 bushels of new white field beans 4600 pounds of good hard soap 3600 pounds of good hard tallow candles 125 bushels of good cleats dry fine salt 1000 gallons of good, cider vinegar. The whole to be delivered in all May, 1846. At Fort Seat, on the Marmaton river, Missouri, seventy miles land transportation from Indepen dente, on the Missouri river. 150 bushels of new white field beans 1200 pounds of good hard soup 1950 pounds of good bird tallow candles 60 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 650 gallons of good cider vinegar The wbole to be delivered in May, 1346. At Fort Winnebago. on the Fox river, at the por tage of Fox and {Wisconsin rivers. 40 barrels pork 125 barrels of fresh superfine flour 36 bushels of new white field beans 600 pounds of good hard soap 650 pounds of good hard tallow candles 20 bushels of good clean dry fine salt. 175 gallons of good cider vinegar. The whole to he delivered by the Ist June, 1846. At Fort Brady, Sault Ste, Marie, Michigan. 56 barrels of pork 120 barrels of fresh superfine flour. 30 bushels of new white field beans 800 pounds of good hard soap 600 pounds of good hard tallow candles 28 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 220 gallons of good cider vinegar. One-half on Ist June, 1846; remainder by the 15th September, 1846. Al Fort Mackinac, Michigan. 112 barrels of pork 210 barrels of fresh superfine flour 100 bushels of new white field beans 1300 pounds of good hard snap 1300 pounds of good hard tallow candles 40 bushel% of gaol clean dry fine salt • 300 gallons of good cider vinegar. One-half on Lit June, 1846; remainder by the 15th September, 1846. At Fort Graliot, Michigan. 100 barrels of pork 290 barrels of fresh superfine flour 100 bushels of new white field beans 1300 pounds good hard soap 1300 pounds of good hard tallow candle• 35 bushels of good clean dry fine salt. 420 gallons of good cider vinegar. One-half on Ist June, 1846; remainder in October 1846. At Deiroil, Michigan. 130 til-relit of pork 160 barrels of fresh superfine flour 100 bushels of new white field beans 2000 pounds of good hard soap 1950 pounds of good hard tallow candles 40 bushels of good clean dry fine sail 600 gallons of good cider vinegar. Ono•half on the Ist June, 1846; remainder in al October, 1846. NoTE.--All bidders are requested to extend the a mount of their bids for each article, and exhibit the to tal amount of each bid. The period; and quantities of each delivery at those posts where they are not specified, will be, one-foorth Ist June, Ist September, Ist December, 1846, and Ist March, 1847. The hugs of which the pork is packed to be fatten ed on corn, and each hog to weigh not less than two hundred pounds, excluding the feet, legs, ears, and snout. Side pieces may be substituted for the hams. The pork is to he first salted with Turk's Island salt, and then carefully packed with the same article, in pieces not exceeding eight pounds each. When the packing has been completed, the control: for must furnish to this office a certificate from the pucker, that the pork has been so salted and packed. The pork is tube ccntnined in seasoned heart of white oak barrels, fall hooped; the beans and salt iq barrels, and the soap and candles in strong boxes of conveni ent size for tmnspin tation. Salt will only be received by measurement of thin,- two quarts to the bushel. The candles to have cotton wicks. The provisions for Fort Atkinson and St. Peter's must pass St. Louis, for their ultimate desti nation, in the first week of April, 1846. A failure in this particular will be considered a breach of contract, and the department will be authorized to purchase to supply these posts. The provisions will be inspected at the time and place of delivery, and all expenses to be paid by contractors until they tire deposited at mob storehouses as may be designated by the agents of the department. The Commissary General reserves the privilege of increasing or diminishing the quantities. or of dispensing with any or all articles required at any post, at any time before entering into contract: and also of increasing or reducing the quantities of each delivery one•third subsequent to contract, en.gi ving sixty days' previous notice bidders, not heretofore connectors - , are requited to fi • -frjfi. PMCE, TWO CUNT 4.1 accompany their proposabs with evidencenf,theitiabil ity, together with the names of their sande'', :whose responsibility_most,tlccerkif t ed by_tjadistrict at tot ney, or by some person well known to the governmcnt, oth. erwise, their prop:nets will not be acted on: Advances terniot be mdde in any cOse. and cri deuce of inspection and full delivery tell" IIVAIStir. ed at this office before requisition wail /ok yank wpon the treasury for paymenti which will b..egeg.#4 in each public Money as may be convenient to tbexoints of delivery, the places of purchase, or' the . feriatience of the contractors, at the option of the Treasury De. pit rtment. No drafts en Ihia (Once will be acceptCd or palid, under any circumstances. Each priposal will be sealed seperatc-enyelop, and marked "Prop'usali fur turnh=bing Army sahsir• tence." GEO r. 41 BSON Corn Gen . .' Subsistemein NOTE—FAitors will not be paid for, irtsert*ag- in their papers this advertisement, unless authoriste to do so by the CoMmissary Geiteird Subsistence. ' July 22.1awtl5th Sep' t. 11'64—1 • . '1 Isis I:47,IWiLWWI, 11), a *Jo. a ' Mk • so. - ; 1-- Now York and Liverpool Connherr:ilia Line of Packets. • • _ • • JOHN HERDMAN, No., 61 South et., Arty • York. THE subscriber, in.ca fling the attention of the pub. lic to his unequalled arrangement for, bringing out passengets from all,parts of Great Britain by the above Hai of splendid ships, sailing from Lisieirinoll weekly, would respectfully make knovrn thatin add i tio n to his replar agents, he has appointed Mr Thom. as H Dickey, who will ramain at Liverpool dtulog,tlio reason to Euperinted the embarkation of all passen. gers engaged here. Per4ons engaging may, thereiore, rely ea their friends, and all who may nec.ompany them, being promptly soot forward. Her is, ruv.usual, prepared to remit money by draft, payable at, sight through the United Kingdom, hi amounts to suit ap plicants and at the lowest raies: For further- paitieu. hare apply to address : JOHN HERDMAN, No 61 South st o New York.- JO3F.PH EARKPA.TRICK, At James Dalielt's Water st., Pittsburgh„ july 16-3 m. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE • N. W. CORNER OF WOOD B,:FIFTH ST/. The proprietors of the Moae PONT and. Nut. CURY AND MANUFACTURER respectfully-41E411144r friends and the patrons of those papers, that theyliaxo a large and well chosen assortment of :WACO Alils OULII MaU3ll3l.alti Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they ai:is Prepared Co execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bills of Lading, ,Chculaill, Bill Heads, ~ i Cnrls," Blank Checks, Halt Tips. Books, Pamphlets, Handbills, S II kinbs of Blanks, Stage, Steamboat and Canat Boat Bille,with propriate cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and most reaiohiibro terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of our friend's atia the public in general in this branch or our business, BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLI R. July 25. 1845. TEhave received, and will hereafter keep cor. V V stnntt)• on hand, a full supply of Printing hilt, in large andsmall kegs, which we will be abbe to tell cheaper than it has heretoforebeen sold in ariscity... Orders from the country accompanied .by the,caalt (IN •t.t. costs) will be promptly attended to. BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER, Jy 2fi-.tf Office of the Poßtand Mannfactowr. A FRESFI SUPPLY UP Johnson's Superior Printing Ink. RECEIVED THIS DAY, Al the Ogee of the Pittsburgh Morning PS:at: BIGLER, SARGENT & 13IGLF.:R. july 9.6-d&wtf WASHINGTON HOTEL, Corner of St. Clair and Pena streets, Pittsbarr,O, JAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor. THEproprietor begs lanve to return his most grato ful thanks to his friends and the public fur past favors, and hopes, by attention, to merit a continuation of their patronage. The house is pleasantly sittiated near the Exchange; it has accommodations for travel ers, antia large room Qtr public meetiugs, dinner. Aar supper parties, Always ready, or prepared on the shortest notice, with the choicest the market will afford. Oysters add Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oysters, received eve. ry day during the season. The greatest care has been taken in the selection of wines and liquors. A varie. ty of newspapers are regularly cried in the establish ment. P. S. A Hot Lunch served tip every day at 11, A. 1 1 , 1 1. ap 18. F. S. TVIIBETT, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, FIFTH STREET, BETW ZEN NA WENT AND II 10 N NTNEkTIII. (Entrance on Fifth street:) WHERE he will attend to all business in his line: Such as cleaning and neatly 44 repairing Watches and Jewelry, leuer cutting W i r and mat king Silver-ware, &c. Turret.andother clucka made and repaired. Hl:4 friends and all those di.sfying his services, will please give hint a - call. n 024 ens, Hotel and Boarding House. FRANKLIN HOUSE. THE susbcriber respectfully informs hie frit inrs and the public, that he has opened a Hole/ and Boarding House, corner ol etieet. eind Chdrry alley, where travellers and others will ha. nocommocla l . ted on the most reformable terms., The house' is spacious, and has been fitted op at considerable ex'. pence, and every arrangement is mode that will er• sure the comfort and render satitfactinn to bontders and lodgers. A share of public patronage is respie• fully solicited. ap', l 24 CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ. : Temple et Fashion. Opposite tie Pittsburgh. Exchange. .- JOHN JULIUS, ISPECTFULLY offers his professional serrie?‘ to the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh, and hew.. t ewo ,, to inform them that he,hex oa Bind a very lo = r4e.anil extensive assortment of articles in the hair. Perfumers. and fancy hoe. JOHN JULIUS, gretefol for the encrinraOrnoni Ftu has received, and ever willing to contribute - his aid to those who wish to be cool and comfortable, has tam u r ed a plan for cutting hair for the summer season, whirl, is now acknowledged to be superior many of tllin'tert! don or Paris fashions. - ittne4lo2m ail. • • 201-, KEGS Juniata Nails;for sea by NJ my 7 JAMES MAY 7 '.l 1848 To Printers. REFRESHMENTS