,_. `*','~.: PUBLISHED DAILY, BY PHILLIPS Sr, SMITH, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANuist • VOL. 111 _ NO, 269. PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY PHILLIPS & N. W. corner of Wood and Fiftk Streets. Taams.-4lve dollars a year, payable in advance. Single copies Two Clers—for sale at the counter of tho 016 co, and by News Boys. The Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer is published at the same office, on a double medium s'3eet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin gle copies, SIX CENTS. TERMS OP A PER SQUARE OF TN 3ne insertion, $0 50 Two do., 0 75 rliroe do., 1 00 Ono weetr, 1 50 Two do., 3 00 Thnsi do., 4 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS CHANGEABLE AT 7LEASCRE. Two S One Square. tix, months. $lB 00 Six months, lOne year, 25 00 One year, r4PLarger advertisements in proportion. ItVP"CARDS of four lines Stx DOLLARS a year. C. ORLANDO LOOMIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Fourtil street, above Smithfield. joly DIAG RAW & nvErimur, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MT AVE removed their office to the New Court 11 Howe, in the room over the Sheriff 'o Office. op 17—if. Law Notice. ANDREW BURK E, • VFFICE removed to Smithfield street, between 4th street and Diamond Alley, opposite Mr Geo WeymAn's Tobacco Manorac ory. ap 16 Removal. ltir 'HON & WASHING TON. Attorneys at Law; office on the north aide o. Wylie at., 3d door 'East of the Court House. a p 17 REMOVAL. G. L. Robinson & M. firilrido, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HAVE removed their office to Grant street, a short distance from Seventh street, towards tho Court House. M'Conveyancingand other instrumentsof writing rpgally and promptly executed. np2l William Elder, Attorney at Law. 13ekevrell's Buildings, Groat street, opposite the New Court House. ap 17-tf 8. Woods,littorney and Counsellor at Law Office in Bakewell's building, second flour. Sept 10 M'CANDLESS & M'CLURE, „ Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House, sap 10 Pittsburgh. Ilyster &Buchanan, Attorneys at Law, Office in Burke's building, 4th s treet, near Market, •ep le Pittsburgh. Was. E. Austin, Attorney at Law, iPittsburgix Pa..OfFice in Bakewell's building, Grant st , Igr WILLIAM E. AosTru, Esq., will give hie atten tion to my unfinished business, and I recommend him uthe patronage of my friends. se. 10—y WALTER FORWARD. Staler & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, 'Office at the building formerly occupied by the Uni lea States bank, 4th street, between Marketund Wood CRARLRS SHALER Wm. O'Hara Robinson, 11. S. Attorney, AS removed his office to the 2nd story of Burke's H buildings, 4th, near Market. ap 15 Geo. S. Seidea, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street, between Woo,l and Smithfield Mr" Conveyancing and other instrumeuts of w•ri tinglegally and promptly executed. mar 21•tf JOHN S. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, OFFIC erth aside of Fifth street, bet wee ti Wood end Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B. Collections made on reasonable terms. dec 4-1 y John W. Burrell, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'ETAS Remcrved in consequence of the late fire from Li. Third street to Bakewell's Buildings, urmnsue to the Court House Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Office, near the Court House, in Mellon's buildings tn y 7 IL Morrow, Alderman, OBlee north side of Fifth street, between Wend and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. pep 10—tf James Blakely, Alderman, `Office on Penn st., near the Market House, sth Ward feb 25. H. D. SELLERS, M. D., REMOVED to I'enn street, between Irwin and Handstreets. five doo.s below Hand street.. sp 15 HUGH ARTERS, SURGEON DENTIST. 118 Liberty street. A few doors below St Clair st., Pittsburgh ap 28-Iy. Wm. EL Ward, Dentist, liar removed to the place of his former residence, in Penn street, Iwo doors below Irwin. ap 18 Dr. George Watt, PRACTISING PHYSICIAN 4- SURGEON, MPOffice, Smithfield st. near the corner of Sixth. a6—l y Doctor Daniel McMeal, Office °n'£' Aween Wood and Smithfield ittsburgh. dec 10—y , Tailor aad Clothier, .n Sixth street and Virgin alley, S-Jath side. sep 10 *llk` SCOTT & CO., chas an t d s, Commission Mar- No 7, Certnmerobal Row, Liberty street, itl9-ly Pittsburgh. JOHN leDEVITT, JAMES M'DEVITT J. & J.WJIDEVITT, WHOLESALE GROCERS, .Dealers in Produce and Piusbursh manufactures generally, No. 224, Liberty, opposite 7f5 Street, Pitt , ' burgh, Pa. ap 28•ly JOHN W BRUSH Eig4NIIPAC TUBER ♦ND SHOE FINDINGS STORE, 1510, WOOD STREET, •ct9o r[TTSBURGii, :ir"" • "^ 4 - • , . • • r .;."‘; ' "" " - ". • .•,, 5.. . _ • - • • • • • incirtnitn{ll . DVBRTISING. LVE LINES OR LESS: Ono month, $5 00 Two do., 6 00 Threedo., 7 00 Four do., 8 00 Six do., 10 00 Ono year, 15 00 m2I-3m EDWARD 3IMPSOR Z. G MINTZ, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, No, 114, Market street, near Liberty PITTSBURGH, PA july 1-ly Droornsvillo Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth street. sep 10—y JAMES DENNEY, Jr., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, AND Dealer in Produce, at W. Greer's old stand, No 4S, coiner of Market and Liberty streets, Pii tsburgh. N. B. -The best of Groceries kept constantly on hand. tar 9 d3m JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 44, Market street. seplo JAS. HOWARD & CO., PAPER Dealers, removed to the corner of 7th and Smithfield streets. ap 16 D. C. dToCKTON D. C. STOCKTON & CO., LATK STOCKTON, DtCX k co.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS No. 114, Wood street, PITTSBURGH. PA. SIAC CRUSE 84. LI PPINCOT Commission, Produce, and Forwarding Merchants, No. 87 4. 98 (old number) SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE, (MD.) REFERENCES : — The Merchants of Pittsbnrali in general. jan 13-6 m DAVID LLOYD D. & G. W. Lloyd, HOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MID FORWARDING lIIERCIIANTS, AND DIALERS IN PRODUCE k PITTSBURGH M.ANU YACTURES. laiP• Liberal advances in rash or goods made on consignments of produce, &c., at Nu, 142, Liberty street. nils Zanies Patterson, 3r., Corner of lst and Ferry streets Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of locks, binges and belts; tobacco, ful ler, mill and timber screws; housen screws for rolling mills, Etc. step 10—y J. Vogdes & Sot, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, Office, Smith f i eld Street, cornerof Diamond Alley. p LANS and Specifications finished in the best style and at the shortest notice. Rargasitsca4l Logan & Kennedy, H Childs & Co., .1 Woodwell, A Kroner, W 13 Scalia and Cul tart. & Dilworth. jan. 14.1845-4 k. DR. W. KERR KERR & MOHLER DRUGGISTS AND APOTIIECARIUS, Corner of IVood street and Virgin alley, No. 144, F RESH Medicines, selected and put up with care, can be bud at all times, at moderate prices. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compound ed. may 2-ly MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Next door to the Fifth Prelibyterian Church REYNOLDS & WILMARTII, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, AND DEALEIIe IN LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, ANT) PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, FOR THE ALLEGHENY RIVER TRADE Corner of Penn and Irwin streets, L. 0. RETROLDA, L. WILMARTH. NEW BOOK STORE. BOSWORTH & FORRESTER, No. 43, Market street,next door to Third street, A"just opening a new and extensive assortment of Books and Stationery, which they will sell, wholesale and retail at the lowest prices. ap 2 5 H. H. APCULLOUGH, ATAY be found at the Glass IVarelionse of Messrs. IVI Parke &, Hannen,No I IC Wood street, where lie respectfully invites persons having business with him to call. tip 17 Dry Goods. THE undersigned having purchased the entire stock of Preston & Mackey, consisting of a Va riety of foreign and domestic Dry Goods, which he will now offer at very low prices frr cash, Country merchants, and all who wish bargains, will please call in and examine for themselves. lan 28-6 rn. WM. P. MACKEY. CHARLES A. McANULTY, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, PITTSBURGH, PA., AgentforU. S Portable Boat Line, for the trriniporta tion of Mercbandize to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. j3l-ly A. G. REINHART, (Late Reinhart 4. Stron g .) WFIOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. PRODUCE 4- MERCIIANT No. 140 LIBERTY Sr., PITTSBURGH, PA. fel) 1 Pilldngton'strnrivalled Blacking, I‘ ,I ANUFACTURED and sold wholesale and retail, SIXTH STRY.XT, arm door below Smithfield. oet2l-Iv. Pittsburgh Infirmary, FOR the reception and treatment of deformites of the human frame. such as Club or Reeled feet, contracted joints, wry-neck and Strabismus or Squinting, and Of Diseases of the Eye, such as Ca taract, etc, under the care of ALBERT G WALTER, M D. Liberty, near the corner of Fourth street. dec 31—dt.1 Removed by Firo WCLOS EY'S office is removed to John Peck's • Hairdressing establichment 2doors from hit. late residence, where he oan be found at any hour in the day. ap 17-if Damaged Cutlery PERSONS having Hardware or Cutlery in a dam aged state, can have it ground, polished and re paired in a neat and substantial manner by the sub scriber. Any orders left with John W. Blair, No. 120 Wood street, will meet with prompt attention. ap THOMAS McCARTHY. Cooley & Laird, MERCHANT Tailors, may be found in Fetter man's Row, nex t door to the corner of Liberty and Smithfield sts, sp 17 t 1 5 PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1845• * CHEAP AA liD WARE. -CO WHITMORE & WOLFF, Corner of Liberty and St. Clair Sts., Pittsburgh. ARE now receiving their spring importation of HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND SAD DLERY, CO which they respectfully invite the atter:- tionof purchasers. Havingcompleted arrangements, through which they are now receiving supplies DI RECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES IN ENGLAND, they shall at all times be prepared to sell at such prices as will make it the interest of pur chasers to call. Always on hand, a full and generalassortment of RI FLE BARRELS AND GUN TRIMMINGS, PLANES, COOPERS, CARPENTERS AND SMITHS' TOOLS. Also, a great variety of LOCKS and LATCHES for building purposes, to gether with every variety of articles appertaining to thehusiness. al6-tf Dr. Good's Celebrated Female Pills. rp HE:SE I'ills are strongly recommended to the I notice of ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to theirscx, from want ofexercise,orgencral debility of the system. They )Iwiate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous atToctions. These Pills have gained the sanc ion and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the United States, and many Mothers. For sale Aliolestile and Retail,by R. E.SELLERS, Agent, sep 10 No. 20, Wood Street. below Second REMOVAL. JAMES HOWAIID & CO. TIAVE removed their WALL PAPER WARE IA HOUSE to the coiner of Seventh and Smith field atteeta. Where they have on hand a large and splended as sortment of WALL P A rra and BORDERS, suitable fur papering Parlors, Chambers, Walls. Ste. Also, a general assortment of Wilting, Letter, Plint ing, Wrapping and Tea paper, Bonnet Boards, &c. Which they will sell low fur Cash, or in exchange for Rags, Tanners Scraps. &c. feb 22. 1844 I::ii2MlElii:l Ready Made Coffin Warehons3. Faith street, between Wood and Sinithfield WM. TROVILLO, UNDERTAKER, tRESPECTFULLY informs the public that he has ma n ned his t o made coffin wale• house to J. Ligget's. on Fifth street, bet Keen Woad and Smithfield streets, where he is always prepared to attend promptly to any orders in his line, and by strict attention to all the details of the business of an Undertaker he hopes to meet public confidence. He will be pre. pared at ALL HOURS to provide Hearses, fliers, Cars t iastes and every requisite on the most liberal terms Calls from the country will be promptly attended tn. His residence is in the same buildings with his warehouse, where those who need his services may find him at •ny time. Refereneeti W Irwin, Judge Riddle, Judge Patton. NV R WC:lure, Isaac Flarri•, Rev John Black, D. D., Rev Robert Bruce. D. D., Rev Samuel Wil liams, Rev Joseph Kerr, Rev James M Davis. Rev E P cll ASE'S Surgeon's Truss, for the radical cure Hernia. It is now conceded by Surgeons and Physicians generally, that this truss is decidedly su• perior to any now in use.—lt 14 not only superior as retainer. but offers to the person veering it the only hope of radical ewe. To be had. only, at Kerr & Mohler's, No 144, cor ner of Wood street nod Virgin Alley, Any infringement on the right of selling this instru• mom. ssillbc pro,ucuted to the extent of the law. jan 1, R JO6l. MOHLER F. S. TVRDETT, NVATCD AND CLOCK MAKER, FIFTH STREET, BETWEEN MIRKET AID CPI los sittEET3 ( Ent ranrc on Fifth elect W 1 1 1(1: he v. attend or all budr.v.. in Ili , line: Such as cleaning and neatly repair Watches and Jeweler. letter cutting and ma,king Silver-o are, &c. Turret andolliercior.lss made and repaired. II is friends ar.d all th....e desil ing his services, will Idnose gise bier a call. up 24 lien. THE oil,scriber ihforms his friends and the pub lic, !hat he hasll l ll..liell a new ns•ly CABINET WARE ROOM, at the corner of Liberty and St Clair utreela, over Brown and Reitoi'a Drug Store, where Leib toepured LO nrend to all ordcrn in bi. line. Fir Entrunce on St Clair Street. up 15 M. BANE, in. LEATHER AND MOROCCO. RICHARD BARD No. 101 W oo d streef, 4 doors abort Diamond alley. HASjuitt received a large 411 pr ly of New York and Baltimore Spanisili Sole Leutlier,Unier Leather, Philadelphia and Country Kips and Calfakinei. Moroc co of all kinds. Shoe Bindings, Tannery' Oil, &c. All of which is offered at the very lowest prices fur cash. Merchants and Manufacturers are respect run, invi ted to call and examine his stock before purchasing el4ewherr. N B. Leather of all kinds buliglit in thoeough. aug2B-.ltC. To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh. jTHE subscriber most respectfully 400iii*ii informs thogentlemen of this city and vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and SHOE makong business in - Founli street, opposite the Mayor's office, at the stand lately occupied by P. Ker. ri::lrn. Having been foreman in some of the most fashionable hnotshops in the Eastern cities; Inad hav ing famished himself with the hest French and Ameri• can calf skins, he hopes by his attention to business to merit n share of public patronage. To those gentle men who have kindly patronized him he returns his sincere thanks, and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of 1118 work au I knowledge of his busi ness. A. TERNAN. July 24—tf. rr HE Sin of Ignorance in easily forgiven. Many of _L the "nostrums" of the present day ore put out by persons who have no knowledge oft he science of tnedi. cine in theory or practice, and in order to hide their ig norance cry out loudly against the "Ignorant Pretend ers," and bribe others to boast for them, which oft times has gulled the unsuspecting. and for wont of a proper knowledge of the dinenses they pretend to cure, no doubt think they cure when they do not, therefore they nro to be pitied, butnot half so touch ns those who take their "miserable compounds," but they not only lone their money. hut miss the advantage of 'lint ne cessary advice which the real practical physician, in alwavn able to give. 'We look to the tailor for an im provement in the mode ofd rens; to the medical man for an improvement in the science of medicine—and this accounts for the great superiority of Dr Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry over all other medicines ever offered to the public for the cure of all diseases of the Lungs and Breast, Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Spitting Blond, Liver Com plaint, Pain in the Side and Breast, Broken Constitu tion, &c. Remember always to inquire for the name of Dr Stsayne, as all preparations which have the name of Wild Cherry attached were stolen from the great original preparation. The genuine is only prepared by Dr &vague, corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. For sale by WM. THORN, Agent. Pittsburgh. Trusses! Trusses!! Removal by Fire PITTSBURGH Music !fill Music!! THE undersigned being desirous of retiring from business, offers fur sale EIS ENTIRE STOCK OF MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Consisting in part, as follows : Piano Fortes, New York Manufacture, a splen did lot; 2 Scraphenes, both excellent instruments; 700 Violins and Bows. assorted; 6 Violincellos, Guitars and cases; 200 Flutes, a splendid assortment; Pitch Pipes; Flageolets, a fine lot; 100 Clarinetts, American, English, French nod German; Drums and Fifes; Violin Fittings; Mouth piece:, bittsand screws. Tuning hammers rnd tuning forks; Reeds fur different instruments; Strings and pegs for Violincellos, Violins and Guitars; 16.000 pages Sheet Music, for Pianoforte and Guitar; 1,000 Music Books, all kinds; including Preceptors; Music paper; Port Folios. • 12L . AU1 . 61iDI . L1._Ala Valve and Crook Trumpets; Kent Bugles; Cornetts; French and Brass Horns; Opheicleides: Basoons, And all other instruments in general use. Ile will also dispose of his factory for manufacturing Musical Instruments, with all the necessary tools, and a large quantity of work in a state of progression. To any person whc wishes to enter into the business, he will dispose of his whole establishment Including store fixtures, AT A PRICE LESS THAN COST. EEe will also &Ca AT RETAIL, to any who may favor him with a call, any portion of his stock. AT Ci111101111.16571r0 Individuals. Bands. or Seminariez, desirous of sup plying themselves with good Instruments or Fashion able Music, will ouw have an excellent opportunity to do so. The Instrument.; will be warranted to be equal to nny now in market, and the mu-ic k of the latest, and most fashionable kind. Call and see. ‘V M. n. SMITH, my 13-3 m N 0.89 Wood Street, Pittsburgh Day Hoarding. The subscriber being weal provided with evety con venience to accommodate any number of guests at his hi otel in the Diamond, would respectfully inform those who reside in the countiy, but do businets in the city, that his table i 3 prepared every day for the reception of transient boardei s, either by the day or siugle meal, and from his long experience its the business, the style of hie table and unremitting exertions to please all who may favor him with their patronage, he feels con fident of being able to give entire satisfaction. A number of the most respectable merchants in the city hire boarded at his house for years, to whom he can refer for the chat - uteri-if his accommodations. my 'IC,. DANIEL FICKEISON. NEW DRUG STORE. Ii:ERR & MOH LER. No. 144, Cormer of Wood :erect and Virgin Alley rsT receives' and f.tr sale, a large assortment of J fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dyn-Stuffs, &r. which hare been recently selected, and purchased with considernble care for Cash. The following com prise part of the stock just received: Gum Camphor, Spirits Turpentine, Cretin) Tartar, Cripul Varnish, l"lor. Sulphur, White Lead, Castor Oil, Red ‘, Gum Arabic, Litharge, Epnoril Sults, Flaxseed Oil, Fl Manna, Venitian Red, Eng. Gum Opium, Spanish Brown, Gum Aloes, Chrippei Logwood, Flor Camomile, Camarood, Saltpetre, Futrtie. Jujube Paste, Si r Wood, Ref Liquorice, Britsilletto, Liquorice Bull, Magne.in, NutEnns. PoVi Ginger, Oil Vitriol, Nutmegs. Aqiinfortis, With a general assortment toe numerous to mention, which will be sold fur Cash at a small advance on Eastern prices. re Dr WILLI +id RC Re will give hi: attention to .1 Physician', prescriptions. m 3 Emmet Hotel. West end the old Allegheny Bridge HUGH SWEENY 17(70li D take this occasion to return his sincere V V thanks to his numerous frie-rds and the public gene: ally, for the very liberal patronage beretofor e be sto wed on the Emmet Hotel, and he pledges himself t hat nothing shall Ise omitted on his part to merita con= tin wince of their favors. The convenience anti treisuty of the situation, and the whole •rrangemente Orr he house for the eri*mmoriation earnests are not inferior to any similar Sitstablishment in or out of the city. His table will always be provided with the best the markets can afford, and no pains will be spared to ensure the comfort of those who may favor the Emmet Hotel with their patronage. a2O-tf J* ES YOUNG, COMMISION MERCHANT AND STEAMBOAT AGENT, St. Louis, MO RFFERVICER:—George 80Z44, and George Collier, St. Louis; C. M. Studer &Co J. W. Brerlen, W. C. Fellows & Co., and Andrew & Robert Buchanan, Louisville; St ruder & Gorman, C. Broadwell & Co. and Foster & Irwin. Cincinnati; Rogers & Sherlock, & ll'herd, Geo. E. %Varner, aid John Arbuc kle, Sr.. l'ittsbut gh. may 30.1 v WARD'S DENTAL PRESERVATOR A Superior Wash for the Teeth, I)RODUCI KG at once the most healthy state of the month—Cleansing and restoring the teeth to their natural whitenesk ; giving hardness to the gums, des troying the putrifactive inflUence of decayed teeth, lessening in every instance the irritation and soleness incidental to their diseased state, and in fact combin ing in its effect all that can he desired in a Dentifrice. Alio, a superior Tooth Powder, as recommended to tho Medical faculty of Philadelphia, by the celebra ted Doct. Hudson. Prepnred and sold by Wm. A. WARD, Dentist Liberty street. ntig 31 NOTICE. riJILInE subscriber having sustained a very heavy loss by the late fire, is constrained to call upon all who know themselves to be indebted to him to settle their accounts as soon net possible. He hopes this notice will be promptly attended to, Wilt is neces sary he should have funds to recommence his business. He dues not wish it to he understood that this no tice is intended for any of his customers who were siiffereravat the late fire. op 15 M. KANE. JR. New Goods. JUST RECEIVED at J. K. LOGAN &C0.'15 corner of Wood and sth as., up staird: Organdy and Painted Lawns; Balzorines, Balogrine Lawns; Ginghams; Fine Bleached Muslins; Fancy Prints, a large assortment; Silk Pa,..sols; Sun Shades, latent style; Thi b et and Baraze Shawls; 10-4 Irish Lin en Table Diaper, Sea Grass Skirts, Sea Grass Cloth; a large lot of Gum Suspenders, &c. &c., which, with their former stock of Dry Goods, will be sold at the lowest cash prices. - my 15 • Waiters. A Few sets of a superior qualitviust received and will be sold very low by Z. KINZEY, apt-, 25. No. 86, Market street. WARRANTED GENUINE.-Dr. WILLIAM EVAN'S CAMOMILE PILLS. - - - - CF.RTIFICATP:S.—Letter from the Hon. Abraham M'Clellan, Sullivan County, East Tenn., Member of Congress. WASHINGTON, July 3d, 1345. Sir—Since I have been in this city I have used some of your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and satisfaction, and believe it to be a moat valuable remo dy. One of my constituents, Dr A Carden, of Camp bell county, Tennessee, wrote to me to send him some, which I did, and ho has employed it very successfully in his practice and says it is invaluable. Mr Johnson, your agent at this place, thinks you would probably like an agent in Tennessee. If so, 1 would recom mend Dr A Carden, as a proper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commission him he is willing to act for you. You can send the medicine by water to the care of Robert King & Sons, Knoxville county, Tennessee, or by land to Graham & Houston, Tazwell, East Tennessee. I have no doubt but if you had agents in several coun ties in East Tennessee, a great deal of medicine would be sold. lam going to take some of it home fur my own use, and that of my friends, and should like to hear from you whether you would like an agent at Bluntville, Sullivan County, East Tennessee; I can get some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there. Yours respectfully, ABRAHAM M'CLELLAN, of Tennessee. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent. sep 10 No 125 Smithfield street. Valuable Books. TH Encyclopedia of Geography—com prising T a complete description of the Earth, physical, statistical, civil and political, exhibiting its relation to the heavenly bodies, its physical Structure, the natural history of each country, and the industry. commerce, institutions and civil and social state of all nations: By Hugh Murray, F. R. S. E., assisted by Professors Wallace, Jameson and Hooker. 3 vcls. 3 vu. Illustrated by eighty two maps an eleven han dfed engravings. Mitchell's Ancient Geograyh yr, designed for the mie of Academies, Schools and Families, a ‘ystem of Classical and Sacred Geography, embellished with engravings of remarkable events, views of ancient cities and various interesting antique remains; together with an ancient Atlas containing maps illustrating the work. Woodbridge 4. Willard's Universal Geography for the use of higher chis4es in Schools and private Librnr 4 es. BOSWORTH & FORRF.STEft. Cheap Temperance Books FOR the 4th of July, &c.—Just received. The Youth's Temperance Advocate, for July—The Life of Gough; Confession of an Inebriate; Permanent Temperance Documents; Temperance Hymn and Song Books; Sacred Songs; David's Psalms, Watts' Psalms and Hymns; Mississippi Valley Directory, 2 vols.; American Pioneer, and a v,ariety, of Temperance Documents and School and other Books, for sale low. ISAAC HARRIS, jy 3 Agent & Corn. Merchant, No 8. sth st. The Cyclopedia of Practical rilledicicine. CI OM PIUS ING Treatises on the Nam rand Treat ment of Diseases, Materia Medica and Thera peutics. Medical Jurisprudence, etc., etc., Edited by John Forbes, M D F RS.. Alexander Tweedie, M F R S. Jno Connolly. M 1.), and thoroughly revised by Robely Dungltson, MD. Complete in 4 vols. Fur sale by CHAS 11 KAY, No 76, Nfarket street, above White Sr. Bro's Store between 4th stre , A and the Diamond. June 21. FRESH SPRING GOODS. CHEAP PLACE POE CASH. SIGNOFTHE GILT COMB. No. 108, Market Street, near Liberty. -LHE subscriber respecifullyinform s his customers and the public generally, that he leas just retain ed from the east, and is now receiving as large, good and cheap an assortment of variety goads as any other stabli,binent in the city. Merchants and others who wish to purchase cheap, will please call at No. 10A, and they will not lie disappointed. hefollowing com prises part of the stock just received. 200 doz. coat and 6 cord spout cotton, 200 " Graham's 6 " 1200 " 2001 h.. Titley's shoe threads, 200 " " patent threads. 200 gross hooks and eyes, 1.50 packs American pins, 100 " German " 175 thousand noodles, 180 assorted stay bindings, 350 doz. assorted fine ivory cornos, 200 " reading. 560 " assorted cotton cords, 225 gross shoe laces, 50 " corset 250 doz. cotton night caps. 100 " assorted hosiery. 150 " gloves and mitts. 25 gross assorted fans, 300 do. palm leaf hats, 115 . pieces Ashburton lace, 160 " edgings 500 gross pearl buttons, 75 '• gilt " 80 " figured horn button•, 120 " lasting and japanned do 50 " fine English dressing combs, lfill " assorted suspenders, Willi a generalassortment of Variety Goods to nomer ous to mention, which will he sold wholesale Or retail, cheap for cash. C. YEAGER. aprlB Notice to Horsemen. PERSONS wishing to have their 'horses 1. Nicked and Bobbed, 1.) , an experienced man from the eastern cities, can bare it attended to at all times—at Holmes' B eery Stable on Third street, be tween Market and Wood, near the Post Office. N. B.—Horses kept at Livery by the day, week or month at the above stable. mvl7-Sin GEORGE COCKILS.N, FFERS for sale at reduced cash prices—Axes O FI oes, Mattoelts,Mantire and Hay Forks, Spades and Shovel., Coal and Grain Shovels, Sickle s a ri d Scythes, Window Glass, Spinning Wheel Irons, and various other articles of Pittsburgh and American Manufacture, which he is constantly receiving from the Manisfactoriei. Also. Cotton Yarn and Cheeks, Caasinette and Broad Cloths. jail 9. Fine Wall Papers rrurm, subscribers iteeton hand, in a addition ro a 1. select allSortaiirot of cheap wall papers, which they are daily increasing by new patterns from their manufactory, several lots of very beautiful French will paper of this spring's importation, received soy. eral days before the fire, to which they respecttully in - vite tho attention of them, friends who wish to paper. lIOLDSHIP & BROWNE, Ir7VP Wood st. corner of Diamond alley, ap24•rf. To Printers. WEhave received, and will hereafter keep cor stantly on hand, a full supply of Printing Ink inlarge and small kegs, which we will he able to sell cheaper than it has heretzforebeen sold in this city. • Orders from the country accompanied by the cash (la •LL CASIO will be promptly attended to. PHILLIPS & SMITH, Jy 10—t! Office of th. Post o.nd Iganufactuter. PRICE, TWO CENTS. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. - . . • ... ~. ~...., , ---.... , • --- , . -..--- --- .1,- ,-,..... , -••••••.----••-•-•- • 1 -. '''' '. ..-." --.---,.. . _ _ _ FOR TRANSPORTATION OF GOODS Between Pittsburgh and all the Easter* Cities, WITHOUT TRANSHIPPING. IeHIS old and long eAtablished Line havlng near ly doubled their capacity and facilities for cat. rying goods, are now preparing to receive produce and merchandise to any amount for shipment East of West. The boats of this Line being all four section Porta ble Boats, are transferred from Canal to Railroad, thus saving all transhipment or separation of goods; who. goods are never removed till their arrival at Philadol phia or Pittsburgh. This Line being the Pioneer in this mode of carryings after a successful operation of eight years, are enabled with confidence to refer to all merchants who have heretofore patronized them. WeStern Merchams ale respectfully requested to give this Line a trial, as eve. ry exertioo will be used to render satisfaction. Mer ehandise and Produce always carried at as low prices on as fair !erms. and in as short time, as by any other Line. Produce consigned to our house at Philadel phis will be sold on liberal terms. Goode consigned to either our house at Pittsburgh cut Philadelphia, forwarded promptly, and all requitals) charges paid, JOHN McFA DEN & Co., Penn street, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. JAS. M. DAVIS, & Co., 249 and 251, mr. 25. Market st., Philadelphia, TRANSPORT,VPION. ea= 1845. United States Portable Boat Line, For the Transportation of Freight and Emigra4 Passengers, to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL. PIIIA, NEW YORK, AND BOSTON. No transhipment between Pittsburgh and Philad'a. rp HIS old established Portable Boat Line, having 1 extensive facilities is enabled to store and carry a large amount of produce and merchandise with cer- tainty and despatch. One or more Boats will depart from the depot at each end of the line daily (Sundays' excepted,) at 5 o'clock, P. M., and warrant Good* to be delivered through in 8 days, Produce consigned to the house at Pittsburgh for shipment to the East, will be received from Steam Boats and forwarded without delay, and always at the very lowest rates of freight charged by any responsi. ble Lino. All merchandize by this Line from the East and consigned to C. A. M'ANULTY, Pittsburgh, will be forwarded immediately on arrival to their destine.- don. Bills of Lading transmitted, and every instruct Lion from shippers promptly attended to without any extra charge for storage, commission, etc. The proprietors in soliciting a continuance of tile patronage heretofore so liberally extended to this Lire. pledge themselves, that nothing that experience and attention con affiect shall be wanting to promote the interests of Customers. Address or apply to C. A M'ANULTY, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ROSE, MERRILL & DODGE, A CIKNTei 'oR TH 1; 71 Smith's Wharf, Baltimore. P Rents ETORS- I A. L. G ERII ART & CO. • Broad st., Philadelphia' s -- W. & .1. T. TA PSCOTT, 76 South at., New York. Pittsburgh, March 1, 1945. E"' Until the new acqueduct is completed across the Allegheny river at Pittsburgh, Goods will be re ceived and delivered at our warehouse in Allegheny city. Office, corner or Lacock and Federal st. mar 4 C. A. M'ANULTY. f PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and files for Carriages At Eastern Prices. 111 H E subscribermanufactures and keeps constant• ly on band Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (war ranted.) Juniata Iron Axles. Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump Joints. patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three-fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, &c.. &c. He msrwctfully solicits a continuance of the patron• sge heretofore bestowed upon the establishment. WILLIAM COLEMAN, jnn 4 St Cluir at., uearthe Allegheny Bridge. Vault Doors! Vault Doors!! CONSTABLE, BURKE Sr. CO., ( Front at. between Wood and Sissithfseitt ) HAVING again got their shop re-built, and ere preparing to make Vault Doors at short notice and of a superior workmanship. We would take the liberty to state that the Vaults of our manufacture that trete in the late fire saved their contents in petfect order. Further, we ate prepared to put on YALE'S PATENT LOCKS, which are equal to anything in America, if not superior, for the Following reasons: They cannot be picked; they canner be blown np with gun-powder: there cannot be false keys made to open the lock; the - y ere cheaper; they are much more durable; their keys arc more convenient; they will not go out of order; in short, they cannot be opened '3y any burglar ender the most favorable circumstances. IVe would furthoc state, that we aro authorised to pay any one $lOO who will open the lock without the key. P. S. Two superior BANR Lucks, together with various descriptions of Lacks on hand. may 20-7 rn Temple of Fashion, Opposite the Pittsburgh. Exchange. JOHN JULIUS, RESPECTFULLY offers his professional servieee to the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh, and begs leave to inform them that he has on hand a very large and extensive assortment of cuticles in the hair, Perfumery, and fancy line. JOHN JULIUS, grateful f3r the encouragement he has received, aid. ever willing to contribute his aid tor those who wish to he cool and comfortable, has matur. ed a plan for cutting hair for the summer season, which is now acknowledged to be supelior many of the Loa don or Paris fashions. june 9.2 m IMPORTANT TO BANKERS! NEWELL'S Patent Parautoptic Permutation Bank Lock, To Prevent Robbery. THE subscriber has accepted the agency, for the above celebrated and well known Lock,"which is WARKAINTTE.TI to defy the most consummate skill of the burglar, or even the Inventor himself. This assurance may be deemed extri,vitgant; but a critical examination of the principles on which this LoCk, ii constructed, will satisfy any one hnving even a limited knowledge of mechanism that it is welhfounded—and the actual inspection of the Lock for a few minutes will remove every doubt that may arise in any mind. He has numetonss certificates, from Bank officers. Brtkers and (several in this city) who have used the above Lock, which he will be happy to exhibit, and give every explanation to those who may be pleased to call. JAS. rocHRAN, Fire Proof Cliesr and Vault doer Manufacturer, Corner Liberty and Fietory sts., sth Ward, iefd 44r. AG. REIN H ART, being desirous of strictly er!.l • heriog to the new arrangement of the Retail Grocer,, to cloae their stores at dark, respectfully rr, quests his customers to call or sand in their nwiers be fore that hour, and tru4l4 that no inconvenience will rc , stilt to any of them from the contemplated change,' ju4 14. A C IRD