iii he Etail» Morning Post. PiTTSBUIOII4, w VDNESDA Y. JULY '2, 1845 "HA ItTION 1005 " %\'n tee ERY.—The Gazette of yes terday bed a long attack on Francis Kqe(l3, in which iEttandled that staunch old antimason with great se verity and the unfairness fur which the organ of the fifteen whigs Pas'becume proverbial. We will briefly state the close of this attack. Mr K. became, very justly, disgusted at the dishonesty resorted to by the cps clique to defeat the nomination of the old mem bers of the party, and in order that his friends might know ilrow he was sacrificed, he wrote a brief state ment of the matter and requested the Gazette to pub lish it. When the editor discovered the tenor of the arti.4-ber eapressed a willingness to insert it, but re fuklinsitively, to correct any en ors the writer might have made in putting his thoughts on paper. The D..a eon says that he is °tilt 'rive been glad to have pub lished the irtiele verbatim as it would have afforded the best proof of Mr Karns' v ',fitness f ir the office of Clerk of the Court, and the wisdom of the Conven• tion which rejected his This insulting language is used in ref rence to a man who was one of the fathers of anti•masonry in Alle gheny county, and who was fighting mar.fully for that party when the person who now insults him, was pat ticipating in allthe tnysteries of the '•blood stained or- Jet." But more than that; this is the first time we ever heard that the Whigs and antimasons of this county deemed Francis Karns incompetent to discharge the * duties of a public office. They either misrepre sent bim now, or, heretofore they base been willing to .place the interests of the people in the hands of incom petent agents, for this same Francis Kurns was nomi• nated, and by them elected to the Legislature, where, According to the fig authority at that day, lie served his constituents with peat ability. If he is nor incompetent, is it probable that he was then better qoulitied to di-chalge the dories of a pub lic office? We do nut believe that he was. "Live and learn," is a very salutary admonition, from which Mr K., as well as every other man of common sense, can derive some benefit if they will remember it, and, as we believe him to be a seeker after ''useful know ledge," we cannot imagine that a man who was . "smatt"enosgh to represent "till the intelligence" of Allegheny county, in the Legislature some six or seven years since, is now incompetent to do the duties of a •IClerk of the Court." Certainly Mr.K. has increased in knowledge as well as years, and added something to the intelligence that made him once so popular with the whigs and amities. If he has, ee do not believe that it was want of competency that insured his rejection by the W hig Convention; but if he bas not, it rests with the Giseette to show that Mr K. has been “advancing backwards" since the whip elected bins to the Legislature. CLETKL•ND aND CINCINN AT TI RAILROAD. — Thy follOwirigannoUnCeM^ratirrPars in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, of Satur day last. If the citizens of Pittstmigh, when the Rail Road question was agitated a couple of . )ears ago, had evinced the public spirit of the Cleve landers, our Rail Road would not have been an open one. vexing and annoying the people, and nff a-cling to aspiring politicians a chance for making ridiculous "arguments." The certainty of the completion of this Rail Road is most in.et e.ting to Pitt stiorgh, and shoeld give a new spur to the elf Arts of our people to make our city the terminus of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road. Let there he union and concert on this important mutter, and let all minor ques tio n s rest until it is settled. THE RUBICON IS PASSE')." The Stock requisite (25.00 d) to entitled the int-co pe-860n of the Cleveland, Coltimhits and Cincinnati Rail Road has been suh