7 • I I tt'ffietlt - Zatuicott's,Orcqeral Emtgr4tion Office. 7011101111"..1) . enrne'l' of Itlairtrn Lane, New York' if : l.4k! . - .4/ t • CILABIAES A. 111'ANIIITY, Agent, CHDili Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa. - ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1845. pI lt t ti() NS ahem Rendihe for their friends in any "past (4 the OLD -COUNTRY. are respectfully tn f.tothell by the Plthowribers that the same aymem that nltnretteri.ed their how:a', and gave such unbounded sarisfertimi 4 he past year, will be continued throughout the season of I 8 15 . THE'NEW LINE OF LIVERPOOL I'ACKETS The QUEEN O' THE WEST, 1250 tons buri hen. HOTTINGIIER, 1150 " " „LIVERPOOL 1150 " " .I.IOCII ESTER, 1000 " " - 1150 " " SI !MONS, 1050 " "r , t' ..StHERIDAN, 1050 " 1050 " " v-Which ;31,1 , 41600s and magnifteent ship. being com manded .I.y kind. and - experienced men, and fitted tip ism:holiest poseible marine! for comfort and conveni eams,are well. -known to surpass any other Line of pocket 5... •-iis.addis inn to the 'shove splendid Line the subscri- Iwo, are agents for the, Si. George's Line of Liver pool Pack-cis, and The United Line of Liverpool Packets. --ittiwLing a ship from Liverpool ever five days: the possibility of delay is therefore precluded. Mt W Tap• sests.(Jno of the firm) personally superintends the deszartuteof vassels ut Liverpool: suffice it to say, illisfmefore, that the subscribers guarantee to give satis faction to all parties who may send for their friends through them. In all C1131`,1 when those sent for de cline coming, the full amount of money paid fur pas sti‘e will be refunded. REMITTENCES. .Tlvise_wishing to remit money to any part of Grew Retina ur Irelarvi can he supplied with drafts for env amount. front .t„:.1 upward., payable at sight in all the paiscipal town., without discount or nny ether charge. Appiimoinn,if by letter (gloat paid) will meet immedi all atotteciuun by addressing CHAS. A. McANULTY. Canal Resin , Pittsburgh, or W. &. J. T. TA PSCOTT. 76 South street, New York. -Aceory in Liver pool : William Taretcott or 15 Goree Piazze and Oen Itippard & Son. 96 Waterloo Road. Jinn 6 CHOLIC' CHOLIC !! CHOLIC !! ER. THOMPSON'S CARMINATIVE CERTAINA CURL T O R Oholio,Jerez Alorhus, Cholera Infantum, Pne evilesr:N,Svoinrner C••mrlarnla. Dterehan. and another, fatal dotordera en the bowels of Janis. r:WP Percorm of all agra. an 1 in all .triges of the ' 4l.ool ."rnrillflaintg, r'Sn flag it with a certainty of a per m frne-nt rare. Pergrma travelling . ..l.o,lld always have a Atipply with them for it can he relied upon R 8 giving almost im triediato relief from pain. the prlnrietor deem= it tinnecesanry to nay new titielr, farther in reaper, to the yirtura of the medi cine, for every one that iiara it will recommend it. PersolLs wiehin¢ any farther information are rearect fallv referred to thefol lowing gentlemen: iWallano Nlarlati, Penn at, near Hand. "..1 .W Woodwell, M Fechler, " corner of Irwin'. altev. Sold whole.a le and retail by W. JACKSON. cur. of I.therty and Wood afa. Price 25 ma. per bottle. N B. All peraona applying for Agency, or all or. der,t foe the above medicine, must be directed, peat paid a 4 ihnyo. m29-tf. DR. A. J. THOMPSON'S Anti.Dp•peptic, Toole and Cathartic Pills. THESE I'l LLS, while they cleanse the stomnch they i-esturo it 4 original tone without creatinE tie bilitv. They likewise produce till the inviEnrating and srkentzthening efrocts of n most approved Tonic; thus nceompliyhing a dosidetol,ll of a Cat tem ic Alterative /tad the beat ever known Tonic medicine, whose Il4l' fatness can be relied upon in all ilio.o• diseases oriEi flitting from the derangement of the Alimentary Canal directly. or Billary Secretions indirectly: •tieli ns Sick Ileatinche, Dyspensia. Ilemerhnids orl'iles. Chronic Diarrl to t. Sick Stoorich. Hartborn. Vertigo. De n rayed. Appetite and Fool St.enncli. Surfeit from in ',roper:no Eating of Drinking, &c. Weirrrinted Pirrely Ver.Prable. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. ,49 PreparNl by Hit• proprietor. A.. 1. THOMPSON. M. D. "-And .01.1 vlioks,do find reinil by my Agent, W. .1 , rx4,-,‘; at 111: Patent Medicine \Vnreiinuse, curner 11' , i0.1 an I Libci sts , Pittsburgh. -mriti 30 if John Cartwright, 17T f.}..11 rind S;orfie:ll Inqtrinnent Mannfacturer J N o I lo Wood ,treet, two dour 3 from Virgin al !(•v. l'a. N. 8.-41,- ov ,, nn {Mini nn IntenKive n.e.ortment of S.lr6eal end ricmtnl in qrtimentq, Bani:er's. Tailor's 1 1a 4 ter' , ..•1-Inir Dres.er'. and Tanner's Patent Shears SNAtiler'N Ternlß, Trussrs, &o. le 24. - PRAFLLATT HOTEL, iliac.' corner of Ftrry and Water 'trees, PITTSBURGH. THE nbove estnblisliment his been re-modeled. 1 re-fitted and re-pninted, and is now open for the r..conti,,n of the traveling community. Those favor i n t.r the Proprietor with a cull, will find that nn pains will be spared to conduce to their comfort and conve :.;,,uice whilst sojourning with him; his tables will he nread with the choicest viands and his bar furnished %%4th-the- finest ltrienrs. The Proprietor has also made anrinzernents he which he can accommodate those with h-r•ses and vehicles. W. R. Leech's Expre3s Packet Office is locited GAS FIT'FINGS. ADAMS At.. McSTEEN, No. 11. Fif hstreet,belrreen Wood and Markel this day entererl into partnership for the • rmf ,,,,f ieteo of a ll kinds of Gas-fittings; also, nll kinds of- Brass and Speller Castings, and Brass f.ternyln gvnernt. In thus pre.onting ourselves to the public, we shall make it our particular study to gise general satisfac i,an to all who m* please to favor us with their pa- troringl. All tatier4 exertnea at the shortest nutty.", lintl ou Ow most reasunablet terms. felt 11.1-11. 'merchants' Hotel Re-Opened, BY B. WEAVF.Ii, At recently the Mansion House, Penn street, tear the Canal Pittsburgh, Pa. . - /ME' subscriber having succeeded in obtaining the above benutifnl and retired Mansion has thiaday re.roretted it as the Merchants' Hotel, for the reception and accommlxtation of the Pntifir. The House has holii#i•elittiered commodious. mhtted, painted and new ly furnished, and its situation is the moat pleasant in the City, having a fine opening both in the front and reD r. Proprietor therefore extends his assurances that be will use his best eiforts to render the visits of •hilde tirtivßay, favor him with a call as pleasant and desirable as at any 11 , tel in the City. B. WEAVER, Proprietor, dreteeithe Mem-Inmate Hotel, eor. Wood & 3d s t , N. B. An Omnibna ttnd Balm-ace Wagon alway s tn whiting to conduct passengers, &c. to and fro, fr e e apr9.9-dtl.l. INIUTICE - E - ' t U R ING a ttmlporuryabseace from the city, which mriy ty•euoy live or six weeks. the Diugurrean Lid ljery will he clo•ed. 'Versom having . hc4inesi with me, will please leave innir r. , Kitaunicatiteits with NleAA:a Ilugus & Bach- Loin eit.) will, fuoi l vatd the TT. A L DRAKE, COMM DOCTOREDMUND LANDIS'S I ' PATENT DOUBLE SPRING TRUSS. For the Melioration and Cure of HUMANITY is deeply indebted to the ingenuity and persev:i.ranco of Dr Edmund Landis, a citi zen of Lancaster. Pen nsylvania ,for a val uable improve ment in the construction of the Truss for the meliora tion of Hernia or Rupture, which, after being careful ly tested by application to a number of patients, has never failed to give relief, and in most caries has proved successful in effecting a permanent cure. This improved Tniss has been submitted to the most emirent members of the medical profession, who, af ter fair trial and examination, have concurred in pro nouncing it an important discovery, particularly as it admits of perfect adjustment to the seat of the com plaint, and of bearing with certainty upon the point where the pressure is required, without admitting of a chance of change or of shifting by any action of the muscles, hip or body,—the outer spring, which is very elastic, only giving, by which arrangement every move ment is accommodated. The suffering and imminent danger to life come- Tient upon that mot distressing of all complaints, JSlrangulalrd Hentia, need never he apprehended by persons who wear this improved Trues, and the patient may cherish a confident hope, that in consequence of the intestine or omenturn never being permitted to protrude in the alightrAt degree, that the distended ring or opening will gradually contract, and a perma nent cure be effected, when the Trusts may be dispens ed with altogether. This Triiss MrIV he very properly termed, Dr LAN DIS' COMPOUND SPRING TRUSS: the springs being 2 in number, the inner and the outer, the latter lying cwt.( the former. The exterior spring is three times the length of the interior, upon the end of the latter the compress or eliptical pad or block is fasten ed, which rests upon the affected part. There is a small adjusting screw, which passes through the outer spring, immediately over the pad or block, and is formed to hear upon any mitt of the block, so that the pressure can he mode to act immediately upon or over the rupture with the degree of force or weight which the case may require. The whole apparatus is so ad justed as to fit any peculiarity of form, at the same time so flexible as to occasion neither inconvenience nor uneasiness to the wearer,while following his usual avneations. The following distinguished members of the Med ical profession have borne ample and un9ualified testi mony to the palliative and curative value and impor tance of Dr Landis' discovery: George B Kerfoot, M D., and John L Allen, M D., of Lancaster: Geo M'. Clelland, M D., Professor of Surgery in the Pennsyl vania and Jefferson College, and Samuel M'Clellaod, M D. Professor of Anatomy in the same college: Sam uel Martin. M D., Professor of Anatomy in the Penn. sykania College, Sze.: James M D., Pro.. lessor of Surgery in Vermont Colleg, e, &c.; John ‘l . Or hank, M D.. and W B Grant, M D. Professor in the Pennsylvania College; Henry G Patterson, M D., PtofessornfMalaria Medica in the Pennsylvania Med ical College; to which we add with pleasure the res pectable names of S Snyder, M I).. J K Neff, M D.. C L Baker, M U., and Henry Carpenter, M I)., of Lanritster. H H McCI7LLOUGH having purchased the parent eight for making and vending the above TRUSS. i. prepared to furnish them to nil who may be affierted with that disease. He in also ' , revered to fill all or ders from Physicians and Druggistig, and solicit,' their patronage. He will attend to applOtc the iniora. inept; believing it to he superior to anvtbinr of the kind ever invented. He }learnt the mice an low that it is within the reach of all. The testimonials of the eminent Physicians, whose names are 'hose append ed, are deemed sufficient rernmmendatinnp. H H Cnr. Fourth & Wood streets, I'itt,',3h fnh .`",!7-,l&velv REMOVED TO No. 124 WOOD STREET, ABOVE FIFTH HATHAWAY'S Patent Rot Air Cooking Stoves Tsubscriber having entered into the strive mess in Pittsburgh, respertftilly inform•the pub lic that he intends carrying it on in its rations branches at the warehouse No. NI IVOOD STREET, above Fifth street, where he will be prepared to supply purchasers with any articles in his line. In at - Wilton to other Stoves which he will have on hand, he has obtained the right to manufacture and sell Hathaway's Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves. This stove is pro nounced superior to any other now in use in the United Stairs; it is more durable in its construction, and bet ter adapted tn the use of baking. roasting and cooking, as it is heated very regularly by confining the air in the stove; and it is a great saving of fuel as well as labor. I will keep on hand n sufficient number to sup ply all demandi if possible; I have five different sizes, an d will sell them on reasonable terms, according to sizes. 1 have now in use upwards of fifty in and about this env; all per in use within six months. Being a ware that the People of 'Western Pennsylvania have been impoied upon by the introduction of new and high ly recommended Stoves which were badly constructed, and having soonfailed and become useless. I will grunt to persons wishing to procure the Hot Air Stove, the j privilege of using it a sufficient length of time to prove " 1 its superior quality before I ask them to purchase. Persons notifying me from a distance by letter, can have stoves put rip at any time, as I have wagons to carry them out; I therefore invite Farmers and all per iling to come and judge for themselves; also to try them HMI prove that it is to your advantage to have one. All orders will be promptly attended to by the subscri bet% ROBERT DONAVAN. RECOMMENDATIONS Miller's Mansion Housr,Sept, ID, 11344. Mr. It Don Av AN-Sir: I have in use one of Huth away's Hot Air Cooking Stoves, which I got front you last Spring. It affords me much pleasure to recom mend it for its excellence. So far as my knowledge extends, I have no hesitation in saying it is the beat stove now in use. I need not particularize its merits, but would advise all disposed to posses nn article of the kind, to adopt the best method of satisfying them selves, that is, to try it; and I doubt nut they will be satisfied. D. R. MILLER. Washington Temperance Houpe, Pitt burgh, Sept. 19, 1844. Mr. R. Do"; AVON-Sir —I have had in rise for five months. one of Hathaway's Hot Mr Cooking Stoves, and I have nn hesitation in saying it is the best stove no w i n u4e, The various kinds of cooking it is calcu- lated to do at the same time, and the small quantity of fuel required, makes it nn object worthy the sitter' Lion of all who desire a good stove. rP, - ' I embrace this opportunity to recommend the Hot Air Cooking Stoves; I have used the one you put up for me constantly all summer, and I must say it is Krand article. I believe it is superior to any other stove now in use in this city. The oven hakes well, and is large enough to bake four large loaves of bread at one time; it also cooks very speedily, and it requires very hit le Ntl. I think them worthy the attention of all who wi..h u good stove; to such I would say, try them and move what they are. net ly MATHEW PATRICK. A Card I. TAKE this method of informing my friends and the public generally, that 1 am prepared to furnish my City and Country , Customers with every tiring in the Grocery. Fruit, and Provision Line, that I usually kept before the fire of the 10th of April last, I have in store a choice selected stock of every thing in the above line of business, which I am prepared to sell en accommodating terms. I sincerely return thanks to my friends and the public generally for the very liberal patronage bestowed on me previous to the fire. and I trust they will continue their patronage towards me, as I am determined to take all pains to accommodate all who may favor me with a call at my old stand, now rebuilt and fitted up new and complete, at No. 60 Water street, between Smithfield and Wood sts., Burnt District. may 26 P. C. MARTIN. 170 0 0 b l' v l ffi: ( l i hi T n T d S ez n 1 2 1 ( 7 sale No 7. Commpreial Row, Liberty qtr ri. THE largest and best assortment of Fans ever brought to this city are now for sale at Z. KINZI-:Y'S Fancy Store, Nu 8(3, Market. street. THOMAS VARNER -- NEW um u G STORE. -- KERR & MOHLER. No. 144, Corner of Wood street and Virgin Alley. J UST received and fur sale, a large assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-Stuffs, &c. which have been recently selected, and purchased with considerable care for Cash. The following corn prise part of the stock just received: Gum Camphor, Spit its Turpentine, Cream Tartar, Cnpal Varnish, Flor. Sulphur, White Lead, Castor Oil, Red " Gum Arabic, Litharge, Epsom Salts,Flaxseed Oil, FI Manna, Venitian Red, Eng. Gum Opium, Spanish grown, Gum Aloes, Chipped Logwood, Flor Camomile, Cam wood, Saltpetre, Fuel lc, Jujube Paste, N l c Wood, Ref'd Liquorice, Brasillette, Liquorice Ball, Indigo. Magnesia, Nntealls. Pow'd Ginger, Oil Vitriol, Nutmegs. Amtafortis, With a gener al ns:ortmont Lon numerous In mcntion, which will be sold for Cash at a small advance on Eastern prices. 1FV1.4 WILLIAM K P.RR will give his attention to thecompoundin g of Physicinn'sprescriptions. m 3 Dr. E. Merit; Dentist, (Of the Burn/ District.) R l' ECTRT LLY informshis &laud. and all those who wish his service s that he hal tak,n en othee in Smithfield street. 2d door from Virgin nlley, where he will now attend all Opt', 111 lona of the Teeth in the Lest manner and at the Fhorte=t notice. Office hoors from 9 till 12, and from 2 till 5. may 2—dawtf. Old Finn Revived. EVANS & McFADEN T HE sulwribers beg leave to inform the friend. and the public, in general, that they have entered into partnerehip for the purpose of continuing the man ufacture of Ploughs, Corn Shelle,A, Plough Castings, Stoves, Hollow were," and all kinds of Casting at the old and well known establishment "EVANS' MILL," No. 10 WATER STREET. Mr. McFaden respectfully solicits a return and con tinuance of the patronage of the friends of the old and former firm of - Evans and McFaden," whilst Mr. Evens also solicits a continuance of the patronage of the frienis of the lute firm of 0. 0. Evans & (70. f.•b 11 di 1 ALLEN FRAMER, Exchange. Broker, nrxi door to the Ea-rhange Bank, between Wood and Markel Jarrett, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank noteA, bought and sold. Sight check' , on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes arid bilk collected. R rrEftvKCY5l IVIn. Bell ,V Co., Jvhn D. Davie, F. Lolvoze J. Painter & Co., ‘ i Pit " har g h ' Pa Joseph Woodwvll, J [IMPS May , Alex.Brongon& Co. t rhiina,slrhia. John H James M'Candless. Cinrinnnti, 0., J. R. M'Detiald. St. Loui+, Mo. W. H. Pope, F,sq.,Pres't Bank Ky. ' t Louisville. WASHINGTON HOTEL, Corner of St. Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, JAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor. _ _ THE proprietor begs heave to ((turn his most grate ful thanks to his friends and the public for pan fusor.., and hopes, by attention, to merit a continuation of their patronage. The house is pleasantly situated near the Exchange; it has accommodation,. for travel- ere, arid a large room fir public tnouting+, dinner or supper pru-ti, REFRF:SIIMENTS Always rends. or prepared on the shortest notice, with the choicest the market will afford. Oysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oysters, received eve ry day during the .741,10r1. The greatest care has bee n taken in the selection of wines and liquors. A varie ty of newspapers are regularly filed in the establish ment. I'. S. A Hot Lunch served up even• day at 11, A. M Fip 18. FASMONSFOR GENTLEMEN. Fashions for Genilemen.—ln Paris, nrcnrding to the authorities, the full dress for yottnix men consists of black dress coat and pants, vest Of while Marseil les embroidered, with a cravat of black satin, or white stnmred cotton, only long eneugh to tie in front or a vest of cashmere embroidered with silk, with a white cravat, as above.—Par it Monthly. WE have just opened a handsome and full as sortment of the above goods—to which we in vite the especial attention of purchasers. Having en larged and improved our selection of goods, WV are at present prepared to execute work in a style superi or to any yet offered. Our whole attention being de voted to customers and their favors. ALGEO M'GUIRE & CO. 251 Liberty street may 8-ti JAMES COCURikN, Corner of Liberty and Factory streeie, Fifth Ward Piathurgh, ANDFACTERER of Mag. tesia Fire Proof 1U Chests, Iron Doors, Grates and Railings; Iron Doors for Bank Vaults, Canal end Rail Road.lrons, together with every description of Smith work. R►FI:R To—Ai Allen, James May, William Holmes, Samuel Church, Lewis Hutchinson, Lorenz, Sterling & Co., John Irwin & Son, Atwood & Jones, A Beeler'. A BEELEN, Esq., Commission Merchant, corner of Front and Ferry streets. and Mr. G. BEALE, Jr., No 74, World street, are Agents for Pittsburgh; and :Messrs. BRYAN and :MILTENBERGER. St Louis, Mo., to either of whom orders may be addressed. Pittsburgh, March 8,1315. dly Select School for Boys. ILT WILLIAMS, will open a Select School for LI • Boys, in the Session-room of the First Pres byterian Church, Pittsburgh, on Monday the 7th of April next. Entrance on Sixth street. TERMS: — PrimaryClaßs, $6 per scholar per quarter of 11 weeks. Junior Class, " 8 Senior Class, 10 ll*j4'l,S[g*j Rev. D. Elliott, D. D., Rev. D. H. Riddle, D. D. Rev. A. D. Campbell, D. D., Hon. Charles Shaler Joseph P. Gazzam, M. D., Charles H. Israeli, Esq. march 27—lyd. Hotel and Boarding Rouse FRANKLIN HOUSE. rr HE ausbcriber respectfully informs his friends 1 and the public, that he has, opened a Hotel and Boarding House, corner oi Sixtn street and Cherry alley, where travellers and others will be accommoda ted on the most reasonable terms. The house is spacious, and has been fitted up at considerable ex pense, and every arrangement is made that will en sure the comfort and render satisfaction to boarders nod lodgers. A share of public patronage is respect fully solicited. ap 22-tf CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ. Aemoval by Fire. T N ron , equence of the fire, J. & P. Blake have re I moved their wholesale Dry Goode Store to No 8, St Clair etreet, where they will he hnrpy to wait upon all who may favor them wah a cull. op Di—thf. OF:O. M. EVANS, JOHN M7FADEN Hawing tried Dr. "not n's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and become acquaintedwith theingredients of its com position, (cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as it is one of the most pleasant tooth washes now in use• DAVID HUNT, Dentist. I take pleasure in stating, having made use of "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," that it is one of the hest dentrifices in use. Being in a liquid form it com bines neatness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel snd removes the tartar from the teeth, its perf•itne yields a fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. P. TI fiETTS, I'v. D. The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an extremely pleasant dentrifice, exercising a most salu tary influence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indispensable members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Having thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure in recommending it to the public, believ ing it to be the hest nrticle ofthekind now in use. M. ROBERTSON, JAMES P. BLACK. R. H. PEEBLES, CHAS. B. SCULLY. - - - . C. DARRAGH, WM. CANDLESS, J. M MOORHEAD, JAS. S. CRAFT. H.L. RING WALT, Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN, Apoth ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Market street, Pittsburgh; and by all the principal Druggists, and at Tuttle's Medical Agency, Fourth at. sep ff i lmir VERY LOW FOR CASH. THE subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of PIANO FORTES of different patterns, warranted to he of superior wot kmanship, and of the beat materials; the tone out to be exceeded by any in thecountry. Removal by Fire. 10, E. SELLERS, has removed his Drug Store to • the head of Smithfield street, No 125. Having by the active exertions of many kind friends, succeed ed in saving a portion of my stock, and having goods on the way, from New York, Philadelphia and Balti more, I shall be prepared in a few days to serve my city and country friends as usual, and shall be very, thankful in this time of need, fur their custom. ap 19. WOULD take this occasion to return his sincere thanks to his numerous friends and the public generally, for the very liberal patronage heretofore be stowed on the Emmet Hotel, and he pledges himself that nothing shall ke omitted on his part to merlt a con tinuanceof their favors. The convenience and beauty of the situation, and the whole arrangements of the house for the aceommodation of guests arc not inferior to anysimilar establishment in or out of the city. His table will always be provided with the best the markets can afford, and no pains will be spared to ensure the comfort of those who may favor the Emmet Hotel with their patronage. a2O-tf WE have received, and will hereafter keep eor stantly on hand, a full supply of Printing Ink in large and small kegs, which we will be able to sell cheaper, than it has heretofore been sold in thiscity. Orders from the country accompanied by the cnsh (IN ALT. CAJWI) will he promptly attended to. PHILLIPS & SMITH, .Ty 1 o—tf Office of the Post and Manufactut cr. FIIIfS VAt , At No. 49, Liberty St., P. DELANY, RESPECTFULLY invites the early amazon of his friends and all who are about supplying themselves with SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, To his present stock, which be has purchased in the cities of PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK, AT stmt. LOWER PRICES THAN HERETOFORE. This stock is large, and comprises EVERY DESCRIPTION Of Fashionable and New Style Goods, in his line of Bitsine:s. The very liberal patronage iven to the subscriber, enmities him to employ per sons competent to cut ami make work in such a style, as will be SURE TO PI,F,ASF,, and at least TWENTY PER CENT LOWER than they can otherwise suit themselves. A glance at the Goods and Prices will satisfy any good judge that he can get BETTER GOODS, AT LOWER PRICES, (made or unmade.) than are to be found at any other establishment, particularly articles of a superior quality. THIS IS THE PLACE Where a GOOD DRESS COAT for from $8 to 9 and $lO, of any fashionable color, CLOTH AND MAKING WARRANTED, Da Modn to order at the same rrioes. CASSIMERE PANTALOONS, for from $3 to $3 50, and $4 and 5 dollars—fine qualities in proportion. Fronch and English Cloth COATS MADE TO ORDER. And ready made for from $l2 to 14, 15, and 18 dol lars. A great variety of V:EBTaIB ADJO 7711VA I ZRY5 Dram most elegant and varied style—ti large assort ment on hand. Every description of TWEED COATS For from 2to 3 and 4 dollar•. Also. n general va riety of other SUMMER WEAR, with a general stock of SHIRTS. STOCKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUS PENDERS, and all other articles in the Clothing line, 20 MINUTES spent in looking through the finery of this establish ment will be better spent, and save more money than could be saved by looking through half the tailot shops in the city, Walk in at 49 ! You will be sure to get exactly what you want—or something better mar 15 La! what malie!‘ fOUr teeth en anasuallv (,lunch J osh'sduleinia tohim Cother night, To make vourn look so, with a grin, replied Josh, I've bought you a bottle of Thorn's Tooth Wash, 'Tis the best now in use, so the gentlefolks say, And since they have tried this, east all others away But to prove it the best to make the teeth shine, Look again, my dear Sal, at tke lustre of mine. Then try this great tooth wash, The 'femberry tooth wash, And see if this tooth wash of Thorn's is not fine. Pittsburgh, Soo. 15, 1842 F. BLUME, Corner of Penn and St.Clairstreet3, opposite the Exchange. Emmet Hotel. West end of the old Allegheny Bridge HUGH SWEENY To Printers. P. DELAY L. S. JOHNS CHARTER PERPETUAL-CAPITAL PAID IN W. DAVIDSON, President, FRED. FRALEY, Scc'y. THIS old and well established Company continues to make Insurance on Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture and property, not of an extra hazardous character, against loss or damage by Fire, Posseess• ing an ample paid up Capital in addition to its unde termined premiums, it cffers one of the best indem nities against loss by Fite. Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be received and risks taken, either perpetually, or for limited periods, on favorable terms GEO. COCH RAN, Agent. 3nouranrc tompanitg. INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS OR DAM AGE BY FIRE. THE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED With the additional security of a STocx CAPITAL. The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co of Phila.--Charter Perpetual. DIRECTORS: George W. Tolsnd, John M. Atwood, Thomss C. Rockhill, Lewis R. Ashhurst, Wm. R. Thompson, George N. Baker. George M. Stroud. John J. Vanderkemp, George NV. Carpenter. WILL make insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire, in Pittsburgh and vicinity, on Douses, Stores and other buddings, and on Furniture, Goode, Wares and Merrhandize, limited or perpetual, in town or country, on the most favorable term,. The Mutual Principle, combined with a Stock Capi tal, and the other provisions of the Charter of thi4 Company, hold out unusual inducements, both of profit and safety, to those desirous of erecting insurance, to which the Company ask the attention and examination of those interested. The Capital Stock of the Company is invested in good and sufficient securities. After providing for the losses accruing to the Company, in the course of its husinestt, the stockholders are entitled to receive out of its income and profits an interest not exceeding six per cent. per annum on the Capital Stock actually paid in—the amount of which interest, it is expected, will be supplied by funds invested—and thereafter, all the remaining profits are to accumulate and be held, in like manner with the Capital Stock, for the better se curity of the assured. But certificates bearing inter est, payable annually, transferable on the books of the Company, and convertible at any time into Capital Stock, will be issued therefor to the Stockholders and insured members, in proportion to the amountof Stock held, or premium paid by them respectively, agreeably to the provisions of the Charter. Those effecting insurance with this company have, besides the usual protection against loss, by the ordi nary method of insurance, the additional advantage of a direct participation in the profits of the Company. without any liability. GEO. W. TOLAND, President. B. M. HINCHN•N, Secretary. The .111 , 4c:diner, who is the duly authorised Azent for the above named Company, is prepared to make in surance, at the Office of the Agency, No. 27. West side of Wood street, 2d door above Diamond alley, and will give tat further information desiced. THOS. J. CAMPBELL Pitt burgh, May 30, 1845. ( je.5.1y.) FIRM AND RILAILINE INSURANCE. THE undersigned, Agent at Pittsburgh for the Spring Garden Mutual Insurance Co., of Phil adelphia, would respectfully give notice that he con tinues to take FIRE RISKS on buildings, merchan dise, &c., and MARINE RISKS on bulls of cargoes of vessel 4, at the customary rates. Application for risks may be made to the undersign ed at the warehouse of Burbridge, Wilson & Co. on Front street, or to Sem'l. Herron at the office of 'he Fireman's Insurance Co., corner of Market and Fifth streets. June 4 JAS. W. BURBRIDGE, Agent. INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE The Citizen's Mutual Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, No. 152, Bereft, Philadelphia, Av alsoL imnseurfhre.d houses, furniture es,sto stores and propertyd n otberbuil dingsgen erally, in Pittsburgh and the surrounding country, against loss or damage by fire, for any period of time. Charter perpetual. No marine, river nor inland transportation risks nre taken by this Company. It makes no dividends among stockholders. After paying the necessary ex penses of the office, the whole accruing premium and interest are appropriated exclusively to meet losses. It is thus enabled to insure on terms nut surpassed by any other Company. JANIF:S TODD, President. DANIEL B. Pour.rsgv, Secretary. A?ency at Pittsburgh, in Burke's building on 9th street, at the office of F:yster & Buchanan. je3. JAS. W. BUCHANAN. The Columbia Insurance Company of Philadelphia, A CoMniNATIoN OP STOCK AND MUTUAL SECURITY, MAKES Fire, Marine and Inland Transportation risks, at the usual rates of other Offices in this city: but these who are or become Stockholders, may insure Fire Risks on the mutual system, which is to pay half the premium in cash, and in lieu of the other half to give an obligation for five times the amount paid in cash, liable to rateable contribution during the term of the policy. in case it should be required. Stockholders have Ibex a chance to save one-half of the premium, and are besides entitled to a full share of dividend. Charter perpetual. The mutual risk lessens in proportion to the amount of insurances. If ten men insure any given sum, each one incurs a risk of 10 per cent.; but 500 men would only incur the risk of oie•fifth of one percent. The Company has been in operation since 1840. Capital subscribed, $lOO,OOO, on which 20 per cent. have been paid in, which amount, with about 20 per cent. more, is safely invested in mortgages and other securities. There is a considerable amount of bonds on hands, to be resorted to in case of losses, before any capital subscribed can be used. This is the great security, end this principle of mutual insurances has given great satisfaction. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks taken on usual terms, as by other offices, and It/ per cent. of the premium returned if thy risk end m Mont loss. C N. BUCK, President DIRECTORS. Josiah Ripka, Charles J. Du Pont, Daniel Lnmmot, Francis G. Smith, John A. Bnrclay, Benj. W. Richards, Wm. M. Young, John Rosencrantz. For further particulars apply to the subscribers, duly authorized agents of the Company, at the agency, in Bake well's Law Building., Grant ortreet. THOMAS BAKEWELT„ WILLIAM BAKEWELL JuSIAH KING. J. FINNEY, JEt. SING & FINNEY, Agents at Pitt.burgh, for the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Phut: VIRE RISKS upcn buildings and Merchandise of r every description and MARINE RISKS upon Hulls or cargoes of vessel, taken upon the most favor able terms. arOffice in Phile [late Duquesne] Hall, immedi ately over the Post Office. N. B. King & Finney invite the confidence and patronage of their friends and the community at large to the Delaware M. S. Insnrance Company, as an in stitution among the most flourishing in Philadelphia —as having a large paid in capital, which by the operation of its charter is constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insured his due share of the profits of the Company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever; beyond the premium actually paid in by him, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious fixture, and in its most attractive form. my9-tf. American Piro Insurance Company Or PHILADELPIA, 500,000 Offl ct cn Philadelphia, No. 72, Wanut at ; Officc of Agency in Pittsburgh, No 2, Ferry at Alec 2, 1895 abvertisenteitto:: THOMAS BOMMDGE, GENERAL Produce, Forwarding & 001112111/118i011 Merchant, Also, Agent United States Portable Boat Line Depet NO. 272, MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. [Liberal advances made on consignments, when required. Refer to—Messrs Wm Wilson & Co.; Evans "and Temple; Heald, Woodward & Co.; geld! &Thompson, ' Pkiladelphia. William IVl'Knight & Co.; Charles A. M'Analty aug24-1y" Pittaiwrgh. T. B. do W. P. CONOVER, Wholesale Dealers to Boots, Shoes, Boat nets, Palm Leaf Hats and Caps, NO. 190 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA. T HEY beg leave to inform Western Merchants that they have a splendid assortment of the shove Goode, and are still manufacturing , lorgely, which they will ,ell at the very lowest prices for Cash, or approved credit. ang 9-tf HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. SMITH, BROTHERS & CO, NO. 188 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. A RE now receiving in addition to the* foram /A. stock a large assortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, AO which they invite the attention of Western *enchants, ang 6-1 y DIcHENNA'S AUCTION MLR 14 NO 64 MARKET STREET, Between Third and Fourth qrs., Simpson's Row,neoir the New Post• Office. Pittsburgh. THE undersigned announces be has found a meat commodious Mercantile HOW" at the above 10. cation, where he will he happy to see his friends, anti all those anxious to avail themselves of every descrip tion of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, rAffircy ARTICLES, and all other varieties of the beat conduc- ted Auction Storm,. The undersigned will be supplied from the East ern cities with a stock of Foreign and Domestic Goods, which country merchants will be induced to putchaaw on ascertaining the prices. Arrangements are in progress by which advances will be made on consignments, and every exertion made to advance the interest of those who confide be siness to the establishment. Prompt and vpeedy sales made and closed. To friends at a distance, the undersigned would say that although he is a member of "the Pittsburgh burnt family," yet his zeal, industry and businesabab its are unimpared, and faithfully will they be devoted to the interests of those who employ him. GrSALE:B OF REAL ESTATE will command, as heretofore, the best exertions of the undersigned. Property disposed of by him, from time to time has always brought the highest prices, and much exceeded the calculations of those who employed him. P McKENNA, The Old Auctioneer. N. B. Having passed the fiery ordeal with thou sands of neighbors, the old establishment, revived at the new location will in future be designated "THE PHCENIX AUCTION MART," By P. McKenna, 64 Masicet St. PITTSBURGH. I'A. P. Aft,K. mnl,• 2-tf John D. Davis, • AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T Corner of Wood aad Stites., Pittsburgh, I S ready to receive merchandizeof every descriptius on consignment, for public or private sale, ehe from long experience in the above business, flatter himself that he will be able to give entire satiafactiot to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on Mos DA r sand Tnuasturn, of Dr, Goods and Caney articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articlan,aess and second hand furniture, &c.. at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sale. , every evening, ar early gas light. aug 1447 WALL PAPER AND BORDERS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN. THOMAS PALMER, No. 47 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa., jo ESPF:CT FULLY invites attention to his plintein extensive and well assorted stock itcluding ell the various articles in his line of business. Frequent addii ions will be mode to the goods, now on hand, by fresh Importations front France, during the wive business season; and the American Paper and Burdens in store, having been manufactured by careful and com petent workmen, are probably not surpassed in style, finish, or brilliancy and durability of colors. The liberal patronage with which the establishment has hitherto been favored, is duly acknowleged, and its continuance respectfully solicited. I . PA, handsome assortment of beautifully painted "Transparent Window Shades".just rec'd, and for sale at prices suited to the state of times. Rags and Tanners' Scraps bought at the hisjoescl market prices. ap 16-tf Wall Paper. Fourth Street Road, Pittsburg's. T Sill DLE, manufactures and keeps constantly for J • sale, WALL PER and BORDERING of every description. Ile has now on hand, a large and splendid assortment of Grazed and Common. Paper, which he offers to sell for cash or barter, es low, if not lower, than they can be bought for of any other house west of the mountains Also, a superior lot of Glazed Green Paper. colored on one or both sides, expressly for Window Blinds, by the dozen or single piece. A liberal discount to those who purchase w sell again. ap HOLDSHIP az BROW NZ. HAVING saved a portion of their stock of Wall Paper from the fire, hive foithe present renew ecl to the second story over James Wilson's Hat store, corner of ‘Vood st. and Diamond alley. The factory, machinery and materials for making paper, are un touched, and they still continue to manufacture. so that they will be able to supply those who May give them a call. ap 1741 fig' Entrance through Mr Vihbour."111W111114411911, Diamond alley. For Coughs! Colds ! ! Couusupptiam — Rt THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY..i ' THIS plea s ant and certain curs for coughs and colds goes ahead of $1144., preparations now or ever offered to: the public. The use of it is so greet that the proprkisv, tor has acme difficulty in keeping a supply for the in creasing demand. Medical agencies, gm:crimp drug gists,coffee-houses, and even bars on steamboats a supply on hand. It is called for - avery sishiseqp._ • will sell in any place. The reason is thisiems . who has a cough or cold by eating a few sticks find themselves cured, as it were, by magic. J'ersons at a distance, by remitting the money, post paid, to the subscriber, will be attended to. Fur sale by the stick, 64 cents; 5 Atioks for Vrt CIP; and at wholesale by WSI THORN, Druegist, 53 Market st, where a general assortment of Drugs and medicines may always be found. _ nov 28 Turning and Sawing. THE subscribers having commenced theism*/ and Sawing business on a large scale, with ads vantages superior to any establishment west of this Mountains, are prepared to execute all orders in their line with neatness and despatch. And they are deter mined to offer to their customers better terms than any other establishment in the City. Call Rnd see. RYAN & GUGERTZ. Firth street, between Wood and Maritet, oppositp Exchange Lank. apr. 14.3 m. Improved Shatter Fasteners. nn HE subscriber has in7ented anti manufactures • IL a s uperior SHUTTER FASTEN F.ft, Issas of malleable iron, and superior to anything of the Wad now in use in thin city, and, he believes in the United states. To be had at any of the Hardwire stores it; the city. and at the matutactory, SmithAeld se., or. per of Diamond alley. J. VOGDEB. jan :4-cll