( 1 31111qtatiO4t , - „.• • t. 4$ ' 1 .41oit's'.d enclat:tmigrAttion Office. 7f3 Sonih St , corner of Maiden Lone, New York' . I,llkr2tif erstO CHARLES A. AI'ADRILTY, Age PR Alit{ ARGEMERTS FOR 1845. PritSONB - itiont"een4iihr fir their frient:l3 in any part of the Ott) COUNTRY. nre re.peetcally ln farmed by the siMieribere that the some system that characteripFittrig:bonse, end-gave - gunh nnbounde,l ParlAfaCtrOrt the pa=t year , will be continued throughout the see stirior 1845: TO NEW LINE OF LTVEP.POOL PACKETS 1211 M The QUEEN OF THE IV E5T,1250 tons hurt hen. " 110TTINGUER, 1150 " " LIVERPOOL, 1150 " " " ROCHESTER, - loon " 1150 " " SU - MONS, - IQSO " " SHF.RIDAN, lO5O " tt " PAPIglilO5O " eariaMous anti mogul neenr smp, being corn rrtanllo by Litistand experienced men, and fitted op in the best possi'ile Joanne' for comfort and corrveni vni+cititil'orell -knoivn to surpass any other Line of packets. tiddltiOn to the - aboce splendid Line the subscri h.irs a resttioltitta * Er'or" ..19 - enstirtos - Lit Of Liver - poliAP-fifekele, aiaci :The. United, Line of. Liverpool P1M1141,1 ! ..i. A 4 144-°°lloll Liverpool ever five tltivti; the p9ltsibility,adetriyintittnirefore precluded—Mt W Tap. scottlogot of Alio firm) personally superintends the ilepnrinte of vtissels at Liverpool: suffice it to soy. t herefore, hat tfil6 sgliscrilisrs f• on rn nose to Five satis faction to fittr4e*" mag send fortheir friends t hroggh them. .Inell ceaes when those sent for de cline coming, the (nil amount of money paid for pas sage-wilt be refunded. HEM ITTENCES -1 4 116 it PriStlihe' 11) renatt money tnanv part of Greet Britain or Ireland can he supplied NVIIII drafts for any aninntit, from np ward+, payable at'sieht in nli the principal towns, without discount or any tither charee. Applical ion,if by letter Croat paid) will-meet immedi ate at,tlteotion by addressing C f HAS. A. McA NULTY, Canal Basin. l'ittshorgb, or W. T. TA PSC'OTT. . 76 South street, New York. A eency iu„ Liverpool ,Tapscott or t 15 Cloree Pinrru and Genßippard & Son. S 96 Waterloo Road. jan 6 MERCHANTS' HOTEL, NORTH FOURTH' STREET, PHILA rrel E sithaetilter, whorlins assisted in the rif Management of the above eatnltliihment for soma years:begs lotaveto announce lo the ituldir that he - hos rented. the STITrIV, and will conduct it on Its own neerient hereafter. Ibis II tel is aittintetl in the verY centre of hnsinesti pasitettaing. mom ample arcomodatinn f t swingers than any sirnilar eatalili:hment in the city, and has great wicitotays• from itt remnrltahla airs To I ha' trtivelher tied tusittetts man. it affords unusual attraction. Every enavenierre for fa well a. in the private and public departments of the .hoose; ( which are very di.tinctiv at - Tainted from each other.) has been prottidral in a liberal manner, and it sell! be the pleasure of the sohteriber to give antislaction to all who may favor him with their patrnnaze. Ile re fers to the annexed named ttuomea of the Hotel Com pritlVllA an nckuranee that the bo,iness of the H o use will be properly conducted. Cell cope, T}lng Wnnl, John For 1, / Trustees, John Siter, Geo Abbott. 111 1 1. V lq-iM John Cartwright, CUTTAT:TraurI Surzirrtl Instrument Manufacturer No 140 lVood Street, taco doors from Virgin al ley, Pittsburg', Pa. N. B.—Always on hand an extensive n.snrtment of Sirrg-leal and Dental instroments, Banker's, Tailor'e, Hatter's, Hair I) r es.:er's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Thols, Trnsses, &c. je 24. Now Goods TUST RF.CEIV ED at 1. K. LOGAN & Co.'s, VP corner of Wood and sth sts., up staire: Organdy and Painted Lawns: Balzorines, Balozrine 'T.awns; Gingham , : Fine Bleached Muslins; Fancy Prints, a large assortment; Silk Parasols; Sun Shades, latest style; hihet and Barazo Shawls; 10-4 Irish Lin en Table Diaper, Son Grass Skirts, Sea Grass Cloth; at large lot, of Gum Suspenders, &c., which, with their former stock of Pty Goods, will be sold All the lowest cash prices. my DIARLATT HOTEL, East corner 1) . 1 - Fe rry and Water strees, PITTSI3IIIIGH. THE above establishment has been re-modeled. re-fitted and re-painted, and is now open for the reception of the traveling . community. Thosefuvar ing the Proprietor with a call, will find that no pains will be spared to conduce to their comfort and conve nience whilst solooming with him; his tables will he srir:laiuliiisigi the choicest viands and his bar fat niched wiAldti* Airiest liquors. The Proprietor has also made arrangements by which he can accommodate those traveling with horses and vehicles. Al. B. I,eech . s Express Packet Office is located in the above house. ap lc. GAS FITTINGS. AD•AMIS & McSTEEN, No. 17, Fifth street,betereen Wood and Market, la AVE tide Ony entered into partnership for the manufacture of all kinds of Gas-fittings; aim], all .kinds of Brass and Spelter Castings, and Brass fittiaga, general. .11,thas presenting ourselves to the public, we shall make it our particular study to give general.satisfac -1111;1.'0,01 who may please to favor us with their pa tram% s. All orders excictitea at the shortest notice, and on the: most reasonable terms. lett 104 f • Merchants' Hotel Re-Opened, BY 13. WEAVER, At recently the lifanxinn House. Penn street, near the. Canal. Pittsburgh, Pa. THE •subscriber haying succeeded in obtaining the titbnve bertittifill anti retired Mansion has this day reopened it am the Merchants' Hotel, for the reception and urromniculation of the Politic. The tlousu has been rentleriTcl c nnimodiuuv, refitted, painted and ncs furnished, and its situation is Ole most pleuititt in the City, baying eline - upcning both in the frot.t and rear. • l'he Proprietor therefore extends his assurances that he will wise his hest eli4rts to render the visits of those W 1 1 .2 Tll y will! LL 4 pleasant and desirable • as tit any II itel in ih e (itv. B. WEAVER, Proprietor, to 4 br, the, .rerclinnts iiiitel, ear. Wood & 3d stS. N. H. 'An Omnibus and fl,ggne:e Wagon ntivnvs in wltkitfg pu,secvrs, &c. 0 and fro . , free nrelinree. apr29-.111.1. • Damaged Cutlery, 1011FIRSON9 leaving Hardware yr Cutlery in n dam ." aged state, can buYe_it ground. polished and re pairer fical ant substantial manner I) ) the, su b. aeriber. Any ordersteft iorilliJoltri W. Blair, No. 120 Iy, e s.la k reet.vrill meet wit b prompt mti•nt k w ., eip ( 16—tf. TI-101AS McCARTITy. I) i 1 RING n temporary absence From the city, may rwetirw five or six %%eeks, the friugurreati Gallery will he clmteri, l'orm-ins haying hu,iiwss with IrT)C, will !Apace 'key* , their communications with Nleari3 Ilugud & Racli n/an Who will forwuta the *arm , to my adiiret.a. lip '.. 1 4.4331 A F DRAKE, Agt. E 11. 47 nalu () b F v l" " —° SC n !7r " ' a f :Si, lia C i o7 stteet. A. C; T, ASS 'NOTICE n -V the , - Prcsille, 3:4 of t4O 13:40: States.,ro rl . r.ill nor luw, I, JAME§ K. - P - Otit,Tregident f rho United Stems of America, do hereby declare nod make known Chet public sales will be held at the and-rinentionoil hind offices in th 3 Territory of lowa, at the periods herEintaer desTenifted, to At the land offitErof DUBUQUE, erimineneinz nn Mniley, the first tiny of September next, for the dia. posol of the public lands within the undermentioned townships, to wit: • North of the base line and errs/ of the fifth principal merrdrar Te* nshipi eiz:ltt-fi've And eighty-fthc, of range ore ; Town9hil ,- eichty•four end eighty five. of range two; Towni.hipa eighty-four, eighty-five, athl eigh!)-six, of ranee three; Townships oighty lour and eighty-six. of range four; Townsbip eighty-four and fractional township eighg five, embracing two islands in the Mississi . tpi river, forming parts of sections one and twelve, of range five; F rac ti ona l town,hip eighty, including part of an island in the Mississippi river, within the limits of sections seven and eighteen. of range six; Fractional township eighty-one, including "Swan island." and the part of "Big Beaver island" within the township, and townships eighty-three and eighty four, of range six; Fracllona( township eighty one, including the por tion of “Bie Beaver island" its limits, Little Rock island, and the south part of an island forming parts of sections fivd and six in the . Migsi6fippi river, of range seven; Towriships eighty-four to eighty-seven north, inclu si% e, of range one West of the fifth principal meredian. Also, at the same place, commencing on Monday, the sixth day of October next. for the disposal of the public lands within the torrahips hereinafter designa ted, to wit: North of the base line and west of the fifth p,incipsl meridian Townships seventy-eight to eighty-seven, inclusive, of range ❑iql; Triwnship= seventy-eight to eighty-eight, inclusive, of range ten; Townships seventy-eight to eight•-six, inclusive, of range eleven; Townships seventy-eight to eighty-nne, inclusive, of range twelve; Township seventreight of ranges thirteen and four teen. At the land °filer nt FAIRFIF.LD, commencing on Monday, the fifteenth day of Septetnber next, la the disposal of the public laude %%Wain the uuticumen tinned townships, to wit North of the base line and west of the fifth principal meridian Town , l4. !overfly-four to seventy-!even, inclu•ive, olr , rnge Townchipi scYcory to seventy-scven, inclik.ive, of rancP F ra ni ionnl townsllip sixty-seven, and township; six• tr, seventy seven, inclusive, cf range twelve. Alsn, nt the slme cominene.ing on Mondne. the twentieth clay of October next. fur the disposal of the pohtic lands within the townships and fraetinnni town.iiii,‘ hereinafter designated, to wit North of the base line and rest of the fifth prinri pit mertdinn. Fractional township ;ivy seyrn, rir,l townships Aix tv eight to so‘pnly-seven, inclusive, of range thirteen; Fractiqn:ii toy. nchip ty—,es en, anti townships bix tv eight to ,;••ventv-ces cr. inclit,ive, of range foorteen; .ixty Cever, and township. six s.•veniv-live, inclusive, ot range filiego; Tows„ hip .ecenty-five of range sixteen The ,n,t half of the s,,uthwest quarter of section e i g ht, in township ,evenly-even notch of range three east of the fifth principal meridian. Land: ;Ippropi lined by law for the ace of s, hurls, Milit u y Jr uthet purposes, will Le excluded from The sales will each he kept open for two weeks, (unless the honk are sooner di=pcsed of.) and no lon ger; and no private entries at land in the townships so offered will be admitu d, until after the expi r ation of two weeks. Given under ins- haul at the City of Wa,thinyton, this ninth day of May, none Domini one iilollsaud eight hundred and fort)div, By the President! .lAS. SHIELDS, CommthAtoner of the General Laud Office NOTICE TO EllE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any lands within the limps of the town.hips above enumerated, is required to establish the stime to the satifaction of the register and receiver of thy proper land office, and make payment therifor, as soon as practicable after seeing this wtict, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale of the township above designated, (embracing the tract claimed;) otherwise such claim will be forfeited, JAS. SHIELDS, Commixsioner of the Grnerat Land Office. m‘22, By the President of the United States. IN pureiance of law, I. JAMES K. Pot.x. President of the United States of America, do hereby de clare and make known that public sales will be held at the undermentioned land offices in the State of M issued, at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit: At the land office at SPRINGFIED, commencing on Monday, the twenty-fifth day of August next, for the dispcsal of the public lands ' ithin the following town ship, to wit. North of the baseline and tern( of the _fifth princi pal meridian. Township twenty-nine; of range fourteen; Township thirty-four, of range nineteen; Town•hips twenty-four of range twenty; To Nnship thin ty-two, of rangers twenty one and twenty fur; Townships thirty three and thirty fuur, of tauge L Well y-fiv ; Tow ri,Lipi thirty, thirty-one, and thirty-two, of r ange thirty tw o; Fractional to wnripa thirty, thirty-one, and thirty two, of range thirty-three. At the land °thee ut FAY El F E, commencing on Monday, the first iluy of Septemher next, for the ilis puial of the 11111,13 v,ithin the following town ships, to %%it: North of the base line and we of the fifth princi 701 meridian Town.hips sixty-livu and Sixty - six, of range four teen; Townships sixty-five and sixty-six, of range fifteen: 1 OWIISiIipS sixty five and sixty-six, of range ei XtVeii; I owns Li ps sixty one, sixty-two, and sixty-three, of ruin sesenteen; TowilAiii [ hi sixty•unt; sixty-two, sixty-three, Shiy four, and sixty-six of range eighteen; Townt,ltilts sixiy-six, of range, ititteleeta, LN only nine, twenty-two, nod twenty 41,tee. At the land office at CLINTON. corny - nem-in. on Monday, the eighteenth day of A(.lgost next, for the diTesal of the public lands within the undetrnen tioned townships and islands in the Mis , .outi river, to Nuith of the base line and treat of Ike fifth princi- pal meridian Township thirty-eight, of range wetity: Township t hint y-tive, of range tv,enty-il,e; 'Township furty-twu , of ranges twenty-eight t\~'Cni W❑lfu•; Township thirty-five; of I ng,e thirty-one; Townships forty-five;forty six, and f , n-ty.seven o r range thirty three; I The smithweg quarter of seotion vile... in township forte-eight, or range thirty-two; 1 Islands numbered fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen, in the Mi,souri river, embracing parts of sections eight, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and tWel/1::, in tOW; , OIipS fifty-one, of rangetwenty-three. hiand numbered-fourteen, embracing parts of sec oils eight, Mite, ten, fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen, (except section sixteen,) in township fifty one, ofrango t xenty•four. That part of island inunbered eighteen, embraced in sections one and two of township tit - Ty-one, liection thing-six of townsliip.fift ) -two, and of range twenty foiTr: .Islundi numbered ten, eleven, twelve, and thirteen embraced in eicetions eighteen and (Unclean of town ship fifty-one of range,twenty-five, and sections twen ty. twenty-tytefkorict.,twenti•ToOr,irt township fifty one, of range twenty-six; islands numbered seven; eight, and nine, embraced in sectiorittAriite#ri, fourteen, fifteen, twenty-Iwo, twenty-throe, twenty-four, twenty-nine, thirty, thiciyr one, and. thirty-two, of township fifty one, of range twenty-seven; and sction* twenty-five and thirty six of township-fifty one, of range twenty eight; Island numbete& six, embraced in sections four and five of township fifty, of range twenty-seven; Islands numbered four and five, embraced in sec tions fourteen and fifteen of township fifty, of ring,• twenty eight,• and sections twenty-nine and thirty-0%0 of township fifty-one,of range twenty:eight; That part of island numbered three, embraced in sections seven and eighteen of township fifty, of range twenty-eight. At the land office nt - PL ArrstlCßG, commencing nn Nlontlay. the eleventh day of Atigu-tt next, for the disposal of the mihlic lands within theunditrmcnttoncd towashi" to wit: North of the base line and west of the fifth principal Township sixty-une, of range thi-ty; Townships sixty-two and sixty-three, of range thirty one; Township sixty-three, of range thirty-two; Township sixty-four, of range thirty-three; The southeast quarter of section sewn in town ship fifty-eight, of range thirty-five. Lands appropriated by law for the uge of schoolw, rnilitaiy, and other purposes, will be excluded frum The sales will each be kept open for two weeks, (unless the lands tire sooner disposed of,) and no longer; and no private entries of land in the townships so off Ted still be admitted until after the expiration of the two ~verk.. Given under my hand at the city of Washington, this ninth (lay of May, anno Domini unc thousand eight hundred and forty five NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to 803 lands within the limits of the townships above en umerated, is required to establish the same to the sat isfaction of the a egister and receiver of the proper land office, and make payment therefor, as soon as praeti coble aPer seeing this notice, and before the day ap poinied fur the commencement of the public sale of the township embracing the tract claimed, (above des ignated;) otherwise such claim will be forfeited. THE subscribers beg leave to inform the friend and the public, in general, that they have entered into partner,-hip fur the purpose of continuing the man ufacture of Ploughs, Cora s, Pluugh Catalogs, Sto,,et;, Hollow scare," and all kinds of Casting at the old and well known eAuldishmelit "EVANS' MILL, - Ni. 10 IVATER STREET. Mr. MrFaden respectfully sulicitA a return and con tinuance of the patronage of the h tends of the old 1111,1 former firm of EN ana aod McFatleri," iAtoist E van; xlsa e,ll irj? a CCM! imiince of the patronage of the filen is of the late firm of 0 . 0. Evarox GEI). M. EVANS, JOHN M:FADEN. Co? r n . f St. Clair and Penn streets, r gh, JAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor. T"Eproprietor begs hinve to return lii.m7ist grate ful thanks to his frien Is and the public lot past fu, or-, and hopes, by atunit ion, to merit a continuation of their patronage. The house is plea sa ntly situated neat the Exchange; it has accommodations for travel ers, and a larze room for public m ietings, dinner or suppyr puitie3. Alwnvi rendy, nr prepared on the Otorte4t notice, with the chidemo the market will afford. Ovßter4 and Oygter Soup, 0140 Fresh Shell Oysters, received eve ry day &trim:, the mea4on. The greateqt care has been taken in the ,election of wines and ligoor4. A varie ty of tiew4papers are regent:ly filed in the establish ment. TAME.; N. POLK Fashions for Genaemen..—ln ' lir, 16, according to the authorities, the foil chess for youitg men consists of black dress coat and pants. vest of while Marseil les embroidered, with a cravat of black satin, or white stamped cotton, only lung enrugh to tie in front or a vest of cashmere embroidered with silk, with a white cravat, as above.—Pat is Monthly. WE have just opened a hand:ome end full as sortment of the above goods—to which we in vite The especial attention of purchasers. Having en- Jai ged end improved our selection of goods, we are at present prepared to execute work inn styl e superi or tn any yet offered. Our whole attention being . de voted to customers and theirfromrs. A I.GEO WCWIRE & CO. 251 Liberty street. meridian By tho Preside i JAS. SHIELDS, Compzissioner of the General Laud Office JAS. SHIELDS. Commissioner of the General Land Office Old Firm Revived. EVANS & DicrADEN WASHINGTON HOTEL, REFRE 4 IIMENTS P. S. A Hot Lunch served up every day nt 11, A. NI ap 13. FASHIONS FOR GENTLEMEN. may 84 JAMES COCHRAN, Corner of Liberty and Factory at reets, Fifa IVard, Piltsburg.h, NT AN IJFA CTURER of Nagle4la Eire Pro - of ill Chests, Iron Doors, Grates and Railino:, 'lron Doors for Bank Vault!, Canal and Rnil Road-Irons, together with every description of Smith work. REFER TO--M Allen, James May, William Holmes, Samuel Church, Lewis Hutchinson, Lorenz, Sterling & Co., John Irwin & Son, Atwood & Jones, A Beeler). A BEELEN, Esq., Commission Merchant, corner Of Front and Ferry streets, and Mr. G. BEALE, Jr., No 74, Wood street, are Agents for Pittsburgh; and Messrs. BRYAN and MILTENBERGER. St Louis, Mo to either of whom orders may he addressed. Pittsburgh, March 8, 1815 rl 1 y Select School for Boya ET WILLIAMS, will open n Select School for 1_ . Boys, in the Session-room of the First Pres byterian Church, Pittsburgh, on Mentlay the 7th of April next. h:ntrance on Sixth street. T E Prim a( yClu Rs , $G per scholar per grainer of 11 weeks. 1 unior Rec. D. F.lliott,-D D., Rev. I). H. Ridalo, D. D., Rev. A. D. Campbtill, D. D., Flon.'eharlPs Sitl;l-, j o seph Y . (,77Am, M. D., Charlea H. malcli 27-13 d. New. Oil Store JOHN M'IIASTERS, JR., AGENT. DEALER in Sperra, Elephant, Seal, Wlrale,Latd Tanner6' arid Linseed Oils. Sperm and Wax Candies; Spirits of Turpentine", White Lead, &c.. Corner of finod and lawisty , orertm, Pk! mar hurch I'n Dr. E. Meritt, Dentist, (Of the Br, rnt District.) RF.SPF.CTFULLY informs his friesick anti all those who wish his services that he has ttik.,n nn (Alice in Smithfield sti cut, 2.1 door from lo' ;if:in Riley, where he will now attend all Opel *lions of die Teel h intim Lest manner and at the kho t ir,t, frcfn 9 till 12, and from 2 till 3. tea, 2-d&wtfl 'At No. 49, 'Liberty St., P. DELANY, jJ ESPECTFULI.Y invites the Owl, attent'on of lie his friends and all who ace about sumlyjog themsclves with SPRING, AND SUMMER CLOTHING, To his present stock, which Le lms pnrchnsed in die cities of rtitT.ADELPHI4 and NEVI Yolift, AT STILL LOWER PRICES TITAN HERE TOrOPE. This stock i 3 largo, and _comprises Of Fashionable and New Style Goods, in his line oßusiness. The very liberal patronage given to the Subacriber, enables him to employ per grins competeni to cut and make work in auch utityle, as will he SURE TO PLEASE, and at least TWENTY PER CENT LOWER than they can otherwise suir themselves. A glance nt the Goods and Prices will satisfy any good judge that he can get - BETTER GOODS, AT LOWER PRICES, Kmadqnr unmade,) than are to he found at any othel establishment, paiticularly articles of a superior quality. Where a GOOD DRESS COAT fur from $8 to 9 and $lO, of any fashionable color, CLOTH AND MAKING WARRANTED, (fT Made to order at the same prices. CASSIMERE PANTALOONS, for from $3 to $9 50, and $4 and 5 dollrotj—fine qualities in proportion. French and English Cloth COATS MADE TO ORDER. And ready made for from $l:2 to 14, 15, and II dol lON. A great variety of VTLIBTBIIIIO TLZBV.I I TAM 7 Oldie most elegant and varied style--a large assort ment on hand. Every description of JAMES K. POLK For from 2to 3 nod 4 dollars. Also, a general va- riety of other SFNIMER WEAR, with a general stock of F R AA EVERY DESCRIPTION THIS IS THE PLACE TWE la) COATS SHIRTS, STOCKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUS TENDERS, and all other articles in the Clothing line, 90 MINUTES spent in looking through the finery of thi: ratablish• meta will he better spent, and save more money thaw. could be saved by looking through half the tailor shops in the city, Walk in-at 49! You will he sere to get exactly what you want—or something better•' • mar 15 P. DELANY. Lu! what snakes your teeth so unusually IA hithl Quuth Josh's duleini a whim t'uther night, "If o make yuurn look so, with a grin, replied Josh, I've bought you a bottle of :lborn's 'footh WuAh, 'Tis the hest now in use, so the gentlefolks say, And since they have tried this, cast all others away But to pi ove it. the best to make the teeth shine, Luuk again, my dear Sal, ut tke lustre of mine. Then try this great tooth wash, The Teaberty tooth wash. And see if this tooth wash of Thorn's is net fine Having tried Dr. u Thoi n's Teti Berry Tooth Wash," and become acquitimedwith t he ingredients of its com position, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, its it is OW3 of the most pleasant tooth washes now in use. DAVID LICNT, Dentist. Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 1342. 1 take pleasure in stating, having made use of "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,'' that it is ono of the hest dentrifices in use. Being in aliquidform it com bines neatness with canOnience. While it cleanser; the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perf•une yields a fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. I'. TIBBETTS, 1... D The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea Bet ry Tooth-Wash," and have found it to be an extremely pleasant dentrifice, exercising a most salu tary influence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indispensable members from- premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. llavingthoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasurein recommending it to the public, Wiwi. ing it to he the best article ofthekind now in use. M. ROBERTSON, JAMES P. BLACK. R. H. PEEBLES, CHAS.B.s.cua Y. C. DAR R. 4 G!!, 11'111% 3P CANDLESS, J. M MOORHEAD, JAS. S. CRAFT. N. L. RING WALT, L. 5..1011,V5. Prepared and sold 11 WILLIAM THORN, Apoth ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Market street. Pittsburgh; and by all the principal Druggists, and at Tuttle's Medical Agency, Fourth st. aep fimir VERY LOW FOR CASIL THE -subscriber offers for sale a . Mtge and splendid assortment of PIANO FORTES of dilrerent patterns, warranted to. be of superior woikmanship, and of the best materials; the tone not to be exceeded by any in theeountry. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn and St.Clairstrea3 r opposite the Exchange, Removal by Fire p E. SELLERS, has removed his Drag Store to JI_L• the head of Srnitlitiold street, No 125. flaying by theactiye exertions of many kind friendS, succeed ed in saving n portion of my stock, and having goods on the way, from New York, Philadelphia awl Bahl more, I shall ho prepared in a row days to serve my city and country friends as usual, and shall he very, thankful in this time of need. Cut their custom. ap Hotel and Boarding House. FRANKLIN liul'SE. TFI E cusbcriber respectfully informs his friends Ind the public, that he has opened a Hotel and Boarding House, manor or Sista sir eat and Cherry alley, where travellers and others Kill be accommoda ted un the most reasenabie terms. The house it spacious, and has been 'fitted up at ennsiderable ex pense, am! every arrangement is made that will en sure the comfort and render ..arisfarticri to boarders and 1014 , 15. A :hare of public patronage ie respect fully solicited. rip 112 . 2.-rf CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ. To Printcrs WT.:have received , and will heroaftcr . kee p cot stantly on hand, a full supply uf Printing Ink ; in large amid imull Legs, which we will be able to sell ch , -,iper than it lin.. heretofore been sold in thiscity. Orders from tit.• r•inirtry accompanied by the rush (N At.t. CASLA) ai;l i.e promptly nttendori PHILLIPS & SMITH, of the P11.41:17111 Manitfdroti..r. .1v 1(1-,f Law Notice. JAMES (' A 1.1, A N fins removed In the chnruberti tx - coined by Aldermen MeNle,tets on Fifth et. between NVood and Sniitld, 11. a 18 F 3tistufture tompaivics, The Columbia Insurance ICoinpueiy of Philadelphia, A COMISINATIOIt.InigCIi /ND; MUTUAL *IRCV Stir , T „lCES:FirN:ltarine and •inhiewl Titartsuprtittion tasks, at the usual ratet of other Oificevin” this city: but these who are or become Stockholiers. may insure Fire Riskiron the mutual system, which is to pay half the premium in cash, end in lieu of the other half to. giyo an ,obligating for five times - the_amount paid in cash, liable se rateable contribution during the term of the policy. in case it should be required. Stockholder. have 'lots a chance to save one-halt of the premium, nod are besidescntitled to a full share of dividend. C:harter.perfteptal.. • The' mutual risk lessen' in profwestion to the amount of insurances. If ten men insure any given sum; each one incurs a ri J of 101 per eetit.; but 500 men woUld only hien! the risk of the fifth!of one per cerit. The Company hes been In operation since 1840. Capital subscribed, $lOO,OOO, on which 20 . per rem.. have been paid in. which amount. with- about 20 per cent. more, is safely itisested in mortgages and WANT securities. There is it considerable amount of bonds on hand to be resorted to in case of losses, before any capita subscribed can be used. This is the great security and this principle of mutual insurances has given pea satisfaction. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks taken on urns) 'rums, as by other offices, end 10 per cent. of the premium returned if the risk end %%idiom. loiu. C N. BUCK, President =MEM Josi,lll Ripka. Charleg Du Pont, Daniel Litinimn, Francis; G. Smith, John A. hardily, Be ll i. W. Richards, Wm. M. Young, Fm further' particulars apply to the siihactiher4, duly autitorized'azents el the Company, at the agenny, in Bake. ell's Law Buildipp, Grant street. THOMAS BAREWELL, may 28. \V I 1.1.1 AM BAKEW ELL. KING & FINNEY, Agents at Pittsburgh, for the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Phila. ritsKs upon buildings and Merchundiieof every description and MARINE RISKS upon Hulk of cargoes of ‘essel, taken upon the most favor able terms.- ri - Oifice in Philo [late Duquesne] Hall, immedi ately over the Post Mice. N. B. King & Finney invite the confidence end patrOnage of their friends and the community at inr4e , to the Delaware M. S. lnsiirance'Cumpany, as an in stitution among the most flourishing in fhiladelphlit —as having a larec paid in capital, . which by the operation of its charter is constantly increusingas yielding to each person insured his due share of the profits of the Company, without involving 'him in any responsibility whatever; beyond the premium actually paid in by him, and therefore as possessing the nut al principle divested of every obnoxious feature, and in its most attractive form. myfr-tf. The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. INCORPORATED IN 1536. Capital paid $3OO 000—Charter perpetual. PREsIDFAZT—B. W. -RtctlAßSs ACTUARY AND TREASURER—JowI F JANES. THIS COM l'A NY effeets instirance on lives, eith er during the life of the applicant, for a specified , period. It also grants annuities and endowments, and is further empovored to receive fanclaun intecest sod to execute Trusts arid manage Estates, either (rem in dividuals, Courts of Justice or Corporations for the true and faithful performance of which the whole cap ital is pledged. Pt entiums of Insurance are very low and every facility is offered fur affecting that same, and every policy «f Insurance fur life is entitled to a Bonus of the protits at stated periods thereby, combi ning the advantages of a Mutual Insurance, with the security of a pet manent Capital. As the public attention has hot been much direc ted to the subject of Life Insurance in this city, the following instances taken from the records ofthe Com pany will show its 'beneficial operation. Policy No. 485.—A man who had insured his life paid his premiums for 3 years, amounting to $4l /40, hen he died, and his wife and family received from the Company $lOOO. Policy No. 546—The insured paid 102 per annum, for two years, when his decease occurring, his 'lustily. received $5OOO. Policy No. 250.—The insured paid but one premi um of $22 50, when his decease occurred., and his family received $l6OO. 1 n case of the death of the party insured, the amount of the policy will be paid with the uttnost promptitude. In order to extend the practice of Life insurance, in this city, and the west generally, this Company has appointed the subscriber theiengent, who will attend to any business; connected with the - objects of the Cor poration. For futtiwr particulars apply to WILLIAM BAKE'IVFLL, Offide in Bakewell's Law Buildings. mar 18-ti3m r's rant st. Pi Itsb;rglt. American Fire Inintance Company OF PRMADELPIA, CHARTER PERPETUAL—CAPITAL PAID IN 500,000. gget to Philadelphia, No. 72, Walnut at qffiet of Agelity ie Pittsburgh, No 2, Ferry it. Wm. Ds v tosoN, President, FRED. FRALEY Sec' . y. Tr HIS old and well established Company continues 1 to make InsUrance un Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture and property, not of an extra hazardous character, against loss or damage by Fire. Posseegni log an ample paid up Capital in add iriotsto4tvietsitit - ' termined ptentiums, it offers one of the best indem- - nities against loss by Fite. Applicatfons for Insurances in Pittsburgh andits neighborhood will be received and risks taken, either perpetually, or for limited periods, on favorable terms by GEO. COCHRAN, Agent. may 2, 1845. Vault Doors! Vault Doors!! CONSTABLE, BURKE & CO" ( Front at.beticern Wood and Sinithfir/d ) HAVING again got their shop re-built, and are preparing to make Vault Doors at short notice and of a superior. workmanship, We would take the liberty testate that the Vaults.of our manuiocture4hat were in the late fire saved their cements in partUet order. I.'orther wears prepared to put on YALL'S PA•rittrr Locks, w hich are opal to anything in Americn,if not superior, for the following. reasons: They commit:be picked; they cannot be blown up with gun-powder; , there cannot be false keys made to open the 10&-, they are cheaper; they ale much mote durable; their keys are more convenient; they , will nut go out Or ortikA slim t, they cannot be opened 3y Os buigfar‘ under the most favorable circumstances. We would further stute, that we are uuthorised to pay any one $lOO who will open the lock without the key. P. S. Two superior BAIVIc Leeks, together with various descriptions of Locke on hand. mav 20:7m A L LEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, next PI door to the Exchange Bank, between Wood and Market streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and, sold. Sight cheekn on the Eastern cities, for sale: Draftit,.nugo, and hint, collected. • itmntaxtrcrs \Wm. Bell& Co., ) John D . Davis, F. Lorenie J. Painter Joseph James May, . _ Alex.Brongon&Co. Jahn H Brow•n&Co. Jame,. M'Cancllevia. J. B. Nl'Donald. W. 11. Pope, Esq.,Prem't Bank m A ii t.. , s ,t H h } ::, s oi .. „ „ , ,, : r z:n a p te p n r t o: r xo s ib t y of A t i nt y:ic w ia it m h a. retainers in reducible I Icrnin, to ho bud at Kerr& Mohler'., Nu 144 Wood st., corneruf Wood and Vir gin Alley. )ant, 1845. Mbeii , ;AiWtrtititantS John Rosencrantz J. FItiNET, JH Pittshare', Pa Philadelphia i Cincinnati 3 O., SSt. Louis, Mn. ry. }Louisville. TUOCAS itostatmar., OKNEAL Produce, Forwarding & COU1:1111.11111111.11 Merchant, Also, Agent United States Portable Boot Line Depot. NO. 272, MARKET ST., PHILA.DELYRIAV (Liberal advances made on consigumenu, w hip required. Refer to—Messrs W m Wilson dr, Co.; Evans and Temple; Heald, Wooduard & Co.; Scull &Thompson, Pisilat6 - #Aits. William M'Knight & Co,; Charles A. M'Aoulty a igt2. 4—l y* Pillagers ; T. B. de W. P. CONOVER, ‘Vholesale Dealers Its ItootP, SMoey Igo ucts, Palm Leal Haig and C'ap',' NO. 190 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA. THEY beg leave to inform Western Merdiants dist they have • splendid assortment of the alro4 . Goods, and arc still manufacturing largely, which the) will sell at tire very lotvest prices for Cash, or approved, credit. aug 9-tf HARDWARE, AND CUTLEAY. SMITE!, lIROTEI4I.II a C 0.., NO. 188 MARXET ST., PHILAISEI.4III4 A RE now receiving in addition to their fovea: A stock a large assortment of auapci, AADI DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND CUITIMY, to which they invite the attention of Western Merchatkts. aug 6-ly McHENNA'S AUCTION 11114,1kr.ti NO (34 MARKET STREET. Betwern Third Stid Froirth sts., Simpson's Ruw,mmese. Ihn New rost.Office, rittsburgh. THF, nutlet signed announces Ile futin'd a most eumntochous Ilercuiitile House, it [No abo‘oTO.' cation, where he will bis happy toseo hi. Moods, tat' ell those anxious to (mil themselves of every drhicrip, Lion of, . n&RDWAILE, FAMOY and all other Varieties of the best.C.uadue- ted 'Auction Stores.. The underAigned wilthe Aupplied from ther'East= et-0 cities with a stock of • Foreign and Domestic Goods, - which country merchunts will be indeced tat - .puichatok. on uscertainiog the !wines. Arrairgements are in progress by which advances will be made on consignments. und eery eirttien made to advance the interest of those whu cainfide - bu siness to the ettnthltghTheilt". -- * Prompt and ~ p eedy sales matte vivirolosed. To friends at a distance, the undersigned uoultsay that although he is a member titttlittsPittoliliotit, burnt ... family," yet his zeal, industiiiltairpforisk its at e unimpa red and faithfully 4 41 4.4 411 01ir - dsivistlill to the iotel emit those who emPlaYkia‘.. -7, -• OF REA L ait'lieretaure, the be.at exertions ur l'o-operty dispasod of by him, freol, al , ,vs,y. brought the'l[tighest ptiees. and tic calculatiultbuf those 1k ho empl..yrd hint. r. Aft:KENNA, - The Old Auctioneer:7- N. B. !laving passed the fiery utdeal - a ithoo.. -sands orneighbors, the oh estubtishutera i. revitial 4' the new It/cation Win in future be de‘ignateal ; “TH.E . AUCTION NAler,!", Ey P. ligalsams, 64 Markt* $C • - • PIiTSBURGH. PA. P. Melt may' if Jolua D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T Corner of Wood and .sattis., Pittsburgh, IS ready to eceivo merchandite of every deberiptio. ton condignment, fur public or private sale, - ant from long experience in the above be-sings', flarte tt ,. himself that he will be able tagive entire satimfactiet to ail aho may favor him with their patroaage. - Regular dales on MON PATISand TH URSDAILY 8, OfDr; Gooddatni fancy Of Onceries,Pittsbufglanwufacturcd aniclas,nes and secondhand ftirnitere;&c., ar2 o i 'doiic - , P. M. Sales every evening,atearlygas light. aug 12-y . WALL PAPER AND DORDE'II . II;p" FReNCII AND AMERICAN. TTIONLAS PAL Di , No. 47 Markel street. Pittsburg.. RESPECT FULLY invites attention-to h t extensive and well assorted stock it.eli • mg all the variousurticles in his line of business. FrrtiuShir additions will be. nuade to the goods; sow on blank bp.- creek Importation* from France, during the,netion2 , business sea.ttm; and the American Paper aid-BOrd3+t ar in store, having been manufactured by careful andosins. -, petent wtnimen, are probably not surrasstditi SlYtti ftnisk,or brilliancy anal durability of itslerrs. The fibersl patronage with which-the ertelbliaihmelot liras hitherto been fathmed. is duly acknowlegedt, sad , - its•contirmancerespeetful;y solicited. -•-• EVP haodAome assonment of beautifully painteit "Timsparent'Vt'imlow'Sbadre - juit rec'diunti.forialo at prices suited to.the.state of times. • -•-: limp oud Tanners' Scraps bougia at the bithen markll prices. • - OT. 16 tf,.'" Wall Paper. tratira Stret4 Roud, Pittsburgh. T SHIDLE, manufactures and keepaßoustmailtfrai*i . - sale,. WALL i'APER aid DORIARING-efl every description. tie has now Ott fined; a..llarl[e , iioirtr plendidassoirmeot of Glazed and Cosmos Parte.. - o hiett tte offens.in Pell for' cask or boeter; acloyst, if mat lower, than they can be bought for of Nalco** house west of the mountains Also, a superior lot of " Glazed Greets Paper, colored un ohe or' lsoth.aidiail - expressly fur Window Blinds, by the dozasrnir site pe - ph.ce. A liberal discount to those who purchase. to sell again. - ap 184154# TIOLDSIIIP •111111 lVjg. " 1 " HAVING saved a portion of tutu Muck' of Paper from the fire, hive for the'present . Se ed to the second ' , tory over James nat corner of V 51. and Diamond .rtrey.. ThelitclVno, machinery and materials fur nt,tking" paper, arc rri touched, and they still continue to anucti,c,,qu'a..lll4,l that they will be able to supply those Who zwti them a ca11.p 64 741,, 2 rf Entrance through Mr Wilsods stoic II Tfullt, 4 Diamond alley. For Coughs! Colds!: Consucoptoktol THORN.',,S PULIVIOSARY CAND . 4 .si•se. . THlSPirsieettrand ' fur . c . 9% 1,16 a'al ..".4 4 ,4 0 1ta1t11l 01ti11if4411164 . premitssioater Vier offered u. the public. The use of it is so grearthat the proprie tor has some difficulty in keeiting a supply for, I,lte-spir creasing dernand. Medical agencies, groceries, dr*/ gists,eoffee.housett,ancl everibars on A!ramt•imats keez,,, a suppiy on hand. It" is called for every Where, aa s will sell in any place. • The reason - is 014: eirry , c,nar' y who has a cough or cold by eating a few sticks firist themselves cured, as it were, by magic. reriena,k, a distance;by remitting the money, post paid, to, a subscriber, will be attended to. Fur sale by tbe ail .3 6i cents 5 Aticki for 25-ct.; arid at vshldesaleby, ... THORN, Drurgist, 53 slisi-het it, where a Ae!lrit t Itssortment• of . Drogs and medicines may allwapt,loE,.,. found. , , nov 21r Turning • and: Banging. rthil e T HE sithseribers hating committed the and Sawing business one large siietti;Atith . vantages ' superior to Any establiiihment west Mountains, are pterareid in exeCUIA nJtqc.ttriA.: , l.lll4irr" line wit Irnetifreii and iiesitittcti. litntatei 'litdeter— mined to offer to their ctintomers better terms than soli ot her estuhlishment in`ibe net: - tail snd see. , ,-% RYAN & GUGERTI I I ;. ~.. j Fifa) street, between Wood and Market, op,posiiu n Exchange Bank. apt, 1.4-3nt..r Improved Shutter Irasteimrs. THE si ni critw.r haa invented and maaufachais'C'. a taiperinr SHUTTER FASTV„NIER, rlittttit if"' malleable iron, Nod anperior to ttatyll 4 l.l4 of ibe kIMi nosy in use in this city, , and,lte 1..ek0. in the United States. To be bad at ahy ta...lo..watre at theeity. and at the manufartory„ sirsithfi4d: net of Diamond alley. J,. VOGb . . jan