PITTSBURGH, PA. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 2, 1845 PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. 0 01111UTTIIC FOIL NAY. J. May, Geo. Ogden V. Lens, Tin Wean ae.—Fur tholes* few days, this region bashes* visited by Copious showers of rain, falling at ehertteeerna*--in abort, we have had the most delight ful April weather• Under its influence, vegetation is ataniug forth with great rapidity, and the trees and illaide an potting en their garb of green 'ex Rtixa.—The late rains have caused a grad ual but tootsiisl rise is the river, and there is now 6/ Set water la the chewed. This is sufficient fur the Urger heats, which ate oanstantly arriving and depart fag. By soma oversight, we published an extract from a Cincinnati paper stating that the river was not earigablefiulther np than Wheeling. This is a state of thins which does not now exist, and has not exist fur nosey years. Whomever boats eon corns to douriveris mairbruble to Pittsburgh. ?WM= AUCTION MART.-P. MlCenna has m• enenwanced - business in Market street, below 4th, Miens he is reedy with his hammer to drive business N Illetwerly , MASONIC NOTICE. Ao adjolowed ecenroursication of Lodge No 45, of A 1r Masora, will be held at the Odd Fellows' Hall, elicitor of Wood street and Virgin alley, this evening, Irrigkr, Mar 2- By order of the Worshipful Master. A. M'CAMMON, 84'. la behalf of the Metairie Fraternity, Lodge No 45 flours their einem thanks to the Odd Fellows for the kind teeder of their Dell, until the Lodge eau make ether arrangements. IrgrA repulsr discourse en the controversy be. meat the Roman Catholic Church, and Protestant Chnnehes, in which, strictures will be made on the Cenatitistion et the Protestant Associates of Pitts. bents and Allegheny. will be delivered by Rev. Hugh Kirkland, A. M.. on Sabbath. May 4, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the rotnnda of New Court House. m 2. 01TICIL NAVIGATION & FINIS INSURANCII COMPANT , ' Pittsburgh, April 25th, 1845. At a eseeting of the Directors of this Company, held this day. it was Reosistad, That a reduction of ft per cent be re quired upset the stock notes, on tbdir maturity, on the in hfooday of July next. Atooloest„ That ail anoornsandation and busineva ness be sequined to be paid of, ie full. as they fall duo. M. ALLEN, President. afar 21141 vr. Clifot of au dlketeny Mutual instrance, No 12, Exelsooge Buildings. April 16111,1345. At a meeting of the Boatel of Directors of this com pany tt was ' , Resolved that an assessment of 20 per cont. be collected cm the premium notes held by the Conspany. payable within 30 days to the Secretary and Treasurer at the office of the company, as per section tend thew of incorptwation." Enteats from the Minutes of that Board. L. WILMARTII, Pres't. at, 17-1 m .1. B. Rotriroos, Scc•y, Illisrcitasts° Betel Be-Opened, BY B. WEAVER, At recently the Mansion House, Penn street, near tie Canal Pittsburgh, Pa. THE subscriber having succeeded in obtaining the sbnore beautiful and retired Mansion has this day re4pesed it as the Merchants' Hotel, for the reception sad accommodation of the Public. The House has bees rendered commodious, refuted, painted and new. ly Tunriabed, sod its situation is the most pleasant in tb• City, having-s-6se opening both in the front and The Proprietor therefore extends his assurance, that he will use his best efforts to render the visits of those who may favor him with a call as pleasant and tilaairabie as at any Hotel in the City. B. WEAVER. Proprietor. Late of the Yerebstats Hotel, cor. Wood & 3.lsts. N. B. An Omnibus and Baggage Wagon always in waiting to conduct passengers, &e. to and fro, free of charge. aprf.,.9-dtlJ. Salmatt'''. 10,000 POUNDS Saleratus, just received and for snle on accommodating J. & J. M'DEVITT, aP No =4. Liberty street 2 HALF Pipes A Seignoue Brandy; Ile Burdeeo= Pale, do; ♦ punt article, jest received and for sal*, by J. & J. M'DEVITT, nen No. 224 Liberty street sinaderks. • _ 10 1 000 riil3coxiPeesSitgaar"C•iuviles. I Thome Cuba Hooey. Just seceived and for sale low, by J. &J. MeDEVITT, aPr 21 - No. 224, Liberty street ry Griot:. 1 K. LOGAN, & CO., corner of Wood and Fifth thj • streets,overJohn D. Davis's Auction Store, buys just received smother supply of fresh and season able Dry Goods, which, added to their previous assort ment, (all of which have been purchased very low in ties 'sewn tity,) enables them to offer great induce mow to time wishing to purchase at wholevale or re tail he sash. They have now oe hand a ;rage assort ment* of Frew& aad English Broadcloths, all colors; Do do Cassimeree, plain and Fancy; Sottiesta, Blue, Blue 811, Mited and Fancy; &swam Cloths, Garabroons, Plaid Linens; Dienolied and Boron Linens, Drillings; Sethi, Casbesere, Valencia and Marseilles Vesting*: Limas Shimming, 5-4 and 8.4, Checks; Dimanimed and Brown /dualist'. Canvass, Padding; Fancy Priate to 25c.; Fine Gingham.; Illesiesy- a easy large assortment and very low; A splendid assortment of Spring Shawls; An worriment of Parasols; Asa s general assortment of other goods usually feudist a Dry Goods Store, all at which will be sold Dew far Cash. ap 28 13" N. B. Large additions expected on the let of armor the Penn Insurance Company, Prrysnenott, April 21. 1895. 5 AT' a lasetieg of the Board of Directors held yes terday it was Resolved, That an in•tainwnt of limper emit, am the capital stock, (being $3 50 per iling%) he required to be paid at the office of the Com pere. es or before the 15th day of May next. ensuing sad an additions/ instalevarit of $2 50 per share eve r, $0 days thereafter, until the whole amount of the Meek hu paid op la full From the Minutes ttp 26-dsf AD pareisasholdiag Policies issued by this compa ny• mo width no loss has been sustained, are reques ted Se sewn theta to t h e office fur cancellation, in ssWelli ere the premium for the unexpired term of will be returned. 'lbe Menton will meet every Tuesday at 3 o'clock P. M. fordo permit* of adjusting all claims which leaf he Mae eflull them fur less. Office in Burke's Sulielags 44 at. J FINN J ap Secretary. Daassiged Oatlary. DZRSONS having Hardware or Cutlery in a dam aged state, can have it ground. polished and re• paired is a neat and substantial manner by the sub , T ,v Nn 120 W0 , ..1 atr• • (:vr.l. - - ap G. M. HARTON, j 12 Water street. rThe Michigan is provided with Evans' Safety Guard. STONE, Master, has commenced run ning regularly, end will continue to run through the season as a Weekly Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday morning at )0 o'clock, and Cincinnati every Thursday morning at the same hour. For freight er passage apply on board. m 26. BUREAU Or COeiT'N, EQUIPM'T AND REPAIR, April 18, 1845. SEALED PROPOSALS (endorsed proposals for hemp) will be received at this Bureau until the 31st day of May next, for furnishing and delivering at the navy-yard, Charlestown. Massachusetts, nn or be fore the first day of July, 1846, four hundred was of water-rotted hemp. This hemp must be equal to the Riga Rein hemp now at the navy-yard, Charlestown. In deciding upon offers, preference will be given to American hemp, if offered at equal or lower price than may be asked for foreign hemp. The hemp must be subject to inspec tion and approved at the navy yard,Charlestown, Mas sachusetts, by persons to be appointed. by and under instructions from this Bureau, and none will be receiv ed which shall not pass such inspection. Persons who may wish to furnish hemp perfectly tree from tow, and ready for spinning, can forward separate proposals fot such hemp; which lump, if the proposals should be accepted, must, like the other, be subject to inspection and approval at said navy-yard before it will be received. Persons making offers must state the price asked per ton of 2,240 pounds, delivered at said navy-yard, and must forward with them an obligation from two persons of sufficient property to become sureties for the fulfilment of the contract to be entered into, in one third the amount of said contract. To diminish the hazard to contractors of forward• ing hemp from the western States, which may not be of proper quality, or sufficiently well prepared, the Secretory oldie Navy has appointed two agents, who will, when requested, inspect hemp that may be pre pared and intended to fulfil contracts to be ma le under this advertisement. One of the agents will inspect the hemp that may be sent to Louisville. Kentucky; and the other that which may be sent to St. Louis, in Missouri. These agents will he furnished with Sam ples of the Riga Rein hemp, excepting for hemp fully prepared for spinning, and with the means of testing the strength of hemp, and will be ready to give all in formation in their power, to enable to contractors have their hemp properly prepared, and to asctsiusin the strength and character of it, before the expense of send ing it to the navy-yard is incurred. It must be dis tinctly understood, however, that the inspection and opinion of these agents is metely to diminish the risk to contractors, by furnishing useful information. The only inspection by which the hemp can be finally re ceived and paid for will be that at the navy-yard where it is to be delivered. J. FINNEY, Ja. Secretary In addition to the bonds which will be required for the faithful performance of the contract, ten per centum will be deducted from the amount of all bills for de liveries, and retained until the completion of the con tract, as additional security for its performance. The remaining ninety per centum will he paid within thirty days after bills, duly approved, shall be presented to the navy agent at Boston, Massachusetts. ap22-w4t • WOW BOOK STORE. BOSWORTH & FORRESTER. No. 43, Market street, next door to Third street, Rv 6 PEST WATZR IS THE CH•NIIIIIL. ARRIVED. Clipper, Crooks, Cincinnati; Belmont. Poe, Wheeling; Louis M'Lane. Jacobs. Brownsville; Michigan, Boles Beavers Lake Erie, Campbell, Beaver. DEPA RTED. Lake Erie, Campbell. Beaver; Michigan, Boles, Beaver; National. Mason, Cincinnati; Mountaineer, Smith, St Louis; Allegheny, Dean, do ; Belmont. Poe, Wheeling; Louis tvl'Lane, Jacobs, Brownsville CHANGE OF HOURS. STEAMBOAT LAKE Eall3, C•PT. THOMAS C&IIPIIIELL. Trig public are respectfully informed that the pro prietors of the Steam Boat Lake Erie have from and after this date changed their hours, and in future will leave Pittsburgh for 13 t 3 o'elock, P. M., and Beaver at B o'clock, A. M. daily. (Sondays excepted.) It will appear manifest upon examination, that the owners of the 'learners Michigan and 'Wisconsin, are determined to drive from the trade the Steamboat Lake Erie ; their course has been and now continues in full vigor to monopolize the whole business; they were not satisfied with having the lion's share of trade and choice of hours in leaving Pittsburgh and Beaver, but now publicly and plainly say they will drive the Lake Erie from the river—a generous public will decide.— Freights and passengers forall portion River and Lake, carded on reasonable terms as heretofore. Apply to THOMAS LYON, Ag't., Pittsburgh, may 1. J. S. DICKEY. Beaver. Beaver Packct. Mat malt THE NEW AND ♦ERT SUPZRIOR STICANI PACWAT LAKE ERIE, Capt. THOMAS CAMPISE! L, has commenced her regular trips, daily. (Sundays excepted,) between Pittsburgh end Bayer. i - Leaves Beaver at 8 o'clock, A. M. " Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock. P. M. The Proprietors of the Lake Erie are prepared to receive and forward at low rates,imight and paAsen gem on Cross Cut and Erie Extension Canals, to iYar ren, Ohio, New Castle, Pennsylvania, Su.. Se v. For freight or passage, apply at the office, No. 55, Water street, next door to Pittsburgh Hotel. apt THOMAS LYON, Agent. N. 13.—The Lake Erie will leave promptly at the hour as alx)va. Pittsburgh and Wheeling Packet. THE Pate and well-found steatner "UTICA," CLARE, Master, has eon menced her trips and will run as a reg ular Packet between PITTSBURGH and WHEEL ING during the season of 1845. For freight or pas sage apply on board or tn jaw 30 J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. MONONGAHELA ROUTE. wake Mat THE PASSENGER BOATS, LOUIS MCLANE, JACMt., Master, CONSUL, Ct.stuar, Master. Will leave hereafter at A. M. innr2o F. MOORFIF.An. AErnt. BEAVER PACKET. The well known steamer MICHIGAN, W. B Botts, Mastcr,has commenced her regular Jelly trips, len% ing Pittsburgh (as hereto fore) at 3 o'clock. P. M.. and Beaver at 3, A. M. Priceeto suit the times, and those whc have no money carried free. The Caine! to Cleveland will he opened as soon as the weather Pill permit; on the opening of which CLARKE & CO'S LINE to CLEVELAND,O.,end MEADVILLE, Pa., will immedintely go into opera tion. For freight or paasstge apply on board, or to 1845. MONDAY CINCINNATI PACKET. 1845 The nese and Splendid Steamer, U. S. M&IL DIONONGAMILA, BARROWS & TURNER Respectfully announce the arrival of their first general invoice of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Now opening at their NEW CASH HOUSE, IN MARKET STREET, Zbp In calling the attention of the Dry Goods fratemit) to unr very extensive, and most elsoice selection of NEW SPRING GOODS, vre take pleasure in being able mutate, that arrangements have been made to present a stock unsurpassed in point of richness and variety, particularly adapted to every chum of trade. Among our DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS, may be found some of the most splendid of this soiree's Importation. Rich Moss Silks in great variety; I package of very recent importation. Superior Exposition Barnes, splendid patterns. Spring Mous. de Leine; 3 packages rettems, new and beantiful. Furnish Ralzari nes and Gingham; Polka, Oas,om and other rich styles. New style fashionable Lawns and Muslin., cheap. Rich Eolienns, Bmnbesines, Silk Lustros. Alparcas. 50 pieces 4.4 Scotch Eariston and other Gingham', from I% to 31 cts. Our Shawl Department has more than usual attractions—embracing Carton, of the newest spring pattern.. Mode and other rich Embd.; Thaw, new style Barrages; splendid Breast, light grand, &obit satin striped and plain Mous. de Leine, with other styles. LADIES' CRAVATS. Aids assortment. Gold Medal and Bajou's Kid Gloves, every shade; silk; spun silk; and Lisle do, of every description. HOSIERY is great variety; gue.shades, Parasols, Pane, i.e., i.e. BONN ETS.-3 cases already received—more on the way—most approved patterns. Neapolitan Lace, Fancy Birds' eye. Florence. Rutland and, unstahle braid; Lawns, beautiful shades; Misses' Polka, &c. RI B BONS.-37 boxes splendid Ribbons, embracing every variety of the newest and most desirable styles and patterns, very cheap; plain satins and Taffetas, every glade and No.; bonnet silks; oil silks; blue black crape; colored Florence; green Barage Foundation; crown linings: marking canvass, Caps, Tabs, dr.c., dec. WRITE GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. I package a Lace ; striped and barred Cambric, for dresses; Linen Cambric ,; Lawns ; Swiss, Book and Mullrdi r n s ; striped barred and plain Sarcenetts ; Bishop Lawn.; bro'd Cap Laces; Thread, Cambric and Lisle Edgings; Inserting.; Furniture Dimity; Drapery; Corded Rubes, &c. !ROW 41,1701 1 I021: Linen Cambric Hditfs.large prioe 124; White Cotton Hosiery, 300 d.n , every style, price 64 cis ; I canon Lisle Edgings, lc per yd.; cases Irish Linens, every (lenty, price from 25 etas; Kentucky Jeans (4 different shades) price from 25 cents. Our veryeatensive assortment of DOMESTIC GOODS is richly worth the attention of purchasers. Cases 4 5 and 6 4 bleached Sheeting Muslim, great variety,price 64 ; very superior and low priced white end brown Linen Damask and Spreads ; bales, Scotch and Russia Diapers, Napkins, Crash, Rce.; bales, 4-4 brown sheeting muslin.; (brand family sheeting,) 54 ; Ticking', every grad& at manufacturers' prices ; Flan nels; Moreena for cushions: Shirting cheeks rind stripes; colored drillings, &c. CASES PRINTED CALICOES And CHINTZ, mire than 300 different patterns, (making probably the greatest and most Orb variety ever °Terrain Western Peonsylvania,) embracing all the little, and fashions of the day, and will he disposed of by the piece or yard, at great bargains; I case fancy, beautiful and rich designs, price per yard 5 cu. GENTLEMEN Are particularly int ited to examine among our Broadcloths, Fancy and Staple Cassimeres ; Sat inetts, of every shade. quality and price; Coatings; Gamhroons; Linen; and other summer stuff's; supe rior styles Vestings; splendid satin scarfs and cravats; rich shirt breasts ; new style Byron collars; Paris Kid Gloves; super silk ; linen and Lisle du.; Hosiery; Linea Cambric Hdlts., extra large size; Spitslfield, Pongee and Bandanna silk do.; suspenders, umbrellas, &c. CASH BUYERAT WOLESALE. Who are not in the habit of buying , up town," w ill find it H to their interest to look in upon us, as our stock is new sod very extensive—v.hes been putchaud within the lest three and tow weeks—wistaria/is of the most de sirable Goods constantly receiving, and we intend at all times to offer the latest styles at the lowest prices, wholesale, and retail. (sp 22--tf.) DAL 31.110111,111 dL 11173.2131131. SIXTY-TWO! LATEST AND CHEAPEST NEW CASH STORE! ! SIMPBON'S ROW, MARKET STREET. J roar doors below 1•01711111 ISTREICT, is being received aaeiteasive STOCK OF NEW SPICING GOODS, Bought of the Manufacturers and Importers, at the lowest Cash rates—NOT AT AUCTION—aII of which will be warranted sound and perfect. -- Ladies' Plain Black Silk,; French, Scotch and American Ginghams, from 121 to Watered and Sniped do ' 44 cents. India and French Satin; 'Cambric, Jaconet, Mull, Swiss, Bishop Lawns, Nan- Marrinesias, French and Scotch Lawns; l Ronk, Victnria, Netts, Wash Blond and Fig'd Cashmeres, De Loins, Alpacas; Swiss, from 31c to $3 50; Coburg, Cloth, French, British and American Chintzes'' Jaronet, :Mull, Swiss, and Thread Edgings and Inser- Lnpin's Bombazine% Berme and Tarlton Shawls and tinge. Scarfs, snrerior (votary; Phan, Bright Colored De Lains, for Children's Dres- Silk, Satin, Embroidered Do Lain; , mes, etc. + Thibet and Coshasere Shawls; Cloths, CllSSilliCrell and Vestings, French and English Black, Blue, Olive, Brentee and Invisible Green Cloths; a superior stock of French, English, and Americnn Cassimerea—Vestingn, Buff Cassimeres, new style Albert Stripes, Marseilles, Merino and Sattu;—Silk, Merino. Cotton and Linen Shirts and Drawers: Stocks, Scarfs, Cravat', Linen Cambric. If sndkerchiefs, French Silk always Elastic Suspenders, Good3ear's thr, Lawn Cravats; superior Silk Hand kerchiefs, a good assortment of Iluesery, etc. O 11117 NKr sow P.rsian Lace; Transparent Lace, Florence Pt id; Devon, Arch Gimp, &e. all of the latest Fashion, oval Clowns nod extra edges; Unpressed and without stiffening, warranted to out wear any other make of Bonnets now in use. Bonnet Lawns, Hernnani Embroidered Ribanda, lastaat style, Satin awl Mantua Bonnet Rib bands, from 12 to 37ie. per yard. UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, PARASOLETTES AND SUN SHADES, Trish Linena,superior make, warranted an Flax; Bird Eye, Scotch and Ibusia Diaper Napkiax; Crash; Border Damask Stairing; 12-4 Barnsly Sheeting, Cotton Sheeting from 5 to 12-4, unbleached 5.4 Welsh Glaze Flannels. Ryan's make, fur which he was awarded the Medal at the late Franklin Institute exhibition, warranted not to rip: if they do, ■ new pair will be given na the retain of the oh/ ones. The Subscriber IA ad who wish to purchase recall and exateinscas his stock i• entirely new, be confident ly believes it will be to their advantere to do an. His facilities fur buying ere equal to those of any other House in the city, G 62 ABSALOM. rtioßßlii. raar 29—d I in A CASID. GEORGE BE ALE, respectfully informs his friends and cuatomers, that he has again opened his BRUSH STORE, at (Mr Wm D Smith's Music Store,) No 88 Wond at., and solicits a continuance of their liheral patronage, extended to him before. ep 18-tf Piano Ports'. TII E subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of Piano Fortes, from $2OO to $450 each The above instruments are of superior work manship„ and made of the best ma/minis; the tone is not to be excelled by any in this country. F. BLUME. Corner of Penn end St Clair streets, oppakeits Ex change Hotel. a • 7 Loa. Notice, TAMES CALLAN has removed to the chamber, occupied by Alderman McMaster& on Filth cat. between Wood and Smithfield. a 18 ••RNOLD's Celebrated Writing Fluid; Red Ink; Stephens' BIM, Black Writing Fluid A large supply of the above Inks received this ail, direct from the importers and for sale by the doz en or single bout* by p 28 J H MELLOR, 122 Wood street. NEW SROE STORE. THE subscriber, after an ab salliaß Bence of two years, has returrwd 4111115 " to this city, would beg leave to inform the Ladies of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he has opened a SHOE STORE, At Ns. 8 St. Clair Street. Next door to Dr. Warner, 'Where he intends keeping a good assortment of LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES. All of his own manufacturing. He would invite the attention of the Ladies to an article of extra fine KID SLIPPERS, which he has made during the winter in Philadelphia; be flatters himself they can not be excelled in this city. ap 24-d2w F. S. TIC/RIIIIITT, 'WATCH! AND CLOCK MAKER, FIFTH STREET. • net - watts X4IX eT AND WWII STRUM (Entrance ort stmt.) WHERE he will attend to all business in his line: Such as cleaning and neatly repairing Watches and Jewelry. letter cutting ."- - e!crits LADIES' SHOES. Removal by rime. el DODGE, Sign and Ornamental Painter, would . inform his friends end the po►lic, that his Shop is now in Mathis' Street, between Sd and 4th, in the basement story of Caleb Lee's Clothing Store, where he is nrepared to attend to all orders for paiating, at the shortest notice. a p 15-1 m liemoyal by Tire. IN consequence of the fire, J. & P, Blake have re moved their wholesale Dry Goods Store to No 8. St Clair street, where they will be happy to wait upon all who may favor them with • call. ap :or= & --- AUCTIONEERS, Tippecanoe Hall, Liberty street, between Strawberry Alley and 7th street. ap 21-tf Pine Wall Papers. THE subscribers have on hand, in a addition to a .1 select assortment of cheap wall papers, which they are daily increasing by new patterns from their manufactory, several lots of very beautiful French will paper of this spring's importation, received sev eral days before the fire, to which they respectrully in. vita the attention of their friends who wish to paper. HOLDSHIP & BROWNE, 'Er Wood st, corner of Diamond alley, ap 24•tf over the Hatstore of Jas Wilson. 600 WAGON HUBS, well seasoned white oak, for sale low. CLOCK k WATGI.MAKKKi s Respectfully inform the public pm- s et etally.that they have opened their es tabliahment at when they will keep constantly en heed • lams as sortment of HOUSE, OFFICE. WORKSHOP, and BEDROOM ALARM CLOCKS, GOLD and SIL VER WATCHES, Jewelry, silver and German and Britannia Table and Tea Spoons, Bee rocket and Pea Knives, Sisson, Accordions, &c. &c., and sell cheep. J. C. KIMBALL AA aorta of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. Atwordions, mailed and domed oo tkos Oxman sotiosond lomat swots. warranted. N. 8, ikons Mantel Cloefra fee oak from $3.50 up. weeds, warranted to keep good thins. op tS.lm 200 BUSES No I Cianistiati Soap a very suntinor article, just received and , for sale RYAN Sr, GtIGERTZ, ap 29-Iw. sth street, nepesita Exchange Bank 8111101118 & VILLINONN, No. 32. kVA atraet, echoers Wood et. sad glee Exithangt Bank. Pittsburgl. auction Z nits. 1 for Zaiiasib Cr, At ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. iS ElulMing Lots at Auction. A I Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of 21 Wood and sth streets, on Friday, May 2d, at 3 o'clock. P M., will be sold without reserve, by order of assignees, Eighteen handsomely situated building Lora. nn Holmes Hill. being Nos 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. 1 30.73, 74, 75, 76, 77. 78, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216 and 217, in Cook & Cat‘att's plan of Lotd, Q.c. These Lots are situate in a pleasant and improving neighbor. hood, and will positively be sold to close the affairs of the Estate. The plan may be examined at the Auc tion Rooms. At the same time and place will be sold 8 shares stock in the Dry Dock Company. Terms at sale. JOHN D DAVIS, tip2l Auctioneer Adjourned Sale °riots, en Fourth It floe& IN essoesquenas of the severity of the weather, the .1 Lots advertised by handbill sad otherwise to be sold on the2r2d inst., is postponed milli tbe 10th day of May nett, for funkyr informatics, enerrire of Mr David Beeler on Fourth Street Road, or to m 21-d&wtd Gold Watches, Jewelry, Ow. RECEIVED, an asson meat of Gold Parent Lever Watches ;• Gold Chain and Keys: " Breast Pin; and Gold Pencils. All of which will be sold cheap for cash by J. K. LOGAN & S. E. corner of Wood and Sul ate., up stairs. apr 28. GLASS STAINING, Ry .1. Newton., Fourtit street Road. near Tail Gate, T H E only Gloss Stainer went of the mountains. A specimen of this glass is to he seen on the steam boat Cambria. All orders promptly attended to. feh. 19—weolif. IL D. mamas, M. D., R EMOVED to Penn street, bet w een Irwin and Hand streets. five doo s below Hand street. ap I Spring Fashion. No 93 Wood St, Third door below Diamond Alley. HAVING JUST RECEIVED FROM wmaNew York, the SPRING FASHION for HAT ., I net now, ptepensd to supply my customers and all those who may please to favor me with a call, with this new and beautiful style of Het. mar 14-ti&n2m S. MOORE. nvan ARTERS, SURGEON DENTIST. 118 Liberty street. A few doors below St Clair st., Plttsburch ep 3. IL Symms, 11AVINO been burned nut, may be found at Messrs 11 Parry, Scott & Co.'s warehouse, 103 Wood st., until he can make further arrangements. One dollen of Letter Copying Presses for sale at a low price, being dm sole remains of his stack and fix tures saved. Persons wanting the article will confer a favor by purchasing. Rp 28 rf Removal. A NTHONY BEELEN has removed his Business to the Warehouse on the Canal, Pena street, lately occupied by John M'Fadan & Co., directly op. posite Wm. Broedhurst's Mansion House. lip 14 Removal by finHE Aubscriber informs his Friends and the pub lie, that he has opened a stew CABINET WARE ROOM, at the corner of Liberty and St Clair streets, over Brown and Reiter's Drug Store, where he is prepared to attend to all orders in his line. Or Entrance on St Clair street. ap IS M. KANE, JR. W. S. ahoy & Co. H AVE removed their office to No 15, Water it., near Ferry. spr. 16. H. H. mlcuLt,ciuou, MAY he found at the Glass Warehouse of Messrs. Parke& Fiannen, No 116 Wood street, where he respectfully invites persons hiving business with him to call Removal. R D. MILLER & Co., have removed to No 194 . Liberty street, where ti.ey are prepared to trans act their usual business. p 15 Cooley & Laird, ltirEil 9 iANT Tailors. may be found in Fetter .o.l man Raw, next door to the corner of Liberty end Smithfield --- Watches aad Jewelry. GOLD Lever Weiches4 5 Silver Watches; 50 gold Pencils; 12 gold diamond pointed Pen•; h ts large assortment of fine. Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Bracelets, Bracelet Snaps, Watch Keys, &c., 6v., just received and for sale at Z KINZEY'S Fancy Store, No 86 Market st. Silver Ware. T ABLE SPOONS, Tea Spoons, Sugar Tongs, But tar Knives, itut.,iintt reeeired and for sale low at Z KINZEY'S, Fancy Store, No 36, Market 4t. Willow Wagons awl Chairs. _ 48 wiLLow WAGONS; 12 do Chairs, just received and fur sale ut Z KINZEY'S Fancy Store, No 86 Market at. Fans! F a / 1 W THE largest and best assortment of Fans ever brought to this city are nnw for sale at Z. KINZEY'S Fancy Store, No 86. Market steep!. ----- Waiters. AFew Ne ts ni a superior quality just received and will be sold very low by Z. KINZEY. apr• 25. No. 86, Market street. Shirt Studs. T HE finest assortment in the city, for sale at Z. K[NZEY'S Fancy Store, No 86 Market sr. Bats and Bonnets. ICASE Leghorn Hats; IS Cases Palm Leaf do.; 3 cases fine Braid 13onncts, just received and 104' I; I be sold very low, by Z. KINZEY, ap 25 No 86 Market st. Parasols, laaskades sad Umbrellas. AGOOD IlVtortment of th e above can be found and will be sold very low, at Z. KINZEY'S Fancy Store, No 86 Market at. Public isle. T Will expose at Public Sale, on Friday. the 9tb day of May next, at 2 o'clock. P. M., on the prem ises, the White Lead Factory. in Birmingham, form erly carried on by Dunlap & Hughes. with all the stock on hand consi!King of dry Lead, Kegs. Casks, Ere , As. Torms cash. S. McKEE, spr.23-2w. Fire tasareacel THE undersigned will take fins risks en buildings for the Sprie s t Oar&ls Mutual hawronen Company of Pii.ladelph.i.o. (Mee at Capt Jet, May's Warehouse, Water st. 3A13 V9' BURBRIDGE. ap 2 Removal by rise. B GRAHAM, Boot tinker, formerly of Scutt* field st, has rentesed to Fourth st,nettdoot ea Mr Knon's Coefeetienary, nines). will be beeps? to 'mein the isallis of his friends, end especially. those whom* indebted to the astablisinftent. op I.& jr PERRY Item removed hie Beet Stare einem the 1 - 1.• late Are to St Clair mallet, eppakits the lis• c l am! , H ote l, besereen Liberty end Penn where •‘., 1.1," Pr?. • • • . , . • • Lots /or Salo. IV }TREE building /ots fur sale on the Foundry la river, neer Arthur' & Nicholson's Fen3ndry. extending from the road on the top of the hill to low water mark; they will be sold separate or all together. Information respecting the terms ran be obtained by ceiling on the subscriber at John, D. Mcliroy's, in the Diamond. There hi a quarry of excellent stone on the proud WS, which if worked would yield more than setfatient to pay for ail the lots. elpr 211-dler. A VALUABLL lot of ground in Burnt figh Diatriet; situate on Third sworn; W.A. tureen Wood and Sinithfiald ate. eoutaining its front ow Third street 23 feet sad runoing paralleU with Wood at ft4i ft. also, A !erne sea contnirAitms two weir briar house with back teriklings and lot situate in Pitt *mein ship, neer the City lie.. Fur further particulars apply to P M'KENNA, Auctioneer ap 26 1 w T HE basement story Room under Algeo, Magnin & Cu'.., No2slLiberty street. This is °deaf the best locations its the city; has an entranceB feet wide, with good show window, extending 21 feet above ground. can be lighted with gas and fitted up to look handsome, size 20 feet by 40. Enquire of T. ALGEO, 251 Liberty st. Howe sad Lot for Bale. sitA THREE story brick buildings, with back buildings, on the corner ((Grant sad Math sta. Inquire of the subscribers. or at this office. EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE Water Power sad Pastery Sites at Pri• Tate Sale. T OFFER at private sale the propetiyealled "Spiting 1. Hill," on the south aide of James River, a sheet distance above the Railroad Bridge, in AIL view of the city, and about twenty minutes' walk from the eel. ore of business, containing abrnrt 120 acres of Lead and Islands, in the river, with factory buildings end dwelling houses for the manager and all the hands that would be necessary to work the factory and farm. The darn end head-gates are nearly new, and very tab stantlatiy built. A very large amount of money has been expended in atone-welling and other imposes meets necessar y for varied and eatonaire indnufactor ing operationa. for which this property is well riekula ted, from its ormilgrohy to - the railroad, and having a large tow of pure opting water, at various elevations of fifteen to forty or fifty feet, which could be advan tageously used for bleaching and chemical and other works necessary to the trade of the city, with pantie and good brick clay conveolent fur the erectice of nay building' required, ' I have obtained a charter from the Legislater. of Virginia. fare term of thirty years to form a cenopeay of any kind of truitrufeatuses that may be desired. under the title of the ' Spring Hill Manefasite.. ring Company." I would prefer to sell the shams prop erty to a compaay, under the Charter, at a very low price, taking one half or one third of the arnoteat in the stock of the company, thereby participating in its increasing value. The situation and building:, are well suited foe a Woolen Factory, having the indispensable requisites of an abundant supply of pure spring water, freedom from dust, and ample space for all the openuiou ne cessary in the manufacture of Flannels,Tweeds. fancy Cassimeres end other Woolen goods, (for which our farmers can furnish on abundant supply of wool.) The buildings, deal. bead-gates, &e., being up, the company would require little capital to do a profitable business, having the advantage of the latest improve. ments in machinery, and could go into operation im mediately. They would have the advantage of a large quantity of water and factory sites for sale to those who may with to put up other manufacittrisug e stablishments. A plan of the property will he shows by Messrs. Brown & Tucker, and further explanatiosse given by them. HALL NEILSON. a 21. TWO large show windows, 74 feet high, by 54 feet wide, with glass perfect. Each window has three large lights. 18 by 36 inelres. For sale low by ALGEO, MAGUIRE & CO., 251 Liberty lit. II ALLMAN, JENNINGS & CO., R ESPECTFULLY inform their friemds a ed cue tamers, that emtogements have been entered into fur the immediate rebuilding of their late burial's. house, on Wood st.; and that in the mesa time dray have removed to the Bacon Warehouse of Meson Hussey & Bro., Commercial Row, Liberty at., Dear the head of Smithfield St., where they are now receiv- ing a large and fresh supply of GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of their friends in general. ap 111 Ressoval by Piro T HE subscriber has removed his Hal sad Cap Manufactory, to No 1014 Wood street. next dooe to It Bard, Leather Merchant, where he will be hap• py to receive all who favor him with a call. Hats of the latest Fashion. WM DOUGLAS. N B. 80 dot wool Hats, White and Black just received No 1014 Wood street, and for sale low fue cash, ep 12—dim. Partnership. HE business of the Saw Mill will hereeftar A conducted by the subscriber, under the firm of Neville 11. Craig &Soo, who will promptly fill all ot• ders for any kind of sawed stuffs. NEVILLE B. CRIAO, ISAAC CRAIG. Outlet Sew Mill, Allegheny, April 1, 1845. n 4. 4• DIAGRAM & BUSNISIIT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HAVE removed their oNce to the Neer Caere llenue, in the room over the Motif 'oollloe. ap 17—tr. CAPS. fikJUST RECEIVED from New York. rum New styles orGentlemen's and Youth's Cloth Ceps. for Spring, and Sommer wear. up 18 S. MOORE, 93 %Vend stress. J)E111 1 SG a ttmporary absence from the city, which may occupy five or six weeks, the DaugutTeas Gallery will be closed. Persons having business with me, will please leave their communications with Messrs Hopis & Boob. man p 7 pi o -d w tr ill fo rward the sante to my address. tt A E DRAKE, Age. CRMER LY of tbe Monongahela Hawk ewer how l: found daily, between V awl 10 °Week Mr. Dubail's, corner of 7th tads amt. leskrow Lame. Bile, netiese v alkr o/6 left for him ap 21.2 w roux:trim a aammeinnr. ATTORNEYS A.ZEANV. OFFICE in Gatzatn's Row ; %ow st,betwilmin VThird and Fourth, mecood awry. Eniwanotrlill Mathew at. $ll-110. ZEZEI *he- TNT ciAlMokaiss* nnnaved reasixs.Psok't v V • Flare eresisine evestlistrinetx 4 doers Ayeet.Sks leis residence, where he cantor found, st. - er7, beim in the day. air 17-tf - WPM and. WraPPAM g 3 4. 1 r. jut Jo spibmacpartaxoehAvyrwAt wimp- Jost recsigrol elklial OSWORM & MIL= it • 26 Ik•okarders &Stational* RPERRY «nt r•-commegice !O. s, r!7•Et.l.y won , rffrratre JAS. McILROT Property For Side. 1S HAMILTON. Attorney at Law. sthat. To Let. P. CtIriNtN3HAM. P. RAMAN. For Saki. NOTICE Edward P•adrleh, DRUGGIST, Removal by litre.