eittigiatknt ttnt ROOKS, IMOTUMES & CO.'S Allrangements for 1845. . BLAKELY & MITCHEL, AGENTS, PITTiIITIRGH, PA. Remittance" to and passage from Great trilain and Ireland, by the "Black Ball or Old-Line of Liverpool Packets." [g " Sailing from Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of each month. PERSONS desirous of sending for their Friends now residing in any part of the"OLD COUNTRY," can make the necessary arrangements with the sub scribism and have them brought out by the above well known ifiPetite " . Line of Packets," which sail from LIVERPOOL punctually on the Ist and 16th of every m onth; elfdby IfiRST CLASS AMF.fttc A N SHIPS, sailing from there EVERY SIX DAYS, during 1845. And as they imidetermined not to depend on any Liverpool House - Or Agent, to see the people's interest taken care or; Mr JAMES D. Roca s, one of the firm, is there, who will remain and see that every thing connected with their business is executed with promptitude and despatch. Should the persons sent for decline coming out, the money will he returned to the partie.s hero, without any deduction, on producing the Passage certificate and receipt. The "Black Ball or old Line of Liverpool Pack els" comprise the following magnificent Ships, viz : The NEW Vont, The CAMBRIDGE, " OEVoRD, " ENGLAND, " Yoßicattlitr, " EUROPE, " MoNTEKUMA, " COLUMBUS. With such superior and unequalled arrangements, the subscribers confidently look forward for a continu ance of that support which has been extended to them so many years, for which they are grateful. Those proceeding or remitting, to their relatives, can at all times obtain Drafts at sigiti for any amount drawn direct on the ROYAL BANK OF IRELAND, DUBLIN ; Also on MCdSrI."PALESCOTT, GROTE., AMES S.; Co., BANKERS LONDON; which will be paid on demand at any of the Banks, or their Branches, in all the principal Towns through out ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALKS. Apply ta, or address (if by letter, post paid.) ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO . . Nn 35 Fulton St., N, or BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Smithfiield street., near 5111, and Penn street, oct 15-d&wtlmv Pittsburgh. Tapscott's General Emigration Office. 76 South St., corner of Maiden Lane, Neu York e 40 1 1. 7 .0. 4 4.0 CHARLES A. 1 rAriII7LTY, Agent, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa. ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1845. PERSONS about sending for their friends in any part of the OLD COUNTRY, are respectfully in formed by the subscribers that the same system that charnicteriood their boost, and gave such unbounded satisfaction the plait year, will be continued throughout the season of 1845. THE NEW LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACKETS NAMELY: The QUEEN OF THE IV EST, 1250 ions burtlien HOTTINGUER, 1150 " " LIVERPOOL, 1150 " " ROCHESTER, 1000 " " " ROSCIUS, 1150 " " " SIDDONS, 1050 " SHERIDAN, 1050 " " GARRICK, 1050 " " Which capacious and magnificent ship, being corn- mended by kind and experienced men, and fitted up in the beat possible manful for comfort and conveni ence, are well known to surpass any other Line of packets. In addition to the above splendid Line the Fubsc ri ben' are agents for the. St. George's Line of Liver pool Packets, and The United Line of Liverpool Packets. Making a ship from Liverpool ever five days; the possibility of delay is therefore precluded. Mt W Tap scott (one of the firm) personally superintends the departure of vessels at Liverpool; suffice it to soy, therefore, that the subscribers guarantee to give satis faction to all parties who may send for their friends through them. In all cases when those sent for de cline coming, the full amount of money paid for pas sage will be refunded. RENTITTF,NCES Those wishing to remit money to any part of Grew Britain or Ireland can be supplied with drafts for any amount, from 1. upwards, payable at sight in all the principal towns, without discount or any ether charge. Application, if by letter (post paid) will meet immedi ate attetention by addressing CHAS. A. McANULTY, Cnnal Basin, Pittsburgh, or W. & .1. T. TA PSCOTT. 76 South street, New York. Agency in Liverpool:— William Tapscott or 15 Goree Piazza and Geo Rippard & Son. S 96 Waterloo Road. jan 6 Emmet Hotel. West cnd of the old Allegheny Bridge HUGH SWEENY WOULD take this occasion to return his sincere thanks to his numerous friends and the public generally, for The very liberal patronage heretoforebe stowed on the Emmet Hotel, and he pledges himself that nothing shall be omitted on his pan to merlt a con tinuanceof their favors. The convenience and beauty of the situation, and the whole arrangements of the house fur the accommodation of guests are not inferior to`any similar establishment in or out of the city. His table will always be provided with the beat the markets can afford, and no pains will be spared to ensure the comfort of those who may favor the Emmet Hotel with their patronage. a2O- tf Washington Temperance Ilovse. Pittsburgh, Sept. 19, 1844. Mr. R. DONAYON—Sir —I have had in we for five months, one of Eluthaway'a Hot Air Cooking Stoves, and I have no hesitation m savior , it is the best stove now in use. The various kinds of cooking it is calcu lated to do at the same time, and the small quantity WALD'S DENTAL PRESERVATOR. lof fire' required, makes it an object worthy the utten• A Superior Wash for the Teeth, I tion of all who desire a good stove. 1110RODUCING at once the most healthy state of the THOMAS VARNER. mouth--Cleansing and reatming the teeth to their natural whiteness; giving hardness to the goms, des- 1 embrace this opportunity to recommend die troying the putrifuctive influence of decayed teeth, Hot Air Cooking Stoves; I have used the one you put lessening in every instance the irritation and soteness t up fur me constantly all summer, and I must say it is incidental to their diseased state, and in fact combin- I a grand article. 1 befit cc it is superior to any other mg in its effect all that can be desired in a Dentifrice. stove now in use in this city. The oven hakes well, Also, a superior Tooth Powder, as recommended i and is large enough to hake four large loaves of bread to the Medical faculty of Philadelphia, by the celebra- I at one time; it also cooks very speedily, arid it requires ted Duct. Hudson. I very little coal, Ithink them worthy the attention of all Prepared and sold by Wm. A. WARD, Dentist, who wish a good stove; to such I would say, try diem Liberty street. aug 31 and prove what they are. oct 11-d&v: 1 y MATHEW PATRICK. To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh. ITHE subscriber most respectfully aggii informs the gentlemen of this city and vicinity, thut he has commenced the BOOT and SHOE mak'ng business in Fourth street. opposite the Mayor's office, at the stand lately occupied by P. Ker. rizan. Having laced ,foreman in some of the most fashionable huotshops in rite Eastern chic s; and bay- ing famished himself with the best French and Ameri can calf skins, he hopes by his attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. To those gentle men who have kindly patronized him he returns his sincere thanks, end can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his \yolk and knowledge of his busi itesetl. A. TERNAN. July 24-tf. THE Works of Rev. Sidney Smith, in 3 vol. A Manual of Examination for Medical Students, with questions and answers upon Anatomy and Physi ology, Surgery . , Practice of Modern Chemistry, Mate ia Modica, Obsteti irks, &c. The Pennsylvania Law Directory,for 1844, in Pam phlet. For sale at the Boni.. Store of sops 17-d I y W. M'DONALD. DOCTOR EDMUND LANDIS'S Lock and &Moe Nisuluilicilis*. PATENT DOUBLE" srmylirc: TRUSS. 1 cassEß OP 152 AND FERRIC STAANTS, TITTSBURNH• For the Melioration and Cure of Hernia. LT AVING removed my manufactory from Binning- HUMANITY is deeply indebted to the lagenuiry AA- bwM,spailosatecl it at thetaboire stand, I would 1.1. and perseirsrance of Dr Edmund Landis, a citis respeCtfbllyinvite my friends and the public generally 'for an • article in m line, vii: Permsylvanin,for avaluablerin . prove. to favor Vlll3 with a call. y y . zee of Lancaster, merit in the construction of the Truss fur the vellum- . Patent Lever Locks, I Cabin door Bolts, Lion of Hernia or Rupture, which, after bele!, careful- Knob, . do Latches, ly tested by application to a number of pattents, has ?A ud i" .. Mortise never failed to give relief, and in most cases has proved Store door, " I Shutter Fustenings. s uccessful in effecting a permanent Cure. Tobacco, Fuller, Timber and . Mill Screws, This improved Truss hai beemaubmitted to the most Housen Screws for Iron Works. emirent Members of the medical profession, who, af- In addition to the above articles I intend to menu ter fair trial and examination, have concurred in pro- facture and keep a supply of Ratchet and Monkey taunting it an important discovery, particularly as it IVrenchea, and Stocks, Taps and Dies, for Steam admits of perfect adjustment to the seat of the corn- Boat purposes. Together with a variety of articles plaint, and of bearing with certainty upon the: point not enumerated. All of the best quality and at re where the pressure is required. without admitting of a duced prices. • chance of change or of shifting by any action of the Locks repaired and Keys fitted; also, Iran and Brass muscles, hip or body,—the outer spring, which is very- Turning done in the best manner and at the shortest elastic, only giving, by which arrangement every move- notice. meet is accommodated. Orders addressed to the manufactory or to Mr 11. The suffering and ,imminent danger to life tense- H. Peebles, Hardware Merchant. Market street, quent upon that most distressing of all complaints, Pittsburgh, will be thankfully received and meet with Strangulated Hernia, need never be apprehended by prompt attention. persons who .vear this improved I russ, and the patient dert 14-elfim JAS. PATTERSON, Jr. ntry cherish a confident hope, that in consequence ofN E W DRUG STORE. -- --- -- the intestine or omentum never being permitted to protrude in the slightest degree, that the distendedKEßß & MOHLER. I ring or opening will gradually contract, and a perma- No. 144, rent cure be effected, when the Truss may be dispens- l Corner of Wood street and Virgin Alley. ed with altogether. UST received and for sale, This Truss may he very properly termed, Dr LAN jfr4hDrug4eaicnesilarinls,pyestuirs, DIS' COMPOUND SPRING TRUSS; the springs &c. which have been recently selected, and purchased being c' in number, the inner and the outer, the latter with considerable care for Cash. The following corn lying (wet the former. The exterior spring is three prise part of the stock justreceived: times the length of the interior, upon the end of the Gum Camphor, Spitits Turpentine, latter the compress or eliptical pad or block is fasten- Cream Tartar, Cepal Varnish, ed, which rests upon the affected part. There is a Flor. Sulphur, White Lead, small adjusting screw, which passes through the outer Castor Oil, Red " spring, immediately over the pad or block, and is I Gum Arabic, Litbarge, formed to bear upon any part of the block, so that the F.psom Salt's, Flaxseed Oil, pressure can be made to act immediately upon or over I El Manna, Venitian Red, Eng. the rupture with the degree of force or weight which G um Opium, Spanish Brown, the case may requite. The whole apparatus is so ad- Gum Aloes, Chipped Logwood, jested as to fit any peculiarity of form, at the same I Flor Camomile, ' Camwood, time so flexible as to occasion neither inconvenience Saltpetre, Fustie, nor uneasiness to the wearer,while following his until i Jujube Paste. Nic Wood, avocations. I Ref'd Liquorice, Brasilletto, The following distinguished members of the Merl- I Liquorice Ball, Indigo. ical profession haveborne ample and unqualified testi- Magnesia, Nutealls, mony to the palliative and curative value and impor- Pow'd Ginger, Oil Vitriol, Lance of Dr Landis' discovery: George B Kerforn, M I Nutmegs, Aquafort is, D., and John LAt lee, M D., of Lancaster; Geo M'• With a general assortment too numerous to mention, Clelland, M D., Professor of Surgery in the J'ennsvl I which will be sold for Cash at a small advance on vania and Jefferson College, and Samuel M'Clelland, Eastern prices. M D., Professor of Anatomy in the same college; Sam- I F - VP Dr WILLIAM KERR will give his attention to eel Martin. M D., Professor of Anatomy in the Penn thecompound in 0. of Physician's prescriptions. m 3 svlsallia College, &c.; James M'Clintock, M D., Pro- lesser of Sitrgery in Vermont College, &c.; John Wilt- Tho Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and bank, M D.. and W B Grant, M D., Professor in the I Trust Company of Philadelphia. Pennsylvania College; Henry G Patterson, NI D., INCORPORATED IN 1836. Pi ofessorof Materia Medics in the Pennsylvania Med- I Capital paid $3OO 000—Charter perpetual. ical College; to which we add with pleasure the res pectable names of S Snyder. M D., J K Neff, M D , PRESIDENT — B. W. RICHARDS. C L Baker, Ni D., and Henry Curpet.ter, M D., of ACTUARY AND TREASURER — JonN F JAMES. Lancaster. rfl HIS COMPANY sheets insurance on lives, eith- H H iIIcC ULLOUG II havirg purchased the patent 1 . et during the life of the applicant, for a specified right for making and vending the above TRUSS, is period. It also grants annuities and endowments, and prepared to furnish them to nil who may be afflicted is further empowered to receive funds on interest and with that disease. Ile is also prepared to fill all or to execute Trusts and manage Estates, either from in ders from Physicians and Druggists, and solicits their dividuals, Courts sf Justice or Corporations for the patronage. He will attend to applying the instil l.rue and faithful pm formance of which the whole cap ment; believing it to be superior to anything of the tatna l d i es,te tl i c y dg fa ed ci . l4ty Pr i e s m o i fr u e m re s d of r, l , %u ti rl: , n c c ti e ng are th v e er s y mi lo w w , kind ever invented. He has pet the vices() low that it is within the reach of all. The testimonials of the and every policy of Insurance for life is enti le I to a eminent Physicians, whose names are above append Bonus of the profits at stated periods thereby, ccinbi ed, are deemed sufficient recommendations. H H NVCCLLOUGH, ning the advantages of a Mutual insurance, with the security of a permanent Capital. Cor. Fourth & Wood streets, Pitts'gli. As the public attention has not been much direei feb 27-d&w ly ted to the subject of Life Insurance in this city, the following instances taken from the records ofthe Com pany will show its beneficial operation. Policy No. 483.—A roan who had insured his life paid his premiums fur 3 sears, amounting to $ll 80, ..hen he died, and his wife and family received from the Company $lOOO. Policy No. 546—The insured lurid 102 per annum, for two' ears, when his decease occurring, his family received $.5000. Policy No. 230.—The insured paid but one premi um of $22 50, when his decease occurred, and his family received $l6Ol. In case of the death of the party insured, the amount of the policy will be paid with the utmost promptitude. In order to extend the practice of Life Insurance, in this env, and the west generally, this Company has appointed the subscriber their agent, who will attend to any business connected with the objects of the Cor poration. For further particulars apply to rt'ILLIANI BAKEWELL, Office in Bakewell's Law Buildings. Grant at. Pittsburgh. New Books REMOVED TO No. 124 WOOD STREET, ABOVE FIFTH 11ATHAWAY'S Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves. ►ii HE subscriber baying entered into the stove busi _._ RC.IS in Pittsburgh, respectfully informs the pub lic that he intends carrying it on in its various branches at the warehouse No. 124 WOOD STREET, above. Fifth street, where he will be prepared to supply purchasers with any articles in his line. In addition to other Stoves which he will have on hand, he has obtained the right to manufacture and sell Hathaway's Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves. This stove is pro nounced superior to any other now in use in the United States; it is more durable in its construction, and bet ter adapted to the use of baking, roasting and cooking, as it is heated very regularly by confining the air in the stove; and it. is a great saving of fuel ns well as labor. I will keep on hand a sufficient number to sup. pli, all demands if possible; I have five different sizes, and will sell them on reasonable terms, according to sizes. I have now in use upwards of fifty in and about this city; all pat in use within six months. Being a ware that the People of Western Pennsylvania have been Imposed upon by the introduction of new and high ly recommended Stoves which were badly constructed, and having soon failed and become useless, I will grant to persons wishing to procure the Hot Air Stove, the privilege of using it a sufficient length of time to prove its superior quality before I ask them to purchase. Persons notifying me from a distance by letter, can have stoves put up at any time, as I have wagons to carry them out; I therefore invite Farmers and all per sons to come and judge for themselves; also to try them and prove that it is to your advantage to have one. All orders will be promptly attended to by the subscri ber. ROBERT DONAVAN. RECOMMENDATIONS. Miller's Mansion Howse,Sept, 19, 1844. Mr. R. DO'S AxAs—Sir: I have in use one of Hath awny's Hot Air Cooking Stoves, which I got from you last Spring. It affords me much pleasure to recom mend it for its excellence. So far es my knowledge extends, I have no hesitation in saying it is the best stove now in use. I need not particularize its merits, but would advise all disposed to possess an article of the kind, to adopt the best method of satisfying them selves, that is, to try it; and I doubt not they will be satisfied. I). R. MILLER. A LLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, A corner of Wood and Thirdstreets, Pittsburg Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheukg on the Eastern cities, fur gale. Drafts , notei. and bills, collected. REFERENCES \Voi. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorenze, J. Painter & Co.. Joseph Woodwell, James May, Ale~C.Bronson&Co. John HBrown&Co. James M'Candless. Cincinnati, O. J. R. M' Donald. ) St. Louis, Mo. W. H. rope, Esq., Pres't Bank Ky. > Louisville. New Oil Store JOHN D.I'MASTERS, in., AGENT. DEALER in Sperm, Elephant, Seal, NVhalc, Laid Tanners' and Linseed OilP. Sperm and Wax Candles; Spirits of Turpentine, White Lead, &c. &c. N. E. Corner of Hand and Liberty streets, Pitts burgh, Pa. mar 3-1:13m mar 18-(13 n ADAMS Si. McSTEEN, G 1 THIRD ST., HAVE this day entered into partnership for the manufacture of all kinds of Gas-fittings; also, all kinds of Brass and Spelter Castings, and Brass fittings in general. In thus presenting ourselves to the public, we shall make it our particular study to give general satisfac tion to all who may please to faxor us with their pa tronng All order; executed at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. feb 10-t f ARECEIVED AT THE NEW k HAT AND CAP STORE. (Observe Yellow Front.) The proprietor would return thanks to his nume rous customers and the public for the liberal patronage bestom.ed, and would inform them that he has received the Spring Fashions for Hats. direct from New York ; which he is prepared to supply them with on the most moderate terms. Not wishing to puff my establishment into notice , but would say to all who wtsh to get a fashionable, Rest and durable Hat at moderate terms, to give men call, and examine my splendid assortment of Hots and Caps. (Rte..°llect, .lrllore Front.) GLASSGOW, No. 102, Wood street, third door Isom Fifth street m 27. Curner of Liberty and Factory streets, Fifth IVard, Pittsburgh, A1 A N . ,:.... E.A , - ,r TUR on DE Doors. r I‘ t 4 . a c g a ie A l i a n a F r i re s: P l roof ron Doors for 'intik Vault., Canal and Rail Road-Irons, together with every descripticn of Smith work. • REFER TO—M Allen, James May, William Holmes, Samuel Church, Lewis Hutchinson, Lorenz, Sterling & Co., John Irwin & Sun, Atwood & J ones, A Beelen. A Bh:ELEN, Esq., Commission Merchant, corner of Front and Ferry streets, and Mr. G. BEALE, Jr., No 74, Wond street, nre Agents for Pittsburgh; and Messrs. BRYAN and MI LT EN B ERG ER, St Louis, Mo., to either of whom orders may be addressed. Pittsburgh, March 8, 1815. dI y LOOKING GLASSES AT EASTERN PRICES. TEI F. subscriber has opened an establishment at No 87 Fourth strevt, a few doors from the cor ner of Wood, where he keeps constantly for sale all kinds of LOOKING GLASSES, at Eastern Prices. He has on hand alarge assortment of Glasses in both hilt and mahogany frames, to which he invites the at tention of Costumers, believing that the quality of his articles and his prices cannot fail to give satisfaction, Pictures framed to order, in neat style, in either gilt or mahogany frames. Canalboat and other reflectors manufactured to or deron the shortest notice. Ohl frames repaired and regilt,so as to look as well as new, on the shortest no tire. J I MORGAN, Agent. mar 23-tf rilLSlMArgil, Pn W E t a a v n e tl7„n i ‘ l . l e a d n ' d m eprleva„fftePrrikeep g Ink ; cpr in large and small kegs, which we will be able to sell eieaper than it has heretofore linen sold in thiscity. Orders from the country accompanied by the cast) (zit ALI. casts) will be promptly atded to. PHILLIPS & ten SMITH, y Office of the Post-and Manufactuter. GAS FITTINGS. Spring Fashions, JAMES COCHRAN, NEW ESTABLISILIIENT. To Printery. jiEBli dIUZvAL, At'No. 49, Liberty St., P. DELAY , RESPECTFULLY invites the Emily attent'on of his friends and all who are about supplying themselves with SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING , To his present stock, which be has purchased in the cities of PHILADELPHIA and Ntw Yott, AT STILL LOWER PRICES THAN HERETOFORE. 'Ms stock is large, and comprises EVERY DESCRIPTION Of Fashionable and New Style Goods, in his line of Business. The very liberal patronage given to the subscriber, enables him to employ per sons competent to cut and make Work it such a style, as will be SURE TO PLEASE, and at least TWENTY PER CENT LOWER than they can otherwise suit themselves. A glance at the Goods and Prices will satisfy any good judge that he can get BETTER GOODS, AT LOWER PRICES, (made or unmade,) than are to be found at any other estahlishment, patticularly articles of a superior plenty. , • TBl B Is. TUE PLACE Where a GOOD DRESS COAT for from $8 to 9 and $lO, of any fashionable color, CLOTH AND MAKING WARRANTED, 07' Made to order at the same prices. CASSIMERE PANTALOONS, for from $3 to $3 50, and $4 and 5 dollars—fine qualities in proportion. French and English Cloth COATS MADE TO ORDER. And ready made for from $1.2 to 14, 15, and 18 dol lars. A great variety of VaBUT &MD ViEBILINTIS Of the most elegant and varied style--a large assort ment on hand. Every description of TWEED COATS For from 2to 3 and 4 dollars. Also, a general va riety of oilier SI'IIOIER WEAR, with a general stock of SEIRTS, STOCKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUS PENDERS, and all other articles in the Clothing Hoe, 20 MINUTES, spent in looking through the finery of thi. , establish ment will be better spent, and save mere money than could be saved by looking through half the tailor shops in the city, Walk in at 49 You will be sure to get exactly what you want—or something better mar 15 La! c hat inakesyout teeth en unusually whithl Quoth Josh's dulcinia to him Cother night, To make yourn look so, with a grin, replied Josh, I' Ye beught you a bottle of Thorn's Tooth Wash, 'Tisthe best now in use, so the gentlefolks say, And since they have tried this, cast all others away. But to prove it the best to make the teeth shine, Look again, my dear Sal, at the lustre of mine. Then try this great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash. And see if this tooth wash of Thorn's is not fine. Having tried Dr. "Thorn's Ten Berry Tooth Wash," and become acquaint.edwith theingredients of its com position, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as it is one of the most pleasant tooth washes now in Use. DAVID HUNT, Dentist. Pittsburgh, Sept..ls, 1842. I take pleasure in stating, having made use of "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," that it is one of the best dentrifices in use. Being in a liquidfortn. it com bines neatness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its pertnme yields a fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS, M. D. The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an extremely pleasant dentrifice, exercising a most salu tary influence over . the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indispensable members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Having thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure in recommending it to the public, believ ing it to he the best article of thekind now in use. M . . ROBERTSON, JAMES P. BLACK. R. If. PEEBLES, CHAS. B.S CULLY. C. DARRAGH, WM. M'CANDLESS, .1. M MOORHEAP, JAS. S. CRAFT. H. L RING IT'AL T, L. S. JOHNS. Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN, Apoth ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Market street. Pittsburgh; and by all the principal Druggists, and at Tuttle's Medical A gency, Fourth st. sep VERY LOW FOR CASH. rp HE subscriber offers for sale a _L large and splendid assortment. of PIANO FORTES of different patterns, warranted to be of superior woilimanship, and of the best materials; the tone not to bo exceeded by any in therountg. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn and St. Clairstreets, opposite the Exchange. Improved Shutter Fasteners. TDE subscriber has invented and "manufactures n a superior SHUTTER FASTENER, made of malleable iron, and superior to anything of the kind now in use in this city, and, he believes in the United States. To be had at any of the ilardwnre stores in the city. and at the manufactory, Smithfield st., cor ner of Diamond alley. J. VOG DES. jen Fancy Hardware, Just Received TTE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he is now opening a fine as sortment of Fancy house-furnishing Hardware, con sisting in part of Table Cutlery, Britannia table and tea spoons; German silver tea and table spoons; Britannia Tea SeLLA, Coffee and Tea Pots, Sugar Bowls and C reit n Jugs, (seperate,) Japanned Tea ‘Vaiters, Bread Trap; Silver Plated and German Silver framed Castors, with 4, 5 and 6 bottles: Britania framed do, Silver Plate Candlesticks; Brass do.. Snuffers and Ti ova; Fire Irons in setts and single pairs; Fire Fenders, (of various sizes;) Chimney Hooks; Solar Lard Lamps, Britannia and Japanned hand ditto. Window and Curtain Bands, Glass Curtain Pins (for blinds) of all the vanons six.es. With a variety of other articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be offered at unusually low prices. THOS. A. HILLIER, Houee•lurnishing Warehouse, 104 Wood it., mar 17. below Fifth. Whelossarliranrists, Grocers, &G, WOULD be consulting their own, and the inter est of their customers, to a very great extent, by purchasing Spices, Drugs ed Dye Wooods in the Eastern markets, whole and in sticks, and getting them ground and chipped at the Franklin Manufaelo ry, Second street. I It is not generally known, but never th eless me, t hat Drugs and spices sold in the East, are lower in price than whole, of course the profit and cost of grinding must be made up by adulteration; dye woods have at I least 15 per cent, and in some cases 25 per cent. of water added to them. Now water, dust, cornmeal and flaxseed meal are plenty here, and we can eat .hem in their purity, if so it pleases us, without pay ng a pepper price with freight and premium added Cinnamon, Allspice, N utmegs, Gumeric, ground, Ginger, Gum Arabic, Gum Aloes, Gum Gamboge, Pumice Stone. Lee Dye, Indigo, Logwood. Cloves and Mace, Fustic, Mustard, Nicwood, Gum Scamony, Cam Wood, Manganese, Brazil Wood, Nut Galls, Lima Wood, chipped, Pepper, &c. 6 cc . 6cc. The Proprietor will not deal in any of the sulkies he grinds as a guaranty that ail tba articles intrusted to him shall remain as pure as when sent to him. N.B.—Lard Oil constantly on hand. july2o-tf. J. S. GWYNNE. ..._ _ For Conchs: Colds :: Costutsoirtious!!! THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY. F THIS pb•nsant and certain cure for i v g. coughs and colds goes ahead of all the -•— - preparations now or ever offered to the public. The use of it is so great that the proprie tor has some difficulty in keeping a supply for the in creasing demand. Medical agencies, grxeries,drug gists, coffee-houses, and even bars on Steamboats keep a supply on hand. It is called for every where, and will sell in any place. The reason is this: everyone who has a cough or cold by eating a few sticks find themselves cured, as it were, by magic. fersoos at a di.tance, by remitting the money, post paid, to the subscriber, will be attended tn. For sale by the stick, 6i cents; 5 sticks for 25 cis: and at wholesale by W5l THORN, Druggist, 53 Market st, where a general assortment of Drugs and medicines may always be found. nov 28 56 WATER STREET. -56 CLOTHING ,STORE. COOLEY & LAIRD, lave removed their Ready Made 'Clothing Store to the apaceious room ONE DOOR BELOW Their old stand, and invite all who wish to buy P. DELANY Unlike some of.their uptown competitors in the Cloth ing business, they have not been in the habit of puffing their goods in an extravagant manner, nor do they in tend to resort to it now. But they can assure the public that they have on hand en entirely new and SPLF:3DID STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, Of the Richest and Newest Styles, Recently purchased in the Eastern cities, under the most favorable circumstances. They have made ar rangements to have their stock FREQUENTLY RENEWED. During the Spring and Summer. As they areregular ly supplied with THE LATEST FASHIONS, And have no cutters in their employ, but those wbo All who may purchase of them may rest assured that they can always be suppplied with A FASHIONABLE ARTICLE? Both in material and make. They would invite eyecitil attention to their sclec tions of BROADCLOTHS, & CASSUSERES, Among which will be found superior and Extra super fine French, German, English and American goods.— They have on hand a fine lot of ECI.XUE. —CON SIST ING OF - - Rich Velvets, Satins, silks, Cassimeres, Valencia and Marseilles Vestings. Collars, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, ef all hinds, and suitable for men of all occupations. Being located near th 4 wharf, they have many arti des prepared expressly for the use of RIVER MEN, To which they would invite their attention. But Can be clothed according to their respective tastes at 66 WATER STREET. 66 We earnestly invite a call from persons wishing to purchase clothing. We know we ran furnish CLO THING as good and cheap as any other house in the city dare offer it. mar 31• if THIS well known establishment, lately occupied by Mr. Allen Brown. is now opened under till proprietorship of the undersigned. by whom its repu tation as n Hotel of the first class will, it is hoped, be fully sustained. Extensive improvements are being made, and it will be put in the most thorough repair— painted and refitted. From its location, being in the marl central part of the city, it is convenient to men of business. Bringing tothedirection this Ho tel an ex perience of more than twenty year*, the proprietor assures his friends and the public in general that. no effort will be spared to render the visits of those who may favor him with a call. pleasant and agree able. B. WEAVER, Proprietor, Formerly of the Mansion House. N. B. An Omnibua and 'Baggage Wagon always in waiting to carry passengers to and from, toe Hotel, free of charge. mar 30-am. TFIE Partnership heretofore existing between Adams & Goldthorp, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 23d of December, 1844. WILLIAM ADAMS. SAMUEL GOLDTHORP. The bnainess will be continued as naval, at 01, Third at., by W. ADAMS. DIONONGAIIELA GOOD AND CHEAP CLOTHING, to call in at 56 WATER STREET are workmen of ACKNOWLEDGED SKILL, ALSO, They have a splendid assortment of SHIRTS, CRAVATS, ALL MANNER OF PERSONS MERCHANTS , HOTEL, CORNER OF WOOD AND THIRD ITREKTS, PITTSBURGH. Dissolution of Partnership. I take this opportunity to return my sincere thanks to my friends and the public, for the patronage 1 have received, and hope by a strict attention to all orders they may please to favor me with, and moderate charges, to meet a continuance of their patronage. All kinds of Gas Fixtures made to order, and put up in the neatest manner. Lamps Cleaned and Re paired equal to new. Turning in general. jan B—d3m NVI,LLIAM ADAMS PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages At Eastern Prices. 911-IF. subscriber manufactures and keeps constant- -1. ly on hand Coach. C and Eliptic Springs (war ranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump Joints, patent Lemlier. Silver and Brass Lamps, Three-fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Dandles and Hinges, &c.. &c. He respectfully solicits a continuance of the patron age heretofore bestowed upon the establishment. WILLIAM COLEMAN, Jan 4. St Clair st., near the Allegheny Bridge. THO AB BostruGE, GENERAL Produce, Forwarding & Comadadoa Merchant, Also, Agent United States Portable Boat Line Dekiot,, NO. 272, MARKET ST., PI-ITLADELPMIL _ ri ppLiberal advances made on consignments, wits*, required. Refer to—Messrs Wm Wilson & Co.; Evans end Templo; Heald, Woody. and & Co.; Scull &Thompson, Pitiladelplia. - William M'Knight & Co.; Charles A. M'Aoulty, aug24-Iy* Pittsbargi. T. B. & W. P. CONOVER, Wholesale Dealers la Boots, Shoes, Boa • nets, Palm Leaf Hats and NO. 190 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA. THEY beg leave to inform Western Merchants that they have a splendid assortment of the above Goods, end aro Still manufacturing largely, which th eZ will sell at the very lowest prices for Cash, or approved credit. sug 9•tf HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. IMOTUZIRS & CO., NO. 188 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, ARE now receiving in addition to their former. stock a large assortment of FOREIGN AND' DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, to which they invite the attention of Western Merchants. c‘t ang 6-ly 111cEENNA'S — AUCTION MART, CORNER. Of WOOD & SECOND 1318. . . IP HE undersigned very respectfully tenders his see- I. vices to the public, and to lmportets,Merchanti and Manufacturers, as a general • -. AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT. He has taken out a license and entered into the securi ties required by law, for the transaction of' PUBLIC SALES of all FORZIGN AND DOBILITIC GOOD! LCD FA BRICE'. An experience of a series of years in commercial life has furnished the undersigned with some knowl edge of business, nearly twenty years of which hive 'been devoted aetivety to the auction business, which may be advantageous to those who confide to I him the sales of property. To the IC PORTER every facility will be offered in is. posing of Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware: and to the Home Manufacturer, the most prompt at tention will be paid in the sale-of Amerieanproductra Sales of real and personal estate in town and Coun try shall command the best services of the undersign ed. Arrangements will be made whereby liberal ad vances will be made on consignments, and salei in every instance closed without delay. Business is now commenced and ready to receive consignments. P McKENNA, . The Old Auctioeeei. By permission I am authorised to give the foliow big references. Avery, °Oen & Co. Wm. M'Knight & Co. ' ar Tiernan & Jones, Jame Murphy & Co. James Park, Jr., & Co. J. W. Burbridge & Coz Wm. Bell & Sons, D P. Morgan, Waterman Palmer, Bagaley &Smith, E. A. Brown* Bro's. Shea & Penrux:k, Geo. R. White & Co. S. W. Semple, Samuel Spencer, Robert Galway. Bailey & Co. Myers & Co. J. Painter & Co. Taaffe& O'Connor, King & Holmes, Johnston &Stockton, 1 Bailey, Brown & Co. Geo. Cochran, Thomas Bakewell, thumb & Carmbers, • H. Childs &Co. N. Holmes & Son, Wm. E. Austin, M'Condless & M'Clurs, . IH. S. Magraw. C. IWKibben. • Allen Brown, J. M. D. Crosoon, H. P. Graff, H. Devine. PHILADALPHIA. John H. Brown & Cu. Smith, Regality &Co John S. Riddle. lgobert Dunlap. James O'Connor, H. Alexander. ,July 2,1844. John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T Co, ner of Wood and sth as., Pittsburgh, IS ready to receive merchandise of every devcriptior on consignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatter himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MON DA [sand THURSDAY s, of Dr ; Goods and fancy artkles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles,nev and second hand furniture, &c.. at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every eveni ng,at early gas light. aug 12—y DELAWARE. MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. ITIHE Public are hereby notified that I have been 2.. appointed Agent of tbis Co. for W EST ERN PENNSYLVANIA. This Institution unites the principle of Mutual In surance with A JOINT STOCK CAPITAL. I am authorised by the Courtney to make Insure* , ces AT THE SAME RATES AS THE OTHER COMPANIES IN THIS CITY—WITH THIS AD VANTAGE TO THE PERSON INSURED, THAT THE AMOUNT OF PREMIUM WHICH HE PAYS IS CONSIDERED AS SO MUCH STOCK, UPON WHICH, HE IS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE A DIVIDEND OF THE ' , Boil rs OF THE COMPANY. As the Company are doing • large and prosperous business, this advantage, I presume, can not amount to less than 20 per cent annually. The person insured incurs no liability or responsi. bility for the losses or expenses of the Co. He is, also entitled to vote and is eligible as a Director. By the Act of Incorporation, the Capital stock is pledged for the payment of any losses which the Co. may sustain; and, in addition to the security thus af forded to the insured, the law require+ that all the profits of the Co. shall hereafter be funded, and remelts with the Institution as a further guarantee and protec tion to the insured against loss.—This fund will be rep tesented by scrip, to be issued by the Co., bearing an interest of 6 per cent and divided between the parties insuring and the holders of the stock. IV' When the applicant has been insured at any othe r office, and transfers his risk to us, he pays nothing for the policy. Applications for Insurance to be made at my Tice. in person, ca by letter addressed to me. WM. E. AUSTIN. Pittsburgh, Penn's. OFFICE IN 4TH ST. BETWEEN WOOD AND SMITHFIELD. . nov 2-dly medicated Vapor Bath. COPY OF A LETTER FROM DRA. LAWRENCE ARD New Lebanon, State of New York Woßrm r Fats:sot—Having made a thorough trial of the Medicated Vavor Bath for four months past, in our societies in New Lebanon and IVntervliet, we think it but justice to state. that we consider it a valualne improvement in the healing art. Its power in reduc ing both chronic and acute inflamation, also in remov ing spasms, is certainly very great. In cares of ob structed perspiration, it is unquestionably the safest and best remedy that we have ever seen. Several persons in our society, who were scarcely free from a ff • catarrhal a ecuon during most of the winter month* for several years past, have found permanent relief by using the Bath a few times; and the predisposition to take cold, as it is commonly termed, seems to be %shed ly removed. Obstructed perspitation, is certainly in our changeable climate, one of the most fruitful sour ces of disease, and any remedy that is capable of re moving the predisposition to it, must be considered a great blessing to mankind; and as midi we do not hesi tate to recommend the Medicated Vapor Bath. GARRET R. LAWRENCE, 31. D ABRAM HENRICKSON, M. D , To Dr. C. Whitlow, New York. oct 13 Chronicle copy. ARSAE'S superior Patent Truss, together with all other trui‘es most approved of by Physinians as retainers in reducible Hernia, to be had at ter! , Molder's, No 144 Wood at., corner of Wood anti 'Vir gin Alley. jan 1, 1845. PITTSBURGH Hui RICKSON