__;..,.r PUBLISHED DAILY, BY PHILLIPS & SMITH, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FI I L. 111 NO, 177, FTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYA _ EMAINING in the Post Office, at Allegheny Ci ty, on_ the Ist of April, 1845. Persons calling, for letters, whose names aro on this list will please say they aro advertised. Abbott Ann R Allison Mies Mary Avery Charles Address/se Amon!) J Q Arn Roseine AnAerseaMorcasA Allison Catharine Arbuckle John Abduction Wet Allison Jane Alsop Elizabeth AndrioChester Brandon Wa Bags. William Bayne Mary Anne Broa4.Dr Wm a Bronfotr Catherineßates Peter Bakes George Baldwin Samuel Bauer George Bakes Henry B.tker John Bartley William Bassett George Barr . Douglass Berd Eliza J rtalldea Mary) Bayer Doct Baker Naoma estivin 11.,ir Matthew Blythe Wetter Sr Betralsig James L Bcira Henry Bell James BoYL-Pedrich Bell Robert Blackbarn W P Roytrlarnes Pears George 0 Blakely Jane Balander Jonas B leskl eyantes Brewer Ebenezer Bachannon J Rev Rayd Rout Boyd H Miss Burnt IHary Mrs Brewer Ellytheth Bowen Richard Brown Mars Jane Brown Thomas Boulan Sarah Wadley 8 U ' C Callan Jam Conner C Clzer Leal Venn.. . Craig E Chulds L Candy James Crawfbrd Edward Cherlek Jos radii 11111. Crawford Mary Clinare Wm Ca!well 'loin Cormelr Abner Chantler Thos C Campbell Robt Corley John Crees J H Curl/ r Wm Calwell Martha Doorsill/Jew JI. Dennison Capt Davie Robert 2 Dolmir George Dennison Hugh Davis Francis Dodds Josiah Dennison Reheca Davis Hugh Esq D ihba Angler Den.ling George Davis Martha Duffs Ludy Dill Daniel Daily George 2 Dunh.rtt, W Dyke Virginia Davis Silas Dukes &Human 2 Desin Sa ruuel Eaton Ann Evens Jnim Eraer s k Suck Ethba Wm Ervine Win Ewing Wm Eberly David Eiterle Mnb ErarY Jli Fairly John Forest R Fiehis John Felvan 11 Fly NI Ann Freeman SJ Fear Jeremiah Flonnera —Mr Fleming Hugh Farley Jana Guennall Mils (lonelier Margt A Gliker Jacob • Galway Mary Gulick 1, li Gitnon James lb Garrdn James Gordan William Gulearile John H Galaber William Graham Jane Gould John S GalvrayGeorge 2 Grubb John Gist Charles Canter Felix G.milgo John Gever Daniel Green Edward , Greene Elizabeth Greene David Gree .• George Graff 11 4- P Harry M Ann Fleryatt Noah Hays @obi Hayslett Harhour BR A Flays Ann E Harprupt Dr Hamilton Jas !lanes David Hallett H K flasrern Jos Hartman J Haslett Helen Flushman Datil Harrison M Heston Robt Httzell I , • llassinger Geo Hushs Margt Holden D Mining EN nt ser Hutchison Henry Hood Jas Huker Rack it I Hyeung John Hogan Lydia Hinsley Jos Huntmnit H . Hoag Jan Hill Wm J Hansily Win Hottucke Rr• Higgins Martah Hooken E. Irwin Jane Irwin Cella fumy Miss 1 revi • Mortiii Jones Reese Judd John Jamison James Johnson Joseph James Jame; Jamison 11 Johnson Thomas James John Jackson J H Johnson IL 1 , .1, (Trey E Jamison Elia Johnson A %V F 2 K. Kenyon Roifzers Knepper VA'm W Karns Robert Kennedy David Knapp Meltiss'a M Korsln M Kenyon Mr Kidd Martha Knepp William Kerr!'George Kennedy wllliam Kimmlll Samue Kysam R Kuhn Dr J ti Kerr James Kuhn Fred'lt - Kennedy Wilhera Ketterrine Mary Kerr Ann Kuhn JVG I, Kellmer Fred'k Kerr Samuel EN Kuiteliouse Henry Kinnier Ales'r Lnng David T.ongdon L Lonann Ty S Loharron wary J Luber R Lee Richard Laroher Ellen Love Margaret Loyd Eialior' ry Lane Cathar ne M Logan Jahn Loyd Jane Lane Mary 0 Logan S Alf Lenken Samuel Lenrmcn Caih Lemmon John Leech Richard J Lealeo Ma ry mation liebftra Morrow Thou Merrick Calh Mariraky Jane Moor G Miller Marian Maxwell Atex Moorland John M iehails E Moneysland .J .hn Myers J Mink Wallet Messick Win Murphy Lawr Montgomery Jac Mermerls Peter Morrison S Morrison 1 . 3 R Miller John Mager John Mager Wm Mager Patrick Mager David Mc M'Allater Thret rd`Rinly Cath 1/4 , 171ure Susan M'Manas Biddy AI/Kinsey Ja ne biteonnill II I 2 M'Cloakey Mrs M'nermlit B hi icon ly Theo M'Candlegt Jane M'Donuald Mat 24 1 Clirkty Win M'Ray John M / Donnald Alfred M.Caslin Robt WlClnley Mary C M'Mutlin Wm M'Eleary Cath M`Donnald John MTillitnira Sand lit'Ellroy Sarah M'Eltieny Robt Mira M'Claughtin M N Pellwain A M , G•lnnias Jolir M'GlauehlinChaq Mlntire John MI tiyain4- Leaaor /14"Leeth Jamea MI/hereon Wm M'Lain Eliza M'Lain James M'lntlre Wm ?PC olan Margt M'Patland Sarah A M'Quaid E Mlntlre Jams Nickelson H H Niehten Nowry Mammon Nean David Nixon him Nesbit Wm o—Owen 0 J Plaker Win Puzh C Platt Mary Pollan Jas Pulphress Benj. Peak Enoch Patterson Mr Postly Henry Petit Writ Patterson John Potter' Thos Potts Henry Patton M Poland E Pyper Geo Park John Q— Quick Isaac Reed Wiliam Robinson Rebeera Ross William Reid William G Robinson Mary E Robinson Saner Rhey Adam Ryan Martha Rieter Andrew Reno Thomas Ryan A Robinson S 0 RedgeJohn Raferty Alex Rowland John P 'Liggett Adam Rancla I. Rodgers James Ritchie Abra'm Richard ndrew Richardson C Mrs Roberts .1 B Hanford N Surban Shaw Robert Saunders F. "I Sc ro s Schivers Duet Sandertum John Seip • Simmer Janet Sowell Mary &harm hillip Simms James Rebury Isabella Solialbers Micli'l Shaw Patrick Stott William Scud Isaac Sill John R Simms Joshua Stewart James Spielman Agntes, Smith George W Stephenson Mrs Stewart Mary Smith Henrietta Stephenson P J Stewart George Smith W or Jas Sweek John Stewart Robert Sashilt Thosnas Snow Lydia Sullenherger John Smith Allinson Snyder John Sprott Walter D Smith Malthus, Sommeriiide Wm Swim John Smith Rev E 3 Bold tiortfried Smith Anti Tatkin Mary Thompson James Ire nt William Taylor Amelia Thompson C 'Frillier L Tague D Thomas J Todd Jas Turdetallaniel Thompson J k 11 C—Uadewoid James C . Weans Henry Valuer John - Velderhille Chas Wardel Ilosia Walker John Wade Levi Watson Andrew 2 Walton David Wright Elijah Wakebarn Mrs Weer P Work Sarah Ward Catharine K err Jane Vondworth Chas Walker James Weaver Abraham Wood Jas wow litettard Westerman Mr Wriquaharil Jane Ways Mannah Wear Mary Williamson David Wallace wail - Wiley Frederick Williams M Ann Waiters caroiin e Winter Robert Wilson Jas Wardroom/4. Co Whitacre Dr J WlA'aliam Win litittiame Myth White Thos Wood A B William David White Wm B Wilson John Zeigler Et Zendre Lohra ur 2 W, KARNS, I'. M. lk List of Letters Jitmes Neville 7th . , ~,_ . _ r „, ~ , , .... ,- . - . - ,--.., ..„ •. - - . ~ . - , . . -- - ' •-•- , '• . . - -'0 - ' ' 4-643 ; 1, •..1, , . • .:'. : ,-. ,•;,&- ...:, ~....- • : •-•i'' l ' - ' --, '?: • ..., ,_ ._, , .-. ,• •••. . . • ..;.:, ..".,, . - .. ..„ ;•,.. . , ...... . ;,' • ... . - • .- ......... . . . A _ .orning . _.. • . I ---Ai ii.„ ..... 111 . f ~.. ,;,:... •••,,. • i- - - - tt - ~ , • . ..„, ----__ ~...,.,,,, PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY PHILLIPS & SMITH, N. W. corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. TEnsts.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. Single copies Two Cl/yrs—for sale at the counter of the 011ice;:And by News Boys. The Weeh;ly Mercury and Manufacturer is published at the same office, on a double medium s' - iset, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin gle copies, SIX CENTS. TERMS OP ADVERTISING. PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: : - )ne insertion, $0 50 Ono month, $5 00 fwo do., 075 Two do., 600 three do., 1 00 Threedo., 7 00 Ono week, 1 50 Four do., 800 rwo do., - 300 Six do., 10 00 Chive do., 400 One your, 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CHANGEABLE AT PLEASURE. One Square. Two Square's. if% months, $lB 00 Six months, $25 00 One year, 25 00 One year, 35 00 MPLarger advertisements in proportion. rT 3 *CARDS of four lines SIX DOLLARS a year. • R. Woodsoittorney and Counsellor at Law 0 iTice on Fourth street. between Grant and Smithfield, a few doors from the corner of Fourth and Grant itreets. sept 10 :11'CANDI Attorneys and Coatis°Ucirs at Law, Office in the Diamond, hack of the old Court House, sep 10 Pittsburgh. Eyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law, Office re moved from the Diamond to "Attorney's Row," shady side of 4th, between Market and Wood its., sep lA Pitt.hurgh. James Callan, Attorney at Law. OFFICE FIFTH STREET, PI TTSBUIIeI H juno 13-1 y Win. E. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourth street, opposite Biirkels nrWILL.tAsi E. AusTIN, Esq., will give his ntten [ion to my unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patronage of my friends. sep 10—y WALTER FORWARD. Shaler & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Office at the building formerly occupied by the UM ted States bank, 4th street, between Market and Wood streets. m2l-3m CHARLK;SHALER Elobert Porter, Attorney at Law, Office on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets see 10 Pittsburgh. Hanry S. Inagraw, Attorney at Lam, ias removed his office to his residence, on Fourth s vvo doors ahoy° Smithfield. sPp Goo. S. Salon, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield L-7*Cnnaeyancing and other instruments of wrt Ling legally and promptly executed, mar 2141 JOHN S. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, O FFICE, North side of Filth street. between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pitt , hargli, Pa. N. B. Callrctions made on rea.onable terms. dec 4-1 y R. Morrow, Alderman, Office north side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburah. se ,10—ti James Blakely, Aldeiman, Office on Penn st., near the Market House, sth kb 25. Ward and Balers, Dentists, No 118, Liberty street, a few doom below St. Clair ap 6,1843 G. T.. ROCINSos. M. MB1111)E. Robinson & Mcßride, Attorneys at Law, Office on Fourth, between Winn] and Markel stß. -eConve , ancingand caller instrutnentsof writing legally. and promptly executed. tf Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield, adjoining Patterson's Livery Stables. m y 7 Dr. George Watt, PRACTISING PHYSICIAN 4. SURGEON _EF, Office, Smithfield St. near the corner of Sixth. Doctor Daniel McMeal, Office on Fifth street, betwoen Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsbur h. dec John rit'Closkey, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty street, between Sixth street ate! Virgin alley, S Judi side. Nep 10 Brownsville Juniata Iran Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacture r of Iron and Nails Warehouse, No. 25, Wood at., Pittsburgh. sup 10—Y JOHN SCOTT & CO, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mer chants, No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street, al9-ly l'atsbur: h. JOHN W BLAIR, BRUSH MANUFACTIIIIEB AND SHOE FINDINGS STORE, NO 120, WOOD STREET, oet 9.6 PITTSBURGH.. ----- JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, ooksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 37, Market street. sep 10 JOHNSON & DUVAL, t Bookbinders and Paper Milers, Continue business at the stand late of M'Candless Johnson. Every description of %yolk in their line 11f2.t. ly and promptly executed. may 8-y John Cartwright, ri LER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer, IL/ No 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al ley, Pittsburg, Pa. N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment of Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's, Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tools, Trusses, dic. le 44 CHARLES A. McANULTY. Forwarding and Commission Merchant, PITTSBURGH, CA., Actent for U. S Portable Boat Line. farthe transporta tion of Nlerrbandize to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York and Boston. A. G. REINHART, ( Late Reinhart 4. Strong ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. PRODUCE CO .11 rssu:N MERCHA N T No. 140 LIBERTY ST., PITT! 1 131:11GFI. PA. CA 1 PITTSBURGH, THURS FACTURES. ETD Liberal advances in cash or goods made on consignments of produce, &c., at No, 142, Liberty street. ml 5 Webb Closers Boot and Shoe leannfLctory, No. 83, 4/4 it., next door to the U. S. Bask. Ladies prunella g , kid and satin shoes raade in the neatest manner, and by the neatest French patterns. sep 10 James Patterson, 3r., Corner of Ist and Perry streets Pittsburgh. Pa., manufacturer of locks, hinges and belts; tobacco, ful ler, mill and timber screws; hcnzsen screws for rolling mill &c.. _ °vies & Son, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, Office, Smitt t ,ield Street, colnerofDiamondco Alley. pLANS and Specifications finished in the best style and at the shortest notice. ItEmtExcii:s: Logan & Kennedy, H Childs & Co.. J Woodwell, A Kramer, %V II Scaife and Col tart S. Dilworth. jan. 14.1845—d1 v DR. %V KERR. JOEL MoHLER. KERFi. & MOHLER. DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, Corner of Wood street and Virginalley, No. 144, F RESH Medicines, selected and put up with care, can ha had at all times, at moderate 91111 , .: 1 Te Physicians' prescriptions carefully compound may 2-1 v Pilkington'strarivalled Dlacking, Ai ANT:FM:TURF:Ii and .soid wholeßah. and retail six•rri sTREET, one door below Smithfield. °et 21-Iv. JOHN McFARLAND, %Upholsterer and Cabinet Mahal 2d it., between IVood and Market, Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he is prepared to execute all orders for sofas, sideboards, humans chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands, hair and spring mattresses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol stering work, which he will warrant equal to any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10 MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SNIITIIFIELD STREET, Next door to the Fifth Pret.bytcrian Church. Jane 6. George Armor, Merchant Tailor. H AS removed to the room on Fourth street, next door to the Methodist 13001:A10re. lately occu pied by Wm. E. Austin, Esq., where he u ill be hap py to serve his friends and customers and the public ,generally, with all work in his line, which be will warrant to be well made and in the latest and most fashionable style. 91S- REYNOLDS & WILMARTH, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, FOR THE• ALLEGHENY RIVER TRADE, Corner of Penn and Irwin streeta, L. 0. REYNOLDS, PITTSDUR,IR. L. WILMARTH. 115-I Truesos ! Trusses !! C HASE'S Surgeon's Truss, for the radical cure of Hernia. It is now conceded by Surgeons and Physicians generally. that this truss is decidedly su perior to any now in rise.—lt is not only superior as a retainer, but offers to the person wearing it the only hope of radical cure. To be had, only, at Kerr & Mohler's, No 144, cor ner of \Vr.od street and Virgin Alley. Any infringement on the right of selling this instru ment. will he prosecuted to the extent of the law. jail 1 , Rl5. SAMUEL MORROW, Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware No. 17, Fifth street, between. hood avid Market, Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares, and solicits a share ofpublic patronage. Also, on hand, the followingarticles: shovels, pokerk,tongs, gridirons, skillets,teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer chants and others are invited to call and examine for themselves,as he is determined to sell cheapforcash or approved paper mar 7—tf GEORGE W SMITH, MALSTER AND BREWER, Pittsburgh Brewery, Penn Street, Has always on hand ready to ship, BARLEY, RYE and WHEAT MALT. Also BROWN S TOUT, PALE and AMBER ALE, ufsuperior quality. .feb 10—ly HOTEL & BOA RDING •u s E FRANKLIN HOUSE. MHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends ' and the public, that he hail opened a Hotel and Boarding House in Third street, a few doors from Wood, where travelers and others will be accommo dated on the most reasonable terms. The house is spacious, and has been fitted up at considerable ex pense, and every arrangement is made that will en ' sure the comfort and render satisfaction to boarders) sod lodgers. A share of public patronage's respect. fully solicited. a4-tf To Printers. \ ,- x TE have received, and will hereafter . keFp cor- D V stantly on hand, a full supply of Pnnting Ink, rrl HE undersigned ry hGoo ds. aving purchased the entire in large and small kegs, which we will be able to sell ' 1_ stock of Preston & Mackey, consititiog. of a ire- than it has heretofore been sold in this city. I Tiety of foreign and domestic Dry Goods. which he Orders from the c,r•untry accompanied by the cash will now offer at very low prices fcr cash. Country (tic ALL casts) iN i'd be promptly attended to. merchants, and all who wish bargains, will please PHILLIPS & SMITH, call in and examine for themselves. Office of the Post and M.Anufactuter. ' jan 28-6 m. WM. P. MACKEY. Jy 10-tf D. C. srogirrorb wm. STOCKTON D. C. STOCKTON & CO., (LATS. STOCKTON, D/CPC Z CO.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. 114, Wood street. PITTSBURGH, PA. ISAAC CRUSE. .1. B. LIPPIS:COTT. CRUSE & LIPPINCOTF, Commission, Produce, and Forwarding Merchants, No. 87 4. 98 (old number) SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE, (MD.) REFER k:ItC4 :—Tho Merchants of Pittsburgh in general. .jan 13-6 m DAVID LLOYD. G. W. LLOYD. D.Lloyd, IV lIOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AND FOR WAR DING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN PRODUCE h. PITTSBURGH HANU CONSTAtiLE, EUUEE & CO., FIRE PROOF SAFE AND VAULT DOOR MANUFACTURERS. Front street, between Wood and Smithfield. All articles manufactured by them warranted equal o any thing in the market. net I CHRISTIAN SCHAIERTZ AY, APRIL 3, 1845• rr CHEAP EIARDWARE.I4 WHITMORE & WOLFF, Corner of Liberty and St. Clair Std., Pittsburgh A RE now receiving their spring Importation of HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND SAD DLER Y, to which they respectfully invite the atter:- tion of purchasers. Havingcompleted arrangements, through which they a now receiving supplies DI RECT FROM THOWANUFAC TORIES IN ENGLAND, they shall at all times be prepared to sell at such prices as will make it the interest of pur chasers to call. Always on hand, a full and general assortment of RI FLE BARRELS AND GUN TRIMMINGS, PLANES, COOPERS, CARPENTERS AND SMITHS' TOOLS. Also, a great variety of LOCKS and LATCHES for building purposes, to gether with every variety of articles appertaining to thebusiness. al6-tf Arnold's American Lock Manufactory. NO. 17, FIFTH ST., PITTSBURGH. T HE subAcriber has just erected a new and eaten AlVe Mantifactory on Second street, between Wood and Nlarket, where he now manufactures all kinds of Locks, upon a new principle never before at tempted in this city. 13y means of powerful steam machinery, he is now enabled to sell his well known superior Locks at such prices as will set foreign competition at defiance. Merchants, House, and Steam bunt Builders, can have Locks of all kinds, Shutter Fastenings, and every article in his line, made to order at shots notice. nov 21-lvd eep 10--y Dr. Good's Celebrated Female Pills. r 1 IHESE Pills are strongly recommended to the notice of ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to theirsex, from want ef exercise,orgeneraldebility o f the system. They sbviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervousaffoctions. These Pills have gained the sane ion and approbation of the most eminent Physicians i the United States, and many Mothers. Fur sale •Vhelesale and Retail, by R. E.SELLERS, Agent, ep 10 No. 20, Wood Street. below Sacond Card. NXT .1 DA VITT, formerly of the Iron City Cloth i V . ing Store, is now engaged at the THREE BIG Dooas, where he will be happy to see his friends an eformercustomers,aud serve them to the best of his ability. l ew Arrival of Queenswara & China. T HE subscriber would respectfully invite the at 1. tent ion of the public to his present stock of White Glazed Ware,a superiorartiele, together with a select assortment of White French Chinmeomprising- all the necessary pieces to constitute complete sets ofDining and Tea ware. A balsa general stock of articles suitable for the sup ply of country merchants, to which their attention is invited, at his old stand, corner of Front and Wood streets. HENRY HIGBY. ally --------- New Livery Stable. , HOLMES' LIVERY STAR [.F., on Third street, between Market and 'Wood, near the Post Office, is now open For the accom modation of the public. ills stock of Carriages Sc. being all new, he hopes to be able to render full satis faction to those who may favor him with a call. Oct 19—Iy REMOVAL. JAMES HOWARD & CO. HAVE removed their WALL PAPER WARE HOUSE to NO. C 3, WOOD STREET, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. Where they have on hand a large and Tended as sortment of WALL PAPER and BORDERS, suitable for papering Parlors, Chambers, Walls, &c. Also, a general assortment of Writing, Letter, Print ing, Wrapping and Tea paper, Bonnet Boards, &c. Which they will sell low for Cash, or in exchango for Rags, Tanners Scraps, &e. feb 22, 1844 REMOVAL. lIOLDSHIP & BROWNE H AVE removed their Paper Store from Market street to No. 64 Wood street, one door from the corner of 4th street, where they keep on hand their us ual assortment of WALL PAPERS, for papering par lors, entries, chambers, &c., and also PRINTING, NyRITING, and W RAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS, &c., all of which they offer for sale on ac commodatingterms. feb 14 1843.—dtf Wm. O'llarnßobinson, U. S. Attorney, H AS removed his office to Fourth, near Weod street, lately occupied by C. Darragh, Esq. April 8, 1844. NOTICE.—I have placed my docket and proles sloped business in the hands of Wm O'Hara Robinson Eso.,who will attend to the. same during my absence March 23 C DARRAGH. a IA 1 WILLIAM PEACOCK, GLASS CUTTER AND GLASS STAINER, SMITHFIELD STREET, BETWEEN DIAMOND ALLEY AND FIFTH STRVET. W P. respectfully solicits public patronage, • and engages to do his work in a style equal if not superior to that of any similar establishment in the counrry. feb 19-3 m ------- Itemoval—lron Safes. IRESPECTFULLY inform my friends hat I have 1 removed my FIRE PROOF IRON SAFE FACTORY to Third street, opposite the Post Of- fice, and avail myself of this opportunity to tender my thanks to the public for the liberal patronage which they have fa i red me with for several years, and soli cit a continuance of their favors. I pledge myselfmy Safes shall be made without any deception. All my Safes which have been in buildings burnt down have saved all theircontents. liar They are kep„for sale at my shop, and at At wood-, Jones& Co's, Dalzell & Fleming's, and at D T Morgein's. JOHN DENNING. N B. 25 bhls good Neiv OtleansSugar for sale. al3-tf Pittsburgh infirmary 1: , OR the reception and treatment of deformites of the human frame, such as Club or Reeled feet, Contracted joints, eory-tteek and Strobirmus or Squinting, and of DiseaJes of Eye, such as Ca laract, etc, under the care of ALBERT G W Fo ALTER, D. Liberty, near the corner of urth stree M t. dec 31—dtf Old Firm Revived. EVANS & McVADEN. T HE subscribers beg lenve to inform the friends and the public, in general, that they have entered into partnership for the purpose of continuing the man ufacture of Ploughs, Corn Shellers, Plough Castings, Stoves, Hollow ware," and all kinds of Casting at the old and well known establishment - "EVANS' MILL," Na. 10 WATER STREET. Mr. McFaden respectfully solicits a return and con tinuance of the patronage of the friends of the old and former firm of "Evans and McFaden," whilst Mr. Evans also solicits a continuance of the patronage of the friends of the late firm of 0. 0. Evans & Co. GEO. M. EVANS, JOHN RSA DEN. feb 15-dtf LEATHER 112rD MOROCCO. RICHARD BARD - b. " • "IVood street, 4 door* above eiamond alley. - - PITTSBURGH. • • at received a large supply of New York and • • t more Spanish Sole Leatber,Upper Leather; • elphiu and Country Kipa and Calfskin!. Moroc co of all kinds, Shoe Bindings, Tanners' Oil, &c, &c. All of which is offered at the very lowest prices for cash. Merchants nod Manufacturers are respectfully invi ted to call and examine his stock before purchasing el_sewhere. N B. Leather of all kinds bought in the rough. aug2B-dtf. EAGLE HOTEL. Third, between Wood and Market streets, Nearly opposite .the New Post arfi ce. HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of A Pittsburgh and the public generally that he has opened the above establishment for their accomodu tiou. He sincerely thanks those ftiends whose fiber ally patronised him whilst Proprietor of the Waverly House, And trust that hisincreased accorhodations will enable him to retain all his old friends and acquire ma ny new ones. The Eagle Hotel is exclusively for the accom modation of gentlemen, and from its central situation in the immediate vicinity of the Banks and Public Offi ces. offers peculiar advantage s to the mend business. The beds, bedding and furniture are all new. The Larder unexceptionable, and the Wines. Ales and Liquors equal to the best in tho State. His Guests will be supplied with their meals at any hour to sui their convenience, on the Eastern System. Txßsts—Per week, Per day, 15,00 -- O. 15 1.00 THOMAS OWSTON. WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. WILLIAM EVAN'S CAMOMILE PILLS. CattrimATEs.—Letter from the Hon. Abraham M'Clellan, Sullivan County, East Tenn., Member of Congtersi. , July 3d, 1345. Sir—Since r have been in WASII this c INGTor4 ity I have used some of your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and satisfaction, and believe it to be a most valuable reme dy. One of my constituents, Dr A Carden, of Camp- bell county, Tennessee, wrote tome CO send him some, which I did, and he has employed it very successfully in his practice and says it is invaluable. Mr Johnson, your agent at this place, thinks you would probably like an agent in Tennessee. If si t 1 would recant- , mend Dr A Cat - den, as a proper person to officiate for 'the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commission him he is willing to act for you. You can send the medicine by water to the care of Robert King & Sons, Knoxville county, Tennessee, or by land to Graham & Houston, Tazwell, Etutt Tennessee. J. have no doubt but if you had agents in several coun ties in East Tennessee, a great deal of medicine would he sold. lam going to take some of it home fur my own use, aqd that of gig Nizmds, and should like to hear from you whether,you would like an agent at Bluntville, Sullivan County, East Tennessee; I can get some of the merchants to act for you as I live near I there. Yours respectfully, AttRAHAM M'CLELLAN, of Tennessee For sale Wholesale and Retail, by IL E. SELLERS, Agent. No 20 Wood street, below Sec _____ Ready Made Coffin Warehouse. Fourth Street, second door from the U. S. Bark. WM. TROVILLO, UNDERTAKER, RESPECTFULLY infurma the public that he has removed his ready made coffin ware. house to the building recently occupied by Mr. R. C. Berford, directly opposite his old stand wive he is always prepared to attend prompt ly many orders in his line. and by strict anen t un to all"titsietails of the business of an Undertaker he hopes to meet public confidence. He will be pre pared at ALT. HOURS to provide Hearses, Biers, Car riages and every requisite on the most, liberal terms Calls front the country will be promptly attended to. His residence is in the same buildings with his warehouse, where - those who need his services may find him at any time. Referenees:—W IV Irwin, Judge Riddle, Judge Patton. %V B M'Clure, Isaac Harris, Rev John Black, D. D., Ray Robert Bruce, D. D., Rev Samuel Wil liams, Rev Joseph Kerr, Rev James M Davis. Rev E P Swift. TO THE PUBLIC. T HE Mutual Labor Association of Freedom, are now open and ready to build Steam Engines of all sizes, for land or boats, on the shortest notice, and on as reasonable terms a; any other eotabli , hmPnt east of the mountains. All, can be had at the Foundry of the Association, Cooking Stoves . ; Stoves for Churches and Hotels ; Mill Geeting ; Ploughs 4- - Grate Bars; anti Castings of every description. Also, Blacksmithing and Sheet Iron work done at the shortest notice, and 8 4 1 110811 to suit the times. All letters should be addressed to A. BAIRD, Free dom. Pa. feb. el-d3m. GEORGE COCHRAN, NO. 26 WOOD STREET, O FFERS for sale at reduced cash prices—Axes Hoes, Mattocks, Manure and Hay Forks, Spades and Shovels, Coal and Grain Shovels, Sickles and Scythes, Window Glass, Spinning Wheel Irons, and variaus other articles of Pittsburgh and American Mannfacture, which he is constantly receiving from the Manufactories. Also, Cotton Yarn and Checks, rassinetts and Broad Cloths. jar) 9. Pittsburgh Manufactures, 50 DOZ. Ectep& Sons' Cast Steel Axes. warned 100 do Berger & Son's Steel Hoes, trowel tempered. JOO do Shaw's & Nelson's Sitkieiii. 50 d o Marsh's Gross and Corn Scythes; 30 gross Spinning Wheel Irons; 200 doz Shovels and Spsdss; 50 do Maniire and Hay Foils's; 30 do Mattocks anti Picks; Window Glass. assorted sizes. Lainont's Patent Vices, solid boxes. For sale at reduced prices by GEO. COCHRAN. No 26, Wood ar , Agent for the Manufacturers PRICE, P Zrattop RELIANCE FOR TRAN' Between Pitithttr WITHOUT TRANSHIPPING. l IHIS old and long established Line having near ly doubled their capacity and facilities for oar rying goods, are now preparing to receive produce and merchandize to any amount for shipment East or West. This boats of this Line being all four section Porta ble Boats, are transferred from Canal to Railroad, thus saving all transhipment or separation of geode; as the goods are never removed till their arrival at Philadel. phia or Pittsburgh. This Line being the Pioneer in this mode of carrying, after a successful operation of eight years, are enabled with confidence to refer to all merchants who have heretofore patronized them. Western Merchants ate respectfully requested to give this Line a trial, as eve. ry exertion will be used to render satisfaction. Mer chandise and Produce always carried at as low price, on as fair terms.' and in as short time, as by any Other Line. Produce consigned to our house at Philadel• phia will be sold on liberal terms. Good. consigned to either our house at Pittsburgh or Philadelphia, forwarded promptly, and all requisite charges paid. JOHN McFA DEN & Co., Penn street, Canal Basin,PittAtirgh JAS. M. DAVIS, & Co., 249 and 251, mr. 25. Marketst., Philadelphia. TRANS PORTATION'. Mama 1845. Emma United States Portable Boat Line, For the Transportation of Freight and Emigres Passengers, to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL PHIA, NEW YORK, AND BOSTON. No tranghipment between Pittsburgh and Philaara. T H ES old establidted Portable Boat Line, having extensive facilities is enabled to store and carry a large amount of produce and merchandise With cer tainty and despatch. One or more Boats will depart from the depot at each end of the line daily (Sundayst excepted,) at 5 o'clock, P. M., and warrant Goods td be delivered through in 8 days. Produce consigned to the house at Pittsburgh fur shipment to the East, will be received from Steam Boats and forwarded without delay, and always at the very lowest rates of freight charged by any responsi• ble Lino. All merchandize by this Line from tbe East , and consigned to C. A. M'Arrut.Tr, Pittsburgh, will be forwarded immediately on arrival to their destine- • tion. Bills of Lading transmitted, and every lialliryc• i l tion from shippers promptly attended to without any , extra charge for storage, commission, etc. The proprietors in soliciting a continuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally extended to this Line, pledge themselves, that nothing that experience and attention can affect shall be wantiug to protnote the interests of Customers. Address or apply to C. A APANULTY, Canal ROSE Basin, Pittsburgh. , MERRIL, & DOGE, AGENTs FOR THE 7/ Smith's Wharf, Baltimo D re. Paorateroas. A. L. GERHART dr. CO. Broad st., Philadelphia. I W. & J. T. TA PSCOTT, 76 South st., New York. Pittsburgh, March 1, 1845. rgpi" Until the new acqueduct is completed across the Allegheny river at Pittsburgh, Goods _will be re. ceived and delivered at our warehouse iu Allegheny city. Office, corner of Lacock and Federal st. mar 4 C. A. M'ANULTy. NEW PASSENGER -- i•-iirr , i , Mk. LINE, - , --1,-...; 0- V'el• ..........,, , ~,.. ..`• -,.=L."."...- Via Brownsville and Cumberland, for Bel tizaore, Washington and Philadelphia. Spring Arrangements, commencing Tuesday, February 4th, 1845. THE SPLENDID FAST RUNNING STEASIERX 4slaiss. LOUIS MoLANE, JACOBS, Master. CONSUL, CLARE, Master, Will leave the wharf boat, above theMonongaliela bridge, alternately every morning at o'clock, pre cisely. By this arrangement passengers will take coaches at Brownsville at 4 o'clock, P M., Railroad Cars at Cumberland at 8 o'clock, A. M., and anise at Balti more at 5 o'clock, P M. Through to Baltimore in 32 hours, faro $lO. ‘• Philadelphia in 40 " $l2. Tickets to be had at the Stage and Boat office, neat door to the Monongahela House. Freight must be delivered at the wharf boat in the afternoon, as the departure of the boats will be pa& titre at the hour named. feb 24-tf GAS FITTINGS. ADAMS A: McSTEEN't 61 THIRD ST., H AVE this Jay entered into partnership for 'the manufacture of all kinds of Gas•fittings; alp, all kinds of Brans and Spelter Castings, and Brass fittings in general. In thus presenting ourselves to the public, we shall make it our particular study to give general Batista°. tion to all who may please to favor us with their pa. tronag 3. All orders executed at the shortest notice, and on, the most reasonable terms. feb 10-tf PRINTING MR'. A FRESH SUPPLY OF C. JOHNSON'S SUPERIOR PRINTING INK, ilf LARGE AND SMALL Eros, Just received at the office of the "Post." mar 10. • lIEOPELAN AGENCY. R EMITTANCES of money on moderate tents,can be made during my absence in Europe, to every port of Ireland, England, Scotland, IVales or the con. rinent of Europe; Leganies, Debts, property or claims recovered; searches for wills, titles and doe/title:us effected. and other European business transacted by applying to James May, Water Sireet, Pittslrurgh. IL KEENAN, European Agent and A*torney at Law. Pittsburgh, Pa. Change of Firm. T HE Subscribers hating di.posed of an interest in their concern to a gentlemtui connected with all Eastern house, they will do business in future under the title of Algee, McGuire &Co. As a•e propose ex. tending our business considernbly, we apprise all those indebted to us in any way or to any amount, of the necessity of making prompt payment, and all those having claims will please present them Mimes diately for settlement. ALGEO & MeGLTIRE, 251 til,prty A SPLENDID Artie/e of Lard Oil for families. hotels. churches. &e.. on draft at very low price; r:lnstantly on hand and for sale by .1, S. GIVYNNF., nov 14 Franklin Nam:factory, '2d Strait. . -4a