c (IRV ifienting, Vogt PITTSBURGH, PA ----- THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, 1845 PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. COMXITTICI FOR JUROR. NI IL Craig, J. F. Kelly, A. Wylie, Jr. Imo. oar outside form will be found a beautiful porne. by,J. G. Wellman; and also several interm ix( !nide& Teerts.—We received through the Post Office, from an aisitoymoua source, a number of toasts, which seem to have been offered at a celebration of St. Patrick'. day. As we do not know whereibey wer e offored r and as they are not accompanied by the manes of the officers of any celebration, we must decline inserting them. They ate at the service of the person who sent them. ANOTII RIR QUICK TRIP —We are indebted to the officers of the Cincinnati for late papers from Cincin nati. A note from the clerk states that she made her trip in 404 hours from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh! She was 46 hours and 12 minutes to Wheeling...and 10 boort te minutes from Wheeling to Pittsburgh. 'MAGAZINES FOR APRIL. . 11 111Aiie/e$ MAGAirlff. for April has been received at. Cowes. It contains a likeness of Gen. Geo. P. Moneta, some times called the "Tree-Sparer," ■nd two other handsome engravings. The list of contd. butors to the number; is magnificent—it embraces WILLIS, Gaulle, and Mrs SIOOURN67. As usual, this Magazine takes the palm for neatness and beauty of.typographical execution. THE APRIL No. LADtics' NATIGN•t. MAGAZIN; is a beautiful one, end fatly sustains the high nepu taden acquired by the work. Coon has received his supply. Tax HOYE JOURNAL END CITIZEN SOLDIER.— This paper, so valuableto all seeking for knowledge of military matters, is published in Philadelphia by A. H. Dit.tatt—it is edited by IR&AH DILLER. The publisher has lately enlarged and pettily impro ved his paper, and it is now nucleating fur its literary as well as its military features. It is published at. $2 per annum in advance. or Tali Maur Rsv. BISHOP O ' CONNOR. will deliver Lectures in St. Paul's Cathedral every Thurs day and Sunday evening during Lent. at 7 o'clock. The principles of the - Catholic Church will be ex pinirred end defended, with special reference to the charges now made against it . The subject of Bishop O'Connor's Lectures on the evenings of next Sunday and Thursday will be Tran substantiation. mar 14 ran SE ARRIVAL, • At No. 49, Liberty St., P. DELANY ''RESPECTFULLY invites the early attent'on of -LL his friends and all who are about supplying then:wives with SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, To bis present stock, which he has purchased in the cities of PHILADELPHIA and Naw YORI, AT STILL LOWER PRICES THAW HERET'OPORE. This stock is large, and comprises EVERY D ESCRIPTION Of PaahienaldAs and New Style Goode, in his line of Business. The very liberal patronage given to the subscriber,enable s him to employ per. sons competent to cut and make work it such a style, as will be SURE TO PLEASE, and at least TWENTY PER CENT LOWER than they can otherwise suit themselves. A glance at the Goods and Prices will satisfy any good judgo that he can get BETTER GOODS, AT LOWER PRICES, (made or unmade,) than are to be found at any other establishment, paitieularly articles of a superior quality. THIS IS THE PLACE Where • GOOD RES S COAT for from $8 to a and $lO, of any fashionable color, CLOTH AND MAKING WARRANTED, D7' Made to order at the same prices. CASSIMERE PANTALOONS, for from $3 to $3 50, and $4 and 5 dollar-.-fims qualities in proportion. French and English Cloth COATS MADE TO ORDER. And ready made for from $l2 to 14. 1511md 18 dol. lan. A great variety of VIEISTS AIND T'ißE3 - 2315fa• Of the most elegant and varied style--a large assort ment on hand. Every description of TWEED COATS For from 2to 3 and 4 dollars. Also, a general vs. riety of other SUMMER WEAR, with a general stock of SKIRTS, STOCKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUS PENDERS, and all other articles in the Clothing line, 20 MINUTES, spent in Itiol.ing through the finery of tilts establish ment will be better spent, and save more money than could bogeyed by looking through half the tailor shops in the city, Walk in at 49 ! You will be sure to get exactly what you want—or something better . mar IS EAGLE HOTEL. Third, between Wood and Market streets, Nearly oppariteae New Post aria. /111 sabscriberrespectfully informs the citi zone of Ph and the public generally that he has opened the ahem establishment for their accomoda. Lion. Eie sincerely thanks those friends whose liben silly patroniied him whilst Proprietor of the Waverly House, and treat/Ist his increased accomodations will enable him to retain aft his old friends and acquire ma sty new 0130111. • OP' The Eagle Hotel is exclusively for the accom modation of gentlemen. and from it casual situation in theimmediate vicinity of the Banks and Public Oft oes, offers peculiar advantages to the man cf business. The beds. bedding and furniture are all new. The Larder unexceptionable, acid the Wines. Ales and Lipton equal to the best in the State. His Guests will be supplied with their meals at any hoar to suit their convenience, on the Eastern System. Trus—Per week. Per day, mt. 15 • • • Gallery. Carats of and Market streets. THE flubscritset would respectfully call the atten tioe of the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, to the Feet of iris basing r*opened the old stand, recently occupied by Kimball & Emerson, where all who wish to "me themselves as others see them," may procure correct likenesses, at rates so cheap, as to come with in the means of the poorest. Portraits warranted!! Likenesses taken leery day, Sundays excepted. A liberal deduction made from the regular prices where n nilies or flubs ore taken. .1. E. I l dEE, Agt. !Lit,d and 8.--InFtf,t7:ents. ca; •for s iie. and I', chuseri. P. DELANY t 5,00 1.00 THOMAS OWSTON. j! . G Lid pile.. 1 IL art of 8 KIM SVATICII IN THI creatiskr... ARRIVED. Cincinnati, Pierze, Cincinnati; National, Mason, do. Benelux!, Mason, Louisville; Putnam, Wilson, Zanesville; Consul, Clark, Brownsville; Michigan, Boles, Beaver. DEPARTED. New England. Page, Cincinnati; Mail, Loran, Cincinnati; Consul, Clark. Brownsville; Utica, Clark, Wheeling; Josephine. Bowman, Lowisville; Michigan, Boles, Beaver Par Now Orleans. -4 The new Iron Steam Seim. Hunter, IM ‘• t 7 ‘ e commanded by Capt J T AVLaugh - •', - ' lin, U S Navy, will leave for the a b..ve and intermediate porta, on Saturday, 22d inst, at 10 o'clock AM. Fur freight apply on holm', or to ml 7. JAMES MAY. Pittsburgh and Wheeling Packet. THE safe and well-found ateatner "UTICA," CLARK, Master, has con meneed her tripii and will run ea reg ular Packet between PITTSBURGH and W HEEL ING during the season of 1845. For freight or pa,- sage apply on board orto jan 30 J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. BEAVER PACKET The well known steamer 4T.4" MICHIGAN, " W. B. Bot Es, Master, has commenced her regular daily trips, leaving Pittsburgh (as hereto , fore) at 3 o'clock. P. M.. end Beaver at 8, A. M. Prices to suit the times, and these whc have no money carried free. The Canal to Cleveland will be opened as soon as the weather a ill permit; on the opening of which CLARKE & CO'S LINE to CLEVELAND,O.,and MEADVILLE, Pa., will immediately go into opera tion. For freight or passage apply on board, or to G. M. HA RTON, july 12 Water street. ICThe Michigan is provided with Evans' Safety Guard. Near Oil Store. JOHN 15 4'MASTERS, Ja., AGENT. D EALER in Sperm, Elephant, Seal, Maio, Lard, Tanners' and Linseed Oils. Sperm and Wax Candles; Spirits of Turpentine, White Lead, &c. &c. N. E. Corner of Hand and Liberty streets, Pitts burgh, PO. mar 3—d3m Dissolution of Partnership. T HE Partnership heretofore existing between Adams & Goldthorp. was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 23d of December, 1844. IVILLIANI ADAMS. SAMUEL GOLDTHORP. The business will be continued as usual, at 61, Third at., by W. ADAMS. I take this opportunity to return my sincere thanks to my friends and ihe public, fur the patronage I have received, and hope by a strict attention to all orders they may please to favor me with, and moderate charges, to meet a continuance of their patronage. All kinds of Gas Fixtures made to order, and put up in the neatest manner. Lamps Cleaned and Re paired equal to new. Turning in general. jan B—am WILLIAM ADAMS ----- Change of Firm. T HE subscribers having diposed of an interest in their concern to ton gentleman connected withsn Eastern house, they will do business in future under the title of Algee, McGuire &Co. As ne propose ex- tending our business comdriernb'y, we apprise all those indebted to its in any way or to any amount, of the necessity of making prompt payment, and all those haring claims will please present them imme diately fur settlement. flew Arrangements. AHE tishoillihrts having disposed of all their stock of ready made clothing, have determined hence ' forth to devote their attention exclusively to the custo mer brsuchof the Truing. According to our present arrangement we will be in receipt of goods monthly, well and tarefvfly bought, expressly for our botHe, which we are determined (as one:facilities will enable us) to offer lower than the same Bonds can be furnished in thiscity. The style and , finish of our garments shall be sexond to none. Theexclusive attention of one of the firm is devoted to this branch, and the best hands in the city employed by us in marina our work, to whom the highest prices are paid. The variety and extent of our stock together with the constant addi• lions thereto, will enable us to offer inducements to all. We would respectfully rekr those disposed to patronize us, to any of our numernu. customers. A LGEO, McGUIR & Co., Fnehi)nable Head Quarters, 251, Liberty st, feb 25. B, iirmiagisaak Bridge aad Road nesupanY• A GREEABLY to Act of Assembly, passed 3d day of April, A. D. 1837. and revived by Act pas ted the 18th day of April, 1844, notice is-hereby given ; that BO( , Ics of Subscription for Stock to aaid Company, will be opened at the following places, from 9 to 3 o'- clock, on each day, viz: At the house of Daniel Shawhan, in Birmingham, on Monday, the 24th of March nest; at the Merchants' Hotel, in the city of Pittsburgh, on Tuesday, the 2.5 th day of March ; and at the house of B. Acker, in Riceville, on Wednesday, 26th day of March next, where one or more Commis sioners will be in attendance. By order of the Board of Commissioners. JAS. PATTERSON, Ja., Sec'y feb. 24—chtit&avytcl. Fresh Arrival A T the cheap Morocco and Fancy Leather store. No 1 - 1. 95 Wood at.. next door to the corner of Dia mond Alley. the following articles viz; Curncoa boot Morocco; do No 1 Kid; do No 2 do; do Rubbed off do; Tampico boot Morocco; do undressed do; do dyed black do; Madras boot Morocco; do undressed do; do Kid; Fancy colored Moroccm Cape of Goad Rope boot Morocco; do do do Kid; Pink and fait linings; Black cross bar sheepskin; Split sheep skins; Alum tanned splits; Japanned splits; do sheep; do muslin; do velvet, &c., &c. All of which will be sold at lower rates than at any other establishment West of the mountains. Strange)s and others will do well to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. feb24l Dissohltion of Partnership. T HE Partnership heretofore existing under the Sron of Kingsland & Hays, in the Foundry bu siness, is Pitt township, is this day dissolved by mu tual consent, A. Heys is alone authorized to settle up the business of said firm . N. B. The business wine carried on es heretofore by A Hays. C XINGSLAND, Feb.ll, 1845.—feb12.tf A HAYS. Canary Seed. 400 LBS. Fresh Canary Seeds, just received fix sale wholesale and retail, by F. L. ariowlsEN, No 184, Liberty head of Wood Its New Orleans Sugar. Hhrh. •Irriv'd ro-d for , 1 !,v ittsbur ALGEO & MeGUIRE, 251 Liberty at JOHN IL McKEE MCI for Salt and to Let. mA large and pornrenient two story frame dwelling -House, violate on Front, nevi Ferry street. ALSO—A large and very convenient three story Brick dwelling House, on Wylie street. ALSO—A two story Brick Warehouse, - oh Ferry street., Apply to trier 13 T. Let - pa - SEVERA L. brick residencies, built and finished in the - modern style, and Irti situate in the delightful and airy port of Allegheny City, fronting the River in tho neighborhood of the upper Bridge --terms reasonable. Enquire of W. B. COPELAN, at the Offioe of t he Union Cotton Fac D tory. Allegheny City, March 1. 1845. m4-.ltf To Let. T HE STORE on the corner of Fifth and Union greet& now occupied by J. Pattervin. Apply to JAMES MAY. mur 6 To Let. TH E twn story brick dwelling house No 89 Smithfield street. at present occupied by Mr John McFuden. Enquire of JOHN D DAVIS, feb 20 corne r of Wood aid sth streets. Rat/leld Rope Walk for Rent, T HAT extensive Rope Walk lately occapied by Smith 6r Guthrie, extending from the Kittaning road to the Allegheny river in Pee:3les townships, where 'ropes for the inclined plane. Portage rail-road, has been manufactured to great advantage, together with the Steam Engine and muchienery complete, will be rented on moderate terms. Enquire of GEO. COCHRAN. feb 7. No 26 Wood at. Por Sale. ' .. A two story frame house, 16 by 32 feet, to. gether with a lot of ground situated in Alleghe ny city, near the Union Cotton factory, 25feet fronting on Canal street, tuning back 116 feet to Carpenter's Alley, will be sold low for cash or Pittsburgh manufac tured articled. Apply to W. B. HAYS, feb 5 No. 220 Liberty at. Sale. A N excellent farm For of 167 d acres of land in West moreland county., well watered and good impruv ment ; on which is erected a good Saw Mill; any person wishing to purchase, can have a bargain by applying soon to jan 30 To Let A lArgeand convenient two story Brick dvvel si7i ling Hone, on Wylie street, now uccupicd by It IVadhington, EN. Apply to jen 28 JAMES MAY. To Lot. jatA large and convenient two story Brick House, with Carriage Huuse and Stable, on the corner of Penn and Factory streets, sth Ward. A very convenient twu story Ftarou House on Front near Ferry street. A two story Brick dwelling on Ferry Street. Also—A frame Cottage in Allegheny city, below the Canal. Apply to JAMES MAY. jan 28 STEAM POWER AND SHOP ROOMS FOR RENT. T HE subscriber has a large and conven:ent build ing with about a 50 horse power engine, which he offers to let in rooms to suit any person who may wish to have power for manufacture, at a less rate than keen be produced by a small engine. Shop on Fifth street, opposite Exchange Hank. jan 16-3 m H. 11. RYAN. To Let, A COTTAGE with about four acres of glikk ground in the borough of Lawrenceville,= with carriage -house, stabling, fruit trees and a good spring, of water on the premises. Further information will be given by either of the subseriLers, executors fut the estate of Winium 'roman, dec'd. Possession given on the first of April. JAMES TOMAN. GABRIEL ADAMS, DAVID McM ll jan To Let. T FIE second and third storiesof the new Buildings on the corner of .sth and Union streets. Apply to JAMES MAY. jnn 28 JAMES coanzum, Corner of Liberty and Factory streets, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh .ANUFACTURER of Meg main Fire Proof lII_ Chests, Iron Doors. Grates and Railings; Iron Doors for Bank Vaults, Canal and Rail Read-Irons, together with every description of Smith work. !INFER To—M Allen, James May, William Holmes, Samuel Church, Lewis Hutchinson, Lorenz, Sterling & Co., John Irwin &Son, Atwood & Jones, A Beelen. PITTSBURGH, bl• RUH 3, 1845. We, the undersigned, having been present at a test made this afternoon, of a Fire Proof Chest, manufitc tured.by Mr. Jas. Cochrtn, certify, that said chest remained in the fire, which was fed and kept up durin g the whole time, at least one hour, and during nearly all that time was red hot. On being cooled and open ed, the papers and Bank notes which we saw placed inside, were preserved. We c nvide r the test was must fair, and perfectly satisfactory, and cheerfully and confidently recommend the safe made by hint to the public. Signed : Anthony Beelen, Esq. , W H Smith, Rees C Town send, A Miltenkrger, 14 Allen, John Scott, John Anderson, William J Ankrim, William J Anderson, John FI Cassel. A BEELEN, Esq., Commission Merchant, corner of Fmnt and Ferry streets, and Mr. G. BEALE, Jr , No 74, Wood street, are Agents for Pittsburgh; and Messrs, BRYAN and MILTENBERGER. St Louis, Mo., to either of whom orders may be addressed. Pittsburgh. March 8, 1815 dly To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh. ITHE suLscrib4r most respectfully informs the gentlemen of this city and 4 llll l loiii vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the Mapes office, at the stand lately occupied by P. Ker rigan. Having been foreman in some of the most fashionable bootshops in the Eeastern cities; and haw ing fin nisbed himself with the best French and Ameri can calf eking, be hopes by his attention to business to merit a share of public patronage To those gentle men who have kindly patronized him be returns his sin cere thanks, and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and knowledge of his business July 24-tf, M cGUFFEY'S Eclectic School Books; Cohb's new series of Readers, Nos. 1,2, 3,4, and 5 ; Smith's new Arithmetic and Grammar; Smith's Mitchell's, Olney's. and Morse's Geographies; Bul lion's EngliM and Latin Grammars t Parley's Com mon School History ; Sawlees Speller and Readers, Nos. 1,2, and 3; just received and for sale cheap for cash or good clean rags by J. H. MELLOR, m 4. 122, Wood street. SCHOOL BOOKS. HAZEN'S Speller and Definer—intended to oisvi ! . ate the necessity of a Sebooi Dictionary enpores History of the United States—for schools-- theahcapest and m nat convenient history yet publishedt Kirkham's Grammar; Moree'sGeogmphy ; Mitchell's Geography; Smith's Grammar; Brown's Grammar; just received and for sale by Medicine Chests tsr Steam Boats. T HE subscriber has now on hand twenty medicine chest s (of various sizes and prie.es,l for a:lir-cheep or cash. IVIVt. THORN. t; •b 22 Droacriqt, 53 Nlarket st., Pitisborgh, • ome at Last. A I,OT of ilie real Go , ihen Cherie, of very supe To, Let. JAMES MAY D &G W LL TERNAN W. M'DONALD, No. 65, Wood street 2tuttion Salto. Firstle of Fresh Dry Goods. WILL be sold at the New dftelion Rooou, Noe. TBl amid 63, Wood street, THIS MORNING, the 20th inst., at 10 o'clock, a very large and fresh assort ment of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, which have been just received from the East, for fall sales- Tbis stock embraces clearly the whole variety of articles in the line; g ll of which are of the best fabric, and very latest fashions. They will be sold fur cash, conency, in lots to suitpatchasers. N . Blue black, brown and WOOL invisible green broadoloths, superfine; blue, black and mixed satinetts, indigo blue and cadet mixed and Kentucky Jeans; Duffield and Mackinaw blankets; woolen shawls; heavy pilot cloth, &c. Worsteds. Plain six quarter English merino, of all colors; changeable figured A !paces lust res; three and six quar ter mousselia de 'eines; dress hclkfs, Sec. Silks and Satins. Plain blk dress silk; figured silk besting; American sewing silk; satin stocks; silk hdkfs; &a. Linens and Cottons. Superfine Irish linen; patent thread; spool cotton, prints, checks,ginghams, Irish linens; brown muslins, bleached do.; cambric du.; table cloths; tablediaper; Sec. Fancy Articles. Linen shirt collars, gum suspenders, stay laces, me rino gloves, nett drawers, G S combs, etc. CAPS, HATS AND BROGANS, Belonging to a separate invoice, which must be clo sed without any reservation. One case of fine Nutre hats; one case of cloth, velvet er d glazed cups; and two cases metes fine Brogans. Al 2 o'clock, P M. A very large assortment of new and second hand household and kitchen furniture. mar 20. Adjourned Sale of Real Estate. B Y order of Executors, will be *old agreeably to adjournment, on the premises. on Friday next. March 21st. at 11 o'clock, A M., by order of the Ex ecutors of the Estate of Benjamin Bakewell, deceased, that valuable Lot of ground, situate at the corner of Smithfield street and Virgin Alley, having a front of 55 feet on the former, and extending along the latter 86 feet, to a four feet alley, on which is erected a con venient brick meeting house, about 35 feet by 50 feet, well pared and lighted with Gas, capable of accom modating 300 persona. Terms, which will be liberal, made known at time of sale. J. D. DAVIS. Pittsburgh. March 19, 1845. Auctioneer. Dry Goods, Steady made Clothing, &c. W ILL be sold at M'Kenna's Auction Mart,cor net- of 2,1 and Wood sts , on Thursday, the 20th inst. at 10 o'clock, A M. a variety of Dry Goods, consisting in part ofChaihs.CaAinets, Kentucky Jeans, Bed Ticking'', Woolle Shawls, ar.c. Also, at the same time a smell lot of reedy made clothing. And at 2 o'clock P M, new and second hand furni ture, among which are bedsteads, tables, chairs, bu reams, &a. Terms at Sale. Orphan's Sale of Real Estate. P URSUANT to an order of the Orphans' Court , dated, March 1, 1845, will be exposed to public 1 sale, upon the premises, on Wednesday, the 26th inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M. --the foPowing described tract or piece of land, containing 9 acres and 34 perches, situate in Ross Township, Allegheny County, 4 miles from the city of Pittsburgh, on the Franklin Road; bounded by lands of George S. Webster and wife, William Rodenbaugh, John W. Goffand Peter Ivory; being a dividend part r.f the estate of John Rodenbaugh, late of Ross Township, and County aforesaid, deceas ed; in an amicable action of petition in the District Court, July Term, 1844; No 417. The property is well worthy the attention of those who may wish a pleasant Country residence. Also, well designed for any person wishing to gar den. It has erected upon it, a Bne brick mansion' house, Containing six miens, a large kitchen, with I front and beck cellar, and a MOat excellent spring of ' water at the door. There is attached to the house, one acre in garden, well improved, hnving in it some of the choionst plants and shrubery in the Country, I with an excellent assortment of the best grapes.! There is also en the property a fruit orchard of 200 ! bearing trees of the choicest fruit. Any person wish- I ing further inlet rnation, ran obtain it by calling on W. Brentllnger, Esq., Office on sth Street, between Wood nod Smithfield. JACOBIATTLE, Guardian. & , Pitothurgh, Mardi 12 LYND , 1845. A BICKLEY uctiomeeers. N. B. Thirty scree of good hand adjoining the above can be had on rea4onable terms. FRESH ARRIVAL AT WILLIAM DICIBrs CHEAP CASH CLOTHING STORE, 136 LIBERTY STREET. THE proprietor or the above establishment hogs respectfully to inform his friends and the public in general, that he is just receiving from the Eastern cities one of the LARGEST AND MOST FASRIONABLE • • 611 0R781LJPIT OP English, French and American Cloths and Cashmeres, Comprising the best fabrics and newest patterns , adapted for the SPRING AND SUMMER. SEASONS' Together with a great variety of new and HANDSOME STYLES, Of every description, of Cotton, Linen and Woollen Summer Stuffs, Stocks, Silk Handerchiefs, Cravats, Shirts, Drawers, and every article of READY MADE. CLOTHING, &c. Making ono of the LARGEST, BEST, AND MOST FASHIONABLE STOCKS For Gentlemen's wear, ever offered in the city; all of which he is determined to sell at the VERY LOWEST PRICE FOR CASH. All that is needed to convince, is a fair inspection, which he earnestly invites, believing that he can sell better goods, at lower prices, than are generally met with, Orders in the tailoring line executed in the best manner, and at the sborte4t notice. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Are particularly invited to call and examine the stock before purchasing elsewhere. mar 3-dim Building Lots Por Sale. IWO large lots on the Fourth - street road, bounded on the enat and west by Mr. Miller's property, opposite to G. Gumbert's. One lot is 45 feet front on the road, and 120 beck, to a 24 foot alley; the other is 47 feet 11 inches, also fronting on the road, by 120 deep. These lots will be sold together or divided, to suit purchasers. Also, Four lots in Laceysille, fronting on Overbill street. 20 feet front by 100 back. All the above Lots are pleasantly situatPd, those on the Fourth-street Road particularly so, having a beau tiful sycamore tree, which would shade a house admi rably, The above property, if not sold previous to the 22d day of March next, will be offered at public sale on that day at 3 o'clock, P. M., on the ground. on the Fourth-street Road. and in Laceyville at 4 o'clock, The terms will be liberal. For further particulars aPPIY to Anthony Beeriest, Commission Merchant. Front street, Geo. L Rice , near the Toll-gatesf or to David Beeler, Peebles township, on the Fourth -street Rood. mar 3-d&w Dry Goods. T "E undersigned having purclased the entire stock of Preston & Mackey, consisting of a va riety of foreign and domestic Dry Goode, which he will now offer at vary low prices fcr cash. Country merchants, and all who wish bargains, will please call in and examine for themselves. jan 2R-6m. • WM. r, MACKEY. Dried Fruit,. I(3loDlied Poaches, 1:25 do do Applo/, 1. .• Hodk•cl n!',l fnr sale by - P M'KENNA, Auctioneer L75?3: 0 ‘!1 , ;r - e. C-1; COILDIOTSD DAILY IT & MUM, IMAZIEMI4IOI 811013118, comma or WOOD AND THIRD ATE SPECIE STANDARD. Merchants andAtfasufaetitrers'ScriP ...par Exchange Bankeri p . Currency Berke County Scrip 5 EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT. On Philadelphia ....4 preen New York .4 prei. Boston. .... prem. Baltimore .4 Prem. SPECIE. Gold prem. Silver PENNSYLVANIA.--PITTSBURGH. Bank of Pittsburgh Par Merchants and Manufacturers bank •- -par Exchange .... Do. Hollidaysburgh par PHILADELPHIA. Bank of North America • Do Northern Liberties pal Do Pennsylvania par COMmercial Bank 01 Pennsylvania Farmers' and lifecUmics bank par Kensington hank Manufacturers and Mechanics' par Mechanics" Moyarnensing Philadelphia bank Schuylkill r r - Southwark ..... ".... Western I Bank of Penn Township Girard bank U. S. bank and branches 30 COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantown " Chester county pm. " Delaware county " ' Montgomery county pat .. " No.shumberland par harmers' bank of Bucks county.... ..par Easton bank .. • • • • • • .......ar Doylestown bank .. .... p ear FrankhnS Ink of Washington Bank of Chambersburgh-- 1 " Middletown " Getty5burgh ............., ....... 1 " Lewistown • ..... 1 " Susquehanna county 40 Be rksconnty bank. no sale Columbia Bank and Bridge Company par Carlisle bank 1 Erie bank Farmers and Drovers' bank " Bank of Lancaster par " Bank of Reading par Harrisburg. bank 1 Ifonesdale " Lancaster " Lancaster co. " Lebanon . ' , finer,' bank of Pottsrille...... . .... -...1 Monongahela bank of Brownsville New Hope and Delaware Bridge company 2 Northampton hank ....no sale Towanda bank - no sale Wyoming bank ....... - West Branch bank-- _ York bank... - OHIO. Belmont bank of St. Clairsvil 1e....... 1 Clinton bank of Columbus-- . • Columbiana bank of New Lisbon...-. . 1 ..-1 Circleville (Lawrence, caskier)...... 1 ( Warren, ~.no sale Cineinnr ti banks - Chillicothe bank.... .__ Commercial bank of Lake Erie . 2 D a yton bank Franklin bank of Coltsmbus. ...... . Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville ..1 Farmers' bank of Canton. ..... • .• 20 ea ug a.. —. • . ~..... 1 Granville Hamilton 10 Lancaster 10 Marietta ...... .—.....1 Massillon Mechanics' and Traders', Cincinnati 2 Afo-vnt Pleasant Normalk Putnam. ..... Sandusky + _ _. Scioto •• • • Scioto Urbana Wooster Xenia Zanesville Bank of Cleveland.. ..„ „ . ..... Mate bank and branchelNDlANA.s State Seri" 5 KENTtiCKY All banks...... I " LLINOIS. State bank Bank of Illinois, Shatoneetomn GINIA. Rank of the Valley VIR of Virginia 1 Bank of Virginia . . . Exchange bank of Virfinia 1 Farmers' bank of Virgin i a.... .. . I North, Wertern bank of —•-- - - • - Merchants' and MeekaniinAiTh of Vir ßranches... ginia .. Bank at Morganton'''. _ _ _ MARYLAND Baltimore City banks... All other solvent banks., .• .• • ...• 1 NORTH CAROLINA. All solvent banks.. _ . _ SOUTH CAROLINA 411 solventbasks GEORGIA. AnsaEvent banks .. . Mobile banks.. .. .. Country banks.. LOUISIANA. Nem Orleans banks ( ~.,,,1 TENNESSEE. A 11 bank5.,.........- —... .....,..,.,3 MiCHIGAN. Bank of 31. Clair, St. Clair, ....• 3 Bank of the River Bassin, Monroe 3 Fanners' and Meckanics Bank, Detroit 5 Michigan bunrance Co., Detroit 3 Oakland County Bank, Pontiac,...,., Valuable Standard Works, ASTORIA, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Reeky Mountains, by 'Washington Irving. Catlin's North American Indians, being letters and notes, on the manners, customs and condition of the Wildest tribes of Indians, in North America. Prescott', Conquest of Mexico, with a preliminary view of the ancient Mexidan Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes, by Prescott The Life of Lorenzo DeMedici. called the Mag. nificent. by Wm. Roscoe. The Private Journal of Aaron Burr, during his rysi dente of Four veers in Europe, with selections from his correspondence. Edited by Mathew L. Davis; the above fur sale low for Ca.h, by CHAS. H. KAY. Bookseller, corner of Wood and 3d streets. 15011 Rhin. No.l SALT: V In Store end for sale by SAM'L. M. KIER, Canal Bain, neat 7th street, Pommylnman Canal and Railroad. ADJOURNED SALE. AGREEABLY to an Act of the L e gislature of 'Pennsylvania passed 29th A pril. 1841, the books for subscription to the Stock of the Pennsylvania Ca nal and It Cornpawy, will be re-opened at the Nfetchant,' Exchange, in :he city of Philadelphia. at o'clock. A. NI, on the first day of April, 1845, and s;rrmrtirnietrom 9 n'clock until 3 o'clock, I'. M. for twenty Juridicial tinvs therenfrnr. 1k order of the - - par par • * par '-par par par ....par par] par .... ...... ....par ret , •••• ....1 ..r• ........ ---; ........... ""'"'" •P •• ~ .• .1 , ,8 rri H pubt,i, rr , miirtfol!‘: ircitr m r in d ex . 1 amine the Piano Yenta with ttniahmin,w;obrativi improvement whieh has .',rtiet been recaiN,. - ii, and t. of: feiii to t tte impect iOll of vastta s. n~ .. ~;.. 71114118 P 0 II TATI 01S. 7- llama 1845.111 Ma United States Portable Stoat Liao, For the Transportatio n of Freight dad Emigre* Passengers, to cued from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL. PHIA, NEW YORK, AND BOSTON. No transhipment between Piltsbargh and Philad'a. T uts old eg,..,,,,,, Portable Boat Line, ba 'yin,: extensive facilities is enabled to store and carry a large amount of produce and merchandise with em. taints and despatch. One or more Boats will depart from the depot at each end of the line daily (Sundays' excepted,) at 3 o'clock, P. M., and warrant Goclds to be delivrred through in 8 days, Produce consigned to the house at Pittsburgh for shipment to the East, will bo received from Strom Boats and forwarded without delay. and always at the very lowest rates of freight charged by any respansi. ble Line. All merchandize !aphis Line from the East and consigned to C. A. Al'Astavv, Pittsburgh, will be forwarded immediately on arrival to their destine. tion. Bills of Lading transmitted, and every instrne. tion from shippers promptly attended to without any extra charge for storage, comrnission.ete. The proprieto rs in soliciting a continuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally extended to this Lire, pledge themselve s , that nothing that experie en c and attention can affeot shall be wanting to promote the interests of Customers. Address or apply to 1 C. A SPANULTY, Cl Basin . ROSE MERRlL:l.Pith.burgh & DODGE, 71 S mith's Wharf, Baltimore. I A. L.GERH ART & CO. Broad st., Philadelphia, IV. ADJ. T. TA !'SCOTT,J 76 South st., New York, h 1, 1443. AORNTS FOR FRB Pii.OPRIRTORS. rillginirgb. Din faiP• Until the now actincanct is completed nrrust the Allegheny river at Pittsburgh, Goods will be is. cri mg} and delivered at nor warehouse in Allegheny city. Ofice, corner of Lacuck and Federnl mtr C. A. AVANULTY. Pan/ PASSXMOZIB LINE, .4••• a • ••4. Via arownsvillo and Onnaherhuid, fbr sal timore, Washington and Philadelphia. Sprint Arrangements, dummeneing Tuesday, Fatalism" 4th, 1845. THE SPLENDID FAST RUNNING STEAMERS Ora LOUIS MeLA NE, JAcnes, Master. CONSUL, CLIaK, Meister, Will leave the wharf boat. above the Monongahela bridge, alternately awry morning ut ai o'clock, pre, et Rly. By this arrangement pas•eneers will take coaches at Brownsville at 4 o'clock. P Al., Railroad Cara et Cumberland at a wo.ch. A M., and arrive at Balt'. more at 5 o'clock, P Through to Baltimore in 32 hourii, fare $lO. Philadelphia in . 40 " $l2. Tickets to he had at the Stave and Boat office, neat door to the Monongahela Hou‘c. Freight must be delivered at the wharf boat is the afteinoon, as the departure of the boats will be posi tive at the hour named. feb 24-tf I Ready Wade Coffin Warebensa. ' Fourth Street, second door from the U. S. Bonk, WIL TROVILLO, UNDERTAKERS tItESPECTFULLY inform,t the public that he has removed his ready made coffin taare, house to the building recently occupied by My, R. C. Berfbrd, directly opposite his old stand where ho is always prepared to attend prompt, ly to any orders in his line, and by strict alien. Lion to all the details of the business of an Undertaker he hopes to meet public confidence. He will be pre. pared at s Lt. HOURS to provide Hearses. Biers, Car, riazss and every mrpiisire nn the most liberal terms. Calls from the cnunity will be promptly attended to. His residence is in the same buildings with his warehouse, where those who need his services May find him at any time. Refereners:—W W livtin, Judge Riddle, Judge Patton. %V 13 Al'Clure, Las° Hurrio, ItevJohn Muds, D. D., Rev Robert Rruce. D. D., Rev SIIMIIet Wilt ' limns, Rev Jusepb Kerr, Rev Jumes M Davis, Res E 1' Swift. Improred Shutter Fa Meiners. rin HE subscriber has invented and manufactures a superior SHUTTER FASTENER, made of malleable iron, and superior to anything of the kind now in use in this city,end, he believes in the United States. To be had at any ni the Hardware stores fn the city. and at the mar.ufactory, Smithfield at., core oar of Diamond alloy. J. voGDr.s. jun 14-iity. WILLIAM! PIIACOCIL, GLASS CUTTER AND GLASS STAINER, SMITHFIELD STREET, narwgett DIAMOND ALLEY AND FIFTH eTRELT, W P. respectfully solicits public patronage, • and engages to do his work inn style equal if not superior to that crony similnr establishment the country. iq feb 19.3 m ----- Notice, Call and Settle, A LL persons indebted to the hoe Firm of Chsn ti bets & Bowman, partners in the saw mill but sines,, prior to the let of April last, (as we hay, labia, ly agreed to date oar dissolutio n from that time) ore hereby notified torn!' and :mile up, on or befote the' 15th of March next; as all accounts remaining unsete tied after that date, will he placed in the hands of a propet per Ann for collection. And all persons h es t ing claims against the same, will please present the% for settlement. JOHN CHA MBERL 11+19. JOSEPH BOWMAN. Old EVANS & 117cFADEIN. THE subscribers beg leave to inform the Moods and thepublic , in general, that they have tattiM into partnervhip for the purpose ofeontinuing thiltplata nfacture of Ploughs, Corn Sheller*, Plough CestlnSte, Stoves, Hollow ware," and all 10 MA of Caitinlr 010 old and well known establishment • 'EVANS' MILL," No. 10 WATER STREET. Mr. McFarlen respectfully solicits a return andcon, tinuance of the patronage of the friends oldie old anti former firm of - Evans and McFarlon," whilst Mr. Evans also solicit*a continuance of the patronage of the friends of ihe bite firm of 0. 0. Frans & Co. GEO. M. EVANS ? fob JOHN M:FA DEN. White & Brother, No 76, Market, beliceew the' Diamond and Fourth. . A RE now receiving from l'biladeivhia and New York. their spring. assortment of Fancy and Std, ple Dry Goods, to which they r fluid invite the aiLeAl ti3n of their friends and the public generally. N. D. Their old stock will be sold oil . at Focluped prices. feb 26-Im, S. S. Molasses, BBLS. "Goodelea" S. H, Marlasses, Joel rat sk.t ceived and for sale I,y J. W. BURBRIDGE & CO., Water street. James Slaimirj A !den:rasa. Office on Penn et., nettrifia Market !lease, sth Wprlif feb 25. Likenesses of Go',. Skunk, WILLIAMS' fine Print of Gov. Shook, may b. obtained at HILLIERS' Flint Storm, 1011 Woori wreet —Pr ice 50 els. fob IT. Jainism Attachment, f ) . ;~;#~. .- ~. L ~:b • /{ ~3 :'r. y ~~;.. c A •• a -7 4 1 , -1 1