Daily Alorning post. PITTSBURGH, PA. TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 1845 PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. COMMITTEE FOR MARCH. B. Craig, J. F. Kelly, A. Wylie, Jr t , TAINTING ♦a IRON Stig.—We were present, with tethers, yesterday, at the testing of an Iron Safe, Ma I kft. , !med by Mr. JAPANS COCHRAN, of the Fifth Ward. 4..zustaber of newspapers were thrown lobaely into the chest, and two bank notes were dropped into the drawer. The chest was then subjected to the action of a trelowdotta fire, made from dry wood-, and carefully fed for upwards of an hour. For the greater part of the tithe the outside of it was red-hot. When the ,peraosts present thought the fiery test was sufficient, water was dashed upon the chest until it was sufficiently cooled to enable the workmen to remove it from the cads; arid open the door. Wheat the .newspapers were taken out, some of .thultt were slightly soorched,but the notes were wholly • noluiuned. The tart seemed to us to be entirelysatis- Sewn, and we are convinced that a safe constructed like this one, would keep books and papers unharmed through the severest fire that could occur. Mr COCEI• lAN is largely engaged in the manufacture of Safes— * first rate specimen of his skill may bo seen at the County Treasurer's Office. It was recently purchas ed by the county for the Treasurer', use. Miss DELI• iVABSTER has been pardoned by the Governor of Kentucky, and has returned to her home is New England. ST. PATRICK'S DAY Thefriends of Ireland, who wish to celebrate the approaching anniversary of St. Patrick, will meet at the Washington Hotel, on Wednesday evening next, at 7 o'clock, to make suitable arrangements for the oatliska. mar 4 LIBERTY MEETING The ropier monthly meeting of the Liberty men of Pittsburgh and vicinity, will be held this evening in Tat6perance Hall, at 7 o'clock. Dr Wm Eider and others will address the meeting; matters of impor tance will be presented to the meeting fur considera tion. 'All are invited to attend. Shawls, Alpaceas, Cashmeres Dlcosse. 'B3. Market Street, Pittsburgh. 83. SELLING OFF AT COST. P E. CONSTABLE requests the attention of the 1/ • public to his stock of shawls; consisting of Blanket Cloth, Cashmere, embroidered Thihet and Belvidere, and Broche, at prices ranging from 50 cents up to $l2. Alpaca's, figured and plain, Romelias, Zenobia Cloths. &c., at from 184 cents up to 50 and 62 1-2. _Cashmeres D'Cose from 25 up to 50 cents, the new est inspotted styles. Just received, another lot of Flannels. imported as tb• only kind that is not liable to shrink. jun 15 DOCTOR EDMUND LANDIS'S PATENT DOUBLE SPRING TRUSS. P.r ate Melioration and Cure of Hernia. ITZMANITY is deeply indebted to the ingenuity AIL and perseverance of Dr Edmund Landis, a citi zen of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for a valuable improve ment in the construction of the Truss for the meliora tion of Hernia or Rupture, which, after being careful ly tested by application to a number of pntients, hay never failed to give relief, and in most cases has proved successful in effecting a permanent cure. This improved Truss has been submitted to the must eminent members of the medical profes,don, echo, af ter fair trial and examination, have concurred in pro nouncing it an important discovery, particularly as it admits of perfect adjustment to the sect of the com plaint, and of bearing with certainty upon the point where the pressure is required. without admitting of a ebalioxt of change or of shifting by any action of the tenwelee, hip or body,—the outer spring, which is very elastic, only giving, by which arrangement every move- Meet is accommodated. The suffering and imminent danger to life conse quent upon that most distressing of all complaints, Strangulated Hernia, need never be apprehended by persons who wear this improved Truss, and the patient may cherish a confident hope, that in consequence of the intestine or omentum never being permitted to protrude.in the slightest degree, that the distended ring or opening will gradually contract, and a perma nent cure be effected, when the Truss may be dispens ed with altogether. This Truss may be vety properly termed, Dr LAN DIS' COMPOUND SPRING TRUSS; the springs being 2 in number, the inner and the outer, the latter lying oven the former. The exterior spring is three times the length of the interior, upon the end of the latter the compress or eliptical pad or block is fasten ed, which rests upon the affected part. There is a small adjusting screw, which passes through the ow er spring, immediately over the pad or block, and is formed to bear upon any part of the block, so that the pressure can be made to act immediately upon or over the rupture with the degree of force or weight which the case may require. The whole apparatus is so ad justed as to fit any peculiarity of form, at the same thine so flexible al to occasion neither inconvenience tsar messiness to the wearer,while following his usual ova:Adm..: ' The folloWing distinguished members of the Med ical profession have borne ample and unqualified testi mony is dse palliative and curative value and impor tances:if Dr Landis' discovery: George B Kerfoot, M D, sad Jobe L Atlee, M D., of Lancaster, Geo M'. Clellasta„ M D., Professm of Surgery in the Pennsyl• "aria and Jefferson College, and Samuel M'Clelland, M D., Professor of Anatomy in the same college; Sam uel Ilitsetin.34 D., Professor of Anatomy in the Penn sylvania College, 8/cu.:James M'Clintock, M D., Pro- fessor of Surgery in Vermont College, &..c.; John W i t baulk, M D., and W B Grant, M D., Professor in the Pemosyloania College; Henry G Patterson, M D., Professorof Materia Medica in the Pennsylvania Med ical College; to which we add with pleasure the res pectable names of S Snyder, M D., J K Neff, M D., C L Baker, M D., and Henry Carpenter, M D., of buseaster. H H KeCULLOUGH having purchased the patent rig*. for melting and vending the above TRUSS, is prepaid to furnish them to all who may be afflicted toile that disease. lie is also prepared to fill all or adill front Physicians and Druggists, and solicits their plawangss. He will attend to applying the instru ment; believing it to be superior to anything of the Wed ever invented. He has put the price so low that it is within the reach of all. The testimonials of the esehleet Physicians, whose names are above append ad, are downed .efficient recommendations. H H bt'CULLOUGH, Cor. Fourth & Wood streets, Pitt s'gh. feb 22-41&wly Pr•clamation. BT virtue of a precept under the hands of the Hon Benj Patton, Jr, President of the Court of Com mon Pleas, in and for thesth Judicial District ofPenn syleinkhend Justice of the Court of Oyer and Termi ner. aarlOrtneced Jail Delivery,in and for said District, sad John M Snowden and William Porter, Esquires, Assesiese Judges of the same courts, in end tur the said Dillt7 of Allegheny, dated the 10th day of Jon way, is the roc of our Loni one thousand eight hun dred and forty-five, and to me directed, for holding a Coat of Gravid Terminer, and General Jail Deliv ery, at the Court House, in the city of Pittsburgh, on she Fourth Monday of March next, at 10 o'clock A M. Pollak sotioe is hereby given, to all Justices of the Penee,Coroner and Constables, of the County of Al leginmy, %bathey be then and there, in their proper Passes, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, exami mnines, and other remembrances, to do those things, vlsiob to their respective officers in their behalf apper min to be dose—end also those that will prosecute the prismem that now are or may be in the jail of said county of Allegheny, to be then andibere to prosecute against them as shall be Just Given Under my hand at Pitt.burgh, this 23d of Feb. miry. In the year of our Lord 1.845, and of the Com monwealth the 66th. feb 24. ELLTAH TROVILLO, Sh'ff. I "port "of Pittgburgi: ►ERT WATER IQ THE CH•MpgI. ARRIVED. Lewis McLain, Jacobs, Brownsville; Josephine, Gaskell, Brownsville ; Hibernia, Klinefolter, Cincinnati ; James Ross, Stewart, Cincinnati: Tobacco Plant, Bennett, St. Louis; DEPARTED. Swiftsure, No. 3, Robinson, Cincinnati; Belmont, Poe, Wheeling; Michigan, Boies, Beaver; Monongahela. (new) Stone, Cincinnati; Mayflower, Hutchison, Nashville; Consul, Clark, Brownsville. Pas Wabash River, Direct. The steamer CICERO, Patterson, mate Muter, will leave for Lafayette and all Intermediate landings, on Wednes day, the Sth of March, at 9A. M. For freight or pas sage apply on board, or to JAMES MAY, feb 26. Agent. For St. Louis and Galena. matTHE Steamer CECILIA will leave for the above and intermediate lend *ngs, on the opening of the Navigation. Fur Freigbt or Passage apply on board. or to JAMES MAY. r''''''Tlie Cecilia is provided with Evans' S ifety Guard to prevent explosion of Boilers. fub 11. Pittsburgh and Wheeling Packet. THE safe and well-found steamer "UTICA," CLARK, Master, has con menced her trips and will run as a reg ular Parket between PITTSBURGH and WHEEL ING dining the season of 1845. For freight or pas sage apply on board or to jan 30 J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. BEAVER PACKET. The well known steamer MICHIGAN. W. B. 80, FA , Master, has commenced her regular Jaily trips, leaving Pittsburgh (as hereto fore) at 3 o'clock. P. M.. and Beaver at 3, A. M. Pricesto suit the times, aud these whc have no money carried free. The Canal to Cleveland will be opened as soon as the weather u ill permit ; on the opening of which CLARKE & CO'S LINE to CLEVF.LAND,O.,and MEADVILLE. Pa., will immediately go into opera- Lion. For freight or passage apply on board, or to G. 111. ITARToti, ;hay 12 Water street. OaThe Michigan is provided with Evans' Safety Guard. Medicine Chests for Steam Boats. THE subscriber has nnw on hand twenty medicine chests (of various sizes and prices, for sale cheap or cash. WM. THURN, feb 2:2 Druggist, 53 Market st., Pittsburgh. Malian Attachment T"Epublic are respectfully invited to call and ex amine the Piano Folio with the above celebratod, improvement which has jos,i, been received, and is of fered to the inspection of visiters. F BLUNIF, corner of Penn and St Clair ~ts feh 13 If Dissolution of Partnership THE Partnership heitstofore existing between Adams & Goldthorp, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 23d of December, 1844. WILLIAM ADAMS. SAMUEL GOLDT110121". The business will be continued as usual, at CI, Third st., by W. ADAMS. I take this opportunity to return my sincere thanks to my friends and the public, for the patronage I have received, and hope by a strict attention to all order, they tnay please to favor me with, and moderate charges, to meet a continuance of their patronage. All kinds of Gas Fixturgis made to order, and put up in the neatest manner. Lamps Cleaned and Re paired equal to new. Turning in general. jan B—d3m ‘VILLIAM ADAMS Dagnerreta Gallery. Corner of Fifth and Market streets. THE Subscriber would respectfully call the atten tion of the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, to the fact of his having re-opened the old stand, recently occupied by Kimball & Emerson, where all who wish to "see themselves as others see them," may procure correct likenesses, at rates so cheap, as to come with in the means of the poorest. Portraits warranted!! Likenesses taken every day, Sundays excepted. A liberal deduction made from the regular prices where families or dubs are taken. N. B.—instruments, rases, &c., kept on hand and for sale, and the necessary instruction. given to pur chasers. feb. 10. Birmingham Bridge and Road Company, AGREEABLY to Act of Assembly, passed 3d day of April, A. D. 1837, and revived by Act pas sed the 18th day of April, 1344, notice is hereby given ; that Books of Subscription for Stuck to . said Company, will be opened at the following places, from 9 to 3 n'- clock, on each day, viz: At the house of Daniel Shavehan, in Birmingham, on Monday, the 24th of March next; at the Merchants' Hotel, in the city of Pittsburgh, un Tuesday, the 25th day of March ; and at the house of B. Acker, in lticeville, on Wednesday, 26th day of March next, where one or more Commis sioners will be in attendance. By order of the Board of Commissioners. JAS. PATTERSON, Ja., Sev'y feb. 24—d6t3r.5,..td. Fresh Arrival AT the cheap Morocco and Fancy Leather store. No 95 Wood at., next door to the corner of Dia• mond Alley, the follow ing articles viz: Curneoa hoot Morocco; do No 1 Kid; do No 2 do; do Rubbed MT do; Tampico boot Morocco: do undressed do; do dyed black do; Madras boot Morocco; do undressed do; do Kid; Fancy colored Morocco; Cape of Good Hope boot Morocco; do do do Kid; Pink and fair linings; Black cross bar sheep skin; Split sheep skins; Alum tanned splits; Japanned splits; do sheep; do mueliii; do velvet, &c., &.c. All of which will be sold at lower rates than at any otherestablishment West of the mountains. Strangers and others will do well to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. feb24 JOHN H. McKEE. Proposals for Building Trucks. AGREEABLY to instructions received from the Board of Canal Commissioners, sealed proposals will be teceived at the office of the Superintendent of Motive Power, at the foot of Plane No 9, Allegheny Portage Rail Road, until sunset, on Wednesday the 12th day of March next, for furnishing ten sets of Trucks, for carrying four section Boats over said Road. It is desirable that as peat a number of Trucks be furnished as early in the season As possible. The bidden; will specify the number of Trucks they will supply—the time when each set will be delivered on the Road, and the price for each: and also whether the Trucks will be new or such as have been used, and if of the latter kind, how long they have been in use. Pnyment will be made out of the Motive Power fond, in eight equal monthly instalments. Superintendent's Office, DAVID WATSON, Feb. 24, 1895. 5 Supt. Motile Power, m 1-td A. P. R. R. Family Flour. AFEW bbla extra Family Flour, received and for sale by A. G. REINHART, mar 1 140, Liberty stTr A. E. DRAKE, Agt lot Salt an o Country Bosbikencio to Lot THE Dwelling House, Garden, &c., now the it! residence of Alexander Breckenridge, Esq., in Pitt Township, one mile and a half from the City, will be let on accommodating terms from the first of A prilnext- Apply to the . subscriber, or in his absence to Mrs Brackenridge. ALEX. BRACKENRIDOE feb 26•d2w For Seder 2FARMS OF LAND, each containing about 125 mores, situate in St Clair Township, one having 70, the other about 40 acres cleared, andon each brick cottages and large barns have been erected within two years; on one of them there are five acres of coal land, and both are well et/tiered and have good °relents.— The price is low and the payment easy. ALSO, 4 loth of land. opposite the U S Arsenal, within two miles of rittshurgh, each containing 8 acres, at less than $6O per acre. FOR RENT ON IMPROVEMENT LEASES, 6 lots ofground (Shoenberger's Place) on Penn et., sth ward, each 25 feet front by 100 feet deep. A LSO. 6 lots of ground, On same place) each 20 feet front by 100 feet deep. 2 lots aground on Dank of tho-Canal, Allestheny city, containing about 126 feet front by 260 feet deep. They will be reined for 5 years by paying the taxes. ALSO, TO ItENT, jaA new and elegantly finished dwelling house, Allegheny city, near the late residence of Hon F K Shunt. Apply to BLAKELY & MITCHEL, feb 2.2 Real Estate Agents and Conveyancers. To Let. TEI E two story brick dwelling house No 89 t Smithfield street, at present occupied by Mr John McFaden. Enquire of JOHN D DAVIS, feb 20 corner of Wood nod Sth streets. Per Sale Cheap. del THE unexpired term of a LEASE, hay ing three years to run, of Ali acres of ground, = eft within of a mile from the New Reservoir of the Water Works (in Pitt Township.) It is enclosed with a hoard fence, and has been well manured with in 12 months. Fur terms apply to BLAKELY & MITCHEL, feb 19 Smithfield, near sth, and Penn st. Land on Improvement Leases. 2000 ACRES of Land, in Williams Coun ty, Ohio.—This land is of the best quality, and in a rich and rapidly improving part of the state. It is within five miles of the Wabash and Erie Canal. and one mile from the town of Hicksville. At Hicksville there are five Grit and Saw Mills. There is a water communication the whole way from Pittsburgh, to within about five miles of the land, both by way of Pittsburgh and Cleveland. The land will he rented in parcels of frum 100 to 150 Acres, on Improvement leases, that is, lenses from 5 to 10 years—on condition of clearing a portion of the land annually. Apply for particulars, to BLAKELY & MI TCHEL, Smithfield, near 5! h, and Penn et For Sale. ta. A FARM OF LAND, in East Deer 12 . Ton nship, Ageglieny County, containing 237 ACRES, well timbered; 50 acres cleared and under good fences. There are 2 coal-pits opened on !he land; several salt springs, and a good two story log house and barn. he farm is within one mile of the village of Tarentum and the Pennsylvania Canal. It. will he sold very low and on easy terms. apply at the Land Office of BLAKELY & MITCHEL, feb 14 Smithfield, near sth, and Penn st. _ _ House to Rent &I t For rent, n comlortnble and convenient dwel -1 10. ling House in the neighborhood of thia City. The rent is low and the situation is well calculated for a boarding HOUSP. The owner and his family are de sirous to hoard with those who may rent the premises, for which they are willing to allow a liberal renurrera tiou. For further information enquire at the office of the Morning Punt. feb 11-1 f Hatfield Rope Walk for Heat. THAT extensive Rope Walk lately occupied by Smith &Guthrie, extending from the Kinard ng road to the Allegheny river in Peeliles townships, where ropea fur the inclined plane. Portage rail-road, han been manufactured to great advantage, together with the Steam Engine and machienery complete, will be rented on mu:lett/Le terms. Enquire of GEO. COCHRAN. feb 7. No 26 Wood mt. For Sale t g , A two story frame house, 16 by 32 feet, t 0.441-1 .4 41 - 1 gether with a lot of ground situated in Alleghe ny city, near the Union Cotton factory, 25feet fronting on Canal street, runing bock 116 feet to Carpenter's Alley, will be sold low for cash or Pittsburgh manufac tem.(' articles. Apply to W. B. HAYS, feb 5 No. 220 Liberty at. For Sale. A N excellent farm of 187; acres of land in West moreland county, well watt*, and good improv ment; on which is erected a good Saw Mill; any Person wishing to purchase, can have a bargain by applying soon to jan 30. D & G W LLOYD. To Let. A large and convenient two story Brick dwel- ling Holm., on Wylie street, now occupied by It Washington, Esq. Apply to jail 28 JAMES MAY. To Lot. THE second and third stories of the new Buildings on the corner of sth and Union streets. Appip to JAMES MAY. jan 28 To Lot. • A large and convenient two story Brick • House, with Carriage House and Stable, on the corner of Penn and Factory streets, sth Ward. A very convenient two story Frame House on Front near Ferry street. A two story Brick dwelling on Ferry Street. Also— A frame Cottage in Allegheny city, below the Canal. Apply to JAMES MAY. jan 28 STEAM POWER AND SHOP ROOMS FOR RENT. THE subscriber has a large and convenient bus ild- ing with about a 50 house power engine, which be offers to let in rooms to suit any person who may wish to have power for manufacture. eta less rate than it can be produced by a small engine. Shop on Fifth street, opposite Exchange Bank. jag 16-3 m H. H. RYAN. To Let. jaA COTTAGE with about four acres of eh ground in the borough of Lawrenceville, with carriage -house, stabling, fruit trees and a good spring of wateron the premises. Further information will be given by either of the subscribers, executors fot the estate of William Toman, deed. Possession given on the firbt of April. JAMES TOMAN, GABRIEL ADAMS, Jan 7-tf DAVID McMULLEN. Fruit aad Glass. 0 BUSH. Dried Apples; 15 125 boxes 8 by 10 Glass: for sale by jar' 30 D. & G. W. LLOYD --- Dry Goods. ns THE undersigned having puschased g'of a va stock of Preston & Mackey, come, which he riety of foreign and domestic Dm( cash. Country will now offer at very low pr;tsergains, will please merchants, and all wheotselves. call in and examine WM. P. MACKEY. jan 28-6 m. . Whits Fish. .Aft.RF.LS of White Fish, jest received and . C . 3 fur saletow by M B RILEY &Co, feb 22. 39 Water street. auction ilicdes. Dry Goods More at Anetion. AT Davis'a Commercial Auction Rooms, termer of Wood and sth streets, on Thursday next, March 6th, sale to commence at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and continued from day to day until all are sold, (Sun days excepted.) the entire stock of an extensive re tail Dry Goods Store, from a neighboring County, _as the owners are declining business; the greater part of the stock was selected by one of the partners with care and judgment In the Eastern cities; the articles are generally of the latest style and patterns; the sale must be positive, and the Foods will be sold in lots to suit dealers, comprising in part, the following, viz: Fine muslin shirts with linen bosoms, collars and wrisbands; Gentlemen's and Ladles blue, black, and white cotton hose; Italian and American sewing silk; French cassi mere; English Buckskin, do.; Plain Tweed dos superfine blue and black sattinett; cadet and steel mixed dot superfine blue, black, green, and olive brown cloths; black galloon ribbon; bonnet and cap do; fine indigo blue ginghamtfurniture china:, Merrimac prints; silk pocket hhilkfre black silk cravats; Goodyear's su per feather edged gum suspenders: 4-4 cotton shawls; large woolen do. assorted; cotton flag hdkfs; Ladies kid gloves; Gentlemen's woolen and cotton gloves; twilled muslin; linen and cotton drilling; cottonado and summer pant stuff; fancy Marseilles and valencla vesrings; figured moreen andrnous de laines; domestic and imported blankets; super black muslin; linen cam bric hdkfs.', assorted; Do do figured corners; Ladies night or retiring cups; Ladies alpacca aprons; Clarke's spool cotton 200 yds; women's fine morocco shoes; women's white and block kid and satin slippers; cord cambiic muslin; bleached and brown do; Gentlemen's fancy cravats; best solid head pins, assorted numbers; black silk velvet; olive, scarlet and drab, do; bonnet velvet, assorted colors; silk Florence, do do; fancy crapes and gimp edgings, Silk drawers; patent thread; Steubenville Jeans; fur and plush caps; figured and plain alpaccas; fine calf skin boots; coarse boots and brogans; with many other articles too tedious to enu merate. The above Goods will be ready fur exami nation on Wednesday the sth inst. Terms at sale. J. D. DAVIS, mar 3 Auctioneer. Executor's Salo of Real *state. ON Tuesday. the 18th inst., at 11 o'clock, A. M. will be sold on the premises by order of the Ex ecutors of the Estate of Benj. Bakewell, dec'd. that valuable lot of ground situated at the corner of Smith field streetend Virgin alley, having a front of 55 feet on the former and extending along the latter 86 feet to a four fax alley, on which is erected a convenient Brick Meeting House, about 35 feet by 50 feet, well paved and lighted with Gas, capable of accommoda ting 300 pers.ms. Terms, whicb will be liberal, made known at the time dude. JOHN D. DAVIS, Pittsburgh, Match bit, 180. Auctioneer. Auction Sale at Itraddocies Field (AN TUESDAY MORNING, the 11th day of k-/ of March, •t 10 o'clock, will be sold at the resi dence of Rev. Z. H. Coston, at Braddock's Field, a large quantity of Household and Kitchen Furniture, Stock and Farming Utensils, among uhich are the following, viz: Mahogany Side Board; Dining, Card and Work Ta Ides; Looking and Toilet Glasses; Wash and Candle Stand; Feather Bed, Bedding and Bedstead-; Chairs; Carpets and Hearth Rugs; Queenswan.: China and Glassware: an extensive assortment ofKitchen Furni ture; Fat Beef Cattle; Fresh Mulch Cows; Young Cat tle; Horses; Hogs; Sheep; Wagons; Carts; Harness; Ploughs; Harrows; Cradles; Scythes, &c. &c. T E RMS.—AII sums under $lO cash; $lO and un der 25 four months; $25 and under $5O six months; $5O and upwards, nine months credit will be given for notes a ith appruved security. New Arrangements. TLIE subscribers having disposed of all their stock of ready made clothing, have determined hence forth to devote their attention exclusively to the custo mer branch of the Testis. According to our present arrangement we will be in receipt of goods monthly, well mad carrfelly bought, expressly for our house, which we are determined (as our facilities will enable us) to offer lower than the same goods can be furnished in this city. The style and finish of our garments shall be second to none. The exclusive attention of one of the firm is devoted to this branch. and the' best hands in the city employed by us in making onr work, to whom the highest prices are paid. The variety and extent of our stock together with the constant addi tions thereto, will enable us to offer inducements to all. We would respectfully refer those disposed to patronize us, to any of our numerous customers. ALGF.O, McGUIRE & CO., Frishi.inable Head Quarters, 251, Liberty st. feb 25. EUROPEAN AGENCY . REMI TT A NC ES of money on moderate terms, ran he made during my absence in Europe, to every port of Ireland, Englund, Scotland, Wales or the con tinent of Europe; Legacies, Debts, property or claims recovered; searches for 'wills, titles and documents effected, and other European business transacted by applying to James May, Water Street, Pittsburgh. H. KEENAN, European Agent and Attorney at Law, oct 30 Pittsburgh, Pa. Old Firm Revived. EVANS & MeTADZN. THE subscribers beg leave to inform the friends and the public, in general, that they have entered into partnenthip for the purpose of oontinuing the man ufacture of Ploughs, Corn Sheller., Plough Castings, Stove*, Hollow ware," and all kinds of Casting at the old and well known establishment "EVANS' MILL," No. 10 WATER STREET. Mr. McFacien respectfully solicits a return and con tinuance of the patronagi of the friends of the old and former firm of "Evans and McFaden," whilst Mr. Evans also solicits a continuance of the patronage of the friends of the late firm of 0. 0. Evan; & Co. GEO. M. EVANS, fob 15-dtf JOHN MzFADEN. Dissolution of Partnership. T HE Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Kingsland & Hays, in the Foundry bu siness, in Pitt township, is this day dissolved by mu tual consent, A. Hays is alune authorized to settle up the business of said firm. N. B. The buisiness will be carried on ea heretofore by A Eltiys. C KINGSLAND, Feb. 11, 1845.—f•b 12. if A HAYS. Likenesses of Goy. Shank. WILLIAMS' fine Print or Gov. Shook, may be obtained at HILLIERS' Print Store, 104 Wood street.—Price 50 cts. feb 17. ASPLENDID Article of Lard Oil for families, hotels, chinches, &c., on draft at very low prices constantly - on band and for sale by J. S. GWYNNE. nov 14 Franklin Manufactory, 2d Street. ErGuffy's Eclectic School Books; RAY'S Eclectic Avithmetics. part 2d and 3d; Mason's Sacred Harp, vol Ist, 24th edition; just received and for sole by J. H. MELLOR, feh 25 122 Wood sire-- Salt. 1000 BBLS No I Sals A mEs 1%1 A y for sale by jan 28 of Firm. • .. C khaving di-posed of an interest in THE 513bficern to a gentleman connected with an ttbUse, they will do business in future under &WO of klgee, McGuire & Co. As we propose ex ending our business considerably, we apprise all those indebted to us in soy way or to any amount, of the necessity of making prompt payment, and all those having claims will please present them imams. diately for settlement. ALGEO & McGUIRE, 251 Liberty it Green Apples. 200 Barrels prime apples, fit for family use and shipping, for sale low by J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Gen eral Quarter Ses,iions of the Peace, in and for the County of Allegheny. The petition of Mrs Ann Craddock, of the 3d werd, of the city of Pittsburgh, in the county aforesaid, re spectfully sheweth, That your petitiouer haul provid ed herself with materials fur the accommodation of travelerd and others, ether dwelling house in the city aforesaid, and prays that your honors will be pleased to grant her a license to keep a public house of en tertainment. And your petitiouer, as in duty bound, will pray. ANN CRADDOCK. We, the subScribers. citizens of the 3d ward, Pittsburgh, do certify, that Mrs Ann Creuidock,. the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty rand temperance, and is wall provided with house room end conveniences for the accommodation of travel ers and others. and that said tavern is necessary. Robert Paul, William Biddle, William Jenkins, Geroge W Bell, T K Hibbert, Wm Mackey, Thomas Pinder, M Patrick, James Montooth, John Bishop, A Hunker, D R Miller, feb 28-3taw" P. C. MARTIN. 60 IVater street To tke Honaratile as Judges of lke Coot of Gene-i rat Quartet &aria ns of the Peace, in and for the County of Allegheny. The petition of Christian tax, of theborough of Manchester, in the county aforesaid, horribly sheweth, That your petitioner path provided himself with ma terials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house is the borough aforesaid, and prays that your honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your petitioner, as in duty bound, will pray. CHRISTIAN LUX. - - We, the subscribers, citizens of the borough of Man chester, do certify, that Christian Lux, the above pe titioner, is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and convenien ces for the accommodation of tt eyelet's and others, and that said tavern is necessary. Simon Snyder, James M'Groorge, Ariel C Hodge, Valentine'Short, Jr, Henry M'Cune, Valentine Short, mar 3-3rd Do the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Gene ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in ansifor the County of Allegheny. The petition of Nicholas Good, of Itou Tovrnship ) in the county aforesaid, humbly abeweth. That your petitioner bath provided himself with materials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house in the Tp. aforesaid, and prays that your honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your petitioner, as in dury bound, will pray• NICHOLAS GOOD. We, the subscribers, citizens of Ross Township, do certify, that Nicholas Good, the above petition er is or good repute for honesty 'and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of travelers end others, end that said tavern is necessary. Robert Hare, Jos 111'Knight, William B Graham, John Scott, William Rodeubough, Casper Reel, Benj Ramage, Gee Quail, William Wi,son, David Reel. John Plankinton, Alex Neely. ml Std. To the Honorable tie Judges of the Court of Gen era! Quarter Sessions of as Peace, in and for the County of Allegheny. The petition of Peter Ivory, of Ross Township, in the cJunty aforesaid, respectfully sheweth, That your petitioner hath provided himself with ma terials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house io the city aforesaid, and prays that your honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house ca entertainment. And your petitioner, as in duty bound, will pray. PETER IVORY. We, the subscribers, citizens of Ross Town ship. du certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provi ded with house room and conveniences for the accom modation of travelers and others, and that said tavern is necessary. Robert Hare, John Scott, Wm R Graham, Casper Reel, W Rodenhatigh, Geo Quail, Benj Ramage, David Reel, John Nelson, Alex Neely, John Plankinton, Jos ISl'Knight. mar 1-d3t" To the Honorable 14e Judges of Me Court of Gen eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, is and for the County of Allegheny. The petition of R Mehaffey, of Plum Township, in the county aforesaid, respectfully sheweth, That your petitioner bath provided himself with ma terials for the accommodation of travelers and others. at his dwelling house in the township aforesaid, and prays that your honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your petitioner, as in duty bound, will pray. We, the subseriben, citizens of Plum township, do certify, that R. Mehafey, the above petitioner, is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the acccommodation of travelers and others, and that said tavern is necessary. Joel Monroe, Snowden M'Gunk in, Jas White, Uzzirth Stewart, Wm flughey, M Medeker, Jos Little, John Summerville, John Gill, Robert Ro, , s, Hugh D King, James M'Ginlev. m 1-3t* To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Gen eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace. in and for the County of Allegheny. The petition of Willlians Radcliff, of Fayette Township, in the county aforesaid, respectfully slum eth, That your petitioner hath provided himself with materials for the accommodation of travelers and oth ers, at his dwelling house in the township aforesaid, and prays that your honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your petitioner, as in duty bound, will pray. WILLIAM RADCLIFF. We, the subscribers, citizens of Fayette Township, do certify, that Wm. Radcliff, the above petitioner, is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of travelers and others, and that said tavern is necessary. A Potter, Wm Cavitt, John Stephenson, A Ingram, Wm Scott, Thos Matthews, John M'Murry, John Stewart, John Donehoe, John Johnson, Alex Robertson, James Woodrow march 1.341* To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Gene ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the County of Allegheny. The petition of Silas D. Pryor, of erildwin township, in the county aforesaid, humbly shewetit. That your petitioner bath provided himself with materials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house in Baldwin township, in the county aforesaid, and prays that your Honors will be tifi.aseti to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. A nd your petitioner, as in duty botind, will pray. We, the subscribers, citizens, of Baldwin Tp., do certify, that Silas D. Pryor, the above petitioner, is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for e . accommodation of travelers and others, and 0.." sa id tavern is necessary. Sam. M'Anulty, Alex. Low: William Moore, sr., S. R ...orris, Jesse Cunningham, v . 'Armstrong, Jos. Wilson, sr., James Blarkmore, James M'A unity William Millholiand. John Brandy . Jno. Cunningham. ml—irEt Henrich Teldbusch, Anthony Borkw, $ C Felker, John Mossier, Boyd Gelson, John Otterson. It MEHAFFEY SILAS D. PRYOR transportation tints. MAW PASSENGER Ling, Se . - , . 7 - .... • 1 • ,"*. -••• .. Via Brownsville and Cumberland, fbr Bal. timers, Washington and Philadelphia. Sprint Arrangements, commencing Tuesday, February , 4th, 1845. THE SPLENDID FAST RUNNING STEAMERS LOUIS MeLANE, Semite, Hamer -- CONSUL, CLARK, Master, Will leave the wharf boat. above the Monongahela bridge, alternately every morning at 9 o'clock, precisely. By this arrangement passengers will take coaches at Brownsville at 4 o'clock, P M., Railroad Can at Cumberland at 8 o'clock, A M., and arrive at Balti more at 5 o'clock, P M. Through to Baltimore in 32 hours, fare $lO. Philadelphia in 90 " $l2. Tickets to be had at the Stage and Boat office, next door to the Monongahela House. Freight must be delivered at the wharf holt in the afternoon, as the departure of the boats will be posi tive at the hour named. feb 4- t f Coot Intent Mail Stage Line for Brie. T HE Subscriber respectfully informs the Public; that, having recently made a contract who the P. 0. Department for carrying the Mail from this place to Erie; have procured new Trny built Coaches for the conveyance of Passengers And having also procured fresh Teams, and good, careful and sober drivers, are enabled to drive through in thirty4wo hours. being out but one night. The Stage will leave the Exchange Hotel every morning at 9 o'clock, A. M. BRINKER, BENNETT, & Co. P. S. For seats, apply to %V B. Moorhead, Agent, next door to the Exchange Hotel. This is the only Line that runs clear through to Erie, the other Line running no further than Mercer. nov. 4, 1844. Wagon and Rail /toad Line. rirl HE undersigned has made arrangements to fur ward Goods during the Winter season to Bahl. more, Philadelphia. New York and Boston, by the most expeditious route and at low rates. C. A. M'ANULTY, Canal Basin, Liberty st. dee 5.18413 m Improved Shutter Paidenersb THE subscriber has invented and manufactures a a superior SHUTTER FASTENER, made of malleable iron, and superior to anything of the kind now in use in this city, and, he believes in the United States. To be had at any of the Hardware stores in the city. and at the manufactory, Smithfield at., cor ner of Diamond alley. J. VOGDES. jan 14-dly. WILLIAM PEACOCK, GLASS CUTTER AND GLASS STAINER, SMITHFIELD STREET, BETWEEN DIAMOND ALLAY •ND FIFTH etRIET. WP. respectfully solicits public patronage, • and enrages to do his work in a style squat if not superior to that of any similar establishment in the country. feb 19-3 m 411208 GE W SMITH, MALSTER AND BREWER, Pittsburgh Brewery, Penn Street, Has always on hand ready to ship, BARLEY, RYE find WHEAT MALT. Also BROWN STOUT, PALE and AMBER ALE, asuperiur quality. feb 10-Iy. Notice, Call and Settle A LL persons indebted to the late Firm of Chem bets & Bowman, partners in tbo saw mill bu siness, prior to the Ist or April last, (as we have late ly agreed to date our dissolution from that time) are hereby notified to call and settle up, on or hefote the 15th of March next; as all accounts remaining -unset tled after that date, will be placed in the hands of a propel person for collection. And all persons bay ing claims against the same, will please present them for settlement. JOHN CHAMBERS, feb 17. JOSEPH BOWMAN. Pittsburgh Manufactures. 50 DOZ. Estep & Son's Cast Steel Axes, war ranted. Berger & Son's Steel Hoes, trowel tempered: 100 " Shaw's & Nelson's Sickles. 50 " Marsh l s Grass & Corn Scythes. 30 Gross Spinning Wheel Irons. 100 Dozen Shovels and Spades : 50 " Manure and Hay Forks. 80 " Mattocks and Picks. Lamonte's Patent Vices, solid boxes. Window Glass, assorted sizes; Fo: reducedprices, by GEO. COCHRAN, No 46 Wood st., Agent for the manufacturers. feb 19 100 Bolts and Shims. miIISELLING OFF AT COST, 41111 AS the Sirs of the Golden Boot, LIBERTY STREET, OPPOSLTE THE HEAD OF SMITHFIELD STREET. WM. ADAIR, being desirous of curtailing his business. will sell off his present stock of BOOTS and SHOES, for less than the actual cost. The above work has all been manufactured under fits own immddiate inspection, and will be sold as above fur CASH. feb 7-lm TO THE PUBLIC 1 THE Mutual Labor Association of Freedom, aro now open and ready to build Steam Engines of all sizes, for land or boats, on the shortest notice. and on as reasonable terms (14 any other establishment east of the mountains. Also, can be had cc the Foundry of the Association, Cqiking Stoves{ S#es fur Churches and Hotels; Mill Geering ; Ploughs: Grafl► chirp; and r-gstings of every description. Alio, black emithing and Sheet Iron Work done at the shortest notice, and at prices to suit the times. All letters should be addressed to A. Ii AI RD, Free dom. Pa. feb. 21—d6m. White & lircrther, No 76, Markel, between the Diamond and Fourth rt., • RE now receiving from Philadelphia and Now AL York, their spring assortment of Fancy and Sta• ple Dry Goode, to which they would invite the auen tion of their friends and the public generally. fit B. Their old stock will be sold off at reduced prices. feb 26—Im. (MASS STAINING, By J. Newton, Fourth street Road. near Toll Gate, T HE only Glass Stainer west cf the mountains. A specimen of this glass is to be seen on the steam. boat Cambria. All orders promptly attended to. feb. 19—wsuitf. FOR SALE, RENT, OR EXCHANGE. QEVERAL large and small farms, and one fine mill and farm for sale, and a large fine mil) and two lets in a town near Pittsburgh for sale or partly for ex change fort farm property. Several large and small farms in the country for rent. GrAll kinds of Agencies attended to on moderate eitarges. Please can at HARRIS' General Agency and Intelligence Office, No 9 sth st. feb 24-1 wil&sr. Coffee. 250 BAGS Ilia Coffee; 50 " Lapps do; 5" Java do; 5 " Manilla do; in stare end for sal. HAILM AN, JENNING:S &. ow by Jan 16 43 Wood :treat