_ puBlasHED DAILY, BY PHILLIPS & SMITH, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER Oi - WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER IN ADVANCE. ----- ► AYABLE VOL. 111 NO, 150. PITTSBURGH / MOND - PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY • IMULLIPS & N. - W. eirser of Wood nest /VIA Streets. Tkirs.—Five dollar! it. year, payable in advance. Single copies Two Czars—far sale at the counter of the Office, and by News Boys. Weakly-Breraury and Mannfacturer is published at the lone office, on a double medium abut, TWO -DOLLMIS a year, in advance. Sin gle vmvpiea, SIX CENTS. TEEMS OF ADVERTISDIG. PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: One insertion, $0 50 I One =nail, $5 00 Two do., 0 75 Two de., 600 Three do., 1 00 Threedo., 7 00 One week,. 150 I Four do., 800 Two de., - 300 Six do., 10 00 Three-do., 4 00 One year, 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CHANONA BLS ♦T PLY•SURt. asec9fnare. Two Squares. Six months, $lB 00 Six months, $25 00 One year, 25 00 One year, 35 00 ('Larger advertisements in proportion. ta'CARDS of four lines SIX DOLLARS a year. Priblic tlic. City Post Office, Third between Market and Wood treets—R. M. Riddle, Postmaster. Visions House, Water, 9th door from Wood st.,Pe teroon't buildings—William B. Mowry, Collector. City Treatary, Wood, between First and Second. streets—James A. Bertram, Treasurer. Could, Treasury, Court House, next door to the Recorder's Office--. John C Devitt, Treasurer. M'ayor's Office, Fourth, between Market and Wood streets—Mm .1 Howard, Mayor. Merchant's Exchange, Fourth near Market st. Overseers of the Poor, E F l'ratt, 4th street, above Smithfield; I J Ashbridge, Vorner's Temper ance House, corner of Front and Market streets. Pittsburri, between Market and Wood streets on Third and ourth streets. Afereisays'asscLifernetfaeture rs ' and Farmers' De. posit Beak, (forntet ly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between iFessti End Market streets. Ezekeinge, Fifth et. near Wood. HOTELS. Mouongakela House, Water street, near the Bridge. Erelmage Hotel, corner ofPenn and St Clair. Merckante Hotel, corner of Third and Wood. A mirieenHotel,cornerofThird and Smithfield. United Stales, corner of Pean at. and Canal. Spread Eagle, Liberty Street, near seventh. *filler's Mansion House, Liberty St., opposite Wyse. Broasanrsts Mansion. House, Penn St., opposite Costal. hose City Hotel, Fifth street, between Wood and Market. M. Patrick, Proprietor. r. Good's Celebrated Female Pills. rrt HESE Pills are strongly recommended to the 1. notice of ladies as a safe and efficient remedyin cornering those complaints peculiar to theirsex, from meat ofexercise,orgeneral debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the sane .iettaad 'or; of the most eminent Physicians in Unitteedd States, and many Mothers. For sale "" • • Retail,by R. E.SELLERS,Agent, No. 20, Wood Street. below Second OTIL & BOARDING ROUSE. FRANKLIN HOUSE. THE subscriber respectfully Informs Lis friends and the public, that he has opened a Hotel and lioaraing House in Third street, a few doors from 'Wood, where travelers and others will be accommo dated on the mast reasonable terms. The house is "spacious, and has been fitted up at considerable ex. Tense, sad every arrangement is made that will en ante the comfort and render satisfaction to boarders end lodgers.. A share of public patronage is respect fully solicited. a4.tf CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ FRESH SPRING GOODS ----• CHEAP PLACE roil CASH. SIGN OF THE GILT COMB. No. 1118, Markel Street, near Liberty. rip HE subscriber respect fully i nforms his customers JL and the public generally, that he has just retur n- Ned from the oast, and is now receiving as large. good *and cheap an assortment of variety goods as any other -.establishment in the city. Merchants and others who wish to purchase cheap, will please call at No. 108, -and they will not be disappointed. The following corn. Trial. part of the stock just received. 200 din. coat and 6 cord spool cotton, 200 " Graham's 6 " 1200 " assorted, SWO lbs. " Titley's shoe threads, 200 " " patent threads, 200 gross hooks and eyes, 150 packs American pies, 100 " German " 175 thousand needles, 180 assorted stay ndings, .350 doz. assorted fine ivot y combs, '2OO " redding • 560 assorted cotton cords, 225 gross shoe laces, 50 " corset " 250 doz. cotton night caps, 100 " assorted hosiery, 150 " gloves and mitts, 25 gross assorted fans, 300 do. palm leaf hots, 115 pieces Ashburton lace, 160 " edgings 300 gross pearl button., 75 '• gilt " 80 ." figured horn buttons, 120 " lastingand japanned do 30 " fine English dressing combs, 160 " amorted suspenders,. 'With a geoerelassortment of Variety Goods to numer -out to mention, which will be sold wholesale or retail, chap for cash. C. YEAGER. apr Ts Printers. W E have received, and will hereafter keep enr suintlyon head, a full attfply of Printing Ink - in large and small kegs, which we will be able to sell -cheapertban it has heretofore been sold in this city. Orders from the country accompanied by the cash jtR au. eau.) will be pretatl attended to. PHILLIPS dt.SMITH, Jy I 0-tf Office of the Poet and Manafactui Pr. Cousaurcial Academy. Itiß. ST WART would announce to the citizens ITI, of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and vicinity, that he boa opened, en Fourth street, near the corner of Mar 'wand 4th,a Commercial School in which are taught all the branches that constitute a mercantile educe ciao. Sours of Attendance.—Gentlemen attend when ft wits their convenience. rem* Writing , Cleat, at 2 o'clock P M. jams 4.-tf REMOVAL. litoastiaimOvaiity Surveyor mid City REMOVAL. Regulatar, MESSRS. MOORHEAD & READ, ATTORitTS AT ikW, kis office to the rooms occupied by removed their office to Second street,three John J Mitchel, Esq, on Smithfield, near Fifth "1"5".11 H AVE doers from the corner of tad and Great sts -1011114. mY 2 near the Scotch Hill Market: ml 7 BANKS Pittibi_org..l). Ward and Asters, Dentists, Ne 118, Liberty street, a few clam below St. Clair, ap6,1843 U. Woods,Attoraay and Connieller at Law Office on Fourth street. between Grant sad Smithfield, a few doors from the corner of Fourth and Grant streets. sept 10 M'CANDLESS & ArCLURE, Bttorneis and Counsellors at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House, sep 10 Pittsburgh. Oyster & Buchanan, attorneys at Law, Office removed from the Diamond to • ' A tt nrney's Row,' shady side of 4th, between Market and Wood ate., sep 10 Pittsburgh rt. Bnekmsurter, Attorney at Law, Has removedhisoffice toi3eare3' Law Buildings, 4th et., above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. seu -------- James Callan, Attorney at Law. OFFICE. FlrrH SIRELT, PITTSBURGH judo 13—ly Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourth street, opposite Burke's Building. rir W/LLIAX E. AUSTIN, Esq., will give his atten tion to my unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patronage of my friends. sep 10—y WALTER FORWARD. Shalor & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Office at the building formerly occupied by the Uni ed States bank, 4th street, between Marketand Wood streets. m2l-3m CHARLES SRALER. EDWARD EIMPhON. Daniel M. Curry, Attorney at Law, OfHee on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield ap 8 PittsburTh. Robert Porter, Attorney at Law, Office on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield street s sep 10 Pittsburgh. Beaty S. SLlgraw,Attorncy at LAW, Has removed his office to his residence, on Fourth s two doors above Smithfield. sett 10 Geo. S. Belden, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield ['Conveyancing and other instruments of wri ting legally and promptly executed. mar 21•tf John 3. Mitchell, Attorney at Law, Will attend to collecting and securing claims, and wi also prepare legal instruments of - writing with correc ness and despatch. Smithfield street (near sth street Pittsburgh. m8,'44 R. Morrow, Alderman, Office north side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. P ep 10-tf -- - Dr. S. IL Holmes, Office in Second street, next door to Mulvany & Co.'s Glass Warehouse• sep 16—y 0. L. ROBINSON. M. M ' BRIDE. Robinson & Mcßride, Attorneys at Law, Office on Fourth, between Wood and :Market sta. ll.Convevancingand other instrumentsof writing legally and promptly executed, alO-tf Thomas Donizelly, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth 4treet, between Woori and Smithfield adjoining Patterson's Livery Stables. Dr. George Watt, PRAC TISINC PHYSICIAN 4. SURGEON [Office, Smithfield st. near the cornet of Sixth. a 6-1 v. Doctor Daniel racllleal, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. dec 10—v HAIEMAN, :JENNINGS & CO., COTTON YARN WAREHOUSE Me. 43, Wood Street, Agentsfor the 6ale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns Mal 17—y Irownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse, No. '25, Wood st., Pittsburgh. sep 10—y HAI LMAN, JENNINGS & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchants, And dealers in Pittsburgh Manufartures, .nar 17 No. 43, Wood street. Pi Matthew Jones, Barber and Hair Dresser, Has removed to Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's of fice, where he will be happy to wait upon permanent or transient customers. He solicits a share of public pa tronage. sep 10. John EirCloskey, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty street, betwneu Sixth "cruet and Victi n alley S pith side. sep 10 CHARLES A. McANULTY, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, PITTSOU RGH, PA., Agentfor U. S Portable Boat Line, fertile transporta tion of Mercbandize to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. j3l-1v J. Vogdes & Son, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, Office, Smithfield Street, corner of Diamond Alley. D LANS andSpecifieetions finished in the bust style and at the shortest notice. REFERKNCEA: Logan & Kennedy, 11 Childs & Co., J Noodw•cll, A Ktamer, W 13 Scaife and Col tart & Dilworth. jan. 14, 1845—dly. CONSTABLE, SWUM a" CO., FIRE PROOF' SAFE AND VAULT DOOR MANUFACTURERS. Fifth Street, Pittsburgh. AIL articles manufactured by them warranted equal o any thing in the mut Let. Oct Win. &Rare Robinson, U. S. Attorney, AS removed his office to Fourth, near Wood Ll...street, lately occupied by C. Darragh, Esq. April 8, 1844. NOTIC E.—l have placed my docket and profes• .ional business in the haw', rf Wm O'Hara Robinson, Esq., who will attend to the .same tiering my absence. March 23 C DARRAGH. $1 19 A. G. REINHART, (Late Rein Atari 4. Strong.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. PRODUCE 4. COMMISSIGN MERCHANT, No. 140 1 4 / 1 11:11TY Sc., PiTTIMORCR, PA. feb 1 ----- JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 37, Marketstrect. sep 10 JOHNSON & DUVAL, Rookbhiders and Paper Rulers, Continue business at the stand late of M'Candlcaa ri Johnson. Every description of work in their line nets.• ly and promptly exec uwd. may 13-y John cartwright, C 11TLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer, No 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al ley, Pittsburg, Pa. N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment If Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's, Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tools, Trusses, &c. .fie f 24. James Patterson, jr., ----- Corner of . lst and Ferry streets Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of locks, hinges and belts; tobacco, ful ler, mill and timber screws; heusen screws for rolling mills, Ste. sep 10—y 'ebb Closer's Boot and Shoe Slanuft.ctory, No. 83, We st., next door to the U. S. Bank. Lad ies prunella, kid and satin alines made in the neatest manner, and by the neatest French patterns. aep 10 ISAAC CLICAIK. .J. 8. LIPPo curt CRUSE & LIPPINCOTC, Commission, Produce, and Forwarding Merchants, No. 87 4. 93 (old number) SMITH'S IVIIARF, BALTIMORE, (MD.) RErcaEri cEs :—The Nletchants of Pittsburgh in general. jan 1.3.6 m DAVID LLOYD. - - - D. & G. W. Lloyd, W lIOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION FORM' A It DING MERCHANTS, SSD DEA LIsRS IN PRODUCE & PITTSBURGH MANI) irvP I,iheral advances in easb or good+ made on consignments of produce, &c., at No, 112, Liberty street. ml 5 REMOVAL. -- JAMES HOWARD & CO. HAVE removed their WALL PAPER WARE HOUSE to NO. C 3, WOOD STREET, between Diamonsl alley and Fourth street. Where they have on hand a large and splended as sortment of WALL P A PLR and BORDERS, suitable fur papering Parlors, Chambers, 11 ails, &c. Also, a general assortment of Wilting, Letter, Plint ing, Wrapping and Tea paper, Bonnet Boards, &c. Which they will sell low for Cash, or in exchange for Rags, Tanners Scraps, Ste. feb 22, 1844 REMOVAL. HOLDSHIP & BROWNE - LTA VE removed their Paper Store from Market 1.1 street to No. 64 Wood street, ono door from the corner of 4th street, where they keep on hand their us ual assortment of W ALL PAPERS, for paporinz par lors, entries, chambers, &c., and also PRINTING, W RITING, and WRAPPING PA PERS, BONNET BOARDS, all of which they offer for sale oa ac conunodating terms. feb 14 1813—dtf N1cH01.1.9 D. COLEMAN I L 011) R. COLEMAN Coleman & Co., General Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, LeveeStref!t, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so hcitronsignments. n 22—t( . Wall , Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame Manufacturer, No. 87, Fourth .treet, Pitt.dirgh, Pa. VASS brushes,varnish, for arti , ts, Iv, vs on hand. Looking Gla.ses, 6:17., promptly fla mud to order. Repairing done at the shortest nor ice. Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing or every description. Persons fitting stamboats or houscs will find it to their advantage to call. sep 10-y , anufactnrcr of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware No. 17, Fifth street,betreeen Wood and Market, Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares, and solicits a share ofpuhlic patronage. Also, on hand, t he followingarticles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons, .killets,teakettles, pots,OVCDS, coffee mil Is, &-x. Mer chants and others are invited to call and examine for themselves, us he is determined to sell cheapfcreash or approved paper marl—tf r. D R. V. KERR. - ... JOEL NIOHLER. DR UGGISTS KER AND PT R & A NlOl- O ILF:R, HECARIES, Corner of Wood street and Virgin alley, No. 144, F RESH Medicines, selected and put up with care, can be had at all times, ut moderate I.[Physiciana . proscriptions carefully compound od. may 2-ly otice to all whom it may concern. A LL persons having claims asainst th e Estate of Oliver Ormsby Evansolecearld, as well asthose knowing themselves indebted to the same, will please present their accounts forsettlement to C. Evans, No 10 Water street, who is duly authorized to settle the said Estate. SARAH L. EVANS, febls Administrntrix. Pilkingtion'aUnrivalled Blacking, M AN UFACTURED and sold wholesale and retail SIXTH STREET, one door below Smithfield. Oct 21-Iy. J. K. fOGAN. GEo. CONNELL, Philad'a. AUCTION GOODS. JAMES K. LOGAN & CO., Fifth Street, between the Exchange Bank and Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOCKS, 4-e. a JOHN McFARLAND, lllphabiterer and Cabinet Maker' . 2d •t., between Wood and Market, Respectfully.infoima his friends and the public that he is preparedto execute all orders for sofas, sideboards, bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands, hair and spring mattresses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol. lee r i n g work, which ho will warrant equal to any mad e in thocity, and on reasonable terms. JOHN SCOTT & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mar. chants, No 7, Commercial Row, Libetty start,al9-ly Pittsburgh. New Livery Stable. HOLNIES I LIVERY STABLE. on Third street, between Market and Wood, near the Post Office, is now open for the accom modation of the public. His stock of Carriages &c. being all new, he hopes to be able to render full satis faction to these who may favor him with a call. Oct 19-ly G. W. LLOYD COMM ;EL MORROW Y, MARCH 3, 1845• Removal—lron Safes. r RESPECTFULLY inform my friends that I have 1. removed my FIRE PROOF IRON SAFE FACTORY to Third street, opposite the Post Of fice, and avail myeelfof this opportunity to tender my thanks to the public for the liberal patronage which they have favored me with for several years, and soli cit a continuance of their favors. I pledge myself my Safes shall be made without any deception. All my Safes which have been in buildings burnt down have saved all theircontents. r4PThey are kept for sale at my shop, and at wood, At- Jones& Co's, Dalzell &Fleming's, and at D T orga n's. JOHN DENNING. N B. 25 bbls good New ()deans Sugar for sale. al3-tf WARD'S DENTAL PRESERVATOR. A Superior Wash for the Teeth, RODUCI NG at once the most healthy state of the mouth--Cleansing and restoring the teeth to their natural whitenes s ; giving hardness to the gals, des troying the putrifactivo influence of decayed teeth, lessening in every instance the irritation and soreness incidental to their diseased state, and in fact combin ing in its effect all that can be desired in a Dentifrice. Also, a superior Tooth Powder, as recommended to the Medical faculty of Philadelphia, by the celebra ted Dom. Hudson. Prepared and sold by Wm. A. WARD, Dentist, Liberty street. aug 31 Zr No. 62... a LATEST AND CHEAPEST NEW STORE, Opposite White's and M'Knight's, Market street, Doors below 4th; Simpson's Row. rrillE Subscriber is now receiving from the Eastern JL cities an extensive stock of Seasonable DR Y GOODS, Of the newest style and latest fashion+, purchasp principally from Importers and Manufacturers, FOR CASH, AND NOT AT AUCTION, Warranted sound and perfect, of which be earnestly requests an examination by his friends and the pub lie generally, pr evious to purchasing elsewhere. His ato :k will at all time, be equal to any in cheeky, and at as fair prices. nov 15. No dl . M MORRIS. N. B. Don't forget, New Books. T E Works of Rev. Sidney Smith, in 3 vol. A Manual of Examination for Medical Students. with questions and answers upon Anatomy and Physi ology, Surgery, Practice of Modern Chemistry, Mate- I is Medias., Obstetricks, &c. The Pennsylvania Law Directory,for 1844, in Pam phlet. For sale at the Book Store of slept 17-dly W. M'DONALD. A' ESTABLISHMENT. Manougakela Clothing Store. FRANCIS COOLEY and ROBERT LAIRD TAILORS, having associated themselves together for the purpose of carrying on extensively their busi ness, and fitted up a store on Water street, between Smithfield and Wood streets, near the Monongahela House, respect fully sal ici t the patronage of their friends and the public. Having just opened a large assort ment of seasonable goods, and materials, and made the necessary arrangements, they are prepared to fill all orders, with which they may be favored, with despatch, and on the most reasonable terms. may 174 REYNOLDS & WILMARTH, Forwarding and Commission Merchants AND DEALEIts IN LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, FOR THE ALLEGHENY RIVER TRADE Corner of Penn and Irwin street,, L. 0. REYNDI.D.I, FITTSBORQN. L. WILMARTN. &SA v -- -- VERY LOW FOR CASH. NIA" riiHE subscriber offers for sale et large and slendid assortment of PIANO FORTES J_ of ditierentp p arterns, wartamed to be of superior woikmanship, and of the best materials; the tone not to be exceeded by any in thecountry. F. BLUME, Cernei of Penn and St.Clairstreeta, mar 18 apposite the Exchange. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. LOOKING GLASSES.AT EASTERN PRICES. T HE subscriber has opened an establishment at No 66, Wood street, a few doors from the cor ner of 4th, where he keeps constantly for sale allkinds of LOOKING GLASSES, at Eastern Prices. He has on hand elarge assortment of Glasses in both gilt and mahogany frames, to which he invites the at tention of customers, believing that the quality of his articles and his prices cannot fail to g ive satisfaction. Pictures framed to order, in neat styl, in either gilt or mahogany frames. Canalboat andother reflectors manufactured to or deron the shortest notice. Old frames repaired and regilt, so as to look as well as new, on the shortest no ice. J T MORGAN, Agent. mar °3•tf MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Next door to the Fifth l'recbyterian Church. june 6. JOHN S. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, O FFICE, North side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B. Collections made on reasonable terms. dec 4-Iy JOHN W BLAIR, BRI7BB RIANUFACTURER ♦ND SHOE FINDINGS STORE, NO 120, WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. Card. J DA VITT, formerly of the Iron City Cloth W • ing Store, is now engaged at the THAL& Btu DOORS, where he will be happy to see his friends and former customers, and serve them to the best of his ability .34 Canal Transportation. THE subscriber,having disposed of his Stock and interest in the American Portable Boat Line, has retired from the Transportation business. In doing so, he tenders to his numerous friends in this city. as well as in the 'Fat West," his sincere thanks for their kind patronage. and begs to intt off lice to then, his successors, Messre Clarkson & Co.. of this city, and E. G. Whitesides , & Co., of Philadelphia, for whom he solicits a continuance of their favors. Pittsburgh, Jan. 10, 1845. H. DEVINE. Tale's Patent &dirty Lock. FOR DOORS, SAFES, BANKS, &c. T HAVE appointed CONSTABLE, BURKE & Co, _1 (Fire Proof Safe hdanufactorers,) sole Agents for these Locks in Pittsburgh, of whom they may always be had at the Manufaetunws prices. They are warranted beyond the skill of the pick lock—and in fact the best and cheapest safe lock in America. MRCS YALE. Pittsburgh, deo LI, 1844-1 y Pittsburgh Infirmary, F OR the reception and treatment of deformites of the human frame, such as Club or Reeled feet, contracted joints, sory-aeck and Strbbisnius or Squinting, and of Diseases of lke Eye, such as Ca earael,etc, under the care of ALBERT G WALTER, M D Liberty, near the corner of Fourth street. dec 3 L—dtf Q 'Cn EAP ZIA D wikam. WHITMORE & I VOLFF, Corner of Liberty and St. Clair Sta., Pittsburgh A RE now receiving their spring importation of HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND SAD DLERY, to which they respectfully invite the attec tionof purchasers. Havingcompleted arrangements, through which they are now receiving supplies DI RECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES IN ENGLAND, they shall at all times be prepared to sell at such prices as will make it the interest of pur chasers to call. Always on hand, a full and general assortment of RI FLE BARRELS AND GUN TRIMMINGS, PLANES, COOPERS, CARPENTERS AND SMITHS' TOOLS. Also, a great variety of LOCKS and LATCH ES for building purposes, to gether with every variety of articles appertaining to thebusiness. al6-tf New Arrival of Quaensware & China. HE subscriber would respectfully invite the at tention of the pubiic to his present stock of White Glazed Ware,re superiorarticle, together with a select assortment of White French China,comprising all the necessary pieces to constitute complete sets ofDinin g and Tea ware. Also a general stock of articles suitable for the sup ply of country merchants, to which their attention is invited, at his old stand, corner of Front and Wood street!. HENRY HIGBY. ally Arnold's American Lock Manufactory. NO. 17, FIFTH ST., PITTSBURGH. T HE subscriber has just erected a new and este!, erve Manufactory on Second street, between Wood and Market, where he now manufactures all kinds of Locks, upon a new principle never before at tempted in this city. By means of powerful steam machinery, he is now enabled to sell his well known superior Locks at such prices as will set foreign competition at defiance. Merchants, House, and Steam boat Builders, can have Locks of all kinds, Shutter Fastenings, and every article in hie line, made to order at shot t notice. nov 21-1 yd Important Arrival. T HE subscriber has this day received, direct from the importers, the following celebrated bran& of cigars, viz Congressios, Regalia, CHMOVC, Cazarrems, Principie, Ligues, Castellon, &c, Together with the best brands of Virginia Chewing Tobacco (fine cut,) Snuffs and half Spanish and Com mon Cigars; all of which will be sold at the lowest possible price for cash. WGIL, No 60A Water st., o f few doors N from EY the Sept 18-tf Monongahela House LEATHER AND MOROCCO. RICHARD BARD No. 101 Wood street, 4 doors above Diamond alley PITTSBURGH. • T_T AS juAt received a large supply of New York and _LI. Baltimore Spanish Sole Learlier,Upper Leather, Philadelphia and Country Kips and Callskins, Moroc co of all kinds, Shoe Bindings, Tanners' Oil, &c, &c. All of which is offered at the very lowest pi ices for cash. Merchants and Manufacturers are rearectfully inci ted to call and examine his stuck before purchasing elsewhere. N B. Leather of all kinds bought in the rough. aue.B—dtf. EAGLE if O T E L Third, between Wood and Market streets, Nearly opposite :he New Post 0 'Ace. E subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh and the public generally that he has opened the above establishment for their accomoda tiou. He sincerely thanks those friends who so liber ally patronised him whilst Proprietor of the Waverly House, and trust that hisincreased accumulations will enable him to retain all his old friends and acquire ma ny new ones. The Eagle Hotel is exclusively fur the nrcorn modation of gentlemen, and from its central situation in theimmediate vicinity of the Banks and Public Offi• ces, offers peculiar advantages to the mend' business. The beds, bedding and furniture are all new. The Lander unexceptionable, and the Wines, Ales and Liquors equal to the best in the State. His Guests will be supplied with their mettle at any hour to sui theirconvenience, on the Eastern System. Trams—Per week, Per day, Oct. 15 Lock and Screw Manufactory. CORNER or Isr AND FERRI, sraziirs, PITTSBURGH. AVI N G removed my manufactory from Birming ham, and located it at the above stand. I would respectfully invite my friends and the public generally to favor me with a call. fur any article in my line, viz: Patent Lever Locks, Cabin door Bolts, Knob, do Lambez, Mortise, Mort ise Stare door, Shutter Fastenings. Tubacco, se Fn Screwsullrr. Tiotr Icon e o rari w n :fill Screws, rea, uou In addition to the above articles I intend to manu facture and keep a supply of Ratchet and Monkey Wrenches, and Sacks, Taps and Dies, for Steam Boat purposes. Together with a variety of articles not enumerated. All of the best quality and at re duced prices. Locks repaired and Keys fitted; also. Irtmaad Br ass Turning done in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Orders addressed to the or to Mr B. H. Feeble'', Hardware Merl i nert, street, Pittsburgh, will be thankfully received and meet with prompt attention. dee 14-dent JAS. PATTERSON, Jr. Pe d'Juan de In Riondn Louis dP Garcia, Pedro Gernno, T. Antonia, $.5,00 1.00 THOMAS OWSTON. For further particulars, apply to JOEIN HERDMA N,'6l South st. Agency in Liverpool rv— maim. J . & W. Robiabon, j No. 5 Baltic Buildings, Mr. Thos H Dicky, S and No. I Neptune st., terloc k . J Kirkpatrick. Arent at Mr Jae D Wa alze ll oo D No 's, ?1 Water pt., Pittsburgh. Den 4 3n PRICE, TWO CENTS. ftigration Fines. 1100101, 132 01 • 1113118 & CO.'S Arrangements for 1845. BLAKELY & MITCHEL, AGENTS, P/TTBOURCH, PA. di /A z 1" 0 1041111: , ILL lJ 414 . . Remittances to and Passage from Great Britain and Ireland, by the "Black Ball or Old Line of Liverpool Packets." far Sailing from Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of each month. 4 EI p ERSONS desirous of sending for their Friends now residing in any part of the "OLD COUNTRY." can make the necessary at rangements with the sub. scribers, and have them brought out by the above well !known favorite 4, Line of Packets," which sail from l I LIVER POOL punctually on the Ist and 16th of every i month; also by FIRST CLANS AMERICAN SHIPS, sailing from there EVERY SIX DAYS, during 1845. And as they aredetermined not to depend on any Liverpool House or Agent, to see the people's interest taken care of, Mr James D. ROCHE, one of the firm, is there, who will remain and see that every thing connected with their business is executed with promptitude and despatch. Should the persons sent for decline coming out, the money will be returned to the parties here, without any , deduction, on producing the Passage certificate and receipt. The "Black Ball or old Line of Liverpool Pack eis" cumin ise the following magnificent Ships, via: ' The Nr:w Yong. The CA Me MIDAK, " Oxitoan, " ENGLAND, " YOICK,HINK, " EUROPE, " MONTEZUMA, " COLUMCCS. With such superior and unequalled arrangements. the subscribers confidently look forward for a confirm. ance of that support which has been extended to them so many years, for which they are grateful. Those proceeding or remitting, to their relatives, can at all times obtain Drafts at sight for any amount drawn dir'ct on the ROYAL BANK of IRELAND, DUBLIN ; Messrs. PRESCOTT, GROTE, Aims & CO., BANKERS Lon which will he paid on demand at any of the Banks, or their Branches, in all the principal Towns through out ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. Apply to, or address (if by letter, post paid.) ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO., No 35 Fulton St., N, or BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Smithfield street, near .sth, and Penn street, fret ls.sleirwt lmv Pittsburgh. Tapscott's General Emigration Office. 76 Soul& Se., corner of Maiden Lane, New York. -.4 .-e•l4 , - 4A t • it( t . t , CHAULES A. fawn:wry, Agent, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa. ARRANGEMENTS FOR 16 1 45. P ERSONS about sending for their friends in any part of the OLD COUNTRY. are respectfully In formed by the subscribers thine the same system that characterised their honse, and gave such unbounded satisfaction the past year, v% ill be continued throughout the season of 1845. THE NEW LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACKETS. The QUEEN OF THE IV EST, 1250 tons burthen HOTTINGUER, 1150 " " LIVERPOOL, 1150 " " • • ROCH ES Tl 2 /I, 1000 " " ROSCIUS, 1150 " " SWOONS. 1050 " t , " SHERIDAN, 1050 " " GARRICK, 1050 " " I'Vhich capacious and magnificent ship, being coin mended by kind and experienced men, and fitted up in the best possible manner for comfort and conveni ence, are well known to surpass any other Line of packet.. In addition to the above splendid Line the subscri bers are agents for time, St. Georges Line of Liver pool Packets, and The United Line of Liverpool Packets. Making a ship from Liverpool ever five days: the possibility of delay is therefitre precluded. MI IV Tap 'colt (one of the firm) personally superintends rho departure of vsssels at Liverpool; sulfite it to any, therefore, that the subscribers gnarantee to give ettli i . faction to all parties who may send for their ft ientits through them. In all eftiled when those sent for de. cline corning , the full amount of money paid for pat. sage will be refunded. REMITTENCES. Those wishing to remit money to any part of Great Britain or Ireland ran be supplied with drafts for any amount, from £1 opwards, payable at sight in all the principal towns, without discount or any other charge, Application, if by letter (post paid) will meet irnmedi etc attmention b . . ; addressing CIIAS. A. I‘II•ANULTY, Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. or W. & J. T. T ATSCOTT. 7G South Street, New York. Agrincy in Live' pook— Tapscott or 15 Goree Pierre and Geo Rippard & Son. 9G Wutmloo Road. jan 6 4, • ••• 4it I _it Vit 4• . C JOHN HERDIVAN'S Old Established gmfgrant Passage Office, 61 SOUTH STREET. The subscriber, in calling the Etent ion of his friends and the public to his ueequallorl arrangements for bringing out persons from Great Dritatn and lmland, who may be sent fur by their friends, begs instate that in consequence of the great inctease of this branch of hi s business, and in order to preclude all unneceessaty delay of the emigrant, has at great expense, in addition to his regular agents in Liverpool, appointed Mr Thos H Dicky, who had been a faithful clerk in the estate. lishment for the last eight years, to proceed to Liver. pool and remain there during the emigration season, to superintend the embarkation of all pa.lsengera engaged here. The Ships employed in this line are well known to be only af the first class and vet y fast -sailing. commanded by kind and experienced men, and is they sail from Liverpool every live days, reliance may , t. placed that par:corers will receive every attention and be prontptly despatched. - 11 it h such superior ar. rangementa, the eubscliber looks forward for a cumin uation of that patronage which has been so literally ex. tended to him for di) many )ears past, and should env of those sent for decline coming, the passage money will, as venal, be refunded, and passage from the differ. eat ports of Ireland and Scotland can bet6ecured if 4 sired. =GE A Isu nn N4MFLY