.4,1431 - Va rtier- - ;1 iikivitp4 ,V}.11.0. -8 ‘.s • • 7 - :• DAILY, BY PfiiLLIPS & SMITH, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF' WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PEN N'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE •IN ADVANCE. . . ID_ NO. 142. .i'POBLISHED AND EDITED BY & • N. W.eljtostr of Wood and FIfA Streets. Tainta.z.4ft &We a year, payable in advance. Singlets?* Two Cirri —fe r sale at the connier of the DiEse t odby News Boys. TO . Wieldy Tiorcnry sad IftilifiCtllter le*..pabliebed at the same office, on *double medium elienapit TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin. ,wise, SIX CENTS. -m- --l eillani OP atIVIBILTIZING. PO4"01/1.RE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: Osodegaerth. Pk $0 50 1 One month, $5 00 To., 410., , 0 75 Two do., 600 Mitlicht- 1 00 Threedo., , 7 00 Oaka, , weels, 1 501 Foos do., 8 00 rte: - 41 s". 3 00. Six do., 10 00 Tholilloi,.. 4 00 One year, 15 00 .1 -.YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. ..,-&-- , • 0 ~' 41114010141111.2 LT PLEASURI. P. 4 014 *Mr e • Two Squares. itillegatfo s .. , $1:1100 Six Maths, $2 0 0 9 1 Vi 25 00 One year, 35 0 0 farLariger advertisements in proportion. :is .- , CARDS of four lines Six DOLLARS * year. • Public °aces, asc. City Pest , Third. between Market and Wood treats--R. M.. Riddle, Postmistor. Cutout House, Water, 4th door from Woedst.,Pe torsos,'" buildings—W illiam B. Mowry, Collector. OW Treasury, Wood, betweeriFirst and Second strease44lunes A. Bartram, Treasurer. .oqm:sty Treasury, Court House, next door to the Rat *es Office--John C Devitt,. Treasurer. outer's _Office, Fourth, between Market and Wood streets—Wm .1 Howard, Mayor. " Net cheers Exeisauge, Fourth near Market st. Orlergiers of the Poor, E F Pratt, 4th street, obese : Smithfield; I .1 Ashbridge, Varner's Tamper atimiliour. corner of Front and Market streets. BANKS. P# 1 4,1414‘ , . between Market and Wood streets on T hjrdeuid streets. ilreMulOtlisolLifanofart ere rs'-ort d Farmers' -De porseelk (fermerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between lireedotstalstarket street". MinAeste, Fifth's. near Wood. HOTELS. Illosoupsholo House, Water street, near the Bridge. lizekange Hotel, corner ofPenn and St Clair. Merekasts' Hotel, corner of Third and Woed. Asierieaullitel,comerofThirdand Smithfield. tfisited Slates, corner of Peen st. and Canal. Spread Ragk, Liberty street, near seventh. Ma/b1i414 House, Liberty St., opposite Wale& • = Brossilitrst s Marion House, Penn St., opposite Qtatal. iYaaz Ef44,lPiftli street, between Wood and Mat*, ?stria, Proprietor. 4111049,s Celebrated Female Pills. EDI, are strongly recommended to the sada. of ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in resoming those complaints peculiar to theirsex, from wait ofelercise,orgencraldebilityof the system. They assist, ambrosias., and counteract all Hysterical and NerlPlASillfreCtiODS. These rills have gained the sanc tiosten4aprrobation of the most eminent Physicians in Vinto4 SUMS, and many Mothers. For sale Nhvokwitilit exid Retoil,by R. E.SELLERS,Agent , 50;19 No. 20, Wood Strect,.below Second UO T EL & 130ABDING 11017 SE. HOUSE. HE subscriber r espectfully informs his friends 1 and the public, that he has opened a Hotel and Boarding House. in Third street, a few dobrs from Wood, where travelers and others will be accounno dateti on the mast reasonable terms. The house is spacious, and has been fitted up at considerable ox pennerilladAvery arrangement is made that will en snre.ll6ornstfortand rendor satisfaction to boarders and lodgers. A share of public patronage is respect fulltselicited. FAESH SPRING GOODS P.LACti Tort c4Bll. GN OF THE GILT CONJS. • 41 .6fir om il, Market st_re " et, t ear.. Liberty. Vbic r respect tuuyi he his customers generally, that he lass just return eil-frorrtAkseaszi and is now receiving as largo, good and ebeataeassortment of variely goods as any other as cot to the city. Morasants and others who wish a, purchase cheap, will please call at No. 108, sincetiteprill not be disappointed. The following com priae4 00 dos . part of tcoathe stock jnst received. " .. 2 and 6 curd spool cotton, 200 ." •Graharn's 6 " 1200 " assorted, 200 lbs. " Tithry' 6 shoe threads, 200 " "• patentthreads, 200 gross hooks and eyes, 150 packs American pins, 1.00 " German " 17 . 5tItousand needles, )$0 assorted stay binings, .• Wades. assorted fine ivory numbs, 4 200 " reading -5604 a' assorted cotton cords, OS 'ger' shoe laces, — SO - corset " 4 250 doz. cotton night caps. • 150" assorted hosiery, " gloves and mitts, 4 25 gross assorted fans, 100 do, palm leaf bats, 115 pieces Ashburton lace, 160 " edgings • 600-gress pearl buttons, -TS "gilt " 60 " figured horn buttons, • - -1110 " lastlngenlijapanned do • ,1,.-$0• .0 fine English dressing °snubs, 160 " assorted suspenders, • VFith a generalassortment of Variety Goods toritener -oust° mention, which will besold wholesale or retail, cheap for cash. C. YEAGER. apr To PleiAtari. UM , have received, and will hereafter keep nor- ICY 'tautly on hand, a full supply of Printim Ink. intitOrtind small kegs, which we will be able to *ell , ekteper than it has heretofore bean sold in this city. Orders from the country accompanied by the cash (ix tilt 'ours) will bepromptly attended to. • - PHLLLIPS SoSMITH, Hi.tf Office of the Post and Mannfactorer. `• 7 k. - COMMOlrdell LicaAmoy. - Ir,ST,raWART would announce to i% citizen* 4Pittsbaret, Allegheny, and vicinity, that he lama epesed,nn Fourth street.near the corner of Mar ket sad 4ib,a-Connisercis.l School in which are taught ail the lataaatata that constitutes mercantile educe .. Imo. itttieiOfdttesdante.—Gentlernen attend when St am p, 4 ' convenience. ... Irritiag Class, at 2 o'clock PM. 3nie ' .4f - . IL llossidieroAtouuty Surveyor and City Itertdater, T_TAS remotedhis ciSwe to the rooms occupied by .1.. L John Vkiitcliel, Elul, on Smitlifield,near Fifth isay2 • ' • • - " • ;"' , • !I 01 Vet „ A t N I I 1 " • •. . . 41 . . ,0 ruling . • a' gsF_'!Sx' CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ REMOVAL Ward and Asters, Dentists, No 118, Liberty street, s few doers below St. Clair, ap6,1843 R. Woods,Atterney and Counsellor at Lour Office on Fourth street, between G rant and Smithfield, a fear doors from the corner of Fourth and Grant streets. septlO M'CANDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office in tho Diamond, beck of the old Court House, aeplo Pittsburgh. • Byster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law, Othoe removed from the Diamond to "Attorney's Row," shady side of 4th, between Market and Weed sts., imf) • rityburgh. p i N. 13antinaater, Attorney at Law, 'se4 removed his office to Beams' Law Bi dialogs, 4th at.; above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. mop 10 James Callan, Attorney at Law. OFFICE F IFTH STREIT, PITTSIII7B43H june 13-1 y Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law; Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourth street, oppositeßurke's Building. rirWittimit E. Ausrut, Esq.. will give his atten tion to my unfinished business, and I recommend hip to the patronage of my friends. sep 10-y WALTER FORWARD. Maker & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Office at the building formerly occupied by the Vol ted States bank, 4th street, between M arket end Wood streets. rn2l-3m CHARLES SHALES. • EDWARD SIMPSON. Daniel DL Curry, Attorney at Law, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield np 8 Pittsburgh. Robert Porter, Attorney at Law, Office on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets sep 10 Pittsburgh. 'Scary S. Magraw,Atternay at Law, as removed his office to his residence, on Fourth st o doors above Smithfield. sep 10 Geo. S. Belden, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street, betweon Wood and Smithfield ligr Conveyancing and other instruments of wri ling legally asid promptly executed. mar 214 John J. Kitchell, Attorney at Law, Will attend to collecting and securing claims, and wil also prepare legal instruments of writing with correct ness and despatch. Smithfield street (near sth street Pittsburgh. mB, '44 IL Morrow, Alderman, trice north side of Fifth street, between Wood end Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sop I o—t f Dr. S. IL Solmes, Office in Second street. next door Mulvany & Co.'s Glass Warehouse. to sep 10—y . L. ROBINSON. M. N'BRSSIE. Itobiuson•Ag Mcßride, attorneys at Law, Office on Fourth, between Wood and Marketsu. rir Conve r tnringand other instrumentsof writing legally and promptly exenuted. alO-t f Thomas Donnelly, Elllosney at Law, Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield adjoining Pauarson's • Livery Statdea. Dr. George Watt, PRACTLSING PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON, 1 - 4 7 ' Office, Smithfield st. near the comet of Sitar: ati—ly. Doctor Danis' 1110fleal, i• Office on Fifth street," between Wood and Smithfield etreou, Pittsburgh• deelo—y" IIMLMAN, JENNINGS & CO., COT TO N YARN WARIIIIOI7III I N.. 43, Wood Sfreet, Agents for the sale of the Eaglo Cotton Factory Yarns mai 17—y BrOVlrllSVille Juniata Iron Works, Eduard Ilugfres, Manufacturer of Iron and Naas Warehouee, No. 25, Woo 4. it., rittaburgh. tap 10-y • HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., Thal:lugs Groans, Corwasidon sad Pro. duce Merchants, kid dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures. star IT . No. 43. Wood street. Pittsbur, ityi Matthew Jones," Harbor and Bair Presses, Has removed to Fourth meet, opposite the Mayor's of. Ace, where be willbe happy to wait upon permanent or transient cuauxners. lie solicits a share of public po op 10. D Williams, WHOtESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, For -1 warding and Cotnrarnission Merchant, and V dealer in Country Produce and Pittalsurgh Manufac , tures,No - 28 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. - John WOloskey, Tailor and Clothier, Libertystreet, between Sixth street and Virgin alloy, S Guth side. ser 10 CHARLES A. MANULTY, Forwarding:and Commission Merchant,. PITTSIIIIILOO, P•., Agent for-U. S Portable Boat Line. for the transporta tion of Merehantlize to and from P ittsburgt., Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York and Boston. j3L-ly .17ogilos Sr Son, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, Office, Snsith.field Street, corner of Diamond PLANS and Specifications finished in the best style and at the shortest notice. RE►6ACFCEd: Logan & Kennedy, II Childs It: Co., J Wondwell, A Kramer, W B Stalin , and Col tart & Dihaurth. jan. 14. 1845—dly. CIONSTAIMII, - 8111 1 8 13 & CO., FIRE PROOF SAFE AND VAULT DO O R MANUFACTURERS. ' rout street, Pittitergh, Maniples manafectured by them warranted equal to any thing in the market. • oet 1 Wm. 0 7 8 its Stpiriniion, U. S. Atterrueri 'ETAS removeChis:,office to Fourth, near Wood JL street, lately occupied by C. Darragh, Esq,.. April 8, 1844. NOTICE.—I have placed Trly docket and_ profis• iional business in the hands of Wm O'Harellobinion, Esq. , who will attend to the same dining my themes. March 23 , C DARRAGH. 19 (Late Reinhart 4. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ; PRODUCE 4. COMMISSIGN MER 'v.. No. 140 Lit lITY Sr., 1 3 ITTSBURGII, ' PA. fel> SBURGH, FRIDAY, PIT JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 37, Mouketatreet sop 10 JOHNSON & DUVAL, Bookbinders and Paper Rulers, Continue business at the stand late of IVl'Candless Johnson. Every description of work in their line neat: ly and promptly executed • may B—y John Carta:sight, CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer, No 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al ley , Pittsburg, Pa. N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment of Surgical and Dental instruments. Banker's, Tailor's, Hatter's, _Hair Dresser's and Tanner'. Patent Shears Saddler's Teole, Truises, &c. • je 24. James Pattorson, jr., Corner of Ist and Ferry streets. Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of locks, hinges and belts; tobacco, ful ler, mill and timber screws; housen screws for rolling mills, &c. - sop 19—y Webb Closey's Boot and Shoe Blassfk.ctory, No. 83, 4th at., next door to the U. S. Bank. Ladies prunella, kid and satin shoes made in the neatest manner, andby the neatest French patterns. sep 10 ISAAC CRUSE. J. 8. LIPPINCOTT. Commission, Produce, and Forwarding merchants, 'o. 87 4. 98 (old number) SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE, (MD.) REFERENCES :—The Merchants of Pittsburgh in enure!: jan 13.6 m DAVID LLOYD W lIOLF.SALE GROCERS, COMMISSION • AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS 1$ PRODUCE & PITTSBURGH HAND 115 R" Liberal a.lvancc3 in cast or goods made on consignments of produce. &c.. at No, 142,Liberty street. ml 5 JAMBS HOWARD & CO. AVE removed their WALL PAPER WARE H HOUSE to NO. 83, WOOD STREET, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. Where they have on hand. a large and splended as sortment of WALL P A rEn and BORDERS, suitable for papering Parlors, Chambers, Walls, &c. Also, a general assortment of WI iting, Letter, Pi lilt ing, Wrapping and Tea paper, Bonnet Boards, &c. Which they will sell low for Cash, or in exchange for Rags, Tanners Scraps. Ste. feb ^i' ' lB44 REMOVA " lIOLDSHIP & BROWNE 4 VE r emoved their Taper Store from Market j -L street to No. 64 Wood street, one door from the eornerof 4th street, whore they keep on hand their us ual assortmentof WALL PAPERS, for papering par lors, entries, chambers, &.c., and also PRINTING, WRITING, and WRAPPING PA PF.RS, BONNET BOARDS. &c., all of which they offer for sale on ac eommodatingterms. feb 14 1643—atf NICHOI.A.9 D. COLEMAN 11.0 TO R. CULSxAN• Coleman & Co., General Agee', rorwareling and Comtnia.sion ,Iferehantr. Levee Street , Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so lichconsigiuneuts. n 22—tf William 0. Wall, Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame Manufacturer, No. 27, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAN ASSbrusbes varnish, &c., for artists, always on hand . Looking Glasses, &c., promptly fin mod to order. Repairing doneat the shortestnotice. Particular attenuonpaid to regildingand jobbing of every description. Persona fitting stamboats or houses will find it to their advantage to call. sap 10-y flaaufactarer ofron Thik Copper asta Sheet I Ware No. 17 , rip strcet, between Woodcut Market, Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares, and solicits a share of public patroutyr- Also, on ham!, thefollowingarticles: shovels, pokers, tongs,gridircms, skillets ,tealieules , pots, oven s , coffee mills, &c.. Mer chants and others arc invited to call and examine for themselves ,as he io determined to sell cheapforcaah or approved paper mar 7—tf Da. W. KERB JOEL. MOHLER. KERR & MOHLER, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, Corner of Wood street and Virginalley, No. 144, FRESH Medicines, selected aad put up with care, cam be had at all times,. at moderate prices. ed rirrhysiciani prescriptions carefully compoun y d- Notice to all whom it may concern. ALL persons having claims against tho Estate of Oliver Ormsby Evans,deceased, as well asthose knowing themselves indebted to the same, will please present their accounts forsettlement to C. Evans, No 10 View street, who is duly authorized to settle the ,said Estate. . SARAH L. EVANS, Adminisuatrix. febls Pilkington'strarivallea Bladdng, MJOU FAC T URED and sold wholesale and retail. SIXTH STAXIT, ono door below Smithfield. oet 21-Iy. J. LOGAZ JAMES E. LOGAN & CO., Fifth Street, bette/811 the Exchange Bank and Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dealers Staple sad 'Fumy Pa. , Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOCKS, al JOHN McFARLAND, SUpboleterer and Cabinet Maker,l 2d st., between Wood and Market, Respoctfullyinfornis his friends and the public that he isprepared to erecute all orders for sofas, sideboards, brinnug. chain, WAR* bedsteads, stands, Mir and springmainmea, cattotasonapetK aeons ofnplsol. *ta w work, which be la werrantequal teensy:tad* in theeity,andoatteasonabbterma• asp 10 JOHN SCOTT & CO., 11171massals Greases and Owandssies Pier chants, Ne 7, Commercial` Row ' Liluirty street, al!-ly Pittsburgh. New WOW Staab. HOLMES' LIVERY STABLE. an Third I ^"4 street, between Market and Wood, near Itt. the Post °See, is now open for the accom modation of the public. His stock of Carriages &c. sew, he hopes to be able to render 'fall antis drtse wbo may favor him with veil. CRUSE & lAPPINCOTr, D. & G. W. Lloyd, FACTURES REMOVAL SAMUEL MORROW. oto. ccorNr.t.t., Philad's. AUCTION GOODS. EBRUARY 21, 184 IRESPECTFULLY inform my friends that I have removed my FIRE PROOF IRON SAFE FACTORY to Third street, opposite the Post Of fico, and avail myself of this opportunity to tender my thanks to tlut public for the liberal patronage which they have favored me with for several years, and soli cit a continuancst ef their favors. I pledge myself my Safes shall be made without any deception. All my Safes which have been iu buildings burnt down have saved all theircontents. M''They are kept for sale at my shop, and at At wJones & Co's, Mizell & Fleming's, and at D T Morgan's. JOHN DENNING. N B. 25 bbls good New OtleansSugar for sale. al3-tf WARD'S DENTAL PRESERVATOR. A Superior Wash ibr the Tooth, RODUCING at once the moat healthy state of the mouth—Cleansing and restoring the teeth to their natural whiteness; giving hardness to the gums, des troying the putrifactivo influence of decayed teeth, lessening in every instance the irritation and soreness incidental to their diseased state, and in fact cambia tng in its effect all that can be desired in a Dentifrice. Also, a superior Tooth Powder, as recommended to the Medical faculty of Philadelphia, by the celebra ted Doct. Hudson. Prepared and sold by Wm. A. WARD, Dentist, Liberty street. aug 31 Tr 'No. 62. E LATEST AND CHEAPEST NEW STORE, Opposite White's and M'Knight's, Market street, 4 Doors below 4th; Simpson's Row. p HE Subscriber is now receiving from the Eastern .1. cities an extensive stock of Seasonable DRY GOODS, Of the nevrost style and latest fashions, purchaT principally from Importers and Manufacturers, FOR CASH, AND NOT AT AUCTION, Warranted sound and perfect, of which ho earnestly requests an examination by his friends and the pub lie generally, previous to purchasing elsewhere. His sto.;lc will at all times be equal to any in thecity, and at as fair prices. nov 15. , ABSALOM MORRIS. N. B. Don't forget. No. 62. 0. W. LLOYD. HE Works of Rev. Sidney Smith, in 3 vol. T A Manual of Examination for Medical Students. with questions and answers upon Anatomy and Physi elegy, Surgery, Prictiee of Modern Chemistry, Mate t is Medics, Obstetricks, &c. The Pennsylvania Law Directory,for 1844, in Pam phlet. For sale at the Book Store of sW. M' DON AL D. e t 17-d I y _ - - NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Monongahela Clothing Store. FRANCIS COOLF.Y and ROBERT LAIRD TS Icons, having associated themselves together, for the purpose of carrying on extensively their busi apir,-,:ana fitted up a sture on Water street, between Smithfield and Wood streets, near the Monongahela House, respect fully sulicittheipatronage of their friends and the public. Having just opened a large assort ment o(seasonehle goods, and materials, and made the necessary arrangements, they are prepared to fill all orderv, with which they may he favored, with despatch, and on the most rea,,unable terms. may 17-tf _ Forwarding and Commission Morchante, . . LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, FOR THE ALLEOHENY RIVER TRADE, L. 0. REYNOLDS, t L. %V it.WARTH. op*VERY LOW FOR CASH. THE same • . r offers for sale a large an. splendid assortment of PIANO FORTES of dig* t patterns. warm:tied to he of superior workmanship, and of the best materials; the tone not to bo exceeded by anyinthecountry. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn and St.Clairstroers, marlB opposite the Exchange. LOOKING GLASSES AT EASTERN PRICES. THE subscriber has opened an establishment at No 68, Wood street, a few doors from the cor ner of 4th, where ho keeps constantly for sale allkinds of LOOKING GLASSES, at Eastern Prices. He has on band alarge assortment of Glasses in both gilt and mahogany frames, to which he invites the at tention of customers. believing that the quality of his articles and his prices cannot fail to give satisfaction. Pictures frarnedto order, in neat f Style, in either gilt or mahogany frames. Canalboat and other reflectors manufactured to or doroo the shortest notice. Old frames repaired and regilt, so as to look as well as new, on the shortest no tire. J T MORGAN, Agent. mar 23-tf MARTIN LYTVE, FAMILY GROCER, SMIMFIELD STREET, Next do& tek'tbli Fifth Presbyterian Church june 6. 30811 S. 11A1011.2 1 08, Attorney at . Law, OFETCE, North ride of . Fifth street, between wood and Smithfield stroets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B. Collections made on reasonable teems. dee 4-ly VIT .1 DAV ITT , fonnerly of the Iron City Cloth V V • ing Store, is now engaged at the Tante Bio booa.s, where be will be happyto see his friends and fottner customers, and serve them to the best of his ability. a9-tf HE subscriber, having . disposed of his Stock and T Interest it: the Amer:can Portobis Boat Lists, hai retired from the Tennsportatioa business. In doing so, he tenders to his mamas (deeds in this city. es well u in the 'Fez West," his sincere thanks for their kind patronage, and bow° i n t: t aws to them his sncoessors, Messrs Clarkson & Co., of this city, and E. G. Whiteside' & Co., of Philadelphia, for whom he solicits a continuance of their Eason. Pittsburgh, .Tan. 10, 1845. H, DEVINE. Removal—lroa Safes New Nooks. REYNOLDS & WILMARTH, ANC DEALERS IS Corner of l'enn and Irwin streets, NEW ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN W BLAIR, 11121Y811 NIANITTACI TWINS AND SHOE FINDINGS STORE, = 6 NO 120, WOOD mum, oci26 PITTSBURGH. Canal Transportation. Tale's Patent Safety Loa, FOR DOORS, SAFES, BANKS, ike. IHAVE appointed CONSTABLE, BURKE & Co, (Fire Proof Safe Mamsfacturers,) Riga Agents for these Locks in Pittsburgh, of whom they may always be bad at the Manufacturers prices. They are warranted beyond the skill of the pick lock--and in *Jibe best and cheapest safe lock ht America. LINIJS YALE. Pittsburgh, deo 27, 1844-Iy. PittabluTh Infirmary, FOR the reception and treatmen t of deformites of the human frame. such us Club or Reeled feet, contracted joints, wry-neck and Strabismus or Squinting, and of Diseases of the Eye, such as Ca- . taractostc, under the case of ALBERT G WALTER, M D. Liberty, near the corner of Fourth street. dee 31—dtf in -CHEAP HARDWARE—co WHITMORF & WOLFF, Corner of Liberty awl Si. Clair Ste., Pittsburgh ARE now receiving their spring importation of HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND SAD DLER Y, to which they respectfully invite the attec tionof purchasers. Having completed arrangements, through which they are now receiving supplies DI RECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES IN ENGLAND, they shall at all times be prepared to sell at such prices as will make it the interest of pur chasers to call. Always on hand, a full and general assortment of RI FLE BARRELS AND GUN TRIMMINGS, PLANES. COOPERS, CARPENTERS AND • METHS' TOOLS. Also, a great variety of LOCKS and LATCHES , for building purposes, to gether with every variety of articles appertaining to thebusiness. al64f New Arrival of Queausware & China. THE subscriber would respectfully invite the at 1 tention of the pubiie to Ms present stock of White Glazed Wareos superiorartiele, together with a select assortment of White French China,compriaing all the necessary pieces te constitute complete sets ofDining and Tea wire. Also. a general stock of articles suitable for the sup ply of country merchants, to which their attention is invited, at his old stand, corner of Front and Wood streets. HENRY HIGBY. ally - Arnold's American Lock Manufactory. NO. 17, FIFTH ST., PITTSBURGH. THE subscriber has just erected a new and eaten save Manufactory ou Second street, between Wood and Mat ket, where he now manufactures all kinds of Locks, upon a new principle never before at tempted in this city. By means of powerful steam . aebinery, be is now enabled to sell his well known superior Locks at such prices as will set foreigh competition at defiance. Merchants, House, and Steam boat Builders, can have Locks of all kinds, Shutter Fastenings, and every article in his line, made to-order at thou nutice. nov 21-Iyd - _ Important Arrival. ittiscriber has this day received, direct from -1, the imposters, the following celebrated biota& of cigals, vu : Congrepsiov, Regalia, Canova, PITTSIIVEtnu. ns•ly Cazadoree, Princi pie , Ugues. Castellbs, &c, Together with the best brands of Virginia Chewing Tobacco (fine cut,) Snuffs and half Spanish and Com mon Cigars; all of which will* sold at the lowest possible price for rash M. M'GINLEY. No 60i Water st., a few doors from the Sept 1841 Monongahela !louse LRATARR AND MOROCCO. R ICIFIAIO3 at D No. 1011Vood beret', 4 doors above Diamond alley, PITTSBURGH. Tj AS just received a large supply of New York and Baltimore Spanish Sole Leather,Upper Leather, Philadelphia and Country Rips and Calls ins, Moroc co of all kinds, Shoe Bindings, Tanners' Oil, &o, &c. All of which is offered at the very lowest prices for cash. Merchants and Manufacturers are respectfully invi ted tocsin. and examine his stook before purchasing elsewhere. N B. Leather of all kinds bought in the rough. aug2B—chf. Third, between Wood sad !Market streets, blearlyoppolite tits Next Post o f fice. /WI HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh and the public generally that he has opened the above establishment for their aecomeda tiou. He sincerely thanks those friend whom!) liber ally patronised him whilst Proprietor of the_Waverly House, and trustthat hlsincreaxedaccamodatitms will enable him.to retain all his old frienisend acquire ma ny new ones. M" The Eagle Hotel is exclusively for the accona miklition of gentlemen. and from its neutral situation in theimutediate vicinity of the Banks and Public O!6- ens, offers peculiaradvautagil to the manof business. The beds, bedding and furniture are all new. The Larder anexeeptionable, and the Wines. Ales ^and Liquors equal to thebeet in the State. His Guests will besupplied with their meals at any hour to suit theirconsenience, on the Eastern System. Timis—Per weeks 0,00 Per day, 1,00 THOMAS OWSTON. Oct. 15 column ov la -Len vise! svelte - a, PUTSEIIRGEI. LT AVIN G removed my manufactory from Simi ng -1.1. ham , and located it at th e above stand, I would respectfully invite my friends and the public generally to favor me with a call. fur any article in my fine, viz: Patent Lever Locks, Cabin door Bolts, Snob, do Latches, Mortise, ~ Mortise Suns door, " Shutter Fastenings. Tobacco, Fuller, flatted . and MillSorews, Nausea Screws for ITO* Works. Ia addition to the above article' I ismadito - iwaser- facture and keep a of Ratchet and • Minissy i Wrenches, and Scoo p" ps and Dies, fev ikesent Boat porpoises. Together with * variety of articles not enumerated. All of the best quality sat at re dared prices. Locks ';red and Kit's fused; also,-iron and Brass ITurning done in the best manner and at the shortest Viers addressed to the eneaufactory or to Mr B. H. Peebles, Hardware Merchant. Market street, Pittsbergb, will bethankfelly xeceived and meet with ptempt attention. • dee 1446 m JAS. PATTERSON, Jr. De 4-I . 3uati F de la. Wanda, Palma, P L e o d u ro ia iit:i Gasc s. eeraw T. Anton* EAGLE HOTEL. Lock sad Scrim Mailsalkatery. ICE, TWO CENTS. Omigration nocnx, 13110TILILUS Sc 00.'8 Arrangements for 1845. BLAKELY & MITCHEL, AOLSTS, PITTSBURGH, PA. 4 . .41.4:i ! . / I t '4 !_ 7,-.7„vi. h. , , - • / a A ~.* 1 .16 L L .. 1.. . Remittances to and Passage from Great Britain and Ireland, by the "Black Ball or Old Line of Liverpool Packets." far Soiling from Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of each month. PERSONS desirous of sending for their Friends now residing in any part of the "OLD CounrnY." can make tFe necessary arrangements with the sub scribers. and have them brought out by the above well known favorite " Line of Packets," which •sail from LIV ERPOOL punctually on the let and 16th of every month; also by FIRST CL ASS AMERICAN SHIPS, sailing [from there EVERY SIX DAYS, during 1845. And las they are determined not to depend on any Liverpool House or Agent, to see the people's interest taken care of, Mr JAMES D. Roots, one of the firm, is there, who will remain and see that every thing connected with their business it executed with promptitude and, despatch. Should the persons sent for decline coming out, the money will be returned to the parties here, without say deduction, on producing the Passage certificate and receipt. The "Black Ball or old Line of Liverpool Paok els" comprise the following magnificent Ships, visa. The NEW Yana, The CAMBRIDGE, " Oxvonn, " ENGLAND, " YoeEsHIRE, " Easters, •' M o oNTESCRA, " Cmmit's. With such superior and unequalled arrangements, the subscribers confidently look forward for a confine &lmo of that support which has been extended to them so many years, for which they are grateful. Those proceeding or remitting, to their relatives, can at all times obtain Drafts at sigkt for any amount drawn direct on the RoTAL BANE. o? IneLAND, MIMES ; Also ref Messrs. rancour, GROTE, Mass & CO, BANKERS, LoNDOIS which will be paid on demand at env of the Banks, or their Branches, in all the principal Towns through out ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. Apply to, or address (if by letter, post paidOCHE, BROTHERS & C 0.,0. No 35 Fulton St., N, Or BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Smitialieldstreet,nenr sth, and Penn street, oct 15-d&wamy Pittsburgh. Tapuott's (*enema Emigration 01800. 76 Sotaii St., corner of Maiden Lane, New York CB6BLIB d, /IVANOLTY, Agent, Canal Basis, Plitsborgh, Pa. ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1845. PERSONB about sending for their friends in any part of the OLD COUNTRY, are respectfully in formed by the subscribers that the same system that characterised their house, and gave reel' unbounded satisfaction the past year, will be continued throughout the season of 1845.. ,THE NEW LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACKETS. The QUEEN OF THE WE5T,12.50 tons bgrthen. HOTTINGUER, LIVERPOOL •• ROCHESTER, ROSCIUS, SIDDONS, " SHERIDAN, GARRICK, WhiCh capacious and magnificent ship, being com manded by kind and experienced men, and fitted up in the bat possible marines for comfort and conveni ence, are well known to surpass any other Lb* of packet,. In addition to the above splendid Line the subset!. hers are agents for the, St. George's Line of Liver pool Packets, and The United Line of Liverpool Packets. Making a chip from Liverpool ever five day_ s: the possibility of delay is therefore precluded. Mt W Tap scott (one of the firm) personally auperintends the departutoof vessels at Liverpool; allies it to say, therefore, that the subscribers guarantee to give satis faction to all parties who may send for their friends through them. In all cases when those sent for de cline coming, the full amount of money paid for pas sage will be refunded. REMITTENCES. Those wishing to remit ntoney to any part of Great Britain or Ireland can be supplied with drafts for any amount, from /1 upwards, payable at sight in all dry principal towns, without discount or any ether charge.- A pplication, if by letter (post paid) will meet imtnedi ate attetention by addressing CHAS. A. McANULTY, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, or W. & 3. T. TAPSCOTT, 76 South street, New York. Agency in Liverpool:— William Ispacott or 15 Gores Piazza and Geo Rippard dr. Son. 5 94 Waterloo Road. jan 6 f,l/o,,pjei a . • JOHN UERDMAN'S 01d getablished Emigrant Pauses Wise, • 61 SOUTH STREET. The subscriber, in calling the ctentionof his friends and the public to his unequalled arrangements for bringing out persons from Great Dritaln and Ireland. who may be sent for by their friends, begs testate that .in consequeoce of the great increase of this branch of his business, and in order to preclude all wino:emery delay of the emigrant, has at great expense, in addiuon to his regular atoms in Liverpool. appointed MrThor 14 Dicky, who had bean a faithful clerk in the estab lishment for the last eight sears, to proceed to Liver pool and remainthere during the emigration season, to superintend the embarkation of all-passengers calmed here. The Ships employed in this line are wall kncwn to be only of the ficstclus and very fast-salling,_ =mantled by kind and esperienced men, and as they sail from Liverpool every Eve (less, reliencetnay be placed that pamengers will receive every attention and be pro:mayfly despatched. With such superior ar range-meats, tyro subieriber loArs forward for a corgiu 211110 D of that patronage which has been so 'Aurally sis. maid to him for to many sears past, and should say oftiges soot for decline coming, the passage money will, as usual, be refunded, and passage from the differ ent ports of Ireland and Scotland can be secured if de sited. For further partiaalars. apply to JOHN HERDMAN, 61 Smith at. Agency in Liverpool:— Messrs. J. & W. Robinson,l No. 5 I,lildtie Mr. Thoe H Dicky, _ S and No. 1 Neptune at., Waterloo Dock. 'J Kirkpatrick, Agent at Mr Jos Dalzell's.No Water st., Pittsburgh, Oen 4 3m El= 1150 4 ' 1150 " " 1000 " " 1150 " " 105 Q 6 ' " 1050 " " 1050 " "