-ettiforiatentittopost 111 W4DI4gBDAY 11 iRNING, FEBROARt le PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. CONXIT? FOR TEREW ART. 38 Dilworth, IV H Denny, Joshua Hanna :aro. miroatside form will be fbund a "History 4ii-trmYaWltimssebser Manor," Poetry, itc. rrWe are indebted to the Hon. D. S. REID, for entliirilesklnal Documents. Tex Cntstas,Story that rung an old year (intend anew yetiAN:tlutrles Dickens, has been re calved, and is now for at Cook's. OrTeiterday the Councils met and resolsed that if President Polk should visit Pittsburgh, the Mayor 11 alid Councils would wait on him this morning, and pay him their respects, This evinces a spirit of coot remerlibendity highly creditable to our municipal an thick:4ll,l'ra we regret that they will not have an op `porteriltj of welcoming the President to our city. *jar-The House of Represenatives of Kentucky have passed , a bill providing for the punishment of per. ions Aonmyneci in negro stealing, or ocuicesling ne ves, by imprisonment horn 2 to 20 years. AllatTAL EXTB,AORDINARY.—The bouthern stage, Mi Friday evening-fast, says the Vermont Sentinel, brought some forty or fifty of the Canada millea to Noorflourh Wales ,on their return to Canada, having recuised a free pardon. They appear, in the main, robe in good health and spirits. We learn that some Men yet remain in captivity, owing to want of funds to' pay their passage home. Aar Tuz RIGHT Rev. BISHOP . O'Corixon, will •cr Lemma in St. Paul's Cathedral every Thurs dets and Sunday evening during Lent, at 7 o'clock. The principles of the Catholic Church will be ex piated-and defended, with special reference to the shorn now made against it. Subject of Lecture till fortker notice.—The princi ples ;it the Catholic Church regarding the authority Ind the use of the Served Scriptures. feb 10 SCHOOL sooii. AZEN'S Speller and Definer—intended to obvi ate the necessity of a School Dictionary; Dav iteart's History of the United States—for schools-- , theebeepest midmost convenient history yet published; Grammar.- ' Morse's Geography ; Mitchell's asicetaphy ; Smith's Grammars Brown's Gramtntr ; .tisitsecosived and fer sale by 4...1 16 14 -:. risk at Retail, 11ACKF I REL, Salmon; Lake Shed, Herring. CO 03. ftsts.Seotch Herring , Szc„ all of the best quality, A, G. REINHART, 140 Liberty street. by feb 10 MGress No 1 Bottle Cork's 6 Bbla\Sp Turpentine; 2 " Copal Varnish; 1 Cask Olive Oil; 3 Bbls Van Reich 2 " Lampblack; 1 " Cream Tartar; 1 " Floe Sulphur; e , I Cass Roll Sulphur; 1 " Liquorice Ball; • . i " Gum Sbellaci 1 " " Copal;,_ - 75 lbs Gum Camphor; 10 " " Opium; ,Iraoilaber with a general assortment of Drags, Med i- CUMIN Dye Stuffs, dtc., just received and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN: No 184 Liberty, head of Wood it. A CARD. FlEJtabseriber, having succeesled to the entire buni 11sis al Reinhart & Strong, begs leave to tenders to Adair's:Du suitable acknovrledgroerns for their liberal , of the late firm, and hopes they and the puh coatinue their favors to him individually, as it Ain be his constant aim to tender bis establishment sieserring of their encouragement and support. He taw now on hand, and will be continually receiving additions thereto, a very extensive and select stock of GROCERIES, shish it ma confidently recommend tut of the best =m mu si of which be revpcetfully invites sour A. G. REINHART; 140 Liberty street. Mr N. B. Those who have not got a printed list of one articles will please call and obtain one, as the ousertioetst is too expensive and varied to enumerate bare. 4 A. G.. R. feb ?mit. as& /Haw. 1M) BUSH. Dried Apples. 125 boxes 8 by 10 Gle:srio!sale by SPLENDID Article of Lard 0i) for families. isstels, &arches, &c., on draft at very low prices camas* on hand and for sale by J. S. GWYNNE. Franklin Manufactory, 2d Street, Cod.Piaii. DRUMS for sale low by _Rim fob 4 M. B. RHF.Y &Co o'raKirAik BAGS Rio Csite. Coffee; tY 30 " Laguyra Java das 3 " Mangle do; in atom and fee sale HAMM /01, JENNINGS &CO, 43 Wood street. LT; O °W I:. Ste . l in SAM'L. 11. KIER, Canal /Maio, :mu ith street, Partin Wanted, PERSON possessed of $3,000 or $3,000 capi- A tal, wisbingto engage in a lucrative business, can Power entnacellent opportunity by addressing 'R. H.' Arm* thecae. of the "Morning Post." hb 4-Im. listger awl MOUL•SeIIo ISHHS. Priam N 0 Suga r , old crop; 11. 40 Bills &gar House °lasses; jk was lira, to otiose sonsiputteot, by JAMES MAY 14 -- Shutter Fastengra, has vented and tnanafiactures a T ri t l t t ei = paylor SHUTTER FASTENER, made of ims,sad superior to anything of the kind sirs in ON la this city, and, he believes in the United Basea To bo bad at an of the Hardware stores in alisetwiwit , Smithfield at.. car a's!""wollansf• J. VOGDES. Jae U. Wagon and gait Rod Line. MBE vadessigned bas made arrangements to for 1 wad 4300d0 during the Winter see= .tolti assee,Philaiehdia, NOVI York and Boston,tiy the most sispeditieus mute lindAt low rams. C. A. M'ANULTY, d0:5.18449m Canal Basin. Liberty it. 'BEAR'S GREASE, warranted • gexsinei Mao, a large lot of Sue French perfumery: . For ode by WM. THORN, ion 2 No 53 Market street Pink by the 11108244. Molt 1 mool 3 Mackerel: „LN Nemo% " 1 Nova Scotia Herring " 1 Trimmed Baltimore, do. Meu Shad; " 1 and 3 hlackerel in half Bbls.: l• I do. " quarter do; ' 4 t Grand Bank Codfish; is aus sot for - tale by 421. REECHART, ' 4 " 'PO Itiber 1114141* truGH,rA, W. M'DONALD, No. 65, Wood Ftreet D. & G. W. LLOYD Port of 4 PEET WATER IN TIM ciunsigL. ARRIVED. West Point, Grace, Cincinnati; Cleveland. Calhoon, Columbiana, Saab, Louisville. DEPARTED. Adelaide, Young, Cincinnati; Dr Watson, Throop, Nashville. Por Now Orleans. The splendid passenger steamer OLIVE BRANCH, T C May, 'Mas er, will leave for tbo above and inter mediate landings on the opening of navigation. For freight or passage apply to JAMES MAY. Mr The Olive Branch is furnished with Evans' Safety Guard to prevent the explosion of boilers. feb 11 For $t Louis and Galena. THE Steamer CECILIA will leave for the above and intermediate land 'rigs, on the opening of the Navigation. For Freight or Passage apply on board, or to JAMES MAY. n3PThe Cecilia is provided with Evans' Safety Guard to prevent explosion of Boilers. fah 11. Pittsburgh and Wheeling Packet. THE safe and well-found steamer "UTICA," CLARK, Master, has con menced her trier and will run as a reg ular Pac et between PITTSBURGH and WHEEL. ING during the season of 1845. For freight or pas sage apply on board or to jan 30 J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. BEAVER PACKET. The well known steamer MICHIGAN, W. B. Boles, Master, has commenced her regular daily trips, leaving Pittsburgh (as hereto fore) at 3 o'clock. P. M.. and Beaver at 3, A. M. Pricesto suit the times, and these who have no money carried free. The Canal to Cleveland will be opened as soon as the weather oill permit; on the opening of which CLARKE & CO'S LINE to CLEVELAND,O., and MEADVILLE, Pa., will immediately go into opera tion. For freight or,passage apply on board, or to G. M. HA RION, Fl 2 Water street. n. Michigan is provided with Evans' Safety Guard. Tor Sale. THE Steam Woolen Manufactory and Grist Mill situate in Phillipsburgh, Beaver County, Pa. on the Ohio River, 28 miles below Pittsburgh, lately carried on under the name and style of the German Manufacturing Company. The Factory building iv three storks high, 75 feet by 30: Stair house extra with a high gat ret. The other buildings are one Woolhouse 2 stories high, 30 feet by 26—one Dyehouse 50 by 24— o ne store house; one turning shop: one soap boiling shop; wool wash shop and large stable. Engine. Cylinder 16 incites, 5 feet stroke, 3 Boiler, 22 by 2& feet. Mill contains 2 French Burrs,2 Bolting. and other The Machines in the Woolen factory consist of 1 Picker. 2 sets of Carding Machines, 1 spinning mule with 270 spindles, 1 Jack with 143 spindles, 1 do. with 190 spindles, 10 Power looms 40 inches wide, 3 large band looms, 2 Fulling stocks, 2 napping ma chines;.2 shearing machines, Iron screw prase with Iron plates--onemacbine for grinding shears, 1 warp ing machine, 1 spool machine, 1 large coming lath, vices, hammers and other tools necessary in a woolen Factory. The ()rehouse contains 3 Coppers for 100, 50 and 25 lb of wool, 1 Blue vat and worm., for others The ground contains about 114 acres. Water is supplied by a run and the Ohio River. The above establishment is situated in a healthy. thick settled and wool growing country, and there are good experienced workmen at. bend. The above property will be sold low at private sale. and if not sold till the middle May neat, it will be gold by public outcry. For more particulars and termit, apply.to FRANCIS LE GOULLQN,I, JACOB SHAEFER, r Trusters. DAVID WAGNER, jan 27 '7, Yaples & Son; ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, Office, Soda field Sired, eoriterol JJiaigoad Alley. io LANS and Specifications finished in the best style and at the shortest notice. Rericrtzerces: Logan & K.ennetly, lI Childs & Co., J Woodwell, A Kramer, W B' &tire and Coo ten & Dilworth. jan. 14, 1845—.. d ly. Perfume &c. THE subscriber haek i just received a large assort ment of French and American perfumery, cos metics toilet and shaving soaps, &c, of the most elo sweat a,nd fashionable description, consisting in part of the following articles: Beers oil, bears grease, Ma- CROWN oil, antique oil; cherobin nomatum, for curling the hair of great utility to those with lung straight hair.) Beef's marrow pomatum, highly perfumed; Jules Hauel's black pomatum, for gradually darken ing the hair, stick pomatum—Ammode de Victoria, extra fine; Eau Bandoline, for smoothing the hair,and keeping, it in its place; Rowand's ambrosial oil, for growth and preservation of the hair; Jules Hanel's Eau I.,ustral for do; Oldridge's Balm of Columbia for do; Hauel's liquid hair dye; vulverine hair dye; Eau Divine de Venus, for improving the complexion eradi cating eruptions of the skin, and rendering it soft and fitir; milk of rases; improved cold cream of roses, pearl powder; olabaste; powder; filly white powder; frenth toilet. powder, highly perfumed; powder puffs; Rouge vinegar for imparting a bloom to the complex ion, extracted from the most fragrant roses; depilatory powder, for retr.oving superfluous hair from the face, &c.; lip salve; cologne water: orange flower water; la vender water; rose water, distilled from the leaves:fart cy and toilet soaps, a great variety; nymph soap, anew and excellent article; castile soap; palm soap; .1311310n4 soap; shaving cream; scent bags; tooth brushes, hair brushes, dlr,c., together with a general assortment of drugs, paints, dye-stuffs, &c. F. L. SNOWDEN, No 184, Liberty. head of Wood st, !BOOR S. 1)(7' M'DONALD, No. 65, Wood street, has jast i" • received a supply of the following Books: The Works of Dr. Johnson; Boswell's Life of Johnson; The Spectator; Hannah Moore's Practical Piety; Hannah Moore's Practical Devotions; blur phey's Tacitne—English version; Goldsmith's Poems; +Young Orator; Cooks own Book; Parlor Letter Writer; Cooper's Naval History ; Infant Bchool Manual; Goodrich's History or Rome; Fisher's CO schism; Bourienne's Napoleon; New Spirit of the Age; Fruit of the Spirit; Nichllas Nickleby—with Illustrations; Love and Madness of Timm; Mrs Hall's Bible .Companion ; Charles the 12th; Seneca'. Mo ral's; Olmstead's Letters on Astronomy; Lessons on Shells; Bell on the Homan Frame Glimpses of the Old World; Lady Montague's Works; Stewart's Phi losophy; Blair'a Rhetoric; Jcisephus; Mayland's Mor al Science; Comb's Phrenology; Christian Lyre; Lord Brougham's Miscellanies; House I live in ; with a large assortment of smalland attractive books too uumerous to mention. Calillb 'MOS. NE case of mixod Cassimeres, just received from LW the Manufacturers on consignment, for sale by the piece it reglaux:d prices by GEORGE COCHRAN, - No2B Wood sz:t r.! Dry Goods. TIIE undersigned having purchased the entire stock of Preston & Mickey, consisting of a va riety of foreign and domestic Dry Goods, which he will now offer at v"ry low prices for cash. Country merchants, end alt who wish bargains, will please .calf in and examine for tkiemaei,e,i. 2434 riv W • P. .44cay- A large and convenient two story Brick House, with Carriage House and Stable, on the center of Penn and Factory streets, sth Ward. A very convenient two story Frame House on Front pear Ferry street. A two story Brick dureiling on Ferry Street. Also—A frame Cottage in Allegheny city, below the Canal. Apply to JAMES MAY. ja n A Ise-v-For it term of years, a swill tenement, togeth er with 31 building lots. in Allegheny city, suitable for gardening. Enquire of J D WILLIAMS, jan 25 No2B, Fifth street. Choice Building Lots liar Sal*. NEAR THE NEW COURT HOUSE, VIZ: 4LOTS on Grant strew, above Fourth, each 20 feet front and 80 feet deep, tout alley. 6 Lots on Fourth street, near Grant, each 20 feat front by 110 feet deep to a 20 foot alley. 6 Lots on Ross street. near Fourth, each 20 feet front by 80 feet deep, to George alley. The title to the above propetty is indispntsble, and the Lots will be sold on the most aceomodating terms. Fur further particulars apply to BAKEWELL. PEARS gr. Co., THE subscriber offers for sale his Brick Cot tage House and four Lots, au Holmes' Hill. he ots are 24 feet front on Prospect street, running back 140, on which is erected a Cottage House, 40 feet front by 34 feet deep, 8 foot Hall finished in mod em style; together with carriage house, stabling, &c., and an excellent well of water at the door. Terms made to amt. Ifnot sold by the 22d of Febn;tery, the property will be for rent. Apply to B. McLAIN, corner of Third and Wood as.. or W. J. TOTTEN. THE subscriber bas a large and convenient build. log with about a 50 horse power engine, which be offers to let in rooms to suit any person who outy wish to have power for manufacture, at a less rate than it can be produced by is small engine. Shop oa Fifth street, opposite Exchange Sault. jan 16.3 m H. ff. RYAN. Mb An mice-tient farm, well watered, with goad buildings, and well supplied with coal, situate about 25 miles from Pittsburgh; will be sold or ex; changed for good city property. Enquire of 3I ELMORE & PERKINS, Corner of Third and Grant so reets. A COTTAGE with about four acres of ground in the borough of Lawrenceville,= with carriage -house, stabling, fruit trees and a good spring of water on the premises. Further information will be given by either of the subsnribers o erAcutersfor she estate of William Toman, A ke d. Possession given .on the first of April. JAMES TOMAN. OABRIEL ADAMS. DAVID MeMULLEN. W. 3I'DONALD, N 0.455, Wood street l'or Sala. 1113ESV No 18,.in Trinity Chun.b, hieb is in an Wig ". ihle situation. Apply to JOHN D DAVIS, Corner ;if Wood and Fifth its. Corn Brooms, 30 DOZ. Corn Brooms for sale by HAILNIAN. JENNINGS & CO.. 43 Wood street Salt. 1000 MILS No 1 Sal!; fur oale JAMES MAY. jan :for gift 6ibitii-rit Hesse is Rent ISFor rent, a comtotiableand conunient dwel ling Hoene in the neighborhood of this city. The rent in low and the situation Ns well calculated fur a botirding House. The owner and his Emily are de sirous to board with those who may rentthe premises, for which they are willing to allow 4 liberal renumera ticm. For further information enquire at the office of the Mor.iing Puet. feb 11-0 Katibid !tope Walk for Root. THAT extensive Rope Walk lately occupied by Smith & Guthrie, extending from the Kittaning road to the Allegheny river in Pee Skis townships, where ropes fur the inclined plane, Portage mil-read, has been manufactured to great advaatage, together with the Steam Engine and machinitin onnipinto, will be rented on moderate term.. Enquire of GEO. COCHRAN. feb 7. No 26 Wood at. For Boat or Sale. 0 A valuable property in the City of Allegheny, if; on the hank of the Ohio river, one acre of land, on which is erected a large and convenient two story brick dwelling, containing eight rooms with kitchen and dining room in the basement story. Also, a sta ble and carriage house, with a well of excellent water. This property is well calculated for erecting any Pub lic Works, being near Pittsburgh, and a good road to the same. Payments made easy, as most of the pur chase money may remain in the purchaser's hands fur a number of years. ALSO, For Rent, a two story brick house in Third street, between Smithfield and Grant streets. Apply to ANDREW KIRKWOOD, Smithfield suwet, Between First and Second, Or to BLAKELY &MITCHEL, jun 9 Smithfield, near sth street. For Salo. A two story frame Louse, 16 by 32 ket, to. ether with a lot of ground situated in Alleghe ny city, near the Union Cotton factory, 25reet fronting on Canal street, runing back 116 feet to Carpenter's Alley, will be sold low for cash or Piusbargh manufac tured articles. Apply to W. B. HAYS, fob 5 No. 220 Liwrtv st. Cheap Ofeees—Te Let. OFFICES on Fourth street—at $135 00, $65 00, $6O 00, $4O 00, and $3O 00 per annum. ALSO, an office on Smithfield street. $BO 00; be- sides several Dwellings and Stores on Fifth street. Apply to JOHN J. MITCHEL, feb 4 Smithfield, near sth street. For Sale. A N excellent farm of 1871 acres of land in West. 21, moreland county, well watered and good improv. ment ; on which is erected a good Saw Mill; any person wishing to purchase, can have a bargain by applying soon to jan 30. D IV LLOYD. Temperance Refectory. ILTO Rent for one year or mote as a Temper ance Refectory, that two vary brick building with kitchen and eating room attacked, situated at the corner of Grant west and Diamond Alley opposite the New Court House. For further perticulan ap ply to BAKEWELL, PEARS &Co.. Wood et , or to WM. BAKEWELL. Bskewell's Law jan 30-d2 w Buildings Water st. To Let A large and ennvenient twn story Brick dm/el- Ft ling Honer, on. Wylie street, now occupied by • V eshington, Esq. Apply to To Let. TH E second and third stories of the new Buildings 1. on the corner of sth tuul Union streets, A pplp to jan 28 To Let To Loose. THE Long Ronms. 3rd and 4th stories of No 110 Wuod street. Possession given on Ist of April Or to jan 21 WILLIAM BAKEWELL, Law Buildings. Grant •t For Salo or Sept, jan 18422feb STEAM POWER AND SHOP ROOMS FM RUNT, ?arm, Tel et. lan 7-4.1 ATYllll.4o*olockins - Saturdayafternnest the 15th insu, will be sold on the premises, the unexpi red term of years, fiem the first day of April 1845, of a lease op a lot, of grpepd having a front of 18 feet on Prospect street. and attending back 100 feet to Hill Ai!ey, on which is erected two comfortable frame dwelling houses, well finished, ard of good material. subject to a ground rent. of $l3 13 r ) )r 4 m qm du ring said lease. Far further pastioulars apply to Jeoob Little, on the premises. or to JOHN D. DAVIS, Ana's. ) DlPTerme at sale. conies of Wood and sth sts. feb 6 Have just been received from the PAIR, a large u sortment of rid' Carpets, Ingrain and Vanieian; ell of bright colors, and the latest fashionable patterns.— These will be sold by private sale, at very low prices ranging from IA to 11, peryard,alu,Srlissels hearth rugs, wbiah 41 be sold very cheep. Boots and Sloes. Ten eases of fine sad heavy winter Boots, Hr - ans and Ladies' shoes. . Xxtra Superfine 'Smack* : Several pleas, of Blue, Black. and Invisible Green, Broadcloths, wool idyeti - exchssively for private sales; and offere4 at very low prioes. f I YND & BICKLEY, nov 28 Auctioneers. TH'undersigned is now receiving the largest assortment of Goods of the above descriptions ever brought to this market, and he is determined to sell them lower than any 'niter lionse in the city; call and esamine for yourselves. . The Stock consists in part, of the following isrticlec Watches. Hair, Nailfir. Tooth Brush. Gold Lever Watches, Leather Belts, &c. L'epine " With a fine lot of Fancy Silver Lever t` Cutlery. Jewelry. Net Caps, Gold Breast Pinv, Ceres. Finger rings, Baskets, " Ear rings, Variety Goode, " Pencils, Spool Threads, " Brace lets, Patent " " Lockets, &c., Pound .. Silver Butter Knives, Percussion Cops, " Pencils, Pins, " Darts,onorments, &c. Suspenders, Pettey Good.. Hooks and Lies, " Hair Pins. Soaps, ~ Jet 44 44 Cotton Cords; " " Combs, Tapes, " " Ornaments, Eyelets, " Bead " Hair Combs, " Bracelets, Redding " •• Jet Breast Pins, Ivory 44 " " Necklaces, Shaving Bream, Rosewood Writing Desks, Boot Laces, Dressing Cases, Corset " Rosewood Work Poses, Rumen, Chess Men, Dickson Tea and Table f , Boards, Spoons, Accordeons, Thimbles, Colt's Revolving Pistols, Steel really Common Pistols, Needles, Cent Seeds, Knives. Silk Purses, &dews, Clocks, Aka. Gold and Steal Beads, Card Cases, Pease Books, Needle Books, Cigar Cases, Tsp. A handsome assortment. Z. KINSEY, dec 5. No SS Market street. Lasid Werveying Magiaosalag. THE undersigned intendingto pursue ly the business of Surveyingand Civilvig ineeriag, offers his services to the public. Having had a very extensiveprttctice with Mr Z W Remington in this vicinity, be feels Warranted in say ing that his experience and practical littowledge will be advantageous to those who may employ him. rer sons interested in real estate will find at hii office plea Of the City, City District. "Reserve Tract. opposite Pittsbutgh," "Manor of Pittsburgh," Birmingham, Lawrenceville. end lots end farms extending several miles sround Pittsburgh. R E McGOW IN. office, Penn street, a few doors above Hand. Pittsburgh. JAMES MAY JAMES MAY Richard Biddle, Esq., Wilson NrCandless,Esq., John Anderson, Arthur., R. S. Cassia, tThose of myfriends and the public, who may wihave recommit to any of my papers, draughts or plans, will hereafter find them in the efface of R E Me- GOWIN, whom I respecdully racommed u one in whose professional abilities and integrity they may de pend. Z W U,MtriGTON. n 25..disweltm imPORTAPFT ProuisTl97t NO. 49; LIBERTY STREET, RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of pur chasers to his present stock of WINTER CLOTHING, WINTER FROCK COATS Of fine Castor Cloth. Plain and Panay Beaver and Pilot Moth, DOUBLE MILLED BROAD CLOTH, &c. IfitOWN 080/11) and THICK TWEED BUSINESS COATS, suitable for the present season. Gentlemen's CID% Cloaks A peat variety of sentry description of PANTALOONS AND VESTS. The subscriber has been continually ordering Geode front the East, through the winter, to keep his rock complete, and has now the pleasure of informing his friends that his is the only complete stock of WINTER CLOTHING At present in the city, and owing to >h• dull state of the Eastern market he has been We to purchase goods at much LOWER PRICES Than could be had in the Fall. They will be sold LOW FOR CASH To make room for the Spring Stock. lab 4-tf A T the taw Morocco and fancy Peatiest Stork ka, No 93, Wood st, mme door Ledo corm of Dia mond Alley, a superior lot of ea. No I Cape boot Mo- IOCCOs a very heavy article, No 2 do, Cape Kid, Coe ranee boot Morocco, CarrscoaKid,glazed and rubbed off, Tampico boot and undressed Morocco. Madras Kid, ike, all of which will behold very low for cosh. Merchants and others will 9nd it to their advantage to call and examine this stock before purchasing else• where. jan 30. CHA,ags Borgeon's Truss, for the radical Cure of Hernia. it is now conceded by Surgeons and Physicians generally, that this truss is decidedly sve perior to any now in use.—lt is not only superior as a retaioar,but cnTera to the person wearing it the only hope of radical cure. To be had, only, a i t t, lierriis ‘V Mohler's, 1;o 444, cor ner of Mond street "tit% Alley. Any infringement issi the light of aelling this instru ment. will be prosecuted to the extent of the law. /84§. qttution Oates. Wen -a t o ot at modem rsesh Arrivals at Nos. 0/ 144 Olt Carpels, Fancy qqd Variety Goods. Ri 16Rtt• C tai P. Mulmny, James S. Craft, Esq„ Hum. Harmer Denny, Cbas. S. Bradford, Ertl 0. Metcalf, EN. NOTICE P. DELANY/ in which are a general assortment of OVERCOATS. g a rish Arrival, Tames! Trassis!! - - -- - - totis.. .. . . 0111Piratioil Lbw Pll, ~ . . . e of Heraktes . 'or Liver Compiai n e, * (1 us - ,4 Sick ilead-tteke. alllinchY.S OF A DISEA S ED LpirEfl—Pain /4 in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, in creased on pressure; sometimes tho pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie op the left side; sometimes the pain ;s felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently =tends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for the rheumatism in the right arm. The stomach it affected with the los, of appetite and sickness; the bowels, in general, are cos rive, sometimes alternating with lax; the head iltrocb• led with pain accompauied with a dull, heavy sensation in the hark part. There is generally a considerable loss of memory; accompanied with a painful sensation of ha' ing left something undone which ought to have been done. A slight dry cough is sometimes an atten dant. The patient complains of weariness and debili ty; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and be complains of a prickly sensation of the skin; his spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that exescise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarce ly summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he mistrusts every remedy. Several of the above symp toms attend the disease, but cases have ocolarred where few of them existed. yet examination of the body after death has shown the liver to have been extensirOY 41,' ;Angell. . CFATIFICATES. This is to certify, that having been associated with Dr M'Lane in thapractice of medicine fur neerly two and Abell years, I have bad many opportunities of witnessing the good effects of his Liver Pills, and I believe they have cured and relieved a much larger proportion of the diseases of the liver, than I have known cured an 4 relieved by any other course of treat ment. OLIVER. MORGAN. This is to certify that ti nieco of mine was very ill with a Liver Complaint. She obtained oue box of M'Lane's Liver Pills, which she took, and received much benefit from the same. She is now taking the second box, and is nearly recovered, and I believe it was the Pills that relieved her, as she took no caber medicine. I would therefore cheerfully recommend them to those laboring under that disease. JOSEPH BOYD. I hereby certify that I have been afflicted for six years with a Liver Complaint, and have applied to dif ferent physicians, and all to little or no effect, until I mode use of Dr M'Lane's Liver Pills. In taking two boxes of them, I am nearly restored to perfect health. S DAVIS. Mr Jonathan lcuidt—Sir, I call to inkorn you of the virtues of Dr M'Laoe's Liver Pills, in the case of my wife, who was induced to try one box, by the use of which she fek su much relief that she proem ed a sec ond. Since she bait taken the second box, be; health his lutprored ip pub t h at On is now better tban she has bees for several years. My neighbors have be come acquainted with this fact, so that as soon as I alto get money T will buy sham by the dozen to sup ply those in my immediate neighborhood. Fel sale by JONATHAN KMD & Co wholesale agents, corner of Fourth and Wood sts, ritt;inargb: and also by-John Serpi*, H P Schwarti, and J Druggists, Allegbegy. jan /o.43ntw. Wenn saes moot 41114 _ T blak• DIIBLIC attention is asked to the folloWillg Certifi. L cafes in favor of Seller' Vermifige. Wsaanntrost,Jeffenion co., 0., Nov 5,1844. T do hereby certify that I gave a vial of Mr R E Sellers' Vermintge to two of my children. and after following the given difection it eirdled two hntsdred very large worms or more. JACOB SHAFFER. Wkauarros, Jeff Co., 0., Nov 5.5, 1844. . . Mr R EThin' is to certifrthat I purchased of Thomas Shannon, Emu, eee bottle area celebrated Vermifuge, snags" it to my little son, who was then fp, yoars old, witich took from him one bundled end eightpsis wormy tie very lam sire. I believe your Vermifuge to be the beo worm medicine for chil dren that t h e world ever protium'. I would there fore caU upaa ill parents who have childma, afflicted with worms to give it one trial. JOSEPH McCLEARY, Justice of the Peace. WA RAVITOIi, Jeff. co., 0., Nov. 18411. We, the subscribers, do certify that we Sr. acquain ted with the efects of R Sellers' valuable medi cines since its introduction Mto oui Place , sad bilge used some of it ourselves, 'ma than its success is in our opinion equal to that certified }bocce, and that it is uncomparably superior to mu caber worm 1130414011 we have ever seen or heard of WILKINSON BRINDLE}'. ISAAC BRINDLEY, JOSEPH GREENLEE. WAttstanroo, Jeff. Co., 0., Nov IP, 1844. Mr R E Sellers: Dear Sir—The above with many others could be procured to prove the drons . of your valuable medicine, but morel deem not necessary. THOMAS SHANNON; per SAMUEL:SHANNON. Prepared and sold wholesale and mud! by R. E SELLERS, No 20 Wood street. jin 14 AT a meetiag of the Board of Commissioners of the Sbarpsbargh 13sidgeCompany, in theta:ow:nigh of Sharpsiangh, on the 14th January, 1844, tha follow jag resolution was unanimously adopted; Railcar*. That the nooks of the Sbarpsburgli Bridge Compatty shall be opened for subscription at the store of Peter Miller, in this borough, on the 19th and 18t,b February ; at Satver's tavern, in Lawrence ville, on the 19th and 20th; at Beitler's tavern, in East Liberty, on the 21siatid s2d; at Miller's tavern, on Liberty street. Pittsburgh, on the s.4th and lOth; at Jones' tavern, Bakerstown, on the 26th and 27th; at Win. Beatty 's (tavern) in the town of Butler, PP the 28th and March let; at Oberly's tavern, in the town of Tarentirm, on the .;(1 and 4th; and at the tavern of Lewis Brenneman, in the town of Freeport, on the 6th and Sth—rwhen dtsa attendance by tiro of the Commissioners will be given from 10 o'clock, A. M. tilt 9 o'clock, P. M. each day. LAPSLif, Sr.. PHILIP MILLER. jan 17—vv4t A rani fir Seat THE *gable Farm of Mr A fr ick., in Indiana township, Minket') county, about two miles back of Shaysborgh, containing 256 acres. It will be lensed oa reasonable terms. Apply to MOORHEAD & REED, isZov 2.9 Attorneys at Law, 2d Ft. near Grant. To the anatomist of Pittsburgh.. 441) THE subscriber most respectfully infants the gentlemen of this city and© vicinity, that be has commenced the BOOT and S Emaking business in Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's office, at the sts.nd lately occupiadby P. Ker rigan. Having been foreman In scums of the most fashionable bootshops in the Eeastern cities; Lad ha.. fag flu nished himself with ;be but hooch nitel Ameri. can calf skins, he by his att*ion to business to Etterit e share of pub& pattimags. To those sentie nt" vtl° ba"kiatrimmima hint be returnable 'in ure thenks,.end can with Confidence oppool fee the IPaanGli ei itio wok sod icsowleigo of his hostneos July 24-4. A. TERN All. Mona fir, leorelsant Tailor s - LT AS ternowid to the room on Fourth street, nest .2-.1 door to the Methodistßookstore;lately occu pied by Wm. E. Austin.Eitt., where he will he hap- FY to sere his frioodi and - cuetomers and the public generally, with all work in his line, which he will warrant to be well made and in the latest and moot fashionable style. 1431 A iLEN 111101 Zit, Exchange Broker. No. 46, corner of Wood and Thirdstrects, Pittsherg Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sightcheeks on the &sawn cidne, for sale. Drafts, notes exit bolls,,e4ected. aaarrattnchl., Wm. Bell dr. C 0.,/ Seim D. Davis, F. Lorenzo. i J. Painter & Cn.. • ' 1. a Woc.a.aiall, James Ms,y, Alex.Bro.nson &Co. • Philndel his john Brown&Co. James M'Canaless. Cincinnati. 0., 3. M'Dvnalfl. Sr. Louis. Me. W. EL rope, Esq., Fres't Banit Tapseatt's tioneral Ilmianntinn 011 . 6 - 7 6 tE{ oval St, conic,. of Maiden Arm York. ; „: 4 - ,e, 1f - - catuzass - A. e arnmerr,. '— A g ent, canni talon; pinnate:o, Pa. ARRA.NGENRNTS POI; 1845. PERSONS about sending fur their friends in any part of the Ot.n CoverraL are resiewitfelly to formed by the subscribers that tbe same system tha; characterised their 'house, and . gave such unbounded satisfaction the pest year, will be cqqtigned throOgbp . we the season of 1845. THE NEW LINE OF LIVERPOOL PAC4FITS,I The QUEEN OF THE WEST, 1250 ten! buctiten, " HOTTINGUER,' 1150 " " " LIVERPOOL, 1150 " " ROCHESTER, WOO " " ROSCIPS,IISO " " SI DDONS, 1050 at " " SHERIDAN, 1050 " GARRICK, /P3q ". t' Which capacious sod magnificent ship, mended by kind and ixperienced men, and fated 1111 in the best possible manner for comfort and conveni ence, are well itttosrn to surpass any other ; l ine of packets. In addition to the above .plendid Line the rubseri hem are agents for the. St. George'. Lisa of Litter. pool Packas, mid Mt flat;ed Lino of Li=arjtgia# Packets. Making a ship from Liverpool ever Aye darn tbe possibility of delay is therefore precluded. Mr W Tap scott (one of the firm) personally superintends tins departure of vessels at Liverpool; suffice it an ray, therefore, that the subscribers guarantee to give aids; faction tti an parties who may send for their friends through them. In all oases when those sent for 4.: dine coming, the full amount of money paid for pet sage will be refunded. REMITTENCES. Those wishing to remit money to anypart of Great Britain or Ireland can be supplied with drafts rot any amougt, from £1 upwards, payable at sight Ina tlitt principal towns, without discount or any et/inu. chins Application, if by latter (post paid) twill Ave; iffiqledc: alto Atlas:aim by addressing CHAS. 4. MeANULTY, 71i South street, Nor yeti!. Agency in Liverpool William Tapscort ort 15 Goren and Geo Rippard & Son. 5 96 Waterloo Road. jaal3 • • • -2-111,10%.4 R COCHRAIi Old £stabli,bed Emigrant Passage Waco, The subscriber, in calling the attention of his friend, and the public to his unimpittled arrangements foe bringing out persons from Great Drimin and !mbar!. who may be sent for by their friends, begs to state that in consequence of the greet increase of this breach of his business, en 3 in order to preclude all uon,eccessary delay of the emigrant, has at great expense, in additiest to his regular igen.' in Liverpool. appointed Mr Thee H Dicky, who had been a faithful clerk in the estab 7 jisbment far the hest eight years, to proceed to 'iver. pool and remain there during rho emigration *ease*, te superintend the embarkation of all pamengersangaged here. The Ships employed in this line are well known ;o by only of the first class and very fast-sailing. commanded by kind and experienced men, and as they sail from Lieerponlowery five days, rename may be placed that passengers will receive every attention and be promptly deemunhed. With such superior Cr: rangements, the subscriber looks forward for a coatis nation of that patronage which has been so literally ex 7 tended to him for so many years pest, and should an 7 of those sent for decline coming, the passage money will, as usual, be refunded, and pessage fros;n the differ; ent ports of Ireland and Scotland can be se,mired *k eit:ed. For furt,hor particulars, apply to JOHN HERDbL4N, 6i Fogarth st. agency in Liverpool:— Messrs. J. Sc W. Robinson,l No. 5 Baltic) Buildings, Mr. Thos H Dicky, 4 and bin. I Neptune at., Oratorio° Dock. J Kirkpatrick, dyzept at Mr Jos DatseWs, No 2$ Waters:, fluid:l°l4h. [jan 4 3m. poor" EITIOTITEMS & PQM ftruHlements roy 1845• xi t o A. RELY it IffITCUEL, 44LNTS, Pirg'&l3llll44l, P. ..if], .. ,i2 r i:k &tat... ' ... - • __-- ReitWaimea to tend Pottage f{o. cirm, Orttoin and Ireland * by th,e "Black Ball or Old LiiiF of Liverpool Packets." la"ailing from Liverpool op the }lit and 16th ,qtch month. AU Tipp EFtpONS desirous of sending for their Friend nowlo any part of the ".oto CPPRTRY . ," can thrilte the nee. gantry arrangements with the sub ; wt rgwrs. sad bare them bevaight out bythe ebove well known favorite " Line of Packets;" which sail from LIVERPOOL puocktuelly.on the iat and LSO of every month; also by FIRST CLASS ASIERLCAR Miss, sailing from there EVERY SIX DAYS, duritig 1845. And as they are determioed not to depend on any Liverpmd Hone or Agent, to see the people's interest taken Care of Ur ;tuts D. Roc); it,cme of thefirm, is there. Who will remain end see that every thing gonnected with ;bait bpiiimes is,executed with promptitude and deafeteh• Should the persons sent far .decline coming out, the money will be manned to the parties here, without any dedut tion. on producing the Passage certificate and receipt. The "Black .Ball or old Line of Li col Pack eta" comprise the fnllos, int; magni§cept Ships. at. : TheNtw Teen, The rAlfllltlttat, " OXFoRD. " Tunis/lute. .!!----Eo nor t. " Morrazums, Comeau.. with nth sdperior and unequalled Arrangements, theirobecribers confidently look forriard for a ocmunti : eons efdiac support which has been extended to them so =any years, for which they ant grateful. Thom proceeding or remitting, to their relatives, CAR at all thriAs obtain Drafts at sirkelar any amount drawn directon the Boras, asap or IRELAND, Dratte Also en Messrs. Pstzscorr, Gears., Anne & Co., Basinte, Lornor ; which will be paid on demand at any of the lash, or their Rranehes. in all the prieciptil Ttiwns through out ENGLAND, IRELAND SCOTLAND 4v4 WALES. Apply to, ar editors (if by letter, post ;aid.) ROCHE t , BROTHERS & CO.. No 3S Fulton St.. N. T, or BLAKELY .& MITCHEL, Sistithfiiold Street, AM 6th, and Penis street. oat 15-diftwtlnty Pittsburgh. Dissolution of ratuarship. MIA Psotneesbip berstofoes existing betue Mans dt'esildillorp, yes dissolved by mutes t consent, on the MI of December. 1944. WILLIAM ADAMS, SAMUEL GOLDT I FIORP. Tb basinea licit, be cautioned as anal ? it 61 1 •Th1E4 St., by w. ADAMS. Lake this opportunity to , return my eir.cers plan;cs :b.rny friends an 4 tho the patronage 1 hays reeMved. and hope by a strict Otte=o= tp an orders :bey may please to favor rte witk, Ara moderate tit:large', to meet a commt:iince of tbieir patronage. AU kinds of Gas Fixtures rondo to ordnr, and putt up in the nearest manner. Lamps Cleaned and Rs rn,ire4 , lerta: to new. Turning in general )nn 8-33:-n WILLIAM ADA.MSI (Emigration tinio. it i !4 ELT: Canal Basin. Pittston*, or W. & J. T. TAPSCOTT. JOHN HERDMAN'S 61 SOUTH STREET.