irnmv ottatiou ang.f. _ . -r-r- C. A. TiIeANIILTY'S UNITED STATES • PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the trßns-portation of Verchandize to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL • - PHU, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. THE success this line has met with, since It was *lit established on the "Individual Enterprise" lyrerm,itait induced the proprietors to increase the 'iniber of Boats daring the winter to twenty-five, cue which will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Bal ;more every day (except Sundays) during the season. mod make the trip throneh in six days. The superiority andadvantages ofthey)emble Boat . iyatem evererery other mode of transportation (when vanals intersect with rail roads) are tee well 'knows to shippers by this route generilly to require any corn f9IL. Shippers can rely onhavingtheirproduee, merchant dim., or goods of any kind that may be consigned to the Agents of this Line, forwarded with dispatch and *idle very lowest rate of freight charged by other Ungs, without any additicuml charge made for receiv ing or advancing charges, &c. Allcommunications to the following Agents will be letiosiptly attended to: CHARLF.S A. McANULTY, 71t. the Depot,.Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRILL, 53, Smith's Wharf. near Pratt st, Baltimore. W & J T TAPSCOTT, No 43, Peck Slip, New York. THOMAS BORI3IDGE, Tjan3l,-ly 272, Market street, Philadelphia. 42 , " flood Intent Mail Stage Line for Erie. THE Subscriber respectfully informs the Public that, having recently made a contract wito the P. 0. Department fur carrying the Mail from this - place to Erie; have procured new Troy built Coaches for the conveyance of Passengers. And having also procured fresh Teams, and good, careful and sober drivers, are enabled to drive through in thirty-two Lanni, being out but one night. The Stage will leave •the Exchange Hotel every morning at o'clock, A.M. BRINKER, BENNETT, & Co. P. S. For seats. apply to W R Moorhead, Agent, [tract door to the Exchange Hotel. This is the only Line that runs clear through to trie, the other Line running no further than Mercer. nov. 4, 1844. (S`p; rit of the Age copy 3 mos. and charge this office.) For Conchs ! Colds !! Consumptions «I 'THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY. • THIS pleasant and certain cure for coughs and colds goes ahead of all the preparations now or ever offered to the public. The use of it is so great that the proprie tor has some difficulty in keeping a supply for the in 'creasing demand. :Medical agencies, gr-iceries , drug giate, coffee-houses, and-even bars on steamboats keep a supply on band. It is called-for every where, and will sell in any place. The reason is this: every one who bas a cough or cold by eating a few sticks find themselves cured, as it were, by magic. Persons at a distance, by remitting the money, post paid, to the subscriber, will be attended to. For sale by the stick, 61 cents; 5 sticks for 25 cts; and at wholesale by IV A! THORN, Druggist, 53 Market st, where a general assortment of Drugs and medicines may always be found. nov 28 BAGS Old Government Java Coffee; lo 10 " " Lagunyr a 15 " Fancy Rio 5 4. Peppu & Pimento " 10 Half Chests fine and Extra fine Y. H Tea '6 " " • "'lmperial &Gun Powdet " 6 " " " Chulan Ponchong " 30 Catty Boxes, various styles; . 20 Boxes-M. R. Raisine; 20 Half & quarter boxes M. R. Raiding; 10 Boxes Sperm Candles: 5-. " Genoa Citron; 4 " Rock Candy; 5 " Loaf Sugar; -6 " Jujube Paste; 3 " Felt & Baker's Cocoa; 15 Malts Cassia; 4 Bbls French Currants. For sale by J. D. WILLIAMS. dec 12 No 23, Fifth Street. marble Manufactory. AT Hollidaysburg, Pa , by Groves & Johnson, who are prepared to furnish, either in the block, .awed in the slab, or to order, or finished, such as -.Afante/4, Furniture-tops, &c., Tombs, Head and foot stones—and house work generally, such as Door-ways, Door sills and heads, Window sills and heads, Plat :forms and steps, &c. &c., all of which can he furnish- And in White, Black, Blue or variegated Marble, at very 'reduced prices and ut the shortest notice. net 17 Consumptivek, rend the Wonderful Cures performed by Dr. Swaynels Compound -Syrup of Wild Cherry. The wonderful cures performed by this invaluable medi cine, in Pulmonary Consump• Lion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron chitis, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Croup, Spitting Blood, Liver Complaint, Pain in the :Side and Breast, Tickling or Riling in the Throat, and In diseases of the Lunge, and Breast, have excited the astonishment of all who have -witnessed its marvellous effects; there is no miscount of a medicine, from the earliest ages, furnishing a par allel; the almost miracu lous cures effected , by this extraordi •naty medicine are unprece• dented. 3311PORTANT TESTIMONY. 'DR SwATIvE; Dear Sir —ln last October, while en aged with Mr Joseph Smith, in a saw-mill neat Waynesburgh, I was attacked with a cough from be :,- ing exposed at night, which gradually increased, at ,- ;tended with spitting of blood, end a severe pain in the 'breast, loss of appetite, fever, &c. &c. which was scarcely supportable. I had a family who were whol ly dependent on my exertions for support, yet I was obliged to leave my business and return home. I was 'then attended by several physicians, but still grew 'worse, until my medical attendants gave me up as an - incurable. Subsequently, my wife observing, in one of - the public prints, an advertisement of.DR. SW AYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, pro cured me one bottle from Francis 31'Clure, your agent in Lewistown, which relieved me; I continued until I .. - 1 bad taken five bottles; I em now able to return to my ~. -work again. I write this to offer you my sincere -monks, and you are at liberty to make th;s known, au that if any human being is suffering as I have been, they may have recourse to your invaluable medicine. , - Years, JOHN P. BOYNE. Lewistown, Del. : !BE 'CAUTIOUS to ask for the original and only satsuma .preparation from this valuable tree. DR. BWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, whose office is removed to the North West corner of Eighth and Rene streets, Philadelphia. :,._'' for sale by Dr Wm Thorn, Druggist and Apothecary .t,'-. .Pittsburgh. nov 30 6 Bbls Spirits Turpentine; 1 Cask Sal Soda; '2 " Epsom; 4 " Copal Varnish No 1 & 2 _; 1 " Gum Shellac; 2 Vona. Red; 1 " Refined Borax; " Sp. Brown; 5 Bbls Whiting; " Ref dGm Camphor;. 1 " Roll Sulphur; Together with a gt neral assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Dye Scuffs, &c. Just received and for sale low, by KERR & MOH LER, no• 3 corner of Wood at. and Virgin alley. Fresh 'toll 'hatter. 35/1 LIS . FRESH ROLL BUTTER, just re- Graved, and for sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO, 43 Wood street. be IT. , „ ' DA;Lir ARRIVALS CIF New Goods, at At.oxo & M'Gutax.'s Fashion able head quarters, No 251 Liberty Street. The newest styles and most splendid goods that is brought to this market is to be seen at our establishment. We would invite the attention of purchasers to our present stock, which for variety and richness of style cannot be excelled. In catering for the taste of our custom ers we are determined not to be out done, as arrange ments have been made by us to secure every new style .'f goods upon its arrival in the Eastern market, as well as the best Paris monthly reports, which we receive regularly; neither expense or pains shall be spared in making our establishment THY FASHIONABLE HEAD clitsarens of the West: and we trust to be sustained by our old patrons, as well as a great many N ENV ones, whom we shall not fail to please., as we ttust our abili ty is equal to our inclina;ioa. Sept 2 ALGEO & McGUIRE, Chronicle and Age copy. P. DELANY, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 49, LIBERTY STREET, THIRD DOOR ABOVE VIRGIN ALLEY, Havinelaid in a general stock of CLOTHS, CASSDIEUES, BEAVER CLOTHS, CASTER CLOTHS, Heavy Winter Tweeds, Sattinetts, of which he has made up in the LATEST STYLE OF FASHION, by the BEST WORKMEN OF THE CITY, Amongst them are all sizes of Frock and dress Coats, of superior French and English Cloths of all fashioril able colors; super double milled broad cloth sack over coats, plain and weaved Beaver do., made handsome frock and sack fa.sLioni every description of HEAVY TWEED COATS, Double milled plain and fancy Cassimere, PLAID, STRIPE, AND PLAIN PANTALOONS CLOTH, SATTINETT, &c. A splendidassot tment of Vests, plain, plaid and fignr-, ed, velvet, satin, woolen, velvet, cloth, eassimeret, &c. CLOTH CLOAKS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, made in the present Fall fashion; a large lot of Blue Mackanaw Blanket CoatA, and a GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BOYS CLOTHES. The subscriber having purchased his goods in the East, in the most favorable mat of the season when the assortment was good and at very low prices, and from the large amount of patronage bestowed on his e gab lishmeut, is enabled to sell AT MUCH LOWER PRICES than is usual in the trade. A general assortment of goods are on hand, to make to order, and will be MADE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Having secured the services of B. DONAGHY, well known iu this city, as an experienced Tailor, anckof Wm. B. Rosrcn, who has long carried on a fashion able Tailor Shop, Philadelphia, he confidently assures all who desire GU/SD:KA—WORK, that they can be fitted with any sort of a garment, in a style that 'CANNOT BE SURPASSED In any shop in Pittsburgh. The subscriber, returns his sincere thanks for favors received, and invites a continuance and exten elan of custom; his arrangements are euch as must snit all teeth, and satisfy every one who may purchase of him. act Ig P. DELANY. KEEP COMFORTABLE. READY IICIAIDE Cr/OTHING, DELIM THREE BIG DOORS! No. 151, LIBERTY STREET The prnprietor of this highly fitvoree Estsblish merit, respectfully informs the public that he has mow prepared the LARGEST STOCK OF SEASONABLE CLOTHING Ever offered in this city. His stock amounts to up- wards of $75,000, And he has a large number of the best workmen con stantly engaged in making new garments to suit the taste of his numerous customers. His assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, S4ITTINETS, CASSINETS, VELVETS, AtC., Of French, English, and American Manufacture, IS LARGER, AND MORE VARIED, Than any other ever opened in this city, and cannot fail to please the taste of every class of purchasers. HE HAS ON HAND, CLOTHING IN ALL ITS VARIETY, TO SUIT EVERY CALLING, Which is warranted to be made from tho BEST MATERIALS, And in the LATEST FASHION. His assortment of FASHIONABLE CLOAKS, OVER-COATS, Ofevery description, COATS AND PANTS., Of every quality and price, VESTS AND VESTINGS Of every variety of fashion and quality, CANNOT BE SURPASSED. He has SEPARATE CUTTERS for every depart- meat in Clothing, and as they aro all workmen who have been employed in tho most FASHIONABLE HOUSES In the country, he can warrant his patrons that THE CUT AND MAKE Of all articles from his establishment will be 'the most modern style. CCIIMMIZY —MERCHANT/ Are respectfully invited to call, as the proprietor feels confident that he can sell them Goods on such terms as will make it to their advantage to purchase at the Teree Big Doors. Oct 28 New Livery Stable. k tk 'HOLMES' LIVERY STABLE. en Third • street, between Markel and Wood, near the Post Office, is now open for the accom modation of the public. His stock of Carriages &e. being all new, he hopes to be able to render full satis faction to those who may favor him with a call. Oct 19—ly ASPLENDID Article of Lard Oil for families, hotels, churches, &c., on draft at very low prices constantly on band and for sale by J. S. GwiNNE. cov H Fnuaklin Miunducury, `ZLI Street. JOHN AVC LOSKEY, ._ 9.:,i _ Laud SiVareying andaicriMilingineering, TH E unifisran" . 'geed intendingte porsite_permanectly the business of S tirvoyinaubd Etigi mein, offers his services to the public. Having had a veryextonsive practice with IVlr Z W Remington in this vicinity, he feels warranted in say ing thatbis experience and practieal knowledge will be advantageous to those who may employ him. Per sons interested in real estate will find at his office plans of the City, City District, "Reserve Tract, opposite Piusburgb," "Yenor of Pittsburgh," Birmingham, Lawrenceville. and lots and farms exten4jng several miles around Pittsburgh. R E McGQWIN. Office, Penn street, a few doors above Hand. Pittsburgh. REFER Richard Biddle, Esq., Wilson M'Candless, Esq., John Anderson, hurs, R. S. Casset, NOTICE rename. of my friends and the public, who may wish to here recourse t o any of my papers, draughts or plans, will hereafter find them in the office of R E Mc- GOWIN, whom I respectfully recommed as one in whose professional abilities and integrity they may ie pan d. Z W REMINGTON. inS-d.twlst EMOVAL.—The undersigned bogs leave to in R form the public, that he hos removed from ins old stand, to the corner of Penn and St. Clair sts., op posite the Exchange Hotel, where be has fitted up a large Pisan FORTS WARE Room, and now offers the most splendid assortment of Plattos ever offered in this market. His pianos consist of different patterns, of superior Rose Wood and Mahogany,-beautifully finished and modeled, and constructed throughout of the very best materials, which, for durability and quality of tone, as well as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. As he has enlarged his manufactory•, and made ar rangements to supply tire increasing demand for this in strument, he respectfully requests thaw intending to purchase to call and examine his nAsortment before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to soll LOW ER, for cash, than any other establishment east or west of the mountains. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn end St. Clair streets, Opposite the Exchange Hotel, ,Pittsburgh, Pa. sep 10. RED LION CLOTHING STORE. NO. 163, LIBERTY STEET, Third door from at corner of fiek street The Proprietor of this New Establishment, respect• folly informs the public [bat he has lately 'returned from Philadelphia, whew he purchased the most itpleadid tuscotment of SEASONABLE GOODS Ever offered in this city, all of which he intends manufacturing into Ready Made Clothing-, and to order, at the SHORTEST NOTICE. liarint , employed the beet workmen—Cutters and Sewers—he will warrant ail garments, made at his Establishment, to be equal both in make and materials to any other establishment of the kind in this city; his stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, SATTI NETS, CASSINETTS, VELVETS, SATINS, VALENCIAS,I •nd other VES TLVGS, Cannot be surpassed by any other establishment in Pittsburgh. His stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, at this present time is complete and cannot fail to please the taste of every class of purchasers whytyisb to purchase to the best advantage; he therefore findillas the public and Country Merchants, to visit his estab lishment before they purchase elsewhere. He bus at present FINE CLOTH DRESS rind FROCK COATS, OVER COATS of FRENCH BEAVER, AM) PM OT CLOTHS. A most splendid assortment, of FRENCH AND ENGLISH TWEED SACK COATS Of all sizes, for 11fea and Bay* PANTALOONS AND VESTS, Of all sizes and quality to snit porchasera ROUNDA FOUTS, WA RINESSES, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, And the finest Merino do., and Slips; a great variety of SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HOSE And HANDKERCHIEFS, All of which he is prepared to exhibit. and OFFER FOR SALE On the most moderate terms for CASEI AT TUC Red Lion Clothing Store. OBSERVE THESION OF Cljb THE RED LION. a ll LAWIIENet MITCHELL. Pittsburgb,liov. 19,1844-3md. Medicated Vapor -.jail. COPT 07 ♦ LgTTER FROM DRS. LAW - RENO& APD Hiaf RICKSON New Ltbacom, State of New Yoe*. WORTHY FftlEND:—Eleving, mado a thorough trial of the Medicated Vavor Bath for four months ..rattt,ln our societies in New Lebanon and tVatervliet, we think it but justice to state, that we consider it a valuable improvement in the healing art. Its power in reduc ing both chronic and acute inflamation, also in remov ing spasms, is certainly very great. in Case, of ob structed perspiration, it is unquestionably the safest and best remedy that we have ever seen. Several persons in our society. who were scarcely free from a catarrhal affection during moat of the winter months for several years past, have found permanent relief by using the Bath a few times; and the predisposition to take cold, as it is commonly termed, seems to be who) ly removed. Obstructed perspiration, is certainly iri our changeable climate, one of the most fruitful aur ces of disease, and any remedy that is capable of re moving the predisposition to it, must be considered a gresablessing to mankind; and as such we do not hesi tate to recommend the Medicated Vapor Bath. _ _ _ GARRET R. LAWRENCE, M. D. ABRAM HENRICKSON, M. D. To Dr. C. Whitlow, New York. oct 18 Chronicle copy DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON CHESTS Frinutmeat, Oct. 22, 1842. _ _ J Denning: On Friday, the 30th of last month, a bout 9 o'clock at night, the Planing, Grooving, and Sash Manufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth & Co., with nlarg,e quantity of dressed and undressedlurnber, was all consumed by fire. The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time back was, in the most exposed situation during the fire, anil was entirely red hot. lam pleased to in- Itorm you it was opened at the close of the fi , -e, and all books, papers, &...c., saved;—this is the best recommen dation I can give etfthe utility ofyour safes. e2l-tf THOMAS SCOTT. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. LOOKING GLASSES AT EASTERN PRICES THE subscriber has opened an establishment at No 66, Wood street, a few doors from the cor ner of 4th, where he keeps constantly for sale allkinds of LOOKING GLA SS ES, at Eastern Prioes. He has on hand al arge assortment of Glasses in both gilt and mahogany frames, to which he invites the at tention of customers, believing that the quality of his articles and his prices cannotfail to give satisfaction, Pictures framed to order, in neat style,in either gihor mahogany frames. Canalboat andother reflectors manufactured to or deron the shortest notice. Old frames repaired and regilt,so as $0 look as well as new,on the shortest no tiee. J T WORGAN, Agent. ant 2 3-tf M P W ?ICES: P. Mulvany, Jame• S. Craft, RI., Non. Harmar f)emy, Chas. S. Bradford, Esq.,.. 0. Metcalf, Esq. One of the partners being most of the time in the eastern cities, securing large and regularconsignments of seasonable merchandise, they are enabled to have always on hand the fullest and best assorted stock of Fresh Dry Goods, Hardware, Fancy Articles, &c„ to be found as any place in the city., Regular sales of Dry Goods, &c , on Mondays and Thursdays, at 10 o'clock A M; and of new and second band Furniture, Groceries, &c, at 2 o'clock P ,M of the same duty. Sales from the shelves every evening nt early gas light, and goods sold by private sale at all times, Sales cH" real and personal estate, private stock, &c, will be mule on the most reasonable terms. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Corner of Wood mid 501 set., Pittsburgh, IS toady to receive merchanclize of every description onconsignmeat, for public or private sale, and from long experienz-e in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on Ma tan vs and THURSDAYS, Of Dry Goods and fancy articles, s't 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittshurghtmutufactured articlos,new and second hand furniture, 3.-c.. Ict 9. o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,at early gas light. aug 12—y Civil Engineering, Architect:aro, Survey ing, &c. THE PARTNERSHIP beretdfore existing be tween A. E DRAKE and E. Z. C. JUDSON having been dissolved. the undet signed would respect fully inform his friends and the Public generally, that be will continue thebasiness, and would solicit a share of the public patronage. Orders left at th• shop of F. A. Stafford, Architect, over Harris' Paint Shop, sth street, or at his residence on Hay street, between Penn street and the river, will be punctually attended to. A. E. DRAKE. july 15 tf THE handsomest piece of vesting we have ever broeght to the city, of which we have only a few yards, is now to be seen and for sale at our este!). lishment; any gentleman wanting something rich and 411413, will be gratified by calling soon at 251. Liberty street. We will be in receipt of a large and splendid lot of fallgoods, new style, in a few days. Look out for a great reduction in prices. nov 22. ALGEO & M'GUIRE. Tundersigned respectfully informs the citizens T of Pittsburgh that she has opened the Shakspeare the village of East Liberty, fur the accom modation of visiters during the summer season, The betteties of the nitnation, and the perfect manner in which every arrangement is madeabout this establish ment that will contribute to the pleasure of visiters, are well known to the public and theproprietor aware., all who may visit het house thatnothing shall be omit ted on her part to make the Skalcspeare Gardens at least equal to any similar establishment in the coun try. —tf ELIZA McDONALD. 134ilabet aherfittentmtz. VIiONABOOItiiiIX;R," • GiNERAL Produce, Porwarain,' g & Commission Merchant, Also,'Agent United States Portable Boat Line Depot, NO. 272, MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. tar Liberal advances made on consignments, when required. Refer to—Messrs Wm Wibr.on & Co.; Evans and Temple; Heald, Wood and & Co.; Scull &Thompson, Philadelphia. William M'Knight & Co.; Charles A. M'Anulty, ang2.4-1 y• Pittsburgh. T. B. dr. W. P. CONOVER) Wholesale Dealers In Boots, shoes, Bon nets, Palm Leaf flats and Caps, NO. 190 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA. rp BEY beg leave to inform Western Merchants that -L. they have a splendid assortment of the above Goods, and are still manufacturing largely, which they will sell at the very lowest prices for Cash, or approved credit. aug 9-tf JOsErn TALLICAN'S WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY, No. 233 Market Street, Northeast corner of Sixth Street, Philadelphia. VTESTERN and Sonthern Merchants are respect V fully invited to call and examine his stock, as he feels confident that it will be to their interest, be fore purchasing elsewhere. aug 6-ly HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. SMITH, BROTHERS & NO. 188 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, ARE, now receiving in addition to their formPt stock a large assortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, to which they invite the attention of Western Merchants. ang McRENNA'S AUCTION MART, CORNER OT WOOD A SECOND STS THE undersignedvery respectfully tenders his ser i. vices to the public, andto Inaporters,Merchants and Manufacturers, as a general AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT. He has Wien out a license and entered into the securi ties required hy law, for the transaction of Pustac SALKS of all Foattios AND DOMASTIC GOODS AND FABRICS. An experience of a series ofyoare in commercial life hasfurnishcd the undersigned with some knowl edge of business, nearly twenty years of which have been devoted actively to the auction business, which may be advantageous to those who confide to him the sales of property. To the I x roar E every facility will be offered in dis posing of Dry Goods. Groceries and Hardware: and to the Home Manufacturer, t he most prompt at tention will be paid in the sale of Amerseonproducts. Sales of real and personal estate in town - and coun try shall command the beet services of the undersign ed. Arrangements will be made whereby liberal ad vances will be made on consignments, and sales in every-instance-closed without delay. Business is now commenced and ready to receive consignments. P McK ENNA, The Old Auctioneer. 'By !term' wiicrn inn audio' iscel to givellie following references. .PITTDI'RGH Avery, Ogden &to. Wm. M'Knight &Vo. Tiernan & Jones, Jame Murphy & Co. James Park, Jr., & Co. J. W. tlurbridge-& Co. Wm. Bell & Sons, n P. Morgan, Waterman Palmer, Basaley & Smith, E. A. Brown & Bro's. Shea &.'Pennock, Geo. K. White & Co. S. W. Semple, Samuel Spencer, Robert Galway, Bailey & Co. Illyeis & Co. J. Painter & Co. Tea& & O'Connor, King & Holmes, Johnston & Stockton, Bailey, Brown & Co. Geo. Cochran, Thomas Bakewell, t ,hurch & Carothers, H. Childs & Co. N. Holmes & Son, Wm. E. Austin, M'Camiless Ift, M'Clure, H. S. Magraw. C. M'Kibbon. Allen Brown, J. M. D. Crossan, EE. P. Graff, H. Devine. PHILATKI.PHIA. John IL Brown & Co. Smith. Sagaley &Co John S. Riddle., Robert Dunlap. Jatnre O'Connor, H. Alexander. jol t/ 2.1844. LYN!) & BICKLEY, NNW AUCTION BOONS, Nos. 61 and 63, Wood, below's Third and Fourth Streets. ti W. LYND, having formed a copartnership T./ . with C S Rickley, and taken out an Auction commission of the first class they are now ready to continue business at the above well known and exten sive ware rooms, under the tirm of LYND & WICK LEY. Liberaltash ad vanes made on an consigamemen. al 7 John D. Davis, Attention. Shakspeara Gardens. =:=l West end of the old Allegheny thidires HUGH SW EENT WOULD take this occasion to return his sincere thank a to his numerous frie-tds and the public generally, for the very liberal patronage heretofore be stowed on the Emmet Hotel, and be pledges himself that nothing shall ke omitted on his part tomerltacon ti n ance of their favors. The convenience and beauty of the situation, and the whole arrangements of the house for the accommodation of guests are notinferior to any similar establishment in or out ofthe city. His table will always bo provided with the best the markets can afford, and no pains Quill be spared to ensure the comfort of those who may favor the Emmet Hotel with their patronage. a2O-tf La! what makes your teeth so unusually which? Quoth Josh's atiltinia t'uther night, To make yourn look so, with a grin, replied Josh, I've bought you a bottle of Thorn's Tooth Wash, 'Tisthe best now in use, so tbegendefolks say, And since they have tried this, cast all others away But to prove it the best to make the teeth shine, Look again, my dear Sal, at tke lustre of mine. Then try this great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash. And see if this tooth wash of Thorn's is not fine. Haying tried Dr. " Thor n's Tea Derry Tooth Wash," and become acquaintedwith thoingredients of its com position, I cheerfully say, consider i t one of the safest, as it is one of the most pleabant tooth washes now in use. DAVID HUNT, Dentist. , Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 1842. I take pleasure in stating, having made use of "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," that it is one of the hest dentrifices in use. Being in aliquidform it com bines neatness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yields a fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. ?v. D . . The undersigned hare used "Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash." and have found it to be an extremely pleasant dentrifice, exercising a most salu tary influence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indispensable members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Havingthoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasurein recommending it to the public, believ ing it To be the best article of the kind now in use. M. ROBERTSON, JAMES P. BLACK. R. H. PEEBLES, CHAS. B.SCULL Y. C. DARRAGm, IVA!. Al' CAYDLESS, J. M MOORHEAD, JAS. S. CRAFT. H. L RING WALT, L. S. JOHNS. Prepared and sold by WTLLIAM THORN, Apoth ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Market street, Pittsburgh; and by all the principal Druggists, and at Mules Medical Agency, Fou•tb st. sep HATHAWAY'S Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves. THE subscriber having entered into the stove laysi mess in Pittsburgh, respectfully informs the pub lic that he intends carrying it on in its various branches at the warehouse of Messrs. Pennock & Mitchell. No. GO Liberty street, where lie will be prepared to supply purchasers with any articles in his line. In addition to other Stoves which he will have on hand, he has obtained the right to manufacture and sell Hathaway's Patent Hot Air Cooking' Stoves. This stove is pro nounced superior to any other now in use in the United States; it is more durable in its construction, and bet ter adapted to the use of baking, misting and cooking, as it is heated very regularly by confining the air in the stove; and it is a great raving of fuel as well as labor. I will keep on hand a sufficient number to sup ply all demands if possible; I have five different sizes, and will sell them on reasonable terms, according to sizes. I have now in use upwards of fifty in and about this city; all pet in use within six months. Being a ware that the People of Western Pennsylvania have been imposed upon by the introduction of new and high- i ly recommended Stoves which were badly constructed, and having soon failed and become useless. I will grant to persons wishing to procure the Hot Ail Stove, the privilege of using- it a sufficient length of time to prove its superior quality before I ask them to purchase. Persons notifying me front a distance by letter, can have Stoves put up at any time, as I have wagons to carry there out; I therefore invite Farmers and all per sons to come and judge for themselves; also to try them and prove that it is to your advantage to have one. Allorders will be promptly attended to by the subscri ber. ROBERT DONAVAN. RECOMMENDATIONS Miller's Maxsien House, Sept, 19, 1844. Mr. R. Don sysn—Sir: I have in use one of Hath awav's Hot Mr Cooking Stoves, which I got from you last Spring. It affords me much pleasure to recom mend it for its exoeNence. So far as my knowledge extends, 'I have no hesitation in saying it is the best stove now in use. I need not particularize its merits, but would advise all disposed to possess an article of the kind, to adopt the best method of satisfying them selves, that is, to try it; and I doubt not they will be satisfied. D. R. MILLER. Washington Temperance Hattie, 1 Piusburgh, Sept. 19, 1894. Mr. B. DOSAVO N-Sir:-I have bad in use for five months, one of Hathaway's Hot Air Cooking Stoves, and I have no hesitation in saying it is the best stove now in use. The various kinds of cooking it is calcu lated to do at the same time, and the small quantity of fuel tequired, makes it an object worthy the atten tion of all who desire a good stove. _ I embrace this opportunity to recommend the Hot Air Cooking Stoves; I have used the one you put up for me constantly all summer, and I must say it is a grand article. I believe it is superior to any other stove now in use in this city. The oven bakes well, and is large enough to bake four large loaves of bread at one time; it also cooks very speedily, and it requires very little coal,l think them worthy the attention of all who wish a rood stove: to such I would say, try them and prove what they are. • oct 11-.3&wly MATHEW PATRICK.. Stare To Let. S TORE N 0123 Wood Street, Enquire oov 9 HUEY & CA. Mr2MINIE THOMAS VARNER 714afki • (190 a War 36 Seurat* , Idevrepvio'uter. kook. k WIC TROVILLO, UNDERTAKER, t R E'r'l"hf:rms therhNeth 4 ha has remi sed his .alss noose to the building recently occupied by Mi. R. C. Berrord, directly opposite his old arastd , where be Is always prepared to attend' promptly to any orders is lifeline, and by strict attestNtill to all the details of the Maim:woof an Usisristlidir, be hopes to went public confidence, as will be prepared at acc Sousa to provide ROOMS, Biers, Carriers art every requisite on the most liberal terms. Caller's. Ike country will be prompt' , attended to. Hia residence it in tbesame boildtsz with his walla Rouse, where those who need his services may bad RIO Many time. hartasscast w.w. Lawn!, REV. Joss imam... It. WERE RIDDLE, 1112-V. RORIRT BRET!, V. D. .TVDOZ. ?ETTER. Rev. PAYer.l. WILLIAYI, W. a;aocurits, Riv. JOSIEVR 1151, MEC REMUS, its. JERRE II DAVIS, 10 111 V. A. P. EIVIVT. WARRANTED GENVINE.—Dr. Willis. Evans's Camomile Pills. CEITIFICATR.S.—Lei ter,froen the Iron. Als'bein lan,liullivan County, East Tennessee, bi enibelor CONlfella Wastustieros, Juty 3d. 1/48. Sir—Since J have been In this city I have usctletlaselli your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit aitst satis faction, and believe It to beg moat valuable remedy. Ok. of my tonsil tuents, Dr. A. Carden, of ea.spOssit colter" Tennessee, wrote to me to send him Some, winks I dt and he has employed it very successfully hi hie practice and says It is invaluable. Mr. JOhneon. PAM agent at this place, thinks you would probably like an agent In Tennessee. Jr so, I would reconquend Dr. A Carden, as a proper person to officiate for ihe sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commission him be Is winless° act for you. You can send the medicine by water to lbet care of R obert King 4- Sons, Knoxville county, Terme*. see, or by land to Graham 4. Houston, l'azwell, East Tennessee. I have no douht hut if you had ayents IR several counties in East Tennessee, a great deal of mein. eine would be sold. fam ;min; to take some of It home, for my own use, and that of my friends, and should Ilk. to hear from you whether you Would Illto an agent at' Bluntville,SulliVSo County East Tennessee; I ran in come of the merchants to act for Too as I lit'd Nur then , * Yours respectfully, A RBA JI A M 'CLELL AN, of Tennessee.. Finnic Wholesale and Retail, by R. E SELLERS, Arent,. No. 20, Wood street ,below Eter.ppd,,„ Iv A R 1t FOR :iA LE —The undersigned offers for sate Ills farm, lying In HO!! Township 4i miles froartialr City of Pittsburgh, containing 119 acres oflandof 60 are cleared and under fence, Irt mIS to 20 acres*, meadow, 2 good Orchards of A pples : s few Peach MI Chcrrytrces-the Improvements arc a *arse frame bona* containing 10 room welifurnishrd, calculated fora Ta. vrrn a. private Dwelling, a frame Barn 28 by 60,stosta luseimint, and stabling, sheds t nd oilier out honserstuk aide for a terienienif-2 good Gardens surrounded With currant hushes, and a well of excellent water, with if pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh and Allegheny market, there is no place now offered roe sale with more Inducement to those wishing to purchase near Pittsburgh, the terms wilt he made moderate, for nrther partieularsnpply to the proprietor at Ills Clothing Store, Liberty streeteorner o I Virgin Alley. . LAWRENCE MITCHELL. N B lrnot sold before lielrt or October nen, II wilt he divided into 10 and 20 acre lots to suit purchasers imp 10 B. :A RON YON 1.1 - UTCII ELER II ER 13 11 LLB.- These Pills are composed of herbs, vt hich exert a. specific action upon tbe heart, give impulse or atrength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened and e qualized in its circulation through all the vessels, wise., titer of the skin, the parts situated internally,ot thee:. tremities; and as all the secretions of the body •re drawn from the blood, there is a consequent increase of every secretion, and a quickened action of the ab sorbent nod exhalent. or discharging vessels. Any morbid action which may have taLen place is correct ed, all obstructions are removed, the blood is purified,. and the body resumes a healthful state. For sale wholesale and retail by It E SELLERS, Agent, sell 10 20 Wood street. below Second. . PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES. T AE subscriber, formerly agent of the Pittsbnrsb Manufacturing Association, having been taps. pointed by a number of thc Manufacturersand Meehan ics of the city of Pittsburgh and its vicinity Qs their gentfor the gale of their various manufactures. win be constantly supplied with a general assortment , of those articles at the lowest wholesale prices. The attention of Western Merchants and dealers is American Manufactures is respectfully invited' to this establishment. Orders addressed to the subscri ber will be promptly attended to. GEO. COCHRAN. feh I 9 No 26 Wood streets WON HAND,—Axes, Augers, Hoes, Mattoets Spsiaes, and Shovels, Sickles, Scythes, Trate and Log Chains, Spinning Wheel Irons. Coopers'and Carpets ters' Tools, Machine Cards,Window Glass G lass* ware, White and Red Load. Now Goods. THE enbscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh and the public generally that a has just returned from the east, and is now receiving a large and, well selected stock of FRENCH. ENGLISH AND AMERICAALFAN CY AND VARIETY GOODS, Embracing all the articles in the fancy and variety department, which he will dispose of for cash. ,Th 6; public are respectfullyirljjted tocall and examine dr stock, at No 86, Market street. m 3 ZEBULON KINSF.Y. NEW CASH Dry Goods and Variety Store! J. li. Logan 4- Gcorxe Cannel, HAVE opened n new cash Dry Goods and reirrety Store in Fifth street, between the txchange Bank and Wood street, underthe firma .1 1 , R. Lopo . & Co. Their stock of Goods are entirely fresh and haeiefig been all purchased for CASH, principallyat auction,by George Cannel, (who has had long experience in the business, andresides in Philadelphia to =die para.- nes and pick lip bargains,) they will, tberefere be Na bled to oifei great inducements to those wishing to pars : an they are determined to sell at the lowest possible advance on eastern cost for CASH.- They have now on bond a large and well. 'elected stock of seasonable Goods. among which are Blue, Blue Black, Invisible Green, Brown, Steel and Cadets mixed Broadcloths; Cassimeres and Saltiness; (3atn broons ; Linen and Cotton Drilling-;' Cottonade; Vestings, fancy prints; 3-4, 4-4 an& 5-4:: Bleaches) and Brown Muslins; Irish Linen; IltecrrickiNq ner's Shirting; "Titley, Tatham ale "Hope & Nelson's" Patent Thtaad;: Spool , Cotton Sewing Silk; Silk and Cotton HditPs-;.30 }mar t west 8 day Brass Clocks, warranted;: Aey &c. They will be constantly receiving additionarto theirsteck purcha sed at the eastern auction, emit would invite the mitten tion of deslersand others to no examination of their goods before purchasingelsewbere. Pittsburgh, April 1, 1.844. - t NEW DRUG STORE. KERR & MOHLER, We. 144, Corner of IVoeel'arect and Virgil/ Alley. JUST received and far sale, a large assortmentor fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-Stelfsi„. &c. which have bees recently selected, and pnratinsa t ag with considerable save for Cash. The fotiowitut min i prise part of the stwArjest received: Gum Camphor, Spitits Turpentine, - Cream Tartar, Copal Varnish, Flor. Sulphur, White Lena, Castor Oil, Red .4 Gum Arabic, Ditharge, 4 Epsom Salts, Flaxseed Oil, Fl Manna, Venitian Red, Enc.' Gum Opium, Spanish Brown Gum Aloes, Chipped Logw;cci p; FlorCamonCies , Canrwood, Saltpetre, . rustles Jujube Passn r . . Nit Woad; Brusilletto' k Ref'd thotearker... Liqtweirv.B4l.4 . Indigo. Msgriesis, Nu' :gunk . 7bw:&Gringivr, 0 41 Vittieol,, Nutmegs, Aqutiftefief , 1. I WO& Ix 1 4eneral scowl:men% the mn , herwis to ment .‘ , 114 kie . r. , i will be told foK c as h as a mall advance ow Ellate r reb • ,r fvfittin, k ERR Vint ere M s aaketl ai r lo 42 ' iinOttiritinains of Physician's toteriptiees. ma