INT Attu - isciiitittg, Foist' irbe PPTTSBURGH,PA. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 14, 1845:- rir We are indebted to Mr Dunlop of Erie, for a copy el kis resolution in the House of Representatives rigs" bra surrey of National Road front the Cum bikatid ,Road to Erie, and for the completion of the Iterhdr. TAIPTIm value of lumber of all kinds gapped from Unser Me., during the peat season, is estimated at the buy EMU of $2400,000. ALLSOHINT CITY, Jemmy 6th, 1845 liar At the annual meeting of the Washington Ers kine sod Hose Company, held this evening, for the elec tion of officers, the following persons were duly elect s* President—J .1 Denning. Nee President—John Akin. Ree retary—C P Whistnn. Asaoteset Secretary—H Craig. rreessrer--Joseph Craig. Delegates to /Firemen's Associaltion—J .1 Beaming, Jos Craig, D M Curry. Paptisisr—J Cons. Lieutsaent—Josepb Craig. :24 de John Akin. - Ist Eggineer—C P Whiston. 24 do Wrn Cowel. 34 do lames Fisher. 44 do James McAllister. 'lst Hots Director—P W Shields. 2sl - do do James Brown. 3d do do James Calhoun. 411 do do Daniel Henry. ,liose Members—John Whitton, Thomas Cowel, Jilt% Gtaba. Geo Shafrrit. Washington McKelvey. A W Green, 0 Skiles, Wm Stephens, Michael Fisher, Kriat, F Layman, James Stewart. Aseensew—David Grant, Wm Evans. Fire Wardens—Wm Skilea, John Montgomery, Isms Grabs, Rota Fairman, Jno English. JOSEPH CRAIG, Pres't pro tent. J G Cm -Luis, Ses'y pro tem. jan 14-It Information Wanted. NT information of Michael Gray, a young man, a XI; native of the county Meath, Ireland, who came to thiseetmtry about four years ago, would be gladly reessived by his sister, Aun Gray, at Mr George A. Berry's, Water street, Pittsburgh. Jan 11.40 Candi:nitres. aNE case of . mixed, Cessirnems, just received from the Manufacturers on conaignmern, for tale by the piece es reduced prices by GEORGE COCHRAN, Nu 26 Wood street. gee's Chemistry THE Elements of Cnemistry, including the most iecent discoveries &c.: by Robert Kane, M.. D., with additions and corrections, and at ranged for colle ges and acadamics, &c., by John William Draper, M D. Just reoeived and for sale by C H KAY, Bookseller, corner of Stood and 3d sta. Cobb's aew Series of School Books. SMITH'S Geography and Atlas; Willard's History of the United States; Davies' Series of Mathematics; Davies' Arithmetics; Smith's Arithmetic; Smith's Grammar; Parley's Common School History. A full supply of the above just received and for sale vsboleaale or retail, by J H MELLOR, jun 10 No 112, Wood street. (Chronicle and Gazette copy) GEORGE COCHRAN, NO. 26 WOOD STREET, OFFERS for sale at reduced cash prices—Axes, NJ Hoes, Mattocks, Manure and Hay Forks, Spades IDA Sbo'rels, Coal and Grain Shovels, Sickles and ,SeOats, Window Glass, Spinning Wheel Irons, and 1fi.311111 other articles of Pittsburgh and American Manufacture, which he is constantly receiving from %be Manufactories. Also, Cotton Yarn and Cheeks, Cassinetts and Broad Cloths. jan 9. Tor Bent ONE 3 story thick house, in Smithfield street, near Virgin alley. Une 3 nary Brick house, in Ross street, near Front, One 3 story Frame house, in Fourth street, near 413 rent. Several convenient Lawyers' offices. remsisting of trtn• 'warns, in Grant street, Dearly opposite the new Court H 051116 Apply to Jan 9 2w BAKEIVELL, PEARS & Co., Wood street, comer of2d Dividend. WVICZOF THK ALLEGHENY Muncie Co., Pittsburgh, January Ist 1845. THE President and Managers of the "Company for erecting a bridge ohs the Allegheny river opposite Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny," have this day declared a dividend of eight per cent, on the Capital Stock of said Company, out of the profits of she last six months, which will be paid to stockhol viers or tlseir legalrepresentatives, on or after the 11th inst. JOHN HARPER, jaa 3.4:12w wtt. Treasurer. Dissolution of Partnership. TR" Partnership heretofore existing between Adams & Goldthorp, was dissolved by mutual cosset, on the 23d of December, 1844. WILLIAM ADAMS. SAMUEL GOLDTHORP. The buginess will be continued as usual, at 61, Tblid sty, by W. ADAMS. take this opportunity to return my sincere thanks to my friends and the public, for the patronage I have received, and hope by a strict attention to "all orders dry may please to favor me with, and moderate charges, to meet a continuance of their patronage. All kinds of Gas Fixtures made to order, and put up in the neatest manner. Lamps Cleaned and Re pairedcit!al to new. Turning in general. InaZ-43m WILLIAM ADAMS. Gate of the Allegheny county Mutual In surance Company, No 12 Exchange Buildings, Pittsburgh, Pa. IST JAN4VARY,IB4S. HALF-YEARLY REPORT. THE Directors of this Institution congratulate the members on its success so fur: no loss having yetbeen sustained. The nnmber of Policies now is seed is 310; insuring property to the amount of $730,- 387- 00, and increasing its capital fut the payment of l o sses to $43,671 64. " The daily addition of members and increase of capital, and its mutual advantages to all owners of repetty,assure the Directors in recommending the latiltittition as a SAFE and cuss P mode of insurance— the ability of the Company being amply sufficient to meet all losses that canreasonably be expected. The earliest members of the Company could now bear an assessment of 10 per cent. on their premium notes, without incurring a heavier expense than to have in eared in a Stock Company. Applications for Insurance made at the Office. or to emp.of the Directors, or to their Agents, will be promptly attended to L. Vir [MIA RTH, Pres't. .1. B. Roatemott. Sec'y. DIRECTORS. Lot 0. Reynolds, Thomas H. Stewart. Griswold E. Warner, E. W. Stevens, S. R. Johnston, Harvey Childs. Robinson, Ji., John !Sampson, Jame* Wood, William Bagaley, Sylvanus Lahr?, John Morrison, jan 11—d2twlt • lilagliah Epsom Salts. 1500 LBS just received at the . drag store store of J KIDD & CO. at' of Pittsburg!). S FEAT WiIrXR IN TEX CBANNILL ARRIVED. North Queen, McLane, CIO; Beltnont,"Poe, Wheeling. DEPARTED. Lancet, 'Hicks, St Louis; Mail, Logan; Gin; ' Columbiana, Smith, Louisville: Tributary, (new) Klinefaker, Nnahvillel Belmont, Poe, Wheeling. BEAVER PACKET The well known steamer MICHIGAN, W. B. Botts, Muter, has commenced her regular daily trips, leaving Pittsburgh (as hereto fore) at 3 o'clock. P. .M . and Beaver at 8, A. M. Pricesto suit. the times, and these who have no money carried free. The Canal to Cleveland :will be opened as soon as the weather Dill permit; on the opening nt which CLARKE di CO'S LINE to CLEVELAND,O.,and MEADVILLE, Pa., will immediately go into opera don. For freight or, passage apply on board, or to G. M. BARTON, july 12 Water street. (Cr The Michigan to provided with Evans' Safety Guard. Co. Partnership. ISAAC CRUSE has this day associated with him Mr J B Lippincott for the transaction (as hereto• fore) of a GENERAL COMMISSION ISUSINESS, which will be conducted from this date under the firm of CRUSE & LIPPINCO TT. LIM` Having fine roomy warehouses, and being lo cated in a business part of the city, they hez leave to offer their services to the friends of both in Pittsburgh, and the west, in the disposal of their Prodkee, fur sale, t. which they will devote their undivided atteution.— Consignments respectfully solicited. I. CRUSC returns his tiomlin to his numerous Wes tern friends, for the liberal encouragement given him since his removal to Baltimore, and hopes the firm will meet that favor at their bands which has hereto fore been bestowed upon him. [ jan BALLTIKOKX. Jan. 1, 1845. George Armor, Merchant Tailor, HAS removed to the room on Fourth street, next doorto tha Methodist Bookstore, lately occu pied by Wm. E. Austin, Esq., where he will be her py to serve his friends and customers and the public generally, with all work in his line, which hn will warrant to be well made awl in the latest and most fashionable style. al5-y ON the evening of the .26th inst, two Bank notes, a ten and five. The finder will he rewarded, by leaving them with Messrs Hnilman. Jennings, & Co, 43 %VOA st, opposite the Merchanu' Hotel. dee 28. Wagon and Rail Road Line. HE undersigned has male arrangements to for T ward Gods tiering the. Winter season to Balti more, Philadelphia. New Y..rk and Boom, by the most expeditious route and at low rates. C. A. WANULTY, Canal Ballo, Liberty it. dee 5.1844 31n D.:solution of Partnership. THE Partnership heretoince exi.ting under the firm of Jones, Coleman, & Dunn, was dissol ved by mutual ctutsent un the I.t too. IS %AC JONES, WM. COLI:MA,"I, jan 4. EDWARD DUNN. The Subscribers will continue the business at the old stand, in the sth ward. WM. COLEMAN, jay 4. EDWARD DUNN. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages At Eastern Pricer. suhseriher manucaruires and keeps conntant .L ly nn baud Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (war ranted.) Juniata Iron Axles. Silver and Orals plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands. Stump Joints. patent Leather, Silver and Bran Lamp*, Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, &c., &c. He respectfully solicit' a continuance of the patron ngo heretofore bestowed upon the esl.shlifthment. WILLIAM COLEMAN. jan 4 'St Clair st , near the Allegheny Bridge. Ta.Uour Oil. ANew article far attperior to either Tanner's or Fish Oil for dressing or sufteniog leather. hornets., &e., after using 2 or 3 times on leather it is not subject to monk! or to be attacked by worms A constant sup ply of the above fur sole at J. S • GWYNN E'S uov 14 Franklin Manufactory,- 2d Street. 2011th oss No 1 Bottle Corks; V 6 Bbla Sp Turpentine; 2 " Copal Varnish; 1 Cask Olive Oil; 3 Bble Ven Red; 2 " Lampblack; 1 " Cream Tartar, " Flor Sulphur; 1 Case Roll Sulphur; 1 " Liquorice Ball; 1 " Gum Shellac; I I I Cop, 1; 75 lbs Gum Camphor; 10 " " Opium; Together with a general assortment of Drugs. Medi tines. Dye Stuffs, &c., just received and for sale 11 F. L. SNOWDEN. octll. No 184 Liberty, head of Wood at. in Store. 50 BBLS. N. O. MOLASSES: SO Boxes Ciucinnnti Palm Soar; 4 • Variegated " 2 Cases Table Salt; on con.igninent and for sale by nov 15. D. & G. W. LLOYD 500 LBS. PURE PALM SOAP, just !reels. ed and fur sale by WM THORN, jan. 7. No 53. Market street. Dry Peaches. 150 BUSH ELS tic) Peachosjust received, end fur sale by AILMAN, JENNINGS & CO, dec 17 43 Wood. Street Sugar Nouse Mittlasses. 40 BBLS. Sugar House Mula‘ses, just received anti futsale low by JAMES MAY. owl 29 Shot 50 KEGS Shot, assorted numbers, for sale by nov 29 JAMES MAY To Let. A COTTAGE with about four acres of ground in the borough of Lawrenceville,= with, stabling, fruit trees tied a good spring of wateron the premises. Further information will begiven by either of the subscribers, executors fug the estate of William Dimon, dec'd. Possession given on the first of April. JAMES TOMAN. GABRIEL ADAMS, DAVID McMULLEN. pin 7-if BEAR'S GREASE, warranted genuine; • Also, a lnrge lot of filie French perfumery; For sale by WM. THORN, deo 2 No 53 Market street lisnrervell's Engineering. TUST received and for gale by Chit.. H. Key, Book eJ seller and Stationer, corner of Wood and 3d nu. jan 9. Flannels and Cassinettes. AFRESH supply of Flannels and Cessinettes, just received from the Manufacturers. and for *ale low, by GEO. COCHRAN. nov 7No 26 Wood St- ISAAC CRUSE, J. B. L[PPINCOTT Tapscatt's General linditTation Mee. 76 Sofia St., corner of Maiden Lane, New York CIESABLES A. AVANTILTY, Agent, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa. ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1845. 1 ERSONS about sending fur their friends in any part of the OLD COUNTRY, are respectfully in formed by the subscribers that the same system that characterised their house, and gave such unbounded satisfaction the past year, will be continued throughout the season of 1845. THE NEW LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACKETS NA F.I.Y: The QUEEN OF THE WEST, 1250 tone burthen " HOTTINGUER, 1150 " " " LIVERPOOL I'so " " " ROCHESTER, 1000 " " " ROSC I US, 1150 " " " SI DDONS, 1050 " " " SHERIDAN, 1050 " IS " GARRICK, 1050 " " Which capacious and magnificent ship, being com manded by kind and experienced men, and fitted up in the best possible manner for comfort and conveni ence, it is a well known fact that they surpass any. other Line of packets. In addition to tho above splendid Line the subscri bers are agents for the, St. George's Line of Liver pool Packets, and Tie United Line of Liverpool Packets. Malting a ship from Liverpool ever five days; the possibility of delay is therefore precluded. Mr Tap scott (one of the firm) personally superintends the departure of vsssels at Liverpool; suffice it to say, therefore, that the subscribers guarantee to give satis faction to till parties why may send for their friends through them. In all eases when tlinao sent 6ir de cline coming, the full amount of money paid for pas• sage will be refunded. REMIT FENCES. Persons wishing to remit money to any part of Great Britain or Ireland can be supplied with drafts for any amount, from £1 upwards, at sight on all thewrinci pal towns. without discount or any other charge. Ap plication by letter (post paid) with most immediate at• tention by addressing W. &J. T. T A PSCOTT, 76 South St.,corner of Maiden Lane, N Y. Or to Charles A MeAnulty, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. Agency in Tapacott or 15 Goree Piazza and Geo Rippard & Son. 62 Waterloo Road. jan 6 0' 425- ,! 411 -„ cs.• a.* .1t JOHN HERMAN'S Old Eittablimlied Emigrant ransage Office, 61 SOUTH STREET The subscriber, in calling the attention of his friends and the public to his unequalled arrangements for bringing out persons from Great Dritato and Ireland who may be sent for by their friends, begs testate that in consequence of the great increase of this branch of his business, and in order to preclude all unnecessary delay of the emigrant, has at great expense, in addition to hi, regular agues in l.iverpool. appointed Mr Thus N Dicky, whn had been a faithful clerk in the estab lishment for the last eight years, to proceed to Live,- pool and remain there during the emigration season, to superintend the embarkation of all passengers engaged lime. The Shiite employed in this line are well known to be onlyafthe first class .1 yet y fast•sailing, commanded be , kind and experienced men, and as they sail flows Liverpool every five slays, reliance may be placed that passengers will receive every attention and be promptly despatched. With such superior ar rangements, t h e subscriber looks forward fora rontin tuition of thnt patronage which has been" literally ex tended to him for an many years past, and should any of those sent for decline coming, the passage money Usual, be refunded, and passage from the differ ent ports of Ireland and Scotland can bo secured if de. sired. For further pami.-ulary. apply to JOHN HERDMAN, 61 South at. Agency in Liveipuol : Mews. J. Sz W. Robia►on, / No. sltin Builaings, Mr. Thos H Dicky, $ and No. I Neptune et, Waterloo Duck. J Kirkpatrick, Agent at Mr Its Ddiza's, No 24 Water it.. FittAhnrgh. Unn 4 3m. Valuable Coal Propose., fbr gala. propo.c to sell one hundred Acre. of coal. together with 9.0 ncret of surface, situated above Luck No 3, on the Monongahela river, or 11'stson's run one mile from the river, on which is erected a sawmill, with mater power, a Hewed Log House, and shout five acres of cleared land, the balance of the land is good timber. Any person wishing to purchase will cull nit J L Morris, of Elitnbethtown, or on the sub scriber near Findleyvdle, Washington co, Union town ship. A plot of the premises with further description, is left with Matthew Patrick. Fifth st, Pittsburgh, far further reference. jnn. 4-1 m". THOMAS STORER. FUR RENT lIIHE 3 story Brick store and dwelling banal* in Diamond Alley adjoining the one occupied by Thee Redpeth. Immediate possession can he given of the store end of tho dwelling on thefirst dad• of April neat. The two story frame dwelling house, No 87, Smith field it. The second story of N 065 Third st. Apply to JOHN D DAVIS. jen 4 corner of Wood end Fifth streets. Trusses! Trusses!! CHASE'S Surgeon's Truss, for theradical cure o Hernia. It is now conceded by Surgeons and Physicians generally. that this truss is decidedly su perior to any now in uso.—lt is not only seperior as a retainer, but offers to the person wearing it the only hope of radical cure. To be had, only, at Kerr & Mohler's, No 144, cor ner of Wood street and Virgin Alley. Any infringement on the right of selling this instru ment. will be prosecuted to the extent of the law. jam I, 1845 MA RS HE'S superior Patent Truss, together with all other trusses most approved of by Physicians as retainera in reducible Hernia, to be had at Kerr & Mohler's, Nu 194 Wood at., corner of Wood and Vir gin Alley. jan 1, 1815. dialect School for Young Ladies. ILIR. KENNEDY, having returned to Pittsburgh, .1.1.1. respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he will re-open his School on Monday, 6th Jann• ary,•1845. A preparatory Cleat will be, as usual, attached to the establishment. Applications for admission to be made at his resi dence, Liberty street, third door below Evans' Alley. dee 19-dlm Pittsburgh Infirmary, FOR the reception and treatment of deforrnites of the humnn frame, such as Club or Reeled feet, contracted joints, tery-neek and Strabismus or Squintmg,and of Diseases of the Eye, such as Ca taracl,etc, under the cure of ALBERT G WALTER, MD. Liberty, near the corner of Fourth street. dec 31.11tf REMOVAL. MESSRS. MOORHEAD & READ, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HAVE removed their office to Second mtreet,three doors from the corner of 2nd and Grant eta— near the Scotch Hilt Market: ml 7 S. U. Molasses. 20 BBLS. MOLASSES—a prime artick— U lust received and for sale by j•ln 10. .1. W. BURBRIDGE, & CO, Water street. Dried Fruit. 70 BUSHELS DRIED APPLES; 50 " " Peadhea— just received and for gain by jou 10. J. W. BURB RIDGE & CO, %Vetter strait auction sale' A4hai3Asiteiii:or's Sale. ON Friday afternoon, the 17th inst., et 2 o'clock. aill be sold, without reserve, by order of P. Cook. Administrator, at the Livery Stable of Adam Cook, jr, on Fifth street, near Smithfield. the entire stock of Carriages, Horses, Sleighs, Har ness, &c , belonging to the estate of the late Adam Cook, dec'd, amung which are two very fine family horses, well broken and warranted sound. TerMs— Cash Currenty. jot 9 JOHN D DAVIS. Auct'r. Sherifs Sale of Dry Goods. WILL be sold, at the New Auction Rooms, Nos. 61 and 63, Wood street, on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, the 14th and 15th inst., at 10 and 2 o'clock, A & F' M., a large lot of assorted Dry Goods, Fancy and staple articles, being the stock of a retail Dry Goods store. They comprise, among other varieties, reticules, purses, cord and tassels, coat cord, cotton braid, cotton, merino, and kid gloves, Ladies' mitts, merino wool hose, artifi.-ials, Ladies' ruffles, cuffs, bonnet caps, and cravats; bracelets, hair combs and pins, necklaces, ribhands, spool cotton, patent thread, sewing silk, silk twist, hooks and eyes, woolen caps, silk gimp, coat binding, gum gaiters, Grecianett. black velvet, bobbinett, saletia. Ashburton lace, infant's boots, colored, fringed, wire rihand, Ladies' fancy and needle work colors, silk scarfs, cravats, cotton hdkfs., silk do , woolen nett shawls, blanket and French do.; gilt, jet, horn, and lasting, coat vest, and suspender buttons; suspenders, padding, blankets, ticking, Lind sey, Canton flannel, satinett, cassimere, Kentucky jean, vesting, broad cloths, alpocca, prints, brown muslin, colored cambric, red flsnnel, table cloths, buckram, white flannel, shirts, &c &c. The goods can be examined any time previous to the sale. Ts WU 4—Cash—par money. LYND & BICKLEY, jan 8 Auctioneers Fresh Arrivals at Nos. 61 and 63. Carpets, Rave just been received from the East, a large se soetment of rich Carpets, Ingrain and Yesiician; all of bright colors, and the latest fashionable pattetrs.— These will be sold by private sale, at very low prices ranging from 124 to $l, peryard,also,Brussels hearth rugs, which will be sold very cheap. Boots and Shoes. Ten ening of fine and heavy winter Boots, Brgen and Ladies' shoes. Extra Superfine Broadcloth'. Sev•ral pieces of Bliie, Black, and invisible Green, Broadcloths, wool' dyed, exclusively for private sales; and offered at very low prices. LYND & BICICLEY, nov 28 -Auctioneers. NOCHE, ECIOTHEILS & CO.'S Arrangements for 1845. t BLAKELY & MITCHEL, IA '4 P" k Miak PITTSSCROH, PA. ----- Remittances to and Panage from Great Britain and Ireland, by the " Nati. Ball or Old Line of Liverpool Packets." Egr Sailing from Liverpool on the lat and 16th of each month. 4Elj "DF.RSONS desirous of sending for their Friends no tr residing in any part of the"OLD COUNTRY, " can make the necessary airangernents with the sub scribers. and have them brought out by the above well known favorite " Line of Packets," which sail from LIVERPOOL punctually on the Ist and 16th of every month; alsu by FIRST CL ASS Am [RICA 11 SHIPS, sailing from there EV„ERY SIX DAYS, during 1845. And as they &redetermined not to depend on any Liverpool House or Agent, to see the people's interest taken care of, Mr J Axas D. ROCHE, one of the firm, is there, who will remain and pee that every thing connected with their business is executed with promptitude and despatch. Shield the potions sent for decline coming out, the me* ill be returned to the parties hero. without any dedication, on producing the Passage certificate and receipt. The "Black Bell or old Line of Liverpool Pack ets" comprise the following magnificent Ships, vie: The Ncw Toni, The CANIRIDOC, " °arum), " ENGLAND, 1'01(1E011NR,, " Euanea, " Mos razes's. " COLO *NUN. With such superior and one/nailed arrangements the subscribers confidently look forward fora commit ante of that opepport which has been extended to them so many years, for which they are grateful. Those proceeding or remitting, to their relatives, can at all times obtain Drafts at sigki fur till amount drawn direct on the ROYAL BANC Or IRELAND, DUBLIN ; Also rut Measni. Passcorr, GROTE, AXES & CO., BANKILIW, LGIIIDOM ; which will be paid on demand at any of the Banks, or their Branches, in ell the principal Towns through- Om ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. Apply to, or Radrev, (if by lew.r. post pail.) ROCHE, BROTH ERS & Co., No 95 Fulton St., N, Y Or BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Stnithfiiela street, near stb, and Penn street, oct 15-d&watny Pittsburgh Real *state for Sale. BLAKELY & MITCHEL, offer for sale Real Estate in Town and Country, amongnat which are six building lots in Penn st,each 21 feet front by 100 feet deep. A Steam Sew Mill, oa the Allegheny Riv er in Pitt township—Lot 500 feet front by 250 deep.— A Lot of ground on 2d st, near Wood st, 30 feet by 80—with 2 frame dwelling houses. Eighteen building lots near the Alma House, (Caldwell's plan.) Twen ty building lots in New Troy. Two building lots on 4th at Road. Two building lots in Allegheny City.— A lot of ground near the Canal Basin Penn et, with! a good frame tenement. A dwelling house and lot on Walnut et. A three story brick house and lot on Smithfield and Seventh sta. A neat and consfOrtable d welling house on Penn st, near the Presbyteritinehurch. A lot of ground and dwelling house in Manchester.— Two acres of ground adjoining the town of Hanover, Columbianna county. Ohio. A lot of ground 60 by 130 ft,in Liverpool, Ohto, on which is erected a furnace and other buildings fur the Manufacture of Liverpool ware. Four:ter - es of land adjoining the town of Liver pool, on which is erected a awe Walk, &c. Thi ty building lots in different parts of the town of Liver pool Ohio. Four lots of ground each 20 hy 60, on which is erected seven tenements. A lot of ground on sth st, 30 by 120. Apply at our Office on Smith field st. near sth st. dee 16. BLAKELY & MITCHEL. Sale. A SMALL Steam Engine, 6 hone power. all corn plete and in good running order. Apply to dee 16 BLAKELY & MITCHEL. Perfumery, rimy Soaps, &o. BF:NCI/and American viz: Cologne, -Lavender, F Honey and Florida Water, Otto Roses, Fine Fomatum, &c. For sale at the drug store of J KIDD & Co., corner of 4th and Wood sts. music Books. THE ODEON—a collection of secular melodies, arranged and harmvized for 4 voices, by Ma sons & Webb; The Vocalist--consisting of short and easy Glees or Songs, in parts, arranged for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass voi:es. by Lowell Mason & G. J. Webb; Twenty-one Madrigals—Glees and part songs, for choir practice and choir singing; Carmine Sacra—Mason's Sacred Harp; Missouri Harmony—Boston Academy Collection; Bradbury and Sanders's Young Choir; The Boston School &fig Book; with a general assortment of School Books and Sta tionary. Piano music, Musical Instruments. All the above are on hand and fcr sale at eastern prices, by J. H. MELLOR, deo 28. 125: Wood street. Castor Oil. BBLS. Cold Press castor Oil. for sale low to 00 close consignment. JAMES Bank Notts anb 4/117,0angt. COAILECTiD DAILY IT A. lawmen, EZCHANGS NIZONSM, Collgt.D. 07 *DOD dN D THIRD sm. SPECIE STANDARD. , Merchants andManufactur era' Scrip...o.--par Exchange BankSerip a Currency Berke CountySerip,:..i.:-.. EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT. Oa Philadelphia..,.... } prem. New York 4 prem. Boston. "—prem. Baltimore •,...,... .4 prem. SPECIE. _ - - - Gold. .iprem Silver PENNSYLVANIA.—PITTSBURGH. Bank of Pittsburgh par Merchants and Manufacturers' bank —.par • Exchange Do. flollidaysburgh PHILADELPHIA. Bank of North. America . Do Northern Liberties Par Do Pentay/vania •- - •Par Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania.-- par Fanners' and Mechanics' bank pat Kensington bank pa? Manufacturersand Mechanic? . par Mechanics' Moyamensing par Philadelphia bank par Schuylkill ~ par Southwark ..... ".... .... ...... par Western il . . a . par Bank of Penn Township par .. Girard bank . .... par U. S batik and branches 2V COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantown " Chester county pa, " Delaioare county pat " Monigyonery county ... . ....par " Nor wiumberland ............ ... ... par Farmers` bank of BUGIC4 C0U7211.... ...... par Easton bank Doylestown bank Franklin bask of Washington Bank of Chambersburgh " Middletown " Gettyaburgh .......-....... " Lewistown ..... .............„ ..,•, " Susquehanna cannty .. ...... Berkagossly bank_ ..... ............. _ Coluntial' s Bank and Bridge Company .. . - . par Carlisle bank i Erie bank Farmers and Drovers' bask " Bank of Lancaster .. . par " Bank of Reading par • Harrisburg bank .... i _ Honesdale ".... .- - Lancaster " --- Lancaster co. " .... par Lebanon " -1 Miners' bank of Pottsville ......... . ..... .. ....1 Mononaahelabank of Brownsville i Nero Hope and Delaware Bridge company 2 Northampton bank .... no sale Towanda bank...... no sale liryoming bank --- - -- - - - ------- i West Branch bank - ............... ..... 1. York bank .... OHIO. Belmont bank of St. thairsvi Clinton hank of Columbus Columbiana bank of New Lisbon,— Circleville (Lawrence, cashier)._.. " ( Warren, cashier ).... ----no sale Cinrinneti banks Chillicothe bank - Cenewercial bank of Lake Erie Franklin bank of Columbus Farmers'and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville-1 Farmers' bank of Canton 20 Geauga Granville Hamilton 10 Lancaster Marietta ...... Massillon Meekanies' and Traders', Cincinnati Mount Pleasant Norwalk Putnam Sandusky Scioto. 10 Urbana ....... "transfer ........ Xenia Zanesville. ..... Bank of Cleveland.... ...............:.5 INDIANA State bank anti braneket State Scrip KENTUCKY All banks ILLINOIS State bank 35 Bank of Illinois, Shoran r rtrnfn . 55 VIRGINIA. Bank of the Valley of Virginia. Bank of Virginia Exchange bank of Virginia .___....•.. j Farmers' bank of Virginia -- North-Western bank of Virginia Merchants' and Mechanics! bank of Virginia.. .. 8ranche5.......... .1 MARYLAND Baltimore City kith.. .. par All other solvend banks_ I NORTH CAROLINA. Alt solvent bank"— . SOUTH - - CAROLINA. All solventbanks., GEORGIA. Aliso time t basks ... ............. ALABAMA.' Mobile bank 5. ....... Cotary banks.. .... LOUISIANA. Nene Orleans banks TENNESSEE. Allbanka.__---_„___ ••• __ • .....---._.4 New. Piano Nook At J. N. Mellor,'. No. 122, Wood street HUNTER'S Piano Forte Instructor. Willig's 'do do. Jarvis's Ethiopian Overture, containing all The Ethiopian Melodies. Overture, "Caliph de Bagdad" for two performers. Swiss Air, "when the day with rosy light;" arranged as t &lett for two performers, by T Hunter. Cavatina;"wbile this heart its joy revealing," by Herz. Band March; Grand Russian March; Hewitt's Quick Step. Empress Henrietta's Waltz; "L'Albannise," a grand waltz; Ostrich Feather waltz; Allegheny waltz; Fiorel la waltz; Nuptial Quickstep; Philadelphia Flop waltz. Polkas, a collection of the most admired Polkds, in six numbers, by eminent European author s. Songs; "Like the storm now died away," by Bene. dict; "Rockaway;" a Life on the Ocean Wave; Wood man spate that Tree; Feast of Roses; a Home that I love; Blind Boy; Lament of the Irish Emigrant; •'Hope be thy gale," by Benedict; with a variety of new song two numerous to mention. Clarke's Catechion for the Piano Forte. Cook's Art of Singing; Calcott's Musical Grammar. All the above received to-day and forsalehy J. H. MELLOR, 12'2 Wood street. 83 Market Street, Pittsburgh. R E CONSTABLE, respectfully invites the at . tension of his customers toe new lot of splendid French Broche Shawls Mode, blue and green ground, all wool. just imported; Rich Turkerri Shawls, newest style of patterns, do Cashmere, do new style at $9 worth $l9; high colored Gala Plaids, blue Plaid Pe lisse Cloth; 5 cases Calicoes at 6i, ft, 9, 10, and 12 i cts- peryd„ received to day. nor 5 • Cotten. 3n BALES damaged Cotton, for .ale by 11 nov 29 JAIIES3IAY T. th.O.ntassam.W rittolllo6' " > • ITHE subscriber dent respixtraily informs the gentlemen of this city siniall l . l . - viCinity, that be has commenced the BOOT sad SHOE making business in Fourth street; eppositetbe Mayor's office, at the stand lately occupiedby P. Ker rigan. Having been foreman in some of the most fashionable bootshops intbe &meta= citiesi and hay.. ing fen nisbed himself with tbe best French and Ameri can calf skins, he hopes by. his attention to business us merit a share of public patronage To those gentle. men who have kindly patronized him be retarissUitsitsi. cere thanks, and can with confidence appeal for ib. - goodness of his work rid knowledge of bis business July 24-tf. A. T OMAN. PROCLAMATION!! • CITY OF PITTSBURGH, RR, N conformity with the provisions dee act of the I General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pees. sylvania, providing for the City of Pittsburgh, end a. the supplement to said act, • I, ALEXANDER HAY, Mayor of the said city, do issue this, my l'rohlemetiost, declaring that on the Second Tuesday of January, A, D., 1845, being the 14th, day of that month, "the free men of each Wad of said city qualified to vote fee the members of the House of Representatives of ads Commonwealth." will meet together at the usual place of holding election:4 in their respective Wards, and e lect by ballot, one person in each and every Ward qualified to serve as members of the House of Repre sentatives of this Commonwealth, to be a member of the Select Council, and five persons qualified as afore said, in each and every Wald, to be members of the Common Council. - - And that on the same day,the citizens of said Wards will at the places aforesaid, elect by ballot, o citizen of the said City, qualified to be a member of the Hauser of Representative of this Commonwealth, to be Mayoi of suid city. Given tinder my hand and the statl of said city of Pittsburgh, this 30th day of December, - A. D., 1844. jan 1, 1845 ALEXANDER HAY, Mayor. A ND other new works at COOK'S LITERARY ti. DEPOT. 85 Chat. Phelim O'Toole's Courtship, by William Cadet*n . author of Traits and Stories of Irish Peasantry, with engravings. Illustrations to rite Waverly Novels, elegantly en graved from Steel Plntesby ihe Messrs Fiodens, and:, othererninent English Artists. Travels in Germany . China and India, by IL witt Burnes and 5t V Eyre. _ American Review, a Whig JOlll nal of Politics Lit erature, Art and Science, edited b ) G H Colton; sub scriptions received, and singly numbers for sale. Newton Foster, a turret, by Copt M aryatt, cheapedi. ....IVO tale lion Shelapeare, Illustrated, Nn 38. Mrs limners' Poetical Works, Illustrated, fine edi• lion beautifully bound. Encyclopedia of Chemistry, No 7. Thiers' French Revolution, cheap edition, 4 vullia, 2 forrllysl 50. Beleke's German Reader, end German Grammar. Gregg's Commerce of the Prairies; 2 vols., only $1 5t3. Herman DP. Ruyter, or the Nivtttery Unveiled; a sequel to the Beautiful Cigar 'Weider, a tale of the Metropolis. :inn. 10. par; JUST received from Messrs. George Sr. Wayne Philadelphia, a consignment of Episcopal land other books, among which are the folllwing. Sunday School Books (full Bradley's Sermons; series;) Burnet on the 39 Articles; Catechism. 1 2 3 . Luther on Gallant:ins; Church Catechism; Sabbath school as itabould Tracts; be; Plea for Union; Hebrew Bible; Struggle of Faith; Ministerial Commission; The Church, :"the Faith, Illustration of Prayer; Traditiorr, Kettle's Christian Year Hare's Sermons; Sword's Almanac; Life and Eloquence of Parley'itusiversalHistory; Lamed; The Wolk' of Chitlings- Eusebius; worth; Ancient History; Bush on the Resurrection. Also, beautiful bucks for Christmas and New Year presents. Very little Tales; Kriss Krinele's Bunk; Shadow of the Cross; Sacred Allegories; Conversations nn do; Fnr stile by dec.!!!') ANASTASIS: or the Doctrine of the Reserve*. tion of the Body; Rationally and scripturally coe. sidered by Geo . rge Bush, Prof of Hebrew, New York City University. Johluton's Agricultural C4staistry.—Lectures the Applications of Chemistry and Geology to Apical* tore, by Jas G W Johnston, M A., F R S &14,, with Appendix. .„ The American Poultry R9olE—Being a ihictical T'rekilie on the management of 'Domestic Poultry, by Mictijah R Cook. . The above for sale by C. 11. KAY, Bookseller and Stationer, corner of Wood and 3cl streets. ASELECT Circulating Library for town end country, conducted -by the original editor of Waldie's Library. Now published, the first and,sec. and number, of the above work, on the plan of Wal. die's Library, at a greatly reduced price, of a larger size and new tve. Subscribers names should be immediately forward ed, as a limited number must be printed, and no algal+. pointment can occur to those who subscribe early.— Specimen Noe. can be seen and subscriptions received at COOK'S Literary Dap)), 85, 4th st. jan 8 K. LOGAN & CO., No 82, Ftrnutritzur. tl, . have just received from the Eastera Auctions, a large assortment of Cloths, Caasimeres, tsosi Sauinets. among which ate: French Blue Black Broadcloths, from t 6 00 to $7 00; English, ... " 2 00 to 6 00; Beaver Cloths, " I 60 to 3 00; Fancy Ceuimeres, Plaids and Stripes, - 75 to 2 00; Sattinetts, assorted colors. 37h to 1 CID. Also, a lsrge lot of Wool Shawls, Wool Comforts, Casshmere Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, Supet Buck Mitts, &c &c &c. We would invite our Customers- and the publia generally, to an examination of our Stock, es we feel confident that we can, and will, sell our goods as lure ,for Cash as any other house in the City. dee 19-tf THE subscribers being shoat to dose their business in this city would respectfully invite all persona who wish to secure their portraits to cull very snort at their Daguerriaa Gallery, corner of Fifthsad Market streets. NB. Any portsits of persons already taken, and used as specimens in our Gallery, can be procured at a moderate price by early application. jan 3 9.w. KIMBALL & EMERSON. Tar. 40 BBLS. Tar, fur sale by JAMES MAY. nov 29 N. 0. Sugar. 15 HHDS Prime N 0 Sugar, for tale to claw consignment by JAMES MAY. ACONST ANT supply from tLe tnattufat!strer.— This article injures try ` ia iripor. tant to coosumcrs to have it fresh. Crinstartty for sale at the drug etore of J KIDD & CO. . ties:; No 60, cot 4tli and IVesia arc Phelim O'Toole's Courtship, Episcopal Works. Distant Hills; The Viesr of Wakefield, with 200 illustrations; Taylor's Cowper. McDONALD. No 6.5 Wood it Now Works. BUSH ON THE RESURRECTION THE ‘VALDIE SYSTEM REVIVED. BOOKS BY MAIL. Smith's Weekly Volume., FRESH GOODS. Last Chance fin. a Picture'. 1500 Bbls. No. 1 SALT; In Swre and for sale by A WI, M. KlEtk, CllllllO Basin. neer 7th omelet Pr. Pine Oil.