• • • .• •••.14 - 4t ' - „ ro • rr,4l-• ' •. ODDLtita ED ADD ADITED BY 1-1011111111121111& 111111111rX • •-• way* IPPl!eit PIM &net*. • . dollars a year, payable in advance. -11ligitenpies Tree C2l/111—ter sale at the counter of ' . Abolloo r sad by Nears Boya. allerratry aad ataaailictsrar if i rena Die woe office, on a double medium a ' at 11M DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin : 11 0 1 : - 4 l a* " tt ENTS• ;11111ii*101' ADTZIRT/SING. 1 .• ; 1 RE OF TWELVE LINES OR'LESS: $0 501 Onemonth, $5 00 '4 l ' - 075 Two do., - 600 , 100 Threedo., 7 00 , ,ev Ye 150 Four do., 8 00 T*s Is ., 100 Six do., te to Irani ii., 400 One year, 15 00 , , "'EARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. • CIAAAOZAILI AT ME/MAC N - . 'Ow livutre. Two Squares. Ne iiiiissduk, *lB 00 Six months, $25 O 0 leds, .25 be ono Year, 35 00 t: .Etter advertisements in proportion. it ARDS of four linos Six DOLLARS a year. • Public Micas, &c. Post OJke, Third between Market and Wood Itslosuo—lt. M. Riddle, Postmaster. CawGest Homo, Water, 4th door from Wood st.,Pe. Itereen's buildings—William B. Mowry, Collector. tiny Tres/wry, Wood, between First and Second serriaits—Jame t A. Bertram, Treasurer. Count Treasury, Court Rouse, next door to the a Office—John C Daviu, Treasurer. "favor' Oface, Fourth, between Market and Wood ataiiistos.-Alexander Ray, Mayor. Steechates Exchange, Fourth near Market at. Overseers pf the Poor, E F Pratt, 4th street, askstrwr firehisiold; I J Asithtidge, Vnrner'a Temper. 'asap Haase, coroer of Front and Market streets. BANKS. PiStsbargh, between Market and Wood streets on Third sad Fourth streets. hitsoreionts'eadMeasfaotarers' and Formers' De , Ira& (forxrie4 Saving Fund,) Fourth, between and Market streets. ;- "itaachersgs, Fifthst. eeer Wood. JlMans.gahela Hoe., Water street, near the Bridge: .11.ce . MItiare Mott:, corner of Penn and St Clair. *tic4gslits' Hotel, come r . of Third and Wood. Asserilesisillotei,corneroiThirdand Smithfield. United Males, corner of Penn at. and Canal. SpriitiairEisik, Liberty street, near seventh. Miller's dfuasisx House, Liberty St., opposite Worm • • Beestailerses Maniniont House, Penn St., opposite Cabot. Arent Oily Hotel, Fifth street, between Wood an Jacob Bono" Proprietor. Dt.-Gssold's Credisincaled Posisidelrille. 11 HINE Pills are strongly recommended to the notice of ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in deMbring these complaints peculiar to theirsen, from washi-ofexercise,orgeneraldebilityof the system. They ob to costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the sane mioarand approbation of the most eminent Physicians in litho - United States, and many Mothers. For sate Cdfholosakt and ltetail,by - R. E. S E LL E RS, Agein, sep 10 No. 20, Wood Street. below Second BOTIIL & BOARDING. HOUSE FRANKLIN HOUSE. Hr. subscriber respectfully informs his friends T and the public, that he has opened a (Intel and 145oarding House in Third street, a few doors from Wood, wirers travelers and others will be accommo •. • on the must reasonable terms. The house is epiaslous, and has been fatted up at considerable ex poses, sad every arrangement is made that will on - sure the comfort and reader satisfaction to boarders .and lodgers. A share of public patronage is respect 'fully solicited. eOl-41 CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ FRESH SPRING GOODS CIESIAP PLACE POE CASH. SIGN OF THE GILT COMB. No. 108, Market Street, near Liberty. rTliEsubscriber respectfullyiArOrM3 his customers and the public generally, that he has just return vod from &enlist, and is now receiving as large, good wad cheap an assortment of variety goods as any other .e-Astdishisseet in the city. Merchants and others who eOllll6 to purchase cheap, will please call at No. 108, sand they will not be disappointed. Thefollowing com ;pities part of the stock just received. 200 doz. coat and 6 cord spool cotton, 200 " Graham's 6 " ;1200 " assorted, 200 lbs. " Titley's shoe threads, 200 " patent threads, 200 gross books and eyes, ISO packs American pins, 100 " German " • 113 thousand needles, 180 assorted stay bindings, 330 dos. assortLd film luny combs, 200 " reading 560 " assorted cotton cords, Inns shoe laces, 50 " corset " `250 doz. cotton night caps, 100 " assorted hosisty, 150 gloves and mitts, 25 gross assorted.faus, MlOO do. palm leaf hats, 115 pleas. Ashburton lace, • 160 " edgings 3500 gross pearl buttons, •75 " Rift " .80 " figured burn buttons, 120 " hurdagandjapanned do • 50 " fine English dressing combs, 460 " assorted sespendeni, With agsusralessestment of Variety Gpods to numer musts meation, which will be sold wholesale or retail, mheep Tor cash. C. YEAGER. liwl3 V* Pastors. 'UTE bastsnoseised, *col will hereafter keep cor . steady on bend, sant' supply of Printing Ink ills huge wad small kelp, which we will be able to sell edienteer than it has hersnefore been sold in this city. Orders from the .country accompanied by the cash OM ALL CASIO) will be promptly attended to. PHILLIPS & SMITH, 1114 f Olive of the Post and fdannfactoiPr. Cliamearcial Academy. STEWART would announce to the chicane ef rittaber6, Allegheny, and vicinity, that he hesvisi k kes Fourth street, near the corner of Mar low...4l4th" Comnsercial School in which are taught liesumbes-that conatitute a mercantile educe dam, Jiikers*f Atteedance.—Geneknykets -attend when It iboir convenience. ha* Writing Clue, at 2 o'clock P M. REMOVAL . • ;Beyer ail City • Reirtalater, 2 2treteersd his lace to the roans occupied by • Jain i ltuoMl, Eft, on Sotithfieki, war Fifth - • soy 2 y. Y~,~ ;. N.. , - ... •,_ , _ .... . _ • 1 . - •.._ 1 •I I i , noing 1 i I I As , I ° ll . Ag gil b , Li Lfr ~ , ............ 1. ..... * DAILY, BY PHILLIPS & SMITH, At THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABL E IN AIVAYCE; ..NO, 100, MOTELS Ward sad Arters, Deattits,. Ne 118, Liberty sweet, a few doors below St. Oak ap6,1843 R. Woolla,Atteraay anal Cannuatlat at Law Office oo Foorthstteet. between Grantand Smithfield, a few doors from the corner of Fourth and Grant wirers. seer 10 ACCANDLESS 41. M'CLURE, Attowsert sat Cleimadlare at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House, sep 10 • Pitbburst. Pumas 11. Skunk, Mtenuirjr at Law, Fourth street, above Wood, sep 10—ly Pittsburgh, Pa. Writer & Bacbasun, Attorneys at Later, Office removed from the Diamond to "Attorney's Row,' shady side of 4th, between Market and Wood sts., ley, 10 Pittsburgh • ilowinnamor, Attorney at Law, Has remoreilkisoffice to Beard' Law Buildings, 4tl at., above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. Rep 10 James Cabin, Attorney at Law. OFIFICX. STREET, PLTTSBUR6H ittite 13-ty Wm. E. !WAN Attartwiy at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fotikh ittreat; apposite Burke's Building. UPWILLIAN E. AUSTIN,Esq. , %%111 glee .his atten tion to my unfinished business, and I recottnnenil him to the patronage of my friends. sep 10—y WALTER FORWARD. Shales & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Office at tho building formerly occupied by the Uui ted States bank, 4th street, between Marketand Wood streets. m21.3m CHARLES AHALRR• EDWARD SIM pawl. Daniel 111. Curry, Attorney at Law, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield ap 8 Pittsburgh. Robert Porter, Attorney at Law, Office on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets sep 10 Piushurgh. Usury S. Iliagraw, Attars:L*7.st Law, Has removed his office to his resilience; ma _Fourth st., tw•o doors above Smithfield. sera 10 Gee. S. Seldon, Atteiney at Law, Office ou Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield Conveyancing and other instruments of wri dng legally and promptly executed. mar 21-tf Sella J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law, Will attend to collecting and securing claims, and will also prepare legal instruments of writing with cormt nese and despatch. Smithfield street (near sth street) Pittsburgh. mB, '44 R. Morrow, Alderman, Office north side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sepl9-tf Dr. S. R. Mimes, Office in Second street, next door to Muirany & Co.'s Glass Warehouse. sep 10-y G. L. ROBINSON. Robinson & Mcßride, Attorneys at Law, Office en Fourth, between Wood and Market ats. EVPConveyancingand other iustrumentsof writing legally and promptly executed. alO-ef Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield adjoining Patterson's Livery Stables. my 7 Dr. Georg* Watt, PRACTISING PHYSICIAN 4. SURGEON, EFOffice, Smithfield at. ucur the cornet of Sixth. a6-Iv. Doctor Daniel McNeal, Office on Filth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. declo-y HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., COTTON TARN WAIZEUO USN, Ns. 43, Wood Street, Arntafor the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yams. mar 17—y NEW GOODS.—PRESTON & 51ACKEY, iVhdesale and Retail Dealers in English, French and Domestic Dry Goods No. 81, Market street,Pittaburgh sep 10—y Ireurturvilia Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Neift Warehouse, No. 25, Wood at., Pittsburgh. sep 10-y HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro- duce Merchants, And dealers ix Pittsburgh Manufactures, mar 17 No. 43, Wood street. Pittsburi b Matthew Jose., Barber and Bair Dreams, Has removed to Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's of. 6ce, where he will be happy to wait upon permanent or transient customers. He solicits a share of public pa trlrMa.cre. se . 10. J D Williams, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, For warding and Commmirsion Merchant, and dealerinCountry Produce and Pittsburgh Manufac tures,No 28 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Jelin NrCloakey, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty street, between Sixth street and Virgin alley, SJath side. sep 10 CHARLES A. McANULTY, Forwarding and Commisaion Merchant, PITTSBURGH, PA., Agent for U. S Portable Boat Line, farthe transporta tion of Merchandise to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Plailadelphia, New York and Boston. j3l-ly JOHN PARKER, (Of the late firm of J. 4. J. Parker.) Wholesale Grocer, Dealer in Produce, and PITTSRURGH MANUFACTURES, No. 5, COMMERCIAL Row, mar2o-tf Liberty street, Pittsburg CONSTABLE, BIYINCE & CO., FIRE PROOF SAFE AND VAULT DOOR MANUFACTURERS. Fifth Street, Pittsburgh. AU articles manufactured by them warranted equal to any thing in the market. oct 1 Wm. °Bars Robinson, R. S. Attorney, ETAS removed his office to Fourth, near Weod 1...1 street, lately occupied by C. Darragh, Esq. April 8, 1844. NOTICE.—I have placed my docket and prates. sionalbusinesa in the hands of O'Haraßobinsoth Esq. ,who will atteudto the URIC dining my absence. March 23 C DARBAGLI. a 19 SBURGH, FRIDA JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, bless, Printers and Paper makers, No. 37, Marketstreet., se,p 10 JOHNSON 411' DUVAL, • • Eta&binders skatloipar Riders, Continue buaineda at the it late of M'Canaless It Johnson. Every description of work in their line neut• lyarid promptly executed. may B—y THOMAS B. Youar FRANCIS L. YOUNG. Thos. B. Young & CO. Furniture Ware Rooms, corner of Hand street and Ex change alley. l'enrons wishing to purchase furniture, will find ittotheir advantage togive us a call, beingfull ly satisfied that we can please as to quality and prico. Rep 10 John Cartwright, UTLER and Surgical Instrument Mannfactnrer, A.../ Nol4o Wood street, two dotirs from Virgin al ley, Pittsburg, Pa. N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment of Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's, Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tools, Trusses, Sse. je 34. James P -rson, Cornor of Ist and Ferry streams Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of locks, binges and belts; tobacco, ful ler, mill and timber screws; housen screws for rolling tttilis,&c. sep 10—y Webb Cfleeefsßoot and Shoe Illanndr.ctory, No. 83, 414 st., next door to eke U. S. Bank. Ladies prunella, kid and satin shoes made in the neatest manner, ard by the neatest French patterns. se 10 A - .'6. REINIIA DT. SIDNEY STRONG. iffiRIBNIART & STRONG, (SacceLsony to Lloyd & Co.) Wlto-esale •&ftel Itettsii Grocers and Commission Nerckauts, N 0.140, tibettplt., *Tow doors above St. Clair, 111rWhern faanilies &IA "-hers can at all times be furnished with-good Goods at - moderate prices. f!..?.8 DAVID LLOYD. D. & G. W. %hit& W 110L} ALE GROCERS, COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCIIANTS, •ND DX/ILERS IN PRODUCE & PITTSBURGH MaNU MP Liberal advances in rush or gooris made on consignments of produce, &c., at No, 142, Liberty strustrut.mls REMOVAL. JARED HOWARD & 00. HAVE removed their WALL PAPER MM; HOUSE to NO. C 3, WOOD STREET, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. Wiser° they have on hand a large and 'pleaded RA. sartmeat of WALL P A PIM and Beßwitio, suitable for papering Parlors, Chambers, V &c. Also, a general assortment of W law, - Letter, Pi int ing, Wrapping and Tea .paper, Bonnet Boards &c. Which they will sell low for Cash, or in excb ango ' for Rags, Tannc Scraps. &c. fe b -1844 REMOVAL HOU/SHIP & BROWNE IiAVE removed their Paper Store from Market 1.1. street to No. 64 Wood street, one door from the corner of 4th street, where they keep on hand their us ual assortment of WALL PAPERS, for papering per. ler., entries, chambers, Sr.c., and also PRINTING, WRITING, and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS. &c., ail of which they offer for sale on ac commodating terms:. feb 14 1843—dtf NICHOLA9 D. COLEXAM LLOYD R. COLEMAN Coleman & Go., General Agents; Forwarding and Commission Iderekaner, Levee Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so licitconsignments. n 22—tf William C. Wall, Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Prange Mamilfrultirer, No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsimrgh, Pa. CAN VASS brushes, varnish, &c., for artists, al ways on hand. Looking Glasses, &e., promptly fla med to order. Repairing done at the shoruestnotice. Particular attention paid to regiklingand jobbing or every description. Persons fitting stamboats or houses will find it to their advantage to call. sep 10-y SAMUEL MORROW, Manneicteser of nap_ Copper and Sheet Iron Ware No. 17, Fifik street, between Wood and Market, Keepsconstantly on hartdagood assortment of wares and solicits a share ofpublic patronage. Also, on hand: the folio wing articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons, sk ille ts , teake tt les, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer chants and others are invited to call and examine for themselves, as he is determined to sell cheap forcash or approved paper mar 7--tf DR. W. KERR..J ose Mots,Lsa. KERR & SIOHLER, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, Corner of Wood street and Virgin alley, No. 144, _b in Esti Medicines, selected and rut up with care, can be had et all times, at moderate pnces a'Physicians' prescriptions carefully compound , ed. mny 2-ly Notice to all whom it may concern. ALL Persons having claims against the Estate of Oliver Ormsby Evans,deceased, as well as those knowing themselves indebted to the same, will please present their accounts forsettlement to . Evans, No 10 Water street, who is duly authorized to settle the said Estate. SARAH L. EVANS, febls Adminisuatrix. Pilkingten'stlarivalled Blacking, MANUFACTURED andsold wholesale and retail. SIXTH STREET, one door below Smithfield. oct2l-Iy. J. K. LOGAN. Oto. CONNELL, AUCTION GOODS. JAMES K. LOGAN & CO., FifaStreet, between the Exchange Bank and inort Street, Pittstmegk, Pa., Dealers is Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOCKS, el-c. gh, Pitt itrpholab:sew and Cabinet Idaker,i st., between Wood and Ilfaeket, Respectfully informs his friends and the public that ha is prepared to execute all orders for sofas, sideboards, bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands, hair and spring mattresses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol. storing work, which he will warrant equal to any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. scp 10 JOHN SCOTT & CO., Whelessle Grocers and Commission Wks- Giants, No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street, al9-ly Pittsburgh. anzam JOHN MCFARLAND, JANUARY 3, 1845• PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. 0 1*thlfs and Axles for Carriages At Eastern Prices. mibsciiberenrunifactura and keep constant tganhand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs ( war rantePiuninta Iron Axles,Silver and Brass plated Dub ll'ovoes, Brass and p lated Huh Bands, Stump Joints, :intent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps. Three** Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles am Fling* dkc., &c. JONES & COLEMAN. sop 10 St. Chair St., near the Allegher Removal—lron Safes. r ReSFECTIIILLY inform my friends that They° ramoved my FIRE PROOF IRON SAFE FACTORY to Third street, opposite the Pest Of flee, and avail myself of this opportunity to tender my thank* t 4 the public fur the liberal patronage which they have favored me with for several years, and soli cit a eoetinuanee of their favors. I pledge myselfmy Safes shall be made without any deception. All my Safes atach have been in buildings burnt down have saved alltheircontents, nrTheyaro kept for sale at my shop, and at At woodapnes & Cu's, & Fleming's, and at D T Morons's. JOHN DENNING. N B 4 . 25 bbls good New OtleausSugar for sale. al3 WARD'S DENTAL PRESERVATOg. 4 Superior Wash for the Teeth, .n I D TIODUCIM3 at once the most healthy state of the metuh--Cleausing and restoring the teeth to their natural whiteness; giving hardness to the gums, des troying the putrifactive influence of decayed teeth, lessening in every instance the irritation and soreness incislental to their diseased state, and in fact combin ing in its effect all that can be desired in a Dentifrice. Also, a superior Tooth Powder, as recommended to the Medical faculty of Philadelphia, by the celebra ted Dem. Hudson. Prepared and sold by Wm. A. WARD, Dentist, Liberty street. nag :31 a:N°. 62.. a LATEST AND CHEAPEST NEW STORE, Opposite White's and lit' Knight's, Market street, 4 Doors below 41k; Simpson's Row. Pi - IHE Subscriber is now receiving from the Eastern J. cities an extensive stock of Seasonable DRY GOODS, Of the nevrest aryle and latest fashions, purcbasp ptincipally from Impoitets and Manufacturets, FOR CASH, AND NOT AT AUCTION, Warranted sound and perfect, of wliieh" be esruesthi requests an examination by his friends and the pub tic generally, pinions to purchasing elsewhere. His 'toll; will at all times be equal to any in thee ity, and at as fun prices. nov 15. A BSA LOM MORRIS. N. B. Don't forget. No. 52. 'G. W. LLOYD int Works of Rev. Sidney Smith, in 3 vol. A..• A Manual of Examination for Medical Students, with'Atteidions and answers upon Anatomy and Physi ology( Practice of Modern Chemistry, Mate lia fvfedica, Otesustricka, &c. • The Pennsylvania Law Directory,for 1844, in Pam phlet.. For sale at the Book Stnre of sett 17-d I y W. M'DONALD. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Ilihnongahela Clothing Store, FRANCIS COOLEY and ROBERT LAIRD TAILOR!, having associatedthemselves together for the purpose of carrying on extensively their busi ness, and fitted up a store on Water street, between Smithfield and Wood streets, near the Monongahela House, respectfullysolicitthelpatronage of their friends and the public. Having just opened a large assort ment of seasonable goods, and materials, and made the necessary arrangements, they are prepared to fill all orders, with which they may be favored, With despatch, and on the most reasonable terms. may 17-tf REYNOLDS & WILMARTH, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, AND DNALSILS IN LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, FOR THE ALLEGHENY RIVER TRADE Corner of Peun and Irwin streets, L. 0. RtTNOLDJ, i PITTSBUD4II. L. WILICARTIC S a.5-Iy NT" VERY LOW FOR CASH. rrl HE subscriber offers for sale a .1 large and issortment of PIANO FORTES of different patterns , warranted to be of superior wot kmanship, and of the best materials; the tone not to be exceeded by any in theenuntry. F. BLUAIE, Cernor of Penn and St. Clairstreetl, mar 18 opposite the Exchange. _ _ A LLEN KRAMER, Exckange Broker, No. 46, corner of Wood and Tkirdstrecte, Pittsburg Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank note*, bought and sold. Sight cheeks ou the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. REFER/CNC:ES Wm. Bell & Co., Jahn D. - Davis, F. Loraine, J. Painter & Co., Joseph Woodwall, James May, Alex.Bronscrn &Co. John 1 - 1Brown&Co. James M'Candless. J. R. M'Dsnald. W. H. Pope, Esq., Pros't Bank K MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Next door to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. june 6. JOHN S. HAMILTON, •ttorney at Law, OFRC E, North side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B. Collections made on reasonable terms. der. 4-1 y JOIIN W BLAIR, BRUSH MANUFACTURER AND SHOE FINDINGS STORE, NO 120, WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. J DAV ITT, formerly of the iron City Cloth V V • ing Store, is now engaged at the THREE Bto Dooas, where be will be happy to see his friends and forrnercustomers, and serve them to the best of his ability. a3-tf EUROPEAN AGENCY. REMITTANCES of money on moderate tertne,ean be made dewing my absence in Europe, to every port of Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales or the con tinent of Europe; Lega , ties, Debts, property or claims recovered; searches for wills, titles and documents effected, and other European business transacted by applying to James May, Water Street, Pittsburgh. H. KEENAN, European Agent and Attorney at Law, oct 30 rittaburgb, tMain nyl3rid4re New Books. Pittshiargli, ra Philadelphia. Cincinnati, 0., St. Louis, M. y. } Louisville. 'MMU P A FRESH SUPP RINTING INE. LY OF C. JOHNSON'S SUPERIOR PRINTING INK, IN LARGE AND SMALL KEGS, Just received at the office of the "Poet." oct 525. rr CHEAP lIAMD WARE. J 4 WHITMORE & WOLFF, Cornerof Liberty and St. Clair Sts., Pittsburet A RE now receiving their spring importation of HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND SAD DLERY, to which they respectfully invite the atter.- donof purchasers. Having completed arrangements, through which they are now receiving supplies DI RECT FROM 7'HE MANUFACTORIES IN ENGLAND, they shall at all times be prepared to sell at such prices as will make it the interest of pur chasers weal!. ARL'II,B on hand, a full and general assortment of RI FLE BARRELS AND GUN TRIMMINGS, PLANES, COOPERS, CARPENTERS AND SMITHS' TOOLS. Also, a great variety fir LOCKS and LATCHES for building purposes, to. gether with every variety of articles appertaining to thebusiness. al6-tf N •• Are _ear rival of Queensware do China. T HE subscriber would respectfully invite the at tention of the public. to his present stock of White Glazed Ware,a superiorarticle, together with a select assortment of White French China,comprising all the necessary pieces to constitute complete sets ofDining and Tea ware. Also. a general stock of articles suitable for the sup ply of country merchants;to which their attention is invited, at his old stand, corner of Front and Wood streets. HENRY HIGBY. ally Arnold's American Lock Manufactory. NU. 17, FIFTH ST., PITTSBURGH. THE subscriber has just erected a new and eaten sive Manufactory on second street, betweea Wood and Market, where he now manufactures all kinds of Locks, upon a new principle never befure at tempted in this-city.. , By, means of powerful steam. machinery, he is now enabled to sell his we—Pink:own superior Locks at such prices as will set foreigss competition at defiance. Merchants, 'louse, and Steam boat Builders, can hate Locks of all kinds,., Shutter Fastenings, and every article in his line, made to order at short notice. now 2I - td Important Arrival. T HE subscriber has this day received, direct from the importers, the following celebrated brands of I cigars, viz: Congressios, De &Juan F de /a Rionda, Regalia, Pa/ma, Canove, Louis de Garcia, Cazadores, L'edro Gerano, 'Principle, T . Antonia, Ugues, Castellea, Sze, Together with the best brands of Virginia Chewing Tobacco (fine cut,) Snuffs and half Spanish and Corn mon Cigars; all of which will be-sold at the lowest possible price for rub. M. M'GINLEY, No 614 Water et., a few doors from the t 18-tf Monongahela House LEATUER ANS MOROCCO. RICHARD BARD No. 101 Wood arcet, 4 doors above Diamond alley, PITTSBURGH. HAS just received a large supply of New York and Baltimore Spanish Sole Leather,Upper Loather, Philadelphia and Country Kips and Ca%skins. Moroc co of all kinds, Shoe Bindings, Tanners' Oil, dEc, &c. All of which is offered at the very lowest prices fur cash. Merchants and Manufacturers are respectfully invi ted to call and examine his stuck before purchasing elsewhere. , NB. Leather of all kinds bought. in the rough. aug2B—dtf. EAGLE HOTEL. Third, between W.ood and Market .streets, Nearly opposite :he New Post office. HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of PittsbUrgh so the public generally that he has opened the above eatahlialunent for their aecomoda tine. He sincerely thanks those friends whose liber ally patronised him whilst Proprietor of the Waverly /louse, and trust that h l aincreasedaccomodations will enable him to retain all his old friends and acquire ma ny new ones. The Eagle Hotel is exclusively for the aceenn molation of gentlemen, and from its central situation in the itnmediate vicinity of the Banks and Public Ofd cea, offers peculiar advantage s to the man ef business. The beds, bedding and furniture are all new. The Larder unexceptionable, and the Wines. Ales and Liquors equal to the best in the State. His Guests will besupplied with their meals at any hour to suit theirconvenience, on the Eastern System Tgaus—Per week, Per day, Oct. 15 Lock and Scriaar Manufactory. CORNER, OP ISI AND PERRY STREETS, PITTBRIIitaa. HAVING removed my manufactory from Birming -11. hem. and located it. at the above stand, I would respectfully invite my friends and the public generally to favor me with a call. fur any article iu my line, viz: Patent Lever Locks, I Cabin door Bolts, Knob, do Latches, Mortise, "-I Mortise Store door, " I Shutter Fastenings. Tobacco, Fuller, Timber and Mill Screws, Dolmen Screws fur lion Works. In addition to the above articles I intend to manu facture and keep a supply of Ratchet and Monkey Wrenches, and Stocks, Taps and Dies, for Steam Boat purposes. Together with a variety of articles not enumerated. All of the best quality and at re duced prices. Locks repaired and Keys fitted; also, Iron and Brass Turning done in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Orders addressed to the manufactory or to Mr B. H. Peebles, Hardware Merchant. Market street, Pittsburgh, will be thankfully received and meet with prompt attention dec 1446 m JAS. PATTERS 17000 b FIRE BRICK—I - wham' and fin We y JOHN SCOTT &Co. out 30 Nu 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street. , ''" ,.. -:.. 4 . 7. '• '!" - ." ,, , ,,,,,r ,I. , e_ .;.:;:, ‘- -. -e.,.. , e , 4. e. - ..,.•,-,•-• --,'.1,i-:,,,' .'?lft7f-r2-...'-':,.-".:,e"7.r-F'....:'-.7- J-..`i, .'',..,"7,-. - .V. , 7 - Te.;:e•.: - - , . , .:.: , :,:e' ,. . 77 '.-.. - :, .: 7.7 . ;)::-.;:e,,.-',..,::`,-...;::, •• t ' $5.00 1.00 THOMAS OWSTON. George Armor, !Merchant Tailor, - ETAS removed to the room on Fourth street, nest 1.1 doom the Methodist Bookstore. Wok/ accu, pied by Win. E. Austin, Esq., where be wild he ita,p, py to serve his friends and customers and the generally, With all work in his line, which be _wilt warrant to be well made and ia Sha t lisseat and molt fashionable style. Select School SW ratite Satilett, itirß. KENNEDY, hating retavned to I r ettAlergb,, ITJL rerpeetfully informs his friends and thereaSk s that he will re-opau his School ea notiday t &It 4ertk , age. 1845. A preparatory Class wik be, u ouslousid*Hok the , establishment. Application/ for admiasiaa to be made at bi► Via. dance, Liborty street, thiAl 400rbelow Nthty. dpc 19411 m 10E, TWO CENTS. RED LION CLOTHING STORE. NO. 163, LIBERTY STNET; Third door froze eke corner of 614 elreet. The Proprietor of this New Estahlishmenr,respecti fully informs the public that ho ha's lately returned.frei Philadelphia, where ho purchased the moat spicaelb4 assortment. of SEASONABLE - GOODS Ever offered in this city, all - of which he intend 4 • manufacturing into • Beady Made Clothing, end to order,.at die SHORTEST NOTICE. Having employed the best workmen--Cutters hid Sewers—he will warrant all garments, made at his Establishment, to be equal both in make and metetiehl „ tta- any other establishment of the kind in Alf city; his stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, s4rrr... NETS, CASSINETTS, VELVETS, - "a SATINS, VALENCIAS 4 • = and other VES TINOS, 3 Calmat be surpassed by any other establishment in Pittsburgh. • His stock of READY MADE CLOTRING, at this present time is complete and cannot fail tit please the meteor every chow of purchasers arta) wish to purchase to the best advantage; betberefore invite* the publicans) Country Merchants, to visit bicapamb. fishment before they purchase elsewhere. Het bit! present FINE CLOTH DRESS and FROCK COATS, 1 OVER COATS of FRENCH BEAVER, PIL OT CLOTHE!, A most splendid assort/71M, of FRENCH AND ENGLISH TWEED BACK COATS, Of all sizes, for Alen and lioys; PANTALOONS AND VESTS, . Of all sizes and quality to suit parchasea. " ROUNDABOUTS, WARMESSES,SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, And the finest Merino do., and Slips; a great verity; of SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HOSE' • And • HANDKERCHIEFS, - All of which he is prepared to exhibit and OFFER FOR SALE Con the :est moderate Lents for CASK AT rite Red Zion was Store, OBSERVE THE SIGN OF tr. THE RED LION. ;4211 . LAWRENCE 'MITCHELL. Pittsbargb, Nov. 19,18N-3n:rd. 11Wholesale Drugripts, Grosers, WOULD be consulting their own, and the ititer, e4st of their customers, to a very great 'lnept, by purchasing Spices, Drugs and the Wooods in the Eastern markets, whole and in sticks., and getting them ground and chipped at the Frunkitn Manufistatast ry, Second street. - i It is not generally known, but nevertheless true, that Dregs and spices sold in the East, are lower in price than whole, of course the profit and cost of grindiak must be made up by adulteration; dye woods have it least 15 per cent, and in some cases 25 per cent. of water added to them. Now water, dust, r orntriesd and flaxseed meal are plenty here, and we can eat them in their purity, if so it pleases us, without pay. lug a pepper price with freight and premium wide& Cinnamon, Allspice, Nutmegs, Gametic, ground, Ginger, Gym Arabic, • - Gum Aloes, Gain Gamboge, Pumice Stone, Lac Dye, , • Indigo, Logwood, Closes and Mace, Fugue, Mustard, Nicwood, . ~ Gum Scamony, Cam Wood, Manganese, Brazil Wood, 1 Nut Galls, Lima Wood, chipped,.. , Pepper, &c. &a. iStc. The Proprietor will not deal in any of the attic* he grinds as a guaranty that all the articles intrusted to him shall- remain as pure as when sent to him. N. B.—Lard Oil constantly on hand. July 20-tf. J. S. GWYNNE. . DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. grim: Public are hereby notified that I have been JIL appointed Agont of this Co. for WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. This Institution unites the principle of Mutual In surance with A JOINT STOCK CAPITAL. I am authorised by the Co npuny to make Insuran ces AT THE SAME RATES AS THE OTHER COMPANIES IN THIS CITY—WITH THIS AD VANTAGE TO THE PERSON INSURED, THAT THE AMOUNT OF PREMIUM WHICH . HE PAYS IS CONSIDERED AS SO MUCH STOCK:. UPON WHICHHF: IS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE. A DIVIDEND OF THE PROFITS OF T 1 COMPANY. As the Company are doinga large and prosperous business, this advantage, I presume, can not amount to less than 20 per cent annual/Y. The person insured incurs no liability or responsf• bility for the losses or expensesof the Co. He is alas entitled to vote and is eligible as a Director. • By the Act of Incorporation, the Capital stock is pledged for the payment of any losses which the Co. may sustain; and, in addition to the security thus af forded to the insured, the law requires that all the profits of the Co. shall hereafter be funded, and remain with the Institution as a further guarantee and protec tion to the insured against loss.—This fund will berep- Tesented by scrip, to be issued by the Co., bearing 811 interest of 6 per cent and divided between the parties insuring and the hollers of the stock. IV , ' When the applicant has been insisted at-any other office. sad transfers his risk to us, he pays nothing for the policy. Applications for Insurance to be mode at my matey in person, et by letter addressed to me. WM. E. AUSTIN', Pittsbutgb, Petnen..., OFFICE IN 4TH ST. BETWEEN WOOD. AN.c.l D. SMITHFIEL nov 2M7 z=2:=