Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, December 31, 1844, Image 2

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    st, That outsi.s not 11 scremLle f,tr office and
too War of great principles, to
edit isteltlir lirpons only, and that hento
igletit6-~llsoktilly, for the true and right,
iviapitte-die first fruits of our integrity
piregteewof our principles.
figlecd, That deriving courage and cnnfidence
\sit•Jorwlinre _undergone and achieved in this
istrifberty, we will press onward in the straight
it before Us, until the one great idea of
all teen: shall have triumphed over that
very for the many, which has UM
. Ike of gorcoutitry and the world.
q:ibcrty patty principles assert
althea, without respect to
titi.suil war alike against robbery
?itweirliXtictisted and however sup-1
Insuittottyitmailtizes with every stir
, Taltipirs :with evert laborer.
fa; TilicA- we are shocked and disgusted to
'lrr.lkittlOCesey tif vealthint , dated In acute
to punish, where it has failed to con-
pang citizen in the exercise
4 ,litts a, he ballot box. The tyrant
Avery' is the same everyvt here, and is,
tural anti fami:iar at the North at ut the '
brazen effrontery surer tees
• .
That this convention recommends the
Of."Litterty Aissociations throughout the
rery election district. whose object it shall
knees wettings to discuss Liberty priori
ursOlitinisticia of information in regard to
ens of' which Shall also be 2.tunding corn
ilimpes otiose-special duty it shall be to
Of.the tiicrest of the Liberty cause ill
That W o lter! Liberty man is a Liberty ad
, anti . lnatud to give to every man a rea
e that-it in him; our country terptires
to dust. The means are not wanting
That illiam Lorimer, Jr.. James Mc-
Oliver. James Rohl,: Jim Johnson,
lithies t 11 - Young, John B Sanderson.
We and Oliver Peppard, be a noun-
Marto., to servo until the meeting of
t all the District Liberty Associu
toAhis comity committee. the names
:nerally ell matters of interest
.y cause in their several dist fiCtS.
rlitcprogtesic of Liberty principles in
-Oniony demands that efficient measures
~,:iminecliately taken for the establishment of
y Liberty newspaper in the city of Pittsburgh, as
:seller - can cope with the other political parties on
-equal footine, nntil this shall be done.
'etasied, That the most feasible plan for effectinE
• is, extending the circulation of the Spirit of
)th.i..9,the,party anti out of party, as the in-
Pastiness( the-Weekly paper will furnish the
.I.:l3mults for establishing the daily.
Therefore. That the cone ntion pledees
itto.use its molest efforts to extend the circulation
, '''''.4llttbsiimper in this . qounry. to at leasttee times its
P, ~r~4reiti number : trint„every Liberty man recommen
,:? 4,effitetalse it. to use his influence with others to induce
, tthetittstitito it and 'hetet every Liber ty meeting
- .•-*:,aftgßafihoni.7llte county. a subscription paper shall be
efforts made to obtain subscribers.
-1104 04 ,4, .'ghat . a Committee. consisting of one
election district in the county, and from
in.she cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny,
t. t o Solicit aubscribets to the Spirit of
_ ,
ition then adjourned.
7 1 " •1: " I ; . 1.1174 1 Vice Preets.
- 4TAi SIN NU, RX.
4 .t•• ••• ••••- '
IV Coro: herd, Sec'y 3.
alines Peppard,
THE :Ngiv . IYuni. ARSON CASt..—The outrage
_mNbichsure.notit ed yesterday, as having been commit
.eral ;'monster named 'Klein, in New lerk, on Mrs.
vi a *. , asid her two children, by setting fire to the
• inishich they were sleeping, has now assumed
= skir ismos•of arson end murder. Mrs. lianlin died on
• tibi9o2lo6 in tbe , hospital, from the effects
• i r criaildi And bruises.infheted on her, anA of the
barns iibe visa:ll'4d while 'wiled up in the blazing a wel
, ling. She had, evidently received several blows from
imams o: souse etbet,weapon. It will be remembered
`'ue of her childreti, a lad eleven years of age, es
tnharmed through the window ; but another, a
her arms, was badly burned. Th.t latter is
4).., and will-probably recover. The perperm
wied both for murder and arson, and as
-% clear and direct, be has little chance of
- penalty of the law.
Bouck, of New York,
244414na1140 , on the Sheriff to do
irE aopproseioa of the ano-rent
ski:the forte of their
tp*and, statingtbot any
r oiScato win be segard.
of reolaral from Ace.
*beefed office" at
ATA•N MiA.llB, of
_Jim; of Moon; Secretaries,
Jib Carothers, and,l;Viper
.tea the 4dect a or the Convention
.-delegotes to ihe State Convention,
ml the 2.2 d of January, 1895, and
,efraolent plan of o;gatticing the
tr county.
- seleped lbe fullwAing gentle
P.dlismas944b, William--•E Austin,
;IA VolatibliuOtassell Eyrett„ John
#tjp!,*.jernes Moffitt, Jam Sakes,
13ropithin.Porsytb, Wm Ltt:iuttr Jr,
...Mork; Roloe'r't Wilson, Thomas
"Parke, Fbomns M Cennhers.
Jimes Clark, Al
ctitsfis Business Com
.reiport resolutions for the
`ilso'for.the org,uniza-
Aittp,ciEntM on that nom-
B Craig,
44p:wetted to meet on %Yednes
• ::
WIO:ISI3DAY, Deeernber
le-ttintentbled; the Business Cum-
foil Owing resolutions, which were
Artg . Abe Liberty party is devoted to the
mericari Slterry, and the redemption of
tomcat from the control of the sinvr
-iss in rapldj'3itsgress, and must and will
Cunt result—rand that its means are rea
and action.
'hat • tho,e;tiiire system or action and
-Ike Libetty. party throughout the
ur,pitivy Were right in principle, ju
atOicetiissit; and iibuthlautly justified
'hat west-14ln the Eonor of loving given
v to►he dominant spirit ?I' slavery, unit
id rape it till , the uld enemy is tutal-
" and feared a 3 we now am,
t this, '464.rtii, we nre already "ill
ftet sulk liy 'he 3umn rule and
i lluAittg'steadily to the end of
ti.Butrutiort of bur country, nom the
...otheettc y.
ihat ifio.:
aw en tightened bencsolence of
conic:l:oi with equal kindoe,:, th e
lockholtot-of bgth the uppteisorand the
are urre the circulation of peti
ttore,and ConcresA, on the several
:y have control, affecting human
arrt.ntinn was harmoninaq, and spirited
'err made by Dr Elder, Rev EStnith, John
as Maffit,%V Latimer, jr, H B Herren, F
tnd others.
Thatthe newspapers in the city. are re.
isted to publish the proceedings of this
trip Aiming post.
*fop ref Allei
• ilt, 411 iii
11108. Plll/41PS 2 WIC 1. 'SMITH, EDITORS
I). M. Geras./. T. Cori 14117.T.T. WIII VIM:A It
U S iLTOR.—We observe that some of nor east
ern cutemporaries are permitting themselves to get in
to a passion on the subject of a U S Senator. Unkind
remarks about any one of the candidates will not be of
the slightest advantage to any of the tither aspirants.
but may have the effect of disseminating bitter personal
feelings among those who should act with harmony
and good will. It will require the united etfurts of the
democratic representation in the Legislature to elect a
man who wilt properly 'represent the wishes and prin
ciples of a majority of the people of the State. Many
of the gentlemen that have been named for the distin
guished station are well deserving the confidence of
the party, end their election would be received with
goat satisfaction. We are confident that none but a
worthy men and sound democrat will be chosen, and
we cunsiderit the height of folly for the organs of the
party to work themselves into a passion about the mer
its of those who do not stand the slightest chance of
an election, and who, perhaps, do not desire it.
his a settled feeling in all parts of the State, that
the Senator to - be elected at ensuing session of the
Legislature, must be selected from the west. This
part of the State has brought forward a number of
men, whose commanding talents, unswerving attach.
ment to the principles of democracy and ardent efforts
in every mensurethat will contribute to the welfare of
the people, would cause the election of either of them
to be hailed with universal public approbation. We .
believe that the claims of the west will not be dispu
ted, and with such candidates as it will present, we
nannot understand why nny other section of the State ;
should endeavor to push forward other aspirants fur
the station.
In whatever discussion "may take place on the sub
ject, we hare all personal criminntions maybe avoided,
and as the merits, personal and polls ical, of all the
candidates are well known, we hope it will be left to
the Legislature to decide upon. There is no dang e r
that anyone unworthy the confidence of the party will
be selected, and we believe it bad policy to get up a
discussion about the matter, in which Injustice may
be done to those who are in every respect &serving of
any favor the public can bestow. . •
Ainny of the leaders tithe Native party, would be
much offended if charged with being, personally, no
better than the Hartford Coeventiouists, who tried to
plot treason during the last war, and to devise means
to thwart the efForts the country was then ma
king to drive back a foreign foe. The following
Erna one of the amendments to the Constitution sug
gested by the [tattler.' Convention, owl we would like
to know in what tiddlers from the amendment demand
ed by the Natives of the present day.
"No person who shall hereafter be naturalised, shall
be eligible as a menthes of the Senate or Howse of
Representatives of the 'Ailed States, nor capable of
holding any civil office under tine authority of the
United States."
and the Executive Committee of the Liberty men of .
Detroit, Michigan, have 'lmpaled a long statement,
sustained by affidavits and letters, attesting that a let
ter purporting to be from Mr BIHNET to a Mr J fT
Gs at.asto, whiob- was- 'Omani on the eve of the Pre
sidential election, Was a FOHGEHY. The friends of
Mr 13/RNEY promptly denounced it as a forgery,, when
it appeated, and the Pittsburgh Gazette affected much
indignation at the author when it was ascertained
to be so. As the Gazette published the injurious
letter, it is hut just that it should insert the full Refu
tation. Will it do se? We shall are.
Santous lesunatacrtov.—A letter fronitangityrn,
dated the 15th ult. published in the U S Gazette, states
that an insurrection of rather a serious character, has
recently btoken out in the neighborhood of Lemma, in
that province, some 60 or 70 miles from Caracas. A
body of troops was immediately despatched by the Go
vernment to the camp of the insurgents, for the pur
pose of restoring order; nn their arrival a Aag a truce
was sent to the hostile army, with offers of pardon and
protection to all who would morn peaceably to their
home.. These offers were. however, njected, and a
battle ensued, which resulted in the complete over
throw of the revolters, and the death of their leaders.
Centeno and Alvarado.
Salem Register, of Monday, records t.f. vend incidents
of the great arc in that city on Thursdly. Among
them is the following: A little babe. in one of the hou
sea destroyed, whether through accident or design we
know tot, was enveloped in a fether bed, thrown from
the window, and the bed removed to a distance ftom
the conflagration. The poor mother. at the fate of her
innocent, was almost distracted, and filled dm air with
her shrieks, until her child was found uninjured and
unconscious, sleeping safely in its novel quarters inthe
ernment have applied, through some nebleivan at
Rome, to Cardinal Acton, in the hope of obtaining his
interest with the Pope, in favor of a renewal of diplo
rr.atic intercouse between the Vatican and St James.
The Cardinal replied that before such a measure can
be entertained by his Holiness, all the penal laws a
gaiust Popery must be repealed in Parliament; and,
when that is done, it will be a tine qua non in any
Convention that may be offered by the Pope that there
shall be a nuncio at StJames'.
Tee Teats. U Swore or Ws, R.—The three new
sloops of war, the Portsmouth, built at Portsmouth,
New Hampshire; the St Mary's, built at Washington,
and the Jamestown, built at Norfolk, are now all at an
chor in the harbor of Norfolk, where they have been
ordered for the purpose of testing their respective sail
ing qualities. They are all spoken of as unusually
swift vessels, of the most perfect model and finish, and
the result of their trial of speed will be looked to with
great interest.
. lar The AElleritesblamethe election Of Polk and
Dslins with the defeat of their project to destroy the
world. This is not enumerated, among the charges
matte by the whigs against the democratic candidates,
but it. is about as true as any that they have advanced.
"THE SPOTTED Fo.tren."—A new song, with this
title, is forthcoming in Cincinnati, says a correspond
ent in, the New York Mirror. Is there not a mi,,take
in the title as given in the Mirror? Should it vet be
"Spotted Fairer
IJUDOK ea: Ject.--.-Judge Cantsitv, of deer '''..o.
1 Criminal Court, in consequence of the pet i t jat3o bar.;
• - - • ~.. •
'lug found a ifen!iet or sot tr y in two isasessif as-
Gault and battery, in opposition to his charge, directed
the sheriff to discharge the jury, fur the reason, as he
said, , "that no Suilice could it's expected from inch
men," and said they had perjured themselves by their
verdict, Mr Paudeili, a Kespectable citizen, and it
member of the jury, the next day when his name was
called, refused to serve -until the Judge retracted hi l e
improper and insulting language. The Judge ordered
him to be imprisoned immediately fur forty-eight hums.
An application by an Attorney was mude to suspend
the sentence for a short time, in order that Mr Pandel
!li might reflect on what hail occurred. The Attorney
obsCrved that the usual mode of proceeding was to take
' a rule to show cease, by which means the party had
an opportunity to be heard hy . e.oun3el, and that it was
! rather hard that a juior'shneld be sent to prison in
such a summery manner, without a trial and unheard,
The judge said he must decline suspending the execu•
tion of the sentence, and ordeied the commitment to
ibe made out forthwith. Such a judge should be remit.
ved from the bench. - That is no plans to exhibit pai
-1 skim
The Albany Argus, of Wednesday. contaitis 60M11
further accounts of the anti-rent difficulties. It seems
the Governor has issued a proclamation calling on .the
Sheriffs to do their whole duty in the supposs - sion .of
the anti•rent rints, by summoning and arming all the
farce of their respective counties, if necessary, and
stating that any remissness on the part of those officers
will be regarded by him as n sufficient cause of remo
val from Ace. It was understood that an anti-rent
meeting was to be-held on Wednesday, at Claverack,
or Chatham Fuer Corners, by persona from * inert
ties of Albany, Rensselaer, cohomhiss and Siholtat
Meetings, numerously attended, 'wea*, , held'at Clave•
rack on Saturday and Suritlity.
Nr.w Ilavesnitte NlttirA Butt..—Tisa . bill pro
viding fur a voluntary rtiatiwaystem, the whole num
ber of soldiers not to exceetloooo, passed the !loose,
♦4ednesdev, Dec 18. On the test vote the majority
for tho bill was 133. The bill abolishes militia truin
lags, except of Volunteer Companies, whose members
are to be r uid fur their services, 13 per annum each.
It provides for an enrollment of all persons of nn age
to do military duty, on the Ist of April in each year,
of which a return is to be made to the Adjutant Gen
eral on the lit of limetensiting.
of Nni wich, tut. 4 amepted the appointment of reebi.
tient of the Morris Canal Company.
COUNTP:RrEtTS —Beware urcouritet felt half dollars,
dated 1838, face or Liberty well dune, reverse not so
well. Lighter in weight than the genuine coin.
Attar.ar rue M Twu of the antior; party
hare been arrested to Grntion. New York, fort.hemur
clerof Mr. Smith at one of the meeting*. -No-resist
ance was made, as m tny of the '•lndian* , have
seceded from the party since it has resorted to iamb
despetat• means to maintain its lawless position.
E .... T' The name of the Sloyamenaing Bank has barn
changed ta'llatdin "Bank of Commerce."
Factory Girls of Lonell talk of establiilaiog • !ergo
Fecurry, to - bo worked by themaeltea, and of whith
they .obtall be Jobs! Stock Proprietors.
Five FISHISG.—Twentr-uiglit vetsets belonging to
Hingham, coedit and 'locked daring the fest season,
):367 barrels of nutckerel.
JAIL l'O Jail. la Plywouth, MASA, is
CRICA r Tuorki.t.iso.—The faro fruni Baotou to
7Cinti'lvrk b only $1,50.
Jostick llAtutstiuntst, Esq., le newly elected
Canal CI miniii—iirievr, assumes the duties of his liiiice
on the second Teeirity of January, 1845, ‘ntl his term
of servire is three year.. Mr 11 was formerly a repre
sentativein the State Legislature from Cheaussecounty,
where he furnished many ptoofs of sound. practical a
bility, and of cutssisteat tivvotion to clot ptiwiples of
Mr 11. succeeds the Ilea J East; Mt Lt.te, by whose
vacation the state loses the services of an able and ef
ficient officer. Daring the administration of the pres
felt Board the revenue derivud from our public works
has constantly increased, thus fully justif2,iug the an
ticipations fcrmcd ly those who originally favurcd un
election by the people.—Dent Union.
more alarming news from the scene of violence and
insubordination along the Hudson. Ihe authorities
having so fur slept, apparently,have at length become
alarmed, and are bestirring themselves in earnest.—
The following letter gives the latest particulars:
lindron, Dee 25.—Our anti-rent troubles ate on
the incrett.e. The examination (.1' four prisoners now
going on, is likely to unravel all the secreta of their ae
sociation formed in this money, on the 19th of Octo
ber 11.4 t. it enrols some very respectable formere,and
e but is more astonishing, some too who own their landa
in fee.
A very respectable farmer was committed
f r om witness's stand, who refused to testify and to an
swer a question which he said did not criminate hint
self. After some hours, he sent a message to the Court
that he wits willing to answer all question pot to him.
He was then put nn the stand, and testified to many
important facu. So that with a few such witnesses
we shall at no distort day put a quietus upon that
agrarian spirit in this county. This rebellion flour
ishes well in our manor towne, as ignorance is wgenial
soil for its growth. Last evening a messenger arrived
from Albany informing us that in the noon cars of
to-day, the Burgess Corps, with 300 stand of arms,
is edition to their own, would come to ear aid, and
if-we can fetch the first of January, I shall then have
full faith in our new Governor elect as ha will {,robe-
lily at once declare these several counties in a state of
insurrection, and quarter troops in every infected dis
trict.. Our shetilf received a message this morning
and from a reliable source, that the anti-renters were
personally notified last night in the town of Cogake to
bold themselves in readiness, at a minutes warn
ing to march to Hudson, fire the city and release the
Severe Sentener.—Henry Bowser, alias Henry
Boyd, a free colored man, from New Bedford, employ
ed on board the brig Cornelia. Captain Ricketson, be
longing to that port, was tried before the County Court
of Norfolk, on Thursday last, charged with enticing
and abetting the boy Tom, belonging to Mr J Redder,
of that town, to escape from his master. The bey had
been employed onboard, the Cornelia in fanning grain,
when the prisiouer persuaded 'biro to secret Mmself
on board, and famished him with provisions aAer he
was secreted. After the vessel left sbe rai l aground
on Crany Island flats, when on searching the 'vessel
she Captain discovered him, and immediately returned
And delivered him up to his owner. The prisoner
was sentenced te serve four yearn in the Penitentiary.
A Pirale.—The ship John Marshall. which wired
at New York on Tuesday, from Ro:tenlam. reports
having seen a very suspicious vessel. It is supposed
to have been a piratieal schooner which had boarded
a brig, (which was in sight) and intended to have board
ed the John Marshall. hal nut the latter made its es
cape in the night. The captain says,—"she hoisted
Generse colors at the same time she had a black flag
hoisted at her main; we hoisted colors, whoa ahe haul
•ei down her black Hag."
Pritp4 - 7y.
From the Bal
SECiiND ‘ itllslolt. '
WASl3lMiluii, bee. 27, 11 / 44 ' ,
`Tlie Senate vras not in .111:10itIliKot111111101 1 V
jonrned till Monday. %Vhat a strange og it s, t
!he roa4t beef and plum pudding of Christmas render
men waft for legialation.
Mr Hammet woad there wawa question in4hich
took a gory deep interest,ir,: that of the annexation
of Texas. Various prviects had been subtaittril anti
referied to a committ e of the wholO. -k therefore
her lime important to know nt what time the discussion
was to take place. Tina was important - both To the
friends of nnuexation, as well as these who are oppo
sed to tLe measure. This was a short session, and it
must be evident there was not much time to spare.—
He therefore desired the - Chuirimrn ofcommittee
OH Foreign Afiltirs xo gate what his views were on
the sohject.
Mr C.l Ingersoll, the chairman of the committee,
snid it was his intentionto have called for, the consid
eration of the subject on Monday lam, but ns experi
ence had shewn there was a generni indbposition to
take up important questions lx - forothehulidnys,he had
forborne. For his pact he was prepared to go in
to the eiscusiion at any moment, but owitg to the
thin attendance this morning, he thought the' better
plan would he to 61 Monday next for the consideration
of the subject. So on that duy the &bate will take
Mr Parmenter desired, to go into committee of the
whole on the bill to limit.theaumber of warrant offi
cers of the-navy, etc; but he did not succeed.:
Mr C J Ingersoll argued in favor of taking up a
bill providing for the dist; ibution of $300,000, paid by
Peru to this cotmtry.
Finally, Margret, the litmus went into commit
tee of the whole, and resumed the consideration of
the bill providing for the reduction of the ptioe of
lands. .
Mr Smith, of "Mines. fouls the floor. and made a
king speech in favor of the bill. By way of illustra
ting oneof his positions, to referred to Governer Dorr,
anti said if the people of the State of Rhode Is
hied, were not oppressed by an aristocratic govern.
ment, they would instantly release the Governor from
his mist*.
Mr Pettit followed. also in favor of the bill. lie
skewed the ieklocentrut it landed to poor men to go
and acquire independence its the west, and drew a
comparison between the situation of the poor, sickly,
confined wolitmen in the menufects rice of the moll,
and that, of the "tore in the west, whose occupation
lay amidst the sweet mell of the ckwer-tield or the new
made hay.
111 r 11cClernand next took the floor, nod gave his
[At this stage of the proceedings, s drunken man,
named John Morgan, a resident, 19m told, of this ci
ty, commenced shouting in the gallery. He was in
stantly removed by the officers of the Howie.]
When Mr SlcClcrnard concluded, the committee
After the presentation of some ..Eseetaire commu.
nie.ti 111 l A nod the reference of Senate hill. , the, fbet..e
mdjoartievi to filomin.y. these Aaho voted for
the tutioutoment wet, 'Mr Cave Johtort. It quite gur•
prised hi• friendv, who talk of a ••eervire of p:nte."—
I helieve it is the foal time this modern At iaities has
done on.
From the Nashville Union, Dec 19.
It will strike most of out minders with surprise to
see, from the crptimi of this *nick, that there is some
comiertion between Cabinet-making sad President
making. Both will moose skit surprise to learn that
thi4 connection exist. only in the ertftil muchinations of
certain Arend whiffs, who are SOUCROCIA to WIC liii
sensions in our rank 4. The scheme of division in our
ranks Seelll4l to be thus—Mr Wright is to he held up
as the Northern Democratic candiditto for the Presi•
dewy. and Mr Daimon is to beheld op as the South
ern Democratic candidate. The jealousy which would
naturntly sprint up between the respective friends el
these two gentlemen, is the result from which whigism
calculates upon to its tank.. It is possible
that some democrats may be found soft enough to fall
into this snare: but there isnot , port oldie game which
will prove abortive, unless we ale grratiy mistaken in
the true character of the President elect. We refer
now to the conjectures and speculations as the probs-1
ble preference+ of Cal Polk as to his siteceirsor,mi they I
may he indicsited iq the selettion of his cabinet. If'
he should retain MrTtilboun, the scheme of the plot= I
ten is, thirst his retention is to be heralded as condo-
Ova of the President'4 preference us to the successor..
On the tithe; hand, if Mr Calhoun should not contio
se in lie Cabinet. and his place should he filled by
some distinguished Northern derneenu —then the in:!
ference to he drawn is, that the President has doelere' d
in favor of Mr iiiright us his snrcessur.
The ingenuity of this sub.:toe is apparent—but there
is nne fact about it which blows it teak air—it is 4
whiff scheme. Wein this fact is kept in view the
whule R.WilleXiNitle without injury to toy
If any democrat lins been deceived fur a moment
in this matter, we trust he wilt at once right him
We have not had one word of conversation or con-
situation loamy way with Cul Polk about his Cabinetorr ! nooks at Aactioa. •
' hie prefere ices between Messrs IVright and Calhoun:. ATTILI, he sold at .'Karma's Auction Mart, cm , '
What we 4ay. therefore, we soy from our knonledge of V V net of 2d and Wood streets, this evening. at . 64
the character of the men. 11e will not permit him- o'clock, a valuable collection of Reeks suitable fur
self to he entangled in env scheme connected with the New Tear's presents. Among which ate Stwudani,
succession. His sole aim a ill he In administer the Iliitorir.al, Theological end Miscellaneous works in
'fgovernment prusperuirsly for four years. I%c will foncy.trindinto.wit'h MILIIV other ILI ticlria-
etters the succession entirely to the people. In making d ee 31. P NI'KEN IV A , Auctioneer.
up his cabinet, lie will not have Hay regard to 111. —____ _
question of thesuccession. Ile will not tukesides be- New Year Gifts at *action.
twcen Metisrseallerun and Wright. He knows themi T Davis' Commercial Auction so a, corner of
both to he men of splendid abilities, of sterling vir- , Al wood and slh street, this evening (Tuesday)
toes, of sound denrecrirey and of mire diameters.— December 31st, at 6 o'clock will he I , oltt it variety of
But which of them, nr whether either of them shall he Anneals, in handsome binding for 1845, whit other at ,
his successor, he will lt'iwe to the sovereign people, tides suitable for New Year presents. - 1
withoutin the slightest degree undertekitig to influ- ,
ence theiichoice. If Mr Calhoun should be retained dec 31 - Auctioneer ,
in the Cabinet, we therefore undertake to assert that , •
such retention would in no degree indicate the pre-: Balance of a Retail Gra/tore SUMP
feren-:e of Col Polk fur him over Mr Wright or any , ,
other democrat for the Presidency- • Nor would Mr
T HIS day. Tuesday, December 31st, at 2 o'clock,
Calhoun's withdrawal from the Cabinet and the fill-
P. M., w ill besold,pt Davis's Commercial Aim
ing of his placo by another, be susceptible of a con- Rooms, center of Weed itinl sth steeds, the hat.
struction going to indicate Cu! I'ulk's feelings or pre
, a nt e of a Retail Grocery Store, as the owner is decli
I nine business; the stuck consiets in part of Creee, Stt-
Although we speak entirely upon our own responsi
gar, Tea. Spice., Tobacco, Queensware, 1 Patent
bility, we think we know the President elect so well
that we cannot mistake his views, when we assert that
Balance, • 'OlllOlll Yarn, Window Glass, Bed - curds.- , lot Of s sti ,. te he n
urruture, tke. &C.
in making his Cabinet, his selections will be made ex-
J D DAIS. Auction
elusively with tin eye to the snctiese of his own . admire doe 31.
istration, and not in the smallest degree with WIC Pr To Me Honorable the Judgei of the Caret of 'Gine
to trelping any particular friend to be his successor. If ea l Quareer Sessions of the Peace, its and for
there be democratic cliques, as we have seen stated, I the County of Allegheny.
let these cliques learn at once that as such they will i The petition of John Oberly, of East Deer tome
never receive any countenance from the President elect. • ship, hi the county aforesaid, respectfully aheweth
His democracy is of that stamp which looks to the pros- I Tina yttur petitioner hathprovidell himself with ma•
perky of the whole party and the entire country. Lie te - enda for the accommodation of travellers and others.
has seen the fatal comwquencus of division in our rankir at his duelling house in the township aforesaid, and
and his course will be otken with an eye to harmony pray! dusty Our honors will be pleased to grunt him it
and union in our party. He will not permit tlatilielee- . !Kiska* iiiiteep a public house of entertainment. And
tiun of his Cabinet to be in any Nu, awmected 'with , your petitioner, as in duty bowel. will pray.
the succession.
. .
The position of the President elect is in many re-I
spats extremely delicate—but knowing his prompt
ness, his firmeets, his wisdrert, his perseveranceand
his ardent patriotism, as we do, we shall repose with
perfect confidence in the belief that Idle confidence in
the belief that his difficulties will be dissipated as he
meets them, and that his administretion will be emi
nently successful in ',Pill ring the proverity of tbe whole
people and in maieteirtg the high character offshe gov
New Brunswick in trouble—Some of the Now
Brunswick people are getting rather warm, for win
ter weather, on the subject of timber en the public
lands. 1311 the *eters of the upper St John,. there
are many timber trespassers, and they, with their
friend's who supply them and will reap a profit, are out
quite fiercely, against the government taking any de
cisive steps to stop these proceedings. In the mean
time, says the Bangor Whig, the trespassers not being
restrained earn limits, by any 'permits,' came in con
tact with each other, and neithet being willing to give
up. they fought it out. At Baker's Brook, a few days
since, a pitched battle took place between two par- .
ties. One man's arm was broken near bill body. and
he was otherwise much injured, while nearly all re
ceived bruises and banged eyes. If they begin to fight
so early in the season; while lumber is plenty , they
'will bo likely to have sharp wotk by spring.
- I
sok for, thee wiski quimoiscOst,.,
13ut *one knows aught about thee.
Art/omen beelioktt
shame. Atrvoreerd summer's fled,
• - :The, reaper's time is got*, dear!
1;will not dream that thou art .dead,
Ourcabin is a Aret4-place,- •
The very walls luck sorrow?
gat could I see thy darling face,
They'd rhscwithjtry to-morruvr:
Aveueien baelisit!
O sibame, Nvorrreeo art thou dead!
Ana diast tire brave the danger
Of stormy FUSS to toil fortnend,
• And fteriA with the stranger?
My beittnifnl. my young; my brirvel
• 'Thy maker's heart is overt;
But though i may mit share thy grave,
titer souls will meet in hearvon.
Avooreen Deelishl
Quick iVork.—the Natchez Courier therschroni,
clef the doings ofe chap 'indult -
"Ssmaro—A fellow lamieil here a few iliys nnee
from a steamboat, took a horse filen Mr Cresier's
at the landing. rode hint up, to Philip Sklar* mill,
traded him ow for another horse and $25, took the
last obtained horse back to °review's fuck, left him,
and stepped on board the same steamboat he had just
left, and was soon on his wiry to the Crescent City.—
The owners of the two }torsos meeting shortly after,
the Mailer neat explained.
POLITICAL Matraas.—No ruination for 1843.
, The New York Tribitne save the whiz, of Gennealee
and Votes counties. of Ledyard, Cayuga Co., Fort
Plain. Muntgootery Co., and several other portions of
that State, have recently held Conventions to deride
on and indicate their future course. In every instance,
resolutions were unanimously adopted in favor of main
; taining the Whig Principles and the Whig Name, and
repudiating-all alliances inconsistent with either, or
with good faith toward any portion of their atiro- 1
rates. The Whigs of Vatetecounty nominated Henry
Clay as their candidate for President in 1848. Out
of this city, we blieve there aie just three Whig jour
! oafs in our State which are favorable to
two of them in Albany and one in Ulster county—not
one North or %Vest of A !hairy. So in Pentisylvniiin,
we notice some traces of Nativism in Pittsburgh, and
now other out of Philadelphia. In Ohio, nut a single
Whig journal inclines to Nativism, and the Senate
that State bus just disdained it by a vote of 34 to 1.
Sn is is. with the except hill of a few largo chies, through
out the Union. Out of one thousami Wbig journals
in the country, not twenty incline to Nativism. Re
flection hue reclaimed thousands a ho, in the first agony
of defeat resolved to enlist in the Native ranks. New
York City, which frrit fanned the flume of intolerance
ley thefatal error of our last Charter Election, will re
trieve her mistake, so far as may be, at the, election,
next :April. The great body of the Whigs will never
again he trapped as they were let month. One each
cxj el 'anent suffices them abundantly.
FRIDAY. 'Deoember27
Flour—City Mills has said nt $4 124 to $4 2.5, the
latter on time; but the transactions have been light--
Howard street has sold at $4 124 for gaud mixed
brands.fromstnre, and $4 from the cars, tte dealers.—
There is no Sa4quetienna in market. The inspections
fur the week cormiritii - the following kinds and tiounti
tiesi Howard tteret 4354 bhls. and 247 half tlitsl,4 Coy,
Milts 3.383 bbla and 693 half bbbc Susquehanna 70
14)14; Family dour 56'! Win Total-3,7G:l hM. , and
985 half bbls wheat II .or. Thera wu aim inspert,
172 bids Tye Moor, cod 104 61,1,, 201 hnk bbls awl 37
hogshead •ertrn Mein.
tcritin.—The supply is leos Metter and
Mrs( in partiCular; 1!!.n t h.. ho ier .14 sit k n it any •n-
Pintinn tie Mites; Ilbeiwr'l olmssiKstir 4;411 - kw, ' from S 8 to
93 mots *Armed to pvinwt red. a astis to 3.7 tor i:ferit
to fair tinniities-, 14einit) be quoted lis tV ti 3 el,.
Far Maryland told l'entivlc.tnist. Corn bus heel, pea
ty but 'Le market ruttier livn,ier that. I:1,i
wect*lV'ellsttre•whitti , 37 to iii orals, sad yellow 3!,
Pr ~t ,t at 25 to 27 c out,.. .looermtell
is firm 44E4 IM• !trim.., inferior r. tin;, off at somr
thing kw , . r!axsced :wits at $1 ral a +I 2.i pet
basis/A.—Bali Se".
Pittsburgh 4dthiuwY,
FOR dui rearikion of d rrentrnaut or derormitr•R
of the h.tm.lll frAittte. bitch ai Club or Reeled
frig c renlraelrd joints, sarrrterk mut .Btsabitrarus or
Sqd; nling, sod , of Diseasses , of hlt frye r such as Ca
la race, etc, ander the care of
LibPrtv, near the comer of Fcatrth street.
dec 31-,ltt
We, the submibers, citisens of S. Deer township,
do certify, that John Oberly, the above pe.titioa
er is of good repute' for iMnesty and temperance,
and is well provided with house room and conveni
ences for the - accommodation of travelers and others,
and that said tar..t n is necessary. .
James Dickey, Robert Dunn,
J acub HershiMwee, Geo H Lee,
John Vance, Joseph Adams,
JAri.lit Sutart, ..• ' - . RtheerKennedy,
John Aber, James Vance,
Geo W Rhine, Geo Corbi.
dec 30-3t'
1. Nu 39, Front
ein cities promptly.
!her supply Just'
El °NEI Drr Syrup
or*, delicio?—
for tale by 11
d 27
41.4imainef alte.26olt, y -
trm And fire. Tito Ondel .
them 'with Messrs' Ifei int o
43 WOthi et, eppoen timid "•'-.791.="r".7,-et
dee-418.. ,r 1,
" - Nike
TffE . rpiEfffiiil'eithienti • r
are hereby notified, tha es elm/
at the usual planes and_titgo [rani ,
TurAiday, the 7th Of January', Tor - , timaelectiott
of two persons qualified to serve a dratittirs by that
Poor thecae year from tat April, end fiir 3 partite*: tot,.
Auditors. E F PRATT, - •- A
Overisetra of the row._
THE partnership heretofore exiating under die *nu -;
of Wuon ScHA ants, in the Groalryiiii-•
this day dissolved by mutual consent,. -
l'inibargb, Dec.27o, 1844. . • - ,
N. 13.—The business will be clmtimmtl
Harris, on the north-mist corner of Smithfield •y
Third al rerts.
doe 23--d3tawle
Neer Piano music •
At J. If. Mefloral. No. 1.1.'2, Wood street
UNTI.:R'S Pixoo Forte Instrocuir.
Jarvis's .do
Ethiopian Overture, containing all the Etliiopiatt
Overton-, "Colirt de Bagdad" for two
Sw jbe dal with, toss' I,oti airaisgeti
ae ," &tett fur ti'irrTiverfot tiers, by T flirter.
Covatina, "while this heart its try ailing," by
rian4 March; Grand Russian Stiti'els; Hewitt'.4
Quick' Stec.
Empreaa Hlentietta's Waltrv'VAlhatitiss.,” a gram
waits; Ostir s icar 'Feather waltz: Allegthet+lost lehiret.
la waltz; .1. a .. f 72
Polkas, a i 4
six numbercOi
Son C:; "LI
diet; “ituckno
man irate du
rove; Blind B
be thy guide,'
Rune MO tram
Clarke's Ct
Ctsok's .►rt
All the alp
grhiisle. MIA* ittikr
TII E ODP.ONL.--n . colfiteiinn'nf
arranged and hanniniikesiifor 4 Take+, by As*.
The Vocalist--consisting of duet and enarAaraua .
or Songs, in parts.anangetLfar Sopeane, dases,'.Telistr". 7 .
and Haas snims. by Lona Masehdr 6:l,llfehist. is•
Twerupene Aladrigals--Gleea and part- : sans
choir practice and chair singing r • ' •••
Carmina S.lcra-.-Marou'a Sacred ttorpr ; • -1
Missouri llantiony—Busym Aica&scolketieln:
Bradbury and Sanders's Young Choir;
The Boston School Song
with a general assortment of School Books amt.:Star;
tionary. Pim)+, music, Mmicsdlnstrealents. •
All the above arc on hand. and far selasistorestans
pokes by J. H. 1,41E.LL011, -
- - iv** mac
Nraw pima. ni 14111111014:
11A1WEB'S BIBLE, SO 15.:
At Cook's; No ES, PArth street.
COOK has tbis day reeeiveti "AGINCOUP." - st
new novel by G Fr R
Harper'sllluminetetlllible, -
"The Ladies National Magazine for January. :
The 121.eth of beauty.
Camptwlrs" Paeans , . a spiendidlyibainullOiona: A.: ,
1111imioted Life of Christ, a.lmirutiftriptiok.
Wilton HarVey and other tade.! by .11isSedgricit ir
History of the Reformation in 'Germany.
giebuhr's Ilistory of Rome, now eompluloli 011 -
paets, or bound- in 2 voiumes.
European Times and Lothlon Poach.
Living Age, Nos 131 sod
Shakspeare Iltourrued,No 37. 64
Cyclopealia of Practical/ Medicine, Nom 1.6 4,14 lo.;
Minn and ftichelieu.by James, new wp
Musical Library for nerember.
tiletenitia .hivesaile nook:,
Pietirrialtifeof Narodeon; TOP! of thelattglibitt-
Histury of Felt and Hofer; 'gland ; •
Book ter Viirb; Child's rtamStOry. Week;
Bu,tley's Stevie* about frt. Nursery , Rhymes otf utx
stincti; land;"'
American Girls' Book; Biuglrfs &mit% ttlaliut •
Little Gift; Travellers; •
Chi?* Gem; Nursery Smogs;
Two Half Dullarx: Saint ffickelail Gifti
Masteernan Reedy; Boys' and Girls' Library ;
Every Day Book, 'Varier Bonk ; • - •
lli,tory of A DI); Pl)etie flo rimed ;
Paul Percival; • Hoftinarin Ct user
Happy Hoe's; Bohm Heed;
Paul and 'Virginia; ' Christmas Take; -
Little Keepsake; Evenings at Home;
Rhoda; Play 'House and Work.
Stories for Little Girls shop: -
Parlor Magic; Interesing '
Begs' Week-day Book; Paniityla Yonng Amerirsrt.
The above, with a' getinVirssortment of" 'Spldid
Books, adapted . for Cbristmlet• New Year and Birth'
Day present., for sale by C. H. KAY, etarner'ef Wood
and 3d streets. • ' • • der:2s.
Penn Immranee Company.
AN Election for Directors of this Institution
be held at the triiice of the Company, tionth•
east corner of Market and Third streets,. ritishurgh,
on Monday the 6th day of January, 1844,, Jietween
the hours of 9 and 1, o'clock, A. M.
dec 25—dte
Books, Papery 'Pratte, Ike,' •
SABBATH Temperance "militias and the I'u
on hand and refeiving from New York airy, an
from the American Temperance Union and Tracts«
vies, du.. a large assortment of tracts in padisiges- 7
Temperance papers, pateeblets, books, &c. A
500 American temperance juornaLr. and 10,000 yclil
temperance advocates, and supplies of Tomperanci
Sadors--Presbyterian--Loonsis' and Pittsburgh A
manac's, and a variety of boot* &c for Christin a
and New Years; for male low at whole ale std ratpft ..
Beeswax, tallow, dried apples and peaches,--Dea ns
carpet and paper rags &c. taken in parties* or ea
d 25 dlor lw
Wonsan& Navigatiaa and lint tanerinio
THE Annual election for Directors of tisecTith
burgh Navigadoe end Firsismeiteee Compel):
will be lick] et the Mee, No 35, Market Attie; n
Monday, JanneryBth, 1845, betweeW the houre'kif 11
40 Libefiy street
JOHN W. liAkit/5..!