, • syssit,rA WitIigMr.MORNIPIG, DECEMBER 24. 1644:, larklethe outside of our paper larlholbliowing nominations *ere omitted in the t ooba prdeseaks of tho Democrats of the 4th 114011 h 4 Robinson, Samuel M'Cistr in& Asiniosolto HJey. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION azirequested to state that, in put-summit of the salt, t s Denaieratie Convention to nominate a candi date ter Meyer, will meet to-day at 10 o'clock, at the Washington Hotel. Gres CLOG CONCZIKT.—We are requested to state tijoithe sealed Concert of the Democratic Glee Club will be given on Friday evening next. Programme to. narrow. - ,14.10 NOTE EXCHAIIGIC.—By reference to our leek Note List. Of rOfTreted by Mr. KRAMER, it will Ifireetera that there is a further , improvement in the catnilecr""ther approach to the specie standard sithwegh we have IRO "balaroce•wheel," no "regulator," lithe dope of a National Bank. .CEEMP Postdcatiorm.--Cook has received a splendid lot of cheap publications for the Christmas kitorshys, to which wo would call public atumtion. AP!mg then we novice 43huatla's MaGaunt for Januar); splendidly em bers:lied. Tag COURT or QUILLS A Pa; a Tale by the popu lar norelist Ainsworth. ?arises Lyrists Aoc—A weekly „land monthly publication containing the spirit el all the Foreign hiagesinee. T*s Staines Gat.i.con; a Pirate Tale by Prole*. aoc bir,sham• THE OPAL, A CHRISTIAN GIFT. •1f Ka/ JAEIH JOIMPRA. HATA 'Cale of the most beautiful end unique hooks of the maim the excellent taste of whose binding end de coration render it imam valuable as a centre - table or- Itan the high moral and ieligious tone per its numerous end varied literary article:, fit it to boo desirable companion fur the yowl. The illustrations, eight in number are of that higher ehnsenter in tlesign, which we should wish to see so. p~iiedin e the endless succession of heads and, por snits, OWN funning the principal portion of the Talli- Ilidolo4 1w our numerous annuals. Mr J Ricker, of N York, deserves groat credit for the means which he el feeds us of making so desirable • christmas present, airoksitectwdially recommend it to our readers. " PROF. PORTER'S LECTURES The Prof. at the earnest solicitation of the mem bers Obis present class, and otters who are desirous dicaitirAag his system of Arithmetic and Maths moolso„ has consented to remain end give another coarse ref Lectures, if sufficient encouragement be af forded. The -present course will close this evening, and all putspnawbomay wish to join acts*. for another mounts, etegmbillisce on Thursday evening, the 28, are per ticolarierequested to be present at the Lecture Room e tbs owner of Liberty and St Clair sts, and give in their same& The Land shall not be sold frrever.—Moss' There will be a meeting of the workingmen, i e. with producers, friendly to the National Reform levnitenent, on Friday evening next, et early gas 404, at 430 Washington Hotel, .corner of Penes apd St Clair ate. A B STEVENfiON, Seey. P-S There will be a Bend of Music is attendance . orA regular coromunigAtion of Lodge 45 A V Waststs, will be held this evening at their Hall. cor ner of Smithfield and 3rd streets By order of the 'llVarehipfid Master. A. WC ..k.M MON, Sehr.'y, OVERSEER OF THE POOR T respectfully announce to •my friend' and fellow aitieena, that I will be a candidate few the above office et the eniulag election. JAMES rd'KENN A. dee 24. OVERSEER OF THE POOR. lj wielseethally annonnee to my friend* and fellow. withsett that I will be a candidate for the above office at' *a ensuing election. Should Ibe elected. I can ware • them that their confidence shall riot be mill -44- as Twill um my best e idewrors to perform the 4 the erica with faithfulness. 244. • THOMAS MOORE. ALDERM AN —E AST (THIRD) WARD. ROBERT MORROW is a candidate for re-elee qiieet to the mike of Alderman of the Third Ward. dee 211-te ILDEaMax I respectfully offer nefeelf as a candidate for the of fice of Alderman in the Second Ward of the city of ellealliwith at the ensuing election. and ealkit the suf freges.uf ety Friends and fellow-citizens. Jae 19 N. PATTERSON. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE SECOND WARD. itttapeatifully announce to my frivol/ and fellow. clarions, that 1 will be a candidate for the office of Abletsmia at. the ensuing election; and do asswolows twit, trelecteml.thay shall have no occasion to regret di bestowal °floosie Issafulence. doe 12. E. H. HEASTINGS. INS tV Illectors of the ?trot Wart et the City of Pittsburgh. efer - loyeelf as a Candidate for Alderman of the Rettlreal, lathe mussing election, and respectfully aiNktittlui support of my ['fiends 46c 10 OVERSEER OF THE POOR. TYe vabscriber respectfully offers himself to Iris e — sitiaeas as a candidate forl. n.l-election to the above J. ASHBRIDGE. TO THE VOTERS OF THE SOUTH WARD, I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the Mee o-Aid : em nia tie South (or.Secoad) Ward. dee 5 !a BONNAFFON'. ALDERMAN IN SECOND WARD. Tistimmieraigoed offers himself to the citizens of the SebabdWard Pittsburgh, as a candidate for Alder asess. mad *jests the supportof his friends at the en gifigiedfigiiol4-43—te" J K HENDERSON. TO THE VOTERS OF THE 2.1 (SOUTH WARD.) The indendinsed respectfully announces to the pub ik; thin 1w will be a candidate for Alderman- in the Second Ward, at the coming January Election. wry I 4-te E. 'MERRITT. WALDERMAN.„da re sty Priest& and fellator , -ei.ns ens of the ^d Ward. /awe mere offer myself to your favorable conside rations' a esadidste foe the office of Alderman, at the shaman elektiesr. and if elected, your cuttfidenee *ball not be abused by ins. ALEX MILLAR. dee 4.—dtss• ri •• • r BBLS. Cold Press Castor Oil. for sale low to 3t) doss cuesignisent. JAMES MAY. mew 20 6000 Hammered Bar and Plough Irons( 'jib*, received and for sale by J. W. , ,BURBRIDGE &CO dig - 'Water et, betwety: Wocritead BEAVER PACKET. The well kriown steamer MICHIGAN. W. B. Boit s, Mit liter, has c ommenced her regular daily trips, leaving Pittsburgh (as hereto fore) at 3 o'clock. P. M.. and Beaver at 9, A. M. Prices to writ the times, sad these who bate no money carried fire. The Canal to Cleveland will be opened as neon as the weather •ill permit.; on the arming of which CLARKE & CO'S LINE to CLEVELAND,O.,and MEADVILLE, Pa., will immediately go into opera tion. For freight or passage apply on board, or to, G. M. HARTON, -july 12 Water street. QJ The Michigan is provided with Evans' Safety Guard. BLAKELY & MITCHEL, offer for 'sale Real Estate in Town and Country, amongnst which are six building lots in Pentiat,each 21 feet front by 100 feet deep. A Steam Saw Milt, oa the Allegheny Riv er in rat townsbip—Lot 500 feet front by 250 deep.— A Lot of ground on 2d at, near Wood st, 30 feet by 80—with 2 fronts dwelling houses. Eighteen building lots neer the Alms House, (Caldwell's plan.) Twen ty building lots in New Troy. Two building lute on 4th st Road. Two building lore in Allegheny City.— A lot of ground near the Canal Basin Penn st, with a good frame tennment. A dwelling house and lot on Walnut st. A throe story brick house and lot on Smithfield and Seventh its. A. neat and comfortable dwelling house on Penn st.near the Presbyterian church. A lot of ground and dwelling house in Manchester.— Two =es of ground adjoining the town of Hanover, Columbianna county, Ohio. A lot of ground 60 by 130 ft, in Liverpool, Ohio, on which is erected a furnace and other buildings for the Manufacture of Liverpool ware. Four acres ofland adjoining the town of Liver pool, on which is erected a Rope Walk, &c. Thi ty building lots in different parts of the town of Liver pool Ohio. Four lots of ground each 20 by 60, on which is erected seven tenements. A lot of ground on sth at, 30 by 120. Apply at our Office on Smith field at. near sth St dec 16 Tor Sale. ASMALL Steam Engine. 6 bone power. all eon". plete and in good running order. Apply to dee 16 BLAKELY & MITCHEL. Con or ♦ LZTTYR FROM DRS. LAWRERCI, •K D H•RRICKSON. Wolin!'" Fal/LN Di—Having made a thorough trial of the Medicated Vavor Bath for four months past, in our societies is New Lebanon and IV niervliel , we think it but justice to state, that we consider it a valuable improvement in the healing art. Its power in reduc ing both chronic and acute inflametion, also in remov ing spasms, is certainly very great. In cases of ob structed perspiration, it is unquestionubly the safest and best remedy that we have ever seen. Several persons in our society. who were scarcely free from a catarrhal affection during most of the winter months for several years past, have found permanent relief by using the Bath a few times:. and the predisposition to take cold, as it is commonly termed, seems to be whol ly removed. Obstructed perspiration, is certainly in eur changeable climate, one of the moot fruitful dour cos of disease, and any remedy that is capable of re moving the predisposition to it, meat be considered a great blessing to mankind; and as such we do not hesi tate to recommend the Medicated Vapor Bath. GARRET R. LAWRENCE, M. D. ABR AM 14 EN MCK.SON, M. D. To Dr. C. Whitlow, New York. act 18 Chronicle copy.. TH F: undersigned has made arniogements to for ward Goods during the Winter «ream to Balti more, Philadelphia. New York and Boeton,by the most expeditious route and at low rates. C. A. WANULTY. der 5.184.4 3m Closed Basin, Liberty st. TUST•received. UM Brass Clock*. 30 hour and 8 day, from the 'celebrated manufacturers, "Je rome" and ”Thotnau t 4 warranted to be a firms rate ar tieliti, and Will be bold at the Monett price for Cask, by J K LOGAN & CO., 'dee 10 - No 32, Fifth street. iffononeaksia Navigation Company. THE Ammo] Meeting of the Stockholders of the Ildtwortgaheht Navigation Company will be beid at the office of tbe Company, in the city of Pittsburgh; on the sixth day, being the first Monday, of January, 1815, at 2 o'cfock. M., for the election, of officers for the ensttiogyear •-• WILLIAM BAKRWELL, dec 11-d te - Secretary. JOHN 'IL sannioros, Attorney at Lam, OFFICE, North ride of Fifih street, between Wood and Bmithfiekl streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B. Collections made on reasonable terms. dee 4-ly 50 BBLS. N. 0. MOLASSES; 50 Boxes Cincinnati Palm Soap; 4 Variegated " 2 Cases Table Sult; on consignment and for sale by now 15. D. & G. W. LLOYD BEAR'S GREASE, warranted genuine; Also, a large lot of She French perfumery: For sale by WM. 'THORN. dec 2 No 53 Market surer (A N hand, and for sale, &supply of Copying Presses, V Letter Books, and Copying Ink, at very reduced prices by J. H. MELLOR. nov 28 122 Wond street. Fire Crackers. 35 BOXES; fur sale low by Z. KTNSEY; dec S ' No 86 Market street JUST received. 8 fresh supply of Louisville Lime, by the Barrel and Retail. Also, good corn Brooms, Shovels, Spades, Axes, Hatchets. Carpet.chain, Win• doer glass, Paper, School Books end Stationery, Rec. for sale low for Cash. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Commission Merchant. dec 14 No. 9, sth street. eW7 -- Beeswax, Tallow, Beans, Flaxseed, Carpet aniii'aper Rags, taken in exchange. D. S. SCULLY JK. LOGAN & CO., No 82, Firm Breast, • have just received from the Eastern. Auctions. a large assortment of Cloths, COSSif()Ofell, and Situ meta, among which are: French Blue Black Broadcloths, from $6 00 to $7 00; English, .. .. " 200 to 6 00; Beaver Cloths, " 1 60 to 3 00; Fancy Cashmeres, Plaids and Stripes, 75 to 200; Sat tinetts, assorted colors. 37i to 100. Also, a Isrge lot or Wool Shawls, Wool Comforts, Casshmere Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, Super Buck Mitts, &c &c &c. We would invite our Customers and the public generally, to-an examination of out Stock, as we feel confident that we can, and will, sell our goods as low for Cash as any other house in the City. - - dec 19-tf E MITT ANC ES of money on moderate terms,can jZ be made daring my absence in Europe, to every port of Ireland, Engldnd, Scotland, Wales or the con tinent of Europe; Legacies, Debts, property or claims recovered; searches for wills, titles and documents effected, and other European business transacted by applying to James Nlay, Water Street, Pittsburgh. H. KEENAY, Sagas nom Illolamiss. 40 BBLS. Sugar House Molasses, just received and for ale low by JAMES MAY. Dov 29 Real Estate for Sale. BLAKELY & MITCHEL B{odiested Vapor Bath. New Lebanon, State of Nee• York Wagon and Rail Road LiAII. grass Clocks. In Store Lotter Copying Presses. Lociisirille Lime, &c. FIZESSI GOODS. EUROPEAN AGENCY. European Agent and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, r. Itiction Oulu!. Christmas Presents aad Books at Auctiou. T DAVIS' Commercial Auction ROOM!, corner of Wood and sth streets, to-morrow evening. (Tuesday,) December 24th, et early gas light will be sold a valuable lot of new end second-band Books, among which are Annuals fur 1845, handsomely bound, Family and Pocket Bibles and Testaments, in extra bindings, Henry's Exposition of the Old and New Tes tament*, 6 v., Encyclopedia Americana, 10 v., with a large and general assortment of Miscellaneous Wot ks in nearly every department at Literature. At 7 o'clock—l Tuy • high post Bedstead, with cur tains, complete dec 23 J D DAVIS, Auctioneer Auction sale of Gold Watch, Cloth Cloak, ete, account of tokom it may effacer*: WILL be sold at M' Kenna's Auction Mart, cor ner of 2d and Wood sty. on Friday the 27th inst, at 10 o'clock, A M, on account of whom it awl concern, one rely superior Gold Watch and chain; one splendid Tortoise shell watch case, also one large Cloth Cloak, of which those interested, will please take notice. Terms tat sale. P M'KEN NA, dec 13. Anctionver. Freak /Arrivals at Nos. 61 as 63. Carpets, have jest been received from the East, a. large as , sortment of slob Carpets, Ingrain and Veuician; all of bright cotora, and the latest fashionable patients.— Thcae will be cold by private pale. at very low prices ranging from 12& to $l, peryard. also,Brussels heat* nags, which will be sold very cheap. Boots and Slew. Ten eases of &mend-heavy winter Boots, Bripas and Ladies' shoes. Extra &Apes:ewe Broadcloths. Beieral pieces of Blue, Black. and Invisible Green, Broadcloths, wool dyrd, exclusively for private sales; aadoffettai at very low prises. LYND & BICKLEY, Auctioneers. RED LION CLOTHING STORE. NM 163, LIBERTY STEET, Third door from the corner of 6th street The Prop' ietor of this New Estahlishment, respect fully informs the public that be has lately returned from Philadelphia, whet° be purchased the most splendid ,assortment of • SEASONABLE GOODS Ever offered in this city, all of which he intends manufacturing into Read, Made Clothing. and to order, at the SHORTEST NOTICE. Having etnpluyed the beat workmen--Cutters OHL Eletvars—he will warrant all garmenu, made at hie Egablithment, to be cline) I:kotb in make and materials to any other e•rabliehment of the Lind itt this city; his •tuck of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, SATTI NETS, CASSINETTB, VELVETS. • SATINS, VALENCIAS 4 and other YESTINOS, Cannot be surpassed by any other establishment in Pittsburgh. His ,tack. of READY MADE CLOTHING, at this present time is complete and cannot fail to please the !sate of every class of perchance a ho wish to purchase to the best advantage; he therefore invites the peblic and Country Merchants, to visit• his *stab. Rahman' before they purchase elsewhere. Ho bee at FINE CLOTH DRESS and FROCK COATS, OVER COATS of FRENCH BEAVER, *xD PILOT CLOTHS, A most splendid assortment, of FRENCH AND ENGLISH TWEED SACK COATS, Of all sizes, for Men and Buys: rANTALOONS AND VESTS, Of ail sizes and quality to suit parcbaserit. ROUNDABOUTS, WARNIESSES,SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, And the finest Merino do., end Slips; • groat variosy of SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HOSE And IiANDKER.CHIF.FS, All of which he is prepncoil to exhibit end OFFER FOR SALE On the most moderate terms ;or CUB •T Tlii Rod Lion Clothing Store. OBSERVE THESIGN OF no THE RED LION. a:Ca LAWRENCE MITCHELL Pittsburg+, Nov. 19,1814-3md. Lock and Screw Siannbctery. GORIER or /ST AND TSHRT STISZTO, rtrTSSLIRON. AVING removed my manufactory from Kirming -1.1. ham. end located it at the above stand, I would respectfully invite my friends and the public generally to favor me with a call. fur any tinkle in my line, viz: Patent Lever Locks, Cabin door Bolts, Knob, 16 Ito Latches, Mortise, Mortar Store door, " Shutter Fastenings. Tobacco, Fuller. Timber and Mill Screws, Housen Screws fur Iwo Works. In addition to the above snicks I intend to manu facture end keep a supply of Ratchet and Monkey Wrenches, and Stocks, Taps and Dies, for Steam Boat purposes. Together with a variety of articles not enumerated. All of the best quality and at re duCed price,. Looks repaired and Keys fitted; akin, Iron and Brncs Turning done in the best manner and at the strorteat notice. Orders addressed to the manufactory or to MI R. FL Peebles, Hardware Merchant. Market street, Pittsburgh, will be thankfully received and meet with prompt attention dec 14-d6m Wm. °Mars Robinson, V. S, Attorney, HAS removed his office to Fourth, rear Weod street, lately occupied by C. Darragh, Esq. Aril 8, 1844. NOTIC have placed my docket and profen tionalbusineas in the bands of Wm O'Hara Robinson, Esq.,who will attend to the same doling my atweliCe. March 23 C DARRAGH. is 19 JOHN W BLAIR, DEITISU MANUFACTURER ANA SHOE FINDINGS STORE, . NO 120, WOOD STREET, oct26 PITTSBURGH. 200 Gross No 1 Bottle Corks: 6 Bbls Sp Turpentines 2 " Copal Varnish; 1 Cask Olive Oik 3 Bbbs Yen Red; 2 " Lampblack; 1 " Cream Tartar; / " Fier Sulphur, 1 Case Roll Sulphur, 1 " Liquorice Balk 1 " Gum Sheller; 14 01 c ord; 75 Ms Gum Camphor, 10 " ' Opium; Together with a general assortment of Drip, Medi eines, Dye Stuffs, 6m., just received and for sobs by F. L. SNOWDEN. net IL No 114 Liberty, bead of Wend at. Mencragabris lirtage Stock. 13 SHARES; for sale by GEO. COCHRAN, doc 5p 1844. N 026 Wood ft.. JAS. PATTERSON, Jr ------------ - _ " 4 IP jr sad Varistfla PRE uidersigned is now receiving the larlfhtl assortment of Goods of the oboe* aescrirmeets ever brought to this market. and he is determined to sell them lower than any other House in the city; call and examine for yourselves. The Stock consists in part, of the following articles: Watekes. Hair, Nail& Tooth Brush. Gold Lever Watches, Leather Belts, &c. " L'epine " With a fine lot of Fancy Silver Lever " Je feel ry. Net Caps, Gold Breast Pins, Canes, •‘ Finger rings, Baskets, " Ear rings, Variety Goodt, " Pencils, Spool Threads, " Bracelets, Patent " Lockets, etz.e., Pound " Silver Butter Knives, Percussion Caps, " Peazils, Pins, " Dmis t ornaments, &c. Snspendert, • Fancy Goods. Hooka and Eyes, " Hriir Pins. Soaps, J et f4l Cotton Cords: • " " Combs, Tapes, " " Ornaments, Pyelets Bead Heil &nibs, " Bracelets, Redding '• Jet Breast Pins, Ivory " " " Necklaces, Shaving 131111SheS, Rosewood Writing Desks, Boot Laces, Droning Cases, Corset " Rosewood Work Boxes, Buttons, Chess Men, Dickson Ten and Table " Beards, Spoons, Amordeens, Thimbles, Colt's Revolving Pistols, Steel Pens, CoMmon Pistols, Needles, Coral Beads, Knives, Silk Purses, Scissors, .1 8,, p. Clocks / &e. GuM and Steal Bondi, Card Ca". Pocket Books, Needle BALI, Cigar Cues, Toys. A handsome assortment. Z KINSEY, No 96 Market street. NO 9 MARKET, AND 74 FRONT STREET , . "'UST RECEIVED, via. Baltimore, a mall lot prime Parton Bay Lerioth.an Oysters, a very delicious article. The above establishment hes constantly on hand, and will continue to receive, through the Wilde: sea son. semi-weekly, (through in 36 hours) all the varie ty of Duck Creek, Chesapeake and Delaware Bay shell and can Oysters, with such luxuries as the East ern markets may afford, served up at short notice, in every style. The cellars and Bar amply supplied with the choicest I Viers mei Liquors—.-Shiras's unequalled Ale, brew ed to order always on drought. no, 30-Imd HAWKINS. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSOBANCE OOMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. HE Public are hereby notified that I have been T appointed Agent of this Co. for W EST ERN PENNSYLVANIA. This Institution unites the principle of Mutual In surance with A JOINT STOCK CAPITAL. I am authorised by the Company to make Insoren ces AT THE SAME RATES AS THE OTHER COMPANIES IN THIS CITY—WITH THIS AD VANTAGE TO THE PERSON INSURED, THAT THE AMOUNT OF PREMIUM WHICH HE PAYS IS CONSIDERED AS SO MUCH STOCK, I UPON WHICH HMS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE ; A DIVIDEND OF THE PROFICS OF THEI COMPANY. As the Company are doing a large and I prosperous business, this advantage, I presume, can• not amount to less than 20 per cent mittaelly. The person insured incurs no liability or responsi bility for the losses or expensesuf the Co. He is also entitled to vote and is eligible u a Director. By the Act of Incorporation, the Capital stock is pledged for the payment of any losses which the Co. may sustain; and, in addition to the security thus af forded to the inured, the law requires that all the profits of the Co. shall hereafter be funded, andrunsia with the Inuitutionasu further goarantee and protec tion to the insured against/oss.—This fund wil! he rep resented by scrip, to be issued by the Co., bearing an interest of 6 per cent and divided between the parties insuring and the holders of the Lock. 1311 1 " When the applicant has been inured at any other office, and transfers his risk to us, he pays nothing for the policy. Applications for !mamma to be made at my office, in person, ot by letter addressed to me. WM. E. AUSTIN. Pittsburgh, OFFICF IN 4TH ST. BETWEEN WOOD AND SMITHFIELD. nov 2-dly Per Coughs: Colds H Cleasumptione !I, THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY. THIS pleasant and certain cure for coughs and colds goes ahead of all the preparations now or ever offered to the public. The use of it is so great that the proprie tor has some difficulty in keeping a supply for the in creasing demand. Medical agencies, grxeries, drug gists, coffee-hoses, and even bars on steamboats keep a supply on hand. It is called for every where, and will sell in any place. The reason is this: every ens who has a cough or cold by eating a few sticks find themselves cured, as it were, by magic. Persons at a distance, by remitting the money, post paid, to the subset iber, wilt be attended to. For sale by the stick, cents; 5 sticks for 25 cm and at wholesale by WM TWORN, Drug-gist, 53 Market st. where a general assortment of Drugs and medicines may always be found. nov 28 Wholesale lhaggists, Grocers, &e., WOULD be consulting their own, and the inter est of their customers, to a very great extent, by purchasing Spices, Drugs and Dye Wooed& in the Eastern markets, whole and in sticks, and getting them ground and chipped at the Franklin Minotaur) ry, Second street. It is not generally known, but nevertheless tree, that Drugs and spices sold in the East, are lower in price than whole, of course the profit and cost of grinding must be made up by adulteration; dye woods have at least 15 per cent, and in some cases 25 per cent. of water added to them. Now water, dun, cornmeal and flaxseed meal are plenty here, and we can eat them in their parity, if so it pleases us, without pay ing a pepper price with freight and premium added. Cinnamon, Allspice, Nutmegs, Gumeric, ground, Ginger, Gum Arabic. Gum Gamboge, Gum Aloes. Pumice Stone. I.ac Dye, Indigo, Logwoorl. Cloves and !fare, I' u itic ' Mustard, Nicwood, . Gum Scamony. Cain Wood. Manganese, Brazil Wood, Nat Galls, z Lima Wood. chipped, Pepper. the. &c. &c. The Proprietor-will not deal in any of the articles he grinds as a guaranty that all the articles intrusted to kiln shall remain as pure as when sent to him. -N. B.—Lard Oil constantly on head. july 20-tf. . J. S. GWYNNE. MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Nest door to the Fifth Presbyterige Church :Nuts 6. Sank Notts and txt4ange. OIii4LECTAD DAILY BT A. EBAllatii JAZCILANGX BROKER, COXRIIII 0# MOOD AND THIRD 373 SPECIE STANDARD. Yerekants mactMasafact r ers' , .......par Exckasege BankSerip Cu mosey Berk. CousaySerip SO EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT. Os Pkilade/pAi1a....4 prom New York .1 pre= Boston ----# Preto, =!!s2MffMll=3= SPECIE, Gold. • . prem. Siker PENNSYLVANIA.-PITTSBURGLI Bank ophittsburrk par Verchanteand Afantfactureve beak ...par Exchiange • • • -Par Do. Ifotlidaystostrg* PHILADELPIVA. Bank of North America Do Northern Liberties pat Do Pewylrania ... . par Colt/Menial Bank of Pennsylvania .....par Partners' and Mechanics' bank pa, Kensington bank •pat Manufacturers and Mechanics' par Mechanics' Moyantensing . .... par Philadelphia bank. par S fekayL W U . " par Sot/thwack .... .".... .... par Western " Bank of Penn Township ...- ....par Girard- bank .... ...... par U. S. bank sad branches 911 COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantown " Chester county .... pat " Delaware county ......... .. ... ...pa r " Montgomery county .... .... .... ....par " .Napshumbertand ......_... par Farmers' bark of Burks e0unty..............par Easton bank Doylestown bank ....... ........... - .. .. .... par Franklin bank of Washington i Bank of Chambersburgh..... .... .... . ..... ... t " Middletown . ....... .... 1 Gettysburgh..... .. ....... ...... Lricutoson " Snafu ckanna county 40 Berkscounty bank. ........ ....... no sale ColionWa Bank and Bridge Company.... par Carlisle bank Erie bank Farm 're and Provers' bank " Bank of Lancaster par Rank of Reading par Ha rrish nrg bank Honesdale " Lancaster " Par Lancaster co." Lebanon .. • - Mineribank of P0thri11e.................... f Monongahela bask of ilrownseille i New Hope and Delaware Bridge company 2 Nor/harp/tag bank ....no sate Toraada bank no sale tiryontixg bank • ----- - West Branch batik ----- York bank—. ........ ..... Belmont hank of St- Clairsvilfe.... Clinton bank of Columbus. ..... Columbiana bank of Nem Lisbon.-- --- -I Circleville (Lawrence, caskier) ( Warren, cc/skier).— --no sale Cincinnati banks .. Chillicothe bank ..... ........ ..... ..........i Commercial bank of Lake Erie.... 2 Dayton bank.... .... ..... ... ..... .. ....1 Franklin bank of C010ntbue...:.... -- i Farmers' and Mechanics bask of Steubenrille..l Farmers' bank of Canton. 20 Geauga Granville ~4 5 Hamilton 19 Lancaster IO Marietta .... .... i Massillon .. . - Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincinnati Mornt Pleasant . Norwalk Putnam ........ ................... . Sandusky gelato .............. .... .... .... .. . .10 Urbana .... .... ............45 Wooster .... .... .. 1 1 Xenia .•...... Eanesvilli .. . I Bost of Ckveland.. ... ....... INDIANA. State bank and branches Slate Scrip .-•..... KENTUCKY All banks ... • ILLINOIS. State bank Bank of Illinois, Skawneetotra VIRGINIA. Rank of the Valley of Virginia . i Bank of Virginia Exchange bank of Farrners' bank of Virginia...-• - North- Western bank of Virginia.. ..1 Merck ants' and Meehanics' bank of Virginia.. ..} Branches MARYLAND. Baltimnre City banks.. ........ ..rcr All other solvent bank 5...................... I NORTH CAROLINA. SOUTH CAROLINA . All solvent banks.. .. • • • • - -12 GEORGIA Ailsoloese MOD.. ..21 ALABAMA Mobile banks .. .... ..... .. Couniry banks.... ....... LOUISIANA. New Orleans banks (gn0R)................. —1 MEiMM An banks.. .. ............... ........... 4 To the Gentlemen of Pitt'lrargh. • ITHE subscriber most respectfully informs the gentlemen of this city and® vicinity, that he baticommeneed the BOOT and SHOEmaking business in Fourth street, opposite the ;Mayor's office, at the stand lately ocoupiedby P. Ker rigan. Having been foreman in some of the most fashionable bootshops in the Eeastern cities; and hav ing fut netted himself with the best French and Ameri can calf skins, he hopes by his attention to business to merit a thereof public patronage. To those gentle men who have kindly patronized him he returrilt his sin rem cheeks, and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and knowledge of his business July .2.4—tf. A. TERNAN. Shakspeare Gardens.. Tundersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh that she has opened the Shakapeare Gardens. in the village of East Liberty, for the accom modation of visitor* during the summer season, The beauties a( the situation, and the perfect manner in which every arrangement is medeabout this esusblish tnent that will contribute to the pleasure of visiters, are well knotiva totbe publiaand the proprietor assures all who may viiit Wier house that nothing shall be omit ted en berinitt toMake the Shah spears. Gardens at least equal loitifiti mil sr establishment in the couti . try. m4—tf ELI? -1 McDONALD. Bullion's Grammars. BULLION'S English, Latin, and Greek Grammars 1.5 en band, and for sole at Eastern prices. for evsh or good country rap, by J. H. MELLOR. nov 28. 122 Wood street. Tallow Oil. \os. article (Sr suretior to either lanr•.orb or Fish Oil f.'r dres-inp, or softening leather, harness. &c... alter using 2 or 3 times on loather Iris not subject:to mould or to be attacked by worms. A Constant rip ply of 'lto above for sale at J. S• GWYNNE'S nor 14 Franklin Manufactory, 24 Street. x. , . transportation AMERICAN PORTABLE BOAT LIMB, For tie tramportalios of MERCHANDIZE AND PRODUCE BETWICIEN PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA, PITTS) BURGH AND BALTIMORE, AND NEW YORK AND BOSTON. THE PROPRIETORS RESPECT FULLY inform thei ' friend sand shippers generally, that they have changed the natneof their Transportation Line, ft om the United States Fartable Boat Line. to the American Portable Boat Line. This line is composed of twenty.live new Four Sec. tion Portable Boats, one of which will depart deg). from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia at.ti Baltimore. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other mode of transportation are too well known to shippers generally to requirecomment: suffice it to say, that the detention, loss, separation anti damage to Goods, invariably attending threat ran, shipments between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, re by the Portable Boats most effectually removed. To give undoubted security to owners and shippers. all goods and produce shipped by this lino wilt be in. tared in a respoosible•office in Philadelphia, without any additional charge to the owners. Met chandise shipped by this line in any of the east ern cities. andeonsigned toll Devine &Co, will be for. warded immediatelyon arrival at Pittsburgh to any part of the west, free of commissions. H. Devine will receive produce consigned to him. pay steamboat freight and charges, anti forward the same to any of the eastern cities. and charge no com. missions for storage, advancing or forwarding. Any ; communications or goods directed to the care of the undersigned Agents will be promptly attended to. DEVINE & CO.„ Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. E G. WHITESIDEF. & CO., 360 Market street, below Tenth, Philadelphia. GIESE & SON, Commerceetreet Wharf, Baltimore. Ii A FAHNESTOCK & CO, 100 Front *treat, Now York. RICE & WILLIAMS. No 3, Chathamstreet. Boston. Malan MIES O. A. 11111cANULTY'S UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the ttanomortation of Yerchandize to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL PHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. THE success this line has met with, since It was Mat ostabfished on the "Individual Enterprise" system, has induced the proprietors to increase the number of Boats during the winter to twenty-Rye, one of which will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Bal timore every day (except Sundays) during theseason. and make the trip through in six days. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat System over every other mode of transportation (when canals intersect with rail roads) are too well know* to shippers by this route generally to require any corn meet. Shippers can rely onhaving tbeirproduce. merchant dim, or goods of any kind that may be consigned to the Agents of this Line, forwarded with dispatch and at the very lowest rate of freight charged by other Lines, without any additional charge made for mei , ' ing or advancing charges, &c. A Ilcommtmications to the following Agent, will be promptly attended to: CHARLES A. McANULTY. At the Depot, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRILL, .53, Smith's Wharf, sear Pratt st, Baltimore. W & J T TAPSCOTT, Nn 43, Peck Slip, New York. THOMAS BORBIDGE, jai. 31-I y 27.1., Market street, Philadelphia. Goodlatent Mail Stage _ Line for New. THE Subscriber respectfully informs the Publio that, having recently made a contract with the P. 0. Department for carrying the Mail from this place to Erie; have procured new. Troy built Coaches fur the conveyance of Passengers. And having also procured fresh Teams, and good, careful and sober drivers, are enabled to drive through in thirty.' wo hours, being not but um night. The Stags will loess the Exchange Hotel every morning at 9 o'clock, A.M. BRINKER, BENNETT. & Co. P. 8. For seats. apply to W R Moorhead, Agent, next door to the Exchange Hotel. This is the only Line that runs clear through to Erie, thenther Line running no further than Mercer. nov. 4, 1844. (Spirit of the Age copy S moo. and charge this office.) Consumptively rend the Wonderful Cures. performed by Dr. Swayttevs Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. The wonderful cures performed by this invaluable medi cine, in Pulmonary Consump tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma., Bron chitis, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Croup, Spitting Blood. Liver Complaint, Pain in the Sido and Breast, Tickling or Rising In the Throat, and all diseases of the Lungs, and Breast, have excited the astonishment of all who have witne.sed its marvellous effects; there is no account of a medicine, from the earliest ages, furnishing a par allel; the almost mirncu loos cures effected by this extraordi nary medicine are unprece dented. IMPORTANT TIOITI MON r, Dn sw AYPIE, Dear Sit:—ln last October, whilsen. gaged with Mr Joseph Smith, in a saw-mill seer Wayncsburgh, i was attacked with a cough from be. ing exposed at night. which gradually increased, at. tended with spitting of blood, and a severe pain in the breast, loss of appetite, fever, &c. &c. which . was scarcely supportable. I had a family who were whol. ly dependent on my exertions for support, yet I was obliged to leave my business and return home. I was then attended by several physicians, but still grew worse, until my medical attendants gave me up se an incurable. Subsequently. my wife observing . , in one of the public prime, en advertisement of DR. SW AYN g'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHEERY, pro. cured me one bottle from Francis IWClure, your agent in Lewistown, which relieved me; I continued until I had taken five bottles; 1 ant now able to return to my work again. I write this to offer you my sincere teanka, and ynu are at liberty to make tir:s known, su that if any human being is suffering as I bare been, they may have recourse to your invaluable medicine. Yours, JOHN P. BONE. : Lewistown, BE CAUTIOUS to ask for the original and only agrittint preparation from this valuable tree. DR, SW AT N E'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, whose office is removed to the North West corner of Eighth and Rare street,. Philadelphia. For sale by Dr Wm Thorn, Druggist and Apothecary Pittsburch. nov 80 English Zpsesp Salts. 1500 LBS jog recerred at the dreg store store of J MD& CO, der 5 Nn 50. ent no , r dth and Wood its. 1500 1313 k. NO. 1 I'.:ALT in Store sod for role by SA 31 ' L. M. KIER. no. 14 Cana I Bain. MST 7th mrsot 17000 F LIM 0111C1C--40 hand sod for mile by JOHN SCOTT IL Co& oct 30 ti OLCOMM.r 6 3 II IO I 4 Lonny *gni- Aki.rr...