PITTSBURGEI, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11. OZTOs our outside form will be found an interesting atticleitiu "tiOrse Breaking"—"Rev. Sidney Smith's deg:Option of itimself,"—Poetry, &c. - LAMB' MAGAZINES. --We hsve teoeived from tlittProprietor, the SIITHRtri No. of GRAHAM'S MAGA' ZVI av and would remind all those who wish to subscribe Cock, that with this No. commences a new volume, and that now is the time for them to send in their names. It is almost useless to say aught in praise of periodical, which, for its choice literary contents. beautiful typography, and rich embellishments, cannot be surpassed. The January number is a splendid one in every respect. The price of a single copy is $3 a year, but Clubs will be su ppliecl for $2;---a large discount. rip. The January No of lawny:la's Manama z, published by E FititltxTT & Co, has also been for warded:so us. Its style ofembellishment is somewhat afferent frorri Graham's, but it is a very meritorions work. T S ARTHUR, the editor, has a widely ex tended fame as n writer of Fiction, and all his efforts wisuppose, will now be given to this Magazine. With the Jemmy No a new and splendid volume is well a/mini:weed. STl'Ll.que COUGH ST RUP.—Frofessor Porter has, without solicitation, given a cart iftcateof the excellence oUthis. popular Cough Medicine. It will be found in anothercolumn. It will be interesting to all who are afflicted with Coughs, and are casting about for a us aialapeedy cure. Inr A special commnoicntion of Lodge 45, A Y Mason", will be. held this evening at their H nll, corner of Smithfield and 3d street. By ceder of the W. M. dee 11. A. M'CAMMON. W. ozr The Democratic Citizens of the 3d. Wet a, are hereby requested - to meet on Saturday evening next, et the House oil-Dubai' corner of Seventh and Grant sttieetil, at 6 o'clock. to place in nomination two Alder men,and other officers, to be voted for on the 2d Tues day of January next dee 1 1 To the ate.ctors of the First Wax• o - City of Pittsburgh. I offer myself as a Candidate for Alderman of the First Wd, at the eusuinc election, and respectfully solloit th ar e support of my friends. dee 10 IALDERMAN.,I9 To toy F'riends aulfellow-eiticens of the 2d Ward. Imes mere offer myself to your favorable conside ration as a candidate for the rates Alderman, at the ensuing election; and if elected, your confidence shall pot be abused by me. ALEX MILLAR. dec 4.--dte" TO THE VOTERS OF THE SOUTH %YARD, I respectfully offer myself as a candidate far the Mice of Alderman in the Suuth (or Secure') Ward. dee 5 kBONNAFFON. • ALDERMAN IN SECOND WARD. The undersigned offors himself to the citizens of the Second Ward Pittsburgh, as a candidate for Alder man, and solicits the support of his friends at the en alection.—ds—te* .J K HENDERSON. -- --- TO THE VOTERS OF THE 2d (SOUTH W A RD.) _ The tmaersigneti mei:well - oily announces to the pub lic, tkat hi- will be a candidate fur Alderman in the Second Ward., at the coming January Election. no, 14-u! E. NIERRITT. • Lectures on Universal Philosophy. O$ the Science of the connexions of all th e Sci anon, Natural, Human and Divine, with expla nations of the Laws of Being, Life, Health. Beauty, and Development. THEMANIK-IN, • .Or, Artificial Man, dissected, and the important ram passed among the audience; most splendid Pain tingsonGeokay,exhibited and explained, covering a surface -of 1000 feet; three orres four hundred h fine editor n. gravimpt of Physiology, &c, pented to eac au attending the Lectures ; exhibitions of lilowers and. Atairoalineeth the Magic Lantern, interspersed with Bascitatialar by • -Pita. BRONSON. A. M., M. 0., el Duquesne Ball, over the Post cage, 'Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 'according to pattonagG commencing Dec 3d, at 7 o'clock. Readingsof first night—Extracts from Shakespeare, isliiitcm and Thompson; National Glory. (Clay;) Liber ty and Union, ( Webster,) with presentations ofsngm vings;,exhibitions of Manikin, Geological Pairaings, Su!. From on experience of pearly 20 years in the vari ous branches of his profession, he anticipate* giving satisfaction to those who may favor Lim with a call. Office and residence, corner of Seventh and Smithfield ems, Piu.burgb Conenspt ices, read the Wonderful Cures performed by Dr. Swarm's Compound: &Wrap tif. Wild Cherry. , The wonderful cures performed by this invaluable medi cine, in Pulmonary Consump• tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron chitis, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Croup, Spitting Blood, Liver Cumpinint, Pain in the Side and Breast, Tickling or Rising in the Throat, end all diseases of the Lungs, and Breast, have excited the astonishment of all who have witnessed its marvellous effects; there is no account of a medicine, from the earliest ages, furnishing a par allel; the almost miracu f lons cures effected by this evraanli• nary medicine are unprece dented. . IMPORTANT TESTIMONY. Da SwAnts, Dear Sir:—ln last October, while en gaged with Mr Joseph Smith, in a saw-mill near Wayeashurgh. I was attacked with a cough from be ingesposed at night, which gradually increased, at tinsded with spitting of blood, and a severe pain in the breast, loss of appetite, fever, &c. &c. which was 'warmly supportable. I had a family who were whol ly dependent on my exertions for support, yet I was obliged to leave my business and return hme. I was then attended by several physicians, but o still grew worse, until my medical attendants gave me up as an incurable. Subsequently, my wife observing, in one of She public prints, an advertisement of DR. SW AY NE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, pro- eared me one bade from Francis M'Clure, your agent I a Lawistowo, which relieved me; I continued until I lied alum five bottles; I am now able to return to my work again. I write this to offer you my sincere wanks, and you are at liberty to make th's known, so that if any human being is suffering as I have been, they may have recourse to your invaluable medicine. Yours, JOHN P. BOYNE. Lewistown, Del. BE CAUTIOUS to ask for the original and only COZIMINC preparation from this valuable tree. DR. SW.A.YNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, whose office is removed to the North West corner of Eighth awl Race streets, Philadelphia. For sale by Dr Wm Thorn, Druggist sod Apothecary Pittsburgh.. nov 30 50 BBLS. N. 0. MOLASSF.S; 30 Bozea Cincinnati Palm Soap; 4 " Variegated " - Y. Case* Table Salt; on consignment and for sale D by Bar 15. . & G. W. LLOYD. MANY DEMOCRATS D. S. SCULLY In Stern. port o 9 TIM IFILTIR tic TAX Cilia(2llLL ARRIVED. New England, Page, Cin; Mayflower, Hutchison. Cie t Senate, McClure, Louisville. Josephene,Gaskill, Brownsville Matsachusetts, Bennet, DEPARTED. Hibernia, K.linefelter,Cin; Kinney, Martin, New Weans: Joserhene, Gaekell, Brownsville; Bertrand, Mason, St Louis. BEAVE • ACKET The well known steamer , MICHIGAN, R.Botts, Master, has commenced her regular daily trips, leaving Pittsburgh (as hereto fore) at 3 o'clock. P. M. and Beaver at 9, A. M. Prices to suit the times, and these who have in money carried free. The Canal to Cleveland will be opined as stmri as the weather s ill permit; on the opening of which CLARKS & CO'S LINE to CLEVEL AN D,0., and MEADVILLE, Pa., will immediately go into opera tion. For freight or :swage apply on board, or to G. M. BARTON, july 12 Water street. Kr Th. Michigan is provided with Evans Safety Guard. ROOM, 13110113M8S & CO.'S. Arrangements for 1845. 4 BLAKELY at lIIITCHEL, di* Masts, PITTIMUIIOII, PA. Remittances to and Pasnage from Great Britain and Ireland, by the "Black Ball or Old Lint of Liverpool Packelt." [Sailing from Liverpool nn the Ist and 16th of each month. PERSONS desirous of sending for their Friends now residing in any part of the "Ott) touarttr," can make the necessary atmngements with the sub scribers. and have them brought out by the above well known favorite *. Line of Packets," which sail from LIVERPOOL punctually on the Ist and 16th of every month; also by FIRST CLASS AMERICAN SHIPS, sailing from there EVERY SIX DAYS, during 1845. And as they aredetermined not to depend on any Liverpool House or Agent, to sae the people's interest taken care of, Mr JAMES D. Roca z, one of the firm, is there. who will remain and see that every thing connected with their business is executed with promptitude and despatch. Should the persons sent for decline coming out, the money will be returned to the parties hem. without any deduction, en producing the Passage certificate and receipt. The "Blaek Ball or old Line of Liverpool ,Pack: ets" comprise the following magnificent Ships, viz : The Ncw You, " 01ToRD, • " Yoecseint, " MONTEZUMA, With such superior and unequalled arrangements the subscribers confidently look forward for a conttait ante of that support which has been extended to them so many years, for which they are grateful. Those proceeding or remitting, to their relatives, can at all times obtain Drafts at sight for any amount drawn direct un the Rutrat BASK OP IRELAND, DUBLIN; Also on Measrs. PRESCOTT, GROTE, Avis & CO., BANKERS Losttos ; which will be paid on demand at any of the Banks, or their Branches, in all the principal Towns through out ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. Apply to, or address (if by letter, post paid.) ROCHE, BROTHERS & Na 35 Fulton St., N, Y. or BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Smithflield strect,near sth, and Penn street, net 15.d&wt Imy Pittsburgh fREALEstate Agents and Coni:sc.Smithfi d ,t.onsthandpenn sts otbwatavelotile An eligible building lot, 30 feet front on Second St. (near Wood) by 80 feet deep. • Also, the lease of a lot of griound 500 feet front on the Allegheny Ricer, baying' 14 years to run, at one dollar a year ground rent, on which is erected an ex• tensive Steam Saw Mill. Also, Fifteen beautiful building lots in Colwell's plan near Allegheny City. Also, Twentt lots of ground in New Troy. These lots command the must splendid views in the neigh borhoud of Pittsburgh. Also 2 Building Lots on the 4th Street Road. Also 3 Building Lots in Allegheny City. Also, a neat comfortable Dwellling House and Lot of grou nd 25 by 100 feet, ju.t slave the Union Cotton Factory, on the Allegheny River, opposite Pittsburgh, (fur sale very low.) Alan, a Lot of gram! on Penn St.. near the Canal Basin, 25 feet by 100, with a good dwelling house on , the back part of the lot. Also, a Lot and dwelling Howe on Walnut stmt, near the ri ver. Also, a three story brick house. well finished on Smithfield St., near Liberty St. This property is in a commandinc situation for business. Also, a nest and suhstentiul built two story brick house on Penn street, near the sth Presbyterian Church, 'stit Ward.) nov 2.5 Blakely & Mitchel, A CARD. PERSONS remitting money (or sending fur their friends) to England, Iceland, Scotland, or Wales, through Blakely & Mitchel, ate respectfully requested to make their deposites. on or. immediately before the Bth and 24th of the month, as the dap osites of these days prooeed direct by the Regular Packet. nov2o DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. • HE Public are hereby notified that I have . been T appointed Agent of this Co. fur W ES TERN PENNSYLVANIA. This Institution unites the principle of Mama In surance with A JOINT STOCK CAPITAL. I am authorised by the Co npany to make Insuran ces AT THE SAME RATES AS THE OTHER COMPANIES IN THIS CITY—WITH THIS AD VANTAGE TO THE PERSON INSURED, THAT THE AMOUNT OF PREMIUM WHICH HE PAYS IS CONSIDERED AS SO MUCH STOCK, UPON WHICH HE IS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE A DIVIDEND OF THE rßotrirs OF THE COMPANY. As the Company ore doings large and prosperous business, this advantage, I presume, can not amount to less than 20 per cent annually. The person insured incurs uo liability or responsi bility for the losses or expenses of the Co. He is also entitled to vote and is eligible sea Director. By the Act of Incorporation, the Capital stock is pledged for the payment of any losses which the Co. may sustain; and, in addition to the security thus forded to the insured, the law requires that all the profits of the Co. shall hereafter be f u nded, and remain with the Institution as a further guarantee tied protec tion to the insured against loss.—This fund will be rep resented by scrip, to be issued by , t h e Co., bearing an interest of 6 per cent and divided between the parties insuring and the holders of the stock. IV' When the applicant has been insured at any other office, and transfers his risk to us, he pays nothing for the policy. Applications for Insurance to be made at my office, in person, of by letter addressed to me. WM. E. AUSTIN. Pittsbutgh, Penn's. OFFICE TN 4TH ST. BETWEEN WOOD AND SMITHFIELD. nov 2-dly Tallow Oil. A New article far superior to either Tanner's or Fish A fordresaing or softening leather, harness. &c., after using 2 or 3 times on leather it is not subject to mould or to be attacked by worms. A constant sup ply of the oboes fur gainGWYNNE'S - nov 14, - Franklin Manufactory, 2d Stater. . 1 Also, Agent United States Portable Boat Line Depot, NO. 272, MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. Giniberal advances made on consigneusms, when required. Refer to--Nkiare Wm Wilson & Co.; Evans and Tempt% Heald, Woodward & Co.; Scull &Thompson, Philadelphia. William WKaight & Co.; Chutes A. WAnulty, ang24-.-Iy• Piltsfin re". Wholesale Dealers la Boots, Shoes, Boa nets, Palm Leaf Dam and Caps, NO. 190 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA. T B" beg leave to inform Western Merchants that they have a splendid assortment of the shove Goods, and are still mnnnfacturing largely, which they will sell at the very lowest prices for Cash, or approved credit. aug 9-tf BOOT A ND SHOE MANUFACTORY No. 233 Market Street, Northeast corner of Sixth Street, Philadelphia. NAT ESTER'S and Southern Merchants are respect Y fully invited to call and examine his stock, as he feels confident that it will be to their interest, be fore purchasing elsewhere. aug 6-ly HARDWARE AND CUTLERY SMITU, INIOTIECCES & CO., NO. 188 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, ARE new receiving in achlition to their former stock a large assortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, to which they invite the attention of Weetero Merchant. ang 6-lly _ _ The Cmitaatoci it, 0 ESGL•Mb, " Eu 'tore, " CoLutsxrs. THOIIAB . IIOBI3IDGE, GENERAL !reduce, Forwarding & Commission Merchant, T. B. -& W. P. CONOVER, JOSEPH TALLDLAN'S WHOLESALE HATHAWAY'S Patent Sot Air Cooking Stoves. THE subscriber having entered into the stove busi ness in Pittsburgh, respectfully informs the pub lic that he intends carrying it on in its various branches at the warehouse of Messrs. Pennock. & Mitchell. NO. 160 Liberty street, where he will bn prepared to supply purchasers with any articles in his line. In addition to other Stoves which he will have on hand, he has obtained the right to manufacture and sell Hathaway's Patent Hot Air Conking Stoves. This stove is pro nounced superior to any other now in use in the United States; it is more durable in its construction, and bet ter adapted totbe use of baking, roasting and cooking, as it is heated very regularly by confining the air in the stove; and it is a great saving of fuel as well as labor. I will keep on band R sufficient number to sup ply all demands if possible; 1 have five different sizes, and will sell them on reasonable terms, according to sizes. I have now in use upwards of fifty in and about this city; all pat in use within six months. Being a ware that the People of Western Pennsylvania have been imposed upon by the introduction of Stew and high ly recommended Stoves which were badly constructed, and having soon failed and become useless. I will grant to persons wishing to procure the Hot Air Stove, the pvilege of using it a I n a sufficiet length of time to prove ill superior quality before k them to purchase. Persons notifying me from a distance by letter, can have stoves put op at any time, •• I have wagons to carry them out; I therefore invite Farmers and all per sons to come and judge for themselves; also to try them and prove that it is to your advantage to have one. All orders will be protnptly attended to by the subscri ber. • ROBERT DONIAVAIS. RECOMMENDATIONS. Miller's Maas-ion Hovse,Sept, 19, 1844. Mr. R. Dos AV A I have to use one of Hath away's Hot Air Cooking Stoves, which I got front you last Spring. It affords me much pleasure to recom mend it for its excellence. So far as my knowledge extentis,'l have no hesitation in saying it is the best stove no; in use. I need not particularize its merits, but would advise all disposvd to possess an article of the kind, to adopt the hest method of satisfying them selves, that is, to try it; and I doubt not t will be satisfied. D• R.. MILLER. hey Wankinglon Temperance 1117111Ae. Pittsburgh, Sept. 19, 1844. Mr. R. Don AVON—Sin — I have had in use for five months, one of Hathnwny's Hot Air Cooking Stoves, and I have no heahation in saying it is the best stove now in ure. The various kinds of cooking it t 4 calcu lated to do at the some time, and the small quantity of fuel required, makes it an object worthy the atten tion of all who desire a good stove. THOMAS VARNER. I embrace this opporturity to recommend the Hot Air Cooking Stoves; I have used the one you put up for me constantly all summer. and I must say it is a grand article. I believe it is superior to any other stove Dow in use in this city. The oven bakes well, end is large enough to hake four large loaves of bread at one time; it also cooks very speedily, and it requires very little coal, I think them worthy the attention of all who wish a good stover, to such I would say, try them and prove what they are. oct ly MATH EW PATRICK. Proposals far Bilks an ORD:I ANCc Orrice, Washington. October 21, 1844. BY direction of the Secretary of War, sealed pro posals will be received at this office until three o'clock, PM on t h e 31st of December next, for the manufacture and delivery of the following arms for the use of the United States. six: 10,000 rifles, percussion lock,new model. 30,000 pistols do do do One-fifth of the Rho , . e arms to be delivered annual lv, during the ensulngcfive yews; commencing on the let of July, 1845. The whole subject to the proof and inspection prescribed by the Ordnance Department. ' packed in strong boxes, of the pattern now used, and delivered at such places as may be designated, the U nited States paying a reasonable price for the boxes and transportation to the place of delivery. • The proposals will be sealed, endorsed "Proposall for rifles end pistols," and addressed, under en envel ope, to this office. G TALCOTT, Lieut. Col. Ordnance. To be pnblished io the Madisonian, Globe, anaNettionallntelligenccr; St Ltmis Reporter, Cincin nati Republicen, Columbus (Ct.) Old School Republi can, Pittsburgh Morning Post. Baltimore Sun, Phila delphia Mercury, New York Aurora, Norwich. (Ct.) News, and Bascom Times, for two months. oct 22-2 m THE handsomest piece of vesting we have ever brought to the city, of which we have only a few yards, is now to be seen and for sale a our estab lishment; any gentleman wanting something rich .aud rare. will bo gratified by ,calling soon at 251. Liberty street. We will be in receipt of a large and spkiiidid lot of fallgnods, new style, in a few days. Look out for a great reduction in prices. nov 22, ALGEO & irGuinE. .anction gales. - - Vslesblo Books st Auction. WILL BE SOLD. de, Kosisss's Auction Attrt, corner of Second and Wood streets. ON Saturdayevening, the I4thinst.;at 6} o'clock, a valitable collection of Books, by Catalogue, among which ate some very late , publications. Catalogues are Row ready far distribution and the Books will be ready for atomisation on Saturday morning. Terms at Sale. dec 11. P. 114'KENN A, Atter. AnctLon Salo of Boots, Shoos and Calf Skins. WILL besold at McKenna's Auction Mart, corn er of2d•and Wood Strent,on the 16th inst,at 2 o'clock, P M., a great variety of Boots, Shoes, &c., among which are the Mowing articles ♦h 4 Cases double soled Kip boots; 9 easeszoarse sew ed Boot% 2 trunks double soled Calf skin Bontq 3 cases water-proof Boots; 5 eases St Leather Boots; 3 cases fine Kip do.; 2 eases Calf-skin. do.. 70 pair Ladies double soled Shoes; 1 case fine stitched Calf skin Boom 1. case double soled and doable armor Calfskin do.; 2 cases Boys do.; 1 eases Youths do.; 2 cases Mee's] *names-, 1 cage Brogans; 1 case Boys Shoes; 12 dos Philadelphia Calf skins. Also at same time one set of Lathe Paterns. Terms at sale. P McKENNA; Auct'r dee 11,1844. Dry Goods, IPuraitoro, &o. T Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of AWood and Fith its, to-morrow, Thursday, Dec. ' 12th. at 10 o'clock, A. M., without reserve, a large let of Dry Geoas. At 2 o'clock, PM, Fur DAVI nitnse, &cc. .1 D S, dee 11. Auctioneer. \VIII, be sold, at Davis' Commercial Auction Room, corner of sth and Wood streets, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Dec. 9.14411, and 12. Sales commencing at 6 u'cluck, P. M. An extensive assortment of new and valuable hooks direct from the publishers, having been selected from the well known establishment of S Andrews & Son, Hertford, Conn. and other publishing !souses in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, &c. Among the stark will he offered a variety of elegant Annuals for 1845 Bibles and Testaments in every variety of size style. Prayer Books, good editions, some rarbricated. Also, Shakspenre and Byron. fine editions; Napiers PoninittletrW.tr; Gueents Gibbon Goocrick Pictoral Geography; Magers Mexico, &c., &c, Together with a great variety of standard and miscellaaeous books in the vari.eis departments of literature, Books now open for inspection, JOHN D DAVIS, Auct'r. des 10, 1844. a Pistols. Attention. MEM Books at Auction. ?r!*TOM/Nrll AT 10 o'clock, A. M.. on FRIDAY, the 13th init., will be sold. at the Mansion House of the late I Mrs. Moir e 41 ILY. on Not th Common. in the city of Allegheny, try order of Wm. Arthur', Esq.. Adminis trator to sbe Estate of the late (Isn't.. MOWTGOINIEILT, deceased, a in ge quadtity of very valuable HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, nearly new, among which ere the following, viz ;— Dining, Side and Breakfast Tables; Bureaus, Book cases and Secretary; Hair-rat. Fancy and Common Chuirn; Bedstead., Feather Beds and Bedding; Look ing-GlassepL Pictures; Mantel Ornaments; Carpeting anJ Heanltaugs of various qualities; Dressing Wash-stands; Wardrobes and Venitian Blinds; Eight day Clock nod Case; Chinn, Glass and Queens-ware; Table Linen; File Irons; Fenders, &c. A quaotitya valuable Theological and Miscellaneous Books, em• bracing the Family Library. Togethati with six Horses; one Omnibus and Her nest; one Buggy and Harness; a one-horse Sleigh; one Rifle, and a great variety of valuable articles. Terms Ca.tb, currency. J. D. DAVIS, dec 9 Auctioneer. Trash Arrivals at Nos. 61 and 63. Carpets; Have just been received from the East, a large as sortment of rich Carpets, In4rain and Vesiciarn all of bright colon, and the latest fash ionable poltroon.— These will be sold by private sale. at am bl e p prices ranging from 12i la $l, Per yard. also,Brnssels hearth rugs, which will be sold very cheap. Boots and Sloes. Ten eases of fine Rod beavy winter Boot', Brlgen' and Ladies' shoes. Extra Superfine Broadelniks. Several pieces of Blue, Black. and 'lnvisible Green, Broadcloths, wool dyed, exclusively for private sales; and offered at very low prices. LYND & BICKLEN, Auctioneers. RED LION CLOTHING STORE,. NO. 163, 1a33111177 STINT, Third dear front the comer of 611 street. The Proprietor of this New Eatahlisbinent,respect folly informs the public that he has lately returned from Philadelphia. whets be purchased the most splendid ascot moot of SEASONABLE GOODS Ever offered in this city, •ll of which he intends manufacturing into Beady Wade Clothing. and to order, at the SHORTEST NOTICE. flaring employed the best workmen--Cntters and Sewers—he will warrant 1111 garments, Math, at his Establishment, to he viral both in make andrnaterials to any other establishment of the kind in this city; his stock of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, INEF.DS, SATTI . NETS, CABSINETTS, VELVETS, SATINS, VALENCIAS.I and other VES DINGS, Cannot be surpassed by any other establishment in Pittsburgh Hie stock of READY MADE CLOTHING. at this present timo is complete and cannot, fail to please the taste of every class of purchasers who wish to purchase to the best advantage; he therefore invites the public and Country Merchants, to visit his estab lishment before they purchase elsewhere. He has at P resent FINE. CLOTH DRESS and FROCK COATS, OVER COATS of FRENCH BEAVER, ♦an PILOT CLOTHS. A most splendid assortment, of FRENCH AND ENGIAREI TWEED SACK COATS, Of all sizes, for Men and Buys; PANTALOONS AND VENTS, Of all sizes - and quality to snit purchasers. -ROUNDASOUTL'INARNESSES,SIDRTS AND DRAWERS, BILK BANDENRCIUBPS, And the finest Merino do., and Slip; veriol of SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HOSE And HANDKERCHIEFS, All of which he is prepared to exhibit and OFFER FOR SALE On the most modenite terms for CASH AT THE Ikea Lion CROWN' Store. OBSERVE THESIGN OF OD THE RED LION. a ll LAWRENCE MITCHELL. , 1 ..0 Pittsburgh, Nov. 19,1844-3 ma. 1500 %El° . tati'Ljirlyale by SAM'L. M. - KIER, Canal Bashi, near 7th street. MEM transportation Lints. Anniatesit iparrenzinlwii* wrrE, For Lin transportatios of MERCHANDLZE AND PRODUCE iNTWICEN PITTSBURGH ND PHILADELPHIA, PITTS BURGH- AND BALTIMORE, ♦ND NEW. Y9XLK- AND,BOSTON. • THE. PROPRIETORS RESPECTFULLY inform theirfriend s and shippers generally, that they have changed the nameof their Transportation Line, (tom the United States Portable Boat Line, to the American Portable Boat Line. This line is composed of twentrfere new Four See tion Portable Boats, one of which will depart daily from Pittsburgh, Philadelphiaat.d Baltisriore. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other mode of transportation are too well known to shippers generally to reenirecomment: suffice it to say, that the detention, loss, separation ann damage to Goods, invariably attending three: ran. shipments between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, re by the r ot-cable Boats most effeaually removed. To eve undoubted security to owners and shippers all goodsand produce shipped by this line will be in sured in a responsible office in Philadelphia, without any additional charge to the owners. Merchandise shipped by this line in any of the east ern cities. and consigned to H Devine &Co, wiltho for warded itnmediatelyon arrival at Pittsburgh to any part of the west, free of commissions. H. Devine will receive produce consigned to him, pay steamboat freight and charges, and forward the same to any of the eastern cities. and chargeno com missions for storage, advancing or forwarding. Any comrnaniemtions or goods directed to the care of the undersigned Agents will be promptly attended ;o. H. DEVINE & CO., Canal Bs,in, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. • EG. WHITESIDES &CO., 36 Market street, below Tenth, Philadelphia. GIESE & SON, Commerce street Wharf, Baltimore. B A FA HNESTOCK di CO, 100 Front street, New York. RICE dr. WILLIAMS, No 3. Chatham street. Boston. ITREOMI C. A. EicANIILTY'S UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE For thettanaportation of erchandize toancl from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL PHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. THE success this line has met with, since it was first established on the "Individual Enterprise" system, has induced the proprietors to increase the smother of floats during the winter to twenty-five, cne of which will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Bal timore every day (except Sunday.) during the season. and make the trip through in six days. The superiority and advantages ofthc Portable Boat System over every other mode of transportation (when canals intersect with rail roads) are tun well known to shippers by this route generally to require any corn ment. Shippers can rely enhavingtheirproduce, merchant disc, or goods alloy kind that may be consigned to the Agents of this Line, forwarded with dispatch and at the very lowest rate of freight charged by other Lines, without any additional charge made fur receiv iag or advancing charges, &c. Alleornmunieations to the following Agents will be promptly attended tut CHARLES A. MeAriIILTY, • At the Depot, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRILL, 53, Smith's Wharf. Dear Pratt st, Ilaltimore W & J T TAPSCOTT, No 43. Peck Slip, New York THOMAS BORBIDGE, jan3l-ly 272, Market street, Philadelphia Good Intent Mail Stage Line for Erie. THE Subscriber respectfully informs the Public that, having recently made a contract with the P. 0. Department fur carrying the Mail from this place to F.rie; haveprocured new Troy built Coaches for theconveyanoe of Passengers.: And having also procured fresh Teams, and gond, , careful and sober drivers, are enabled t' drive through inthirty-two hours. being oat butane night. The Stage will lee via the 'Exchange Hotel every morning at 9 o'clock, A.M. BRINKER, BENNETT, & Co. P. S. For seats. apply to W R Moorhead, Agent, next door to The Exchange Hotel. This is the only Line that runs clear through to Erie, the other Line running no further than Mercer. not. 4, 1844. Spirit of the Age copy 3 ors. anti charge this office•) 200 Gros s No 1 Bottle Corks: 6 Bbls Sp Turpentine: 2 " Copal Varnish; I Cask Olive OB; 3 Dbl. Ven Red; 2 " Lampblack; 1 " Cream Tway; 1 " - Flcrr Sulphur; 1 Casella! Sulphur: " Liquorice Balk 1 " Gum Shellac; 1 " • " -Copal; 7b lbs Gum Camphor; ' 10 " " Opium; Together with a general assortment of Drugs, bled eines. Dye Stuff's, &cc., just received and for sale ley F. L. SNOWDEN. oat B. Nei 184 Liberty, head of Wood st. r (know! Colds I! Consumptions!! ! THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY. THIS plreaant and certain cure fur coughs and colds goes ahead of all the preparations now or ever offered to the public. The use of it is so great that the proprie tor has some difficulty in keeping a supply for the in creasing demand. Medical agencies, grnceries, drug gists, coffee-howes, and even bars oh steamboats keep a supply on hand. It is called for every where, and will sell in - any plate. The reason is'thlat every one who has a cough or a n d by eating a few stinks find themselves cured, as it were, by magic. Persons at a distance, by remitting the money, post paid, to the subietiber,will be attended to. For sale by the stick, 61 vents; 5 sticks fur 25 cte; and at wholesale by WM THORN, Drunist,-53 7.4erket st, where a general assortment of Drugs find medicines may always be found. nnv 28 PEOCritsAIRAT/ON. BY virtue of a precept under the hands of the Hon. Benj. Patton. jr., President of the Court of Com mon Pleas, in and for the sth Judicial District of Penn sylviuila. and Justice of the Court of Oyer and Termi ner, and General Jail Deliver:, in and for said Distict, and John M Snowden and William Porter, Esquires, Associate Judges of the same courts, In and for the said county of A lleghany, dated the 10th day of Novem ber, in tbe.year of our Load on* thousand eight bun dled and forty four, and to me directed, for bolding a Coart of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jall Dare ry, at the Court House, in the city of Pittsburgh, on the Fourth Monday of December next, at 10 o'clock. A M. • Public notice is hereby given, to nil Justices of the Peace, Coroner end constables, of the County of Alle gheny, that they be then and there, in !heir proper persons, with their rolls, reroute. inquisitions: exami nations. and other remembrances, to do those things, which to their respective offices in their behalf apper tain to be done—wild also those that will prosecute the prisoners that now are or may be in the pit of said comity of Allegheny, to be thenend there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given under my band at Intrisburgit, this 281' November, in the year of our Lord 1841, and of the Commanwealt the 66th. ' 29 ' ELIJAH TROTILLO,Iih'f. nov • . , .1" --, , .. .‘,,.--:-.• -..,:i: . 74i.'7.',.....T.::i'!.: 4 '."*: - ::: ' ., .''.:''.. 4 ,:. - CORUCTID DAILY ST A. IMANCIaII, 111.0111LWell =OEM, CORNER OF WOOD ►ND MAD ITS -SPECIE STANDARD. Merchants avadMalikefactsrera'acrip ... par Errata» ge Bask Scrip. ~ Curritney...... ..... . ... 1 Berks Coney Sirifi io EXCHANGE—AT E . 11431:1T. On Phikuhriphis......-' Ness York 4. .. ........ ••••• •.• .• lents!. Boston. ....-.. Bratistork -i primi. SPECIE. Ga1a....... - ...... . . ...# p.m. Silver .. ..., - - • • -Par PENNSTLVANLL--!PITTSBURGH . Bank ofrielskirgil per Merchants souk Mantifeetsvere Molt •.. Excius Dairse ...... 0.. 110411 day akar gh - PHILADELPHIA. . Bank of Nora America ...... -.b....-. 'Mr Do Northern Liberties - .. Fa , Do Pennsylvania Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania. ..... .:...par Farmers' and Mechanics' bank ...... .... ....pet Kensington bank -Par Manufacturers and Mechanics per Mechanics' Moyamensing par Philadelphia bank purr Schuylkill ,' par Sowthwark ..... " ........ Pa r Western ~ ....per Bank of Penn T0nm5kip.......... .--.p er Girard bank _. U. S. bank and brentrkes .... ..... 211 COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantown " Chester county •••••••• Pa " Delaware aplenty par ... Montgomery county .... ... • ..........par " NOT chamber/mut Par Farmers' bunk of Bucks calmly.... ....... —per , Eastonbank Doyle Simon bank ....... ... • ......... .. . .. I. pat Franklin bank of Washington . .....1 Bank of Ckambersburgk 1 " Middletown . ..- .... ... ... „. ........1 " Gettyiburgh - .......:. ... :. . ...I . " Lewistown .... I " Susquehanna county Berkscasaetybank........ .......... .• .... • no ask - . Columbia Bank and Bridge Company Par Carlisle bank Erie bank . Farriers and Droners' bank 1 , " Bank of Lancaster par 1 " Bank of Reading.. . Par Harrisburg bank 1 Honesdale " ....... 1 Lancaster " ..... pat Lancaster co. " 1 Lebanon " .... 1 1 Miners' bank of Pottsville 1 Mononeahelabank of Brownsville IL New Hope and Delaware Bridge company Northampton bank . ...no soia 1 Towanda bank No sale Wyoming bank 1 2 West Branch bank. ..... ..... • York bank ...............1 OHIO. Re/nansl bank of St. Cksirsoitle ... • . - 1 Clinton bank of Columbus Columbiana bank of N - View Lisbon ...... .• ..1 Circleville (Lawrence, caskier).,.....• 1 ' " ( Warren, c a5hier)........... ./10 8441 1 Cineinnoti banks.. ..... ............• • .Chillicothe ba n k . ... .- .......... ............1 Commercial bank of Lake Erie .... ... • 2 Dayton bank .... .... - 1 Franklin bank of Columbus .......1 Farmers' and. Mechanics' bank of Strabrewille ..1 . Farmers' bank of Canton 20 Geauga li . . Granville . 62 . _ Hamilton 111 Laneaster. .... 10 Marietta .... .... .. 1 Massillon ...... ..• . 1 Mechanics' and Traders'. Citteisutati ..--, 2 ilf aunt Pleasant ...... ....... „ . ... ..... .1 Norsralk Putnam ........ ...... .........,...1 Sandusky 1. Seioto .... . .........10 Vibana ............................ 45 iVooster .... .. ...... ... . ...... .1 Xenia . ... . .. -•1 Zanesville . ... ....1 Bank of C1eve1erud.:_._.....,„...............10 INDIANA. Stair bank and brensekes State Scrip aa• •• aaaa• •••• . 10 KENTUCKY. All banks ILLrNOIS. State bank Bank of Illinois, 8/writedown Se 1 VIRGINIA. Rank of the Valley of Virginia. . Rank of Virginia ... I Exchange bank of Virginia Fkriners' bank of Virainia.... . • .. • .• - . 1 Iforlk-Western bank of Virginia ... . .. Merekants' esnei Median les' bank of Virginia.. Branches ........ •••••• • • ••• -1 MARYLAND. Baltimore City banks • All other solvent .• .• .• .• ..1 NORTH CAROLINA. All solvent banks.— ..... SOUTH CAROLINA. All sokentb4nks.. Allso/veni banks.. .. ..... .21 Mobile arks ...... .. .••• • Coroary LOUISIANA. New Orleans banks rood).— ••111 Allbatski.... ........ ...........4 ASPLENDID Article of Lard Oil for families. hotels, eltnrebes, &4., on draft at very kw' prices constantly on band and for sale by 3. 8. GWYNNE. Franklin Manufactory. 2.1 Street. Flannels Rad Casidnettos. A►FRESH supply of Flannels and Cassiavises. just received from the M a nufactovers. and for sale low, by GEO. COCHRAN. nov 7 No 26 Wood St. Shot 50 KEGS Shot, smiled numbers, for Wu bv nor 29 JAMES MAT Castor Oil. 35 B BLS. Cold Press Castor Oil. for sale low to rinse coning:unpin. - JAMES MAT. nov 29 30 BALES damaged Cauca, fee sale by ao• 49 JAMES MAY. N. IX Sugar. 15 . HITS. Prime N 0 Segal fa sare l Lepte commitment b - Dissolution of Partnership. OTIC Eis hereby given to Owns it mayoresses" ill thin the partnership heretofore existing between Samuel Stockholm. and Joseph Tomlinson, is this day . dissolved. and all transactions in tbe name of the will be disecietinued-from this date. tire 20 3w JOSEPH TOMLINSON. 30Brstms citassiatairS, jam received and far ludo by HAlL)tiat; naraNgs, 8 $ c fb . 42 Wood 4k ax 2/ tf. ~a ~?..:f GEORGIA. ALABAMA TENNESSEE.