Irt'be May, with hawthorn blooms In our breasts; wesit on tombs, And spell o'er with eager ken The epitaphs of older men, Choosing these, for some stronger •reasons, Who've weathered ninety—a hundred sessuns Till forth at lust we shout in chorus, `We've thirty good yeat areal before us. • ' But's a bonny day, What shall we be doing? What's the use of saving money, When rivers flow with milk and honey? Prudence is our ruin. What have wssto do with care? Who, to be a pauper's heir, _Would mask his false face in p smile, %Pr, hide honest hate in guile? Sates American Anti-Bilious Life pills. VOR.allcliseases-er.iginating in a diseased stomach _V -and impure blood. These pills which have but recently been introduced to the Wesr, are advancing in the faverof ale public-with astonishing rapidity.— Very few persons who have given them a trial, are ever willing to snake.use of any other kind, and adopt themes a Family Medicine. This is the best recom mendation that could be given them. They are entire ly vegetable and are the most valuable Pills that can -be obtained. Sold wholesale and retail by . • ett 30-tf Fr HE Allegheny County Mutual Insurance Compe l. ny arecow prepared and read) to receive applica tiong, at the office of the Company in Exchange Buildings, No. 12. The method and plan of Inetuance according to the plan onwhich this Corn - pally hasbeee organized, has been fully tested and uni. versally successful in other parts of the State,in the East ern States, and in Ncw York and Ohiot the rates of Insurance generally, not exceeding the i tot of one - per cent. per annum. Norx.—Each person insured becomes a member, and will deposite his note for the premium with the -Secretary, upon which 5 per cent. is requited to be paid in cash. L. WILMA RTH, President • Joint B. ROBINSON, &very. Pittsburgh, April 29, 1244. • - DIRECTORS. Wm. Robinson,Jr., Lot 0. Reynolds, John-Sampson, Thos. H. Stewart. 'T.iitatie Wood, G. E. Warner Wm. Bagihiy, E. W. Stephens, Sylvanus Lothrop, -fr. IL Johnson. John Morrison, Harvey Childs. apr. 30—tf. William Adair, Boot sad Sim Maker, Libertyat. opposite the Head of Smithfold. j RESPECTFULLY returns hie thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on© him since his location is Pittsburgh. He has . received a supply of the best Philadelphia Calf skin and other Leather, which he will make tosordet in water proof Boots, or otherwise, in the best style and at the lowest prices. He has also received a full supply of all kinds of Shoe Findings, direct from the Manufacturers, all which he will be thankful to supply his friends with at the lowest prices. oct til-tf Chronicle copy 3t Wholesale Druggists, Grocers, &c., WOULD be consulting their own, and the inter est of their customers, tura very great extent, by purchasing Spices, Drugs and Dye Wooods in the Eastern markets, whole and in- sticks, and getting them ground and chipped at the Franklin Manufacto ry, Second street. .It is not generally known, but nevertheless true, that Drugaand spices sold in the East, are lower in price than whole, of ;course the profit and cost of grinding must be made up by adulteration; dye woods have at least ls•per: oenty end in some cases 25 por cent of water added to them. Now water, dust, cornmeal and flaxseed meal are plenty hero, and we can eat them in their purity, if so it pleases us, without pay ing a pepper , priue with Freight and premium added. Cinnamon, Allspice, Natmega, Gumeric, ground, - - •ate Gum Arabic, • Gum Aloes. Gum Gamboge, Pumice Stone. Lac Dye, Indigo, . . r. oftwood. Clore* and Mane, Fustic, Mustard, - Nicwood, Guru Scarnony, 'Cam Wood,l _Manganese, :13razil Wood, 'tint Galls, ' Lima Wood, chipped, --' Pepper, &c. &c. &c. ' The Proprietor will not deal in•any of the article; lie grinds as a guaranty that all tho• articles intrusted remain as pure as when sent to him. Lard Oil constantly on hand. julj26-tf. ; J. S. °WYNNE. PBINTINQ INK. A FRESH SUPPLY OF C. 3•OHNSONII SUPERIOR:PRINTING IN LARGZ ARO SMALL KEGS, Just received at the office of tie 'tPoet. ll oct2s. 1,760 0 FIRE BRICK—on hand sod for sale • by JOHN SCOTT &Co. oe.t 30 No7,Commemialltow, Liberty street. THE PAUPER'S JUBILKE. Sy BARELY CORNWALL. Hurrah! who was e'm so gay ,As we mer:y folks tacitly? Brother beggars, do not stare, Butioss your raga into the air, And cry. "No work and better rarer Each man, be he saint or sinner, Shall:to-day have—meat for dinner. xesterasy, oh! yesterday, That indeed was a bad day . ! Iron bread, and rascal peel. Water drink, and scanty fuel ; With the beadle at our backs, = Coning arm we beat Ehrx, Bust like twelve old Bailey-varlets Amongst oakam.picklng harlots. 'Why Should wa suth things endure, "Though ire be the pariah poor This is usage bad and rough; Are not age and pain etiough? , Lonely age, anpitied pain, With thet bars that like a chain To our prison bare bath bound us, And, the unsvelcomed winter round us- es 4Vby 'should we for ever work 7. Po we starve beneath the Turk? That bath one foot in the grave We should toil still like the slave, -eventy winters on our heeds, Yet we freeze nn wooden beds, `With one blanket for a fold, That lets in the horrid cold, And cramps and agues manifakil Yet—sometimes a e ere merry people, When thechimeoclamt steeele, Irtbe summer time, we all. Dropaied, palsied, crippled, crawl, Underneath the sunny wall; Up and down like worms we crouch, lOr stand still and fall asleep, 'With our flees lotbe sun, TOrgouing all the world has done. - But come.—why do we loiter here? Boy, go get us some small beer; Qtrkk, 'twill make our blood rue quicker, And drown the devil pain in liquor. -Watch, so fierce; is almost pass;-" April will be here at last; Ani May must come, When bees do hum, 11nd Summer over Cold victorious: Hurrah! 'tis a prospect glorious! Meat! small beer! and warmer weather! Come boys,—let's be mad together! SAMUEL FREW. earner Weed and Liberty sts INSURANCE DAILY AltitlViCiS OF New Goods, at ALOEO & Arl'Gutax's Fashion able Head quarters, No 251 Liberty Street. The newest styles and most splendid goods that is brought to this market is to be seen at our establishment. We would invite the attention of purchasers to our present stock, which for variety and richness of style cannot be excelled. In catering for the taste of our custom ors we ere determined not to be out done, as arrange ments have been made by us to secure every new style orgouds upon its arrival in the Eastern market, as well as the best Paris monthly reports, which we receive regularly; neither expense or pains shall be spared in making our establi.hment THE FASHIONABLIC READ gas/runs of the West: and we trust to be sustained by our old patrons, as well as a great many NEW ones, whom we shall not fail to please, as wiitrust our abili ty is equal to our inclination. Isom 2 ALGEO & McGUIRE, Chronicle and Age copy. P. DELANY, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 49, LIBERTY STREET, THIRD DOOR ABOVE VIRGIN ALLEY, Havinglaid in a general stock of CLOTHS, CASSINERES, BEAVER CLOTHS, CASTER CLOTHS, Heavy Winter Tweed; Sattinetts, &c. of which he has made up in the LATII,ST STYLE OF FASHION, by the BEST WORKMEN OF THE CITY, Amongst them are all sizes of Frock and dress Coats, of superior French and English Cloths of all fashion- Side colors; super double milled broad cloth sack over coats, plain and weaved Beaver do., made handsome frock and sack fashion; every description of HEAVY TWEED COATS, Double milled plain and fancy Cassimerr, PLAID, STRIPE, AND PLAIN PANTALOONS CLOTH, SATTINETT, &c. A splendid assoi tment of Vests, plain, plaid and Elgin..., ed, velvet, satin, woolen, velvet, cloth, cassimere, &c. A few CLOTH CLOAKS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. made in the present Fall fashion; a large lot of Blue Mackansw Blanket Coats, and a • 1 _ _ _ GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BOYS CLOTHES. The subscriber having rurchssed his goods in the East, in the most favorable port of the season when the assortment was gond and ma very low prices, and from the large amount of patronage bestowed on his e nab lisbment, is enabled to sell AT MUCH LOWER PRICES than is usual is the trade. A general assortment of goods are on hand, to make to order, and will be MADE ON THE SIIIORTEBT NOTICE. Having secured the services of B. DONAGHY, well known its this city, as an experienced Tailor, and of Wm. B. ROATCH, who has long carried on a fashion able Tailor Shop, Philadelphia, he cunidently assures all who desire 'CUSTOM—WORK, that they can im fitted with any sort of a garmebt, in • style that CANNOT BE SURPASSED la say shop in Pittsburgh. The subscriber, returns his sincere thanks for favorare6ieed, and invites a continuance and exten sion of enstonr, his arrangements aro such as must suit all tastes, and satisfy every one who may purchase of him. oct 19 KEEP COMFORTABLE. READY MANN CLOTHING, •T TN C THREE BIG DOORS! No. 151, LIBERTY STREET. e proprietor of this big* favored Establish ment, respectfully informs the public that he has now prepared the LARGEST STOCK OF SEASONABLE CLOTHING Ever offered in this city. His stock amounts to vp wards of .75,000, And he has a large number of the best workmen con stantly engaged in making new garments to suit the taste of his numerals customers. liia asfiortment of - CLOTHS, CASSIME RES, TWEEDS, SILTTINETS, CASSINETS,' VELVETS, &C., Of French, English, and - American Manufacture, IS LARGER, AND MORE VARIED, Than any ether ever opened in this city, and cannot fail to please the taste of every class of purchasers. HE HAS ON HAND, CLOTHING IN ALL ITS VARIETY, TO SUIT EVERY CALLING, Which is warranted to be made from the BEST MATERIALS, - And in the LATEST FASHION. tiis asscniment of FASHIONABLE CLOAKS,. OVER-COATS, Of every description, COATS. AND PANTS„ • Of every quality acid price, yin% AND viurrnras Of every variety of fashion and quality, CANNOT BE SURPASSED. He has SEPARATE CUTTERS for every depart ment in Clothing, and as they are all workmen who have beenemployed in the most FASHIONABLE HOUSES In the ccrontry, he can warrant his patrons that THE CUT AND MARE Of all articles from his establishment will be is the ■cost modern style. DINI;CHANTS - Are respectfully invited to call, as the proprietor feels confident that he can sell them Goods on snob terms as will make it to their advantage to purchase at the Teree,Big:Doors. Oct 28 REMOVAL. MESSRS. MOORHEAD & READ, ATTORNEYS AT "LEW, H AVE removed their office to Second street, three door from the corner of 2nd and •Grant ate-- near the Scotch Hill Market: m'l7 Removal. rE Depot of the UNITED STATNN roRTAIILE BOAT Lies, has been removed forth', present to Lacock street, Alleghenytown. r i p Office, comer of Lacock ena Federal streets, directly apposite the Poet Ofsde. C. A. M'ANULTY, ecpt 4.3 m Agt. U. S. nimble Boat tine, P. TW.L.kNY JOHN M'C LOSK F;Y r Landsurviwaranduiviun g . T HE undensiped intending to pudue permanently the bnai nets ofSurveyingand Civil Engineering, offers his services . to the public. Having had a neryeatensive practice with Mr Z W Remington in this vicinity, be feels warranted in say ing that his experience and practical knowledge will be advantageous to those who may employ him. Per sons interested in real estate will find at his office plans of the City, City District, "Reserve Tract, opposite Pittsburgh," "Manor of Pittsburgh," Birmingham, Lawrenceville. and lots aad firms extending several miles around Pittsburgh. R E McGO WI N. Office, Penh street, et ferw doors above Hand, Pittsburgh. NIFICRICKCI3I Richard Biddle, Esq. P. MulvanY , Wilson M'Candless,isq., James S. Craft, Esq., John Pinderson,, Hon. Harmer Denny, Arthurs, Chas. S. Bradford, Esq R. S. Cassat, 0. Metcalf, Esq. NOTICE. IV'Those of my friends and the public, who may wish to have recourse to any of my papers, draughts or plans, will hereafter find them in the office of R E Mc- GOWIN, whom I respectfully recomrned as one in whose professional abilities and integrity they may de pend. Z W REMiNGTON , mB-dawlv EMOVAL.—The undersigned begs leave to in form the public, that he has removed from his old stand, to the corner of Penn and St. Clair sts., op posite the Exchange Hotel, vrherekhe has fitted up a large PTAs° FORTE WAtet ROOK, and noteoffers the most splendid assortment of Prssos ever offered in this market. His pianos consist of different patterns, of superior Rase Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finieihed and modeled, and constructed throughout of the very best material., which, for durability and quality of me, as well as touch, be warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. Arlie has enlarged his manufactory, and made ar rangements to supply the increasing demand for this in. strument, he respectfully requests those intending to purchase to call and examine his assortment before purchasing shisorkere, as he is determined to sell Low en, fur cash, than any other establishment east or west of the mountains. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn end St. Clair streets, Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. sep 10. MUTUA L PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE. T HE Allegheny Mutual Insurance Company, COM meneed issuing policies the lath May last. The Policies and applications for Insurance four times exceed the amount its charter required to com mence with, creating a fund already sufficient to meet any probable loss that may eocur; as is tested by all the repeats of well conducted institutions of the kind, and daily augmenting its capital by the accession of new members. The terms of Insurance are as farandole as those of any other institution in the city, and its principles need only be known to vastly increase its business and ex tend its usefulness. L. WILMARTH,Prea't. J Roarsson,Seey. DIRECTORS. Lot 0 Reynolds, Thos H. Stewart, G E Warner. E W Stephens, S R Johnston, Harvey child.. W Robinson, Jr., John Sampson, James Wood, W Bagnle_y• Sylvester I.“throp, John Morison, .015. Z FIRST rEEDWINE OP THE AGE THE CELEBRATED DR. DUNCAN'S 21 lIP MCI ZAE: altf IP 83leDIM FOR CONSUMPTION COLDS, Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Spittiike of Blood, Dilfi. utty of Breathing, Pain in the Side, Breast and Chest, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Croup and all diseases of the Liver and Has now been before the puplic for severs! years During which time its value has been tested by that sands who were laboring under the numerous diseases which have their origin in a common Catarrh or Cold, and which this medicine is designed to cure. The re.oh of this trial has been to placelencan's Remy-. dy" at the head of the patent medicines of the day . ST ITS OWN NARITA •ND EICALLANCIC •it has attained a popularity acceding that of any other preparation. now otered to the poblict for the preven• non and cure of that large and frightful class of diseas es which so frequently lead to. and •tertoiaete in CONSUMPTION, It is now offered to the afflicted with•oonfidence as the scar preparation fur Coughs, Colds, &c. extant. We are warranted in assuming fur it this high charac ter, by the proofs, which we are constantly receiving, of the invaluable benefits desired from its use. Tes timonials and recommendations of the strongest kind are constantly being received from all quarter, by the Proprietor and Agents. In relieving cases of Asthma, Diffieulty in Breathing, .Pain in the Side and Breast, it is uneq u alled; in cur ing Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, and in short remov ing all 'hasp:upturns of approaching Pulmonary Con sumption, ITS IVCCESS HMI SKEW UIItAItAXIILLED No other medicine has prevail itsoW serenity inval uable. Thousands in Pittsburgh and the - vicinity, are. as far u human agency is concerned, indebted to Dr. Duncan's F.zpectorant Remedy for prolonging life and health. Many persons after using the other cough medicine* of the day without effect, have been com pletely restored by this truly GREAT DISCOVERY in the HEALING ART. A watt and undoubted evidence of is worth, is to be found ;a the high degree of popular favor which it has received since its introduction into the West.— Whetuver an agency has been opened for its sale, and wherever it has receivedit fair and honest trial, it has become firmly establishdd as a STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINE. It is rapidly superseding the use of the many nos trums, which have so long imposed upon the communi ty. whick have obtained their name only by puffing arid braggadocio, and which are sew destined to be thrown aside to make way for the best cough medicine of the present age. It is not pretended that it will positively cure even)? case of the disease, for which it is designed, but it is honestly believed that in every case where it gets a fair chance it will effect a cure. Coming, then, before the people with the highest recommendations, it is at/east, worthy of a trial by all who are afflicted with any of that large and dangerous class of diseases, • The following is a specimen of the numerous testi monials which we have received. /t is from a PHY SICIAN of high standing in Ohre. Dear Sir—Haring had occasion to witness the ef fect of Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Remedy on Mr Eli Young in a case of Pulmonary Consumption, I felt it my duty to make a brief statement in order that others that are or may be afflicted with the same complaint may be benefitted by the same remedy. He was attacked with inflammation in the left lobe of the lungs in March 1843, attended with acute pain, great difficulty of breathing, and a severe cough, which ,proceded rapidly to sup oration: and not withstanding the use aria application of the best remedies prescribed by our authors, the complaint in a few days began to exhibit evident symptoms of ulceration. In this distressing stage of the complaint, I had re course to Dr Dancan's Expectorant Remedy for con sumption, which had the effect of cheoking the disease immediately, and in a few days the pain ceased, the breathing became free aid easy, the cough left him, and the expectoration subsided, the consequences of which was that in using six bottles he has recovered his health, and is restored toms family. I do het eby certify the above to be true statement of my case as far as comes withia -tiny knowledge. ELI YOUNG. I Mt Vercon, May 28, 1844 Sold viboleside and retail by SAMUEL FREW. corner of Liberty and Wood ate , Pittsburgh Oct 30-if Cronberries. 30 BUSHELS CRANBERRIES, just received awl for solo by HAILIkiAN, JENNIEGS, & Co. oct 21 tf. 92 Wood et. LUNGS /MO/KENNA% AUCTION MEANT, coasta OF WOOD At SECOND STS. T HE undersigned very respectfully tender. his ser vices to the public, and to Importers, Merchants land Manufacturers,as a general AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT. He has takenout a license and cantered into the securi j ties required by law, for the _transaction of PUBLIC SALES of all FORE/ON •ND DOMESTIC GOODS •ND FABRICS. An experience of a series of years in commercial life hasfurnished the undersigned with some knowl edge of business, nearly twenty years of which have been devoted actively to the auction business, which may be advantageous to those who confide to him the sales of property. To the Ixroaraaeveryfacility will be ofered in dis posing of Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware: and to the Home Manufacturer, the most prompt at tention will be paid in the sale of Americanprodatets. Sales of real and personal estate in town and coon. try shall command the best services of the undersign. ed. Arrangements will be made whereby liberal ad vancks will be made on consignments, and sales in emery instance closed without delay. Business is now commenced and rendlioreceive consignmente N V P McKENNA,' The Old Auctioneer. Bq permission I ate authorised to give the following referetoo4. Avery, Ogden & Co. Wm. IkrKnight & Co. Tiernan & Jones, Jame Murphy &Co. James Park, Jr., & Co. J. W. Burtrridge & Co. Wm. Bell & Sons, D. P. Morgan, Waterman Palmer, Bagaley & Smith, E. A. Brown . & lo's. Shea &Pennock, Geo. R. White & Co. S. W. Semple, Samuel Spencer, Robert Galan, . Bailey & Co. blyets & Co. .1. Painter & Co. Taaffe& O'Connor, King & Holmes, Johnston & Stockton, Bailey, Brown dr, Ce. Gee. Cochran, Thomas Bakewell, Church & Carothers, H. Childs & Co. N. Holmes & Son, Wm. E. Austin, WCandless & M'Clure, H. S. .blagraw. C. M'Kibben. Allen Brown, J. M. D. Crossan, H. P. Graff, H. Device. PIitILMICIRMIL. John H. Brown & Co. Smith,Bagaky &Ca. John S. Riddle. Robert Don Lap. James O'Connor, H. Alexander. joly 2, 1844. LYND & BICKLEY, Br XI W AVOTION ROOMS, Nos. 61 sad 63, Wood, between Third and Fourth Streets. EW. LYND, having formed a copartnership • with C S Bickley, and taken out an Auction commission of the first class they are now ready to continue business at she above well known and men-, rive waserwants„ under tie firm of LYND Et MICKLEY. One ottbre partners being most of the time is the' eaworn cities, securing large andregralarconapurmu of seasonable merchandise, they .are enabled to have always en hand the fullest and beat assorted stock of Fresh Dry Goods, Hardware, ;Fancy Articles, &c„ to be found at any place= the city. Regular sales of Dry Goods, &c , on 'Mondays and Thursdays, at JO o'clock A M; and of new and second band Furniture, Groceries, &c,att o'clock I' M tithe Wile day. Sales from the shelves every evening at earlygas light, and goods sold by private sale stall 41111104, Sales of real and personal estate, private stock &c, will be made on the most reasonable terms. I.i bend cash advances made on all consignments. a I 7 Jam D. Daub, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Curvier of Wood read ets., Pittolourti, TS ready to receive merchandise of every description anconsigaroent, for pub& er private sale, and from long experience in +be above business flatters himself that be will be able to give entire iaLifection • to all wbo may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MONDA TIIII,IXI TH WU DA TIP, ofDry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsbuighmanufactured articles,new and second hand furniture, Scc., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,atearly gas light. aug 12-y - - NEW DRUG STOR E- KERR & MOHLER, N.. 144, Corner of Wood olreel gni Virgin Alley , J UST received sad for tale, a large assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-Studs &c. which have been recently selected, and purchased with considerable care for Cash. The following com prise part of the stock just received: Gem Camphor, Spit its Turpentine, Cream Tartar, Cepa! Varnish, Flor. Sulphur, 'White Lead, Castor Oil, R e d 4t Gem Arabic, Litharge, Epsom Salts, Flaxseed Oil, Fl Manna, Venitian Red, Eng- Gum Opium, Spanish Brown, Gum Aloes, Chipped Logwood, Flor Camomile, Camwoed, . Saltpetre, rustic Jujube Paste, Nic Wood, ' Ref'd Liquorice, Ernailletta, Liquorice NB, Indigo, Magnesia, Nutgalls, • l'ow'd Ginger, Oil Vitriol, Nutmeg., Aquafortis, With a general assortment too numerous to mention, -siltidh will be sold for Cash at a small advanoe-on Eastern prices. MP' Dr Maxims Rua" "Al /trellis intention to the compounding of Physician's prescriptions. m 8 - • Di y 1ik0e42.0 Huey & Co., No 12S, Wood Street, ARE new receiving a fresh stock of Spring Dry ilk Goads, which they have lately purchased in the east, entirely for rash, and they Satter themselves hat they can now offer such inducements as will make t the interest of all purehasers to give them a call, as they are determined to sell goods cheaper than any other house west of the mountains. Gr Azirsor. .dreorge . BlLarchstat H AS removed to the room on Fourth street, next deer to the Methodist Bookstore. lately emu-, pied by Wm. E. Austin, Esq., where he will be hip, py to serve his friends and customers and the public generally, with all work in his line, which he will . . warrant to be well made and in the latest and most fashionable style. als.y CROP T HE subscribe! has just received his Ammar supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in pan of the following kb:l4ll7—d' of theism year's crop, and warranted genuine% Asparagus, Egg Plant, Parsnip, , Beets, Endive, Peas. Beans, Kalo, Peper, Leek. Pernpicin, Sroccoti t ~ Lettuce, Radish, Borecele, Water Mellon, Rhubarb Cabbage, Musk .. Salsafy. Caro*, Nasturtium, Cauliflower, Spimtob, Squash, C*PletT, Okra, ~ Tomatoes. Curled Cress, Onins, Turnip, Cucuiriber, Parsley, Gott!, Musts d, (white and brown) atc, Together with a variety of , pot and sweet herbs and flower seeds. rirOrders for seeds, shrtihs, trees' &e, froist ear. deners and others will be reeniited'enid protiptly at tended to: F L SNOWDEN, jan 25 No /84 Liberty, heitd of Woad. PITTSIIVRGii. Marble Illansfitet,ory. AT Hollidaysburg, Pa., by. Groves & Johnson, who are prepared to furnish, either in the block, sawed in the slab, or to order, or finished, such as Mantas, Furniture-tops, &c., Tombs, Head and foot stones—and house work generally, such as Door-ways, D oor a im a n d beads, Window sills and heads, Plat forms and steps, &o. &c., all of which out be furnish ed in White, Black, Blue or variegated Marble, at. very reduced prices and et the shottest notice. oct 17 ----.._ ..,_. ._ ... . noted ,_: ikesdi' issaitraelliis ~ Waralikessi ... . , , , .. West end of the old Allei Ass, F ridge. ',Argil at., 2drmr,fress lice , . S. load. HUGH SWEENY WM. TROVILLOs UNDILVMAXER, ~RIOPECTIoULY furors/0 trurpohlla that he WOULD take th is occasion to return his sincere thanks to his numerous f ' ds and the public [ has rentrred Ifs ready made toga ware. generally, for the very liberal patronage heretofore be- bottom to the building recently (rumpled . hyMs stowed on the Emmet Hotel, and he pledges himself ft. C. Berford, directly ("poodle hirolt stand that Ruching shall ke omitted on (depart to merita con- where he Is always prepared to attend prommeilt , tinuanceof their favors. The convenience and beauty to any orders in his line, and by strict autistic,* of the situation, and the whole arrangements of the to aft the detattsof the Waimea' of ea 11 / a dettaair house for the accommodation of guests are notiaferior he hopes to merit public comadenau tie will be prepared - to anysimilar establishment in or out of the city. His at ALL Hooks to provide Hearses, Biers, C - loges an table will always beprovided with the best the markets every reqmaita on the mom liberal terms. Canal:moth* can afford, and no pains will be spared to ensure the country win he promptly attended to. comfort of those who may favor the Emmet Hotel with tits regidenee is in the same belleieg spa ede mem*: their patronage. a2O-tf house, where those who need his services may Auld./ "„ y time. assitamtcss: w.w. tawtm, amt. JOU mammas: sie JUDOS ItIDDLIG RSV. ILOSIZIT altlCClt t D. IP. JUDO* PATTON, limit SANCZL WILLIAMS, w. a.m'cteaa, IRV. JOCIPM liCtlla. ISAAC luaus, W. JAllts an Lam, 10 at,, a. P. swir-r. La! what makes your teeth so unusually whithl Quoth Josh's dulciniatohim Cother night, To make yourn look so, with a grin, replied Josh, Pre bought you a bottle of Thorn's Tooth Wash, 'tithe best now in use, so the gentlefolks say, And aisle* theyhave tried this, cast all others away. I Bet to prove it the beet is wake the teeth shine, Look again, my dear Sal, attke lustre desists. Then try this great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash. Aad -see if this teeth wash of nerds is net fine. Having tried Dr. "Tbetn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and hec t i tosostuaintedwithtbaingredient s of its corn- Positiosily say, I consider it one ofthe safest, " 44 "1 1 1911011,rdiseatert pleasant tooth washes now in i use. -,:!,.... '.., DAVID HUNT, Dentist. ritnibuighAipt. 15, 1842. ,0 I take pleastire in stating, having suede -me of "Thos's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," that it is ens of the best dentrifices in use. Being its: sliquidform. it com bines aeouseas with convenienoe. While it cleanses the enamel end removes the tartar from the teeth, its pezfurneyields a fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS, 1V,.. D. The 'undersigned have used "Tirsni'it Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and Lave found it te be an extremely pleasant dentriftce, exercising a most salu tary influence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indispensable members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Having thoroughly tested its virtues, we 'take pleasurein recommending it to the public, believ. ing it to be the best article ofthe kind now in use. M. ROBERTSON, JAMES P. BLACK. R. H. PEEBLES, CHAS. B. SCULLY. C. DARRAGH. WM. M' CANDLES'S, J. M MOORHEAD, JAS. S. CRAFT. IL L. RING WALT, L. S. JOHNS. Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN, A poth- I ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Market street, Pittsburgh; and by all the principal Druggists, and at Turtle's Medical Agency, Fourth at, sep MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Next door to the Fifth l'pecbyterian Church. To the Gleartiomon of Pittiburgh. iTHE subscriber most respectfully informs the gentlemen of this city and© vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and SHOE malt4g business in Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's ogle, at the stand lately 000upied by P. Ker rigan. Having beset fireman in some of the most fashionable bootshops in the Eeaetem cities; and bay ing fur nished himself with the beet French and Ameri can calf Adios, be hopes by his attention to business to merit a Share of pdblic patronage. To atoms gentle. men who have kindly patronized him he returns his sin cere thanks, and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his cock and knowledge of his business July 24-te. A. TERNAN. i I nUliclWel" Gardens. THE undersigned respectfully laforwis the citizens of Pittsburgh that she has opened the Shakspeare , the village of East Liberty, for the accom modation of visiters dining the summer season, The beauties of the situation, and the perfect manner in whioh-every arrangement is made about this establish. went that will oeintribute to the pleasure of visiters, are well knows toil* publicand the proprietor assures all who may visit her house that nothing shall be omit ted on 'her part to make the Shakspeare Gardens at least equal to any similar establishment in tie couu tntlgf ISmanenCoala ()UR last meg" . t brings us out . two new coats of 1 1-1 , this description. The material used in the first is French and English Tweeds, of which we have re ceived some new patterns, suitable for the coming sea- ' 1 sen—such as Bronzed and granite mixed Plaids, &e.; these are lined with rich Cachmere throughout, which makes them suitable for any weather. The other is a very desirable Coat, being something between a riding or these Coat—the material is Olive. Citron, Melber g, London Brown or Rifle Green Cloths, and trimmed with sporting Buttons, all of which we have in abun dance. Conte on with year orders, gentlemen; the Cash spftem makes all the difference, for there is no other customer shop in the City can sell as cheap as the Fashionable Head quarters. No 251 Liberty street. -Dept 2 ALGEO & A:MUIR& Cbreolderand Age copy. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. LOOKING GLASSES AT EASTERN PRICES. T HE subscriber has opened an establishment at N 066, Wood street, a few doors from the cor ner of ith, where be keeps constantly for sale ailkinds of LOOKING GLASSES,nt Eastern Prices. He has oil band alarge assortment of Glasses in both gilt and mahogany frames, to which he invites the at tests-ton of customers. believing that the quality of his ardeles and his prices cannotfail to give satisfaction. Pictures framed to order, in neat style,in either gilt or mahogany frames. Canalboat and other reflectors wtatmfactured to or deron the shortest notice. Old frames repaired and regilt, so as to look as well as new, on the shortest no lice. J T MORGAN, Agent. mar 23-tf civil 8a wing ArGbitsetitro. Survey.. Inc, &e. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing Ire tween A. E. DRAKE and E. Z. C. JUDSON having been dissolved, the undersigned would respect 'fully inform his friends and the public generally, that he wiliicentinuetbebssiness, and would solicit a share of the public patronage. Orders left at the shop of F. A. Stafford, Architect. over Harris' Paint Shop, sth street, or al his residence on Hay street, between Penn street and the river, will be punctually attended to. A. E. DRAKE. jetty 15 tf ELIZA McD!Zf',ZALD NEW CASTE Dry (Seeds sad Variety Store! .1. K. Lop's+ . George Cosset., H AVE opened a new cub Dry Goods and 'variety. Store in Fifth street, between the Exclaims Bank and Wood street, under the firm of J. IL Logan. & Co. Their stock of Goods are entirety fresh-and harking been ail purchased for CASH, principally at aoction,by- George Connel, (who has bad long experience in the business, and resides in Philadelphia to make purcha ses and pick up bargains,) they will, therefore beeps_. hied to offer great inducements to those wishing to per. chase ; as they are determined to sell at the lowest possible advance °neuter, cost for CASH. They have now on band a large and well selected stock of seasonable Goods, among which are Blue, Blue Black, Invisible Green, Brown, Steel and Caster, mixed Broadcloths; Cassimeres and Sattisets; Gam broons ; Linen and Cotton Drillings; Cottoned,; ygfitings, fancy prints; 3-4, 4-4 - and 5-4; Bleached Ora Brown Muslins; Irish Linen; Bed Ticking; Mari ner's Shirting; "Til ley, Tatham & Walker's," ma, "Hope & Nelson's" Patent Thread; Spool Cotte n Sewing Silk; Silk and Cotton Hdkf's• ' 30 hoar, eel' day Brass Clocks, warranted; &c., &c. They l ot be constantly receiving additicos to their stock purelsa- Red at the eastern /maim', and would invite the attaa lion of dealers and others to an examination of their goods before purchasingeleavrhere. Pittsburgh; April!, 1844. Wm. (Mum Robinson, tr. IL Attomosy s H AS removed his office to Fourth, war W 0441 street, lately occupied by C. Diu nib,7.lq. , ' arid. April 8, 1844. • • NOTlCE.—l_have placed uty - docket i ional business in the hoods ofWinlYßoro Esq., who willattaitti to ate eento4wiej , , March 23 - . C. DA :*1 avis. AVARRANTED GENVINE.—Dr. vivitotiav Evans's r.snonsite Pills. CerrisicAres.--Letusr,frons the Don. Ablest lirCiel• lan,Sullivan County, East Tennessee,MeisbercifOsegrese July 3d, 1838. Sir— W C Since I have been In hia thy 1 harassed some of your Dyspeptic medicine with innalte heist' aid oatht• faction, and believe it to bee most valuable remedy. ON of my constituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Casabeir mem, Tennessee, wrote to me to semd him some, which- I did and he has employed It very successfully In hispraelks and says!' Is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at this place, thinks you would probably like an agent Id • Tennessee. If so, I would recommend-Dr. A Carden, as a proper person to orhciale for the sale of your cekbrated medicine. Bhonld you commission him he is willing to act for you, You an is send the medicine by water to the care of Robert King It Mons, Eaorrllle county, Tenses... l see, or by land to Graham 4. floustos, Tamer', East Tennessee. I have no doubt but I f you bad agents Itt • several counties in East Tennessee, s great deal of medi. eine would be sold. lam going to lake some of it Nan tor my own ase. and 'bat of my friends, and should Ilk. to hear from you whether you would like an nest' at Bluntville,Sullhtan County. East Tennessee; I tie- get' some of the merchants'', act for you as I live near there. Yount reepectaully, AIRALtaI N'CLELlLAN,arrevseawq-, Fortaie Whoktaa le and Eclair, by C. E. SELLERS, Agent. No. tO, Wood street, below Secoad. F A RN FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers forget bb farm, lying in Ron Township de mile, from this City of Pittsliturgh, -cotaining 114 acres °flood of which 60 areeloared -tad under fence, Ina 15 to 20 acres of meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apples, a few; Peschmut Cherry trees—the Improvements INV lAMB frame boon containing 10 rooms wellfurnishesi,caiculaied for a Till *ma in private Dwelling,. frame Barn 28 by 60,filloott boymobill, and otottling,obe4s indenter out honest/oft able for a tenement;.-good Gardens surrounded with currant bashes, nada well of ereellent water, with a pomp In at the froatdoor. In relation to the Pittsburgh and Allegheny market, there is no place now cleared for tare whit more Inducement to Ooze wishing to perches. near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, for eirt her portierthrreepply to she proprietor at lib Clothing Store, Liberty street-cornier ottriren Alley. LAWRENCE NIRELL, N 8 !fag( sold before the Ist of October ne xt, It will be divided into 10 and 20 acre lets tomtit purchase/a aep 10 BARON VON BUTCHELER HERB raelLgt These Pills are compotild of herbs, which exert a specific action uponthe heart, give impulse or strength to the arterial system: the blood is quickened and e. qualized in its circulation through all the vessel', erlio. tier oldie skin, the parts situated internally,os theeit eremitic"; and as all the secretions of the loody are drawn from the blood, there is a consequent increase. of every secretion, and a quickened actionof the ab. sorbent and exhalent. or discharging vessels. Aey morbid action which may have taken place is correct ed, all obstructions are removed, the blood is purified, and the body resumes a heabbful state. For sale wholesale and retail by R E SELLERS, Agent, sep 10 20 Woodatreet. below Second. nizsir SUPPLY OP TUN SZABO/a ALOEO & McGU!RE A RE now opening one of the richest and most es A tensive stocks of Goods that they have ever bele able to offer to the public, every piece of which has been bought and selected carefully. Our cloths are ei the choicest make, imported—black, blue and olive French, from medium to the finest qualities; Naval blue, black, invisible, rifle and olive greens, of En glish and American; Doeskin and Seeded French Cis simeres, rergelastie; Cooper's make of English, Plain. and Fancy do. The variety of Vesting., comprisfire- all the *meat patterns, is endless. Our trimmings are also of the first qualities. Although we do not profess to sell lower than the lowest, yet we again pledge ourselves to make work that will compare with - amt.:earl other establishment east or west. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES. T HE subscrAwr, furtuerlyagent of the Pittsburgh Manufacturing Association, having been ap. pointedby a number of the Manufacturersand Maritsa ice of the city of Pittsburgh and its Vielltitflt. Antra. gent for the sale of their various manufactures; will be constantly supplied with a general assortment of those articles at the lowest wholesale prices. The attention of Western Merchants and dealer"' American licamtfactaree is respectfully invited to this establishment. Orders addressed to the subscri ber will be promptly attended to. GEO. COCHRAN. feb T 9 No 'IS Wood street. I ON HAND,--Axes, Augers, Hoes, Mattocks Spades, and Shovel., Sickles, Scythes, Trace and Log Chains, Spinning Wheel Irtes. Coopers' and Carpen terra' Ttmht, Machine Cards,Winclow Glass and Glass ware, White and Red Lead. New Goods. IPTHE subscriber respectfully informs the. citizens of Pittsburgh and the public generally that be has just returned from the east, and is now receizint a large and well selected stock of FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN FAN CY AND VARIETY GOODS, Embracing all the articles in the fancy and tariett derailment, which he will dispose'of for cash. Tilt public are respectful I yinv ited to call and examine ths• stock, at No 86, Market street. ra3 ZEBULON KINSEY. ALGEO & Mt:GUIRE, 251, Liberty street