Ott Mau ,totting p 00t. IPITTSIIIIIIGII, PA. *.ThtiaSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 28. trOn our outside form will be found the Sentence at amp Donn, for the Murder of John Anderson. ratittsor.—Vie Rem saw an exhibition where% slater could spend an hour with more satisfaction than is Hawing the collection of Paintings now exhibiting at ?bile Hall. Our citizens certainly have no ides of their excellence, or the exhibition room would be crowded with visiters. The description, given by the proprietor, of the several pictures, is highly interesting, mad alone worth the price of admission. • Coticsfr --Don't forget Mr Duffield's Concert to tal/Oa at Darinesne Hall. We are informed by those iskrknow bins well, that be is a vocalist of fine pow ors, sad that be will be sure to afford the visiters at the gaff to-night a rich cuten.ianment. Tots Glare Ann flll W mt.—Crowds are thronging were Eagle Hotel to see the monstrous Scotchman aussibis well-chosen companion. 'rho) , are, beyond all question, the most wonderful couple ever seen in this city. Tots THUMB, who travels with them, excites no litde curiusity. - .Rhode t:/and.—The friends of Dorr are getting up tnigings India several tO4lns,fot the purpose of instruc dm the Representatives in the Donegal Assembly to vote for the unconditional liberation of Thomas W. Darr. TO,TtiE VOTERS OF THE 4 2. d (SOUTH WARD ) The medersigned respectfully spoounces to the pub -1114 lila. ht. will be a candidate ter Alderman in the * m .4 ward, as the coming January Election. now 14-te E. MERRITT. Tale's Safety Lock rot DOORS, SAFES, BANKS, &c. THE Proprietor will exhibit those Locks at the A. Exchange Hotel. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, fur -*few days Iron this date. They are warranted beyond the skill of the pick icatit..-and in fact the best and cheapest safe lock in America. LINUS YALE. -Pittsburgh, nov. 11, 1844 'dedicated Vapor Bath. •Co*; OF ♦ L1T . 17.11. PROM DRS. lawanicz ♦sp New Lebanon, State of New York. WeartuY FRI D:—Having made a thorough trial 4tbe Meiliceed Vavor Bath for four months past, in log; societies in New Lebanon and Watervliet, we think ikbut justice to state, that ate consider it a valuabie improvement in the healing art. Its power in reduc ing bothchronic and acute inflamation, also in remov ing spasms, is certainly very great. In cases of ob earoesea. perspiration, it is unquestionably the safest sod best remedy that we have ever seen. Several per, in our society, who were scarcely free from a affection during mkst of the winter months Alf lie Verla years past, have Mond permanent relief by .wsisig the Bath a few times; and the predisposition to takeoeld, as it is commonly termed, seems to be whol ly removed. Obstructed perspiration, is certainly in war changeable climate, one of the most fruitful sour ces of disease, and any remedy that is capable of re moving the predisposition to it, must be considered a aeatbleasing to mankind: and as such we do not hesi tate to recommend the Medicated Vapor Bath. GARRET R. LAWRENCE, M. D. ABRAM HENRICKSON, M. D. 'o Dr. C. Whitlow, New York. oct Chronicle copy. SALE OP THE MAIN LINE OF THE PUB LIC WORKS OF PENNSYLVANIA. • Vile Penney Wants Canal sad BMlvitoad Company. anderrigned Commissioners named in the "let of Assembly, passed 29th day of April, 1814, en. lidded 'An At to reduce the State Debt and to incur veers the Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad Ccrmpa ray," hereby give notice, that a majority of the Elec tors of tiro Commonwealth haviag decided in favor of resale eftheMain Lineof the Public Works, in pur msandaof the provisions of the said Act they will at tend at theMerchants' Exchange in the city of Philo ;delphie, on Monday, the 20th day of January next, at 10 o'clodk, AM. and there offer for sale the Stock of abePennsvlvania,Canal and Railroad Company, on the following terms and conditions, to wit; The Rail road touting from Philadelphia to Columbia, and the Eastern Division of the Pennsylvania Canal extend ing -fronsColambia to its junction with the Juniata Division at Duncan's'lsland; the Janiata Division tending from Duncan's Island to Hollidaysburg, the Portage Railroad from Hollidaysburg to Johnstown, I and the Western Division of the Fermat:lye:tie Canal front Johnstown to Pittsburgh; also the Bridge over the Sumilshanna river at Dancan's Island, together with all the surplus water power of said Canals, all offices. toll houses, water stations, workshops, locomotives, cars, trucks, stationary engines, fuel on hand, horses, , susslimplements, and all the estate real and personal ' parch Med an owned by the Commonwealth for the use of the said Canals and Roads, will be offered for sale the snm of Twenty Millions of Dollars, which sum shall form this Capital Stock of the Pennsylvania Ca na; sad Railroad Company, divided into shales of one Modred dollars each, making 200,000 shares. One shim will be sold by public outcry to the highest bid -Ores a price not less than sloo,and the purchaser shall wedthe privilege of taking any number of shares not ing 1000. There shall be paid to the Commis sionets at the time of purchase in lawful money or cer - silicates of indebtedness of tht commonwealth, any pee onus: or advance above the par value of the shares ger eliSsed, and if the bid do not exceed the par value then the purchaser shall pay $5 in money or certificates of loon ma account/Ind in part of the price of each sharri,and if, say pnrcbaser shall fail to pay, the commissioners shall', resell the stock purchased by him, and he shall be lia ble for any loss which the co mmonwealth may sustain by ~on of his non-compliance with the stipulations, and .5 per cent. additional on the amount thereof; and such' ' oldie sale 'shall be continued for six consecutive days .or longer. if the commissioners shall jnige it advisable. .A book shall be opened after said public sale in which all those who were purchasers thereat shall be I first allowed to subscribe for the stock purchased by them and shoald the stock not have been all sold at. Mc public sale, subscriptions will be received for the remainder at such price as may be fixed by the corn. miesioners, which price shall not be higher than the hi' hest price, not lower than the lowest price bid at the sale. And if 150,000 shares should not be sold or subscribed as above, the commissioners will procure aua open books at the Merchant's Eschang,e in the city of Philadelphia for subscription to the stock of the Philadelphia Canal and Railroad Company, in which books. purchasers at the public sale shall still save a preference in subscribing; and in case there sideddhie more shares subseribed than there are shares tweeted by this act, such excess shall be stricken off from those shares s ubscribed without purchase; so as tomeure tothe persons or bodies corporate who pur chased shares, the whole number purchased by them as aforesaid. And any amounts paid by purchasers obeli be refunded in case 150,000 shares shall not have bees subscribed within four months from the time the books of sabsetiption shall have been first openedoo - when dS0:000 shares shall hive been subscribed. di watts of the subscriptions shall be paid in money est certifies/Aso( loan of the Commonwealth, within Age after Notice given by the commissioners. Thome P Cape, • Robert Tolland, "Theitas C Rockhill, • - Benj W Richards, Fred. Fraley, Jacob E Hagen, • Alec Cummings. Sohn Stalinism, Augustine Stevenson, - Isaac W Norris, Thomas McCully, JoelK Mann, pump Duagberty, • Harmer Denny, Wlllius Darlington, John Kerr. Reob Fraser Henry Planers. Henry Welsh, George Harrison. Ism 18-dtlofjan. BOPS. BALES Ise sce, jou and for Ws by - . HALLMAN, JENNIN GS fr. Co . o 43 ooSt. Hi.PIRICICSON port of pittsbu94. I S FEET WATER LA THE 4111•11Ril.. ARRIVED. Sligo, M'Donald, Louisville; Rhode Island, Dawson, Wellsville; Consul, Clarke, Brownsville; Moxahala, Parkinson, Mon. City; Belfast, Ebbert, ‘Vbeeling; Belmont, Poe, Wheeling; DEPARTED. Belfast, Ebbert, Wheeling; Consul, Cie' ke, Brownsville; Moxahala, Parkinson, Mon. City; New Englund, Page, Cincinuatit; For Cincinnati. so, THE steamer "CAPITOL," Capt. ELI ALVIN, will depart for the above and intermediate rot ts, regularly, on every Monday morning, at 10 o'clock. For height or passage apply on board, or I o eept 2 BI & CO. BEAVER PACKET The well known steamer MICHIGAN, W. B. Boils, Maseer,has commenced her regular daily trips, leaving Pittsburgh (as hereto fore) at 3 o'clock. P. M., and Beaver at 3, A. M. Prices to suit the times, and those whc nave no money carried free. Tho Canal to Cleveland will be opened as soon as the weather *ill permit; en the opening of which CLARKE & CO'S LINE to CLEVELAND,O.,tnd MEADVILLE, Pa., will immediately go into opera tion. For freight or passage apply M on board, or to G. .HA RTON, July 12 Water street. IT The Michigan is provided with Evans' Safety Guard. ROCHE, BROTHERS & Arrangements for 1845. :;- d 4 4, /i`t BLAKELY & MITCHEL, AGIGNIS, PITTSUURGH, PA. Remittances to and Passage from Great Britain and Ireland, by the "Black Ball or Old Line of Liverpool Packets." lEF'Sailing from Liverpool on the lit and 16th of each month. AD PERSONS desirous of sending for 000 Friends now residing in any part of the "OEII COUNTRY," can make the necessary arrangements with the sub scribers. and have them brought out by the above well known favorite " Line of Packets," which sail from LIVERPOOL punctually on the Ist and 16th of every month: also by TIRSI - CLASS AMERICAN SHIPS, sailing from there EVERY SIX DAYS, during 1845. And as they aredetermined not to depend on any Liverpool House or Agent, to see the people's interest taken" care of, Mr JAMES D. Roc et, one of the firm, is there, who will remain and see that every thing connected with their business is executed with promptitude and despatch. Should the persons sent for decline coming out, the money will be returned to the ponies here. without any deduction, on producing the Passage certificate and receipt. The "Black Ball or old Little - of Liverpool Pack ets" comprise the following magmificrnt Ships, viz : The Nzw YORE, Tice CAMBRIDGE, " DIFARD, " ENGLAND, " YoRRAHIRE, " EUROPE, " MosTczt'XA, " COLUMBUS. With such superior and unequalled arrangements' the subscribers confidently look forward for a continu ance of that support which has been extended to them so many yenta, for which they are grateful. Those proceeding or remitting, to their relatives, can at all times obtain Drafts at sight for any amount drawn direct on the ROYAL BAN& or IRELAND, DUBLIN ; Also on Messrs. PRESCOTT, GROTE, Axes & Co., BANKERS, LONDON which will be paid on demand at any of the Banks, or their Branches, in all the principal Towns through out ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. Apply to, or address (if by letter, post paid,) ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO., Nn 35 Fulton St.. N, Y. or BLAKELY & MITCIngL, Smithfield street, near sth, and Penn street, oet lf.d&wt tiny . Pittsburgh. Janson Blakely. John 3.111BU:hell COSTZTANCER. ATTOIVIAT AT LAW. BLAIERLY & BUTMELL, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Office, Smithfield hear Fifth Streets, Pittsburgh CONTINUE to attend to the purchase and sale of Real Estate, Renting of City and Country Pro perty, Collecting rents for Trustees. Executors, Ad ministrators, Assignees, Guardians and others. They will also prepare all manner of Inrtroasents of Writing. Persons wishing to employ them will please apply to James Blakely, Fifth Ws d. or at the Law Office of John J. Mitt hell,Smithfield near Fifth street, Pitts burgh M. U. IFIZASTDIGIS, County Surveyor, City Regulator and Con- veva n ce r. Office (as above) with John J. Mitchell, Esq., on Smithfield street.near Filth street, below the new Court House. Pittsburgh. Orders left for me. in my absence, with J. J. Mitchell, for surveying, regulating, laying. of and dividing lands, and conveyancing, shall receive prompt attention. 13:7Thoso who desire to examine the Records of County Surveys will please call at the above Ace. sept 3 Int Blakely & Mitchel, REAL Estate Agents and Conyeyancers. Smithfield at, on sth and Penn its (sth Ward) have for sale: An eligible building lot, 30 feet Root ,on Second St. (near Wood) by 80 feet deep. Also, the lease of a lot of ground 500 feet front on the Allegheny River, having 14 years to run at one dollar a year ground rent, on which is erected an ex- tensive Steam Saw Mill. Also, Fifteen beautiful building lotsin Colwell's plan near Allegheny City. Also, Twenty lots of ground in New Troy. These lots command the most splendid views in the neigh borhood of Pittsburgh. Also 2 Building Lots on the 4th Street Road. Also 3 Building Lots in Allegheny City. Also, a neat comfortable Dwellling House and Lot of ground 25 by 100 feet, just above the Union Cotton Factory, on the Allegheny River, opposite Pittsburgh,- (fur sale very low.) Also, a Lot of ground on Penn St., nenr the Basin, 25 feet by 100, with good dwelling house on the back part of the lot. Also, a Lot and dwelling House on Walnut street, near the river. Also, a three story brick house. well finished on Smithfield St., near Liberty St. This property is in a commandingxituation for business. Also, a neat and substantial built two story brick house on Penn street, near the stb Presbyteriant; burets, (sth Ward,) n0v125 A CLIED. PERSONS remitting money (or sending for their friends) to England, itekind, Scotland, or Webs: through Blakely & Mitchel, ate respectfully rerieested to make their deposites, on or immediately before the ttth and 24th of the month, as the deposites of these days proceed direct by the Regular Packet. DOV 40 Flour. 100 BBLS Super Fine Flower, just received, and for sale by. J W BURBRIDGE, & CO., nos 26. Water at, between WoOd and Smithfield. a BLS. White Beans; U 15 " N. 0. Molasses; 5 " S. H. do; 3 " Trimmed Shad; 1 " Boston Crackers, (3 Coon) • 30 " Ye:baiter clippies; In swam(' Ns sale J D WILLIAMS, nor We no 28 Fifth *WK. 'HATHAWAY'S Patent:llot Air Cooking Stoves. THE subsiiiher having entered into the stove busi ness in Pittsburgh, respectfully informs the pub lic that be intends carrying it on in its various branches at the warehouse of Messrs. Pennock & Mitchell. No. 160 Liberty street, where he will be prepared to supply purchasers with any articles in his line. In addition to other Stoves which be will have on hand, he has obtained the right to manufacture and sell Hathaway's Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves., This stove is pro nounced superior to any other now In use in the United States; it is more durable in its construction, and bet ter adapted to the use of baking, roasting anal cooking, as it is heated very regularly by confining the air in the stove; and it is a great saving of fuel as well as l i labor. I will keep on hand a sufficient number to sup-' .ply all demands if possible; I have ive different sizes, and will sell them on reasonable terms, according to 1 sizes. I have now in use upwards of fifty in and about this city; all pet in use within six months. Being a ware that the People of Western Pennsylvania have been imposed upon by the introduction of new and high ly recommended Stoves which were badly constructed, and ha vir g loon failed and become useless. I will grant to persons wishing to procure the Hot Air Stove, the privilege of using it a sufficient length of time to prove 'I superior quality before I ask them to purchase. Persons notifying me from a distance by letter, can have stoves put np at any timsl t as I have wagons to carry them our, I therefore invite Farmers and all per sons to come and judge for themselves; also to try them land paws that it is to your advantage to have one. All orders will be promptly attended to by the subscri ber. ROBERT DONAVAN. Pl)itabel. Shertistmento. THOMAs BORMIDGE, GENERAL IP:imbue, Forwarding & Commission ~"7!!!~3T~~ Also, Agent United States Portable Boat Line Depot, NO. 272, MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. rir Liberal advances made on consignments, when required. Refer to—Messrs Wm Wilson & Co.; Evans and Temple; Heald, Woody and &Co.; Scull &Thompson, /adflpi William M'lCnight & Co.; Charles A. M'Anulty, 50g2,41-1y• Pittsbvrgh. T. 11. at W. P. CONOVER, 'Wholesale Dealers la Boots, Shoes, Boa sets, Palm Lear Hat. and cape, NO. 190 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA. TEI EY beg leave to inform Western Merchants that they have a splendid assortment of the above Goods, and aro still manufacturing largely, which they will sell at the very lowest prices for Cash, or apptoved credit. aug 9-if TALLMAN'S W HOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY No. 233 Marker Street, Northeast corner of Sixth Sired, Philadelphia. WESTERN and Southern Merchants nre rc.pect , fully invited to call and examine his stock, as he feels confident that it will be to their interest, be fore put chasin g elsewhete. au: 6-Iy HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. SMITH, BROTHERS & CO., NO. 188 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, A RE new receiving in addition to their formet A stock a large assortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, to which they invite the attention of Weetern Merchants. nog 6-Iy op Nei- 62. all) LATEST AND CHEAPEST NEW-STORE, Opposite Wkile's irrs4 Itl'lCaight's, Market street, 4 Doors Btlo4o 4th; Siorpson's Row. r P HE Subscriber is now receiving from the Easters' .1 cities an extensive stock of Seasonable DR YGOODS, Of the newest style and latest fashions, purchased principally frum Impulse's and Manufacturers, FOR CASH, AND NOT AT . AUCTION, Warranted sound and perfect, of which he earnestly requests an examination by his friends and the pub lic generally, previous to purchasing elsewhere. His stock will at all titnos be equal to any in thecity, and at as fair prices. nor 15. ABSALOM MORRIS. N. B. Don't forget, No. 62. Proposals for Mos and Pistols. ORDNANCE OPTICS, Washing 2l, ton. October 1844. BY direction of the Secretary of War, sealed pro posals will be received at this office until three o'clock, P M on the 31st of December next, fur the manufacture and delivery of the following arms for the use of the 'United States. vix: 10,000 rifles, percussion lock,new model. 30,000 pistols do do do One-fifth of Ihp_abovetarms to be delivered annual?! ly, during tha enticing five years, commencing on the Ist of July, 1845. The whole subject to the proof and inspection prescribed by the Ordnance Department, packed in strung boxes, of the pattern now used, and delivered at such glacee as may be designated, the U nited States paying a reasonable price for the boxes and tmnsportation• to the place of delivery. Theproposi* will be sealed, endorsed "Propo.als for rifles and pistols," and addressed, under en envel ope, to this o ffi ce. G TALCOTT, Lieut. Col. Ordnance. Illtgr' To be published in the Madisonien, Globe, and Nationallntelligence!: St Louis Reporter, Cincin nati Republican, Columbus (0.) Old School Republi- I• can, Pittsburgh Morning Post. 'Baltimore Sun, Phila delphia Mercury, New York Aurora, Norwich (Ct.) News, and Bascom Times, for tivo months. oct 22-2 m Maw& anti Cassbasttes. AFRESH supply If Flannels and Cessinattes, jaws received from the Manufacturers. and for salelow,by GEO. COCHRAN. nov 7 --- HO 26 Wood St. WANTED to Irreow on bonds and Mottgeges, and the very hope of security. several 'stuns of money, from $3OO, 506;160, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 5000, &c. Also, want active and silent parmer. with from $5OO to 1000. Also, wanted money or good notes of hand well endorsed at 6 or 12 months. 0 1 " Persons having money to lend will please call at HARRIS' General Agency and Intelligente Office. nor $3 demi w. RECOMMENDATIONS. Miller's Mansion Howe,Sepl,l.9, 1844 Mr. R. Dos AVAN —Sir: I have in use one of lath away's Hot Air Cooking Stoves, which I got from you last Spring. It affords me much pleasure. to recom mend it for its excellence. So far es my knowledge extends, I have no hesitation in saying it is the best stove now in 1180. I need not particularize its merits, but would advise all disposed to possess an article of the kind, to adopt the best method of satisfying them selves, that is, to try it; and I doubt not they will be satisfied. D. IL MILLER. Washington Temperance Horse, I Piu.sborgb, Sept. 19, 1844. 5 Mr. R. Des A VON-Sim-I have bed iiine for 6ve months, one of Hathaway's Hot Air Cooking Stoves, and I have no hesitation in saying it is the best stove now in use. The various kiwis of cooking it is calcu lated to do at the same time, and the stnall quantity of fuel required, mAkes it an object worthy the atten tiou of all whu desire a good stove. THOMAS VARNER. tar I embrace this opportunity to recommend the Hot Air Cooking Stoves; I have used the one you pot up for me constantly ail summer, and I must say it is a grand article. I believe it is superior to any other stove now in use in this city. The oven bakes well, and is large enough to bake four large loaves of bread at one time; it also cooks very speedily, and it requires very little coal, I think them worthy the attention of all who wish a good stove; to such I would say, try them and prove what they are. oct 11-tf MAT H F.W PATRICK. THE success this line has met with, wince it Wag fast established on the "Individual Enterprise" system, has induced the proprietors to increase the number of Boats dirringtbe winter to twenty-five, one of which will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphia anal Bal --- -- -- ---------- timore every day (except Sundays) during the season, First Sale of Fresh Dry Goode., and make the trip through in six days. WILL be sold et the New Auction Rooms, Nos. I The superiority and advantages °fill° Portable Boat 61 and 63, Wood street, THIS HORNING, the System overevery othermodeof transportation (when 28th inst., at 10 o'clock, a vet y large and fresh assort- canals intersect with rail roads) are too well known ment of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, which have to shippers gy this route generally to require any corn been just received from the East, for fall sales. This ment. stock embraces Dearly the whole variety of articles in Shippers can rely onhavingtbeirproduce, merchant the line; all of which are of the best fabric, and very dim, or goods of any kind..hat may he consigned to latest fashions. They will be sold for cash, currency the Agents of this Line, forwarded with dispatch and in -lots to suit patchasers. at the very lowest rate of freight charged by other _ WOOLENS. Lines, without any additional charge made for receiv Blue black, brown and invisible green broadcloths, log or advancing charges, &c. superfine; blue,black and mixed satinetts, indigo blue All communications to the following Agents will be and cadet mixed and Kentucky Jeans; Duffield and Promptly attended le.: Mackinaw blankets; woolen shawls; heavy pilot CHARLES A. McANULTY, cloth, &c. At the Depot, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRILY., i's 3, Smith's Wharf. near Pratt at, Baltimore. W & .1 T TAPSCOTT, No 49, Peck Slip, New York. THOMAS BORBIDGE, .jan3l-1y 272, Market street, Philadelphia. 'Auction Salto. Worsteds Plain six quarter English merino, of all elders; changeable figured Alpacca lustres; three and six quar ter mousselin de !mines; dress hdkfs, &c. Silks avid Salle,. • Plain bik dress silk: figured silk setting; American sewing silk; satin stocks; silk Wife; &c. Linens and Cottons. Superfine Irish linen; patent 'bleed; spool cotton prints, cberks,gingbams, Irish linen.; brown muslin. bleached do.; cambric do.; table cloths; tablediaper &c Fancy Articles. Linen shirt collars, gum suspenders, stay laces, me vino glovea, net t dravrers, G S combs, etc. CAPS, HATS AND BROGANS, - - Belonging to a seperate invoice, which must be clo sed without any reservation. One case of fine Nutre hats; one case of cloth, velvet and glazed cops; and two cases men's fine Brogans. Al 2 o'clock, P M. A very large assortment of new and second hand household and kitchen furn L iture. YN D & BleK LEY, Auctioneers. Large sale of Dry GoOds at Auction. ON Thursday the 28th instant, at 1 0 o'clock A. M, will be sold at Davis' Commercial Auction RcOUIS, corner of Wood and sth sts., without reserve a, large lot of Dry Goods, comprising in r an ',J.: Figured nod plain black and brown Alpacca, figu red and plain black and brown Merinos, ObioJeans, Flannels, superfine broad Cloth, superfine beaver Cloth Cassinuno, Cassimeres, Pilot Cloths, Padding. silk Velvet, Shawls. Muslin, Colicoes, domestic Blankets, with many other at tides, &c. JDAVIS. nov 28 Auctianeee. Carpenters , Tools at Auction. AT Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms. c?trner of Wood and sth st, to-morrow, Thursday Novem 28th at 2 o'clock P. M. will be sold 1 chest of Carpen ters' tools, and immediately after a lot of DFAVIS .urniture. J D nov 27 Auctioneer. To Printers. PRINTERS' Ivory Surfacedand Enamelled Cards. Prime. s White Boards. Plain Pest, Foolscap end Flateap Pipe* Post Office and Envnlope Papers. A supply of the above articles just received and for sale by J MELLOR, nnv 16, 1844. 19.2 Wood street. Store To Let. TORE N 0125 Wood Street, Enquire of nov 9 HUEY & CO Clover flood. 1 00 BUSHELS of Clover Seed, just receiv ed and for sale by J W BURBRIDGE, & CO, turf 20 Water st, between Wood and Smithfield. CONSTABLIB, 817111131 & CO" FIRE PROOFSA FE FACTURE AND V AULT DOOR MANUS. Fifth Street, Pittsburgh. All articles manufactured by them warranted equal to any thing in the market. oct 1 1504 "1'; Ste - SAM'L. DI. ICIER, no, ki Canal-Basin, Dear 7th street WM'DONALD has removfd his Boonton/ • to M'Clnrg's store-m0m,N0.65 WOOD IT., near the corner of Wood and Fourth stroins, and next door to Lyra and Bickley's Auction roo n. It splendid awsorunent of Miscellaneous and Theo logical books, and every variety of School books and Stationery, he offers fur sale, at wholesale and retail on as favorabld terms as they can be purchased in the city. act 6 A SPLENDID Article of Lard Oil fur families, AlLhotels, churches, tc.O., on draft at very low prices constantly on band and for tale by J. S. GWYNNE. Flanktin Manufactory, 241 Street - transpoticttion Lints 4111111111110 AN .PORTABLE BOAT LW, For tA4 transportation of MERCHANDIZE AND PRODUCE BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA, PITTS' BURGH AND BALTIMQRE, • AND NEW YORK AND BOSTON. , THE PROPRIETORS RESPECTFULLY inform theitfriendsand shippers generally, thatthey havechanged the name their Transportation Line, (tom the United States Portable Boat Line. to the American Portable Boat Line. This line is composed of twenty-five now Four Sec tion Portable Boats, one of which will depart daily from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia at.d Baltimore. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other mode of transportation are too well known to shippers generally to require comment: suffice it to say, that the detention, loss, separation ono damage to Goods, invariably attending threat ran. shipments between Pittsburgh an Philadelphia, re by the Portable Boats most effectually removed. To give undoubted security to owners and shippers all goods and produce shipped by this line will be in sured in a responsible office in Philadelphia, without any additional charge to the owners. Merchandise shipped by this line in any of the east ern cities. andconsigned to H Devine & Co, will be for. warded immediately on arrival . at Pittsburgh to any part of the west, free of commissions. H. Devine will receive produce consigned to him, pay steamboat freight and charges, and for*ard the same to any of the eastern tide*. and charge no com missions for storage, advancing or forwarding. Any communications or goods directed to the care of the undersigned Agents will be promptly attended to. H. DEVINE & CO., Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. E G. W HITESIDES & CO., 380 Market street, below Tenth, Philadelphia. GIESE & SON, Commerce street Wharf, Baljimore. B A FAHNESTOCR &WO, 100 Front street, New York. RICE St WILLIAMS, jusn 22 Na 3, Chatham street. Boston. ligraigna C. A. NIcANVLTY'S UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the tgansportation of IV ercbandize to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL PHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. Old Established Emigrant Passage Office. •-• • .4 • • At • , e o e 1 / 1 e _ _ NEW YOWL AND 'LMDIPOOL WEEKLY PACKET LINE. THE subscribers would call the attention of such persons residing in this country as are desirous of sending for their friends, to come out from any past of Great Britain, to their unequalled arrangements ou both sides of the Atlantic, tor having pastlengers brought forward with despatch.. They are also prepared 'to remit monies by drafts payable throughout the United Kingdom to prepare passengers fur the voyage. Per sons residing at a distance can, by writing to either of the subscribers, ascertain the prices of passage, &c., and koy a remittance of the necessary amount with the names and residence of the persons to come, a certifi cate will be at once sent forward by the first. Packet Ship, and all necessary information riven. Apply to, or addicts JOHN HERDMAN, No 61, South street, New York. or JOSEPH KIRKPATRICK, at Messrs DALZELL & FLEMINGS, Water street, Pittsburgh. Good latantliall Stage Liao for Eric. THE Subscriber respectfully informs the Public that, having recently made a contract with the P. 0. Derailment for carrying the Mail from this place to Erie; have procured new Troy built Coaches for the conveyance of Passengers. And baring also procured fresh Teams, and good, careful and sober drivers, are enabled to drive through in thirty-two hours, being out but one-night. The Stage will leave the Exchange Hotel - every morning at 9 o'clock, A.M. BRINKER, BENNETT, & Co. P. 8. For seats. apply to W R Moorhead, Agent, next door to the Exchange Hotel. This is the only Line that runs clear through t. Erie, the other Line running no further than Mercer. row. 4, 1844. • (Spiritof the Age copy 3 moe. and ;barge this office.) DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INIVEAIIOII 901111PAXY. PHILADELPHIA. THE Public are hereby notified that I have been appointed Agent of this Co. for W EST ERN PENNSYLVANIA. This Institution unites the principle of Mutual In surance with A JOINT STOCK CAPITAL. I am authorised by the Company to make Insuran ces AT THE SAME RATES AS THE OTHER COMPANIES IN THIS CITY—WITH THIS AD VANTAGE TO THE PERSON INSURED, THAT 'THE AMOUNT OF PREMIUM WHICH HE PAYS IS CONSIDERED AS SO MUCH STOCK, UPON WHICH HE IS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE A DIVIDEND OF THE PROFITS OF THE COMPANY. As the Company are doing a large and prosperous business. this advantage, I presume, can not amount to less than 20 per cent annually. The person insured incurs no liability or reaponsi• bility for the losses or eipenseeof the Co. He is also entitled to vote and is eligible ass Director. By the Act of incorporation, the Capital stock is pledged for the payment, of any losses which the Ca. may sustain; and, in addition to the security thus af forded to the insured, the law requires that all the profits of Cie Ca shall hereafter be funded, and remain with the Institution as a further guarantee and protec tion to the insured against loss.—This fund will be rep. mutated by scrip, to be issued by the Co., bearing an interest of 6 per cent and divided between the parties insuring and the holders of the stock. Ur • When the applicant has been insured at any otheroffice, and transferable risk to us, he pays nothing for the policy. Applications for Insurance to be made at my office, in person, or by letter adtireesed to me. WSL F. AUSTIN. Pittsburgh, Penn's. OFFICE IN 4TH ST. BETWEEN WOOD AND SMITHFIELD. 2-dly COADSCTID DAILY IT IL KEANMIL SZOINANCiII 1380111112, coati tit 07 WOOD AND TIMM ITII SPECIE STANDARD. Merckants and Manufacturers' Scrip .par Exchange Bank Scrip. Currency...... Berke County Scrip SO EEC HANGE--AT SIGHT. OR Philadelphia ....... on. I Prim. New Y0rk............ !. Pr Boston. ........ :.. Baltimore ............ . prem. SPECIE. Gold . --•---- •••irrels. Silver PENNSYLVAN LA.—PiTTSBURGH. Bank of Pittsburgh e . par Merekants and Mannfacturers' bank .. -par Ez•ekange ............... ..." ...... ....par Do. Hoilidaysbarirk PHILADELPHIA.' Bank of North America ...... Do Norikern Liberties • • Pao Do Pennsylvania...... ....... ....par Commbcial Bank of Pensurylvarria Par Farmers' and Meckanies' bank .. .. ..- Kensington bank 4 11 or Manufacturers and Mechanics' Mechanics Afoyamenring Par Philadelphia bank !sr Schuylkill " Por 44- Satakwark ..... "........ p. , Western. 44 • 4. 4.• ...Par Bank of Pon renntskip ...... -..- -Par Girard bank Par ELS• bank and brandies ............ .... .... .2. COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germlnt own ........ ....par Chester county •••• •-•rib " Delaware ccnotty. /. --t!9' Montgomery cowiTy...• •••• •-• • —.per di _ • Nor eininberland _ Nit Farmers' bank of Bucks c" . mj!.... PIK Easton bank .... . ..... .......par Doylestown bank....... .. —....-.. -. • par Franklin bank of Washington 1 Bank of Chainbeivbstrgi a Middletown .... .... .... ...........b....1 " Gettysburg , ' " Lewistown.-- I '' Susquehanna county 40 Berkseounly bank. no tate Columbia Bank and Bridge Company Por • Carlisle bank Erie bank Farmers and Provers' bank 1 -astir _ " Bask of Lancaster ..... . " Bank of Reading 1 1 . 2 r Harrisburg bask 1 Honesdale ".... Lancaster " t 7 .... Par Lancaster co. " ...... ..... -par Lebanon " 1 Miners' bank of Patin:4lle.. ...... ............1 Monongahela bank of Brownsville 1 New Hope and Delaware Bridge company 2 Northampton bank .... no so .mo sale Towanda bank. Wyoming batik Weill Branch bank... P—. :—......... 2 York bank OHIO. Belmont bank of St. Clairsiville........ ....... 1 Clinton bank of Columbus ..... 1 Columbiana bank of New Li5b0n.............. 1 Circleville (Lawrence, caehier)....... ..1 " ( Warren, cashier)..... . . .... .010 ado Cineinnotibanks I Chillicothe bank Commercial bank of Lake 8rie........ . 2 Dayton bank.— „........ Franklin bank of Columbus ' 1 Farmers' and Mechc -tics' bank of Farmers' bank of Canton 20 Geauga If Granville .. . 62 Hamilton ' ....... . J... ....„,... •10 - Lancaster " ....10 Marietta ...... .... .... 1 Massillon . - Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincinnati .....2 Mount Pleasant .... .... 1 Norwalk Putnam ...................... 1 Sandusky ........ 1 Scioto 10 Urbana AS TiPooster .... 41 Xenia . ... .... 1 Zanesville ..........• • .........1 Bank of Cleveland .. .. ... - 10 INDIANA. State bank and branches " State Scrip ...... -- ___ __ KENTUCKY All banks ILLINOIS. • State bank Bank of Illinois, Shammed.= VIRGINIA. Bank of the Valley of Virginia 1 Bank of Virginia •• I Exchange' bank of Virginia ...........1 Partners' bank of Virginia ....... . .1 North- Western bank of Virginia . Merchants' and Mechanics bank of MARYLAND. Baltimore City banks .... •• Par All other solvent .. I NORTH CAROLINA. , All solvent banks...... • ... . ..... SOUTH CAROLINA. All solvent banks ..... . . • .. GEORGIA. 411'01oeat banks . • RiABAMA Mobile banks.. . ... ................. 10 Country banks LOUISIANA. Nee Nee Orlimas banks ( f00d).......• .• *Ai TENNESSEE. 51431100 L BOOKS. MORSE'S New Geography; Mitchell's Geography and Atlas; Smiths' Geography and Atlas: • Sander's Series of School Books ; Eclectic Series of School Books; Emerson's and Cobb's School Books: Emerson, Eclectic, Smith. and Keith's Addams:ger, Blair's Chronology with a Chart: Frost's, Hule's, and Russel's Histories of the Baited. States; Goldsmith's History of England, Rome,; IGMISto Goldsmith's Natural History ; Jon's and Comstock's Philosophy Anthon's Series of Classical Works; Webster's and United States Spelling Books. All the above, with a general assortment of BUMS', and TEeTAMEN TB, Prayer-Books, Slates, Quills, Paper. Almanacs for 1845, &c. &c., constantly ca hand sad for sale Wholesale or Retail, at Easters piece for Cash, or in exchange for Rags ) a cah prices, by . t H. s MELLOR, nov 16 No 122. Wood Street. above sth Litres Now Style Letter Copying Promos. ON hand and for sale, 100 Copying Presses, equal in finish and availability to any eitber imported or of eastern make, at sixty per cent under their prices. What business man will be without such a labor saving machine. when. they can be purchased for 4.cs small a sum as ten dollars. To be had by the doses or single one at J. S. GWYNNIPS, Franklin Manufaeutry. 2d street, S. CUTHBERT'S, 3.5 Wood sweet. or at Dept 5 IS Star* 50 BBLS. N. O. MOLASSES 30 Doses Cincinnati Palm Soap ; 4 Variegated 2 Cope* Table Salt; on consignment tied for sale by Dog 15. D. & G. W..uarD.