the Walk) Atorning Post. PITTSBURGH, PA. MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1844 Psurtnos.—We are invited to give notice to the Wks and Gentlemen of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that e grand collection of recently imported oil paintings of the Italian and Flemish schools, and from the pen. ago( the following Masters, via : Ruben, Rembrandt, Puelemberg, Poussin, Snyder, Darnenichinn, Carreci, Ouercioo, Cottons, Coveggio. Durer, Baptiste and ethers. will be open for eithibi:ion and sale et Philn Hail, (Fourth street,) early this week. Of further par jilettllatarthe papers will give timely notice. gr. Madame De Bonneville will lecture to-night Hall.on MagnetiAm, and will give an ex , , planatirm of the miracles. There will be a tooth ex- Iroded from a person in the Magnetic Slerp—Ptof. , I)* Bonacivflle's Experiments &c, • itis stated that Mr. Van Rensselaer, the owner of the manor near Albany, is ab,ut to take up his resi dp:as at Bristol, Bucks county, in this State, to enable W to commence a suit in the U. S. Supreme Court tegeiest the State of New Yolk, fm damages, Cur the son enforcpment of the law in the collection of rem* dos by his tenants. A citizen cannot sue the State alb which he is a citizen, And hence the removal of Mr V.* Rensselaer to Pennsylvania. TO THE VOTERS OF THE 2(1 (SOUT H WA RD.) The undersigned _respectfully announces to the pub lic, that he will be a candidate fur Al(h•rinau in the Second Ward, at the coining Jaduary EL•caion. aew 14-te E. MERRITT. ASPLENDID Article of Lard Oil fur families, hotels, churches, &AL, on draft at very low prices co Anntly on hand and fur sale by J. S. GWYNNF.. Franklin Manufactory. 2d Street 83 "Market Street, Pittsburgh. 110 P E CONSTABLE, respectfully invites th• at- LP • tention of his customers toe new lot of splendid French Broche Shawls Mode. blue and green ground, allmool.just imported; Rich Turkerri Shawls newest style of patterns, do Cashmere, do new style at $9 worth $l4; high colored Gala Plaids, blue Plaid Pe lisse Cloth; 5 eases Calicoes at 61, 8,9, 10, and 121 cts. peryd„ received to day. nov 5 Two Splendid Pianos fbr Salo V.'7 Low. f ßi sir THE subscriber has just opened at the Furniture Warehouse of Tindie. Allender and Anderson, on Liberty, 3 doors from St Clair St., 2 Piann•Fortes of his own manufacture, which he offer. for subs at a s , very low price. These instruments possess every good quality to render them worthy the a. tention a those who want Such an article. Ladies and gentlemen, please call • anti judge fur yourselves. CHRISTIAN STURAI, from Baltimore noir 14-alw •:•. - „ es • CI 0 BE - e THE CELEBRATED DR. DUNCAN'S ZZPISCIPIVFAANU IiaMD3MID7Y, FOR CONSUMPTION. COLDS. Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Spitting of Blued. DdEt ulty of Breathing, Pain in the Side. Breast and Chest, Influenza., Whooping Cough, Croup and all diseases of the Liver and , LUNGS. kiss now been before tho poplic for severs) years Daring which time its value has been tested by thou sands who were laboring under the nomeinits diseases which have their origin in a common Catarrh UT Cold, and which this medicine is designed to cure. The result of this trial has been to place "Duncan's Reme dy" at the heud of the patent medicines orthe day. 1111 OWN MERITS AND EXCALLENCE, it has attained a popularity excelling that of any other preparation. now offered to the public fur the presen• Sion and sure of that large and frightful elm". td - diseas. as which so frequently lead to. sod terminate in CONSUMPTION, It is now offered to the afflicted with confidence as the IST preparation fur Coughs, Colds, &c. extant We are warranted in assuming for it this high ohmme ter, by the proofs, which we are constantly receiving, alibis invaluable ben. fits derived from its use. Tes• timonials and recommendations of the strongest kind are constantly being received from all quarter, by the Proprietor and Agents. in relieving eases of Asthma, DitErnity in Breathing, Pei@ le the side and Breast, it is uneijualledt in cur ing Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, and in short remov ing all the symptoms of approaching Pulmonary Con sumption, ITS SUCCESS HAS SEES lISPARALELLID No other medicine has proved itself so really inval uable. Thousands in Pittsburgh and the vicinity, are. as Ear as human agency is cnncerned, indebted to Dr. Dancan's Expectorant Remedy for prolonging life and health. Many persons after using the other cough medicines of the day without &feet, have been com pletely restored by this. truly GREAT DISCOVERY in the HEALING ART A strong and undoubted evidence of is worth, is to be found ;n the high degree '.f popular favor which it has received since its introduction into the West.— Wherever an agency has been opened for its sale, and whereverit has received a fair and honest trial, it has become firmly established as a STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINE. It is rapidly superseding the use of the many nos trums, which have so long imposed upon the commit-4- ,1, which have obtained thoir name only by puffing and breggadocia, and which are now destined to be dimwit aside to make way for the best cough medicine tithe present age. It is not pretended that it will positively cure eves) , case of the disease, for which it is designed, but it is honestly believed that in every mesa where it gets a fair chance it will effect a cure. Coming, then, before the people with the highest recommendations, it is at least, worthy of e trial by all who are afflicted with any of that large and dangerous clue of diseases. The following is a specimen of the numerous testi monials which werhave received. It is from a PHY SICIAN of high standing in Ohio. Dear Sir—Having had occasion to witness the ef fect of Dr. Duncan's Expectoran(Uemedy on Mr Eli Young ira case of Pulmonary Consumption, I felt it iny duty to make a brief statement in order that others that are or may be afflicted. with the same complaint maybe benefited by the same remedy. , He was attacked with inflammation in the left lobe .of the lungs in March 1843, attended with acute pain, greet difficulty of breathing, and a severe cough, which preceded rapidly to suppuration: and not withstanding the use and application of the best remedies prescribed by 3ur authors, the complaint in a few days began to exhibit evident symptoms of ulceration. • In.this distressing stage of the complaint, I had re ssiNtlllslo Dr Duncan's Expectorant Illecnedv for con anmption, which had the effect of checking the disease immediately, and in a few days the pain ceased, the breathing became free and easy, the cough left him, and the expectoration subsided, the consequences of which was that in using six bottles he has recovered his health, and is restored to his family. 1 do beteby certify the above to be true statement of =yam as far as comes within my knowledge. ELI YOUNG. Mt Verson, May 28, 1844. Sold wholesale and retail by SA MEET,. FREW. corner of Liberty and Wood sts. Pittsburgh oct 30-tf CASES Sut . old Brandy's el just received and for sato by J. W. BURBRIDGE & CO., Water et:between Wood and Smithfield ?sr Sale. A LOT of ground l 7 feet front on Sampson at, ilk in Allegheny city, and extending beck 60 feet, on which is erected a two story Brink dwelling braise permanently built and well finished, with a well of grater. &c, on the premises. Apply to ear 14. BLAKELY & MITCHEL, p ort of p tt b . 7 FILIIT iVATNIL IM TH& CH•BNLL. ARRIVALS. 4*, Cleveland, Han, I3eaver, Swiftsore, ---, Cincinnati; Muskingum Valley; DEPARTED. 'Whiteville, M'Guwan, Nashville: Valley Fuego, Rubinson. St Louis; Alliquippa, Smith, Cincinnati. For New Orem". THE new end sobAtantial Stemma "BIG HATCHEE," R. Feistier.. Master, will leave for the above and intermediate ports on Munday, 18th instant, at 10o'• clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply "n hoard or to ' JAMES MAY. nov 18. Pee Nashville. rHE fine passenget Steamer Nuartt BEND, Duncan, Muster, will 'cave for above and intermediate Landings on Tuesday the 19th inst., at 3 o'clock P. M., positively. For Freight or passage apply un buttrrl or to JAMES MAY. (4 9 " The North Bend is provide I.w•ith Evans' Sufe• ty Guard, to prevent the explosion of Boilers. nov 18 For Cincinnati. THE steamer "CAPITOL," Capt. Ett ALLEN, will depart for tbe above and intermediate Potts. regularly, on every Monday morning, at 10 o'clock. For freight or pa:gage apply on board, r,r to eept 2 BIRMINGH 451 kit. CO. BEAVER PACKET. The well known steamer MICHIGAN, B.,Botas, Master, hascommenced her regular daily trips, leaving Pittsburgh (as hereto fore) at 3 o'clock. P. M . and Beaver at 9, A. M. Pricea to suit the times, and who have no money carried free. The Canal to Cleveland will Le opened as anon as the weather viii permit on the opening of which CLARKE & CO'S LINE to CLEVELA ND, o..arui ,MEADVILLE, Pa., will immediately go into opera tion. Fur freight or ?image apply on board, or to G. M. 11A RTON, july 12 Water street. 07The Michigan is provided with Evans' Safety Guard. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING REGULAR PACKET. 1100 g." The new and splendid steam haat t R I DGEW A TER, Capt. CAstra will run 54 a reg.ilur packet between this place and Wheeling. leaving Pittsburgh every Tuesday and Friday at 3 o'clock. and Wheeling every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board, or to J, NEWTON JONES. The Bri.hrwater is provided with Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent Implosion of boilers. june 22 ROCHEI, BBOTIIIIII. CO.'a Azrauemants for 1845. ;* t BLA.KELY & MITCHEL, /PA a& I, 4ci AGENTS, PITTSBURG'. PA. Remittances to and Passage from (meal Britain and Ireland, by the "Black Ball or Old Line of Liverpool Pockets." r - 4 'Sailing from Liverpool on the Ist and 16th 01 each month- 4 . 1 PERSONS desirous of sending for their Friend. OCIA , residing in any part of the"Oto COUNTRY," cnn make the neceelpary a•rangements with the sub scribers. and have them brought ow by the above well known favorite "Line of Packets," which sail from LIVERPOOL punctually on the let and 16th of ever) month; also by eissr CLASS AMLRIC•K SHIPS, sailing from there EVERY SIX DAYS, during 1845. And as they aredeteernined not to depend on any Liverpool House or Agent, to see the people's interest taken care of, Mr J AMcs D. Rocx rt, one of the firm, is there, who will remain and see that every thing connected with their business is executed with promptitude and despatch. Should the persons sent for decline coming out, the money will be returned to the parties here. without any deduction, on producing the Passage certificate and receipt. The "Black Ball or old Line of Liverpool Pack ets" comprise the following magnificent Ships, viz : The Nrw Yong, The Csissatoor, " Oithian, " ENGLAND, " Yungsuiat, " Honors, " MoNTLZeIdA, " Comm it's. With such superior and Unequalled arrangements, the subscribers confidently look forward for a continu ance of that support which bas been esworled to them so many years, for whieb they are grateful. Those proceeding or remitting, to their relatives, can at all times obtain Drafts at sight for any amount drawn direct on the &KAI. BA.NIE Or IRELAND, Doan,; Also on MESIHR. PRESCOTT, GROTE, MIES & CO., BANKERS, i,r6SEOUN ; which will be paid on demand at any of the Banks, or their Branches, in all the principal Towns through out ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALVS• Applx to, or atidreu (if by letter, it paid.) ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO No 35 Fulton St., N, Y BLAKELY & MITCEIEL, Smithfield street, near sth, and Penn street, nct 15-d&vrt Imy PittAburgh Samos Blakely. CONTLY•NCER. ATTORNEY •T LAW BLAKELY & MITCEZELL, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Office, Smithfield near Fiftk Weds, Pittsburgh CONTINUE to attend to the purchase and sale of Real Estate, Renting of City and Country Pro perty, Collecting rents for Trustees, Executors, Ad ministrators, Assignees, Guardians and others. They will also prepare all manner of In stru ments of Writing. Persons %fishing to employ them will please apply to James Blakely, Fifth Wa d. or at the Low Office of John J, Mitchell, Smithfield near Fifth street, Pitts burgh. D. H. 11111ASTINGS, County surveyor, City Regulator and Con- vevancer. Office (as above) with John J. Mitchell, Esq.,on Smithfield street, near Filth street, below the new ourt House, Pittsburgh. Orders left for me. in my absence, with J. J. Mitchell, for surveying, regulating, laying. off and dividing lands, and conveyancing, 3411 receive prompt attention. :Those who desire to examine the Records of County Surveys will please call at the above office. sent 3 Blakely - a. BBtchel, DEAL Estate Agents and Smithfield at, on sth and Penn sts (sth Ward) have for sale, A Steam Saw Mill and Lease of a piece of ground on the Allegheny River. Also a very neat comfortable Dwellling House and Lot of ground adjoining the City of Allegheny. Also 20 Building Lots in the Village of New Troy. Also 2 Building Lots on the 4th Sueet Road. Also 3 Lots of ground in Allegheny City. Also 1 Lot and Dwelling House in Allegheny City. Also several Lots of ground in the sth ward for lease. Also A Lot of ground 3O by 86' on Second Street Heim aad Lot in the P4f'th Ward. HAT valuable lot of ground on Penn st,rontain feet front by 100 feet deep cn which is erec ted a frame dwelling house (and office formerly occu pied by Alderman Stuart.) This iv an eligible site for business and the house is large and comfortably finished. Apply to RUT 14. BLAKELY & MITCHn. /11 1 1 HE subscriber having eiderod into the stove bti•d -j. tress in Pittsburgh, respectfully informs the pub lic that he intends carrying it on in its va.iuua branches at the warehouse of Messrs. Pennock & Mitchell. No. 160 Liberty street, where he will be prepared to supply purchasers with any articles in his line. In addition to other Stoves whiob he will have en hand, he has obtained the right to rnantifticturt. anti sell Hathaway's Patent Hut Air Cooking Stoves. This stove is pro nounced superior to any other now in use in the United States; it is more durable in its construction, and bet. ter adapted to the use of baking!. roasting and cooking. as it is fleeted very regulurly by confining the air it, the stove; and it is a great saving of fuel us well as Ishtar. I will keep on hand it sufficient number to sup• ply all.demands if possible: I have five ditferent sizes, and will sell them nn reasonable terms, according to sites. I have now in use upwards of fifty in and about this city; all pat in use within six months. Being a ware that the People of NVestern Pennsylvania have been imposed upon by the introduction anew and high ly revemtnended Stoves which were badly constructed, and harirg soon failed end become nseless. I will grant to persons wishing to procure the Hot Air Stove, the privilege of using it a sufficient length of time to prove its superior quality before I ask them to purchase. Persons notifying me from a distance by letter, can have staves put up at any time, s I have wngons to carry thorn out; I thetefore invite Farmers and all per sons to ewer• and judge fur themselves; also to try them and prove that it is to your ad vautare to have one. All orders will be promptly attended to by the subscri her. ROBERT DONAVAN. bucrtistments. Also, Agent United States Portable Bent Line Depot NO. 272, MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. niFbLiberal advances made on consignments, when required. Refer to—Mourn Wm Co; Evnns and Temple; Heald, Wood ard & Co.; Scull &Thom piton. Philadelphia. William IWKoight & Co.; Chalks A. Nl'Anulty, ntig9.4—ly • Pittsburgh. Vt'holesale Dealers Its Booty, Shoes, Bon nets, Palm Leal flats and Cape, 1:O. 190 MARKET S7'. PHILADELPHIA. THEY beg leave to inform Western Nlerchants that they linve n splendid assortment of the above Goods. and are still manufacturing largely, which they will sell at the very luit est prices for Crwh. or approved credit. aug fhtf BOOT AND SIIOE MANUFACTORY No. 233 Market Street. Northeast corner of Sixth Street, Philadelphia. WESTERN end Southern Merchants are respect. fully invited to call and exam*, his stock, as he feels confident that it will be to their interest, be fore purchasing elsewhere. aug HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. SMITH, BROTHERS & CO., NO. 188 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, ARE DOW receiving in addition to their former stock a lama assortment 01 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, to which they invite the attention of Western Merchants. nog 6-Iy WANTED SOON—good placi's for one or two respectable Bookkeepers. who can come well recommended. Al4O places for a number of smart and intelligent boys in stores, warehouses, or for ap• nrentices to trades, or I elpa to private fami les. Also, fur a number of farmers and laboring men, at any work. Please apply at HARRIS' Gei eral Agency and Scrivener Office, No. 9, sth street. nov 12 6ni. A Good Little Farm and Lot for Sale. FOR sale 35 acres of choice land, one and a half miles from the canal at Claiks%ille, Mercer County. It has 19 acres cleared; well fenced and well watered and ev..ry way desirable. It lies on a public road leading from the Canal Basin smith to the State Road. There is a cabin house and d table e rec t ed on it. 115 bushels of wheat was harvested in one year on the premises, besides 6 or seven acves of pas ture and grass for mowing. This will be sold low, and would be a very desirable property for a Mechanic, &c, Also, for sale cheap, three handsome well situated lots in the villaze of Clarksville, nn the Canal; and several other farms and lots for sale cheap and cn ac commodating terms; please apply at Hart is' General Agency and Intelligence Office, No 9, sth street. nov 14 1w John J. Mitchell Temperance and Tract Documents, JUST RECEIVED from New York. &c.—A large supply of the latest publications of the American Temperance Union arid Tract Societies, comprising Alimonies, Journal and Youths Advocates, Temper ance Dialogues, Lyrics, Hymn Books, Washington Harp,Chrystal Fount Melodies, Hannah Hawkins, Temperance Fables, Uncle Hugh, Permanent Tem perance Documents, Bacchus, a prize Essay, Certifi cates. Pledges and Smoke Bills, &c. &c. Also, 80 packages assorted tracts, at 121 and 25 cts a package, forsale at wholesale and retail in any quantity to suit suit all classes of customers. ISAAC HARRIS. Agent & Commision Merchants, No 9, sth St. nov 14--dstaw. ITIHE Proprietor will exhibit those Locks nt the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, fur a few days from this date. They are warranted beyond the skill of the pick lock—and in fact the befit and cheapest safe lock in America. UNUS YALE. Pittsburgh, noe. 11, 1844 GEO. R. WHITE & CO., have removed to No 51 Market street, between 3d and 4th streets, to the store formerly occupied by Darlington & Peebles, neat door to Wm. M'Knight. sept 18-3 m 4 BALES Ist sort, just received and for sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & Co. rtov 12 I,i Wood-St. II AT Il A W A Y'S Patent:Etot Air Cooking Stoves. TllO3lAs BO It BLDG GENERAL Produce, Forwarding & Commission Merchant, T. B. & W. P. CONOVER, JOSEPH TALLIMIN'S W HOLESA LE Yale's Safety Lock FOR DOORS, SAFES, BANKS, &.,c Removal. HOPS. • -• • ti. RECuMMENDATIONS Miller's Mansion Ifouse,Sept, 19, 1844 Mr. R. DorravAN—Sir: I have in tl4O one of HatL AVVII:i'S Hot Air Cooking Stoves, which I got from you last Spring. It affords me much pleasure to recom mend it for its excellence. So far as my knowledge extends, I have no hesitation in saying it is the best stove now in uso. I need not particularize its =tits, but would advise all disposed to possess an article of the kind. to a lopt the best method of satisfying them selves, that is, to try it; and I doubt nut they will be aatisfied. D. R. MILLER. Washington Temperance Haus', Pittstmrgh, Sept. 19, 1844. Mr. S. Das have had to use for five months. one of Hathaway's Hot Air Cooking &owes. and I have no hesitation in saving it is the best stove now in u , e. The various kinds of cooking it is calcu lated to do at the .us ne time, and the smell quantity of fuel required. mikes it an object worthy the anon dots of all who Jestra a good stove. I embrace} this opporturity to recommend the Hot Air Cooking titoves; I have used the one you pot up for me constantly all summer, and I most any it is a grand article. I believe it is superior to any other stove now in use in this city. The oven bakes well, end is large enough to bake four large haves of bread at one time; it alt , crp.ks very aredily, and it requires very little coal. I think tho•aa worthy the attention of all who wish a poet stove; to such I would say, try them and prove whet they are. oct 114 MATHEW PATRICK. Ckuction Saler). NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS AT AUCTIoN. WILL be sold, at M'Kenna'a Auction Mart, rorner of 23 and Wood Streets, on Mon day the 18th inst., at 10 o'clock, A M., a very great vari. ty of seasonabln Dry Goods. among which are Cloths, Cassimel es, Cassinettes, Tweeds, Cloak Rim ming', Lioseys, ky Jeans, Woolen Cravats and ;Comforts, very superior Woolen Shawls of different styles, Woolen Hoods, Extra fine real Gum Elastic Suspenders, Flag and Gingham Handerchiefs, Gen tlemen's Stocks, &c. &c. As-id at 2 c'clock P. M., New and 2d hand Fur niture; a few Barrels prime. Shad; 11 Grates of differ ent sizes, together with many other articles. Terms at Sale. P. M'KENNA, nov 16 Auctioneer. Large Sales of Ca.simeres and groad Cloths, AT Davis' Commercial Auction ROOMS, corner of Wood and Fifth Iltreuts, on Monday next, No vemhor lgth, at 10 o'clock, A. M., will be sold with- out reserve, a lame lot of heavy double milled Cattai l . mores, Supstfme Broad Cloths, heavy Beaver Cloths, for over Coots. And immediate) , Filler, a general assortment of Dry y Goods, of nearly every- description. Also, a lut of Fur Trimmed Cl-th Cops, wntor proof Tup, an excellent article fur winter, new at la. J. D. DAVIS, nor 16 Auctioneer. Superior Winter Dry Gaols at Auction. JUST received and now opening at IWKenna's Auction Mart, corner of 2d and Wood streets, a large Int of seasonable Dry Goods, among which are 10,000 yards superior new style Winter Prints, Black Alparcas, Muslin de Leine', Fine Irish 'Linens, a few pieces very fine Cassimeres and Caseinettes, fine Blue and Black Broad Cloths, together with a great variety of other Dry Goads. The above articles will be ready for examination on Saturduy morning, (up stairs,) and sale to commence on Monday the 11th inst., at 10 o'clock, A M., and continue from day to day until all are sold. Terms at sale. P. M'KENNA, now. 9, • Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES, BY LYND & BICKLEY New Auction Rooms, Not. 61 and 63, Wood street N MONDAY, Nov. 18, will be sold from the O shelves a large and general assortment of Fall and Winter Dry Gouda, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M. WOOLENS Blue black, brown end invisible green broadcloths, superfine; blue, black and mixed imamate, indigo blue and cadet mixed and Kentucky Jeans; Duffield end Mackinaw blankets; woolen shawls; heavy pilot cloth, Arc. Worsteds Plain six quarter English merino. of all rotors; changeable figured A Ipacca lust rest three and six guar tor moutieline de lainer; dress hdkis. &c. Silks and Satins Plain blk dress silk; figured silk vesting; American sewing silk; satin stocks; ■ilk lidkfs; Linens and Cottons Superfine Irish linen; patent thread; spool cotton• prints, cbeelts,ginghams, Irish linens; brown ermalias, bleached do.; cambric do.; cable cloths; tablediaper; &c. Fanny Articles Linen shirt collars, gum suspenders, stay laces, m♦ rino gloves, nettdrawers, G S combs, etc. Also at 2 o'clock P M. a large quantity of Household and Kitchen Furniture Chairs, tables, bedsteads, bureaus, dough chelts, stands, cradles, &c. Fruit do Ornamental Trees. OA THE Subscribers ofer fur sale at the ah Landreth Nurseries, near Philadelphia,(the 1 = ancient grounds formerly of D & C Landreth.) a choice selection of FRUIT TREES embracing the approved Apples, Pears, Plums Cherries, Apricots, Nectarines, and Quirt-eft, and an immense stock of SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHI DRS, of every ..4, desirable variety including many cho Evergreens, also Green Haase Plants, of popular s ecies. particu larly Cammellias to which they gave especial auen tion, and now offer several thousand engrafted plants of the best varieties of that beautifult "be. in remark ably fi ne health. A n abridged Cara e, for easy re ference, has just been published, and t ay be had grat. is, of F Snowden, Pittsburgh. Pa. who will forward or ders. NOW IS. THE TIME FOR tRANSPLAN TING. D LANDRETH & FULTON. F L SNOWDEN, Agent, No 184 Liberty Street Pittsburgh Pa. sio• litextovsd. WSI'DONALD has removed his Bootterons • to M'Clurg's 'store-room, No, 65 Woos ST., near the comer of Wood and Fourth *seta, and neat door to Lynd and Bickkl'is Auction n. A splendid assortment of Miscell and Theo logical books, and every variety of books alai Stationary, he offers for sale, at wholesale and retail, on as fairorabld terms as they can be purchased in the city. ant 6 THOMAS VARNER (Transportation fiats. AMERICAN PORTABLE BOAT LINE, For Lie franaportalion of • MERCHANDIZE AND PRODUCE. ISTIVRIN TrTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA, PITTS" BURGH AND BALTIMORE, AND NEW YORK AND BOSTON, THE PROPRIETORS RESPECTFULLY inform thei rfriond sand shippers generally, that they have changed the murmur 'hail Transportation Line. item the UnitedStatos Portable Boat Line. tothe American Portable Boat Line. This line is composed of t wenty-five new Four Sec tion Portable Boats, one of whlch will depart daft). Erase Pittsburgh, Philadelphia alid Baltimore. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other mode of transportation aro too well known to shippers generally to require oomment• suffice it to say, that the detention, loss, sepamtion arm damage to Cioods, invariably attending threat ran. shipments between Pittsburgh anti Philadelphia, VS by the Portable Boats most effectually removed To give undoubted security to owners and shippers all goods and produce shipped by this line will be in. slued in a responsible office in Philadelphia, without any additional charge to the owners. Merchandise shipped by this Haeju any of the east ern cities. and consigned to El Dev ine &Co, will be for warded immediatelyon arrival at Pittsburgh to any part of the west, free of commissions. H. Devine will receive produce consigned to hire, pay steamboat freight and charges. and forward the same to any of the eastern cities. and charge no com missions for storage, advancing or forwarding. Any comrnunicationsor goods directed to the care of the undersigned Agents will be promptly attended to. H DEVINE 57.. CO. Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. E G. WHITESIDES &CO., 3Qa Market street, boluw Tenth, Philadelphia, GIESE & SON, Commereestreet Wharf, Baltimore. A: FA HNESTOCK & CO, 100 Frontstreet, New York, RICE & WILLIAMS, Jan VS No 3. Chatham street. Boston. C. A. McANULTT'B UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the ti ansportation of 5' erchandize to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL- , PHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. THE success this line has met with, since It was fist established on the "Individual Enterprise" system, has induced the proprietors to increase the number of Boats during the winter to twenty-five, one of which will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and BE timore every day (except Sundays) during theseasen, and make the trip through in six days. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat System overevery other mode of transportatinn (when canals intersect with rail roads) are too well known to shippers by this route generally to require any com ment. Shippers can rely outlaying their- roduee, merchant dize, or goods of any kind that may be consigned to the Agents of this Line, reminded with dispatch and et the very lowest rate of freight charged by other Lines, without any additional charge made for recely In or advancing charges, &e. Allcommunications to the following Agents will be promptly attended 1u: CHARLES A. MrANULTY, At the Depot, Cann] Basin, Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRILL, 53, Smith's Wharf. near Pratt at. Baltimore. W & J T TAPSCOTT, No 43, Peck Slip, New York. THOMAS BORBIDGE, Jan 31-Iy 272, Market street, Philadelphia. Good Intent flail Stage Line for Eric. THE Subscriber respectfully informs the Public that, having recently made a contract with the P. 0. Department for carrying the Mail from this place to Erie; have procured new Troy built Coaches fur the conveyance of Passengers And having also procured fresh Teams, and good, careful and sober drivers, are enabled to drive through in thirt.y4 wo hours, being out but one night. The litnee will leave the Exchange . Hotel every morning at 9 o'clock, A.M. BRINKER, BENNETT, & Co. P. S. For seats. apply to W R Moorhead, Agent, next door to the Exchange Hotel. This is the only Line that runs clear through to Erie, the other Line running no blither than Mercer. nov. 4, 1844. (Spirit of the Age copy 3 mos. and charge this office.) KEEP COMFORTAI3I..E. READY MADE CLOTUING, THREE AT DOORS: No. 151, LIBERTY STREET. The proprietor of this highly favored Establish- ment, respectfully informs the public that ha bra now prepared the LARGEST STOCK OF SEASONABLE CLOTHING Ever offsrrd in this city. His stock amounts to up• wards of $75,000, And be has a large number of the best workmen con stantly engaged in making new garments to suit the taste of II!. numerous customers. His auortment of CLOTILS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, SATTINETS, CASSINETS, VELVETS, acC.l Of French, English, s.nd American Manufacture, IS LARGER, AND MORE VARIED. • Than any other sea opened in ibis city, and cannot fail to please the taste of every class of purchaser.. HE HAS ON HAND. CLOTHING IN ALL ITS VARIETY, TO SUIT EVERY CALLING, Which is warranted to be made from the BEST MATERIALS, And in the LATEST FASHION. His assortment of FASHIONABLE CLOAKS, OVEtt•COATS, Ofevery description, COATS AND PANTS., Of every q uality and price, WHITS AND VIIIITINGS Of every variety of fashion and q uality, CANNOT BE SURPASSED• He has SEPARATE CUTTERS for every depart mem in Clothing, and as they are all workmen wbo have been employed in the mast FASHIONABLE HOUSEJS In the country, he can warrant his patron. that THE CUT AND MAKE Of all articles from his establishment will be in the most modern style. COUNTRY INEEMOI T S Are respectfully invited to call. u the proprietor kale confident that he can sell them Goods Oa such terms as vrill stake it to their advantage to purchase at the Trine Big_Cloors. Oct 28 .O 1N bi'CLOSKEY, Bank Nato nub t *any. COVALCTSD DAILY IT a. guarazu, sizansmon 811011111 X, Merchants and Ma n ufactu r ere Se rip t • loar Exchange Bank dcrip srency I • .... #erks Comity SgrriP • - .... Ore Philadelphia .. &beer ....... „ ...... -• • • •flif PgNNSYLVANIA.—PITTSPuRGH, Bank of Pieleburgit ..., p., Merchants out Manufacturer? bask ' ifte Exchange Do, Hollidayebwrgh ..,.,..........p PHILADELPHIA, Bank of Korth America Do Northern Liberties Do Pennsylvania . ...-per Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania .. A . 411, Farmers' and Mechanics' bank Kensington bank ~,,, . , . Afanufaetarers and Mechanise' Pao Aleckanial . per Moyamensing Per Philadelphia bank Schuylkill " ~,,, --Pa" Southmark ..... P4* Western ~_pe r Bank of Penn To w ip -•- -PA!' Girard bank • . • .... 411.4. U. S. bank sm.' In-anthes 1 / 1 . t• 11.?•• via COUNTRY DANK% Bank of Germenstowns •••••••••••••••-par " Chester county Per " Delaware county - PIP , " Montgomery county ... . .... P•IF Nolstwisibericrad .... .... ........... pap Farmers' bank of Bucks county. ..... .. ••. • s ..par Easton back F., Doylestown bank ' ... • • •-• • • - - ..... • PRI Fr•anktin bank of We/A/os/tom ....... ••• • •• • • 'l 4 ; Bank of Ckambersburgh.... .. ..... ... ...... .1 • " Middletown 4 " Getty/buryk ........ 1 " Leselettnon, ~ . • / " Slap grAanna county 40 Berkseousity bank, Wow* Columbia Bankand Budge Company Per Carlisle bank 1 Erie bank Farmers and Drovers' bank ~. / " Bank of Lancaster Per . ... " Bank oT,T Reading !a► Harrisburg 6 alut ,•- • , •• • 1 Honesdale " 1 Lancaster " Par Lancaster co.'s .... ~.. . ..... —per Lebanon 4$ I Miners' bank of P0ttnyi1k..........,..... „..1 Monongahela bans of Brownsville 1 New Hope and Delaware Bridge cowsjoiray .. ... $ Northampton bank ',P....t0...W Ilk Towanda bank •••••• ••••-• •ft MAO Wyoming bank ---- I West Brand bank...................: 2. Y • ork. bash .. -- , -P • • 1 OHIO. Belmont bank of St. C . /air:villa . . Clinton bank of Cohanbus ..... ~• ••• • • •• • ••• •1 Columbiana bank of New Lisbon .. 1 Circleville (Lawrence, cashier). .... 1 " ( Warren, cashier) ........ SO *Si, Ciacinnoti banks . ..... .• . 1 Chillicothe bank .. Commercial bank of Lake Erie . AI Dayton bank • ••• • ~• • •,,• • PO •••• 1 Franklin bank of Columbus, • • Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steubtewals..l Farmers' bask of Canton. Geauga 1f Granville • ••• Hamilton . - Lancaster.. • .10 Marietta Massillor . . ....1 Mechanics' and Traders'. Cineinnati„.... M ona P igasa n t .... • "1. • ................ . 1 Norwalk f,111.• •• • • 1 Putnam .. • • . • 1 Sandusky Scioto Urbana. .. ........ ..... Wooster Xenia .. Zanetrilk 1 Bank of Cleveland.... „.. . ..t0 ~,~ ~~ 4 INDIANA. State bank and brassies State Scrip xErrniCiii - '''''' ---.14 All banks 4 ILLINOIS, State bank Bank of Illinois, Shasoneetown VIRGINIA, Bank of the Valley of Virginia. .. Bank of Virginia V .1 Exchange bank of Virginia Farmers' bank of Virginia,. .. / North- Westernbank of Virginia ..... 'Were ante and Mechanics' bank of Virginia„ B MARYLAND. _ _ Baltimore City bank 5..... , •• •• P•• • • • ... P a r All other solvent banks.. ~ • .. •• -- NORTH CAROLINA. All solvent banks.. , , ... •.. .• •• SOUTH CATtOtIN A • . All solvent banks.— .... OEORGIA.• Alisotrent beads Ax. „ ,2 # Mobile books.. . Cossattry bald*. "10 • ••• Oo..• 10 •• oe •• ••••• • LOUISIANA, New ()rheas banks ( rood).- • • •••. • th TENNESSEE. A11bank5........... .. -• -4 2500 Lbs BUCKWHEAT FLOUR:, _ 25 Boxes Castile and Fancy So ap ; 20 0 Boded Herring; Baskets Olive Oil; Received and for tee by J. D. WILLIAMS, aloe t No 20 Fifth et. Plasinebrand Cassinattos. AFRESH supply of Flannels and Ceitsiaossett, just resigned from the Mannfiseturers, mid for Ws low, by GEO. COCHRAN, nos 7 No 26 Wood St. PRINTING TOM A FRESIJ SUPPLY OF C. JOHNSON'. SUPERIOR PRINTING INK. IX LARGE •ND SMALL Just received at lit office of the "root.' _ act 25. Iltacadar •yr• hi Agm A CTORVII'S R.11.1M, Pittsburgh. Oct. 19, 1114 t: N election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, Abe held at the Banking house, oa 1/10 eighteenth day of November next. oct 31—td Eithilialtig /hex or Pivraruning. October 19th, 1844. 6 THE annual elemian for thirteen Directors of this Bank, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the Boddie Hoare on Monday the 18th of No vember next, betweewthe hears of 9 A M 3 P M. Oct 19-td TH048113 Ili HOWE, Cashier. BARB 07 PITTSBURGH, October 18, 1844. A N election far thirteen Directors of this Bin bla. for the ensuing year, wiU ha Mid at dm/ Booking house on Monday, the !Bifida, of Noweniscnons. oct iiiiHN cern Co RR klt OP WOOD •RD THIRD ITS SPECIL STANDARD. EXCHANGE-AT SIGHT New York Boskne. ------ • • P r EO I Balgivwre- - ~,,, " ''" ' *., • P W. if. DENNY, Cashier