ltraposals tbr illitea sad Pistol's. OnIoN•NCE OFFICE, Washington. if• October 21, 1894. • life geikeerylo;;:l i ellied pro '4"" recelied et ttetß three n clot . - V r ilibt the 31st At'tt Xti for the manufacture and. delivery of the following arms for the fuse ofthe Malted Sustes,-tixt 10,000 rifles, percussion lock ,new model. :30,000 pistols, do do do 'One-fifth of the above arms to be delivered annual ly, during the ensuing five yeurs, commencing on the Ist of July, 1845. The whole subject to the proof and inspection prescribed by the Ordnance Department, packed in strong boxes, of the pattern now used, and -delivered at each places as may be designated, the Li mited States paying a reasonable price fur the boxes and transportation to the place of delivery. The proposals will be sealed, endorsed "Propmeds fee rifles and pistols," and addressed, under an envel ope. to this office. G TALCOTT, Lieut. Cul. Ordnance. MP' To be published in the Madisonian, Globe, and National Intelligences; St Louis Reporter, Cincin nati Republican, Columbas (0.) Old School Republi• can, Pittsburgh Morning Post. Baltimore Sun, Phila delphia Mercury, New York Aurora, Norwich (CO - News, anti litostom Times, for two months. act 22-2ni . New Livery Stable. 16:.110LMES' LIVERY STABLE. on Third "streot, between Market and Wood, near the Post Office, is now open for the accom modation of the public. His stock of Carriages &c. being allnew, he hopes to be able to render full satis faction to these who may favor him with a mai Oct 19-iy PITTSBURGH "MIDGE FARM NURSERY. FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS AND EVERGREENS. ATURSERY between three and four miles east of ..1.111 Pittsburgh, near to the Farmers & Mechanics' Turnpike road, (extension of 4th street.) Orders left with Mr. James Montooth, Grocer and Leather dealer, near the corner of Seventh, on Smith field street, or at our stand in market, on Market street, promptly attended to. .Prices reduced to suit the times. WM. & JAS. MURDOCK. Oct 24.2wil 7 . 1 EPAS I AEKKLESIA, an original bisuory of the ALE :Religions Dettaminations at present existing in the United States: containing authentic accounts of their rise and progression(' doctrines. Butler's analo gy of ryl igion. nptural and revealed, to the constitution anabasyse ofnature. Just received and for sale by W. fti'DON AL D. corner of Market and 3d streets. Marble Manufactory. AT fitillidayshurg, Pa , by Groves & Johnson, who am prepared to furnish, either in the block, sawed in 'the slab, or to order, or finished, such as Mange/s, Furniture-tops, &c., Tombs, Head and foot stones—and house- work generally, such as Door-ways, Door sills and heads, Window sills and heads, Plat. forms and steps, &c. &c., all of which can be furnish ed in White, Black, Blue or variegated Marblc,at very reduced prices and at the shortest notice. oct 17 ;")fifiGross No I Bottle Corks; L/ s MIN Sp Turpentine; 2 " Copal Varnish; 1 Cask Olive Oil; 3 Bids • Vert Red; 2 " Lampblack; I " Cream Tartar , .1 " Flor Sulphur; Case Roll Sulphur; • 1 " Liquorice Ball; " Gum Shellac; 1 " " Copal; :75 lbs • Gum Camphor; 10 " . " Opium; tTog,ether with a general assortment of Drugs. Mcdi r.inetk4l),ye Stuffs, dve., justreceiced and for sale by `L. SNOW DEN. mlB. No 184 Liberty, head of Wnod st. , 'ter Sale Cheap anti on Easy Terms. `9 l fittENTY Building Lots in New "Troy, h -side .tif the A.llegheny River, 40 feet in width and va rin,T, from 200 to 249 feet in depth. Atso; TWO Buildinv. * Lots, on the Fourth Street :Road, 24 feet front and 94 feet deep. emi t , Atso, a Lot and Frame Rothe, )iehling a PPM handsome income, in Allegheny City. ALSO, THREE Lots of ground, on which shops, -'&t. are erected, yielding a good ground rent, in Alle fiheny City. Those who wish to learn pal ticulars and see plans of the above property wil please eall oil Mr. Sylvester Seymour, or at the Real Estate and Conveyancing ••Otice of BLAKELY" & MITCHEL, nut d Smithfield, near sth street. EAGLE HOTEL. Third, between Wood and Market streets, Nearly opposite :he New Post office. TB HE subscriber respectfully inf arms the citizens of Pittsbirrgh and the public generally that he has opened the above establishment for their accomoda tient. He sincerely thanks those:friends who so liber ally patronised him whilst Propriet , r of the Waverly House, and trust that h;sincreased accom(wlations will enable him to retain all his old friends and acquire ma• ny new ones. L-. 7 The Eagle Hotel is exclusively fur the indent rno lation of gentlemen, and from its central situation in the immediate vicinity of the Banks and Public Offi ces, offers peculiar advantages to the mond business.. 'The beds, bedding and furniture are all new. The Larder unexceptionable, and the Wines. Ale! and Liquors equal to the best in the State. His Guests will be supplied with their meals at any hour to suit 'their convenience, on the Eastern System. Txxxs—Per week, $3.00 Per day, l 00 oct. l 5 THOMAS OWSTO7.I, CONSTABLE, BOREN & CO., FIRE !PROOF SAFE AND VAULT bOOR MANUFACTURERS. Fifth Street, Pittsburgh. All articles manufactured by them warranted equal to any thing in the market. .pct.] Removal. fIIHE Depot of the TJ;ITTED STATES ,PoTLTASLE 'l' BOAT LINN, has been removed for the present to. Lacock street, .Alleghenytown. rr Office, cornet: of Lacock and Federal streets, directly opposite the _ _ . C. A. M'ANULTY, Agt. U. S. Portable Boat Line .Post Offize. sept 4-3 m FOR SALE. SIX ACRES of Land, near Pittsburgh, with the Steam Engine, Machinery and Rope walk, lately occupied by Smith and Guthrie, extending from the Butler road to the Allegheny river. There ere on the premises a block of three two story Brick dwelling •houses, and one of six two story Frame dwellings, 'besides the Warehouse attached to the Rope walk. This property is admirably adapted for a Rope factory -on the most extensive scale, all in readiness to prose cute the business immediately. The location is beau. tifu/ and improving in value. For terms apply to GEO. COCH RA N, Sept 26 _ No 26 Wood street. :If notsold at Private Sale, it will be, offered at Public Sale, on thepremises, on Taursday the 7sh No, at 10i o'clock, A. M.- Predt Arrival 1 . 1 POLK and-DALLAS Song Books; ,;(,,,UNJU-1089 Polk and Dallas Portrait*. 'Ttscreeeived anclAr*.sale Wholesale and RetaiL ' C.NEA GER, . 108 )4 . ,, near Liberty. fk ErSlitlS GRAXBERZES, just extived t.) 1,1 sad fur pilo'by VAILSLIP, TENNINGS, 84.Cek, 42 Wood et. oct 21 it. tOld Cala i rip LIE sut personl of sending fill of Great Bri both sides oft forward with remit monies Kingdom to in sons residing at the subscribers, and by a remitt names and cats will he Ship, and all Apply io , or DAILY ARIII OF New . Goods, at ALGEO & WOUIRK'S FilSbion able Head quarters, No 251 Liberty Street. The newest styles and most splendid goods that is brought to this market is to he seen at out establishment. We would invite the attention of purchasers to our present stock, which for variety and richnes of style cannot be excelled. In catering for the taste of our COSMO). ors we are determined not to be out done, as arrange ments have been made by us to secure every new style ..f g axis upon its arrival in the Eastern marke', as well as the best Paris monthly reports, which we receive regularly; neither expense or pains shall be spared in making our establishment THE FASHIONABLE HEAD QUARTERS of the West: and we trust to be sustained by our old patrons, as well as a great many new ones, whom we shell pot fail to please, as we oust our abili ty is equal to our inclination. sem 2 ALGEO & McGUIfiE, Chronicle and Age copy. P. DELANY, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 49, LIBERTY STROUT, THIRD DOOR ABOVE VIRGIN ALLEY, I laving laid in a general mac of •CLOTHS, CASSUSZELES, .BEAVER CASTER CLOTHS, Heavy Winter Tweeds, Sattinettt, lice. of which he has mode up in the LATEST STYLE OF FASHION, by the BEST'WORKMEN OF THE CITY, Amongst them aro all sizes of Frock and dress Coats,. of superior French and English Cloths of all fashion able colors; super double milled broad cloth sack over coats, plain and weaved Beaver do., made handsome frock and sack fashion; every description of HEAVY TWEED COATS, Double milled plain and fancy Caasimere, PLAID, STRIPE, AND PLAIN PANTALOONS, CLOTH, SATTINETT, &c. A splendid ass°, tinent of Vests, plain, plaid and figur ed, velvet, swan, woolen, velvet, cloth, caisitnere, &c. CLOTH CLOAKS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, made in tke present Fall fashion; a large lot of Blue Mackanew Blanket Coat*, and a 'GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BOYS CLOTHES The subscriber having purcha.ed his goods in the ,East, in the most favorable part of the season when the assortment was good and at vet y low prices, anti from the largo amount of patronage bestowed on his eitab lishasent, is enabled to sell AT MUCK LOWER PRICES titen is usual in the trade. A general assortment of goode are on hand, to hake to order, and will be MADE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Having secured the services of B. DONAGHY, -well known iu thia city, as an experienced Tailor, and of Wm. B. RoArcx, who has long carried on a fashion. able Tailor Shop, Philadelphia, he confidently assures all who desire CUSTOM-WORK, that they can be fitted with: any sort of a garment, in a style that CANNOT BE SURPASSED In any shop iii Pittsburgh. The subscriber, returns' his sincere thanks for favors received, and invites a continuance and exten sion of custom; his arrangements are such as must suit all tastes, and satisfy every• one who may purchase of him. oct 19 Medicated Vapor Bath, CoPY or A LETTER FROM DRS. LAWRENCE AND Ht.:MICK:SON New Lebanon, State of New York WORTHY FRlRND:—Having made a thorough trial of the Medicated Vavor Bath for four months past, in our societies in New Lebanon and Watervliet, we think it but justice to state, that we consider it a valuable improvement* the -itelOing at Its ppwer in reduc ing both chronic and acute inflamation, also in remov ing spasms, is certainly, very great. In cases of ohtt i structed perspiration, tis unquestionably the safest and best remedy That we have ever seen. Several persons in our society, who were scarcely free from a catarrhal affection during most of the winter months for several years past, have found permanent relief by using the Bath a few times; and the predisposition to take cold, as it is commonly termed, seems to be whol ly removed. Obstructed perspiration, is certainly in our changeable climate, one of tbo most fi-uitful sour ces of disease, and any remedy that is capable of re moving the predisposition to it, must be considered a great bleating to mankind; and as such we do not hesi tate to recommend the Medicated Vapor Bath. GARRET R. LAWRENCE, M. D. ABRAM HENRICKSOY, M. D. To Dr. C. Whitlow, New York. Oct 18 Chronicle copy. New Style Letter Copying Presses. ON hand and for sale, 100 Copying Presses, equal in finish and availability to any either imported or of eastern make, at sixty per cent under their prices. What business man will be without such a labor saving machine, when they can be purchased for so small a sum as ten dollars. To be had by the dozen or single one at J. S. GWYNNE'S, Franklin Manufactory, 2d street!, S. CUTHBERT'S; 35 Wood street. REMOVAL. MESSRS. MOORHEAD' & READ, • ' .ATTOINII2I AT LAW, • LIAVE removed their office to Secondstreet;threo doom from dm corner: of 2nd and Grant eta— near the Scotch Hill Market: inll ,I VH..IIt. & liitGiiiEß, base removed fecortr N ii il ilft to 76 IlVadtaumme.betweea the Diamond "Wet, to the store formerly occupied by Geo. hhe & Co. sect 26-d3m AP. 'll to eitbef_ %surf Ate -n" Int withthe ••• . . lirsit c s : Richard Bidd~e;;aq:; - blitivany, isq; Jiffies Cra ft, Es.q. , John 161ifeill011, Higlktallfmar Denny, Wit. Pm Arthur., 13radfortl, Esq L . Cassat. brocaf, Esq. - • REMOVAL .—The undersigned begs leave to in form the public, that he has removed from his old stand, to the corner of farm and St. Chdrats., op posite the Exchange Hotel, where be has fitted up, a large Plano FORTE WARE Room, and now offersttm most splendid assortment of PIASOS ever offered In this market. His pianos consist of diffetent patterns, of superior Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully fiaished and modeled, and constructed thronghout of the very best materials, which, for durability and quality of tone, as well as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made ar rangements to supply the increasing demand for this in strument, he respectfully requests those intending to purchase to call and examine -his assortment before purchasing elsewhere, as ho is determined to sell LOW E R, for cash, than any other establishment east or west of the mountains. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn end St. Clair streets, Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. sep 10. MUTUAL PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE. rirl HE Allegheny Mutual Insurance Company, corn rnenced issuing policies the 18th May last. Tho Policies and applications for. Insurance four times-exceed the amount its charter required to corn n3oreetterith, creating a fund already sufficient to meet any probable loss that may occur; as is tested by all the reports of well conducted institutions of the kind, and daily. Augmenting its capital by the accession of new members. The terms of Insurance are as favorable as those of any other institution in thecity, and its principles need only be known to vastly increase its business and ex tend its uaefuine,so.. J B RoattisoN, See , y. • DIRECTORS. W Robinson, Jr., Lot 0 Reynolds, John Sampson, Thos H. Stewart, James Wood, G E Warner. :W Ragniey, E W Stephens, Sylvester Lothrop, S R Johnston, John 'Morrison, Harvey child,. jels. THF, Allegheny County Mutual Insurance Compa ny are now prepared and read] to receive applica tions for Insnrance, at the office of the Company in Exchange Buildings, No. 12. The method and plan of loam ance according to the plan onwhich this Com pany haltbeen organized, hasheen fully tested and uni versally successful in other parts ofthe State,in the East ern States, and in New York and Ohio; the rates of Insurance generally, not exceeding the 1 toli of one per cent. per annum. Nora.—Each person insured becomes a member, and will deposite his note for the premium with the . Secretary, upon which 5 per cent. is required to be paid in cash L. AVILMARTH, l'resident Jong B. Roßricsott, Sect'ry. Pittsburgh, ApriP29; 1844. DIRECTORS. Wm. Robinson,Jr., Lot 0. Reynolds, John Sampson, Thos. H. Stewart, James Wood, G. E. Warner, Wm. &water, E. W. Stephens, Sylvanus Lothrop, S. R. Johnson. John Morrison, Harvey Childs. apr. 30—tf. Jamos John J. Mitchell CONVEYANCER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. BLAKELY & MITEMELL, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Office, Smithfield sear Fifth Streets, Pittiburgh CONTINUE to attend to the purchase and sale of Real Estate, Renting of City and Country Pro perty, Collecting rents for Trustees, Executors, Ad min'strators, Assiertees, Guardians and others. They will also prepare all manner of Inrtruments of Writing. Persons wishing to employ them will please apply to James Blakely, Fifth Wa d. or at the Law Office of John J. Mitchell, Smithfield near Fifth street, Pitts burgh, County Surveyor, City Regulator and Con- Office (as above) with 'John J. Mitchell, Esq., on Smithfield street,near Filth street, below the new Court House, Pittsburgh. Orders left for me. in my absence, with J. J. Mitchell, for surveying. regulating, laying. of and dividing lands, and conveyancing, shall receive ',prompt menden flXThose who desire to examine the Records of County Surveys will please cal: at the above office. septa T. DELANY Millais Adair, Boot and Shoo Itlaw, Liberty st. opposite tke Head of Satitlifiakt. , jRESPECTFULLY returns his thanks- ..„......,_,.— for the liberal patronage bestowed en him since his location in PittsbUrgh. lie has received a supply of the best Philadelphia calf akih'and other Leather, .which he will make to order in water proof Boots, or otherwise, in the bast style and at the lowest prices. He has also received a full supply of all kinds of Shoe Findings direct from the Manufacturers, all which he will be thankful to supply his friends with at the lowest prices. oct 9-tf Chronicle copy 3t Wholesale Druggists, 'Grocers, dm, OULD be consulting their own, and the inter- W eat of their eustomers, to a very great extent, by purchasing Spices, Drugs and Dye Wooed' in the Eastern markli, whole and in sticks, and getting them ground aad chipped at the Franklin Mantifacto ry, Second street. It is nor generally ic flown, but nevertheless true, that Drugs and spices in the Sim, are lOwer in price than whole, of course the . prOlit'and cost orgrinding must be made up by adulterationf dye woods have at least 15 per cent, and in some cases 25' per cent: of water added to them. Now water, dust, cornmeal and flaxseed -meal are plenty here, end we can eat them in their purity, if so it pleases us, without pay ing a pepper price with freight and premium added. Cinnamon, Allspice, Nutmegs, Gumeric, ground, Ginger, Gum Arabic, Gum Aloes, . GarriGarnbor,e, Pumice Stone, ` Lac Dye, Indigo, ' ' Logwoot• Cloves and Mace, Fu sac, Mustard, Gum Scamony,titili:Vtor;d. , Manganese, ' • PliatitiVood; .;'' Nut Galli, Lima Malt chipped; Pepper,.. - The Proprietor will not drel la any of the articles be grinds as a guaranty that all the articles intrusted to him shall remeninimireiiiVv,.._sellhAct him-, , N. ti.=Lara Nremfttaii ii • tali. eir-tE4 - i 7 41ilr2viNNV i tit OFFICE on Butkr Street, iontweads - Chesnut Street., Allegbety City. ost 2L-• sue perrniulently v il Engineering, cite with Mr Z IV warranted in say !cal knowledge will r employ him. Per nd at his office plans rye Tract, opposite •gh," Birmingham, extending several McGOW IN. ,rs above Hand, EMI L. I'7ILMARTV, Tics c INSURANCE IC. H. INEASTINGS, ve yancer. rig HE •ii °A MAU Tv CORNER OF WOOD St SZCOND" en. 9H E. aai:laraigiteakiltay.reaplgetruilyiendeishis ser f vices to the public, and to Importets, Merchants and Manufactorers,ss a general _ AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT He I.!sit takenout a license and entaredinto the securi ties required by law, for the transaction of PUBUC SALSA of all Feudal+ AND DOSMATIC GuODS AND FABRICS. An experience of a series of years in commercial life hasfurnished the undersigned with some knowl edge of business, nearly twenty years of which have been devoted actively to the auction business, Which may be lacivantageoul'to tisisscuba , waif& to him the sales of property. • . • - ' _ _ To the Istroaiza every facility wutoe enema, in ass, posing of Dry Goods. Groceries and Hardware: end to the Home Afannfoolarer, t he most prompt at tention will be paid in the sale of .4susricensprodssets. • Sales of real and persenalestete in town and.nottn try shall eonimand the hest services of the undirsige ed. Arrangements will be made wherebrillwroiad eanccs will be made oa. consignments, and 4,ales in every instance closed without delay. Baldness is now commenced and ready to receive consignments. Pittsburgh. ic, who may draughts or of ft E W ed as one in 'hey may de- NGTON. By permission I am authorised to give tlae following references. - rtrrowiton. Avery, Ogden & Co. Wm. M'Knight & Co. Tiernan* Jones, • Janie Murphy &Ce. James Park, Jr.. & Co. J. W. Burbridge & Co. Wm. Bell & Sons, D P. Morgan; Waterman Palmer, Bartley &Smith, E. A. Brown & Bro's. Shea & Pennock, Geo. R. White & Co. S. W. Semple, Samuel Spencer, Robert Galway, Bailey & Co. Myers & Co. J. Painter & Co. Tardfa& O'Connor,' King & Holmes, Johnston & Stockton, Bailey, Brown & Cu. Goo. Cochran, Thomas 'Bakewell, Church & Carothers,' H. Childs &Co. N. Holmes & Son, Wm. E. Austin, M'Candless & M'Clure, H. S. Magraw. C. M'Kibben. Allen Drotwei, = .C . -M:•D.••Ctessan, • H. P. Graff, H. Devine. • • PH ILADELPHIA- . John H. Brown & Co. Smith. Paguloi & Co. John S. Riddle. Robert ,Denitip. James O'Connor, H. Alexander. .= july 2, 1844. LYND & BICKLEY, NEW AUCTION ROOKS, Nos. 61 and 63, Wood, between tikird and_FourfhSlreets. EW. LYND, fi aiing folioed n copartnership • with C S Bickley, and taken out an Auction commission of the first class they are now ready to continue business at the above well known and exten sive ware rooms, under the firm of LYND & BICKLEY. One of the partners being most of the tame ha the eastern cities, securing large and regutarcausignments of seasonable merchandise, they are enabled to have always on hand the fullest and beat assortesistock of Fresh Dry Goods, Hardware, Fancy Articles, &c., to be found at any place in the city. Regular sales of Dry Goods, &e , on Mondays and Thursdays, at 10 o'clock A 211;aed of aew andsecond hand Furniture, Groceriet, &c,su.2 o'clock I' Mofibe same day. Sales from the shelves every evening at early gas light, and goods sold by private sale at all times, Sales or real and personal estate, private stock, &c, will be made on themes' reastmable terms. Liberal cash ad vances made on all consigamenu. al7 AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Corner of Wood sad Stitsts., Pittsburgh, IS ready to rote ive me rc handise of every description on consignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular salesen hlos DA !Sand THURSDAY*, el*Dry Goods and Fancy articles, at 10 -o'clock, A.M. Of Groceries, Pinsburghmanufactured article s,new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,atearly gas light. aug 12—y N E IV /1) RII G .- Brous • KERR & MOH'LER, • ' _ No. 144, Corner of Wood sheet and Virgin Alley I - UST received and for sale, a latge assortment of a fresh Drop, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Bye-Stuffs, &c. which have been recently selected, and purchased with considerable care for Cash. The following com prise part of the stock just received: Gum Camphor, - Spirits Tnrpentine, Cream Tartar, Copal Varnish, Flor. Sulphur, White Lead, Castor Oil, Red' . " Gum Arabic, • Litharge, Epsom Salts, Flaxseed Oil, Fl Manna, Venitian Red, Eng. Gum Opium, Spanish Brown Gum Aloes, Chipped Logwc;cel, Fier Camomile, Cam wood, Saltpetre, rustic, Jujube Paste, Nic' Wood, Ref'd Liquorice, ' Brasilletto, Liquorice Ball, Indigo. Magnesia, Nate-ells, Pow'd Ginger, Oil Vitriol, Nutmegs, Arpmfortio, With a general assortment toe numerous to mention, which will be sold for Cash at a small advance on Eastern prices. , 119PDr WILLIAM KERR will give his attention to the compounding of Physician's prescriptions. ma Soasons&Le Dip CiFoods. "key & Co, No 123, Wood Street, ARE new receiving a fresh stock of Spring Dry Goods, which they have lately purchased inthe east, entirely for cask, and they Ratter themselves hat they can now offer such inducemente as will make t. the interest of all purchltsers to give them a call, as they are determined to sell goods chesper than any other house west of the mountains. al George Armor, Merchant Tailor, JjAS removed to the room on Fourth street, next door to the Methodlit Bookstore, lately occu pied by Wm. E. Austin, Esq., where he a ill be hap py to serve hisfriendei and cubtomers and this public generally, with all . work in his line, which he will warrant to be well "made and in the latest and most fashionable style. al5-y MI HE subscribez has just received his annual sapply 1 of Landreth's Garden Seeds, emulating in part of the following kinds—ail of the last year's crop, and warranted genuine: Asparagus, Egg Plant, Parsnip, Beets, Endive, Peas, Beans, Kale, . . reaper. Leek. Pumpkin, - ' Broccoli, Lettube, Radish, Bonlicklei 1 i. , Waiter Mellon, Rhubarb Cabbage, Musk " Wady - Carrot, Nasturtium, ca m;,, .. Spinach, Squash, . , titery,-‘ - -•- ~ :Okra, . , Tomatoes, ' C44ederess, - - Onion, Turnip,. , .:: : CaOulitsfr, Parsley, ' ord,w _ r .... g iis c '( hitt and brown) &c, - Willi a variety of pm mind sweet herbs and ..wtar ' .seeils. f ..lue f( Orden for seeil;, shrubs, iSelAce, l e rtiili - . 14* .9 1 4. 1 04 IPlkracOlra and - fotimpily t. ix, . . T . 1 SNOWDEN, :pa 2S - - Re 1414 Liberty, head of iirOoff: P McKENNA, The Old Auctioneer. John D. Dinrii, , 77 4717 7 MERCHANTS h MANUFACTURERS' TRANS I'ORTATION LINE. THE subscriber hu taken outa policy in the office of the Penn Insurance Company, of Pittsburgh, to cover allgooda shipped by thisline from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia or Baltimore. By this means all Goods shipped by him will be fully protected without any additioitaltkarge to the skipper. ml 9 SAM'L M KIER, Agent. Emmet Hotel, West end of the old Allegheny Bridge. HUGH SWEENY WOULD take this Oceasiim to *tarn lig sincere thanks to his numerous friiids end thopublic generally, for the very liherabpatroonge heretofore be -stowed on the Emmet Hotel, and he pledges himself that nothing shall be omitted on his part tomeritacon tinuanceof their favors. Theennvenience and beauty of the situation, and the whole arrangements of the :house for the aceommodation of 'guests are notinferior to any similar est ahiishinent in or out of the city. His table will always beprovided with the best the markets can afford, and no paitilfatihis spared to ensure the comfort of those ivho may favat the Erningt Hotel with their patronage. a2O-tf La! what makes your teeth so unusually whitl7 Quoth Josh's dulciniatohim Cuther night, To make yourn look so, with a grin, replied Josh, I've bought you a bottle of Thorn's Tooth Wash, 'Tisthe hest now in use, so the gentlefolks say, And since theyhave tried this, cast all others away But to prove it the best to make the teeth shine, Look again, my dear Sal, at tke lustre of mine. Then try thiagreat tooth wash, The Teaherry tooth wash ; And see if this tooth wash of Thorn's is not fine. Haring tried Dr. " Thm n's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and become acquaintedwith the ingredients of its eonrs;" position, !cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as it is one of the most pleasant tooth washes now in use. DAVID HUNT, Dentist. Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 1842. I take pleasure in stating, having made use of "Thoin's Tea Berry Thoth Wash," that it is one of the bestdeutrifiees in use. Being in a liquid form it cent% blues-neatness with convenience. While it cleanse% the enamel end removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfumeyiettis a fragraneeyeeuliarly desirable. _ J. I'. TIBBETTS, 14,. D. • The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an extremely pleasant dentrifice, exercising a most salu- . tat& influence over the Teeth and. Gums; preserving those indispensable members from premature decay, preventingithe accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath, Having thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasnrein recommending it to the public, believ ing it tole , tbel4ititirticle ofthiskiniinoar in wit\ M. ROBERTSON, JAMES P. BLACK. R. H. PEEBLES, CHAS. B. SCULLY. C. DARRAGH, WM. AP CANDLESS, .1. Al MOORHEAD, JAS. S. CRAFT. H.' L RING WALT, L. S. JOHNS. Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN, Apoth ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Marketstreet, Pittsburgh; and by all the principal Druggists, and at Tuttle's Medical Agency, Fourth st. sep 'MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, - Next door to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. ,June 6. To the • Gentlemen of Pitielrargh. THE subscriber most respectfully informs the gentlemen of this city and® vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's office, at the stand lately occupied by P. Ker rigan. Having been foreman in some of the most fashionable bootshops in the Eeastern cities; and hav ing furnished himself with the best French and Ameri can.calf skins, he hopes by his attention to business to merit a Share or public patronage To those gentle men who have kindly patronized him he returns his sin cere thanks, and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and knowledge of his business July 24-tf. A. TERNAN. Mmlizspeare Gardens. THE undersigned _respectfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh that she has opened the Shakspeare Gardens. in the village of East Liberty, for the accom modation of visiters during the summer season, The beauties. of the situation, and the perfect manner in which every arrangement is made about this establish ment that will contribute to the pleasure of visitors, are well knowritotha puitliand the proprietor assures . all 'who may visit her house that nothing shall be omit ted on her part'to make the Shakspeare Gardens at least equal to any similar establishment in the coun try. m4---tf ELIZA McDONALD. Business Coats. OUR last report brings us out two new coats of this description. The material used in the first is French and English Tweeds, of which we have re ceived some new patterns, suitable fur the coming see son—such as Bronzed and granite - mixed Plaids, &c these are lined with rich Cnchmere throughout, which makes them suitable for any weather. The other is a very desirable Coat, being something between a riding or dress Coat—the material is Olive, Citron, Mulber ry, London Brown or Rifle Green Cloths, and trimmed with sportily , Buttons, all of which we have in abutt dunce. Come on with your orders, gentlemen; the Cash system makes all-the difference, for there is no other erosion:es. shop in the City can sell as cheap as the Fashionable Head quarters. N 0251 Libertystreet. Sept 2 ALGEO 3L M'GUIRE. Chronicle and Age copy. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. LOOKING GLASSES AT EASTERN PRICES. THE subscriber has opened an vstablishment at 1 No 88, WoOd street, a few doors from the cor ner of 4th, where he keeps constantly for sale all kinds of LOOKING GLASSES, at Eastern Prices. He has on bawd alarge assortment of Glasses in both gilt and mahogany frames, to which he invites the at tention of customers, believing that the quality of his articles and his prices cannot fail to give satisfaction. Pictures framed to order, in neat style, in either gilt or mahogany frames. Canalboat and other reflectors manufactured to Or &roil the shortest notice. Old frames repaired and regih, so as tolook as well as new, on the shortest no Lice. mar 23-tf Civirilaitneerinr, alrebitecture, Sttr►ey. „ inir THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore eitistlnk 'tween A. E. DRAKE and E. Z. C. JUDSON baying been dissolved, the undersigned would respect fully inform Ills friends and the public generally, that he will continue tbebusiness, and would solicit a share of the pUblio patronage. Orders left at the shop of P. 4.. Stafford, A rchitect, aver Herds: Paint Shop, sth street, or at his residence on' Hay street, bexwegn Pitin street and t h e river, *lll be punctually ittenfled A. E. DRAKE. July 15 tf J T MORGAN, Agent 'Fr" alkii“le , Fowill Si,,g 14w* . frr it, is,.yfikiiik. WM. TRCIVALO; VidiMMTAKER, IiSYUCI'IetILLY toreros the erablle tier he Pas reatavid biz reedy wade calla "are. ass to time building recently beeepted by Or . p.. 0. lierford, directly omen, kin old Allitsa4 where be Is always prepared to attep4 promptly `to an y orders in girlies, and by stMt *nattier to all the dela Oa of the badges. of as Undertaker ha hopes to inerit public confidences $e will be prepared it ♦LL BOOlill to provide Hearses; Men, C • •loges a n eery requisite on the Wad liberal testa. Callstrale Me country will be promptly attended te. , His residence in in the same building with blirmarni house. where those who need his services way And blot ataxy time. Il$111111010111: W. w . lltcll, itY. 302111 11 1 LACIi.D. D. KIEV. IIIOSIMT 11111MCII,11. D. atp.l/YCII: 151 It• IRV. JCIIIM DI DAVIS, erv, k. P. awi►T. • JODOkILIDDLIt, JUDO' PATTON. W. IL Iet:LURE, ISAAC /JAMS, 'lO • WARRANTED GENUINE. -Dr. Wllllsro Evan's Camomile Villa, Cr rnirearts.—Letter,from the Doe. A leb'en flatnel lan,Sullivan'COunty, East Tenneetee,liesubettoteongressr Weerrtgr•TOst, Jbly 9141.11138. - Sir—Pince I have been In this city 1 sere Weed some of your Dyspeptic medicinevrith Infinite beseAt• mid mule faction, and be it to be• most valuable remedy. Ono • of my constituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Caaratmlf county , Tennesne, wrote to me to send him some, erhlkll 1 slid and he has employed it very successfultt in his enema and says it is I n veTififire:" We: lbTrititon;Air agent at this place, thinks you would probably like an agent in Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Cardenas a proper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commission him he to willing to net for yon. You can semi tile medicine by water WON care of Robert Kin: 4- Bons, Rens•llle county, Tennes see. or by land to Graham 4- Houston, Tazweil, East Tennessee. I have no doubt but If you had agents la Fey - trent:mites In East Tennessee; Cereal - aransnister; • clue would be sold. anigoing totalearnme Of a home for my own use, and that of my friends, and irbooldtglegy to hear from you whether you would like so spat Bluniville, 'Sullivan County, East Tennessee; l can get some of the, merchants to act for too es I live peal there.. Yoursrespectfully, ABRAHAM M'CLELL A Di, of Teammate. For sate Wholesale and Retail, by R. E setiLICRS, Arad, No. 20, Wood street, slow Fecead. --- A FOR PO SA LE.—The underargued seers termite' F his farm, lying In Ross Township 4; nines from Om , City of Pitt:Morph-, containing 114 acres °fiend of which. Bo arc cleared and under fence, lilt m /6 to 241 aortic(' meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apples ; a few Peach ands Cherry t reel—the improvetherria are a large frame house containing 10 rooms wellfurtilaited, calculated for a fiTate vern ix private Dwellingat frame Barn 28 by 60,Moldle basement, and stabling, sheds and other out housesnutt able for a tenement;-2 good Gardenia surrounded witty. currant bushes. and a well of excellent water, with u. pump In at the front door. In relation to the Plttsintrgh. and Allegheny market, there is no place now offered for sate with miweinducement to those wishing to purcltarm near Pittsburgh. the terms will be made moderate, for t, rt her par ilealarsa pply to the proprietor at his Clothing. , Store, Liberty sirceteorner of Virgin Alley. • LAWRENCE 111ITCHELL. N B If not sold berated* let or Oetither nexi, It will be divided Into 10 and 20 aeve lots to suit purchasers- pep 10 • BARON VON BUTCHELER BERBPILLIS These Pills are composed of herbs, SA Lich exert a specific action upotithe heart, give impulse or strength. to the arterial system: the blood is quickened and e qualized in its circulation through all the vessels, whe ther oftheskin, theparts situated intereslly,os then tremities; end as all the secretions of the Ix* drawn4rom the Wood, there is a conietlnent inertia& of every secretion, sad a quickened action oethe , w6-I^ l sorhent and exhalent. or discharging vessels. Arty! morbid action which may have taken place is correct: cd, all obstructions arc removed, the blood is purified. and the body resumes a healthful state. Ft‘r sake wholesale ami retail by R E SELLERS, Agent, sep 10 20 Wood street. below Second. FIRST SUPPLY OP TEE SEASON: ALGEO & hicGUIRE: ARE now opening one of the richest and moat ex tensive stocks of Goods that they have ever been able to offer - to the public, every piece of which has.. been bought and selected carefully. Our cloths are of the choicest make, imported—black, blue and olive • French, from medium to the finest qualities; ICavaL blue, black, invisible, rifle and olive greens, of En glish and American; Doeskin and Seeded French Car simeres, reryelastie; Cooper's make of English, Philo and Fancy do. The variety of Vestings, comprisisei all ikenewest patterns, is endless. Our trimming,. are also of the first qualities. Although we do not profess to sell lower than the lowest, yet we again pledgr ourselves to make work that will compare with. that ofany other establishment enst or west. ALGEO & McGUIRE, 251, Liberty street. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES THE suhscrilser, formerly agent of the Pittsburgh Manufacturing Association, having •been ap pointed by a number of the Manufacturersand Mechari ice of the city of Pittsburgh and its vicinity.. their..• gentfor the sale of their various manufactures, will be constantly supplied with a general assortment of those articles at the lowest wholesale prices. The attention of Western Merchants and deafening American Manufactures is respectfully invited to this establishment. Orders addressed to the subscri ber will be promptly attended to. GEO. COCHRAN. '• febl9 No 46 Wax' street. iller.ONHAND,—Axes, Augers, H oes. thabas Spades, and Shovels, Sickles, Scythes, Trace and Log, Chains, Spinning Wheel Irons. Coopers' end Cum's ; tete' Tools, Machine Cards,Window Glass and Glassi ware, White and Red Lead. New Goods.. S I THE subscriber respectfully informs their citizens of Pittsburgh and the•public genendly that be has just returned from the east, and is now receisiag a large and well selected stock of FRENCH. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN FAN CY AND VARIETY GOODS, Embracing all the articles in the fancy and variety department, which ho will dispose of for cash. The public are respectfully invited tocall and examine , the stock, at No 86, Market street. m 3 ZEBULON KINSEY. NEW CASH Dry Goods and Variety Stars! J. K. Logan 4. George Comic:, HAVE opened a new cash Dry Goods and variety Store in Fifth street, between the Exehange Bank and Wood street, under tbe firm of J. X. Login & Co. Their stock of Goode are entirely fresh and 'haying been all , purchased for CASH, princrpally a t anction,by - George Connel, (who has had long experience in thw business, and resides in Philadelphia to make porda-. ses and pick hp bargains) they will, therefore henna, ',led to offet great inducements to those wishing to per. :lase: as they are determined to sell at the lowest possible advance oneastorn cost for CASH. They have now on band a large and well selected' stock of seasonable Goods. among which are' Bine, Blue Black, Invisible Green, Brown, Steel and Cadet, mixed Broadcloths; Cassimeres and Satinets; broons ; Linen and Cotton Drillings; .Cottotillide; Vestings, fancy prints; 3-4, 4-4 and 5-4; Bleached' and Brown Muslins; Irish Linen; Bed Ticking; Mari ner's Shirting; "Titley, Tatham & Walker's, " an,) '.llope & Nelson's" Patent Thread; Spool turfy Sewing Silk; Silk and Couon Hdkrs; 30 hour, and 8 day Brass Clocks, warranted; &c., ze. They win, be constantly receiving additions to t heir stock parcha— sed at the eastern auction, and would invite the atten tion of dealers and others to an examine/4a of tboir goods before purchasing elsewhere. Pittsburgh, April 1, 1844. - Wm. Mims Zobinsay V. V. Attoracy„ ' HAS removed his office to Fourth, afar -WOO: street, lately occupied by C. Des regh, raj -WOO: , April 8, 1844. NOTICE.---I have placed my docket is in the bands of Wm O'Har a ,a ' • '.. : ... gal. WhO bo will mead to Ma mac dyrr r 23 C. DAls4lri . . , ea-ly • , ~ .