gip ftlaity Alorning post PITTSBURGH, PA. MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1444 Mr. J. Dsvi's CONCISRT. — We merely think it re quisite to remind our readers tbit the Concert takes place this evening at Duquesne Hall, 3rd street. It will doubtless be attended by alllovers of good music, who, wu have every reason to believe, will be much gratified by the evenrng's entertainment. Gov. Shook at York. GREAT GATHERING OF THE DEMOCRACY. The Governor elect tu rived in York on Friday evening, and was received, says the Gazeue, with en thusiastic manifesi adonis of respect and uffection. He was met by a large number of citizens in carriages and on home-back ■bout six miles from town, and escorted by them to his lodgings at the residence of Henry Welsh. Esq As molt as his arrival was known, so anicintis wive trendreds to pay their respects to him, that he yielded to the general wish to repair to the spacious court room, which was crowded, us soon as thrown open, by n dense mass of Democrats eager to grasp the hand of "honest Old Shank," to whose election they had contributed by their suffrages. The Governor briefly and pertinently ex,,ressed his thanks for the cordial welcome he h r ceived—continued by addressing to tho,e assembled some well-tinned remarks. in English and German, in refutation of some of the falsehoods that had been used against him cu ring the late contest—and urged. in an impressive manner, upon all.the duty of giving the enemy "one fire more" on the Ist of November. At the close of .his remarks, hundreds flocked around him and were introduced—for each lie had s word of kindness, and all left him favorable impressed by his plain, unatiect ed and unpretending manner. Bennetle Book Keeping. THE American System of Practical Book Keeping adopted to-the Commerce of th United States in its Domestic and Foreign Relations, comprehending all the Modem improvements in the practice of the Art, and exemplified in one set of Books kept by Double Entry, with a capper plate engraving exhibiting at one view the final balance of the Ledger; by James Bennet, A. M., Attorney and Counsellor at Law. coLT's BOOK-KEEPING The Italian Science of Double Entry Book Keeping simplified, arranged and metbudized after the forms of Grammar and Arithmetic, containing a key explain big the manner of Journalizing, and the nature of the Day Book Entries, together a ith the practical forms in different Commercial! Houses; Lectures, &c. &ea by John C Colt, Accantatant, &c. FOSTER'S BOOK KEEPING A Concise Trenti.o on Commercial Bonk Keeping. e lucidating the principles and practice of Double Ea tries,and the no !ern method of arranging merchant's accounts: By B F Foster. FOSTER'S COUNTING HOUSE ASSITA NT. A practical Summery of the Law and Usage of Bills of Exchange and Prommissnry Notes, together with a series of Tables showing when Bills, Notes or Drafts drawn or accepted at any date will fall due, to which are added Rules of Commission and Storage, J.:guidon of Payments, and a general information coce meted with the business of the Counting House: by B F Foster, Accountant. A fe w copies date above on hand and for sale by CHAS H KAY. corner %Vaud & Third sts. [American, Age and Gazette copy.) MEDICAL EOOll3. DUNGL 1 N SO 'S PRACTICE, 2 vole; Phyolology. 2 vol 4; Materia Medica, 2 vela; Meclicnl Dictionary. 1 vol ; New Renwdies, 1 vol; Ebeee's Practice, e vuls. do Theinpeautics, 2 vuls, .do on children, I vol, do N...tes, 1 vul; Rtm.thu:ham's Midwifery. 1 vol ; . Meigs' Philadell.bin du 1 vol; Chat?' •• 1 VOI ; Rigby's Devres' I rot; 1 vol; on Children, I rot ; on Femnles. 1 rot; Practice, 1 ; Pereira'. Prnetice and Therapeutics, 2 volt; Stoke and Hell's Practice, 2 volt; Armstrong's Cooper on Dislocation, I rot; n n stio on the Joints, 4 ml; Gibson's Surgery, 3 rots; Wistar's Anatomy, 2 volt; Paxton's " 1 vol; Lawrence on the, I vnl; Ilope on the Heart, 1 vol ; Trout on the Stomach, 1 wd; Carpenter's Physiology, I . vol ; Magendie's " 1 viii ; Olivet " 1 co l ; Itoget's " 1 vol; Ithinq's Dental Surgery, 1 vet ; Bell on the Teeth, 1 vol ; Hillard on Infants, 1 vol ; Walsh on Cancer. 1 rol ; " on Lungs, 1 vol; Good's Study of Medicine, 2 cols; Wilson's Dissector. I vol ; .Beck's Medical Jurisprudence, 2 vols ; Chitty's " 1 volt Ille..sok's Practice, 1 vo'. ; Smith on Fever, 1 rod ; Boisseau " 1 volt - Turner's Chemistry, 1 vol 'Knoe's .• 1 volt Ir . alum., together with a general assortment of Medical Works, ant always to be found et the ;Bookstore of the subscriber, to which he invites the attention of the prsfession ap he ix detet mined to sell dow. for cash. CHARLES H. KAY, ant 21 corner of Wood and Third its. 311IW CUNIAP STOLL GEORGE F. DIHM, No. 106, Market Street Pittsburgh. 101 ESPECTFULLY infooms his friends and the iMpublic generally, that be is receiving and now .opening an entirely new stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 'Of the latest styles and patterns, comprising in part: tFreneh,•German and English !Amino., Plain. Striped and Figured Alpecous, Palirettas, Nous. De'Laines, Cashmere trEcoose, Chusans, :Bombazines, Ce•btriero Plaids and Linsey', 14 Plain and Barred Palise Cloth, French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams, Chintzes, Calicoes Cambries. Jaconets, Bonnet Velvets, Hosiery, Mitts and Gloves. Swiss, Embroidered, Merino, Waffle, Blanket, ands variety of other Sha. - ls, Linen and .filk Pocket hdkfs. Silk arid Worsted Cravats, Worsted Hoods and Caps, Comforts, Ste., CLOTHS, HS, Cassimeres fasinette Ky. .1 ans, Moleskin Cord Kerseya, Wettings, Woollens and Canton Flannels, Blankets, Brown and Bleached Muslin., and Dril lings, Ticking', Checks and Hickory Shirting's, Lin en and Cotton Table Cloths, Spool Cotton. Suspen slers, &c., dm., with a variety of other article., too numerous to mention. Tbe goods have been selected with the greatest ears and purchased at the 10117611 i IMICA, and are offered wbrilesaki and retail on the most favorable terms.— Persons desirous of purchasing CHEAP GOODS, would do well to call at the above place. Don't far set, NO 141141 MARKET STREET. oct 27-42 w 111WROVII6.111 AGNINCIF. ~ENITTANCES of money on moderato terms,can .I.IL, be made during ray absence in Europe, to every Part of lowland, England. Scotland, Wales or the eon ..tiastat of Europe; Legacies, Debts, property or claims recovered; searches for wills. titles and documents effected, and other European business transacted by applying to James May, iVater Street, Pittsburgh. H. KEENAN, European Agent and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, Pa. Piro Stick. 17000 FIRE BRICK—on /hind and for Sae by JOUN SCOTT & Co• No I,Conuaorcial Row, Liberty street. fort of Fitteburgll. 1 11.ZINuaTiD IT D. B. Skebk, Steamboat Apia and Continuum Mere/seat, Water Street, near Wood 8 ►ELT WATER IS THE CHAPPIL ARRIVED. Belfast.Ebbert, Wheeling. Orpheus, Dales. Cincinnati Cutter, Collins, do Capitol, Allen. St Louis. Cleveland, Hurt, Benner, Michigan, Spies. do DEPARTED. Utica, Hemphill St Louis. Messenger, Perry, St Louis. Amber, Woodward, Cincinnati. Hibernia, glinefelter, Cin; Bridgewater, Campbell, Wheeling Alliquiripi, Smith, Louisville. Cleveland, Hart, Beaver, Michigan, Boles, do West Point, Grace Louisville. Clipper, Crooks, Cincinnati, Columbiana, Smith, do Per Ckladasati. THE steamer "CAPITOL," Capt. ELI A I.Latt, will deport for the above awl intermediate Net*, regularly, on every Monday morning, at 10 o'clock• For freight or passage apply 643 I"ard' BIRMINGHAM & CO. rapt BEAVER PACKET. The well known steamer MICHIGAN, W. B. Boma, Master, has commenced her regular daily trips, leaving Pittsburgh Out hereto fore) at 3 o'clock. P. M. and Beaver at 8, A. M. Prices to suit the times, aid thou whc hats no wormy carried free. The Canal to Cleveland will be opened as anon am the weather • iil permit; on the opening of which CLARKE & CO'S LINE to CLEVELAND,O..and NI EA DV I L LE, Pa., will immediately go into opera tion. For freight or passage apply on board, or to G. M. HARTON, jtily 12 Water ,greet. rribe Michipn is provided with Evans' Safety Guard. PITTSBURGH .AND WHEELING REGULAR PACKET. . The new and splendid steam heat BRMGEIVATER,Capt.Csitraxt.t., will run as a reg.ilnr packet between this place and Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Tuesday and Friday at 3 o'clock. and Wheeling every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 o'cloak, Fur freight or passage apply on board, or to J. NEWTON JONES. The Bri icwater is provided with Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent explosion of bollexs. june 22 Animal llitsgselbas and Phrenology. its . R.PARKER continues his instructions in these I'lsciences. at the . United States Hotel. on very reasonable terms. rheas°logical esaminat on. made, and excellent Charts given for 50 cents each. act 25..4.12tv Vocal and lastraasoatal Comsat. 13ir R. W. J. DAVIS respectfully acquaints the in -1 habitant' of Pittsburgh that 1w will a give CON CERT of vocal and Instrumental Mu,ic at Drquerne mall. Third street, over the New Plia °Wier, on MON DAY EVENING, November 4th, on whichbe will be 'misted by M . KCEBER, SCHUSERT, HEIMANN, LAWTON, HELDLESERo. PANTiN, and a LADY AMATEUR, of (his lily. Mr. D. will (for the first time in public.) perform nn the "Bockats Thar," a newly invented instrument of the most unique arul beautiful rhanutter. Eir TICK r.TS-50 cents each; to be had at the Mu sic Stores, and at the door. The Concert will commence at eight o'clock precisely. Oct. 46—td. As hums= Number or New Wert, AT Cook's Literal!, Depot, 85 4th at.. as follows: Giabans's Magazine, for November: National • do du dm Lady's Book, Punch's Complete Letter Writer; Letters of Horace Walpole, new series; Harper's Bible, No ; History of the Popes, Their Church and State ; Tom Burke, complete; Works of Rev Sidney Smith, vol 3d, now complete. Rookwood. or Dick Turpio. the Highwayman; Merry's Museum. for October; Illustrated Bible History. a Compilation of she im portant events recorded in the Old and New Testa ment. Encyclimedia of Practical Medicine, No 15. Coveilier's Anatomy of the Human Body, Edited by G S Panetta', M D. Anthon's Homer, new edition; Wandering Jew, World edition, No 7, 61 nests; do Harper's do No 4 do; Reformers Before the Reformation, The Fifteenth Century., being an introduction to D'Aubignc's History of the Reformation. Philadelphia Sun, (Native American Paper,) receiv ed daily. Philadelphia and N York Eastern Mammoth New*. limper/. net 31 2 Bbls Prime Russett Apples; 15 Bids Copperas ; 8 15 " N. 0. Molasses; 15 " Large No 3 Mackerel ; 5 " and WI Bbls No 1 Mackerel and Salmon; 10 Boxes No 1 Ground Pepper; 10 " 1 Cocoa and Chocolate; 10 " " I Starch; 20 " 12e, 16s, and lUr Lump Tobacco; 20 Kegs, No 1-6 Twist, 50 " No 2 and Pure White Lead; 500 lbs Fresh Currants ; 100 " Bordeaux Almonds ; 2500 " Western Reserre Cheese ; 100 Boxes 8.10 and 10.12 Glass; 50 'dos Corn Brooms; In Store and for sale by J. 1). WILLIAMS, net 30 No 23 Fifth &fret Carrater Wanted. ACARPENTER can bed employment for six or eight weeks, to go a abort distance down the • iver, on application to ~ REINHART & STRONG, 140 Liberty street. 40. BUSHELS DRIED PEACHES, just re- J. W. BURBRIDGE, & Co. o. 23. Water, between Wood and Smithfield sts. Feathers. 1 6 Q i .o PRIME ;2l74l7lljost GEESE mud soli or sale by REINHART kSTRONI T : oet 24 140 Liberty Street. ON hand and receiving. an assortment of Economy Blue, Black and drab Broadcloths; Blue. BMWO and ruiril Caminetts. Also, Bleached and Brown Muslim', Mariam, Flannels, Blankets, and Shawls and Hhdkfs; Suspenders, Boss, and thread; Coffee mills. Shovels end Spades. Amts. Hoes; h ruing, Letter sad Wrapping Paper, School Books, Ink, Sand, Quills and Pins. Also, a large supply of the American Tem perance and American Tract Society Publications.— Arthur's Temperance Tales, and about 5000 of the . Christian, Amer. Temperance, Presbyterian, Loomis Pittsburgh and Franklin Almanacs, for 1845. For sale low and on accommodatiag terms for Cash or approved biller. ISAAC HARRIS, Agt. oct 264.6 t and Coat. Merchant., No g, 50 at. THE CELEBRATED'DR. DUNCAN'S INZPIDOWCZANS ZSI IsRI . FOR CONSUMPTION. CCoughs. bronchitis . , Asthma, Spitting of V Blued- Di& oily of Breathing, Pain in the Side. Breast and Chest,lnbrenut, Whooping Cough, Croup and all diseases of the Liver and LUNGS. Has DOW been before the puplic for neveral years Daring which time its value be.. been tested by those mode who were laboring under the numerous diseases which have their origin in a cmnsmin Cnterrh ur Cold, and which this medicine is designed 1., cure. The result of this trial has been to place ••Duncrut's Reme dy" at the bead of the patent medicines of the day. RT ITS own DIMITY MID it has attained a popularity eroding that of any other freparstion. now offered to the public for the preven tion and cure of that large and frightful claw' of disLearr es *Lich so frequently lead to. and terminate in CONSUM PTION, It is now (Jerel to the afflicted with confidence a. the assr preparation for Cough., Cold., &c. extant We are warranted in assuming for it this high chlrac ter, by the proofs, which we are clemently receiving. of the invalumble hem fits derived from its use. Tes tintonials and recommendations of the strongest kind ere censtnntly being received hum all quarter, by the Proprietor and Agents. In relieving cases of Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Pain in the Side and Breast, it is Unequalled; in cur -1 ing Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, and in short realmv ing all the symptoms of approaching Pulmonary Con• sumption, ITS SUCCESS HAS SEES CSPAR•LELLED. No other medicine has proved itself so really ualrle. Thousands in Pittstmirgh and the viciaity, me. as far as htu - nan agency is concerned, indebted so Dr Dun an'.. F.tpeetemnt Remedy for prolonging life and health. Many persons after using the other cough medicines of the day without effect, have been com pletely restored by this truly GREAT DISCOVERY in the HEALING ART. A strong and undoubted evidence of i's worth, is to ho found ;11 the high degree of popular favor which it has received since its intiodection into the West.— Wherever an agency has been opened for its sale, end wherever it has received a fair and honest trial, it has become firmly established as a STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINE. It is rapidly superseding the use of the many nos trums, which hive so long imposed upon the communi ty. which have obtained their name only by pulling Std braggadocia, and which are now destined to be thrown aside to make way forth° best cough medicine of the present age. It is not pretended that it will positively cure evety case of the diseage, fur which it is designed, but it is honestly believed that in every case where it gets a fair chance it will effect a cure. Coming, then, before the people with the highest recommendations, it is tutees!, worthy of a win! by all who are afflicted with any of that large and dangerous class of diseasee. The following is a specimen of the numerous testi- ! menials which we have received. It is from a I'HY SICIAN of high standing in Ohio. Dear Sir—Having bad occasion to witness the ef fect of Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Remedy on Mr Eli Young in a case of Pulmonary Consumption, 1 felt it my duty to make II brief statement in order that others that are or may be afflicted with the same complaint may be benefitted by the same remedy. He was attacked with inflammation in the left lobe of the lungs in March 1843, rtended with Settle pain, great difficultyof breathing. and a revere cough. which preceded rapidly to suppurating': and not witlistanding the use and application of the test remedies prescribed by 311 V authors, the complaint in a few (ley' began to exhibit evident symptoms of ulceration. In this distressing stage of the complaint, I had re coot se to Dr Duncan's Expectorant Remedy fee con• snmption, which had the effect of checking the disease immediately, and in a few days the pain ceased, the breathing became free and cosy. the cough left him, and the expectoration subsided, the comequences of which was that in using six bottle. be has recovered his health, and is restored told* family. 1 do hereby certify the above to be true statement of my case as far as comes within my knowledge. ELI YOUNG. Mt, May 08, 1844. Sold wholesale and retail by SAMUEL FREW, earner of Labert)•und Wood ors. oct 30-tf Pittsburgh Eatz's American Asti4liliess Li& Pills. FOR all diseases originating in a diseased stomach and impure blood These pills which harm but recently been introduced to the West, are advancing in the favortitise public with astonishing rapidity.— Very few persona who have given them a trial, ate ever willingto make use of any other kind, aod adopt theme. a Family Medicine. This is the beat recom mendation that could he given them. They are entire ly vegetable and are the most valuable Pills that can be obtained. Sold wholesale and retail by SAMUEL FREW. oct 30-4 corner Wuodand Liberty sts. KEEP COMFORTABLE. READY MADE CLOTHING, THREE SGI DOORS: No. 151, LIBERTY STREET. The proprietor of this highly farmed Establish ment, respectfully informs the public that he has now prepared tbo LARGEST STOCK OF SEASONABLE CLOTHING Ever ofrared in this city. His stock amounts to up- 075,000, Anti he has a large number of the best workmen con stantly engaged in making new garments to auit the taste of his numerous customers. his assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMEIIES, TIVEIIIIIII, SATTIMITO, CASSINETS, VELVETS, SAC., Of French, English, and American Mandacture, IS LARGER, AND MORE VARIED, Than any other ever opened in this city, and cannot fail aplease the taste of every class of purchasers. HE HAS ON HAND, CLOTHING• IN ALL ITS VARIETY, TO SUIT EVERY CALLING, Which is warranted to be tirade from the BEST MATERIALS, And in the LATEST FASHION. His assnetoneot. of FASHIONABLE CLOAKS, OVER-COATS, ofeet:try description, COATS AND PANTS., Of every quality and price. 1711111211 VIIIIIITINOS Of every vitriol' of fashion and quality, CANNOT DE SURPASSED. Ha has SEPARATE CUTTERS for every depart• met in Clothing, and as they aro all workmen who have been employed in the most FASHIONABLE HOUSES In the coenttf, he can warrant his patrons that THE CUT AND MAKE Of all articles from his establishment will be in, the • most modern style. commas lIIIMMANTS • Are respectfiilly invited to all, as the proprietor feels confident that he can sed theca GOods en each twos as will 'wake it to their atlrestage to purchase at the Tyree Dig Doors. Oct i 3 JOHN 111'C LOWEY, words of 11 AT 11 AWAVS Patent not Air Cooking Stoves. T HE subscriber having entered into the stove busi press in Pittsburgh, respectfully informs the pub that he intends carrying it on in its vat inns brunches at the *alehouse of Messrs. Pennock & Mitchell. No. 160 Liberty street, where he will be prepared to supply purchasers with any articles in his line. In additioe to other Steves which be will have 11111 hand, he has obtained the right to manufacture and sell Hathaway's Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves. This store is pro- flounced superior to any other now in use in the United St a te', it is trio g r e durable is its nornutuetiuts, and bet ter adopted to the use of baking, roasting awl cooking, as it is heated very regularly by confining the sir iu the stove; and it is a great saving of fuel as well as labor. I will keep on band at sufficient number to sup ply all demands if possible: I have five different sizes, and will sell them on reasonable terms, according to sizes. I have now in use upwards of fifty in and about this city; all pan in use within air months. Being a ware that the People of Western Pennsylvania have been imposed upon by the introduction of new and high ly recommended Stoves which were badly constructed, and having soon failed and become useless. I will grant to persons wishing to procure the Hot Ah Stove, the privilege of using it a sufficient length of time to prove its superior quality before I ask them to purchase. Persons notifying me from a distance by letter, can have stores put up at any time, as I have wagons to t carry them out; I therefore invite Farmers and all per sons to come end judge for themeelves; also to try them and prove that it is to your advantage to have one. All orders will be protnptly attended to try the sebscri ber. ROBERT DONAVAN. Auction Sales. AUCTION SALES, BY LYND & BICKLEY New Auction Roasts, Not. 61 and 63, Wood street ON MONDAY, Nor. 1, will be sold from the shelves a large and general assortment of Fall and IYinter Dry Goods, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M. WOOLENS Wee black, brown and invbrible green broadcloths, superfine; bine, black and mixed satinatts, indigo blue and cadet mixed and Kentucky Jeans; Duffield and Mackinaw blankets; woolen shawls; heavy pilot cloth, &c TVorateds Plain six quarter English merino. or all eolars; changeable figured A Ipacca lu,:tres; three and six quer ter mouseline de Mines; dress hdlcfs. &c. Silks and &aims Plain blk dress silk; figured silk T.esting; American sewing silk:satin stocks; silk hdkis; &c. Linens and Cottons. Superfine Irish linen; patent thiend; spool cotton prints, cbecks,einghams, Irish linens; brown muslius, bleached do.; cambric do.; table ...auths; tablesliapet; dm. Pansy Articles. Linen shirt collars, gum suspenders, stay laces, me. rino gloves. nett drawers, G &combs, etc. Also. at 2 o'clock P M. a large quantity of Household and Kitchen Furniture Chairs, tables, bedsteads, bureaus, dough chests, stands, cradles, &c. Ois'e Furniture at Auction. T Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of M. Wood and Fifth streets, on Monday next, Nov. 4;h, at 2 o'clock, P M, will be sold ay lut of Office Farnham, viz: Rook Casef; Wanlrobe; Wash Stand; Office Table, with drawers; 18 yds. ul big rain Carpeting, &c. J. D. DAVIS, nor 3 Auctioneer. Auction Sale. At Mi Kenna's Auction Mart, conger of Snead cad Wood streets. ON MONDAY, 4th inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M., will be sold without reserve, terariety of Dry Goods, among which, will be found a lut of Cloak Li ning, a very heavy and serviceable snick.; Tweeds, Cloths, Kentucky Jeans, heavy winter Shawls. and several pieces of eastern ma , ,ufaetured Carpet. These Goods will be put up in lots, and will be positively sold to the highest and beet bidder. Dealers should remember this opportunity. And ut ^ o'clock, P. M., will also be sold, thirty five whole and barrels of Shad, of last spring's taking. Also, 100 barrels Rusin, with a variety of Furniture and other articles. F. MICENNA, nov 2. Auctioneer. Executors Sale of Wine and Brandy. N Monday. November 4th, at 2 o'clock, P. M., Owill be sold without reserve, by order of Execu tors, at Davis' Commercial Auetiou Room, corner cf Wood and 51b streets, I quarter cask of Pule Brandy; Pine?, Castillon & Co I do do dark do J J 2 do do do do. do do Port wine. 1 do do Malaga wine. D DAVIS, Auctioneer. PITTSBURGH 11111DGM PAHA * * 41) FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS AND EVERGREENS. NURSERY between three and four mile* east of II Pittsburgh. near to the Farmers & M uchanice' Turnpike road, (extension of 4th street.) Orders left with Mr. James Montooth, Grocer and Leather dealer, near the corner of Seventh, on Smith field street, or at our stand in market, on Market street. promptly attended tn. Prices reduced to suit the times. WM. & JAS. MURDOCK. Oct 24-2wd B•PCIL or PITTOBURGH, October 18, 1814. N election for thirteen Directors of this Bank 4M for die ensuing year, will be held at the Banking house on Monday, the 18th day of Noveraber WV. *et 19--dlwaw4t. JOHN SNYDER, Cask's MIRCIIIAIttIe AND hi APlTtAintilttleS 131R11, Pittsburgh. Oct. 19, 1844. AN election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, will be held the Banking house. on Monday the eighteenth day of November next. %Y. H. DENNY, Cashier. Oct 31-Id FEATHERS. 300 LEA NW*Sirs Geese Feathers received an captivation and for sale by RIZOIHART & STRONG, 140 Liberty street. ser 39. RECOMMEN rioNs. Mansion liouse,&pt, 19, 1311 Mt. R. DosAVAS—.Sir: I have in use Mto of limit iway's lint Air Cooking Sunies. whiah 1 got from you last Spring. Ititaffurds me much pleasant to recom mend it fur its e.T.11151105cP. So far as my knowledge extends, I have nn hesitation in saying it is tl;e best stove now in use. I aced ant particulariie its merits but wou:d 'Weise nil dispoesi to possess an cribcle of the kiwi, to adopt the best method of anlisfsing them ,.elves, tint is, to try It; sad I doubt nut they will he satisfied. D. R. MILLER. Washington Temperance House. Pittsburgh, Sep'. 19, 1811. Mr. R. DoN AVON—Sir: —I have had in use for foe montba, one of Hatheivov'4 Hint Air Cooking Stnvell. and I have nn heAitatinn in saving it i 4 the hest stove now in u.e. The various kinds of cooking it is calcu lated to do at the .ame time, and the small quantity of fuel moire& m tkes it an object worthy the :Inca thus of all whudesira a good stove. MOMAS VARNER. I embrace this opporturhy to tecommend the Ilot Air Cooking Storrs; I have used the one you I na up for me constantly all ournmer. and I must say it ig a grand article. I believe it is superior to any other stove now in ttse in this city. The oven hakes well, and is large enuugh to la-tke four large loaves of bread at one time; it also cooks very speedily, and it requires very little coal, I think them worthy the attention of all w ho wish a good stove; to such I would say, try them and prove what they are. Oct I I -tf MATH EW PATRICK. pbilabet. Ithertistments. THOMAs BORBIDGE, GENERAL Produce, Forwarding & Clonnaisolon 1~ 'l ' 't Al4o, Agent United States Portable Bnat Line Depot, NO. 272, MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. Or Liberal advanect.made nn consignments, alien required. Refer to —Mem4rs Wm Wilson & Co.; Evens end Temple; Woody. and &Co.; Seidl &Thompson, PAilad4lpkitt. WKnight & Co.; Chalks A. M'Anulty. an g24-1y Pittahu rgk. T. B. & W. P. CONOVER, Wholesale Den Min In Boots, shoes, Bon nets, Pains Leaf Hats and Caps NO. 190 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA. THEY beg leave in inform %Yemeni Merchants that they have a splendid assortment of the above Goods. and are still manufacturing largely, which they will sell at the very lowest prices fur Cash, or approved credit. aug 9-if JOSEPH TALLSIMPS WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY, No. 233 Market Street, Northeast comer of Sixth Street, Philadelphia. WVESTER'S and Southern Merchants are respect fully invited to call and examine his stock, as he feels confident that it will be to their interest, be fore putchasing elsewhere. pug G-ly HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. MPH, MOTU:ORS & CO„ NO. 188 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, ARE now receiving in adriition to their forme, 'ock a largo assortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, to which they invite the attention of Western Merehosta. nog 6-Iy ROCHE, BROTUERS & CO.'S Anitagaimmts fox. 1845. ; BLAKELY & airrcHEL, '4/i* i4J. ACANTS, PITTSSCRAI4, PA. --- • Remittances to and ravage from Great Britain mad 'retool, by the "Black Ball or Old Lime of Liverpool Packets." GrSailing from Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of each month. PERSONS desirous uf sending for their Friends no v residing in any part of the "OLD Coup:TRY." i can make the necessary arrangements with the sub- scribers. and have them brought out by the above well known favorite " Line of Packets," which sail from LIVERPOOL punctually on the lot and 16th of every month; also by. FIRST CT./AM ANSILSCAII SHIPS, sailing from there EVERY SIX DAYS, daring 1/145. Anti as they aredetermined not to depend on any Liverpool House or Agent, en see the people's interest taken care of, Mr James D. Rocas, one of the Ann. is there. who will remain and see that every thing connected with their business is enecuted with promptitude and despatch. Should the persons sent for decline coming out, the money will be returned to the parties here. without any deduction, en producing the Passage certificate and receipt. The "Black Ball or old Line ref Liverpool Pack ets" comprise the following magnificent Ships, vie t The New Tote, The CAS moo it, " &groan, Excitants, " Yongsn s, " Etraore, " MoirTUICIRL, " Cott:tuners. With such superior and unequalled arrangement'', the subscribers confidently look forward for a contmu once of that support which has been extended to them so many years, for which they are gratefel. Those proceeding or remitting. to their relatives, can at all times obtain Drofta al sight for any amount drawn direct on the ROYAL DANK Of IgiLAFD, Also on Mews. PRZSCOIT, GROTLAMLS & Co., Basun. which wilt be paid en demand at any of the Banks, or their Branches, in all the principal Toting through out ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. . . Apply to, or s ROaiiCHE, ross (i BROTH E RS & part pail CO.) .. No 35 Ulan $4.. N. Y. Or BLAKELY & MITCHEL. Smithflieiti straw., swor 5.11, and Poen arrest, oct 15-3 w ritutrurgh. GEO. R. WHYTE & CO., have removed to No 51 Market street, thirteen Sd and 4th inlets. to the store formerly ooeuried by Darlington & renbies; nest door to Wm. Drknight. Sept 111-3 m Loicuos ; wrartepottauon iEItERIOAN PORTABLE BOAT Wlfl, Par the trwmportaticrit of 3IEFLCHANDIZF: AND PRODUCF: •crtrcxa 'ITTSBE T ROH AND ?11/ LADELPIIIA, PITTS BOUGH AND BALTIMORE, AND NEW YORK' AND BOSTON. THE PROPMF.TOBS RESPECTFULLY itsform theirfriendsand shirtier a generully, thatthev have changed the nemeatheir fransportation Line, lJnm the United States Portable Boat Line. to the American Portable Watt Line. This line is enmegsed oft vrenty-five new Four Sci ,ion Portable Boats. one of wHch will depart :Pm Pittsburgh, Philadelphia ntrl Baltimore. The superiority and advent/tees of the Portable lioat over every other mode of tmnsportetion are too .vell known to shipper. generally to require comment-. .ulliee it to say, that the detention, loss, separation set tomage to (locals, invariably attending thretr.rot. , liipments between Pittsburgh enJ Philadelphia, es ty the Portable Hunts most clfectitully removed. • To give undoubted security to owners and shippers all goods and produce shipped by this line will he in. .aced in a responsible office In Philadelphia, without Any additional charge to the owners, Mei cbandise shipped by this line in any of ate east ern cities. and consigned to H Devine &Co, will be for. warded immediately on arrival at Pittsburgh to any part lithe west, free of commissions. H. Derine will receive produce consigned to him. pay stensnhont freight and charges. and forward the same to any of the eastern cities, and charge no nom. missions for storage, advancing or forwarding. Any nommunietithansor goods directed to the rare of the ondersigued Agonttt will be promptly attended to, H DEVINE &i. CO Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittahtirgb. • WHiTGSIDES& CO., 360 Market street, below Tenth, Philadelphia, GIESE & SON, Commerce ctrect Wharf, Baltimore. 13 A FAHNESTOCK & CO, 100 Front street: New York. RICE & WILLIAMS, No 3. Chatimmstreet. Boone. MEgtal atiMa 0. A. 11100Arit1LTY 9 S . UNITED *TATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the ttan‘portation of 3 . erchrtnciize to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL. PHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. THE success this lime has met with, since 1d was fiat estatdithed on the "Itxl Haus! Enterprise' system, hes induced she proprirrers to increase the number of Beals slaving the winter to tvrentrfive, one of which still lesser Pittsburgh. Philadelphia and Bel dame ewers. day (except Sundays) during the ac ew. and make the trip through in six dogs, The superiority and advantages atilt , ?misfile Boat System over every other mode of transportation (when canals intersect with nail roods) are too well known to shippers by this route generally to require any cum went. Shippers can rely onbavingthelt-,-roduce,merrhant dire, tir good. niftily kind that mey be consigned to thib Agents of this Line, forwanted with dlipatch and R uho very lowest rate of freight charged by other Liam!, without anyadditional charge made fur recciv Lig nr advancing charges, &c All communications to the fallowing Avents will be promptly attended to: CHARLES A. IItrANULTY. At the Depot, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, ROSE & MERRILL. 53, Smith's Wharf. near Pratt st. Baltimore. W & J T TA.PSCOT,T. No 43, Peck Slip. New York. THOMAS BORDIDGE. jun 3I- I y 272, Market street, Philadelphia. ''...- - 1.......-.1.,.---; -- .. ._, r . 1 .. ..7 . ••• 1 - ___% .; : " . l' ;....t .: .1 - ill" rm. ,• ',=r7l. Freights to Philadelphia and Baltiniora. NIERCHANTS & MANUFACTURERS' LINE FOR transporting Goods, Mereaan'li'e, Produce. &c., between Pill:burgh., PhilatielpAie and Baltistore. Goods will be received and forwarded by this line on as accommodating terms and as short ;imp as by any other responsible Line. Ail goods forwar ded from Philadelphia by this Line will be insured, The Proprietors and agents will give their whole at. tentionand ansiravor to render irstisfaction to all who may favor them with their custom. \Ve invite ship pers, merchants,ttunufactnrereatulPthorstogiVe as s call before shipping e4sewhera. Merchandise aonsigns ed to the agents will be received. freight and charge. paid, and forwarded without additional ehargefor for warding or storage. SAMUEL W DAY, prortetore 11 I, rATTF,R,SOIi, AGENTS: Sassari MiCisr,Catuil Basic, neu7th st. Fittaieg, Sastre/ W Day, lot and 2d Marl, below Races,. Delaware, Philadelphia. Isaac Cme, Baltimore. IfL Patiersoa,Hollidaysburgh. Jesse Patterson, Johnstown, 1 N Briggs, New York, 14'm It Reynolds & Co., Boston INTER TO: James McCully, Irvin& Martin ' R Robinson & Co, J W Barbridge & Co, Denry Coulter, C G Hussey, Jehn Grier, Church & Carothers. Gains Breed, F Sellers. Samuel J WklsSgbt. LanieeilL, Samuel Wilson, Madison, la. feb 15, '44 BBLS. CRANBERRIES just remised esti for sale by 3. W. BURBRIDGE &CO, oct 23 Water. between Wonti end Smith &14 as, - Western Issians Cheese, 00 30 t r itt i tiZ by W. R. Cheep, to store ott4 REINHART & STRONG, oet 22 14t Liberty street. I% light Writing Class, ILFEE is prepared to receive pupils for a ?fight . Writing School, and respectfully *elicits, lbw* who are net accraintba with his system of tesehjeg, and wbo may be desirous of acquiring, in a few leseees, a neat and easy style of Penmanship, to call end rt. amine the specimen, of his pupils. figure, freM V 9 o'clock. A Giese of LADIES, will be continued, as OPAL from 9 till 5 o'clock, P. M. CT Room in Smithfield street, between Stith street and Strawberry Alley. act 46-1 M lil . EL Beasiktri,C 1 aunty Suarverse l sag City airslatit, HAS removed Ws Alice to the rooms occupied by John !?ditties!, Esti, on Smithfield, Dear Fifth ores. my 2 IPILIMITING OIL A FRESH SUPPLY OF C. JeRNSON'I SUPHRIM IMINTING 114, Ilt LAINGI ♦RD SMALL EEGS. -had fecal:Hit •t iko office of Hie 111400.10 r VTB, *impel* vi 4 ll for sale by REINHART & STRONG. No. 140 Libort7 StrPet, REMOVAL