iDallp _Morning 'post. PITTEIBU RU 11, PA. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER I, 1844. ARKANSAS. We find tho Mowing further reports in the Nev. Orksuns l'icii)une of the 20th 1841 Vun Bunn. Harrison whig maj. 30 87 119 31 100 173 150 78 173 125 43 191 15 new county. Clatk, Jefferson, Doha, Chick, Bradley, The_ seven counties published yesterday showed a gain of 200 over the Presidential elemind of 1840, when Van Buren carried the Suite by 1606 votes.— The above cJunties stand within a vote or two the same as in that year. Nothing to confirm the whig burning yet. The New Orieans Courier of the 19th instant says— "A gentleman jut from Little Rock in Arkansas, informs us that that the dernociatic candidate for gov ernor is elected by a majority of Inure than 1000 %totes." Phrenological Works. ASYNOPSIS of Phrtnolngy, presenting general principles of the science ; a description of the ' mental organs, and their location ; also, a combination showing the manner in which they assist or countei act each other, by George W. Ellis, M. D., Professor orAnatormy..&c., &c., Combe's Phrenology—A system of Phrenology by George Combo, illustrated with upwards of 100 en gravings. Coarhe's Lectures on Phrenology—including its application to the present prospective condttion of the thated States, by George Cumbe, with notes, etc., b) Andrew Boardinan, M. D. The Phrenologist's own Book—A prnctice) treat ise on Phrenology, with directions for examining heads. • The above hooka are for sale hi C. H. KAY, Bookseller and Stationer, corner of %Vocal and 3d sts ) .nov Pittsburgh. (Age and Gazeite copy.) Hear the words of an old Soldier. — PHILAD:A.PHIA, August 16 To the Puhlk—When u sAilier in the American Camp, in 1776, I. with many others (owing to gtrut exposure,) bad a violent attack of disease of the Lungs., by a bleb I was disabled from duty for a long time. Since that period mail recently, I hove never boon free from cough and difficulty of breathing. Year after year I lane expectorated over a gill a day; often much more, and sometimes mixed with ',IDA. For months together, night after night, I have had to sit orbe bidsterr dup to °Main my breath. The weakness and debility caused by such coustaut expectoration, frequent') brinetht me to a state bordering un death. have bad skilful physicians to attend me, and every thing done that was thought likely to give ale relief, without any beneficial etfect. Last winter I hod an other very severe attack of inflammation of the Lungs, which 1 fully expected weu!d ba the last. I then considered my case as past the aid of medicine, when I was advised to use JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. 1 did so, with a strong hope, that, as it had cured ma ny of my acquaintances of various diseases of the Ltings, it might at least mitigate my sufferings. Need I say how gratified I feel. IT HAS EFFECTUAL LY CURED ME As soon as I commenced taking it, I found it reached my case, and I began to breathe .with more freedom. My expectoration became easy, ; and my cough entirely left me. I now feel as well as ever 1 did in my a- d am better thzn I have been fur the last SIXTY YEARS. Now, after suffio ins sO long, and finding nt last such signal relief, from Dr. Jayne's expectorant. I feel anxious to inform my fellow citizens where relief may he NICHOLAS HARRIS, Sen., N. W. corner of Front and Lombard Atreet% Mr. Hart is has long been n wonky member, (we believe a deacon,) of the First Baptist Church in this city atariOplicit confidence may be placed in his as sertions.—Saturdny Evening Post. For sale at the Franklin head Printing Office, Third Street, opposite the Post Office. net 3 l—ii3t MEDICAL BOOKS. DUNGLINSON'S PRACTICE, 2 vols; Physiology, 2 vols; di Materia Medici', 2 vols; 4“: Medical Dictionary. 1 vul ; New Remedies, 1 vul; F.herle's Practice, 2 vols, do Therapeautic4, 2 vols, do on children, 1 vnl, do Notes, 1 vol; Raimdio: ham's 'Midwifery, 1 rut; Meils' Phihulcll hia do 1 rot; Chailly's 1 vol; Rigby's vill; Dawes' 1 rid; on Children, j vol on Females, 1 vol; Practice, 1 ; Per.ira's Practice and Therapeutic*, 2 volt; Stoke and Bell's Pratt:lice, 2 vats; Armstrong's Cooper on Dislocation. 1 vol; Brodie on . the Juiats, 4 vrol; Gibson's Surgery, 2 vol.; Wistar's Anatomy, 2 vole; ( Paxton's " 1 vol; , Lawrence on the Eye, 1 vol; .k Hope on the. Heart, 1 vol; Pruitt on the Stomach, I vol; Carpenter's Physiology, 1 vol ; Magendie's 1 vul ; Olivet's " 1 veil; Roget's " 1 vol; Maury's Dental Surgery, 1 vol; Bell on the Teeth, 1 vol ; Billard on Infantit, 1 vol ; . Walsh on Cancer, 1 vol ; " on Lungs, 1 vol ; Good's Study of Medicine, 2 vole; . Wilson's D is.ect or. 1 vol; Beck's Medical Jurisprudence, 2 vole; " " 1 vul; Ho.qtak's Practice, 1 vol ; Smith on lever, 1 vol; Boisseuu " 1 vol• Turner's Chemistry, 1 vol ; Knne's " 1 vol ; The above, together with a general assortment of vale ,able Medical IVorks, are always to be found at the Bookstore of the subscriber, to which he invites the eheniion of the prsfession as he is determined to sell low for cash. CHARLES H. KAY, oct 31 corner of Wood and Third CI. NEW CHEAP STORE. GEORGE F. DIHM, No. 106, Market Street Pittsburgh RESPERESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the CTFULLY generally, that he is receiving and now opening an entirely new stock of STAPLE 'AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Of the latest styles and patterns, comprising in part: French, German and English Melina% Siriped and Figured Alpaccas, Pairrettas, Mous. De'Luines, Cashmere d'Ecosse, Clxusans, Bombazines, Cashmere Plaids and Linsey., 7-4 Plain and Barred Palist, Cloth, French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams, Chintzes, Calicoes Cambria. Jaconets, Bonnet Velvets, Hosiery, Mitts and Gloves, Swiss, Embroidered, Merino, %Verne, Blanket, and a variety of other Shawls, Linen and Silk Pocket bdkfa. Silk and Worsted Cravats, Worsted Hoods and Caps, Comforts, Sze., Su:. CLOTHS, CasAirneres Satinetts Ky J ans, Moleskin Cord Kerseys, Vestings, Woollens and Canton- Flannels, Blankets, Brown and Bleached Muslins, and Dril lings, Tickings, Cheeks and Hickory Shirtings, Lin en and Cotton Table Cloths, Spool Cotton. Suspen ders. &c., &c., with a variety of other articles, too •tiumerous to mention. The g"CAh have been selected with the greatest care and purchas,cd at the lowest rates, and are offered wholesale end retail on the most favorable terov.— Persona desirous of purchasing CHEAP GOODS, would do well to call at the above place. Don't for get, NO 106 MARKET STREET. oct 7-d2w port of pittsburgl). RIEPoRTSD ST D. B. Bleble, Steamboat dgext and Commiasiox Water Street, near Wood 9 FEET WATER IN THE CHANA ARRIVED. Alliquippi, Smith, Louisville. Cecilia, May. do Cleveland, Hort, Beaver, Alichigaa, &ties. do DEPARTED. Wabash, -, St Louis. Plymouth, Prvin. do . Cleveland, Han, Beaver, Michigan, Boles, do For New Orleans. py, THE splendid paesenger Stenmer ' OLIVE BRANCH, T.C..Mat, Master, will leave for the above and intermediate landings, nn Saturday next, (Nev. 2.1,) at 10 o'clock, AM. Fur fteight or paysuge npply on bOard, qr to • JAMES MAY. The Olive Brunch is prepared with Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent the Explosion of Boilers. Oct 30 For Cincinnati. E4ThTHE steamer "CAPITOL," Capt. ELI ALLEN, will depart for the above and intermediate regularly, on every Monday morning, at 10 o'clock. For freight or pastutge apply on board, or to Rept 2 • BIRMINGHAM & CO. BEAVER PACKET. The well known steamer MICHIGAN,- •- W. B. Botr.s, Master,hascommencnd her regular daily trips, leaving Pittsburgh (as hereto fore) at 3 o'clock. P. M . and Beaver at 9, A. M. Prieesto suit the times, wad those aim have lie moony carried free. Tho Croon! to Cleveland will be opened as soon as the weather tsiii nermit; on the opening of which CLARKE & CO'S LINE to CLEVELAND,O.,and MEADVILLE, Pa., will imrne.lintely go iron opera tion. '-For freight or ;tast.age a pply on htetr'd, or to G. M. GARTON, .lily 12 Water vkl wet. il3The Michigan is provided with Evans' Safety Guard. PITTSBURGH ANI) WHEELING REGULAR PACKET. **-s," h The new and splendid steam boat BR DG EW ATE R, Capt. Cs mPa vt.t., will run as a regalstr packet between this place and Wheeling. leaving Pittsburgh every Tuesday and Friday at 3 o'clock. and Wheeling every Wednesday and Saturday at 3 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board, or to J. NEWTON JONES. Tho Dridgow•ater is provided with Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent explosion of boilers. June 22 animal Magnetism and Phrenology. I‘l 11. s . ,.h l . ' n A ce l!K a E t it t c h t , n u t r i . i t t e e s a e st „, i u ti ef o h t p t i . , i s h ve es ry e reaionahle terms. Phrenological exatninat ona made, nod excellent Charts given for 50 cents each. oct 25-dew Vocal and Instrumental Concert. 11,1 R. W J. DAVIS respecifully acquaints the in -11.1 habitants of Pittsburgh that he will a give CON. CERT of vocal and Instrumental Music at DNquerxe ifall.Thira street, over the New Post Office. on MON DAY EVENING. November 4th, on which occasion he will be asisted by Mews KLEBER; SCHUBERT, HERMANN, LAWTON HEIDLEDARG, PARTIN, Oral a LADY AMATEUR, of this city. Mr. D. will (fur the first time in public.) perform on the “Boelim Rate," a newly invented inmrument of the mom unique and beautiful charanter. far TICKETS-30 cents each; to be bad at the Mu sic Stores, and at the door. FH" The Concert will commence at right o ' clock precisely. Oct. 'AU Immense Number of New Works, A T Cook's Literary Depot, B.' 4th st.. as follows Al Graham's Magazine, for November; National du du do; Lady's Book, do; Punch's Complete Letter Writer; Letters of Horace Walpole, new series; - Harper's Bible, No 11; History t:f the Pope, Their Church and State; Tom Burke, 'complete ; Works of Rev Sidney Smith, vol 3d, now complete Rookwood, or Dick Torpin, the Highwayman; Merry's Museum, for October; Illustrated Bible History. a Compilation of the im portant events recoil:led in the Old and New Testa ment. Encyclopedia. of Practical Medicine, No 15 Coveilier's Anatomy of the Human Body, Edited by G S Patterson, M D. Anthon's Homer, new edition ; Wandering Jew, World edition, No 7, 64 mmts; do Harper's do No 4 do; Reformers Before the Reformntion, The Fifteenth Century, being nit introduction to D'Aubigne's History of the Reformation. Philadelphia Sun, (Native American Paper,) receiv ed daily. Philadelphia and N York Eastern Mammoth News papers, net 31 EUROPEAN AGENCY. REMITTANCES of money on moderate terms, can be made daring my absence in Europe, to every port of Ireland, England, Scotland, %Vales or the con. .tinent of Europe; Leganies, Debts, property or claims recovered; searches fur wills, titles and documents effected, and other European business transacted by applying to James May, Water Street, Pittsburgh. 11. KEENAN, European Agent and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, Pa. 28 Bbls Prime Russett Apples; 15 Bbls Copperas; 15 " N. 0. Molasses; 15 " Large No 3 Mackerel ; 5 " and half Bbls No 1 Mackerel and Salmon; 10 Boxes No 1 Ground Pepper; 10 " " 1 Cocoa and Chocolate; 10 " " 1 Starch; 20 " 12s, 16s, and Ilb Lump Tobacco; 20 Kegs, No 1-6 Twist, 50 " No 2 and Pure White Lead; 500 lbs Fresh Currants: tOO " Bordeaux Almonds; 2500 " Western Reserve Cheese; 100 Boxes 8.10 and 10-12 Glass; 50 doz Corn Brooms; In Store and fot sale by J. D. WILLIAMS, oet 30 Nu 23 Fifth Street. AN OILDINANCE, Declaring and fixing the Grade of Pine street. BE IT ORDAINED, &c , That the 11 grade of Pi ne street, from its intersection . with Penn street, shall haver descent of ` one and five-eighth inches to every ten feet, or an angle of forty-six and one-half minutes below the horizon. to a point (in the curb line of Butler street, continued as laid out by Joseph Patterson) three feet below the door sill of a brick house on the north aide of the said Butler street, and directly opposite the north end of Pine street. Ordained and enacted into a Law in Councils, this 28th day of October, A. D. 1844. hIORGAN ROBERTSON, Pres't of Common Council. E. J. RoBERTS, Clerk of Comn)nn Council. THOMAS BAKEWELL, Pres't of Select Council. ALEX. BILLLYR, Clerk of Select Council. oct 31 Merchant, Tux FIRST asesiciriiiiiinatAim THE CELEBRATED DR. DUNCAN'S LeXZPZiCOOMAMCg it' lEIMD3II DV , FOR CONSUMPTION OLDS, Coughs, Bronrhids. Asthma, Spliting of C Bloed Dilfi 'dry of Breathing, Pain in the Side. Breast and Chest,b.fluenza. Whotpiog Cough, Croup and. all diseases of the Liver and LUNGS. Has now been before tbe politic for several yenta During which time its %a:tie hus been tested by thee. sands who were laboring under the numerous diseases which have their origin in u common ('afar' h or Cnid, and which this medicine is de-igned r., cure. The moult of this trial has been to place "Doilleall . P Rerne. di" at the head of the patent medic lees of the du). ' DT !TN OWN lIIHRITS AND AXCI:Lt.Y.NCD, !hints attained a popularity excelling that ufany other preparation. now offered to the public fur the preven• lion and cure of that large and frightful car of diseu,.. es %Mich so frequently le,td to. and tertninute in CONSUMPTION,. it is now offered to the sailicied with confidence a• the LIK/ST prepination fn• Coughs, Coldt, Szr. extant We are warranted iu assuming tM- it this high charnc ter. by the proof's, which we ore constumly receiv ing, of the invaluable ben. fits derived from its use. Tes tinumiuls anti recommendations of the strongest kit.d ore constantly being received front all (limner, by the Proprietor and Agents. I n relieving caws of Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Pitin in the Side and Breast, it is unequalled; in cur ing Bronchitis, Coughs and Cold., and in short remov ing all the symptoms of approaching Pulmonary Con• sumption, 113 ,SUCCE.III HAS BEEN .I.,SPARALKLILED No other medicine has proved itself so 'rally hive). tialde. Thou4:nos in Pittsburgh ald the vieinisy, are. us far as human Agency is concerned, indebted to Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Iternedv for prolonging life and health. :any persons after using the other cough medicines of the day without etleet, have been com pletely 'colored by this truly GREAT DISCOVERY in the HEALING ART. A strong and undoubted evidenee of is worth, is to be found in the high degree of lioloilur favor which it has received since its int:n(ll4m Ilan the West.— Wherever no agency has been opened for its sale, and wherever it has received a fair and honest trial, it has become firmly established as a STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINE It is rapidly superseding the use of the many nos trums. 14 hicli hove no long imposed upon the commu•,i ty, which have obtained ile-ir name only by pilling and braggadocio, and which ore vow destined to he thrown aside to make way for the beat cough medicine of the present ago. It is not pretended that it will po:iti‘ely core ever). rose of the disease, for which it is designed. but it is honestly believed that in every ease where it gets n fair elidnee it will etrect a cure. Corning, then, before the people with the highest recommenations, it is at least, won by of a trio] by all who arc afflicted with any of that lunge and dangerous class of diseases. The following is a specimen of the numerous te•ti mnuinls which we have received. It is from a PHY SICIAN of high standing in Ohio. Dear Sir—Having had occasion to witness the ef fect of Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Remedy on Mr Eli Young in a case of Pulmonary Consumption, 1 felt it my duty to make a brief statement in order that others that are or may he afflicted with the same complaint may be benefitted by the same remedy. He was attacked with inflammation in the left lobe of the lungs in March 1813, attended with acute pain, great difficulty of breathing, and a severe cough, which proceded rapidly to suppuration: and not withstanding the use and application of the best remedies prescribed by Jur authors, the complaint in a few days began to exhibit evident symptoms of ulceration. In this distressing stage of the complaint, I had re comr.e to Dr Expectorant Remedy for con snmption, which had the effect of checking the disease immediately, and in a few days the pain ceased, the breathing became free and easy, the cough left him, and the expectoration subsided, the consequences of which was that in usirg six bottles he has recovered his health, and is restored to his family. 1 do bet ehy certify the above to be true statement of toy case as far as comes within my knowledge. Mt Verron, May 28, 1844 Sold wholesale and retuil by SAMUEL FREW corner of Liberty and Wood es oct 30-if Pittsburgh Kate's American Anti-Billons Life Pills. FOR all diseases originating in a diseased stomach and impure blood These pills which have but recently been introduced to the West, ate advancing in the favorof the public with astonishing rapidity.— Very few pers o ns who have given them a trial, are ever willing to make use of any other kind. and adopt them at n Family Medicine. This is the best recom- Illyndution that could be given them. They are entire ly vegetableaml are the most valuable Pills that can be obtained. Sold wholesale and retuil by SAMUEL FREW. oct 30—ti corner IV ood anti Liberty sts KEEP COMFORTABLE. READY MADE CLOTHING, EIECM THREE BIG DOORS! No. IM, LIBERTY STREET The proprietor of this highly favored Establish ment, respectfully hifurma the public that he has now prepared the LARGEST STOCK OF SEASONABLE CLOTHING Ever offvmd in this city. His stock amounts to up wards of 875,000, And he has a large number of the best workmen con stantly engaged in making new garments to suit the taste of his numerous customers. His assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, SATTINETS, CASSINETS, VELVETS, &C., Of French, English, and American Manufacture, IS LARGER, AND MORE VARIED, Than any other ever opened in this city, and cannot fail to pleaso the taste of every class of purchasers. HE HAS ON HAND, CLOTHING IN ALL ITS VARIETY TO SUIT EVERY CALLING, Which is warranted to be made from the BEST MATERIALS, And in the LATEST FASHION. His assortment of FASHIONABLE CLOAKS, OVER-COATS, Ofevery description, COATS AND PANT?., Of every quality and price, VESTS AND viamenwas Of every variety of fashion and quality, CANNOT BE Stiftl'ASSF:D. HP has SEPARATE CUTTERS for every depart ment in Clothing, and as they are all workmen who have been employed in the most FASHIONABLE HOUSES In the country, he clot warrant his patrons that THE CUT AND MAKE Of all articles Cram his establishment µ•ill be in the most modem sale. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Are respectfully invitetl to call, as the pretprieMr reels confident that he can sell them Goods on such terms as will make it to their advantage to purchase at, the Teree Big Doors 'Oct 28 ELI YOUNG JOHN M'C LOSKEY lIATII A WAY'S Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves V I lIE subscriber having entered into the stove busi ness in Pittsburgh, respectfully ioforms the pub lic that he intends carrying it on in its vat btu:: branches at the wale:house of Messrs. Pennock & Nit. 160 Liberty street, when. lie will be prepared to suppl:% purchasers a ith airy articles in his line. In arldirini. to other Stoves which lie will have on hand, he has obtained die right to manufacture and sell Idathaway's Patent Hut Air Ceedsiog Stoves. This stove is 1/11). nouneed supetior to any other now in use in the United States; it is moist durable in its comtinetion, and bet. ter adapted to the use of baking, romcing ulid cu u lsinz. as it is heated v.•ry regulatly by confining the air io the strive; and it is a erect suvirg of fuel us well as labor. I will keep on hand a sufficient ',umbel w sup• ply all demands if possible; I have live s'zes, and will sell them na reasonable terms, according to sizes. I have now in use upwards of fifty iii amt about thin city; nil putt in use within six months. Being a ware that the People of We..tern Pennsylvania have been rmpo.ed upon by the introduction army.- and high ly recommended Stoves which were badly constructed, and having soon failed and become useless. I will grant to persons wishing to procure the lint Air Stove, the privilege of using it a Gracie/1i length of time to prove its superior quality before I at , k them to purchase. Persons notifying me from a distance by letter, eon have stoves put op at any lion-, as I have wagons to ; carry them our; I therefore invite Farmers anti all per sons to come and judge for themselves; also to try them and prove that it in to your advantage to have one All orders will be promptly attended to by the Auln=cri. bor. ItUBEHT DONAVAN suction Salto. EIMIEMS Executor's Sale. A T Davis' Commercial Auction Itooms, corner 0 IVOO4I and Fillll streets, tormiorrovr evening, Saturday Nuvember 2d, at 7 o'clock, will be sold by order of Exerututs, 1 Gold l'utent Lever Watch, Minting cases, war. ranted 18 turrets fine, 15 holes JewL•II• d, a splendid article and worthy the attention of those wanting a tate timepiece. Immediately after,a variety r f Silver Watches. J. D. DAVIS. nor 1 A t.t iorwe r. Executors Sale of Wine ard Brandy. MO Monday. NovemberAth, ut o'clock. ILI will be gold without reserve, by order of Execo tore, at Davis' Commercial Auctiou Hoorn, comer a i'Vt,otl and sth sneers, I quarter cnak of Pale Brandy; Pinet, Casitillun & Co. 1 do do dark do J J Dopuy. 2 do 4u d. 3 do. I du `44, Port wino. 1 do do Malaga u ine. J D DAVIS, Ala-Ain't:err. l' 11" f S 11 U It G II KEDGE FARM NURSERY. A g -4 ERUIT,SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS AND EVERGREENS. NURSERY between thrue nod four piles east of Pittsburgh, near to this farmers & Mechanics' Turnpike road, (extension of 4th street.) Orders left with Mr. James Montooth, Grocer and Leather dealer, near the corner of Seventh, on Smith field street, or at our stand iu market, uu Diltuktit street, promptly attended to. Prices reducul to suit the times. WM. S JAS. MURDOCK. Oct '24 2wd DANK OF PITTSBURGH, 1 October 18, 1844. A N election for thirteen Director,, of this Bank for the ensuing year. will be held at the Banking house on Monday, the 18th doe of November next. octl9—tHwaw4t. JOHN SNYDER, Casler ME.RCH•NTe•ND MAN UYACTURF.It'S BANN, Pittsburgh. Oct 19, 1844. AN election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, will be held at the Banking house, on Monday the eighteenth day of November next. W. H. DENNY, Oct 31—td Cushier. EXCHANGE BASK OP PITTSBURGH, October 19th, 1844. HE annual election for thirteen Directors of this 1. Bank, to serve for the ensuing year, will b.! held at the Banking House on Monday the 18th day of No vember next, between the hours of 9 A M, and 3 P M. oct 19 -td THOMAS M HOWE, Cashier. Carpenter Wanted. A CARPENTER can find employment fot six or eight weeks, to go a short distance down the liver, on application to REINHART & STRONG, 140 Liberty street ziBUSHELS DRIED PEACHES, julit re- Oeeived and for sale by J. W. BURBRIDGE, & Co. o. 23 Water, between Wood and Smithfield ats. Feathers. 1600 pA u n s j 'R ju l s M tre E re L iv l e V do E n GEESE coni,,n • meet and for sale by REIN H ART &ST R ONG. oct 24 140 Liberty Street. ON hand and receiving, an assortment of Economy Blue, Black and drab Broadcloths; Blue, Brown and mix'd Cassinetts. Also, Bleached and Brown Muslins, Merinos, Flannels. Blankets, and Shawls and Hhdkfs; Suspend Ere, Boss, and thread; Coffee mills, Shovels and Spades, Axes, Hoes; citing, Letter and Wrapping Paper, School Books, Ink, Sand, Quills and Pins. Also, a large supply of the American Tem perance and American Tract Society Publications.— Arthur's Temperance Tales, and about 5000 of the Christian, Amer. Temperance, Presbyterian, Loomis' Pittsburgh and Franklin Almanacs, fur 1845. For sale low and un accommodating terms for Cash or approved barter. ISAAC HARRIS, Agt. oct 'l6-dtit and Com. Merchant, No 9, sth st. 10 BAGS GROUND NCTS, jut received end fur tale by. _ . REIN HART ..S.; STRONG, Nu. 140 Liberty Street PRINTING INR, A FRESH SUPPLY OF C. JOHNSON'S SUPERIOR PRINTING INK, IN LARGE AND SMALL KEGS, Just received al the office of the "Post." 1;77y 1 emlonce this opporturity to recommend the Hot Air Cooking Stovt; I have used the (me you volt tip For m- constantly all slimmer, and I must say it is a grind article. I believe it is superior to any other stove now in usa it, this city. The oven hakes well, and is lartro enough to bake four lame loaves of bread at o:te time; it also cooks very speedily, and it requires very hale cite], I think them worthy the attention of nil who wiNh it good stove;4o such I would say, try diem told prove what they am. 1 oct 11-tf Ako, Agent llniled States Portia)le Boat Line Depot, NO. 272, iVIAIIKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. Liberal advances made on consignments, when required. Rcf"r lo—McA:rs Wm Wilson & Co.; Evans and Temple; Heald, Wooduard & Co.; Scull &Thompson, Philo IpA ia. IV illiam WE:night Co.; Charles A. 11 . 1'Arailry, au=-24—1)• Pittsburgh. Wholesale Dealers In Boots, Shoes, Bon nets, Palm Leaf fiats and Caps, NO. 190 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA. 1 11 - IEY beg leave to inform Western Merchants that they have a splendid assortment of the above Goods, aid are still manufacturing largely, which they will sell at the very lowest prices for Cash, or apps oved credit. aug 9-tf %it so BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY, No. 233 Market Street, Northeast corner of Sizth Street, Philadelphia. \AT EST E RN rind Southern'Merchants are respect V fully invited to call and examine his stock, as he feels culifident that it will be to their interest, be. fore purchasing elsewhere. eta: ti-ly HARDWARE AND CUTLERf7 SBUTH, BROTHERS & CO., NO. 188 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, ARE now receiving in addition to their former stock a large asaortmont of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND CUTLERY - , to which they invite the attention of IVestern Merchants. ang 6-ly Arrangements for 1845. , BLAKELY & MITCHEL, A* - - AGENTS, PITTSBURGH, PA. • Remittances to and Passage from Great Britain and Ireland, by the "Black Ball or Old Line of Liverpool Packets." Le Sailing from Liverpool on the let and 16th of each month. D ERSONS desirous of sending for their Friends 1 now residing in any part of the"OLD Coms rex." can make the necessary airangements with the sub. scribers. and have them brought out by the above well known favorite "Line of Packets," which sail from LIVERPOOL punctually on the Ist and 16th of 'every month; also by rittir CLASS AMERICAN SHIPS, sailing from there EVERY SIX DAYS, during 1845. And as they are determined not to depend on any Liverpool House or Agent, to see the people's interest taken care of, Mr JAMES D. Roe's one of the firm, is there, who will remain and see that every thing connected with their business is executed with promptitude and despatch. Should the persons sent for decline coming out, the money will be returned to the parties here, without any deduction, on producing the Passage certificate and receipt. The "Black Ball or old Lice of Liverpool Pack ets" comprise the following magnificent Ships, viz: The Nzw YORK, The CAKERIDGC, " OXFORD, " ENGLAND, " YORKSHIR X, " EU RorK, " MoNTEZUMA, " COLUMBUS. With such superior and unequalled arrangements, the subscribers confidently look forward for a cumin*. ante of drat support which has been extended to them so many years, for which they are grateful. Those proceeding or remitting, to their relatives, can at all times obtain Drafts at sight for any amount drawn direct on the MOWS. PRESCOTT, GROTE, AXES & CO., BANXERS, LONDON; which will be paid on demand at any a the Banks, or their Branches, in all the principal Towns through out ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. Apply to, or aildrogs (if by leuor, post paid.) ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO., No 35 Fulton St., N. Y or BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Smithfield street, near sth, and Penn .street, vet 15-3 w PittFburgh GF.O. R. WHITE & CO., have removed to.No 51 Market street, between 3d end - 4th greets, to the store formerly oceopied by Derllngton dr, reebtes, next door to Wtn. Mlinight. sept 18-3 m RECOJI NI EN RATIONS. Miller's biansion Ifonse,Sept, 19, 1314 Mr. R. DoNAVAN—Sir: I harem usQ one of Math twny% (lot Air Cooking Stoves, which I got from you :ust It afford, me much pleasuro to recom meod it for its excellence. S.. far as my knowledge eve n ,l4, I !vivo DO hesitation in saying h is the best ,tore now in use. I need nut patticularize its merits, but wou!ti advise ell dispns-d to posters no artic:e of the kind, to adopt the best method of satisfying them :wires, that it, to to it; and I dooht nut they will be I): R. Ni Washington Teltipe.olllCe 11.111 , e. PittAb.irgh. Sept. 19. 1841. Mr. E. Dos AVON have had in taw for five month*, one of Hathaway's lint Air Cooking Stoves. and I have no hesitation in saving it i: the best stove now in um. The various kinds of conking it is calcu lated to do at the same time, and the small quantity of fuel !Nuked, makes it an object worthy the ...:tten tion of all who desire a goad stove. MATE-1M PATRICK 131)ilakl. Muertistmcnts, THOMAS BORBIUGE, GENERAL Produce, Forwarding & COMMISSiOII merchant, T. B. & W. P. CONOVER, JOSEPH TALLDIAN'S WHOLESALE ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO.'S ROYAL BANK OF IRELAND, DUBLIN; Also on ItesnovaL THOMAS VARNER C. A. DicANULTY'S UNITED STATES 'PORTABLE BOAT LINE For their ansportation of N . erchandize mend from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PIIILADEL- I PHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. THE success this line has met with, since it wai _a_ fist establibbad on the "Individual Enterprise" t aystem, has induced the proprietors to increase the number of Bouts during the winter to twenty-five, ono ; of which will leave I'ittsburgb, Philndelphin and Bul timore every day (except Sundays) during tbesfasou. mind make the trip through in six cloys. The superiority and advantnrres °frit° Portable Boat System over every other mode of transportation (a hen cunalt, intersect with rail roads) are too well known to shippers by this route generally to require any clam I ment. MERCHANTS & MANUFAOTTIRERS' LINE FOR transporting Goods, Mercoandise, Produce, &c., between Pittsburgh, Pitt:lade/pan and Baltimore. goods will he received and forwarded by this line on as . accommodating terms and as slant time as by any other responsible Line. Allgood& forwar ded from Philadelphia by this Line will be insured.— The Proptietors and agents will give their whole at tentionand endeavor to render satisfaction to all who may favor them with their custom. We im ha ship pars, merchants, manufacturers nnd ethers to give us a call before shippi ttg elsewhere. Merc handl se consign ed to the agents will be received. freight and charges paid, and forwardecl_srithout additional cbargefur fur warning or storage. Delaware, Philadelphia. &oat Crest, Baltimore. L Patterson, Hollidaysburglu Jesse Patterson, John.lown. N Briggs, New York. Wm B Reynolds & Co., Boston iEFER To: James McCully, - Irvin& Martin , Robinson & Co, J Barbridge&Co, Henry Coulter, C G Hussey, John Grier, Church & Carothers, George Breed, F Sellers, Samuel J McNight, Samuel Wilson, Modish*, feb 1.. '44 3At BBLS. CRANBERRIES pat received and IU, for sale by J. W. BintBRIDGE &CO. act 23 Water, between Wood and Smithfield ata. 4 Fall Fashion far Hata, ilk No. 93 Wood Street, TIMM. DOORS lILLOW DIANN:UM ALLkT. HAVING just returned from New York with the Fall fashion for Hats and Caps, I have now on band and will continue to manufacture every variety of the most fashionable Hats and Caps at the very lowest price.. Persons wishtng to purchase meat, cheap tishinable Hats and Caps are respectfully invited to give him a call. oct Westain Reserve Cheese. 3000 PRIME W. R. Cheese, in store sad fur sale by REINHART & STRONG, 140 Liberty street. • R.FEE is prepared to receive pupils for a Night Writing School, and respectfully solicits those who are not acquaiuted with his system of teaching. and who may be desifous of acquiring, In a few lessons, n neat and easy style tie Penmanship, to call and ix. amine the specimens of his pupil*. Hours, from 7 sill 9 o'clock. 1 class of LADIES. will be continued, as -usual, from 3 6115 o'clock, I'. M. CO" Munn in Smithfield street, between Sixth stret:t anal Fitt-net-prey Alley. oct 26 lm E. 8.8 . Idosotiop,Oeunty Surveyor sad City gegulater, HAS removed his office to the miens occupied by John J Slhchel, Esq, on Smithfield, near Filth Qrransportation tints. AMERICAN PORTABLE BOAT LINE, For !At lratixporta lion of MERCHANDIZE AND,PHODUC'E: BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA, PITTS BURGH AND BALTIMORE, AND NEW YORK AND BOSTON. THE PROPRIETORS D ESPECTI•'ULLYinfnrm t heir friend cool shipper LA, generally, that they hu vo elan luau! the tin me oft Iwi fransportation Line. Rom the UidIVII Sautes Portable Boat Line. to die Arno! irun Portable Boot Line. This line is roMpe'ised oft went:-bye new Four Sr. don Portable Boats, one of wl-ieh will depart doll:, from Pittsburgh. Philadelphia am, Baltimore., The superiority and advantages of the. Portable Boat over every other mode of transportation ore too well known to shippers generally to require comment: suffice it to say, that the decent ion, separation ano damage to Goods, invariably attending. three: rat. shipments between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, r t by the Portable thpais most of removed. To give undmilitedseeurity to owners and shipper* all goods nod produce shipped by this line will in sured in a responsible office in Philadelphia, without any additional charge to the owners. Metchandise shipped by tlii. line in any of the east ern cir ies. and consigned to H DeNitte & Co, will be for warded homediately on arrivul at Pittsburgh to any part of the west, free of commis4ons. H. Devine will receive prodore consigned to him, pay steamboat freight anal charges, and forward the same to any of the emaern cities. and.rhiege no con : missions for storage, atlvuorirg or forwunling. Arty commattieutions or gnarls directed to the cafe of this undersigned Agents wine promptly at lorded to. II DEVINE.: & CO.. Canal MIAI/I. Liberty strret,Pittstoirgh. 1; G. W urrEs[ & CO., 46 , ,, Market street, below Tenth, Philadelphia. & SON, Commerce st met Wl u itf, Baltimore. B A FA HNESTOCK & CO, 100 Front street, New York. RICE & WILLIAMS, No 3, Chatham street.Boaton. inagM Shippers can rely onhaving their' reduce, merchant dine, or goods of any kind that may he consigned to the Agents of this Line, forwarded with dispatch and at the very lowest rate of freight charged by other Lines, without any additional charge made for receiv ing or advancing charges, &c Allcommunications to the following Agents will be promptly attended to: ' CHARLES A. MeANULTY. At the Depot, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRILL, 53, Smith's Wharf. near Pratt at, Baltimore. W' & J T TAPSCOTT, No 43, Peck Slip, New York. • THOMAS BORBIDGE, jan3l-17 272, Murket street, Philadelphia. •••;. Freights to Philadelphia sad Baltimore. SAMUEL W DAY, II L PATTERSON, p roprietor. &GENTS Samuel M Kier, Canal Basin, neat7th st. Pittsbig. Samuel W Day, Ist and 2d Wharf, below Race at. iiranberriei. 14 ight Writing Class. REMOVAL Pt l / 4 6urge. S. MOORE