PUBLISHED DAILY, BY PHILLIPS & SMITH, AT THE NO, VOL. M._NO. 46.. PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY ' PEMLIPS & SMITH, . N. W. corner of Wood and,FiftApSitiets.- Tzams.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. tingle copies Two . Qui TS—for sale at the counter of he Office, and by News Boys. Thn wady. mercury and Manufacturer polished at the same office, on a double medium wet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin le copies, SIX CENTS. TEEMS OP Awns Trams. 'ER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: Meiinertien, $0 50. One month, $5 00 7we . do.. 0 75 Two de., ' 600 'twee do., 1 00 Threedo., 7 00 Me week, 1 50 Four do., 8 00 'wo .4 4 .. 3 -00 Six do., 10 00 brae do., 4.0 0. One year,. 15 15 oo . YEARLY Ato YERTISEM EN TS. CRANOZABCS AT PLIASURt. Oue Square. Two Squares. • lx months, $lB 00 Six months, $2.5 00 ne lam, • ' . 25 00 One year, 35 00 far Larger advertisements in proportion, jaricAßDs prcurztrieti it year. Public Offices; &c. City Post Office, Third between Market arid Wood rejets-,—R. M. Riddle,-tos tataseer. . • CaitinrsffOltie;Wiiter, itlyroonfrinn Wood st.,Pe• cairn', B. Mowry, Collector. City Treasury, Wood, between First and Second reets--James A. Berthem, Treasurer. . Courtly Treasury, Court House. next dool'eo .tleg ecorder's Office—John C Devitt, Treasurer: Mayor's Office Fourth, between Market and Wood -eats=--Alexander Hay:Maple: - - Afereharst's Exclsawilreureb near Market et. Overseers of ate Poor, E F Pratt, 4t.h. ,street, evo ' Smithfield; I J Ashbredge, Vr . trner's . Timper t corner of Front and Market selects. BANKS Pithrusrgh, between Market and Wood streets on eirdaid Fourth streets. Ater'ehants'a red Manstfattlerere and Farmers' De sit Bank, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, betwgen nod and - Market streets. z; Exchange, Fifth st. near Wood, HOTELS. Moissairakefa House, - Witter street, near the ' - • . E.seAauge Hotel, corner of Penn atnlo4Clitir. Karelian/a' Hotel, corner tif:Third.arel Wood. American Hotel,oaimelofT hird and Smithfield. United . ?toles, corner of Penn et . and Canal. Spresel Eagle, Liberty street, near seventh. Maasieit House, Liberty St., opposite ayne. l3rort,Thierses Mausion. House, Pena St.,opposlte nal. Iron City Hotel, Fifth street, lktereen Wood and arker",-Jaeob Briston, Propriet.or. Dr. Good's Celebrated Fermile Pills. 1 HESE Pills are strongly recommended to the . notice of ladies as a sae and efficient remedyin loving those complaints peculiar to theirsex, from at ofeserrise,orgeneraldebilityof the system. They iate coitiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and rvoas affections. These Pills have gained the sane and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in United States, and many Mothers, Vol._ sale iolesale and Retail,by E.SELL F. RS, Agent, cep 10 No.. gp , Wood Street, below Sot:owl & BOARDING ROUSE. FRANKLIN HOUSE. IHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends . and the public, that he luis opened a Hotel and wiling House in Third street, a few (lours from ioa, where travelers and others will be accommo ed ou ' the-m:rt reasonable terms. The house is .cious, and has been 4ttod up at considerable ea' ise, and every arraugentunt is made that will en c thecospfortand render satisfaction to boarders I lodgers.'' A share of public patronage is respect ly solicited. .4-tf CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ. Coal! Coals! DAM M KtF always keeps coal for sole at thg Monongahela wharf, above the Bridge and 140idiasio, in biberty at, next to Matthew Sloan's .rehawie, wnich he will sell as cheap as it can porellised of any other dealer. 3 I. 7-11. • FR.ESII SPRING GOODS. ;HEAP PLACE POE CASS. SIGN OF TH V, GILT COMB No. 108, Market Street, near Liberty. Hk subscriber respect fully informs his customers and the public generally, that be has just return 'ram the east, and is now receiving as large, good cheap an assortment of variety goods as any other Agishinent in the city. Merchants and others who hto purchase cheap, will please call at No. 108, tbe - y will not be disappointed. The folio wng com e& part of the stock just received. 2.00 doz. coat and 6 cord spool cotton, 200 " Graham's 6 " " 200 " assorted, 200 lbs. " Titley's shoe threads, 200 " " patent threads, 200 gross hooks and eyes, il5O packs American pins, 100 German " - • ' 1.75 thousand needles, 180 assorted stay bindings.. .350 doz. assertkd fine ivory combs, 200 " raiding ' ' " • Val " assorted cotton 22.i'groae shoeliineis," • ' ' 50 ". :corset ," a . -. ^.51) dos, cotton night caps„. 100 " assorted latilleri; .150 " gloves and mitts, 23 gross assorted fans, 300 do. palm leaf hats," 115 pioces Ashburtonlace, d6O " edgings £OO gross pearl buttons, 75 gilt " 80 " figured horn buttons, • 120 " lasting and japanned do 50 " fine English dressing crabs; "". 160 " assorted suspenders, - . ilt a generalassertment of Variety Goods tonumer• to nontioo• which 101 - be sold wholesale or retail, ap for cash. C, YEA - GER: prlB To Printors. ErEhavereceived, and will hereafter keep cioir- V sternly on hand, a full supply of Printipenk. : up and small kegs, which we will be able to Ill` apex than it has beretnforebeen sold in thisiity,._ ?niers from the country aceenalhuged hy , the.caik au. casts) will be promptly attended to.: . PHILLIPS &•SMITH, 10—tf Office of the Post and Manufactin •4: Comunrciiil Acadeggiy. • {R. STEWART would announce to thet chinos L of Pittsburgh, Alleghtny, and vicinity, that he opened, an Fourth street. near tha ,corner of Mar. and 4th,a Commercial ScbOolrin . which are taught the branches that conduit(' a merceutt7e• educa- lours of Atiendomee.--Gentlemen attend when a their convenience. catale Writing Clan, at / ficlacit r use 4:41 .. . . ....... , . ,-... .. '.. .-- .. : ....- . . . c. • . ._,,,,,,, .. , ~...,.. ,-, . _,,. 4 ., ~...,„;,,,,,.., „ .., ~,,,...i r.0c..,v, ,, . , . , ... . ~...: ...i. .. ~. ~,.. ~ , ..,,. ..,,..- ... . --- . ':','' - ' .-. ..,:-•. -..-.••.. ~ -- - ---.. ---.. - 41,5 . ' : r......' -`- ...-- • . - •:. - . - 7-• , ' . . . '''' - 4 . • ' • • • -...- . . . .-..- - , . .. - ....ets,... -, -1 ,,;Xrt,„,,,s - - • AR" . t . . I * 1 1 ivy • -- 4 ..., • . ' , Jilt -4 blir -srl .. • " - , 4., . 1 T i )10,.... ; i f! •s. :;'.. • - - . . • s'e. 'jam ..14. • - .7: . - .. 1 •4 - . • • •. 1 0 .': . . . t il , . V • I -- ' . • 44 .- . . . . , ........................---- ---__ --- ---. 1 te - -.-: - - -.: ----AR ' . I"ItIRFAGH, - TifffiN'A, AT . .irtvz DOLLAR'S PER 'ANN UM-, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. - -----_ . „ . . .. . . .. . ~ - • : ••''.. i. ... PRICE; TWO CENTS. ____ ... _ •.,. -_: • -pittbaugh-bitz...,, .s . Sweatt of Construction, Eq*p.tnent, Pat. .. • .Fin file ResnoWsio(Dpfleariticsefile 'Human Eremite altrais October 2d 1 and of Diseases of Lie Eye. - ^ ; , 844. THE subscriber has rammed v) the city and fri- SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at t h is I , M, of the 3d day of No, . :. 1 tends to establish en Ilsrlit3SAßT for the Temp, Bureau until 3 o'clock, tiOn, and treatment of deformed members, suob as vember, next, for furnishing und deliyering at the re- • `'.- TT.Stb•-pr'Reeitst leet,'Conlretcted'joe -- es; wry-neck 'P ective NVY 'arils "er Portsmouth, hew litiM P' and s tr . o bi un „ or s o i ot i or,o i o i o f Dii eates of Ike shire; CharAeston Massaschusetts;Brooklyn,New York; ~ Philadelphia; Washington, D C, and Posport, Virgil There is uo Institution of this kind as yet in this coup- Ma. such quantities of cold rolleri bolt copper sped of ... try, though much needed, hot rolled sheet copper, not exceeding one hundred. Pthousand pounds of each at any olio Navy Yard; nal vantage of round, pat, and squaw i t on as may be COMO 43 , establishment exclusively devoterixo,thiprestoration of e a t re ien to Patients from fro o m p e a ra d te i d sta a n n t re and Would" tob .fin attendeddit to th:t o ir in a a d n - the respective Cinninandents or NaNa‘y Agents, or :the above named deformities and diseases...... this Bureau, between the first 4oy of 44 1 . 4 0117 / 8 47 I . • The easy access to Pittsburgh, ono of the healthiest andoite sloth of June, 1846, spots in. the country, by river and canal, almost at any The fiat Iron to not be less than one-Ntirth l ' e 1 aq / inch thick, nor more than al* inches wide, the Sipa))) season oetheyear, would offer great facilities for those desirous of being relieved. Iron not less then an inch, nor more than His ample exprarregme mid well 'mown success give three inches square, end the Round not less than peer half inch, nor More than three inches, in diameter. sufficient guaranty titaf.ilMwelfare of those entrusted The Iron and Copper it to ho pf the best quality, to his care will be grestlYlkignoted. ALBERT . G.- WALTER, MD. free from flaws, ragged ends or edges, umiak§ Pf agbeir Liberty, neat the comes of Fourth street. defects, and true to the sites ordered, and must be sub, , July 9—dt; . ject to such tests and inspection as may be directed, and in all respects to the satisfaction o f the Comeau, dents of the respeptive yards, or it will putt/ rpppiyr ... ed. . , ~. - • Ward aad Artars, Ikratists, No 118, Liberty street, a few doers below st. Clair, - ap 6,1843 B. 1117o•ds,Attorney and Consksenor at Layil Office on Fourth street. between Grant and Sinkhield; a few doors from the corner of Fourth aster grant streets. Sept 10 M'CANDLESS & M'CpitE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House; rep 10 Pittsburgk- • Francis L Skunk, Minna' fry at Law!, Fourth street, Ore Wood, sop 10-1 y rittabsrgh, Pa Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at , Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts., rep 10-y Pittsburgh,ra., Eystar & Buchanan, Attorneys at icon; Office removed from the Diamond to " Attorney's Row,"! shady side of 4th, between Market and Medea., oeplo Pit h. N. Ducionaster, Attorney at Law. Has removed hisoffice toPearee Law Buildings, 4th • st.. above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sap 1(1 James Callan, Attorney at Law. OFFICE FIF T H STREET, P T I TS.BUHHH. jtine 13-1 y 11. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. (*see in Fourth street, opposite Burks's Building. • • ariiriLtlANE. Ausml i tTh„ will give his atten tion to myunfinisbed business, hrid: I recommend him to the patronage of my friends. ' sep lO—y WALTER FORWARD. Shafer & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Office at the building formerly occupied by the Uni tad States bank, 4th street, between Mitrket and Wood CHARLES SHALRR Daniel m Carey, Attorney at Law, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield ap 8 Pittsburgh. Robert Porter, Attorney at Law, ffice on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets, sep 10 Piusburgh. Maury S. Magraw, Attwney at Law, Ifisolefnbvedhjs Apo to his residence, on Fourth st., twolOors - olockoStnithfield. sop 10 Geo. S. Belden, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield. Conveyancing and other iiistrutneuu of wri ring legally and promptly executed. !mar 2rl•tf John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Lair, Will attend to collecting and securing claims, and will also prepare legal instruments of writing with correct ness and despatch. Smithfield street (hear sth street) Pittsburgh. . • mil,'44 R. Niantainr, Alitannies, ' • Office north side id Fifth street, between Weed and Smiithfielk 'Pittsburgh. sep 10—tf Dr. S. R. Starnes, Office in Second. street, next door to Molvany "Sr. Co.'s Glass Warehouse. sep 10-y GI. L. ROBINSON. Robinson & RlEsprids, Attorneys at Law, Office en Fourth, between Wood and Markets,. r 'Conirevouecin g and other inotrumentsof writing legally and promptly executed. alO-tf Thomas Doonnelly, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield, adjoining l'aiterson e rt Livery Stables my 7 Dr. George Watt, PRACTISINq PHYSICIAN 4. SURGEON, UrOffice, Snlithfia4ist. n nrtbo corer of Sixth. a6-Iy, - . . Dr. A. W. Patterson, Office on Smithfield sireet;l3iird iroor from the corner of sixtlajtkract, sop 10 Doctor Daniel Draneal, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, rifteburgh. dec 10—y HALLMAN, JENNINGS & CO., OOTTaN YARN WARIFIEDUSX, Ns. 43, Wood Streer,. Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton factory Yarns mat 17—y NEIYGiX:IDS.—PRESTON & MACKEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in . English, rrench and .. E.fineiticgirigeosis No. aL, Uakst stfacl;yittsburgh. sep 10.1 : • . . - BIRMINGHAM & CO., CMllllllllliOlll sad Forwarding Fleirchants, • NOT6O; - Pieter - street, Pittsburgh, Pa. . EViTtalis.—lteceiviog adeetihipzing, 5 cents# t 0 be . • Commission mi pure - basa 1i(1 - sale - s,'24 per cent - mar 22-y . _ Broanassills JoniMa Iron Works, Bawd. Messafartaree of Iron and Nails •-• " Warehouse., No. 25, Wood . st.,' Pittsburgh.. sep 10-y HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO• - - 111Thokeale Grocers, Commission - Oki ftro ' aide•ripiroaati, - 444. dialirs'ii ••• 1 4 0:7 • F? .. itP.C 2 Asin?eit Pityglyrr Suidllafr Pg. Oet Has removed to niertirktroet; oppo . Ote the Mapr's Ate, wkatieliewillbehappy tovattupoh - peniktteit or tnutaiestbeitatomers. - • Ire solicits a shareefpoblie pa. • '.sep 10.- • • • • AXPia LESALE AN ARETAIL G ROC Eit,firt warylinr.ami'Comailaiisiew .diercbaliti. and , - sr in Conntryirraduce.sand ttittaborgh rit E difigni tanas,No,2B-ElifthltretrifPittsbui*._ HUEY & CO., . • Dry , Chstdi-Disreha,si , - N 0.123- liroodeStirogt, •-•••• • —PA; d stow glove Fifth •West - side Sale I /Yr ANUr P.orwardingFauill.Comunission lierskant,l • - • - PiIITBURGH, TA., • -• .• AllinftmitfrS 'Port:Wk. goac ne. ud;444:ge,: iionof Merthaddize to and froin Pittalniro;l3aMidore, Pkjlfjdel Ida, New York add Boaefn.: jati3, -.401134 'PARKER, (Of the kit : piny°, .7.•4l.".T;Pdtkir . ./ . Whidevalei Vltstair,io•l4ar i rry4iiter, Mid PITTRFURGH, AfANtIFACjiII,4S j - No. 5, Coarmtaci4" . ineki2R4l Liberty etre at, PiiitiAral - - • PoirDwirprmAcTritzli• TH WEST CORNER OF WOOD ANirti MiIIeTRSETS, Ft i - Vitar 1 ail g . • - I • t • OV 11 / 1 * 1, 1844. J 011N§T t%A,T Ark+IPAL Booksalkn, PAittari,aaol.-Papir No. 37, h • rketitsiet. sep 10 J 0 H NSOI4 DtTVA • • .aisfaper Rubsrs, C o .4* • : 3 • • • • ..WC:wales. Cc Te l 7. ". ;line neer. ly aixt.propptifieskon • 32. • - • . • . Titonssßlifbctird:+7l4"s" Tif;i7Cat- Mho*. a: Young & Co. .7 ..- .Ifgrjatt)fiWENV#3, corner of Hand street and Ex • change 30eacons wishing pp purchase furniture, ,V . l .. td it to their advantage to give us a call, haingfull imaamsWitirtve can please as to qualityand prlae• _ . " . "` - sep 10 , John Clirinnrhatt • •OTUTLER and Surgical buttenient Manafacturer, -N...1. - 44M/441V00cl street, trasgdoors from Virgin al liirPttts. bOrg, Pa. . ;-•••••: • . _r -N. B.—Always on haud - an extensksaisortment , if Surgical and DentallnitrumentaAllitnker's, Tailor's, - Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and l'iiimer's Patent Shears r- Saddler's-T*ols, Trusses, dsc.- , • ' -ja 24. James Patiersois y ' jr, Birmingham, near Pittsburgh; Pa., manufactu r er of locks, hinges and belts; tobacco, fuller, mill and timber sereWS; bowmen screws far rolling mills , sop John lirClosiary, Tailor and Clothier, Lilserty street, betw,en Sixth street and Virgin alley, _ . S inth side. .. • *ern° Webb Olosey's Beet and Slew Wiumigkoctory, -- No. 83, 4t4 at., ;seat dater teat U. S. Bank. • Ladies prunella, kid and satin shoes made in the neatest manner, and by the neatest French patterns. sep 10 Birmingham & Taylor, AONNTS 70R STEAMER CLEVELAND AND 'IRON CITY - LINE," TO E- cr.eyr.t.a.oro. O. [marlB EDWARD SIMPSON. lA. G. RittPIFIART.- SIDNEY- STRONG. m2l-3m Wito.estite and Ritoil Grocers and Cansmissiox ^lif.arcipaaas, No. 140, Libertyst., sfew doors above St. Clair, RlPWhere families and others can at all times be furnished with good Goods at moderate prices. 428 DAVID LLOYD. D. & IL W. Ll•yd, W ROLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AND ASALXILS 1$ raoDuca ra,.,/yrTsauttou XANU rAcrusxw- [7- Liberal advances in cash orviol:gilt; consignments of produce, &c., at No, 142; street. nitP HAW: removed their WALL PAPER WARE HOUSE to NO. E 3, WOOD STREET, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. Where they have on hand a large and splended as *OftMeilt of WALL P A PKR and BORDERS, suitable for papering Parlors, Chambers, ‘A ails, &c. Also, a general assortment of Writing, Letter, Print ing, Wrapping and Tea paper. Dermot Boards, aye. Which they will sell low for Cash, or in exchange for Rags, Tanners Scraps, &c. feb 22. 1844 M. IIeBRIDE. UAVE removed their Paper Store from Market street to No. 64 Wood street, one door from the cornerof 4th street, where they keep on hand their us ual assortment of WALL PAPERS, for papering par lors, entries, chambers, ice., and also PRINTING, WRITING, and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS. ace., all of which they offer fur sole on ac coMmodating terms. feb 14 1843—dtf NICHOLAS D. CoLCSAS LLOYD R. COLILMAS Coleman & Co., General Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merckantr, Levee Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so licitconsignments. n 22—tf Wads= C. Wan, Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture frame Manufacturer, No. 37, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, F. CPi VAlsbrusbes,vnittish, ite„ for artists, al wet , s on hand. Looking Glasses, &c., promptly ft a• med to order. Repairing done at the shortest notice. Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing of every description. Persons fitting stamboats or houses will find it is their 4.dvantege to ogll. sap My Blannfineturer of Copper and Skeet Iron Ware No. 17, Fifth street, bettoeen Wood and Market, Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares, , Rid solicits a share ofpoblic patronage, Also, on haad, thefollowingarticles: shovels, pokers,tongs,gridirons, skillets,teakettles,pots, ovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer cbaarsn, aA others are invited to call and examine for themselves, as be is determined to sell cheap forcash or apprave4 paper mar 7—tf Da; W: Ktax KERR & MOHLER, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, Corair 11. Wood street and Virgin alley, '1 • s— HS. 144, iIKSH "iit'llkipe's selected and put up with -- care,iu 14:b 4 at all times, at moderate Hg's- triVisciiptions carefully 'compound- OUL - rally 2-Iy Note to all ra&-Wxmayconsoirn. hisineklblawagaietst the Estate of n_ifihverekirinsby Evanaorateaseri, as well as those koosiing tlivltyieltuaFindeitetiktbe same, will•please preseatAbois• shclasiftwa so C. Evans, No r • ater-streecoeilawis s iolir oCized to settle the 131state..;__ ' • • SARA H-I,..EVANS, Admininiatrix. " za,lbiet IllTackusg, ii) i fe r u • g xi - R U NT 144 4"4l % aleach4 retail ' , one dour halo, nkfield, •- - AJCPVIOX., 5 . J AMES_ K. .I.CPGIN. B.D.Claaa I .a;d• IWO FyfashiriAt e bilie l iem the Exckaakqe 4tasiksollit t64reff, ta.e ihriiirsAiittOrs-Ott— 800 IA al Pittillmargielkaariere lOW ! -IF-TAnNiPiPrtiaßea 4i)l 3itimmavel_tioirder 7.11.11...*bricl Norm)," roolifligilaWpreitired 6R-orders fur ilrkinis IflinfrePOrtidt.44 ll o, 1 0iiid Tov)ae r swell ararrarittii ifeidetbemeryttbsilnal, - • V N .1,11:1,11,1. lithcrtfer syft i lot romlrusiZttexicierkliar 13t. obitstilierp . _ - MUMEI & STRONG, (Successoes to Lloyd d[ Co.) MID FiI!MARRING MERCHANTS. REMOVAL. JAMES EIOWARD & CO. REMOVAL. HOLDSHIP & BROWNE SAMUEL MORROW, PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Sirings and Axles for Carriages At Eastern Prices. THkitibsclibersmAnnfacture and keep constant ly 'onlmind Cos4:o ant Eliptic Springs (war ranted,) Juniatairun Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, B - riss :and plated Hub Bantle; 8;01T Joints, patent Leather4.shirer and Brass : 1 4 1 UnTs• Three fold Steps, Malleabletpon, Door Handles and • 'gas, &c., Stc. JONES* COLEMAN. St. Clair at., near the Alleerny Bridge. . . r L y inform my friend!' that Ilmve removed my. FINE. PROOF IRON SAFE FACTOR yto Third street, opposite dio Post Or and avail myself of this opportunity to tender my thanks to the public for the liberal patronage which they haveTivored:me with for several years, and soli cit ticontinuanea ot'dteir favors. I pledge-niyself my Safes shall be made without any deception. All my Safes which have been in buildings burnt.down. have saved all their contents. ... . . They are kept for sale at my shoy, and ; at At wood, Jones 4., Co's, Dahell &Fleming s, and at. 1) T 14(4111'3i • JOHN DENNING. NI 8. - 25 blots good New ChleenisSug,nr for sale. il3-ir WA•R.D'S-DENTAL PRESERVATOR AL Superior Wash ibr the Teeth, .11CPODUCI KG at once the mostbsolthy state of the mobth-:-Cleansing and restoring-tha.teethto•their natural whiteness ; giving hardness to the -gums, des troying the tiutrifactive inilaance . of decayed teeth, lessening in every instance thei irritation and soleness incidental to their diseased state; and in - fict ccirishio in'its effect all that can be desired Ina Dentifrice. Also, a superior Tooth Poisder, - as recommended to the Medical faculty of Philadelphia, by the celebra ted Doct. Hodson. Prepared and sold by Wm. A. WARD, Dentist, Liberty street. nug 31 rittitmirgh Gyanuudusi. • Third street, Muter* Wood arid Situ/94'dd Subscriber having fitted up the Gymnasium in Shit rate style, will open his books for season subscribers. on Monday, the 2d inst. AP a place of exercise, the Gymnasium has no supe rior in this city. It has been fitted up with new appa ratus, calculated to bring all the muscles into bealthfid action. This kind of exercise is recommended by all the best physicians in the city,.as calculated to in vigorate the body and improve the health generally. It is especially recommended to persons of sedenta ry habits, wbo are liable to suffer from indigestion and its kindred evils, produced by want of proper exer cise. Call in and examine the establishment for your JOHN M'CLELLAND. G. W, S4.OTD. sep 3.3 m THE Works of Rev. Sidney Smith, in 3 vol. A Manual ofktramination for Medical Students. gnestions and answers upon Anatomy and Physi ,. ,Surgery, Practice of Modern Chemistry, Mate rja gkstrtricks, &c. ruf&inia Law Directory. for 1844, in Pam phlet, For sakrisi the• Book Store of seri 1.7-tlly W. AP DON ALB. NEW ESTABLIS . HMEtiIT. Nldniongabela Clothing IR,rre. FRANCIS COOLEY and ROBERT `LAIRD 7'4w/its, having associatedthemselveslograber for the purpose of carrying on extensively their busi ness, and fitted up a store on Water street, between Smithfield and Wood streets, near the Monongahela House, respectfully solicit thefPatrouage of their friends and the public. Having just opened a large assort ment of seasonable goods, and materials, and made the necessary arrangements, they are prepared to fill all orders, with which they may be favored, with despatch, and on the most reasonable terms. may REYNOLDS & WILMARTH, Forwarding and Comndsdon librchanta, AND DICALICRA 11l LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, FOR THE ALLEGHENY RIVER TRADE, Corner of Penn and Irwin streets, L. 0. Reymotne, t L. WILM►RTH. S fif f" VERY LOW FOR CASH. THE subssrihor offers for vale a large and splendid assortment of PIANO FORTES of different patterns, warranted to he of superior workmanship, and of the beat materials; the Wee not to be es,ceeded by any in thecountry. P. BLUME, Cemer of Penn and St.Clairstreets, opposite the Exchange. ALLEN KRAMER , Exchange Broker, No. 46, corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg pa. Guw, Silvan, and Solvent Bank notes, bought orsi sold, Bight cheeks on the Esnisenscities,lor wan. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. RETXRINCICS Wm. Bell & Co., • Jahn B. Davis, F. Lorenzo, J. Painter & Co., Joseph Woodvall, James May, Ale.x.Bronson &Co. John H Brown&Co. James M'Candiless. J. R. M'D•nald. W. H. Pope, Esq.,Pres't Bank -Jost hiontss. (.IANTIIS Eccicsi®, or the Sacred Choirister: he. ing a collection of Psalm and, Hymn tunes, chants, sentences, and anthems; comprising a selective of the best standard,csompositiona, and , a large num'. ber from the works of Hayden. Handel, -Mozart, Beethovend3arti, Sabbattni,-Naumaim, Onion, Aosi pi, Donizetti,. &c., together with many original corn pcisitions by American-autbors, written ezpressly for the work; harrpoqiipd four voices, and provided with en accompaniament for the orgtO or Piano Forte, by W H W Dairy and I C AStandbridge. ° The above, , a pew work, just published by Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., Philadelphia,. end is undoubtedly superior to any work of the iti td ye 4 LIAM. ed form the press. For sale by W. McDIDNALD. corner of 2d and.blarket etc Supbotsterts -siaa imbit s , 514 ig.,bairous Wand sad Market, Ilespfttfullikinforms his friends and. the public that he is prepared to execute all order. for sofas, sideboards, • . tables,. bedsteads, stands, hair and tnawrasses curtains, carpets; all sort , of upbot taring work,. whiCh be will warrantequal to any made in the city; and on reasonable terms. sep 10 : JOHN SCOTT & CO, •- larec4ll *R' (finwigysin iii tail",‘Commercial Row, Liberty street, ..15.19:ay Pittsburgh. J DAVI TT „ferreted) , er the Iran City Cloth ing.St4ae, ia eaw engaged at the Twit awe Dooasovbere be will be happy to see his audforn?er customers, anobwiry tbew to the best of his 44 - Iriniymal4lt4rit Saks. New Books. AND PITTRBURCIII MANUFACTURES, =NW. JOHN McFARLAND, FOR nalic s otighs!Colds!!Consnmptio4 It! Hlli pleainnt and' certain cure for coughs and colds goes ahead of all the preparations now or ever offered to the public. The use of it is so great tht.t the proprietor has some difficulty in keeping a supply for the increasing demand. Medical agencies, groce ries, houses, and even bars on steam boats, keep a supplyon hand. It is called for every where, Ltnti will sell in any place. The reason is this everyone who hose cough or cold by eating a few sticks find themselves cured, as it were, by magic. Persons at a distance, by remitting the money, post paid, to the subscriber, will be attended to. For sale by the single stick. 8 j cents; five sticks for 25 mita; 'want wholesale by Wm. THORN, Druggist, 53, Market street, whete a general assortment of Drugs and Med icines may always be found. j 24. ED" CIS El AP HARDWARE.-Cli WHITMORE & WOLFF, Corner of Liberty and St. Clair Sis.,Pittsbargk ARE now receiving their spring importation of HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND SAD DLERY, to which they respectfully invite the atter tionof purchasers. Having completed arrangements, through which they are now receiving supplies DI RECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES IN ENGLAND, they shall at all times be prepared to sell at such prices as will make it the interest of pur chasers to call. • Always on hand, a full and general assostraani of RI FLE BARRELS AND GUN TRIMMINGS, PLANES, COOPERS, CARPENTERS AND SMITHS' TOOLS. Also, a great variety of LOCKS and LATCHES for building purposes, to gether with every variety of articles appertaining to thebusiness. alg-tf ErIBON CITY EIOTEL I -40 - FIFTH STREET, Next door to the Ezeitinge Bank,Pittsbotrgh. Pa Jaws* Boston, Propricitelh. RESPECTFULLY inform* his &iambi and the public generally that he has taken this well known establishment. and has had it thoro;'ghly re-' paired in all its departments; and it is now fitted up in a style inferior to none in the city. Epicures, and all lond of good eating. will find his larder bounteously supplied with all the necessaries and Worries the mar ket can afford. It will be the aim and pride of the proprietor to keep his eating department well stored, and in a manner suited to the taste of the most fasti dious. To the lovers of good lirittors,too, 1w ean withoyt flattery to himself, offer as gond and well furnished a BAR as is kept in the western country. The choicest wines and best of stronger liquors will always be kept in store, for ate accommodation of those who may fa vor hiuswith a call. Pl7Ts6oRilff. as•ly His &oak% for accommodating the traveliog pub. lir gnnerally, will he found ecintil W any in the city, The Stable is airy and cailactious, and the best attention wig be given to do; horses of those putting up at his house. a 18-4 f New Arrival of Queenirware & Okina. THE aubwriber would respectfully invite the at motion of the public to his present stock of White Glazed Ware,a superinrorriale, together with * select assortment of White French China,compriaing ail the necessary pieces to constitute complete sets ofDining and Tea were. Also- a general stack Of articles suitable for the sup ply of country merchants, to which their attention is invited, at his old stand, corner of Front and Wood streets. PWAam&rgh, Pa DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON CHESTS. PITTSBURGH, Oct. 22, 1842. Philadelphia. Cincinnati, 0., St. Louis, Me. y. } Louisville. J On Friday, the 30th of last month, a bout 9 - o'clock at night, the Planing, Grooving, and Sash Msnuractery, owned by Gay, Dilworth & Co., with a large quantity of &viscid end land:es/oil umber, was all consumed by firs: The Iron Sae thigh I bought of irtlei some Alma back was in the most exposed situation during the fire, and was entirely red hot. lam pleased to in form you it was opened at the close of the fi-e, and all books, papers, &c.,saved;—thts is the beat issormark. dation I sap giye of the utilijy ofyour safes. 021-tf THOMAS SCOTT. HE subscriber bas this day received, direct from 1 the importers, the following celebrated brands of cigars, viz: Congressios, De natio F 4. is aj oa g ie , Regalia, Palma. Canova, Louis de erarcia, Caradores, Pedro Gerano, Principle, T. Antonia, Ugues, Castellon, &c. Together with the best bands of Virginia Chewiag Tobacco (fine cot,) Snuffs aml half Spanish ami Com mon Cigars; all of which will be sold at the lowest possible pt ice for rash. M. M'GINLEY, Nobly Water at., a few doors from the Dept 18-tf Monongahela House. 1.1L&T8IM MR MOROCCO. RICHARD BARD No. ;01 Wood street, 4 doors above Diamond alley, • . FITTSBURQH. TJAS jinn received a large eappif of tinny York and Baltimore Spanish Sole Leather,fipper Leashes.; Philadelphia and Country Kips and Calfskin,. Moron. co of all. kinds. Shoe Bindings, Tanners' Qil, &c, dre. All of which is *red at the very lowest prices Alt cash. - Mei Chains and Manufacturers are respectfully hrri ted to can and a:vein's his stack Wore purchasing "Were • ri IL. L : eather of ail kin4a bought in the MR* ' 'autltt-cht? THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY HENRY HIGBY, Importaage Arrifal. Any quantity not escreabg five lbee"uld I mundsrl e Copper or five tons of Iron to be delivered within tea deys after the order shall be received, and one day will be allowed fur every additional thousand poem!, of Copperor additional ton of Iron that may be order: ed. It is to be distinctly understood, however,. that persons who may contract are not to have any claim Or privilege to furnish any greater quantity 4 hue' py Copper than may beexpressly ordercd. - It is to be understood, also, that when persons retitle at other places than those near which they engage' to furnish articles, they l on be required to strip& sod duly authorize some person At or near the place of delivery, to receive and act upon the requisitions . of orders which may be mode; nod in ease the person who contracts, or his agent, shall / neglect or fail to comply with the requiShiuns or orders he may receive for articles under his contract, in proper time or -of proper quality,. the officers or agents of the Navy shall be authorized to purchase the sautc, and the ertetfneteF shall be liable fur any excess of cost ores his contract, Separate proposals most ho made for each Navy. Yard, and for the Copper, and for the Iron, and the price asked per pound must be the same, fur gm, bolt and sh !et Copper; and for die round, gat end Nave Iron; that the ditrerent Iron may he correctly pflar pared. Bowls, with tom approved sureties in Dna dale tip estimated amount of the respective contracts, will be required, anti ten per centunt in addition to be with, held from the amount of each payment to by Ml*. 94 collateral security fur the due and falthfal TheitNlNulkO of the reTectiye contracts; which WW, op no fig CAM, be paid until the contracts are complied with in nitre: tqlects. After deducting ten per centum, payment will he made by the United States, within thirty days after, bills, dulyeertifiedippi - crie4, shall he Wesentell to the Navy A9ent - ve the Mtation Oros .1 1 107.01iPli pry made. The power to reject all offers froin persons who haws heretofore failed to fulfil their contracts with the goy, eminent is e*pressly reserved by thos Bureau. Ti, be published three dines a weisli until the 4ci of November next, in the Madisonian and Spacteter, Washington, D. C.; New Hampshire gazette; Mom ing Post and Daily Times, Boston; Journtl of Com, merge, Sun end Aurora, New York; National Enquirer, llorrisburgh. Pennsylvania; Sipa and Remblican, Baltimore, Md.; Enquirer, Richmond, Virgins; 014 Dominion and Beacon, Norfolk, Virginishi" Amerideu Sentinel, Mercury and Public Ledger, Philadeiphial Morning Post, Pittsburgh, Pennsylienbz, Oct. 8.-3towt3Nipt, thete,sinee en the Northistedte& BUREAU OF ORDNANCE 4ND HYDROOD4iB7, 1 84 /- D ROPOSALS wiH be received at this Boman wiz til three o'clock, ?. M., an Monday, the 4th of November next, for rengsking and delivering at the Owe heroin nan3o4, the following Cennim goi pes val service of the United States, vizt ' At Sacketee Harbor, New York. 10 eight-inch charubere4 Guns, of about ~3 gar 25 thirtyrtwo pander nipunberei Crabs, of igtoi4 cwt, At Buffalo, New York. le eight-inch chambered Guns, of about 83 two, 20 thirty-two rounder chambered qU4II, 0f10444 cwt, Mph, 4S Xrie, Peiszeivaissi,x, 18 eight-inch chambered Guns, of about 0.1 mg, each, and 25 thirty-two pounder chambered (13ou, pf abms 42 cat. each. SR the foregoing Cennon,te be delivered la the piar ces named by the 15th day of lone neat; to nonforre to such drawings as way be fyrnislied by the fla m y of Ordnance and iiptrogriphys to he subje,ct u, such proof, tests, and inqlection near the thumby where made, and such further inspettion at the peace of der firmd as may be directed by the Chief of ottid Aureog. ;Ad to stand such proof, test, and inspections as wild be to *nine sallsfactifie- Abotati ono ftwAh of tID number fail in any muticultst, at any ono kopontitoti, the whole lot offered shall be rejected, or such fog* test be sppktroil *0 Jim ttedetolord rAttossitry. The contractor to Oneida at bin ospooso an oppro , priate site for proving the Guns, The proposals must distinctly state the rate per toe of 2,240 pounds, and be endorsed "Proposals for fig, nishing Cannon on the Northern Lakes." The 4iitins to be cast of rite hest gummettd; no hog blast metal to be used ; the whole of the Guns to be turned, and the outfaces dressed ft,t4ii*4 pep featly smooth. Rows with two iwprowed Unities in one-baW the ;mum of contract, will be required to he entered iru to within fifteen days after the time limited for tar calving bids ; and ten per cent. of the amount of all bibs will be retained as collateral security,ieekliticaf ilsond given, for the fitithfial performasiss 'of the con e tract, which will be paid only on tbesnykifettopy com pletion of it; and 90 per cent. of nil daWseries ma& *ill be paid on all bilis propoperly authenticated ac cording to the provisions of the contract, within thirity says after their presentation to tke Navy E4F' To be published tar* a woo* in follow: ing papers; Beacon, Norfolk, Virginia t Old Dumiet ion, Portsmouth, Virginia; Requiter, Richman/it Vie einio; Modification, Globe, artd InkegiOncer, Wasik , ington. I). C.; Sun and Republican, BalSinore ; Azna, rican Sentinel and Mercury, Philaqleilpitia; Exeunt, Pon, and Aarota, New Vo4t; Daily 'Times and Up! ? ning Poet, Boston; Daily 14jortiog Post, Pittshurgh, Pennsylvania; Mornin g pug*, Tin, y9 F I F , oct4—taw Assigiume Soio of Mod Estate„ rrIHE andarsigrietl, assignees of Thews Atm*, Esq., offer for sale a very choice piece 4 land, of about twelve acres, situated in Reserve Township, and adjoining the City of ilaitgbenf, ilnd!kseing cart str "Tbe High Roug,h 'react'? *Pilaw Mill Rut Fora' in the plan of the Reserve Tract—adjuiniug land 4 James Gilmore, and others. It has been laid of Lots, and will be sold on terms of paytnecit to access* date purchasers. A plan of the Lots can be seen eg the office of the undersigned, 3d street. Pittsburgh. It is laid off in such a manner as to leave * sthn* eplarry on almost every Lot. and of a rare ghetto to persons who may want a quarry and a dosirabb bilbling ROBERT ROBB, THOMAS ' A ss i g nee ?: PC:OSS-1V