~>!~~.rslUl.+RFißs'sk a ~ Wt ., ; ~: =MEI nilre +IA - MEE ..~.: < .. DAILY, BY PFULLIPS x SMITH, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ; _ _ _ _ 00 4" VOL. HI. NO. 23. ?BRASH ED AND EDITED BY PHILLIPS Or. J!IIRT% 7cAie - ; - oriii•;44 ma Fifa Streets ~.Tents.—FiVel4 year , Pa abl:•r — r c 11C IA/ - CLPTB— fur sale at hicotner-1 e"ID ; Yews Boyd. The Weekly Idercuzy and Manufacturer I. publishest!ersheseete office, oa lilaublo medium •;met, at TWP DOLLARS • year, in advance. Sin & °vies, SIX CENTS. ~, ,, WPAn 4LIMIIITUFING. PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: Ono insane:Oa, $O - 50 We veinal, $5 00 Twi?.. do, 075 Two de., 600 1 00 Throedo., 7 00 Otte week, 150 I Four do., 800 Two do., 300 Six do., 10 00 Three do., 4.00 Olio year, 15 00 ,• YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. , 4111NOXABLZ AT PLEASURE. One 13400 re. Two Sq;cores. Sliiniinthq. $lB 00 Six months, $25 90 One year; - '25.00 One yoar, 35 00 - 17' . 1.arer ,nii . vcallseipeptftia proportion. 13 1 7tARDS of four linos Stx Dor.L•as a year. Public Offices, &c. City Post Office, Third botweett Market and Wood treets—R. M. Riddle, Postmaster. flualoatHoarse, Water, 4th door from Wood et.,re• erson's buildings—William B. Mowry, Collector. : C.ly Treasury - , Wood,betwoon First and Second treot—James A. Bart.ram, Trea.4nrer. County Treasury, Court U uian, next door to the laitorderf • Oitice—John C D.avitt, Treasurer. Office, Fourth, between Merketand Wood erects—Alexander Hay, Mayer. Merchant's Exchange, Fourth near Market st. Overseers of lie l'eor, E F Vratt, 4th street, 4 tasse Smithfiebl; I J Ashbridge, Verner's Temper ance House. corner of Front and Market streets. BANKS • Pitttbai•gh, between Markot and Wood street§ on third andF2urtlit streci4. , :# Aferetria.4'igniManaffsetarere dad raintera Pe -100 Bgnk, ( formerly Saving ) Fourtit, botsleen Wood Arid Maiket xtri.et.s. ="riellaage, •Fifth Mt. near Wood. • HOTELS illtpragokria House, Water street, near the , A:tax:age Hotel, corner of Penn and St Clair. Alerehonte-ifatielinorner of Thirlaad Wo Alteriesusigetet,cumerofThirdand Smithfield, • United Stales, corner of Pean st. and - dirread Eagle, -Liberty street, near seventh. Miller's Mansian Hottse, Liberty St., opposite N arm' tats24isrug's Mansion House, Penn St., oppodito ;anal. - .Q 4444 eitf frateli Fifth striek,:betefesm Wood -end Iliariset, Swats Boston, Proprietor. . .• - Dr., Dood's Coleinvaded Venial° rills. • rri HESE Pills are strongly recomtnetaled to the • notice of tadiel as a ate and efficient remedy in "minoring -thiue complaints peculiar to theirsox, from east- oiexereire, orgeneral debility of the system. Thin ihrinte co itivenesi, and counteract all tlystorical awl iaivtitisittlectlittis. These Pills have gained the sanc ion and aßprobation of the most eminent Physicians in Jor=liaited Stater, .anif many Mothers. For -salo , rilhokniale and Retail,hy IL E.SE.L LF:ItS, Agent*, servitl No. 3 0, Wood Street. below Sacemil lIDTBL A' BOARDING BOtr3 FItANK L.IN HOUSE. 11E Esuhscriber respectfully informs his friends 'and the public, that he has opened a Hotel and 3thardin•-House in Third street , a few d..)ors from Ar.sa. travelers and ot her will be uccomino -I,tted, on the m tat readorri'Jle terms. The bootie is spacious, and has been fitteJ up at consideralato ex 'penile; and every arrangement is made that will en cite th 6 comfort and ronder satisfaction to boarders avid lodters. A share of patronage is respect fully solicited. 111:11" •eIiftISTIAN SCHMERTZ. Coal V. D\ll nlvrayi keeps ccomil for thlo "rt, Yfononentiria voinrf, uhi,ve the Bridge acid at tle Basin, in Liberty st, next to Matthew Sloan's riarebbnie tio . ' wait+ he waritell . clicap as it can rcihnst.4l of any other - denies . • jet 7-..t1. SpOlicrashion. . fifF. iiibscribethiiii new on hand; iiiiiiiiib will conthiuo to manufacture; (athis - old 15 tan ci, N o 73 Wood street) the latert Atylz of HATS and CAI'S, which fur beauty and durability ,annot be ragweed. Thankful to hicfriends Rod the public for au liberal a patronage heretofore bestowed., he hopes to merit a cotuinuance of their favors. WLLLIAM DOUGLASS, Wood street, mlB-4m, . . • next door to the corner of 4th._ FRESII SPRING GOODS. CHEAP. PLACE FOR CASH. SIGN OF TIIEGILT C 05113. No. 108, Market Street, near Liberty. IF HE subscriber respectfullyinforms his customers said the public geuenally, that he has just recur n edirom .the east, and is now receiving as large, good and cbeap an assortment of variety goceLt as say tuber stablishinent in the city. Nlcrrbauts and others who swish .to purchase cheap. will please call at No. 108, and they will not be disappoitited. Therullowingcom r*s part of the stock just received. 200 d.rz.:coat and 6 curd spool cotton, 200 " Graham's 6 " 11 1200 " assorted, • 200 lbs. " Titley's 'shoe threads, 100' " " petcnt - thread.s, ' 200 . gross books and eyes, 150 pack. American pins, 190 " GermOn 175'tbousond needles, 180 assorted stay bindings, '350 doz: assorted fine ivory combs, '.soo " residing 14 560 a assorted cotton cords, 225 &flies shoe laces, • 30 ` 44 corset " J5O doz. cotton night caps, {OO " as ' sis'ted hosiery, ' 130 " gloves and mitts, - 25 gross assorterl'fans, - 300 . do. palm !sorbets, 'll3 pieces Ashburton lace, 160 " edgings ' • • • MO gross pearl buttons, t 75 • gilt x,60 " ." figured born buttons, - 120 lattlog r and japanned do • .50 ." fine English dres.ing combs, • - 'l6O '" assorted suspenders, }Pith a g,tuteralassortment of Variety Goods to numer , mato mention, which will be sold wbolestaleor retail, ;Wails for cash. C. YEAGER. 'apt:l3 ' To Printers. lirg have received, and will hereafter keep ccn V V atuatly on hand, a full supply of Print:snick In large and small kegs, which we , will be able to set: *roper than it has heretofore be& sold in this city. . Ortiers from the antntry accompanied by the cash (US ALL cAsta) will be promptly atteaded to. PHILLIP*, at SMITH. 10-60ffice of the Postandhisuahateare. - !. 4 • . ~ . ) ~ . ,• . , . 1 ; ~. ..,..„.. . . . . .. .. . i _ . _ ! :.• .- .." • ' 4 1 . ~ . t. t i A 4. . Ward and Asters, Dentists, No 118, Liberty street, s feW doors below St. Clair, ap 6,1843 H. Woodo,Attorsoy and Counsellor at La Office on Fcranh street, between GrantaridSznithield, a few doors from the corner of Fourth and Grant streets. Sept 10 . M'CANDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and - Counsellors at .Latr, Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House, imp 10 Pittsburgh. Francis S. Skunk, Attorney st Law, Fourth street, above Wood, •ep 10-ly Pittibargb, Pa. Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at Law Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield ser 10-y Pittsburgh, Pa. oyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Lam, Office removed from the Diamond to "Attorney's Row," shady side of d th, between Market and Wood sts., sep 10 Pittsburgh. N. Duckmaster, Atternoy at Law, Has removecilds office to Bearea' Inw Buildings, 4th st., above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sup 10 James Callan, Attorney at Law. OFFICE FIFTH STREET, PITTSBUROH• juno-13.1y Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourthstraet, apposite Burka', EirWita.tsx E. Ausrus, Esq., Will give his atten tion to my unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patronage of my friends. sep 10—y WALTER FORWARD. Staler & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Office at ;ho building formerly oecepted by the lied tea States bank, dth street, between Mart:mend Wood streets.. CidARI.KP sHAf.KR • Daniel DL Curry', Attorney at Law, " Office on Firth t root, between Wood and Smithfield ap 8 Pittsburgh. Hobert Porter, Attorney , at. Law, Office on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets. sep 10 PittAurr,h. 'teary 8. Diagraw,AttOrnay at Law, 1-1 - rentay . ed offit4e to his resideinio, m Fenrth st'., two annrg above Smithfield. " seri 10 Geo. S. Salon, Att.ruey at Law) Office on Fourth .trees, between Wood and Smithfield. IL4Conveytinning and °flow instruments of wri ting legally and promptly executvti mar2l-if John J. Mite - hell, Attorney at Law, Will attend to collecting and securing claims, and will also prepare legal instruments of writing with correct lleSS and despatch. Smithfield street (hear sth street) Pittsburgh. raft, '44 It. Morrow, alderman, Office north aide of Fifth xtreet, between Wood and Smithfield,. Pittsburgh. si•p 1 I)-tf Dr. S. B. Mimes, Mee in Second street, next door to Mulvany & Co.'s Gloss Warehouse. sep 10-y G. 1.. ROBINSON. . MCBRIDE. Robinson & Mcßride, Attorneys at Law, Office on Fourth, between ►Mood and Market its. 14P'Conve,unringand ether i ustrutnents of writing legally and promptly executetl. alO-tf Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth vtreet, between Wood and Smithfield, adjoining Paiterson's Livery Stables. PRACTISING EHYSICIAN 4. SURGEON, OPOffice, Smithfield ft,. near the Mlle: ef Sixth. ati—lV. Dr. A. W. Patterson, °lkea') Smithfield street, third door from the corner of sixth street. sep 10 Doctor Danietjeadial, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, I'ittsburgh. dec 10—y •HiILMAN, JF,NNINGS Sc CO, COTTON YARN WARZELOUSZ, Nom. 43, Weal Street, Agentsfor the salon( the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns mar 17—y NEW GOODS.--YRESTON & MACKEY, inolesale and Retail Dealers is English, French and Domestic Dry Moods No. 81, Market street,rittsburgli. sep to-y BILLMINGIIAM & CO.. Commissiea and Serarardiair Merchants, No. 60, Water Rtreet, Pittsburgh, ra. 117'TJGRMS.—Reoeh + ing raid shining, 5 cents per 106 - lbs. Commission on purchases and sales, 24 per cent - • inar22—y Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward linghes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse, No. 25, Wood st.,. Pitubesgh seri IG—y HAILMAN, SE,NNItiGS & CO., Wholesale Grooms, Commission and Pre duce Merchants, - • • And dealers in Piltsboirg* Manufactures. diet 1T No. 43, Wood. street. Pittsburg )- • . Blatthear Jews, Barber and Bair Dresser, - Has removed to Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's of fioe, where he will be happy to wait upon permanenror transient customers. He solicits a share of public pa sep 10. R. Ia.2II2cGOICTIEN, RECORDING REGULATOR, 'Office inilx.lll.lGTOti'S B uu.n :s, Penn street few doors above Hand street. j23--tf WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, For ' warding and CommtniSsiem Morel:net, and dealerinConntry Produce and Pittaburgh Mumsthe tures,No 28 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. HUEY do CO., Wholesale Dry Goods Dierclutts, No-128, Wood Slott, ' Third door above Fifth, West tide, Pittsburgh._ al • . CHARLES A. McANULTY, Forwarding suid Coixuaisiiicn4 DionVIIMM; AgentforU. S Portable Boat Line. &Tata transports. tion of Merchant:Butts and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York and Boston. j 3-1-11 JOUK PAR/AEI", (Of ile late firm of J. 4. J. Parker.) Wholesatla essiser r Deskit. in Producii, and H MANUFACTURES, • 1 4 1 , ct: 5, Coiciteßctea. it bry. _ mattlii4 Liberty sheet, , Pitubargla f Pitt 11 ) 2 / -3 r4 aDwAiebskatesori. George Watt, J D Winisuas, IIiTaR4RCY, PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY OCTOBER 5, 1844. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, HookasUers, Printers sad. Paper Makers, No. 37, Marketstrect. sop 10 JOHNSON & DUVA L, Blokbinders and Paper Rulers, C9ntinne . busineas at the stand late col M'Caullittu Johelmet, Every description of work in their linettaid.- ly and promptly executed. may 8,-y THOMAS 11. Your° L. YOUNG Tikes. 8. Young & Co. Furniture Ware Rnoms,eorner of Hand streetand Ex . change allay. Penman; wishing to purchase ft rniture. will find itentheir advantage to give us a call, beingful; ly satisfied that we ean please aa to quality and price. Rep l 0 . Jan Millwright; lITLER and Surgical Instrument Mannfacturor, V Nol4o Wood street, two doors from Virgin► al ley,_Pituiburg, Pa. N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment if Surgical and' Dental instrulpents, Banker's, Tailor's, Hatter's, Hair Divisor's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Teols, Trussei, du. je 24. Janes,Patt.erson, jr, Birmingham, sear Pittsburgh, Pa. manufacturer of 'looks, hingasancl halts tobacco , fuller, mill and timber s crew.: baleen screw. far rolling mills, dm. sep , lo-y _ Mai gratoaggr, Tailor and atatibr, Laierty stresa, between Sixth street and Vita alley, S oath side. sep.l9 Webb Cleaerfs Boot and Oboe adaingikktory, N0..e3, 4th st., next door to 'he U. S. Bai4k. Ladies p run en', kid awl, satin shoes made in the neatest manner, and by the neatest French patterns. sep 10 Birmingham & Taylor, •OIRTS' TOR STEAMER CLEVELAND AND 'IRON CITY LINE," TO CL6vIL•RD. 0. [Marla A. G.' RSIMRART. IZEINUMM & 'STRONG, • Ouccerors to; Llpycl sr. Ca.) Wlw.csale and Retail Grocers and Commission Aterckasets, No. 140, Liberty st., a few doors above St. Clair, familieS and others can at all times be it - 1 - 14'611A with good Goods at moderate pricea. f2B DISID, LLOYD: O. W. LLOYD. M HOLES/ME GROCERS, COMMISSION FORWARDiNG MERCHANTS, AND DNALIARS IN PRODUCE I PITTSDIVILDH NADU. al" Libered adostincei In rash or guilds tondo on consignmente, of produce, &c., at No. 142. Liberty street. ml 5 REMOVAI. JAMES HOWARD & CO. lIAVE removed their WALL PAPER WARE HOUSE to NO. E 3, WOOD STREET, between Diamenti alley and Fourth street, . Where they have on hand a large and spletnded as• sortment of WALL PAP F. It and Do R D RS , suitable for papering Parlors, Chambers, 1% alto, &c. - Also, a general assortment of WI icing, Letter, Pt int• ing, Wrapping and Tea paper, Bonnet Boards, &c. Which they will sell low far Cash, or in exchange for Rags, Tanners Scraps. &c. feb 22, 1844 REMOV A L. HOLDSHIP & BROWNE - LT AVE removed their Paper Store from Market _Li street to No. 64 Wood street, one door from the cornerof 4th stmt, where they keep on hand their us ual assortment of W ALL PA PERS. for papering par lors, entries, ehambers, Ire., a nd also PRINTING, WRITING, nod W RAP PING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS. all of which they offer for sole on ac commodating terms. feb 14 11143--dtf NICHOLAS D. COLEY/N Ltotu R. COLEMAN Coleman & Co., General Agents, Fbrieardieg and Connsissies AfercAants; LeveeStreet,Vieksburg, Mies. They respeethily so iicitennsiffnments. • n 44—tf William C. Wall, Plain and Fancy Portrait and Piastre Frame Manufacturer, No. at, Fourth ore et, Pittkurgh, Pa. CI AN PASS brusheaorarnishelkc., for artists, always. on band. Looking Gla.ses, &c., pnamptly ft a• med to order. Repairing done at the sborteatnotice. Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing at every description. Persons fitting stamboits or houses 1611 and it to their advantage to call. ^ sop 10-y Minalimbs:Tr or Tin t Copper and Sheet !ma Watt _ N 0.17. Fifth street, be tween Wood aniNarketi Keepscimstantly en band'agood r asturtnient of wares, and solicits a share ofpnblic patronage., Also, On baud, the foltoningartiolest shiwels, pokeni x utnga,freidiroes, sk illets,teikettles, pots, oven s, coffee naUla,&c. Mer chants and others are invited to call and exa,nine for theniscires,o she is determined to sell cheap forcash or appraved paper marl'-4 ORTRA/1 PAINTING. J. OSBORNE; Pert. P rail Painter, Fourth st, 3d mail Buries Bnil .I:Osborne would solicit a call from those who desire Portraits . Spcimens can be seen athis rooms may.s. A HANDSOME Coat. and Pantaloons, or Vest, 11 better made and finer cloth than you can get at the high priced establishinerts of the ciiiyl If you do, call at the Tiro. Big. Doors. We will Warramthem equal, if not superior, to any that yen be purchased west of the mountains. Bring the cash and we will pm you into • first rate suit in a few ,reroutes. If you prefer having your measure taken and your clothes made according to your own. notion you can bare it dune, and when it is done you will be wished beyond a deukt. Dcu'imiwahe the p!olge...L. . aoilri. mtuAKEY., mar27-tf .Theent Big Doors.No 401, Libeety. es- DR. W. KER,R,.. • :J9F,Llifonpet n. "-1 , " KERR & "MOH LTA, DRUGGISTS AND APPTRECARTRie Corner of Wood street and Virginalley, • No. 144, FRESH Medicines, selected and put op with Mire, can be had at all times, it Moderate. prices. larrhyficisuss' prescriptions carefully Oempound* ma 2-1 y - Picnic* tivailliolioin it titirjreonCeres. LL *sons hitting elaithi . einfost the &oat* of OliverA ()nimbi , Eninsideemmed, as 'well asilmed !mowing themselves indebied to the same, wilt pleime ,Present thetr 'mimics for settlement to C: •Vetas t iklo 'lO Water stleet, who is duly authorized to settle th 6 veld Estate; SARAH L. EVANS, febls Nildsgtaseettarivalisi libmidair t mANUFACTUREOtridsoId whogessaleend retail. sutra :Fruit', cot docarbelact SenithEAL act2l-Iy. ' c SIDNEY STRONG. D. &IL W. Lloyd, UIPACTURYI SAMUEL MORROW, flout you want 2=!l PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages At Eastern Prices. rrlHEsubscribersmaaufacture and keep constant ly on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (war ranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub. Bands, Stump Joint*, patent Loather, Silver and Brass Lamps. Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, &c., &c. JONES & COLEMAN. sep 10 St. Clair at., near the Allegheny Bridge. Removal—Leon Safes. JRESPECTFULLY inform my friends that I have removed my FIRE PROOF IRON SAFE FACTORY to Third street, opposite the Post Of fice, and avail myself uf tins opportunity to tender my thanks to the public for the liberal patronage which they have favored me with for several years, and soli cit a continuance of their favors. I pledge myself my Safes shall be made without any deception.. All my Safes which have been in buildings burnt down have saved allthcir contents. MTheyare kept for sale at my shop, and at At- IP/Oa, Jones& Co's, Dalzell &Fleming's, and at D T _ . Morgan's. JOHN DENNING N B. 25 Mils good New °deansSugar for sale. improved Magnesia Sass, MANUFACTURIT) BY CONSTABLE & BURKE, Aft* Street,betrees Wood and Saithfte/d, Pittsburgh, Pa. Trlli F. subscribers presenttheir respects to their nu merous friends for their former Ifte_relpatron age, and would take this method ofassuring them.and ,the public generally that all rnture favor s will be duly appreciated. Their articles have boon fully tastell, of which sufficient testimony will be given tolnyinquirer. The principles of their locks and safes are not sur passed in the Union. The price also is considerably lessened, and will be round as low,if not below any other responsible bone in the treloo. We would take this opportunity of thanking the va rious - Editors of this city and elsewhere, wbe haie spoken so highly of us and our safes. The public ere respectfully invited to examine our articles before purchasing ariewbere, feeling assu r ed the superiority of our manufaeturenill be apparent to all candid spectators. N. CONSTABLE & E. BEB.EE. N.B. Safer can be dhtained of any size or shape, or of any principle of lock or construction, of the sub sc, ibere, or of S Church, &conk' street, Pittsburjh, —ra. n2o— NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Monongahela Olotlihqr Store. FtNCIS, COOLEY and ROBERT LA/RD .1! Is Monts, ha . ving associatedthemielves together for the purpose of carying on extensively their busi ness. and fiued up a store on Water street. between Smithfield and Wood streets, near the Monongahela House. respectfully so] icittheipatronage of their friends and the public. Having just opened a Large assort ment of seasonable goods, and materials, and made the necessary arrangerneati, they are prepared to 611 all orders, with which they may be favored, with ,iespatch, and on the most reasonable terms. ' may 17-tf REYNOLDS & WiLMARTH. rorimrdinir and Aril, DIALERS It LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, 41.11 D PITTSBFRGH MANUFACTURES, FOR THE ALLEGHENY RIVER TRADE, Corner. of Penn and Irwin streets, L. 0. RICTROLDA t ' L. WILBURTH. J. X. Lou.O Oto comizz.z., Philad'a. AUCTION GOODS. - . JAMES R. LOGAN & CO., Fifth Street, betweei the Exchange Bank aged Wood Street, Pittrb'wrgh, Pa., Dealers in Staple •nd Fancy Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOCKS, .fc ALLEN KRA:4ER, • Exchange Broker, No. 46, corner of Wood and Third - streets, Pitt4barg Pa. Gold, Silvtir, and Solvent Bank notes, bought andaold: Sighteheeks ot the Etuiterticities, for Sale. Drofts,notss and bills,collectOd. • - R.17-getWele Wm. Bell & Jahi D. Davis,' ' F. Laiente; • S. Painter &Co., Josepl James May; Alex.Bronsen&Co. Beeveti&d.. , • 'James M'Candlese. • J. R. WlNsentlel. W. H. Pope, Ear., Pres't Bank • FOR SALE CHEAP. Two W.w and Pint Rote Stow ONE is 20 home power, 10 inch cylinder, sod 4 . formes/coke, willimrsold wither without boilers. •The other engine is 12 horse power,7>t inch cylinder, 3 foot strokeTtmerhoilerahont ..ong. 30 inches india.metet. These engines are made of the best ma tt;rials.and in the most substantial manner, and will be in sold on'acconiod.atiprterins. ' They can be Seen at the warehouse ofthe subSeAbir at any time. - .j24—tf • ' H. -DEVII4 States Line. • . cF BLAND, and 2 0Cari • 24 st.,,betwois Wood and Market,. • Respectfully informs.his friandr and the public that be is preparedmiesoctss all, orders for sofas, aildebmirds, Normals, chairs, tables, bedsteads, wands, lair and spring" mattresses, zuniim,.tarpeterallsbrat ordphol *tering work, which hewill s►arrantequal so any made in the city, and on rensousirkt mmis. asp 10. • - 7'ANITIIIBIII3III3P. T • H E thpclarsigned bow" this dap enctrect isitoport , pershipH, Car the purpose -trtdoing Treisspottap ihmk, Furwardiv. and Cogurdasiosbuoisisos oadertlte stryliandiinn of H Devino dice, H. roE,ME.. mar 211 , E.G Wit IiEfiIIDES. " • JOHN ReOTT & CO:, Wholesale Greens sari Chnoisissios War. No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street; at94y - • Pittaleurysh. 11 - 7 DAVIiT, honestly iff the Iran CityCleib V Va , hiff Shire, Winder nagged' at thei.-Teast Ms Noes, where he-will be happy to eisilis friend* s taheemeastesemysed eine them lathe best of hie 131111101711. L. T ti HE subscriber begs leave to return hisM 1 grateful acknowledgments to his numerous friends and the public in general for their liberil pa tronage for years past, and would earonstly'soficit a continuance at his new establishmeut,_No 84, Third street. (south side) between Wood and Market sts., and 4th door from Wood street, adjoining Mr Thonsen's Glass Warehouse, where, in addition•to the manufac ture of cabinet furniture, he has commenced-the Up holstering business in all its branches, and the manu facture of Windsor Chairs of every description,togeth er with a new invention of bedsteds fat superiortonny of the patent humbugs of the - day, the facility their construction affords will strongly recommend them to the puhlic, as they area perfect bug trap. The subscriber is determined to spare neither pains nor expense in procuring the latest eastern French and English fashions, and having secured the set-vitt, of some of the best workmen in the country he will be enabled to manufacture furniture of a superior style. Purchasers will find it their interest to call before pur chasing elsewhere, as he will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of furniture, chairs, mattresses, &c. M. KANE. jr. N B. Steam and canal boats furnished with uphol stery, chairs, and cabinet furniture, at reduced prices and with despatch. • al6-tf mik TH-E subscra . .erhasjust received from the Wu r =sery of Landreth and Ttilton, near Philadelphia, a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which he would call the attention of the public. F. L. SNOWDEN. • array 8. No, Liberty st. !le .d of Woad. WUlimn Adair, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberi.# rt. opposite the head of an:MAU. jrhe subscriber having-bought out thej stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, decessed,has commenced business at the old stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in his line, in the bestmanner, and on the shmiest notice. He keeps constantly on -hand a large assortment of shoe findings of all descriptions, and the best quality. He solicits the patronage of the public and of the craft. sap 10-y WM. ADAIR. FOR oughs! ColdeConmanption !! ! • THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY. THIS pleasant and certain cure for coughs and colds goes ahead of all the preparations now or ever offered to the public. The use el icis so great that the proprietor has some difficulty in keeping a supply for the increasing demand. Medical agencies, groco, ries, drugging. coffee /onset, and even bars on 'taun t boats, keep a supplyon hand. It is called for every where, and will sell in any place. The reason is this every one who basil cough or cold by eating a few sticks find tbnmselVes cured, si it were, by rilligic• Plvsons at a distance, by remitting the money, post paid,to the subscriber, willhort attended to. For sale hy the single stick,6l omits; five Sticks for 25 cents; slid at wholesale „„„. . by WY. THORN, Druggist, 53, Market street, wilere a generalaisortment of Digs andlledici ass may always be found. j 24. Horatio P. Young, Cabinet Maker, _ ( Late of tke,fires of Young 4. Al' Carsig) HAS commenced the ousinese in all its brancheset N05..2 Wood street, between First and Second stn., where he will keep constantly on hand a good as• sortment of well made. FURNITURE, end hopes, - bf strict attention to business, to merita continuance of the' patronage of the public. Every attention willbepaid to finuishing COFFINS, &e. A Furniture Car for hire. July 11 Merchants, MS' OBE A-P ABU" . ARE WHTTMORE & WOLFF, Corner of Liberty awl St. Clair . Sts., Pittsburgh A RE now receiving their spring finportatien of IA- HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND SAD DLERY, to which theymeepeetfully invite the anon tionof purchasers.. Raying completed arrangements, through which they are now receiving supplies DI RECT PROM THE MANUFACTORIES 114 ENCL,4I4D, they shall at all times be prepared to sell at such prices as will make it the interest of pur chasers to cull. .Always on hand. a full and general assortment of RI FLE BARRELS AND GUN TRIMMINGS, PLANES. COOPERS, CARPENTERS AND SMITHS' TOOLS. , _Also . , a great variety of LOCKS and LATCHES for building purposes, to gether with every variety of articles appertaining to thebusinees. • - al6-tf irrlgON OITT,II0 I raL,JA FIFTH STIAtET, PAISK 'door to the Exeitaitg e*Bank , Pittsburgh. Pa. , • , Jacob Heston, Proprietor, RESPErTriJiri informs his friends and the public generally that be has taken this well knows. establishment,. and has bad it thorooghly re paired in ill its departments; and it is now fitted up in a ytyle inferior to none in the city. 'Epicures, and all fondbf good inkling. will find his larder bounteously suripliettwiitrall the necessaries and luxuries tim- mar es renstfrowl. It will bo the aim and pridevf, the proprietor to keep his eating department well stored, and in a manner suited to the - taste of the most fasti dions. • Piiixi.trgi;, Pa ,Flo l 4:lPh*. cincirmati, st. Louis,Mo. y. > To the lovers • of good liquors,too, be can without flattery to himself. offer as good and well furnished a BAR. at is kept in the western country. The choicest wines and best of stronger liquors will always be kept in storeffo;the - aecomttibdation of those who may fa 'etW bithwith a tall. • fswilitiesforammodating the traveling pub lic generally, will he found equal to any in the city. The Stable is airy arid capacious, and the best attention will be given to the hortesof MOWS fruiting up at his house. alB-tf New Arrival ofQuee;tesvaro & China. MIME stibteriberirouid - respectfully ins ite the at -tentioss of tbe4ablie to kts present stock of White Qom! Ware, a euperitwarticla. together with a select assortment a( White French Chion,romprising all the necessary r!oces conatuute complete sets ofDining led Tea were. • Also. a general stork of articles suitable for thosur ply of country merchants, to which their attention is invined, at,hirold stand., corner. of Front AAA Wood streets. • sr, - . . HENRY RIGBY. DENNING'S FIRE P' • • IRON CHESTS. PITTSAVIAR, Oct. 22, 1842. " Ilemaisig; 0. Friday...the Nth of Use month, a bout 9 o'clock At night.. the Pliniej, G rousing, and Sark Mlnufactory. owned by Gay, Dilworth &to.? a large:quantity of dressed and tindrebstodlumber, tribal! nonsowieiby The Iron Safe which I bought of you souls tiros back was in the most exposed situation during tbt *214 wts.ontirely red hot. I ten pleased to in. forrn you it *is owned at the close of the fi.e, sad all boo)* papers, ike,ssivedt--sls is the best monomer, tineiesi can give of the utility °cyan. safes. o^_l-tf THOMAS SCOTT. troi is i ato trimpreViedoN • • the-bate her, [ or • • br, 77 - »7-77 Ire& pmempliZ; . sow* Pesch Trees. PRICE, TWO.CEN" jl34ilaktitLi = .trtsements. • T eriEfiAt Produce, AV`one;licw fk,dWiadmiion Also, Agent Untied States Bonil;te Boat - tine NO. 272, MARKET ST., MILLI*Id [g'Liberal advanced - widow donsigausem requited. Refer to—Messrs Wm Wilson &, Temple; Heald, Wood% ard &Co.; Scull PAi/ado William 311Cniglat CO4, Chula, A. MI. atig24—ly7 . - , Pittelm dr. W. P. COi;MYER, • 'Wholesale Dealers IN Bost*, Sheet% stets. Pale Leaf Bate *ad Caps NO. 'l9O MARKED ST. PRItADEL! THEY beg leave to ipfcir to Western Mearbi they have a apigadid esaortnnitit of the , Goods, and arc still stierufautering lattely, whir will sell at the very lowest prices fet!Cash, or at credit. aug • 40•42pil -2•414.4- • - - • "son g _ BOOT AND StIO.OIANVFACT No. 233 Markel - Street, Nottiroal '.41‘244 'ATONIC: PAilarlt/41. , WESTERN and Southern Mercitenta fully invited to call-and emaraise hi, he feel' confident 'halt-will be to their fore putchaaingelaewheie. ' • eug 6-Iy HARDWAR-E AND 'CLITTiE SERlTait,' do NO. /88 MARKET' ARE now .receiving Fn nActiilon`to stock e.. - large aesortnvent - nf fOr DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND• which they invite t4e emotion of Western nog ezty • Star CandlOs. C NE tear saved .ia two cense signed : Ojantin Franidira and se Will ati-wits S. Gwy nnere STAR CANDLas. Thoy, trial, that the price, at which the subscribe% makes them coke as cheap as Milow caikfil in claanlinesA and beauty, they are equal tr at the same time,they remain perfeft , " perature of 140 degrees, being much e• summer's. two. A LI ARRIVAL r I F IRew Gacits, at AtoEo & SM'Czut► IL-lable Head quarters, N 02 5 .1 newest styles and mostsplenslid gonds that to tltu market is to be seen at (Mr establii would invite the attention of purchasers stock, which for 'variety and riehite . as of be 'excelled. In catering for the taste of era we ere determined not. to be out do- ments have been mado by us to secure evet ,rgoixls upon its arrival in the Eastern mat) as the beat Paris monthly reports, which regularly; neither expense or pains shall' making our establishment THr TASHLUt rt.TARTCH.3.OI . the West: and we trust te by our old patrons, as well as a great man: whom we shall not fail to please, as tie tit ty is egtml to our inclination. *apt 2 . ALGEO & !Kr Chronicle end Age capy. NNW Fall and Winter 83 MARKET STREET, PITT& B. .E. CONSTABLE, NVITESthe at tention of purchnsera ti 10.11.1 bed 0.04 cf.Faxey sad SLaple this or any other market, and which he adding to from the Eastern markets. the smaHest advsnee from the first. cost:, A large assortment of the newest styli in colors. black, blue bleak, utriped, f Indian; cashmere etcoase of latest Pi mduslin de laintus, newest designs; cht and fiestas; Eoliennem splendid Freed latest patterns; embroidered and plain tl melville and monslin de lime Shawls, and black, plaid and mriped lama wool styles. New style of French Primer ' every variety of style from 6i cents t French Merino:m.2+A quality, in mode black Splendid Parisian style ofbonnet assortmani of now style bonnet ribbon' upwards; varieut styles o' newest neck tificial floweret bijou French kid floc and light sal dark colors English thr, gings; Lisle, Ginpure and other style" lace taps, new styles. plain and Spur capes and coils. PlaiD, Hemstieh I cambric bdkfa. , French embroider cone:ens; blue, black and'olereci." changeable modefor dcc - Frenob W ladies' cloaks; figired french Mei ford% high eerti ;41'1111'41s fm parcia,plain and figured plaid. al Parametta Clottut,Zenobia cloaqd. . For Gesilemnes French cloths, miss of Enfltati, rind. caul meres, the newest styles is Targe precedentedly cheap; Valencia', Ice/ Vestinga; Cravats,. Scarfs, Glotres,Susi miscast/netts af the newest.. With irrety root ,be 'bond in a wail selected stock of Dry, Qva l--tf. Musical lastaillisiaMir rPßE,absctiber has just received, told I mporwrs, an :lairs stock of uses*, Or the Met rrera afld -tititiat. atui of the latest improved:Vitra:we OW Frisch fhphiosholas in B, with keys* skirt Cornetts in cassis, with throe valves IFS* E /hit Clarineas, and vary seperitir; Trot* ism and Attn: tre n d, Horns'. with fain. we *is Freneh Valve Trumpet*. in burial fiat Bi Drums, Flutes, Fifes: Vlulhists, Cliritatitt Reedit. Music trisiMnsie Paper Igr 'wry Baylis supplied with - of laivtuatinta at tbe losrimt Driest; JOhN 122 *boa street, above Fifth. sr Ciere(nesi @here. wax. arA.T4 POWDER JIANIIPA 011--4 m. H ft Ali .pc f CM] RnUPGE, J: S. GN I , Franklin