Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 01, 1844, Image 4

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    • ix °
• •• • • it
.4/17 {ha #llfiy,
a 0 W . 014,` 7%I:YEN . 1111441041:- 4 .- ,
. .
Written everefisly for the N Y gjiirit of the Times by .
ilk! `.okl
ota-4oul deeds will rise
'fho'.all-tbezerth overwhelm thein, :to mareli eye& '.
, . .
'rotas latrwaud miduight.darimess
Hidtha beavent like a pall
-.;Wiu3n_the "Uld.'Un" went to handle
Ligatirn vilre at Park flail.,
Anil With his companion,
76 roti'a.zifiti:st him; came,
• `Su point to the A - nciPot -
lei Y>Ye scinniie eif - thei game.
AL; "nierei;% , eney "e.ritter.
ber-keeper then
cliV.einhiti:Wari . he othie imxl.
lalidifenterc4 tjteie two men.
Th eee•heened-veryliimly,-
...And the gaiiki- decanters it nod
In tthaitly .teute upon the shelves,
....‘,Likeoateeeteluil of *lota
Ara the iirtarvemicc leniorrs -
• .. A. aid:4%l4g lit 'reflected,
Alla along z ha-bur-room floor
..-StatctreAttadowlbtlsey projectod
-- .
'Thengut nod epoke the .‘!.O/d 'Un"—
‘,lltouiv.up naJ get the key.
TtintiP the Diorama. Flail
Avea.. Al /eye."
sick-7has cut hie atick—
A bsrpurtutating pr.
ArnY if Ye 'FRI, gbscrve that ye .
Must act :crn up
teaw," the 41 'ma aid
- 41'o . r;ne who . !oves the game' .
'nB he fiC % ; vh - ol:loodlitiside him there
grilifellioid endorsed the same. • .
• ....... • •
. .
- - Vie pins a m set--the fingers er,t—
-• Tne nliPan tares his stand—
IN eye . in on the 'Gs—
"Acid hi• Lail is lifhis hand.
Vvliy*ihriaks-the tha t l--wlait. appears
- Cup of jo);7
. 714! ,§tiirlding ruLy
Iridthig'vapthe ;tea pinlruy.
''Say; buy ivliy come you Hof bCforel
13r ally tialie" here at all?
for tlie - old - Bay Stine 'clear.the track'
Or lOdk old cut The
nit "dumb tltblltllr hiafer itoo'd
- Like a•mere gketch of aleiy-
Witira very fticledjacket
- And pate tierti of cordtihoy.
And Au he stand so very Aim
.And-lane end lanky tiwre—
The . who is fond of pens
- sacclutused 4 .'we'vo got a spare."
• srsdled. i rrituly—but he 6;0(4
A:ike•sotrredsiug• not
'- "A•14 1 11WiWil! thre4f " the 'Old 'lin said,"
;•• , 2p.y.Jqtts.r.l...lllet drive!"
:Due! two! tlireer whiri! off trent the ball
- ' boy kept tin his pins—
titled sbectug/i kis-sbetiovia "balks itAFtrve!
%lilegren shrive us of our sinest
"Boy! set'em err' he-moves—he stirs—
': - to do. his *colt—
Ilia glides towards the bowlers
' Up the alley duskiind mirk.
1 t'list, - genttioo men the boy said he--
roller pot the trade
did afore they Inarle J ny b e d
tVith mattock and with spade—
, •And L was took to , my_ last home
And the dead wood 11441,..
, . .
- 'll - svag an orphan—An' my dad I
• And moo (tied long ago--
'Am& tranut hero to seystri pins"-
- -Tho Oki 'tin snitr-;—“Juet so.
'...Tho folks •raa very kind to me—
: Life rolled ea like a bell,
it seemed a kind of Porudise—
.This Dioramalien.
. .. . .
. . . .
"One night thero• came a strasy,er,
1-hurt id men Wes.;be, -,• .-
Alia be gave his opine ae stdster Blued
•Frum khe §tnt i e eflleineseee.
`"Ohl 4104ai aimed to . the teeth
And overgrown with hair,
A froin beheitfli bled' bushy brows
!Did his cat-like peepers. glair.
He belted brinunk tly the pint
And bis breath it.wavio strong,
It b>roke•the tutribler4itsni he drank,
- And his <voice was - like a gong:
. .
"Du nn went.the pins before his ball
Tike rye before the rain,
• No soonerhad /vet 'erre op
: Than down they came again. •
"Sp_ures. ten-strikes.calve as thick as hall,
Eris teeth be firmly set,
.He grasped his ball and cried—By Jo!
ilcan do better yet,
-"What dreadfUl menning in . that boast!
. t never hedrif the like,
'l3ut the clock it st ruck eleveu,
"And he goni"levan strike!
:‘!Down went the pins--urt flew the ball,
•^!. :And. Irit we on the head— , -
And quickerthensteikeil lightning,
• Afg aeries, I war dead. '
4. -- "He.bgaste4 pc Ids.evil deed—
tie broke into a roar— -
And crielfralood, "I've'done thatliliat "-
Cievein timed before."
- "Bv! Landlord! there''. a . 11imey'—
' Cone! Pua't be crzss or coy— -
.„_.,„Tea,clollars,,{ 9 : your alley,
, it..adaine4y, (or your boy! -
`aßlit guilty - conscience haumed him—b
Ffe raved o'er land rind sea--
:Sofnetimes lie was in (.:attada,:
Sometimes in Tennessee.
4 .lilnt never from that moment'
- iintW he tin hour of juy:, '
'Till be was-gouged and bit to death
in a sgoin. in Illinois..
To wino thebowlers here lentil Hight
With spectral strength I've *Riven--
Be satisfied oritk a ten strike,
Nor reek to get eleven !"
He failegSrosty their ststring eye*
Tbut cuphat, boy—.
i In his sopuichrul jacket
And his tights of COI durQy.
-The twinkle of his battens
Was lost in wreaths of mist
flisat drifted through the casement
By Oke ghostly moonbeams kissed.
acndue told the story
But few believed she sale--
A/xi biased drat.the spectre
,War born of gin and ale.
Ltlut ne'er a drop Gleamed ale
.Was tasted on Abet night
AIM o.f F. nonlegal it wad
A veritablesprite.
BOSTON, Sept-2,1844.
' ' -- 4. 'r e. OCartfrinir Passar tuff c
• I '''`
Nilallir — liteallt AND LIVERrOOL
kl4iiirrir -.. ‘ . r
----. a trainin g r. 1
r.--iiir e,rou
-f1.,. 4
or =end inc for their ft ien_44oq ... c o mp 4.v. t l i prn , 0144 ,, , , t
sit , th , ist ti3l:itaitt to ibeittitterpierle.rl itilangetnellty' tin
both sides ofthe Atlanric,torhriving passengers brought
fur ward with despatch.. They are also prepared to
remit monks by drafts payable throughout the United
Kingdom tompare pa.senger.fol the voyage. _Pei.-
sne reskiiiifut a diqrafiee VW, by writing to either of
the 9 utnieriberA,.aseertain the prices of passage, &c.,
and by a remittance of tbi r nocesAary amount with the
Milne/3161 kgitibnee of the per.ons to come, a certifi
cate will be at once sent fon% ail' by tile first Packet
Ship, arid all necessary information given.
Apply to, or address JOHN.HEEHOMAN; f 1
• No GI, South street, NOW Y-0,4 14Z
Water street, Piusbnrgh
Pitman answer, ox
T HE subscriher has just returned from the Eastern
cities, where he has put chased the most magni
ficent assortment of
Ever o fereti Mu, City!
which-he is ..now receiving, and to which he terftes
tht attention of his customers and the public generally
who wish to supply themselves with
The very libersEruttronaire which his friends and
the public have heretofore been pleased to bestow on
14s establishment, has induced him to purchase
• of all binds ofgcods in his line, and of a superior qual
.ity to any thing which has heretofore been offered.—
The followingilalistofa.partofthisassortmentwhich
he offers to the public, ail of which he guarantees are
in the mostfashionable Eastern styles,. and of4lthest
quality-Vint Sitile , fgrifelmason.
SUP AhhAeK, BLS $; v#3l.fli,E
--- • ,
He particularly refers to a lot of beautiful Frebelt
clothe and - caasizneres; rimy style, which he is - imr
dent cannot fail to please. • They are of a. Utast ex
- Rich and crqnisite patterns, ix the
latest styles,
A large variety of patterns.
beautiful patterns; and cc:lawn . vesting& of every de
French and 'English Fancy stylea—suitable for every
description of
Also, all kinds of goods which can be found at any
establishment in the dity, which he oilers for sale,mide
or unmade, as cheap , as any dealer in the city.
Thelinderaigneii Offersihe•above extensive and va
ried assortment of seasonable goods foritale et a - small
advance on their original cost,end keeps - them constant
ly on hand, mealy to make for his customers. His pri•
cos are to snit the times. -His goods are all made by
Pittsburgh workmen, and are warranted to be of
'The public are invited to mill and examine for
themselves. • P. DELANY.
P.l if No 49 Liberty st. 9. doors from Virg in alley.
Pittsburgh inSruzary,
Fla Ike RemovaleDeformiliesof H um_ Frgnte .
and of Diaeatia pf PIE rie: • -
rPHE :ins :awaited S the Ski and in
nn Jyrrrn, xXlCTl7;rthri-Vde:ti:
Lion • no& tenant`Viti •nd.rn tiers, t . akt afi
Club or, flected feet, cantraelcd joints, torg-nce4
and siloaanetve or Squigting, nod ofDiseases °Jae
There is' no Institution of this kind asyet i s this cows
ry, though much needed.
Patients from a distance would find it to their acr
vantagetry be - operated ton rind to be ttuended to in an
establishment exclesively devoted to the restoration of
the above named defurmitiek and diseases.
Theesity smog's to F'ittsburgh, one of the healthiest
spotaia the cduntry, by riverand ennnl,•almost at any
season of theyear, woUld offer great facilities fur those .
desirous of being mlieved.
His ample experie4e and well known success give
sufficient guaranty chit the welfare of those entrusted
to his care will be gre4tly promoted.
Liberty, near the comer-of Fourth street.
July 3-dtf
Wholesale Druggists, Grocers, am., ..
WOULD be consulting their own, and the inter
est of their customers, to-a very greet extent;
by purchasing Spices, Drugs and Dye Wooed. in the
Kastern markets, whole and. in sticks, and getting
tthem ground and chipped at the Franklin Menefee:Lo
s:7, Second street.
It is not generally known, but nevertheless true, that
Drugs and spices sold in the East, are lowopin price
than whole, of course fbe:prefit and cost of...grinding
must be made up by adulteration; dye woods have . at
least 15 per cent, and in Borne cases 25 per cent, of
Water added to them. Now water, dust, cornmeal
and Litwin' meal are plenty here, and we can.eat
them in their purity, if so it pleases us, Without:pay
ing a pepper price with freight and premium added.
Cinnamon, Allspice,
Nutmegs, Gumeric, ground,
Ginger, Gum Arabic,
Gum Aloes, Gum Gamboge,
Pumice Stone, Lac Dye,
Indigo, Logwoodli
Cloves and Mace, , rustic '
, _
Mustard, " * - : 10C;voocf, '
Gum Scamony, - ' • Cam Wont,: ~ '
Manganese, , Brazil Wood !.,
Nut. Grails, -.'
. • ' Lima Wood, chipped,
Pepper, &c. &c. &c.
! The Proprietor will not detklin euy of the articles
be. grinds a s a guaranty that all the articles intrus4
to him shall remain as pure as when sent to him.' - N. -.. ..
N. B.Lard-Ctil constantly on hand.
_july2o4l. J. S. GWY
T„TAVE removed their office to Second street, three
;ILL doors from the corner of 2nd and Grant en—
nead the Scotch Hill Market. Mal
leXcnAslD BARD.
No. 101 Wood street, 4 doors above:Diamond alley,
AS jest received a large supply of New York and
Baltimore Spanish Sole Leattwr,Upper Leather,
Philadelphia and Country sips and Calftskins. Moroc
co of all kinds, Shoe Bindings, Tanners' Oil, &c,
All of which is nffered.. at the very lowest prices for
cash. -
Merchants and Mannfacturers are respectfully
ted tocall and examine. bisovtook before purchasing,
B. Leather of all kiadit brought lathe rough.
sug2B,dtf- •
B.Besatiagivionaty Surveyor and City
nefulidar, ,
'ETAS registered his efEceici the rooms' occupied by
:LA. John Mitchel, Esg, ou Smithfieid,stear Fifth
V. A. D.
Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Vesting:,
cassizietts, &c. &c. - -
. . _...._.
ana sur,yyit - juit • fylik tie
i ryt HE anaehlw,-- ntaf4t c hi c i n r i‘a permanently
-,, the business of Surveyi ngand Civil Eng i nee ring,
. ,
orient* servjcaa to tlie pub4c.
, --
I 1164 liig - ltiliii'leiy eittenirve 'p .- it'etrdita Srr c 2 W
Re niington in' this-vieinirl, he reels vhirrantr:d in say
ing t i nt his experiOnce anti practical knowledge will
tte ad vantageons to thcise -who may emrdaylitm . :Fir
**is iaterestest it reigestate will fir/dirt-his office fillins
of ate•City-City. District, ;"Reserve Tract,: appoitita
P . gtsbutgb,". t‘Yenor of. Pittsburgh;' Bintiiagfiam,
Laa . rcuiceville. and lota and Earinceaitending several
miles around Pittsburgh. R E McGOWIN.
Office, Perin:sura3t; skiew:iloots•above Hand,
r+ en:.. -,E....: •• • Pittsburgh
R E;P4 ft fi MI C-Z - 15 : •
Richar4 Bitkltteklil. - . P: hfulratic,
Wi{son Sr.q.andieise,isq.;' James S. Craft, Esq.,
John Anderson; • . Hon. Hamar Denny,
William Arthur., Chas. S. Bradford; E,41
R. S. Cassat, : I
0: Mitesdf, E. •
. raoThciae ()FM) fricadlic et 4 die.4:4loPc wbc may
wish to have recants° to any of Any.patziere, iiraoghts or
plane, will hereafter find them inj..he,ofileo of R E Mc-
GOWIN, whom I respectfully recommed as one in
whose professional abilities and Nippily , they mey de
mB-d.tw ly
k:MOVA L.—The undersigned begs ,leuve - to its
form the, public, that' he 'hal removed' froth his
oastaed, to the corner of Pettn:nottSt. Clair str., op
posite the Exchange •thitel, where he has fitted up
large Putto , FunneWißis Room, - and now offers the
most epleudid assortment tlf PrAsos ever offered' in
this market.
idis -pianos consist of difFeient patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and
modeled, and construct throoghout of the very best
materials,, which, for durability and quality of tone, as
well as touch, ho warrants to be superior to any ever
seen here. , . !• -
As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made ar
rangements to supply
.tbs . jucapasio A -dem and for this in
strument, he respectfully requests those intending to
puttbase, to ,call and examine - his assortment before
punt hasing elsewhere, as he is determined to sell LOW
int , forcaxb,thatiany other establishment east or west
oldie mountaieti. • F. BLUME, _
'Corner of Penn end St. Clair streets,
Opposite the , Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa.
rep 10._
T HE Allegheny Mutual Ineurance Cmnpany,
menced issuicigipblicies the 18th May last.
The Policies and applications for Insurance four
times exceed the amount its charter required to com
mence with, creating a load already sufficient to meet
any probable loss that may occur; as is tested by all
the reports of well conducted institutions of the kind,
and daily augmenting its capital by the accession of
new members.
The,terrns of Insurance are as favorable as those of
any other institution in thaeity, and its principles need
only be known to vastly increase its business and ex
tend its usefulness.
Lot 0 Reynolds,
Thos H. Stewart ,
G E Warner.
E W Stephens,
S ft Johnston,
Harvey child,.
W,Robinson, Jr.,
John Sampson,
Jaws Wood,
W Bagaley,
Sylvester Lothrop,
John Morrison,
... _
rill HE subscriber afters for sale a
I. large and splendid nssurtment of
PIANO FORTES of ditferent patterns, warranted to
be of superior wet ktnanship, ander *behest intact-WIN
the tone not to be exceeded byttny in thecountry.
Culler of Penn and St. Clairstreet3,
cipposito the Exchange.
Commercial ACaderay.
Al R. -STEW A Iti would announce to the citizens
of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and vicinity, that he
has opened, on Fourth street. near the corner of Mar
ket and 4th,a Commercial School in which are
all the branches that constitute a mercantile educe
Hours of Attendance.—Gentlemen attend when
sotto; their convenience.
Writin Class, et 2 o'clock P M.
jur k e 4.-tr
..arle 1 filled CluthaOre Cloths ,
A MONT and elegant article' for summer wear
411,Tweed Coats of every variety tipd color, iogether
with a large assiwtinent r hew style light panta,loon
stuffs andvestings which we are pared to cut and
tr.ake to order, after the o lutest aw most approved
styles, at very moderate rice's.
The pi incipleon which this concern is conducted,
'to consult the interestof our customers, as well asour
own, by manufacturing n good article, and selling at
prices that cannot 6si ho meet the approbation of every
purchaser. We-trust to realize our remuneration in
- ready sales and quick returns.
Fashionable Head Rnarters,2sl Libertyst.
jtity 21 -
THE subscriber has opened' an 'establishment at
No 66, Wood street, a few doors from the cor
nerbf 4th,where he keepicOnstantly for sale allkinds
of LOOK I NG GLASSES, at Eastern Prices.
He has on boo a large assortment of Glasses in both
gilt and mahogany frames, to which he invites the at
tention of customers, believing that the quality of his
articles and his prices cannot fail to give satisfaction.
Pictures framed to order, in neat style, in either gilt or
mahogany frames. •
Canal boat and other reflectors manufactured to or
deron the shOrtest notice. 'Old . frames repotted arid
melt; so as to look as welras new, on the shortest no
tiee.' • J T MORGAN, Agent.
mar 23-tf
Allegheny County Mutual Insurance Compa
ny are now prepared and read) to receive applica
tions for Insurance, at the office of the Company in
Exchange Buildings, No. 1,2, Tile method and plan
of Insurance according to the plan onwhich this Com
pony hasbeen organized, hasheen fully tested and uni t e•
versally successful in other pa rts'of the State,in the East
-ern States, and in New York and Ohio; the rates of
Insurance generally, not exceeding the .4 of one
per cent. per annum. •
NOTE.—Each person insured becomes a member,
and will deposit° his note for the premium with the I
Secretary, upon which,s per cent.. is required to be
paid in cash.
L. WILMARTH, President
JOHN B. Ronticson, Seoery—
Pittsburgh, April 29, 1844. - "
Wm. Robinson,Jr.,. - Lot 0. Reynolds,
John Sampson, Thos. H. Stewart,
James Wood, G. E. Warner,
Wm. Bagstley, . E. W. Stephens,
Sylvanus Lothrop, S. R. Jahnewm.
John Morrison, _ Harvey Char t la.. j
apr. 30—t f: ' -
Civil ihuguesehmir, Architecture, Survey
... lag, Sec.
THERTNERSIIIk beretofore existing be
tween A. E. DRAKE and E. Z. C. JUDSON,
having been dissolved; the nedefeirrted wcirildrespect-:
fully inform his friends and the public generally, that
he will continue the business - and would solicit a share
of the public patronage. O rders
left et the shop of F.
A. Stafford, Architect; over Harris' Paint Shop, Sth
street, or at his residence on Hay street, between
Penn street and the river, will be puncloally attended I
to. A. R. DRAKE.
july 15 tf
Pittsburgh Powder BUIL
HAVING purchased these extensile Powder
works, I em now msnuacturing and prepared to
fiUorders for all kinds of Rifle, Sporting and Blasting
Powder, which 1 warrant to be aftbe very hest pint
IgrOrdersieft at Parry,Sestt dt Co's. Warehouse,
1 - 30 Wood street, will rece.bm prompt' attention.
No. 144,
Corner of Wood street and Virgin Alley.
p r
IiST received and for sale, a large assortment of
fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dr-Stuffs,
&c. which have been rerentlyseiccted, and purchased
with considerable care for Cash. The following com
prise part of the stock just. received'
Gum Camphor, Spit its Turpentine,
Cream Tartar, Copal Varnish,
Fier. Sulphur, White Lead,
Castor Oil, Red "
Gum Arabic, Litherge,
Epsom Salts, flaxseed Oil,
Fl Manna, Vcnitian Red, Eng.
Gum Opium, . Sp
anish Brown,
Gum Aloes, Chippei Logwootl,
fllorCatnemile, Cantwood, ,si
Saltpetre, Fustic,
Jujube Paste, Nic Wood,
Herd Liquorice, Brnsilletto,
Liquorice Ball, Indigo,
Magnesia, Nutgalls,
Pow'd Ginger, Oil Vitriol,
Nutmegs, . ''''' Aquafortis.
With a general assortment toe numerous to mention,
which will' be sold for Cash at a small advance on
Eastern prices.
UP Dr WILLIAM Krua'will give his attention to
the compounding of Physician's prescriptions. m 3
•• Seasonable Dzy Goods.
Utley & Co.,
No 123, Wood Street,
ARE new receiving a fresh stock of Spring Dry
Goods, which they have lately purchased in the
fast, entirely for cash, and they flatter themselves
hat they can now offer such inducements as will make
t the interest of all purchasers to give them a call, as
they are deterinined to sell goods cheaper than any
other.house west of the mountains. al
, eorgo or, merchant
HAS removed_to the room on Fourth street, next
doortir the- Methodist Bookstore. lately' occu
pied by Wm. K. Austin, - Esq., where he will be hap
py to serve his friends and customers and the public
generally, with all work in his line, which he will
warrant to bo well made and in the latest and moss
fashionable style
T"flasien lier basjost received his aunutu supply
i 'Of Landretb's Garden Seeds, consisting in part
of the following kinds—all of the last year's crop, and
Asparagns, Eg
Plant, l g
Parsnip, ip:Beets Endive, l'eas.B"ns nKeei r_itzrmLeek, Pumpkin, Bromon
, ..
Lettuce, Radish, Borecole, -
r Water Mellon, Rhubarb Cabbage, , I
Musk " Salsafr. Carrak,
. Nasturtiums, Cauliflower, • Spinach,
iSquash, Celgry, . Okra,
1 'Tomatoes, Curled Cress, _ Onion,
Cucumber, Parsley,
Vern, 'Mustard, (white and brown) &c,
&c, &c.
Together with a variety of pot and sweet herbs and
flower seeds.
('Orders fur seeds, shrubs, trees Sic, from gar i
deners and others will be received and promptly at
tended to: . F L SNOWDEN,
jan 23 No 184 Libity. head of Wood.,
nra l x sis Fr a 4 favr0m,414".4..
sgeoiis I f
THE undersigned very. respectfully tenders his set
) vices to thepublic, asiclto hmporters,Merchants
I and Mann fct rers, as-a general
He ha:4 tat en out a license_ afici,enti.red into ' the 'securi
ties required by law, fOr the transaction of Puat.tc
SA.L ICS Of all Fonaiort N D "DoMESTIO GoDDs" A
An experience of a series ofyears in comrnercial
life 'ltas furnished the undeisigned with sorr.e know!
edge of business, aetlrly twenty years of which have
been' deYoted 'artivity to the titicriati. business,
Whiebinitry be ndWaritigentrs to thOSe . n . -hio 'conAde to
hitif the rates offiropertY. , •
..„. , ••• •
To thelm PORTZR every facilityiwil ,
ibu'ortereg in dis
posing of Dry Goods. Groceries and-Haidioare:
and to tlhejfeete,4lll . lo3FAciurle, die Inst. TrumPt nt ";
tent' 1911 i?ep . aid imilc l iale, of 4,.mergifliar ~fcfrt:
stekli - 45efa4 . .1,- 0 , 1 . 1 , 1 .„ . t a i . t r ..., 14 ,p4 A14 1 cou -
t 7 a iluff.coerßiiiid, iWa be,st servicee prtb& un ec2ign
ed. AiTang*ments Swill- beilimitr %whereby liberal ad- '
wanes* *ill be sande ihs cossignmenrs. and salisi ili
every instancezioswd without delay. Business is now
commenced and ready to receive consigmnems.
By perrnfinNfeid ale following
references. !, • ..
Avery, Ogden & Co. Win. All&liglit & Co.
Tiernan & Jones, Jame Murphy& Co.
James Park, Jr., &Co. J. W. Burtrritlgn - & Co.
Wm. Bell & Sons, D P. Morgan,
Waterman Palmer, Buitaley & Smith,
E. A. Biown & Bro's. Shea & Pennock,
Geo. R. White & Co. S. W. Semple,
Samuel Spencer, Robert Galway,
Bailey & Co. Myets & Co.
J. Paimes4r. Co. — Tooth& O'Connor,
King .ii Holmes, Johnston &Stockton,
Bailey, Brown &Co: Geo. Cochran,
Thomas Bakewell, Church & Carothers, -
H. Childs & Co. . N. Holmes & Son, •
Wm: E. Austin, M'Candlegs & M'Clure,
H. S. Magraw. C. M'Kibben.
Allen Brown, J. M. D. Crosson,
H. I'. Graff,, H. Dovi43,,
John H. Brown *„..,C0. Smith, Ble L y &
John S. Riddlo,k ': Robert i
'James O'Connoet 11. Alex r.
july 2, 1844 e
N E s' -
4k!1760,2' I 0 N rININK ,
,-Wilittligt,sad 6
Wool, th,so and Folo4llreets.
Ew. ing form :partnership
• with C
, y, and takis n Auction
commission of t class they spaliilw ready to
continue busine die above welt and exten
sive ware rooms:466r the firm of r ftli
One of t being-mosfottiltplibe in the
eastern citie thrr,TwrgtraThiregofifieiin;igninents
of seasonable morclsondize, they are enabled to hat , e
always on hand the fullest and best asserted stock `off
Fresh Dry Goods, Hardware, Fancy Articles, &c„ to
be found at any place in the city.
Regular sales of Dry Goods, &c , an Mondays and
Thursdays, at JO o'clock A Ai ; clod of new and second
hand Furniture, Groceries, &r., at 2 o'clock P M °fate
same day. Sales from the shelves every evening at
earlygas light, and goods sold by private sale at all
Sales or real and personal estate, private stock, &c,
will be mule on the most reasonable terms.
Liberulcush advaucesmade onall consignments.
John D. Davis,
Corner of Wood and &Arts., Pittsburgh,
Ts ready to receive merchandiae of every description
1 on consignment, for public or #ol.vate sale, and
from long experience in the 'above huSittess, flatters
himself that he•will be able to give cadre satisfaction
to all who may favor him with their patronage.
Regular sales on MONDA TS and THURSDAYS, Of Dry
Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of Groceries, Pittslmrgh manufactured articlos.new
and second hand furniture, &c.. at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales every evening,at early gas light. aug 12
CB OP OP 1843.
' -' 4` . - V.
Emmet Uotel
West eled of the old Allegheny' Bytdg e
• • •
PPLpi takP this, oettasientu return- his since*
thanks to his numerous friends and the public
generally, hitr.the..very hheral patronage heretofore Etc
-I.stevescl nit the Emitter Hotel, end he pledges himself
Aptßvil!Pg. 4eomitted lifepartsereeklte.cont
tiguktin.eof theip flywors., . The convert incite slid heathy
of the. situation, and the r whole arrangetneury of the
housee-Lr the accommodation otguests nre not inferior
to any siniilar establishment in or out of the 'city: His
tal4will always he provided wit is the belt the markets
can affurd, and no pains will be spared to ensure rho
comfort of those who may favor the Emmet Hotel with
their patronage. • ' ; a2D-tf
The Old Aectioneer
La! what makes lout teeth so unusually which'?
Quoth Josh's duleiniu tohim Cother night,
To make yourn look so, with a grin, replied .insh,
I've bmught you a bottle of Thorn's Tooth Wash,
'Tis the best noir in use, so the gentlefolks say,
And since they have tried this, cast all others away.
Buts° prove it thebest to make tho teeth shine,•
Look again, my dea . r Sal, at tke lustre of mine.
Then try thisgreat tooth wash,
The Teaberry tooth wash.
And see ifAis tooth wash of Thorn's is not fine.
Having tried Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,"
and become, acquaintedwith the ingredieuts of its com
position, [cheerfully say", f consider it one of the safest,.
as it is one of the most pleasant tooth.washes now in,
use. - DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
'Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 1842.
1 take pleasure in stating, having made use of i
"Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," that it is one of the ! - _ _
best dentrificei, in use.' Being in a liqUid form it cont- , BARON VON II UT4I3IELER BERWILLS
bines neatness with convenience. While it cleanses; These Pills are composed of herbs, whkh exert a
-the enamel mid removes the tartar from the teeth, its' specific action uponthe heart, give impulse orstrength
perfume yields afragrancepecutiarly desirable. .i to the arterial system: the blood is quickened arid es
J. P. TIBBETTS, IVs. D. j qualized in its ciroulation through nil the vessels, whe-
The undersigned . have 'used "Thorn's Compound , ther of the skin, the
situated internally, co them-
Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an . tremities; and as all the secretions of the body DM
extremelypldasant dentrifice, exercising a most salu- • drawn from the blood, there is a consequent increase
tory influence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving of every secretion, and a quickened scam of tbe ab
those indispensable members from premature decay,: : sorbent and exhalent. or discharging vessels. Any
preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying morbid action which may have taken place ii cotter!.
the Breath. Having thoroughly tested its virtues, we ed, all obstructions are removed, the blood is purified,
take plensurein recommending it to the public, beliov- I and the body resumes a healthful state. For sale
ing it io he the best article of thekiud now in use.wholesale and retail by It E SELLERS: Agent,
M. Ronr, I RTSON, . JAMES P. BLACK. scp 10 ~ 20 Wood Street. below Second,
Prepared and sold by WILLIAN THORN, Apoth
ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Market street. Pittsburgh;
and by all the principal Druggists, and at Tuttle's
Medical Agenc y , Fourth st.
THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens
of Pittsburgh and the public in general, that he
has returned to the city, and commenced busine.s on
sth street, between food and Market streets, and op
posite the Exchange Bunk, where he will mzunfac
tote Rifles, Smoothbores and Shot-guns of every des
cription from the commonest to the finest qnality. Al
so, Pi tuts, Pocket -belts and Horseman's guns, of all
kings. Guns and Pistols made to order and pn the
shortest notice. All kinds of gun repairing done . On
reasonable terms. The subscriber hopes by strict at
tention to businiss to receive a portion of the public
Farmers and sportsmen are requested to call and
examine for themselves. • A. S. JOY.
Next door to the Fifth PreEbyteriun Church.
a .
juße 6.
Gross No 1 Bottle Corks;
6 Dbls Sp TOPP4ntfrie,'
2 " • Copal Varnish; f .
1 Cask Olive Oil;
3 Bbls Yen Red; •
2 " Lampblack;
1 "2 Cream Tartar; •
" Fier Sulphur; • •
1 Case Hell Sulphur:-
1 " Liquorice Ball;
1 " Gum Shellac;
I " " Copal; . , • ;
75 J.bs Gum Camphor;
" Opium; •
Together with a general assortment of Drugs, Medi
cines, Dye StufFs, &c., just received and for sale by
No 189 Liberty, head of Wood it.
To the Gesstieeftesk-of Pittsburgh.
THE hubscriber most respectfully —..i
informs the gentlemen of this city and -
. vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and
SHOE making business in Femrth street, opposite the
Mityor's office, at the stand lately occupied by P. Ken.
, rigan. liming been foreman in some of the most
fashionable boot shops intim' Eeastersk cities; and hav
ing fug nislied hiniself with the best French and Ameri
can calf-skins, he hopes by-his attention to business to.
merit a share of public patronage To those gentle
men who have kindly patronized him he returns his sin
cere thanks, and can with confidence appeal for the
goodness of his work and knowledge of his business,
July 24—tf. A. TERTIAN.
TShaluipeami. HE undersigned respectfully Gai
informs the eitliens
of Pittsburgh that she has opened the Shakapeare
Gardens.iu the village sof F.ast Liberty, for the accom
modation of visiters dulling the Summer season, The
beauties of the situation, and the perfect manner in
which every arrangement is made about this establish
ment that will contribute to the pleasure of iiisiters,
are well known to the publicand theproprietor assures
all who may visit her house that nothing shall be omit
ted OD her part to make the Shakspetnre gardens at
least equal to any similar establishMent in the couu.
./ NAt• for 1895, being the 27th No., calculated by
JOHN A nas - rnono, Prnfescor of Mathemaiicd in the Mi
ami University. liaviasr beartiaraadeled and the Ca•
lendararranged on a different pt ineiple. it is now the
largest Almanac published in the city at the same
Fcr sale by the gros., down or single copy.
Also, German and German English Almanacs for
Ir)"The highest market prieealwargiven fur RACES
E subscriber has tatenouta polity in thetifFtee
-0- tif LIIT Penn Insurance Company. of Pittsburgh.
to cover nil goods shipped by thia line from Pittsburgh.
to, Philodolphia or Baltimore. By this means all
Goods shipped by him will be fully protected without •
any additional ckirret to the stripper.
ml 4
37 Market st
traYet_i t i t ', I 14441111... IPIrSt
de, aster•jr•la at 'cf. N. migx*.
WM. ► vitkattrA KEN ,
R g !l PECTe a t • l e t er h Yr
noon to the bending rerently utrapied by
a. C. Plerford, directly- oppowite his old et toil
where trek aterays prepared IR attend pooseptly
to any Orders in his line. and by strict .Arcetnee
to all the &Callao( the burliness of in Undertaker
he he; es to men? public confidence. He will be tires-peed
at •Lt. hooey to provide tinnier, _pitta , and
every rcquteite ov the most libetai tents. ganef; to Ni
ebb nlr'y will he promptly at lektded to.
His matinee is in the ramie buildlni with hje lo
war t
house, where those who owed- ma nereket tiny tint lite
atany time. 22222
IN.W. **win. hair. 101111 11.-
4 0 D 41 iniapcs,
-Ritt Romney steel,
. b.
JuDOli r•-rToN, , Lturin, vacuums, -
11.1eCt.flti; MEV. JOIMPIT
ISAAC H hea l
-- REV. N. P. Wiry.
Evans's Camomile Pills.
CERTlPlCATlti.—tetter,from the non. Ah'h'm Weldb
lan,Sallivah County, East Ten nessee, klen.berof Congrein
illtfy 3d. 1838.
Sir—Since have been i n this city arramaimml
aavemeed some o
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and satls• f
faction, and believe It to be a most valuable remedy. Oos
of my constituents, Dr. A. Carden, of en.anbell County'
Tennessee, wrote to me toseud him some. which I did
and he has employed it very succesefully in blapraelke
at d says It Is Invaluable. Mr. Johnsen, your agent at
this place, thinks you would probably like an agent in
Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, LP
a proper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated
medicine. Should you commission him he is willing to
act for you. You can send the medicine by water to the
care of Robert King it' Sons, Knoxville county, Tennes
see, or by land to Graham 4- tiousion,Tazweli,
Tennessee. I have no doubt but it yOn had agents la
several counties in East Tennessee, a treat deal of merit_
cine woold'be sold. lam going to take some of H al"
for my own use. and that or my friends, and should like
t o hear from you whether you would Ilk. an agent at
Rluntville, Sullivan County. East Tennessee; I can get
someof the merchants to set for VOU as I flee near there.
Yours respect roily;
ABRAHAM M'CLELLA N, of Tennessee,
For sale Wholes& 'e arid Retail, by
E. E SELLERS, Areet,
No. 20, Wood Street , below Fecood.
F A R M FOR SA LC.—The undersigned otters forsale
his farm, lying In Roes Township 41 miles frog; the
City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres ofland of which
60 areeleared and under knee, t.t in 15 to 20 acres of
meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apple. 1 few Peach and
Cherry trees—the Improvements are a huge frame house
containing 10 rooms welifurnished, calculated fora Ta.
vend of private Dwelling, a frame Barn 28 by 60,stone
bo . eln*mtraltd, ist ahlies, sheds I nd other out ionises suit
able for a tenement;-2 good Gardens iturrounded with
ettrrant ha. n. and a well of excellent water. with a•
oomp at t front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh
and Alleghet4 market, there. Is no place now of f ered for
salewith morelMfueentent to those wishing to purchase.
neat Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, tbr
nether partlealarsapply to thaproprietor at his Clothing
Store, Liberty strecteorner of Virgin Attey.
N B Ifnot sold before the /slot' ENCB
October nest. It will
be divtdrd Into 10 and 20 acre lots 10204 popellasers.
Pep 10
A RE now opening one of the richest and most ex
tensive stocks of Goods that they have ever bean
I able to offer to the public, every piece of 'rvt hich has
been bought and selected carefully. Our cloths are et
the choicest make, imported—black, blue and olive
French, from medium to the finest qualities; Naval
blue, block, invisible, rifle and olive greens, of En
gliaktssart DeeskimarniSeeded Frenelitrien •
simeres, rerystuoticsedoper's maieof English, Plain
and Fancy do. The variety of Vestiugs, eowprisise e .
all the neweslricatertut, is endless. Our trimmings
are also of the first qualities. Although we do not
profess to sell lower than the lowest, yet we again ,
pledge ourselves to make work that will compere with
that °luny other estohlishment_eust or west.
rip E suhaeriber, formerly agent of the Pittstittrt.b
Manufacturing Association, having beet) ap
pointed by a number ofthe bfanufacturersand blarhan
ice of thecity of l'itcsburgh-and it. vicinity as their a
gent for the sale of their curious manufactures :win
be constantly supylied ykitke -.general -asstruliaent of.
those artieles at,Thelowest wholesale prices.
- The attention of Western Merchants and dealers ix
American litanniaciitiet Si restiectfoily invited - to
this esteblishroent. Orders addressed to the subseti4
ber will be prothrtly attended tow •
figt.l9 No 26 Wood street.
MPON HAND,—Axes, Augers, Hoes, Mattocks
SpuTett r and Shovels, Sickles, Scythes, Trace and'Log
Chains, Spinning' Wheel Irons. Coopers' and Carpen
ters' Tools, Machine Cards,Window Glass and Gloss.
ware, Whits and Red Lead.
New Geode.
eTHE subscriber respectfully informs the
citizens of Pittsburgh and the public generally that he
hasjust returned from the east, and is now receiving
a large and well selected stock of
Embracing all the articles in the fancy and tau iety
department, which be wil t dispose of for cad). The
public are respectfully invited to call and examine the
stock, 'at No 86, Market street.
Dry Goods and Variety Store;
J. K. Logo** George Couel,
HAVE opened a new t ash Dry Goods and variety
Store in Fifth street, between the F:sehaege,
Bank and Wood street, under the firmof J. It. Laren.
& Co.
Their stock of Goods ate entirely fresh Arad Laving.
been all purchased for CASH, principally rat amnion, by
George Connel, (who hes had long experienea in the
business, and resides in Philadelphia to make purcha
ses and picks.p basg . ains,) they will, tberakee be ens
bled to ores great :aducements to those wishing so paw
'Chase: as they are determined to sellat the lowest
possible advance oneastern cost for CASH.
They have,now on hand a large and well selected
stock of seasonable Goods. among which ,are Blue,
Blue Black, Invisible Green, Blown, Steel and Cadet,
mixed Broadcloths; CIL/Pinseres and Sattinets; Gam--
broons ; Linen and Cotton Drillings; Cattonade•
Vestings, fancy:, prints; 3-4, A-4 and 5-4; Bleache d
and Brown Muslins; Irish Linen; Bed Ticking; Mari
per's Shirting; "Tilley, Tatham & Walker's," and
"Hope & Nelson's" Patent Thread; Spool Cotton
Sewing Silk; Silk and Qouoa Hdkf's; 30 hour, and
8 day Brass Clocks, warranted; &c., &c, . They will
be conassetly receiving additions to their mock poncho
sea at dm eastern auction, and would invite th e p lug ,.
tion of Aids:aloud others to an examination of their
goods before purchasingeleewhe r e,
Pittsburgh, Aprili, 1899.
WWI. O*Rass Robinson, U. S. att ers o i
jaAS removed his office to Fourth, near Wood
street, lately occupied by C; %tinsel, Esq.
April 8, 1844.
NOTICE.-1 have placed In docket and profit's.
donal business in the hands of Wm CrHarahohinson,
E.1.,wh0 will auead to the same dvtiag my absence.
Mardi 23 Co DARRAGH.
251, Liberty street