ARRESTOF COUNTERFEITERS—REcovERy OF PLATES, COUNTERFEITS* &C.. It will be seen by the following from the Philadelphia 'Chronicl e of Wednesday, that the police have made a highly important arrest of supposed counterfeiters and recovery of plates, ofee. Early in the year 1843. a new and dangerous coun terfeit ten dollar note, on the Western Bank of this city, was put into circulation, but by the prompt action of his honor, the Mayor. and his officers, a number ofar rests were marli'; and a stop to this issue. Both be_ fore and since that perital, a number of well executed f ..counterfe its have appeared, apparently from the burin o the same engraver, viz:—the PsSalem Banking Compan Banky-s's Wilmington and Brandywine-s's Wes tern . fßaltitnore ' --20's Mechanic's Bank, Baltimore —s's Miners Bank of Pottsville, and a $3 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Certificate. These coun- terfeit plates, through the energy and indefatigable ex ertions of Lt. Jam es' Young, of the police, have all Ate en recovered, and are now in the Mayor's possession, together with the counterfeit plates on the follow ing bankst—a $lO and a $2O Merchant's Exchange H Bank, Bk. New York ; $5 Princeton Bank, N. York; $5 N. Y.; ank, Connecticut: $lO Seneca countv Bank, $5 Dutchess county Bank, N. Y; $lO fitnk of 'ONewburgh, N. York; $2O Union Bank, N York; $2 tsego county, N. Y.; $2O Farmers' Bank, Harland, And $5OO and 4100 Mechanics' Bunk, N. Y. it has had the abi al/ along bee itn very desirable to get at the engraver who ly and the daring to execute the plates first mentioned. Happily for the furtheranc e of the of ends justice and the public good, his wheteaboat s is least ascertained. Lt. James Youn ms at .otficers Blokley, IVm. Young g, accompanied by and ‘Vodruffi p ed to Manheim, in Germantown, on Moonday nigroceed ht. and arrested George White, an engraver. and Jas. Welsh, at. White's residen le. They there found all the. imple ments for execmin g the work in question, a printing press, a quantity of bank notepaper, and plotes of the following Bunks ready fitr wte, viz: $5 Mechanics' hank of Bur'ing,to n N J ; $lO Bank ef Cheater coun ty; $1 and $lOO Boston Bank, not quite finished. This plate, on the entrance of the cfficers, the stove pipe hole of theypper stor was thrown into y, and the Boa it, as i t descended indicated to the officers its oof lieren abouts. After some heal labor, with hammer and pick, they succeeded in recovering it at a late hour of the Y night. Thus, through the lac' and perseveiance Air 'oung, has the fountain head been at last successfully reached., White and Welsh were taken before Mayor &rat, on Monday night and, comniiited to the County. Prison, fora further hearing. ATTENTION TAILORS A meeting of the democraric tailors will be held this (Monday) evening, at 7 o'clock, at the ‘Yashing. ton Hotel, fo r the purpose of making arrangements, fin turning out on the 19th Turnout democratic tai lor*: and assist your fellow citizens of ull dosser. to roll .ter the good old ball ofdemocracy. Turn out tailors, and *bow your opponems, that you are not to be gulled by their loud pi ofesriunr of respect ,and friendship, for the workingclurres. Turn out tailors and show your ferlernl opponents, that although pour. you claim the right of freeman to think and act for yourselves; and thereby. repadiato the old federal doctrine. "let the go`erume n t take care ref the rich, and the rich Like care of the poor." MANY TAILORS. M'Attention Democratic Club of the 2nd Ward. A meeting will be held this evening, the 16th inet at the house of Ilugh Duffy. Punctual attendan ce is re :quested. J. C. DAVITT, l'res' WEST WARD. John B. Warden, Chief Afnrahall• S. Hart, A. Nicholson, James Elliott, W. J. Ankrim, Thomas Phillips, Assistant Marshall'. MTh° Democratic Fourth wane Hickory Club will meet This Evening, the 16th lust , at their Hull. :corner of St Clair and Penn streets, to make necessary -arrangements to hunt coons on the 19th. NOTICE ---The Committee of Arrangement for the Democratic Conventio n will meet this evening, at 74 o'clock, at the Washington Coffee House: .16 JOHN A D/CRAN, Preset. 0:7" At a meeting of tl.e Fourth Ward Hicirory •Club, on Friday -the 13rh inst, hold at the Washington Hotel. The following persons were appointed Mar .shah for the Fourth Ward of the city' of Pittsburgh: Capt Joseph Watt, ...I) M Giese, James Linsey, Jacob Lauman. John Bigler, FOUILTH WARD DEM(KRATS. The Yqung Hickory Club,of the Fourth Ward, are .requested to meet at the Washington Hotel, on the 19rb inst, ot3 o'clock, A 61, by order of the officers. sem 16 SPLEINUMID PRIZE 841111111VER! we announced in yesterday's paper, that the patri• .otic democratic Ladies were determined not to be outdone bY3heir fair whig competitors, and had made arrangensens s to present a Splendid Banner to the de legation sof'any ward of township having the largest number of IVorkingm en in the procession of the 19th. They will also present a magnificent Flag to that county which shall send the largest delegation to the Convention Both the Flag and Banner will be of the most magnificent kind, superior to any that has ever been seen in this county. Hero, democrats, is a prize worth contending for --and we trust that no de- Alegation will resign it without a struggle. It is t di he be es why st wa tat yo u u can attest your gratitude to the La pared them for you. o havegenerously and patriotically pie- DISCUSSION IN MOON TOWNSHIP. At a meeting of the citizens of Moon Township held at the house of Peter Onstut, on Monday, the 2d inst., _Joule STEVIGNSON, Eras called to the chair; George Sampson and James Brown appointed Vice Presidents, : and Joseph Cooper and Samuel B Kirk, Secretaries. It was unanimously resolved to call a meeting of the .citizens of Moon and adjoining townships, without re spect to parties, to be held at the house of Peter On stet, on Monday the 23d inst., for the purpose of dis ,cussing such political topics, at' the Speaken; think proper: a number of Democratic. and Whig speakers .will be Demo p er re ats. sent. To commence at 10 o'clock, AM. :Phillip H Stevenson, Whigs. • Wm Guy, Aaron A Beer, Wm G Smith. John D Cooper, Hugh M'Ccrmi John I) Smith, • David Watt, ck. John M'Clurkan, John John Saunce. Wm Cooper, S H Graham, V Allen, ROUSE OUT, ROUSE: OUT. PlThe HUCK Paws of IVilkins Township will raise splandid,young Hickory on the afternoon of Monday 16th inst., at 4 o'clock P M., at Mahaffey,Robethe House of ,c Robert on the turnpike road. The Demo. nitic Glee Cluhare most ruapectfitlly invited to atttnd. . sap 14 800 T. IV EH A FFEY. Mg Oak) morning Peet PITUDI/RGII, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16 ,bWilma communication of a " W ashingtonian" has ean crowded out; but will appear to-morrow. ptenther 14th, 1844, on motion of Wilson s 'C e s: an Orville Havana:l Brown, wu duly admitted Attorney and Counsellor at Law, in the District Court for Allegheny County. enters in l ;;;ing 7 n7ist not calculate .on selling much of the article to whig 4 hereafter.— &ice the Maine election they think that Fing4 an} great nuisances. CIFOCRATIC FLAGS.—Del7loCrate *bet wish ~ - procure Pulk, Dulls* and Shunk Flags, can be sup plied at the store of Messrs lif'Cosent.& Cu., currier .of Market and Fifth streets. larT. H. tr IftisTE4TTER, of New Lisbon. Ohio will address the Geilinses at the Convention on Thurs 41y. Moodyre every 7 -- ---•sions ' date Posts, regutany, on' P J l a rtang:te' 10 o'clock. For freight or a*". aPPIy to sem 2 elokilraNGHAM & CO. BEAVER nate The well KET. MICH n steamer W. B. Botss, Master, ha her regular daily trips, leaving Pittsburgh ( e nced . fore) at 3 o'clock. P. hi and Beaver at 3, Prices to to suit the nines, and those who have no moue carried free. The Canal to Cleveland will be opened as snort as the weather • ill permit; oo the opening of which CLARKE & Cl3'S LINK to CLEVELAND,O.,and MEADVILLE, Pa., will immediately go into opera tion. For freight or passage apply on board, or to july 12 G. M. HARTON, Watr street. Ki*The Michigan is provided with Ev e ang' Safety Guard. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING REGULAR PACKET. ikva".. The now and splendid steam boat - .BR/DGEWATER,Cept.Campaer.L. • - thiswill ran as a regulor pocket betty between place an d Wheeling, leaving Pitts Tuesday and - Friday at 3 o'clock. and W b every heeliurgh Wednesday and Saturday at 8 o'clock. For freight ng every or passage apply on board, or to J. NEWTON JONES. Guar . The Bthi d t g...water is provided with - Ewsns' Safely , cr prevent explosion of boilers. June 22 James Ilhakely. John .1; atitshsa COK YETANCER. ATTORRKT AT LAW, EL & Elnectiniza , REAL ESTATE AGENTS, o.oce, &nit aces Fifa Streets, Pillsburgito ONTINUE to attend to the purchase and sale cf V Real Estate, Renting of City and Country Pro ; i perty, Collecting rents for Trustees, Executors. Ad: min:strators, Assignees, Guardians end ethers. They will also prepare all manner of Instruments of Writing. Person s James Blwa ishing to employ them Will please apply to kely, Fifth Wd.or at the fe of John J. Mitchell, Smith fi eld near Fifth street , Pitts- burgh. E. U. . Connty durveyor, City Regulator and eon veyancer. Office (as above) with John J. Mitchell, Esq., on Smithfield streei,nea r Filth street, below the new Court House. Pittsburgh. Orders left for me, in my absence, with J. I. Mitchell, for surveying, regulating, laying. offend dividing lands, and conveyancing, *4ll receive prompt attention. OCrillose who desire to examine the Records County Surveys will please call at the above office. sell proprietor of this well known and highly popular Establishment, respectfully announces to the public that he has jest received his - FALL STOCK OF CLOTHS , ._ CASSIMERES , CA SSINETS, 17.1132123.110V61, CI. AMOUNTING TO 875,000, - And is now fully prepared to attend to all orders, of , any amount. He has no hesitation in saying LARGEST ST that this is the I OCK OF GOODS ever brought to Pittsburgh by any one house, and in 1 _ VARIETY AND QUALITY Just tip, I? C ANNOT BE EQUALLE D. I , At Afekersaa's Auction Roosee, career of 2d mid lie has now on hand, made from !Jew materials, a ' L W"..d_saireets' ,`I A/0 Casas of H a rd ware , of imperior quality, most magnificent assortment a )1 antothe lot, are READY MADE CLOTHING, , 30 doz etnt fine (Ladies') Pen knives : To which he would call the attentiun of all who wish 50 " lient'a do do do; tn procere 100 "'r fine pease, do; FASHIONABLE ANIS DURABLE. APPAREL. I 190 If " If y, 4 and 4 blade, do; His stock comprises every article! of dress dtarired by i 100 Cards (superior) snorted, 40: THE MAN OF FASHION, 1 59 " " Scissors; Or the more • durable and comfertable cicada, prefe r; I / 9 ° do 2 r iirl 4 ^ l 9: • red by ! • 1580 lira Augurs; ! . i 50 qty. O S Tea Spoons, (superiari) THE WORKING MAN, ! 8 " Tobacco Boxes; Both of whom, a ill be accommodated at much 1 9 "Cork Screws; cheaper then at any other establishment ra tes the city, ' 50 " assorted Chisels and Gotv-es; ..... and a ith articles which be can warrant to be inferior 10 Setts do do do;" to none that ore made in the country. 20 den Ban burg Locks; As the increase of to compelled him to enlarge , Also—Table and Butcher's Steels, Carving Knives, his store and make other improvemm s he would iu ' and Plated German Silver Table Spoons, vile the public to call and examine the i The above tut will be open aad ready for mainina- EXTENT AND STYLE OF HIS NEW AR- lion (up stairs.) on Tuesday of the 27tia inst. Due notice will be given of the day of sale, RANGEMENTS. P. APKENNA. Having secured the services a the best curicrs soil i aug 26 Auctioneer. porkiness that meld be prueured he is prepared tornados I :`-'- 2_ CLOTHING TO ORDER At tlite ski -test notice and in a style unsurpassed. .____-__ -- -- - ---- CADTIOPI. Its the Dtetriet Coon of Allegheay Canary. Purchasers are cautioned to be on their guard against 2 Simpson, Sibbett & Jones, Pio. vend. ,' the tricks a little rive establishments that try to palm Ex N 0144, ' themselves on the unwary as the ;1: . vs, April T„ THREE BIG DOORS. , ' Charles M. Bollman. 1844. The public are desired to note the '2-:- And now. to wit,August 29th, 1844, METAL PLATE IN THE PAVEMENT, Courts On motion of T Mellon, Esq , the PP o int Erancis R. Slunk , E sq., 4, 0 ,t! j0r . rto In front of the "old original," as that is a mark for audit and dins-awls/Abe proceeds aortic in thi s cam. I the genuine Three Big Doors that cannot beecounter- From the Record , GEO R RLDOLK, ero. ! kited*, JOHN M'CLOSKEY, No 131, Liberty street. The Auditor above named will attend for the purl n " 'lf ______=____:_:_______— pose of his appoinunent, at his Office, 4th street. on Chance Est sissem i th rtg. Thursday, the 26th Jay of September next. at 10 0%1 THE Engine and ALachino establish t, on the clock, A. M., when and where those interested may liner of Liberty and Front sts is of ored fre attend. - FRANCIS R. SHUN, Auditor. I sale. T e be bond' ings are of brick , the sty., one being Sept. 2, 1844-3 Mondrs 1 47 ft by 26 ft, and two stories high, having a Smith Is77srZy, Spielman, 1n. _ ,,,, _ I shop attached which contain s two fires. The comb. he me ....nmmont by her next friend, lees of Alle -1 lishment is in complete order and has every Margaret P atterson, g r .oLconoty. Al ias Subpcenal convenien ce for carrying on the business. there being fo D orce, No 54, Margh term, one engine of fnur horse power, ono inring Lathe, es. George Spieltnan. i 1844. I two Turning Lathes, one Rack Lathe, and one small for wood—otar Screw Cutting Machine. Also AND now, to-wit, August 29th, /844, a Subpoena i f r ithe rills and buts, Anvil, and Bellows, and Blacksmith's pliondeanniclinalthiasisSmubsepoe, a n nd a hvarvt•joingf habervineghtbseouend mtoadthee that !ioch. complete; together with • large lot of patterns the said party could not be found in this county, Notice : tnc ' e Th il e Y nehownlngs are on iessed ground, there b eing is hereby gives to the said respondent that he will he nine years to ingot the lease, which can Fro renewed. required to appea r in said coon, on the fourth Monday I Further informetion can be had at the establish_ of October next, to answer the complaints set forth in ! or by applying to the subscriber, near the old said petition; other such Proceedings will be ba d I ". fit, Bndge, A Ilegheny City. JAMES KERR, as are directed by the Act of Assembly in such cases ( aug 2 7 _d4w4t " Architect. made and provided. E. TROVILLO, Sli'lf. • ! ._._._____=" a 2O-- dlaw4t. 5 Oil L Em.m --_ 2ETTris . SCOTCH SNUFF, V/ just received an d for sale at the Drug a are- J. KIDD & CO. corner Fourth and Wood streets. 1 1 kJ CIF New Good s , at Atoso & .51'Gvtar:'.r FtrAhion able newest Head quartert. No 251 Liberty Street. The ',yips And must splendid goods that is brought to this market is to be seen tit our establishment. We would invite the attention of purchasers to our present stock, which far variety and richness of style cannot be ercelkA, In catering for the taste of our custom ers we are determined not to be out done, as arrange ments have been made by us to secure every new style .1 gourds upon its arrival in the Eastern madras, as well as the best Paris parralhly reports, which we receive regularly; neither expense or pain shall ba soareri in making our establishment iffr FASHIONI4.II/..Z lift•ft Q•IARTICRS of rho IVestt and we trust to be sustained by our old patrons, as well us a gr, at many Naw ones. whom we shall !Kafka to please, as we trust our abili ty is equal to our inclination. 'Dept 2 Chronicle and Age co ALGEO & 11IcGUIRE, py. house of Sept 9 CEI 111.4 P CARPETING. i T HE Subscribers ore now opening .7 :1, at their Store, corner of Market 2 0 ... and sth meets, a new, extensive and gee. i eral assortmen t of Superfine. Fine and s ~ Alfe l l_ common Ingrain Carpeting'', together with 3 / 7 , 4-4 and 5-4 Matting, Hearth-nig'', Matta 2 0 Binding!, &c., purchused for Cash in the al El v a East, directly from the snanufecturers and II sir at auction, which they will dispose of at ~.--ii I prices that will eutopeesete purchasers for . 7 ..eb sr a I giving them a call. Ill• . 1 X WM. IL M'CONNEI . .,L dt r , CD, .... a • t e Sept 4.2 w A FRESH SUfTLV OF TAILILC. JOHNSON'S SUPERIO4 rRINTING MK, IN LARc.,C ASD SMALL lEZBII, Jeri received at Me office of ae "Poet." august 1 49 BRLS GRIOPNI) PILASTER, Just reset veil kat:Qi;'n 44titimore, on cansigninen a 22 nefor sale by 64441.. if KiER, CAttat R usk•oiMaif tiO sArne.t. rust received, 25 boxes Hyde's superior Shavki el Soap, and for sale at the Drum. warehous e of 1. KIK) . & CO., corner Foul thand Wectql streets. 0 BOXESI6s, 12s, 54 and pound Lump Tmka 3 ' Prime Lemons: c"; 3 Bbls Crushed and Pulverised Sugar 2 Boxes Double Refined Loaf, ; do; 6 Hilda Prime Near Orleans, do; 5 Bbls Trimmed Robed. Received and for sale by sop 5 poi THE nor "CAP/TOL,"Ca ALLikorill depart for the labc zi4iii4 mxi J. D. WILLIAMS Wholesale Dea W. P . witiovEß. •• sets, Paha di imam% *hoes, Bel NO. 199 MARKET ii '. ' a."' . 1 1. 1" A d D t E .a LPHIA T nEYbeg ----- -••••••=1m. ..._, AIM leave to inform W . • they have a splendid .aasortm . ..- htninhal that o ocids, and are still rFiamtructuring largely, ' will sell at the very- lowest prices tor Cash, or; credit.they aug 9-ti %WASP!' TALLMAN' WHOLES ALE BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY, No. 233 Market Street, Nos -graft cornier of Sizt4 Street, Philade/phia WESTERN and Southern Merchants . are respect folly imbed to call and examine his stock, as he feels confident that it will be_ to their aug 6-1 y interest, be. fore purchasiog elsewhere. ' __.. H ARDWARE AND CUTLERY.- 81 10271118 NO. 183 ALARKET S 8 & CO. T.. HILADELPHIA. A RE now receiving in ad4ition to their &et stock e large assortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, to which they invite the attention of Western Merchants. OrlY THE UNEQUAECEIi- THREE BIG DOOR* JOHN AIcCLOSKEY, PROPUIETOR. .I° Brick Spume and Lot tiot Mao Moo?, ri OR Sale, a good Brick Hous.. and Lot in the City JL' of Allegheny, ner Manchester, adjoining the property of Mr Robert a Greenlee. The Lot is 48 et front and 140 feet deep. It has a good Brick House on it, 24 feet front by 32 feet deep—well fi nished; and the lot is well piled in with a variety of shrubbery; and a well of excellent water at the door. It will be sold cheap, and the money can lay any time on the interest being paid annually. For terms, ;dense apply at ree HARRIS' Agency am! intelligence Of fi ce, No 9 Fifth ' stt. Sept 10-6d&lw J UST received at. No 86, Market street. 100 Portraits of J K Polk. 100 H Clay. 100 " G M Dallas. 106 " T Frelinghuysen. 100 filsaall ?rational Whig Banners. I/01 " Detnocratic Banners. 40 NesisSuavr travelling baskets. :; Gross o Jet Bing mu. I f ° lbw Jet Bugle Beads. sept 2. ______AEB,U,LON KINSEY. -J. M. WH GreatlTE Aftraeil C LOTHIea at the NG No. i STORE, 7,0 .corner of .Si,rdit and Liberty.Strects. T HE canto.* having become so hot b e tween Ai! and the little rival establishment s , that they have found it necessary to assume a name that he had on canvas one week before his was thought of, purchas ers will be on their guard, against the tnicks of theme establiehmeaus, in tring to palm itself upon the public as the J. M. White y Clothing Store. Tba gamins:is on the p corner of Sixth and Liberty streets, J. Whitedreilor, Proprietor, having now on band, made, from new !XI aerials, a most magnificent essortment of READY blf A DE CLOT ll ol 4 3,arhich he offers ohea p er than any of those bragging establishments possibly can offer, and all be asks is fur play and no gouging. And sure as day succeeds to night, He'll poke them all clean out of si*, - So keep quiet, Stele ones. her 40-1 w For J. M. White is risen. THOMAS BORBEDGE, GENERAL Produco, renniKinir & Commission Ilitergba n t, Also, Agent United States Portable Boat Line Depot, NO. 272, MARKET ST., 'PHILADELPHIA. GPLiberal advances made on consignments, when required. n Refer to—Mess rs Wm Wilso & Co.; Evans and ethPle; Heald, Woodaard & Co.; Scull &Thompson, Phitadolphia. an. ... 'Knight 4. Co.; Charles A. M'Anolty, Pit/ober/h. AUCTION SALES, BY LYND & BICKLEY Nis Auction Roosts, Nos. 61 mid 63, Wood street. i'L)'''.. ONDAY, Sept. 16, will be sold from the Winter Dry large and general assortmen t of Fall and , commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M. WOOLENS. IBlue black, br°14481 .1 invisible green broadcloths, superfine; blue,b/ack' mixed natinntts indigo Mot). ittid cadet mixed and Ke v Jean s ; 6 i f i eld ind Mackinaw blankets; woole *" wi,; heavy ti p 'i 1 q ' t cloth, &c. ... Worsteds. '-- Plain six quarter English merino, f changeable figured Alpacca Jostles rolorel ; three mid si r ter motuteli ne de !sines; dress hdkfs, &c. Silk. and Satins. sewing silk; satins Plain blk dress silk; figured silk vesting; American tocks; silk hdkfs; &c. Lae** and Cottoqs. prints, Suppgine Trish linen; patent tbiead; spool cotton cbenk 4 , ging inlaid, Irish linens. brown muslin., bleached do.; ciamkric do.; table cloths; tahlediaper; &c. • rlicles. Linea shirt collars, gu ßoc, 4 m suspenders A /s , sta rino gloves, nett drawers. G coiOst am: y laces, me o. at 2 &chick PAL a largequantityof Hatraekold and irikat Feral:tem Chairs, tables stands, cradles,dr.. beds t eads, bureaus, ilugel chests, • FRESH ARRIVAL THIS DAY. • H AS been received direct limn the Eastern cities, at the new A actionßooms, Nos. 61 and 64, Wood street, and will be so ld er s by PRIVATE SALE, a fresh assonment of Fine and superfine Ingrain Carpets; Stair sad Floor Venitian, do. Schoeit. Tufted arid Brussels Hearth Rugg Four and sin qnarter matting. The colors and patterns are all of the choicest and most fashiusabk/ descriptions: and the carpets will be sold for LEIN THAW AST WHtte CLIC in the city. Also, for private sale, superfine broad chains Irish litmus, /Men cambric*, &c , which will be sold low. LYND & BICKLEY, Auctioneers BOOTS AND SHOES FOR PRIVATE SALE AT THE NE WA UCTION ROOMS. VOR private sale at the new Auction Rooms, No. If 61 and 63 Woodst. ladies kid ties, and gaiter* geotkmen's shoes; finebrogans; Bee calf end morocco boots.6ne palm leaf hats; brass 30 hour and 8 day 1 clocks, LYND & BICKLEY. m 11 Auctioneers. i LARGE SALES OF Fine Cutlery and Variety Goods. T Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of ill Wood and sth streets, commencin g this evening- Pledoesday, June 26th, at earl? , gas light, and con. tinning every evening, (Sunday s excepted,) until all are sold, large assortment of fine English Cutlery, received direct (mm the Ittroarza, New York, con sisting in part of 239 doz. of Penknives, Pearl and beck handle; 140 Cases of Razors, a surerior ;nick; 48 doz. fancy &rivers; 350 dna. Girriblets, 40 doz. vegetable and Jessamine Soaps. They are new ready for examination. Terms Cash, current funds. june 26 Pi.: Mt* A SMALL FAF(II4, with a good Mill seat, situated 13. on Pine Creek, in Pine Township, about omiles from Pittsburgh, containing about 60 acres of Land, a part of which is cleared and has thereon a square Log House and other i mprovements, 'Hat an abort- i dance of good ceel and timber. apply to I JPIO. D. DAVIS, nog 224 Corner of Wood and sth streets. --------- - -- DOiliames attati UR this dst La report bring s us out tw o new coats of escription. The material used in the firm is French and English Tweeds, of which we have re ceived some new patterns, suitable for the coming 5 e3. ion—suh as Bronzed end granite mixed Plaids &c. l these are lined with rich Cachmere throughout. which makes them suitable for any weather. The other is a very desirable Coat, being something between a riding or dress Coat—the material is Olive. Citron, Mulber ry, London Brown or Rifle Green Cloths, and trimmed with sporting Buttons, all of which we have in ahun dance. Come on with your orders, gentlemen: the Cash system makes all the difference, for there is no other custirseer shop in the City can sell as cheap ns the Fashionable Head quarters. No 231 Libeny street. Sept 2 ALGEO & WGI7IRE. Chronicle and Age copy. Pitel - Third street, ltetssee* Wood meat &ruffleld. T HE Subscriber having fitted up the Gymnisiu m in first rate style, will open his books for season subscribers. on Monday the 241 hist. Asa Place of exercise the Gymnasium boa no supe rior in this city. It has been fitted up with new appa ratus, calculated to bring all die muscles into healthful action. This liqnd of exmxise is recommended by all the best physicians in the city, as calculated to in ! vigorate the body a comme nded the health generelly. It is especially re to seden permit s of ta-P ry habits, vrho are liable to suffer from i f and . its kindrQ ,eirils, produced by want of pmer exer cise. Call in and examine the establish:R*4 for your selves. JOHN M'CLISI,LAN7). sep 3-3 m ..._ T he Mate. 40 BOX TIN P,L4Tp , received a* mho try J. W. BITIMILIDGE a, sep 6 Wareistambinemen Wirelit Smithfield E STEP'S and EdlnkcingnorcrallyN, QA t 2,6. Wood street. D, Goods - - - ---. a 1 I I 411 - 0 2 6 ATDavis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth streets, on Monday next. Septem ber 16th, at 10 o'clock, A ht will be sold a large as sortment of seasonable Dry doods, comprising in pait Superfine Broad Cloths, Muslinsand Calicoes. Alp:ic ons, d Kentucky Jeans, Cassinetts, Table Cloths, Patent Threa, &c. At :,o'clock, Furniture, viz: 1 Wa:drobe, Bed steads, Chairs and Tables, ac.; 8 Boxes of Lemons in good orderi a Lot of Lathe patterns. At 8 o'clock, same evening, a lot of Watches. J. D. DAVIS. Auctioneer. Alit s44itivedt A T W.K.ENNAS• Auction Mart. corner of 2d end 11l Wood streets, a lot of su-pericr STEEI4YARDS, of various Augers. sizes, also a small lot of Dv" is Bright P. firKENNA, sept 7 Auctioneer; J• D. DA ViS, Auctioneer THE PROPRIETORS pp ESPECTFULLYinform theirfriendsand shippers geaerldly,thatthey, leave changed the narneoftheii Traniportatiou Line, Dom the United States Portable Boat Line • to the American Portable Boat Line. This line is composed of twenty-five new Four Sec tion Portable Boats, one of which will depar t skit ) from Pitt/harsh, Philadelphia oral Baltimore. The 4qpariority and advantage s of the Portable 13ont evev every other mode of transportation are too well known to shippers generally to require comment: suffice it to say, that the detention, loss, separation atm damage to Goods, invariably attending three; rat between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, t by the Portable Bouts roost etreetually removed. Te give u ndoulltodsecyrity to awaers and shippers all goods and Prodnce ahAPPRFI by this lino will be in sured jti respon4lo p4l it; Philatifolphich witbout ItaY charge t 0 the (milers. Met ohAndioe shipped by this line in any of the east ern pities, toti hipped to H Devine & Co, will be for warded tin t ] arrival at Pittsburgh to any part of the west, free°, commissions. 'At Devine .will receive produce consigned to him, Pay thk it in boa t freight and charges, and forward the same to of the ecopro cities, and charge no com missions for Er!. 4 4V 1 InPing Qr forwarding. Any c ommunication s or go.d, cliFapted to the care of the undersigned Agents wall). oraniptly at waded to. QE VINE 4 CO Canal B as in. Liberty tweet, Bitebargh. E G. WHITESIDts & CO., 36a Market stret, below Tenth, Philadelphia. GIESE & SON,' Commerce street Wharf, Baltimote. '1 A FA HNESTOCK & CO, 100 Frontstreet, New York. RICE & WILLIAMS, No 3, Chathamstreet. Boston. ati=l . A .catArtYLTlt'S UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the ttansportatio n of 3 'erchandize to and from P /TTIIBURQH; BA LT IMOR E, PH ILA DEL _ PRIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. T HE 11 U 0 Pelle this line has met with, since ft we. first established on the "Individual Enterprise" 'mem, his fnduced the peeprfetor s to increase the nmb of Boats darigg the winter to twenty - five , one n u mb er h will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelpttia anti ' Bel timore every day (except Suodays) diging iheseascm, and make the trip through in days. The superiority and advantages ofthe Portable Boat $ ystem overevery other mode of transportation (when canals intersect with rail roads) are too well known to shipp ers by this routs roads) to requins any corn menu Shippers can rely on having theirproduce, merchant dize, or goods of any kind that may be consigned to the Agents of this Line, forwarded with dispatch and at the eery lowest rate of freight charged by other Lines, without any ing or advancing , additiona &c. meek , l charge made for chargrs, Al lcommunication s to the following Agents veil/be promptly attended to: CHARLES A. MCANULTY, At the Depot, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRILL, 53, Smith's Wharf ; near Pratt st, Baltimore. W & J T TiVPSCOTT, No 43, Peck Slip, New Yor*. THOMAS BORBIDGE, 272, Market street, Philadelphia 11M17 1 41 Preigite to Philadelphia aad Briltimore. M pOR E RCHANTS tfir MANUFACTURERS' LINE transporting Goods, Merchandise, Produce, &c, between Pitrabargir, Altitude/pile and Baltimore. Goods will he received and forwarded by this line on as a ccommodating terms and as abort time as by any other responsible Line. Allgood' forwar ded from Philadelphi a by this Line will be insured,_ The Proprietors and agents will give their whole at tentionand endeavor to render satisfaction to all who may favor them with their custom. We invite ship pers, merchants, manufacturers tryi others tegise us a call before shi ppingelsewhe re . M e rchgadis ed to the agents will be received , freight. and cheunal arges paid, and forwarded without additionalchargefor fur warding or storage. SAMUEL W DAY, H ? "n L PATTERSON, S "Pfiegers AQENTB: Basset lllKier, Canal Basin, near7th st. Pittsb'g. Somme, IV Day, tat and 2d Wharf; below Race st.. De Isaac Cruse laware, Philadelphia. , Baltimore. fIL Poteer osst,lfolliclayshurch. Jesse Pottersom, Johnstowp, 1 4. N Briggs, New York. Wm El Reynolds & Co., BOstliti IKPER To: James McCully, Irvin& Martin, R Robinson & Co, J W Barbrichre& Co, . • Henry Coulter, C 0 Hussey, John Grier, Church & Carothers, G eorßreed, F Sel ler s , samu.iJ MeNight, I,ouisrille Samuel Wilsou, Madison, 10. feb /h. '44 APSpbsiiiid Paintings for Sale. ORTRAIT of the Hon. JAMItS ROSS, and one of the Hon. WILLIAM WILKINS, Paint ed by that favorite and distisguishNl artist, the late JANICE BOWMAN. F.sq., are offered for sale. These pictures are not only valuable as being per fect likenesse s of the gentleme n for whom they were taken, but possess surpassing merit, as specimens of: art—they have been pronotraced by connoiseur s to be splendid paintings, and among the most successful works of the eminent painter from whose' hand they come. They may be seen at the Looking Glass Store of W. C. Watt. in Fourth street, bettveea Wood and Market. Attention is especially invited to these portraits, as no other opportunity will, perhaps, ever occur to oh tain portraits from the pencil of the gifted BOWMAN, at a price sp cheap as these are o ff ered. july 20 WARD'S DENTAL PRESERVATOR, DRA Sapsrier Wash for the Teeth, ODUCING at once the roost healthy state of the Woolens. -IL me uth - -Cleansin g and restoring the teetlato their rillib: sobscriber has rrceived on Cousignroent a natural whi te ; giving berdnees to the gums, de s . 1. supply of Broad Cloths. &Lanett, and Flonnels, ~ troying the putrifactive ialuence of decayed teeth, of American Id . anaracogarbieb he *ill sell by tile' lessening in every instance the irritation and soleness 10( 4 ' 49 at indilekr-ItullVi' incidental to their disessed state, and in fact combin- I - - ....,, „GE CO.CHRAN, mg ia its effect all that can be desired in a Dentifrice. I autr 22 :' - No 6 Woolf street. Also. a that Toth Powder, as recommended • 'z - - juST WEIVRIk et. No BS Maricet wen, a Una to the Medical faculty hilphia, b i y the colebru t I i . tissoeutKu of Caricatures, Prints, Flees, Badger. ted Doct. Hudson. . Prepared and sold by W in . A. WartP, Dentist, I.". tc '..." 111 • 1 1 Partin. Z. RINZEY. Liberty stretn. our 31 I "r* '''.° Natio. 500 KEGS assorted sizes row sale by stag 16 D. et G. W. LLOYD. IV INFAVSO3W, POWDER MANUFACTURER, j26--6zn. NAAR PITT/BURGH, _ granepertation mmitauLar PWITAIMB BOAT UM; For Ate, trantpartatfos of bIERCHANDE AND PRODUCE PITTSBURG arTvrtra II AND PHI/1A DELPHIA, PITTS BURGH AND BAVIUSCIRK, AND NEW YORK AND BOSTON. State bank ............. .... ...... . .„. , ....35 Bpos.k of 111inoif, S kotesietosen ... ... ~.. 50 / Bank of the VIRGINIA. Vspeyof Virginia .. , .... „ „ „... 04 Bank of Virginia........... „ .... —l4 Exchange bank of .......... . .-. . .. „. ~ „.. ...),{ Farmers' batlike Virginia.. ........ • ~. --. li Nord- Western bank of Virginia —...-,. r - .. Afereiteave and Mechanks' bank of .iiriiiai a . . .. .1 g Branches .... . —.• ..... - Ili MARYLAND. fEaltinsore City banks— _........ • • ...... —pa r All other solvent banks.. —_— . .. .... I NORTH CAROLINA. • All solvent banks.. . .._:- - -- :- SOUTH CA . ROL 10n.4. Allsolventbanke— ..... . ... .. . .... GEORGIA. i .414.1vetil hanks.. -- - i Pslig. nrek, ninawal. .-- - I ' THl.r:el7;.`4.l,:::::""erti;lttePpnrrksetT4lll;: Laeock street, Allegbenytororn. np- Office, , Ft7ei t of Latlek and Federal ,oreets diiirtly Appellee tl F. I Fen Office. C. 4. 3 4 • 61ktiLl I'. ' sere 4 3ta ' An. U. S. Fellable Bow !Jae. EZ:Z111 :..~h:.;;:a~;~::~„rte _ o ~: Malang Aferaimeis aied tN Expkenige Bask Cogrreicy Berle Comfy Sc, MC ft Oa Pisilaiiapilia New York,., Beams.. - Gold. Silver ** 1-- - ”-ilreige • • t-- lta PENNSYLVANIA.-.-PITTEIBURGH. - - V Bask of Pittsburgh. Merflikanti and Mann • .... .p a gfacturers' bank as Exchange .. ..i.. . .... ... p pi " Do. ifaiiidayaburgi .. .. ....rag rIiII , ADELYI I / 4 %.. Bank of NortA eligfrica„.... „ ~... .psi. .Do Do Penn Nortkers sylvani Libegeks ...... , ....... ...pee a - - ........ • - • - pimp Commercial Bank of Felinity/I/nig „ .... pa Farm and Meek:mice' bank...-. • I }r r hank. ................. , ..,. --p• • -liwt , r . p i Manufacturers and Mechanics' ............... Pa Mechanics'— r • -..... ............ .... _ r Philadelphia bank _pa Moyantensing ....................... par Schuylkill ..... fl —.. i:::"..",":1;17,.:,!;.",..-...:g; .svp„th,.4 •....,..-..-.• e I !I' •.. • •• • ... !!! ... Par Weaterft. .. Bank of Penn Township . '• • • .... • - "O lt ... . Girard bank ....... ....1q .. U. S. bank and branches „. .... COUNTRY BANKS. Bawl: of Germantown Ckester county ...... - - " Delaware count Pall y ... Montgomery county... .... ..} . .... .. " Nor shamberland fa rsierp' bank of Bucks c0unty..........._ .pq ............ pa Doylestown 'sank . Eamonbauk . ....... .... ............. pa _,; .... .. • . ........ Frankkin rank of Washin .... pa gton . .-- -- Bank of Ohambersburgh. " MiddieSoton • " pettyshur " Lewistow n , 'f b'stequekai Berk:county bank:- Colicabio poPkgivqd Carlisle bank ! ..... . Erie bank... ; ... . Farmers and Drape, " Bank of Li " Bank of Z Harrisbur g dank.. Honesdale " Lancaster Lancaster co. ".. Lebanon ",.—;.. Miners'bank of Patrol Monongahela bank of - VArno Hope and Dela,o pany,.. 6 ' 11 4;401' bank...... :osn ------ ---- --- t- no salt rPlPanda bank.-- : - , ----- ". --- .. Wyoming ................ .... 14 YWest Bratck bank ..... ... ... ... ... ork bank .......... .. • ... ..... 14 OHIO. Belmont bank of St. • .. Clinlon bank of „... Colanbiona boa. of Nem Lisbon, • ... . . Circleville (Laurence, cashier) ..... Ce Warren, cabtier) ........ • „ -20 mile ssehatffii banks... • .. .. I•Chillicothe bask. •---•--- rf-• 1-- r 7? .-Comentercial bank of La ke Erie.... .......... .a Dayton bank .... . ........... Franklin bank of -- } Fartners'aul Mechanics' bank of Steubenville.. If Farmers' bank of Canton ............ . ..... 9' dean:a ....................... Graieville - Hami1...... ..................... .. : ........... ...... Lancaton ............ „:. ... „ .... .... :.. 10 ster ............ 77 . 7 ,.. .. 7 , .... . . ..10 Alarietta ............. Massillon ...... ...... =. ; ..... ..: 7 ... .. „ Mitetnics' and Traders' Cincinn a ti ..• ..11 ... Mount Please nt ...... ........ ............... 1 ....2 4 Norwalk . . 5a................ 7 .......... lna?* .. ............. .. ....... .... ..... ..... ....11 .. • ...11 ndusky Scioto .............. -- .......... 7 .. ........ 10 .Urhana ....... .................. . 7 .. :. ....... 50 XWooster„ ........ ..... . ....... , 1 enia ..... „ ..... -• . - .. ........ .:1 . .14 . • r•-•• 2'asserville ...... .. 7......., ... 7 .. 7 7 ....... .11 Bea- of Cleveland.. . ... : . ... .•.. • • , ....30 INDIANA « - . StState bank and brander ...... .:. ......... „.4 ate Scrip .......... .... ... ........... 12 KENIUCKY. All b01a,... ........ .. ""'t Mobile bank., ... ........ . Coaxer, &axial.. —..- Vert, Orlean.,batiks (Rood)-. - 3 TENNESSEr. All bank*. Maul'coil Lustraments: rp HE subset iber has just received, direct From the 1. Importers. an entire stook of Band /mitre meets, or the best French and Gergion manufacture, and of the latest improved patterns, viz: Cor netts French Ophiclides in B, with keys & slide; FreriFh in cases, with three rolves; Fterwh B and E flat Clarinetts, and very superWri Trornb ones, Tenor and Alto; French Horns, with four or silt crpoi s ; French Valve Trumpets in cases; Kent Bugler, llas j i Drums, Flutes, Fires; Violins, Guitars, Violin String", Clatinett Reeds, Mn.ic and Music paper, & Ate, Military Bands supplied with complete setts of l irrnments at the lowest prices. , 122 Wood street, above F JOHN H. MELT.OR Co's Shoe Store, ifth, and opposite Childs & aug 317-titob. wa, ( - 1 AtI;sIIITS OF WILD CHERRIES, for which more of the ;highest price will be Oren at the Dreg 810. WM. THORN. Nu 53 Market at. CORNItt Baiiintore., „ SPECIE - - •:•-- -4