Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 22, 1844, Image 4

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feritti -Iktildtts-
u m: 4 l:cm or A LEG.
The Oloiving funny story" of a broken leg ratty btVI
foundia Horace Walpelo'sletter to S H. Mann:
I must add a curious story;whieb...T believe will sur
prise your Italian surgeons as much es it amazed: the
1• 0 41ty here. A 6ailur who had broken his leg was
a dvised to communicate his case to the Royal Society.
The must be gave was, that having fallen from the,
top of the mast and fractured his leg, he had dressed It
w;th nothing but tar and oakum, and yet in three days
ta walk as - well as before the accident. The
stotliiitfirst appeared incredible, as ne such eifica
iciusikalitierliere known in tar, and still less in oils
urtillott eras a poor sailor to be crtslited on his own
bare assertion of so wonderful a cure. The Society
very Heise sably- demanded a fuller relation, and I sup
pose-la corroboration of evidence. Many doubted
whether the leg had been really broken. That part of
thikatcny had been amply verified. Still it was difficult
to z balSeve that the matt had made use of no other are
plkOslion than tar and oalitim; and how they should
cureA brolcenleg in daft days, even if they could cure
itat all; was a matter of the inmost wonder. Several
letters pawed between the society and the patient,
wito*x&ered in the solemn assertions of having used
no l / 4 ositer remedies, and it does appear beyond a doubt
thielise man speaks the truth It is a little uncbari
tallier but I fear there are surgeons who might not
like this abbreviation of attendance and expense. But
on . the other hand, you will be charmed with the plain,
hointiesimplicity of thy sailor; in a postscript tobis lust
letter he - added these words—Jl forgot to tell your
holihns that the leg was' a wooden one." Was there
et% more hum'or ? What would one have given to
hiStibean present, and seen the foolish faces of the
wise assrnbly.
- The governorof New Hampshire is a North
C ;:"'nian—a mechanic who worked in Fayetteville
as ' Journeyman chair-makerianclafterwards about ten
miles behnv, at Newberry's, getting out shingles. The
Fiyeiteallie Carolinian remarks that many of North
Carolina's sons have gone South and West, and have
betionte men of note ; but that a North Carolina me
chanic should emigrate to New Hampshire and become
gfiiiiknor of the state is a eircutasttance perhaps unpre
ceiretited in the history of the country.—Orsisitsbore
(N. C.) Patriot.
A Curious Case.—A gentleman of Salem Mass.,
wiWeuiddenly seized with paralyiis of the left arm, a
foiViireeks ago. He went to Iplvvich for recreation
aralheTrierciw,and while there,becomier much fatigued,
he found a resting place upon the Sandy beach.
ying r jsis siesta, his hand became in:lt:redder:Pin the sand;
very aitirtty a violent pricking and twitching sense
lion. commenced. Receiving encouragement front this
unexpected return of action in the part, he excavated
Old,titainArhich ho placed hisarm and covering it up,
soon fell into a cptiet steep, and so remained about an
hour. On arising, he found to his surprise anetdelight,
that belted entirely recovered the use of his arm, and
batidll he perfect use of the same. Thequestion a
riles, was there any benefit from merely covering the
limb with the sand, or was it merely an effort of no
tate; which happened at the time the hand became
corr . eiedi"
. .
/PHIS celebrated Bath is now established in Fifth
.11, street near Smithfield, where persons wishing to
availthemselves_ of its benefits will be attended to at
anothour --of the day.
The effects of the Vapor Bath are— •
To equalize the circulation of the blood, and hence
to monoveculdnes. of the hands and feet, and to lessen
the determination or flow of blood to the bead.
To promote sweat, and re-establish insensibleperspi
ration, and thereby to relieve symptoms of internal in
To diminish nervous irritability, and in no instance
has *failed to cure tic rimier:melt.
To promote cutaneous eruptions, and remove aiseas
eijif the skin.
To remove the effects of mercury from the syrtem.
To promote absorption of dropsical effusions.
To relieve difficulty of breathing, and hence to cure
Asthma and other diseases of the chest and lungs.
To strengthen the stomach and impart a tone to the
digestive organs, and cure dyspepsia with its comm.
viten disorders.
To promote the healing of Scrofulous and chronic
ao remove Gouty and Rheumrstic pains, and swell
ings from the joints, and cure Lumbago, Seiatica, &c.
Tax QC:OCT.—The Bath has never failed to re
lieve it.
Tae Caw: r.--It rtity be regarded as a specific.
Ter Wermertre Cauca.—Gives grerllikhef.
Tae Mtsst,es.-r-N o instance of death having taken
Ante when the Bath has been employed.
;To prevent and core discharges of blood from the
Itings and other internal organs of the body.
• To core acute and chronic inflammation, the bath
judiciously medicated is a certain specific.
'To cure Gqut, in all its forms, in a shorter period of
time than any agent hitherto employed.
;.The bath has proved a perfect specific in Influenza
OUT of the number of cases submitted to the Bath,
217 have been cured; and it is but justice to state,
that is acute and chronic inflammations, more benefit
has been derived from the use of tho Medicated Vapor
listhin twenty-four boors, than I have ever witnessed
in a month's successful practice.
The following is a list of the disorders included in
thaabove 227 cases:
Acute and chronic affections of the liver;
Scorbutic diseases of the skin ;
Scald bead, salt-rhemus, ring worms, &c.;
Jaundice, lumbago, sciatica;
Acute and chronic rheumatism;
Asthmatic diseases, spitting of blood;
Palpitations of the heart, attended with weak, small
intermittent pulse;
Erysipelas inflammations, opthalmia;
Obstinate glandular and scrofulous diseases;
Stranguary, spasmodic strictures, &c.
Syphilitic sore throat, eruptions of the skin ;
WI an
IRELAND, d nervous irritability.
-Persons afflicted with any of the above mentioned
diseases will see by the foregoing letter of Dr. Ireland,
thesuccess which has attended the administration of
the - Medicated Vapor Bath, and are invitid to call at
our office on Filth street, near Smithfield, and examine
further testimonials and certificates of its efficacy.
'mit lb FLEMING & BLACK.
Wholesale Druggists, Grocers, &c,
WOULD be consulting their own, and the inter
est of their customers, to a very great extent,
by purchasing Spices, Drugs and Dye Wooods in the
Eastern markets, whole and in sticks, and getting
them ground and chipped at the Franklin Manufacto
ry, Second street.
It is not generally known, butnevertheleas true, that
Drugs and apices sold in the East, are lower in price
than whole, of course the profit and cost of grinding
must be. rnade up by adulteration; dye woods have at
least 15 per cent, and in some cases 25 per cent. of
water added to them.. Now water, dust, cornmeal
and flaxseed meal are plenty here, and we can eat
them in their purity, if so it pleases us, without
ing a pepper price with freight and premium added.
..Cinnamon, Allspice,
PiTutmetis, Guiteric, ground,
Ginger, Gum Arabic,
Gant Moo*, Gum Gamboge,
...- .
Pumice Stone. Lac Dye, .
... Indigo, Logwood.
I - Cloves and Mace, l ustie,
MlStard. N iC WOXI,
, OU al Scainotiy, Curl Woul,
,4•Brazil Wood,
- . Nut Galls,
.. per, Linsa. Wood, chipped,
&e. Are. Ste.
7 . " '''' ~ ' T he ;roprietor will not deal in any of the articles
-:4 1 1i- by -; triode se a guaranty that all the articl u esintruated
i when seat
"N.B. La him shall i ll m O a t in l c a On p st u a re nd ili von hand. hnn .
• SOY 2°4f. J. S. GWYNNE
. _
F: • ISkl4titES of Navigation sod Fir, Insurooso
atciek fbroale by_ lItT Y & CO.
~fie- •: * •Pb
IT tt, • : T4'
p.F. l4l" ffir
-1- %Ae e ls constantly on band: lied axe daily receiving,
Fresh Supplies cf__ nice Family Groceries, compris•
lag an extolls* . . arsoretp-arbtelsers she fel
bloats,- Sieditfeeeterrikrn i
steintt -
*Mrs of all kinds, ground - end mewed; •
Isle wlirleans Sugars and Molasses;
Assoapdldoef Sugars;
Crustesetand Pulveriiestdo;
Boston Syrup Molasses;
Fine Honeydew do; '
Raisins, Figs, Currants, Prunes, Citron;
Tamarinds, Almonds, Filberts, Walnuts;
Bitter Almonds, Ground Nuts;
Rice, Rice Flour, Sago, Tapioca;
Kentucky. Boston, French and. London Mustard.
White Wine and Raspberry Vinegar:
Meat and Fish Sauces, and Catskill;
India Currie Powder, Ancliory Paste;
Underwood's hickles, assorted,
do Preserves tin& SiUGeli;
Salmon, Mackarel, Shad, Lobittets; •
Sardinies,Anchovies, Herring;
Italian baccaroni, and Vermicelli;
Superior Chocolate and Cocoa;
Olive Oil, Sarsaparilla Syrup;
Oil of Spruce, Otl of Lemon ;
Jujube and Balsainicque Paste ;
I.singlass, Liquorice,Boni( Candy;
Caraway, Canary a nd Mustard Seeds;
Salreratus,Saltpett4, Epsom Salts;
Brintstone, Rotten Stone, Whiting;
Indigo, Copeess, Aluer, Chalk;
Starch, Madder, Lo . gwood ;
Nicaragua and Camwood;
Castile, Teilet, and Rosin Soaps:
Sperm, Star, and Tallow Cindle's ,
Fine Salina and Liverpool Salt:,
Bed Cords, Plough LinsesOruslies;
Patent Buckets and Kielers;
Nails; assorted. Window Glass;
Corn Brooms, Tobacco, Segais;
Water Crackers. Butter Biscuit, &c.
All of which, and many other articles are Oared at
he lowest prices by
140 Liberty street.
Cloths, Cassimeres, Tiireeds, Vostings,
Cass&netts, &C. &c.
NO. 49, Liazarr *TAW'.
THE subscriber has just returned from the Eastern
cities, where he has put classed the most mogni
ficent assortment of
Ever offered is this City!
which he is now receiving, and to which hd Invites
tht attention of his customers and the public generally
who wish to supioly themselves With
The very liberal patronage which his friends and
the public have heretofore been pleased to bestow on
his establishment
GREATER , has induced
VARIE T him topurc Y hase
of all kinds of gcods in his line, and of a superior quad
ity to any thing which has heretofore been offered.—
The following is a listof a partoftbisassortmentwhich
he offers to the public, all of which be guarantees are
lathe mostfashionable Eastern styles, and of the best
quality, suitable for the'scason.
CLOT/155, • ,
He particularly refers to a kit of biautiful French
cloths and cassirneres, new stkle, which be is cons
dent cannot fail to please. Til l ey are of a most ex
cellent quality.
Rica asid exquisite patterns, in tile,*
latest styks.
A larikcvariety og tiaras.
. : f 4
beautiful patterni, and wain vesting. of every de
French and English Fancy stylerr—suitable for every•
description of
Al4O, all kinds of goods which can be found at any
establishment in the city, which he offers for sale,made
or unmade, as cheap as say dealer in the city.
The undersigned offers the above extensive and va
ried assortment of seasonable goods for sale at a small
advance on their original cost,and keeps them constant
ly on hand, ready to make for his customers. His pri
ces are to suit the times. His goods all made by
Pittsburgh workmen, a
RIOR nd are warrantffi
TY l to be of
t' The public are invited to call and examine for
themselves. P. DELANY.
121 tf No 49 Liberty st. 2 doors from Virgin alley.
THE subscriber has opened an establishment at
No 66, Wood street, a few doors from the cor
ner of 4th, where he keeps constantly for sale allkinds
of LOOKING GLASSES, at Eastern Prices.
He has on band a large assortment of Glasses in both
gilt and mahogany frames, to which he invites the at
tention of customers. believing that the quality of his
articles and his prices cannot fail to give satisfaction.
Pictures framed to order, in neat style,in either gilt or
mahogany frames.
Canalboat and other reflectors manufactured to or
der on the shortest notice. Old frames repaired and
regilt, so as to look as well J
as new, on the shortest no
tice. T ISIORGAN, Agent.
mar 23-tf
THE Allegheny County Mutual Insurance 'Compe
ny are now prepared and read) to receive applica
tions for Insurance, at the office of the Company in.
F.:change Buildings, No. 12. The method and plan
of Insurance according to the plan onwbich this Com
pany hasbeen organized, has been fully tested and uni
versally successful in other parts of the State,in the East
ern States, and in New York slid Ohio; the rates or
Insurance generally, not exceeding the jto of one
per cent. per annum.
NOTE. Each person insured becomes a member,
and will deposits his note for the premium with the
Secretary, upon which 5 per cent. is required to be
paid in cash
L. WILMARTH, President
Jrnn B. Roainsetr, Seuery.
Pittsburgh, Apr:6129,1844.
Lot 0. Reynolds,
Thos. H. Stewart,
G. E. Warner,
E. W. Stephens,
S. R. Johnson.
Harvey Childs.
Wm. Robinson,Jr.,
John Sampson,
James Wood,
Wm. Bagatey,
Sylvanus Loaner,
John Morrison,
apr. 30--tf.
Mackerel and herring.
r BLS. No. 2, Mackerel, large;
e 10 " " Herrings;
Just received and for sale by
july 18 Water st., between Wood and Smithfield
HAYE remora the tees to Second street, dime
doors from the corner of 2nd and Grant eta—
near the Scotch Hill Market: ml 7
Snit litecetnd,
A GOOD assortment of Willow wagcins, chairs.
travelling baskets. &c. which rifil be sola low
ipZl Fancy store, No. Tilaßistot.
oils l asta . . 11 - """ - -r , .
HE undsinag' ~M vsto ert= or y s. ' ntl
1 thebeshiess
.. ,
offers his services.
estelielwhad a .7 ...llll"l = l, ; : perultiderssiffi TA ikr; W :
mist degioicinitvbefeedi wiiisinted ha sdrr
nig *hackie ettperierthe end ptsclital keeiriedgi' wilt
be advantage:Yes tcrthosevehe WWI employ hire: l'ei'=
sites interested in real esultewill. find ndst his office Oafs
or the City;. Coy Dhitrict - ' , "Reserve Traot, opposite ,
Pittsburgh," "Yanor of Pit i ts u 3irrnirighsnr;
Lawrenceville. and lots end f . ins several
Miles around Pitpibtligh: R E cOOWIN,
Office, Perin Street, a few doOr's above Hand,
ftichar.d. Biddle, Esq. P. Mulvaoy.
lifileon M'Candless,Eaq., Jaotes S. Craft, F.5q.,
John: Anderson, Hott...Hartostr Denny,
William Artburs, Chas. S. Bradford, Eal
B. S u .Casaat, 0. Metcalf, Fag. • •
[IP Those of my friends and, the public, who may
wish to ha recoils', to any duty papers, draughts or
willEareafterfind themin thooffice of RE Sic-
GOWiN, tielopm . 4 respectfully rev:mined as one in
WhoseyOuisionel abilities and interty they may de
pend. 2 W REMINGTON.
41.1 . EMOVAL.—The undersigned begs leave to in
c"; form the public, that he has tethered from his
old shwa, tcr the corner of Pena and St. Clair stn:, opr
posit& the Exchange Hotel, where he has fitted up 'a
lirge PISMO Fowrz WLIRIS Room, and now offers the
Most splendid assortment of Praxes ever offered in
this MariteA4
• His pianos consist of different patterns, of . superior
Rose Wood end Mahogany, beentifully finished and
niodeled, and constructed tbroughont of the vey best
materiels, which, for durability and quality of tone, as
well as touch, be warrants to be superior to any Over
seen here.
As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made ar
rangements to supply the increasing demand for this in
strument, be respectfully - requests those intending to
purchase) to call and examine his assortment before
putchising elsewhere, as be is determined to sell to*
an, for cash, than any other establishment east or west
of the mountains. F. BLUME,
Corner of Penn end St. Clairstreets,
Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa.
sep 10.
JL.IIVER • COMPLAINT Cured by the use of Dr
14irlich's compound Strengthening and Aperient
Pills. Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsbeigh, Pa„ wad
entirely cured of the above diitressing Jiieaie. His
symptoms were pain void weight in the leftsble, lobs of
'appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a diitensiort date
stomach, sick headache, furred taingultreountetuunce
changed to a citron color, difficulty of b' thing,
turbad test, attended with acough, great debility, with
other symptoms indicating great derangement of the
functions of the liver. Mr Richards had the advice
of several physicians. but received no relief, until u
sing Dr Harlich's medicioe,which terminated in effec
ting a perfect cure.
Principal office, 19 North Eighth street, Philadel
phis. For sale by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and
Wood sts. sep 10
ril HE Allegheny Mutual Insurance Company, corn
-IL menced issuing policies the 18th May last.
- The Policies and applications for Insurance four
times exceed the amount its charter required to
mence with, creati a fuud already sufficient to meet
any probable loss may occur; as is
touted by all
the reports of we acted institutions of the kind,
and daily augmenting its Capital by the seCession of
new members. -
The terms of Insurance are as favorable as those of
any other institution in thecity, and its principles need
only be known to vastly increase its business and ex
tend its usefulness.
.1 II Roatasott,Sec . Y.
Lot 0 Rayttolda,
Thos H. Stewart,
G E Warner,
E W Stephens,
S R Johnston,
Harvey childs.
W Robinson, Jr.,
John Sampson,
James Wood,
W Bagsley.
Sylvester Lathrop,
John Morrison,
THE subscriber offers for vale a
• large and splendid assortment of
PIANO FORTES of different patterns, warranted to
be of superior scot k monad ip, and of the best materials;
the tone not to be exceeded by any in the country.
Cerner of Penn and St. Clair streets.
mar 18 opposite the Exchange.
Geausercial Academy.
3 , ltf . I , l E ub w ,, A rg i b t , T Ai w ie o g u i l te d n a y: ou_ to
n and vicinity, citizens
rie g
has opened, on Fourth street. neat the corner of Mar
ket and 4th,a CoMmercial School in which are taught
all the branches that constitute a mercantile educa
Hours of Attendance.—Gentlenten attend when it
snits their convenience.
Female Writing Writing Class, at •2 o'clock P M.
june 4.—tf
To the Gantlessen of Pittsburgh.
jTHE subscriber most respectfully ~.......=
informs the gentlemen of this city and '
vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and
SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the
Mayor's office, at the stand lately occupied by P. Ker
rigan. Having been foreman in some of the most
fashionable bootshops in the Eeaatern cities; and hav
ing lot nisbed himself with the best French and Ameri
can calf skins, be hopes by his attention to lusine.ss to
merit a share of public patronage. To those gentle.
men who have kindly patronized him he returns his sin
cere thanks, and can with confidence appeal for the
goodness of his work and knowledge of his boainess
July 2 4-tf. A. TERN AN.
Shakspeare Gardens.
THE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens
of Pittsburgh that she has opened the Shakspeare
Gardens. in the village of East Liberty, for the accom
modation of viiiters during the summer season, The
beauties of the situation, and the perfect manner in
which every arrangement is made about this establish
ment that will contribute to the pleasure of visitors,
are well known to the publicara the proprietor assures
all who may visit her house that nothing shall be omit
ted on her part to make the Shakspeare Gardens at
least equal to any similar establishment in the couu
Tweed Summer Coatings, Drilling., ace.
A NEW and large supply of the above goods re ,
ceived by Algeo & M'Guire, at the fashionable
head quarters, which will be made to order, low, in
any style to suit the taste of the customers, as cheap
as can be bought in the city. Apply to
je 6 No. 251, Liberty street,
Wm. °Mara Robinson, tr. 8. Attontey,
I'AS,reinpved his office to Fourth, near Wood
street, lately occupied by C. Darragh, Esq.
April 8, 1844.
NOTICE.—I have placed my docketind profes
iionalbusiness in the bands of Wm O'Hara Robinson,
Esti.,who will attend to theilisme during my absence.
March 23 f DARRAGH.
Single Killed Csiinsere Cloths.
ALIGHT and elegant tthirJe for summer wear
Tweed Coats of every variety and color, together
with a large assortment of new style light paatadoou
stuffs and vesting, which we are prepared to cut 'end
make to order,after the latest and most approved
styles, at very usderate prices.
The ptinciphten which this emicern is conducted, is
to consult the interest of our customers, u well as one
own, by manufacturing a pod article, and .selling it
prices that cannot fail to meet the apprehrtioe of every
purchaser. We trust to realise our manumission is
ready salesend aria:reams. • .
Fashionable:Head Quartem,23l . l4lpertrt.
it 14
Cofq4ft : or tidbit stconD ITS.
orHi ideesighed very respectfully tenders his ser
vidis to theptiblii; andta
clod Sfirtutievieet*,o aseiidrif
16achas telien.out a beer= and entered into the 'eters
4saisrequired by law, for the transaction of : PealaC
,experience of a series of years in commercial
life,hasfurnishedthe undersigned with souse knowl
edge 'of business, nearly twenty yours of which have
been devoted actively to the auction business,
*hicii may be advantageous to those who confide to
Him the sales of property.
To the Im roarca every facility will be offered indis
posing of Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware; 1
and t o the Home ilanufaciurer, the tom prompt at
tnntion will bewail in the sale of Awericanproducts.
Sales of real and personal estate in town and coun
try shall command the best services of the undersign
ed. Arrangements will be made whereby liAeral ad
ponces will be wade on consignments, and cares in
every instance closed without delay. Beninese Is now
commenced and ready to receive oonsignments.
The Old Auctioneer.
By permission I am authorised to give the following
Avery, Ogden & Co. Wm. M'Knight & Co.
Tiornan. 0, Jones, Janie Murphy &Co.
Jamey Park, Jr., & Co. .1. W. Borbridge & Co.
Wm. Bell* Sons, IT P. Morgan,
Waterman Palmer, Begaley`& Smith,
E. A. Brown & Buis. Shea &Pennock,
Geo. K. White & Co. S. W. Semple,
Samuel Spencer, • (abort Galway,
Balky 41r. Co. Myers & Co.
J.,Psinter & Co. Tatars& O'Connor
King &Holmes, Johnston Sr. Stockti;n,
Bailey f Brown & Co. Gt 34. Cochran,
Thomas Bakewell, L.hurch & Carothers,
H. Child* & Co. , N. Holmes & Son,
Wm. E. Austin, WCandless & M'Clure,
H. S. Magretw, C. M'itibiten;
Allen Brown, . J. M. D. Crosson, .
H. P. Graff, H. Devine.
John H. Brown & Cu. Smith. liagaley &Cu
John S. Riddle. Robert Dunlap.
James O'Connor, H. Alexander.
july 2, 1844. ,
NEW AtiovioN nooms,
Nit al IM 63,
Wood, bailee= Third and Fourth Streets.
EW. LYND, having formed a copartnership
• with C sBickley, and taken out an Auction
commission of the first class they are now ready to
continue business at the above well known and exten
sive ware rooms, under the firm of
One of the partners being most of thp time in the
eastern cities, securing large and regularconsignments
of seasonable merchandize, they are enabled to have
always on hand the fullest and best assorted stock of
Fresh Dry Goods, Hardware, Fancy Articles, &c., to
be found at a niplace in the city.
Regular sales of Dry Goods, &c , on Mondays and
Thursdays, at 10 o'clock A M; and of new and second
hand Furniture, Groceries, &c, at 2 o'clock P 1%1 of the
same day. Sales from the shelves every evening at'
early gaslight, and goods sold by private sale at all
Sales of real and personal estate, private stock, &c,
will be made on the most reasonable terms.
Liberaloash advances made on all consignments.
Corner of Wood and Ite res., Pittsbargk,
IS ready to redeive inercharalizeof every description
on consignment, for public or private sale, and
from long experience in the above business, flatters
himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction
to all who may favor him with their patronage.
Regular sales on MONDATSROd THURSDAYS, of Dr)
Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of Groceries, Pittsburg,hmanufactured articles,new
and second kand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales every evening,atearly gas light. aug 12—y
John D. Davis,
• No. 144,
Conner of Wood street and Virgin Alley.
r UST received and far sale, a huge assortment of
t/ fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dyn-Stulfs,
&c. which have been recently selected, and purchased
with considerable care for Cash. The following com
prise part of the stock just received:
Gum Camphor, Spit its Turpentine,
Cream Tartar, Copal Varnish,
Flnr. Sulphur, White Lead,
Castor .Oil, Red 11
Gum Arabic, Litharge,
Epsom Salts, Flaxseed Oil,
Fl Manna, :C. Venitian Red, Eng.
Gum Opium, Spanish Brown
Gum Aloes, Cbippel Lngwr:orl,
Fier Camomile, Camwood,
Saltpetre,' .. rustic,
Jujube Paste, NW Wood,
&I 'd Liquorice, Brasilletto,
Liquorice Ball, Indigo,
Magnesia, Nutgalle,
Pow'd Ginger, Oil Vitriol,
Nutmegs, Aquafortis,
With a general assortment too numerous to mention,
which will be sold for Cash at a small advance on
Eastern prices.
14 Dr WILLIAM KERR will give his attention to
thecompounding of Physician's prescriptions. m 8
Seasons&ls Ds y Goods.
Slimy & Co.,
No 123, Wood Stria,
ARE new receiving a fresh stock of Spring Dry
Goods, which they have lately purchased in the
east, entirely for cosh, and the" flatter themselves
hat they can now offer such inducements as will make
t the interest of all purchasers to give them a call, as
they are determined to sell goods cheaper than any
other house west of the mountains. al
George Armor, Merchant Tailor,
HAS removed to the room on Fourth street, next
door to the Methodist Bookstore. lately occu
pied by Wm. E. Austin, Esq., where he a ill be hap
py to servo his friends and customers and the public
generally, with all work in his line, which be will
warrant to be well made and in the latest and most
fashionable style. aIS-y
OR OP Or 1843.
THE subscribe! has just received his annual supply
• of Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part
of the following kinds--all of the last year's crop, and
warranted genuine:
Aiparagus, Egg Plant, Parsnip,
Beers, Endire, Peas,
Beans, Kale, i Pepper,
Leek, Pumpkin, Broccoli,
Lettuce,Radish, Borecole,
Water Mellon, Rhubarb; Csbbege,
Musk " . Salmfy . Carrot,
NasaariMm, Cauliflower, • Spinach,
Squads, ' C.Z
Mmtateas. C Cases, Onion,
Turnip, Cucumber. - Pars*,
Corn, kitstart,'(ribise and brown) &c,
Together with a variety of pot end sweet barbs and
flower seeds. ,
GrOrdins fiw seed*, shrubs, trees &c, from gar.
deneprend others will be received ind promptly at-
Mended to: F L SNOWDEN, -
ju t 25 Pio 184 Liberty, beater Wood.
. -11040141- •
MERC111 1 01144t; biIIifiIaFACTUREO Tit ANS
rrl HE subscriber hectskettouta policy in the office
oftbe'PetatlnsuranceComparty, of Pittsburgh,
'to cover all goods shipped by this line from Pittsburgh
to Philadelphia. or add - mere. By this means all
Goods shipped - by' hire 'will befltiV protected without
.an additional charge to the skipper.
ml 4 SAWL *KIER, Agent.
West end of the old Allegheny Bridge
WOULD take this °comb' nto return his sincere
thanks to his numerous frields and the public
generally, for the very liberal patronage heretofore be
stowed on the Emmet Hotel, and he pledges himself
that nothing shall be &flitted on his part to rnerita con
ti n uance of their favors. The convenience and beauty
of the situation, and the whole a:Tangements of the
house for the aceommOdation of guests are not inferior
to any similar establishment in or out of the city. His
table will al will be provided with the best the markets
mot afford, and porting wilfbe spared to ensure the
comfort of those w hooray favor the Emmet Hot el with
their patronage. a2.o-tf
La! whit saakes -hat teeth so unusually whitht
Quoth Josh's dulcinia tubtm t'other night,
Td make yours look so, with a grin, replied Josh, ,
l' re brought you a.houle of Thorn's Toots Wash, 1
'Tis tho best now in use, so the gentlefolks say,
And since they have tried this, east all others away.
But to prove it 'behest to make the tooth shine.
Look again, my dear Sal, at tke lustre of mine.
Then try this great tooth wash,
The Teaberry tooth wash.
And see if this tooth wash 'orthoia's is not fine.
Having tried Dr. "That n's Tea BOrry Tooth Wash,"
and becorgo acquainxd with the i itgredients of ha com
position, cheerfully say, I consider it- one of the safest,
as it is one of the most pleasant tooth washes now in
use. DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
Pittsburgh, Soo. 15, 1842.
I take pleasure in stating, haring made use of
"Thorn's Tea Berry Tuoth Wash," that it is one of the
best dentrifices in use. Being in a liquid fonn.st com
bines neatness with convenience. While it cleanses
.the enamel nad removes the tartar from the teeth, its
perfume yields a fragrance peculiarly desirable.
.1. P. TIBBETTS, lin. D.
The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound
Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be en
extremely pleaitant dentrifice, exercising a most salu
tary influence over the Teeth and Gums;" preserving
those indispensable members from premature decay,
preventing, the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying
the Breath. Having thoroughly tested its virtues, we
take pleitiure in recommending it to the public, believ
ing it us ho the best article of thckind now in use.
Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN, Apoth
ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Market street, Pittsburgh;
and by all the principal Druggists, and at Tuttle's
Medical Agency, Fointh st. sep
T t oi l irt b rius "ribOetraZZectipuultlicininonngesnethend,citilaizet citizens
has returned to the city, and commenced busine.s on
sth street,between Wood and Market streets, and op
posite the Exchange Rank, where he will mauufac
tine Rifles, Smoothbores and Shotguns of every des
cription from the commonest to the finest quality. Al
so, Pistols, Pocket-belts and Horseman's guns, of all
kinds. Guns and Pistols made to order and on the
shortest notice. All kind* of gun repairigg done on
reasonable trims. The subscriber hopes 51 strict at
tention to business to receive a portion of The public
Farmers and aqwwtsmen are requested to call and
examine for themselves. A. S. JOY.
d 6 m—up 12
Dry Goods and Variety Store!
J. K• Logesx 4. George. Conna,
HAVE opened a new cash Dry Goods and variety
Store in Fifth street, between the Exchange
Bank and Wood street, under the firmof J. S. Logan
& Co.
Their stock of Goods are entirely fresh and baying
been all purchased for CASH, principally at auction,by
George Connel, (who has had lorrg, experience in the
business, and resides in Philadelphia to make purcha
ses ani pickup bargains,) they will, therefore be elm;
hied to offer great inducements to those wishing to par
:hese : as they are determined to sell at the lowest
possible advance oneastern cost for CASH.
They }lave now on hand a large and well selected
stock of seasonable Goods, among which are Blue,
Blue Black, Invisible Green; Brorim, Steel and Cadet,
mixed Broadcloths; Cassimeres and Sauinets; Gam
broons ; Linen and Cotton Drillings; Cottonade;
Vestings, fancy • prints: 3.4, 4-4 and 5-4 Bleached
and Brown Muslins; Irish Linen; Bed Ticking; Mari
ner's Shirting; "Titley, Tatham & Walker a," and
"Hope & Nelson's" Patent Thrend; Spool Cotton;
Sewing Silk; Silk and Cotton Hdkf's; 90 hour, and
8 day Brass Clocks, warranted; &c., &c; They will
be constantly receiving additions to theirstock purcha
sed at the eastern auction, and would invitethe atten
tion of dealers and others to an examination of their
goods before purchasingelrex•bete.
Pittsburgh, April 1, 1844.
200 Gros s No 1 Bottle Corks;
6 Bbls Sp Turpentine;
2 " C-opal Varnish;
1 Cask Olive Oil;
3 Bbls Ven Red;
2 " Lampblack;
1 " Cream Tartar;
1 " Flor Sulphur;
1 Case Roll
1 " Liquorice Ball;
1 " Gum Shellac;
1 " Copal;
75 .lbs Gum Camphor;
10 " " Opium;
Together with a general assortment ofDrugs ; Medi
cines. Dye Stuffs, &c., just received and for sale by
No 184 Liberty, head of Wood sc.
Dew Wholesale Dry Ciroods Store,
No 133, Wood Street.
Vf EGOLF, Agent, is now opening an entire fresh•
1. stock. of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, in
the store room recently occupied by D, Fit/Ammon',
Esq., one door above H Childs & Co's Shoe warehouse.
'These goods have been purchased in the east for cash,
and will be sold at *small advance on eastern prices,
for either cash or approved paper. Merchants visit•
ing our city will find it to their advantage to call and
examine the stockbefore making their purchiiien.
I. a ItesirtiagONllll4llrlkavorpr ILO City
_ itsitast•r, ,
AS removed Itt alike to tbitilioms occupied by
Johd Mali, Beg, mi Stiabfiedd, pier Fifth
Pl 2
!toady made Oaks, Warebowqll..
ip•sitkos:,-144..crria-n• '
te_ jt s:3 .
h PECTFU * L ed LY his IO:OIII th r o t titat la
to the building recently oosapirre lly.*
.11. H. Berford,dimetly opposite Ls old rasa d
where be Is always prepared to athmid promPah
to any orders lu his line, and by Mint 'Mat/it
to all the details of the busies= of as.l)
he hopes to merit publicconfidence. He willairspieoliral
at ailment,' to-provide Hearties,- Biers,-C 40111111 1 111 it
every requisite on the most liberal terms. Calls from*
country will be promptly attended to. . t
His reddesee Is In them** bulklhra With Madman
house, where Mime who need, Ms services may dimlithd
&tatty - time. assume:as:
w.w. ULWIN, RSV. seal 11114ARS.O. D. ',.;
ISAAC 11A11111,
• Evans 's Camomile Pills.
CllRTllPtC4M.—;Letter,from the Hon. Ah'h•tir VICIPt4
lan,Sulllvan County, East Tennessee, kiensbesaf Clistelenw
sir_sinre I have been In this city 1 have used
your Dyspeptic aredkine with hilialte beset*" and
faction, and believe it to hen niastraluable-reinede... gen
of my constitucnts, Dr. A: Carden, of Ca.anbell
Tennemee, Wrote to me to send him some, wiIItIVIISU
and he has employed It very soccearfalty
and says H. is invaluable. kir. Johnson, Yhtas afflilkdkad
this place, thinks you would probably like an watt!
Tennessee. If so, I woold recommend Dr. A Cirdeiti'li
a proper person to officiate for the sale of your cell
medicine. Should you commission him he is stlllesast
act for you. You can send the medicine by water lithe
care of Robert King t Sons, Knoxville county,
see, or by land to Graham 4- Houston, Taswell„ tin
Tennessee. I have no doubt but Ilya; bed none tie
several counties in East Tennessee, a great deal of 111111116
clue would be sold. lam going to take some of it Ismisst ,
for my own use, and that of my friends, and should - Vie
to hear from you whether you would Mit as Kest at
Mustville, Sullivan County. East Tennessee:l can gset
some of the merchants to act for you as I live near Mrs.
Yours reirpectinity.
For sale Wholetw'e and RR. E etail, by
No. 2121, Wood street , below fleeced.
FARM FOR BALE.—The undersigned offers for rale
hie 19 rm, tying In Riznu 'township 41 mittiftom the
City of Attshorgh,-containing !Herres oflearicif IMO
60 are cleared and under fence, lit ml 5 lo 20 am**
meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apples few Peach and
Chem trees—the Inspiovetnents are a ,ergo- Cratere irtntrie
contalaintr 10 rooms wellfurnished, eaten lated far a y%
.vern Gs private Dwelling,* frame Barn 28 by Wean*
beserniort, and stabling, sheds (nd other out houseassiit
able for a tenement:-2 Good Gardens surrounded with[
currant bushel. and a well of excellent water, with a
pomp In at the fronlidoor. In relation to the Plablourgh
and Atie;heny market, there Is no place now 0(101.44 1 P'
sate with moreinducement to those wishing to parer
near Plitsbergh.the terms will he made moderate. purer
tirt her pa rticniersnpply to he prom letor at his Clothing
Store, Liberty street corner of Virgin Alley.
N B If not sold before the iT4 of October next, It will
be divided into 10 and 20 acre lots to suit purchasers.,
rep to
Look at This.
THE attention of those who have been sionewhaf
acepticfal inteference to the numerous seal
cates published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compotain
Syrup of Wild Cherry, on-account of the persons being
unknown in this Section of the State; is respectfully di..
rested to the following certificate, thy writer of sad&
has been a citizen of this borough for several years, sad
i- known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility.
To the Agent, Mr. J. KUM. •
I have used Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild
Ott ny fora Cough, with which I have been seneialy
afflicted for about four months, and I have no hesitation
in saying that it is the most effective medieirre that I
have been ablezapracure. / tcomposes/di totaaainse
and agrees well with my dies, maintains a regular
atafgi aid appetite.. I can sinceuely recommend it to all
other , similarly inhered. J. Misr ice, Borough of
Mardi 9,1840. Charnberoburgh
No. 53 Market "tryst.
sri. 23)
These Pill. are composed of herbs, o hick ezett,a
specific action uponthe heart, give impulse or strength
to dm arterial system: the blood is quickened and e•
qualitedia its circulation throne) all the vessels, vibe
thee of the skip, the parts situated intent:lly, of thee'.
tromities; and as all the accretions of the 11047 are
drawn from the blood, there is a consequent increase
of every secretion, and a quickened action of the ab
sorbent and exhalent. or discharging vesicle. Aiy
morbid action which may have taken place is mem:l
ed, all obstructions are removed, the blood is purified,
and the body resumes a healthful suite. For sale
wholesale al. retail by It E SELLERS, Agent,
sop 10. 20 Wood street. below Second. 4A-
A RE now opening one of the richest and most Ert
tensive stocks of Goods that tbey have ever beet
able co offer to the public, every piece of which has '
been boeghtand selected carefully. Our clothsamot
die choicest make, imported—block, blue/ma oseet
French, from medium to the fittest qualities; Moist
blue, block, invisible, rifle and olive greens, of-En
glish and American; Doeskin and Seeded French Cs.,
siteeres, very elastic; Cooper's make of English,'Plaip'
and Fancy do. The variety of Vesting., comprising
all the serest pattern 4, is endless. Our trimmings
are also of the first qualities. Although we do not
proles' to sell lower than the lowest, yet ws spin
pledgeourselves to make work that will compare wit/.
that of any other establishment east or west.
251, Liberty street.
THE sal:scriber, formerly agent of the Pittsburgh
Manufacturing Associution, having been. ar
pointed by a number of the Maoufacturersand Mecham
ies of the city of Pittsburgh and its vicinity as their - ay
gentler the sale of.their various manufactures, will
be constantly supplied with a. general assortment of
those articles at the lowest wholesale prices.
The-attention of Western Merchants and dealers all
American illansrfaaures is respectfully invited t 4
this establishment. Orders addressed to the subset*
her will be promptly attended to.
febl9 No 26 Wood Street. •
ON HAND,—Axes, Augers, Hoes, Mattocks.
SpeJes, and Shovels, Sickles, Scythes, Trace and Log
Chains, Spinning Wheel Irons. Coopers' and Carn,
ters' Tools, Machine Cards,Winclow Glass and Glass-
ware, White and Red Lead.
Next door to the Fifth Prebbyterian Church.'•
june 6.
No. 60 Market street, between . 3ii and 44:
llnforms the public that he has opened a Boot .
and Shoe establishment as above, andsfespect;
fully solicits a share of patronage. He has on
band a choice assortment of French and American
calf-skins, and all other materials necessary in the he.
s i n es, of the best q ualities; and as the very hest work
men will be employed, he feels confident that be will
be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor
him with their custom. All work done ta,order at
the shortest notice. jape 143s+
New(bed's. AID
"THE subscriber respectfully informs the
citizens of Pittsburgh and the public generally that be
just returned from the east., and is DOW tear/sing
a largeand well selected stock of •
AND:WM[2TE GOODS, no•••••
Embracing all the articles in .the fancy and variety
, arbicb be vial dispose of for cash- Th u
aritrehraaldlyiavited to call and e x amine 's* .
stock. at 1 o 96, Market street.
Roams savvi.D•s.„,
%IV. 11111CLA. wuziams,
<LV. 111[611 DAVI3o.