port of Pittsburg!): itMelMitGiltPA• VRIDA”IORNMG, AUGUST 9, Is4t.: tia-o. our outside form will be found the P ll O ll4 Sop nisi* tAnsoriaso•Ropoblienn Association of .Al - Cittrotyinstry, Site: - • larGovernor Tbornal of Marytand, is out in the Marylaisdrpors with * card in relation to his &ink and challenges Governor McDowell, Col. Benton, and the Mewls sad eannezions of Mn Thom as, to a judicial ia°estijatioa. ASOTMcirFIIIIIIT MOM TIM New Yost norm. it wu ourready refiqrted in New 'York. that a Toryo. istia match for s2soo,bas been made between James Einnivan and Wawa liardelcon. and one for $2OOO betWerniirCleester amid Thomaillem . . . urns. Ehmand.. of Hataikaa county, Ohio, have acanimajal .14urs 4 1, INOII4II I farmer Speaker of the 141*Fs-C('"grei" ,'NORTH CAROW44 ELECTION. I Withama vertaived vetnree fivon only seven counties today, which we give below. They do sot alter the opinion ern enpreseed yeatenlay, that the Sums wool& gefee the whip. If they were to lose North Carta* they *add oertaialy lose all hope of getting a respectable minority, iss there only fire States in the Unionthitylett*em a largeranderity„ comparatively, in 1840 than it-namely. Kentucky. Vermont. Massa. dtoserts„ Rhode Island an LOnisiana. The litter Smells now against theta. as is *howls by the late elec tion in t.. If the whigashall lose in the other States estbey have lost is Linisiana,and are likely to lose in North. Carolina. the , following will be their pyramid; VERMONT 6 ' KENTUCKY 12 • MASSACHUSETTS • 12 NORTH CAROLINA 13 RHODE ISLAND 4 FOR GOVERNOR. Huh° (dem.) Graham (arbig.) Maj. Fuld:Jabal yes -3.639 terelty l Roinin, 736 809 David: 254 503 b eabarrus. ' 477 759 Meekhinbirg. 1,045 ' 741 Roekingla, urs. 984 449 Chowan. 201 272 Perquienstos. 217 366 7.640 Democratic majority ao far, 8,739 Globe of Tuesday. The Committee of Arrangement and Invitation ap pointed id the Democratic Mats Meeting. to prepare for the Democratic Convention iit September next, ere requeeled to m at the Washington Coffee Hou4e, on theevenioc of Saugdal, the 10th inst - at 7.l t o'clock. The following persona compose the Committee , : P WCorrnick, D Itirearlx, John Turbert; Thos Hamilton, J K Moorhead, J Banker, Roily PattersOn, Wilson M'Candless, It Gaiwny. Robert H Kerr, John Birmingham, John 8 Butler, ' Y II Shenk, • hi C Moorhead, John Anfirrson, 3 0 Miller, ~.‘•-• Thome: 'Pitinips, Thus Blackmore, C M'llialdwm, George P Smith, W H Smith, W H Lowrie, A - Burke, H 8 Magma. TO TUE POLK AND DALLAS CLUB OF MANCHESTER July 16 1844, (I IN TI., VIVI: lin compliance with a resolutios of the Clay and Markle Clab. of Manchester, we challenge you to a cliscussioU of the leading Political Meas ures of the two parties, at such time and place as you may name, JOHN IMPDOVVF.LL, JOHN BOSQUIT, LEVI BURCHFIELD. Cotnmittre , July 18, 1844 Ms meeting of thelPolkand Dallas Club, of Mu ehester.the Mime cis dtenge was accupted. The meet ing to take plate= Kennedy Grove, (neat Mend:teeter) an Saturday Aug/7, 1844. at 1 o'clock P. M. PP P • H. BLANCAHRD. VALENTINE SHORTS, SY LVANUS PERKINS, -committee. We, the above committees farther agree ma the ful lowing arrangement.: The Sr:4ers to consist of three of each party,. it: . ki/ALTER FORWARD, THONIAS WILLIAMS, . • C. DA.RRAGH, E.qs. Of the Whig party. WILSON M'C'ANDLF.SS, ANDREW BURKE ALEX. BRACKENRIDGE. FAco. .01 the Democratic petty. The diseusidon to be opened by the Whig party.— Each speaker to be litniied to one hour, until each hat spoken the time alkitted. The Committe avec on the following ofEeßrs, • George Cochran, Kwi., President. John \Vomit Jain... Riddle, E.q., and Valentine Slitirts, - Vice George P. Stephenson.. and Archibald Speer. Sec'ys. Parliamentary rules of deliberative asitembliee to be "bseryedat this diatm.pioo. All parties are resper• lively invited to attend. JOHN WDOWELL, JOHN BOSQUI f. LEVI BURCHFIELD, Committee. H. BL tNCHARD, VALENTINE SHORTS, SYLV ANUS PERKINS. 11141—rilICICt ilitY POLE —A Young Hickory Pole rril-ed at the Wiese of Michael O'Huniori. this tircning (Frid..y,,) at 4 pisst 6 o'clock, P M. There illbr addresses d c livcrecl by eminent speakers. AMeg!reuy City-1,4 A ex4l. • fAtUATII The demorsats of the Fourth Word •.• ill meet et the YVaahingtentliotal on Friday evening, Auguu 4th, at n o'clock. A generaloiteadaricsiarequert ed. ang 84t. OGOOrOIIp Monastic 141141 Strip AMERICAS FILES AND RASPS. Ttl E subscriber having bean appointed "Sole Agent" far the sale of Josiah ,lnkrim 3r.. Sous' Files and Rasps, manufactured in this city, from steel prepared expressly_fur the putpo 4e, is now ready to ex ./cute order., and wanly the ankle to Merchants, Ma lsbiaists and- coasumers in general, at manufacturers prices, 1044 much lower In price and warranted of vial quality tp • - eny imported Files heretofore sold in tsionsoriiet. o:7orders to any extent promptly executed by JAI4ES M. COOPER, No 5$ Wood street. jy 4 1.4-(11, WO MOON agP O 9 ll ). PS* rPtia - ALS win be received sttbe County Corn ssioner's Rooms anti! the IQth day of August sent, for the building ofthe foncOving Bridgmi, viz: • Ows Bake over Street's Rim, near llighor's /Min townihip. 4,ridge over Fallen timber Run, Pinikbeidr Town. Orle Bridge over Watson's Rau, ,two mil iib4t!e Elisabeth tort. I.lalmboth Township.) P ano iud t,Da.a 63 midgmd at. she Com uP Om 4y of Letting. order theCmomissioners of 4! County. JAMES gOit!iiLY, Crk. Vittbborzh, Jaly :5.1311. American copy. NOTICE RXIORTILD IT P. 4zidito,, stemoode Agent mid aramissiot 111nNutdmt, Water Street, tear Wood 4 'Elm WAVLE' LA TIM C 1114111111.4. ARRIVED. Revenue, 13ennetr, Cincinnati, Iron City, Form*, Losisviile, Minstrel, Foster. Cinsionsh, Planet, (Dewl-Verheas.Bbip Yard, Bridgwater. Campbell. Wheeling, Conniey,Brownsvale. Clevehtrui, Ilan, Beaver, Michigan, Boies, Beaver, DEPARTED. Allegheny Bell, Hanna, Cincinnati, Indian Queen, Klinefelte,, Louisville, Ohio Mnil. Daily, Louisville, Belmont. Poe, Wheeling, Mozahala, Parkinson, Mo. City, Michigan, Boles, Beaver, Giesehunt, Hart, Beaver. iteralas Sittuntior Packet FOR CINCINN ATI. ..,. 'TIN new 'lnd splendid U. S. Mail • iblikeill boati CAPITOL, ELI ALLEN, , will leave Pimburgh every Ensturdayoi./0 dole* return - sinleole CiecinnetreeteiThi.ft&ty model ut MG clock. =i-For freight or passer apply on baud. or to 'tug 2 BilildltiGilkNl & TATLOIR. (To be included in one contract.) At Nary Yard at Gosport, Virginia. 42 thirty two-pounder chambered Guns, of about eel each 50 thirty-two pounder chambered Guns, of about cwt each (To 'at , included in ova contract ) At Navy Yardnear Boston. 1,200 eight-inch Shells 1 Attie Navy Yard near Nets York. I 1,200 eight-loch Shells, and To be incite 700 nine-pounder solid Shot deb in one 'At Navy Yard near Gosport Va. contract. 1.200 eightdoch Shells, and 800 nine-pounder wild Shot ) All the aforeseid guns, shot and shells tc conform to drawings to be given by the Bureau of Ordnance and Ilydrography, and are to be subject to such proofs, tests and inspections near the foundry at which they are made, and such further inspections at the places of delivery, as may be directed by the Chief of the , - Bureau, and to stand such proof. tests and insie.etiuns , s plendid as will be entirely to his astisfaminn; should one. fourth of the number fail in any ' , articular, at any one At MeKenia's Aortion Wood Mart, Streets. corner of 43 and insre-ctiol . 0114:11 further - tests be pliedas may be deemed nee ILL be sold. on account of whom it may cons vessel yr; and all to be delivered by the first day of De . VIII cer n, on Monday t he 12th i n st., a t 2 o'clock, comber, 1844. ; P Iri'. ones very superior deniers barrelled stub and The contractor ao provide an appropriate site for twist, "Patent Breech Fowling Piece, with 1 Brass proving the guns. ! jointed cleaning Rod, 1 Powder Flask, 1 double Shot The proposals must distinctly state the rate per ton Bag; also, at the same time. one splendid double bar (of 2.240 pounds) for the guni. and the rate per pound relied Pistol. Terms at sale. for the shot and shells. deliverable as above. free of ; charges; must be staled and eurlinsed -.Proposals for / sug A In uishing Cannon on the Northern lakes," •at New i --- ---------------- i York," &e .as the ruse may be. 1 Arrival of rine Cutleri. Bonds. with two approved sureties in one half the ; At m cKemus ., !action m arl , career of 23 and amount of contract, will he required, to be tittered ; I'%ood Streets. into within fifteen dais trim the time limited for re-1 pee cent. of the imo,,nt o f a s ' A UST received and will be sold at public and.pri relying id-; nod tensate sale, - R were extensive invoice of superior bills wit' be retained as coliatetul security for the I'I P faithful performance of the contract. widch will be , CUTLERY and Fancy G''''' d *. "' wa g which are paid only un the satisfactory completion of it ; ntel Extra fine (R.algers')Pen knives, 1. 2. 3 and 4 blades; ninety per cent, of all deliveries made *ill be paid un i ‘f " (Taylor's) Pocket do. 2 and 3 eludes; all bili• properly authenticated., according to the pro I " ~M e. Clay, do uhlenber g, do visions of the coot' net, within thirty days Blurt their', •, .r Van Buren, do presentation to the Navy Arent. , D,swings of the gums and stouts *iil be furnished t " " Pearl, Shell and Ivory handiest the suet-eased hidden by the Bureau. mid they must Tilletsun's &menial Reties, itt cases; be cart red finished-to coofot mto them in every par. i Warranted German Silver Table Soong; titular. The obele of the guns to be turned, and the I " do do Tea Spoons; surfaces dressed off awl finished perfectly smooth, and i Skiving Snap in Boxes. (6 cake* in Pack;) to be cast of the hest gun metal; no lint blast metal to ' Sgissel'• Girnblete. Combs, &e, be used: sad the shot 11l be cast in solid moulds. 1 The above articles are received direct from the poly 17-3twil i port. re, and emote sok' at exttentely low prices. Sales S tu commence at Monday (this evening) the sth inst., Bureau. of Construction, Equipment and I and in he (bulletined every evening (Sunday's *seep- Itcpair' si, re d ,) until the whole are sold. Terms at sale. July 18, 1844. . P. McKENNA. To carry J.m affect that part of the act of Con-, ail 5 Anetinneer. gems, making appropriations for the naval service ----.,._ --- eiiiilte FOR CINCINNATI I for the fiscal year, endihg June 30, 1845, which relates Cauekin and Ede Leather at aok action. Steamer CUTTER. Cot.t.t NI, Master, !to the purehnee of American watearott. d Hemp— AT. DAVIS' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner will depart for the at and Intermesl Propowds will be received atthis Bureau, tuned 3o 's ,1 - 1. of Wood and sth streets, will be sold low, at theta ports, on EVERY SUNDAY, at 10 o'clock, A , clock, PM, of the 29th day of August next, fur deity- i private sale, a superior lot of Calfskin. and Sole M, positiely. The Cutter has been t horenghly re. ' ering at the Navy Yard, Charlestown, Mass., two hula. l Leather. J. D. DAVIS, paired, and furnished with entire new boilers, and ran areal tons of American water-rotted Hemp. aug 1. Auctioneer. be tecommended to the shipping and tre velling corm ' This Hemp must be renal in quality to tbe Riga Rein LARGE SALES OF morally as a safe and expeditious boat. For freights' Hemp heretofore purclaseci fur the Navy, salutes of or passage apply , IRMINGIIAM & TAYLOR, nth hoard. im to I Mitich are row in th e said ravy yard—must be liver- i Fine Cutlery and Variety Goods. ed , free of all expense to the United States, and be sub- I e t T Davis' Corn-nen:l9i Auction Rooms, corner of B No 00, IVriter street. 'Ject to the inspection and approval °t l'emill , who will ,' El Wood rind Silt streets, com mencing this evening be appointed by, and act ruder , instructions from the I Wednesday, June 26th. at early gies light, and eon- The Cutter is provided 14 ikb the Safety Genet, to prevent explosien. m os I Nevy Department, I tinning every evening, (Sunday • excepted,) until all -------- --- Persona making offers must state the price asked per I are sold, is large assortment of fine Etirti.ii cutlery. ton of 2240 potter's,. delivered at the Nosy Yard, acrd' received direct from the locomen, New York, eon- BEAVER AND WARREN must forward with them the oilers of pereons of sutra l i slating in port of ion Tri-Weelt. I% Canal Packet Eltl F., Meet property to become sureties in one third the as f. e ... !!:-1„,._. 239 dot. of Penknives, Pearl and beck handle; ~..- ('apt. J. W 1159. TE K ,1,41ve, Beaver m ount of the contract, for its perenntince, if die offer 140 Cases of R'sitore, a gala eriiir Rl' tiCi..; in, Morsi:i ~.. Wednesday, and Saturday, at 1 o'clock, should be acetpted. 48 dos. fancy Seismal 350 doe. nitrlbleue P 51., and arriving at Warren, 0., next morninig eit 0 Separate proposals will be received for quantities of i 40 dos. vegetable and Jesaismitut Soaps, o'clock. Passeog.iirs will leave Pittsburgh be the not less thin thirty tons, nor more than two dufferhunteril, They are HOW ready for examiteoion. - Steam Bunt C LEV EL AND, Cain. P. limo.. toas. To diminish tho hazard to contraeues • Telma Cash, current funds. at 9 o'eloek, A. M. This Boat is f url asst dle I o warding hemp from the Wester. States, which may rant' J. D. DAViS, other running to Wii rren. - be of proper quality or saftic,ently well pm; tired, the / lone 26 Auctioneer. A PP! Yen S ecre ta ry of the Navy has appointed two agents, who BIRMINGIi A / a; & T ‘YLoR. Pittsb'gh. will, when requested, inspect that which:nay be proper. BOO TS AND SHOES FOR PRIVATE .1 \0 s :IICKEY, over . e a to eget contr acts to b e ree ,,te en de r this te e ete ttee. SALE AT THE NEW AUCTION ROOMS. JNO KIRK, Yettite'o Town. ment. One of these agents will inspect the Hemp that ,F" private sale at the new Auction..,Rooms, No. j•ily 31 J '.. &M. B. TAYLOR, Wane°. may be sent toLouisville, Kentucky, and the o th er that. 61 and 63 Wooded. ladies kid ties, and gaiters; • t which may be sent to St Loins, in Mita:Puri. Theses. / gentlemen's shoes; fine brogans; fine calf and morocco --.-e .._ , gents will be furnished with samples of Rip Rein borne, fine palm leaf hats; brass 30 hour and 8 day Deaver and Warren Packet. - tlemp, and with the means of testing. Hemp, anti will . clocks, LYND & BICKLEY. THE cartel packet ERIE, J. M. ' te; ready to give all information in their power, to en- 1 tn 1 Auctioneers. -------------------- Shaw,mu.ster• will rin as regular Iris able c ontractors to have their hemp properly prepared,, weekly packet between the above named ports. Loaves and to as a :. the strength and character of it, be -li Wholesale Druggists, Grocers, &c., Beaverton Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday!' morn- fore the e s pers,;e of sending it to the navy yard is incur- . ou LI) be consulting their own. and this inter ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursd ay s and sat. re d, I t mus t b e o ;,;tinctly understood, however, that ; w eat of their customers, to a very great e x t ent, ordays; connecting with the Stage Linea to Cleveland the i ns pection en d opiniee of these agents is merely to by purchasing Spices, Drugs and Dye Wooods i n t he lirect, For freieht or pasonge apply on hoard, or to dim, : .•l i t he r isk to am meters, by furnishing useful Eastern marker , whole and in sticks," and getting . 111 RIMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, 1a! ,, , • ..:P.lt. The only inspection taj which the hemp them ground and chirped at thu Franklin Manufacto. .1. S, DICKEY, Beaver. ca ~ • .1) be received toed paid for,willhe that at the ' ry, Second street. •'vyv: of where tt is to be delivered. I It is not generally known, but nevertheless true, that The whole quantity of the hemp embraced in any ! Drug* arid.aPic'coolsiorlsde ltnhethopp6Eatsati.,darceoslotw of grind nd pri ii eg it. • contract mat It,' deliverea at the navy yard Clutrie.ss . than whole, 4 ' town, Mass, on or before the first day of Augus . 1845. mot he made up by adulterntion; dye woods have at i In aidition to the bonds which will be requir ed for least 15 per cent, and in some cases 25 per cent of water added to them. Now water, dust, • cornmeal the faithful performance of contracts, ten per ceutum will be deducted from all bills for deliveries, Red to e and ft xseed meal are plenty here, and we can eat them it' their purity, if so it pleases us, without pay- Single Milled Csusimere Cloths. i tained, until the completioh of the contract, as addnel i 1 cur i t y f or i ts per f or rnance. Th e remaining n i n e t y i ing a pepper price with freight and premium added. a I.IOIIT and elegant article for summer wear ' l ' se • paid • • • per centum will be within thirty days after the Cinnamon, Allspice. / 'lLTweed Coats of every variety mid color, together bills, dulL, , approved, eliail be presented to die Navy A / Nutmegs, Gumeric, ground, V% illi a large a ssortment of new style light pantaloon gent at Uton. . july 23—Stavrt29aug. ; Ginger, Gem Arabic, stuffs and vesting.; which we are prepared to cut and 1 Gum Aloes, Qum Gitanheige, make to older, after the latest and most approved styles, at very moderate prices. . I • Mackerel. - Pumice Stone. Lac Dye The pi inciple on which this , concern is conducted, is 20B"s. new No. 3 Mackerel, Just received Indigo, Logwood. Cloves and Mace. Funk, to consult the interest of our cusuamers, as well as our for gale by • own, by manufacturing a good article, and selling at i a nd : . • MAILMAN, JENNINGS 6e Gin. Mustard. Niewood, prices that cannot fail to meet the approbation of every july 30 43 Wood at. Gum Scamony, Cam Wood, Manganese, • Brasil Wood, purchaser. We trust to realize our remuneration in i , Nut Galls, -Lima Wood, chipped, &e. dte. &o. ready salmi and quick returns. I Pepper, The Proprietor will not deal any of the *miaow ALGEO & IkIe.GUIRE. july 24 he grinds as a guaranty that all the erticles intrusted Fashionable Head Quarters,2sl Liberty st. to him shall remain as pure as when seat to him. , - N. B.—Lard Oil constantly on hand. - iuly 20.4 f. J. 8. GWINNE. FO*IMAVE4 .00e0.- The Steamer CLEVELAND, (Capt. TboiS Hait.))ierring been thorough y repadrea• -run daily between Pittsbut gh and Ilksaver,learletgrittaburilli4t 9 (Mack A M. and B.4tves at g .terleedt P. 31.. • detea4airog with Line nr•lleata to Cleveland and irWiren; and Greensillie . tand Mewhiller Pa. freight of passage apply on board or to • • BIRMINGHAM & 'rAYiAR, •ni 19 No 34 Water street. 471 • BEAVER PACKET. Tbe well known Steamer MICHIGAN. W. B. Bolas, Master, has commenced her regular daily pips, leaving Pittsburgh (as hereto. core) at 3 o'clock. P. M . and Beaver. at 9, A. M. Prices to suit the times, and those whc have no money carried free. The Canal to Cleveland will be opened as soon as the weather sill permit; on the "Finning of which CLARKE Si CO'S LINE to cL Evr.t.kND.O..and MEADVILLE. Pa., will irnmediately glt into opera that. For freight or passage apply on haetrii. or to 0. M. HARIO'N. jnly 1(2 AV ater street. TT The Miabigan is provided with Evans' Safety Guard. PITTSBURGH ANG PACKE WHEELING REGULAR T. kgek.ri.scs- B The new and splendid strum boat I .. 1 1 ' BI GG EV/ ATER, Cart Castraw.t.t. will run as a regrbir packet between this place and Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Tuesday mad Friday at 3 o'clock. and Wheeling cvety Wednesday and Saturday at 8 o'clock. For freight Dr passage apply on board, or In .1. NEWTON JONES. The Bri Ig...water is provided with Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent explosion of boilers. 1 June 22 V. S. MAIL STEAMIER LITTLE BEN, CAPT. TRACKER. Tor Cincinnati. Rep"lar Wednesd.ny Ali - wain Parke'. vidatThe splendid passemilikteam boat •LITT LE BEN, Capt. Thacker,will run ass regular packet between this place and Cincinnati, leaving Pittsburgh every Wed nesday morning. at 10 o'clock, end Cincinnati every Sat urday,at 10 o'clock. For it ei,;ht or passage apply on hoard of to N. 4. Wrrmi street.. mar9.6-3m The Little Ben its provided with Evans sairty guard to prevent explo.ion of boilers. m26-3m. ---- Pepper. 4 Bags Pepper; reemivell and for vole hy REINHAar & STRONG, 140 Liberty street In the District roar! of Allegheny County. William Hays, .. . . vs Fi Fe. Na. 126, July, 1844. . ----------------- I Benj. Darlington, inflOndia Paintings far Sale. I.i ULY .20, 1844—0 n motion of W. M. Darlington, ORTRAIT of the Hon. JAMES ROSS, and Lir Esq., the court nppoiet Francis R. Shank, audi o one of the Hon. WILLIAM WILKINS, paint- . tor, to distribute the procoe.ds of sale in this case. From the Record, ad by that favorite and distinguished artist, the late G. R. RIDDLE, Pro. JA tits Bowman. Esq., are offered for sale. These pictures ate not only valuable as being per- , Notice is hereby given that the above auditor will fact likenesses of the gentlemen for whom they were attend to the duties of his appointment at his office on taken, bet possess surpassing merit, all s pe c imens o f Fourth surer, in the city of Pittsburgh, on Friday the art— have been prononsced by connoiseurs to be 16th of August next, at 3 o'clock, P.M. where those spferstid paintings, and among the most successful , interested mtty attend. wo rks of Abe eminent painter from whose band they come. They may be seen at the Looking Glass Store of W C. Watt., in Fourth street, between Wood and Ili*kW- a Allied** is especially invited to these portraitscas no other op p or tunity will, porbsps. ever d occur tooh. uun poFusks front the pencil of the gifte Bowatx, at a price sc. cheap as these arc offered. 1 jull V Sbet sad lIIWO. BIM/4U OF ORDISIASICt £$D HYDRAGIUMITt .114,1 12, 11144: PROPOSALS will-be received in this Bureau an til 3 o'clockP bl cif Monday, the 19th August-next, for furnishieg and delivering, in the propottions and at the places herein natnold, the following number and dractiptien of ofintroo t shot and shells for the naval service of the United estates, Om At Pigtail! e gll,Passzylvania. 4 eightrinch chambered guns, of about 10,000 pounds each 400 eight-Wait wild Shot 900 eight-inchSbells. and 200 stands ofgrape Shot for eight inch guns (To be concluded inane contract.) At Sackett: Harbor, New York. 10 eight.inch chambered Guns, of about 63 cwt each. 25 thirty-two pounder chambered Guns, of about 4e cwt each At Rufaio, New York. 10 tight-inch chambered Guns, of about 63 cwt each 20 thirt-two pounder chambered Guns, of about 42 cwt each. At Erie, Pennsylvania. 10 eight-inch chambered Guns, of about 63 cwt each. 25 thirty-two-pounder chambered Guns, of about 42 cwt. each. Al Navy Yard near New York 26 thirty-two pounder chambered Guns, of about 4; cwt. each 20 thirty-twa pounder chambered Guns, of about 2' cwt each july 23, 1844 PRINVINIII A FRESH SUPPLY OF C. JOHNSON'S SUPERIOR PRINTING INK, 1$ L.4IIGR LSD SWIM. *ZIIII. Just received a the offiee of the "Poet." august °A.tutolx lialto. POSITIVE •SALE .OF, A COUNTEirSTORE. _ ILL be sold, at the new Anetion Rooms; Nes. TT e 0 and 63, Wood sheet. On Monday LS& inst., at 10 otelock, A M., the remaining mock of Country Stine; which mast be poakively sold, wbbout reservaths. This sale M owing attention °Uri,. tail dealers, and others. The is a slight enumeration of the *misdeal Boom, Ladles' Shoes, slippers, pumps, brogans, cloths. brusher, butcher knives, careens, penknives, knives and forks: steels, buttens,whips, skein cotton sewing silkomttonsaotum and woolen se,sespentlein, silk owlets, silk handkerchiefs, flannels, nankeens, sheeting, muslin, prints, gingham, Ky. jeaus.satinet, linen drilling, Bro. linen, sektrte, Irish linen, diaper. towelling, broadcloth, pam stuffs, carnbrir., pins, carers. O. S. spoons, &c. &c. Al4o, at 2 n'elock; P. 14., Watling to 'helm° lot, young byson, and black tea, nutmeg, wrapping and writing paper. &c.; besides, at the same time a large lot of new and second hand furniture. LYND & BICKLEY. Auctioneers. z iE si rtl 1 1 3:2 Aug. 9. HAS been received direct (torn the Eastern cities, at the new Auction Rooms, Nos. 61 and 63, Wood sueet, and will be *Old by PRIVATE SALE, • fresh assortment at Fine and superfine ingrain Carpet'; Stair and Floor Venitian, Schnell, Tufted and Brussels Hearth Rugs; Four and six rinarter matting. The colors and patterns are all of the choicest and most feahionabletleacriptiona; and the carpets will be sold for Los THAW AST WHIMS SUL in the city. Also, for private sale, superfine broad cloths, Irish linens, linen cambric, &c, which will he gold lo P w. LY& BIC, aug 9 Auctioneers. Magic Lantern. A T DAVIS' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner A of Wood mud sth streets, this evening, Friday . August 9th, at half rat 8 o'clock. All., *fillet so n without reserve, one splendid Magic Legere, entirely co mplao, which cost the owner $l7 00 dollars. Also, at the seine rilzetone superb* Beaver Clotionr coati one pair of floe Weimer , Panteloonr, slot of summer clothing, a few new and *Aura handl one Kent Boers. Watches; and ins xtedistely After, a variety of Dry Goods J. D. DAVIS. Aug. 9. Auctioneer. FRANCIS R. SHUNK, Auditor. ME:=ME a 5 4. ;_~ i. FRESH ARRIVAL THIS DA N. O. Sugar. _ 10 Muhl. prime N. 0. Spri 2 22 Quality, du. In .fury and fur polo Itg,lby_ ti 11 ART & 5T1401419, 140 LAWN Ottitt. Sagas awl Maaims. 101-1 UM.. N. O. Suer I 1., 400 Ws. 44 Molaiwo4l 00404 wad for W. by J. IV. SURSRIDGE: Co all oy Widow utast, Woven Igootood4Witd•l4. itts " pm* 0110 io *tom "51"""adi th. Drug store o f Ju 19 .1. 1 *..; . VEST eligible ommtry,tteeihisuce , shoot n ine 4411 miles front the city. upon *bank of one of the _rivers, is offered for sale or I eat, powessicut ,11 given in a few days. _. The bons eis commodious. fortrtwo feet h twenty feet, two stories, with baietient. The Awe ample and convenient.. There is e.valuebie oichard and one hundred acres of land in connexion with the improvements. To the purchaser or tenant of- hay, oats. potatoes, &c. &c., with a choice s of cattle, would be sold, it requi red. Inquire at the office of Alderman Morrow, • July 22. . sth street. Builaing Lots in nismingluiss. u LOTS, sniteble for buitainf mwteti6sLbly lit d..and within two minutes: walk of ths. - ageausferry b oat lasding , will be sold at prices toWrit thetimes. The terms of psyraent will be made easy, either for cash or such barteras can be inadeavailable. Apply to the subscribers in Birminkhem, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. - ' 'June 1. JAS. rATTERSIDN,jr. JUST received a fesv casks Chißenda* cured barns, and fur sale by BIRMINGHAM & TATLER, No. 54 Water et. , 2UBBLS S SALTS,ffitst received fad for sale by BIRMINGHAM & TAYLER, at 3 No 54, Water Street. a STARCH. 1.500 LBS. Hornmedeu's sudebtsted Sterols, just received and for sale by D..& G. W. LLOYD, JUST received 27 casks "Pecco" Madeira latrine, snd for sale low to close cnnsignetetit, a antastior article, by BIRMINGHAM & TAYLER. jape 4 No 54 Water st. Ounmer Stooks. ASUPPLY of elegant Summer Stocks. new and beautiful style, just received at the "Three Big Doors," 151 Liberty street. juoe 1. ENGLISH, AMERICAN, and FRENCH Ca,• sitaeres, light . and dark patterns; a film assort• meet of the shore goods will be found at ALGEO &AVOUIRE, No. 251, Liberty street. 49 BBLS GROUND - PLASTER, Justreveived rival Bettirnere, on consignment, and Air sale by SAWL NI KIER, a 22 Canal Basimnear7th street. Scythe Eneaths. 30 "F. -Scythe Sneat/rs, a. superior article, just received end foo sole by june 3 GEO. COCHRAN. Chasse. - ASMALL lot of Warren Cheese just received and fur sale by june2l. BIRMINGHAM & TAYLER. THE iaccess this line has mat with, since - him,' -2 i :' fu-srestabli..hed on the "Individual Enterprittel ' ' 4 '4 system, has induced the proprietors , to increase the-. - - '''', number of Roats during the-winter to twenty-five, one - '-' ~ of which will leave Pittsburgh, Philatielithia and Bet timore every day (except Sundays) during the senses. : »' and make the trip through in six days, . - -- 'r , -;1 The superiority and adfantages ofthe Portable Bent •', 4 ::, System over every in her mode elf transportation (when: -f- 4 -'f3 canals intersect with - rail roads) are too well known ' - ' 4 ';,l to shippers by this route generally to require any con! Ai mem. • -1 . , - Cheese. Shippers can rely on havitigtheir I roduce, merehaa4 • A PRIME lot of W ft Cheese just received and ts e, . or g oods of an' , kind that may be consigned to " I the Agent-sof this Line, forwardedwith d' ch'' , ,lApill sad. 11. Strudel by BIRMINGHAM & TAYLER. at the very lowest rate (IP freight charged by other : -, m 3 No 54. Water street. 1 Lines, without anyatitlitioual charge made for cectin -, Tinzars' Totob‘ ling or advancing charges, &c. A N assortment of Tinners' Tools,: manufacttuird I Alimminuniesitim s t° the following Agents wining - ':a , , AL. by F Beeler—warranted. Fur by promptly attended to: june 22 GEO COCHRAN. I CHARLES A. McANULTY. y i At the Depot, Canal Basin, Pinsimrgb. ROSE & MERRILL, $3, Smith's Wharf. near Pratt st. Rshireori T - , :ri ) W& J i TAPSCOTT, , • lA' No 43. Peek Slip, New Yank- THOMASBOIIIIIDOE, ~ ---;? jam 31-ly 272, Market street, Philadellthia. ...sec74 1 P. 51'KENNA, kictioneer Bloom ter Salo. 3 TONS Juniata Blooms for sale. H DEVINE fk, CO., American Line FUR SALE LOW. A BUILDING 101,20 feet Nott, on 6th street, op posits the Episcopal Church. Inquire of a'2•2 HUEY & CO Pot Ask. 17 CASKS POT ASH. just remised and for sale by J. W. BURBRIDGE & CO., •10 . Water st, between Wood and Smithfield. .1014 A KIDD *et 1140 or 'ant _ SALEftAItS. 1200 LBS. Saloratus Boxes, fur &ale by mll D..£, G. W. LLOYD. nr.llPLaue's Liver Pin. A FRESH SUPPLY.--Tbest valuable Pills are AIL now-used extensively and the demand daily in creasing. Are y.iti bilious and subject to sick head ache, try Dr M' Lane's Liver Pillr, they give speedy relief. For sale at the Drug store of - • - • 30NA RIDD, corner of .Fourth and-Wood streets. - L 7 XL OF LOCIWOOD.-500 ibeKitract orto .112 A wood, juts received sad for wile ar the Drug S t ore of JDN A KIDD, ju 19. corner of Fourth nrd Wood CASTOR OIL. - I r a BBLS. Cold Peened castor Oil, for sale by 18 JAMES MAY. JUST RECEIVED—IOO liPt. Spanish Flies. at 1 wholesale and rttaii Drag Store of JON K I DD 'u 19. center of Foutth and Wood *meta, Mad Ur. CASK MADDER, in pare„ aad will be sold leg to time congigument. BAUMAN, JENiTINGB Su Co.. 43. Wood nuee.t patent LevOs Wartehes, 111 UST received direZt Gem the Imprwte_ra, an voice of Gold English _Layer Watches, full jew ell'd„ ane.hor and parachute elgtapementr, , two Silver Levers, anchor eacapemew 13 holes jewelled, all ot which will be warranted, for role by K LOGAN &Co., ./YIE" - Ne. 34 fifth --------_ INSURANCE STOCK: n .SHARES of Nsvigation and Fire Insurance 11 1 stock for sale by HUEY la CO- IN7 IC WAIFS ON - POWDER MANUFACTURER. j26-6m. qtA'R PgTTiIIIUROTI FRESH TEAS, FRUIT, &c. • • 18 Catty Bowes Young Hysori Tea, 18 (1.1 do Gunposrder. -do. 6do do Imperial Edo do Poor:bong- - An 4 Intlfchest"eztra flee Chulan" Poschottgaw. 10 boxes Prime Lemons, sdo do Oranges, 2 baskets -Olive Oil, - • 10 hoses sealed herring, . 75 bhls No 1 Salt. • 200 Roses 8 by 10 Glass, 50 do 10 by 12 do. 2000 lbs Spanish Moos. • Received and for sale by .J. 1). WILLIAMS. july 9. • No 28 Fifth street. 100 B L S . Sal"llit haled liAdUtagra by Co. July 3. 1344. Thveads. T UST r.ocivied 900 &OM 200. yarcli ,towilikpool al Amide, which will het sole' at esiVern rite* with the addition of freight, by ZEBULON NINSET. m 23 No SS Marketstrcet. Pit Usti. - K TONS Pig Lead; vir Received end fair sale' _ J. W. BURRRIDOR & 8q• jut) , 18 Water st., between Wood sod Smithfield . . YORKiots A NEAT Yf ' 104 worm En ,quirt of . it.arArreiesoti. may 98 - Dboasall Mier. EIPT.P?&Axes via Edie Tools. fora's* • GEO COCHRAN, No 26, Wood amt. antintutax POUTAB&E some Lam For A. buispwfiitimi of MERCHANDIZE AND PRODUCE . SLIVVIS,II PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA.PITIO BURGH AND BALTIMORE, AIiD NEW TORN AND BOSTON. THE PROPRIETORS RESPECTFULLTicfornstbeirfriendsandlgt genendly, thatthey haveclimgad *Nguema Transportation Line, from the United Staterreredife. Boat Line. to the Awnless Portable Beat Litre. This line is composed of twectreve new Four Sec tion Portable Beats, one of wkich will depart tilailf - from Pittsburgh. Philadelphiastd Baltimore. . The superiority and adirantages of the - POtillso Boat over every other mods of transportation Es id* well known to shippers yenerally to requtrecommenii suffice it to say, that thedetentioa.less, damage to Goods, invariably attending' three - .rel. - shipments between Pittsburgh and Philadelpitiaotes by the Portable Boats most effectually removed. To give undoubteliecttrity to owners and shippers all gee& and produce shipped by this line will in* `Aired in a revmsiblo office in Philadelphia, widsteat any additional charge to the owners. Merchandise shipped by this line in any of theses's* ern cities.suld consigned to H Devine &Co, will ha ffieve',. warded immediately on arrival at Pittsburgh toltitA3 part of the west, free of COMMilliiobll. - H. Devine will receive produce consigned to bun t pay steamboat freight and charges, and forwent , Site same to any of the eastern cities, and &imp so eoin-' missions for storage, advancing or forwarding. Any comanniteutions or goods directed to the cam of tbg undersigned Agents will be prompt/7 attended- to. H. DEVINE & CO Canal Basin, Liberty street,Pittsburgti. E G. WHITESIDES &CO _ _ _ 36a Market street, below Tenth, PUNlellohia. GIESE & SON Cornmercerstrter Wharf, Battinare 'I A FA HNESTOCK * CO, MiMA gatt= O. A. IllicAllitrioTT'S UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT Lll.ll-E t For the Determination of :V erehandhe to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PIIILAPEI:t NEW YORK . AND BOSTON. ea= E2fMailaiti "IRON CITY LINE" OF CANAL BOATS,:. ONNECTING with steamer Clevelnud, at thaw G ver, will be in operation un the 041 Ittetatt:t, tcf. Cleveland daily. 'rbe above line is complied of 8 got.atanal commanded biexPerienced men, and will depart cvi .0.; ery nuncios to and from Fittsburgh and Cieveland,s4 9 o'cidck. Proprietors of the above line are Messrs. HUBBY & HUGHES, elleveliod, " STA NDART, INGBAH AM & -r: Freight of all kinds will be car Lied aslow as bylaw other good and responsible linv. For freight; pr wage apply to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR. niarlB No 60, Water , . r nights to rispa4•4444 '9l4t tiPmkiit!, • , ' 4 411•1 MERCHANTS & MAN UFACTPREPS' LINt, V noft rt. OR transporting Goods, Merchise, r - ,:i ,I. &sc., between Pittsburg l , Pkilarie/04 , . ' 1 Elaliistere. Goods wilibe received and roma 4.,. 4 2 .1 this line on as accommodating terms and as Am; WSW 1 as by any other responsible Liue. Allgood. foram:.4 ded from Philadelphia by this Line er,ilibeijasuirectr, I The Proprietors and . agects will giro Anis ss,linie, nii.::, tentionand endeavor to render satiefassiot: to ail V. be may favor them with their custinn. We h.; ire ship,: pers, merehaats, triatiufactuicrs nodothers tngive v• call Wore ahippingetarivlwre. Merclnindisee,sr e 3 to the agents will be received. fieight and ' paid. and forwarded without additions:daunt warding or storage. SA WEL W DAY. ) . - 11- L PATTEASON, &OElttil Sassed MlCier,Canal Basin, near7tb at. rktabl: &navel L V lidy, Ist Dead Wbasfy below Reei l 4 Delaware, Philadek)bia • bane Cruse, Baitinune. El L Pattersou,Holli4aysburgh : Jew Iretnersost, Johustows. I 4. N Briggs, New Turk. Wit B Reynolds & Cc., Benue US Kg TO: i banes McCully,' Irvin& Martin ' . I' B -Robinson & Co, i 3 W Banbridge do Cc, I Henry Caliber, I C G Mum, 34n Grier. Cbureb &CaratherF.,. George Breed, . F Sellers. Samuel J Moliiieln.. /Axis Samuel WilseS. N 9 4 4 0, fob 13,'44 Lisigar risdris", for .AWit ... lha Swiftsure, Robinson, Master, hares Thursday as 30 o'clock, a. w. TheCutter,Colliss,Maotat,leves ev, IP s'olealta. re. - TbelklamiiFtWer Dantot,muter,, urday at le b•cloc - a. in. The-txplatm.Earitbison, Martyr, \ day at 10 oiallx4r. 5.... JOHN BIRMINGHA. sterloo . • srErmEkutot 4,ri,WT. -- •F,FF: rII Might avasetp tatt‘4l , C DOW Hes at thaWb,ige.,,,Vllty 1 4 4 , , Of good, approved I's Tut tt ao.„,si, al, ins • .• ' - 44.11F5. II . , ~. . 100 Front stmt. New York RiCE &-itituAms, No :91, Chothamstreet, Bootort 1844. Plyikb*rel