Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 06, 1844, Image 2

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    JAS WHITLPRER, Mifflin,
stgesEN WOODS. Robinson,
• lid Rout
EDW ARP WCO.RRLF., 4,disna
Dtaeoe Witt/it Tv mien L nova ••-The "unbought
editor of tbeesmette" has dr a wn a feint sketch of nitre
se*, leaving out till the most disgusting features in hie
rieserse,and saysit is a portrait of the "Locoruco or_
gan of this region." The picture is very striking, Lot
istaidere ate many points emitted rivhich might have
been put in it with good elfin.* For instance, the real
taptives which induced him to sneak into theantimasonie
tilt* while he was still a member of the lodge, and
tbestamotdoleatof the fact that he was connected with
the 'blood stained order" until he was unkenneled
the democratic papers. Next, his foul mouthed abuse
of Clay; his d e nunciations of him for having "throt
tled the Tarillf;" few being an "immoral and profane
des," for being a "gambler: a “Juellist," a "ma
sore:and a !'slavebobler." These would have beep
vizettg features, and if he bud only thrown them into
the Picture, along with the mall vices which he has
ensunecated, (small we mean when compared will) his
otherfauks) no clue could have failed to have recog
nized the iwanaculate Deaconat a single glance.
"Lying, deception, slander, meanness," are promi
nent carbuncles on the portrait. These features ate
viol& in his dtmlings with the fifteen whips;
" his load denunciations of Clay and his friends, and his
meanness in sneaking into their ranks without apolo
gist:tea hisformer slanders. We do nut refer to his
aim of the dernocmts,as he has said nothing about
them Moro vile than what he -has publivbed againsr
*Osti who now terirlrry him. Deacon, you are a list.
rate painter. We wereplcasedwith thelikeness which
you gMIOIIOIOO time since of the whir candidate, but
we widen that you could draw such a p rfuct per
totpot "ourself Of the one which appeared in your
;•*4- ytaaarestriMetimg .
leiblipserh al Macon, Geo., in April last, Haloes
QLAT Min the memorable declaration which follows:
"rem in favor of a U. S. Bank. All nations
set as the example."
In a speech at Cbarlestoa, S. C., about the same time,
Mr Clay spoke as follows:
41 1 contend that it is necessary to charter a National
Beek to regulate and cont , ol the monetary system,
NM keep it frutn explosion and mischief—that a Na
tioaal Bank is necessary to secure a national currency,
WWI as xecessar, to a nation as national
ilksillialtut CLAY made these declarations years'
been left to inlr his determination to rc
a Bank, if elect President, from his for
ones, and acts, and ,speeches, the whigs might
001011bly have shuffled t.ff and evaded this inycirtatit
issue—lnn he made thl above doclarations in election
eering speeches, since this cotitest was begun, and those
of his supporters who arc disposed to act hypocritical:
ly or unfairly in this business, as they did in 1840, can
art play this unworthy game. Mr CI.AY is commit
sad, unconditionally committed, in favor of a Bank,—
n se k like the old one," and no man who is honestly
opposed to such an institution will vote fur him.
In pans of the country, allele they think it will do.
they are out "open mouthed" fur a new "monster."
The Hon Jos L WHITE, late a member of Congress
frees Indiana. but now residing in N,,.w York, lately
eilkireseed the Yuuug Whigs of that city, on the Dank
troastkon, in the following emphatic w olds, as reported
in the New Turk Expleste
"The whig party Masa a/aim, / am compelled to
ray,eosseritted logo issue of A NATIONAL BANK.
(applause.) I know there are a set of men and pad
ticiassia the whig ranks who go against a Bank, but
. de wit to deity that this is a Oar etrarere, and
whesseoer sr whir orator or editor denies the issue,
ha witigissi skosrld be MISTRUSTED. lie was
slither ignorant of whut was a whig principle, or beidg
wise, he sought ter conceal it. For one I will rather
marauder all claims to .ucceis, tether than atandon
ease wbig principle. The whig p.alicy was a coming , -
hawks one. It embraced the interests of the whole
Union. In the West a Torii was conceded to the
North to ptoteet her in her manilla'. tures, but the
Weak dui Whole Valley of the Aiiwissippi, asked for
a National Bank to regulate the trade and exchanges
of the aorranty. The West dennands a National Bank.
Ilinkisbo says nay, The Witmer, of trade and eiChanier
Lain fewer of this city, and though we in New York
did nottrktrire a National Batik, them ware those who
414 and they were bound with US in one common bond
ritillith. (Applause.) /speak from -and for whir
wrinciyles aim j say that a National Bank ICCIP
;we of the issues of 1840. Name the institution
what you please, but give it the power and priociples
of a groat national regulator, with power to equalize
the currency."
This's strong and plain language, endwise received,
ibe Septa* sea, witho'applimas." Mr WN lT comes
el tatikr up to the work, and *wains his leader with
lerelleases mular that doss him credit. " Whenever
ss jet smiler or railer &Ma this issue [the Bank)
dds, ye angling, tioas-Illervieg editors and orators
at tha Coons, who sleek to evade this Wisc. "I am
ra National Bank," says Mr. CLAY, and whoever
CM sit one, akel Mr Want, is to be "MIS-
T/MISTED." Tkst is the fair and proper way to talk
shoot thistosior. lbw democrats gladly accept the
lasemomkadiAMMW every honest man in the mammy,
4 “ 116 1 1 . - the corruptions of the Bank, ambits
4111111618trwimilvetier, against CLAY and his project.
irrhe frikwrieg is the "code of ethics" which
of the Guam lays (lawn to govern his coo
- • rialblitOlk slender, merlins, azkell venial
i r ro
ailikto o be farilOP oll on e Ai* Pomace, at imither, .ao
illethetakt say, nosinaat WI, but* absohtte virtues."
AillnttOi wicked scoop the Demme meat be, to avow
14116184144 44 Mk" whip love a great dela
.turn coot afore people. en &mg-
Afislsobject of conversation among
eistsvi the bopes end confidence
Alsigber duos they were Wine the
eatilltlekthed 'every spetk of hope
its. Nothing opprosobiss it, in
ect, wild ever before whammed . in
Atha like be seen again.nutil shot in.
isrepresecrtetion of the whirs, le regards pub .
-matter, impel the democracy to get
inn. It war an epoch in the history
be related to posterity by some of
es' es one of the wonderful events
de.. tiption of the order of tbr pro-
inscriptionson all the bonnets and
we could obtain. We regret that
s all, btu...what we have will suffice
friend some idea of the spirit dir
Flan WARD.
Band of Music.
Ward Democracy, Folk, Dallas
and IduWent:tem.
SicoaD WARD.
This ward made a magnificent display, and Shen
dwymaiehed into the yard, they made a splendid and
formidable appearante. Tliry sere pleardcd by a
Band of Music.
Banners. —lltionument: 'Suet eti to the memory of the
murdered Caley.'
A transparency repr ese..l i Lig thesiucl betmeru. Clay
and Randolph.
A decapitated coon, with Clay's head. Inscription.
Whig Principlis—That same Old Conn—No Protec
tion fur Protection—LT. S. Bank—Disttibutiou of the
Fublic Domain—A.suniption of the State D,htt.
Coons dare not say Bank or no Bank—Whig Pritt
ciples--Two days fot One Dollar, instead of Two Doi 1 . the whigs now •'stand from under." They
lars per day. I have aroused the Lion of Democracy; and ha will d.r
Third Transparency. your them bodily. Since the Prodession of Saturday,
In!eriptirms.—We (wise 11. Clay, the father of the the Dem icrats barn determined to carry Allegheny
Bankrupt Law, by which thou‘ands of the honest ye o- c ounty. 1 hey had not made up their minds about it
maw, were deftauded of their just dues. I previous to our Great Mass Meeting, but that has
Mr Clay has left his Tariff friends and united with aroused all their energies, and the banging, buaving
Calhoun.—H. Denny's Later. r.higs tr ill hive to take the consequences. Again we
3he S.uth Ward Democretsbare no Bankrupt Com- say , "let the whip stand from under."
If tho Bankrupts have no modesty, they should have
some 'ha me
There i 4 no necessity of Protection for Protection.—
Hear, Clay,
Equal Protectioato K. Polk.
My exertions have been directed to a reduction of
Tariffs.—lfeetry Clay.
I should have preferred if 20 rr cent duties had
been adhered to.—Heary Clay.
J. K. Polk, opposed to a National Bank.
J. K. Polk and a Protective Tariff.
Band of Musk.— Banners.
lnscriptions.—The Ticket—Polk, Dallas and Mob
lenherg—No National Bank.
It was a Social game of cards, nothing worth men
tioning at stake; Crittenden can tell.
"The Ohio River is frozen half the year and dry the
other."—H. Clay.
"High Tariff duties fill the coffers of the Goveinmcut,
and empty the pockets of the people."—H. Clay.
-My exertions since 1832 have been aitected to a
reduction of the Tariff"—H. Clay.
"I brought forward the Compromise Act; I have ad
hered to its provisi , ,ns, sod shall do so in future."—H.
"Mr Clay has left his Tariff friends."-11 Deany's
"Cloy "'throttled the Tariff."-liaboaght Gazette.
"Fair and just prcr ection to all t:te interests of the
w hole Union, embracing Agriculture, Manufactures,
the Mechanic arts, Commerce and Navigation."—Jas.
K Polk.
Focava W • an,
Band of Music.
Banners:—North Ward Huge Paw s.
We stskt to conquer--We go for Tariff and pro
tection—Equal Rights testi and no Whig misrule.
"My negroes arefut and sleek''.—Henry Clay.
"Agrieulture needs no protection."—Henry Clay.
No 50 million United States Bank.
Pennsylvania, good for 40.000 majotity.
Band of Music.
P. 41,, Dallas and Mulileiiberg, the Line fri,ruls of
constitutional measures.
The People can and of light ooght to govern them
selves wirliout a U 8 Bank.
Fifth Ward Democratic Tula Club.
The Winking men are coming.
Portraits of Polk and Dallas.
The whole pp-ceded by • splendid Star Spangled
Banner, and a band of music.
Fatal . WARD,
Band of Mode.
ElccoaD WARD,
Baud of Music.
We areopposed to the man who 'throttled die Tariff.'
.No United States Bank.
13ni,d of Music.
Batinerst—Democrats of the 3d Ward, Allegheny,
Transpareney,( drswn by four horses, driven by pos
tillions, tastefully dresMd,) on wbicil was painted
Equal rights and unlimited freedum a opinion;
Polk, the Young Hicltoty,
Dallas and Victory.
Polk, Dallas and Muhlenberg•
Band of Music,
Pitt township, fur a Protestive Tariff and no Com
promise Bill.
Equal protection and no monopoly, .
Democracy - "its principles and its candidates.
Specie currency, and no U. S. Bauk.
Where are the "two dollars a day and roost beef 1"
Echo answers where? -
Clay argon:ems, a brine of pistols. 1 From Cantos.—The Cant= Press of March 16th.
. . l imas the following paragraph:
Troth ormlbed to earth in 184 ° will rise a g' l° ' l ' I The U. S. Frigate Brandywine, le ft Hong Kong last
1844. Illanday from-Manilla, where we understand she is to
(armory) enemy of Pitts. he ;pined by two or liven weber ships of war, thee
Henry Clay the inveterate
burgh. I return to Macau for Mr.Cusbing, aud with the South
! eriy monsoon proceett-withibe squadron to the Peibo.
Darragh and Dorsi* taxed Pitt township withouttbs Commodore Parker 'Was received by the HengXong
commute( the people. • I authorities with all the honors due to his raids:.
Brod of Mimic.
Lewreneevillelcaueratie thsleptiun.
"Duga b t give up the ship." .
The price of tawny is etersal vigilance.
These are but apart of the banner, and transparen
cies that appestat le the promote%but, not baying
taken them down as they posed. it is impassible fur
us to remember them all now.
The following resolve was allured by It. H. Kerr,
eted adopted by acclamation—;
Resolved, That the Coalmine reanimate be, and
tie hereby cotunituted a amenities to invite the Hon.
GSO. M. DALLAS. H. %. blueuagasio and any
other Demnrrats they may deem proper, totit this
county after the Bedford Convention,
and me.
mice hare power to mill a Convention at . any 614
they may think reiviserble:
P WCormiek D w cell.
John Torben Thos Hamilton
J K Moorbearl J Hooker
Italy Patterson Wilson WCandlcas
R Galway Robert H Kerr
John Birmingham Jahn B Boiler
'\F R Shenk H C Moorhead
John Anderocen J Er Miller
Thomas Phillips Thin Bleeekmore
C M'Kibbcn George I' Smith
W II Smith W H Lowrie
A 13erlio H S Magraw
Tar Coons Ant: SC AlIF.D.—The Whigs have fix
some days past been tulvertieing a Mass Meeting in
Allegheny fur Thursday evening unit. When they
saw our meeting on Saturday, they felt that they could
not arouse the spirits of their men to that they could
be got out on Thursday, so they hare postponed it
tin Scrlitrdiu. The coons were so frightened, unl
a. iven so far in ♦heir holes by the great outpouring of
the people on Sattuday, that it will take diem three
days to gel cull
fhe decent whigs were acting no the pi iiicipk-s
of their leader, who, according to the Gazette, is an
"insinoral and profane man." They threw stones
at the North Ward Banners, and broke them. At
vnriuUS cornets they stand and insulted the procession
as it passed. One rt ry decent whig stood on the curb
stone, in the Fifth Ward, and as the banner with the
I portrait of Polk passed, he shouted till he was honise,
I "there
.ties the son of a Tory.'
1 THERC NOTAING IN THAT'—}ice of the broad
columns of the Albany Argus of Thunaty last, are
filled with the names of mm who have renounced the
whig patty, and come ore' to the current of Poll( and
Dalin.. Dates, residence, and other ineontrclihle rc
idences toe given with them•
_ _
M%KT. iIOoM Yolt CLAY ELAND, OHM—The Lu,tit-
ville Democrat he Cleveland Plaindealer
comes to U 4 with a truer and certificate, signed by
On HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SIX electors who v«
ted the whig ticket in 1840, who have renounced the
ahig pany , and ettroliell their names upon the glori
ous banner of Demotteary. Tiuly. the work goes brave
ly on.
A Et: Jot Tiosteett's set. Sit I P.—The flirt w ha'.er
eve' at the free city of ilstnbori-,h, left that
port some tinie h, May last, for the ,Suotit Seas Tits
vessel, called the Anseat, measures about 650 tons.—
All of the crew Isla entered into a formal engagemmit
to abstain, dating the entire voyage, front every species
of spit ituous liquttrs, on runt-tithing of receiving two
rations a ;Jay of bat enure. A very small quantity of
brandy and wine was taken on Isnand,to he administerial
only as a medicine and in pursuatsce of the express di
rections from the physicians
It seen s tinteniperan:t o is of pnramOurnitUrenlat ce
caikaiard , if whaling ships ; fur it is pnzived by reliable
%tatistics, that nine-tenths of the disasters that hare
befallen Danish and Swedish whalers, hate reeulte.l
from the abuse of Spirituous litutois by their crews.
"THZ PLAINDIALER."-0411,1ettcleal.111Lancisiner
Intelligencer have revived the little "'taillikeler, a
c.trnpaign paper that was conducted with moat sbili•
ty in 18 It). Under the management of the talented
tore, it n ill render efficient service in the present con-
It having been stated that a fellow WSJ recent
ly arrested at Buffalo, .fur haring counterfeit notes of
the Mississippi Bantu in his possession, the Natchez
Free Trader looks upon his"aptivation" as quite ,u
-peril a.lit and alt g...titer supererogatory, snying that if
he hattremine notes of the same description, he could
not .aS3 them.
NORTH C A ROLIS A.—Speaking oldie election which
took place in this State on last Thursday, the Medi
sonian says that the Whigs finding that they could not
sustain therwelves in opposition to Texas, have gener
ally declared in favor of annexation. Mr Graham,
the Whig candidate for Governor, has been aSenator in
Congrestand Speaker of the House of Representatives.
He is a popular man, and has fine talents, so much so
that w.•re it not fur his being a Whig, he would have
t not been opposed by the Democrats. His competitor
is a deseiving man.but less known, and if elected it
will be the triumph of the party--decisively in favor of
the Democratic candidate. Our infintriatioll is that
the vote of the State is doubtful
G a kat Dis curEnr.-- A Whig has made the impor.
tent discovery that there were four unnaturaliseci citi
zens in the Democratic Prooession, who ought to be
subtracted. Very well—let them be deducted. 4 from
3000 win leavelt,9o6—that will do for a Democratic
evening meeting.
From Rio Joueiro.—The bark Eunomas, Captain
Mansfield, arrived at New York on IVednesday, from
Itio Janeiro, with dater to the 22d June. The U. S.
Frigate Raritan, bearing the broad pennant of Corn.
Daniel Tourney,
was at tomboy in t he barber. No po
litical news of importance.
The Strike —The tailors of this city, who have
struck for higher wages, were joined yesterday by sev
eral hundreds from the city of New York, and march
ed through our streets, with banners; ionic, &c. at
tracting a good deal of attention. We trust that those
employers who are making such a rich harvest fturn
the tariff, will reconsider their determination, and do
ustice to the laborer.—Newark Poet.
Fiore the Leaguer btelligeswer.
The one* ire always basstiagebest the vinolies
they achieve on steembutue—furgettiogthitthom wit)
trave4 aregestaraily wscidet mestmielint tialsrleaer•
It friend who bas treed considers* Ass the W."'
teen water% rime the Democ ra tic nonsiesolues. untisv.l
teak the task of keeping a record of the votes taken
on the respective boats. His route layfron New Or.
leans to Pittsburgh, touching the Mumnesthste - poims;
the names of the boats on wbich be travelled will he
found prefixed to many vote. Tile remit is remarkable
a dcheering. We publish the table fur the gratifica
tion of our modem
Mermaid,43 27 16 11
Once Darling, 51 25 26
Talmo, 84 41 43
Mucedonia, 121 83 38
Oswego, 111 76 35
Raritan: 81 73 8
Little Ben, 168 101 50
Passenger. 256 125 131
Diadem, 225 157 58
Narragenset, 78 37 41
Neptune, 83 33 47
Brew'. tt, 164 103 6!
Goddess of
Liberty, 274 234 113
West Point, 91 3 , 88
B.r. Franklin, 142 75 39
Belle of the
West, 36 27 9
Mendorn, 29 28 1
Champion, 32.5 308 17
Clipper, 72 64 a
Swiftsure, 109 143 26
Wing& Wing 125 85 40
Allegheny, 51 33 18
Zephyr, 107 103 4
Hibernia, 200 80 120
West Wind, 28 15 3
Mail Herald, 43 39 4
Ashland, 61 4 57
Lehigh, 254 110 .114
Cslwlutsis , 110 58 52
Adeline 72 1 81
Wm Penn, 01 41 40
Fashion. 123 115 13
James Ross, 18 7 11
Majesty, 537 213 144
24 00 24
Queen of the
West, 203 83 100
Duct Franklin 43 32 4
Monongahela 131 109 22
Ben Franklin,
57 55 2
Champion. 423 322 101
patriot, 3 1 2
Bello Air, 78 31 46
Harkawnv. 15 15 00
West W ind, 124 105 19
10 10 00
Naieh ' rz, 33 4 29
Muskingum, 12 9 3
Minstrel, 13e 36 100
hickman. 227 180 47
John 0. Phie
ler, 112 91 21
31aJison, 315 215 100
Pike, 72 53 19
Ninth Queen 191 90 101
Alps. 8 0 0
Harr) of the
85 58 "
Mingo Chi..f, 3 3
Scott. 339 367 39.
Linc It 3 15
Cato r, 4O 290 137
Dem wratic wijority,
.Murder awl ; Mr awl ad Saeic at •-....C4pi.5i1l &m i.%
.if the brig Fratare,leatiaa„, arrived at New l urk from ,
St. J attn . ., Patio Rico. repot ts that ini tip. 22.1.1 f July.
hit rite,f Mr Abel \lora., of Plailarlaargh. Maier, 1
died 'ern , sod !only ; k Sta. beleveil that he hid beet. t
pohr-ottcrl he Ilic cook, Michlel I larritigtott. of Bo.wu. t
Ott the 2:kl Captain Swale at. suivio4l that the cook 1
laaol a load vl pi.tol, with which he intended to shout
the Captain. O a Iming tegairett to give it op the I
c.tok ch-rti .d that he la al ail. but a watch heiag pet 1
upon him he watt *en., fianyt tog. thy charge (tom the
pivot which contained dove bullet.. He si r,. o wn i
.earthed and towclwr pi3tafoun.l upon hint. also Laid-
eci with three ball.. Both were taken fauna him. and
also a quantity of pertu..ion cap., which hod been
c , mcealeri in a pocket in hi. Airs. H e was put in
irons but allnwerl to remain on d- els Oa the 29th eff .
[ the Cape. of tile 11 , -haware, he jamped overiatanl but
wa .picke,l up by the pilot taint Henry Clay, of Balti
more, and was again put on the brig.
Saint!ling is a arm farm —Yesterday crooning as
Crept Stubblefield with one of his hands was on his
Ray to his vessel, lying at Long Dock. be was accosted
by n man and asked to step aside and look at it curi
oos Lox. It was put into his hands and he was told
that be valid not open it and take nut a five cent piece
which was said to be insi 1. ; at this moment anutiwr
f Sow stepped np and was recognized by a person staiA
ing lry as a notoriGus character about town, who wits
evidently a confederate, and taking the box iu his
hand, the first man hiving stepped aside, pushed it
open from the bottom, and took nut the five cent piece;
then bamily closing it ns the other came up. lie propo
sed to Stubblefield to bet that the man who had pro
duced the buy could not open it and take the. c.,iu out.
A bet was accordingly agreed upon of $l5O against
Stubblefield's gold sitch. which he produced, anti
tho watt h of the confederate, who holding both
watches in his hand. the first party opened the box,
or another like it, and took out a five cent piece. The
bet was lost, awl tine fellow seizing the wntches made
off ono wnv. and the confederate another. leaving the
Captain to admire the combined dexterity and rascal--
t) of Baltimore "burners." —Ball Sun.
From &Nth. America.—Tbebarque Mason Barnes,
Capt Scott, arrived at Now York on Wednesday. from
Montevideo and Buono• Ayres, bringing intelligence up
to June Bth. Th. U 8 frigate Congress wasoff Moo.
tevideo. Small skirmishes were occurring every day
without advantage on either side. Commodore John
Brett Purvis. commander of the naval fencer of H 13
Majesty, on the Eastern coast of South America, had
taken part with the enemies of the Confederation, in
Montevideo. The 10-al journals are loud in c.ontlercusa
tion of the British Commodore. Among the late ac
cessions to the ranks of the beseiging dear% ore the
names of Col. 011er.•s and St. Caine, aid-de-camp to
the minister of war himself. The defection of the let.
ter individual was generally regarded in Montevideo as
very ominous to the rebel cause. The people generally
have lost all faith in Rivera, from whom they expected
succor, and the tide of emigration of foreigners from
Montevideo w Rio Grande is very great.
Prom Ilayti.—The Osceola, Sylvester, arrived at
New York, on Wednesday. from St. Domingo, with
advice' to the 15th of July. There appears to have
been another revolution in Hayti. A black philoso
pher, named Santa Anna, was proclaimed President on
the 10th. It was his intension to discharge all the
ew officers and reinstate the o'd ones—those probably
who served under Boyer. l'olydillia had been appoin
ted Vice President.
At a meeting of the Eagle Engine and Hose Com
pany, held un Saturday 3J inst., the following persons
were elected officers ol said company for the ensuing
President—WilliamV. Robinson.
Vice President—William Hays, Jr.
Treasurer--Alexander Hay.
Secretary—Herman Eichbeum.
Calitain—William Hays, Jr.
Lieutenant—William Sirwell.
Engisseers*lst, William Gramm 241, Heiman
Eichbamm 3d, Charles Packard: 4th, Jao. Baton
Hass Direetors--lst, Henry Hays; ads Henry
EiGhbiturm 3d, James Harrison: 4th. llsieh Smith;
sth, Valeuttne Smith: Mks Oeo W Isarl3an
44esisidat Direetors.rfohn D
l e : , 4nu4.: Cbsatlmm,
son, Vr lao?; band , Jos Long, Wyt 4ti
Scully, (3eo Moreland, Chu Saran, A
Summers,llabard:liendley: 801ank Stialionne, 1)
Fagan, .1 F trees: , •
itzvtim—T cainvyro4 J.LlMp 4 iVelsb. -
IWO italut4ll* 4*. -s
• .
inwassal•Sealer who Shryilkois.
Nw• 99 i Ararket ayeett Sesta sills. *seem
RESPECTFOLLY invisa • tie-attention of Western
erebants to their stock of Foreign and, Donee. 1
tic Dry Goods, which the ,ire whwJecriviNg del
• Fail trade.
Their assortment of Cloths, Cassimer”, &alined*.
Jeans, Alpacas, Merinos, Prints, hiuslins, Tickings,
Checks, I. banseis, htu:eskit' st, Beaverteens and caber
,drairable goods having been selected with the greatest
Care, will be well worthy the examination of buyers,,
and they pledge' thentselves to muddy their instorners
and purchasers. who may give them a call, sow
them every article at the very lowest market price.
far Cask or approved credit.
mug Ce3t.
JOgPS 11114,11iliM
No. 233 Market Street, Nortkrast corner of
Sixth. Street, Pkitodstpitio.
WESTERN and Southern Merchants are respect
fully invited to call and examine big stunk. as
he ferlst confident that it will be to their interest, be
fore rue -haring elsewhere.
aug6-l7 . _
sw ru, 13110THIMS & CO,
it RE now refuiving aiWition to their funnel
stock'n fame towocortent of FOREIaN AND .
which !hey invite the attention of W. Merchants.
no: 6-1 v
WHEREAS. by nn act of A4.embiy. clatetl.April
18th. 184 I. James Kelly. Daniel Negley,Frao
cia Wilton. jr.. Itobert Gonabbon. 'and George Mc
Carobs were appointed Commi4Aionere to lay out a
Turnpike Rood. commincing at E•tat Liberty and ter•
mirroring at the jimeturn of the Frankainvra and Lamb.
burg Rood!. 1.1 pm anance of the above the slid Com
misaioners will meet at the hornot of italUl BlltTLgt,
in Eto.t. Liberty, nit Mox DAT. the tuil day o t f Severn
ber next. fin. the purpose of remising anbActiptiou fur
the st mk of eaid-Cetnpany. • -
Os a or 1111 t. Comxisslostm.
. Elan Liberty, Anguot let, 18444111,1 m nei
e 7
2i L
Sias, Insbalrer, 41011.
~., . A
• Argun 1, 1844. i
A 111 :—lt ;4 propel that widows who are entitled to 91 10 do Cider Vinegar:-
Sthe benefits of the Act of June 17th, 1844, con- i 10 bushels Pea nuts;
tinning evrtain petitions for four scan larger, should be i 2:25 lbs Grenoble tralnon4
infotrn.d that Congress have irnodo no appropriation r hale cream nets: - .
for paying these pensious. and that therefore no pny - - ' 5 dos Imperial leastinsytnp; .. .
moot tan be expected lot6ne the latter end of Decent• it cheats extra curious Y. a Tea;
ber no 1 am, respectfully, Ste.. I 10 bids N'n 1& 3 mackerel.
.1 L. ED WARDS. Received and for sale by .1. D. WILLIAMS.
To THUS. M. Howe, Pension Agra, Pittsburgh. I No 28 sth Mad,
aug 6 di&
Sugar mail Illiiimiseli ' - - '.
11V111114101ET mutt .
Ark Mids. N. 0. Sager :
More New Wttits received at Cowes Literary Depot, 10IUF 400 Bbls. " Molasses; . - .
85 Fourth Street. - 1 On bend and for sale by
ail '
e 2 Wafer street, between Wood artrilkaiddlseid
s 11 H E Graralfather, a Novel by the late Miss Ellen
.1. Pickr-riug. author of the Grumbler, ete. 1 MOM
1 Martin Chtizthnsit, pail 7—Harpy's editionalso; o Bbls. Th. minor),
'a Extra - Fetal, Irlear
' Lea & Blanchard's complete edition, with 12 Blur 11.. fi
gug Received and f or ai i, b y .
trations. '' J. W. BUBBRIDGE & Co.
Eclectic Magazine, for Anton, containing a banal. our, 2 Water street, betareen Woad and Sodtb6eld
ful illnstration of the Trial of Queen Kerber it I
. .
Living S a e. No II; also, the back nomb.r..
Lei-unt Hours, new select Library No 3.
Scsm. N., 2. with err:Anhui 100 illustts.tious.
Illu.tr.ited Shak.peare, N., 17.
Heaven and its Wonders, by Swedenborg. i
l'rose Ficti.m., seri- ten for the ilknoration of True 1
PrinAples, in their bearing upon every day life by T S
Boy's aril Girl's Magazine for Augn.t.
11-- Family, mid Six other Nutt Is, by Mi s s f i e. •
trier, fur only 124 cents.
tie .- York and Philadelphia Mammoth N, , x,popers.
Comic Blackstone. by Gilbert Abbott A Beckett; it.
lost rated by George Cruikahank.
History of the CriaSades fot the reetirery and pro-
session of the Holy .Land—by Charles Mills, Bulbul of
a history ..f Chivalry. etc.
Reale% Policy towards the Bible; or Papal efforts
to s uppress the Scriptures in the tai fire centuries; tx
posed by an American citizen, author of a Voice from
Rowe. etc.
NV hist Player's 11a...1 Book, containing most of the
maxims of the old sehool, - snd several WIC ones, to
which are added observations on Short IVhist Alen,
the games of Boston 4 .11 d Euchre; l 7 an experienced
IVandering Jew, by the author of Mysteries of Paris;
translated from the French. by 14 7 H Herbert.
Two Sister., or Life's Changetc by the author of Tai
ilor's Appret.tice. Little Pilgrims, etc.
London Punch, Cur June 29 and July 6; latest No.
received per steam .hip.
The works of the Kerr Sidney Smith, in 3 vols.
Shakspeare Illustiaterl. N., 16.
Leisure Hours—No 2 Library edition.
A great variety of new works received lowly The
public rite ile.itt a to call and examine f o r themselves,
at Coon ' s Literaty Depot, 85 Fourth et.eet.
nog 6
- Notice.
Notice to Pensioners.
rEso.:x orncg.
APHYSICIAN in the fi rst class of his peofession
had a patient affected with a diseased hipjoire-,
for whom he prescribed the usual remedies but with
out success, at a rinse when his patient was. so debilita
ted as to be enable to walk but very little even with
the aid of crutches, it was determined after much en
quiry and invesligaik n to tri the effect of the Medica
ted Baths, site Baths enabled the patient to walk about
the house with crutches; six more were succeeded by
the ability to walk in the streets with crutches a suc
cession of Buths ha 4 enabled the patient to walls the
streets without them.
A l erson of great respectability in the wesiere part
of this State, had nearly a year been unable to walk
without the aid of crutches, owing to a complaint in
the knee: several of the most respectable medical gee
tlemen in that part of the country who were consulted
on the case entertained such various opinions as to the
nature of the disease as left it doubtful whether it was
a white swelling or not. Their prescriptions afforded
no relief, the patient was taken to Pbdadelphia
placed under the care of one of the first professional
gentlemen of that city, obtaining no relief the patient
left Philadelphia to return borne almost hopeless of re
covery. In this city, however, it was deemed advis
able to consult the Physician alluded to in the case
first stated, who having witnessed the efficacy of the
Bath in that case, recommended it as most likely to
afford relief in the present instance, the result proved
the accuracy of his judgment and the efficacy of the
remedy, for their patient after a few weeks elm of the
Bath was enabled to walk - edible* crutches and to re
turn home without the need or aid of them. The
letter can be seen at length by calling at our office on
Fifth street, nest door to the Pittsburgh Foundry.
►p HE Gum of Line, Co., is this day dissolved by
JL mutual consent The business mill be closed by
John F Huey. at No 123, Wood street, who 'is-duly au
thorized to use the name of the Gnu in so doiett.
Augost 6. 1844-43 t -
N. 0.
r h t .. z ia aty o. Agar;
14 "we 404 k isle*
140 Libertypreet.
4 13 441, RePPer; naked Ind far sae by
/AO I f iberq stmt.
54;,-,1•T71i tilt Ifl anovrertnitcs or
Al TIN C1117,14Z;E.W 1
- cIosIPRISING alibis •3W sad his ways. yob an
Souerieal *toyed of what be did oil %%bit km
4541Gui.beei edition with upwards of ?WEL VT,
Fat Worm fOook'o-Litorail DirrokalSOOPßOC' 7
mg 3 - ,
l'Thisherilik ?M*t Gahm 111114141114
la AVM* associated with thoOt BAP - .
WELL.huo of sriß heosniertilt*
conduct the business under the firm cf BANSWEIisis.
PEARS S. Co,w'to are duly autbaised to wide*,
outstanding acounts of the hire firm, and who oar
for sale bulb at their tasaufsctory on Water siker.
come. of Grant street, sod at their oweitonto aft
Wood strew, corner oiSecood streets gesseraissonsto.
meat of Plain, Cut, and Pressed Filet Glsoingtot
lull 3-lw
ash ''s Poems aid 21411611*
Alum' his Life, by E L &Miter. , tiowspyiy
V V ju4 recebed god fur mks at Criek4.LAirobry.
Depot, I* Fourth meet. log
. .
FAMILY, Ttiins, Trainman, Axel, - ittsitt,
IL awl other Tsies..by Ft-Merit** ateuiestAnombe.
toil by Mary Hyoid, is coo volante. beim Hossionta•
Llbraiy of Select Novels, No 38; for only 121 aloft..
For sale at Cocl's Literary Depot. es Fourth striet.
Bog 3 _
RIAISE NVF.INZCFerFLIN, Catholic, Nest oß
Erstewill.% Indians, an aLcharge a Rape. pee.
faired by hira Aso MARIA Scurent.t.. held it Neer..
ton, Winne. Circuit Court. March Terri, 1944.—.0a
a change of venue from the Yonder burgh Circuit. Re
ported by A E Drapier, Serearapber. You lite it
caws Liwrary Depot 85 sth street..
N titatatinstion of the Students ia Dagat . ame-Col.
Pi lees., will he held on Monday nest, eattaiseedfitg
at 9 o'cLelt, AM. The Latin Class will be inumdate4
on that day, and the Greek OA Tuesday. be 14
the same hoer. The intended Graduates trili be ea,
ambled in Matbernatic4, Nate al Phileopity, Lng r.
and Mond Philoanpity, an Wesiaturioy.- Tim Mends
of Literature end Science, are pertieuhrly Wale' tu
attend these examinations.
aug e-4t
- ,
311.Stallifaihnialf CUM. --
AI H. JOSEPH MEANS, of this city , ad been Ili
13J- Meted few two jowl* with Dropsy, (hoist:ll a
which time he had been uOtler Imam% tit: of t most
eminent medical awn he atoe•d final being OW/ up as
incurable be was advised .by a Physician to try dm
ItleratearLD VAPOR Beam after taking tbillatk and
medicines for bye days, be treat ,14 work ail& made,
sod Ism been Ale to Work at it r.et) .&+j since. Per'
snobs afflicted in the same way mn be mfernd to Mr.
Means himself. and other gentlemen who are well i pe•
gettinted with his case. Iry milling. to our - odic* on Filft
'peel. next door.to the 19118144 rib Foundry. •
jolt 31 FLE3ILNG. & BLACK:
Star Candles.
TIIK Subscriber haring complettwi his machinery
for making Star Candles, is prepard m supply
the friends of home manufacture with an article mug
in every rePpect to any mode in the country, sad at
less price.
For the consevienee"of families and retailers they
are put up in packages of from 10 to 50 lbs. Call
and examine them. J S GWYPINF.,
jr 20 Franklin Manufactory; Second meet..
CEROONS INDIGO, In good artiole,) in Stir*
and will he sold L to chime consignsoont,
43 Wood strret.
Just received at Ike office of etc "Post."
angnst 1
IV HIS celebrated Bath is 1)01, established in Fihh
I street near Smithfield, where persona wislirg
avail themselves of its hawks will be attended to at
any hour of the day.
The effects of the Vapor Bath are--
To equalise the enfilades of tire blood. and lama
to removecoidnew of the hands and feet, stud to lessen
the determination or flow of blood to the head.
To promote meta, and te.establisb iasensiblervni
ration, and thereby to relieve symptoms of in noel ip
To diminish onvons irretaLility, .zd lo no 'maws
has it Wird tonne tic doulosoucs..e
To promote cutaneous eruptions, and remove disema
' es of the sitic.
To remove the erects 4 mercury from the system,
To promote etworptionaf dropsical effusions.
To relieve difficulty of breathing. nail blew* so cur.
Asthma and other diseases of the cleat and lungs..
To strengthen the stomach and impart a lime to the
digestive °igen*, and cure dyspepsia with its. songs:
quent disorders.
To promote the healing of Scrofulous and clematis
To remove Gouty and Rheimuuk poi ss, sad, swell,
ings from the joints, antic= Lumbago. Sciatica. &c,
Tar. Quts cv .—The Bath Loss never failed to rev
Ikea it.
Tar Cunt r.—lt m ay be remusied as a speak-.
Tae W ammo° Coe os.—Giers peva relief,
Tar Measi.rs.-•-Ne*starseeufflos* hits /Pg talseff
place when the Bath haVbw-n -
To prevent and cusp discbas e iblood 4topp
lunge and other internal woo! offirjellYt
To cure acute and 'chromic lakfialukos Ding
judiciously medicated le a anemia sposcifsc. •
To cure Gout, in all its fortos,in a abuser period of
time than any agent hitherto empited. ••
The bath has purred a pesfem
FLEMI speak la lathernal
:V* 26 NG it BLACK,
segar *ow&
ONE cent saved tit** tams minted,' Ss sal Ben:
j sz ain and se will all's. hotealietrialef
J. S. Gwytme's Bras tltentats. They troll SSA eip .
trial; distills pries at which the Wilma their sells thew,
inakesthete come as afewp as tallow esemiles. Whihl
in Cleanliness and beauty they are equal to epereetetatitt
at the same time . they entain perfectly hard.st
penitent of 140 deem!,
.IntAr yea wanner then thp
sienater's sun.
J. 8. GWYNI4E i r
44 fretatrui Amass:my. Sd street.
aliossa • - •
AA WO ; wtherAheimilve4awdepoi.imptior
plia,ik; 7 4.64Dpui, &
ale by
:14 23?