Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, July 30, 1844, Image 4

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    Eleferreb articles.
Here is a little golden tress
Of soft nnbrsideti hair,
?be all that's left of loveliness
That onto was thought so fair;
And yet tho' time bath aimed its sheen,
Tito alt beside bath am,
I bola it here, a link between
My spit* and the dead
Yes, from this shining ringlet Alit
is.moutruPil tnetnory springs,
That melts my heart, and sends a thrill
Thro' all its trembling strings.
I think of her, the loved, the wept,
• Upon whose forehead fair,
For eighteen - years like sunshine, slept
This golden curl of hair.
Oh sundy tress! thu joyous brow,
Where thou did•t lightly wave
With all thy sister tresses, now
Lies cold within the grave.
Tian ch?ek is of its bloom bereft;
That eye no more is gay;
' all .her beauties thou art left,
A solitary ruy.
Four yeats have past this very June,
Since lag we fondly met—
Four years! and !, et it Set . M3 toa soon
To let the heart forget—
Too soon to let thy lovely face
From our sad thoughts depart.
And tc another give the place
She held within the heart.
Her memory still within my mind
Retains its sweetest power,
It is the perfume left behind
To whisper of the flower,
Each blossom that in moments gone
Bound up this sunny corl,
Recalls the form, the look, thu tone
Of that enchanting girl.
Her step IVEL.3 like an April rain
O'er beds of violets flung ;
Her voice the prelude t.o a strain
Before the song is sung;
Her life 'twits like a half-blown flower,
Cloned ete the shade of even;
Her death the dawn, the blushing hour,
That opes the gutei to Heaven.
A single tress! how slight ailing
Tu sway such magic art,
'And bid rush soft remembrance spring
Liko blousoma in the titian!
It bends me buck to days of uld—
To her I loved so long.
Whose lucks outshine pelucid gold.
Whose lips u'erflow with song.
Since then, I've }ward a thousand lays
From lips as sweet as hers;
Yet when I stro:e to give them praise,
I only gave them tears.
1 could not bear, amid ;he throng
Where jest and laughter rung,
To hear another sing the song
That trembled on het tongue.
A single shilling trees of Irtir
To bid such memories start
But tears are on its lustre—there,
I lay it on my heart.
Oh! %%hen in Death's cold. arms I sink,
Who then, with gentle care,
Will keep for rrit?ii dork brown link—
A•riuglet of my hair ?
Pittsburgh Powder Milt,
HA G ptirellused th-,t3 extensive rotvder
, works, lam now in a uai t iii and pr,Tftred tt
CI orders for all kinds of Rifle, Spo, Ling s a d 111 tstiu
Powder, which 1 warrant to bo uf :he very ben; gaol
ity. WM. WATSON.
Orders left at Parry, Sext & Co'g. Warehouse,
LlSll9r;pod street, will receive prompt attention.
i ffi ar
TH t: subset ilter offers for sole a
latge and arlendid assortment of
— PIANO FOATES of different patterns, warranted to
be of auperiur workmanship, and of the best materials;
the tone nut to be exceeded by any in tbecottntty.
Cerner of Penn and St. Cult - streets,
mar 18 op t o.ite rite FAH-hinge.
Commercial Academy
Ar R. STEW ART would announce to the citizens
J.. of Pittsburgh, Allegheny. and yieinity, that he
has opened, on Fourth street. neat the corner of Mar
ket and 4th,a Commercial School in which are taught
all the branches that COLlbtitUte a mercantile educa
Hours of Attendance.—Gentlemen attend when it
suits.their convenience.
female Wilting Class, at 2 o'clock P M.
jun.* 4---1.1
Civil Engineering, Architecture, Survey
ing, &c.
FrIFIE PARTNERSEI I P here , .f.to ex; , i , )g Le•
tweon A. E DRAKE tirld Z C. .1 1.:D:A):';
'dimming hem] cliv,-)1%,(i. the trol.•t>ig-;., d .c0t;,,1 te.p.ct
lolly inform his ft ie.n.. n, .d the pt,h.ie rol,c. shut
he will 00. , ti,..m0tt:0b0.i, ,, ,11::d ',ail a share
• of the poblie putro , ta4e. U der.: is ft ci the ,tiop of F.
A Statfurd, Aroi,itoct. over II rai:lt Sitdp, Sit
`,,street, or at hii' - iesilet,ce nn Lia 2, street, betu.een
Penn etroet and the riser, :ti;l be punctu,dl7 nttcuded
july 15 tr
Coal! Coal!!
ADAM M'KEE rtiv,ays keeps coal for stdo at
t he Motwa;zalb-!a whn f, above the 13 ridge aid
Ku tho Basin, in Lir)erty st, next to Matthew Simla's
IVarebouse, wnich he ain soil re cheap as it can
be purchased of any other dealer.
jel 7—ff.
WHOLESALE Dealin Foreign and Domr-itic
Dry Goods. No. 133 Wood street. above Fifth.
je26-1 c.
1 HE Allegheny Nlmnal Insmence .mpany,cum
mencediasuingg poiicies the 18th May last.
The Policies and applications fur Insurance four
times exceed the amount its charter required to com-
licence with, creating a fund already sufficient to meet
any prJbable loss that may occur; us is tested by all
the reports of well conducted institutions of the kind,
and daily augmenting its capital by the accession of
new members.
The terms of Insurance am as favorable as those of
any other institution in the city, and its principles need
only be known to vastly increase its business and ex
tend its usefulness.
Lot 0 Reynolds,
Thos El. Stewart,
G E Warner.
E W Stephens,
S R Johnston,
Harvey Childs.
W Robinson, Jr.,
John Sampson,
James Wood,
W Sagaley,
Sylvester Lothrop,
John Morrison,
Pot Ash.
KV CASKS POT ASU, just received and for sale
1 by J. W. BURBRIDGE & CO.,
jyl . o Water at,beaween Wixod and Smitbfield.
j ab i s is New No 3 ;Mackerel just received and
""' Ale sale by
No 13 Wumi street
15 B e ii : .CuldPressed Cast or j O A i , 4 f u l by
Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Vestings,
Cassinetts, &c. &c.
NO. 49, LfBERTY 87'REET,
THE subseriberhas just returned from the Eastern
cities, where he has putchased the most tnagni
fiCellt. assortment of
Ever ofered in this City!
which he 13 now receiving, and to which ha in 'hes
1.11~ attention of his customers and the public generally
who wish to supply themselves with
The very liberal patronage which his friends and
the public have heretofore been pleased to bestow on
his establishment, has induced him to purchase
of all kinds of gt oda in his lino, andof a superior qual
ity to any thing which has heretofore been offered--
The following is a listof a part of this assortment which
he offers to the public, all of which he guarantees are
in the mostfashionahle Eas!ein styles, and of the best
quality, suitable for the season.
Ile particularly refers to a lat of beautiful French
cloths and cassimeres, new• style, which he is confi
dent cannot fail to please. They ar of a most ex
cellent quality.
Rich and exquisite patterns, in the
latest styles.
A largo variety of oat ternr..
beautiful patterns, and coalmen vestings ever:, de
French and English Fancy stles—scitablo for every
description of
_ _ _
Also. all kinds of goods which can be found at any
establishment incite city, which he offers for salc,made
or unmade, as cheap as ear dealer in the city.
The undersigned offers the above extensive and va
ried assortment of seasonable goods fin 4711 e at a small
advance on their original cost,and keeps them constant
ly on hand, ready to make for his customers. His pri•
ces are to suit the times. His goods are all made by
Pittsburgh workmen, and are warranted to be of
The public are invited to call and examine for
themselves. P. DFLANY.
1 - 21 tf No 12 Liberty st. doors from Virgin alley
The Propriutor of the
fs not in the habit of bortating,but hehas no 1142A:silo:,
in saying that the
Of hi; pri,sent stock of
Far exc , czli any thing ever seen in the Wes
ern cowary, zuld ilers(M
Unless they tall at ilia e.t.abli.ll:nent.
Amounting to upwards
Which he will sell at
And ha will warrant the WORK M ANSHIP and
FASHION to be of the most superior kind.
It would require too mach time and space
to enumerate all the attractions of
his magnificent, establishment, but
lief fire it to guy, that his
stock comprises every
Which he pledges Limned to cell lower than they
can be purchased any where else iu the city.
Purchasers are cautioned to be on their guard against
the tricks of little rival estabiishments that try to palm
themselves on the unwary as the
The publiz are desired to note the
In front of the 'old original," as that is a mark for
the genuine Three Big Doors that cannot he'counter
r•ited. JOHN Art:LC/SEM
a4-tf Ni 151, Linerty street.
FI,HE sub,criber hag opened un e.llul,ii•hrnm,t. at
L No 66, Wood street, ti Cow doors from the e,r
rosr of 4th, ‘N here he keeps com.iantly for sale all kinds
t.,f LOOKING GLASSES, at Last...ln ices.
He has o' hand a large assortment ef Glasses in br•th
tilt and m:iheatly frames, to a hieh he invites the at.
; el , l i,a of customers. belies lag that the quality yr his
articles ulid Lis prices cannot faii to give sit, iifactien.
Pictures framed to eider, in neat style. is either gilt or
mahogany frames.
Canal boat and other tefte.cter4 manufactured to or
der on the shnrte::t notice. OA frame:: repaired and
su as to look as we:l ti.. 4 •tr, or the shr•rtest no
tic •. .1 f :11011(3.1N: Agent.
mar 23-tf
T HE Allegheny COMIty Nlont;,l Insurance
ny are now pc pared and reads t , , receive ti
for Insoran,e, at the office .if the Company in
Exchange Buildings. No. 12. .1 he met tn,(l and plan
of Ingut ante according to the plan im Erich this Com
ratty basbeen nrganited, has been filly tented and
rectally I. , uccet,llll in Other parts In , Sta to.in the East
ern States, and in Now York and Ohio, the rate*. of
Inaurauco 'generally, not exceeding the to of one
per (*it. prr annum.
NetTg.—Each person insured becomes a member,
and will deposite ins note for the premium with the
Secritery, upon which 5 per cent. is required to be
paid in cash.
L. WILMARTH, President
JOHN B. ItouiNst,N, Sect'ry.
Pittsburgh, April 29, 1844.
Wm. Robinson. Jr., • Lot 0. Reynolds,
John Sampson, Thos. 11. Stewart,
Jlmes Wood, G. E. Warner,
\Vm. Bagaley, E. \V. Stephens.
Sylvanus Lothrop, S. 11. Johnson.
John Morrison, Ilarvey Childs.•
apr. 30—tf.
ANEAT YORK WAGON. but little worn. En
quiro of R. I'ATTERSON,
may 28 Diamond Alley.
1111111110 VAL.
HAVE removed their office to Second street, three
doors from the corner of 2nd and Grant ate—
Deer the Scotch Hill Markets trl7
Aid Received,
A GOOD assortment of Willow wagons, chairs.
1.71 travelling baskets. &c. which will be sold low
_ _
N. !qarket
Laud Stirtreittheartd • • •g.
TH E undersigned intending to pursue permanently
I the business of SurveyingandVivil Engineering,
offers his services to the public.
Having had a very extensive practice with 'Mr Z W
Remington in this vicinity, be feels warranted in say
ing that his experience and .practical knowledge will
be advantageous to those who may employ him. Per
sona interested in real estate will find st his tifftee plans
of the City. City District, "Reserve Tract, opposite
Piusbuigh," "Manor
,of Pittsburgh," Birmingham,
Lawrenceville. and lots and farms extending several
miles around Pittsburgh. It E McGO WI N.
Office, Penn street, a few doors aliove Hand,
Richard Biddle, Esq.,
WiLsonNVCandless,Esq- •
John Anderson,
R. S. Cassat,
rirThuse of my friends and the public, who may
wish to have.recom se to any of my papers, drautzhtsor
plans. will hereafter find them in the office of ICE Mc-
GUWIN, whom I respectfully recommed as one in
whose profesional abilities and integrity they may de
RMOVAL.—The undersigned begs leave to in
E form the public, that he has removed from his
old stand. to the corner of Penn and St. Clair sts., op
posite the Exchange hotel, where he has fitted up a
large Ptasio YunTE ‘V ARE Room, and now offers the
most splendid aisurtment of Plasos ever offered in
this market.
His pianos consist of different patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully fitisbed and
modeled, and constructed throughobt of the very best
materials, which, fur durability and quality of tine, as
well as touch, ho warrants to be superior to any ever
seen here.
As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made ar
rangements to supply the increasing demand for this in
strument, he respectfully requests thosb intending to
purcbasn to call and examine his assortment before
purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined tospttll Low
ZR, for cash, than any other establishment eastotwest
of dm mountains. F. BLOM,
Corner of Penn end St. Clair streets,
Opposite the Exchange Hotel, rittsborsgh, Pa
Bei) 10.
LIFER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr
1 laz licles compound Strengthening and Aperient
Pills. Mr. %Val. Richards, of Pittsbmgh. Pa„ wets
entirely cured of the above distrcsiing disease. His
symptoms were pain and weight in the loft side, loss of
appetite, vomiting, acid eructutions, a distension of the
stomach, sick headache, furred tongue, countenance
changed to a citron color. difficulty of breathing, dis
turbed IC6t, attended with a cough, great debility, with
other ;•!. sops ms indicating areal derangement of the
fimci ions of the liver. Mr Rielnu ds had the advice
of several physicians. bid EVCVlsed no relief, until u
sing Dr Hat Hill's medicum, which terminated in effec
ting a perfect cure.
I'ruscipal odice, 19 North Eighth street, Philadel
phia. Fos sale by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and
cod sts. sep 10
TFIE weleraigned Commissioners named in the
Act of A,sernb!) passed the 30th day of April,
184 I, entitled " Act t authorize the Governor to
incorporate the Del:l%yard Canal Company," herehy
giro notice, that in pursuance of the provi , ions of the
said act, they e ill attend ut the Merchants' Exchange,
in the city of Philadelphia. on MONDAY. the sth day
or August next, at 10 o'clock, A M., and there com
mence the sale of the ;to, of the Delaware Canal
Company, on the folkoa ing terms and conditions, to
i% it :
Pd. 'rho Delaware Division of the Pennsylsan'a
Canal shall be divided into t wenty-fivethou.and share,.
rd one irondr..4l dollars each,
•11. Ihe s.!lfllreel shall be set up for gale sta.zlv. !ziv
ing the purchaser the right of taking at his bid c,,
VIII mber of t.hares from one to one thori4and; Providod,
That no share shall be sold fot a less sum than one
hundred doliar,; and provided further, that none oldie
said Commi....i•iner., either in their own names, r.r in
the amo4 of any other persons, shall 1./0170111' purchas
ers of any of the stock at the sale authorized he the
said Act of Assembly.
3,1. Each purchaser, at the time of his pm - chase.
shall deposit with the Corominal.lll9ll+l the piemiums
or advance above the par value of the shares by him
purchased, or if the hid or bids do not amount to five
dollars per share. above the par value of the share or
shires by him putt-based, then and in such cane the
Fluid purchaser+ shall pay five dollars on account and
in pnrt of each share thus purclet+ed, the said 4 , lms to
he paid in money, (or in the certificates of loan of the
Commonwinilth of Pennsylvania, at the option of the
4th Payment for the remainder of the purchase
money will be required to he mate within thirty days
ft on+ the pun•htse. ottil.•r the forfeiture for tel
of the 11171r)11“ paid to the Commissioners at the time
of sale.
5I h. A transfer to the Cotommtwealth of Pennsykft
ran of certificates of the of the Common‘sealth
s „,f ra. n t,yla an i a , to a n rql;al ani.nint will be reealve.l
la:, the State Treasurer in puy.nent for the shares of
storit put..linoeti, and any na•ney depniited with the
Com-r0.,-i, , ners at the sale, will also he exchanged he
the J rrce Treasurer for It tra,ifer of the said loans to
the C, r,monwea!th, to a t, erita l l atn.,unt..
6:li Shottiti the whole ttf the shares not hr all on
the lost clay. the sales c. ill by tuljourned to the next
and su,teeralint days, if neces-nt v. for nineteen days
in ,te-teartion, and if, on the twent.toth day, it shall ap
near that less than tweitty-five thousond shares shall
have been void. in that case the sales shall he declured
sold. tin•poiit 31/1.(141 with the commissioners
,h t:l Its itotiened to the purchasers respectively.
7th. Every purchaser shall, at the time of his put--
chest% subscribe in a hook which will be pr e.rnted to
him by the commissiotters, the following agreement:
tt We whose names are hereunto sobttcribed do prom
ise to transfer or rause to be transferred to the com
monwealth of Pennsylvnnia. one hundred dollars, in
the loans of said commons' ealth, for every share of
stee: vet opposite to our respeetive names, in case
twenty file thousand shares shall he sold, pursuant eh
an nt-t of the General AcaCmitly of this commonwealth,
rat i led •in net to authorize the Governor to incorporate
tie Delaware canal company. Witness our hands
day of Atom Domi ei , one thousand
eizltt I.,:ndectl and forty four."
.I,:eph It It] , ttlis, Franklin Valliant,
Ilenitt 'nit, Gyrltaid, Wm NI White,
11.41,t,11 Ehnen,
p.„rnl4 I)nvid 1) Wagner,
John S Gibons,
()Iks IVillinmS Ross,
Ma!don H. Taylor., Payne P. ttibone,
Gi.iirge N B Jonathan Slo
Giileon G. Westcmt, William T Morrison,
John Stailinan, Benjamin Hill,
Auguziu+ Shultz,
John N Lnne,
Samuel Sillyman,
P S—ThecommiApioners will convene at the United
Stitte.F. Ilotel, in tt.e city of Philadelphia, on FRIDAY
A u r r,L.t 2(1. 1841, at ten o'cloelz. A fur the purpose
of rnalzinr: the preliminary arrangements.
mgy 25-41131
Shakspearc Gardens.
THE undei signed respectfully informs the citizens
offittchurgh that she has opened the Shaltspeare
Gardens, in the village of East Liberty, for the accom
modation of visiters during the summer season, The
beauties of the sitoutior, and the perfect manner in
which every arrangement is made about this establish
ment that will contribute to the pleasure of visiters,
are well known to the publicand the proprietor assures
all who may visit her house that nothing shall be omit
ted on her part to make the Shakspeare Gardens at
least equal to any similar establishment in the coun
m 4 —tf ELIZA. McDONALD.
Tweed Summer Coalinga, Drillings, &e.
A NEW and large supply of the above goods re
ceived by Algeo & :t4'Guire, at the fashionable
head quarters, which will be made to order, low, in
any style to suit the taste of the customers, as cheap
as can be bought in the city. Apply to
No. 251. Unity Atreet.
N C 3. 3 :
P , Mulvany.
James S.. Craft, Esq.,
Hon. Haimar Denny,
Chas. S. Bradford, Esq
O. Metcalf, Esq.
Stephen Balliot,
Benjamin Mclntire,
James \V Coulter
Gignia,N2l4? AMC LOX. Bli4gT
undersigned "very respectfully *idea his ser
.1 antesie the public, andto rtitporters, Merchants
and Manuficturers, as a general
He has taken out alicense and entered into the securi
ties required by law, for the transaction of Pula=
An experience of a series of years in commercial
Life has furrfished the undersigned with sorra knowl
edge of business, nearly twenty years of which have
been devoted actively to the auction busiess,
which may be advantageous to those who confer to
him the sales of property.
To the Is't POUTER every facility will be offered in dis
posing of Dry Goods. Groceries and Hardware:
and to the Home Manufacturer, the most prompt at
tention will be paid in the sale of A mericanpredvds.
Sales of real and personal estate in town and coun
try shall command the best services of the undersign
ed. Arrangements will be made whereby liberal ad
vancts will be made on consignments, and sales in
every instance closed without delay. - Business is now
commenced and ready to receive consignmenti.
The Old Auctioneer.
By permission I am authorised to give the following
Avery, Ogden & Cu. Yirtn. M'Knight & Co.
Tiernan & Jones, Jame Murphy & Co.
Jatnes Park, Jr., & Co. J. W. Burbridge & Co.
Wm. Bell & Sons, D P. Morgan,
Waterman Palmer, Bagaley & Smith,
E. A. Brown & Bro's. Shea & Pennock,
Geo. R. White & Co. S. W. Semple,
Samuel Spencer, . Robert Galway,
Bailey & Co. Myer & CO.
J. Painter & Co. Teen& O'Connor,
King & Holmes, Johnston & Stockton,
Bailey, Brown & Co. Geo. Cochran,
Thomas Bnkewcll, Church & Carothers,
H. Childs &Co. N. Holmes & Son,
Wm. E. Austin, M'Candless & M'Clure,
H. S. Magruw, C. M'Kibben.
Allen Brown, J. M. D. Crossan,
11. I'. Glair,
John 11. Brown & Co. Smith. Dagoley &Co
John S. Riddle. Robert Dcnlap.
Jamea O'Conuoi, 11. Alexander.
July 2. 1341.
Nos. 61 and 63,
Wood, between Third and Fourth Streets.
El W. LYN!), having formed a copartnership
. with C S Bickley, and taken out an Auction
commission of the first class they are now ready to
continue business at the above well known and exten
give ware rooms, under the firm of
One of the partners being most of the time in the
eastern cities, Securing large and regulareonsignme.nts
of seasonable merehandize, they are enabled to have
always on band the fullest and best assorted stock of
Fresh Dry Goods, Hardware, Fancy Articles, &r., to
be found at any plies in the city.
Regular sales of Dry Goods, &c , on Mondays and
Thursdays, at 10 o'clock A M; and of new and second
hand Furnitore, Groceries, &c, at 2 o'clock P Mofthe
same day. Saks from the shelves every- evening at
early gas and goods sold by private sale at all
Salos of real and per:onul estate, private stock, Sze.,
v. ill he made on the must reasonable terms.
Liberal cash advanced made on all consignmentd
John D. Davis,
Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh,
1 s ready to receive merchandise of every description
on n ,a for public or private sale, and
from long ex.perience in the above business, flatters
himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction
to all who may favor him with their patronage.
Regular sacs On Moe DAYS and THCASIIA TS, of Dry
Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of Groceries, Fittsburgh manufactured articics,new
and secondhand furniture, &c.. at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales every evening,at earlygas light. aug 12—y
No. 144,
Corner of Woo" ;l reel and Virgin Alley.
UST received and fur sale, a huge assortment of
fre,-11 Dings. Aledieines, Oils, Paints,Dyn--StutTs,
&„e. which boon recently selected, an purchased
with eonsid-rable care for Cash. The following cons
pi i-e pat t oldie stock just received:
Guru Camphor, Spit its Turpentine,
Cream Tartar, Copul Varnish,
Flor. Sulphur, White Lead,
Castor Oil, Red
Gum Arabic, Eitharge,
Epsom Salts, Flaxseed Oil,
PI Manna, Venitian Red, Eng.
Gum Opiurii, Spanish Brown,
Gum Aloes, Chipped Engw oo d,
Pim- C:amornile, Camwood,
Saltpetre, Fustic,
.Iniiihe Paste, tic Wood,
Ref'd Livorice, Brasilletto,
Liquorice Ball,
:1-la;re.gin, Nutgalls.
Pow'd Ginger, Oil Vitriol,
Nutmegs, Aqintfortis,
Wi t h a genet al assortment LID numerous to mention,
which will be sold for Cash at a small advance on
Eastern prices.
Dr Witttaxl KERR will givo his attention to
the compounding sit* Physician's prescriptions. In 3
Seasonable Dip Goods.
Ilney & Co.,
No 1 . 23, Wood Street,
ARE new receiving a fresh stock of Spring Dry
Goods, which they have lately purchased in the
east, entirely for cash. and they flutter themselves
hat they can now offer such inducements as will make
t the interest of all purchasers to give them a call, as
they are determined to sell goods cheaper than any
other house west of ihe mountains. a 1
Georgp Armor, Merchant Tailor.
HAS removed to the room ou Fourth street, next
door t, the Methodist 13,nkstore, lately occu
pied by Wm. E. Austin, Esq., where he sill be hap
py to serve his filen:lB and customers and the public
generally, with all work in his line, which he will
warrant to he well made and in the latest and must
fashionable style. 1115-y
CHOP OP 1843
THE aubnribet has just received his annuat supply
of Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part
of the following kinds—all of thelast year's crop, and
warranted genuine:
Asparagus, Egg Plant, Parsnip,
Beets, Endive, Peas,
Beans, Kale, Pepper,
Leek. Pumpkin, Broccoli,
Lettuce, Radish, Borecole,
Water Mellon, Rhubarb, Cabbage,
Musk " Salsafy Carrot,
Nasturtium, Cauliflower, Spinach,
Squash, Celery, Okra,
Tomatoeo, Curled Cress, Onion,
Turnip, Cucumber, Parsley,
Corn, Mustard, (white and brown) &c,
&c, &c.
Together with a variety of pot and sweet herbs-and
flower seeds.
10r Orders for seeds, shrubs, trees Stc, from gar
deners and others will be received and promptly at
tended to. F L SNOWDEN,
jan2s No IFII Liberty. head of Wed.
H Devine.
~`~ .y ~__
fr HE subscriber has taken mita policy in the office
Of the Penn Insurance Company, of Pittsbuigh,
to cover all goods shipped by this line from Pittsburgh
to Philadelphia or Baltimore. By this means all
floods shipped by him will be fully protected without
any additional charge to the shif,per.
m 1 4 SAM' L M KIER, Agent.
Emmet Etotel,
Weal end of the old Alleghery Bridge
WOULD take this occasion to return his sincere
thanks to his numerous Melds and the public
generally, for tho very liberal patronage heretafene be
stowed on the Emmet Hotel, and be fdedges himself
that nuthing shall be omitted on his part to merit aeon
tinua nce oetheir favors. The convenience and beauty
of the situation, and the whole arrangements of the
house fur the aceounmodation of guests are notinfetior
to any similar establishment in or out of the city. His
table will always be provided with the best the markets
can afford, and no pains will be spared to ensure the
comfort of those who may favor the Emmet Hotel with
their patronage. a2O-tf
La! what makes !our teeth so unusually whith?
Quoth Josh's dulciniatohim t'other night,
To make yourn look so, with a grin, replied Josh,
l' re baught you a bottle of Thorn'. Tooth Wash,
'Tis the beit now in use, so the gentlefolks say,
And since they have tried this, cast all others away
But to ptove it the best to make the teeth shine,
Look again, my dear Sal, at tke lustre of mine.
Then try this great tooth wash,
The Teaberry tooth wash.
And see if this tooth wash of Thorn's is not Que.
Having tried Dr. "Thotn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,"
and become acquaintedwith the ingredients of its com
position, I cheerrully say, I consider it one of the safest,
as it is one of the most pleto,ant tooth washes now in
uso. - DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 11141.1.
take pleasure in stating, having made use of
"Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," that it is one of the
best dentrifices in use. Being in a liquid form it com
bines neatness with convenience. While it cleanses
the enamel and remo‘cs the tarter from the teeth, its
perfume yields a fragrance peculiarly desirable.
The undersigned have used "Th3rit's Compound
Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an
extremely pleasant dentrifice, exercising a most salu
tary influence over the Teeth and Gonss; preserving
those indispensable members from premature decay,
preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying
the Breath. Having thoroughly tested its virtues, we
take pleasure in recommending it to the public, believ
ing it , o be the hest article of the kind now in use.
Prepared and sold by I LLIAM THORN, Apoth
ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Market street. Pittsburgb;
and by all the principal Druggists, and at Tuttle's
Medical A eettcy, F.in-th st. sep
rirl HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens
J. of Pittsburgh and the public in general, that he
has returned to the city, anti commenced busine , s on
srb street, between Wood and Market streets, amid op
posite the Exchange Bank, where he will mzunfac
tote Rifles, Smoothbores and Shot-guns of every des
cription from the commonest to the ftnestqnality. Al
so, Pietole, Pocket-belts and Horseman's gnus, of all
Linde. Guns and Pistols made to order, and on - the
shortest notice. All kinds of gun repairing done on
reasonable terms. The subectiber hopes by strict at
tention to bueiness to receive a portion of the public
pat' on zge.
Farmers and sportsmen are requested to call and
examine for themselves. A. S. JOY.
Dry Goods and Variety Store!
J. K. Logan 4. George CoancL
HAVE opened u new cosh Dry Gonda and variety
Store in Fifth arrest, between the Exchange
Bunk and Wood street. under the firm of J. K. Logan
& Co.
Their stock of Goods are entirely fresh- and having
been ull purchased for CASH.principa Ily at auction,by
George Connel, (who has half long.e.xperience in the
busbies., and resides in Philadelphia to make purcha
ses and pick op bargains,) they will, therefore be ena
bled to offer great inducements to those wishing. to pur
:hose : as they are determined to sell at the lowest
possible advance oneastern cost for CASH.
They have now on hand a large and well selected
stock of seasonable Goods. among which are Blue,
Blue Black, Invisible Green, Brown, Steel and Cadet,
mixed Broadcloths; Cassimeres and Sattinets; Gam
broons ; Linen and Cotton Drillings; Cottonade;
Vesting., fancy prints; 3-4. 4-4 and 5-4; Bleached
and Brown Mullins; Irish Linen; Bed Ticking; Mari
ner's Shirting; "Titley, Tatham & Walker's." and
"Hope & Nelson's" Patent Thread; Spool Cotton;
Sewing Silk; Silk and Cotton litikrs; 30 hour, and
8 day Brass Clocks. warranted; &c., &c. They will
be eonstently receiving additions to their stock purcha
sed at the eastern auction, and would invite the atten
tion of dealers and others to an examination of their
goods before putcha.ingelsewhere.
Pittsburgh, April 1, 1894.
420(ithose Nu 1 Bottle Corks;
V ti Bbl, Sp Turpentine;
2 " Copal Varnish;
1 Cask Olive Oil;
3 Bbls Ven Red; -
2 " Lampblack;
1 " Cream Tartar;
1 " Flor Sulphur;
I Case Roll Sulphur;
1 " Liquorice Ball;
1 " Gum Shellac;
1 " " Copal;
75 lbs Gum Camphor;
10. " " Opium;
Together with a general assortment of Drags. Medi
cines, Dye Stuffs, &c., just received and for sale by
No 184 Liberty, bead'of Wood st.
New Wholesabt Dry Goods. Store,
No 133, Wood Street.
MEG)Lrtgen,, is now openingan fesh
annto,eig.andnnDry s , in
the store room recently occupied by D Fitzsimmons,
onedoor above H Childs & Co's Sboewarehouse.
These goods have been purchased in the eastfor cash,
sod will be sold tat a small advance on eastern prices,
for either cash orreppwrred paper. Merchants visit
ing our city will (AK' it to their advantage to call and
examine the sto before making tbeirpurchasers.
E . N. County Surveyor and City
I.IAS rem '1 office to the rooms occupied by
John lobe], Esq, on Smithfield, near Fifth
my 2
*tolAtNl l oolkh_WW l wdift
said Is., StStore/ram Skit 0. F. Anti.
irItdeiCTRULLY tutors' Um Imidits.litet hi
bat remised Ids ready rooßo collie *we
isms. to the building recestly otelVlled by lit
R. 0. Berford, directly appositi hi. old Mina
' . where be Is always prepared to attend prompg
to any order. le Planes, OMR by 110 0 nttarlt4 oll
to all tbaslatalla of Ike loudness of Ito tilaattiablar
he hopes (valeta politic coofidea4L fla oink Pr 1 110 1 d•
st MA COORS to ptOVltift Reams, Bien* ClS t /1 k I t
every requisite on tbe most liberal terms , Calls wit
country w ill be promptly &Resided to.
His residence is is the some Miens with his wars
boon, where thou who seed lass aervlorm-mal Reddlte ,
*tarty thee. aces:
w.w. uterus. RSV. JOUR IILACI.D. b:
4011112 RIDD LS,
RIM. ROM@ moat. a. a.
STUMM PATTON. . aim 'Lamm wtstasam t . . .
w.. a. at'curaa, ARV. JOIRPII 1115, ~
ISAAC HAMM, alt. Jllllllllll RSV ti,
10 ' RSV. tt. ik. 4 111 , 11 1 T. '
Evans'. Camomile PHIL
. . . ..
~. „ .
Csaluicsrics.—Leiter,from tee Hon. Atli% 'retel.
lan,litallivan Coenty,East Teneeirsee.Membetordbalpeii•
Sir—Since I have been in this illy I have ireedda*AlC
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit'Stair WM:
faetios, and belle's et tebe • moat valuable revindy- - -Oser
of my !avail tomtit% Dr. A. Carden, of Ce.e*belllt 4 a
Tennessee, wrote to me to send_ Alm some , WIIIMI) ... ,
and he has empkiyed It very successfullY In bM
and says It is Invaluable. Mr. Johnsen. your ateaX MI..
this place, [Woks you would probably like anapest*
Tennessee. If 10,1 would recommf cid Dr. A Cardea t as
a proper person to °dictate for the sate of Your oelleheadee
medicine. Should you eantasteetOrs- kiss he II wintellAcr .
act for you. Yon can send tile medklne by wabarAtOpen
care of Robert Kin= g• Sons, Knoxville county, Te e lnelliT
see, or by land to Graham 4 Houston:Ts:well, *WC
Tennessee I have no doubt bet Ilya' bad agents Ills ,
several counties In East Tesipassee„ a ;rent 'dui of 8 9 11 4-. .
clue would be sold. lam going to take some of It boa*
for my own use, and that of my friends, and shookfill*
to hear front you whether you - would Hite es egoalialr
Biuntviite,sumwa s -
county. East,Tennessert 1 ems Der
some of the merchants to act for you as I live Rear there:
Yours respecifniiy, .
ABRAHAM M47LELLAN. orrentleased. , , •
For sale Wholesale and Rciaii, by
R. $ SELLERS, Anat.
No. 20, Wood street .befew SeCollte
A Rlll FOR SA L E.—The undersigned nWers for SitW
ills farm, lying in Ross Township 44 miles fressallar
City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres °nand of witialt„
60 are cleared and under fence, Lim 1b to .20 berm 01/
meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apple. a few Peach siadt
Cherry trees—the ituprovemerrts are a large frame bases
containing 10 roums wellfirrniabed,calentaiml fr4Tilt,„
%Mut of private Dwelling, a frame Barn 211„10i oat
baserm.nt, and stabling, sheds t nd other oat lialeritalialt.
able for a tenerneett-2 good Gardens setareaddeewitb
currant bushes. and a well of excellent water, arith ,a,
pomp in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh ,
and Allegheny market, there Is no place now offered fte
sale with more i nducement to Own wishing to pareamear
near Mahwah, the terms will be made moderate* fber
tt rt her part Icelarsapply to t be proprietor at his Clot 10141;
Store, Liberty street corner ci• Virgin Alley. -
N /Moot sold before theist of October next, It
be divided into 10 and 20 acre lots to suit pu rchasern
ten 10
THE attention of those who have been semewhe
sceptical in reference to the numerous certify
cates published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Componao
Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons being
unknown in this Section of the State, is di
rected to the following certificate, the writer of w b
has been a citizen of this borough for several years, az4
I= known as a gentleman of integrity and re_syczaibUity.
To the Agent, Mr. J. tinily. •
I have used Dr. Sweyno's Compound Syrup of INV*
Cherry fora Cough, with which I have been severely
afflicted for about four months, and I have no hesitation
in saying that it is the most effective medicine that'l
]inv. been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness
and agrees-well with my diet,.—and inaintainsa regular
and good appetite. I can 'lamely recommend it to all
others similarly afflicred. J. M mitten, Borough of
Match 9,1810. Chambersburgh
:Vorsale by WILLIAM' THORN. -
No. 53 Morksitstre et.
'8,1 , 23)
These Pills ore composed of herbs, which exert a
specific action upon the heart, give impulse or strength
to the arterial system: the blood is quickened and e
qualized in its circulation through all the vessels, vibe
ther of the skin. the Parts situated internally, or thee:-
tremities; and as all the secretions of the body are
drawn from the blood, there is a conrequent increase
of every secretion, and a quickened action of the ab
sorbent and exhalerts. or discharging vessels. Any
morbid action which may have takeOplace is correct
ed, all obstructions are removed, the blood is purified.
and the body resumes a healthful state. For sue
wholesale and-tetail by R E SELLERS, Agent,'
sep 10 20 Wood street. below Second.
ARE now opening one of the richest and 'most ea.
tensive stocks of Goods that they have ever bairn
able co offer to the public, every piece of which hes
been bought and selected carefully. Our cloths are of
the choicest make, imported—black, blue antrojilte
French, from medium to the finest qualities; Naval
blue, black, invisible, rifle and olive greens, of En
glish and American; Doeskin and Seeded French Cgs
simrres, very elastic; Cooper's make of English, Plain
and Fancy do. The'variety of Vestings. eomprisins
all the newest patterns, is endless. Our trinsmings„
are also of the first qualities. Although we do not
profess to sell lower than the lowest, yet we neon
pledgr ourselves to make work that wilt compare with
that of any other establishment east or west.
251, Liberty street.
THE std• scriber, formerly agenr of the Pittsburgh
Manufacturing Association, having been
pointed by a number of the Manufacturers and Mechign
ics of the city of Pittsburgh and its vicinity., iheir a
gent for the sale of their various manufactures. *will
be constantly supplied with a general tment of
those articles at the lowest wholesale prices.,,
The attention of Western Merchants and dealers*
American Manufactures is respeCtfully invited la
this establishment. Orders addressed to the subseris
ber will be promptly attended to.
feh I 9 No 26 Wood street.
lICFPON HAND,—Axes, Aueeri, Hoes, Mattocks,
Spades, and Shovels, Sickles, ...'l l r7cs, Tract! and Log
Cimino, Spinning Wheel Irons. Coerces' and Carpen
ters' Tools, Machine Cards,Window Glass aritGlass
ware, White and Red Lead. •
Next door to the Fifth Prextlyteritin'ebereh.
june 6.
No 60 Market street, between. 34 .i 4 4/A.
.41 Informs the public that he has opened a Boot
and Shoe establishment as above, and respect.
fully solicits a share of patronage. Helm' on
hand a choice assortment of IT March and American
calf-skins, and all other materials necessary in the bu..
siness of the best qualities; and as the very best week
men will be employed, he feels confident that be will
be able to give entire mast - anion mall who may favor
him with their custom. All work done to order at
the shortestnotice. Jane 1-d3as
New Seeds,
IRTHE subscriber respectfully informs thelt
citizens of Flaubert+ and the public geperally — thar
has just returned from the east, and is bOilr ; . r
a large and well selected nock of
Embracing all the articles in. , r imy
whieb he willilispose of for murk.:
public me respectfnlly invited toefdl and exam*
stock, at No 86, Market street.'
-C - -'•:.f , •!..*,
' IIE . • -
Look at This.