yotmg ApO,Feinny., with a lanitiful grace, SW`doirn tad is diked him in 'tiro-face Then up 10 doyen, like t mad witch, mewed in the air And Fanny's sweet mouth gave a twitch. Her eyes - I:sleepy want a es feel queer!" youiegblasiner said; I, , k'flisiou lqueer!" rapised tan maid. Agehrtheebelids • went' up and dews. ble;teeabee - her fon:head fair; ? Islet Good had Goatees, towe r The magus was there:, inepiag from behittd a screen, oast elAy watched the taiagie scene. b.:sthlllieslfl'refesur's behrt beet fear Ho atolia lamas° felt; ;,l3 Aldo dee .114 fade" pest ; t he could have keel& :aiwkieleteltipped-Faner in the chai ac r, *lie halted se. woudiuus . sweet and fair pia turned aside-alrenst in frigh t Whist-rahall a maiden's eyes. . • • oundroto schwa., hisdadight, .-The,-pet loath of the wise . Eie put to flight by woman's looks? trisiml he bad old Merasar's books.) DOW be ris'irousainkes. • ilichasicie raised high in airy . 01=im ea heeneist arrow Likes, mot. so spare, Aod deep itt , tbe PrefesSor's heart, 410101tregrith &delicious smart! _ •-t 411111144049Penasi then I rmunot se), aagApre , •retriOrows and sighs, 4eask streaks p biushing as the May, 44011.Apieltaleeki from exile, A :fuse that lovers . make, lifit/MArliC:thedr boasts begin to eche .Cu • ia, sly dog, laughed out in glee, • • • • ti "Din- dole, a,t. - tingdamt•- • puke( aitr: • ru let to. ; tlteoi iteaUtette That I alonii 3 , . i ticji ; 1 } : 14'1" N.. 7 AND FORGIVING I . I ` )l 4 l° ! i f l g and d'inget-erUrds of earth, Trefitstiierd nor siovib the hiving ill.ritoe bad not birth! r,. 1 • 1 0hi1using aid forbearing.— sweetyour mission hem Viie grief lbat years sharing . • Haab blisaiiiigs in its teat Oh, stern and, cmforgia lfektdvil words of his, • That meek the means of :bring .With sever eatliststrife. Clh..barsh sad tazirepentiog— How would ye meet the grave, , Illsarren, asuandersing, • -;. a/Fatigue asa noeforgevel lotiwg and forgiving-a.- - • • FavOreisissewr of she soul, In whoa celestial living Thar passions indtoottol, Still breath your influence der es Wbeartei hi.ristalitaierhisi'd, 4 -• .And: isoginiShei regime - De flbi ere that. 1440#han 0+ 1 , 31 :. herea ft er keep cor- othiatil °it d, a tni) supply of Printing Ink Itegs,'Or'hich we Will be able to sef -cheaper than it haslserktofor been sold in this city. Onion from the cottfftry tfttdompanied by the cash 4 *.ll 4 7 '7' ) will be ~,,,w.wwv• a y.S9k• ttended to. . - .74141. 7:TI- ' - ' l.- • FRESH SPRING GOODS. -14 till4,p. PLAC E ra st 041.511.1 .. '' ' 74 ' ' 'gIGNOFTHE GILT COMB. .No. 106, Market Street, near Liberty. Kidho c itimir - respect fully informs hit customers x".,. , ~,,. therthlic generally,. that, be has Just. retur a ' in' 0118et,A, and is now receiving as large, good and cnit soon:anent of variety goods as any other at in ibe city. Merchants and others who s2,ot'air rittaie cheap , will please call at No. 108, q t. valiant be disappointed. Thefollowing nom - *ell die ottick just received. , -- ' .l . ' ''1,192. poat and 4 curd spud cotton, • i - '" .Griduim's 6 " " " assorted, '- - "N/0 lbs. " Titley's shoe tbt•cods, ', ~1' kitthantinNilaW*.' • • • :• 4 '`A..". 4 . II .12 5 1 : 4 0 411 A. . ..... _.- ... -- - • 14"..414=1 2143m1W., ~ 1 . . • , -4a7 bin4inli , - , ...." 4 " 1 dist.Zits.d.fuie ,hrcal cotobs, V 3 a • ',V 5 -1:i :: . " iiiiiorted cotton cords. - ' l. " ' loci hoe laces, . , -1 ' "" I. ' '''' .corset "- . • f —1 " / Ain. cotton 'MA% caps, " 'swift moony, 1 ''' 't43 . " gloves tuarinitts.. i' i " 25' gross assorted fans, ' a 2 * gib slo.,pahn leaf bats. 'lls itienei AShlNrtw.lar f a. „ n_. - ,edgings, ~ ' '' gross Fiearlbuttons. 75 " gilt , " , s,iL A ". figuroosurn,buttank.' 120 " • lasting entljaphimatt dd 50 " fine English dressing combs, •',n/110 7 ", assartad-saijseaderi, - •• iilfichstliesserniassostment of Variety •Gacll's to nthisir ens to mention, wtieh will be sold wholesale or retail, cheap for cash. .C. YEAGER; *or 18 nridumes werw. Dr. CHAe. dociesureyottlkiivebeenin Vie habit of using your American Worm Specific in my family for several years past. It has alw4s criceeded my expectations- A few days ago I gaie 2, tea-spoon- Ads, to a boy of mine, and be putt.," tpwaids of 100 avorms. PETER. HESS. , This valuable prematien . Sold - at the Drag Stoic of as' v .4ol4; RUDD, corner or 4i.h.atad,Wood. mom et{ Cost I egg, 0 steelier', sic. 41L - TIEW and huge supply torthoebovei 034 . re.. AllC'speiviol by Algeo & M'Guire, at thet Bashi le T %ma W..kii_Ch`liiii be inciac, W . Orlatfr; 10 . ill lir* . mit the bete' of dikeMU:oms, as S eap - .;:etioiesbi bought la' timidly. ' Aptly tp • ~ , - A LGEO& uIRE,' 3 44- 7.1E 1 41,f 4 . peon, Law, Mao kasha leg fortnieij. by the UM srdand Wood _ , 02 1 2140 1T41911 .~.- . .. , e # l trisT reogrA lia. ' 4.,,,• . pe . . 0) 141,111digal. ....ttetera 1 -_ 4117.. , #77: ~' ri":l.. • —,-, .....“ I— , ‘l, ...4' , Now ' - i forimairbt .-; _,-srl ' , -. 11 , - - - ii .1,•••• A 1-, V. 4 #R 1 }I, - r REIN ~ EICART Suss MI Jftleit. t , ' . i elitite. . IMUISELASIUMFAL OF N. 4 0 () DS'l I SPPERFINE DOtiBLE MILLED Girths, Classboaros, TWCS4I, Veptings, . Cassinstts, Sike.,Aike. • P- DELIM • ,• mElto,l l / l Alr TAILOR, Llifi t lert aritiurr, - e ' TWO DOORS ABOVE 'VIRGIN ALLEY. ;- rrlH E wobocriborimsjost recurood from the• &beep :cities, whore le has putchaood the roosvmagni ficemt iso,s4:lr. • • ' CHOICE AND FASHIONABLE GOODS ' • ' Eger oPiltitt in this City! • hie.'" bet.. now reoei Ting, and td which. h.O iierftes attelitkif of hiacuetennerewrod thirPublic generally who witty to aupiAy the ineeleocwidi • " • _ HOOD,. SUBSTANTIAL AND FASHIONABLE LNG; AT CHEAP -PRICES. The 'eh' !Iberia path:stage which hi* friends- and ;the public have heretofore been pleased to. bestow on his rostablishmenr. has Induced Mtn to parches. A. GREATER VARIETY aflll , ltina of gods in his line, and of a -superior tpsal ityte chy thfltg whieh has heretofore been offered..—.. The rollo*lngis a Betas part of this assortrneot which he offers to the public, all of which he guarantees are in the mostfashionable Eastern styka, and of the best quality, suitable for thiseason SUPERFINE BLACK, BLUE, INVISIBLE GREEN AND FANCY COLORED EN GUSH, FRENCH &AMERICAN CLOTII9, , - FOR DRESS AND FROCK COATS. He partitmlarly refers to a lot of beautiful French cloths and cassimeres, sew style, which he is cod dent cannot fail to please. They are of a most ex: celinnittlAity. • SLIPEU.. SATIN AND VELVET' VESTINGS, Rick and exquisite patterns, in tke latest styles. ALSO, LONDON ,PLAIDS, A large variety of patterns. MERSEILLES CACHMERE., beautiful patterns, and common vcstinga of every de scription TWEED CLOTHS. French and English If &icy styles—suitable for every description of Also.sll kinds of goods which can be found at any establishment in the city, which he offers for saie,made or unmade, as cheap as any desJeriri the city. The undersigned - offers the above extensive and va ried-siasinuneentif seasonable goods for sale at a small advance au their original cost,and keeps them constant ly onbandi ready to make for his cusunners. Hispri ces are to snit the times. Ills goods are all made by Pittsburgh workmen, and arewarranted to be of SUPERIOR QUALITY GP' The public are invited to call and examine for themselves. P. DELANY. . f2l tf No 49 Liberty st. 2 doom from Virgin alley. WONDERFUL! The Proprietor of the 'THREE BIG- DOORS" Is lot in the habit of boasting, but hehas no hesitation in saying that the QUALITY AND. QUANTITY . Of his present stock of CLOTHING Far exceeds any thing ever seen in the West ern country, and nu person • can realize its EXCELLENCE OR EXTENT, Unless they call at his establishment. HZ SI o S.S NOW A STOCK or SEASONABLE GARMENTS, ' Amounting to upwards of $50,000. Which he will sell nt UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES, And he will warrant the WORKMANSHIP and FASHION to be of the most superior kind: It would require too much time and space - to enumerate all the attractions of his' inagnificent establishment, but suffice it to say, that his stock comprises every ARTICLE OF A GENTLEMAN'S DRESS Whitt he pledges himself to sell lower than they Can .be purehtused anywhere else in the city. CAUTION. Purchasers are cautioned to be on thei z cowl apkinst the tricks of little rival astalkshmeots that try to palm themselves on the unwary as the THREE BIG DOORS. The public aredesired to note the METAL PLATE IN THE rA_VrikLENT, hi front of the "old original," as that is a mar for the gem:tido Three Big Doors that cannot be!counter feited. JOHN M'CLOSKEY, a4-tf 51, Liberty,. store% 1 • - "PrEliV, 108TABUSICH ENT. LOOKING GLASSES AT EASTERN PRICES. LHE eubeeriber has -opened an establishment at No 66, Wllotirtate 400 re from the cor- Aiet of .40ss.treTe beltpeps constantly for sale all kiade orI.O 4 IKIN.G GLASSES. it. Eastern Pikes. ie hail ouland alarge assortmeat of afa i sies inbotb gilt ana mahogany frames, to which heittviiaa_the at tention of-customers. believing that the quality of }tie articles and his prices cannot fail to give satisfaciltin„ Pictures framed to arder, in neat style, in either gilt or mahogney Eras. Canal boat, andadser reflectors manufactured to or der on the shorteit _ Old framea...repaited_and regilt, so as to ANA as well 441 new, 'on the, shiniest ono tine. J T MORGAN, Agent: - mar.28 . 41' ' - itesiunraL___ _ . HE subecrlbierhas yeastived-from his former old stand to the building adjoiabg Perin In surance Office, on Market street, where bait nntiique edging reidopening a large and well selected stock of andSIIMMER GOODS-in his line, in chethig cloths, cesairtkeres -and, windage of thelnost faddottairle styles, and where be intends to coati - Oe the TAItORING busineiS an a hberaltunf extensive wale. .114 old OustoMera are iv:rested to give hirti : a call arid alit:nine his BLOCk.. JOHN, RIAPEY. al3-3m THE Allegheny.CotuitiMittual Insumtne ompa n.y kie'now prepared nod read) to receive applica tioni for trance, at the office...of-tito-ComPany-i. Exchange Builaingii',l37i.T. The method and plan of Insulance accordintfo:theldan onwhich4o Gym' ptntyllas*en'orgatithed, basbeen fully tekied atickactni. vordl i y / 1 , 49-estfitl jn ether, parts of tbe State,tathetinit era Bta&s,nnii in Nb* York and Ohio; the rates of Titsuranee generally; - Mt eilOqeding the ;toe of one per rent. per annum. ' :gliaz..-Esicii-persow Glinted des trien4sr. and will &puke bis SOW for the premium withlifie Se - creitiqaatTp 6 nArbinh- 5 Ipektent. is required to be patio doh. WlL k illAßTPL'Plisident. Jean B. Roitardiritileerry: -• ~71 Pittsburgh ArriItIIS.III44Z MUCTORS. WVII4-0,1414811044r-. Lot 0. Reynolds, _ John IT:Stewart, James Wood,. " r Wm. B 1 " V - czi Sitaattia 4 . 3 , a r. '3G—tf , , , •rt sa l e y iitrEr4eo , • ,- .. r ' *Or" A . 'liiifOrli:StiNFAWat iitt.~.. 4e . m. 40,,,,,r4._. R. PATTERWN, may 26 Diamond Alley. • SACK COATS WIT TIMIS. REA.DY MADE INSURANCE ;Dana sur rejing aid tr -7 " . • rill E undersigned jk4eVitig to pm2oe permanently .1. the business orSurv*itigiiiiirCitril Engineering, ofers lii servions to the public.- • '••", 3 `• tiaviWhad a very extensive practice with ll4r - P. OF Re in dsin thls vicinity, be feels' viarranted Sap th ing arhii experience ind"practitsal ' knowiedol' tid be advintagiouito thole wise may employ him: Per -1,-scnts interested in reniestirte.wdl MBoaplatte of ttie City: City Illistiict, "Reserve Tract, Opposite' Pitubutgh," snot; trf Phriturgh," - Birmingham Laarencei , ille: and lotiMid time extending several niiles around' Pittsburg& R M'eGOWIN: - • Office, Penn street, a fescdoorsatiose Heady Pittsburgh-. karEftepriers: Richard fiddle, Esq., ' P. Mulvany, 'Wilson, SVCaridless,Esq.', James S. Crafi, I,:sqq John Anderson,' Hort. Iferrinar Denny, Willing!, Atthurs,- I Ctitoo. S. -Bradford, Eon ft. S. 'Cunt, 10 Metcalf, - Esq. NOTICE ErThose of my Friends and the public, who may wish to-have recourse to any of my paper., thoughts or hetreater Enid them in the office ble- GOW IN, whom I respectfully record as one in whose profeesionat abilities and integrity they may de pend. Z W REMINGTON. mB-daw ly • ' • - SIGN, imitation of Wood and Warble Paint. AYING commeaced the eve , useless, at No, 1-1 60, Water street. I;Arlipectfully solicit a portion of public patronage. From long experience, my de voted attention will be given to the above business, and I fondly hope to give general satisfaction to all whh may favor me with their patronage a23-3m W J McDOWELL. REMOVAI...—The undersigned begs leave to hi form the public, that'he hisremoved from his old stand, to the corner of Penn and St. Claii sts, posite the Exchange — Hotel, where he has fitted up a large Ptsno FORT/ WARE Room, and now offers the most splendid assortment of Pianos ever offered in this market. His pianos consist of different,patterns, of superior Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully fiaislied and modeled, and constructed throughout of the very best materials, which, for durability and quality of tone, as i well as touch, he warrants w be soperior to any ever seen here. As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made ar rangements to supply the increasing demand for this in strument, he respectfully requests thosa intending to purchase to call and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to sell Low sit, for cash, than any other establishment east or west of the mciontains. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn end St. Clair streets Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. sop 10. LIVER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr HetHch's compound Strengthening and . Aperient Pills. Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa„ . was entirely cured of the above distressing disease. His symptoms were pain and weight in the leftside, , lose of appetite, vomiting, acid etticuitions, a distension of the stomach, sick Amidst*, furred tongue, countenance changed to a citron color, ditsoulty of breathing. dis turbed eest,attended with aeough, great debility, with other d)mptpme indicating great derangement of the functions of the liver. Mr• Richards had the advice -of several physicians. but received no relief, until u sing Dr.-Hartcles visdininiombicirterininuted isefric dog a perfect cure. Principal office, IQ•lNorth Eighth street, Phiindel phio.. let sale by Samuel Fie w ,00rner of ,Liberiyaud Wood sts. sep 10 N i ro VERY LOW FOR CASH. THE subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of PIANO FORTES of differentpattenis, grarranied , to be of superior wot 1.-manithip, and of the best matetriuls; the tune nut to be exceeded byany inthecountry. F. BLUM F., cerne, of Penn and St. Ciairstreets, mariff Oppfwite the Exchange. THE PAINTER'S SOLILOQUY Nis Brush 1 think I will extend To everyone in trade, They'll look upon me as their friend, Because I oiler aid,. Besides give them something now, And that I'm semis fair; Tell them to rani a handsome blew If they want to aellateir ware. Then let the Printer have the news, He'll spread it far anon, Hear what lie says respecting Shoes Calle/dust been getting on. He has every size and color too, The Price I soon will tell: I'm sure it Would astonish you, To see how fast they sell. For thirty-seven cents they go, And by the thousand too; They always sell so rieryloro. At the store that's painted blue Carle* fancy shoats arevesy neat.— lie make's them to the measure. And when his work is on your feet ealize muchplaaAntre. The Store's on Fifth and Market corner, North-Western, I maintain, It esee-was kept l y Jimmy Verner, But notel7 HA.B.IIY CAIN'. al9-3m Hmmet Betel, West end of the old Allegheny Bridge HUGH' SWEENY t7OULD take this occasion to return s sincere M thanks to his numerous friends and the . public getterally;for the'verl liberal patronage heretorruo be stowed on the ginmet H6tel mid - he Pledges himself that nothing' shall le oinitted on tiffs part tOmeritacen tinuonce of their. favors. The convenience and beauty of the' situation, and" the whole arrangements of the house for the.aceommodation of gue'sts are tint4uferhir Icranysimilarestablishment in or out of the city: His table will always berpreeidell With-the best the markets can afford - . an peaks will ha iplitaiVAPipania Pie comfort of those who may favor the Seratriatfleselliiith their patronage. . 11200. f ViEn[o 4 l7.&V. MESSRS. MODRHEAD & READ, A-STORK 6444 -AT - LAW LEAVE rtontWeinbstir *Mee 40 Sostentlatreet, three 1.1 door*, rroin the corner of 2nd and Prant near the Scotch Hill Market: ' war ' . : REMOVAL. ' E. B. Eteastings,Cousity Surveyor andel* -,- ''' • -••• `itilettair, ' AS removed his office to the rooms °ea upielA by _John .1. blitcheosslll4l46ohLneariifth tree t. ...,, 7: ~ .1= :_ :fe -/. My 2 ..kT' S tt ile % 41 ‘ 1144 r . HE Mitten; g re ifkly in 'inia theciiikroi .of Pittsburgh that she bas the •O Mena. iii;tile'Vflhige'uft&ti modation of Asher! duirinktitiriti Awn,. ;The ,tieiaiiieis.'4ile`sitiiiilimfdrilie*Polo4 cqa4r is wtrieb every artiniiineskiiriniti4oaottleitatilliii ment that rripvenaaktiv.folliel s iifeeOure ''''a Aili ,Ta ra, are well known toifie puti tt carlifibertkopiletai - ipwres all who may visit herhumiettaitimg:aaililm'Amhi .ii4ll ini att part to. make ihe:ticualt4;eire lifraiiietia At Itaiii4ilil tolhif sit filar' iitiblishineni in Se &Situ trY• • • • ' ,- • ~ 1114 •-- ir •• " - Vt . / tiehiCl793 AltP 1", ..Iziegivjoktr.%.l - A DAM 'WE, t st, eibe eifielreOp Salt et 41 1 . ibeyvst, next tellif#4* Mauls WireiChe A ll UM Oenp,:iint It can be'rniiiineed of any canii diaer. - • llWAnitiiil4A4l.lll4loW-Vaii#4l4ll l/ 4 comma or swoon a 'tomtit . _ .iiille -s, rill HE' lintibmigitislArery be,ipaibillytoOdeill his ler" J. air/este *hi [NW'S; and to importers, IdergliSmil `and - blantifiettrrers.3s ft general - . lALICTIDDIXER & C001,14.10101t bIEii.CHAN.T. 'He has Mitentint alicense and entered into theiamiti ties. required-by law, for the transaction:if runtle HSist.ts of all Foastot /HD 'Dominic GOODS MID F,analtitt - , ..,: rn y t ri t l Tr' .Li . 440 l're,:tma ~ An 'Ol rr.,tryern iy Id lifhtintilli trse r MAIM"' y ed i wich" iginita Admit edge ofliesinetiwttivitly twenty years-of wild& have heats .visamtid ,aotitraly . to- tit* -000‘kirS IMISIIP: Whichrsey be sdastompsonsto thcio who : coofyielo_ him diesels* °Property: , - ' - ~ - Tu the litroarti every facility willba °Eared ia dis posing of Dry. 'Goods, tritetwories ea Ifiardworm and to the &moo Massfachwer, the omit Proniti* ter , tondos will beimid *the asle.of APAerliagirrOiCte• Sales of real.and porsosalinsalwintown...Ood CauP' try shall command the best, services of thein4iillito!. ed. in, igemeots will be made whereby/atrial oil vassees trill be made-ea cosaignmentarsami ttales in every instance closed without delay, Busiseakispow commenced and ready w receive consignments.. . . 1' McKENNA, • =r? • • Ths Old Auctioneer. Bypertalsaioal am aothorised to give tbe•followin . tefetancei. PI ITSBURGH Avery, Ogden AL.Co. & Co. Tiernan SL`Jrineir, Jame Murphy & Co. James Park, Jr,,, 401: . J. W. Ay rbstig & Co. Wm. Bell & Sons, D P. Morgan,. „- Waterman Palmer, Briaaltiy, Smith, E. A. Brown &tiro's. 'Shea &Pennock, Geo. 'll. Mire & Co. Sainuel Spencer, 'Rawl Galway, Bailey & Co. " Myers Co.. J. Pointer & CO. 'Taafe St itrConnor, Icing & lialmes, Johnston SLStocittirii, Bailny,,'Brown,& Co. Goo. Cochran, Thomas Bakewell, Lhurch & Carothers;. H.' Childs & Co. N.. Holmes SG Son_r„„ Wm. E. Austin, M'Candliss &11`Cluse, H. S. Magraw. C. M'l(ibben. Allen Brown, J. M. D. Crosson, H. P. Graff,.ll. Devine. • PIIILADY.LPgIa... _ John H. Brown & Cu. Smith. Bagaley &Co John S. Riddle. Robert Drolly., . James O'Connot, 11. Alexander.. july 2. Mt. • LYND 111 CKLEY, - • • , W •ALIICTION ROOMS, Nos. 61 and 63, Wook,Otticesa, Third and ZnsrlltAltrncts. LYND, Having formed' a co - partnership E • with{ S Bicktey, and taken but an Auction commission of the first class they are now mod? to continue business at the atioveamilknown and exten sive ware rooms, under the firm ot' LYNI) & BICKLEY. One of the partners being most of the time ID the eastern cities, securing large and regularcomognments of seasonable meichandize, they are enabled to have always on hand the fallow and best ftiaiortedatuck, of Fresh Dry Goods, Hardware,. fancy Article*, Ali:, t be found at any-place in the city. Regular sales of Dry Good*, &.c , on Mondays and Thursdays, at /.o.o . oluck A Mined of new and second hand Furniture, Groceries, dic,at2 o'clock P M of the same day. Sales from the shelves every evening at early gas light, and goods sold by private sale at all times, Sales of real and personal estate, private stock, &c, will be made on the most tenant:Om terms., Liberalcash edvancesmmadewtall consignments. all Sohn D.-Davis, AUCTIONEER AN I/COMMISSION MERCIVT, COrtie rof Woo 4 and-Uksis, Piath4rek, IS rthuly to rec,eive merchondize of every de.icription I on coniliument, for public or priveka..aatki and froiu long experience in the above busiii*;4l/11110rs himself that he will be able to give entirt4.**llgen to all who may favor him with their pat iriacith : ','* - -.. Reguliu . AtIICS 011 MON DA TS and Tnthistaltir;drupr) Goods and runty articlos, at 10 o'clock, A. M. .Of Grocerieio, Pittsburgh manufactured articlet , ,nen , and second hand furniture, &c.. at 2 o'cloek,r. M. Sale every eveuing,ateatlygas tight. aug —y - NEW DRUG STORE. KERR & MOHLER, No. 144, Corner of Wood street and Virgin Alley. UST received sod fu r sale, a large assortment of J fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dyo-Srolfi, &c. which have been rerently selected, and purchased. with Considerable care for Cash. The following com prise part of the stock just received: • ~ . • Crum Camphor, Spit its . 4nrpentine, Cream Tartar, , Copal Vernish.• : Fier. Sulphur, , White Lead... - . -- ,-, -- .. Red " Castor Oil. . -:-.. Gum Arabic, Litharge, -- Epiom Silts, Flaxseed Oil, . -,... FI Manna, . Vitnitinn Red, tog. Gum Opium, ; Spanish" B rown, Guilt Aloes, Chipped Logwood, Flor Camomile, Cantemod, - - Sithpetee, . • _ !rustic, '' .iujitbiiittate, ' . Nic Wood, • • _ 'ReerfLirprorice, Brasilletto, Liquorice Ball Indigo; . . Magnesia, '.- Nutgalls, Pew i t! Ginger,. _ Oil Virt4ol; Nutmegs. •:, r. - . , too numerous -. ~../squafertie r „. ..z. With, a gepet al asiortmentto o numerous to niention, which' will be sold . fcir Cash at a small'UdvaiMe on Eastern prices. LV"Dr Wti.ti*i Xe.ns. still'&labia attention to thecompounding al Physicianla prescriptions. Seasonable Diy - Groods. Uniiyfrilli No 123, Wobt - Street, L. ARE riev; receiving-} fresh stock of , spttu `Dry Goods,l4Fichthdyhavelately purclitlaissi )ti the east, eatirelyjor cash, and they flatteir s themiAves hat they can now Offersatah 3tsd . slyssaentaTtsWill make L therinterest of iriiwchiser . s, t i o.pre them a call, as mi they Pre deteroed to sell goods cheaper than any other htsase west of thettsountOna..... - • Aihsorgottlititioi,•lllleitheitit T>ftiier i --- KS removed to thei . t•ouin on Piutrth Street: . iiixt door to the . MethAisittostore; lately twee piedrhY Wm. t. Aukin;Esti., where he win" be hap py to serve his friends and customers and the Tusblic generally, with' all work in his 'rine, • which `he 'will warrant to be *all • aide' and in the latest and most fashionable style'. • al5-i - • CROPOV 1844. Fr RC silseribiet has just received his annriaMipply .I. - or Laiidre:As ... - o.en &oaks, consisting - in Tiart Pftlealc444., Fii'll'444 -1 -44 -I .tie . list Seee,s o:epend warrant* gemiAne: . ..;.. kp rourig ul h - : ; , -kirg 'tient, Pariniii„ B ee ts, _l.ndire.,. _ _ _ . Peas, Beans„ -- 1118*.,. --, ,,1r .....I Per, Leek, 57 s.--.:(----Buoneoieiv -,,"; ( . i, L ettuce -8..a,„h, gire . eq . e, . Vfaiiitifihd, ' Itbubaib, .._ C - , - 111 - Cia -1 r - ---- -- • - ocrir..:-...- •••'-‘7.arr_Lia NpAsurikirri ; . , a ntri , 01444; `• - ' . l eri i isk :q ; , . ~_, _, ••• • 0 , 4 ,-~„.„„Q ua ..,, :.• . i i i i tri'l l ir •- ' rEit...tilitit • '. al Stj* 6 ) lie. fi lr ver ther with „ po!, and_ twee tl* - aild M ,Qrdera for seeds, shrkfrepe-;' , - -te gir fil deiiiar - il'intd others "011ie s tir:ol4a ii-a:p-rai It 4. tended to. F L SNIICIWb 25 No 184 Liberty, head of VI/nod . ~' 3 t r A' , iST 4. .ITi PE _ .YOUN I , • Y. Priteaptiellireghseed. JOHNSON, successniorlohnson & Smith, "liiennottisiinefeettii . -Met - klw lendto Printhre generally, that he bas phirwhasstV.the interest of his late partner in tits foontits...,..dosiolo 19 in*. them that he has recently mode large idditions to his assort ment of Book, Job ow/ Ornamental , I.ettor,land he will continue to add every description of Type which the improvements in .dolan Army, suggest, and the grants of the trademety, require. .. His . assooment comprises a grem.wr , vaiiety ' than nniatherVateidry in the United Statee,anclhOnts reduce , 'hill }dices 20 per cent lower than heretefeco. • ' ,Y 1 Printing !ceases, Chasei,ciii,mi,`, li . ,ri*lltg,Tillc, and 11very article used in a. .Pritting. 000 6 / OnluitiaY on . , • . .. . nand Es timates will be faitdsleki, . haetail, for Book, 'Newspaper and Job:olhoes, on stAir style and quantity of work to be duns, and' pwclttielp •pooks 'will be ferwardc4:ta pessons. desirous. of Molting out orders. Stereotyping of every description ; prociPtly-.atten . dud tri`a. usual. .. . . . tn2o-3m. .. . , ; d( MERCHANTS & MANUFACTURERS' TRANS POSTAII9N rp HE eitbscriberloi. lakenonte policy in tbe o ffi ce -14 of the Feint Insurance Company; of ;Pittsburgh. to cover ellzoodi shipped by this line frail : Pitt/beret to Philnaelphie or Baltimore. By *it • Goods sbippeed ; by bim will be Cully preteeted wiiiteet any additional charge to the li/tipper. • ~„ nil 4 sitbrut KIER, Ageit. Lit! what makes join teeth so nansually.wL Quuth Josh's dulcinia tohim t'uther night, To make*yrairri look so, with , a grin, replied Josh, m beagle Ton a bottle of Thorne Tooth Werth, • 'Tis the hest now in use, so the gentlefolks say, And shrive they haiM tried•this, cast ail ethers away:. But to prove it the best to make the teeth shine, Look again, my deer Sal; at tke lustre amine. „ Thee try thisgreat tooth•wish e • - The Teaberry tooth wash. Aed see if this teeth wash of Th'ora t ils tint fine. -• Having tried Dr. ••Thor n'S Tea Berry Teeth Washi.". and become acquaintedemith theingredients of its coal-' position, [ cheerfully say, I considerit meet - die safest, as it is one of the must pleasant tooth washes now in DAVID HUNT, Dentist: Pittsburgh, Sept.ls, 184. - I take pleasure in stating, having made. use •of • • Thorn's Tea Burry .Tooth Veiritr. -- that it to one thel best dem rifices in use. Being in' a' it com bines neatness with entivenietiee. While it cleanse* the enamel and remeanuthe tartarlrom the teeth, its per fume-yields a fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. I'. IlklßgParsitsre-,D. The undersigned haye used "ThTsries CsitappOld Tea Be rry - Tooth Wash "'and intee.fultp4ll, fl4b Iµs extainulyplessantdoittrifiee,exercismga molts salu taryinflueoce crier the Teeth 'sad Gilles; preserving those indispensable memlasrs finial premature .decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Having thoroughly tested its,rirtues„..We take pleasure i u recommending it to the publit, henry : i rid it obe the best article of the kind now in use. M. ROBERTSON, 'JAMES BL4CN. R. IL ,PE EBLES, CHAS. B.:* 01141.4% C. DAIZR A G Int lit•=lB,,, NJ. MOOR - A E./ID, JAS .5. L RING IVA 2*, L. S. JOHNS. Prepared and sold by IV [LTA AM THORN, Apoth ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Mirket street.. Pittiburgb; and by ill the principal Dreggists, and at Tuttle's Medical 'Agency, Fourth at. sup ,manoactory. THE truhscrtber respectfully informs the citizens of. Pittalturgh and dm public in gement), that: he, has returned to the city, and commenced busine•son h street, between Wood and Market strtsmis - , and op posite the Exebienge: Mini; mauufac e Smoothbores - and :Stint --- "lntrivrido- cription. - from the commtmest - so ; Pistols, Pocket.belui end Homeinen's.guntri . of all kinds. Guns and Pistols made to order' and on the shortest notice. All kinds of gun repairing dene - on reasonable terms. The subscriber hope* by strict m amites to business to receive a portion of the public patrontge: Farmers and 'pi:lnsure* are requested to call and examine for themselves. A. S. - JOY d6m—aplt * :N. W CA El U:- Dry 4ilimmis and :Tandy Eittnra - Jr K. Logan 4.. George vanes6i, tit AVE Opened it new cash Dry Goods and variety St.ltre in Fifth street, "between thirEseltange , Bank and'Wood street, under the firtfor J. N. )...bgan & Co. - . :14eiestpels,uf , GueiUlft tottitel l / 2 418ohrvild Ah been all purchased for.CASldiwincipally at anction,by, .George Connel, (who has bad long experiesor invithe bUsirsess, and resides in Pliiisolelphin to make portaa. sae isra Pickt.PtergaiPav) they will.-thererate tail' Awl to arm greavindoceniautstothose wisliinitu zhaae : as-they are de ;ermined to soil at, the lowest ' . iseesibleadvancopoeastero (Tat for . CASH . Tbay *ye gonuaband .4 large and vve4,4oetpa stick. Of e stiWg ll ? l6 0904.14,,1ipan8.. which, ;re. Blew' AlOO-4 1 qCli, .Stfe.laailcoukt4 :nixed d)roadctrolis; Cassimeres and Sattinets; Gem= broone ; Linen and Cotton Drillings; .Cettonade; ilesting*„.fancy prints; 3.4,1.4.and_5-44 1111..A.f.d Zifkive;t4lol ner s Shitung; Tatbluo w *Wet Pwd. "Elope dr, - Nelson's!' Patent. Thread;. Spool,. Cotton; „Sewing Silk;; Silk and Cotton Hdkro4 38 1r..; and 8 dug-Brass Clocks, warranted: &L. &c. 11:03 , will be constantly receiving additions to their stock pure*. and at the eastern' auction, and would invite she atter:. aktp of dealers and others to go ustupination of their gcicale before purchasingelsew4ere. , , Pittsburgh, April 1, 1844. „ 200 (4 81;bi l e ° 4 1 1 3 4 5 14 e at C irie rkr ; 2• a uorpal Vartsfik' 1 CipokSOlive Oil; 3 BE& • irtn *ad:, . 2 " Lawels: 1 " C* tolti vtiirtar; 1", A• 1 mg Sulphur; ''j Sulphur; Sulphur; r Liolporice Ball; ' 1. 413468be110m; ..2 1 .-ra. • Air C o 1s atii~ liftit‘lCamphor; • 10 I • 41 W ar m .1 . .! • ; ..rufKlre4 4aflo.C l Y° . §o l A 4:Mtrecei og l e y " • - • - t..s . - -4 furttfttic 1 .4 lolfted:flirOgr'e • ntitt=litiebt3.l=lll. entodlt - Dry ades* in the iiiienily occupied by- D-Pinzikonwstui, Bioi ofieiloirlbbove H Childs dz Co i n SinliwinglOnne. 1 11 Ver,r177 14 ! , snd wil be sold srd isuee on es i tern rice!, tit the inw r rt i d wuttn, enninfeelifewock bcCofb Viiikinrdiediturchlialts. alft-tf • I te..41 1 1014109 * 4 010,40/0 :i 6 1 jfeeirtitirk liittrej reek LA tV. 11.4tork, • WM. TRetehitfaVtrieDOEl% limit, • -- - rgoe gg:ftlyLt.y. infirm& tile fai i ire tw i i. b e ' . kit rateareta his ready 'nude collie Wee".,_ , _ orisewJelbe heitillihtt .teteelti iatugherl - )40 111, 11'; 'ltt: Elistfor i d: directly Opribeire ' Nis dill it where be he "Ilithyt irridesedd at attend promptly , to ai r orderitt n hillAiliikihail :b7 .11014. ~mg . . _L. all the detail& of the business of aa ILedetlakee. ha hopes ta'AlManaikata.baPO4/tO O 4 Imanoistepreid at ALL aple Ls , lip rairirie, ki weep, B,,ieni.4. - ', l " 1 0 11 row/ relititelte oo the wort tiberil te4 eter. 'Cant rtia coontit• railliod proatptiy• offended iii. '" . . f Hit re:Mewed he heiltiesistolialedtair iloHat M* 1111 2 . il' n Wore, where •UweeW he iced -We wewl las' soar: 6 INI said ak any rims tsrasssasac *.w. WIN. - '' • Lanabomb st i sam,„,o4l. JUDGE aIDDLay ' • . . • say, itomiiam isPcsAlowlir *Dos rATTON..„._ E.ML lAA NS lir. a. sect.ra - - rev. zonnt - Ma. : . •!, , 11 1 1 0 :4 , 41111114.4 DAVI 't ), ' ' ! 11 , 71 * 4 ,* • VA itRANTEI7 LGEMIMAvz-vr - Evans's Camomile Pills. Wet*l-..1 esirrisicaTits.—Lei taigas' the Don. Alf •t. pl a r i tl i car . IMP-18164 Twee Wen Ia tillti 21* - 11140414160100440 f Ito BYtlleyaieawdkinewlith•lutiwite• befieol.4/40144 fiction, and bellevett 40 be n goat yalttahle feleoll • of My util] tomtit, Dr. A: LSit9t of 1%.541110f redltesseei rote•to liege MiattotresC 441000Milltel end he hillefoltMo€4ll.7lo9-401004111nt-MlilittMMOMiN> and says it fa tavalttable. Mr. ;-th J9. 11 DP 00 .1"! erg at tithe plaieialleyilif Terthasate:. if looi I woald , reeetoMead I'Mcittilo4l444ll/ 1 , roper . stessaa mkoaryots forthemile4 4 l. l l B ,l ol l/149441 licine. Sbouldiou commission him_ ky . irhe wilt site for you. Yon can seed the metliciiie aies r te_Wo • Of nobert Kin/ it eons, ile ifeo26.. or by- tend to Gillum • 4. Moan aeiset.. 10se oft 4 0 02 1 Kiri: 11 0 !rat cou u ties in Ey; Ten nesatte,,a 'went lasi or, le wait 't adribliorfo l / 4 111040001P0f • my own use. and liudtefascy,fokwillawsadualm44lo4loer hear from yaatellei.her..yasi-aretald_ like as octet at tville.,ffallisatt f'9o/41- ?.4 11 . 0 •A e R n Irg‘le a iirfi to of the merchants to act fpl you as.l pre sear teeth , resrieettoN3i; t • A SI A SAMI i tx 'or sale W hole/. if;t.sp4 non% -• • :lin R. E 'Aient; No. 20, Weo4.ofeet , Wow Secood.... - - . >•.> t sir - VARA). Fil;la SALE.-r de his ['arm, lying In Rosa Toiroship 411ittilest of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acreskill'asid are cleared and under feure, I . m 15 le -20 acres of leadow. 2 good oiitiltarilomfAgualeit. - 1 kiltwt POMMY *Ad il'lrrYireimr-lite.lutproyeesents ~A9:4 n,r! ,1131901 , 1„ „ii,,,,,F.lorotiaSs well tarnished, caleulated toi - u In m private" thatilhigva frame Pain mauloiluvand Itasl44, shed& todi caller tilltAPPOelillidie , In for .a tenement;-2 good Gardens sourest oded i;rratit Mistime: and a' - trett of 4sfelleiit . Saler, rittit pomp to at the frost door: to feast 1Mt1ie141941916911 0 and Allegheny market, there Is no place now ofesmippt, sale with more I ndncement to,those .wishing to rye*. near Ptitaliaistf, the termi wilt' be ' melte prober partieutarsapply to the proprietor atistso9o99.o Store : , Liberty street eorpos p r '; ( t AWRRKCE 1011T6R ' LLT... N . 13 i f not sei fir rote I tit' Ist'io •or tido eiifixt".**llP be divided into 191 - aud 29 acre lots to suit pwrettakossil rep 10 r - LOA at Thlit. rip HE attends:ter of thou who have beetiWetairittlite I sceptical in sefesence to•Aliti ousnereinew asaillot Cates published iu favor of Pr. Sww.yue,w Syrup of Wild Cherlty, on account (Abe It_eniopshoselg uPkuceali in thliSeetion of the Staid. ree tedto the following cortitlcateithe iteeittei has beers- a citizes aCtleirboensith for *mad rimisplllllb i • khOWU as a gentleman ofintegrity and responsql*s e i To the Agent, Mr. J. Kisettr. , belie used Dr. Swayies Corlipitna Ss , Nt'p' bf Cherry for a Congb,: with wkitth ti hime beets , imrsirt4 afflicted fow olio* four montlith.aud Lbenwitioleetkosiiuse in saying thut it is the most eWeßtiva,nesallFift 40 ,A have been able to procit* A corp,Pwleit all itn and times wellwith my diEt r add mhinPeain'sA t. aine goiiel appetite. I can shoseielyieecterenealli otFer.gimilarly afflicted. J. Mix a Ica,,l)twagit,43ll Dlarcb 4 2 184( 1 ..Glivnbiraktogitt Far sale 111.14% M ' IriV.`63lifittitititti4l! '2 .1 29) - BA RON YON T /I" ITETor t /R ilEParii44 , . ,Them P. ills ere composed nf het* ? t)ltkliftany! a specific action upon the heart, give iiiwulte or atrengtjt to the trieriril•system: the . blima'lerpainiFria dealt: mestieed 'Mite circniationthrostah all tlia ve:isels,Stibel ther of the skin, the partissitoutesl luternally,,ot,tbeast tremities; sod as all tbo' secretions of the body are drawn frunt . the Mood, thete is a consequent increase of every secretion, and a tiOicrtened action of the ab sorbent ' mitibitleta: slischingirir tesioslit74/47 rootbid'acticin *his& may have tatreapieteriscei ed ail obstructions ere rdrooveditbobleed it Ttailitigk and the ,body reseateeit'ilftsitifful he; wholesaiersai retail by'R,IB,SELLUIIer , A= I. re sep 10 20 Wood stet. below /Tam Surri.ir OF MilitivikS*ll9ll! • • : -;ALGEO itat-Die€ll3l,llE -,, I. vrrt :.1 i .t , ,A.RE ear opening bat oPtbd thfleitattinstritLea maim storks at Gnsitia that - they barer•aitstliam able to • tate to the public; every. pieetrief Peal* ha been bought and selected carefully. Our clothaammet p;te t the choicest make, inioried"Arct; blue - iYe Friniii,Trinri meclibin'id ' - 'ther" tlttal Tiublille • blitii,rlN6k; ireililble;" tale trhil,Collte iiiFiliii, LW glish and - Amp-lean; Ddeglilii and SeViiinrrienta iiMerair,ecle/aslfe,(CniiPelti eitilieetrtikltitylii# and Fanc?do. The varlety otViiiiilitt - tbiOrtith E i all, acrqu'e.stratcrilf , i*, eP 4 4 94 . 1 . ,CV t t i: . are or the 'Pal :qualities. Althqugh Ave, t proles to sell lateen than the foitiear l et , 1 0. 11 i pledge ourailves to Mate work il t aL will comirm . . that Otanl other eatabliohmentetiLt.a.welth,. . , 1 . 49E84 4 tellg ', ll ' .. , 51,:ra i•ty-street. • ' - tirrAdtmtda iiiidilki - cl.itigEs; - rpkit.gto-.Kriber.gailieki, agehm . a -th. Pitambultb 1. - Manufacturing Association, ,larrjzig ,ibill .4 - pointed by a-number of-She Isiarattetarerread N a d u ice of -that: Ur of Tittslargittantl 4U kiieitiWlblilialr a gent au* dier - sein of their , varies* tiaaufatt 3 / 4 4eilt.V11 be coartantlyaupplied with a generalWdrefilli — tir those irtielat at dm loins's erholosaitt pt4eeli , ? , .°'u' Thestteatikin ;:tf Western Iditioheititfiliiil4l44oooll Amerseast Menefacterriris rcvectrully,444 diir additiliamebti: ll oitfef; turdielibla f folleo , her 4!iiiiss promptly attelniiiii t6.'. .: " '-'. I " ' ,0E0: dtic_ 5..., A im, A 44 fettle. ,e:“." . ' '-titi 26 - W2 . 1 .'IIOPON.HANI),- . --rAlies,'Atite's;Poes i i 4 , ~ .SPOZesottid . Sitiveli, ElieSiT6,9eithes,"2 • a Chains, Spinning Wheel Irons. Coopereiiiit tarn % Tools, Machine - Ctir4s,W:r.i4O,iv qTaia me "iiiire,l 9 naftettild'aotiga. ' ' i ' 111 , A3VV , Iti '"? 12 . A1111,4"Y - qtt,"ol.l SMITHFIELD STRtEr," ) 1 - 4/11 Nest doclr C6:th.eVo:th",KreAbiteciap v , chnl* ' in " : • , •..t. . JOHN 'O.: 04444.0014r 4' . - ANA a - '' il tit - Pribm iii bt - it - A law •,„,, T . . iTo, CU lifpriset etnedeArkieinial:44lll4 . Bum & - JF i liiionoir theiiiitilft ' ' liTaitillista AK -,1 thew Ifilee•wil is 'hilifticilielelfa;abli ,11141 . • ' • it. mitilkst- Wi'hb of .4410.«.' - a ealf-skins, and ail other materials eemthariiatise bts• liliEllEl -rtt: J t _ _ _ menTariA.t aryl / Ipolari m nit.410 1 :41 14 4004 1 1.134M1 p i a, 4 1 „,,„" 1 ,„ , . a to all whowity Moe WrntitegmAiin. - , - All work done tatigew at , ~..lintie.--- ---- —7;;;ar1e44.15 ~...i . „. SE 4 .:, IastIiIIMPOILIPt . - + '-'- ,-: I "'P.' - citizensW hagi g a t 4111 g B'.l4iieil"r!c lt a4l o4/1 4, e ef east, and is no a Urge and ireli wed stock of pitgaiGH 3 -4041141811-441HD - 4AlleftieWlPSl o l: CY AillikaY4Mar SiM ar Embracing all illte, *iettoilinl 'Pt aka department. what kaltoll . l6oollrlgith pubiesisitepeedifttelikettoadtArd ettikl4l6o arnellPiltefr"MtiallVieliet:,4l6l4 `C:: ,; • ta3 •ZEBULE4I E.,1104. I.: ,