Onommillonnmm -77 - -- 4tiatiflUentii;o4o4.l SATUADAIr JUL? 1,40,1,f; " MAPGH. BOAR D C*. t rI M BICR aux. leounirms so* labg, eiAthires, W. J. Howard. " 'INDIUMS Ire's* • . rpt.S; Dd7.L AND JMIIRL.ENBERG . 'iltti"Dititocrets of Niu cesmi p wilt..raitse a. Hick my Pole this siterootch at 4 o'citedt. at t h e bowie of %ha somasbip, The Democrats of the city sod adjo l4 Soda ip ining distriets P ane iwiitrd to attend. Beretta-Gyro:hes-win bedelivered. Bybrdet tiezem-Commitme of i n vitation. . . Gritted mar towside:+sen the first par, * short but etaellent tale, 'The wrong letter box, and a grati fyingsmount. thelzonait*rallig.PoiltrYi •On our fourth,ruetry, ' thcit.oat Ct.ns.—Tbe people o ema f Isl. 141111 asmatgate a we to the importaneeofre laming the il - Democratic • fissociations a wards and iovnisbies; the . best spirit keel plusraw the work pee - bravely cm. - The demo. MRS :51014bet Third Ward hart/ organized a Club, and a uniedk:is to be held this evening, at which'a Oran taloa will be s abraitted , and a number of Sildressead e• lirerett • "Let ate/ Dentoend of the ward attend. itunfeapiapp is going on bravely inlis et. reeler Maria acceptable to the davertter, as an ap plit4t:fur,th t. e iiavelb He is announced for mute P4l4l4Fnaw.tin. yuu. eaxesgebett yourself amusingly. Berwvtaw.—We invite attention to the permits of lAMIS Ross and WILLIAM WIL KIWI,: which are for sale hE WALL i s. They are mag nibeent paintings lied faithful portraits. Ttialjtoaastas.—lt val be seen that this beautiful antrpapiitat 'Exhibition opens this evening at the Ark, in. Allegheny A- thrster. RaTorsttsmaturr.-4Ar J S. Gwynne. ONO' chi, carries ou in Seconast,reet, near the Scotch Hii,litoteket, or* of rho most useful establishments in the Vey*, etaltloes by the *lda *small steam engine, as Muchlabor in a_ day saia seine of men could have seaomplished,,befure steam was turned to uses of me- chinery : 4o c arries'on the Larl Oil butinees extensively; and this- Anomparatively new branch of manufamuce has been relOy ireproved in hi hands. Ho turns out an elscullent arti'cle at a very moderate price. He also • 112113111faCtUreal ST RC • IlDi , which he pronounces suporior to Sperm, and which are sold one third cheaper. %Ye shall institute a coinparision be tween the two and then shall be able to speak with • more onfidnce. Meantime we have no imitation in sayink-thlitthese candles are very superior, and would commend ,them to all who take pride in sustaining home nu(aetetcs,as atleoast as good an article as they eau procure from the Atlantic citie4, or any point GW.Lx/i. ha,4 II Min driven by steam ~f9r 111 c A4r grindiog of all sorts oispices: and another. ea entire ly new thing iwthisimunty, for the grinding of elm bark, called' a Ball Mill. He has also in Operation a MI . chine,..4lippipg. the Wood, of excellent construe-. titre: which, with -une hand, chip from 10 to 12 bowels n atiy. • Besides this he has shop in which he prepares nearly,ollthessanci:tinery he uses in his factory, And also makes the iron moulds used by Slaws -blowers for retakirigprissseifiliis, :Id Ste . Mr . G. uses in hislard and candle factory two hy draulic. presses of tremendous power made,we believe hy. himself. He has, in short, a. most useful which ought to be liberally pat ninived. NOTICE. Rev. At.czasete Bnows„ (•ion of Rev Dr Drown,) Centronsbergb, will preach in the sth Presbyterian Ora. en usicorrevr, (Sabbath,) commencing at hal fast 10 o'clock, A M., 3 P.M., and 8 in the evening 4 The public are airatiaaately invited to attend. Jay 20. rcliir s's CAR tits tT r. (lanoline voodoo% the most decided benefit urCbolics, Sick-Headache, Griping Paine, Diotrhtee and all derangements of the Stomach and Bo Third Iliad at the Franklin Head Printing 011iee, Third street. ----------- --- 7 - 7 arrtt.ss.—llalf, tha caws pf Files are caused . Cam , irritation of small worms. Jayne's Verntifoge puts all web eases by removint, the worms and im ng a healthy woe to the bowela. For sale at the Franklin Head Frating Office, Third street. iarAlrfintik on,PRTHISIC is caused by `lodgment legm or mucus in the air cells, wh ichwi obstructs the'llasege of the air through the u:- 40re Expectorant removes the obstruetioe with the grpateM facility, and eurea,the diamtie at once. Fur mallet dos Fratiltlin Head Printirg Office, ThindAt. . . . rPTooatis anti COLDS.—Jfilne's ,Expectoran is a pleasant and certain remedy for all Pulonenary af iinotiulis I For sale at the Franklin Head Printing Pr *" 'Third street. , • ..10P Tinosicatrii,Couons,Cossuurstori.—Thon die ansamally with the above diseases. JaVies ,Y4inaginizat never fails to relieve, and persnanontly cures nine , out. of ,ten who use it as direcsed. For akihersoinklin Head Printing 011 ice, libird'ossosole VlACoiyincrTlolll. BBONCIMIII, 41111TH11/0.-4io inn ever been found so remove the above die easesmspromptly and isfibetually as Jayse's Exptc tertili.. It cleanses the Lungs from all irritating mat elots, while at the same , time is beats end invigorates ibjam, For sale at the Franklin Head Printing Office, 1110,4fitreeit. . CaDLICS AO) FRICTTING OF 1.117/IXTIP O- E TO LY soother should have Jayne's . _ Carminative. his the 'say Wei they seed :for thedrebildreth, lie it imntedi otelz gory the idedie and allays all irritation of the etoonth tuna besiele. Far sale at tbe Frauldio Head Printing Office. Third street. . lgrinlavit TOO STIER "MILD tT 1-11 too, do Tort. delay another day, but wind immediately; if you have twirs - one of the wise *ea prudent'end elready bought a battle, therewith - in is 'mule& you luive recovered your bialdli. • - 4,gitsw4., Cwinninitiewßelsarn , 'for Bowel` and &sin k;l Clinpribttp.nprr fas; it is the only reedithie that 111041,4)114 of. lemma have given Alk ter - ' alte favor. .No family Amid be;wridilin-it. lriir . 'al di , tr4DO I 5 Bead PcbaiagOlfase. Third i t. ".-14E/9114 ' • • • tor.kauts,-4.l*.bete miea remeus, for AV •• er 4." 'EI ilk MOT% .4711 NO 142, LOPer.t7 West, Ass- TOWSPIS took •- w • ed alesitir o .• jeewl, 4.0 11V,at & ll Is welt sts, bowel* Wes& - ufiewrec. PION ST zeceiveit cicooksa Jgk 1 0 1110 , °41 4. ;g en okapi JAR. by , WAN ig• u.• Vitiiiols Pie WI rah raw, • ir.trciatiVit sir D. B. ifOuble,SituYidlomi:Agent asa CpzuPasa" M I =_ 1.1•.=••••••=. ARRIVED Evel ti ute, Irwin, Arkansas River. Olive Blanch, Si Louis. Utica, 'Hemphill, Wellsville, Cleveymd, Hatui,illeaver, Waders, Bah's, Beaver, ?domande, Parkinson, lifo City. • DEPARTED. Clipper, Crooks, (Laid ) Consul, Clerk, Cincinnati, James Baas. Siddle, Cincinnati, Utica, Hemphill, Wellsville, Cleveland, thou, Beaver, Michigan, Boies Beaver, Bridgewater, Cinrspbell, Wheeling, Ocilla. Connelly, Brovrasville. ----------. FOR BEAVER. , . The Steamer CLEVELAND. (Capt. Thos S. Hart,)having been thorough yrepaired, vrill run daily between Pittsburghraort Beaver, leaving.Pittsburghat 9 o'clock A M. and Waver at 2 o'clock P. M., c onnecting with Liusof Boots to Cleveland and Warren, Ohio. and Greenville, and Meadville, Pa. For freight or passage apply on . 1W . 11d. 4 1" 41 kiltm Sc TAYLOR, '• »;':-''' No 54 Water street. ;AidOVAL- rACKET. ,liie . -14,known steamet ....,, _-,b11.t H 10, '4, for - ir - B 130aaa Mae* enced her Itrips,:leiaitg Pi , veto fore) as.i o'i • '':.,11.-11;..p0d Base* 'it:iii-5.A. M. Prices to tail, theiliiikllol64,6lo4olillaille-W4O money carried freM ' .-7 - . . The Casa to C.141,,411113Cad1i be opewe as , soon as the weattai is ill . pes_nitt *it's . (*Ming a CL A RKK.kar,S_LUCIFOI,CLICV ELA ig wh ich and ME.ADV LUX, VAli.;!.o litrtlediat4l g? iP t° ° P ers. ti,„. p a r_f re igili 0 t .. fo i ste a pply Vii)or to . • ; ''.. ; -.1 G. KA N, . -..., The Mic ...„,. joie 11!. - ' • itarasit street. D3higan it- pievided .iatt:t4l44' Safety Guard - - PA.V.OSS OF THE S B MIVIELAND, TO THE. ' - .-ITIE 4 arnai. of the Steamer 'Cleve lapdbaviageed the light draulght erisassvitzt. --- 6-, -- 1 --1 1 .as ter,will depart as usuaLevery reereing,Sunch;rsexcept ell. for Beaver, at 9 o'clock, A M positively. For freight or passagßlßMlNe apply to GIIA St & TAY LER, No. Si Water sucet. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING REGULAR P AC ICET. ii i rsa i s , Oa.— The new and splendid steam boat . r.- BIUDGEW AT ER, Capt. Castsits tot, will run as a regslar packet between this place and Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Tuesday and Friday at 3 o'clock. and Wheeling ever Wednesday and Saturday at 8 &cluck.. Fur freight orpassage apply on board, or to J. NEWTON JONES. The Bridgewater is provided with Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent explosion of boilers. June 22 LI. S. MAIL STEAMER, LITTLE BEN, cxyr. TRACKER. For Cincinnati. Regular Weci:Aesclay Morning Parke!. . ' Thu Fpienaid passenger ,steam boat LITTLE BEN, Capt. Thackerwill . run ass regular packet betwoen this place' Ind Cincinnati, leaving slag every Wed nesday morning. at 10 o'clock, and Cincinnati every Saturday, at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board o' to Islo 4. Wo , al street. mart6-am 'rite Little Denis provided with ETlitlie ety guard to prevent explosion of boilers. mfg -$m. FOR CINCINNATI Steamer CUTTER Cotttes, Master, ill depart for the above and interme diate itorts, on EVERY SUNDAY, at 10 o'clock, A M, positively. The Cutter has been thoroueily r paired, and furnished with entire new boilers, and can be recommended to the shipping and travelling com munity as a safe and eapeditions boat. For freights or passage apply ob board, or io BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, L No 80, Water street. ALLEGHENY COUNTY. SS. The Cotter is provided with the Safety Guard, to I N the matter of the administration ac- Prev"r"Pl°ll"2s - "Ai 1.. count of William Miller, administm- Illeavar sal grams Paclart. \ . for of the estate of Julius Nelthrop, de anglollTHE canal packet ERIE, J. M. now, to wit; July 8,1844; refer- Shaw,master. willeun aregulartri. i 1 ---- 4 . cea . s k e n d a . weekly packet-between the above named ports.leaves red to F. R. Shunk, July , to audit and Beftigron ma:Amur, w a i nsw inye, and Fridays' awn. distribute the same. By the Court, THOMAS FARLEY, Crk.. ing., leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays end Sat urdays; connecting with rho Stage Lines to Cleveland Notice is hereby given that the above auditor will leaves For freight or passage apply on board, or to I attend to the duties . of.his appointment, at his office BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, I in 4th street, in the city of Pittsburgh, on Monday the - J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. Sth of August neat, a 3 o'clock, P. U., wiehe there ---'-------- interested are requested to at F te ns nd . . R. Sli LINK. 11 Andhisr._ —. 7 --------- --- _ Pittsburgh Powder Mits. HA VI NO purchased these -extensive Powder works,l am now manufacturing and prepared to fill orders far all kinds of Itifle,Sporting 'and -Blasting Powder, which 1 warrant to be of The very best qua!- 1 ity. . WM. WATSON. i llPPOrders left. at Parry, Scan &Co's. Warehouse,l — lO3 Wood street, will receive prompt attention. INSURANCE STOCK. jec26-6m \ 1 (1 SHARES of Navigation and Fire Insurance _ AA) stock forstde by HUEY & CO. ___----- . ..------- Clierfl Ifuelaming, Arcbitecture, Survey i i bag, Sus. - rrl HE .PARTNF.TISHIP heretofore exn N g be- 1 . 1 tareen A. E DRAKE and E. ZC. JIJDSO haying been dissolved. the undetsigmed would respect- fully inform his friends.and the pubsc generally, th at he wilt eepttatio tbebusiness, *nil would mach a share of the public etronage. Orders 'left at the shop of F. A. Pafford, Arcbiteet. over Harris' Paint Shop, sth area, er at his residence on Hay street. between Peen stretit'• and the river, will be punctually attended A. E. DRAKE. - Oh ,J•° iu Is t, HMV AL "MOT ECTION AGAINST rum. rr II F. Allegheny Mutual lnaurunce Company, corn. 1 dented issuing policies the 18th May last. The policies and applications for Insurance four times exceed the amount its charter required to com mence with, creating a fund already sufficient to meet any probable loss that may occur; as is tested by all the report' dwell conducted institutions of the kind of, and daily augmenting, its cepital by the accession new members. The terms of Insurance are as favorable as those of any other institution in tbecity, and its prineiides need only be known to vastly increase its business and ex, tend its usefulness. H, Pres' t Jl3 ROSIN SON , Seep ...• DI R 0 CTOR. Reynolds , T•bos,l4• -Stewart, G E Warner. E W Stephens , S ft Johnston. Harvey ehilds• W Robinson, Jr., John Sampson, James Wood, W Ragaley, Sylvester Lothrop, John Morrison, w jels. . - ` 7 • - GMirli-1--------------------------EJTRATOR'S NOTICE. T .:EFTTEAS of a dministration turiefieen grinied to etOoaribor,on do_ estate of Joshua Henry, -46:::treilt4egrashre,delimasea analitsalllialliiirgraailnor alkingathensiiite will present theorfor onaisateat, nod thaw Imovring, them selvoiani to tiasesaite• oriltur pi ' - o ut -delay as tan naboargAr,ol446 G Comer Sewed sates. ,D, , jai/ 1440 r • , ..idaralastrafor rell* itirc i i.irais Fox axi,imo. 4 -.4.aa fix asia tuva Da* OP.! . pi° Water .o,lsporesa Woods* Wisi• --- .0ii i446114 fi6401464 A i r s tit zu for sakrb, ' ' gpirnikieS &CO-) HAILILAN• , No 43.V"° a stgret CASTOR., 011.. Oil ÜBLS. CoM Preiled Caste JAMES' sale by i 4 18 ES' MAY. OAS 'WORKS. ADAMS it GOLIVIIIORP , a4s FILTTEBB AND 111 ANIIVACiItiIIi ESS eI 61 'Mad Sired, oiliosi4 tic.r?st CVfice• TIMM* bought the principal part al the alai 11 and stock of the Pittsburgh Gas worlterweit re prepared to fit up Churches, Storenilma Pthlitti Alla - Hogs, on the most reasonable terms and in the mama manner; and having worked a number of jearain the Gas works, Pittaberiii, and in took of the eel oonfaastern cities, Philadelphia and New York., we fient of giving general satisfaction well who may please to favor ir us with the patronage. All kindsof Brass work milder, Oil Lamps repaired, cleaned, and made the same as new. Turning iir general. july 10- —lm —_______--------------_ Dissolution. T HE. undersigned have frurn the 4th Inst., mutual• ly dissolved all connection which has heretofore ersisted batween them in relation to the publication of the "Gertnan Courier." JOHN G BACKOFEN, OTTO HOFFMAN• TO CONTRACI'OIII66 ESOLVEL), That the Aqueduct Committee be R, instructed to invite proposals until the 9.243 day of July, fu • erecting a Wire Suspension, Aqueduct over the Allegheny River at Pittsburgh, agreeably to the modified plan submitted by Johu A Roebling; th to e com- con tractors to be bound in satisfactory security \ plete the same on orbeforetbe first day of April e 180; provided the cost of said structure does not xceed fifty-six thousand defiant; to be paid in city bonds, payable in fifteen years. bearing an interest of, six per cent v et annum payable semi-annually in Philadel phis.' in accordance with the foregoing resolution, sealedl proposals will be received by the Aqueduct Commit- tee: the plan and specifications are in the hands bid of said committee fur the use of persons . wishing .io for the work. R G A LW AY, Chairmen of A quedoct C o mmittee. july M. EGHDLIP, WHOLESALE Dealer in Foreign sria fifth Domr.tic Dry G00a5:N0.,133 WaKril street. abcrre VITTSI3I7IIGB TIMULTIZE. • , LADIES and Gentlemen of acknowledged talentai wishing engagements for die ensuing Fall season of the Pittsburgh.Thatre, will address by letter (post paid) toidl , s 'Matilda Clarendon, Pittsburgh, Pa. The above establistunent wilt .pea in Septem N. ber [ 1844. MATILDA CLARENDO 1 :icily 13. L essee. ---------_ FRESH TEAS, FRUIT, &c. Catty I o Plxoelf Young Ryon Tea , 18 • 6do do Imperial do do 6de do Pouchong 4 holfcheet”eztra fine Chalon" Potsdam% do labiate* Prime Lemons, 5 do do Oranges) - 2 baskets °Use Oil, 10 bolos scaled herring, 75 bbls No 1 Salt, 200 Doses 8 by 10 Glass, SO do 10 by 12 do. 2000 lbs Spanish Moss. Rec july eived and for side by D, WILLIAMS , 9- No 28 Fifth street. ALLEGHENY COUNTY, es 0 Na I the aoournotilof TJlottleMs'aNlniasinteiartitratPr one of the adminiArators of Joseph Hallett, late of Allegheny County, de ceased. And now, to wit; May 18, 1844 The Court refer the administtatioo account above mentioned to Wm. Elder, Robert Robb, and F. R. Shenk, Esq., to audit and report the same. ' By the Court, THOMAS F ARLF.Y, Cl'k. The under•igned auditors will attend for the pur- 1 rose of their appointment at the office of F • R. Shook, Esq., 4111 street. city of l'ittsburgh, on Saturday, 27 m th day of July next, nt 10 o'clock. A. M., at which tie and place all persotta interesßOßEßT ted are r ReqOBB, uested to at- FRS. R. SHUNK. , tend, WILLIAM ELDER. july 1. 1844 july 10-dto2s :11.111eS OtkiiSU, Attorney at Law. 01/1/tCE. F LYTII STILIST, pi vrigsvp.GH jun. 13-ly HAIR BRACELET, with small gold clasp.— AThe finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at the Warehouse corner Market and Water streets. july 12 dlw public Notice. At.t.soussT July , t. 1814'. 1 ' ROPOSALS will be itceived until, the 31stinst., Pfor the manascoui and delivery.st this post, of one hundred heavy cannon --eight and 10 inch Sea coast Howitzers for the Land service, with dmeisi lege of eetending the panther at the option of the War Department. rersons desirous to offer proposals will be furnished an opportunity here, with full information concmrning the method to be pursued in the fabrication, proof and inspection of the said cannon, and wilt address their proposals under seal .tit the I rubseriber- - endor sed ",propoll4a. for—Ciano 4 ." ' .:. L....DP *IMM H ARDING, .'-' talii. 'ef Ord. commanding. -i,___.............---------- =um iul)ls-43ti 0 0 111, - eli, V , 4af in 6th street, op 111311.1:4 14 G. A st urdb. loguiri of p i maio % b o b r o psisterii! } my 4r, CO ILO • ,- tt chreicrec received and PRIME lot of YY for sale by 1311tMuldIsTAMA-TkYLZR; o 044. Witter acreep , ViaW in z e i,„ m i tirieturol asteitment Tor sale " n Eli by F Beele r—lisr " ) . 4w " QV.° COCliitAlf., jape it 111rAe00111f, • PearDER MANffrAt'TURER, • j26ent , • , Prrreavass. ACMANDY. Air fettrivr ART wou4 a s ~„„ _OIL of PillAkcirgbiegt "nd the vici cor - 2 , _ i f t eg . has 0 1 30 " 01 . 1 1.--....a Fc°2 l !' 41111t7 Se}kool in which itiltOten_ kedtbindtranobea4tilai eionatio/ - ti a mercarailft . . don. . , tituriketi attrd it; ifeat4 OfAitiow.ilantee. Agiollseir reniale writw "s. . ~ . • ' *turtle* SSW . rIF w ATCHES. dry goods, coulevy, engraviati. A.fiilemteinitiothing, furniture and stupefies., ,at,.l: ...P. Davie Commermal Auction lloomsrcoruct: olVond ondfifth sm. on Monday next, /My 22nd,.. 10 oc lock A M.; will be sold without. reserve il. general At sod variety, of fresh and swimmable, dry.. goods. At 2 o'clock, .in tins aflernono 1 breed wagon; a lot of new ond ascend hand furniture; 15 half boxes of tobacco, of various qualities; bed cords an& packing yarn. pressed tumblers, wrappiag paper, dm.; 2 half . chesui I 11.. Teas, ~ superior article; 5 baskets ahem- PllOO win*. This evening, Saturday, July 20th, at 8 o'clock, dry goods, c uttlery, engravings, a few summer coats; at half past 8 o'clock..l.gold patent lever watch, 1 silver dovl s do. Also a large iota( sauna hand watches, which.musx be solawithoutreierve, as dos owners are bud preasedfor rummy. It is the best chance offered for some time, and those in want ,of a good watch should attend. At the same timera lot of Jew. 3 D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. N. B. On band, and wilt be 'sold very low at pri vate sate. a few dozen of superior Calf and Kipp Skits, Sole Leather, dm. kilt 20. AUCTION SALES, BY LYND dr, DICKLEY New Auction liocrats, NOt. 61 nail 63, Wood s h reet. N MONDAY, July 22d, wil Q l be sold from te. vet &large afi& general assortment of f l Ot acd Winter Dry Goods, cammencinig at 40 o'clock, A St; WOOLENS. Blue black, brown and invisible green broadcloths, superfine; blue,black and mixed satinetts indigo Mne and cadet raised and Kentucky Jeans; Duffield and M a ckinaw blankets; woolen shawls; heavy pilot cloth, dm Worsteds. ,1 Plain six quarter English merino, of all maim* 1 changealdefigured Alpacca luetres; three and six quer ter mouseline de laines; dress bald's. Ste. Silks aril Satins. Plain tills drees silk; figured silk t esting; American sewing silk; satin Atoeicit; silk lidkfs; &c Lirtans and Cottons. Superfuie Irish linen; Patent, thtead; speol cotton prints, checks, gingham', Irish linens; brown muslin., bleached do.; cambric do.; table cloths; table diaper' &c. Fancy Articles. Linen shirt collars, gum suspenders, stay lace., m e- 1 rico glovei, pet drawers, G S combs, etc . Also, at 2 o'clock P M. a large quanty of Reusehold and ICiteken Furniture, Chair*, tables, bedsteads, bureaus, do lugh chests, :wide, cradles. &c. Assignee's Sale of Leasehold Psoperty. COThursday, the 251 h instant, at II o'clock, A M. %.,)' will be sold at the Commercial Auction Rooms, c orner of W °Mend Fifth streets, the following des bed propeaty, vial The life estate of Da l Blair, jr., of, in and to. a certain loth round, situate it. the city of rituburgh, beginning Abe corner of Smithfield street and Virgin Alley, and. running along said street towards sth street eiglity.feet, thence by a line paral lel with Virgin. Alley aisty feet, thence by a line paral lel with Smithfield street eighty feet to Virgin Alley, thence along Virgin Alley sixty feet to the place of be ginning. By order of Curtis's Assignee. .30tIN D. DAVIS, Auctr. jut ) , 17, 1844 . LARGE SALES OF rine Cutbary and Variety Goods. T Davis C ommercial Auction Rooms, corner of AWend and sth streets, comn3encing this evening- Wednesday, June 26th, at earll gas light, and coo tinning every e vening. (Sunday" excepted,) until-all are sold, a large as sortment of tine English Cutlery, received direct from the lstroavert, Noe -York cba testing in part of . 239 dos. of Penknives, Pearl and bncithtteriltr, .. 140 Cases of Eiszors, a surerior artiglen 48 dos. fancy Seisms; 350 dos. Ctimblets, 40 dos. vegetable nod Jessamine Soaps. They ate now ready for e xamination. Terms Cash, current funds. J. D. DAViS, .-------------. SALE OF FINE CUTLERY. At McKenna's Auctian Mart. corner of 2d and Wood Biretta, WILL be sold on Monday evening the 27th inst. at early gass light, a variety of very superior cutlet) , jest . je received direct f rant the on knivesimporconsiAting in part of very fine peat and pocket: cards, scissors no cards.spleedid an Buren, Clay, and Muldenberg knives, superior- pen end pocket knives, razors, &c. by the dozen. Sales continued every evening during the week, end every evening afterwards, (Sundays eacepted,) I until the whole is sold m'iv 27 . FRESH ARRIVAL FOR -PRIVATE SALE. HAS been received at themew Auction Rooms e sale. 61 and 63 Wood sr, and w be sold by privat 4 and 6 quarter cantor' flannel matting, •scheneil and brussels hearth rugs ingrain and venitiaacarpets. su perfine bino black toniaticloths; fine linen cambric, &c, These are all chnicegoods and will be sold low. mil VINO & BICIC,LtY, Auc'ers. .. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR PRIVATEI SALE AT' THE NEW AUCTION ROOMS. 1 FOR private sale at the new Aucticui Rooms, No. 81 and 63 Woodst. ladies kid ties, and gaiters; gentlemen's shuestflnebreglittE fine calf slid morocco boots, fine palm leaf hats; brass 30 hour and 8 day (clocks. TaltND'& BICKLEY. _ m 11 Auctioneers. LARGE AND FRESU STOCK OF INGRAIN AND VENITIAN CARPETS. 1 THE regular assortment of the above articles, at the new Auction ßooms, Net . 61 and 63, W oode street, has been greatly increased by fresh arrivals, so that the greatest variety ocpatterPit and qualities can be found, at the present time, of any other place la +) city_._ ... _ 6 I The colors and pattern s ate a ll a the ehotosst and most Buiblottable descvlptiona; and the carp e will be sold at ptiviite sale. for Lull 70As Art immix sus in the city. an usottrnent of Brussels, Tufted and Saba Also, neil Idearth Rugs. VIND da BICItLEY, Auctioneers.rn23 iff Ml_ J. D DAVIS P. M'KENNA, Auctioneer SALERATUS. 1.200 LBS. Saleroom is Boxes, for sale b 7 VSTEP'S Kx.es pififigep.Tiools, for sale by N, OO COPVIIIA Noo /6, Wood street. • Masts= both Nevraripers.,, United States Saturday Post; Pl. Y. fnlattuea Saturday Courier. Hersid Museum; " Republican; Do Spirit of the Times; D o ll ar Weekly; ARNIM - - ' Received every MADALI Morning, and for sale at: Cr ol; ' Literary Oniot, Nolls 4th street. Asteranazaso News. AlCalila7oo:l s . 4 e l red at tC, loirini. NeW Worlrat . , 1 Alsokspoore nistsfraiwit sploodid edition No 14 .li-41444 4"6111 Ag e ; N o 8 ; . ' Tke Midi/podia of trardiced Mediaas reare with a dditions* Roblei .1)94,0 00 . M. D., part 7: liofs, of tits