PUBLISHED,•4ILY, BY piiii,Lips -zit swill . ; AT THE Nbßift WEST..AND- FIFTHS TBEE—TS-, 'PITTSBURGH, PENti'VAT FivE pER ---ANIcUS4 PAYABLE IN .Aryttigas. LARS ' - AAA.. NO. 249. PITTSBIJRGHi WED P IIBLISHE e AND EDITED BY • MILLIPS Si SMITE, IVZ 111!. corner of Wood and .Pifa Streets. Tsems.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. Ningie copies Two Csers--for sale at Oa counter of the 011 ice, and by News Boys. The Weekly lliescasy and 111Lennfecturtr is published at the same office, on a double medium sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance.. Sin e-. copies, SVC CENTS. TBR OF ADVERT/IMlr4i. PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: 'One insertion, $0 50 Chic mouth, • $5 00 Two do., 0 75 Two do., 6 Of ',Una week, Three do., 1 00 Threedo., ,1 50 Four do., Two do., 3 00 Six du., Three do., 4 00 One year, YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CHANGINABLIC AT AI...RASURA. One Square. Two Squares. Six montirt„ $lB 00 Six months, , $25 r. Oue year, 25 00 One year, 35 00 1311*Larger advertisement s in proportion. LIPCARDS of four lines Stit DOLLARS n year. Public Oakes, ikc. 'City Post Office, Third between Market and Wood streets—a. M. Riddle, Postmaster. Custom House, Water, 4th door from Weed st.,Pe person's buildings--William 13. Mowry, Collector. City Treasury, Wood, between First and Second Ntreets—Jamey A. Bertram, Treasurer. County Treasury, Court House, next door to the Recorder's Office—Joh n C D.rvitt, Treasurer. Mayor's Office, Fourth, between Market and Wood streets—Alexander Hay, Mayor. Merelusnet Exchange, Fourth near Market st. Qp,erseers of the Poor, .E F Pratt, 4th street. above 'Smithfield; y J Ashbridge, Varner's Temper ance House, corner of Front and Alorket streets. BANKS. Pittsburgh, between Market nod Wood streets on Third and Fourth street:. Mercitants'anditansfacturers' and Farmers' De raiit.Bank, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, betvreen, Wood and Market streets. Exchange, Fifth st. near Wood. HOTELS. (3 .11 4 0 .4 0 01waliela Mouse, Water street, near the ridge. se*an 11.01431, corner of Penn and St. Clair. Arpr4.44 , Thad, corner of Third and Wood. AMCrieaa Hatel,cornerofThirtiandSmithfieki. /bated States, corner of Penn st. and Canal. , Sprees/ Bogie, Liberty sueet, near eerentb• Wayne. - Makes • Mansion Meese, Liberty St., opposite roadkairare Ateissio* Molise, Penn St., opposite Canal. IMPORTANT FACTS. 1 -) lL his L i El na D il e Y Tie S s w arsar e a t, ri h 11: ( B or p lood . l rf ilisc r e e renppli: rifts-rail* They possess all the boa4ted virtues of other pills, and are additionally efficacious, o.intitining Sarsaparilla in their composition, which is not OM ain any other pills in existence. They are also dif ferent from other pills in composition, being revel) vegetable, and can be employed at all times, with-tit any danger, nod respiring no restraint &ohs occupation sr usual course of living. Notwithstueling Dr. Lcidy never proternlral his Blood Pills would core 411 diseases, yet it is nut saying too much of them, from the innumerable cares perform ed by them in every variety nod form of (cer tificates of many of which have heen published from persons of all denominations, physicians, clergymen, and others) that they seem to be almost universal in their effect; and persons using them fin whatever sick ness or.iisease, may rest assured that •itey wiU be,fsr, and more efficacious than any ether pills in existentv. From tho known reputation of Dr. Leidy's Blood Pill, it is necessary to remind the public where they can !ix &lithium procure the genuine, as it is attempted to impose other pills, celled the 'Blood Pillit;opo n die public on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. Natt'li e pe cicular and ask fur Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills w and seethat the name of N B. Leidy is contained on two sides of each box, (the boxes being of paper, and oblong, squareshape, surroundedly u yellow and black label. PRICE-425 cents n Box. Prepared only, and sold wholesale and retail, at Dr. Leidy's Health Ernporiurn,•l9/ -North Second street, below Vine, Philadelphia, and Li) 11. A. FANA STOCK 4' CO., corner of 'Food and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburgh. jy 12-1 y Dr. dieed'e Celebrated Female Pills. rrIHESE .Pills are strongly recommended to the A. notice of ladies as a safe and efficientremedyin :sinnoving those complaints peculiar to heirsex, from want ofoxercise,orgeneraldebilityof the t system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections. These rills have gained the sanc tion and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the United States, and many blethers. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by R. E.S EL L 11S, Agent, rep 10 = No: 20, Woad Street. below Sai!ond PASSAGE'S AND REMITTANCES' TO AND . FROM GREAT 13RITAIN. DERSONS desirous of sending for their • 1 friends to come from any part of Great d pplk 'Britain, are respectfully informed that the Subscriber is Stall times prepared to make Bach engagements' He is prepared to remit moneys aa Europe by drafts, which are made psyable at any r*rantt through-int the United Kingdom, on presentation. itfaving been for the last 12 years engaged in thebts- AMMO. be feels confident that his arrangemeuts OD both aides*, Atlrintic are such as will give satisfactioe. THE SHIPS. ‘ l 4tepriaiug, the above line; are all of the first clam, mid am comilm*ltzd by careful and skilful masters; lapktg Liverpabl on& et 'teli week during the season. got f umberparticulars'apply, if by letter, to, JOHN HERDMAN, No. 61 South street. New York. - or to J. KrIIKPATRICK, at 3Faasrs. DalseU & Fleming's, Water street. 20 Pittsburgh., AIL & SOARDINEk 110117 BIL • FRANKLIN HOUSE'. 1p HE timbse.riber respectfully informs his friends 1. and the public, that he has opened a Hotel and Boarding Hotta in Third street, a few doors from Wed, Where travelers and others will be accolpnse. Atataij @lithe mum reasonable terms. The„houie .roovi; and has been Sited up lit Considerable ex po:misr comfort artungement made that will en aure-th and . render mffsfactitm to boarders wild lokers. A simpler public patro nage is "rt. In Ily koticited: • aCtf CHRISIPIAN SCHMERTZ. 261111 6011reil* 2 C.ASE.ree an., ; , I n . — - - ......, JUSt. Weil , . tifilir miwilStsbStore, 71732. ,aad for, sale air*, *LS ' • "mot. K LOGA , N-& CO.' ;tit - paws Ilhoblassur k :rj . 8. stitomey, rennosisi his offs* fikYourtil, sear Wood AW have plaeed profes -44. i.tee46 fp ths bands otiVisoluriabbi.ion, 1 . 1;1 1 7tr 11"41 ° the slam 117Dlitititr. -4% , •• . . . ... ~.... .... , . .1 t. f '-•- ~ • •• A • • . ... „ ~ • ; . . .- , . , ... . • . - .- .i., ..... 1 . . , .. .... , ,_. i ,... . . I - •+e • 5.• Orli 1 ( , i (k . 1 - .., .... _.... Aiii . ... ~,,.;..:. , toy ... ..., AgA ... .. . , ~_ , _... IMI=MI R. Woods Attorney aad Co -Office at Law, -Office on Fourth street. betweerGrant and Smithfield, a few doors from tin , corner of Fourth and Grant streets. Sept 10 . ----- M; Nijl ----- & Al s 'CLITR A l , -7 7 ------ ttorzterg and Co o unse/lor, at Law, Office in the • Diamond, back of the obi Court House; sep 10 Pittsburgh. Francis FL Sinuak Attorney at Law, Fourth street, above IVoad, stT 10—ly Pittsburgh, Pa. Thomas Ramilt,on, Attorney at Law Fifth, betwee n Wood and Smithliekisls., NT 10 —y Pittsburgh, Pa. & Buchanan, Atturnc Office rrmov Ys at Law, ed from the Diamond to tummy's Row," shady A ide of 4di, between Market and Wood its., RP 10 Pittsburgh. 7 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 N. Bneknraster, Attorney at Law, fies,,Temoved his office to Beams' Law Buildings, 4th st.; above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10 Office on EL Hogan, Attorney at Law, Fifth street, between 'Smithfild l next door to Thos. Hamilton, e Esriar. I' i 9. Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourth street, opposite Burke's Building. EV P Wtr.t.isgt E. AUSTIN, Esq., will give his atten tion to my unfinished bulginess, and I recommend him to the patronage of my friends. sep 18—y WALTER FORWARD. Office on F Dani el• Curry, Att2rney at Law, • ifth ap 8 street, between Wood and Smidaimiiii :. ; PittsburA OBERT Fon • Jowl 13. PERKINS Porter & Perkins, Attorneys at Law, Officer on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets, sep 10 Pittsburgh. Hoary S. Magrair, Attorney at Law, Has rCMOVCd his office to his m two skjoine, on Fourth st. doors above Smithfield. sep 10 Geo. S. Seldom, attersey at Law, Office on Fourth street, between IVood and Smithfield, ETeConeeyunuing end other instruments of vrti ring and promptly executed miir`2l tf John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law, Will nttend to collecting and 'Sec uring claims, and wil also prepario legni instruments 01writing with correct: flees and despatch. Smithfield street (neer sth Pittsburgh. m8,'44 Et. Morrow, , Office north side of Fifth d e rma een {Food and Smithfield, l'iludnireh seplo-tf Dr. S. It. Holmes, Office in Second street, next door to Mnivany S t Co.'. Glass Warohonse. 10-2; G . 1.. ItOttlfi SUN . Robinson & 31. 31 . 1:1R 111 F. Ric.Brido, Aftorneys at Law, • (Mice nn Flair( IG bet MVP il Wood and lNlarket rig i "Conen.artringand ether inAtruments of writing legally and promptly executd. a 10 -tf Dr. George W a t t, PR Ac .91720E0N Snaithfieltist. near the come: Sixth aii—l v. Dr. A. W. Patterson, Office on Smithfield street, third door from the corner o sixth street. ser It) Williain A. Ward, Dentist, idhertv street, a few doors, iitdow St. (flair, lips, 1813 Deeter Daniel Me!Real, Office on Fifth rivet, between IVood and Smithfield street., l'ittsibilrf,rh. lIAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., COTT N YARN WAIZEFIODSE Woo Street, Agents for the :sok. of the Ea g l e Cotton Facto!). Yarns mar I7—y N Eli' GOODS. —P R ESTON Sc MACKEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in English, French an Domestic Dryeroods N.. 81, Market rtreet, Pittsburgh. eel, o—y BIAMINGHANI & CO., Comniission and Forwarding Merchants, No. 60, iVitter street, Pittsburgh, Pa. M'Ticams.---Iteceivin g and shirping, 5 cents per 4001bs. Commission on purchases and sales, 24 per cent mar 22—y Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacture r of Iron and Nails Warehouse, No. 25, lVood et., Pittsburgh. sep 10—y H ALLMAN, JENNINGS & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce lillerchauits, And dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures. mar 1 7 No. 43; Wood gtroet. Pittsbar? lass For proceedings in ziatratats Blanks, - sale at this office. ttachinent under the late law, for jy 25 Matthew Zone* Baster :gad Hair Dresser, Has removed to Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's of , fice, where he wilfbe happy to wait upon permanent or transient customers. He *elicits a share of public pa: I trunage. sep 10. I R. E. 11 114610INTIN, RECORDING REG(3 L A TOR, r4 P Olfice in Rextse - ron's B ott.n ;nos, Penn scree a few doors above Hand street. j23--tf 3 b WHOLF.SALF: AND RETAIL GROCER., For dealerwan:ling arid Commrnissiun Merchant, and tures in C ping Produce and Pittsburgh Manufac , No 28 Fifth Street, l'ittibur : h. IHUEy do Wholesale Dry. Goods Marc Dints, Tiu~d Boar No J2S4 wood Streetr, al aoye Fifth, West *ide a 1 3 t di ~.. . cHARLYS, iiiicA N tYLTR L .' ... +Forwarding and Oalanisaios literethaat, PfTTEBYPAGH, PA., . r ,Agent for U. S Portable& Boat Line.tarthitrtraniparts-' lion of Merehandize to and Rion Pittsburgh, Baltimore, .Philatialpillia4ilerte York and B.4intton. - jsl-171 nritpA t „ NI • Mielheastio &ftrwt iyt Parker.) pg. = An iarree. c4 „„ s4 ,EaciAL aow, mar 204( NUFAC T iqm o s • Pittsburgh, Pa- n a I S I n M A NUFA titgickioptsold wh9lesiskaa. Pilickte4A - A b SIXTH mime, one lioar below goothfield. pet2l-Iy. ~:.:.~.. ~~•w ~~;< --- JOHNSTON & sroditTorf,.: Hooka*lien, Printers and .la4par:Blakeris, No2zvit2/Lreeit.:: _ se p 10_ JOHNI(IN* DUVA L,- - Bookbinders. ileuirPaper Rulers, Continue business at the stand late of M'Candless Johnson. Every description of work in their line ns i- Iy and promptly executed. may 8-y THOMAS D. Yoes ............ INA NC/ 3 L. YOUNG. Thos. 13. Young & Co. Furniture Ware Rooms, corner of Hand street and Ex change alley. Persons vrishing to purchase furniture, will find it to their advantage to give use call, being fulj ly satisfied that we can please RA to quality and price. sep Jo Cartwright, C UTLER and Surgical Instrurnent Manufacturer, No 140 Wood street, twu doors from Virgin al ley, Pittsburg, Pa. N. I L—Always on band an extensive assorts:At 9f Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's, Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears l Saddler's Tools, Trusses, otkr• a 4. James Patterson, jr, Birtnimrham, near Pittsblirgh, Pa., mannfacturer of locks, hinges and belts; tobacco, fuller, mill and timber s crews; honsen screws for rolling mills, &c. loep 10—y John Wlllkakey, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty sow, kyr een Sixth street and Virgin alley, 'rub side. rep 10 • Webb Closey'a boat and Shoe Stauft.ctry No. 83, 4th at., next door to the U. S. Banfr, , Ladies prunella, kid and satin shoes made in tile neateit manner, andby the neatest French patterns. sep TO Birmingham & Taylor, AGERTS FOR STEA MER CLEVELAND ANT) "IRON CIT . LINE," TO CLEVFL•ND. o. A. C.. . n .EINHA RT. SIDS/CY STRONG. niniru&RT & STRONG, (Successors to Lloyd & Co.) Illo.rinar and Retail Grocers and Cooint4ssion Merchants, No. 140, Liberty st., a few doors above St. Clair, Where families and others can at all times he furnished with good Goods at moderate prices. 028 ..11,AVID LLCM) G. W . L 1.071). D. &Lloyd, IV lIOLESALE 'GROCERS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCIIANTs, AND Ok ALMS IN PRIFLICCII t PITTSEIVRGH MANU re Liberal ailviincvi in neisli or goods made on cointignine nti of prudilee, &c., at Nu, 112, Liberty street. 0115 It EMOVA L. JAMES HOWARD & CO. 1t'1• wed their IVA LL PAPER W ARE LIOUSE to N(). C 3, ;I( I ) STREET, ',wee, iiptl alley nod Fourth street. Whii4 thetii•hnv e on 4101 n Inrg , e an,l - splended ns- A OnMent of 11'A tr. l' Art , . n and Bun nk as, suitable for pipet-in?, Chiarnhers, I% ails, A ko, genes:ll a f . Aortinent of Writing, Letter, Pi int ing, Wruppin,r, nett Tea paper, Bonnet Bonn's, &e. Which trifti will sell low for Cash. or in exchange f armor,: Srtaps, Cr. fel) 22. 1344 - - RENOVAXe 1 1OLDSHIP & BROWNE H A rE ref noved their Paper Store from Marke t street to No. 64 Wood street, one door front the cornnet-of 4th street, where they hellion hand their us -11111 nssortment of %VALI., OAPERS, fur paperint par lors. entries, chambers, &c., and also PRINTING, I%' BITING, and 'WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS. &c., all of which they offer for stile on ac commodating terms. feb 14 1843—dtf NICHOL/1S D Alec 10—v COLEMAN LLOYD R. COLEMA N Coleman & Co., General Aeolis, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, .eveeStreet, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so ritconsignment s . n 22—tf William C. W 314 Plain and Fancf7- l'ortrait and l'ecture Frame Manufacturer, No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. C AN VASS brushes, vamish, &e., for artists, always on hand: Looking Glasses, &e.,promptly Ga. meti to ordar...Repitit,- , ing done at the shortest notice. regildingand jobbing is everydescritition. Perscsur fittinrifausba - .ift or houses will find it (s their advantage to call.. sap 1 0-y 11l SAMUEL MORROW, ___ anufitotorer of Tin, Coppor and Shoed Iron W -. - , Sop 47, Fifa street,kettoten Woodand Arorkel, Keepsconstantly on ha aa a good assortment of wares, and solici ts a share of publicpatronage. Also, on hand, the followingarticles: slibveb4, pokers,torigs,7ridirons, skillets,teakettles,r4ovens,coffee mills, &c. Mer chants and others are invited to call and examine for bemselvcs,ns he is determined to sell cheapforeash or approved paperr, et . mar7—tf PORTRAIT rAINTIG. J. OSBORNE', Port rail Pair, Fourth st., 3d story Burk's Buil ding. J. Osborne Ismaili isolicit a call from those who desire Portraiiri. Spcimeus can be sway* seen at his roams . Dont you want A. tiANDSONLE Coat and Pantaloons, or Vest hones made and finer cloth than you can get at the high priced establishmert s of tbo city? If you do, call itt the Three Big Doors. We will warrant them etni, if not superior, to any that can be purchased w of the mountains. Bring the cash and we will put you into a first rate suit in a few minutes. If you prefer having your measure taken and your clothes made according to your own notion you can have it done, and when it is dune you will be satisfied beyond a doubt. Don't mistake the place. JOHN M'CLOSKEY, marl27-tf Three Big Doors, No 151, Liberty st. DR. W . KERB ............... •- 3 0EL MOR L . KERR & MOHLER, DRUGGIST'S AND APOTR ECARI Es, t!ornet of Wood street and Virgin airy, - 110. 144, F RESH Medicines, selected and put up with rare, can be had at all times, at moderate UP'Physicians' prescription fully rut- Inky --ly ri 0t b se -- to all whom it maycoamoss. A LL persons having. claims against the 'Estate of Oliver Ormsby Evans,deceaned, as well asthose thelOtaelves indebted to thesame, will please resent iteir-aseounts forget:dement to C. Evans, No 10 Water street, who is duly authorizetlso settle the said Estate. SA HA L. EVANS, (615 Ad ministratnx. A ol a ink FRESH supplPrem y of Pri r nting boic jost treei vett— For sale et the office of the Motnltte p o s t . m7ll ..~___ [mar 18 C TA CTUIR FOR SALE CHEAP, Two New and First Rate Steam Engines. O NE is 20 horse power, 10 inch cylinder, and 4 foot stroke, will be sold with or without boilers. The other engine is 12 horse power, 7.4 inch cylinder, 3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 ft: .ong, 30 inches in diameter. These engines are made of the best ma terials and in the most substantial manner, and will be sold on accommodating terms. They can be seen at the warehouse ofthe subscriber at any time .i24—tf H. DEVINE.P. StatesLi e. JOHN McFARLAND, 17pholirterer and Cabinet Maker, 2d sr, between Wood and Market, Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he is prepared toexecute all orders for sofas, sideboards, bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, swats, hair and spring mattresses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uzl stering work, he will warrant equal to any in the rit v, and on reasonable terms. Rep, 10 PARIII4II.IIII4IIIIP. THE Undersigned have this (try entered intn part nership, for the purpose of doing a Transportii lion, Forwarding, and Commission business tinder the style and firm of H Devine & Co. H. DEVINE. roar 28 E.G IVH [It:SIDES. JOHN SCOTT & CO., Wholesale Grocers and COXIMiSIIOII Mer chants, No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street, a 19- ly Pittsburgh- Card. J DA VITT, formerly of the Iron CityClinh V . ing E is new engaged at the THRE Bis Dooms. where he will be happy to see his friends and form e r customers, aO4 serve them to the heated:4gs a3-t£ SDAY, JULY 3 1 1871 _______ ______ . PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. /preset and Axles for Carriages At Eastent Prices. Trill:rabic:l6ora manufacture and keep constants AL ly all band Coach, C and Eliptic and S i serinvi (war ranted,) Juniata Iron Axles , Silver rase plated lat Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hb Bands, S .. .. Joints, pf ttent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamp ;- Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges ! &e., &c. JONES & COLEMAN. sep 10 St. Clair et., near the Allegheny Bridge. moval—lroa Safes. 1 r RESProCTFULLY inform my friends that I have removed my FIRE PROOF IRON SAFE FACTORY to Third street, opposite the Post Of fice, and avail 'myself of this opportunity to tender my thanks to the public for the liberal patronage which Y have favored me with fur several years, and soli cit &continuance of their, favors. I pledge myselfmy Safes shall be made without any deception. All my Safes which have been in buildings burnt down have saved all theircontents. tsW - 'They are kept for sale at my shop, and at At wood, Jones & Co's, Dthell & Fleming's, and at D T Morgans. JOHN DENNING. N B. 25 bbls good New OtleansSugar for sale. al3-tf improved Magnesia Safes. -:- M ANUFACTURED DY CONSTABLE & BURKE, Fifa slreel,between Wood and Smiafield, Pilishurgh, Pa. Iri tnetvnn ll': subacriflrtieernslin.trirniththieritiorermspeerciitbt.s t , n o tl;ir o n: : age, and would takt; this method ofussuring them and .the public generally that all future favors will be duly appreciated. Their articles have been fully tested, of which sufficient testimony will be given to any inquirer. t.. , :t. The principles of their locks and safes are not cur- , . , I tilsoesect n the Union. - the price also is considerably lessened, and will be found as low, if not below any other responsibl e house in the Union. We would take this opportunity of thanking Le va rious Editors of this city and elsewhere, who have spoken so highly of us and our safes. The public are respetttfiilly invited to examine our articles befote purchasing elsewhere, feeling assured , the Superiority of our manufacture will he apparent to 1 all candid spectators. N. CONSTABLE & E. BURKE, N. B. Safes can be obtained of any site or shape, or of any principle of lock or construction, of the sub .criberd, or of S Church, Second street, Pittsburgh, Pu. kt.',W EST BL,Ls-H-------131--.----------------A ENT. Illinnongahela Clothiag Store. F RANCIS COOLEY rind HOBERT LAIRD TA 11.0R3, having ROlSociatedthernselves together for the purpose of tarrying on extensively their busi ness. and fitted up a store nn Water street, between Smithfield and Wood strreta, near the Monongahela House, respectfullysolicittbeipatronage of their friends and the public. Having jestcried a large assort ment of seasonable goods, - riots, and made the necessary arrangernenti rs 4 prepared to fill all orders, with which the gored ' with despatch, e and on the most reaso . '=ft.rt .. . tnny 17-tins' REYNOLDS & IVILMARTH, Porsiarding and Commission Merchants, AND DEALEItS IN Lumnitn, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, Asn PITTSBI'II.OH M.V7':UFACTURES, FOL.' THE ALLEGHE Vl' RIVER TRADE. Cornea of Penn and Irwin streeto, L. 0. RET/fol.n A , PITTSIIURGH. WILKARTPI. 5 n 5-1 y J R LOG A N GEO. CONNELL, Phila AUCTION GOODS. JAMES K. LOGAN & CO., Fifth Street, between the Exchange Bank awl Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, , BOOTS, SHOES, CLOCKS, ,Fc. al A LLEN ERA MER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, corner of {Vood and Third streets, Pittsburg Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drufts,,notes and bills, collected. IREFERENCES W. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorenz e, J. Painter & Co., Joseph Woodivell, James May,' . .....„. - ; t' l 4lex.Bronson&C o . ' l- !• „, 'Um H Brown &Co. Philadelphia. James M'Candless. Cincinnati, 0., J. R. M'Denald. St. Louis, M e . W. H...._ Pope, Esq., Pres't Bank ___ __ Ky. > ___Louisville. ____ . ___________ ____.,,,mc'oughs! Colds!! Consumption !!! THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY : THlSTHlSpleasant and certain cuttelor coughs and pleasant ahead of all the preparations now or ever olFered - to the public. The use of it is soprani thht the proprietor has some difficulty in keeping a supply for the increasing demand. Medical agencies, groce ries, druggists. coffee houses, and even bars on steam boats, k-eep a supplyon hand. It is called for every where, and will sell in Any place. The reason is this everyone who base cough or cold by eating a few sticks find themselves cured, a& it were, by magic. Persons at a distance, by remitting the money, post paid, Oil the subscriber, will be attended to. ilrPOr sale by the single stick, 6,1 cents; five sticks for 2.5 cents; andfit wholesale by Wss. THORN, Druggist, 53, Market street, *bete a generalassortment ofDrugs and Medicines may always be found. a .i.___ Horatio P. Youw, Cabinet !Raker, (Late of tlegjfiera of Young 4. ArCerdir) 'ETAS commenced the ousiness in all its branches at 1.1 No 22, Wood street, between First and Second stn., where he will keep constantly on hand a good as sortment of well made FURNITURE, and hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the patronage of the public. Every attention will bepaid to furnishing COFFINS, &c. A Furniture Car for hire. July 11 _ __ .... .- --- REAL --- ESTATE AGENCY, CO;\:YEYANCING THE undersigned, having associated themselves for the transaction of all businesirelativ e tn Real Estate, will henceforth attend to the purchase and sale as 1101 as renting of city mu! couutry property, eollect ing rents &c. &c. The senior member of the firm having had much ex perience, and being extensively known as an agent of Real Estate, they hope to receive &Perna share ofpub sic patmtinge. For the accommodatign °film public, there will be two offices, where business will be receiv- ed; at the Real Estate Agency of James Blakely, Penn . et., sth Ward, and at the Law office of,Jobn J. Mitch ell, S. %V. side of Smithfield% , Uniatitth) at either of which, persnns wishing t —4.1 instruments of wri- Ling, legally and neatly execut , tides inkruigated, or desirous to purchase or dispose of Real Estate will apply. J. J. Mitchell will continue to attend to the luties of hisprofession, as herctefore, a f. JAMES BLAKELY, JOHN J. MITEHELL. dec 4--Ilaw6lll GU - CHEAP IMARDWARE—CO WHITMORE & WOLFF, Corner of Liberty and St. Clair Ste., Fillsburpit A RE now receiving their spring importation or HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND SAD DLERY, to which they rev/ilk-tinny inviilulatt atter,- Lionel purchasers. Having completed arrangements, through which they are now receiving supplies DI REGT FROM THE M ANUFACTORIES IN ENGLAND, they shall at all times be prepared to Re', at such prices as will make it the interest of pur chasers to call. Always on hand, a full andfeneral assortment of RI AYE BARRELS AND'VUN TRIMMINGS, PLANES. COOPERS,'CARPENTERS AND SMITHS' TOOLS. Also, a great variety of LOCKS and LATCHES for building purposes, to gether with every variety of articles appertaining to the business. a 16 tf Pittnllargi t , Pa New Arrival of Queausarare T HE suterrriber would respectfully invite the at tension of the p+ b*. to busEtreent stock of White Glazed tWare, a superior article, they with a assortment of iVhite French China,comprisin g all the necessary pieces reconstitute complete. sets ofDining and Tea were. also a general stock of articles suitable for the sup ply of country merchants, to which their attention is invited, at his old stand, corner of Front and Wood streets. HENRY RIGRY. • ally DENNI\G'S FIRE PROOF IRON CHESTS Purrsourtne, Oct. 22, 1842. J Dental": @k Friday, the 30th of last Month, a bout 9 - o'clock et night, the Planing, Grooving, and Sash Nlsbufiactary, , owned by (My, Dilworth & Co., with a large quantity of dressed and undressed lumbea, wagtail consum.Qby fire. The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time back was in the most exposed situation during the fire, and we entirely red hot. lam pleases! to In form you it was opened at the close of the floe, nada hooks, papers, &e., saved;—thts is the best tecommem dation I can give of the utility of your safes. ofll-tf THOMAS SCOTT. POINDEXTER Sr CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, . CoammimeioN sai r•nrarding Ateschasts, •D3l-ly No 41, Water stAtittsirre a . ;45 ooraer sod W00d:4464.. :„.-- aikovAL. THgEraful acknotted leale nts to his numerous tory l turnhi. friends and the public irk nerd for their liberal .pa tronage for _ past, atilL would earnestly indica a continuance at his new establiai ,Street. (south side) between itr4st ment, No 84, Third and Market atm., and 4th door from Wood street, Ofeirting Mr Ihmsenis Glass Warebouse, where, in additiotetto manufac ',4ture of cabifiet furniture, he has Comm d the Up baering lankiness in all its branches, e n the mann 'facture of Ilandsor Chai rs of every description, srgeth er with a new invention of bedsteds ftu superior toothy or the patent humbugs of the day, the facility their construction affords will strongly recommend them to the , public, as they are a perfect bug trap. The subscriber is determined to spar*Aosber pains ~ nor expense in procuring thelatest can tench and English fashions, and having secured iiervices of some of the best workmen in the country be Will be enabled to manufacture furniture oP superior style. Purchasers will find it their intansint to call before pur chssing elsewhere, as he will keep consist"). on hand nera/ assortment of furniture, chairs,'Waittrassea, 86:: a *e . M. KANE„ir. N B. Steam and canal boats furnished with uphol stery, chairs, and cabinet furniture, Jit reduced prices and with despatch. 0 ' alB-tf Peach Tn.,. eh THE subscribiohas just received from the Nur. sery of Landreth and Felton, near Philadelphia, a lot of the choicest variety of poach treata, to which he would call the attention of the...public. F. L-SNOWDEN. No Liberty at. head of Wood. William . Adair, Boot and Shoe Waken Liberty at. opposite Ike head of Smithfield. JThe subscriber having bought out the© stock of the late Thomas Raffecty,deceased,has commenced business at the ol&stand of Mr. It ; :red is prepared to execute all descriptions of work. In .ms line, in the best manner, and on the shoir*asoii*. He keeps constantly on hand a large assortnieoa shoe findings of all descriptions, and of the bes t a ZlT- He solicits the patronage Of the pubiliiiind of t. .. sep 10—y WM. ADAIR. !.: I `-- ', ' ‘, %'• ' r. ' . 1 1 :~,<;:;: PRICE, TWO CENTS. Qrhe tailp Morning I*ft- From the TRH TAILOR Metras*tui- - CREDITOL- a r alas. oofts, ...-.: ( Contisated.) "iigrw' ever, he sliirw .4 ed histhankfulness in a way that pleased me, for he had led me into the sick room . , where his wife was sitting up fur the first time,* with: her infant in her arms , looking so pale and delimits-. that It stamed-eanderful shercould be alive; and 'Eno— me, my dear,' said be, bending down to heir u' intr this uldicat, of whom yon have beard me speak arrnfinti atroliiiiipg stood my friend in the first serape e. rm !ever gair o. Rothe/ been Mai enough to make this warns. little coatTqf Henry!- See! it fits ea though you bad. made It y . t' . ~. . " Aar " h weariness, and partljuleyri g i k the plstsuo! ' 'herbeemitiful child so reafeas m .. : bhp , sseti, tall . • things burst into . tear.. So, . vrlaileiter husban ifyieg her, and . ftesaig,', N the !mho from her a ' cruise cradle, I e llpsol down stairs, and left them her. I cruet yitau,i,' .4- - sir, whet a heartache 1 carried me out of x ` house I "For me, Janie Co.x, rt poor ta4ligi.wAybutti for the: maintenance of till own fitmily, to thheistf eatidossi mr. , assistance to die-son of an old buttkeittiliksfire sand a year, would have been ridimslottok 44 47: *bout Considering, how I could get some if . 'e • tees Male known to Mr. Forster. Who, 1 . feltetnavq, partly in the dark. I bethougfitmm, therefore, old tun ors corachthan, and - 4,-3 -Oman, who, always ; seemed to love :glister I '' ?AL *MA, be-liettm a No.- n child of their owe"; and a' I trudged fit Bedfind. t o RoW, to be what,could be wards milli/log the, liar Of their master.- "„Illesi yotit end ! the lumether . was tied up. :be la geqeman had ad ie.; ti er operation (or . to* inward team-, (I think.: l l- o th his ermatim,=it ntiatifiara been In Rs heard) met. '''.. dwasn't trite ipokets to - men by, surgeons.. : 1 llrsa t. * ay, sir, he tiled !" - ., ~ . .. . " Lensing oaf coerce, 72:10`. At e . - y 4 0 it Wirt 4:607 I young friend was distiab ' .H-• " Worse and wise! (that dine 066 1416d - such mt* in the world and call themselves Cheistiaatif) Merin his whale fortune to his eldest sun, uncitimuitlms to., his daughters---on the express condition thassadihey'l of them rendered the sniallest assistance toi their bitiab- er HeneyhAn which iase, being Proved, the property wash) be paid over, by trustees appointed for the pup, , ' 5- 01;will;'1O create a nor ward in one oftbe city hospitals; . —unless, (for, unrelenting as he was, old Forum seem, -, ed disposed to leave a loophole for Henry's he chime to break off the infamous consomme formed, and resum e his place in his brother's house of business, when he wartonseeive an annuity of eight hundred per anditn, with the /Ivies of seulhog three thereof upon the Sienese and Lee ciffspring." i' - : would . appinr, then, tbat dm old gendenetn did': ' :ti lt :. i . " not believe in the reality of the marriage?" ~, ..i 'John Fnster Look care of that! The father's sem- " .: rity had perported wily togring his son to terms, and he actually died believing that,.in time, Hrty wove ri grow weary of his disreputable habits a d a hliaving& - cured a provision for his mistress, end ' his days ludo- : !cent competente: thecomning bru,dlof colorer kirmay 1 betteri having so dictated the plataabig of Isis father's will as to render conipnancu on Henry', as ism. pussible as any concession en Ids own. By ass'aner finished fooresitslot, therefore, the young man' s ruin' wit. • irretrievable!" ' Just at that mement o s brightening, or father dimitY . ' Lobed gloom of the ntmospherso, induced old Coxtoted- .. -, dle to she window, in , hopes the weather was clearing up. Not an umbrella wee preceptible! and lia scam ding ly began to button op his comabd talksofioningiets late for the omnibus. I pyramided him. however" that, unless his soles were eanutebouced, the Aureate i mare still toco wet to venture, and reeitedenMsolotes of reamoy m , o. Cobh and fete; sereerliroals, all occurring to hales* gentlemen orsixoy- eigh t , or thereabouts, which ester!.laned .: him anew to his chair, and insured tie the .s p pial of 'the melancholy...story:ln which I was to deen.y iiii/Yes o) "Yun dill nor. I tom sure, lose sight of these enter . tunatr people'?" vain? I, remembering that, In reou min 4 _ come, Cox VI., exhibited a remarkable adhesiveness to the unfortudate. "I ;deed I did !" Laird he, ` - theitgli free willrel my own. When the time of payment of his copying eame, (though in *Aida of the bitterness mister s frorn the scandalous 4 eo)lef his fattier)) lient Foliar miles!' upon me to carer dm prim of trine Coogaad 4s pent, 4 hart Attlee I loot to make bim keep bed i . - till better times." • thereir le Better antes are Coming, I trilst, aly- kind. 4 , ' friend !' mid he. - By the reconmeadation of it- ii man of my *We, I have obtained a clerkship in eimeN ftot 4 :".; ernment office at Plymouth. My sidayof a bundrek and thirty pounds a year will be richesto day and the 4 - moot is a rising one. I atn'as happy at this moment ren:i.. the sense of ill usage at the hands of those once sia r i est and dearest to me will allow, But no mm a,v A . Imre those, thank God, who ore nearer and ri „; emeo still; who will never desert met. never caluatmiata Me never persecute m. 7 e! And what can I want/novel" . , “And Inc wept like a child as he & eave of and thanked melba.. my kindness. Ptoo ch ap" me, hail ter have let the menet rest FO: bat for the life and,bet.„. °fine, I could not sleep again till I toad called at hit soul, loffilsings, and ascertained whether the little& reify hid need of further smilcb on the eve of such a removal. : Henry rimier was out, and I saw only his wife;—eyek -- . a wife ; sir!—such a woman: i Parer beard a 'ohm like hem, or saw such a face, There was somethirog pitfall! th their sweeinears-more erpecially when she edited other husband, itnc! how it witchapassible fix her to repay his having stooped to a thiiierika hen and !low, insteal "'being peevish with her as having, caused his ruin by her fatal affection, he contialsette, love and serve her as though she were the greenbelt* lady in the land! She did not shed a tem while she bald me the melancholy history of their courtship eiati .: early struggles; but there was si Roundel of tears pass ; sad in every word she Lutes ed. And then, tbe: ladjr 's face seemed made of shadows; no olor, and yet it did not appear pale. ' I have seen c wild Sewers in the', fields lookjust so—that is so delicate of hue that ono could not say whether they were white or tinted." I could scarcely fo. hear a smite at finding even old Jonas Cox grew poetical under the influence or youth and beauty. But the ex-tailor soon descended to nems ter of fact;—apprized me that hi; offer, of servems were civillly declined, that the rimers pied all, or nearly all their liabilities on quitting Loncicm, and grad ually, by instahnents, satisfied the rest. With so teeny other matters to think of, I soon lost all remembrance of, them," resumed the old man.. "John Foster, who was now established in it hinderer Goose in Penland Pfau, knew better than to have bite: fine liveries made by the snip who had provided ibises of Ms father. The young ladies married, and one of them died. The family *as broken top andeb'spftwert. The fat emehman kept a public house in the Burlier* the fat footmen win in an in I ceased. in eboni te hear the smallest mention of the mule of Pesim e; unless wben, come a year, I rmendoirotepi Ellis tome of the play Immo s . to re the paatoptim pi i , when mygsood woman was sure to oeselreathat nesql., . "' ever apse of going to play bouremos-AFor Msek sob ~ . ... i she w ould add, 'look at your old faseeise. pow M. - Henry Foster!' And what wI to iinsweret ~3 " Well. sir, about tl or ai !remitter all I bootie I been telling of,lata one summer everitni r ,inet at the tinge hin ts Looker rir 46 wifd-irielr lotermass and pi,,,,,,,r0,,nd it seems as if Poor Calks multi mama ' work fest comev,h 3 or rich falls by etifficitnetr idle.-- . and, hey* more than a dozen sails anifirrewhm. es j rhvs, he ed y* to sand hotter for kildWh4y , • ' (which fell !bin trpost4lte 4th it Itite.).l.,..leit) AM itlf. a 1 farad extra wages to my meteto week *II *tisk t I beard the voice Ilia servantotnahl, inquires/ itbelli that was tla house of James Cox, goo taller.