* , =a~ ~., 1171118U8511,r... FJ"Weare indebted to the HOSI Minnasin 1 14 ' 1141111 7 or the proceedings of the Sonata oa t h e Texas Tisiity. The attentive clerk of the Little gen has furnished us with late Cincinnati papers.. HAN stservon's MuumuuWre all the rage. Pee ple crowd the Thad,* nighkafter night, to admire these Wonderful works of art. - • Wanost'sPownss MILL.—We incite the atten tion of all who desire to patronize borne manufactures, to the advertisement of Mr Wx WATSON, who 'MC , ceeda Annw. Wittsom, in the powder-making busi ness. Me N has made additions to; and improve ments in his faCtiwy, and willbruthle to supply his par row with as good an article as they can procure from any eastern powder mill. Let him be patronized lib eral!). Gaits ToßTx.t.—See Kilbourn's advertisement exincerning the magnificent turtle just brought from his "home on the ocean wave." Those who love tur tle soup will take much interest in the distinguished •atraniper. Lost. SUlT3.—The leerea of the indictments for libel, which are =attuned over the counsel table at the 'Court flout, are con-slat rably thiche than the "Au tumnal leave. which strew the vales in Vallombrosa although it is stated on poetic authority that these were very eumeroui. In addition to the suits before men tioned, we learn that the jury found true bills in the -cars of the Coutmenweelth vt. J H Foster, - D N White, prosecutor, and Commonwealth r. White, J H Foster, prosecutor. Qv IctaT TRIP If RT —The Cincinhati Times states that the lam!' have been torn from the brow orihe •'Duke of Orleans," by the:"Montgemery," Molar: ter, a Louisville boat, arrived there from New Or *mason Friday, in 4 days and 23 hours, from port to Or'Bishop Hughes has written another letter to Col. William L. Stone. • MASONIC NOTICE A stated meeting of Lodge 45. will be held this evening, at their Hall,.corner of Smithfield and Third By order of the Worshipful Master, jam 26 . A..M'CAMMOI4, Sec'v. Allegheny Cleanty, us. IN -the matter of the stipplenumtstry sulministration account of Nathaniel Richardson. an 4 Julia Rich ardson adiniaistnitors of David Logan, late of the city oePittsbnigh, And now, to wit: Nov. 25. 1843. exceptions filed. and A. Burke, F. R. Shook and H. S. Magraw, ap pointed auditors to audit and distribute the proceeds in the hands of accountants—this order and appoint ment =tie at the instance of A. Wylie, Esq., who ap 'wars fur Joshua Logan. • r' By the Court. THOMAS FARLEY, Cl'k. rustic NOTICE. The arolitors above appointed will meet at the offme of Francis H. Shuttle, on 4th street, in the city of l'ittsburrh, un Monday the 15th of July next, at 3 o'clock P. M., tat which time seed place those interes ted arc recpmstetl to attend. _ j1.9-3tclured's CRUD. KEW b')nx•3TORK AND rERIDDICAL 'AGENCY. N 043 MARKET ST, 1 DOOR FROM THIRD (Store-morn furmerly occupied by F Ittectild ) RPAT"' ERSON,Agent,formerl3 engaged for many • year.. in the liminess of book-selling in this city, hits resumed the ‘lllllO at the above place, where he hatrjust opened n general assortment of Books, Periodicals, Paper and Sialionary, Purchased nt the east, and offered for,snle here on the -cash system, at prices greatly reduced from former Or . The Periodicals and cheap publications of the day will be receirel, aspuldished from time to time, and sold at Eastern prices. !Lobs net to be had in the stores of th'.s Mr., will • be ordered from the east, when requested, and furnish ed at a moderate commission charge. The advertiser's friends and the public generally. are respectfully invited to call and examine his assort ment. • - - jelB. ilnropean iiitisilinerican A geney. r pH g enderaigned "European Agent," having .JL again arrived in Anierica at dm regular time, will leave Pittsbeigh, Pa., early in September next. and sail from - New York on the first day - of October, making an Eighteenth tot. or England, Ireland, Scot land, Wales, France, &c., and returning to the Uni ted Slates in May, 1445: By this Agency. persons wishing to remit money to Europe, can have cherries or drafts for small or large sums payable at sight, in every part of Ireland, England,, Scotland, Wales, cr France; Legacies, debts. annuities, real estate, inher itable property. and. claims, recorded and paid over; searches dell kinds made; copies of wills, deeds, and documents precnied; and transaction of such other business as has appertained to this Agency for several years. Innumerable references and every information given. Apply personally or address post paid, "H. KEENAN, European Agent, and Attorney Cad Counsellor at Law, Pittsburgh, Pa." New York. Juno lit. 1844. gr Mr. K. will be absent trom Pittsburgh to the South, nearly all Use month of August. June 20-Iw4l.mw PITTSBURGH INFIRMARY. For At Restart:awl' of Deformities of tke Human Frame THE subscriber has returned to the city and in tends to establish an INFIRMAICT for the recep• Con and treatment of deformed members, such as ,a b Cieb or Reeled feet, contracted joints, wry-neck and Stranbisas or Squinting There is no Institution of this:kind as yet in this .country, though much needed. Patients from a distance would, find it to their ad .vantage to be operated on and to be attended to in an Amstabliahmeet-exclusively devoted to the restoration of the above named deformities. The easy access to Pittsburgh, by river and canal almost at any season of the year. ono of the healthiest sprite m the country, would offer great facilities for time desirous of being relieved. - His staple eswienee and well known success gives sufficient ipapatity.thez the welfare of those entrusted ,to his mire will be greatly promoted. ALBERT/3. WALTER, M. D. jeers 184wddslmw Wm. NIL 011)11111,11. No. 45 Market street, three doors front Third st, AS Not mobised—heriage scarfs, black and col oreifillee,, mitts and gloves, cams, oedema, licht . and duk. layout. r - For Gentlemen's Weer.--Tweed cloths and cassi mares, fancy plaid cassimeres, Russia Duck. for pants; ittigetbete with a general assortment of fashionable fao -4.7 and staple goods, to which he invites the attention id" cash purchasers. je 40-d3t. Clad - 0401 A DAM MIME always keeps coal for side it A Witiontabale wharf,. above the Briage and at di* Beal; is LiberOlo, nest to Matthew glota's Wumbooeil. wok* be will sell as cheap as it con be patebeeedpf Any ether dealer. je 17-11, , israwrsto BY D. B. Skeblei Steamboat Agent and C - Merchant, TO THE PATRONS OF THE S B CLEVELAND. II THE owners of the Steamer Cleve• land having chattered the light draught trainer UTICA, HEMPHILL. Master, will depart as usual, every morning, Sundays except ed, for 13.4rver, at 9 o'clock, A M positively. For freight or passage apply to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLER, june 17 No. 54 Water street. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING REGULAR PACKET. vas". The - new and splendid steam boat BRIDGE WATER, Capt. CAMPBELL, will run as a. regainr packet between this place and. Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Tuesday and Friday at 3 o'clock, and Wheeling every Wednesday and Saturday et 8 o'clock. Fur freight or passage apply on board, or to NEWTON JONES. The Bridg3vrater „ii itievided with Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent explosion of boilers. june 22 U. S. MAIL STEAMER LITTLE BEN, CAPT Regular Wednesday Morning Packes. The splendid pa sstmger -steam boat LITTLE BEN, Capt. Thackerm ill ninasa regular packet between this place and CiacirMati, leaving Pittsburgh every Wed nesday morning, at lb o'clock, and Cincinnati, every Saturday, at ID o'Clock. For freight or passage apply on boanl 0.. t to No 4, IVond street. ma r26-3m The Little Ben is provided with Evans' safety guard to prevent explc,sion of boilers. n326-3m. THE steamer CLEVELAND having been rebuilt, will ,:ommenee her regu lar trips to and (tom Beaver, on Mon day, the lath instant. leaving Pittsburgh every morn ing at 9 o'clock., and Beaver at 1 o'clock, P. M. (Sun days excepted). Fur freight or passage apply to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, marlB No6o, Water street. roar FOR CINCINNATI fow • Stenmer , CUTTER. Com. lir s , Master, . - will depnrt firr the above rind interme diate ports, on EVERY SUNDAY, at 10 o'clock, A M, positively. The Cutter has horn thoroughly re paired, and furnished with entire new boilers, and can be recommended to the shipping and travelling com munity as a !it fe and expeditious boat. For freights phssnge apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, No 60. Wnter stet t. The Cutter ii provided with the Surety Gunrd, to prevent explosion. m 25 A. BURKE. F. R. SHUNK. 11. S. MAGRAW. Auditors • MUTUAL PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE. r HE Allegheny Moroni insurance Goopany, menee.i i•suhv , policies the 18th May Inst. The Policies nod applications for Insurance four times exceed the emount its charter required to corn trence with. creating a fund already sufficient to meet any probable loss that may nem; us is tested by all the reports of well conducted institutions of the kind. and daily uugmenting its capital by the uccession of new members. The terms or Insurnnee nre as favorable as those of any other institntion in the city, and its principles need only be known to vastly increase its business and ex tend its usefulness. W Rttbi 'non, Jr., John Samption, James Wood, W Sagaley. Sylvester Lathrop, John Morriaon , jelst. • RENIIUM of One hundred chillers will be AL paid for the best plan and complete specification of an aqueduct with wood or iron Trunk, either sus pended or supported, to be constructed or the piers now standing in the Allegheny river opposite ibis city, provided the same be handed to the Mayor of this City on or before the 20th ofJ tine instant. For further particulars upply in person or by letter, post paid, to fon of Ilittobui4l). Water Street, near Wood rzlit WATER IN THE CHANNEL ARRIVED. Little Ben, Thacker, Cincinnati, Tioga, Mason, Louisville, Fulton, Forsyth, St. Louis, Columbiana. Smith, Cincinnati, Della, Bowman, Brownsville, Utica, Hemphill, Beaver, Michigan, Boles, Beaver. DEPARTED. Hibernia, Klinefelter, Cincinnati, North Bend, Duncan, Lauisville, Olive Branch, St. Louis, Moxabela, Parkinson. Mo City Utica, Hemphill, Beaver, Michigan, Boles, Beaver, Bridr,ewater, Campbell, Wheeling, WHACKER. For Cincinnati. DAILY BEAVER PACKET L. WILMARTEL Pre..4.t J B Rontssos, Src'y. DIRECTORS. Lot RrynolJ Thud IL Stewart, G E NVarner, E W Stephens, S R John.strl, Harvey child's. TO ENGINEERS R. GALWAY, m 29 Chairman of Aqued.mt Committee. Gazette copy. Cr.Xlieer. York Plebeian, Baltimore American, Phil. Pennsylvanian. Boston Post, Harrisburg. Union, and Cincinnati Enquirer, will copy 3t, and - charge this of fice. To Partners and the Public generally. ON HAND—AII iizcs of window sash and glass to suit, shovels and spades, tin ware, coffee mills, sickles, hoes and handles, scythe sneds and rifles. cow bells, writing, letter and wrapping paper, bibles, tesm meats and school books; Louisville lime and flaxseed. A quantity of good yellow and purple carpet chain, brushes, files and rasps, ink, quills and sand, and an assortment of cheap family medicines: Also, a great variety of the publications of the American Tract and Temperance Societies, New York, for sale lOW. Also, a small steam Enzine. complete. for sale very low by ISAAC HARRIS, Ag't. and Corn. Merchant, No 9 Fifth at. junelB dlw Good paper and carpet raga taken in payment and bought. Executor's Sale on Grove Hill WI LL be exposed to public sale on the premises, on Thoreau) , 111. e 27118. day of June A D 1844. the whole of the real estate of the late Anron Hart, dec'd.; consisting of 76 lots on Grove hill. (including his late residence) a plan of which is duly recorded and will be exhibited at the sale. Also, one lot in Summerville, 25 by 75 feet, being pelt of lot No 7, in Cummins' plan. From their vi cinity to the new court house, the advantage of a turn pike road and the rapid extension and improvement of the city in their direction, these lots present roost eligible sites for building, or investment, with a certain prospect of an increase in value. A liberal credit will be given for • part of the purchase money, and a moiety of the claims against the estate properly authenticated will be received in nonpayment. Title indisputable. GEO. COCHRAN, may 24 Sole acting Executor. • Superfine Plonr. 20n- BARRELS THOMPSON'S BRAND 15 FLOUR, nest ground—just received and .for sale by J W - TIURBRIDGE, & CO. je 20 Water, between Wood and Smithfield sts. SALE RATIN. 120® 4155. Si' tierratua in Bolen, for glee roll D. & G. W. LLOYD. Albert O. Waiter, U. D., Liberty street, peer the comer of Fourth street kale 142413 m .„4?:10-,Atz.) 4 414 , 050 • ~.m~teit~g RATIONAL,MORALAINTERESTING U34.1 5 Z1Q1:5V0U'; 4 2 CgLEBOATED MOVING DIORAMAS AND WONDERFUL. ITALIAN Rawroccxwo OR LIPS-LIKE MECHANICAL FIGURES, As formerly exhibited at the City Saloon and Amer ican Museum, Now York, and in Pittsburgh, in 1839, will-remain open_during the week at I'HE THEATRE, IN FIFTH STREET, Commencing Monday, Jane 24th, 1844. Admission to the Boxes and Pit, which is arranged as a Parquetto, 25 cts.—Children half price. Doors open at 7it to commence at 8 o'clock IP" For the accommodation of families, seats can be secured during the day. N. B.—Them will be an exhibition on Saturday afternoons, at 3 o'clock, for the accommadation of schools. ORDER OP EXHIBITION GRAND MOVING DIORAMA, REPRESENTING AN (ITALIAN LANIEDSCAPE. The IBedasora in Spain. Thrilling reprenntation of a £ DU/©U"l} &ND M1ET5071,11M117.. Magnificent Dioramic Scene of SPLENDID FAIRY GROTTO After which the much admired Italian Fantoccini!!! OR lii2 - 332`220.9. 1 1 3'25`DU1530 Whose life like motions invariably elicit the most unbounded applitose—lntroducing the following fig ures: The "Polender," the "Scaramouch," the "Sai lor," "Negro Extravaganza, with Song and Dance." the "Bottle Juggler." the "Chair Balancer," the "Ball Tosser," concluding with the humorous per formance of COMICAL JOEY, It3M g_i 0 \fa :171 . s Officers will ba in attendance w preserve die utmost order. lii' The Saloons are closed! 41 june 22-d6t DrLane's Worm Specific. Dr. Cu %S. M . L do assure you I have been in the habit of (piing your Ainetiera Worm Specific in my family for seveial years past. It has always exceeded my expentati.m.i. A few dace ago I gave 1 tea-spoon to a Iwy of mine, and he passed npwnsils of 100 Phil vnlnnLlr prepartlion solli lit the Drug Store of jnoe 8] JON. K LOD, corner of 4th and 11 ood. • - Jusr received n cake chilicothn cured hams, nod fur by 1.1111.111N . Gil NM. & TAVLER, No 54 ‘VatPr st Commercial Academy yR. STEWART wou!il announce to the citizen* of l'itt.hurgh, Allegheny, and vicinity, that he has opened. on Fourth street, new the corner of Mar ket and 4th,o Cummemial School in which ore taught till the branchee that constitute a mercantile educa tion. Hours of Alteudas.ce.—Gentlemen attend %%hen it sotto. their conrenienre. Female Writing Class, at '2 o'clock P . lure 4 —tf Shalor & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Office at :be building formerlY occupied by the Uni ted Sniteff bank, 4 th street. between Market and Wood KEGS "Gregory's" No 1 six twist tobacco, just received prr steamer Notional, and- for sale [m4] POINWEXTER &e. CO EXTRA FAMILY LOU R-W HITE WHEAT 5 0 BB LS juts rec j ei% % • v ed li nn u d ß f a or ß p i a D le G l & Co june 4 Water a between \Vood and Smithfield REMOVAL E. H. Beastings,County Surveyor and City literalattr, HAS removed his office to the rooms occupied by John J Mitchel, Esq, on Smithfield, near Fifth myr.: E ST EP'S Axes and Edge Tools, for sale by GEO COCHRAN, ni No 26, Wood street. 32 DOZ. SCYTHE SNEATHS just received and For ink by POINDEXTER & CO. Shakspeare Gardens. THE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh that she lins opened the Shakapeare Gardens. in the village of Ent Liberty, fur the accom modation of visitors during the summer season, The beauties of the situvaior, and the perfect manlier in which every arrangement is made about this establish ment that will contribute to the pleasure of visitors, are well known mate public and the proprietor assures all who may visit her house that nothing shall be omit ted on her part to make the Shakspeare Gardena at least equal to any similar establishment in the couu- try • in4—tf ELIZN MeDONALD. L./iv - Chronicle and Age copy 1w and charge Post. JUST RECEIVED--500 Lbs. superfine Rose Pink. For salent the Diu. Store of June cash 50 CHESTS anif half chests, fine Young Hy son, imperial and Gunpowder Tens, fur sale at about Philadelphia prices. Also, Black Tens of handsome quality. POIN DEXTER & CO. june 1 Cheese. A PRIME lot of W It Cheese just received and A (Mamie by BIRMINGHAM & TAYLER, m 3 No 54. Water stre,..4 Corn. 60 SACKS Corn; just received and for sale by JAMES MAY. PEACHES.--60 bushels Dried Peaches. for sale by D & G W LLOYD, myll No 142, Liberty street_ Blooms for Sale. 3 TONS Juniata Blooms for sale. H DEVINE & CO., a 23 American Line Dr. DrLane's LiveiPill. 1 hereby certify that I have been afflict* for six years with a Liver Complaint, and have applied to different Physicians. and all to little or no effect, until T made use of Dr M'Lane's Liver Pills. In taking. 2 boxes of them I am now nearly restored to perfect health. SAMUEL DAVIS. Millersburgh, near Pittsburgh, May 22. 1844. For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD l' El' E R HISS m2l-3m JUN. KIDD, cotner 4th and Wood streets '72‘ ... 0.ii . :53 - Ciiiii";::: AUCTION , SALEM A T. Davis' ennunercial Auction Rooms, earner of 11 Wood and sth streets, to-morrow. Thursday June 27th, at 10 o'clock, A. M., a large and general assortment of Dry Goods,the balance of a retail Coun try Store. ALSO----Boots and. Shoes, Hardware, &c., a t 2 .o'clock, in the afternoon, - 29 Reams medium straw paper, 8 Sexes Virginia Tobacco, 15 doz. bed cont., 4 half chests Y. H. Tea. Funaitnre, &a. J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. june t 8 LARGE- SALES - . Fine Cutlery and Variety Goods. tT Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner o Wood and sth streets, commencing this evening, Wednesday, June 26th, at early gas light, and con tinuing every evening, (Sunday's excepted,) 'until all are sold, a large assortment of fine English Cutlery, reC,eiveddirect from the Inrottzzft, New York, con.; sisting in part of 239 doz. of Penknives, Pearl and buck handle; 140 Cases of Razors, a surerior article; 43 doz. fancy Scizorst 350 doz. Gimblets, 40 doz. vegetable and Jessamine Soaps They are now ready for examination Terms Cash, current funds . AUCTION SALTS, BY LYND & BICKL EY New titration Rooms, Not. 61 and 63, Wood street. ON T HUBS DAY ,J une 27th, will be sold from the shelves a large andteneral assortment of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, commenning at 10 o'clock, A. M. WOOLENS Blue black, brown and invisible green broadcloths; superfine; blue, black and mixed satinetts, indigo blue and cadet mixed and Kentucky Jeans; Duffield and Mackinaw blankets; woolen shawls; heavy pilot cloth, &c Worsteds Plain six quarter English merino, or all colors; changeable figured Al pIICCH illdtres; three and Pia quer ter mouseline de laines; dress Mkt's. &c. Silks and Sa tins Plain Wk dress silk; figured silk resin American sewing silk; satin stocks; silk bdkfs; '&c. Linens anfi Cottons. Superfine Irish linen; patent thread; spool cotton printA, checks,gingharns, Irish linens; brown muslin., bleached do.; cambric do.; tablo Tloths; table diaper; &c. Fancy Articles Linen shirt collars, gum suspenders, stay laces ,me rino gloves. nett drawers. G S combs, etc. Also, at 2 o'clock P M. a large quantity of • Household and Kitchen . Fu r nitterr, Chairs, tables, bedsteads: bureau., dough rhetts, stands, cradles. &c. SALE OF FINE CUTLERY At McKinna's Ar;etion Mart. corner of 2d and Wood Streets, WILL be sold on Monday evening the 9.7 th inst. at early gaga light, a variety of very superior cutlety. jest received direct from the importers, con• :listing in part of very Lite pen and pocket knives on voids. scissors on cards, splendid Van Buren, Clay, and Muhlenberg knives, superior pen and pocket knives, razors, &e. by the duzen. Sales continued every evening during the week, and every evening nftervraids, (Sundays excepted,) until the whole is sold. MON 27 FRESH ARRIVAL FOR PRIVATE SALE. HAS been received at the new Auction Rooms, No. 61 and 63 Wood at, and will be sold by privatesa/e. 4 and 6 quarter canton flannel matting, sclteneil and brims C 1 4 hearth rugs, ingrain and venitian carpets. su perfine blue black broadcloth.; fine linen cambric,&c. These ure all choice good 4 end trill he meld low. mll LYND & 9ICKLEY, Auc'ers: BOOTS AND SHOES FOR PRIVATE SALE AT THE NEW AUCTION ROOMS. FOR private *ale at the new Auction Rooms, No. 61 and 63 Wood id. ladies kid tie., and gaiters; Gentlemen's shoes; fine brogans; fine calf and morocco boot., fine palm leaf hats; bras 3() bout and 8 day clocks, LYND & BICKLF,Y. m 11 Auctioneers. LARGE AND FRESH SOCK OF INGRAIN AND VENITIAN CARPETS. THE regular ItSsortment of the elblIVO articles, at the new Auction Rooms, Nos. 61 and 63, Wood street. has been greatly increased by fresh arrivals, so that the greatest variety ofpatterns and qualities can be round at the present time, of any other place in the city. The colors and patterns ate all of the choicest and most fashionable descriptions; and the carpets will be sold ut ptivate :ittle. fur L 155 THAN ANT WHIRL Etas in the city. Alan. an assortment of Brussels, Tufted and Sche neil Heatth Rugs. LYND & Auctioneers. DRIED PEACHES 56 BUSHELS DRIED PEACHES, received and fur sale by J. W. BURBRIDGE, & Co.. m 213 Wnterstrra, between Wood an Smithfield INDIGO ceronns indigo just received and for sale km by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO, my 7 43, Wood street THE TRIUMPH OF PRINCIPLE; OR, TRUTH VERSUS FICTION. • As illustrated in the rise and brilliant progress of the famous "Three Big Doors," 151 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Courteous reader, believe me, these lines arc not wrote, As u pitiful puff, to sell pants or a coat ; I would not by any be thought to suppose, That lengthy professions e'er brought cheaper cloths! Suffice it to say, there is none to compete With the far famed 111'CLosaIRY, in Liberty street; He carries the sway and his name 's so well known, That they crowd his 'Big Doors' from all parts of town, They may talk of their cheapest, their finest and strongest. It's not true—and all know that Mac's Clothing wears lon g est; They may talkof 'first cost,' of 'half price' or a third, Bat to cope with Isl'Closkey, tis plainly absurd ; His stock's so immense and his custom so great, Thneby forty per cent he can ntl whets beat; M'ClUnkcy well knows how fnr :jealusy goes, But he challenges all to produce such cheap clothes, Men of - country and town, learn this wondrous result, His rivals would slum all your judgments insult, They fain would induce you to believe other stores, Sold us good and as cheap as the great "Three Big Doors." But Cluskey will praise you for judgment and For ft-eta him you have purchased and will do so still, And well for yourselves were your real bargains made, F - - .hey stand far the chen- •• of all in the trade, to the Lumbermatt's hut, 'Closkey's fine cut; Is on which M'Closkey •st dollies besides. it can forget, "Big Doors" have met; ibis " cultistl" ago, and wartrepattonage; .aminett by 6 cores— And you surely will buy at the famous Big Doors; To his depot then hie—ho will proudly you greet,— Remember, M'CLositzr, in Liberty street. June 7-2 w FOR SALE LOW. ABUILDING 10t,20 feet" font, on 6th street, op. posits the Episcopal Church. Inquire of 30 fl LBS. CHROME - YELLOW, No f, just Li received and for sale at the Drug Store of JONA. - KIDD, cornerot Fourth and Wood eta. ALCOHOL. -10 Bls. Aloohol, in store, and for sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD. jun 8 • -- ATI C - ! - ' '-! Ift.te;7", - - 4 • . . Ifitaida6lllr 0 LOTS, stumble for-WM/RI. m I.l4 ost,bil el =wt.. and within two minutes' we& or the steam fotry boa/landing; sill he gam at rim - 1 tit-10 the times. The terms of paynient will be mask 'etwy, either for cash or such barteris can be mule available. Apply to the subscribers in Binninexam, or Mr. P. Potensou, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. jaw 1. JAS. PATTERSON, jr. DELAWARE CANAL COMPANY. HE undersigned Commissioners named in the T Act of Assembly passed the 30th day of April, 1844, entitled " An Act to authorize'the Governor to incorporate the Delaware Canal Company,".,hereby givn notice,That in pursuance of the provisions of the said act, they will attend at tho Merchants"- Exchange. in the city of Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the sth'day se August next, at CO o'clock, A. M., and there cont inence the sale of the stock of the Delaware Canal Company, on the following terms and conditions, to wit: Ist.. The Delaware Division of the Pennsylvania Canal shall be divided into twenty-five thousand shares, of one hundred dollars each. ••• 2d. The shares shall be set up for sale singly, giv ing the purchaser the right of taking at his bid any number . of shares from one to one thousand; Provided, That no share shall be sold for a less sum than one hundred dollars; and provided further, that none of the said Commissioners, either in their own names, cr in the names of any other persons, shall become purchas ers of , any of the stock at the sale authorized by the said Act of Assembly. 3d. Each purchaser, at the time of his pnrchase, shall deposit with the Commissioners the premiums or advance above the par value of the shares by him purchased, or if the bid or bidi do not amount to five dollars per share, above the par value of the share or shares by him purchased, then and in such case the said purchasers shall pay five dollars on account and in part of each share thus purchased, the said auras to be paid in wormy, (or in the certificates of loan of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at the option of the purchaser. ) 4th. Payment for the remainder of the purchase money will be required to be made within thirty days from the purchase, under the forfeiture fur delinquency of the amount paid to the - Commissioners at the - time of sale. J. D. DAViS, Auctioneer sth. A transfer to the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia of certificates of the loans of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to an equal amount will be ;waived by the State Treasurer in payment for the shares of stock purchased, and any money deposited with the .Commissioners at the sale, will also be exchanged by the State Treasurer for a transfer of the said loans to the Commonwealth, to an equal amount. 6th. Should the whole of OM shares not he sold on the first day, the sales will be adjourned to the next and succeeding days, if necessary, for nineteen days in succession, ired if, on the twentieth day, it stud] ap pear that less than twenty-five thousand shares, shall have been sold, in that case the sales shall be declared void, and the deposit-4 .nade with the commissioners shall be returned to the purchasers respectively. 7th. Every purchaser shall, ut the time of his pur chase, subscribe in a book which will be presented to him by the commissioners, the following ,agreement: "We whose names are hereunto subscribed do prom ise to transfer or cause .to, be transferred to the com monwealth of Pennsylvania. one hundred dollars, in the loans of said commonwealth, fur every share of stock set opposite to our respective names, in case twenty fi.e thousand shares shall be sold, pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of this commonwealth, entitled an act to authorize the Governor to incorporate the Delaware canal company. Witness our bands, this dny of Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and forty four." Joseph It Evans. Franklin Vanzant, Benjamin Gerhard, „Wm M White, Henry Horn, William Elwell, Thomas McCully, David D Wagner, _ _ . P. M'KENNIA, Auctioneer John Wiegßnd, Jacob R. Olwine, Mahlon R Taylor, George N Baker, Gideon G. Weatoott, John Stallman, Augustu4 Shultz, John N Lane, Samuel Sillyman, P S—The commissioners will convene at the United States Hotel, in met* of Philadelphia, on FRIDAY August 2d. 1844, nt ten o'clock, A hi, for the purpose of making the preliminary arrangements. may 2.5.dtal 27588L5. S F FLOUR just received and for sale by J W BURBRIDGE & CO., may 15 Water, between Wood and Smithfield sts. Just rtstelviod, AGOOD assortment of Willow wagons, chairs. travelling baskets. &c. which will be sold low Printing Ink. A FRESH supply of Printing Ink just received.— /A- For sale at the office of the Morning Post. rnvll 2fl BBLS S SALTS, ill:4 received and fur stile by BIRMINGHAM & TAYLER, m 3 No 54, Water etreet. Thomas Donnelly . , Attorney at Law, Office with Li H Vista Amrtnge, Esq., in the Diamond, south-west side of the old court house, Pittsburgh. my 7 1500 LBS . Honnuedetes celebrated Starch, just received and for sale JUST received 27 cash_."Pecco" Madeira Wine, and for sale low to close consignment, a superior article, by BIRMINGHAM & TAYLER. jams 4 No 54 Water at. I" UST received from the manufactories, a large and IN splendid assortment of the above articles, of all descriptions and colors, and will be sold lower than ever offered in this market. HUEY & CO John S Gibnns, William S ?toss, Payne Pt ttiboee, Jonathan Slocum, William T 114nrriann, Benjamin Hill, Stephen Minim, Benjamin Mclntire, James W Coulter. Flour. ZEBULON KINSEY'S Fancy store. NO. 61;, Market at STARCH Ply Nets! Ply Nets! R H HARTLEY, No 88 corner of Wood at. & Diamond Alley june 5-Im. American copy. Summer Stocks. A SUPPLY of elegant Summer Stocks, new and CIL beautiful style, just received at the "Three Big Doors." 151 Liberty street. june 1. LNGLISH, AMERICAN, and FRENCH -Cas simeres, light and (lark patterns; a fine assort ment of the above guoda will be found at ALGF.O & M'GUIRE, No. °5l, Liberty street. yA DDE R.—l cask madder, just received on con _L sign-nein and for sale low. HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wond street 4(1 BBLS GROUND PLASTER, .7 Justroceived from Baltimore, on consignment, and for rate by SAM'L M KIER, a 22 Canal Basin, near 7th street. New Shad. IoDIMS NEW SHAD, just received and for solo by HAIL:WAN, JENNINGS & CO. Scythe Swaths. 3r, DOZ. Scythe Sneaths, a superior article, just 1.1 received and for sale by june 3 - GEO. cocnRAN. - ' Spring Fashion. • THE .subscriber has now on hand, andilliMO will continue to manufacture, (at his old stand.No73 Wood street) the latest style of HATS and CAPS, which for beauty and durability t.annot be surpassed. Thankful to his friends and the public for so hleral a patronage heretofore bestowed, be hopes to nitwit a continuance of their favors. WILLIAM DOUGLASS, Wood street, mlB-3m next door to the corner of 4th MEM! 11211361811C11114,01MTABLIIii BOAT UM Mo . - For the frineoportaliox of - MERCHANDIZE AND P.IWDUCk Mt:TWICE:I PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA, PIT'S BURGH AND BALTIMORE, • •FD 'NEW YORK AND BOSTON• THE PROPRIETORS RES PECTF LILLY inform theirfrieeds and shippers generally, that they have changed the nameoftheit Transportation Line, ilem the UmtenlStates tortasits Boat Line. to t h e American Portable goat Line. - • This line is composed of twenty-five new Four Sec tion Portable Boati, one of which will depart daily from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimore. - The superiority find advantages of the - Portabhi.-- 4 „-; Boat over every other mode of transportation are Joe.. Well known to thippers generally to require comment; suffice it to say, that the detention, loss, separation and damage . to Goods, invariably attending three true' shipments between Pittsburgh and _Philadelphia, are by the Portable Boats most effectually removed. To give undoubted security to owners and shippers. all goods and produce shipped by this line will be in sured in a responsible office in Philadelphia, witheitt any additional charge to the owners. Met chandise shipped by this line in any of the east ern cities. and consigned to H Devine &Co, will be for- - warded immediately on arrival at Pittsburgh to any-- part of the west, free of commissions. Fr. Devine wilt receive produce consigned to hint, pay steamboat freight and charges, - end_ farwerd the same to any of the eastern cities, and charge no corn-, . missions for storage, advancing or ferwanling. Any communications or goods directed to the care of the undersigned Agents will be promptly attended tn. H. DEVINE & Canal Resin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Be. W HITESID,ES &CO. 36a Market strait, beloiv Tenth, Philadelp hia. GIESE & SON. CommercestreetWharf. Baltimore. B A FA HNESTOCK & CO, 100 Front street, New York. - RICE & WILLIAMS, No 3, Chathatestreet, Boston. D. & G. W. LLOYD • a•P ZIMMa C. A. BICAIIII7LTIVII UNITED STATE& PORTABLE BOAT LINE For thetrensportetionoft erchandite to Ind from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, I'HILADEL• PHIA, NEW TORR. AND BOSTON. THE success this Line has met with, since it was first established on the "Individual Enterprise system, has induced the Proprietors to increase the. number of Roots during the winter to twenty-five, one - - of which will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphia - awl .04 dmore every day (except Sundays) during theseason. and make the trip through in iii days. The superiority and advantages' of tbe Portable Boat . System overevery other mode of transportation (when canals intersect with rail roads) are too well known to shippers by this route generally to require any corn Went. at • Shippers can rely on having their i roduce, merchant - • dine, or goods of nay kind thaws , -.lm.cormigneti to the Agents of this tine, forwarded with dispatch tlair at the very lowest rate of freight charged by other - Lines, without any additional charge made for receisr ing or advancing charges, &e. All communications to the following Agents will be promptly attended tut CHARLES A. McANIJLTY, At the Depot, Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. ROSE . ; & MERRILL, 53, Smith's Wharf. near Pratt st, Baltimore. W& J TAPSCOTT. - No 43, Peck Slip. New York. THOMAS BORBIDGE, jan3l-ly 272, Market street, Phi W 10014116 1844. • . - "IRON CITY LINE" OF CAVAL BOATS.. CONNECTINGwith steamer CleFeland, at ßei; ver, will be in op/mien en the 26th inset,, Cleveland daily, The above line is composed of a g ood Canal Roars, commanded by experienced men, a nd b -will depart ev ery mot ring. to and frets) Pittsburgh earl tlevelabtl, at 90 clock. Proprietors of the above line are Messrs. HUBBY & HUGHES, Cleveland, 0. " STA NDART, INGRAHAM .& CO:, Cleveland 0. Freight of all kinds will be carried as low as by any other good and responsible line. For freight or pas sage apply to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR; marlB No 60, Water street. • v ~~~Y .:: a:`~ ..Y . Preightsto Philadelphia andßaltuaeze. MERCHANTS & MANUFACTURERS' . LINE FOR transporting Goods, Merchandise, Produce, &c., between Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Goods will he received and forwarded by this line on as accommodating terms and as short time as by any other responsible Line. All goods forwar ded from Philadelphia bythis Line will be insured.— The Proprietors and agents will give their.wbole at. tentionand endeavor to render satisfactltin to all who may favor them with their custom. We invite ship pers, merchants, manufacturers andothers to give us • call before shipping elsewhere. Merchandise consign ed to the agents will be received. freight and tharges paid, and forwarded without. additiooel thargefor fur warding or storage. SAMUEL AY DAY, „ , H L PATTERSON, z Ml= Samirel 411 Kier, Canal Basin. near 7t.11 st. Pifub i t , Samuel IV Day, lst and 2d Wharf, below Ramat. Delaware, l'biladelpLia Isaac Cruse, Baltimore. H L Patterson, Hollidaysburgh Jesse Patterson, Johnotowm, N Briggs, New York. Wm B Reynolds & Co., Bc I EFER TO: James McCully, Irvin& Martin, R Robinson & Co, J W Barbridge &Co, Henry Coulter, C G Hussey, John Grier, Church & Carothers, George Breed, F Sellers, Samuel J McNight, Loui Samuel Wilson, Madison, feb 13,'44 Regular Packets, Or OthcfmkatL .tea ,~ The Swiftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. in. The Ca tter,Colli sui,Master, leaves oiler/Thursday at .- . 10 o'clock a. in. The Mcnitgornevy, Bennett, Maittar,leasasoves7lW urday at 10 o'clock a. wt. • , The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves enreryilms day at 10 o,clock a. m. JOHN BIR.NUNGI:IAM STEAMER INDIAN QUEEN, FOR BASE. Tlig light draught Steamier: Troika Owes, as she now lies at the Wiese: will to 401,1 ii;rAioli. - or good, approved paper. For terms. &o. apply* _ JAMES KAT. ZMNI!IE Pittsburrk.