Eleftruit uo. Are shed from unfelt woes. "rile mind one wraps his fur, dearest. Ardund his . shrinking form, While scarce the IMOT man's scanty garb Can keep . hins from the storm ; 'lheY oloetitpeu end's common earth, "ligineatitathe same blue sky, " =fit ice 'ice on polar seas, human brother's eye ! Oh, many a chariot rolls, dearest, 'Across the rattling stones, Whose wheels with every echo tell Some wretched creature's groans; " :The poor man must be honest, Who loses or who wins; tiff kilded veil, to cheat the crowd, Conceals the poor, man's sins. liFet.errry haunts me not, dearest, To walk the halls of pride ; The poor man's heart has many a thought Wotth all the world beside; And oft he shares his little all, Or shields the botpeless ono, When down the lord of thousands lies, No daily mercy done. Abolition Convention.—Tbis body met at Ta!mon flail, in tbe city of Rochester, on the 12th inst. Dele gate* appeared from eight States, and C H SH EPARD neWyorniug presidrd. Speeches were made by Ger iiiiSmith and Alvan Stewart on Texas, &c. and on the folloiring day a monument, prepared at Albany, was erected at Mount Hope to he memory of the late MY ROI HOiLIT. lleiwa Fainted.—Mrs Spriggs, will you be help edit Ismail bit of the turkey?" "Yes, my dear Mr Wilkins, Y will." "What part would you prefer, my dear Mrs Spriggs?" "I will have a couple of the wiegs—•-a couple qt the legs—some of the breast— the side bone—some filling, and a few dumplings, as I fuel vary unwell to-day ! Wilkins fainted. NEW DRUG STORE. . KERR & MOHLER, No. 144, . Corner of Wood street and Virgin Alley. r UST received and for sale, a large assortment of la flesh Drugs„ Medicines, Oils, Paints Dyn-Stuffs, Ste. which have been rerently selected, and purchased with considerable care for Cash. The following com piiii part of the stock just received: Gum Camphor, Spirits Turpentine, Cavern-Tartar, Copal Varnish, Floe. Sulphur, White Lead, Castor Oil, • Red " Gum Arabic, Litharge, Epsom Salts, Flaxseed Oil, Ft Manna, Venitian Red, Eng. Gum Opium, Spanish Brown, • ' Ginti Aloes, Chipped Logw ood, Floe Camomile, Camwood, Saltpetre, • Fustic, Jejnbe Paste, Nic Wood, Ref'd Liquorice, Brasilletto, Liqitorios Ball, Indigo, . Magnesia, Nutgalfs. Pow'd Ginger, Oil Vitriol, Nutmegs, Amtafortis, With a general assortment too numerous to mention, which will be sold fur Cash at a small advance on Eastern prices. larDr WlLLtast K ERR will give his attention to the compounding of Physician's prescriptions. m 3 FRESH SPRING GOODS CHEAP PLACE FOR CASH. SIGN OF THE GILT COMB. No. 108, Market Street, near Liberty. THE subscriber respectfully informs his customers and the public generally, that he has just return ed from the east, and is now receiving as large, good and cheap an assortment of variety goods as any other establishment is the city. Merchants and others who wish to purchase cheap, will please call at No. 108, iivol they will not be disappointed. The follow ing coin priies part of the stock just received. 200 duz. coat and 6 curd spool cotton, 200 " Grabom's 6 " 1200 " assorted, . 200 lbs. " Titley's shoe threads, 200 " " patent threads, 200 gross books and eyes, 150 packs American pins, "100 " German 175 thousand needles, 180 assorted stay bindings, • 350 doz. assorted fine ivory combs, 200 " redding 560 " assorted cotton cords, 225 gross shoe laces, - 50 " corset " 150 doz. cotton night caps, 200 " assorted hosiery, 150 " gloves and mitts, 25 gross assorted fans, 300 do. palm leaf hats, -S-115 pieces Ashburton lace, 160 " edgings 500 gross pearl buttons, 75 gilt " - 80 " figured horn buttons, - 120 " lasting and japanned do - 50 " fine English dressing combs, ' - 160 " assorted suspenders, With a generalaiaortment of Variety Goads to numer ous to mention, which will be sold wholesale or retail, cheap for cash. C.:YEAGER. apr 18 ♦. Z. DRAX6, DIVA = & JUDSON, CIVIL ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, Draughtsmen and Conveyancers, CIFFICE of Ned Buntline's Magazine, N. E. corner N...rof Fourth and Smithfield streets, second story.— Plans, spebillcations, estinsta and surveys, and sub-di vij!lons of land of every kind connected with their pro fession, together with all iinds pf Conveyancing, made at the shortest notion and on the most reasonable terms. Scientific instrumen.B adjusted and calculations made of old field notes;. surveys in the country attended to at the shortest nonce. They confidently and respectfully refer to the undersigned: Pittsburgh—Wilson M'CancUess, Esq. Dr E. D Gezzam. Judson & Fianegan, Esqs. Capt John San ohm U S. Engineers. Washington City—Hon William Wilkins, Secre tary of War, Hon James Buchanan, U S Senate, Hon. John W Tibbetts, M C., Major Gen Winfield Scott, Commander-iwChief U S Army, Com. W B Shubrick, JJ S Navy. Cincinnati—Judge J C Wright, Col J C Vaughan, .5 B Russell, Esq.,James D Taylor, Esq., Dr James Lakey, Jacob Str ader, Esq. Lanier/We—George D. Prentice, Esq., Col. A. R Woolley, J B Marslmll, Esq , James G. Drake, Esq., iGarnett Duncan, Esq. New Orkaas—R. Chinn, Esq.. Cuthbert Bullitt, Esq., Major Gen. Ewd. P. Gaines, U S Army. iiitt,estia.—Vaspasian Ellis, Esq, Lewis Clarke, Esq. ardtl-tf ra Spring Fashion. skiliTHE subscriber has now on hand, andfilills wilLenstiinue to manufacture, (at his old stand, No 73 Wood street) the latest style of HATS and CAPS, i tithiertor beauty and durability Lannot be surpassed. - 11siiiklul to his friends and the public for so liberal a heretofore bestowed, he hopes to merit a • • of their favors. • WILLIAM DOUGLASS, Wood street, snlll-3rn next door to the corner of 4th. SALERATUS, 11241110 by LBS. 641/.1111,311 ill- Boxes, f or in k P. 4 Q• W. MAY D. LINES. N- . D S ! ! :eiPERF BLLIED Cloths, Casslmeres, Tweeds, Vesting', Cassinetts, &c. P. DELANY, MER. - ett.tNT _ TAILQ_B NO. 49, L!BKRTY sntunEr. TWO DOORS ABOVE VIRGIN ALLEY THE subscriberhas just returned from the Eastern cities, where he has purchased the most magni ficent assortment of CHOICE AND FASHIONABLE GOODS Ever offered its We City! which be is now receiving, and to which h., invites tin attention of hit customers and the public generally who wish to supply themselves with GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, AT CHEAP PRICES. The very liberal patronage which his friends and the public have heretofore been pleased to bestow on his establishment, has induced him to purchase A GREATER VARIETY of all kinds of gc ods in his line, and of a superior qual ity to any thing which has heretofore been offered.— The following is a listof a part of this assortment which he offers to the public, all of which he guarantees are in the mostfashionable Eastern styles, and of the best quality, suitable for the'season. SUPERFINE BLACK, BLUE, INVISIBLE GREEN AND FANCY COLORED EN GLISH, FRENCH &AMERICAN aL 0-Tlll3, FOR DRESS AND FROCK COATS. Ha particularly refers to a lot of beautiful French cloths and cassimeres, new style, which he is confi dent cannot fail to please. They are of a most ex cellent quality. SUPER. SATIN AND VELVET VESTINGS, Rich and txquisite patterns, in the latest styles. ALSO, LONDON PLAIDS, A large variety of patterns. MERSEILLES CAC II MERE, beautiful patterns, and common vcslings of every de- acnpuon. i TWEED CLOTHS French and English Fancy styles—suitable for every description of SACK COATS Also. all kinds of goods which can be found at any establishment in the city, which he offers for sale,rnade or unmade, as cheap as any dealer in the city. The undersigned offers the above extensive and,irti- Heti assortment of seasonable goods for sale at a small advance on their original cost,and keeps them constant ly on hand, ready to make for his customers. Ills pri ces are to suit the times. His goods are all mnde by Pittsburgh workmen, and tire warranted to be of SUPERIOR QUALITY tThe public arc invited to call and examine for themselves. P. Dk:LANY. .n 1 tf No 49 Liberty st. 2 doors from Virgin alley. WONDERFUL! BUT TRUE. The Proprietor of the "THREE BIG DOORS" . not in the habit of boasting, but hehas no hesitation in saying that the QUALITY AND QUANTITY Of his present stock of READY MADE • CLOTHING Far exceeds any thing ever seen in the West ern country, and no person can realize its EXCELLENCE OR EXTENT, Unless they call at his establishment. HIC HAS NOW A STOCK OF SEASONABLE GARMENTS, Amounting to upwards of $50,000. AVltich he will sell nt UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES, And he will warrant the WORKMANSHIP and FASHION to be of the most superior kind. It would retinire too much time and specs to enumerate all the attractions of his magnificeutestabli,hmeid, but suffice it to say, that his stock comprises every ARTICLE OF A GENTLEMAN'S DRESS Which he pledges himself to sell lower than they can be purchased any where else in the city. CAUTION. Purchasers are cautioned to be on their guard against the tricks of little rival establishments that try to palm themselves on the unwary as the THREE BIG DOORS. The public are desired to note the METAL PLATE IN THE PAVEMENT, In front of the "old original," as that is a mark for thie genuine Three Big Doors that cannot be!counter feited. JOHN M'CLOSKEY, a 44 No 151, Liberty street. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. LOOKING GLASSES AT EASTERN PRICES. THE subscriber has opened an establi , hment at No 66, Wood street, a few doors from the cor ner of 4th, where he keeps constantly for sale all kinds of LOOKING GLASSES, at Eastrin Pikes. He has on hand a large assortment of Glasses in beth gilt and mahogany frames, to which he invites the at tention of customers. believing that the quality of his articles and his prices cannot fail to give saiisfaction. Pictures framed to order, in neat style, in either gilt or mahogany frames. Canal boat and other reflectors manufactured to or der on the shortest notice. Old frames repaiied and regilt, so as to look as well as new, on the shortest no tire. J T MORGAN, Agent. mnr 23-if Removal. THE subscriber has removed from his former old stand to the building adjoining the Penn In surance Office, on Market street. where he is now re ceiving and opening a large and well selected stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS in his line, in eluding cloths, cassimeres and vestings of the most fashionable styles, and where he intends to continue the TAILORING business on a liberaland extensive scale. His old customers are requested to give him a call and examine his stock. JOHN RIPPEY. al3-3m INSURANCE THE Allegheny County Mutual Insurance Compa ny are now prepared and read) to receive applica tions for Insurance, at the office of the Company in Exchange Buildings, No. 12. The method and plan of Insurance according to the plan onwhich this Com pany hasbeen organized, has been fully tested and uni versally successful in other parts oft he State,in the East ern States, and in New York and Ohio; the rates of Insurance generally, not exceeding the to of one per cent. per annum. NOTE. — Each person insured becomes a member, and will deposits. his note for the premium with the Secretary, upon which 5 percent. is required to be paid in cash. L. WILMARTH, President JOHN B. ROBINSON, Sec Cry. Pittsburgh, Aprll29, 1E44. DIRECTORS. Lot O. Reynolds ' Thos. H. Stewart, G. E. Warner, E. W. Stephens, S. R. Johnson. Harvey Childs. Wm. Robinson, Jr., John Sampson, James Wood, Wm. Bagalry, Sylvanus Lothrop, John Morrison, apr. 30—tf. PIM SALE. A NEAT YORK. WAGON, but little worn. En. it quire of PATTERSON, - may 1 1 0 ,Rian?und Alley. . , agavii4 l l4 Mis4rflrit ERTE,:i.r, Shaironaatur. veinrun as regular tri weeldy packet berween the above named.ports,,}tuwes Beaver Oh Mondays, Wednasclaya, and Fridaylv morn ing, leavei Warren on Ttiesi(ays, Thursdays - sod Sat urdays; connecting with the Stage lints to Clarelghd direct, For freight or passage -apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., ritt!iburglas I.S..DICKEY; Beaver saavoneelype Win. Portraits, - 4$ As corms of ilorkei sot SA ate. T HE subscriber, would mast respectfully inform the Ladies and Gentian:ten - of Pittsburgh and vi cinity. that they . have opened rooms at the above men- dotted place, over the store of Messrs Lloyd and Co:, and are now prepared to take Miniatures by this beau. tiful art, is a style heretofore unsurpassed. By the oombinetion of a quick and powerful appamtus,and an entirely new mode of operating, they are enabled to produce pictures of a surprising accuracy and beauty, comliining entire durability of impression, clear and distinct expression, perfect delineation, and last, tho' not least, the color of the face and dress. The color ing of Photographic Pictures, forms a new era in the art, as it enables us to combine with accurocy of austure the advantages of art. The undersigned do not wish, nor is it their intention to deceive the public by promi sea, which they cannot fulfil, for they, depend solely on the character of theirpictures for patronage. Citizens and strangers, one and all, are invited to call and ex amine specimens. N B.—Complete sets of the improved patent ap paratus furnished on the most reasonable terms.— Plates. Cases, Frames. Chemicals, and every thing connected with the business. at the lowest rash pri ces. J M EMERSON & CO. d2-6m REMOVAL.—The undersigned begs leave to in form the public, thnt he has removed from his old stand, to the corner of Penn and St. Clair Sts., op posite the Exchange Hotel, where he has fitted up a large Ptsno FORTE WARE Room, and now offers the most splendid assortment of Pulses ever offered in this market. His pianos consist of different patterns, of superior Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and modeled, and constructed throughout of the very beet materials, which, for durability and quality of tine, as well as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made ar rangements to supply the increasing demand for this in strument, ho respectfully requests thusb intending to purchase to call and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to sell Low sit, for cash, than any other establishment east or west of the mountains. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn end Bt. Clair streets, OpHsito the Exchange lintel, Pittsburgh, Pa sep 10. Land Surveying and Civiliingineering. rp H E undersigned intending to pursue permanently _L the business of Survcyingand Civil Engineering, offers his services to the public. Having bad a very extensive practice with Mr Z W Remington in this vicinity, he feels warranted in say ing that his experience and practical knowledge will be advantageous to those who may employ him. Per sons interested in real estate will find at his office plans of the City. City District, "Reserve Tract, opposite Pittsbuigh," "Yanor of Pittsburgh," Birmingham, Lawrenceville. and lots and farms extending several miles around Pittsburgh. R E McGOW IN. Office, Penn street, a few doors above Hand, Pittsburgh. RRFERRPICE2I: Richard Biddlr, £ Mu!rally, Wilaon M'Candless, Esq.. Jame* S. Craft. Eat., John Andenion, William Arthur.% Y. S. Casaat. NOTICE nr Those of my friends and the public, who may wish to have recants.. to any of my papers, draughts or plans, will hereafter find them in the office of RE Mc- GOW IN, whom I respectfully rccommed us one in whose professional abilities and integrity they may de- pend. Z 151 REMINGTON. niII-tlktv lv SIGN, ORNAMENTAL, Imitation of Wood and Marble Painting. HAVING commenced the above business, at Nit 60, Water street. I ntspectfully solicit a portion of public patronage. From long experience, my de voted attention will be given to the above hosi Hess. and I fondly hope to give general .satisfaction to all who may favor me with their patronage a`23-3m W J McDOWELL. Seasonable Dz y Goods. Utley & Co., No 123, Wood Sircet, ARE new receiving a fresh stock of Spring Dry Goods, which they have lately purchased in the east, entirely for cash, and they flatter themselves hat they can now offer such inducements as will make t the interest of all purchasers to give them a call, as they are determined to sell goods cheaper than any other house west of ihe mountains. , al jSohn Coffey, FASHION ABLE BOOT ANDSHOE,4IIIMiI MAKER. N 0 56, Third street, between Wood and M ar k et , third door from the Post Office, would most res pectfully inform his friends and the public generally that he is prepared to make Boots and Shoes in the la test and most approved style, as he has furnished him self with the best of French and Philadelphia materi als, and has in his employ the most experienced work men. lie hopes to receive a liberal share of patro- nags N. B. —Repaiti ng done wi th neatness and despatch. aplo-3m. George Armor, merchant Tailer, HAS removed to the room on Fourth street, next door to the Methodist Bookstore, lately occu pied by Wm. E. Austin, Esq., where he will be hap py to serve his friends and customers and the public generally, with all work in his line, which he will warrnnt to be well made and in the latest and most fashionable style. el5-y VERY LOW FOR CASH. rir HE subscriber offers for vale a _L large and splendid assortment of PIANO FORTES of different patterns, warranted to be of superior wog kmanship, and of the best materials; the tone not to be exceeded by any in the country. F. BLUME, Cerner of Penn and St. Clair streets, mar 18 opposite the Exchange. REMOVAL. MESSRS. MOORHEAD & READ, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HAVE, removed their office to Second street, three doors from the corner of 2nd and Grant sts— near the Scotch Hill Market: ml 7 JOHN G. GAEMLICH, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, No. 60 Market street, between 3d and 04, Jlnforms the public that he has opened a Boot and Shoe establishment as above, and respect fully solicits a share of patronage. He has on hand a choice assortment of French and American calf-skins, and all other materials necessary in the bu siness of the best qualities; and as the very best work men will be employed, he feels confident that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. All work done to order at the shortest notice. june 1-d3m New Goods. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh and the public genetally that he has just returned from the east, and is Dow receiving a large and well selected stock of FRENCH. ENQI i ISH AND ANERICAN FANS CY AND VARIETY kiQODS, Embracing all the articles in the fancy and variety department, which ho wilt dispose of for Cash. The public are reapectfullyinvited Locall and examine the stock, at No IW, Market street. m 3 EEBULON KINSEY. BIC IC PlM4fft: IIL AR T y Don. Mannar Denny, Chng. S. Bradford, Egg Nietralf, Egg. GOMM Or TVOCID.A. LECOND 117.1. s& sla T lliirgßeeceldlY feakaer, 11 4 FN . ! ;"41. n F N eccLtatt and Manufacturers, as a genelil - AIICTIONEtER &C* 4 41,45101,1 MERWANT. He had taken mirirlicense and enterisHntother securi ties required by law, for the transaction of PUBLIC Samts of all Fomparvasb yexitsTic'eroins LND • Falsities. ' An experience of a series of years in commercial life has furnished the undersigned with .on hnolti edge of business, nearly twenty years Of which have been devoted actively to the auction business, which may be advantageous to those who confide to him' the salmi of Pioperty. `To the In Forma every facility will be &Tema itt dis posing of Dry Goode. 13roeeries and Hardware: and to the Hose Manufacturer, the most.pmasps at tention Will beppld In the sale of A ster iea ts. Sales of real and personal estate in town`and' coon try shall command the beet services of the undersign ed. Arrangements will be made; whereby liberal ad vances will be made on consignments, and sales in every initanee closed without delay. Business will be commenced and consignments received on the first day of April, when the regular days of sale shall be announced. P McKENNA, m2B-Am The Old Auctioneer. • (City Dailies copy 1m) (Philadelphia U. S. Gazette and New York Courier and Enquirer copy one mcntb and charge this Office.) LYND & BICKLEY, NEW AUCTION . IIOO 4115, Nos. 61 and 63, Wood, between Third and Fourth Streets. V W. LYND, having formed a copartnership E • with C S Bickley, and taken out an Auction commission of the first class they are now ready to continue business at the above well known and exten sive ware rooms, under the firmof LYND & BICKLEY One of the partners being most of the time in the eastern cities, securing large and regularcomitgnments of seasonable merchandize, they are enabled to have always on hand the fullest and best assorted stock of Fresh Dry Goods, Hardware, Fancy Articles, &c., to be found at any place in the city. Regular miles of Dry Goods, &c , on Mondays and Thursdays, at 10 o'clock A M; and of new and second hand Furniture, Groceries, &c, at 2 o'clock P M of the same day. Sales from the shelves every evening at early gas light, and goods sold by private sale at all times, Sales of real and personal estate, private stock, &c will be made on the must reasonable terms. Liberalcash kcivancee made on all consignments all. John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCEPT, Corner of Wood and Whitt., Pittsbargh, I S ready to receive merclumdize of every description on consignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above businessi, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire Satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on Mott DA TS and TB u R3DA s, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburghmariufactured articlas,new and second hand furniture, &c.. at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening, at early gas light. aug 12—y LI VER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr 1-larlich's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills. Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pit„ was entirely cured of the above distressing disease. His symptoms were pain and weight in the leftside, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach, sick headache, furred tongue, countenance changed to a citron color, difficulty of breathing, dis ttirbed test, attended with a cough, great debility, with other s)mptoms indicating great derangement of the functions of the liver. Mr Richards had the advice of several physicians, but received no relief, until u sing Dr Hartich's medicine,which terminated in effec• ting a perfect cure. Principal Mike, 19 North Eighth street, Philadel phia. For sale by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wersl sts. sep 10 CROP OP 1843. IWS cOt t SIL THE subscriber has just received his annual supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part of the following kinds—all of the last year's crop, and warranted /genuine: Asparagus, Egg Plant, Parsnip, Beets, Endive, Peas, Beans, Kale, Pepper, Leek. Pumpkin, Broccoli, Lettuce, Radish. Borecole, Water Mellon, Rhubarb, Cabbage, Musk " Salsafy Carrot, Nasturtium, Cauliflower, , Spinach, Squash, Celery, Okra, Tomatoes. Curled Cress, Onion, Turnip, Cucumber, Parsley, Corn,Mustard, (white and brown) &c, Stc, tc. Together with a variety of pot and sweet herbs and flower seeds. . 'Orders for seeds, shrubs, trees &c, from gar deners and others will be received and promptly at tended to. F L SNOWDEN, jan23 No 184 Liberty, head of Wood. THE PAINTER'S SOLILOQUY My Brush l think I will extend " To every one in trade, They'll look upon me es their friend, Because I offer aid. Besides 11l give them something new, And that I'm sure is fair; Tell them to paint a handsome blue If they want to selltheir ware. Then let the Printer have the IMWS, He'll spread it far anon, Hear what he says respecting Shoes Cain's just been getting on. Ile has every size and color too, The Price I soon will tell; I'm sure it would astonish you, To see how fast they sell. For thirty-seven cents they go, And by the thousand too; They always sell so very low, At the store that's painted blue. Cain's fancy shoes are very neat— He makes them to the measure, And when his work is on your feet You'll realize much pleasure. The Store's on Fifth and Market corner, North-Western, I maintain, It once was kept I.y Jimmy Verner, But now by HARRY CAIN. al9-3m Emmet Hotel, West end of the old Allegheny Bridge. HUGH SWEENY WOULD take this occasion to return his sincere thanks to his numerous friends and the public generally, for the veTy liberal patronage heretofore be stowed on the Emmet Hotel; and he pledges himself that nothing shall be omitted on his part to merttnaork tinoanceof their favors. The convenience Ind bents,' of die sitnalion, and die nkiele twrangements of the boom for the accommodation of guests are notinierior to any similar establishment in or out of the city. His table will always beprovided with the best. the markets castafferd, and no pains will be spared to ensure the comfort: of those who may favor the Ennitet Hotel with their rt.tiunge• ;0°4.. PHILAAKI Z4TYPE X-W A* Ng STI VP I Priers-greaiiyreductist, - - JO H NSON,_soccessor of, Johnson & Smith, in announcing . tri his friends and to.,Printenr keneraily, that be has purchasett'aris interest ot his lute partner in the'foundry, desires to inform themthat he has reCently Aside...large ado:Micas:to his assort ment of Book, Job an& Ornamental. Letter,'and he will continue to add overy descriptiotrof,T7pe which the improvements in theare rnay suggest, and the wants of the trade. may vequite. His assortment comprises a greater varistyfthan any other P.aindry in the United States, and he has minced his prices 20 per cent lower than heretofore, - Printing Presses, chases,cases. Printing Ink, and very article used in a Printing Office, constantly on nand. Estimates will be furnished, in aetail, for Book, Newspaper and Job offices, on stating the style and quantity of work to be done, and Specimen- Books will be forwarded to persons desirous of making out orders. Stereotyping of every description promptly_ atten ded to us usual. m2B-3m. Insured. MERCHANTS & MANUFACTURERS' TRANS- - - PORTATION LINE. TH E subscriber has taken out a policy in the office of the Penn Insurance Compnny, of Pittsburgh, to cover all goods shipped by this line from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia or Baltimore. By this means - all Goods shipped by him will be fully protected ioilliout any additional chaige to Ike shipper. ml 9 SAM L M KIER, Anent. La! what makes jour teeth so unusually whith? Quuth Josh's dulciuirstohim t'uther night, To make yourn look so, with a grin, replied Josh, l' re bought you a bottle of Thorn% Tooth Wash, 'Tis the best now in use, Ito the gentleftilks soy, And since they have tried this, cast all others away But to move the best to make the teeth shine; Look again, my clear Sol, nt tke lustre of mine. Theo try this great tooth wash. The Teaberry tooth wash. And see if this tooth wash of Thorn's is not Los Haring tried Dr. “Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and become acquain•,edwith the ingredients of its com position, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as it is one of the utast pleasant tooth washes now in use. DAVID HUNT, Dentist. Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 1842 I take pleasure in stating, w having made use of "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wait," that it is one of the best dentrificee in use. Being in a liquidform itcom blues neatness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel end removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yields a fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. P.' TIBBETTS. h.. D. _ The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an extremely pleanant dontrifice, exercising a most salu tary influence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indispensable members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Having thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure in recommending it to the public, believ ing it to be the best article oFthe kind now in use. M. ROBERTSON, JAMES P. BLACK. R. H. PEEBLES, CHAS. B. SCULLY. C. DARRAGH% WM. C ANDLESS; J. M MOORHEAD, JAS. S. CR APT. H. L RING WALT, L. S. JOHNS. • Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN, Apoth ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Market street. Pittsburgh; and by all the principal Druggists, and at Tuule's Medical Agency. Fourth st. sep Dianuftetory. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh and the public in general, that he has returned to the city, and commenced busine.s on sth street, between Wood and Market streets, and op posite the Exchange Bank, where he will msuufec lute Rifles, Smoothbores and Shotguns of every-des cription, from the commonest to the finestqnality. Al so, Pistols, Pocket-belts and Horseman's guns, of all kinds. Guns and Pistols made to order and on the shortest notice. All kinds of gun repairing done on reasonable terms. The subscriber hopes by strict at tention to business to receive a portion of the public patron age. Farmers and sportsmen are requested to call and examine fur themselves. A. S. JOY. d6m—apl2 NEW CASH Dry Goods and Variety Store! J. K. Logan 4. George Conna, HAVE opened a new cash Dry Goods and variety Store in Fifth street, between the Exchange Bonk and Wood street, under the firraof J. E. Logan & Co. Their stock of Goods are entirely fresh and having been all purchased for CASH, principally at auction,by George Connel, (who has had long experience in the business, and resides in Philadelphia to make purcha ses and pick hp bargains,) they will, therefore be ena 'tied to offer great inducements to those wishing to pur ;base : as they are determined to sell at the lowest possible advance oneastem cost for CASH. They have now on hand a large and well selected stock of seasonable Goods. among which are Blue. Blue Block. Invisible Green, Brown, Steel and Cadet, mixed Broadcloths; Cassitneres and Sattinets; Gam broons ; Linen and Cotton Drillings; Cottonade; Vesting's, fancy prints: 3-4. 4.4 and 5-4; Bleached and Brown Muslins; Irish Linen; Bed Ticking; Mari ner's Shirting; "Tilley, Tatham & Walker's," and "Hope & Nelson's" Patent Thread; Spool Cotton; Sewing Silk; Silk mod Cotton lidkf's; 30 hour, and 8 day Bmss Clocks, warranted; &c., &c. They will be constantly receiving additions to teir stock purcha sed at the eastern auction, and would invite the atten tion of dealers and others to an examination - of their goods before purchaiing elsewhere. Pittsburgh, April 1; 1844. 200 Gros s No 1 Bottle Colke; 6 Bbls Sp Turpentine; 2 " Copal Varnish; 1 Cask Olive Oil; 3 Bbls Ven Red; 2 " Lampblack 1 " Cream Tartar; 1 " }'Mr Sulphur; I Case Roll Sulphur; I " Liquorice Ball; 1 " Gum Shellac; 1 " " Copal; 75 lbs Gum Camphor; 10- " " Opium; Together with a general assortment of Drugs, Medi cines. Dye Stuffs, &c., just received and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN. No 184 Liberty, head of Wood st. New Wholesale Dry Goods Store, No 133, Wood Street. .14FGOLF, Agent, is now opening nn entire fresh ~ stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, in the store room recently ()worded by D Fitzsimmons, F,sq., one door above H Cl4ds dr. Co's Shoe warehouse. These goods have been purchased in the east for cash, and will be sold at a small adyance on eastern priers, for either c4ski W . approved paper. Merchants visit ing our city will find it to their advantage to call and examine the stock before making their purchasers. • 1144 - 41 v *Oda 0041/1 a: is:r'iik.•r ;..~ wM. TSOTILLO, UNDE2I/LTAKEN, R. „..HtIPECTVITIAA Informs the potittirtlial Ili lins reiroved his ready snide ealltriirrere. .to Unhanding ._ recently . xecuptatimpAlks IL. G. Berford, direct!, opposite his.old stuniii. where be Is always prepared to attend prof ,10 an y orders In his line. and by strict attention •toitil the detalts of the business elan thiiilnitii? ha hopes to mem pubiie confidence, • He wilt be puipasod at .4, Koons. to provide Hearses. Hie.r. (. m a tariett every requisite on the most liberal mew. C lis q i _ country will be (mown' iy eitended to: - Ws residence , ke In (holmium building •wilhAtls int% houre, where those who need hie services skirl _aid 11111, it any Acne. It inn 111PICZE W. W .1111W1N, JUDGIC!LIDALZ, JO Dias rarroi, w. a. starts, Isaac Baia's, 10 WARRANTED GRNDDIE.--tfr . ;William Frans's einnomile CERTIFICATILII.—LeIier,froat the nen: Ateh'in. lan ,Su I ti nu n Cou uty, East Tennessee, IN emberoteneire. WAssunrson*, ell 34,1834. . • Sir—Sinee I have been In this city 1 Inn* used Pei* bf your .Dyspept le medicine with iniinitc benefit and staid fact ion, and believe it to he a most valuable remedy., of my zonstitaints, Dr. A. Carden, of Cam - obeli Moiety Tennessee. write to me to send hint some, which 1 did and he has emptoSed It Very suezessfulfy in his pracOor and IMO It Is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, year 'Molt um this place, thinks you *Mild probably Itke an treat Its Tennessee. Into, I would recommend Dr. A C r isis% alb a prbper person to *Manta for the ea le of year medicine. Should you commission him he is wittiest* act for you. Yob can send she 'medicine by wates Ugh" care oc•Kobert Kies Sons, Knoxville county, Tenses, see, or by laud to Graham Iy Houston, Taswen, Ana Tennessee I have no doubt but If you had Intel. tist several counties in East Tennessee, a treat dealt finedim r • eine would be sold. lam going to take some of It for my own Use. and that of my friends, and ttlorithililint to hear from you whether you would lilts an'sieit ajr !Montville, Sullivan foamy East Tennessee; I tie gets some ofthe merchants to del for you eat live SOW' tilers.. Yearn respect Nify. - ARK AMA.M•M'CLELL AN, ofTenatismin.• For sale Wholes; 'e and Retail, by - • -•-- R 'SELLERS, Anent. No. 20, Wood street, below orotiltd...!-, FA RlO FOR SAl.E.—The undersigned o ff er" forge. l his farm, lying in Ross Tiliwnship 91 tallestroet the City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres oftand of Whitig 60 are cleared engender fence, 1.. ml 6 to 20 uttered 3 NW ,4010 meadow, 2 geod Orchards of Apples 'n few; Cherry trees—the improvements arc a urge . , contaliumg 10 rousts weilfarnished,calculat ' ' luta. sera ot. private Dwelling, a frame Rare 28 by 60,meee hasemnitt, and stabling,sheds I nd other oat housessait able fora teneniculf--2 good Gardens surrounded with currant bashes. and a well of excellent water. With a. pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsinargh and Allegheny market, there Is no place now offered for sa'e with moreindocement to those wishing to parttime I near Pittsburgh, the terms will he made moderate, lot' nether partieula era aptly to the proprietor at his Clothing Store, Liberty street :orner o Virgin Alley. ' ' ' LAMB RN CE Pd ITCREILZ. N B if not sold before the ist of Ortotirr nem. It wilt Ihe divided into 10 and 20 acre lots tomtit purchasers. : ' rep 10 Look at This. THE atterition of those who have been semerwktr, sceptical in reference to the uurnerous certift • cotes published in favor of Dr. Swayner's - COmpiaints Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the parsons baby( unknown in this Section of the State, is remedially recied to the following certificate, the writerof which has been a citizen of this borough for several years, mkt io.knowu as agentleznaa dint:spicy androsparigility, To the Agent, Mr. J. Kuusi. I have ruled Dr.B . Wayne's Compound 'Syrup of Wild Cherry foPt IMO; "ordth which I have' been severely afflicted for abbutforir,torniths, and I have nthesltition in saying that-it is the mast effective medicine 6EI have been able to procure. It composes all unerosiaert. and agrees well with my diet,—and maintainsartgrdar rend rood appetite. lean sincerely recommend it to all o:beresimilarly afflicred. J. M maim, Borough of March 9,1840. Chambersburgh For sale by WILLIAM THORN. No. 53 Markets*, et. set. 23) BARON VON BUTCHELER HERB PILLS These Pills are composed of herbs, übich exert Sh specific action uponthe heart, give impulse erstrenoth io the arterial system; the blood is quickened and e. qualized in its circulation through all the vessels,.whes then of the skin. the parts situated internally, on diees, tremities; and as all the secretions of the body- IPB drawn from the blood, tberejs n consequent increase of every secretion, and a quickened action of the ab sorbent and exhalent. or discharging vessels, ..4my morbid action which may have place is correct ed, all obstructioni arc removed, the blood is purified ; and the body resumes a healthful state. FOr wholesale and retail by R E SELLERS, Agent; —,- sep 10 20 Wood street. below Second. PMST SUPPLY OP THE SLASON! ALGEO & MeGUIRE A RE now opening one of the richest and most ex. 11 tensive stocks of Goods that they have ever/tele able co offer to the public, every piece of which !lasi been bought anti selected carefully. Our cloths are of the choicest make, imported—black, blue and olive French, from medium to the tinost qualities; Naval blue, black, invisible, rifle and olive greens, of Etof glish and American; Doeskin and Seeded French C. simeres, very elastic; Cooper's make ofEnglish, • Plang and Fancy do. The variety of Vestingi. cosspriaitic all thenewest patterns, in endless. Our trimmings are also of the first qualities. Although ilk& troti profess to sell tower than the /owed, yet we igiiitt pledge ourselves to make work that will compere wit! that of any other establishment east or west. - ALGEO '& 111cG'UIRE, 251, Libert). street. -PITTSBURGH- MANUFACTURES. ryi HE sultscriber, formerly agent of the Pittsburgh' Manufacturing Association, having beeti apt pointed by a number dale Menufacturersand Mechem ice of the city of . Pittsburgh and its. cicinityis tbeii gent for the sale of their various manufactures. eV?" be constantly supplied with a general assortment of those articles at the lowest wholesale prices. The attention of 'Western Merchants and dealersar American Manufactures is respectfully invited- to this establishment. Orders addressed to the subscrid ber will be pmmptly 'attended tn. GEO. COCITRApF. fehl9 No VI Wt ON HAND, Axes, Augers, Ma*. • of Spades, and Shovels, Sickles, Scythes, Ind Chains, Spinning Wheel Irons. Cooperi' and 'Ciriestof ters' Tools, Machine Cards,Winclow Glass and,Glausso ware, White and Red Lead. MARTIN LYTI,I4 FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Next door to the Fifth l!remiltimlon Chureh. june 6. , , To 'Printers. - • WE have received, and will hereafter keep row , - • stonily On hand, a fall supply of Plied* kat, in large and wadi kegs. 044 yaw will be able , uraill ekaper tka.n ii liaskeren&awbeen sold its Orders from the country accompanied bramirattla (nt *u CASSII) will be promplitti4ll6l4llll, PHILLI S & •81111114 get 1Q : 01:Ace of 41,0 1'04,41 bianuEsctsat r. Ilk,. POW RIC ltallfrr sarcs,yo. *ay. nitric 411114Ltilli RIC /01111 . 111 1111111, - Jikliti DAVII4 any. I.