Eg=il=== MEE -'MBbilling").la4T;l3T-VitIALIRS "Se SMITH, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER. OF WOOS. Apay,FIFTH -STREETS, PITTSBURGH.-rEIIN'A, AT FLUE DOLLARS PER A . NNUS, PAYABLE -• AD V ANCE. VoL. It NO: 241. • PBBLISEIED AND EDITED BY Piii&TalPs & mama . • • N. W. comer of Wood and-Piftlt-Strrets. TZRXll.—Vive iiiAtan a . year, payable in advance. Bisiglacdpies Two Cants—for stile at the counter of the Olds. anii by News Boys. The .11Itbiddy Iffereury and Manufacturer is ribbstiod - at the tame office, on &double medium sheet, orT WO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin fox CENTS. TEENS' OP ADVERTISING: Md. SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: Ova issertiee, $0 50 Oee month, $5 00 .Two AO., 075 Two do., 600 Three do., 1 00 Threedo., 7 00 One week, 150 \Four do., 800 Zero do., 300 Six do., 10 00 Threedo : , 4 Q 0 One year, • 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. . _ . __CILIaG/LABLZ -AT PLEASURE. 1 Oise Square, Two Squares. ! Sill, ni s ,Dtbs. $lB 00 Six mouths, 423 00 lone yeas, 25 00 One year, 35 00 . riPLarger advertisements in proportion. IarTARDS of four lines SIX DOLLARS a year. 4 - Public OScss, &c. ruy Post OJ.ce, Third between Market and Wood "streets-R. M . . Riddle, Postmaster: Custom House, Water, 4th door from Wood st.,Pe losiscesbnildings—William B. Mowry, Collector. Gay, Tres:wry, Wood,between First and Second streWlketeg A. Bertram, Treasurer. County Treasitry, Court House, next door to the BOeittniells .ol fice — John C Daritt, Treasurer. Mayor's Office, Fourth, between Market and Wood stree4s—Alcouider Hay, Mayor. Arerckasses.Exchasge, Fourth near Market st. Overseers of tke Poor, E F Pratt, 4th street. Owe Smithfield; 1 J Aishbridge, Vorner's Temper ince House, corner-of Front and Market streets. , • BANKS. Pittsburgh, between Market and Wood streets on {ham and Fourth streets. Afe rekcints'and Manufacturers' and Farmers' De pout Bunk, ( formerly Saving Fund, ) Fourth, between Weed and Market streets. Exchange, Fifth st. near Wood. HOTELS. Mossonrshela House, Water street, near the , oridge. Szekauge Hotel, corner of Penn and St. Clair. Merchants' Hotel, corner of Third and Wood. American Hotet,cornerofThird and Smithfield. Vnited States, corner of Penn at. and Canal . Spread Eagle, Liberty street, near seventh. Miller's Ma/Slit/MI House, Liberty St., - opposite Wayne. Ironakarst's Mestsion House, Penn St., opposite Canal. IMPORTANT FACTS R. LEIDY'S Sarvaparilla Blood Pills are npplica 1./ ble in all cases, whether for Purgatives or Pu rifler:Wee, They possess all the boasted virtues of other pills, and are additionally efficacious, oontnining Sarsaparilla in their composition, which is me con. ain ed in any other pills in existence. They tire also dif fer/rent from Other pills in compcsition, being intrely vegetable, and can bo employed at all times, witheut any danger, and revjuiring no restraint from occupation 'framed course of living. —Notwithstanding Dr. Leidy never pretended his Blood rah would core all diseases, vet it is not saying too much of them, from the innumerable cures perform ed by them in every variety and form of disease (cer tificates of many of which have been published from persons of all denominations, physicians, clergymen, and others) that they seem to be almost universal in their effect; and persons using them foi whatever sick ness or disease, mty rest assured that they will be found mere efficacious than any other pills in existence. From the known reputation of Dr. Blood Pill, it is necessary to remind th 3 public where they eau at &Humes procure the genuine, as it is attempted to impose other pills, called the 'Blood Pills' 'upon the public on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. Eir Be par ticular and ask for Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills and see that the name of N B. Leidy is contained on wo sides of each box, (the boxes being of paper, and Oblong, squareshape, surrounded by u yellow and black label. • • PR/CE-25 cents a Box. Prepared only, and sold wholesale and retail, at Dr. lLeidy's Health Emporium, 191 North Second stroet, below Vine, Philadelphia, and by B. A. FANA STOCK 4. CO., corner of ,Vood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburgh. 12—ly Dr. Good's Celebrated Female Pills. THESE Pills am strongly recommended to the notice of ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to theirsex, from want ofexercise,orgeneraldebility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the sanc tion and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the United States, and many Mothers. For sale % Wholesale arid Retail ,by K. E.SELLE RS, , iep 10 No. 20, Wood Street. below Sacond 'PASSAGES AND REMITTANCES TO A N I FROM GREAT BRITAIN. PERSONS desirous of sending for their friends to come from any part of Great 14i/r Britain, are r espectfully informed that the * Subscriber is at all times prepared to make such engag ements Ho is prepared to remit moneys I to Enrope by draf's, which are made payable at any 'mint through.tut the United Kingdom, on presentation. 11a.ving been for the last 12 years engaged in thebus iiness, he feels confident that his arrangements on both !lidos the Atlantic T are such SHI Pas will S give satisfaction. HE i cemprising the above line, are all of the first class, And are commanded by careful and skilful masters;' leaving Liverpool once each week during the season. ror further particulars apply, if by !rioter, to JOHN HERDMAN, • No. 61 South street. New York. or to J. KIRKPATRICK. at Messrs. Dalsell & ‘Valor street. 1 "Pr 2° Pittsburgh. H•TDL a BOARDING ROUSE. • FRANKLIN HOUSE. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public; that he has opened a Hotel and Boarding House in Third street, a few doors from Wood, where travelers and others will be accommo dated on the most reasonable terms. The house is spacintm, and has been fitted up at considerable ex pense, and every arrangement is made that will en sure the comfort and render satisfaction to hoarders mid lodgers. A share of public patronage is respect fully solicited a4-tf Steubenville Jeans. c) CASES superfine Steubenville Jeans, just receiv- AI .ea from the manufacturers, and for sale at the pew Cash Store, No 32, Fifth sti cm. alB J K LOGAN & CO. 071ars Robinson, 11. S. Attorney, J'AS removed bis office to Fourth, near Wood street, lately occupied by C. Datragh, Esq. April 8, 1844. NOTICE.-.-I have placed my docket and profes sinerHatainees in the hands of Wm O'Hara Robinson r,411., who will auend to the same di•-ing my absence Mewl 23 DRRAGH. .•, • • ' . . . . . , . .. - r.. 1 . . . . ...,... ...... •. • p ........ ~.. ~7 : , ~ . , , .. ; r. 1 - . .. , ' . ' - I - [ il f-- - '''..... i ''l l Il r • .', r . . ~ . . ' ~. ' • ' : • e . ..... ~ .• . . ... i ... .. .. . _...,..,.._ ... . . -10 f •. . .. _ ..;,,,, •.;,..,....:.,_,,...,....:. : . ; . . •• ._..• ~,- . .4., ..._ ‹.• ~..., .. . , ,•,..„ .. . .. . ... . . .. .. . .. _....,... .. .....„..,....„.....•..:,.........,_,........_,_. S. Woods,Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office removed to Bokewell's Offices, on Grant street, smarty opposite the new Court House, nextroomsto J. D. Mahon, Esq., first floor. sep 10 CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ M'CANDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys sad Counsellors at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House, eep 10 Pittsburgh. Francis R. Shunk, Attorney at Law, Fourth street, above Wood, sep 10—ly Pittsburgh, Pa. Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at Law Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts., sep IQ—y Pittsburgh, Pa Eyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law, Office removed from the Diamond to "Attorney's Row," shady side of 4th, between Market and Wood sts., pcp 10 Pittsburgh. N. Backasiarter, • Attorney at Law, Has removed his office to Beare's' Law Buildings, 4th Rt., above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10 B. Hogan, Attorney at Law, Office on Fifth avant, between Smithfield and Wood, next door to Thus. Hamilton, F.Arir. Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourth street, opposite Burke's Building. E. AUSTIN, Esq.. will give his atten tion to my unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patronage of my friends. sep 16—y WALTER FORWARD. Daniel M. Curry, Attorney at Law, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield ap 8 Pittsburgh. ROBERT PORTI:R -.JOHN B. PERKINS Porter & Perkins, Attorneys at Law, Office on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets :Sep 10 Pittsburgh. Hoary S. Blagraw, Attaraey at Law, Has removed hisofce to lii. residence, 0:1 Fourth st tivo doors above Smithfield. sep 10 Gco. S. SeWen, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street. hetweek Wood and Smithfield FeConveyaiwing and other imarumeuti of twri ring legally and promptly executed mar 21 tf John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law, Will attend to collecting and securing claims, and wi also prepare legal instruments of writing with correc nese and despatch. Smithfield street (near sth scree Pittsburgh. mB, '44 IL morrow, Alderman, Office north Aide of Fifth street. between Wend and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. scp Dr. S. EL Holmes, Officein Second 3troct, next door to Niulvany & Co.'s Glass Warehouse. sep 111-y G. L. 1.1.0111:430N. M. M BRION. Robinson & cßride, Attorneys at Law, Office on Fourth, between Wood and Market shs. .Ir.eConve,ttricingand other imttruments of writing legally and promptly executed. ulO-tf Dr. Georgc Watt, PRACTISING Pii YS/C/A SURC,' E (LV Smithfield st. near the come: of Sixth 06-Iv. Dr. A. W. Patterson, Office-on Smithfield street, third door from the corner o sixth Atreet. "p 10 William A. Ward, Dentist, Liberty street, a few doors below St. Clair, np6,1843 Doctor Daniel McNeal, Office on Fifth street, between Wims.l and Smithfield street., Pitt:dim-Oh dee 10—y lIIILMAN, JENNINGS & Co., COTT ) N YARN WAREHOUSE No. 43, Wood Street, Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns mar 17—y NEW GOODS.—PRESTON & MACKEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in English,' French and Domestic Dry Goods No. 81, Market street,Pittsburgh. seplo—y BIRMINGHAM & CO Commission and Forwarding Merchants Nn. 60, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CeTv.nms.—Receiving and shit•ping, 5 centi per 100 Commigsion on purchase. and sales. 2. per cent mar 22—v Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehou:ze, No. 25, Wo4,ti st., ritt,hurgh eplo—, II AMMAN, JENNINGS & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro- duce Merchants, And dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures. n'tr 17 No. 43, Wood street. Pittsburg 1,. Magistrate's Blanks, For proceedings in attachment under the late law, For sale at this office. Jl' 25 Matthew Jones, Barber and Bair Dresser, Has removed to Fourth street, oeposite the Mayor's of fice, where he will be happy to wait upon permanent or transient customers. lie solicits a share of public pa sep 10. U. E. 2111cGOVI7TN, RECORDING REGULATOR, L - 701Ece in REmtsorox's Butt.ntsos, Penn street a few doors above Hand street. j'23—tf WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, Fur warding and Commmission Merchant, and dealer in Country Produce and Pittsburgh Manufac tures, NO 28 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Wholesale Dry Goods Merchants, No 123, Wood Street. Third door above Fifth, West side, Pittsburgh CHARLES A. McANULTY, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Agent for U. S Portable- Boat Line. forthe transporta tion of Merchandize to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York and Boston. j3l-ly JOHN PARKER, . (Of the late firm of J. 4• J. Parker.) Wholesale Grocer, Dealer in Produce, and PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, No. 5, COMMERCIAL ROW, mar 20-tf Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pilkington's Unrivalled Blacking, MA.N U F ACT URE D and sold wholesale and retail, SIXTH STREIT, ono door below Smithfield. oct 21-Iy. PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1844. J D Williams, lIUEY dz CO., PITTSBURGH, PA, JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Milers, No. 37, Market street. eep 10 JOHNSON & DUVAL, Bookbiaders and Paper Salami Continue business at the stand late of M'Candless F. Johnson. Every description of work in their line nabs, ly and promptly executed. may B—y THOMAS B. YOUNG FRANCIS L. Youjo Thos. H. Young & Co. Furniture Ware RAOMS, corner of Hand street and Ex change alley. Persons wishing to purchase furniture, will find it to their advantage to give us a call, being ful ; ly satisfied that we can please as to quality and price. sep 10 K. C. TOWNSEND & CO., Wire Workers and Wire litiannfacterers, No. 23, Market su eet, between 2cl awl 3d streets, sep 10—y James Patterson, jr., Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of hingesand belts; tobacco, fuller, mill and timber crews; housen screws for rolling mills, &c. sup 10—y John PlPOloskey, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty street, between Sixth street and Virgin alley, S otth side. sep 10 Webb Clesey's Boot sad Shoe Elleanft.ctory, No. 83, 4 th st., next door to ihe iI. S. Bonk. Ladies prnnella, kid and satin shoes made in the neatest manner, and by the neatest French patterns. Rep 10_ Birmingham & Taylor, AGENTS FOR STEAMER CLEVELAND AND "IRON CITY LINE," TO CLEVKLAND. 0 A. G. REINHART EEINU&UT & STRONG, (Successors to Lloyd & Co.) csalr and Retail Grocers and Commission Merch ants, No. 140, Liberty at., a few doors above St. Clair, Le'Where families and others can at all times Ix. Tarnished with good Goods at moderate prices- 128 DAVID LLOYD D. & G. W. Lloyd, II lIOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN PRGDUCY. & PITTSBURGH MANE UFACTUIIII 1170',14heral advances in cash or goods math) on consignments of produce, &c., at No, 142, Liberty stmet. ml 5 REMOVAL. JAMES HOWARD & CO. HAVE removed their WALL PAPER WARE HOUSE to NO. C 3, WOOD STREET, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. Where they have on hand a large and sidended ri%- sortment of V. A I I. P A r.:11. and Bono! , as, suitable for ruperine Parlors. Chamber., V. • 1.0, n geocra let4ort meat of Wr it ing, Letter. Pt int ing.'N and Tea p:r{.er. 11onnet Board*, &c. Which they will sell low for Cash. or in exchange for Rags. Tar7lllT, S. aps. &4". f e b 2 . 2. 1841 REMOVAL. us i & ' m o w NE HA I . E removed their Vapor Store front Nlurket street to NO. 64 Wood street, one door from the cot ner of 4th street, where they keep on hand their us ual a ssortment of WALL PAPERS. for paperini par entries, chambers. SCA... nod afro HUNTING, WRI TI NG, and R A NG A PERS, BONNET 110 A US. &e., all of which they offer for sale on ac commodating terms, kb 14 18 I3—dtf NICHOI k 5 1). COLEMAN I L0T.13 11. COLEDIAN• Coleman & Co., General Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merellanir, LereeStreet,Vicksburg, dies. They respectfully so licitconstgnments. n 22—ti John Cartwright, CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer corner of 6th and Liberty streets. Pittsburg, Pa N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker'', Tailor's, Ekttees, Hair Chewier's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tools, Trusses, &c. je William C. Wall, Pain and Paltry Portrait and Picture Frame Manufacturer, No. 87, Fourth street, Pittslittrgli, Pa. CA N V ASSlira.he4, .kc for artists, always nn hand. Looking(ilasses, &e., promptly Ira m od to order. Repairing done at the shortestnotice. Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing or every description. Persons fitting 4tambonts or houses will find it to their advantage to call. sep 10-y SAMUEL MORROW - • Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware Nn. 17. Fifth strect,betrreen Wood and Market, Keeps constantly OH hand a good assortment of I%w-es, and solicits a share of pnblie patronage. Also, on hand, the followingartieles: shovels, pokers,t ongs, gridirons, ski Ilet sdeakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &e. Met-- chants and others are invited to call and examine for hemselves,as he is determined to sell cheapforcash or approved paper. mar7—tf -DORTItAIT PAINTING. J. OSIR)RNE, Port rail Painter, Fourth st., 3il story Burk's Buil. ding. .1. Osborne would solicit acall from those who desire Portraits . Spcimcns can be seen at his rooms may 5. Dont you want AHANDSOME Coat and Pantaloons, or Vest, biitter trunk and finer cloth than you can get at the high priced eAtiblishmerts of the city? If you do, call at the Three Big Doors. We will warrant them equal, if not superior, to any that can be purchased west of the mountains. Bring the cash and we will put you into a first rate suit in a few minutes. If you prefer having your measure taken at d your clothes made according to your own notion you can have it done, and when it is done you will be satisfied beyond a doubt. Don't mistake the place. JOHN M'C LOSKEY, mar°7•tf Three Big Doors, No 151, Liberty st. JOEL MOHLEE. KERR & MuFU.ER, DR. W. KERR DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, Corner of Wood street and Virgin alley, No. 144, FRESH Medicines, selected and put up with care, can be had at all times, at moderate prices. Cr Physicians' prescriptions carefully compound ed. may 2-ly Notice to all whom it may concern. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Oliver Ormsby Evans, deceased, as well as those knowing themselves indebted to the same, will please present their accounts for settlement to C Evans, No 10 Water street, who is duly authorized to settle the said Estate. SARAH 1.. EVANS, febl3 Administiatrix. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages At Eastern Priem • rpHEstduntiberstnennfacture and keep constant ly on hand, Coach, C and Sliptie Springs (war ranted,) Juniata Iron Asles, Silver and Brass plated . Daslarames, 13iess " and plated Hub. Bands, Stump Joints, patent Leather, Silver and Brass_ Lampe. Threefold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles fuel Hinges, &c., &c. JONES & COLEMAN. sep 10 St. Clair at., near the Allegheny Bridge. llf RESPECTFULLY inform my friends that I have removed my FIRE PROOF IRON 4,,AFE FACTORY to Third street, opposite the Nit_ Of fice, and avail myself of this opportunity to tender my thanks to the public for the liberal patronage which they have favored me with ftir several years, and soli cit a continuance of their favors. I pledge myself my Safes shall be made without any deception. All my Safes which have been in buildings burnt down have saved all their contents. "They are kept for sale at my shop, and at At , wood, Jones & Co's, Oaken dv Fleming s, and at D T Morgan's. JOHN DENNING. N B. 25 bbls good New Oilcans Sugar for sale. al3-tf [marlB Improved Magnesia Sides, MANUFACTURED CT CONSTABLE & BURKE, Fifth Street,between Wood and Smithfield, Pittiburgli, Pa. SIDNEY STRONG /rill F. subscribers resew their respects to their nu- J_ morons friends for their former Mitre.' patron age, and would take this method ufassuring them and .the public generally that all (satire favors will be duly appreciated. Their articles have been fully tested, of which sufficient testimony will be given to any inquirer. The principles of their locks a nd s afes a re n ot sur passed in the Union. The price also is considerably lessened, and will be found aslow, if not below any other responsible house 'in the Union. We would take this opportunity of thanking the va rious Editors of this city and elsewhere, who have spoken so highly of us and our safes. The public are respectfully invited to examine our articles before purchasing elsewhere, feeling assured the superiority of our manufacture will be apparent to all candid spectators. • N. CONSTABLE & F.. BURKE. N. B. Safes can be obtained of any size or shape, or of any principle of lock or construction, of the EON. sci liters, or of S Church, Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. O. W. LLOYD F ANCIS COOLEY and ROBERT LAIRDI: TxtLoas, hnving associatedthemselves together for the purpose of tarrying on extensively their busi ness. and titled up a store on NVater street, between Smithfield and Wood. streets, near the Alunonatthela 'louse, respect fully *ol icit theipatronage of their friends and the public. Having just opened a large assorts rmuit of seasonable good*, and materials. and made the necessary arningements, they are prepared to till all orders, with which they may be favored, with despatch, and on the most reasonable terms. may 17-tf Forwarding and Commission 'Merchants AND DIiCALF:Kg IN LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, FOR THE ALLEGHENY RIVER TRADE, Corner of Penn and Irwin streetA, L. 0. RK YROLDS, t PITTS111.11“1H. L. WILMARTH. S n5-Iy J. K. LOOAN Fifth Street,between the Exchange Rank and Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Dealers in Staple and Palley Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOCKS, 4-c. ALL EN KRAMER, Excho corner of Wood and Thir Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent and AoliL Sighteheaks on the E; Drafts, notai• and bilk, collected. REFERENCES Wm. Bell it Co., Loreme, J. Painter & Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May, Alex .Brimstm & Co. John 11 Brown &Co James M'Candless.} Cincinnati, 0., J. it. M' Donald. } St. Loni., Mo. W. H. Pope, Eaq., Pres't Bunk Ky. Louisville. FOR SALE CHEAP. Two Now sad First Rate Steam Engines. ONE is 20 horse power, 10 inch cylinder,'end 4 foot sttoke, will be sold with or without boilers. The other engine is 12 horse power, 74 inch cylinder, 3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 ft. eon.. ' . 30 inches in diameter. Those engines are made of the best ma terials and in the most substantial manner, and will be sold on accommodating terms. They can be seen at the warehouse of the subscriber at any time j24—tf • H. DEVINE. U. StatesLi e. JOHN NIcFARLAND, &Upholsterer and Cabinet illaherl i 2d at., between Wood and Market, Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he is prepared to execute all orders for sofas, sideboards, bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands, hair and spring mattresses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol stering work, which ho will.warrant equal to any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10 Buseval-4rosa NEW ESTABLISHNIEST. Monongahela Clothing Store. REYNOLDS & WILMARTD, ANT) PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, GLo. cONNIELL, Phihunt AUCTION GOODS. JAMES K. LOGAN & CO., John D. Davie, PARTNERSUIP. TH F Undersigned have this day entered into part net-ship, for the purpose of doing a Transporta lion, Forwarding, and Commission business under the sty* and firm of Ii Devine & Co. H. DEVINE. mar2ll E.G WEILTESIDES. JOHN SCOTT & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mar- chants, No 7, Commercial R.pis , , Liberty street, al9-ly Pittsburgh WJ DAV ITT, formerly of the Imn City Cloth ing Store, is now engaged at the THREE Bin DOORS, where he will he happy tosee his friends and former customers, and serve them to the best of Isis ability. E Id OV A&. rPHE subscriber begs leave to return his ..1: grateffil acknowledgments to hismnnerous friends and the pubiic in general for their libels') pa tronage for years past, anti would earnestly. solicit sat continuance at his new establishment, No - 84, Third street. (south side) between Wood and Market stet., and 4th door from Wood street, adjoining Mr Ihmsen's Glass Warehouse, where, in addition to the manufac ture of cabinet furniture, he has commenced the Up holstering business in all its branches, and the manu facture of Windsor Chairsof every description,tigeth er with a new invention of bedstedi fat superior teeny of the patent humbugs of the day, the facility their constructioreaffurds will strongly recommend them to the public, as they are a perfect bug trap. The subsoriber is determined to spare neither pains ' nor expense in procuring die latest eastern French and English fashions, and having securer' the services of some of thebest workmen 'in the country- he will be enabled to manufacture furniture of a superior style. Purchasers will find it their interest to cult before pur chasing elsewhere, as he will keep constantly dilitand a general assortment of furniture, chairs, mathatises, &c. M. KANE, jr. N B. Steam and canal hosts furnished with uphol stery, chairs, and cabinet furniture, at reduced prices and with despatch. alfi-tf a i. TIIE sabscriberhasjuit received from the Nur. =sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia. a lot of the choicest variety of poach trees, to which he would call the attention of the public. F. L. SNOWDEN. .No Liberty st. head of Wood. William Adair, Boot and Shoe Mahar, Liberty st. opposite the head of Smith field. JThe subscriber having bought out thedilliaj stock of the late Thomas Rafferty,demased,lms . commenced businussat the old stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to exec* all descriptions of work in his line, in the best manner, and on the shortest notice. He keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of shoe findings of all descriptions, and of the best quality. He solicits the patronage of the public and of thecraft. sep 10—y WM. ADAIR. . . JOHN W BLAIR, • 1'.!;/ if/.// maksCoughs! Colds!! Consumption!!! THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY. TH IS pleasant and certain cure for coughs and colds goes ahead of all the preparations now or ever offered to the public. The use of it is so great thot the proprietor has some difficulty in keeping a supply for the increasing demand. Medical agencies, groce ries, druggists. coffee houses, and even bars on steam boats, keep a supplyon hand. It is called for every where, and will sell in any place. The reason is this everyone who base cough or cold by eating a few sticks find themselves cured, as it were, by magic. Persons ate distance, bi remitting the money, post paid, to the subscriber, will be attended to. For sale by the single stick. fii cents; five sticks fnr 25 cents; and at wholesale by Wm. Tiforts, Druggist, 53, Market street, whete a generals ssortment of Drugs andMedleinestrulY always befbund. jQ4• Horatio P. Young, Cabinet Maker, (Gate of the firm of Young 4. M'Curdy) HAS commenced the ousiness in all its breaches at N.)22, Wood street, between First and Second strs., where he will keep constantly on hand a good as sortrnent of well made FURNITURE, and hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a coatimtarice of the pammage ofthe public. Every attention wil I bepaid to furnishing COFFINS, &c. A Furniture Car for hire. July 11 RIEAI. ESTATE AGENCY, CONVEYANCING THE undersigned, having associated themselves for the transaction of all business relativeto Real Estate, will henceforth attend to the purchase and sale 'ts well as reining of city and couutry property, eollect nig rents &c. &c. The senior member of the firm having had much ex perience, and being extensively known as an agent of Real Estate,. they hope to receive a liberal share of pub lie patronage. For the accommodation of the public, there will be two offices, where business will be receiv ed; at the Real Estate Agency of James Blakely, Penn St., sth Ward, and at the Law office of John J. Mitch ell, S. W. side of Smithfield st., (near sth) at either of which, persons wishing to have instruments of wri ting, legally and neatly executed, tides investigated, or desirous to purchase or dispose of Real Estate will apply. J. J. 'Mitchell will continue to attend to the duties of his profession, as heretefore, JAMES BLAKELY, JOAN J. MITCHELL. dec 4--daw6m. ,nge Broker. No. 46, rdatreets, Pittsburg t Bank notrA, bought :astern cities, for sale. Corner of Liberty and St. Clair Sts., Pittsburgh ARE now receiving their spring importation of HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND SAD DLERY, to which they respectfully invite the atter tionof purchasers. Ha ving completed arrangements, through which they are now receiving supplies DI RECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES IN ENGLAND, they slittll at all times be prepared to Kiln at such prices as will make it the interest of pur chaseh to call. Alwa)s on hand, a full and general assortment of RI FLE BARRELS AND GUN TRIMMINGS, PLANES. COOPERS, CARPENTERS AND SMITHS' TOOLS. Also, a great variety of LOCKS and LATCHES for building purposes, to- gether with every variety of articles appertaining to the business. ate-tf I'ittshorgli, Pa Philudelphin New Arrival of Queonsware & China. THE subscriber would respectfully invite the at tention of the public to l.'s present stock of White Glazed Ware, a superior article. together with a select assortment of White French China,comprising all the necessary pieces to constitute complete sets of Dining and Tea ware. Also- a general stook of articles suitable for the sup, ply of country merchants, to which their attention is invited, at his old stand, corner of Front and Wood streets.HENßY HIGBY. ally DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON CHESTS J Denning: On Friday, the 30th of last month, a bout 9 o'clock at night, the Planing, Grooving, and Sash Minufuctory, owned by Gay, Dilworth is Co., with a large quantity of dressed and undressedlumber, %yea all consumed by fire. The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time back was in the most exposed situation during the fire, and was entirely rt , d hot. I tun pleased to in form you it was.opencd at the close of the fl-a, and all books, papers, Stc., sn vedt—tht s is the best recommetr dation I can give of the utility of your safes. 021-tf . THOMAS SCOTT. Pesch Trees. &o. &c (0 - CI:IEIAP HA DIV ARE -VI W HI'MORE & WOLFF, PITTSSURRI, Oct. 22, 1842 POINDEXTER lc CO. , W HOLESALE GROCERS, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, ap24-ly No 41, Water at.. Pittsburgh. 146 earner o''sth and Wood 4trocts: 1 -0 1 IfitriLA 1N IA 4 .4. 4 ‘• PRICE, TWO-CENTS, tbe Matte Pert. Conventiois of Jpantoymen Stutters, To at BOLDEN la NM YOnat" arr, is ilia /01'11 . . To the journeymen , Wet diatoms -Of the Maki States, and parfilit&trly those who reside its the States nf.Masailiwetts,Rhode btoed, Cosse4cti eta, New York, New Jersey, Pexesylvarna, Pel t : aware read Maryland. • . `That the wages chid*, in that delitaiiinent of trade io which )nu belong, have helm declining for the hut ten years is apparent, and arbatinter.ltyiihe causes of this decline, it is but au act of justice to yograeleme [ and to our families, thgt yoa should- acme a remedy. .;-[[". and, ifpructicable, apply it. This thelioel trargeiris -atobbr - ; - 14 'lief; is part, to the impel tatimand marinfecong bt - strew s chip, palm lent anteother hate, 'intended for lessintlber consumption; : of caps of every dattoriptiog and fabrics 's` and silk hats of foreign as..d &metticmannfingie e• and valeoble throtigbout the yetir, added to sheen:paid , 4 product of the article yielded by convict laber tain-State Priserns;--the direct effesit, of which Monts, has been to glut the, merket, fair prints goirat chide the fur hat, to drive the wrokman with famie ly dependent Upon Ins labor for soppott,. to a alinglogiv -teroative, either to work rfl. Wages not adequate to his support, or else abandon the trade and' earileaeor to seek an honest livelihood in some robe; Away.` OW era, regain, who had itome resources of *cif entro v og were incumbered with families, or were t t doily. tinfoto ted fur any other pursuit, have thaw been oesepeibehe struggle an with wages raduced, and sometienor With employment so precarious as not require 'bar 4helr time in order to produce an article that nide* tout% Pete in the market with those referted to. But tbese causes are tither pits: eel arpauliig ft= and brighter days would dawn upon the irtaLls' you remove another-cause of ion prices.,' mid ►e uus as the others, and which fortunately it eithjer . partially or entirely within yotir own control. the different grades of wages established by differeert , - employers, trading in • the same market. , As lotittla this system of inequality prevails, so long will as me ployer be able to produce, nn article at a hover 4niqe! than his neighbor, sp long Will be this be entsbledle! undersell him. This 'prOtincert issatit Oration on $ll sides, and is ruinous to all fair and honest comprethien, The employer at diminished prices can aireardtoundee , sell his liberal neighbor, because be loses tielbielel the operation. It is in fact the tybkir for him that pay the difference. The noWW-1P Of this fact makes them restless aril dissitisfind, irKNte their employers are not contented with themseivebt knowing that others ore more liberal to their journey men. than they are, and knowing, as they must do, I they are keeping a Foci. loor. Again, the employer at fair prices thioks, arts tidal justly, that be -ought not to pay his workmen ramie. then others do in the "same business; whilst those who Work fur bite feel indignant that all these dirt culties should arise from an anequol sonspetion analog from the 'obstinacy or avarice of certain employees, working out its mischief through either the- nemesis ties or subserviency of the journeymen tbgj work fsw them. Now, gentlemen of the trade, are you willing tl.a. these things should continue? That unfair competition, unequal wages, with theft consequences of "turnouts" and fouishops, bickering, off jealousies throughouttbe trade. anstoiiststplisetimi • between the employers and the employes', should her come the order of the day? ‘Vill you unite with us in ender's:ming to Apply remedy to these great and growing evils? • [ No time is more auspicious than the present. The greotbody of employers are willing rade ,tes juatjce s they are willing and anxious to remunerate our labor I st fair prices. An we ask is isn't:enmity in those prices; that they I be neither exorbitant on the one bawl, *or utterly ins adequate on :he other: but that they be uniform throughout the country. There is a steady and hit creasing demand fur all the products of labor; thetas ought necessarily to be a supply equally neat. - • If the employer is willing so pay fair poses. the I journeymen ought certainly to ask no muse and to be, contented with no less. I-10 has himseW. and itisn bans or may have, a family to %ippon and ehildrao W fad's . ucate. He is a citixco of a republic= corittey. mei 3 knowledging no supremacy Macho supremacy Of theit law. The standard of wages io Eugland qr , Cotair, nental Europe is no standard forhim. . Nqr js ho willing to labor from morning • lit for the scanty pittance essential to sumo I* lo`: ing; no provision fur disease or old sige, end dying 'last with the full assurance that poser!, is to bg die heritage of his family, orthe Alms House sa. • charity the only resources of his children. [. It is not pretended that the Journeymen Hat , 1 I ers can regulate the price of H a ts, and thereby l ap. d late the wages of their labor, but it is !Lounged dot" :1 they can ilo much to ameliorate their ecolitiote rue they can establish UNIFORMITY among ibeotsels' and then, whether wages be high er, item if tipsy soar - UNIFORM one workman can have no advantage 01/1111. • another. But by the present system ef anderworkieg . and underselling, it is• evident that wages resatnot - .9, time to fall within rot assignable limit, and instead of ' 1 boasting, as they now can in this main .11 that they assist their initioenin (*miss nett that Journeyman Hatter bas become the sobjectefgaidio charity, or an inmate of the Alms Howe; slwy wild, soon be compelled to abandon the trade, irbr theassekcje I become the recipients of thitabariLy irhich they hem! hitherto extended to other'. It is therefore proposed, thattbaJeurnernen Makers of every shop, or wbere it h. mote convenient, of two or more Shops, in every city, teen stP4 counter meet together in their respective shrive. and elect!: from their number as many Delegates as they tog -.. think rropar (whose expenses DM to be,paid by the..; persons they represent) to meet in Coniention in OM City of New York, at Washington Bolt Or! AlRupele - k day of July next;lB94, then anil there ts adopt a Tsui's . of PRICES. and such otbor meamoisti its may best conduce to the interest of the nets, throughout the country. 0:7 At a rooming of the Joernmpsea Hatters eithtit' city of New York and vicinity, held at Military HaSr', on the 30th day of May, 1844, the above circular sajmil rend and unanimously accepted,wbes dm following r 0.,,%, i olutions were offered and adopted, 'is; • - . 4 1, 1 Ist. Resolved, That the crirmdar be printed 10 • . N. Y True Sun and N Y Herald, and Ihat.2ooo topiesti ' of the same be struck of and sent ID the Journermesvi , 1 Hatters residing in those States named in*. pimdrie,: .. and ascertain if possible the feeling on the etitileitit lick endeavor to enlist their co-operation and heir" coesat,' currence in Otis great and much to'be desired obytet.. .. Std. Resolved, If the Journeymen Hatters in doe.` •• r ': rout. snore (in the above Stntes referred to) wilt sera' ' their delegates to the Convention, uhd adopt the Tats--' , : 111 of Prices that will be. then and there agreed upon shall he colvdtiered FAIR 111A4. ~., 3d. Resolved, That the Journeyman Hatters Mir ?„..• eutring in the above views will, as soots as poesibles" point their delegates and notify the Conespooding • ',. Secretary of the same by letter, postpaid,sodtAmtk than be the duty of the Corresponding Secretar y to ---.. ewer the same imumtlintely, suiting No a r rangements for odd Convention. r omp: ow. 4 t h; Resolved, That in shops remote from N. 1 1 ,04- ' and where there are but * few•kturn€o4 o eliraPlVl*" and CarißtbileolatenA ilm (Inrweention, but concur* the views nprniwftp the stircidar,and wilt adopt didt ,‘• Tariff of P'' upon In the 'Convention, ifin . .-1- be represented. ' ' and he shall he retteheir ". netA tt a delegate rep ;aid shope`er shop. • • ''s , '•:-. sth. Resolved, That IR letters shall be iiifiscsaillit Z . Jacob Fisher. Cor. Srey, 142. Eighth tillage, M i lt ' trirREAD ASP cliiCtTititTE-4; ' ..''. - ! If J 1' DALT OF JOLT, 1844.